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sketchy-doge1 · 10 months ago
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Tiny parade!
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caterpillarinacave · 5 months ago
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NATM Texposts 7/???
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basket-of-loquats · 1 year ago
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my favorite mummy 💛
[Image description: several digital drawings of Ahkmenrah from the Night at the Museum movies. End ID.]
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monsterhighalumni · 7 months ago
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is this anything
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krackerjacs · 9 months ago
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i need them all obliterated
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retrobr · 1 year ago
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Finally finished this little series with some NATM characters as Sylvanian Families figurines. Also I thought I'd add the drawing of Jed and Oct again in case anyone hasn't seen it so yeah
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attckher · 4 days ago
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kapsloc7 · 10 months ago
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I LOVE HIM can you tell
Closeup and rambling under the cut
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RAHH I'm still trying to relearn digital art but I LOVE HOW THIS TURNED OUT???? The gold tones were so fun to color (and also rami malek is so beautiful)
I have plans for some more NATM art so hopefully my hyperfixation stays for that I neeed to draw jedtavius auughhgh
also i've never really made comics before so i was really playing around with how to put dialogue in, hopefully they look okay :') and in the last picture, the bug ahk is holding is called a hieroglyph cicada! Which i thought was neat :3
any natm fans that wanna chat about these silly guys hmu
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maskymask204 · 3 months ago
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🎥 I binged the whole movie series of Night of the Museum last year definitely my favorite is Ahkmenrah 👏 . I highly recommend you rewatched too sooo nostalgic‼️
(I finally have the energy to post ISJSJSKSJSJSKBDJSKSH grabe yung tamad mag set up to take a pic and then the lighting sa sun 🔥)
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poptod · 4 months ago
Day Barque (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
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Description: The young Prince invites you on a boat ride, and your father, jumping at a chance to move through the ranks, quickly accepts for you. You, on the other hand, dread the idea of having to spend any time alone with the talkative Prince.
Notes: Wanted this to be smaller but as per usual ancient Egypt whisks me away into pleasure. it's getting colder here in Egypt so that reflects a little in the story... anyway i hope you enjoy (: WC: 3.7k
Even though diplomatic meetings in orders of governance always either bored or depressed you, you would do your best each time to admire the architecture of the fancier meeting halls and preceding rooms, thinking of each limestone brick hauled from Tura and the men who laboured. These thoughts, though repetitive, were some respite from the droning voices of your father and his fellow overseers in conversation with the Vizier. 
Why your father brought you along on these tedious meetings you didn't know exactly; but you surmised it had something to do with the Pharaoh's young son, who at times shadowed the Vizier. Knowing your father, he likely wanted to set the two of you up––his way of moving up the ladder of social standing. Not that he needed to; your family was perfectly comfortable. But your father was a bit of an over-achiever.
You crossed your arms. Today's meeting was planned to take place in front of a construction site, and accordingly you spent some time watching the sweat-covered backs of farmers-turned-builders hauling and cutting stone. To the left, your father and the other overseers bent themselves over some newly-revised plans for the temple outside the Pharaoh's tomb. Further, on the other side of the table, the young prince Ahkmen stood with his hands behind his back, stealing glances at you between watching the workers.
You sighed curtly, and kept your gaze fixated on the carving men as your attention strayed. Whether you met the Prince's eye or not, he would look at you, only the slightest shame whenever you would return his stare. For a moment you debated what was more uncomfortable; returning the gaze or pretending like you didn't notice his eyes.
The latter was remarkably more difficult. You squeezed your hands behind your back, pinching your fingers, and wondered when you could finally leave and retreat to the comfort of your cooled home.
Eventually––some time before midday––the overseers either approved or dismissed the new plans. Whichever it was didn't concern you greatly; all that mattered was that it was finished. Your father bid good-bye to his associates and placed his arm around your shoulders, guiding you down from the shaded platform. You sniffled, and with feet weary from standing, followed his lead.
A hand tugged your arm from behind. You nearly stumbled and tripped backwards on the steps, but you quickly regained balance with your father's help. Whirling around with indignation and a crass proclamation on your tongue, you found yourself facing the sheepish, wide-eyed face of the Prince.
Your words died quickly, and your mouth faltered shut.
"I'm... uh, sorry," he said, a breathy, awkward chuckle escaping him. "I was just wondering if..." his eyes darted to your father, then back to you, "... if your father would allow you to accompany me on a boat ride."
Beside you, your father beamed.
"It is a pleasure and an honour to be invited by you, my Prince," your father said with a bow of his head. "Ra'inet would be happy to join you."
You pursed your lips into a tight smile. You were not happy to join the Prince. Through his facade of awkwardness he was incredibly self-centered and egoistic, traits both understandable and reprehensible in your mind. The two of you rarely spoke to one another, but even in those scant conversations those traits pulled through. Some part of you feared imagining what would happen if you were left alone with the Prince for an extended period of time. 
But in front of you, the Prince smiled and his tension eased. Your father patted your shoulder and was quickly gone, caught up in another conversation with an overseer, and leaving you alone with the Prince.
A quiet blush filled up your cheeks as the Prince continued smiling at you, and offered his arm for you to take. Hesitantly, you hooked your arm around his, and with that he led you down the stone steps and towards the distant riverbank.
In the season of Peret, the air grew cooler, and the waters of the Nile were less inviting with their cold waves and murky depths. But the sun shone all the same, glistening rays painting the world a shade of gold, and reflecting off the rustling palm fronds like gems falling from one bowl into another. Many workers migrated from their jobs at the construction site to tend to their fields, resuming their work as farmers as they did with every season. 
Ahkmen led you down the dirt paths winding through farmland and low houses, landmarked by local shrines drowning in lotus flowers and garlands of fresh camellias. You wondered, rather absently, where Ahkmen was leading you––the royal docks were much further down the river. Even to a blind man, the braying of donkeys and the rough sounds of plows digging into the black soil would give away the farming nature of the area. But it was no place of yours to question, and so you quietly allowed Ahkmen to lead you in a tempered walk, his smile brightly offered to anyone who happened to catch his eye.
He sighed, a deep, satisfied sigh that rested easy in his chest, and turned to you.
"Do you enjoy the season?" He asked, his words as spiritually invigorated as his steps.
"Peret?" You asked. You looked ahead. "I suppose so. The smell of fresh silt... fresh flowers. And the absence of the noise of constant stoneworking." You turned to him. "It is nice."
"Indeed," he said, and smiled down at you. "Though at times, I do long for the warmth of Shemu. It is as though Ra Himself encloses you in His arms."
"- and all the children go running for Hapi," you said with a chuckle.
He practically beamed at you. Maybe it was deserved––you rarely ever reciprocated his conversation. Loathing to admit it, some of your reluctance was due to nervousness in the presence of one both prestigious and beautiful. You blushed again and looked away. Ahkmen, while exceedingly beautiful, would take any compliment of yours and run fifty cubits with it.
The receding floodwaters left swaths of black silt fields stretching from the farmland to the riverbank, trodden daily by both birds and farmers alike gathering for their respective needs. Some boats had been left in the same spots as they had been during the flooding season, and for those, their hulls were settled in the soft, wet earth, muddied and blackened. Further down the muddy shores, tightly bound reed skiffs bobbed at the edge of the water. One in particular had its' binding reeds painted in banded colours of red, gold, and blue, and its' ends curved, ending in wooden lotus caps. It was a nobleman's skiff––perhaps for a son, as the size was enough for, at maximum, only three people. And, of course, it was the one Ahkmen led you to.
By the time you reached it, your sandals were already covered in black silt. Still, Ahkmen offered his hand to help ease you onto the boat, and when you had sat down to lift your legs up and under you, he halted you by a hand on your ankle.
He knelt, one knee in the mud, smiling up at you, and proceeded to slip your sandals off of you.
"I'm sure you don't want mud all over your linens," he said.
He had a point. But the image of him on his knees taking your sandals off was doing you no favours.
In response to your silence, he proceeded with his work, took your shoes off, and washed them in the river. After setting them down beside you, he leased the skiff from its tie to the shore, and pushed off into the water. The waves rushed over your dangling feet, quickly washing away any remnants of dirt. Ahk ran, pushed, jumped aboard, and grabbed hold of the steering stick in one smooth motion. Your hands rushed to steady your weight as the boat rocked, but it soon eased into stillness.
On the other end of the boat with his back to you, Ahk shifted to his knees and looked over his shoulder, throwing you a bright grin. You gave a terse smile in return.
"Do you take boat rides often?" He asked, returning his attention to steering.
You watched the muscles in his arms and shoulder flex and curve, their shadows and glistenings building and diminishing in the sunlight with each strike of the oar against the riverbed.
"No," you said after a moment. "It's not an activity my father especially enjoys."
"Your father?" Ahkmen repeated. "Are you only allowed on the Nile if your father says so?"
"Something like that. Only if he wants to... in which case he'll take me, whether I want to or not," you said, redirecting your gaze from his tanned skin to the rippling water echoing from the skiff's belly.
Across from you, Ahkmen scrunched his nose dissatisfactorally.
"Only when he wants to?" He scoffed. "How ridiculous. My father allows me much more freedom."
You snorted some vague agreement, and kept your eyes on the water.
"You know," he began, "your father seemed very willing to let me borrow you. Perhaps, in the future, if you ever want for something, you can tell him I've invited you someplace. Whatever it is you want to do, I shall accompany you."
"How kind," you said with little emotion.
"Oh, it's nothing," he said. Apparently he had some difficulty picking up on your cues. "After all, I have been wanting to spend time with you. You just always seem to disappear whenever I have time to spare."
You cleared your throat, straightening your posture.
"Yes, um... I apologize," you said quickly. "To be honest, I..."
You sighed roughly. This was not something you wanted to admit, but you had already started the confession, and you had no lie to fill the space of this truth. To save yourself some embarrassment, you looked firmly away from Ahkmen.
"... your presence makes me a little nervous," you finished in a mumble.
"Nervous?" He repeated, then laughed. "There's no need to be nervous. I am just as human as you are. Closer to the Gods, perhaps, but still human."
You held back an irritated growl. Fortunately, that passed under his ears, and he continued talking in blissful ignorance.
"I suppose you don't go swimming much, then, if you don't go out on boats often. You know, if strikes me as strange––the poor go to the river every day to bathe, and yet when a noble goes to the river, it is considered leisure; a break from their duties. Don't you think it's odd, that difference?"
"I suppose," you said quietly. "I always just summed it up that our lives are very different. Chores to some are pleasure to others, and the other way around."
You weren't sure if he even heard you or processed your response. He simply hummed affirmatively and continued rambling, rowing downstream all the while. Between his statements and rhetorical questions, you nodded in vague agreement, adding in sparse verbal responses to assure him you were still listening––even if you weren't. Most of your attention was instead consumed by the passing water, the growing abundance of green reeds, the occasional passing grove of blue lotus and lily pads, and the cold winds blowing in from the north. In fact, you hardly noticed when Ahkmen stopped talking, and were quite surprised to turn your head and find him on his hands and knees in front of you, eyes wide as he studied you meticulously.
You jumped back, rocking the skiff slightly––but the motion was minute, halted by the growing bundles of reeds on either side.
"I hope this is better," he said.
"Wh - what's better?" You asked, attempting to slow your breathing to normal. 
"The reeds. They should keep the wind out, at least a little bit," he said, gesturing to the surrounding flora with his head. 
"Oh." You lowered your defensive hand. "Um... thank you. I - I think it is helping."
While the wind did still rustle and blow through the reeds and nearby bushes onshore, Ahkmen had steered you into a thick and tall patch. None of the reeds surrounding you were moved by the breeze.
Ahkmen smiled.
"Good," he said. "I am glad to hear it."
You glanced to the side, waiting for him to back away, but he did not. He stayed on his hands and knees, so close you could mistake him for a dog attempting to sniff your face. Fortunately, Ahkmen was much more pleasing to the eye––and to the nose––than a hound. On the unfortunate side, you had no idea what he wanted with you, and you were beginning to sweat from the proximity. 
After several minutes, you were unable to hold back the dam of words in your throat.
"Is something wrong?" You finally asked.
"No, not really," he said, but he didn't move away. He didn't even blink. "I'm just trying to figure something out. Or a couple of things, I suppose. My mind wanders."
You raised an eyebrow.
"What are you trying to figure out?"
"At first I was trying to figure out why you don't like me," he said. Still his eyes darted across your face––from each eye to lips, from jawline to cheekbone. 
"I like you," you lied, feeling rather offended for no reason.
Perhaps it was that he had been able to see through what you deemed a perfectly good disguise of manners and politeness. Or maybe––and you liked this option least––it was that he didn't seem bothered by you not liking him.
"No... you don't," he said. 
This time his voice gave way to a softer, yielding tone; one that stretched thin and revealed some hint of sadness.
"Why don't you like me, Ra'inet?" He asked, quirking his head to the side.
It was almost adorable, the way his brow creased and his lips pouted ever so slightly.
"I - I don't... not like you," you stammered, backing up into the curved end of the skiff. He followed, hands as delicate as cat paws upon the boat's floor. "I just –"
You laughed bitterly––half nervousness and half fear––and looked away, biting at your lips.
"My father wants me to get close to you. I think it's a horrible way for a friendship to start, so I –" you looked down, anywhere but Ahk's eyes, "- I'm not exactly jumping at the opportunity to give him what he wants. And besides, all you do is talk about yourself, you're not exactly hard company to not want to be around."
Your face heated to the point of feeling like a sunburn, and you pointedly kept away from Ahkmen's gaze. But he, in all his strange mannerisms and ideas, began to laugh, and that caught your attention. You looked up incredulously, eyes wide as you watched his face split into a wide grin, and laughter rang like bells past his blushing lips. His inexplicable glee did nothing for your heated face, which only grew warmer at the sight.
"Wh - what?" You stammered, your tongue thick and numb in your mouth. "What's so funny?!"
"Nothing, it's just –" he interrupted himself with his own laughter, "- it's hard not to laugh when nearly all my friends have the same problem. Everyone wants their child to be friends with me and somehow, every friend I've managed to pick has despised their parent's pushiness on the matter." He breathed, the laughter having dissipated, but the grin remaining. "You, however, are the first to admit you dislike me."
You spluttered again, shaking your head.
"I never said I dislike you!"
"Ah," he held up a finger, "but you didn't say you like me, either."
"I just – I don't know you very well," you hurried out, running a hand over your hair.
"You haven't given me a chance. And I think you want to... if that blush is anything to go on," he said, and finally, at long last, moved back and out of your space, a smile still curving his perfect lips.
A deep and intense grimace overtook you, eyes wide as your resolve crumbled into embarrassment. If he had continued you either would've started crying or yelling, and for that you were grateful he had the good mind to back off before you exploded. You remained mortified regardless, and your senses, aching to be somewhere else, turned to the world around. 
The shifting shade of the willow tree, and its' branching, green tendons; the ducks on the opposite shore, and the white heron wading through the reeds nearby. The tiny fish with their scales glittering like diamonds on the riverbed weaving between shadow and sunlight, reed forests and mud flats. Ahkmen sitting across from you, one knee pulled to his chest, and a self-satisfied smirk on his face.
You quickly looked away.
"Is this what you wanted to do?" You asked, staring at your bare feet.
"No, I, um... had something else in mind," he said cryptically. "I don't think you're in the mood for it, though."
"Really?" You chuckled weakly. "What was it?"
His smile slowly grew, and you immediately regretted asking. It was too late––he was crawling back over, practically jumping out of his skin with how quickly he made it to you.
"I was hoping to break through that hard exterior of yours. I know there's something golden in that eggshell of yours," he said, placing a hand on your foot. "Something lusting for freedom. Adventure, even. A kindred spirit of mine. I, too, dream of escaping the confines of our life... setting sail up the Nile and discovering the Ta-Seti cities in the south. Or, perhaps, travelling into the desert and joining the Wawat, or the Medjay."
The fantasies were not exactly your own; yours more often concerned themselves with going north and exploring the cities across the distant sea, or hiding in the marshes of the delta, far from prying eyes. The spirit, however, was just as yours was, and the sincerity both humoured and surprised you.
"Well... I wouldn't... say no," you said slowly.
Ahkmen beamed.
"I knew it!" He jumped up, rocking the boat. Your hands shot out to grab the sides. "I knew I could see -"
He was abruptly cut off by his own yelp as he lost balance on the wobbling boat, and was promptly plunged into the cold, shallow waters of the Nile. By the time you reached a hand out to help, he was already soaked, and had splashed you in the process. 
You slowly opened your tightly shut eyes, and found him looking rather shocked, his white linen shendyt turned a splattered shade of brown. The two of you sat still as the event slowly processed. A smile crept across your face.
His gaze fluttered and turned to you as you began to laugh, covering your mouth as laughter as bright and wondrous as Hathor's sistrums sang through the papyrus reeds and willow leaves. He stared, mouth open in wonder, before laughing with you, slowly and shyly at first but with growing humour. Shifting upwards, he walked over to you on his knees, placing his hands on the skiff's edge.
"I knew I could see something shining in those eyes," he said, chuckling breathily. "You try so very hard to dull it, but I can see."
"You pride yourself as perceptive, don't you?"
"I have to pride myself on something," he replied.
"You have lots of things to pride yourself on," you said, furrowing your brow.
"Really?" He said with a smirk, leaning in. "Why don't you enlighten me?"
"No, I don't think I want to bolster your ego any more than it already has been," you said, and despite yourself, you leaned in as well.
"Actually, I think it's hit the firmament. I'm as bolstered as they come, you might as well indulge me," he said, shrugging. "Come now. Consider it your apology for lying when you said you don't like me."
You shook your head, laughing.
"I never said I don't like you."
"Fine," he said. "An apology for lying to yourself."
You raised a bemused eyebrow. 
"Fine," you said, raising your chin. "Above your insightfulness, you are... energetic... joyous... and rather beautiful."
"You would put beauty above the ability to see clearly? A grave mistake, my dear," he said.
"Well, maybe you're just that beautiful," you said before you could stop yourself. 
A blush appeared on his cheeks, but it did nothing to diminish his smile. 
"I could say the same about you," he said in a murmur, his gaze flickering down to your lips and back up to your eyes. "But there are far more interesting things in your mind."
"How kind of you to say," you murmured in reply.
"Nothing but the truth," he said with a grin.
He was close now, the both of you having leaned in in small intervals, till it would take no more than swift movement of your lips forward to kiss him. This time it was your gaze that faltered and fell to his lips––but he did not acquiesce to the quiet desire. Instead, he backed away and stood, his skirt dripping with water.
"I suppose I ought to take you home soon. Your father will wonder where you are," he said, wringing the linen in such a way that revealed his upper thighs.
You tried your best not to stare. The tanned skin blending into pale tempted you deeply, but you kept your eyes on his face, only watching out of your peripheral vision.
"I think I can stay for a little longer," you said with a small shrug. "I'm sure my father won't mind, considering I'm with the Prince."
Ahkmen looked up from his skirt, a mischievous smile on his face.
"See?" He said. "I knew I liked you."
The heat of midday was passed on the river in the shade of the arching willow tree, and when the winds became too much, Ahkmen dutifully rowed you back towards the main city. He obtained for you, to eat near the fires of the public bakeries, a bowl of sunbaked dates still fresh from the hot season. The sun quickly set, as it often did in the season of Peret, and the two of you watched the light disappear behind mudbrick buildings and distant palaces. Ahkmen walked you home, and from the riverside plucked a lotus for you to keep.
"We will see each other again before this lotus wilts," he said, earnesty in his eyes gleaming with sunset. "Yes?"
You swallowed thickly, and with a racing heart, found with starting clarity that you liked the Prince much, much more than you ever thought you hated him.
"Yes," you said after a moment's silence. "Of course."
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splasheditz · 1 year ago
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deuce-t · 11 months ago
Have some shitty fake tweet edits
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caterpillarinacave · 5 months ago
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NATM Text Posts; Part 2/???
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pettyshippen · 3 months ago
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Because I’m a bored history girly, I present to you; Historical figures and their Night at the Museum counterparts.
The casting department did not fuck around.
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ghoulishtomato · 2 years ago
Night at the Museum is really just Larry Daley coming to the Museum of Natural History and saying , "These motherfuckers ain't got any enrichment in their enclosures, of course they're misbehaving."
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admirationandromantics · 4 months ago
Halloween Party
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Yes, this is a Josh x reader bit where Josh is dressed as a pharaoh (please imagine Rami Malek in NATM), because that's the outfit I went with. This also takes place in an au where the lodge drama never happened, so don't worry about that. Reminding everyone that my blog is 18+ and so is this post.
This was made possible by a request I got, so thank you so much and please don't stop sending in requests.
Word count: 3,3 k (unedited!)
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“Sit still!” Ashley scolds as she draws my eyeliner. 
“Sorry!” I apologise, trying my best to hold my breath. Normally, I can do my own, but for tonight’s halloween party I needed a few extra details. I was dressed as no other person than Cleopatra herself. I thought about getting a wig, but Jess found some beautiful golden pearls to put in my hair instead. I loved them, feeling like royalty. I was adorned with gold, my head, hair, neck, arms and hands. A white loose dress was draped around me, leaving the midst open, so it looked like a two-piece. I loved it, even though I personally didn’t look like her, you could not mistake me for anyone else. 
“Aaaand there!” Ashley exclaims, pulling away and giving me time to breathe. She was dressed as Elizabeth Bennet. It may be hard to see if one hasn't read the book or seen any of the films, but she had put her hair up and covered it in white pearls. She was wearing a beautiful dress, though it only went a little below her thighs and not completely down. She was beautiful. I knew she’d planned on this for a long time, so I made some calls to Josh, forcing him to make Chris watch the movie. He didn’t even need to put the idea in his hand. Chris saw himself in the character, loving him and the simplicity of the costume. Yes, this was a set-up, and we made it happen. Maybe the love birds would finally take the hint and get down to business. We can only hope. 
I get up, looking at myself in the mirror. I was afraid that I would not look like myself, but that didn’t happen. I still look like me, as well as the queen. 
We make our way over to the Washington house, and it feels bigger than ever, even when it is filled to the brim with people. Ashley grabs my hand, leading me inside. We press past people, occasionally giving them a small ‘sorry’ or ‘excuse me’. Ashley knows where to go, and she’s quick to get me into the kitchen. We both make eye contact with Sam, who’s sitting on the counter, talking to a dashing-looking Chris. Ashley stops in her tracks, but I force her with me despite her protests. Luckily, she stops trashing as we get closer, probably to avoid a scene. 
“Hey guys!” I greet, finally getting up beside them. 
“Hey-” Chris starts, and his eyes flow to Ash, looking her up and down. They stand there for a while, gawking at each other, both of their faces blushed and bothered. I sit beside Sam, enjoying the show as they start asking questions. I turn to her, trying to figure out her costume. 
She’s wearing a completely black outfit, a gadget belt and beside her is a mask. She must be a spy of some sort. 
“Don’t you look pretty” she compliments, and I smile. 
“You’re quite spyci yourself” I give back, hoping she got the joke. She did, and starts laughing, hitting my arm and leaning down to the drinks. 
“Good one, want anything to drink?” 
“Please” I urge, looking around for anything. She mixes some different things, eventually handing me a red cup. I take a sip, grimaging of the strong content. 
“What is this?”
“You gave me everything?”
“You can’t throw it out, drink it quickly so you can’t taste it” she challenges, and I take it. I put the cup back up to my lips, taking a deep breath to get ready, before chugging it all down. The taste is awful, but the aftertaste is worse, and she quickly hands me a glass of water to get it all down. 
“I’m never taking a drink from you again” I comment. 
“Oh please, of course you’re gonna”
I look at her and she’s trying to hold in her laughter. Ashley and Chris are finally done with their talking, and walk over to us. 
“I was about to say-” Chris starts, and I hold my breath. Please don’t figure out the plan. 
“Are you coupling with Josh tonight?”
I look at him, confused. I hadn’t seen Josh tonight. Yet. 
“No? What, is he also Cleopatra or something?”
“Well no”
“Is he Caesar?” I ask, still confused. 
“Um, no”
“Then I think we’re not matching” 
“If you say so” he ends, putting his cup up to his face. I see a little smile on the edge of his lips, and when I look at Ashley, she puts her hand in front of her mouth, as if hiding something. Sam looks around, and hits my arm. 
“Well, I at least see one Greek over there” she points, and I follow her gaze. I see a guy, wearing something white with a belt and a gold olive-branch crown. He looked like one of those ancient Greek gods. And he looked really good, arms complimenting his costume perfectly. He was standing with Mike and Emily, who was wearing a couples costume. Batman and Batwoman. Fits them both quite well. 
“Hey!” Josh’s voice sounds, and I hear small snickers coming from Chris and Ashley. Sam puts her hand over her mouth, turning away so I can’t see her face. I look over, seeing Josh wearing a gorgeous pharaoh costume. He has a shoulder cape, large golden headwear and jewels. His stomach is exposed, and I can’t stop myself from looking at it, seeing the curves of what seems like vague, hidden muscles. 
He stops in his tracks, looking me up and down and pointing. 
“Copycat” he accuses in a funny tone, and I roll my eyes. 
“Are you Cleopatra?” I ask teasingly. 
“No, but… wait” he starts, his eyes glued to the gold pearls fastened in my loose hair. He turn over to Chris, pointing directly at him. 
“You planned this!” 
My eyes widen, and I look over at the culprit. 
“Hey, you can’t accuse us when you did the same!” Chris shouts back. Sam almost falls over from laughing. 
“You guys planned this?” I ask, wondering how the hell they managed that. 
“But this was my idea” both Josh and I say in unison, and we both look at each other. Everytime I look at him, my eyes wander to his neck, his exposed skin, and I can’t stop staring. Ashley is quick to answer our statement. 
“Remember that documentary I got you to watch some time ago? Well, Chris also showed Josh a movie… One thing led to another…” she trails off, and I manage to break out of my trance. 
“And your reasoning?” I continue. Sam’s still laughing, hanging onto me for dear life and drying away a tear. 
“Maybe we wanted you two to connect a little” Chris says, still proud of their accomplishment. I look over at Josh, who rolls his eyes at him. I get a slight pain in my chest. Hurt? Maybe. I’ve liked Josh for quite some time, and we’re friends, flirting friends, but he never takes the step it needs. I try to put all the signs out, and I know almost everybody knows at this point, but he still doesn’t do anything. I can’t imagine him wanting anything, as he’s never made moves other than his continuous normal flirting. Ashley has told me that he flirts differently with me, as if there’s something behind it, but I’ve never noticed. 
“Well” I start, getting off the counter. “I guess you failed” 
They all stop in their tracks, Josh looking at me surprisingly. 
“I see a Greek god over there who would probably be delighted by my presence, so I’ll bid you farewell” I point at the guy, who’s still making small talk with the others. I start walking, but Josh is quick to pull my arm, leading me a little away from the others. 
“Hey, you know, it’s just fun. Especially when you look like that” he says, whispering close to my face in quite a seductive tone. The previous alcohol is starting to make its way to my head, and I feel my cheeks redden from the closeness. Still, I feel mad. Why would they do this when he’s never made anything clear for me. For him, this is just fun, a fun coincidence and a chance to tease me, but for me, it’s humiliating. As if I’m about to show how desperate I am for him. 
“No it’s not, you’ve made it clear where you stand when it comes to me, and I’ve made my bed with it” I snap back, surprised by my own tone. His emotions switch, a mix of confusion and then, realisation. He gets it, that it’s not fun to joke about my feelings when I feel this way about him. 
“Okay, listen, this is not about that” he starts, but I put up my finger, stopping him. 
“Josh, I’m getting over you, and we can go back to normal after that, but don’t make this any more difficult than it has to be”
“No, no, no, I need you to listen to me” he says, but I get out of his grip, walking over to the guy. 
I touch his shoulder, making him turn around. The others notice, and Mike makes a whistling sound. 
“Well, hello there” I start, looking up at him through my eyelashes. He’s quite tall, and his bushy brown hair matches the gold on his head completely. He looks me up and down, staring a bit before answering. 
“Well, if it isn’t the queen herself” he murmurs in a slightly suggestive tone. 
It doesn’t take long for us to make conversation. He’s in some of Mike’s classes, and usually hang out and study together. I expected him to be kind of playboy-ish, because of his friend group, but seemed genuine and kind. I was actually kind of smitten, and it felt good to be enhanced with someone who seemed to have a genuine interest in me as well. 
The whole night we talked, danced and drank, sharing stories and talking about ourselves. As for now, we’re sitting on the sofa, his arm laid out on the cushion behind me. I turn a little, seeing Sam smiling at me, and Chris and Ashley in deep conversation. Beside them is known pharaoh leaning against the wall, cup to his face, staring intently. My cheeks automatically flush a little, and I turn back to the god beside me. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” he asks, and I’m a little shocked by his suddenness. I smile. 
“We can go to a place which is a little more secluded” I try, giving him a teasing tone. His face lights up, and I feel something flutter in my chest. Butterflies. I take his hand, leading him through the crowd of people and up some stairs. The hallway here is empty, and he doesn’t waste time, pushing me against the wall and kissing me. I return it, but the butterflies don't grow. I feel content at best, a little excited, but not much. The sound of footsteps make both of us turn, his hands moving away from my body. Beside us stands Josh, a concerned look on his face. 
“Something has happened with Ashley, I’ll tell you everything, but you need to come with me” he says in a serious tone. My heart immediately falls, and I get scared. The guy comes forwards, whispering in my ear. 
“I’ll let you two talk, just ask Mike for my number” and he walks down again, giving a slight nod to Josh when passing. It doesn’t seem like Ashley to do something stupid, but I still take both of Josh’s hands in mine, urging him to tell me more. 
“Come on” he says, going further into the hallway, locking up the door which seems to be his room. 
“But, what about Ashley, what happened? Josh, tell me” I urge, the sinking feeling growing larger. He takes my hand, dragging me into the room, closing the door behind us. 
“You happened” he whispers, before slamming me against the door with brute force. Harder and quicker than the other guy. He goes on top of me, pins me with my hands over my head. Capturing my lips on his, he eats me up. It’s passionate, hard. My pulse shoots through the roof, and I can feel his rapid heartbeat on my chest. 
I push him off me, harshly. 
“Josh, what the hell?” I ask, body still hot and aching for his touch. 
“Ashley is okay” he answers, though not really an answer. 
“I think I got it” I snap back, like it wasn’t fucking obvious from what just happened. I continue, not bothering to wait for his explanation. 
“You flirt with me, all the time, I give you all the hints, everything. Even our friends contribute, which, for me, is fucking humiliating because you don’t do shit!” I scold. The building tension in my body finally giving out. My breath is out of order, but I can’t regulate it at this time, emotions coming over me. 
“Then, when I finally decide to move on, to take a step away, you barge in, giving me some fake excuse and take me into your room and…” I don’t know how to continue. I’ve wanted this for so long, wanted him, but not like this. I want something real, not just some jealousy-fuck which will make him feel better about himself, encouraging his complexity. 
“I don’t want this” I blurt out, but he’s still silent, standing away from me. 
“I’ve always wanted something real, a connection and a relationship. I’m not interested in a one-time-fuck with you because of your insecurity issues” I continue, feeling some type of relief wash over me. He looks in my eyes with an expression I can't decipher. Longing? Regret? Anxiety? I take hold of the door handle, making my way out when I feel his hand on my wrist. 
“Will you finally let me talk before you barge out?” he asks, a vulnerable tone to his normally flirty and funny voice. My heart breaks a little for how out of character he makes himself. I turn back to him, sitting down on his bed. He sits down beside me, not bothering to look me in the eyes. 
“I’m sorry” he starts, taking my hand in his yet again, rubbing small circles over my knuckles. 
“I’ve been scared, you know, from all of this. Walking around the bush, never actually doing anything. I thought it would just happen naturally at some point”
“It rarely does-” I try, but he stops me. 
“And seeing you finally pull out it, the situation I mean, just made me realise that we can’t keep going like this, and if I truly want something to happen, I have to take the step” 
I look down, suddenly aware that our knees are touching. 
“I don’t want to be just another fuck for you Josh”
“You could never be that” 
I look up, seeing his eyes are already on me. He made the move before, maybe it’s my time now. I lean towards him, hand cupping his cheek and kiss him. It’s light, careful, and not at all rough. He deepens it, taking my hand from his face and around his neck. He takes hold of my thighs, getting me on top of him. Both of my hands start wandering through his hair, and one his arms goes to the back of my head, pulling me in tighter. I take off his crown, surprised by the weight of it and carefully put it on the nightstand. His hands wander to my exposed waist, fingers seeping under the fabric. 
Though our breathing is heavy, it’s still safe, comforting. I manage to completely relax in his arms, thriving from his touch. He moves his lips, kissing down my jaw and on my neck. I let out involuntary sweet sighs, and can feel him smirk against my skin. He starts biting and sucking, making me moan. There’ll definitely be dark marks on me tomorrow. I feel his bulge growing underneath me, and if as on command, I start grinding on him. He loses his rhythm, interrupting his assault on my neck with whines and groans. I take the opportunity to kiss down his neck, using my fingers to untie the cape, letting it fall off his shoulders. His upper body is stunning, and I stroke my fingers over every part of him, making him whimper. I try to memorise everything, his neck with my lips and his chest and shoulders with my arms. 
“Fuck, at this pace-” he starts, but is interrupted by a moan as I cup his bulge. 
He immediately grabs hand, pulling himself off my face and staring into my eyes. There’s something dark and sinister in them, and I feel myself get wetter from just the look. He turns us around, my back hitting the mattress harshly, losing my breath. He goes over me, kissing my neck and collar while untying my dress, leaving it on the floor. The only things left are my underwear, a matching set of white cotton lace to match the costume. His eyes fill with awe as he drags his hands over, fingers glazing the edge of the cotton. 
“Fucking hell” he whispers, hands going to my back and unclasping my bra. He immediately goes for the kill, leaning over me, pressing, grinding, holding and squeezing. A gasp escapes my lips to begin with, but it is soon followed by sounds I can’t control as his knee rubs my clit. 
“Josh I-” I begin, my warmth building up, getting all flustered and hot. 
“God, you’re beautiful” he whispers, leaving sweet kisses on my neck. He stands up, and the sudden lack of his warmth gets to me. I sit up on the bed, watching as he painfully slowly takes off his garments. It falls to his feet, leaving a sight of his bare naked body. I bite my bottom lip, seeing how huge he is. 
“You’re not wearing underwear” I say, a bit shocked and surprised. 
“Gotta stay true to the character, no?” he teases, leaning over me once again. His lips find mine as his cock rubs gently over my folds, coating itself in my spilled juices. 
“Do you want this?” he whispers against my ear, his hot breath going down my neck. 
“Yes Josh” 
“Tell me how much you want it”
“Please, I need you” 
I feel him push himself into me, filling me up and exhaling. 
“I love it when you beg for me” 
His praise goes straight to the core, and I moan out as he starts moving inside me. He leans on his arms, one going down to rub my clit, making me throw my head back in pleasure. He uses the opportunity to attack my neck, leaving bites and marks down to my chest. 
His pace quickens, and the sounds he makes turns me more and more on. I wouldn’t be surprised it was all sloppy and dripping right now. The knot in my stomach tightens, and I give a cry as pleasure washes over me. He keeps pumping, riding me through the orgasm before finally coming himself. He buries himself deep inside with a last thrust, and I feel him twitch and coat me. He falls down beside me, body sweaty and exhausted. I lean over, kissing him on his lips, and he returns it, draping his arm around me. I pull the covers over us, the coldness of the room finally reaching my sweaty skin. 
“You’re breathtaking” I whisper, and he laughs, pulling me closer in his embrace. 
“And you’re gorgeous” he says, drawing small patterns on my stomach with his fingers. I can still hear the loudness of the music and people’s voices from downstairs. 
“Should we go back down?”
“No, stay here” he pleads, holding me harder, scared that I’m gonna go. 
“Okay” I whisper back, leaning fully into him, and slowly falling asleep.
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