#ahkmenrah x male reader
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poptod · 4 months ago
Day Barque (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
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Description: The young Prince invites you on a boat ride, and your father, jumping at a chance to move through the ranks, quickly accepts for you. You, on the other hand, dread the idea of having to spend any time alone with the talkative Prince.
Notes: Wanted this to be smaller but as per usual ancient Egypt whisks me away into pleasure. it's getting colder here in Egypt so that reflects a little in the story... anyway i hope you enjoy (: WC: 3.7k
Even though diplomatic meetings in orders of governance always either bored or depressed you, you would do your best each time to admire the architecture of the fancier meeting halls and preceding rooms, thinking of each limestone brick hauled from Tura and the men who laboured. These thoughts, though repetitive, were some respite from the droning voices of your father and his fellow overseers in conversation with the Vizier. 
Why your father brought you along on these tedious meetings you didn't know exactly; but you surmised it had something to do with the Pharaoh's young son, who at times shadowed the Vizier. Knowing your father, he likely wanted to set the two of you up––his way of moving up the ladder of social standing. Not that he needed to; your family was perfectly comfortable. But your father was a bit of an over-achiever.
You crossed your arms. Today's meeting was planned to take place in front of a construction site, and accordingly you spent some time watching the sweat-covered backs of farmers-turned-builders hauling and cutting stone. To the left, your father and the other overseers bent themselves over some newly-revised plans for the temple outside the Pharaoh's tomb. Further, on the other side of the table, the young prince Ahkmen stood with his hands behind his back, stealing glances at you between watching the workers.
You sighed curtly, and kept your gaze fixated on the carving men as your attention strayed. Whether you met the Prince's eye or not, he would look at you, only the slightest shame whenever you would return his stare. For a moment you debated what was more uncomfortable; returning the gaze or pretending like you didn't notice his eyes.
The latter was remarkably more difficult. You squeezed your hands behind your back, pinching your fingers, and wondered when you could finally leave and retreat to the comfort of your cooled home.
Eventually––some time before midday––the overseers either approved or dismissed the new plans. Whichever it was didn't concern you greatly; all that mattered was that it was finished. Your father bid good-bye to his associates and placed his arm around your shoulders, guiding you down from the shaded platform. You sniffled, and with feet weary from standing, followed his lead.
A hand tugged your arm from behind. You nearly stumbled and tripped backwards on the steps, but you quickly regained balance with your father's help. Whirling around with indignation and a crass proclamation on your tongue, you found yourself facing the sheepish, wide-eyed face of the Prince.
Your words died quickly, and your mouth faltered shut.
"I'm... uh, sorry," he said, a breathy, awkward chuckle escaping him. "I was just wondering if..." his eyes darted to your father, then back to you, "... if your father would allow you to accompany me on a boat ride."
Beside you, your father beamed.
"It is a pleasure and an honour to be invited by you, my Prince," your father said with a bow of his head. "Ra'inet would be happy to join you."
You pursed your lips into a tight smile. You were not happy to join the Prince. Through his facade of awkwardness he was incredibly self-centered and egoistic, traits both understandable and reprehensible in your mind. The two of you rarely spoke to one another, but even in those scant conversations those traits pulled through. Some part of you feared imagining what would happen if you were left alone with the Prince for an extended period of time. 
But in front of you, the Prince smiled and his tension eased. Your father patted your shoulder and was quickly gone, caught up in another conversation with an overseer, and leaving you alone with the Prince.
A quiet blush filled up your cheeks as the Prince continued smiling at you, and offered his arm for you to take. Hesitantly, you hooked your arm around his, and with that he led you down the stone steps and towards the distant riverbank.
In the season of Peret, the air grew cooler, and the waters of the Nile were less inviting with their cold waves and murky depths. But the sun shone all the same, glistening rays painting the world a shade of gold, and reflecting off the rustling palm fronds like gems falling from one bowl into another. Many workers migrated from their jobs at the construction site to tend to their fields, resuming their work as farmers as they did with every season. 
Ahkmen led you down the dirt paths winding through farmland and low houses, landmarked by local shrines drowning in lotus flowers and garlands of fresh camellias. You wondered, rather absently, where Ahkmen was leading you––the royal docks were much further down the river. Even to a blind man, the braying of donkeys and the rough sounds of plows digging into the black soil would give away the farming nature of the area. But it was no place of yours to question, and so you quietly allowed Ahkmen to lead you in a tempered walk, his smile brightly offered to anyone who happened to catch his eye.
He sighed, a deep, satisfied sigh that rested easy in his chest, and turned to you.
"Do you enjoy the season?" He asked, his words as spiritually invigorated as his steps.
"Peret?" You asked. You looked ahead. "I suppose so. The smell of fresh silt... fresh flowers. And the absence of the noise of constant stoneworking." You turned to him. "It is nice."
"Indeed," he said, and smiled down at you. "Though at times, I do long for the warmth of Shemu. It is as though Ra Himself encloses you in His arms."
"- and all the children go running for Hapi," you said with a chuckle.
He practically beamed at you. Maybe it was deserved––you rarely ever reciprocated his conversation. Loathing to admit it, some of your reluctance was due to nervousness in the presence of one both prestigious and beautiful. You blushed again and looked away. Ahkmen, while exceedingly beautiful, would take any compliment of yours and run fifty cubits with it.
The receding floodwaters left swaths of black silt fields stretching from the farmland to the riverbank, trodden daily by both birds and farmers alike gathering for their respective needs. Some boats had been left in the same spots as they had been during the flooding season, and for those, their hulls were settled in the soft, wet earth, muddied and blackened. Further down the muddy shores, tightly bound reed skiffs bobbed at the edge of the water. One in particular had its' binding reeds painted in banded colours of red, gold, and blue, and its' ends curved, ending in wooden lotus caps. It was a nobleman's skiff––perhaps for a son, as the size was enough for, at maximum, only three people. And, of course, it was the one Ahkmen led you to.
By the time you reached it, your sandals were already covered in black silt. Still, Ahkmen offered his hand to help ease you onto the boat, and when you had sat down to lift your legs up and under you, he halted you by a hand on your ankle.
He knelt, one knee in the mud, smiling up at you, and proceeded to slip your sandals off of you.
"I'm sure you don't want mud all over your linens," he said.
He had a point. But the image of him on his knees taking your sandals off was doing you no favours.
In response to your silence, he proceeded with his work, took your shoes off, and washed them in the river. After setting them down beside you, he leased the skiff from its tie to the shore, and pushed off into the water. The waves rushed over your dangling feet, quickly washing away any remnants of dirt. Ahk ran, pushed, jumped aboard, and grabbed hold of the steering stick in one smooth motion. Your hands rushed to steady your weight as the boat rocked, but it soon eased into stillness.
On the other end of the boat with his back to you, Ahk shifted to his knees and looked over his shoulder, throwing you a bright grin. You gave a terse smile in return.
"Do you take boat rides often?" He asked, returning his attention to steering.
You watched the muscles in his arms and shoulder flex and curve, their shadows and glistenings building and diminishing in the sunlight with each strike of the oar against the riverbed.
"No," you said after a moment. "It's not an activity my father especially enjoys."
"Your father?" Ahkmen repeated. "Are you only allowed on the Nile if your father says so?"
"Something like that. Only if he wants to... in which case he'll take me, whether I want to or not," you said, redirecting your gaze from his tanned skin to the rippling water echoing from the skiff's belly.
Across from you, Ahkmen scrunched his nose dissatisfactorally.
"Only when he wants to?" He scoffed. "How ridiculous. My father allows me much more freedom."
You snorted some vague agreement, and kept your eyes on the water.
"You know," he began, "your father seemed very willing to let me borrow you. Perhaps, in the future, if you ever want for something, you can tell him I've invited you someplace. Whatever it is you want to do, I shall accompany you."
"How kind," you said with little emotion.
"Oh, it's nothing," he said. Apparently he had some difficulty picking up on your cues. "After all, I have been wanting to spend time with you. You just always seem to disappear whenever I have time to spare."
You cleared your throat, straightening your posture.
"Yes, um... I apologize," you said quickly. "To be honest, I..."
You sighed roughly. This was not something you wanted to admit, but you had already started the confession, and you had no lie to fill the space of this truth. To save yourself some embarrassment, you looked firmly away from Ahkmen.
"... your presence makes me a little nervous," you finished in a mumble.
"Nervous?" He repeated, then laughed. "There's no need to be nervous. I am just as human as you are. Closer to the Gods, perhaps, but still human."
You held back an irritated growl. Fortunately, that passed under his ears, and he continued talking in blissful ignorance.
"I suppose you don't go swimming much, then, if you don't go out on boats often. You know, if strikes me as strange––the poor go to the river every day to bathe, and yet when a noble goes to the river, it is considered leisure; a break from their duties. Don't you think it's odd, that difference?"
"I suppose," you said quietly. "I always just summed it up that our lives are very different. Chores to some are pleasure to others, and the other way around."
You weren't sure if he even heard you or processed your response. He simply hummed affirmatively and continued rambling, rowing downstream all the while. Between his statements and rhetorical questions, you nodded in vague agreement, adding in sparse verbal responses to assure him you were still listening––even if you weren't. Most of your attention was instead consumed by the passing water, the growing abundance of green reeds, the occasional passing grove of blue lotus and lily pads, and the cold winds blowing in from the north. In fact, you hardly noticed when Ahkmen stopped talking, and were quite surprised to turn your head and find him on his hands and knees in front of you, eyes wide as he studied you meticulously.
You jumped back, rocking the skiff slightly––but the motion was minute, halted by the growing bundles of reeds on either side.
"I hope this is better," he said.
"Wh - what's better?" You asked, attempting to slow your breathing to normal. 
"The reeds. They should keep the wind out, at least a little bit," he said, gesturing to the surrounding flora with his head. 
"Oh." You lowered your defensive hand. "Um... thank you. I - I think it is helping."
While the wind did still rustle and blow through the reeds and nearby bushes onshore, Ahkmen had steered you into a thick and tall patch. None of the reeds surrounding you were moved by the breeze.
Ahkmen smiled.
"Good," he said. "I am glad to hear it."
You glanced to the side, waiting for him to back away, but he did not. He stayed on his hands and knees, so close you could mistake him for a dog attempting to sniff your face. Fortunately, Ahkmen was much more pleasing to the eye––and to the nose––than a hound. On the unfortunate side, you had no idea what he wanted with you, and you were beginning to sweat from the proximity. 
After several minutes, you were unable to hold back the dam of words in your throat.
"Is something wrong?" You finally asked.
"No, not really," he said, but he didn't move away. He didn't even blink. "I'm just trying to figure something out. Or a couple of things, I suppose. My mind wanders."
You raised an eyebrow.
"What are you trying to figure out?"
"At first I was trying to figure out why you don't like me," he said. Still his eyes darted across your face––from each eye to lips, from jawline to cheekbone. 
"I like you," you lied, feeling rather offended for no reason.
Perhaps it was that he had been able to see through what you deemed a perfectly good disguise of manners and politeness. Or maybe––and you liked this option least––it was that he didn't seem bothered by you not liking him.
"No... you don't," he said. 
This time his voice gave way to a softer, yielding tone; one that stretched thin and revealed some hint of sadness.
"Why don't you like me, Ra'inet?" He asked, quirking his head to the side.
It was almost adorable, the way his brow creased and his lips pouted ever so slightly.
"I - I don't... not like you," you stammered, backing up into the curved end of the skiff. He followed, hands as delicate as cat paws upon the boat's floor. "I just –"
You laughed bitterly––half nervousness and half fear––and looked away, biting at your lips.
"My father wants me to get close to you. I think it's a horrible way for a friendship to start, so I –" you looked down, anywhere but Ahk's eyes, "- I'm not exactly jumping at the opportunity to give him what he wants. And besides, all you do is talk about yourself, you're not exactly hard company to not want to be around."
Your face heated to the point of feeling like a sunburn, and you pointedly kept away from Ahkmen's gaze. But he, in all his strange mannerisms and ideas, began to laugh, and that caught your attention. You looked up incredulously, eyes wide as you watched his face split into a wide grin, and laughter rang like bells past his blushing lips. His inexplicable glee did nothing for your heated face, which only grew warmer at the sight.
"Wh - what?" You stammered, your tongue thick and numb in your mouth. "What's so funny?!"
"Nothing, it's just –" he interrupted himself with his own laughter, "- it's hard not to laugh when nearly all my friends have the same problem. Everyone wants their child to be friends with me and somehow, every friend I've managed to pick has despised their parent's pushiness on the matter." He breathed, the laughter having dissipated, but the grin remaining. "You, however, are the first to admit you dislike me."
You spluttered again, shaking your head.
"I never said I dislike you!"
"Ah," he held up a finger, "but you didn't say you like me, either."
"I just – I don't know you very well," you hurried out, running a hand over your hair.
"You haven't given me a chance. And I think you want to... if that blush is anything to go on," he said, and finally, at long last, moved back and out of your space, a smile still curving his perfect lips.
A deep and intense grimace overtook you, eyes wide as your resolve crumbled into embarrassment. If he had continued you either would've started crying or yelling, and for that you were grateful he had the good mind to back off before you exploded. You remained mortified regardless, and your senses, aching to be somewhere else, turned to the world around. 
The shifting shade of the willow tree, and its' branching, green tendons; the ducks on the opposite shore, and the white heron wading through the reeds nearby. The tiny fish with their scales glittering like diamonds on the riverbed weaving between shadow and sunlight, reed forests and mud flats. Ahkmen sitting across from you, one knee pulled to his chest, and a self-satisfied smirk on his face.
You quickly looked away.
"Is this what you wanted to do?" You asked, staring at your bare feet.
"No, I, um... had something else in mind," he said cryptically. "I don't think you're in the mood for it, though."
"Really?" You chuckled weakly. "What was it?"
His smile slowly grew, and you immediately regretted asking. It was too late––he was crawling back over, practically jumping out of his skin with how quickly he made it to you.
"I was hoping to break through that hard exterior of yours. I know there's something golden in that eggshell of yours," he said, placing a hand on your foot. "Something lusting for freedom. Adventure, even. A kindred spirit of mine. I, too, dream of escaping the confines of our life... setting sail up the Nile and discovering the Ta-Seti cities in the south. Or, perhaps, travelling into the desert and joining the Wawat, or the Medjay."
The fantasies were not exactly your own; yours more often concerned themselves with going north and exploring the cities across the distant sea, or hiding in the marshes of the delta, far from prying eyes. The spirit, however, was just as yours was, and the sincerity both humoured and surprised you.
"Well... I wouldn't... say no," you said slowly.
Ahkmen beamed.
"I knew it!" He jumped up, rocking the boat. Your hands shot out to grab the sides. "I knew I could see -"
He was abruptly cut off by his own yelp as he lost balance on the wobbling boat, and was promptly plunged into the cold, shallow waters of the Nile. By the time you reached a hand out to help, he was already soaked, and had splashed you in the process. 
You slowly opened your tightly shut eyes, and found him looking rather shocked, his white linen shendyt turned a splattered shade of brown. The two of you sat still as the event slowly processed. A smile crept across your face.
His gaze fluttered and turned to you as you began to laugh, covering your mouth as laughter as bright and wondrous as Hathor's sistrums sang through the papyrus reeds and willow leaves. He stared, mouth open in wonder, before laughing with you, slowly and shyly at first but with growing humour. Shifting upwards, he walked over to you on his knees, placing his hands on the skiff's edge.
"I knew I could see something shining in those eyes," he said, chuckling breathily. "You try so very hard to dull it, but I can see."
"You pride yourself as perceptive, don't you?"
"I have to pride myself on something," he replied.
"You have lots of things to pride yourself on," you said, furrowing your brow.
"Really?" He said with a smirk, leaning in. "Why don't you enlighten me?"
"No, I don't think I want to bolster your ego any more than it already has been," you said, and despite yourself, you leaned in as well.
"Actually, I think it's hit the firmament. I'm as bolstered as they come, you might as well indulge me," he said, shrugging. "Come now. Consider it your apology for lying when you said you don't like me."
You shook your head, laughing.
"I never said I don't like you."
"Fine," he said. "An apology for lying to yourself."
You raised a bemused eyebrow. 
"Fine," you said, raising your chin. "Above your insightfulness, you are... energetic... joyous... and rather beautiful."
"You would put beauty above the ability to see clearly? A grave mistake, my dear," he said.
"Well, maybe you're just that beautiful," you said before you could stop yourself. 
A blush appeared on his cheeks, but it did nothing to diminish his smile. 
"I could say the same about you," he said in a murmur, his gaze flickering down to your lips and back up to your eyes. "But there are far more interesting things in your mind."
"How kind of you to say," you murmured in reply.
"Nothing but the truth," he said with a grin.
He was close now, the both of you having leaned in in small intervals, till it would take no more than swift movement of your lips forward to kiss him. This time it was your gaze that faltered and fell to his lips––but he did not acquiesce to the quiet desire. Instead, he backed away and stood, his skirt dripping with water.
"I suppose I ought to take you home soon. Your father will wonder where you are," he said, wringing the linen in such a way that revealed his upper thighs.
You tried your best not to stare. The tanned skin blending into pale tempted you deeply, but you kept your eyes on his face, only watching out of your peripheral vision.
"I think I can stay for a little longer," you said with a small shrug. "I'm sure my father won't mind, considering I'm with the Prince."
Ahkmen looked up from his skirt, a mischievous smile on his face.
"See?" He said. "I knew I liked you."
The heat of midday was passed on the river in the shade of the arching willow tree, and when the winds became too much, Ahkmen dutifully rowed you back towards the main city. He obtained for you, to eat near the fires of the public bakeries, a bowl of sunbaked dates still fresh from the hot season. The sun quickly set, as it often did in the season of Peret, and the two of you watched the light disappear behind mudbrick buildings and distant palaces. Ahkmen walked you home, and from the riverside plucked a lotus for you to keep.
"We will see each other again before this lotus wilts," he said, earnesty in his eyes gleaming with sunset. "Yes?"
You swallowed thickly, and with a racing heart, found with starting clarity that you liked the Prince much, much more than you ever thought you hated him.
"Yes," you said after a moment's silence. "Of course."
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queenie-official · 2 years ago
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soso-chan126 · 2 years ago
Ahkmenrah x fem! reader "Heimat"
I'm incredibly bored and watched some Night at the museum. Than it just happened that I thought a little bit (is indeed a rare process) and well I thought I could write a little oneshot for the pretty pharao. I couldn't help myself soo yeah. Btw the reader is in this oneshot from the time of the 20th century and to be more specific (is it written that way? idk well if not I am counting on all of you that you're going to tell me if it's right or not) the reader is from the time of the second world war and well there may be some topics that can trigger people. So I will put a trigger warning at the beginning. But well maybe not I'm not sure what I will include and so on and I also don't know how I make the reader so yeah... I will just go with the flow and write for my hearts content (not sure if I can put it that way). So before the beginning I write a quick definition for the word "Heimat". Ouhh and my little to long author notes are those little mini textes.
Heimat (german): "a place, where someone was born and grew up or is there long enough to have a feeling of being at home (is mostly a word for a place (and sometimes someone) that (or who) someone has a very special connection to)
translated out of the "Duden" can't say it's the right translation to the definition but well if someone of you has a better definition that's in english I'll gladly swap that with this one if you don't mind.
Well let's go then! ahh... btw I write about a female reader so yeah... if you want another one with gender neutral or a male reader ask right away and then I'll write it as soon as I can! I am not a native speaker so well it certainly has some errors and I'll correct them if you tell me where some are. Thanks and let's go!
TW: mentions of the holocaust, death, national socialists and some of the other stuff about the 2nd ww and also swearing but only lightly and once if I'm not mistaken
You have been warned. Reading on your own... I forgot the word. Eh... something like concequences ig but I'm not sure. It's way to late for writing tbh. And if you don't want to read the stuff with the 2nd ww then just skip the background. I will mark it for you guys.
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Everyday I remember my cruel death. I am nothing but a little wax figurine that just resembles my once very much alive self but I still have her memorys. Even though I am only made out of wax and don't even have a real brain. She was a hero for a lot of people even though she was only a little artist that wasn't much known. She lived in nazi germany so she knew what was going on in germany. Even more because one of her friends worked for the terrifying camps. He told her a lot of things proudly and most of them weren't allowed to be told to zivilian people like herself. She took advantage of the knowledge and used it for her art. She showed the terrors of the war of the holocaust of everything.
She also started to try to change the world for the better and so she came into the view of the regime and their corrupted forces. She was able to trick them but well her luck ran out after she helped a spy of the united states. The spy learned a lot of things from her that were cultural differences between the two countries. With her help he was able to keep hidden. To his luck he looked also like a "typical german" probably had ancestors that were german people. However that was a reason why spys of the allies were basically searching for her so that she can also help them. She was bad at denying the need for help of other people. The spys that resided in her humble home also found out that she hid two jewish families in her house.
Europe and germany were her so called "Heimat" she looked up to Stefan Zweig who also saw europe as his "Heimat" or his home. But well his works were forbidden in germany thanks to the national socialists. She was enraged to find out that her favourite author isn't allowed in her home. But she couldn't give a single shit. She still had the books of him that she once bought. She hid them well. They always tried to find something so that they could arrest and torture her. Well she wasn't allowed to draw anymore and that was a problem but she never stopped with helping others out.
Then someday one of her neighbours told her off to the ss. They came into her home and found everything the spy who resided with the young woman and also the jewish families, the forbidden books and her forbidden art studio. Also the books of different languages such as english, french, japanese, italian, spanish and much more. She learned them all and can speak some of them fluently while the others were a little rusty but good enough to communicate decently. They caught her and they also punished her. And their punishment was the reason for her death. She was a strong woman who helped as much people as she could by sending them off to other countries or hiding them and teaching them. The spy was also tortured and died right next her when a bomb of the english army fell onto the building they were in. He apologized to her but she told him that it wasn't his fault and that she decided for herself to walk on this path that was hidden in the darkness without any sight of light. She wanted to bring light into her home, her "Heimat". But she lost it and she pobably never gets it back. Well that's what her dying self thought but that wasn't exactly true.
~End of backstory~
She came back to life and well she is now my humble self who is a good friend of hystorical people like Sacagawea, Theodore Roosevelt and others. My personal favourite of them all is Ahkmenrah. He is a pharao of egypt who is dead like most of us. Makes sense right? And well he kind of is more to me. I certainly don't know what I am for him but he is more than a friend. I think it's enough to say that I have kind of a crush on the handsome egyptian man. Well okay it's a big crush to be honest.
Everytime when I have those nightmares about my death he's there to help me. I'm very thankful to have him. Even though I'm quite sad that I don't know about his feelings for me.
Well my little thoughts about my past and current situation were interrupted by hand that waved in front of my face. I blinked twice and mumbled a little "Wa?", that made him chuckle. "You were very deep into your thoughts today. Is something troubling you?", he asked me somewhat amused but also concerned. I just stared into his eyes and shook my head indicating a "no". He just sighs and asked if I could tell him about some stories that I read. He asked for some fairy tales. So I told him some. Mostly the famous ones like "Snow white", "Rapunzel", "The beauty and the beast" and also "Sleeping Beauty".
At some point he laid down and rested his head on my lap. I stopped reading and stared down on him with wide eyes. He eyed me from his position and asked what's wrong. He wasn't like this before. Never. And this shocked me. "Nothing's wrong. But tell me why are you laying your head on my lap?", I asked with a blush that told the world how embarassed and overworked I was from the whole situation. "I'm simply resting. I was feeling tired." Well he is dead so it was kind of a miracle for me to think that he can feel tired. I just shrugged and returned still a little flustered to reading the current story.
After I finished with the story I glanced down to Ahk who still rested his head on my lap. Surprisingly he kind of fell asleep. I watched his peaceful face and felt the heat returning into my face. I may be out of wax but well I kind of can blush at least at night. Though everyone can kind of. It's cute when I see Teddy blush because of Sacagawea or the other way around. I kind of still wonder how it's possible. But well we talk about a relict that can bring basically everything to life so questioning that kind of stuff can bring a headache to someone and by someone I mean myself.
As I was thinking and staring down on the handsome pharao on my lap the mentioned man was waking up and saw to me. Catching me red-handed as I was watching him sleep. I then registered that he had opened his beautiful brown eyes and well you can guess it. I became something similar to a living tomato. He smiled widely seeing me this flustered and laughed out loud.
"Thank you for guarding my sleep! But I'm sure that the sun will rise very soon." Indeed the sky was getting lighter every minute and it's just a matter of time that we need to be on our places. He sat up but put me to a halt when I wanted to stand up. "Could you answer me one little question about a german word?", he asked looking at the young woman with great interest. "Sure. What is your question?"
"What does "Heimat" mean?" Heimat. I haven't heard that word for long only thought about it. "Well "Heimat" is similar to the english word "home" but some people might say that it has a higher meaning. It's more connected with feelings and it doesn't need to be a place. Sometimes it's a person or a thing." "Hmm can you tell me if my usage of the word is correct?", he asked kind of nervous id I'm putting it right. I just nodded and he took a deep breath. That kind of makes it suspicious. Like if he's going to confess or something. He wouldn't right?
Then he grabbed for my hand and said "(Y/N) my beautiful little desert flower. You are everything to me and my "Heimat" is wherever you are. Eh.. could you tell me how I say in german that you're my "Heimat"?" "Du bist meine Heimat", I answered in a trance like state. "(Y/N). Du bist meine Heimat*" I teared up after he said that. "Du bist auch meine Heimat, Ahk.**" He caressed my cheek and kissed me slowly. It was a cute kiss that showed all his emotions for me and of course I reciprocated it as soon as I was out of my trance.
"I love you", he mumbled lowly while connecting his forehead with mine. "I love you too." He is my "Heimat" and I'm pretty sure he'll always be. Well as long as the tablet and the time are on our side.
What the two lovebirds haven't noticed was that the tablet had little corrosions over it. And that their next adventure is waiting for them.
Well that's it my friend's! It's really late and I'm kind of tired as idk. Especially since it's 3 a.m. And I need to go to school tomorrow like ahhhh! Am I dumb kinda. Do I have to write a class test in math tomorrow? Yes. Yes, I have to. Well that's the reason why I'm going to sleep now. So yeah. Ouh and if I got anything wrong tell me friendly if it's unfriendly I will simply ignore it. I'll make soon a masterlist and link it to this post and the other two as well. And yeah... See ya guys later!
Edited: Here is the masterlist!
Translation: "(Y/N). Du bist meine Heimat." -> "(Y/N). You're my home." * "Du bist auch meine Heimat, Ahk." -> "You're my home as well, Ahk." **
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entesi · 4 years ago
The First Kiss (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
Summary: The reader is a nightguard at the Museum and is very close to Ahkmenrah. After spending some time together, the two share something very important to each other.
Word Count: 990
Author’s Note: I just want to warn that not only is this my first x reader fic but I am also autistic so I have a weird way of writing but I hope you enjoy this. I made it as gender neutral as possible so everyone can read it
“Are you alright, my dear?”
Your attention was caught by the voice in front of you. Your focus was on his elegant robe, something you always admired and sometimes envied in your fashion sense.
“Of course. Just a bit distracted.” You answered the Pharaoh, trying to avoid eye contact. Normally, you were quite comfortable around Ahkmenrah, and the two of you were very close. But something has been building up in your heart for the past few weeks which made you feel nervous and a bit awkward.
Ahkmenrah placed a hand on your cheek, trying to look into your eyes. “Your face is as hot as the Sahara. Have you had enough water today?”
“I think so, though I have been a bit… ’distracted’ for a few days.” You chuckled.
Ahk chuckled back in response. “I’ve noticed.” He pulled up a chair beside you and noticed you fiddling with a pen in your hand. “Still studying that instruction manual? I didn’t think you would need to be making notes anymore.You’ve been here for a long time.”
You’d been writing the tips and tricks down from the manual in a personal notebook to keep as a copy. The paper was decaying, and considering the fact most of it had been torn up by Dexter, you wanted to get it down as quickly as possible. You also wrote your own details to go alongside it since not all of the advice was… well, entirely accurate, now that you’d been the nightguard for a few months. You wanted to take your job seriously after learning about the secret of the tablet, and Larry entrusted you with the job now that he had retired.
You found yourself staring at the Pharaoh’s robes again, though this time he noticed your gaze. He chuckled again and stood up to do a small spin, the fabric dancing lightly over your feet.
“You seem to like my clothing.” He smirked at you which made a burning feeling build up in your chest. “Your modern day bodywear always fascinated me. I do not know how some of it is comfortable, but you seem very happy in it.” 
“Your own is very interesting, Ahk. You’re so regal, I’ve always admired that about you. It makes you look proud and important.” You looked up at him and noticed his smile was now gone, and his face was mildly flustered.
“I’m not as confident as I may seem, you know.” He stuttered a bit and sat back down beside you. “Despite my status, I am a bit of a nervous wreck around new people. I remember when I first met you I had no idea how to properly say hello around someone so cute.”
Your face started burning, and you too, stuttered. “You think I’m cute?”
“Well, yes, I was under the impression that the feeling was mutual.” Ahk forced a laugh. “Well, not truthfully, but I have caught you staring at me quite a bit. Do not feel bad though, as the Pharaoh, my people quite often admired me.”
“It… is mutual.” You paused. “And your people were lucky to have their time spent admiring you.”
The king’s face went bright red and he sat back in his chair, unsure of how to respond. 
It was obvious to most of the exhibits that the two of you had bonded on a very personal level, however neither of you wanted to admit it. Before you or Ahk could speak, your pen dropped to the floor, breaking the silence and startling the two of you. You crouched down to pick it up when your company finally said something.
“I would like to show you something. Meet me in my tomb.” His voice was stern and serious, and his expression matched. He hurried off and the room, except for Rexy and yourself, was now empty. You stood up and left your pen and book on the desk in front of you then went off to follow Ahkmenrah.
When you arrived, the jackals greeted you with a head nod, and you saw Ahk standing with a smirk on his face near his tablet, arms outstretched in your direction. “Come closer, my dear. I have a surprise for you.”
As you walked over to him, the jackals turned their heads to the entrance of the tomb, silently guarding in case anyone decided to interrupt the two of you. When you got close enough to Ahk, he wrapped his arms around you in the tightest hug he’s ever given you. You felt a sense of comfort and warmth from him unlike anything you’ve felt from him before.
“Was this the surprise? A hug?” You tried to hide the smile developing on your face, and you noticed Ahk had a wide grin to match.
“Actually, this was only the beginning of your surprise. I have something much more important planned.” He rested his hands on your shoulders and his smile faded. “Close your eyes.”
You were uncertain of what he had for you, but you closed your eyes nonetheless. After a few seconds, you felt the press of Ahkmenrah’s lips against your own. His lips were soft and inviting, and you couldn’t help but wrap your arms around him to pull him closer to you. You could feel his face was as red as yours, but neither of you cared, and the kiss lasted for a few minutes before you both slowly opened your eyes and pulled back to look at each other.
“How was that? Satisfying enough for my darling?” Ahk smirked yet again, his eyes full of playful lust.
For the first time, you felt completely confident in what you wanted to say to him. “Absolutely, my king. We should do this again sometime.” A grin appeared on your face and you pulled him closer to you, until a tiny little cowboy in your pocket popped out. “Finally!” He shouted, and ducked back into your pocket.
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rami-hoe · 5 years ago
Please,,,,,sub!bottom!ahkmenrah x dom!top!reader nsfw????? Feed me,
Tumblr media
Ahkmenrah may have been a king in his time, but you’re the one who rules him
To the rest of the museum, he’s confident and regal in everything he does
But when you’re alone, he’s putty in your hands, waiting at your beck and call, ready to serve
You love running your fingers through his hair
When you do it, he looks up at you with this total adoration, and there’s no doubt in your mind
You own him.
And tonight, you just wanted to take advantage of that
You pulled him away from the group and led him to his exhibit
As soon as you were alone, you pushed him against the wall and trapped him between your arms
“You’re in a mood,” Ahk purred
“Of course I am,” you replied. “Why shouldn’t I be? You’ve been teasing me all night.”
“Teasing? I-”
“All those little looks, touching my arm like that. You know what it does to me,” you growled
The heat in your voice made Ahk smile. “I’m sorry, darling. Can I make it up to you?”
“You better. Get on your knees.”
He slid down the wall until he was kneeling in front of you
“You know what to do.”
He pulled your cock out of your pants and dragged his tongue along the shaft, swirling it over the head
You braced yourself on the wall and stared down at him, watching as he took your member into his mouth and began to bob his head
“That’s right,” you hissed. “Spoiled little prince. ‘Bout time you got your hands dirty”
You thrust your hips forward and Ahk gagged, but he pushed through it
You gripped his hair, holding him in place while you fucked his mouth
By the time you pulled back, Ahk’s face was covered with saliva and tears, but his eyes were dark with lust
Nothing turned him on more than when you got rough with him
You pulled him off the floor and dragged him over to his sarcophagus, bending him over the box it was enclosed it
You yanked off his belt and let his clothing fall to the floor
You kicked the fabric out of the way and pressed your hard cock against his ass
His own member pressed against the glass box, begging to be touched, and you obliged
Reaching your hand around and stroking his cock with slow, hard movements
“Mmm, so fucking hard for me... you like sucking my cock that much?”
He ground his hips into your touch. “Yes, god- I love it.”
You gathered the precum leaking out of his tip and brought it around to his ass
“But you like having it inside you better, don’t you?” you said as you push one finger inside of him
“Ahhh, yes, yes, it’s so good”
You stretched him open one finger at a time, reaching around to milk his cock when you needed more lubricant
He was already a mess by the time you pressed your tip to his ass
“You want it?”
“Yes, yes, yes, please”
“Please what?”
“Fuck me”
Ahkmenrah’s fingers grasped the edge of the box as you pushed your slick cock into him, his mouth hanging open in silent bliss
You grabbed his hips and started to thrust
When your skin slammed into his, it forced a sharp moan from his mouth
His knuckles turned white as you rutted into him
You hit that sweet spot inside of him and he arched his back
God, he was beautiful like this
You knew you weren’t going to last long
But you could tell he wasn’t going to either
You reached around and gripped his cock at the base
You didn’t stroke it, just squeezed and purred in his ear
“You wanna come?”
“Yes yes, please,” he begged
You smirked and started to move your hand in time with your thrusts
Ahk didn’t make it ten seconds before he spilled over your hand
His body went limp on the casket and you followed him down, pressing your chest to his back as you chased your orgasm
He was so hot and tight, it wasn’t long before you groaned and climaxed inside of him
You stayed there for a moment to catch your breath before you pulled out
But Ahk didn’t seem to recover quite as quickly
He stayed bent over the casket after you pulled away, lying limp over the glass in a position that looked far from comfortable
You brushed the back of your hand down his spine
“You alright, baby?”
Ahk turned his head to the side and looked up at you, his eyes glazed over with bliss
“Oh, I’m perfect.”
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years ago
May I please ask for a piece where Ahk is mortal and is dating male reader, and they're trying something new in the bedroom? Dom/Sub undertones, porn with a little bit of plot where they're stressed out university students and are trying to keep their minds off their studies, and it goes better than they anticipated? Dom Ahk, please? :)
*Cracks knuckles* Let’s go! The muse kinda did her own thing here, but I hope I captured the essence of your request💕
Warning: Smut below the cut
* * * * *
Finals were hell, and for the third time that week, you had fallen asleep in the library, stuck on page 17 of your 30-page paper, your mind blank, unable to even come up with one more sentence.
After texting you for an hour, your boyfriend, Ahkmenrah, figured out what had happened. He smiled to himself as he took in the lump that was your sleeping form draped over the edge of the long wooden table.
“Hey,” Ahk said, running his fingers through the short hairs at the nape of your neck.
“Hmm?” you asked, confused, sitting up and peeling your face off the keyboard of your computer.
You blinked in confusion before cursing, realizing you had written a thousand blank pages as you had fallen asleep on the “return” key.
Ahk chuckled and took the seat beside you, his eyes scanning your face as you grumpily deleted the blank pages.
“No progress?”
“Obviously not,” you groaned in frustration.
“Have you—”
“Yes. I fucking have,” you snapped. “If you can think of it, I’ve tried it.”
Ahk raised his eyebrows at you, unappreciative of your tone. Immediately, you apologized, knowing he didn’t deserve your anger.
“I am not sure I want to accept your apology, lover.”
You shifted your gaze from your computer to his face, the deep bass of his voice alluring and just a bit alarming.
“This is not the first time you have spoken to me like this within the last week. In case you have forgotten, I too, have finals. Except I choose not to take my ire out on you.”
“What else do you want me to say? I bow before your mighty self-control and your superior ability to manage stress,” you said as your voice dripped with sarcasm, your irritation at having made no progress erasing all sense of decorum.
“Have you forgotten who I really am?” Ahkmenrah stated, his voice radiating power. 
“Forgotten that this,” he said waving his hand around, “is nothing compared to running an empire.”
Before you could stop it, you rolled your eyes.
Immediately, you realized your mistake as Ahkmenrah’s entire demeanor hardened.
“I think you could do with some reminding,” he said in a tone you had only heard a few times.  
Ahk didn’t need to say anything else. He stood, looking down his nose at you as you gathered up your books and your laptop and shoved them into your backpack. You shuffled into your coat, but by the time you slid your backpack on, Ahkmenrah was halfway across the library.
You hurried after him, following him to your apartment.  
For the past semester, you and Ahkmenrah had been living together, and much of that time was spent in pure bliss. The two of you were friends, true companions, and your chemistry was something that could be felt by anyone who saw you together. You were happy, and so was Ahkmenrah, but lately, the stress of finals or perhaps the stress of realizing that this was your senior year and soon everything would change, had caused an unnerving quiet to settle over your relationship. It had been a few weeks since you’d done more than kiss good night or good morning, and as you followed Ahk, you realized how much you missed his touch.
Ahkmenrah handled stress by swallowing it, keeping it to himself and you attributed that to his past. You, on the other hand, lashed out, needing to attack, to vent.
You feared that maybe this time, you took too much liberty with your frustrations.  
Ahk turned around as you shut the door, sliding the lock into place.
“I think you need to remember who is in control,” Ahkmenrah said. “I have been far too lax considering you now talk to me like I am a … nobody.”
“I don’t think you’re a nobody, Ahk. You’re everything to me.”
“Really? And when was the last time you showed me that?”
Your face filled with shame.
“It’s our senior year. Almost our last semester, and if I don’t get this internship because my GPA isn’t high enough—”
Ahk cut you off with a raised hand.
“I have heard this before. It bores me to hear it again. What I want is for you to know your place in this relationship. To remember that no matter what the future brings, we will be together. Is that not what matters?”
“I told you—you’re everything to me.”
“Prove it.”
Ahkmenrah stood, his legs spread and his arms crossed over his chest. He looked ancient and regal, despite the modern furnishings surrounding him and the jeans that clung benevolently to his thighs. Ahkmenrah adapted to his new life, but the blood of a long line of kings still ran through his veins.
“Get on your knees.”
The way he spoke to you, the command strong and sure while just barely hiding his desire sent you scrambling out of your backpack and coat, your own denim-clad knees hitting the floor in front of your boyfriend.
Typically, Ahkmenrah was a light-hearted lover, and your sex was fun, full of soft, heated kisses and laughter, full of a normalcy that made you feel as if he had been made for you, brought across centuries of time just to be here with you.
But tonight, well, tonight was clearly going to be different and your heart was caught in your throat with anticipation.
You looked up, waiting for his next command.
Ahk reached down and grabbed you by the chin, thrusting your face up to look at him. His grasp was rough, his fingers curling tightly into the stubble on your jaw.
“You belong to me. Understand?”
You nodded, but that was not what Ahkmenrah was looking for, and he shook his head no and tightened his grasp on your chin.
“Yes, my king. I understand.”
“Good boy. Now, serve me,” Ahkmenrah said, his eyes darkened to a deep blue as they clouded with lust.
You swallowed the thick lump of anticipation that had built and you reached out with trembling fingertips to pop open his jeans. Before you unzipped his pants, you ran your hands around his hips to grasp his ass, kneading the muscles and watching the bulge swell inside its denim prison.
Ahkmenrah’s stance never wavered and he continued to look down at you, his eyes watching every movement. You reached for his zipper and his jeans opened enough for you to reach in and pull out his semi-hard cock.
You wanted nothing more than to do just as he asked, to serve him as much pleasure as within your power to give.
Taking him in your mouth was nearly as good of a feeling as when Ahk was on his knees for you. There was just something about the taste of him, the weight of him on your tongue that got you just as hard.
You sucked him slowly, purposefully, and when you reached down to your jeans to open them to give your own hard cock room to breathe, Ahkmenrah’s voice stopped you mid-movement.
You released his cock and looked up at him in confusion.
“Taking liberties already? And you were following orders so well. I guess that is that,” Ahk said as he backed up and tucked himself into his jeans, turning on his heel and walking back to the bedroom.
What the fuck, you thought.
With a sigh, you stood up and followed him. Ahkmenrah had taken off his shoes and had discarded his sweater so he was dressed only in his jeans and socks, the muscles of his back so enticing in the dim lighting of the room.
“I’ll be good. Please let me be good for you,” you begged.
Ahkmenrah turned around, his halo of curls disheveled from the static of his sweater and you thought he had never looked hotter.
You licked your lips and begged once more.
“Undress me.”
Once again, you dropped to your knees and found yourself face to face with his hips. You pulled on his jeans, sliding them down his legs, quickly reaching up to pull his boxer-briefs down as well. Ahk sat back on the bed and let you work his pants, underwear, and socks off.
You sat back on your haunches and waited for him to tell you what to do next.
“Take off your hoodie.”
You reached up and quickly pulled your sweatshirt off and tossed it on the floor.
Ahkmenrah leaned back on the bed looking at you with lazy, hooded eyes. He crooked a finger, summoning you from your knees.
The bed dipped under your weight as you climbed on top of him, a hiss emitting from your lips as your still entrapped cock slid over his thigh.
“Only good boys get to come,” Ahk said as he leaned back, baring the gorgeous cords of his neck, his skin golden and perfect in the white lights that reflected in through the window from the streetlamps below.
With a sigh, you crawled up his body and began kissing his neck, tasting every inch of proffered skin and sucking lightly under his ear and along his collar bone.
Ahkmenrah said nothing, made no noises of pleasure at all, and if it weren’t for the fact that his cock was heavy and swollen, you wouldn’t have known you were pleasing him at all.
It didn’t help that you were aching for his touch, for any friction from him at all, and when you ground your hips into his he pushed you off of him with a such a force that you rolled over onto your back, bouncing slightly on the bed.
Ahk was on top of you now, pinning your arms above your head, careful not to position himself too near your hard cock, though.
“Another stolen liberty, lover. For that, you must be punished.”
Ahk moved off the bed and retrieved a tie from the closet, returning to attach your hands to the headboard. He looked at you for consent and you gave him an eager nod. He wasn’t gentle, tightening your wrists to the point that you knew there’d be marks if you struggled enough.
With your hands subdued, Ahk settled on your chest, the precum from his aching cock dripping onto your lips as he pushed into your mouth. He leaned forward, using the headboard to steady himself as he fucked your mouth, testing your gag reflex. You relaxed and took him as deep as you could for as long as you could.
This time, Ahkmenrah was unable to stifle his groan, growling out your name with a ferocity as you swallowed around him, enveloping him in the slick heat of your mouth.
Ahk pulled back, letting you breath, his hand stroking his cock. You looked up at him, eyes dark and lascivious, and in a raspy voice, begged, “Come in my mouth. Please, please.”
Ahk furrowed his brows at you and said, “You want me to come in your mouth?”
You nodded again and opened, waiting for him to thrust back into you. Ahk did, once again fucking your mouth and chasing his orgasm, but before he came, he pulled out and slid back so his cock was over your chest.
He looked down at you, his eyes narrowed and his mouth hanging open as he pumped his cock until he came, his hot cum splashing onto your chest and your neck.
You shuddered, the vision before you too much.
“Did you—” Ahk asked, his eyes widening in surprise.
“Fuck,” you whispered, your cheeks reddening.
Ahkmenrah laughed and scooted down your body, finally freeing your now softening cock from the confines of your jeans; it was a sticky mess as he pulled it out to make sure what happened really happened.  
You groaned in embarrassment and Ahkmenrah leaned over your body to kiss you.
“I supposed we need to practice this a bit more,” Ahkmenrah said, reaching up to untie your hands.
“We can practice all you want, but when you start giving me commands, I think that’s about all I need to get off.”
“You still need to be punished for taking your frustration out on me.”
“We’ve got all night, love. Practice makes perfect?”
“Indeed,” Ahkmenrah said as he slid his hand down to cup your ass. “You still have not proven to me that you can be a good boy.”
“I can be a very good boy.”
“We shall see,” Ahk said as he grinned and kissed you, sliding his fingers through his cool cum before reaching up to cup your face and to twist his tongue with yours.
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me-and-my-flashlight · 2 years ago
• Ahkmenrah
• Kamunrah
• Al Capone
• Napoleon Bonaparte
• Larry Daily
• Jed
• Oct
• Fluff
• Angst
• Romance
• Character x reader only
• Ships for character x reader only
• Smut
• Explicit scenes
• Rape/incest scenes
• Underaged marriage
• Toxic relationships
• Past/present abuse
• Animal abuse
• Pregnancy scenes
• I won’t tolerate with Reposters/stealing
• Male x male
• Female x female
Additional information
• If you’re uncertain of an idea you may have, you may dm it to me
• Don’t be shy to send in a request
• I only write for the characters I have listed!
• Be nice or go away
• I will do my best to update regularly
• I do follow backs!
• I’m open to collaborating!!
Thats all I have for now!
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poptod · 4 months ago
Omg yay!!! Ik u already have to many for him I hope ur not tired of him yet 😭
Aukmenrah x gn reader where reader is a new part of an exhibit (I was thinking like Pompeii or roman/greek like along those timelines but ill leave it up to u :)) and while Larry is showing them around they meet up with Auk who explains the tablet but while trying to understand him, reader is just looking at him like he hung the stars and Auk starts to get flustered. It's like that between them for a while, like a school crush, and Larry makes it a mission to eventually get them together and becomes Auk's wing man <3
Notes: amazingly no, i am not tired of our dearest ahk but you have GOT to tell me why you spell Ahkmenrah's name like that </3 i made the reader from the islamic golden age since that's what i'm writing about in my book. hope thats satisfactory! WC: 2k
It was startling, your first awakening––you were one of few exhibits who immediately realized something was not quite right with your existence. For you, it was because you had no memories. You were not a copy of some great historical figure or the remnants of a skeleton; you were a wax doll, there only to demonstrate the clothes of the time.
The nightguard, standing in front of you as the sun set and you shimmered into living, offered you a hand to help you down from your pedestal.
"My name's Larry. Larry Daley," he said. "Welcome to the museum."
"Mā? 'Ayna ana?"
A long sigh and grimace ran through him. He put his hands on his hips, muttered something to himself, then said something to you, beckoning you along. You glanced around––the shining floors and tall ceilings, the myriad of creatures and humans in the long hall. You decided it would be best to listen, even if you didn't know what he wanted.
"Okay…" he mumbled beneath his breath. he then, in a rather thick accent, introduced himself in your language. "I am Larry Daley."
"Uhuh," you said, lifting your chin. "I…"
You frowned. You weren't sure what your name was. Another hint that something was seriously wrong.
"I don't know my name," you said, but he seemed not to understand you.
He took you through the halls and large rooms of what appeared to be a palace with many treasures on display. Unfortunately, no one seemed to be able to speak your language, and so all of Larry's explanations fell on deaf ears. After a rather long walk through a section filled with crystals and minerals, you circled back round to the main part of the building, with its warmly coloured walls and decorated arches.
Rising up to the second floor, you turned down a hall filled with what you recognized as ancient Egyptian artifacts. You stopped in front of a few showcases, tilting your head curiously to the side as your eyes scanned blankly over the informational plaques, unable to identify the language.
Larry pulled you along.
Tumbling over your feet, you barely caught sight of the giant, moving jackal statues staring you down before you were in the next room, bathed in a dim, golden light. Distracted by the multitude of hieroglyphs around you––the art and mystery of which was a fascination of your time––you payed little attention to the quiet conversation Larry was holding with another person. Eventually you turned around, peeked over Larry's shoulder, and stopped dead in your tracks.
His beauty was a near perfect image of the ancient Pharaonic carvings. Your heart sped tenfold as you gawked at him––his khol-lined pale eyes, his soft lips stretched into a smile, the revelation of his tanned waist revealed between tresses of sewn gold. It was rather inappropriate, you knew, but somehow you couldn't stop yourself.
His eyes shifted and fell on you. You stiffened.
A keen smile creeped across his face, eyes narrowing. He said something, something you couldn't understand, and Larry replied in conversation. You attempted to hide a little further behind Larry's shoulder, but the nightguard stepped to the side and revealed you in your entirety.
You froze, then tucked your hands behind your back, straightening your posture.
"So, you are new," the Pharaoh said, lifting his chin in your direction.
You perked up. He knew your language.
"Yes, I am. You know how to speak Arabic?"
"I know many languages, fortunately for Larry," he said with a teasing lilt, glancing to Larry. "He says you don't know your name. Is that true?"
"I suppose so," you said quietly. "Do you know why that is?"
"I believe I do, if you'll lend me the time to explain," he said, offering a hand. You slowly, reluctantly, took it. "I am the Pharaoh Ahkmenrah, from many thousands of years before your time. And you are from some thousand years before this time."
He proceeded to explain the magic of his tablet, which you would've never believed without having been a product of it yourself––something which took you a long while to realize and come to terms with. Though, perhaps, you might've understood faster and more thoroughly if you had been paying attention. Instead, most of your mind was caught up in staring at Ahkmenrah and absorbing his beauty.
"The tablet was – was…" Ahk paused, his face flushing as he glanced between you and the tablet on the wall. "… was, um, constructed by my," he cleared his throat, "father… millenia ago."
You stared.
"It is, um, powered by Iah, the moon, which - which is why…" he chuckled weakly, eyes shining, "… why it only, uh, activates during the night."
Beside you, Larry crossed his arms, a soft huff leaving his chest. You continued to stare.
"Do you… have any questions?" He asked, tugging at his bejewelled collar.
"I don't think so," you said slowly.
"Well, um, if you do," he said, stepping forward and placing a hand on your back to guide you down the hall, "I better answer them tomorrow night. The sun will rise soon, and it is best if we all return to our places. Otherwise the general populace will discover our nature and I am sure it would be better kept a secret. People tend to become scared when confronted with that which they do not understand. Yes?"
You nodded vaguely, still looking up at him. He glanced down at you, his face still darkened by a warm blush, and immediately looked up ahead once more, avoiding your pointed gaze.
Larry led you the rest of your way back to your exhibit, which was filled with inner architecture and room design of the typical Islamic household of your time. You stepped back up into your place, smoothed down your many layers of clothing, and faded back out of living.
During the nights, you occupied your time by watching the Pharaoh. Few others knew how to speak to you, and try as Larry might to learn Arabic, his pronunciation was poor at best and his understanding rather weak. Your own English was coming along slowly. Yet despite the fact that Ahk was one of the only people you could communicate with, you found it difficult to interact with him. Most thought escaped your mind and you found yourself entranced by the majesty with which he held himself, even if it was dampened by his nervous blushing. You relinquished yourself to watching from afar.
You sighed, legs dangling over the edge of the balcony as you watched the party on the floor below. Ahk was an identifiable streak of gold amongst the costumes and exhibits, and Larry, the opposite of him who blended in, stood beside him. They were conversing quietly, with muted hand gestures as they stood to the side of the action.
Then, between words, Larry pointed up at you.
Your eyes widened and you quickly withdrew your legs from between the bannister poles, stood, and hurried away.
Your exhibit was rather small; just a single presentation in a hall detailing middle eastern culture. Out of all the artefacts on display, you were the only one to animate at night, which made the hall a rather lonely and silent one. You sat on your low couch, far more ornate than you figured you deserved as a nameless thing, and stared at your hands.
It was inappropriate, your behaviour––gawking after someone. Your emotions on the matter were beyond confusing. Traditionally, being Muslim, your curiosity in the Pharaoh could not extend beyond scholastic. After all, he was a polytheist. But his Gods were real, just as real as your God. His Gods brought you to life. You wondered as you stared blankly down if a blank, nameless wax doll could even have a religion.
At least Ahkmenrah was a real person.
Quiet footsteps began to echo, swirling round the empty halls and growing slowly louder. You noticed it faintly and hoped you blended in to the intricately woven carpets and carved wood facades.
Alas, the footsteps stopped in front of you, and as you looked up you found the Pharaoh standing in front of you, his hands folded neatly in front of him.
"May I join you?" He asked, gesturing to the raised platform.
You nodded. He smiled in return, and took a seat beside you.
"Your exhibit is much nicer than mine. Well-made furniture… though it is as quiet as mine," he said, chuckling softly.
You shrugged, tucking your hands between your knees.
"Yours is nice," you said quietly.
He nodded vaguely, and the two of you stewed in an awkward silence for a moment. Ahk's eyes wandered about, then finally settled on you, long eyelashes accentuating his makeup.
"How are you enjoying your time here?" He asked, turning towards you. "You've kept mostly to yourself."
"Well, there's not much to say to most people," you mumbled. "They do try, which is nice. But it's not the same. And I feel… different to the others."
"Different?" He repeated. "How is that?"
"I have a vague idea of my culture, but no actual memories. I know you and Larry gave me a name but it's not even from my own culture," you said. "So… it doesn't have anything to do with the others. Just my own troubles."
"I'm afraid I don't know many Persian names. I… had hoped the name I chose would be suitable," he said.
You couldn't help the smile on your face, as bashful as it was. A blush crept up your cheeks. You had no idea what the name meant, but the fact that he had taken the time to name you something––that your only identity was related to him––fuelled something warm and comforting within you.
"It's a nice name," you said, "even if I do not know what it means."
"Um, well…" he trailed off, his face growing ever redder, "it's… rather embarrassing, actually."
He lowered his head, scratching at the back of his neck subtly. You quirked your head to the side.
"You gave me an embarrassing name?" You asked, raising a brow.
"No, not at all," he said quickly, meeting your eye. "I suppose it's really only embarrassing for me that I am the one who gave you the name, because it is… it is a rather sentimental name."
"Sentimental?" You chuckled. "What do you mean by that?"
He fell silent, his mouth opening and closing as he seemed to debate whether or not to tell you. His eyes darted here and there, but eventually settled on you, and as his hands gripped his skirt tightly he offered you a diffident smile.
"Well, Meri… if you do truly wish to know… your name means 'love', in my language."
Your eyes widened as slowly as your realization. Ahkmenrah, unfortunately not privy to your thoughts, melted in his seat and began to stammer some excuse.
"I didn't mean it in any – any bad way, which is to say, I wanted you to feel welcome, and you…"
He pursed his lips, sucking in a sharp breath.
"… you have so much love in your eyes," he finally said, his voice quiet and diminutive.
You had thought just a minute ago that you couldn't get any warmer––that you had reached the full extent of your embarrassment, absorbed wholly in your own flustered cocoon of thoughts. You hadn't imagined your admiration of him was so overwhelming so as to be visible. When you finally recognized the sensations in your body once more, you realized your mouth was hanging open.
"I hope I haven't offended you," he said quietly.
"No, not at all," you said, reaching forward to place a hand on his. "Actually, I was hoping I didn't disturb you with my, um.. staring."
"Not at all," he replied with a smile, intertwining your fingers with his. "I find it quite endearing. Even as a Pharaoh, though being much admired, none would dare gaze upon me with such obvious… well, adoration. It's something I enjoy about being in this time. Less fear of expression."
You nodded and hummed, your smile sweet on your lips.
"So you don't mind it then?" You asked, looking up with glowing eyes.
"I would prefer you talk to me rather than just stare, but… I suppose… even desiring your company in greater intimacy… I could 'make do' with watching you from afar in return," he said, a coy smile on his face.
You blushed, looking down at your hands together on his lap.
"I will… do my best to talk to you more," you said.
"I appreciate the effort, my love," he said, and lifted your hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on your palm.
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queenie-official · 2 years ago
The Ahkmenrah brain rot is real😭
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years ago
Love of my life; Ahkmenrah x reader
*Author’s note*
I promised you guys didn’t I? Well here is Part 2 to History comes to life In this chapter there is nothing but FLUFFY PINING, some hints of flirting(?), but above all LOVING. And a bit of makeout (but it’s all PG). I also couldn’t help myself with this fic by adding a certain band in this and joking around with the fact that Rami played both these characters/people so I hope you all enjoy the little fun poke I do in this fic. Enjoy my lovelies :) 
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It was five months after the whole Save the museum fiasco.  And even though my internship ended, thanks to Larry I was still able to come anytime whether to do additional research or just to spend time with my new friends. Teddy was an excellent historian and it was amazing to hear some of the stories that only the real Teddy Roosevelt would know.
Sacagawea was great female company to have around when the men got to be a bit too much.  She told me about her story and she even taught me how to shoot a real Native American bow and arrow.  Even though I couldn’t quite understand him, Attila was fun to be around, he and the rest of his Huns always wanted me to tell them stories and see if I could perform any tricks for them (thankfully I still remember some of the close up magic card tricks I used to do for Nicky when he was younger).
Then there was Jed and Octavius.  Those two—they are something I’ll give you that. They especially like to watch funny cat videos on Youtube.  
Of course they still have their moments where they butt heads but either I or Larry are there to set them straight before they’re once again besties.
And of course I can’t forget, the pharaoh himself, Ahkmenrah.  Every night he and I would spend the most time together.  From learning each other’s life story, to dancing along to some of my favorite songs or showing him my favorite artists/bands.
Throughout all the time that Ahkmen and I have spent together, my feelings for him slowly began to grow.  I tried to hide it but every time I tried to ignore it, my feelings for the millennia’s old pharaoh just kept growing and growing.  The way his light blue eyes would stare into mine just felt like he was piercing my soul.  
They made you feel not only insecure because they held such regalness to them, but they made you feel safe because even with him being probably the highest authority in history he’d never make you feel like you were inferior to him.
His smile was like—literally looking into the sun because it made you feel so warm inside.  And when he touches your hand—it could damn well just make you melt.
The two of us were currently in the Hall of African mammals sitting up along the lion’s perch.  Ahkmenrah was currently stroking the top of the male lion whom he’s named Maahes, while I had the female leopard I named Seshat with her head on my lap, her deep purring sounding off as I stroked her head.
“So is it really true you knew the Guardian of Brooklyn before he took his post?”
“Yeah, the Daley’s and I go way back to when I was in high school. Nicky was probably the best kid I ever babysat. He never spoke back to me and he wasn’t spoiled. He’s—really become like my little brother.”
“Consider yourself lucky to not have any other sibling.” He said trailing off.  I noticed the somber look on his face and I knew Maahes saw it too.  The king of the beasts actually nuzzled against Ahkmenrah letting out a gentle roar.  “Thank you my friend.” Ahkmenrah thanked him as the king of the beasts suddenly turned into a kitten right before my eyes as he lay right across Akhmen’s lap.
“Now I know that you saw cats as link to the gods, did you ever go so far as to actually owning big cats such as these Maahes and Seshat?”
“My father did once own a lion of his very own. Unfortunately he got a little too rough with Kahmunrah and father was forced to get rid of him. My only real exotic pet would’ve been Horus, my falcon. He was such a reliable companion.”
“You must’ve trained him well.”
“He was a clever bird. Sharp as a whip and as clever as any man.” He reminisced.  Just before I could respond, I felt Seshat leave my lap and her ears twitched about.  Maahes reacted the same way as he hopped off the perch and joined alongside Seshat.
The two big cats soon crouched down into a hunting position as they both slowly stalked out of the hall right towards the door.
Ahkmen and I looked at each other confused before the two big cats took off like a shot before roaring out and we both heard two very familiar screams.
“Jed!” the two of us cried out as we raced out of the room and down the hall.  As we reached the end of the hallway we saw the two big cats crouched over with their front paws outward.
“Oh Ahkmenrah, lady (y/n). we are sorry to intrude on your time together…..” Octavius said from between Maahes’ paws.
“It’s alright, Octavius. Maahes, release him!” Ahkmenrah first started off calmly before going into his kingly tone.  That low and demanding tone that just made me want to bow before him and do whatever he wished.
Maahes grumbled before obeying and released Octavius. But that’s when I remembered that there was also a second voice that screamed.
“Where’s Jed?”
‘Bout time someone remembered me!’ oh dear god not again!
“Seshat! Drop him!” She looked up at me with those kitten eyes of hers but I scolded the young leopardess. “Right now!” she then spat out Jedidiah and he soon came tumbling out covered in cat spit.  Ahkmen and I both made a face of disgust as Jed brushed himself off.
“Stupid cat!” he called up at Seshat.  She hissed down at Jed.
“Steady my friend, she’s a young kitten after all. She still doesn’t know any better.” Octavius said.  I took out a tissue and ripped a portion of it and handed it to Jed.
“Not that we’re not happy to see you both but why have you come all the way over here without the racecar? You know it’s dangerous for you both to be here, especially with Maahes and Seshat.” I said to him.
“That dangum monkey stirred up some trouble once again. He opened up the hallway window near our exhibit and before we knew it, we were attacked by giant birds.” Jed proclaimed as he cleaned himself off.
“Oh great, the onetime Larry gets sick leaving me to take care of the museum and already Dexter is making things difficult for me.” I whined.
“I’m sure it isn’t that bad.” Ahkmen tried to comfort me.
“Uhh yeah right. No offense your highness but this is probably the worst thing to ever strike our exhibits since we were at war with each other.” Jed laughed.
“It’s probably best we show you both what we are dealing with.” I knelt down and extended my hand and allowed the two miniature leaders to climb aboard before we all headed to the Hall of miniatures.
When we got there, we were definitely not expecting what Jed and Octavius had told us.  The entire room was surrounded by dozens hell maybe even almost 100 pigeons.
“Oh my god.”
“You see what I mean! Birds everywhere!”
“How could there be so many?” Ahkmen asked.
“Apparently Dexter also had some food in hand when he allowed these pigeons in the museum.” We walked inside stepping over the birds. Of course when they suddenly took off, I couldn’t help but shriek and grab onto Akhmen’s arm.  
I set the boys down in Jed’s territory which seemed to be the worst case.
“Jed, Octavius. We’ve tried every single weapon we got but all it’s done is caused these birds to leave more of their crap behind.” Said one of Jed’s loyal cowboy friends.
“Oh god that’s gross.”
“Okay so dynamite won’t work, neither will the arrows.” Octavius pondered.  It was then I saw him look behind both Ahkmen and I, right towards Maahes and Seshat. “Wait, I’ve got an idea!”
“Lay it on my Octi.” Said Jed.
“What if the cats help?”
“That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard. What else you got?”
“No, no, no Jedidiah listen my friend. Lions have one of the most powerful voices in all the big cats. If we can get Maahes to roar, then the birds should scatter.”
“Uhh Octavius lions aren’t the only ones with a powerful roar you know.” I told him.
“Ohhh I wouldn’t say that.” Ahkmen said wearily. I turned to him aghast.
“Excuse me?”
“I mean no harm when I say this but Seshat is a young leopard. Maahes is a fully grown lion and his roar is mature enough to scare these pigeons away.” He gently tried to assure me.  I crossed my arms over my chest and said.
“Oh-ho-ho-ho. Looks like we got ourselves a competition ladies and gents.” Jed laughed.
“You hear this baby girl? Ahkmenrah thinks your roar’s not powerful enough.” She lowered her head angrily and let out a snarl as her ears bent back. “Show them what you got baby girl!” she then reared her head back as she opened her mouth and let out a fearsome leopard roar, which sent most of the pigeons out of the miniature wing.
“YEE-HAW!! Come on do it again! Do it again!” Ahkmenrah looked at my cockily before turning to Maahes and said.
“Show these ladies why you’re known as the God of war Maahes.” Maahes then reared his head and let out a loud lion’s roar which sent the rest of the flock right on out.
“WOO-WHO!!! Adios birdbrains!” Jed proclaimed as Maahes and Seshat then proceeded to pounce after the pigeons all over the room.  The birds soon took off flying out of the room trying to find a way out of the building.
“Why not make a little wager?” Ahkmenrah said.
“On what grounds?”
“If Maahes can manage to get the pigeons out, you must sing a song for me.” I tried to hide my blush and I countered.
“Fine, but if Seshat wins, then you have to watch both the Mummy and the Mummy returns, no questions or complaints.”
“Deal.” We shook on it and followed behind the two big cats.
Throughout the museum, Seshat and Maahes continued to chase after the pigeons roaring and swatting at them.  Jed and Octavius were now driving in their racecar catching up to the big cats wanting to get in on the action, cheering loudly at our two big cats.
Meanwhile Ahkmen and I raced behind cheering for both our cats in trying to get as many pigeons as they could.
“You know it’s never too late to back out!” Ahkmen laughed.
“Oh you wish we’re about to show you what girl power is all about!” I sassed at him.  We raced on ahead down the second hall, passing the other exhibits who dodged our path.  
The six of us just having a joy of chasing these pigeons all around the museum.  Nothing could ruin this fun now.
But it was when we turned at one point of the museum that some of the pigeons were on top of the herd of rhinos and African water buffalo.
We all skidded to a stop right before the herd and I couldn’t help but say.
“Ohhhh shit.” One of the water buffalo’s snorted aggressively while a rhino let out a bellow.
At this point all of us including Seshat and Maahes took off running back the other way with the stampede following behind us.  Seshat soon bumped into me and the next thing I knew I was riding on top of her back as she ran faster down the hall.  I turned to see the Ahkmen was riding on top of Maahes’ back.
Both big cats did a sharp turn to the left towards the invertebrate wing while Jed and Octavius were just shortly behind us in the car.  I then noticed a small closet just ahead and I cried out to them.
“Guys in there!” Seshat soon noticed the door and I quickly got off her back and opened the door and soon everyone piled inside. I quickly shut the door and the next thing we heard was the thundering stampede passing by us.
When the thundering of hooves and giant feet stopped, for some reason Ahkmen, Jed, Octavius and I soon just started laughing. I don’t know whether it was the adrenaline of nearly cheating (well in a sense) death, or just for the hell of it but we were all bursting out laughing in the tight closet space.
“That was even more thrilling than the chariot chases I used to do when I was a child.” Ahkmen said.
“Boy you said it Ahk. That there was truly a wild rodeo!” Jed cheered.
“Okay guys, since they’re gone I’d say it’s safe for us to go out.” I told them as I opened the door back up.  And of course due to the tight space with me, an old pharaoh, two big cats and a ford mustang racecar, it was a tight squeeze to try and get out.
As Maahes and Seshat tried to get out, Ahkmen and I were jostled around for a bit, up until the point where our noses touched each other and our lips just barely grazed one another’s.  The two of us chuckled nervously as we couldn’t look away from each other.  
We were so caught up in the moment that we didn’t realize that we were now the only ones left in the closet.
“You both just gonna stand there all googly eyed or are you finally gonna wring up your saddle and kiss each other already?” we heard Jed proclaim.  We both looked away and apologized over each other as we both tried to get out at the same time, only to bump shoulder to shoulder again.
Finally Ahkmen allowed me to exit the closet first before he was the last to leave.
“I swear you two are as about as crazy in love as two turtledoves in winter.” Jed said again.
“Shut it Jed, less you wanna go back into Seshat’s mouth and maybe even this time see the inside of her stomach.” I threatened.
“No thank you! Thanks for the help you guys see yah!” the car soon quickly drove off leaving Ahkmen and I alone with our big cats.  I looked down at my watch and said.
“It’s an hour till sunrise. You should—”
“Yes. Care to walk me back?”
“Sure.” We first big goodbye to Seshat and Maahes and the two of them walked back towards the hall of African mammals which allowed me to escort Ahkmenrah back to his exhibit.
After helping Ahkmen back into his sarcophagus he then told me.
“Don’t forget, you have to sing for me tonight.”
“What do you mean?”
“Our bet. I’ve been keeping score and Maahes managed to get the most pigeons out of the museum.” I shook my head and rather than argue with him due to time I accepted it.
“Okay. But just know I’m not the best singer.”
“Not according to young Nicky. He said you’d always sing him to sleep, and he’d always talk about how beautiful you sounded.” I tried to hide my blushing face and I said to him.
“Have a good morning sleep Ahkmen. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Yeah. See you tonight.” He said solemnly as his eyes went somber and he lowered himself back into his sarcophagus and I closed it up.  I internally groaned and thought to myself.
‘Damnit why did I have to hurt him like that?’ with that I left Ahkmenrah’s tomb and went off to handle any remaining birds that were still in the museum and clean up the mess before either Dr. McPhee or Rebecca came in.
Later that night I arrived at Ahkmenrah’s tomb with my laptop ready to give into his deal that we had made last night.  After getting him out of his sarcophagus we sat there along the floor while I opened up my playlist.
“So any hints as to what song you shall be singing for me?”
“Uhh no. You may have gotten me to sing for you, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be telling you exactly what that song will be.” I sassed playfully.  He grinned at me while I went back to scrolling through my playlist.
“Have you found it yet?”
“Keep your tunic on your highness.” I then clicked on the playlist to highlight the song and I said. “Okay; now this song was written by one of my favorite bands in the start of their early career. This was also the song I used to sing to Nicky whenever he had a bad dream whenever I babysat him.” I double clicked on the song and soon through the speakers, “White Queen (As it begins)” played through the speakers.
I took a gentle inhale in before exhaling and waited for Freddie’s soft voice to come through the speakers before finally singing along to the track.
I sang along softly not quite trusting my voice (also cause I didn’t want to crack in front of my crush) but slowly my voice got a bit more confident when Freddie’s voice crescendo.
*Ahkmenrah’s POV*
Oh almighty Horus and Ra above, she—she had the voice of only a true goddess.  It was so soft yet passionate that it just…..she really was like the Queen in this song.  I have imagined stars in (y/n)’s hair and she was an ethereal of beauty in not just her looks but her kind heart and gentle but fiercely protective nature.
I couldn’t help but fall under the spell of her siren-like voice and just admire her.  Her eyes shining through the faint light that came into my exhibit, the way her medium length hair waved down like the Nile river.  She was everything and more.  By the end of her song, she clicked a key on her laptop and turned to me.
“How was that?”
“Beautiful.” I said in awe. “You—Nicky didn’t even come close to describing the true ethereal of your singing.” She looked away from me shyly and nervously laughed.
Even her laugh, shy or not, was always adorable.  The way her eyes would scrunch up at the corners, when her smile would go ear to ear.  A smile like that really showed me that she was truly happy.  And the way her eyes would sparkle…..it was like seeing the stars in the sky.
“Was it that bad?” she asked me.
“Quite the opposite actually. You sung beautifully.” I told her as I gently took her hand in mine.
*My POV*
As soon as Ahkmen took my hand, my heart went boom.
“Thank you.”
“Tell me what was that song?”
“It’s called White Queen. It’s by my all-time favorite band called Queen.”
“They sounded beautifully.”
“Yeah they do. I love almost all of their songs.”
“Could you show me more?” I nodded and he sat closer to me so that I could scroll through more of my Queen Playlist.  I shared with him some facts that I knew about Queen and showed him some pictures of the band in the past.
“You know Ahkmen, if you grew a mustache or just grew out your hair down to your shoulders and had four additional incisors, you could pass off as Freddie Mercury.”
“You really think so?” he asked me.
“Yeah I could see it.”
“Was he of Egyptian blood?”
“No. His family is Indian Parsi. Freddie was born in Zanzibar.”
“Well regardless. This Freddie Mercury would’ve been revered as a god amongst us. He truly does command his audience like a king.”
“He just knew how to make everyone apart of the show. Even the people in the balconies or in the very far backrow became involved. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any rockstar make everyone feel so comfortable during a concert. God I wish I could’ve seen them live with all four of them in person.”
“He will be remembered as a God and is watching over all of his people. Including the ones who come in later in life.” He comforted me as he placed a hand to my shoulder.
“Yeah.” I sighed softly.  Things got quiet before Ahkmenrah took my laptop and clicked on a random song and soon enough “Good old fashioned lover boy” started playing through my speakers.
“Would you care to dance?” he said as he stood up and held his hand out to me.  I looked up at him and I said.
“I told you I��m not a very good dancer, especially in slow dancing.”
“Well, lucky for you I was forced into taking all those slow dance lessons in my time as Prince. Do you trust me?” I looked up into those soft light blue eyes and along with Freddie’s serenading voice of the opening song, I was literally melting but couldn’t help as I took his hand and answered softly.
“Yes.” He helped me up and right as the chorus began, Ahkmen had us be in position one as his right hand holding my left and his other hand gently wrapping around my waist.
I shivered slightly and looked down at our feet before I felt his finger lift my chin back up.
“Eyes on me. Now just follow me lead.” He then began to lead me into a slow waltz.  Of course it was clumsy at first with me stepping on his foot the first several times.  I softly apologized profusely every time I stepped on his feet but he assured me it was all fine.
The song continued to play and while staring into Akhmen’s eyes I couldn’t help but think just what kind of lover boy he would’ve been.  Would he be like what the song stated? Or was it something else? God why did fate have to be so cruel? The one guy I take an extreme interest in and he has to be a 4000 year old mummy.
It was then I heard the song end and a new song (just to rub salt into an open wound) began playing, and that song was “Love of my Life”.
“(Y/n)?” I looked up at him slightly startled.
“Yeah?” He soon became shy as he spoke.
“These—these past couple of months have been…..well they’ve been the most fun I’ve ever had in 4000 years.”
“I’m glad.”
“You’ve been the one true friend I’ve had ever since I was freed from my prison.” Oh god please tell me I’m not gonna get friend-zoned.  “Unfortunately, I—I cannot deny what I must tell you.”
“What-what exactly are you saying Ahkmen?”
“I—I……” he trailed off trying to look down and hide his shyness.  He genuinely looked conflicted with what he was about to say.
“Ahkmenrah,” I cupped the side of his face. “Whatever you have to say, I won’t get mad.” He didn’t say a word, in fact he leaned closer to my face until his lips captured mine.
It was a shy kiss at first.  He was testing the boundaries of this to see if I would push him away or kiss him back.  I was shocked at first but as soon as my heart hammered in my ears and I fell under the spell of the kiss, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pressed my lips to his.
Seeing how I accepted the kiss, he wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me closer which deepened the kiss.  The anxiety and worries we both had melted away as I heard him let out a soft hum which made me softly moan.
We separated for air but kept in close proximity of each other.  Our noses gently touching each other’s.  I let out a soft choked laugh as I couldn’t make my heart calm down.
“I—” I softly spoke.  I licked my lips softly.  “I love you too, Ahkmenrah. I mean call me crazy but excluding the fact that I’ve known so much about you since the start of my college career. But spending these past couple months with you has been a dream come true. I’ve always wished and dreamed that I could meet you and just talk to you and—” he pressed his finger to my lips stopping my rambling.
“You talk too much my love.”
“You’re right sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You’re cute when you do that. It shows you’re passionate.” He tucked a strand of my hair out of my face and continued in a teasing tone, “So you’ve dreamed about me?” I giggled.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No. I’m honored. I’m honored that I have gained the affections of the only goddess on Earth.”
“I wouldn’t go that far. But I really like you too Ahkmen.” He smiled at me and asked.
“Can I—kiss you again?”
“What do you think?” I said as I leaned in towards him and kissed him now, but this time with more passion just as the song was ending.
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hoetrocity · 5 years ago
STARTED: 16/05/2020
LAST UPDATED: 23/10/20
Italics- Smut (18+)
Bold- Angst
Merriel “Snafu” Shelton
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Head canons:
Shouldn’t Be Happening - Snafu x Male Reader
Elliot Alderson
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Head canons:
Freddie Mercury 
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Head canons:
Josh Washington
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Head canons: 
Niklaus Mikaelson
Head canons:
Damon Salvatore
Head canons:
Stefan Salvatore
Head canons:
Draco Malfoy
Head canons:
Fred Weasley
Head canons:
George Weasley
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(couldn’t find any gifs with just George:( )
Head canons:
Daryl Dixon
Head canons:
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sj-thefan · 5 years ago
Under the Moonlight P.1 (Ahkmenrah x reader)
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Ahkmenrah x reader
So you may or may not have noticed, but I like to make sure my stories are accurate and that involves research, which I do quite a lot of. There are some things you should know before reading this. First off, the average life expectancy in Ancient Egypt was 30. Incest was frowned upon in the lower classes but common for pharaohs (this is not the case for reader and Ahkmenrah). Girls were often married at 13 and boys around the same age but at most 18, don't forget that that was practically middle-aged. Apparently, Ahkmenrah was killed at 17 so in order for the events to happen, they are under aged in this fic. If you are uncomfortable with that, I am sorry but I like accuracy so you don't need to read it. During pregnancy, a test was conducted and I won't go into detail but there are two different types of plants, barley and emmer, and depending on which grew first, meant the baby would be a boy or girl. This was accurate 50% of the time.
Warnings: Major character death(s) (descriptive scene), underage relationship including marriage and pregnancy (although reader and Ahkmenrah are the same age), pregnancy, family issues, favouritism
Series Masterlist
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“Mother! Father!” Ahkmenrah called entering the living chamber. “I have just heard the most amazing news…” He trailed off as he spotted his brother, Kahmunrah. He didn’t dislike his brother, it was just whenever they talked, Kahmunrah seemed displeased and angry. He nodded at his brother. “Kahmunrah.”
His mother, Shepseheret, instantly stood from her seat, moving towards her youngest son with a big smile. “What is it, my son?”
His father, Merenkahre, also rose, joining his wife.
“Y/n is with child,” Ahkmenrah smiled gleefully.
His mother gasped, smiling even bigger than before as she embraced him. His father placed his hand on Ahkmenrah’s shoulder. “Congratulations, my boy.” He turned, noticing his eldest had not moved. “Kahmunrah! Come congratulate your brother! He is furthering the family’s bloodline.”
Kahmunrah scowled. As he made his way over to his family, he put on a fake smile. “Congratulations, brother.” He pat him on the shoulder before leaving the room.
“He’s happy for you,” his mother assured.
Ahkmenrah knew that he wasn’t but smiled at his mother all the same. He may be the younger child, but he was the favourite and had been given everything that usually went to the oldest male heir. When he was 12, his parents told him that he would be the next Pharaoh, despite his brother being 5 years older. At 15, he met Y/n and they were married within a year. His brother had been upset that his parents found a wife for Ahkmenrah before him. He didn’t realize Y/n and Ahkmenrah met and arranged the wedding all on their own. Now, nearly two years later, Ahkmenrah was expecting a child, creating a new heir to the throne and bumping Kahmunrah further away from his rightful title. Ahkmenrah knew he had every right to be upset, but it still hurt that he couldn’t put his jealousy aside and congratulate his family properly.
“We shall have a feast!” Merenkahre exclaimed with a clap. A servant came over as he started giving preparation orders.
“Where is my daughter?” Shepseheret asked her son.
Ahkmenrah smiled at his mother. “Finishing with the doctor. I was too excited to wait.”
His mother giggled. “Your father was the same way. I remember when we found out, he ran straight out of the room shouting at everyone he passed.”
He laughed, glancing over to his father. It was difficult to picture the broad man being giddy and running around. Ahkmenrah couldn’t remember if he had ever even seen his father run.
His mother gasped, looking over her son’s shoulder. “You,” she drawled, smiling as she opened her arms and gave Y/n a hug, “I am so happy for you two.” She placed a kiss on the girl’s cheek as she stepped back, shaking her head in happy disbelief.
Ahkmenrah watched his wife smile brightly.
“Thank you.” She blushed at the attention from her husband’s mother. When she and Ahkmenrah got married, Shepseheret welcomed her with open arms and instantly doted on her, ordering her servants to make a fine dress for her. Y/n had still not gotten used to the woman’s attentive care, and often found herself blushing around her new mother.
Ahkmenrah moved to her side, wrapping his arm around her waist. “Father is throwing us a feast.”
Y/n raised her eyebrows, looking to Merenkahre. Noticing the attention was on him, he dismissed the servant, smiling at the couple. “In three days' time, we shall celebrate this blessing with the nine kingdoms.” He stepped forward, placing a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “Congratulations, my daughter.”
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Darkness. All she could see was darkness.
Every part of her body felt wrapped tightly in some sort of cloth. She put her hands out, trying to determine where she was through touch but was met with a solid surface almost immediately. She was lying in a box. She banged on the solid surface hoping someone would help her.
The surface was soon removed, and the cloth pulled away from her face. “Ahkmenrah? What is going on?”
She sat up glancing around the moonlit room as he helped her out of the box. They were in a tomb. The walls were intricately decorated, and jewels and other treasures were placed around the room as well. The tomb door was shut. She looked at her husband with pleading eyes.
“I don’t know, my love.” His hand caressed her cheek as he stared into her eyes. “We’re in my tomb.”
She glanced down; they were both dressed in cloth wrappings. She flexed her fingers loosening the cloth around her hand. Looking behind her, she saw that she hadn’t been in a box. It was a sarcophagus.
“Are we dead?” Y/n glanced back to her husband’s eyes, knowing the answer but hoping he would tell her something different.
He nodded slightly. “I think so.”
“Then how are we…” She lifted her hand, pulling the cloth away to reveal her skin.
“My father’s tablet.” Ahkmenrah turned to face the golden tablet that was on the nearby wall. Y/n grabbed his hand, following as he moved closer to it. “It works.”
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The feast was lavish with excessive amounts of both food and guests.
Ahkmenrah had wanted to celebrate with the people of their kingdom, so every citizen was invited, no matter their status. Everyone brought gifts, mostly food or fertility charms for their future queen.
Y/n had been made a dress for the celebration by Shepseheret – while, Shepseheret ordered a dress made. It was long with flowing silk and clinched under her breasts to accentuate her barely swollen stomach. Fabric flowed from her back to straps on her arms to mimic the wings of Isis, goddess of marriage, fertility, motherhood, and kingship.
The couple spent most of the night with each other, but Ahkmenrah had been pulled away by his father to talk. Y/n was standing alone when Kahmunrah joined her.
He spoke slowly, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “Why would my brother leave his darling wife alone? Especially now that she’s carrying his child.”
“I’m not alone.” She glanced at her brother who stood beside her. “You’re here for one.”
Kahmunrah had taken to intimidating Y/n ever since she entered the castle and gave him a shy smile. He thought she would crumble easily, but, despite her kindness, she would always return his remarks.
“Ah,” he sighed, looking over the crowd, “but I just got here.”
“If you haven’t noticed, although I’m sure you have, the guards have taken to watching me very closely since the news that I am carrying the future pharaoh’s child reached their ears.” She stressed her husband's title, knowing that it would cause Kahmunrah to sulk away. “So, I’m never truly alone.”
He scoffed. “They do as their told.” He glared at her. “And they don’t dare harm members of the royal family. You should be careful.” He smirked as Y/n’s eyes widened and she frowned, her jaw clenching.
“Brother!” Ahkmenrah greeted, joining the two. “How are you enjoying the festivities?”
Kahmunrah gave his brother a tight-lipped smile. “They are absolutely splendid. We were just discussing the increased guards that seem to follow your wife now.”
“Yes.” Ahkmenrah wrapped his arm around his wife, smiling at her. She returned the smile before he looked back to his brother. “She’s double the royalty now, and I will always protect my family.”
Y/n looked to Kahmunrah. His jaw had clenched as he forced out a goodnight before disappearing into the crowd.
“Are you alright, my love?” Ahkmenrah asked, drawing her eyes again. “You seemed upset when I first came over.”
Y/n stayed quiet for a moment, staring into her husband’s eyes. “Ahkmenrah,” she hesitated, glancing down quickly, “you don’t think Kahmunrah will try to hurt us, do you?”
He furrowed his brow, thinking over her words.
“He just,” she continued, “said something strange tonight.”
“He says strange things all the time-”
“-Yes, but he’s never told me to be careful of someone in our family trying to hurt me.”
He grabbed her hand, sighing. “I know he’s always been upset that I was given the throne, but I don’t think he would go as far as to hurt you or me.”
“I’m not worried he’ll hurt us. I’m scared he’ll kill us.”
Ahkmenrah shook his head slightly. “He wouldn’t harm us. Besides,” he gestured to the various guards around the room, “I don’t think he’ll ever get the chance.”
She smiled at him. “You’re right. I’m probably just being paranoid.”
“It’s alright, Y/n.” He hugged her close. “I won’t let anything happen to you or our baby.” She smiled against him, hugging him back even tighter.
As they pulled away, Ahkmenrah smirked as one of his favourite songs was being played. “Do you want to dance?” He held out his hand.
Y/n placed her hand in his. “I’d love to.”
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“What’s the last thing you remember?”
Ahkmenrah and Y/n lay, wrapped in each other’s arms as they looked up at the moon.
Y/n thought for a moment. “Running.” She sighed, looking to her husband. “Running away from Kahmunrah.”
“I was hoping my memory was wrong.” He sighed meeting her eyes. “I am so sorry, my love.” His hand rested on her stomach as he apologized for more than just not being able to protect her life.
Y/n glanced over to the jars that held their organs. Among them, she had found a small gold box. She didn’t dare open it once she saw the painting of the goddess of children. She knew what, or rather who, it was. Her eye’s landed on the little box. Ahkmenrah followed her gaze.
“What is it?” he asked.
She stood up, grabbing the box and bringing it to Ahkmenrah. He sat up, taking the small box from her hands. Her eyes filled with tears as she knelt to the ground and watched her husband’s face fall as he observed the box.
“Is this…”
Y/n nodded, letting a tear fall. “Our baby.” She sniffled, trying to hold back her tears. “He was never alive, so he can’t be brought back.”
Y/n started crying as Ahkmenrah lifted the lid, his own tears spilling from his eyes. “He?” he asked after a moment of silence. He could barely tell the box held a baby let alone what gender it was.
“The barley grew first.” She smiled sadly as she recalled the day she found out what gender the doctor thought the baby would be. It wasn’t certain, but she had taken to thinking of her child as a ‘he’ since that day. She didn’t tell Ahkmenrah because she didn’t want to get his hopes up. Her mother had been disappointed to find out she birthed a girl after the doctor told her it would be a boy, so Y/n knew not to get her, or anyone else’s hopes up.
He closed the box, pulling Y/n close as they both let their tears fall freely for their lost child.
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Four moon cycles. Only four moon cycles till Y/n and Ahkmenrah would meet their baby.
Y/n stood on the balcony of their room. The moonlight offered a soft glow to her skin. She left her robe open, so she could caress her stomach, which had finally begun to grow noticeable and required new dresses to be made.
She hummed as she felt Ahkmenrah wrap his arms around her and nestle his head into her neck. His hands found hers and began rubbing over the soft skin. He placed a kiss to her neck.
They stood there for a while before Ahkmenrah, pulled away. He turned her around, grabbing her hands and pulling her towards their bed.
As they settled in bed facing each other, Y/n interlocked their hands again.
Ahkmenrah reached up, pushing a strand of hair away from Y/n’s face. She hummed when he left his hand resting against her cheek. He leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers. “I love you, so much,” he whispered.
“I love you t-”
The doors to their room burst open, causing Ahkmenrah to quickly sit up. He relaxed slightly when he saw it was Kahmunrah.
“Brother,” he sighed. “You frightened us.” Y/n gripped his hand noticing the knife before he did. “What do you need?”
“Ahkmenrah,” Y/n whispered.
He turned to his wife, following her wide-eyed gaze to his brother’s hand. “Kahmunrah.” He swallowed. “You don’t have to do this.” His hand came to rest in front of Y/n, trying to shield her from his brother.
“Unfortunately for you, I do.” Kahmunrah plunged his knife towards Y/n’s stomach.
Ahkmenrah was quick. He threw his body over his wife’s and telling her to run. The knife pierced his back. He cried out in pain as he fell slightly on the place where Y/n had just been.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Kahmunrah pulled the knife out of Ahkmenrah, advancing quickly on Y/n who had tried to run past him. “Did you really think you would get away? I warned you.” He smirked as she shook slightly at his words.
“Don’t do this. Please,” she begged.
Ahkmenrah, taking advantage of his brother’s lack of attention, stood to shaky feet. He grabbed a torch – the closest thing he could find – and swung at his brother. Kahmunrah noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and turned just in time to catch his brother’s swing. Kahmunrah was always stronger than his little brother, and the loss of blood left Ahkmenrah even weaker.
Kahmunrah smirked as he plunged the knife into his brother’s stomach and settled him to his knees. “Now watch while I kill your little family,” he whispered in his ear.
Y/n was frozen in fear as she watched the dagger leave her husband’s stomach with a flood of blood. Her eyes met his. Run, he mouthed.
Y/n quickly tried to run past Kahmunrah, but the older man easily grabbed her. She let out a scream as she felt his hand dig roughly into her stomach.
“No, please,” Ahkmenrah whispered as blood dripped from his mouth. “Please.”
Kahmunrah kept his eyes on his brother as he plunged the dagger through Y/n’s stomach. He smiled as he watched his brother crumble. Ahkmenrah’s eyes were wide and he let out a choked scream. He watched the life slowly leave his wife with every twist of the blade his brother seemed to enjoy too much.
As her eye’s closed, and she stopped choking on the blood, Ahkmenrah turned his attention to his brother. He growled, trying to stand again.
Kahmunrah rolled his eyes as he let go of Y/n. Her body crumpled to the ground with a soft thud. “It’s pointless.”
“You’re a monster.”
“No,” Kahmunrah replied stepping forward and gripping Ahkmenrah’s shoulder. “I’m the future pharaoh.” He plunged the knife through his brother’s chest, smiling as he watched the life fade from his eyes.
He would be king.
Next Part
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rami-hoe · 6 years ago
I know you already did the female reader first times but could you do male first times preferences please??
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It happened the night before Merriell was set to ship off. You went out for a drink or two to say goodbye, and ended up staying until the bartender kicked you out. Neither of you wanted to say goodbye. You took your sweet time getting home, and invited Mer in once you got there. You spent about an hour nursing your drinks before you got up the nerve to kiss him, fully expecting him to shove you away and start yelling. But he didn’t. Neither of you knew what you were doing, but that didn’t matter. You made quiet, passionate love, and fell asleep with Merriell’s arms wrapped around you. He was gone by the time you woke up.
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Elliot didn’t like people. That was no secret. But he liked you. At least, he liked you enough to tolerate you being in his apartment, watch a movie with you once or twice a week, get high with you when you came over. You were high the first time you kissed him. It had just been a peck, and you hadn’t spoken about it since. You were high the first time you touched him, too. So was he. A movie was playing, but all you could focus on was Elliot. Your hands explored his body, getting more confident every second he didn’t tell you to stop. He rolled his head over to look at you, and you saw the desire in his eyes. You took him out of his jeans, and started to suck him off. You stayed on the couch, an awkward mess of tangled limbs of discarded clothing. Elliot didn’t tell you he was a virgin until after you were finished.
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You and Louis had grown up together. You knew each other very well, and although neither of you had said the words out loud, you both where your affections lay. When you were teenagers, a young woman from your neighbourhood started hanging around Louis. She had marriage in her eyes, and you both knew it. You asked Louis about her one night.
“Do you love her?”
“Are you going to marry her?”
Then you kissed him. You snuck inside, and fumbled around in the dark. When you took him, it was slow and sweet, and you stared into each other’s eyes. You could tell you were hurting him, but he gripped your bicep and told you not to stop. Your lovemaking lasted well into the night. Neither of you wanted to sleep, knowing that this pleasure could last only one night. You held each other until the sun rose, and said your goodbyes while the rest of the city slept.
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Kenny was incredibly nervous his first time around, and you did everything you could to make him comfortable. You told him that he didn’t need to do anything he didn’t want to, but he assured you that he did want this. You took it slow, a lot of kissing and grinding to start. Every time you took it a step further, you made sure to ask if he was still okay, and he always promised that he was. The sex was slow and loving, with plenty of sweet kisses in between thrusts, and whispered “I love you’s”.
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Benjamin was 15 when he was turned, and didn’t have sex for the first time until some years after. You had joined the coven, and immediately become close with him. To be honest, neither of you were sure you could actually have sex until one day when you were kissing in Benjamin’s room. Things got pretty heated, and after a while, you felt Benjamin’s erection poking your thigh. Neither of you saw the point in waiting any longer, so you just kept going. You were surprised by how intense the sensations were. It felt far different than when you had touched yourself; Benjamin speculated that the change had something to do with that, but neither of you cared about that in the moment. It was a bit of a shock when you realized you could actually smell each other’s arousal, but it only heightened your joint pleasure. Benjamin fucked you hard, but every thrust sent a wave of pleasure washing across your body. It would have been perfect if Benjamin hadn’t accidentally ripped the headboard off the bed halfway through. Amun came knocking to find out what all the noise was, but with the noises you were making, it didn’t take him long to piece it together.
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You and Ahkmenrah had been playmates since you were young. When you started coming into your sexualities, it seemed only natural that you would explore that side of yourselves with each other. It started with kissing and gradually escalated from there. You kissed, groped, grinded, pleasured each other with your hands and mouths. The first time you had sex, it was a bit awkward. You suggested that Ahkmenrah, as a Prince, should be the one to take you. It took about half an hour for you to convince him that you were okay with it. It was uncomfortable, and a little painful, but it was Ahk, and that was enough to make you forget the pain. You spent the night with him inside you, trying a bariety of positions until you found one you both enjoyed. Of course, Ahk insisted that he take breaks from fucking you to see to your pleasure. You were surprised by how much you enjoyed it at the end of the night.
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Josh talks a big game, but he was super nervous his first time. He kept trying to stall by asking if you were sure, but insisted he was fine. You ended up taking a break halfway through undressing each other to talk. You calmed Josh down, and he assured you that he wanted to do this, that he was ready. You had sucked each other off before, but he wanted to take things further. The actual sex was a bit awkward. Josh wasn’t really sure what to do with himself. But hey, who is their first time around? It didn’t last long, but you both came. Josh promised if you gave him a minute, he’d “take you to bone zone again,” but you didn’t end up having sex again that night. You just held each other, and let your hands explore the bare skin in front of you.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years ago
May I please ask for Ahkmenrah x male reader where again, they are university students and Ahk is mortal - they're dating and living together. Can reader be possessive of Ahk when he notices a girl hitting on him and making him uncomfortable in a party they attend after their finals? Standing by him and arguing with the girl to leave him be, with his hand holding Ahkmenrah's as he leads him away, and she doesn't bother him again so they enjoy the party and cuddle in bed when they're home? :)
You got it, love! And there’s just a wee, wee tiny bit of smut. I just couldn’t help it 💕
* * * * *
Mid-year finals were over. You survived. Ahk survived. And it was time to blow off some steam—however, you and Ahkmenrah had two different ideas about how to release tension.
“Sure you don’t wanna stay in?” you asked as you leaned in the doorway of your tiny bathroom, watching Ahk brush his teeth, his dark blue towel wrapped around his hips and drawing your eyes to the tight ass hidden beneath.
Ahkmenrah spit and rinsed, tapping his toothbrush dry before placing it into the holder next to yours.
“We can do that anytime—and we probably will do that and a few other things when we get home,” Ahk said as he opened the cabinet and pulled out his styling pomade. After he shut the cabinet, he looked at you in the mirror and shot you a lascivious glance that went straight to your groin.  
“That’s not fair,” you said as you adjusted yourself through your jeans.
Ahk grinned, flicking his eyes to you before returning to styling his hair.
“Patience can be a wonderful form of foreplay,” he said through his grin.
You groaned with frustration, and Ahk chuckled.
About 30 minutes later, you and Ahk walked off campus and down the few blocks to your friend’s house. The place was already packed, but you spotted your friend and his bright blonde hair easily. As you headed over to chat, Ahkmenrah went to find drinks, and you couldn’t help but to glance back and smile as you watched his perfectly styled curls disappear into the crowd.
“Hey, Y/N! Glad you could make it. Is Ahk here, too?”
“Yup—off to find a drink, which I’m assuming won’t be too hard.”
“Hell no—the bar is stocked,” your friend said through a grin.
After chatting for a while, you glanced at your watch and realized over 20 minutes has passed. You excused yourself from the conversation and started looking for Ahk.  
You checked the kitchen, the bar on the back porch, and the den, but he was nowhere to be found. As you retraced your steps back to the living room where you had met your friend, you see Ahkmenrah looking incredibly uncomfortable, his back to the wall, as a pretty girl you recognized from Ahk’s study-group had her hands on his stomach. She was leaning into him, grinning, but Ahk had his hands on her wrists clearly wanting her to keep her distance without actually having to push her away. He spoke in a low voice, but she ignored what he said and laughed while shaking her head.
An image of snatching a handful of that long hair and yanking her off your boyfriend flitted through your mind, but you were above that. It frustrated you that Ahkmenrah was always so damn polite to everyone, always so willing to see the best in them. You loved his kind heart, but his inherent goodness sometimes prevented him from standing up for himself when he was uncomfortable for fear of hurting someone’s feelings.
As a king, he was always in control and everyone around him knew their place. As a mortal, as just a man, he struggled to find the balance between assertion and aggression and was so afraid to step across the line that he often just ended up frozen, not doing anything at all.  
But that’s why he had you—you would never let anything bad happen to the love of your life, so when you saw Ahk’s look of distress, you didn’t think twice about approaching the girl and telling her to back off.
“Hey—Georgianna, right? Look, you need to back up. Give Ahk some space.”
Georgianna huffed and stepped back but only to shoot you an ugly, mean look. She crossed her arms and said, “Why? Ahk and I were just having a conversation. Right, Ahk?”
Ahkmenrah hesitated, looking to you with pleading eyes.
“No. I think you were hitting on him, and he was too nice to outright reject you.”
“Nobody rejects me,” she said with a laugh.
“I—I did,” Ahk said.
“And now you’re making him uncomfortable,” you finished, reaching to rest your hand on his lower back. “You know he’s here with me—he’s been with me for the past year and a half, Georgianna. So maybe you need to finally just fuck off.”
“Whatever,” Georgianna said with a roll of her eyes. “He’s clearly not worth my time.”
You both watched as Georgianna pushed her way through the partygoers. Ahkmenrah turned to press a kiss to your cheek.
“Thanks for that.”
“Anytime, Ahk. As if you’d waste your time on someone with an attitude like that.”
“As if I would ever want to be with anyone other than you, my love.”
You smiled sweetly and said, “Come on. Let’s go have some fun.”
For the rest of the night, you and Ahk stayed close, either hand in hand or with you lightly resting your hand on his back, or with Ahk reaching up to give your shoulder a squeeze when you said something particularly funny. It was a good night, and when it was time to go home, you and Ahkmenrah walked back to your place on campus while stealing kisses and laughing again about the expression on Georgianna’s face when you, mostly politely, told her to fuck off.
By the time you shut your apartment door, Ahk had grabbed you by the collar of your coat and was kissing you, hard. You kissed him back with an equal force, one that didn’t bother to hide your desire to possess him.
As your teeth nipped at his neck, he groaned and leaned back against the door. You tested the front of his jeans and found him hard.
You didn’t waste time, quickly unsnapping his jeans and pulling down his zipper so you could wrap your hand around his length.
Ahk groaned louder, a delicious, deep noise that made your own confinement in your tight jeans more than uncomfortable.
“Bed,” you growled, releasing him and taking his hand to pull him down the hallway.
Ahkmenrah happily followed, glad he made you wait, and glad you weren’t afraid to make sure the world knew who he belonged to.
And when you fell asleep that night, Ahkmenrah’s head on your chest and your arm wrapped around him, holding him tight, you knew with certainty that there was nothing you wouldn’t do for him, and that there was nothing that would ever come between the two of you.
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bohemian-napsodyy · 5 years ago
things i’m writing
Here’s an updated list of things to expect over the next little while! 
I try my very best to go in the order I receive my requests, but sometimes I’ll get more ideas for a certain situation faster others -- so the timing may vary slightly :) 
Also this list is only for imagines! I haven’t listed any of my upcoming headcanons because honestly 99% of the time ideas occur on the spot out of nowhere! So they’ll be sprinkled in between these ideas eventually! :) 
Trying your best to deal with negative press reactions to yours and Rami’s relationship -- Rami x reader EDIT: Part I is done, part two coming soon! You can find it here :) 
being Gwil’s best friend and getting Brian and Roger to help you comfort him through a really tough relationship -- Gwil x reader (platonic)
investigating Angela’s death and having to break the news to Elliot, only to later save him from a Not So Great™ situation -- Elliot Alderson x reader
Freddie comforting the reader after a particularly terrible experience -- Freddie Mercury x Male!Reader
Attempting to get Elliot into the Holiday Spirit™ -- Elliot Alderson x reader EDIT: all done! you can read it here :)
Surprising Ahkmenrah with a Risky (but romantic) Plan (of which Larry most definitely does not approve of) -- Ahkmenrah x reader EDIT: all done! you can find it here!
empath/soulmate AU where you can feel the emotions of your soulmate as your own -- Rami x reader
Phew, that’s quite a lot! I’ll be busy, that’s for sure!
Stay tuned folks! <3 There’s a lot comin’ your way soon!
Just a reminder that my inbox is always open for requests -- both for imagines and hc’s! Feel free to drop by with ideas anytime you like. I might not respond to your request right away until I scratch through some of these ideas on my list, but please know that your request will not go ignored! I answer all my requests eventually, so don’t hesitate to send one in if there’s something you’d like me to write! <3
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