#tw: needle mention
Hey sniper,
In your opinion, best way to murder someone?
Murder? I'd say a nice clean shot to the forehead mate. With unsteady hands? Use air in a syringe.
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cosmic-ships · 4 months
I rolled off the couch and just laid on my floor the moment I woke up. Just nestled inbetween the couch and coffee table...
But "Why?" I hear you say.
I'll tell you why. Because last night I watched a movie and that influenced my dreams. That's why. No words were exchanged between us but his brother(Jimmy) and I had an exchange.
"Hey, cool hair. You one of those punk people"
"Don't classify myself as that..."
"did they hurt?" He gestured towards my lip piercings.
"I mean..to an extent you're getting poked in the lip till it punctures with a very sharp, sterilized needle so yeah?"
"Huh. Well I'm Jimmy"
"Nice to meet ya. Oh by the way..my brother cannot take his eyes off ya. Do with that what you will"
He walks away to sit back at the bar and I look over as I do Clyde instantly looks away, he a little flustered.
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rosehearrt · 1 year
‘Come on,’ Leona says with an exhausted sigh. Quite the predicament they were in, but for now they only had each other. He finishes tying his band around the cut on Riddles leg. ‘Get on my back, we’ll move faster that way.’ // sends you things cuz 😭😭😭😭
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With his upperclassman's kerchief wrapped around his leg as a makeshift bandage, Riddle couldn't help but feel utterly horrid. He'd gone and gotten himself injured, and deeply enough that he'd likely need stitches. How was he so useless? He couldn't help but beat himself up for it internally - he should be able to stand on his own two feet and support Leona-senpai, regardless of his age. He was supposed to be a prodigy, wasn't he? So what was with this, having to depend so heavily on someone else to the point they dirtied their clothing with his blood?
And...touching. Leona-senpai wanted to touch, and it wasn't as though they hadn't before, but...the longest they had done so before now had been during the time he'd been unconscious as they were kidnapped.
And Riddle...to be completely honest, was somewhat touch adverse.
A lifetime without it, without any sort of affection when he was home, really, made it uncomfortable. Almost painful, and definitely frightening. So it was a lot to ask of him, prolonged touch right now, when he was already vulnerable due to his injury. But it was also Leona-senpai trying to do him a favor, and if Riddle had learned anything while down in Tartarus...it was that he needed to figure out how to lean on other people, to trust them, to let them help when he needed it.
And right now, he certainly needed it.
So, with a shaky inhale in and an exhale out, he provided the beastman with a jerky nod. "...Thank you..." And looped his arms around his neck, allowing himself to be lifted onto the other's back, even as his heart hammered away in his chest.
Breathe in, breathe out.
It was going to be alright.
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genderqueerdykes · 16 days
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i saw this helpful print out at my local library earlier, i thought this could be of help to someone. even if you personally don't inject, this advice could save a life. I'm here for all addicts and users, we care about you and love you. everyone deserves to be informed about their health regardless of what substances they use
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
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Okay so I did some research on Seam and realized that it would be a crime to not add him to my AU in someway where him and Jevil reconcile and they escape to the multiverse together and are free and they're best friends and- 😭😭😭
I had a dark story all thought up for this but half way through drawing I changed the story so this isn't really canon anymore?? Or it might be idk- my Deltarune AU is only a few days into development so its constantly changing <XDD Sorry-
If anyone's interested in the story I've got it below the Keep reading :}} (Fair warning, its rather dark and disturbing..)
TLDR: This story is super dark and interesting to me but it might not be canon XD
ANYWAYS! The story behind this was Jevil and Seam come from a very dark and corrupt AU. Ruled by an even darker and wicked King (Lancers dad). In this AU they were Kings royal Magician and Jester as per usual. They were best friends though and preformed these beautiful displays of magic together. Side by side, hand in hand. They were best friends for years and always dreamed of one day running away together and finding a safe place to live.
Eventually Jevil met someone. Someone who spoke of a way to leave this place. They spoke of walking through your own reflection. And if done right, one could leave their AU entirely.. Jevil believed them out of desperation and tried to tell Seam about it. Seam thought Jevil was losing his mind. Walking through your own reflection? That makes no sense..
King caught wind of them plotting to escape. And as punishment to both of them he commanded Seam to lock Jevil away using his own magic.
In Seams eyes, Jevil was his best friend. His brother, the only thing in this world that he could trust. But he was more afraid of what King would do to him or Jevil for disobeying him, then he was willing to stand up against him. So while believing Jevil was sick in the head and needed help, he acted out of cowardice and sealed Jevil away..
I'm thinking that eventually sometime later, Jevil is able to escape through his own reflection. A mirror. And either he goes back and sees Seam dressed in these beautiful robes and thinks "well the king must be treating him well. Guess I'll just leave him to reap the benefits of betraying me.. >:(" And leaves with a bitter heart. THAT, or he just left. Never going back to check on Seam or see if King was treating him well or not.
So the AU continues. With Jevil traveling from world to world, meeting new people and learning new things.. When eventually he's with the whole gang and they're all sitting in a restaurant or something.
When Jevil suddenly feels this overwhelming sense of doom. Something horrible is about to happen to Seam. He just knows it, its in his bones. Deep within his soul he can feel it. He knows- he needs to save him.
He falls back out of his chair into a mirror and heads straight for his old AU. Showing up just in time to stop Seam from.. well..
They end up talking. Turns out that after Jevil was imprisoned, Seam tried to sneak down to the basement and visit him. He wanted to apologize for imprisoning him and explain himself- but he was caught by King.
"I just wanted to see him!"
"For that I will take your eye."
"NO! Please don't take my eye!!"
"For talking back, I will take your voice too."
King took Seams eye and stitched his mouth shut. He could still talk but not very well. To make things worse, when Jevil escaped? Seam thought he had died. Why wouldn't he? His magical barrier was never broken and Jevil was gone. Surly he must have died somehow.. Meanwhile everyone else was under the impression that Seam let Jevil escape because they were friends.
Seam then suffered greatly for years as punishment for "letting Jevil escape". He was bound by these magical chains made by King. He was abused for years and at this point he had enough. But before he could do anything rash.. Jevil returned.
Jevil then felt the sinking horror realizing that he left Seam alone in this world to be abused by King. He abandoned him. After all those years of promising to one day run away together..
Seam betrayed Jevil, and Jevil abandoned Seam.
After realizing all of this and having a long emotional talk. Seam and Jevil deeply apologized to the other, and forgave each other. Marking the beginning of their new friendship. And despite Seam feeling like he doesn't deserve freedom, he agreed to run away with Jevil and finally be free with him.
Now this story is super cool and morbid and all but now I'm questioning the story and wether or not I want it to be canon <XD
I have some other ideas that I really like too and this one is just a biiiiit dark... ish. I mean I've made worse- but idk I guess this one just has a bad taste to it..
I also like the idea that Seam has been with Jevil this whole time and was the first person he saved. Which motivated him to try and save other people and give them the same freedom that he gave to Seam. But then that would change the Grillby fight and Spamton situation a bit and also maybe effect the Goner kid situation- GAH!! I'll figure it out eventually- <XDD
I hope this wasn't too hard to stomach and if you read all the way through I thank you :}} 💖
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reyrapidsbutgayer · 16 days
Ranking All Shadow of the Erdtree Bosses and NPC's by Fuckability.
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It's finally time. The sequel to the 2nd worst post I've ever made.
I 100%-ed the DLC and it was fantastic. Time to find out which new characters are the most fuckable.
In this hypothetical all of the bosses can be reasonably communicated with (if possible) and are not actively trying to kill you (Unless killing you makes it sexier).
Repeat bosses not included, duo bosses counted seperate. Bosses that already appeared in the Base game are not counted.
It should also be assumed that all of these bosses have access to their magic/items/resources to benefit them in bed.
Explanation of Grading system:
Ineligible: (Cannot give consent)
These characters are not sentient enough to communicate consent, or are physically incapable of sex.
Unfuckable: (Can give consent, but does not DESERVE sex)
Character sucks so badly that they do not deserve to experience pleasure in any shape or form.
Uninterested: (Can give consent, does not WANT sex)
These character are fully capable of sex but would never participate in sex due to lack of interest or overabundance of moral convictions.
Not worth it: (Can give consent, is terrible in bed)
I mean, you COULD have sex with these characters but why would you?
Acceptable: (Can give consent, would be fine in bed)
These characters are average in bed, nothing crazy or noticeable. Some might end up in this category because they ARE good at sex, but the entire process would be inconvenient or uncomfortable to initiate.
Good Time: (Can give consent, would be great in bed)
These characters are good at sex, give or take a few points depending on their mood or situation.
Knock your socks off: (Can give consent, would be amazing in bed)
These characters excel in giving pleasure and would be well worth the time and effort involved.
Sex God: (Can give consent, would be the best in bed)
These characters would be so good at sex that all other factors are irrelevant. They are serving and we are here for it.
Evil Sex God: (Can give consent, is a terrible person but you’d make an exception.)
These are characters that should fall lower in the rankings, but their sexual prowess supersedes their inherent awfulness to a noteworthy degree.
Full list below the read more. Obviously it's not going to be sfw.
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Ineligible: (Cannot give consent)
Ralva the Great Red Bear:
Rugalea the Great Red Bear:
Ghostflame Dragon:
Undead, probably not capable of sex.
Golden Hippopotamus:
Swordhand of Night Anna:
She is a hot goth knight, but is a mind controlled puppet.
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Unfuckable: (Can give consent, but does not DESERVE sex)
Promised Consort Radahn + Radahn Consort of Miquella:
Radahn is just a mind-controlled corpse, and Miquella is a little bitch, so they are both ineligible. Honestly who tries to become a god but also ditches their inner goth girl? St. Trina deserved better.
Scadutree Avatar:
Theoretically capable of sex, but is made of pure anger and thorns.
Fire Knight Salza:
War criminal, even by Elden Ring terms so you KNOW it's bad.
Jori, Elder Inquisitor:
Creepy torturer and hypocrite, thinks sex is a sin and I plan for him to die sinless.
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Uninterested: (Can give consent, does not WANT sex)
Curseblade Labirith:
Too devoted to being a monk to care.
Midra Lord of Frenzied Flame:
He's going through a LOT right now. He just got dumped AND he is being tortured for eternity while also containing a god of madness in his body, just leave the poor man alone.
Blackgaol Knight:
In another life he'd fuck like semi truck, but as of right now he's taken a vow to be a wet blanket alone in a mausoleum.
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Not worth it: (Can give consent, is terrible in bed)
Chief Bloodfiend:
Too goopy and covered in diseased blood, but is still up for it if you are.
Putrescent Knight:
On one hand it's melting skeleton made up of thousands of merged souls... but on the other hand if you managed to get the consent and each and every soul I bet you could PROBABLY do something.
Throw him one pity fuck and then run, he's clingy and a whiner.
Death Knight:
Is mostly just a skeleton, and whatever flesh is still there is probably rotting... but he does have some rizz and cool wings... goth guys can still get it.
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Acceptable: (Can give consent, would be fine in bed)
Black Knight Garrew:
A highly trained knight, probably has good stamina but is also a fanatic to a creepy cult.
Black Knight Edredd:
Is also a highly trained knight, probably has good stamina but is also a fanatic to a creepy cult... but he does know crucible incantations... he might have some weird animal stuff you can get him to use in bed.
She's covered in blood and is overflowing with bloodlust... but lust and bloodlust are in the same neighborhood if you know what to do.
Divine Beast Dancing Lion:
If those two guys in there aren't rotting corpses... Fucking two guys inside a scary lion costume is an above average Tuesday night.
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Good Time: (Can give consent, would be great in bed)
Logur, the Beast Claw:
A nude man covered in blood is running at you on all fours... you are either about to die or have a WILD night.
Ancient Dragon Senessax:
A very average dragon, but all dragons have a baseline fuckability so she's up here.
Jagged Peak Drake:
Drakes are slightly less fuckable than dragons, but if you don't think I'd willing be double teamed by two dragons while Igon watches, you clearly don't know me.
Ancient Dragon-Man:
All the perks of dragon sex but in a much more portable package.
Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze:
Normally Demi-humans are more cute than sexy, but this guy dedicated his life to the blade, you should be helping him make up for lost time.
Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers:
He's a delusional asshole... but he smacks of gender™ in a very submissive and breedable manner. A man who wants to be a mother and has giant fleshy fingers growing out of his body? It will be uncomfortable and deeply personal... but you GOTTA try it at least once, the LGBTQ community is depending on you.
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Knock your socks off: (Can give consent, would be amazing in bed)
Red Bear:
All the raw sex appeal of Logur but with 25% more daddy energy.
Moonrithyll, Carian Knight:
Listen we have all been sleeping on Moonrithyll when we should be sleeping WITH her. She is the chamberlain to Rellana (as in head bedroom attendant) which means she is an actual #girlboss and there must be insane wizard lesbian sex behind closed doors. Not only that but she is beloved by the trolls and can fight on equal terms with the carian troll knights, who are no doubt getting sucked and fucked by her nightly. She's just a normal human but she is blowing out the backs of demigods and giants alike. She is struggling to keep her head above water and that water is pussy.
Commander Gaius:
Ok so here me out: He is an asshole, and violent, and a fanatic who serves the very order that discriminates against him... but all you have to do is mention that Radahn is better in bed than him. With this one simple trick he will have you bent over the back of his boar making sure he won't be the only one who can't use their legs after. He is pure rage and he will not stop until he has make you cum more times than Radahn ever has. Trust me, this happened to me, video games are real.
Dancer of Ranah:
Infinite stamina, enough said.
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Sex God: (Can give consent, would be the best in bed)
Rellana Twin Moon Knight:
I want you to imagine Rennala, a normal woman who was able to satisfy Radagon/Marika, the sluttiest possible duo in the entire history of the lands between. Now imagine Rennala at full power, no depression, no hanging out in her basement mourning her failed marriage... now imagine Rennala 18% more goth and holding two magic swords. She will fuck you into space and then fuck you back to planet earth. Now imagine being bisexual.
Messmer the Impaler + Base Serpent Messmer:
I have slowly grown to love this sad bishounen anime boy more and more as I learn about his pathetic little life. He seems all mean and firey, but he is a bottom. (and his snakes are not) I wanna make him squeal and then get him therapy and then for good measure make him squel again.
Romina, Saint of the Bud:
A sleeper hit, but she is a mean insect lady with a giant prehensile centipede tail. She is like a xenomorph queen but a pink pastel goth rather than a vampire goth. She will wrap you up in that giant tail of hers and get straight to the egg laying. If you haven't considered it before, then you will now.
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Evil Sex God: (Can give consent, is a terrible person but you’d make an exception.)
Metyr, Mother of Fingers:
Look... you WILL die after doing this, but she has a giant stomach full of squirming wet fingers and she is basically a big pile of dicks. Get naked, jump into her gaping stomach and die happy. That's an order from your commanding officer, now do your duty and serve your country.
Bayle the Dread:
I hate this dragon, he is responsible for the steady decline in dragon sex appeal, he hurt my Igon, and I can't explain why but I feel like he is sexist somehow. BUT... a dragon is a dragon. If Igon asks me to double team this guy I legally can't say no.
BONUS: Ranking the new NPC's from worst to best in terms of fuckability:
#13: Fire Knight Queenlign:
Somehow, his haircut is more of a turn-off than the war crimes he committed in the name of a god who doesn't even know he exists, which is not a good sign.
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#12: Hornsent Grandam:
Normally I would give GILFs a pass to live their life and fuck as little or as much as they want. But she is the type to slut shame other women and as a feminist I cannot stand idly by.
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#11: Hornsent
In another life he'd be a decent lay. He had a wife and a child so he has had sex at least once. In a pinch I can forgive the blind self destructive quest for vengeance, but I draw the line as soiled loincloths. You're an adult Hornsent, so act like it.
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#10: Moore
My sweet little pot boy... If it came to sex I'd like to imagine that he is attentive and gentle, with his armor clattering around the whole time because he is too scared to take it off entirely. But he is too sweet and you honestly don't deserve him. He needs to be romanced, swept off his feet by a loyal and supportive partner and let's face it, you aren't at a place in your life where you can be all that he needs.
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#9: Thoiller
The pillow princess to end all pillow princesses. He is a simp, he's submissive, he's breedable, he's a sopping wet pathetic little meow meow. Tumblr, THIS is the man you keep saying you want, now get in there and impregnate this man as the prophecies foretold.
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#8: St. Trina
She's a plant at this point and probably isn't up for sex. (And a disembodied essence of love from a corrupted demigod) But I KNOW for a fact you kept imbibing her nectar more than you needed to. She just likes to watch as you and Thoiller get high and flop around in the putrescences. Lore says St. Trina was a fully grown woman at some point, and not just a weird little plant person, so in her prime she probably had a weird sleepy plant orgy with her followers.
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#7: Redmane Freyja:
On paper she is the tragic butch sword lesbian we need but don't deserve. A prisoner who earned her freedom and rank through brutal gladiatorial combat, a loyal knight to a fallen demigod, and a big buff lady who can step on you. But in practice she still sides with Leda after breaking free of the mind control, and lets Miquella control her lords body like a toy. Come on Freyja, where is your fire? Your rage? Suplex Leda and fuck your way across the lands between as did your forefathers.
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#6: Swordhand of Night Jolan:
She's a mean goth girl with a tragic past and a desperate need to be loved. I could fix her.
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#5: Sir Ansbach
He easily earned his place in the top 5. He's running from a tragic past, he is trying to be a better person, he has all the sex appeal of Varre' but actually bathes, and he is a GILF. In practice he probably isn't the BEST in bed, but he is rather romancable. He can still get it, since he was a highly trained warrior in the past, but I see myself cuddling him as he somberly adjusts his glasses and stares out the window. Don't get me wrong there is still a LOT of sweaty blood sex but he knows what he is doing and understands what soap is.
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#4: Igon
He's a screamer. Broken legs, dirty armor, doesn't matter. The warriors code demands that we look into each other's eyes as we both cum. That is the only honorable way.
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#3: Needle Knight Leda
She sucks. She willingly follows a loser wannabe god, and it's not even the mind control, she is just like that™ already. She is so bad at socializing with rational people who are already on her side that she jumps to murder without hesitation. She even killed all the first Needle Knights just cuz of her own paranoia. She should be at the bottom of this list... but a yandere is a yandere. It would be creepy, uncomfortable and she'd be very demanding and probably bite you in a very non-sexy way. But it would still be some of the best sex you'll ever have. You'd regret it just as much as you'd enjoy it, and you'd regret it for the rest of your life.
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#2: Dragon Communion Priestess Florissax:
Lovelorn dragon lady who wants me to eat other dragons in a very sensual manner. I am not immune and neither are you.
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#1: Dryleaf Dane
After that brush, he is distant. His training is cold and impersonal, he throws himself into his prayers, dedicating every waking moment to meditation. He sought to turn his flesh to iron, so why is the flesh so weak around you?
Hear me out. He's religious, he is dedicated to his cause, he tries to kill you, and he doesn't even say a word to you.
Imagine what happens when you finally get him to break.
He is your master, teaching you in the dryleaf arts, the two of you sparring atop a waterfall and bruising your knuckles more and more with each strike. The two of you meditate together, seeking inner peace to further your warriors spirit. He is stoic, his heart closed off to you and his mind focused on his holy mission.
But he is temped, you can see it in his eyes, in the way he watches over you when you are hurt, the soft way his fist unclench after a battle, and the thick layer of sweat you share after sparring. Together you are hardening your bodies to become living weapons, but bodies are not only used for violence, and the two of you cannot ignore the tension that grows with each day, your bodies intertwining during a particularly heated duel, grappling turning slowly to wanton exploration. He comes to his senses right before it crosses the line and you see the fear in his eyes as he pulls away from you. But you wouldn't have stopped him and he knows it from the pleased expression on your face as you lie on your back, defeated.
When it finally happens, you are sparring, leaving nothing behind. You shed your armor to let the movements flow without hindrance and so does he, conflict apparent upon his face. You trade blow after blow, your bodies raw and sore but still you don't let up. The sun is setting and neither of you will relent, sweat coating every inch and the roar of the waterfall drowning out every thought that isn't dedicated to this battle.
He is getting sloppy, his eyes transfixed not on your fists but your face. A poorly placed sweep to your legs leaves him wide open and you go for the maneuver neither of you have attempted since the close encounter that frightened him so.
He struggles, pushing your arms and legs away fruitlessly as his exhaustion drains away his years of practice. Soon you are pinning him to the wet ground on the riverbed, his hair wild and his hat flung far out of arms reach. He looks like a cornered animal in your grasp, eyes bulging and his breathing haggard. You can only look down upon your former master with a gleeful hunger, his body already more familiar to you than your own.
In a moment of understanding you see the hesitation drain from eyes. He knows what he wants, and he is done denying it. You grab his face roughly and kiss him more violently than any punch you have thrown. He returns in kind and all the exhaustion seems to leave his body as he sits up and wraps both arms around you firmly, desperate to make up for lost time, his holy mission only to worship your body and the unbreakable bond you have forged in sweat and blood.
And then you bone.
We have all imagined that exact scenario, haven't we? I have yet to meet a Fromsoft fan who hasn't described that fantasy to me word for word without hesitation. I am just saying what we were all thinking.
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(Pictured: a man I would fuck until he renounces his god.)
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faeriekit · 6 months
*kicks feet really cutely* 🥰 Hey 🥰 Hey gang 🥰 we're all up to date on our tetanus boosters, right?
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
Was going to get my wisdom teeth out and they went to stick a needle in my arm which apparently was the anesthesia? But it wasn’t working fast enough for the staff so they sent me home and said to come back when it started working.
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arya-skywalker · 9 months
First off, the new sanders sides was amazing and fun and I loved it!
Second, I have a new headcanon: Remus does needle-felting.
Mr Fuzzy looks like it could have been at least partially made through that, and Remus would absolutely love an art form that involves repeatedly stabbing something with barbed needles.
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ibrithir-was-here · 9 months
(Hope it’s ok this one isn’t as polished, I wanted to get it out before the holiday)
Following up from this
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
When you're given the needles for injection HRT, you might be given two sizes for needles, or two sets.
A draw-up needle is what you will use to draw up the medicine into your syringe, and often you will use the larger of the needles in order to draw up the medicine if you're given two differently-sized gauged needles. When I first started testosterone, I was given a set of 18G needles and 20G needles, so I would use the 18G to draw up and the 20G to administer the medicine.
Remember that a SMALLER number is a LARGER needle, and a LARGER number is a SMALLER needle. An 18G needle is LARGER than a 20G needle, and so on. If you need clarification about injection, ask whomever is prescribing your medication to clarify which needles are intended for draw-ups and which will be administered into the body.
This might seem pretty arbitrary, but a smaller-gauged needle will feel differently than a larger needle. Now, I inject with a 23G needle, and I barely feel it compared to a 20G, and that can make it so much easier to take your medicine.
I wanted to make this post because I have seen many people have misconceptions about how an injection is supposed to hurt, and part of what can make an injection painful is the needle you are using.
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
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Knee Socks
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 4.5k
Tags: Use of Y/N sparingly, no specific physical description of the reader, bullying, blood, violence, food mentions, fluff.
Main Masterlist
Thread the Needle Masterlist
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Hobie converses with his friends, casually leaning on the playground's chain link fence, he's only eleven, that awkward stage where he thinks he's too old to use the slide, but still too young to be taken seriously by the older kids. He's too tall to be just eleven, almost a foot taller than his classmates, always mistaken for someone older, he takes it in stride, becoming his year's resident protector from would be bullies. His sheer height alone makes them stop in their tracks, not to mention his perseverance when the bully decides to fight Hobie, even if they're taller or bigger than him, he doesn't back down despite his lanky form and sometimes nerdy personality, wiping at his bleeding nose, he stands up, knuckles at the ready.
This alone makes Hobie an absolute legend in the playground. He doesn't care about that though, he just does what he thinks is right, and that's protecting those who cannot defend themselves.
The children playing stops in their tracks when a loud shriek rings out, ears perking at the difference of the sound from a happy playing yell. This one sounded like they were in pain, Hobie stomps towards the sound, the crowd parting for him.
He sees a bigger kid holding a smaller one by his ear, he recognizes the bully from his year, the smaller one seems like a year younger than him. The crowd around them gets bigger, some kids would be hollering for a fight, some could only watch. Before Hobie could run up to them, a flash of something pink hits the bully right on his forehead, causing him to let go, crouching and holding the bleeding cut it left behind.
You fearlessly strut up to him, screaming your tiny head off, "fuck off, Terrence!" You pick up the pink sketchbook from the ground, threatening to throw it again.
Hobie's eyes widened at your choice of word, not used to hearing it in the playground, he smirks at your bravery, especially that you're five times smaller than the bully. He watches as you shield the smaller kid from Terrence, book at the ready.
You look over your shoulder to look back at the younger kid on the ground, clutching at the shell of his ear, tears falling on his rosy cheeks. "You okay, Danny?"
With you distracted, Terrence finds the opportunity to grab you by the ankle, losing your balance and swiftly falling on your back, you let out a small pained sound. Hobie had enough of being a bystander, he runs up to the bully, punching him square in his face. Terrence doesn't back down, tackling Hobie, they both fall on the harsh gravel, Hobie shields his face from the oncoming punches while Terrence keeps aiming at his face.
You stand up, no time to dust yourself off, you yell a battle cry, flinging yourself on the bully's back, trying to get him off Hobie. Your small fists thump helplessly on the bigger kid's back. Suddenly the crowd parts, a couple of winded teachers arrive, one yanks you off Terrence, while the other stops him from punching Hobie. They hold you both back, like a couple of kittens trying to claw and scratch at each other.
"Enough!" One of the teachers yells out, Hobie sits up, a cut on his lip. Eyes watching as you don't let up from trying to kick Terrence's ass.
You sit on one of the school clinic's cot, an ice pack on your head, the condensation slides over your face, landing on the paper of your mangled sketchbook.
"Little shit" you murmur out, wiping at the water on your precious notebook.
The curtains separating the beds flings open, you jump from the sound of metal.
"Y'know you could get in trouble for that" Hobie looks at you, a similar ice pack over his cheek. He sits criss crossed on the bed, blanket pooling around him.
"You would know, of course" the previous anger still lingers, your usual shyness gone from your system.
"So you've heard of me?" He raises his brow, hissing when he moves it.
"Who hasn't heard of you? Here" you toss your ice pack over to his cot, "you look like you need it more" Hobie fumbles a bit before he finally catches it. He looks back at you, your face scrunched up in anger, brows knitted together, you look at the pink notebook like it'll spontaneously combust right in front of you.
"You look like Gromit, when you're mad" he brings your previous ice pack to his brow, the other held up to his cheek. "Y'know when he scrunches his face" you look at him angrily "like that!" He points out.
"Hey! You want a piece of me too?" It sounded much braver in your head, but with the fading adrenaline and anger, your shyness peeks back in, making your sentence sound meek.
Hobie holds up his hands, dropping the ice packs on the bed "nah, I can't fight you"
"Why? Just because I'm a girl?"
"Nope, I saw what you did to big Terry, thought you gave him brain damage" he pokes his temples. "I don't want that notebook flying at me, especially with that aim of yours"
"Fucker already has brain damage" you say softly, your shyness definitely creeping in, but you're still angry enough to swear.
"Where'd you learn to curse like that? You don't look like someone who swears"
"The telly" you shrug.
"That shit ain't good for you"
"You sound like an adult," you scrunch your nose "they always tell me I swear a lot when I'm mad. You swear too, y'know"
"I'm allowed" Hobie leans back, grinning.
"How are you allowed?" you ask, genuinely curious. Why is he allowed and you're not?
"I'm older" he says matter-of-fact.
"You're only a year older than me" you scoff, wincing when a sharp pain hits the back of your head.
Hobie hops down from the bed, quickly grabbing the ice packs. He moves towards you, sitting down, your sketchbook in the middle between you. He hands you the ice pack back, you give him a small thanks, hissing when the cold hits your skin.
"You alright? D'you want me to get the nurse?" He asks you as if he wasn't injured himself, looking worse than you.
"I'm fine, you look worse than me though"
"You draw?" Hobie doesn't acknowledge your last comment. He tries to take a peek at the pages, you clamp the book shut with lightning speed.
"I'm not showing you my sketchbook"
"Why not?"
"It's private! And I don't know you"
"Well, name's Hobie Brown" he extends his hand towards you "and you areee? Then you tell me your name, That's how this usually goes"
You narrow your eyes, "I know who you are" slapping his hand away but you tell him your name anyway, trying to be the polite one "Y/N, it's Y/N Y/L/N"
"Now we know each other, now can I?" His hand hovers over your notebook. "Damn, this looks like it's been trampled"
"Fucking Terrence" you seethe, sliding the book over to him. "Here"
"Fucking Terrence" Hobie smiles as he flips through your sketches.
Your mind goes back to the present when your familiar mug lands on your messy table, the content sloshes a bit to the sides.
"Careful!" You hold the mug, stopping its motion.
"Shit, sorry. You looked like Gromit there for a second" he chuckles, sitting down on your bed, a piece of biscuit in his mouth, the springs squeaking under his weight.
"Augh, you trying to bring back that nickname?" You take a sip, the warmth of the tea relaxes the aching muscles of your hand.
"It's always been there, Gromit" he lays down, swallowing the cookie, his chucks still on his feet.
You stand up immediately, cringing when his soles graze your bedsheets, grabbing his shoes off your bed "shoes off!" You struggle as Hobie watches on with a smirk "fuckin' take it off!"
"You're mad mad" he sits up, unlacing his shoes.
You put your hands on your hips, socked feet tapping impatiently. Hobie flings his shoes off, looking smugly at your annoyed face. He lays down, arms behind his head.
You narrow your eyes at him "awwe, are you tired?" You asked sarcastically.
"Yes, talking to you the entire day is tiring"
"You're not the one designing this thing" you gesture towards your table that's littered with crumpled papers, various designs pinned on your corkboard. Your hand cramps at the thought of drawing another line.
"Giving my opinion is tiring, why don't you rest for a bit, you're obviously knackered" he taps the space beside him. It wouldn't be the first time you've shared a bed, it's impossible that you haven't, being that you've been best friends for ten years. But you're still unsure, knowing that when you lie down (especially next to him) you won't get back to work again. But it doesn't mean that your heart doesn't skip a beat whenever you do share a bed, it practically stops in your chest until you two wake up.
Hobie sees your dilemma, knowing you wouldn't be able to work on your designs if you lie down next to him. "Come sit down at least" he finds a middle ground.
You sigh, surrendering, as long as you don't rest your head on your pillow you'll be fine, right? Sitting down, Hobie's legs props you up, preventing you from laying down completely.
You hum, leaning your entire weight over his legs, you can feel the rough material of his jeans on your back, your jumper doesn't provide much barrier from his warmth.
"Don't fall asleep" Hobie pokes your arm.
"Hard to when your bony legs are stabbing my back"
He moves his legs back, you fall halfway, head almost landing on his knees. You smack his arm playfully. Hobie predicts that you'll slap his chest next, he moves his arm shield himself. Lo and behold, that's where you hit him next.
"Fuck you, Wallace" despite your swearing, you grin widely, Hobie laughs at his old nickname, he keeps dodging your attacks, Hobie parries your hand, stopping it mid air. He holds your wrists in front of him, warm fingers wrap bracelets around them.
He laughs victoriously "who you callin' Wallace? Do I look like I'm bald?"
You try to get his grip off your wrist, pulling, but his grip is too strong–it doesn't hurt, it's the opposite actually, his grip on you provides comfort and stability. A laugh escapes you "you smile like him" he says it with you, copying your voice mockingly, already knowing that you'll say those exact words.
You roll your eyes, trying and failing to take your hands back, Hobie pulls you in, making you lean over his chest, your heart immediately jumping at the close proximity of his face from yours. Hobie didn't think this through enough, now he doesn't know what to do next. You both pause on your play fighting.
He watches your reaction, your lips slightly parted, pupils blown out. You do the same, cataloging every line on his face, eyes finding the familiar color of his iris, the late afternoon sun gleaming on his lip piercing. You quickly move your eyes back to his, realizing you've been staring at his lips, you swallow down your fear. You lay on top of him, frozen.
You exhale, breath fanning his face, your pulse thumping hard against Hobie's hand. He loosens his grip on your wrists, giving you time to pull away, but you don't so he slides his hands from your wrists over to your hands, fingers stopping at your clammy palms.
Hobie raises his head slowly to meet yours, his heart uncharacteristically beating hard on his chest. He realizes that his heart only acts this way around you. He can feel the dam straining against the overflowing water.
The sound breaks you both out of your daze, pushing away from each other, you avoid Hobie's gaze. While he looks at you longingly, chest heaving at what almost transpired.
You try to act nonchalantly, clearing your throat "yeah?"
"It's almost six! Get your visitor out" the dorm's RA yells out like a warden.
"Yeah, okay!" You give her a thumbs up, as if she can see you through the door. Hobie notices your awkwardness, taking it upon himself to break the awkward feeling.
"She doesn't have x-ray vision" He stops himself from touching your arm, hand landing back to his side.
You scoff, heat slowly leaving your cheeks "c'mon time to go home" you stand up, refraining from tapping his chest.
"We're not done yet" he sits up by his elbows, eyes following you gathering his stuff like a one night stand trying to get him out of your place.
You sigh "I don't think we can finish this today, Hobs" you say defeatedly "I mean look" you take a pinned sketch, showing it to Hobie. You both act like nothing happened, used to the almosts.
He looks at your sketch of him, drawn like a runway model, your design looks good, for him at least. Already sure whatever you make for him will be amazing. But judging from your pout he guesses it's not good enough for you.
"It looks good" he reassures you, "what's wrong with it?"
You drop his shoes back on the floor, stepping over it to sit back down on the bed. You hold the paper gingerly, noting every single line you've drawn. "There's something missing, it– I don't know" you groan.
"Make me understand then, they all look good enough for me" he gestures at your designs on the corkboard "I like the one with red on it"
"They all have a touch of red" you roll your eyes, "I don't know, they just– they have more Hobie in them, than of me y'know?"
He nods "yeah, I can see it, you need more bits of you in it"
"Mm-hmm, it's supposed to be a perfect blend of us both" you cross the barrier that you've put up between him, leaning your head on his chest.
"Yeah, it's like if we had a kid and they ended up lookin' like a clone of me" he looks at you teasingly, a smirk curling on his lips.
"Again, weird analogy, Hobs" you huff out.
He chuckles "D'you wanna rest or continue this at my place?" Hobie covers the top of your head with his palm, blanketing your scalp in his warmth.
Thinking for a second, you want to rest, but on the other hand, you need to keep working, you never know when both of your schedules will clear up, this is one of those rare times.
The loud knock echoes again, "your place, then" you look at him, cheek laying on his chest, hearing how his heart beats against your ear.
Hobie smiles, more than happy to spend more time with you.
You stop by a convenience store on the way to his place. The harsh white lights make you squint until your eyes adjust. Hobie grabs a basket, handing it to you.
"Such a gentleman" sarcasm dripping on your lips.
He walks backwards, winking at you, hands in his jean pockets. Hobie beelines for the frozen aisle, his chucks sliding against the tiled floor.
You sigh, already knowing what he'll grab. You take a couple of crisps, Hobie's favourite and yours. You bend down to grab a packet of biscuits, hearing a tinkling sound on your left, your eyebrows knit in confusion at the peeking green sock puppet.
"Hello there" You ask, thinking there's a kid playing around. You stand up, the small basket almost full.
"Hi" the puppet's mouth moves, but Hobie's voice comes out, you laugh at how he tried to hide his voice by making it higher pitched.
"Hobie, where'd you even get that?" You say in between airy laughs. You can't see where he is, Hobie's body is hidden behind a display of oatmeal, but you can clearly see his metal bracelet peeking out from under the puppet.
"Name's not Hobie, it's y/n, and I have a passion for fashion" the puppet's mouth moves dramatically as Hobie speaks.
You giggle at his antics, grabbing the puppet by its 'throat' "ack!" Hobie acts like he's choking. He moves in your line of sight, still making choking noises. The cashier looks at you weirdly, releasing your hand from the puppet.
You keep laughing, Hobie's smiles victoriously, getting the desired reaction from you. You clutch your hand over your stomach, heaving from laughing.
"You done?" Hobie is still speaking through the puppet, his throat aching from making his voice higher.
"Yep, you can stop making that voice" you smile, playing with the little bell strapped on the puppet, it rings softly at your touch.
"Thank fuck," Hobie clears his throat, speaking in his normal deep voice "they're selling these over there" he points to his right, using the puppet to point at it.
You see the bright display of different sock puppets, the bold letters reading 'all proceeds go to the children's hospital'
"It's cute, what even is it?"
Hobie moves the puppet from side to side, little yellow spikes on its head, a long tongue lolling on the side of its mouth. "I think it's supposed to be a dinosaur"
"Looks like it, but its tongue is too long to be a dinosaur, maybe it's a lizard?" You look at Hobie questioningly.
"Don't look at me, I don't know either" he shrugs.
"Whatever it is let's take it, he's kind of adorable, in a weird looking way" you take it from his hand, putting it inside your basket.
"Just like you" Hobie quips.
"Funny" you poke his chest. "You got the frozen pizza?"
"Nah, got distracted" Hobie walks towards the freezers, you follow closely behind, he flings the door open. You peek under his raised arm resting on the freezer door, looking at your choices.
"Four cheeses? Or overload?" You ask.
"You want me to shit myself?"
You giggle "right, lactose intolerant, forgot for a sec, overload it is. Thought you have lactaid?"
Hobie takes the frozen pizza box, bringing it to your cheeks, you jump away when the cold box hits your skin. "I ran out of it"
"Ass" you scoff, wiping away the condensation.
He laughs from his belly, putting the box inside the basket. Hobie grabs the heavy basket from you, happily giving it to him. He makes his way towards the cashier, you quickly grab a couple of canned soda from the freezer, catching up to Hobie.
The cashier gives you an annoyed look, probably because of the noises you two made. You look at him apologetically as he scans the items.
You arrive at his place, slightly shivering from the cold air that pricked you while in the back of Hobie's motorcycle. He gets off first, helping you with a steady hand.
"Remind me to bring a proper jacket next time we ride this late. Christ alive it's bloody freezing" you rub your arms, trying to get warm, your thin jacket isn't helping much to shield you from the cold.
Hobie takes off his leather jacket despite being only a few feet away from his place, he drapes it on you since your hands are full with the plastic bag of food. He holds your hands together breathing hot air into it, your heart swells at the small act.
"Why didn't you tell me you were cold? I could've stopped for a bit and handed you my jacket, you idiot" he grumbles out, still rubbing your hands warm.
"It was a short ride, Hobs. Besides we're here already you don't need to do this"
"Inside isn't any better, radiator's fucked since yesterday" he brings your hands to his mouth, blowing more warm air into your cold hands.
"Just my luck" your breathing stutters in your throat when Hobie looks at you through his lashes, lips dangerously close to your hands. "Let's just go inside, I'm hungry" you pull your hands away, already missing his warmth. Hobie looks at you like you grew a second head.
"Oven still works, right?" You clear your throat.
Hobie takes out his keys, opening the door for you "yeah, gas still works" he sniffs, the cold finally bothering him.
Entering the small house, you can hear the loud sound of the television, bright against the darkness of the modest living room. Ned and James play couch co-op of golden eye. James sees you standing awkwardly by the doorway, not paying attention to the screen, his character dies, making Ned annoyed.
"Come on, bruv! We can't pass this level with you dying every bloody minute" Ned follows James' stare, ending with you standing stiffly in front of the door, too awkward to walk in front of the telly, not wanting to disturb them. Hobie's behind you fumbling with the lock.
"Hi, sorry to drop in" you smile shyly.
Ned slaps the back of James' head "really? You got distracted?" He whisper-shouts, James jumps slightly in his seat, Ned quickly moves his neck to look at you, "It's alright, y/n! Make yourself at home"
"Thanks" you say, smiling sweetly.
"Oi, it's rude to stare" Hobie finally locks the rusty bolt, eyes staring at James.
" 'm not," he defends himself, thick Manchester accent rearing its head. "I was lookin' at the bag, is that pizza?" He acts interested in the contents of your bag.
Hobie side eyes Ned, having a non verbal conversation with him.
"I think there's enough for us four, where's Yuri? I still haven't thanked her for her help" you say.
"She's with her friends," Ned says.
Nodding, you walk towards the kitchen, Hobie not too far behind. "Have you talked to the landlord about the broken radiator, Hobs?"
"Don't need to, we're moving out anyway" Hobie replies nonchalantly, like it's old news to you.
"What?" You drop the plastic bag a little too hard on the counter. "What do you mean you're moving out? Where are you moving?" Fear creeps up to you.
"All of us are moving, actually" James pipes up from the couch, Ned elbows for him to shut up.
Hobie grabs a flyer from the fridge door, showing it to you. "Battle of the bands, our last show before we disband"
"You're gonna disband too?!" You look at Ned sitting on the couch, watching the interaction unfold. He replies for Hobie, seeing he might need some help explaining it to you.
"Sorry y/n, it's true. James and Yuri are off to uni, and I'm moving back to Richmond"
You look at Hobie sadly, knowing he'll be left behind by one of his oldest friends. You're well aware that Hobie doesn't like sticking to one band, moving on to a different team every few years, this doesn't surprise you, but Ned has been one of the few constants in his band, always his chosen bassist, and his oldest friend next to you.
Ned and James start their game again, giving you as much privacy as the small space can provide, trying to not listen to your obvious private conversation, they wish you two could just talk it out inside Hobie's room instead. Or better yet, just kiss about it, saving you both the energy.
Looking up at Hobie, eyes slightly watering at the thought of him being left behind, you'd never even thought of doing that to him. Of course you know he can handle himself, but you can't bear imagining him alone. Or maybe it's because you can't imagine going through life without him, turning out he'll be fine on his own without you. And you're the one who's projecting your fears towards Hobie.
Your lives have been intertwined since childhood, celebrating wins together, laughing and crying at the good and bad. You've been through almost everything together, it's hard to imagine your life before you met him, more so after your lives untangle from each other.
"When's the last gig?" You try to not let your emotions get to you, but your smile doesn't reach your eyes. Hobie sees through your charade, he holds your hand subtly, thumb rubbing circles over your palm.
"It'll be fine, love" I'll be fine, he wanted to say, but he swallows it down, tossing it over to the pile of all the unsaid words he wanted to say to you. "We've been planning it for awhile, just need to find a place and I'm good to go"
"You haven't found a place yet?" completely forgetting there are other people in the room with you, melting into his touch.
"Not yet, y'know me, always putting things off" he tangles his fingers through yours. "Once we win, I'll get enough to rent a place"
"I'll help you find a place" you squeeze his hand, he squeezes back three times.
"You givin' it for free? No need for me to punch out a hole in our card?" He teases you.
You roll your eyes "Don't push it, Hobart. But yes, you don't need to use our card for it" you joke, you would've helped him anyways, card or no card.
"Good, thanks Gromit" he smiles, reluctantly untangling your fingers from his. Hobie hands you the flyer, moving towards the counter to take out the food. With that your previous conversation ends, but your sadness and anxiety for what the future holds still lingers. Everything seems to change too fast, you don't think you're ready for any of it.
You smile softly at the nickname. Reading the contents of the advert– Battle of the bands at Oscorp Museum! your eyes widening when you gloss over the date on it. "Hobie, this concert is happening the day before our show"
"And? It's not on the same day" he takes out the puppet from the plastic.
"Yeah, but won't you be too..tired?" You ask.
Hobie huffs, taking the puppet off the counter, slipping it on your hand, you raise a brow at him "say what you really mean by 'tired' use the puppet to help" he crosses his arms over his chest.
You narrow your eyes, playing along, raising your arm halfway. You speak through the puppet, trying to talk with your mouth closed "won't you be too hungover?"
"There we go!" He claps "Thank you, y/n for the honesty"
"That wasn't me, that was the puppet"
"We have a real ventriloquist here, huh" Hobie takes out the frozen pizza from the box, slipping it inside the oven, he shuts the oven door closed "There won't be any alcohol in the venue, there's nothing to fucking drink"
"Sure" you say, still speaking through the puppet, rolling its head with your hand movements.
James whispers to Ned "they were all sweet to each other a second ago, now they're fighting"
"Reminds you of your parents huh?" Ned whispers back.
"Actually yeah, good eye"
Ned looks at him confused "not a compliment, bruv"
"Nothin' what's up with the creepy puppet?"
Meanwhile, you continue to bicker with Hobie, the cold not helping with your attitude "You know I'm thinking of naming him Terrence, he looks like a Terry, right?" You make the puppet look at you, making it nod.
"Fuck off, after that Terry?"
"Yeah, we can tell exactly what we mean through Terry then we can both put the blame on him" you make the puppet nervously look at both of you.
"Fuckin' Terrence" Hobie remembers the bully.
"Exactly! Fuckin' Terrence" you both laugh, you don't even remember why you were fighting in the first place.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! As always likes and reblogs are appreciated ❤️
*pictures above are from pinterest*
379 notes · View notes
shevr · 10 months
im scheduled to attempt to do a self injection on monday anybody got tips
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can-of-woerms · 7 days
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i don't think this is normal behavior.,,, (close ups under the cut)
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34 notes · View notes
truths33k3r4 · 2 months
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CHAPTER 4 - The Vibrancy of Hope
When Raph blinked, he was back in his bedroom, crouched down on the floor next to his twin.
Through the storms of his horrible memories, a single cloud parted by a small, shaking voice. It reached out to Raph like a lifeline, pulling him out of the raging waves of his past.
“I-I’m sorry..” 
Don groaned through his clenched teeth. “I-I didn’t know what else to do.” His hunched-over form shifted as he lifted his gaze to meet his brother’s. A mental message pricked at the corner of Raph’s mind from his twin. 
(They wouldn’t stop... I couldn’t control it.)
Understanding sparked in his green and hazel eyes, making them grow in empathy. 
Raph sighed as he reached his arms over his twin. Don’s body tensed at first, becoming rigid and tight at the sudden physical contact from his normally emotionally-inept brother. The shivers that rattled through Don’s arms slowly melted away as he hesitantly accepted Raph’s embrace, leaning further into his brother’s steady heartbeat pulsing through his plastron. The rhythm, warmth, and pressure proved to be just what the freckled brother needed to ground himself.
(I’m sorry, Don.)
The shuddering wheezes hitting Raph’s neck eventually evened out into shaky, but stable breaths. Don’s arms wrapped tight around Raph’s shell, reciprocating the welcomed grounding pressure to his twin. The brother’s hearts harmonized, making both their plastrons rise and fall in sync.
For the first time in days, the silence that spread through the room was welcomed. Instead of blanketing the brothers with anxiety or discomfort, it brought a sense of calm; peace. An ice-like void transformed into a warm haven, re-igniting the brothers with a soft, shimmering flame of safety in their hearts. 
(We are home, brother.)
(We…are h-home.)
Raph remained still as his twin took one last deep breath. Neither brother moved away from their embrace.
But despite the tender moment shared by the brothers, Raph couldn’t help being himself. 
“Do ya think you can make it to my bed, or are you gonna fall over like an old lady again?”
Despite his disheveled state, Don didn’t skip a beat as he scoffed and retorted back in a thin voice, “Oh yeah, that’s it- shame the guy who nearly passed out. Great bedside manner, brother. I would recommend your services as much as I’d encourage sleeping with a lit match in a building made of drywood.”
Raph shrugged, letting out a playful chuckle.
“Heheh- Aw come on, Interi. You know what Mikey always says. The whole ‘laughing is better than medicine thing’. I’m doin’ ya a favor.”
“Oh yeah, sure. Ha ha.” Don drawled, his words dripping with sass.
“HA! See? You’re feelin’ better already.”
Don let out his own snicker as he smirked antagonistically.
“Oh I wasn’t laughing at the joke you made, I was laughing at the joke that you are.”
Raph sputtered indignantly as an offended grin shined on his face.
“Dude- I just saved your stinkin’ life! You coulda hit the floor and then *poof!* NO MORE EGGHEAD.”
“Least then I wouldn’t be here listening to your pathetic excuses for jokes.”
A’ight. You asked for this, ya punk.
Before Don had the chance to protest, Raph leaned over and lifted his twin into his arms. He could’ve chosen to hold his brother in a more dignified manner, like the fireman-hold across his shoulders, but instead decided to carry his flailing twin in a princess-carry, making Don’s cheeks burn bright with embarrassment and anger.
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“R-RAPHAEL!!! This is NOT necessary!!!” Don screeched as he flung his arms and legs with as much grace as a drunk hummingbird. “YOU BIG OAF! LET ME GO!!!!!” 
Raph just smiled in victory as he walked his squirming brother to his nook. The bed creaked extra loud when Raph unceremoniously dropped Don’s wriggling body onto the mattress. 
“-Oof! …Raphael… Kisho… Hamat- HEUGH!”
With an even louder groan of the mattress, and a squeezed groan from Don, Raph flopped his whole body on top of his twin, sprawling out all his limbs like a starfish. Don let out a frustrated growl, muffled by his brother’s shell pressing into his face. 
Don pushed and squirmed with all his might trying to buck off his brother, but to no avail.
“Can’t you just feel the healin’? I’m a total pro at this.”
“G’T OFF!!”
Don tried reaching to the edge of the bed to get leverage in pulling himself away from Raph, but he couldn’t reach.
Raph let out an exaggerated yawn, stretching out his limbs further. “Ya know…” He smacked his lips. “I think imma take a nap. This is way too cozy to pass up.”
With a smirk the size of the sun Raph went fully limp, adding to the growing pressure on top of Don. 
.  .  .
Lotus watched in curious silence as Don kicked, clawed and screeched from underneath his brother. After he bit out a particular word that Lotus had never heard before, Raph tsked and flicked his freckled twin square in the nose. 
“Language, Don! Do I need to get Dad~?”
More muffled shouts reverberated from under Raph, each one getting more and more annoyed. Lotus couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement at the two brothers’ antics. 
She wasn’t quite sure what she should be doing right now... Should she try to intervene? Maybe egg Don on? Or should she be quiet? Just try to… become invisible? 
She doesn’t really have a place to say anything, so she decides to just watch with a smile. 
Over time, Don’s muffled shouts slurred into snoring.
Lotus let out a soft snicker at the sight of both brothers sound asleep on top of each other. Don’s face was completely smushed in between the mattress and Raph’s shell, while Raph’s limbs draped limply off the sides of his brother. A small thread of spit had slowly made its way from the edge of Raph’s gaping mouth.
What a lovely sight.
Lotus softly chuckled to herself as she laid her head back on her pillow, its soft fabric welcoming her into its embrace. However, the comfort was quickly pushed aside by the unsettling feeling of something still being wrapped around her. The blanket remained laid over her torso, its linen fibers soft and heavy. The sensation made her legs itch as she tried to slide them out from underneath it, her right leg moving slow but steadily, still weighed down by the exhaustion plaguing her muscles and bones. With a few weak kicks, the weight of the comforter disappeared over her right leg. The cold air of the room enveloped her skin, making her body tingle. 
After a crackling burn ending with a harsh yelp, she was reminded to not move her left leg. 
At all. 
Using her right leg, she proceeded to slowly kick off the rest of the blanket. Her whole body immediately relaxed and sunk deeper into the mattress as she let out a thankful sigh. The cold surrounded her, sending a gentle wave of refreshment through her body. 
That’s better…
Somehow the loud snores of Donatello quickly became background static as Lotus was left to her thoughts. 
Images flashed through her unfocused irises as she revisited the past twenty four hours. Waking up in a random bedroom, meeting the brothers…and…
A deep burn ignited inside the wound in her left leg. She hissed as she slowly leaned over to reach the offending appendage. Her shoulders and neck ached in protest with each movement as she rubbed up and down to hopefully relieve some of the tenseness in her muscles. The pain of her wound sparked a wisp of bitterness in her soul, melding with and growing the shadows over her recovering heart. With a defensive scowl, she remembered who it was to blame for what had happened.
Her mind coursed with the images of Leo’s tear filled eyes. The fear echoed through his trembling hands. His words…
His promise.
A whimper escaped her lips as her wounded leg once again crackled with bolts of fire under her skin. She was then reminded of the pills that Raph had ordered her to take before he went to help Don. As she extended her arm to reach for the edge of the bed to pull herself up, another pang twisted in the muscles of her arms, making her let out a sharp hiss through her teeth. Nervous she might’ve woken the slumbering twins, she turned her head to them with her face in a squinting grimace. Her shoulders fell with relief when she saw that neither brother had moved an inch.
Phew. Okay- feel pain quieter please.
She tried again, this time successfully reaching and grasping the edge of the bed. Her feeble fingers tightened their grip as she slowly hunched her torso up. More scattered sparks twisted the muscles between her neck and shoulders, but she was determined to stay as silent as possible. 
At the record pace of a sleep-deprived sloth, she finally reached the two pills on the side table. Her brows cinched together when she saw there was no water or cup, so she guessed she had to take them dry. They were small enough, so it shouldn’t be a problem. 
Her fingers froze just as they were about to place the set of pills in her mouth.
...Will these do anything?
If the injection had barely made a dent in her pain, then why would these pills be any different? What if they had done something to her that would make her react badly to the medication?
Hesitation and fear cinched every muscle in her arm as she held the pills mere inches from her mouth.
I could be allergic to it.
It might make me sick.
It could hurt me.
She peered down at the deep bruises splotched over the crooks of her arms.
No- It's f-fine. Even if these don't do anything.. At least it won't cause me any pain like the needle did. It's fine.
I can do this.
I can DO THIS.
She shakily placed them in her mouth and forced herself to swallow.
The pills, however small, did not want to go down her throat. The bitter taste of the outside coating made her choke out a small gag, but she persisted. She dropped her head down to make the now melting pills fall to the back of her teeth. Then in one quick motion, she yanked her head up, craning her neck, and shooting the pills to the back of her throat. The bitter taste had now been thoroughly smeared all throughout her mouth, but the pills thankfully went down. 
Definitely using water next time…Yech.
She tried her best to ignore the chalky textures plastered on her tongue and between her teeth, as she carefully lowered herself back down onto the mattress. Apparently her fingers were officially out of commission, cause right before her head gracefully landed on her pillow, they released their grip, making her jerk back onto the mattress with a loud *FLOP*.
Her head rang with disorientation as she tried to distract herself from the bitter taste in her mouth and the swelling headache in her temples. She laid still, not daring to move in order to prevent any more discomfort.
Lotus looked back to the time she had spent with Leonardo. She recalled the kindness in his gentle tone, and the grace and care he gave her despite her stupid phobias. She had never seen such tenderness. 
But one specific image remained burned into her heart, flickering with the opaque shadows of distrust.
The moment she looked into his eyes. 
He lied to me.
He acted as though he knew what he was doing with the procedure. How he spoke with her in seasoned authority had begun to give her a sense of relief. But then things quickly started going wrong. Unlike them, who would just continue on as if nothing happened and finish no matter her discomfort, Leo froze. He panicked. His hands shook and his face pinched into a tense frown. He began mumbling incoherently to himself, and it made Lotus’ stomach twist with fear that she really wasn’t safe.
All the doctors or nurses she had been brought to didn’t look any older than thirty. So how old was he?? How much experience could this kid really have if he looked like he wasn’t even in his TWENTIES?
He probably had no idea what he was doing. He did say that he was new at it, though..
I guess all that confidence was just talk.
Distrust creeped its shadow further over Lotus’ questioning heart. Her stomach twisted.
Maybe I can’t trust him.
More of Leo’s words echoed back to her in thin wisps. They softly flowed through her mind, alighting the darker, frozen corners with a small glint of something warm.
Her mind rang with the cries of Leo’s apology, and her eyes filled with the image of his tears and quivering lip. He never yelled at her to ‘toughen up’, or ‘hold still’ or…anything like that. He never once snapped at her or shamed her for being weak. 
He listened… and did whatever he could to help. 
More of Leo’s words echoed back, making the shadow over her heart retreat just a little bit more.
“That’s ok. I bet Don could figure it out! He’s really smart, and I’m sure he could help.”
She had owed him. And yet he was willing to help her more than he already had, guiding her to go to Don to find answers she never once believed would be given. And on top of that… he, and his whole family had welcomed her into their home with no strings attached. 
Or at least none that she’s spotted yet.
Shadow slowly crept back up the walls of her heart, fighting against the warmth and light. With each dig of its claw, another question of doubt began to infect her mind.
There has to be a catch…Why would they help me escape? I did nothing to earn it. I didn’t ask for help.
They must want something.
 Maybe they’ll have me clean in order to stay. Or cook. Or help with.. whatever they do all day. I bet I can learn to do those things. They’ll…they’ll have to train me, but I’m a fast learner. 
Being born and raised in a lab didn’t really help with her understanding of how to do chores. They never taught her how to care for herself, or keep a living space, so she was pretty clueless as to what to do. But she could learn. Didn’t seem all that hard. Sometimes she would watch as the janitor would do his rounds cleaning the hall outside of her cell. He’d swipe down the floor with a stick that had some weird looking hair attached to it, and he would spray an airy solution on the clear glass of her wall. She had to admit it was pretty satisfying to see the glass go from speckled and wet to clear and pristine. It was the closest thing to entertainment that she had, so she would keep tabs on whenever the janitor appeared on her floor. 
As long as they show me what to do, I’ll be able to help out as best I can. And when I’m strong enough, I can go find my own place. I’ll be out of their hair.
Her heart beat faster as realization blossomed inside of it. Her mind pulled to light a long forgotten memory, faded from time, but still slightly aglow with importance. 
Shimmering blurs of a kind face with soft hair filled her vision. The gentle voice told her stories of the world, filling her little imagination to overflowing. Sometimes the woman would sneak a children’s book into her cell, secretly teaching her how to read whenever there was time. Slender painted nails would point at the pages, explaining the names and colors of the items. The woman would have Lotus read out the words as best as she could, and then a gentle finger would tap her nose playfully, quietly announcing “That’s right, Lotus!!”
The beautiful memory continued to fade. But even in the darkness of her mind, it still emitted a faint, but thriving glow. 
The pictures in that children’s book of her past came to life before her, beckoning her to them. Calling out to her that this was her chance. She could go see skyscrapers, bridges, farms, and the countryside. She could experience the nature around her, meeting the various fauna, and gazing at the beautiful flora. 
She could finally see the majesty of a sunset.
Colors were drained from every room and surface back at the labs. Every wall was either an empty gray or a piercing white. The cabinets and doors were dull with no textures. The lights didn’t even vary, always glowing a pale, sickly yellow. Except for the surgical room light, that would always give her a horrible headache with how bright its white rays were set. She would always need to shut her eyes tight in order to not get dizzy.
She turned her head to look around the bedroom. The whole wall surrounding where Don and Raph were laying was splashed with all kinds of vibrant colors. Blues, yellows, reds, oranges… She caught sight of some small hand prints too, splattered randomly throughout the whole art piece. 
Her head turned further, surveying more of the bedroom.
More and more colors seemed to pop up all over the living space, from the teals and reds of the books stacked haphazardly in the bookshelf, to the dirty orange jackets piled in the corner, to the soft blue sheets covering the mattress she was laying on. Her eyes indulged themselves with the vibrancy scattered all throughout the room, inspiring a fragile smile to grace her face.
Her past’s hollow smears of gray vanished as her present alighted with vibrant hues of hope.
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She was truly free.
That's it for this chapter! :)
FINALLY we get to see more perspective and thoughts from Lotus. This poor girl has been through a lot, but I wanted a lot of what happened to her to be in subtle small details. Things you have to catch in context rather than just being told it out front.
And then the twins~ Oh MAN was it FUN to just write these two bickering and making a scene together. I'll admit, a lot of their dialogue and actions are inspired by me and my older sisters past experiences. And even now. ;) They're such chaotic goobers and I love them dearly. <3
Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Please feel free to reblog and share this story if it touched your heart. :)
To God be the glory!
~ Melissa
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hjartasalt · 24 days
Walking up three flights of stairs absolutely littered in used needles when I'm already on the verge of a contamination OCD spiral as a fun way of spicing up my day
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