#tweny questions
Twenty Questions
Thank you, @embracing-the-ineffable, for the tag!
Currently consuming: Doctor Who (new interest) and Good Omens (hyperfixation)
First ship: Percabeth when I was like eight.
Do you have kids? Not currently.
What sport do you play/have you played? I don't play anything right now, but I used to do gymnastics and dance.
Are you most likely to be sincere or sarcastic? Really depends on the person, and the circumstance lol.
How many tabs are open in your browser? 225, and most of them are ao3
What's your favorite color? Deep red.
Favorite drink: Hot chocolate or fruit juices.
Last movie: Technically speaking, it was Groundhog Day, but I'm not counting that because it wasn't my choice, so the new Mean Girls.
Scary movies or happy endings? I really like both, and it depends on my mood.
When was the last time you cried? It was either when I watched Waitress the other day or when I got super burnt out, I can't remember.
Any talents? Well, I do a lot of art that I think is really good, I write, I participate in plays, I play the ukulele and clarinet, and I'm currently learning ASL.
Talent you wish you had: I wish I could play the guitar.
What are your hobbies? I've been playing Resident Evil lately, so probably that.
Do you have pets? Yes! Four! I have 1 dog (Lucy) and 3 cats (Patrick, James, and Bernard).
Super power you wish you had? Teleportation.
Dream job: Tattoo artist! Which I am currently working to achieve!
Dream vacation: Just all of Europe lmao.
How would you change the world if you could? (Or what are you passionate about?) I would probably make it so that we would all get along better.
Currently working on? Several fanfics, a digital painting of Crowley, and a few watercolor paintings.
Tags! (No pressure):
@chaotic-and-mentally-ill @thatacefuckboy @omegamason1116 @charqre @internaldramahc @green-cargaytions @returnofthecabbageman @ayla-has-hella-issues-ovo
And anybody else who'd like to join!
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doesimmons · 9 months
So, happy late holidays, friends!! I hope everyone has had an at least decent past week or so.
My wonderful, wonderful parents got me my own e-reader this year. It's got a teal case, and I will be adorning it with as many cat, space-themed, and Taylor Swift stickers as I physically can. But, of course, nothing in my life comes without just a hint of grief.
Because I haven't gotten around to putting published books on it yet, currently, my library consists of my favourite fanfictions. As one does when given the chance. Before this, I mostly read fics on my phone when I didn't have my laptop around, and I was bored enough. I presume no one bothered me before because I just looked like a young tweny-something phone addict on Tiktok or something. Lol.
Anyway, I realized my mistake about half a day later, when my aunt asked me what exactly I was reading so intently. My entire life flashed before my eyes. I was *not* telling my aunt that I was currently reading FitzSimmons fanfiction! She knows enough about pop culture to know exactly what that means, look down on it, AND make fun of me forever!
I did some quick thinking and managed to spit out "Catching Fire" because Hunger Games has been on the brain. I don't truly know if she believed me, but there weren't any more questions asked. Moral of the story, don't read fanfiction on your e-reader around other people without unflinching bravery in the face of judgy relatives or an imaginary backup book in place.
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final-girl96 · 1 year
Firefly Chapter Tweny-One
Authors Note: This is pretty long
The Museum 2023
Joel walked in first then Tess, Ellie, and me. The whole place was covered in fungus. Luckily it was completely bone dry so we didn't need to worry about spores and hopefully we didn't have to worry about any infected especially clickers.
We made our way in further in to see that whatever was on there was dead and dried up. "Yeah, cooked," Joel said. "Finally some fucking luck," Tess replied. I looked around and hummed. "Guess we should have come this way in the first place," I said. I didn't even realize Ellie had left my side and walked around the corner. "Oh shit!"
I hurried after Joel as he made his way to where she was. I pulled her back to see a man slumped against a wall, his skin torn in places and clearing dead. "What the fuck did that?" Ellie asked. I looked at Joel and Tess. "Maybe…maybe he was attacked outside and crawled through the doors," Tess whispered. I nodded in agreement, "the door was open. Could've been him." We were quiet for a few seconds just to listen. "I don't hear anything."
"Who would you hear?" Ellie asked a little too loud. We all turned to her and shushed her silently. "Who would you hear? Are you saying an infected did that?" She whispered. Joel looked at me and I rolled my eyes. I went over to her and put a finger over my lips. "shh." She didn't stop though she kept talking. "Because I've been attacked before and it wasn't like that." She turned to look at the guy behind her before Joel spoke up.
"Okay, from this point forward, we are silent. Not quite. Silent," he whispered. "What–" he shook his head at Ellie, cutting her off. "No. No questions. Just do it." She looked over at me and I nodded my head. Joel walked forward past us and towards the stairs.
I tightened my hands on my gun and we followed after him. Tess fell in behind Ellie so she was between us. Joel was in the lead with me right behind him.
We slowly ascended the stairs making sure to try and avoid as much creaking as possible. These stairs were old and all of them creaked loudly. Closer to the top of the stairs the fungus covered the floor a lot more. We came to a stop when the whole build creaked. Plaster and dirt fell from the ceiling causing little clouds of dust.
We finished walking up the first set of stairs to the landing and stopped. The next set was covered in body's and dried fungus. Only small spots were clear so we had to be very careful. Joel went first and I slowly followed him, turning to make sure Ellie placed her feet where we had. There was a loud crunch behind me causing me and Joel to spin around. Ellie was frozen to her spot. She looked up at me and Joel and mouthed sorry.
Joel shined his light up to where we needed to go, Independence Hall, that's where we needed to get to so we could get out of here. I felt Ellie grip the bottom of my jacket as we continued up the stairs being careful not to step on anything. When we made it to the doors of Independence Hall Joel slowly opened the door and it creaked on its hinges.
The room was full of Civil War artifacts. It ranged from muskets in glass cases, a small cannon, uniforms, models of ships, musical instruments, and dishes. There were things in this museum that were over a hundred years old and none of it mattered anymore.
There was a time that I liked to think that one day there would be a small museum dedicated to the event of Cordyceps. Showing how people survived. Journals that people kept would be donated, flyers warning people of bombings and evacuation would be preserved. Pictures of the FEDRA camp. Names of people who died trying to protect or just a dedication plaque for those who didn't make it. But that was a long time ago. It's been twenty years and there was no way we would be going back to the way things were.
Joel walked in and I slowly made my way in after him, Ellie still holding on to me. We walked slowly until we heard more creaking. I turned around just as Ellie stumbled into me and Tess fell to the floor as the ceiling crumbled to the ground, blocking the door we just came through. Ellie gripped her arms around my waist, as I held her head close to my chest. Joel helped Tess up to her feet.
I let go of her and pointed my gun towards the Hands-On History Exhibit when the familiar sound of a clickers screech came from that way. Ellie looked at me with wide eyes and I pushed her behind me. We all backed up slowly making sure to keep Ellie behind us as we pointed out guns at the doorway.
The clicking got louder as the clicker came walking out towards us. The four of us spun in another direction when another clicker started to click. We backed up against the display case that had the muskets in it. Ellie was between me and Tess. She looked over at me and Joel with wide eyes. I put a shaky finger to my lips. I looked at Joel who was silently telling her that they can't see but they can hear.
Ellie gripped onto me as we looked through the dusty glass at the clicker on the other side. I could tell Ellie was starting to panic, and I wrapped an arm around her. The clicker moved past, and we watched as it came right beside us. Ellie's breath hitched, causing the clicker to turn towards us and screech loudly.
Joel brought his rifle up and fired into the clickers stomach before grabbing ahold of it before it could bite him. "Run!" He yelled. Another clicker came at us and Tess shot before grabbing Ellie and running. I pulled my gun up and shot once before I went the opposite direction. I came to a halt when a third clicker appeared and tried to grab me.
I ducked, swinging a leg out and tripping it before firing three shots at its head. I heard glass crashing and I stopped. I felt a hand go over my mouth and an arm around my waist pulling me back behind a uniform display. "Shh." The panic that had shit through me calmed slightly when I realized it was Joel. The clicker he had been running from was only a few feet away from us.
He let go of me and turned us so my back was against the glass and he was in front of me. He handed me his flashlight and as quietly as possible reloaded his gun. We heard the clicking right beside us and Joel took his flashlight back. Looking around the case we saw it clicker there before it moved. I looked around and saw Ellie and quickly ducked under Joel and made my way to her. She looked at me with wide eyes and I nodded to try and reassure her everything would be fine.
Joel came up behind me and gestured his head for us to follow him as the clicker made its way around the display. We stayed crouched and slowly went the opposite direction until one of us stepped on glass. The clicker jumped over the display and right on top of me, knocking Joel and Ellie over as well. My back was against Joel's chest as held onto me as we fell backward.
I held my forearm against the clicker's chest trying to keep it away from my face. I heard Ellie panicking as she tried to help keep it from biting me. Joel pointed his gun up towards its stomach and shot three times before I kicked it off of me. Ellie scrambled to her feet while Joel pulled himself and me up off the floor. He pushed me behind him and Ellie moved behind me clutching onto me.
Joel pointed his gun at it when it went to stand back up. He shot and hit its neck and then shot at it again until his gun clicked indicating it was empty. Another one came running towards us and I pulled my gun up until Tess came running at it and embedded an ax in the side of its head. Joel quickly picked up his rifle he had dropped and shot at it. I walked up to it and shot it in the head a couple more times before it finally fell to the floor.
Joel looked up at Tess as she stood, "you alright?" He asked. She nodded her head, "twisted ankle, but, yeah." I looked at Ellie, "you alright?" I asked her. She looked at the three of us with wide eyes. "Well, I didn't shit my pants, so." She looked around before lifting her sleeve up. "You fucking kidding me?" She looked at me and then Joel who was looking at her arm. "I mean, if it was gonna happen to one of us."
I looked at Joel as he continued to stare at her arm. I made my way over to stand in front of her and his eyes flicked up to me until Tess caught his attention and his head snapped over to her. "Let's get the fuck out if here," she said. He looked back at me and nodded before heading towards the window we needed to use in the attic to get to the roof.
Once we were all out on the roof Tess sat down and Joel sat beside her and started to pull something from his bag and pulled a cloth out. "Wrap this around your arm." He handed it to Ellie and she thanked him before walking over to the plank that went from the museum to the build across from it. "This it?" She asked. "Yeah. I know it looks scary," Joel said. "That was scary. This is wood," she said and walked across it.
We all watched her before Joel looked at me and I shrugged. "Just wait there!" I told her. Joel started to help Tess wrap her foot and ankle with electrical tape. She looked up at me, "you good?" She asked. I nodded my head and hummed. Something deep in my gut was telling me that she wasn't telling us something. I turned away from them and started to make my way across the plank. "Be careful!" Joel said and I scoffed. Once I was on the other side Ellie came up to me.
"Are you okay?" She asked. I smiled at her, "I'm fine kid. Don't worry about me." I turned around to see Tess looking at Joel in a way that I used to look at him. I felt my chest hegim to tighten and my jaw clenched. She had pushed his hands away and began wrapping her ankle herself while he pulled away and looked at her. Tess looked up at me and looked back down. I quickly turned away when I saw Joel starting to turn his head towards me.
I walked over to the edge of the building and looked out at the view. We could see the State House in the distance. Ellie came up beside me and sighed. "Are you sure you're alright?" I didn't say anything, just kept looking out into the distance. I felt Ellie come over and warp her arms around my waist in a hug and I automatically wrapped an arm around her shoulders. We heard footsteps up to stand beside us on the other side of Ellie. "So, was it everything you hoped for?" Joel asked her. "The jury's still out."
After Tess was fished and walked over to us we headed down the latter and made our way to the State House. Of course when we got there nobody was there. Joel looked at me, "where are they?" He asked. I shrugged, "I don't know. Somethings not right." Nobody was there outside waiting. Joel checked the truck and found nothing in it but blood.
We followed the blood up the steps to the State House and when we got inside what we saw was not what we expected. Everyone was dead and Tess started to freak out. She went through everything before coming over to me and Ellie. "Where were they taking her?" She asked. "Somewhere out west!" She was in a complete panic.
Joel was trying to talk to her and she wouldn't listen. She said something about our luck running out and then Ellie spoke up. "Fuck. She's infected." Joel turned and looked at her and she shrugged. He demanded her to show him and she did. I'm his confused and angry state he ended up killing one of the guys on the floor who wasn't dead and that only alerted more infected.
Tess started dumping barrels of fuel over and grabbed a grenade. She then took me by surprise and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. My hands flew to her wrist and she pulled me closer to her. "Let me go!" I hissed. She looked me in the eye, "it's always been you. It will always be you." I looked at her confused and tried to get her to let go of me.
"I've tried to get him to move on. To move on with me. But he wouldn't. He never wanted me. He's never felt that way about me. No matter how hard I tried. You've always and will always have his heart. Forgive him and take care of him. All he's ever wanted to do was keep you safe." She pushed me away and I stumbled back.
"Go! Save who you can save, Joel!" He grabbed me and pulled me away from Tess. Before grabbing Ellie and forcing her out of the building. We ran until the ground shook and the building exploded. I pulled Ellie into me and Joel turned around aiming his rifle towards the building making sure no infected came after us.
Ellie was clutching onto me, the side of her head laying on my chest, turned away from the building. I held her close and looked up at Joel when he turned to look at me. "We should go." He nodded and walked away, leaving Ellie and I standing there. She pulled away and looked at me. I took a deep breath and followed after Joel with Ellie close beside me.
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citranissa · 2 months
My the last twenies.
The question, "Cowok mana yang berani serius sama gua?"
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julietaxherrera · 2 years
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( ZION MORENO, 22, TRANS WOMAN, SHE/HER ) —Is that JULIETA HERRERA? A JUNIOR originally from SAN FRANCISCO, CA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study MARKETING. They’re THE INFLUENCER on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
character inspo — marimar montoya (the inheritance of orquidea divina), timothee greywick (wicked academia), tristan caine (the atlas six), heather (crave)
full name: julieta ximena herrera nicknames: jules    age: tweny-two date of birth: 15 august  hometown: san francisco, ca  gender: trans female pronouns: she/her sexual orientation: bisexual languages spoken: spanish, english
fc: zión moreno hair color: brown eye color: brown height: 5'10" tattoos: none piercings: ears clothing style: anything fashionable usual expression: happy sociability: loves to be around people *nsfw below for drug / alcohol related questions* addictions: none drug use: none  alcohol use: socially
label: the influencer positive traits: friendly, accepting, energetic negative traits: deceitful, jealous, angry hobbies: makeup, shopping
colour: pink music: pop movies: anything romantic sport: cheerleading, ice skating beverage: sparkling water   food: authentic mexican animal: cats
greek zodiac: leo element: fire  celtic zodiac: hazel seven roles: the king moral alignment: neutral good  
twitter: princessjulieta  instagram: princessjulieta 
Julieta was raised by a single mother. For the most part, life was relatively normal for the two of them. Her mom worked long hours so for the most part Julieta was left alone to do what she wanted. The Herrera family, while smaller—consisting of just her mom, her uncle, and her grandmother—all of them were very supportive of each other. 
For the most part, Julieta has always thought her life was normal. Even if her family was wealthy. When she came out as trans, her entire family were supportive of her decision. Julieta has always been thankful that her family has always been supportive of her. 
Even though she’s wealthy, Julieta’s mother made sure she understood philanthropy and Julieta has been volunteering at LGBTQIA+ youth centres ever since she was old enough to as well as the local soup kitchen. She’s always been the “share the wealth” type of person. 
Her mother thought it best she went to a public high school, rather than a private one, but Julieta never minded since most of her friends were also going to the same school—friends she’d made because of her mother’s job and her volunteer work. Julieta has never been the smartest person, but she has her academic strengths. 
Her sophomore year in high school is when her instagram started to take off. Julieta posted mostly just photos of her daily life, but as time went on it’s become more in-depth. She expanded to tiktok in college. Julieta has a steady amount of followers on her instagram and tiktok. Her claim to fame has always been her positive outlook on life as well as her fashion sense. 
After graduating high school, Julieta went to a school in California where she was for two years until she decided to transfer to Ogden. While know one knows why she transferred to the school, there are plenty of rumours surrounding it. 
The summer between her last school and Ogden was mostly spent doing events and parties with one of the people that sponsors her page. Julieta did spend a huge chunk of time at home with her mom though. At one of those parties is where she met Greer. 
Julieta is trying to focus on school more now that she’s at Ogden, but sometimes it is difficult, especially with an active missing person’s case going on. She has been doing her best to ignore everything going on. 
RELATIONSHIP TO GREER— The two of them met over the summer at a party over the summer before Julieta transferred to Ogden. It was a brief interaction, but no one knows about it. Julieta only vaguely recognises the face plastered everywhere. 
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ma-lark-ey · 4 years
The dads sat quietly in a circle, just chatting and making small talk. All the boys were already asleep and they were reminiscing on how cute their kids were when they were little.
"I remember when Grant was just born, his older brother and sister would fight over who got to hold him. One time Jackie punched Daniel right in the face cause he wouldn't give her the baby. Carol made them a schedule of who gets to play with baby Grant when after that." Daryl smiled, looking back at his boy was curled up in a sleeping bag just behind him. He never planned on having a third child, but Grant was honestly the best decision he's ever made.
"Woah, you have three kids, Darryl?" Henry chortled, leaning in closer to him. "How old are they?"
"Oh, Daniel's about twenty-four now, and Jackie just turned twenty-two." He answered, letting his youngest son shift to be laying partially in his lap. Darryl had noticed Grant had become prone to nightmares in the Realms, and he'd always been a physically affectionate child. It just seemed right to let Grant curl up on him if it helped calm his nightmares.
The other dads looked a bit shocked Darryl's kids were grown adults, which made Darryl feel sheepish. Then Glenn spoke, "Holy fuck man, I'm way close to your sons age than I am your age!"
"No way, how old are you, Glenn?"
"I'm only tweny-nine, dude. Nick was a drunk teen romance, I won't lie on that." He held his hands up in mock defense, leaning back on them afterwards. "I had to learn to be a father before I knew how to be an adult." You could hear guilt in his voice, Darryl knew that this was Glenn's way of acknowledging his poor parenting of Nick, of admitting he's made many mistakes when it came to his one and only child.
"Lark and Sparrow are honeymoon babies. Mercedes... I don't remember much before I met her, to be honest with you fellas. She found me out in the woods, like some movie. I was nineteen-ish. She took me to hospital, let me stay with her for a year. But, we started dating. By twenty-three, I proposed and, by twenty-five, we were welcoming my two beautiful boys. They are the light of my life, though. I'm no perfect father, that's for sure, but I try my best."
"You're doing better than the rest of us, that's for sure, Henry." Darryl took a swing of his beer. It was hard to believe Henry was only thirty-eight. Darryl was almost a whole decade older than him. It made him feel awkward about his feelings toward Henry.
Henry gave Ron a friendly bat on the shoulder with the back of his palm, "What about you, old friend? I know you don't have any kids you've raised since birth, but what's your story with Samantha and Nick?"
"Terry Jr, Henry. Ron's is named Terry Jr." Darryl corrected.
"Shoot! You're right, I always do mix those two up. Sorry, Terry Jr." Henry corrected himself quickly. Ron stared awkwardly at the ground, picking at the grass.
"Well, uh, Terry was ten when I first m-met him. Um... Samantha and I had been together about four months at that point, and uh... Her youngest was only three, I really didn't know how to treat her."
"Samantha has two kids?" Glenn blurred, interrupting Ron's tale to satisfy that nugget of curiosity.
"Oh! Uh, yes. She does. Terry Jr and Cynthia. But, they call her by her middle name, Taylor. Or Tay. Whichever one they uh, they say. But... Yeah. That's about it for me... Um... Samantha and I got married about eight months ago, now. And.. That's that."
The four looked between each other, and Darryl addressed the question the three non-stepfathers were all wondering.
"Sorry if this is a hard question, Ron. But um, how'd Terry Sr die? Like... What happened to him?" Ron looked a bit caught off guard, but regained his composure quickly.
"Oh, well... He um... He got diagnosed with some kind of cancer, I think it was brain or lung. They caught it too late to really save him, and Samantha was already pregnant with Taylor. Terry Sr made it long enough to get a few days with his daughter, but he uh... He died that same year. I uh... Think it might've been three months. It was aggressive, from what I've been told. Um... When Samantha found out she was pregnant, he was just mildly ill and a little weak. By the time Taylor was born, Terry Sr was on a respirator and they were discussing hospis care and maybe even life support. It was less then a year after he was a diagnosed, I know that much."
Darryl watched Terry Jr. He felt the urge to hug Terry. He knew how much it hurt to loose the dad you love so much to cancer so suddenly. His empathy must've been obvious, cause Glenn jostled his shoulder and asked him if he was alright, which he nodded to and looked back over their sons. He wanted to give them all the world.
"We should go to sleep." Henry muttered, dumping some water on the fire to put it out. It wasn't a suggestion, he was politely telling the other three men to get their asses in bed. Which they did.
Darryl curled himself around Grant, pulled his awkward and monotone child into his arms and made sure he was secure. He could feel Granted trembling in his sleep. He hoped the bear hug would help settle the night terrors he was cursed with. And he called it a night.
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out-of-jams · 5 years
Chivalry || ksj
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Summary: And they say chivalry is dead.
Pairing: Seokjin/Reader
Word Count: 1.4k 
Genre: Idol!Reader. Idol!BTS. Drabble. Fluff.
Warnings: None.
A/N: This idea came to me randomly after watching a compilation on youtube of male Kpop idols being gentleman to female idols hahaha. And this is this result:
All of my works are purely fiction. Everything I write is my intellectual property and therefore belongs to me. ©out-of-jams. Do not copy or repost without permission.
                               | | Masterlist | |
You were going to kill your stylist.
Not because she’d ruined your hair or destroyed your make-up. No, it was because she’d thought that it would be a good idea to force you to wear a short-sleeved dress in forty degree weather. Without a jacket and without leggings.
With your trembling bottom lip caught between your teeth, you couldn’t help but throw an envious glance at your groupmates. Their stylists had the foresight to at least give them jackets. Meanwhile, you were freezing half to death, stuck on a stage in front of thousands of people where you had to pretend that you were fine.
Why they’d decided to have a K-pop competition festival outdoors in the middle of October was beyond you. And why they had to proceed to give out awards for said competition on a stage packed with artists, without heat lamps, where the clouds looked like they would spill open at any moment, was also a doozy.
And so, there you were, placed at the end of your line of groupmates right next to the MC. Who, might you add, was dressed head-to-toe in appropriate winter gear. What you wouldn’t have given to be her at that moment. The words she was speaking into the microphone clutched in her gloved hands went in one ear and out the other.
It wasn’t that you didn’t care about what she was saying, seeing as how your group wasn’t quite at that high level of popularity yet. But it was hard to concentrate on her words when you were so busy forcing yourself not to shiver. Though the goosebumps raised on your bare skin more than likely gave away your peril to whoever was watching the live broadcast. And the leader of your group had just given you a sad, sympathetic look while she watched you practically freeze to death right in front of her. So much for group solidarity.
Maybe your company would give you compensation if you died.
At least then you’d finally get paid more.
“And the winner for best--”
You completely tuned out whatever the MC was about to read off the white card held up in front of her face. Though you had to give her props for even being able to hear herself past the large, fluffy earmuffs thrown over her ears. It wasn’t that you didn’t care who the winner of the competition was, but since you guys were thrown up against Twice, you knew you didn’t stand a chance.
Which was exactly why it wasn’t a surprise when your group lost.
The crowd erupted into cheers and the girls on the other side of the MC bowed their heads modestly and accepted the award. Your own group applauded and Yoomin, the rapper and eldest, could barely contain her enthusiasm. She’d been a huge fangirl of Twice ever since they debuted. So it was a surprise that she was even still standing and conscious after being in their presence for the past half-hour. It was the only award you were up for and you’d lost.
You weren’t disappointed.
Well, not until the sky finally opened up and poured rain faster than you could say, “Oh no.”
Shouts burst from both the crowd and the girls gathered on the stage as the freezing rain ruined perfectly styled hair and carefully applied make-up. The males on stage seemed almost nonchalant about the whole thing, though some of them threw their hands up protectively over their heads like that would somehow make a difference.
You were just too busy trying not to turn into a human version of an icicle.
With hair sticking to your neck and dress clinging to your figure, you couldn’t help the pout that pulled at your lips. You didn’t really care about your hair or your outfit being ruined, you just wanted to be warm.
“Due to the inconvenient weather,” the MC spoke from under the shelter of her umbrella. (Where she’d gotten it so quickly, you had no idea.) “We’re going to resume announcing all award winners inside the KBS tent in tweny minutes. Thank you!”
You couldn’t help but send up a silent thank you to whatever higher power granted you such a boon. The stage slowly started to empty of idols, most of the girls scampering down the small set of stairs first. Since you and your group were closest to the front, there was a little bit of a line to the exit on the far left.
So there you were, frozen and trapped, with your arms wrapped around your middle like some kind of protective barrier against the chill, when it happened. You hadn’t even been looking.
But the sudden heavy, thick material thrown over your soaked hair drew you out of your silent cursing of the weather. You blinked as the lingering warmth of the suit jacket over you seeped into your glacial skin. The scent that hit your nose was subtle yet overpowering with a certain type of masculinity that you couldn’t piece together with your scattered brain.
Your hands came up to clutch at the material automatically, pulling it closer around yourself in an attempt to keep warm. It draped over your figure and drowned you completely, as if it’s owner was some kind of giant.
Like a meerkat, you popped your face out of the jacket and spun around so fast that you accidentally bumped into Yoomin at your side. Her hands came up to steady you with an, “Are you okay?” But you weren’t paying attention. No, you were too busy scanning the mass of retreating backs on the stage.
It wasn’t very bright up there, and with the way every guy in the immediate vicinity were dressed in dark colored clothing made it even more difficult to find your mark. Your eyes narrowed with a squint, ignoring the rain that slipped into your partially opened mouth.
“Who?” Slipped from your lips without permission as you continued to spin back-and-forth in place like a broken top.
“I didn’t see.” Yoomin answered your unfinished question. Luckily, she’d always been able to put together your incomplete thoughts.
“Come on, guys.” The leader of your group gestured to the two of you to catch up with the rest of your group as they walked quickly to the thinning line at the stairs.
With a frown of disappointment, you followed. Though you didn’t stop scanning the crowd.
And your efforts paid off.
Because right there, barely seen between a gap of bodies in the distance was a jacketless man. You could only see his back, and boy was he tall. Then again, pretty much everyone was tall compared to you.
His hair was lavender under the light and the once bright pink color of his button-up shirt was darkened with the rain. And boy, oh boy were his shoulders broad. You wished you could recognize him without seeing his face, but sadly you just weren’t that gifted. But luckily, as cliché as it was, he turned to look back right as he reached the stairs.
Atlas, better known as Kim Seokjin from the world famous group BTS, met your gaze through the heavy downpour. Upon realizing that he caught your attention, the handsome man lifted his plush lips into a smile and winked.
Kim Seokjin of BTS just winked at you. And then scrunched his nose in immediate embarrassment at his actions and quickly turned back around before you could react.
“Damn.” Soomin whistled lowly from your side and you didn’t even have to turn your head to see that she was following your line of sight. “Can’t wait to see the fancams of that.”
God, you really hoped that no one else caught that. Because murder by ARMY wasn’t exactly how you planned to go out. Despite that, it was still too bad that he’d taken his leave before you could manage to form an appropriate response.
Well, it was a good thing you’d have to find someway to return his jacket. It’d be rude to just keep it, afterall. Right?
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jennaj022 · 4 years
Lyrics to Armie’s latest song posted on Twitter:
Hit Em Hard - The Game
I got a black mac and a six pack I don't work out, I don't chit chat My bitch bad, I get racks That Rolls Royce, come gift-wrapped Them birds still come shrink-wrapped I'm not strapped, don't think that I'm low key with that click clack That rat a tat tat tat tat Throw the burner and I'm runnin' home Niggas stop being loyal when the money gone Still walk in this bitch, I'm a hundred strong One chain on my neck, feel like I got a hundred on Look at my flow on this bitch Platinum and gold on my wrist Money, the accountant be countin' it That's why I'm throwin' this shit I'm in BK with that SK Same clothes since yesterday With that Biggie Smalls on replay And I ain't wearing no vest today I do the Shmoney dance with this mac You better do it too or get Shmurda'd I be grilling that beef, I ain't talkin' no burgers I finna be walkin' like I'm a New Yorker I let off the K and then I hope in the Uber It's never a question that I am the shooter I empty the clip and lay you in a pool of Blood, see how he got hit with the Ruger? Blood, bandana that's how we be movin' Blood, swooping from Compton to Brooklyn And this ain't the Barclays but niggas be shootin'Running niggas down back and forth I'm like pass the torch Blast it off Niggas making bets so who gonna blast him off First to score We gon' hit 'em hard We gon' hit 'em all First to score We gon' hit 'em all We gon' hit 'em hard Running niggas down back and forth I'm like pass the torch Blast it off Niggas making bets so who gonna blast him off First to score We gon' hit 'em hard We gon' hit 'em all First to score We gon' hit 'em all We gon' hit 'em hardRunning cocaina back and forth Copped the bag of salt E S to the G N I'm the boss dropped the package off Coming for the murder, masks is off Bitch you took a loss Fuck the DEA we shook 'em off Bitch we shook 'em off Shook and twist the jars And dope on my mommas stove top By the time she came back from church boy I bet you I had an O stocked In the middle of the muhfuckin' day no more yayo, boy I done sold out Nigga pull up in a mothafuckin' foreign on forgies that'll bring them hoes out Like yeah nigga, niggas keep beggin' I pull out a pump in this bitch like I'm blizzard Yeah, empty your pockets, we robbin' these bitches got all of us trippin' Nigga, it's better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission You catchin' the hollow, I'm catchin'you slippin' I did it alone, only God as my witness My nigga got off cause we tied up the witness and made sure the nigga couldn't show up in court You know the business, them niggas find out that you snitchin' them niggas gon' be at your throat Everyday Halloween niggas will go trick or treatin' with two tweny-three at your door Flippin' a check off this rappin' go back to the trap and put that in the weed and the blow likeRunning niggas down back and forth I'm like pass the torch Blast it off Niggas making bets so who gonna blast him off First to score We gon' hit 'em hard We gon' hit 'em all First to score We gon' hit 'em all We gon' hit 'em hard Running niggas down back and forth I'm like pass the torch Blast it off Niggas making bets so who gonna blast him off First to score We gon' hit 'em hard We gon' hit 'em all First to score We gon' hit 'em all We gon' hit 'em hardI just caught a body like a week ago These hatin' niggas want attention, I don't see 'em though You talk that gangsta shit, but I just can't believe it bro We pull up with them shots, knockin' out that European [?] S to the K to the E-M-E, callin' the EMT after I empted this clip I sold my dope right on CMT, I'm at the ING, know I'm as weird as it gets Chuck Taylor told me it's fuck haters, so I say fuck 'em and bury these niggas in pits Rolley on wrist, no toc or no tic, your girl on my dick, man come get your bitch Niggas think this a rap now, I might back down and come try your luck Riders with me be wired up, they ridin' with me till the tyres bust Haters talkin', but they better cool it, before that nigga Crooked get fired up Lay you out like my Balmains, you gotta play 'em straight, he get ironed up Drinkin' lean till I'm high enough, I don't give a fuck about [?] nigga I ain't squashin' shit, I won't call it off, I just handle mine like a man nigga I'm on frontline with these bands nigga Need a chair, I can't stand niggas We do walk-by's and hop outs Got slidin' doors on that van niggaRunning niggas down back and forth I'm like pass the torch Blast it off Niggas making bets so who gonna blast him off First to score We gon' hit 'em hard We gon' hit 'em all First to score We gon' hit 'em all We gon' hit 'em hard Running niggas down back and forth I'm like pass the torch Blast it off Niggas making bets so who gonna blast him off First to score We gon' hit 'em hard We gon' hit 'em all First to score We gon' hit 'em all We gon' hit 'em hard
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pixie-mage · 4 years
I don't know if i was supposed to send two characters for the same writing prompt but i'll try this since Rexy needs some love. 9 -L !
From this NatM Writing Prompt: [ x ]
(Either way works! We all love our Puppy-saurus Rex! ^^)
Characters: Rexy Adjectives: Lonely
~  ~  ~  ~  ~
From near his usual perch in the lobby, the skeleton of a tyrannosaurus rex watched from empty sockets as the museum’s night guard came tearing out of an archway on the right, being quickly pursued by a younger teen.
“You got the keys, right Nick?” the guard asked.
“Of course I did,” the teenager replied, rolling his eyes. “The only person Dexter plays ‘keep away’ with is you, Dad.”
“A simple ‘yes’ would have been fine, Nicky.”
The guard - Larry Daley - came skidding to a stop in front of the circular desk at the lobby’s center, slipping behind it and digging through a bag he had stowed there. He pulled out a single hockey glove and a goalie blocker, shaking his head in irritation as he did so.
“I thought the Mayans were past this,” he muttered. “They were behaving so well this week. And then this–”
Rexy approached Larry and Nick with his tail wagging, his bone already held tight in his teeth. He made a little whining noise in the back of his throat and bent down, looking to all the world like he wanted to play. He dropped the bone at Nick’s feet.
“Not now, Rexy,” Larry said, sounding distracted. He barely spared Rexy half a glance as he tugged on the glove, then tossed the bag to his son Nick.
There was a whirring as a small remote-controlled car sped into view from an archway on the left, through which sat the Hall of Miniatures.
“Get gaited, Laredo!” a small southern voice piped up from inside the car. “We’ve got a hell of a hootenanny goin’ on between the two halves of the hall. Them Mayans ‘re fightin’ like kilkenny cats. We had about twenty men downed by poisoned dart last I checked.”
“Tweny-four, to be exact,” a second voice spoke up, a miniature Roman General. “My men are diligent and our shields may be strong but the Mayans are an unpredictable adversary. Much like the Americans when we first were at war.”
There was a fondness in the last phrase. Not that Rexy noticed or cared, but it was there all the same.
“Now don’t you get sappy on me, ‘Tavius,” the cowboy scolded. “Keep yer head on straight. We’ve gotta get them Mayan boys under control ‘fore all hell breaks loose.”
“It already has, Jedediah,” Octavius said. There was a muffled thump from inside the car, followed by an “Ow!” from the centurion.
The two miniatures stopped bickering, staring up through the tiny windshield of the car to meet Larry’s disbelieving eyes.
“Seriously?! Mayans. Bigger problem.”
“Of course, my liege.”
“You got it Gigantor.”
“Alright.” Larry nodded. “Nick and I will try and get as many of them back into Guatemala as we can. You two just - get your people to try and push them back.”
“Am I locking them up or are you?” Nick asked, already wearing a hockey glove and a blocker like his father.
“Uh–” Larry thought for a moment. “You. Better you than me, in case Dexter decides to show up for a round two.”
Nick giggled.
The remote-controlled car whirred back into motion, and the familiar noise made Rexy’s head perk up. Oh! He knew this game! He picked up his bone again and brought it over to the tiny car, tail wagging all the while. Play? Chase?
“No can do, Rexasaurus,” Jed shook his head. “We’ve got a group o’ crazy tribesmen to wrangle.”
Rexy whimpered, head tilting to the side.
“Not now, Rexy,” Larry reaffirmed, this time looking Rexy right in the eye sockets. “Later. Okay? We’re kind of busy right now.”
Rexy whined, but the group was clearly focussed on a much more important task. Larry and Nick took off into the Hall of Miniatures with the miniature car speeding after them as quickly as it could go.
The lobby fell silent.
Rexy’s tail drooped against the ground.
The dinosaur whimpered into the empty room, nobody around to hear his lonely plea. He just wanted to play. Lately, things in the museum had been so busy that Larry was always being pulled to every corner of the building...and Nick often spent more time with the huns or Ahkmenrah than he did anywhere else. Plus Jedediah and Octavius were most often seen together rather than apart, and though this used to mean they’d be happy to spend some time driving around the museum dragging a bone while their local Tyrannosaurus chased after them, it had become rather difficult to find them as of late. It had become rather difficult to find anyone to play with as of late.
And as for the rest of the museum...well. Rexy whimpered again and put his rib back where it belonged, circling the spot he stood a few times and settling onto the ground. He tucked in his tail and let out a deep sigh.
Many of the other museum occupants were still too afraid to get close to him.
With that sad little thought, Rexy  found himself dozing off into a light sleep in the center of the museum lobby, completely oblivious to the smiling faces that were watching him from a distance.
“He is asleep, I think.”
“So he is. This may be easier than we first thought, my dear.”
Creeping down the stairs on soft feet, Sacagawea motioned for Teddy to stay quiet and stay where he was. She approached the snoozing dinosaur and smiled adoringly once she was close enough to see that he was, indeed, fully asleep. She nodded up toward the balcony above where Teddy stood waiting. The former president was quick to join her in the lobby.
“I will go find the others,” Sacagawea informed him. “Could you seek out Larry and Nick? The Mayans were not part of the plan tonight, but I imagine they will be finished soon.”
“Of course my dear.”
Teddy took her hand, pressed a kiss to her fingers, and swiftly followed the path their night guard had taken a few minutes prior. Sacagawea smiled softly to herself. If given the choice, she would gladly indulge herself in spending more time with her love rather than send him off on a mission...but today was significant. She had a more important task to handle. With one last glance toward the sleeping tyrannosaurus, she vanished back up the stairs and down the hall.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Rexy awoke slowly an hour or so later. His tail quivered as he stretched, huffing a breath out his nose and yawning widely, his massive teeth bared for all to see. He thought, for a moment, he might still be sleeping...because the lobby was terribly dark. It was difficult to see, and as the dino got back to his feet, he was careful not to move too much lest he trip in the dark...or worse, accidentally step on a friend. What was going on? Where was everyone? Why were the lights off? Rexy made a rumbling, questioning noise in the back of his throat, confused and curious.
“Ready?” a quiet, familiar voice whispered from somewhere to Rexy’s left. He turned his head, trying to find its owner. “Okay...3...2...1…”
Lights flared to life throughout the museum, the sound of switches being flipped completely drowned out by the sea of joyous voices that had filled the air. Rexy took a step back, surprised and startled, trying to understand what he was seeing.
Everyone was here. Everyone. Larry and Nick stood by the front desk, Larry with one hand still lingering near the light switches. A sea of miniatures covered the desk’s surface. The huns were grouped off to one side near the eskimos, the cavemen were all making excited noises somewhere near the back of the crowd, and vikings, statues, civil war soldiers, and more were mixed among the rest of the museum’s inhabitants. A select few animals had been let loose to join them, Dexter among them, and Sacagawea and Teddy were standing side by side near the front of the crowd. Ahkmenrah was leaning back against the desk, and when things began to settle, he murmured something in an undertone to Larry behind him.
Larry nodded. He abandoned the desk and made his way through the crowd, a paper bag in his hand, a beaming grin splitting his face.
“Happy Birthday, Rexy!” he announced, drawing another round of excited cheering from the gathered crowd. Larry’s expression was bright and warm and excited, and when he finally reached Rexy he held up a hand to pet the dinosaur’s nose. Rexy leaned into it, more than a little happy to be on the receiving end of the night guard’s affections after so long of going without it.
Not that a few weeks was that long in the grand scheme of things, but it certainly felt like ages to the puppy-like tyrannosaurus. A rumbling noise started up in the back of his nonexistent throat and he leaned down to nuzzle his skull against Larry’s chest, his tail wagging happily behind him.
“I know we don’t know your real birthday,” Larry went on, scratching along Rexy’s jaw, “but I figured the day you arrived at the museum was as close as we were gonna get. One hundred years ago today. Can you believe that?”
Rexy leaned into the scratches, making happy little noises all the while, and Larry chuckled to himself.
“Ya like that big guy?” he smiled. “Heh. Hang on, I’ve got a present for you.”
Present? Present! Rexy sniffed at the bag in Larry’s hand when the guard held it up, eager to see what was inside. Present. For him? Really?
“Yeah buddy! That’s for you!” Larry said. Rexy nipped at the bag and Larry pulled it out of his reach, chuckling. “Hang on! Hang on, Rexy. Let me get it out first!”
Larry reached into the bag and pulled out what looked like the biggest dog bone in the world. It would be huge for most dogs, but for Rexy? It was perfect. The dinosaur crouched where he stood, in full play mode, his tag wagging wildly behind him. The onlookers grinned and giggled and laughed at his antics. Larry glanced back over his shoulder at them, his eyes sparkling. He returned his focus to the overeager puppy-saur in front of him.
“I know, you’re excited,” he nodded, holding up the bone with some effort. “But here’s the thing. I can give this to you now–”
Rexy made little rumbling noises at the prospect, dancing a little on the spot.
“–or! Hang on, buddy.” Larry stifled another laugh. “Or we can see what everybody else got you. Okay? There’s more presents from everyone, not just this one.”
Rexy looked torn. Play with bone, or get more toys. Bone. More toys. Bone now. Bone later? Toys now...toys later…
It was a very difficult decision.
Until the remote-controlled car came speeding into view.
“Hey! Rexy!”
Jed was practically hanging out the window of the car, waving his hat to get the dinosaur’s attention.
“Hey there big fella!” he called, grinning ear to ear. “Guess what we’ve got!”
The car raced past, driving straight between the dino and the night guard, and it was only then that Rexy’s attention was caught by the colorful toy being dragged by the car. It wasn’t as big as the bone Larry had gotten him, nor was it even a bone at all, but it was eye-catching and made jingling noises as it was dragged along, the colorful ball rolling and bouncing slightly in the wake of the car it was attached to.
Rexy was off and on the chase before Larry knew it, and he - along with the others at the very front of the crowd - had to duck to avoid the swing of the dinosaur’s tail.
Larry grinned.
“Rexy looks exceedingly happy, Larry,” a warm voice appeared at Larry’s side. “I think this party is already a raging success and it has barely begun.”
“He does look happy,” Larry agreed. He turned to smile at Ahkmenrah, who had come to stand beside him and watch the oversized puppy play chase through the lobby and front halls of the museum. “Thanks for the idea.”
“You would have thought of it yourself eventually,” Ahk inclined his head toward the ‘guardian’, smiling all the while. “You are rather creative yourself, and you care greatly for everyone here. It would have crossed your mind at some point I’m sure.”
“Still,” Larry shrugged, pocketing his hands and turning back toward Rexy. “He’s been so down lately. Thanks for the help.”
“You are more than welcome.”
“Dad! Dad! Dad!” Nick came up behind Larry, tugging on his arm. “Can I get Rexy’s new ball out? I think the car needs to recharge soon and–”
“You don’t need to give me a reason.” Larry shook his head with a smile and pointed toward the desk. “It should be back there with the other gifts. Just - try not to let Rexy pop it on the first night. If we can get it to last a week at least I’ll be happy.”
Then Nick was gone, digging through the gifts with abandon. Somewhere in the distance, a whoop and a holler rang through the air alongside a shout of “ONWARD!” as a tiny car drove whiplashing circles around the giant dinosaur looming overhead.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~
The night had gone about as well as Larry and Nick had hoped. The ball Nick had sought out earlier was, surprisingly, still in one piece. The exhibits had had a fun time playing some form of “keep away” with Rexy, the ball bouncing and soaring back and forth over the crowd while Rexy tried to snatch it out of the air. Attila and his men had played tug-of-war with the dino at some point, the sturdy rope they had been using now shredded and sitting in a pile on the desk. Nick and Ahk had taken a few turns riding on the dinosaur’s back, much to the enjoyment of all involved. An oversized plush toy sat in Larry’s lap (courtesy of Sacagawea and the civil war soldiers) looking a little chewed on, but mostly still in one piece. He was leaning back against the wall at the back of the lobby, past the stairs, and Rexy was curled up nearby. He was gnawing happily on the bone from the beginning of the evening.
There was about an hour left until dawn, and some of the exhibits had already begun making their way back toward their displays. Teddy and Sacagawea were organizing a small group to help clean up the remnants of the party...and Larry would join them soon too. But first…
Larry reached over, rubbing his knuckles against Rexy’s nose. The dino leaned into the affection, a happy rumble bubbling up from somewhere near his chest.
“Did you have a fun birthday, buddy?” Larry asked. Rexy’s tail thumped loudly against the floor a few times, and Larry smiled. “I’ll take that as a yes.” 
The guard sighed softly. His smile faded.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been paying attention to you,” he said quietly. “I could just say that it’s because the museum has been more...lively than usual lately, but that’s no excuse to make you sad.” Rexy lifted his head, tilting it in question. “I know you’ve been kind of lonely lately, and I’m sorry. Some of the other exhibits noticed and told me about it. I’m sorry that I didn’t see it myself. Nobody should ever feel forgotten, alright? That’s - ya know. That’s Friendship 101, and I’ve been kind of a bad friend. Haven’t I?”
Rexy whined softly and nuzzled Larry’s head as gently as he could. The night guard smiled weakly and held up a hand to pat the end of the puppy-saur’s nose.
“It’s nice of you to forgive me, but...still.” Larry was quiet for a moment. Then– “I know I can’t always have time to play with you, same with Nick. I have a job to do and he’s my backup when things get hairy. But I’m gonna try to be better. And…”
He looked thoughtful, as if trying to decide if he should say anything or not.
“...and I know we keep other dinosaurs locked away in the B-wing. I’ll talk to McPhee and see if we can’t get you a friend on display out here, so you have someone to play with. Okay?”
Rexy panted happily and his tail whipped back and forth along the floor, thwacking the walls on either side in his exuberance.
“Okay, okay!” Larry laughed. “Calm down, buddy. I said I’d talk to McPhee, but it’s up to him. No promises! But I’ll try. Alright?”
Rexy bumped his nose against Larry’s shoulder, then flopped his head down right up against the night guard’s crossed legs.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
When the sun rose later that early morning, and when the first few guests began to filter in through the museum’s front doors, McPhee swore the sharp-toothed smile the tyrannosaurus wore was wider than it had ever been before. But surely it was a trick of the morning light...right?
~  ~  ~  ~  ~
[A/N: This was a lot of fun to write! I haven’t written much in the NatM fandom yet, so this was a really fun practice...and we all know Rexy deserves all the love. Hope you enjoyed it!]
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helenarasmussen87 · 4 years
I’ve been sunk into the Old Guard Fandom (read the comics first and then saw the movie, so I went the other way than most) and I somehow ended up into the OT3 of Booker/Nicky/Joe. Just adore it since it balances out really well. 
HC ramblings and probably unpopular opinions under cut.
I think my pairing choices ahead aren’t as popular and I haven’t really a clue as to why it made sense for the to latch onto an OT3 with Booker/Nicky/Joe. But considering that yes, Nicky/Joe are a couple, Booker really bonds and blends with them. Maybe if both parties had been aware of deeper issues, or asked the right questions, things wouldn’t have gone the way that they did. 
But what we see of them, it sort of fits for me.
Joe and Booker with their football (I firmly believe Booker is all for Marseilles, but will cheer for PSG cause they’re French. It’s like Canadians cheering for the last Canadian team standing in the NHL playoffs even though we might hate them) and Nicky and Booker with quiet and philosophy and literature. So they balance each other out like that. So it makes sense to me. 
I also will freely admit that all three men are fucking hot so yeah. A bit of eye candy going on with them here. 
Andy/Booker too is a big one I like cause they’re both cynical and have that biting wit going on (especially in the comic book. Their ennui and despair gets more explanations there) so I can see it happening. 
Quynh and Booker-BDSM, not consensual nor sane. The comics hints at a lot of what Quynh does to him and it’s downright traumatising and horrible at times. She really digs into him and it is sort of painful to see. 
Andy/Quynh: Maybe in the past, cause it would have been sweet. Having read the comics and seeing how the second volume ends...It really is very tragic and toxic. 
Thank fuck for fanfiction. 
One of the pairings that I’m just firmly not into is Book of Nile. Mainly because of the age difference between them. Even if they weren’t immortals, I would seriously be skeeved out by a 40 something, alcoholic depressed man with a Mid-20′s woman. Yes, they’re adults, but that’s a tweny year difference right there and I know that in other media and in RL it gets a lot of flack, so that’s why I’m just not comfortable with reading it or seeing it. 
Booker and Copely also is iffy for me since he kind of technically DID stitch Booker up and kind of slides into his place after he gets exiled. 
(Don’t get me wrong. Booker DID deserve to get some kind of punishment for his betrayal. But to basically force a depressed, suicidal, and desperate man to be alone for a century...It’s a harsh punishment. And leaves them all vulnerable, since Booker can be targeted and unwittingly lead their enemies to them)
OKay, backtracking, but ANYONE  from the main group of the Old Guard with Nile makes me go and no due to the age difference and the fact that many are old as dirt (Andy and Quynh) or have their own issues going on (Booker).
I see people commenting on Booker grabbing stuff for Nile and talking to her as taking it to be that he might feel different towards her and maybe want her in a relationship. Uh...No. 
Maybe cause I work with younger adults, but to me, it’s just doing something nice for a colleague. Doesn’t mean that there’s heart eyes going in either direction. It’s also kind of iffy since Nile never looks at Booker, or Andy in that way. (At least in the comics she does end up with an age appropriate partner). I know it’s all shipping, but I realised that for me, it’s a no go zone due to the nature of my work and conversations I’ve had in the recent time.
Have fun with it, but I won’t be participating cause of the reasons stated above. I was trying to put my finger on why and I came to conclusion that the age difference and also partly because of imbalance of power going on. Plus, I’m a minority and there are loads of issues with older white men and younger minority/ethnic women so that’s another layer that makes me just go “None for me, thanks!”
Especially where i live now. I’ve had to talk about this stuff so it really hits a nerve for me. Especially when I hear stories of it going wrong for more people than going right. 
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verumking · 5 years
♡ MMMmm yes
⚔️ *:・゚✧┆pre-established relationship meme. ❪ accepting ! ❫
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  /  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
The fact that I haven’t played TWENY is a crime tbf, bUT I can ALREADY see so much potential with Sho and Yozora’s interactions. Even after ACCEPTING his role as the god of death, Yozora STRUGGLES with his identity a lot. To be TURNED into a cyborg from a human is one thing, but to be STRIPPED of one’s mortality all together is another. Meeting SOMEONE from not only a similar realm ( Shibuya is just a murder ground huh ), but also sharing similar roles... I can see Yozora questioning his EXISTENCE even more: but will undoubtedly stick around if Sho provides him with the ANSWERS he needs. 
The dynamic that immediately came to mind is RIVALS. Quite morbidly, I can see them being competitive over the game of LIFE and DEATH. Perhaps growing a little too unstable in their “ventures” over time. Yozora would certainly lose himself to BLOODLUST: but will Sho follow him into the ABYSS? Or be the one to put the reaper’s game to rest? 
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walkingshcdow-a · 6 years
@dcarhcarts | lyric starter | Gleb & Anya | “Leningrad” by Billy Joel
“The only way to live was drown the hate,” Gleb said, not able to disguise the bitterness in his voice. “It was either that or...”
He remembered the second time he heard his father fire his pistol. In the upstairs bedroom. He remembered his mother’s arms around him, pushing his tweny-year-old frame as hard as she could, away from the stairwell. He didn’t have to ascend them to know what had happened. He shut his eyes now, the taste of sick in the back of his throat. He sank back into his desk chair. When he looked up, Anya still stood on the other side of his desk. This was the second time he’d called her in. He told Gorlinsky it was for questioning but... He felt a strange connection with the girl with Romanov eyes. Like he’d seen them before and could trust them, Trust her. Reaching to refill their now empty tea cups, Gleb wondered why. 
“You were right, comrade,” he said, “to say that times were hard then. They are hard even now. But we - ordinary people like you and I - are building a new society. One built on the bonds of camaraderie and equality. If this great social experiment succeeds, no Russian will think of czarist rule as the good old days.”
If. That little word, which Gleb never said to his men or to his commanding officer, but could say to Anya. Only Anya. He finished refilling their cups and settled back into his seat. He was quiet for a moment before asking, in a voice even softer -
“Anya, are you all right?”
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traitor-boyfriend · 6 years
uhhh hi hi, this may sound like a stupid question but what’s with the whole convincing normal tumblr South Park is good debate. is it that ppl shouldn’t be arguing with them because it’s useless and won’t change their minds or is it that some fans genuinely dislike the show?? sorry im just super confused also I love your art and ur super amazing.
no don’t worry it’s not a stupid question! i have seen people genuinely confused toward the general attitude of a lot of people in the fandom toward the show and i can’t speak for everyone but i can only give you my personal feelings. 
basically it amounts to while i have a lot of personal affection for the show both b/c of nostalgia and that i do often think it’s capable of being very clever and funny, the show’s politics and its shock humor (the “offensive for the sake of being offensive” / “making fun of everyone” you hear about it a lot) is off-putting and repugnant to a lot of people and for good reason. especially in the context of the attitude toward it w the rest of tumblr as it’s a pretty left-wing contingent and leftist politics tend to be the one that receive the most of south park’s vitriol. yeah, it’s generally useless to try and argue for south park’s cultural or artistic merit to those people b/c it’s exactly the kind of problematic media they avoid consuming but that’s not to say they’re wrong for not enjoying it. 
south park is frequently touted as a political satire but a lot of its concession on politics is lazy and nihilistic and ultimately avoids taking a stand by painting both sides as being batshit crazy or completely incompetent or inept. which isn’t to say exaggeration isn’t a useful tool in satire, but the show uses it more to absolve themselves of any responsibility in remaining complicit when they commentate on social issues. and they’re somehow capable of holding both progressive and antithetical opinions on the same issue. the first one that comes to mind is gay rights. the fourth episode of the show, which aired in 1997 and nearly a whole year before will and grace did which is the show that is heralded time and time again as paving the way for gay characters in american media and helped turn the tides on the anti-gay politics of the nineties, has stan get up in front of his entire small right-wing town and declare not only that being gay is natural but that it’s beautiful. that’s pretty significant. at the same time, several years later they did the episode about changing the meaning of the word f*ggt. it completely ignores the word’s long history as a vicious anti-gay slur and that the mutability of language is an arduous process – not something that will happen with the flip of a switch b/c they personally wish to change its meaning b/c they find it funny to say. 
south park has a lot of conflicting political commentary. i mean.. they have multiple episodes about how climate change isn’t real. remember how they tried to paint al gore as the biggest wackjob in the world? which, trying to deny that at this point is almost as reactionary an opinion you can hold with so much indisputable evidence to the contrary. and none of this even goes into their history of using racial caricatures for a quick laugh (trey parker being so horrifically fond of using that godawful asian accent at any opportunity he can). and there’s only so long they can cling to the benefit of the doubt given to them that cartman’s constant antisemitism is supposed to be, like, a super Woke representation indicative of everyday hate against jews when in reality they just think get a kick out of cartman makes a Funny Jew Joke
my point is, south park (and trey parker and matt stone themselves) posits itself as an “equal opportunity offender” when in reality, but there’s not much equality throwing the same amount of punches at dominating social institutions and marginalized communities at the same rate. which, again, they’re not even really doing – especially in recent seasons with their renewed tirade against political correctness. which has always been funny to me how often they rail against it. you would think if it was the ugly puppetmaster of censorship they portrayed it as, south park wouldn’t be going into its tweny-second year on the air
tl;dr south park is a highly flawed piece of media that is also one of the most iconic american cultural fixtures. some people are capable of overlooking this in search of its greater qualities and others aren’t
oh and i found this really great reddit post very coherently sums up a lot of what i’m trying to say
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theyoungpa-blog · 6 years
name: red prounouns: she/her age: 22 timezone: pst
FULL NAME with maiden name, if applicable : Acel Tremblay
CURRENT AGE : tweny-tive
GENDER AND PRONOUNS : amab / they/them ( though is fine with people using he/him )
LOYALTY : neutral
OCCUPATION :  personal assistant to mathieu reyer
FACE CLAIM please include any second choices if you have them : preferred fc is miles mcmillan
acel isn’t the stereotypical theatre kid in that they aren’t particularly loud or rambunctious. in fact, they are often described as quiet or INTENSE. but that isn’t to say they’re shy. acel gets along fairly well with their peers, and if they don’t it’s not because they’re shy. it’s simply because acel can come off as very blunt. they don’t do this to be cruel, they just simply believe honesty is the almost always the best policy, something they’ve found can be shockingly absent in this industry that they’ve chosen. acel can also come off as fairly aloof, as they don’t often immediately offer up their opinion or speak out loud. and as they’re usually writing in their notebook, it seems like they’re not paying attention, but acel is always very observant. it’s just rare they’re speak their observations. however, when they do speak, they come off as somewhat soft-spoken but charming, easy to talk to, and certainly a very good listener.
HEADCANON 1: though you wouldn’t know it by observing them, but acel actually has adhd. they manage it well, though the most common expression of they’re adhd is HYPERFOCUSING. it’s actually what makes their attention to detail on sets and script errors so accurate. usually when they watch a scene rehearsal once, they’ll know almost exactly how it’s supposed to go every time.
HEADCANON 2: acel drinks a lot of coffee. they can almost always be seen with a coffee cup in one hand and a pen in the other, hair tucked behind their ears. they say it keeps them calm and focused.
HEADCANON 3: acel’s sexuality can be described as demisexual panromantic. it’s— not extremely often that acel feels sexual attraction to someone. they can appreciate a pretty face, but rarely are they actually interested in any sort of sexual or romantic connections. however, when they do feel a sexual attraction, it is absolutely after they’ve already developed feelings for someone.
Please answer the following questions in-character, and in para form. You can find a sample response here, should you need it. There is no minimum or maximum word count for your response. You may format these answers as dash replies if you so choose, including a gif or static icon after each one.
What was your childhood like?
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they tilt their head for a moment, considering. it wasn’t remotely a bad childhood. not by any stretch of the imagination. in fact, one could have even called them spoiled. but—–
    ❝ i was loved, ❞ they answer after a moment. ❝ and my parents have always been supportive of everything i’ve ever tried to do. i just— i think sometimes they confused that with affection and parenting. i don’t know, ❞ they sigh with a hum. ❝ it’s hard to put into words. there isn’t much i would change though. i got lucky really lucky, at the end of the day. so. ❞
Where is your favorite place in Paris? We recommend looking at the locations page to see if any of those places stand out to you as a starting point. If your answer isn’t to be found on that page and isn’t so simple as their own home or a generic type of location, we do ask you to refrain from selecting real life locations in Paris.
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the laugh they give is almost awkward, if only because they know how telling this is about to be of their ADDICTION.
    ❝ the yellow room cafe, ❞ they say with a soft little laugh and a glance down. ❝ i just really like the smell of the coffee and the sounds of the people. it helps me when i’m transferring all my notes on my notebook into my laptop and the coffee keeps me focused so— it’s nice to have a constant supply at hand. ❞
What would you say is your purpose in life? If not something permanent or long-lasting, what is it at the moment?
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eyes widen for a moment at the enormity of the question. if they’re being honest, it’s actually really something acel has tried not to think about often in life. mostly when everything felt like it was going wrong, before they’d found their calling as a director. but even now, even though they’re happy where they’re at, there’s still some of that left over. that fear of focusing too hard on the future.
    ❝ um- ❞ they start, none too eloquently. ❝ right now, i’d like to say it’s just getting this show out and making it the best one that’s ever been seen at la nuit. PROVING to myself that i deserve to be here. ❞
You can put here whatever else you’d like us to know about the character. A mock blog, a Pinterest board, character templates, graphics, an in character writing sample, a name analysis. Anything you’d like. Just use this space to make us see this character how you do in ways that you haven’t shown us already. All we ask is that everything is labeled and organized clearly. In addition, you can use this section to request changes or clarification for anything you’d like about the character. Within reason, of course.
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plutoneu · 6 years
Tweny Questions Tag Game
Thank you darling for tagging me @lovelyh0lland
rules: answer the twenty questions and then tag twenty people you want to get to know better!
Name: Gigi
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 5’3
Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Pig Latin, and a bit of creole (my friend is currently teaching me haha)
Nationality: American?
Fav scent: cinnamon, chocolate... rich chocolate, and coffee, with the smell of a new fresh book straight from the library, also ink (im weird😂)
Fav Colour: Yellow —> Golden Yellow
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: Coffee mainly but I love Tea as well im an addict to both 😂
Fav Fictional Character: ...........peter particle😂 no uhm basically all the MCU character, Harry Potter characters are cool too i have way too many so this is all im gonna say for now😂
Dream Trip: I want to go all over the world but if i had to pick one place it would be Japan they so many cool things there
When was Blog created!?: oml so long ago I think in 2014 😂😂
Last Movie Seen: Spider-man: Homecoming
Songs I have had on repeat:
Song One; Babylon- 5sos
Song Two; King Kunta- Kendrick Lamar (this song is iconic™ plus me and Kenny have the same b-day so we cool)
Song Three: Apeshit- The Carters (FUCK YES IS ALL I HAVE TO SAY)
Fav Candy: chocolate just in general is delicious but Sour Patch Kids are definitely my favourite
Fav Holiday: idk honestly lol
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“He’s like a book; he has this smell of an adventure, and every day with him is a cliffhanger.”
James Potter
Affiliation: The Order
Age: Eighteen
Availability: CLOSED
Faceclaim:  Grant Gustin
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+ Honest + Ambitious + Dedicated - Arrogant - Conceited - Impatient
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James Potter was born lucky. That’s what everyone said, he was the only child and his parents were older making him their pride and joy. Coming with that meant that he was often given whatever he wanted, that didn’t mean he was a bad kid. Just a bit spoiled and used to finding ways to get around things. Most would say he was a very clever storyteller. James could weave a lie so well that often times he himself believed it. Being a pureblood meant a lot of things, it meant tradition and status. He’d never cared for any of it preferring to be a rebel even at a young age. He rebuked the norms of his society, who had the right to tell him who he could hang around with. The right kids? Who cared as long as they were fun. Often times his parents left him at home in the care of others while they did their best to maintain their foothold. After all, Potter was such a common muggle name. It wasn’t as if he didn’t have friends growing up, the Meadowes twins were constant companions from so far back he couldn’t remember not having them in his life. The twins were almost like siblings for him, stalwart companions. While he was close to Roland, it was Dorcas that became his best friend. She challenged him to come up with bigger and better stories, to push himself and to become better. He was charismatic, he could make just about anyone listen to him and that forced him to butt heads a lot with the classic breed of the sacred tweny-eight. His parents didn’t approve of their use of Dark Magic and the whispers of how they all sided with the Dark Lord and wished for purity. James just didn’t like them regardless, too stuffy, too stuck up, far too set in their ways for a free spirit like James Potter to bother with. After all, why should he have too? School began and he was buzzing from it, the first ride into the train with a quiet car. Across from him sat another pureblood he’d seen around. He’d known of Sirius Black but his mother’s refused to have anything to do with the Blacks had him curious. Even as a boy he was more brave than he was smart, starting a conversation with the Black heir and asking him questions. They were of like minds, hitting it off almost immediately  Two rebels without a cause. Sorting was a breeze, he was glad his new best mate was in the same house along with Dorcas Meadowes who’d found her own group. He was surprised to find that his new best mate and old one knew one another, more than happy to chat with them about anything under the sun. As the year rolled on he jumped in to make two other friends, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Both loners that didn’t seem to have any friends, for James that was simply inexcusable. Quiet and dedicated, Remus and the withdrawn and unbelievably smart Peter became part of his group. He introduced them to Sirius, drawing the four together. He didn’t realize that he was saving them all, to him it was just what needed to be done. It was their second year when he realized something was up with Remus. He noticed him sneaking out of the dormitory without the rest of them which seemed out of character. After all he was usually the one telling them it was a bad idea before sighing and going along so they didn’t get into more trouble. One night he used the invisibility cloak his father had given him as part of his inheritance to go and follow him. Sirius was game but Peter resisted before finally giving in to make sure they other two didn’t get caught. That night they found out the secret that Remus had wanted to keep and when he returned to the dorms that night, James himself confronted him about it. Not wanting to push too hard James told him that it didn’t matter that he got a big furry during the full moon, they were still his best mates. Sirius come up with a plan that night, since Remus was a wolf if they were all animals they could keep him company and Peter piped in about how it might take some time but they could figure out the spells. After all it was far beyond their skill level as second years. When he noticed Lily Evans for the first time he’d thought she was too loud and a bit stuck on herself for a muggleborn. But the more he got to know her the more he found that he enjoyed her as a friend, then– a crush. It didn’t take him long to hate her best friend, Severus Snape. Not just because Lily smiled at him and that made him angry, but he has taken James best childhood friend Dorcas as well. It infuriated him, so with Sirius’ help he tormented him. James had never considered himself a bully, not really– he was just showing “Snivellus” his place. But as time went on and Lily started to give him the time of day he realized that he was being a bigger prat than he was willing to admit. It happened after he pants’d Severus in front of the entire class, he thought it was a laugh. He didn’t realize the implications. There were things that mattered more to other people, but when Lily agreed to go steady with him he was over the moon. She’d had problems with Snape, they weren’t friends anymore and while he felt a sense of victory, he also felt bad for the girl he was falling head over heels in love with. So when he found out that Sirius was going to pull one hell of a prank their 6th year, James had to do something. He saved Snape, and it changed the way he saw his best mate. The four that had been so united in everything were a little fractured with mistrust. After graduation he’s found himself surrounded by friends and still dating Lily Evans. Not wanting to waste time with a war brewing around them, he’s learning a lot about himself and his friends.  He’s the leader, it’s his job to unite them.
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THE MARAUDERS: Best Friends - It was easy to describe The Marauders, they’re his best mates and he would do anything for them. He would never turn his back, he would do anything to help them in life, no matter what the problem,
LILY EVANS: Girlfriend - James knew that he put a lot of his faith into Lily. It wasn’t intentional but someday’s it felt like she was one of few reasons he had to live. He would do whatever it took to make her proud and to make the world safe for her.
SEVERUS SNAPE: Friends - Lily forgiving Severus was a step in the right direction and there was nothing that he wouldn’t do for the woman that he loved. Aside from that his growth as a person made it possible for him to apologize for the wrong doings and from there James Potter and Severus Snape made a hesitant friendship. Thus hell froze over.
DORCAS MEADOWES: Childhood Best Friends - There isn’t a time he doesn’t remember knowing Dorcas Meadowes, she nudged his competitive side, she gave him hell when he deserved it and they stayed friends through think and thin, arguments and angry shouting. She’s the sister he never had, like her brother is the brother he never had.
POSSIBLE ALTERNATE FCS: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Nat Wolff
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