#oc: dot gnomeface
ma-sulevin · 5 years
002 for Hazel and Asha, 003 for Dot!
002 | Hazel Shepard/Kaidan Alenko
When I started shipping them:
Literally before I started playing the trilogy. I went in with the intention of romancing Kaidan and BOY did I ever.
My thoughts:
I have... many, many thoughts about them. I love how supportive Kaidan is, how he’s her rock, how he handles his own shit so he can be the best man he can. I love how he flirts and how serious he is and how he flirts with her during her house party by saying “you’re the boss, except when you’re not... and in that case, uh, find me later.”
He’s husband material 100%
What makes me happy about them:
How they fight through everything to be together again
What makes me sad about them:
How much they have to fight through to be together again :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
When Kaidan is really jealous and mean and controlling? Absolutely not. He’d gnaw his own arm off before he acted like that.
Things I look for in fanfic:
Good, solid interpretations of Kaidan. No other male characters being assholes about it. Raunchy smut.
My wishlist:
For me to finish this stupid post-Destroy fic I’ve had in the WIP folder for like two years.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I like Kaidan with Cortez a lot a lot, honestly. In Avery’s AU, they end up together, and have a brief cameo at James’ going-away party.
Hazel would work out with James, especially once he gets past the hero-worshiping stage, but if Kaidan hadn’t rejoined the Normandy (and if James never made a move), she’d have ended up with Sam. She gets all nervous and tongue tied around her for the same reasons I would RIP
My happily ever after for them:
Hazel survives the Citadel, Kaidan makes it back on the Normandy, they reunite and live happily ever after with the dog. Sometimes Hazel gets to top Kaidan instead of the other way around. You know.
002 | Asha Trevelyan/Cullen Rutherford
When I started shipping them:
I think Asha was my second Inquisitor when I started playing the game? I made her with the intention of romancing Cullen, so, like, before I even started playing.
My thoughts:
I need DA4 to come out so I know what’s going to happen to them after they “retire” to South Reach.
What makes me happy about them:
They compliment each other really well in a quiet, reserved kind of way. Asha’s changed a lot since I first came up with her character; we’ve both grown up together and she’s less loud now. They go very well together.
What makes me sad about them:
It takes them for-fucking-ever to get together, like longer than in the game. Asha tells him she wants to be together and he’s like “but the miSsIOn” and she’s so mad at him she doesn’t talk to him for days, and then he feels guilty but doesn’t know what to do about it, and it isn’t until she starts to cry in front of him at the Winter Palace that he’s like “oh shit” and they actually do anything about it. Like, come on guys. Time’s wasting!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I don’t think Cullen is naturally dominant in bed. He is with Asha because she likes it, and because she clearly explains and communicates her needs. I don’t think he’d start that himself with an Inquisitor.
Things I look for in fanfic:
No lyrium! Good sex. I’m thirsty.
My wishlist:
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I still like Dorian/Cullen, except I just remembered Dorian’s with Asha’s brother so I guess that wouldn’t work lmao. It’s been so long I’ve forgotten my own convoluted canons. Um... I also like Cullen/Josephine a whole bunch. I think Asha would do well with Blackwall or Bull or possibly even Krem.
My happily ever after for them:
I don’t have a solid answer for this like I have one for Cullen/Rose. I know they have a daughter (Maisie) and move to South Reach after the Inquisition is disbanded, but they don’t really get to relax and settle down. They have to keep working to save Thedas even though they’ve already done and sacrificed so much.
I’d like them to be able to truly retire, enjoy their little family and each other, and just be at peace knowing nothing terrible is happening in the world beyond their reach.
003 | Dot Gnomeface:
How I feel about this character:
My first D&D baby! I still have her sheet in dndbeyond because I can’t fully commit to her retirement.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
Her wife Sylvie of course! I maintain that Madrigal ( @long-liv-prairies) would have made a good girlfriend for them, but it never worked out.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
Torvald ( @ladydracarysao3 ), hands-down. Their dynamic was so adorable.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Eustace the Cursed Sword was a fucking phenomenal idea on Walker’s part and I loved every second of having it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
She hated that she wasn’t able to stop the cult from killing Jinzael.
Favorite friendship for this character:
The whole gang, really.
My crossover ship:
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ma-sulevin · 4 years
Thirsty Thursday: Since I've been thinking about them today, Fatima and Durnan have done it on the walls to the yawning portal when the tavern is empty. It's rare for it to be void of patrons, but it has happened on occasion, and it really gets Fatima's rocks off.
Same for Dot and Sylvie and the Tempus Rest.
What’s the point of having all that floor space if you’re not going to use it?
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ma-sulevin · 5 years
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@ladydracarysao3 replied to your photoset “I was tagged by @alyssalenko to use this picrew! I did a few: Avery...”
Kate, you should make dot, clover, and lady Dorinn
I cheated a little with Clover and edited her skin tone using work software. Behold: Dot, Clover, and Dorinn!
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ma-sulevin · 5 years
Osah ( @roguelioness ), to an NPC: What's it going to take to get you to call me 'your highness'?
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ma-sulevin · 6 years
Ettercap: Who drives your character up the wall? Phase Spider: How does your character get through most of their problems? Harpy: Your character’s stuck on a desert island – what five items do they take with them?Alkada: Tell a story of something funny that either happened to your character or happened because of your character.
Ettercap: Who drives your character up the wall?
There aren’t really any specific people who drive her up the wall. Now that she has some money, experience, and freedom, she isn’t forced to be around people she hates.
That said, she doesn’t like customers who come into the bar and act rude to the waitresses.
She doesn’t like people who are cruel to those less fortunate than them (because she used to be one of the less fortunate).
She doesn’t like people who are condescending or patronizing towards her because they think she can’t handle things because she’s small.
Phase Spider: How does your character get through most of their problems?
In combat, she’s a fan of throwing sharp things from far away, using magic, and keeping bigger companions between her and whatever she’s fighting. When she uses up all of her knives, she dashes in and out of the fray to slash at people with her shortsword.
Out of combat, she’s super suspicious of people in power because she finds they often have their own interests well ahead of hers. She tends to ask a lot of questions and demand things in writing before she makes agreements.
Harpy: Your character’s stuck on a desert island – what five items do they take with them?
I’m not sure Dot is designed to make it on a desert island. Hmm… knife, rope, cooking pot, compass, and map I guess? She’ll try to sail her way back to freedom.
Alkada: Tell a story of something funny that either happened to your character or happened because of your character.
I realize this is about you, but…. She jokingly said “let’s go lesbians!” to her group, but the bard ( @ladydracarysao3 ’s Torvald) didn’t know what a lesbian was, so he repeatedly introduced the group by saying, “We are the lesbiaaaans.”
Dot thought it was funny every time.
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ma-sulevin · 6 years
Illithid & Dragon? :D
Dragon: Tell a story of something cool that your character did in play.
One of my favorite moments was when she grabbed a torch off the wall to light a twigblight on fire. She also used mage hand to tie Torvald’s shoelaces together so he couldn’t chase her when he got taken over by a little psychic monster thing.
Illithid: What does your character like to eat?
Definitely not nuts! I’d say she’s a big fan of jerky though.
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ma-sulevin · 6 years
Gibbering mouther
Gibbering Mouther: Does your character have any quotes you particularly like?
Quotes that she’s said? Dot’s pretty good at snappy one liners that I immediately forget.
Last time a guy was trying to pay for services rendered with the title to a manor house, and before Dot realized what was on the paper, she said, “We only accept money orders, not personal checks.”
She also taught our sweet but dumb tank (played by @ladydracarysao3 ) the phrase “bros before hoes” last night and I’m still giggling about it.
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ma-sulevin · 5 years
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I finally got this on Spotify and it's GREAT because it's 100% a timeline of my primary OCs and it was like getting punched in the face four times.
2016: "Boris" by Lo-Fang = Asha Trevelyan
2017: "Sick of Losing Soulmates" by Dodie = Sophie Amell
2018: "Empty" by Olivia O'Brien = Hazel Shepard
2019: "Hurts like Hell" by Fleurie = three OCs, Sylvie Gnomeface (my D&D character Dot's wife, when I thought my cursed sword would kill me and I needed a backup character), Sam Traynor (in Avery's London AU because she lost her romanced Shep to the Synthesis ending), and Mattie Covington (bad AU)
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ma-sulevin · 6 years
Your OC in 5 GIFs: Dot
So I was tagged by @ladydracarysao3 and @roguelioness (NOT @long-liv-prairies but I know she’s interested in everything I ever say, so) to do this for my D&D character Dot NoLastName. Here we go!
When someone tries to roll up on the party:
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When party members get hurt:
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When she finally made it back to Baldur’s Gate:
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When the druid turns into a new type of animal:
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When she gets mad enough in a fight to bust out the magic:
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ma-sulevin · 6 years
What is your favorite part of DnD? Are you happy with the character you rolled? What do you think will happen when Dot gets home?
I think I like role playing the best? I’m bad at it, but I love the interactions between the characters and being able to listen to the conversations between everyone else. Exploring is my second favorite!
I like Dot a lot. I didn’t love her at first because I didn’t know what I was doing, but I feel like I have a better handle on her now that I’ve played her for a few weeks.
I’m not sure what will happen when she gets home. Some of that’s up to the DM I guess, but I’ve done a lot of work on filling out her family details. I’m excited for everyone to meet her sisters. Dot could either stay with them or continue adventuring to support them. It’s up in the air currently. We’ll see how the next few weeks go!
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