#tw: animal harm mention
moralpuppet · 1 year
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❝ Well  it  was  a  wolf   but   you're   friend   sounds   too   nice   to   have   been   the   one   I   saw.   It   was   pretty aggresive.   I   mean   it   hurt   my   neighbour's   cat   pretty   badly   I   nursed   it   back   to   health...um   well   I   tried   to   anyway   before   my   mom   discovered   her   and   threw   her   back   out...  ❞
The   brunet   was   worried   for   his   town    it's   why   he    had   come   to   the   pizzeria   to   invesitgate.   He looks up at the spectacula bear animatronic. (@muutos)
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❝ Moralton   doesn't   have   any   robots   or   any   of   the   fancy   stuff   you   have   here   actually...  well   we   didn't   before   the   wolf --um,...  it looked kinda like you guys. It   kinda made   those   buzzing   sounds   too   and   had   wires   sticking   out   of   it   and   it    looked   mean! I   was   kinda   hoping   I'd   find   someone   here   who   could   help  ?  ❞ The  boy  appears  to  have  a  limp  but  the  way  he  manuevers  around  implies  the  wound  is  old.   He  rests  his  cane  down  and  leans against  the  nearest  panelling.  ❝ No  one  back  home  believes  me  about  it.  I  saw  it though.  ❞ / starter for Glamrock Freddy
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six-of-cringe · 10 months
The "ohhhh fuck dolphins, dolphins are evil they kill and rape, ohh otters are evil they rape seal babies, not so cute now are they" people are like the children who would smugly tell anyone who would listen that ring around the rosie is about people dying of the plague. Like ok. Do I need to explain how high intelligence correlates with complex behavior or can you shut the fuck up on your own
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antiendovents · 4 months
Atlas duo's creator here, got called a dog rapist and told to slit due to believing in reality shifting so that's fun. (I'm debating on following through tonight.)
please don't do it. I know it's hard, harassment is the worst, it's horrible and you don't deserve it. Take a break, turn of anon on your blog and step away. It might seem hard but it can help to take breaks and just get away from it all. Don't follow through, don't listen to them, they don't know anything. You are not a dog rapist, it was not your fault and you should not hurt yourself, especially not because people don't like what you believe in. Your beliefs are your beliefs, you aren't hurting anyone and you don't deserve hate for them. Please go take care of yourself, take a break. We love you (platonically) and we love what you're doing, you don't deserve this.
I know I've said it a lot, but please step away and take care of yourself, especially if it's affecting you this much. If needed turn off the ask box entirely, block anyone who says bad things, if you have other mods on the blog maybe they can help you with blocking people? Either way please know we are here for you, you are loved and cared about. Don't listen to the people telling you these things, they're stupid and unreliable. You're an amazing person and you don't deserve this. No one deserves this.
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faintresponse · 2 months
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"a purpose that starts & ends with pleasing my killer // truly, how could i ask for more?"
i wonder if she ever cares about my existence beyond usage. i cannot fight back, i cannot say a word to accuse her, she lives a full life because i cannot say no... still, i wonder if she knows what my favorite color is.
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youre-only-gay-once · 2 years
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Supernatural • 8×01 • We Need to Talk About Kevin
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blossomhcir · 2 months
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Adelaide as Iphigenia (inspired by @dioica)
Deer Chased by Dogs -Jean Baptiste Oudry // Iphigenia (1977) // Die Your Daughter by Susannah Joffe // Cassa.ndra by Flor.ence and the Machine // The Last Day of Pompeii (Details)- Karl Brjullov // Deer in the Woods - Elizabeth Strong // Sacrifice of Iphigenia -Maulbertsch // A Willing Captive - Frederick Stuart Church // Ptole.maea by Et.hel Ca.in
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bittcnneck · 11 months
Lacey is a huge people pleaser. The dream she saw in Lacey's petshop and also the whole lacey's diner just backs it up. She loves animals. She used to have a dog before her uncle got rid of it. Now she wants a cat. If she loves them so much, why would she harm a bunny and a turtle in her petshop? Because she was asked to. The pets had to be perfect. They had to look exactly how the costumers wanted them. And she did not want to dissapoint them. Even if it meant harming the animals. She wants people to like her, to be proud of her, to appriciate her, to be happy with her service. So much so that she is willing to harm an animal as long as it means the costumer will leave satisfied.
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in laceys diner, when she ends up being late and the costumers leave, she starts calling herself names like "failure, dissapointment" and harms herself. All because she failed her costumers. She could not satisfy them. So she punished herself by harming herself mentally and physically. She tried so hard. But the poor girl ended up breaking down.
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butchdykekondraki · 6 months
bitches weren't lying that fixation can be hyper
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Giant whump, from the perspective of humans being like small animals or insects
Giant who carries their pet human in a little purse like a human would a toy poodle
Giant who tries to help an injured human picks them up off the ground, accidentally squeezing their abdomen a little too tightly between their thumb and forefinger I’ve accidentally killed ants like this and felt really bad about it
Giant finds that a human has made a home in the corner of their apartment. Giant puts them outside to be humane, instead of killing them like their roommate wanted to do, only to realize it is too cold to put them outside when Whumpee instantly curls up into a little ball in the winter air. Giant decides to Keep Whumpee in a little jar, cursing themselves and hoping they’ll recuperate I also accidentally did this with a spider at work because I’m dumb and sometimes forget what season it is, apparently
Human bites being toxic to giants
Certain giants being allergic to human bites, in the way that some people are allergic to bees
Giant finding human who has been hit by a giant car nursing them back to health with cat food in a small animal cage and if you want emotional whump for the giant, have them come back to find the human stiff with gnats in its eyes…
Humans infesting a giant’s house like rats or cockroaches and making the place so dirty it becomes uninhabitable (possibly giving the giant a respiratory infection)
Or, Giant training Human to do tricks like a pet rat
Giants mercy-killing humans that are injured because they’re too small to effectively treat
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thxnks4themrms · 6 days
Littleeee rant about a news story I found about animal abuse under the cut
tw mentions of animal abuse, animal neglect, animal harm, and mentions of animal death
Okay so like idfk if yall have seen, but recently there’s been a story going around about a girl in her early 30s neglecting a cat of 10 years
So like basically the story ig is that she got her cat when she was 24 bc she was just desperate and lonely and then when she got to 30 and met her husband or something. Her cat took a disliking to the husband and the chick didn’t like that but it gets really bad after the lady gives birth. So the lady gives birth and whatever else and because of that postpartum, shit she’s like all upset with the cat and just overall finds the cat annoying and is putting her husband and her baby first. Overtime she really really gets annoyed with it and starts neglecting. She starts like going into detail about how she’d want to kick it (or kicked it I forgot), not feed it so it’d have to find anything to eat which resulted in it eating houseplants, and literally forget to put water in its water bowl so it had to drink out of the fucking toilet. She then went into detail about how she’d want the cat to just die and that’d she’d try to do things to lead it to its death
I might’ve skipped over some parts but I kinda just wanna rant about how like that’s a highkey really selfish thing to do. First of all, at her GROWN ASS AGE OF 34 she should know better than to do that. Animals are literally living organism just like humans with hearts and brains and pretty much the same muscles/intestines/organs as us (as far as ik) so they’re not some fucking doll. I feel like most animal abuse cases are because of people wanting a pet just because they feel like it but don’t consider long term things. You can’t just treat it like a toy because it literally is not and that’s a truth that sadly a lot of people don’t understand. I understand that the girl just gave birth and all and ik that’s tiring and shit and I don’t wanna be on her ass especially after carrying a whole ass person but dude there’s your husband who can take care of it as well. I don’t understand how you forget to feed and give your pet water when they need it just as much as you do. Tbh I don’t know how she even lives with the guilt of knowing she put her baby first over her older cat. Ik I say this a lot but one of my biggest fears is death - ig for me it’s like the pain that comes from it but if I really start to think of it Ik that once I’m dead I’m not gonna feel anything so ig it’s just the pain that comes before it. Death of my pets though is such a sensitive topic for me cause I just wanna keep them for as long as I can because ik that they’re not gonna be here forever and that I’m practically their entire lives. If you can’t take care of an animal, especially a cat, then how in gods fucking name do you think you’ll be able to take care of a fucking child. If you can’t take care of an animal you don’t leave it to die or lead it to its death, you take it to a fucking shelter. I’d rather it be adopted and taken care of with a different family for however longer it has left than to be found dead all because you got tired of it
Anyways chat sorry for ranting I just got really sick thinking about this and like I just find that subject to be really upsetting and gross and I just needed to yap about it somewhere
I lowkey forgot the name of the cat and other stuff so sorry that I’m referring to it as “it” 😭
Um also there’s like a ton of articles about it but I can’t find any that are free if you don’t have a subscription to the news company but you can check on TikTok cuz there’s like a ton of ss and the full story there so I’d totally read it
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sunny-possum-pal · 7 months
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You can be mean- Indigo De Souza
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devoursbears · 10 months
i do not know enough about intrusive thoughts but like . I nearly constantly am thinking about my ability to maim kill and die. I've never had serious suicidal ideadion, but. I'm showering and I think about how i could slam my body down and hit my head in just the right way to die. I see a knife and I picture what it would be like to like. Tear Into Meat and Flesh.
A small animal near me is in no danger at all but I have visions of how i could accidentally crush thm or how i have the power and strength to end their life and that I dont want to do that.
I don't know if they count as intrusive thoughts though because like. Its a thought exercise in texture and sensory input. I dont want to get hurt or hurt something else but its like deboning a chicken. Cracking bones and tearing meat and biting and biting and throwing is an experience. But that's not alive its not warm it doesnt bleed. This is good!!! I dont want to hurt things. But so often I'm given the thought of "what would it be like?"
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tempest-toss · 9 months
SCP-998 "Genuine Rabbits!"
Item #: SCP-998
Object Class: Keter*
Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-998 are to be kept in pens fitting a standard living room. Should rapid reproduction ensue, pens must be spread across the site to not allow more than nine instances to be within close proximity. Instances should be fed three times daily, with an altering meal of carrots and lettuce. Should one begin to look sickly, immediately reach out to [DATA EXPUNGED]
Description: SCP-998 are what appears to be ordinary Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus, also known as the common bunny rabbit. Instances tend to encompass multiple species variations, but often appear as a cross between the Giant Rabbit and the American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit; the only outstanding difference is the extra long ears it sports. Physical characteristics such as length and weight remain the same.
SCP-998 was discovered on a rural farm after a report came in of the farmer's sudden passing. Agent Carlson tagged along with the locals to the scene, where they found the farmer with his throat torn open, the instances bounding along as if nothing was wrong. As Agent Carlson investigated, the townsfolk gathered the instances together, and were in turn brutalized by them. Agent Carlson successfully got into her car, followed by an instance and drove away. As she got far enough, the instance stopped attacking. Agent Carlson returned to find the instances had ceased their aggression. Agent Carlson was treated for injuries and the instances were sent to Site- ██
The instances of SCP-998 have a multitude of anomalous properties, listed below.
Abnormal Walking: While the instances can move like ordinary rabbits, SCP-998 prefers to roll onto its head and use its ears as legs. An x-ray showed that instances have a new bone structure in its ears to do this. Sleep Induction: Referred colloquially as "Reverse Parakeeting" by Lead Researcher Donna Sue, whenever an instance is placed on the head of any human or humanoid, they will forcibly fall asleep Regeneration: In a testing log, an instance fell and broke its leg. Moments passed and the instance's bones snapped back into place. Instance showed no pain during this endeavor. Hivemind: Once ten or more instances are placed within close proximity, a hivemind network is established. Instances will turn aggressive and begin seeking out humans to kill. During this tie frame they have a noticeably increased intelligence, methodically seeking out their prey. Should their number drop to nine or fewer under any circumstances they will return to a docile state. This can be done in a pacifistic manner. Increased Strength: In one breach it was shown that the instances could chew through metal and cables to force a door open. This has partially been replicated in docile testing with certain fruits and common items. High Velocity: While only occurring once, one instance flung itself into Researcher Amos with speeds of that of SCP-504, The Critical Tomatoes. Researcher Amos survived with over a third of his ribs fractured and one lung punctured, among other injuries. Self-Replication: Even if one instance is alone, it can reproduce itself, at a rate of instance every three months. It is theoretically possible for them to overpopulated, but their reproduction slows the more instances are in close proximity to them.
Should at any point SCP-998 breaches, contact [REDACTED]. If the situation is severe, emergency contact with O5-4 must be made after ensuring all personnel are safely off the grounds of the site.
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blueopalsystem · 10 months
Please don't put..
Blood and animal harm..
On your..
Sfw regression..
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AvM Super Hero AU - Chapter 2 "The Lonely Ones”
Green as a child was born with a condition known as "Spark ". Anomalies are rare, but stick people with this condition were born with superhuman abilities.
Green's was a super sonic voice, He was able to break windows with just his loud scream, many were afraid to approach him for fear of being deaf. He was forced by his abusive father to pretend to be mute so as not to make his father angry. Green also possessed super hearing, from distances he could hear his father cursing horrible names about him.
Green at the age of five was abandoned in an orphanage from which he was bullied for his spark, he could defend himself by screaming but everyone was afraid or didn't like him. He forced himself not to speak and had a hard time learning to speak properly because he was always so quiet, it took him years to control the volume of his voice.
Only one thing made him calm, and that was music. Music was everything to him, he couldn't see himself without it. Sometimes he would sing the songs he liked and his voice would come out melodiously, but when others found him singing they would call him a freak. So even singing he couldn’t do it...
The tone of his voice matched whatever song he sang, and even with the calmest, most relaxing songs, people were still afraid of him... Other than that, he was visibly normal! He can keep himself a “good guy” for a long time, even though he was alone, he didn't have many friends, just other music lovers and his old friend Blue. But he was never told about his Anomaly. He also never saw his father again after he was dropped off at the orphanage.
Now 19 years old, he is at a local university in the city, going to several concerts with a group of musicians looking to help to make the world itself a better place.
He is very proud of his music. He is also quite inspired by the city's local heroes, and doesn't have the best impression of the local police and their incompetence. Among all, Green is very kind and affectionate when he can, and super loyal to those he considers friends.
It was a surprise to him that he'd run into Second Coming that night, and now three weeks after he'd brought them to his apartment, Second was already considered his roommate!
The neighbors already knew them, some thought they ware cute and very kind, others judged Them for not being very mature and acting like a child even though they physically appears to be 18 years old. Green felt great having Second as company, but sometimes it was tiring, they really did acted like a child.
They were curious, creative and full of imagination. Just seeing that footage of the watcher made them become a super hero fan. Green would come home from shopping every time with Second making several super hero designs they invented!
Several unique with uniforms full of personality, and they were a great artist. Even so, Green imagined they were more different... Maybe it's because he was considered a "freak", he could sense that Second might have an spark too...? Maybe it's the years of loneliness from never having met another abnormal like him knocking on the door, but he just... He felt like Second was different... Special...
Another day, another morning in Stick City. He wakes up yawning, he could already hear the police sirens in the distance, another crime in this poorly protected city.
He checks his phone, A message from Blue appeared, Green checks the message seeing a picture of blue with the heshitag, "The police didn't arrive but a hero did!" It was a selfie of him pointing to a superhero stopping a car of fleeing criminals.
Green rolls his eyes with a smile, Blue was very stubborn, whenever he could he took pictures of superheroes in action, after all he was a fanboy! Green comments "maybe they should learn from him right?" referring to the police.
Yawning he puts his phone aside and gets out of bed passing by Second who was on the bottom mattress, He still needed to buy a decent bed for Second, or someday they'll wake up with back pain.
Green goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, he turns on the radio to listen to music, something he liked a lot to do was hum the morning songs even if in a low voice. He would start whistling to the beat of the music and making breakfast to the beat too.
Second wakes up a little sleepy and smells the food, they get out of bed and head to the table, laying their head on the table looking sleepy. "Good morning Sec!" Green said between hissing and dancing to the beat.
"you dance well Green..." Sec says looking at him with a smile.
Green smiles back, "I love these morning tunes!" He says humming the song, it was as if he visualized everything with musical notes around him. Second laugh if getting up a little more excited try to hum the song but just couldn't get the rhythm, Green laugh "no no, it's like that!" He hums the song snippet for Second who imitates him but ends up wrong again, they both laugh.
It's been a while since Green had this much fun with someone else. Green finishes cooking The breakfast , some bacon, toast and orange juice, They both sit down and turn on the TV.
It was a crime scene reportage that Blue had taken a selfie of earlier, he even showed up to give his statement, "that hero came and beat up the bad guys!!I wonder where the police were during all this!" Green laugh and Second laugh too, Blue was quite sarcastic at times, and it made Green laugh.
He had already met Sec and thought he was cool, a little childish but cool. "It's your friend Blue!" Second points out eating their toast.
Green finishes his breakfast and goes to the bathroom to shower. Second starts humming the song Green was listening With a smile they started drawing a picture.
after half an hour taking a shower, Green comes out of the bathroom to change and sees Second drawing, "what are you drawing buddy?" he tilts his head to see the drawing better.
"It's you Green!" Second shows him his drawing, it was a great drawing of him dancing surrounded by musical notes.
Green smiles, "What a beautiful drawing, it captures my image perfectly!" he strikes a cool pose and Sec laughs.
"You're really cool Green!" Green blushes a little embarrassed. It's not the first compliment he's received that Second, each compliment only made him embarrassed and sometimes red in the face.
"hey, i'm going to the market, wanna go? You know, sometimes it gets..." he looks around, He always left them alone, and sometimes they would wait for him to arrive without eating or doing anything. "...lonely, you know?" Sometimes Second went out on ther own and ended up bothering the neighbors. Once they hit the neighbor's forehead to see if she saw them, And they spent the afternoon drinking tea with her.
Second looks at him stopping drawing and gets up smiling, "yes!!" they were really excited, They always wanted to go out with him to see the city since they met.
Green smiles and puts on his coat, "ok, let's go then!" he goes to the closet and gets some clothes for Second to wear, "put these clothes on ok?" Second agrees and takes the clothes.
After a few minutes putting on their clothes, the two leave the apartment passing the neighbors, Sec waves to them who wave back, most of them were kind elderly people who saw them as children. One of the ladies was offering some cookies and Second took it and said it was very good with a smile.
Green smiles seeing the kindness coming from Second. They leave the apartment and Second, who was a little behind, runs to accompany Green and ends up bumping into a neighbor about ther age, "Hey! What the fuck, look where you're going you idiot!!" Second would apologize but the guy interrupts them.
"Ah, You... Hey Green,” He aggressively grabs secondo's arm as Green turns towards him. “can you get your retarded friend out of my way??" He pushes Second to Green.
Sec was a little uneasy, shaking in fear at the rude guy's aggressiveness, Unfortunately, it wasn't the first time that this guy treated Second in a bad way. Since Second was introduced to the neighborhood, he specifically saw Second as a very immature, annoying and, as he prefers to call them, "Retarded"...
And Sec, unbeknownst to Green, had been researching what the word meant, and found that it was an insult to people with intellectual disabilities... Sec was never diagnosed with anything... So they didn't understand why He treated them so badly...
“Jim!" Green covered Sec's ears, "Fuck you!" He swore at the offending neighbor named Jim. He just gave the middle finger and walked away from them. "What an asshole..." He removes his hands from Sec's ears and they continue walking to the car in the parking lot.
"Sec, sorry about that again...” This guy harassed them for a long time, even before Second arrived, the neighbors had complaints about him. “I still have to complain to the manager about this guy!" He says walking next to Sec who was a little nervous and shaking a little still scratching ther hand.
"Hey, he's an idiot! Everyone else likes you! He's an exception! And also, no one else likes him!" Green puts a hand on Sec's shoulder with a gentle smile and Second smiles back.
They arrive at the parking lot where Green's car was, he starts it and enters through the driver's seat, entering second enters the passenger's seat and starts the . he pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving to the market with Second at his sidside
A criminal in red is thrown against the wall, trying to get up he is pressed against it by someone.
“Where is he..?" Asked the aggressor, the criminal turned his face away but when looking into the individual's eyes he could see flames in the back of the eyes. He closes his eyes tightly trying to keep it to himself.
“If you're so scared that I'll kill you, why don't you just speak up...?" The individual slams the criminal's head against the wall, which makes him grunt in pain.
“I-I already told you!! I don't know where he went!!"He says trying to get away using his feet to no avail. “He just took what he wanted with us and left!!"
The attacker keeps him pressed against the wall and then releases him by throwing him against some boxes.
“At least you know where he went...?" The attacker questions crouching down to the man he was catching his breath from.
In mere seconds the man attacks him with a knife but the attacker grabs his arm and slowly twists it to the side causing the man to scream in pain.
The attacker, with the other hand, grabs the man's face and throws him against several boxes in the shed. Leaving him unconscious. As were the others who were also around the dark-hooded attacker.
He leaves the shed he was in, failing to find what he wanted he closes the door aggressively, staring at his hands becoming fists and letting them loose again.
He continues moving away from that shed that is located on a pier next to a boat port, passing a graphic on some containers with the symbols of red spiders.
He stares at the symbol for a few moments before his eyes light up in a flash from which lasers fire at the container. From which it begins to melt with the burning heat, Opening a hole where the symbol was located.
He looks around and fire appears from his hands. He uses this fire to launch himself from the ground into the skies flying over the harbor taking care that no one sees him.
This was Red Spider Clan territory. Of which he was a local enemy. In other words, not very welcome.
He flies over the harbor until he comes close to an abandoned lighthouse. The fire then disappears from his hands throwing him against the ground on which he lands perfectly.
He cleans dirt from clothes as well as removing the flame-detailed face mask from his face, showing a scar on his lip. He walks to the lighthouse, putting his hand on the doorknob.
“This place will be our hiding place! You liked it?"
He stops for a few seconds, That voice continues to haunt him, he gnaws his teeth remembering the person who said that sentence. He continues opening the door and entering the lighthouse.
He looks around, the room contained some boxes and looked abandoned. He searches the wall for something and finds what looks like a rifle case and opens it, revealing several buttons and some loose cables.
It looks for a specific button and finds a button blocked by a "do not press" note and removes it by pressing the button.
He looks to the side where the stairs were, hearing a noise coming from the direction he was turning to. A passageway opened in the wall, revealing an elevator.
He sighs in relief, this is what he was looking for and for a moment he thought that this passage was lost.
He enters the elevator and presses the button with a down arrow. The doors close and the elevator starts to descend.
“Did you do all this by yourself?"
“Yea! Of course I did! We need a way into our secret aria!"
He remembers that voice again, along with his own voice as well, in a younger and more immature tone. He looks at the ceiling of the elevator from which the light flickered repeatedly and hummed.
The elevator stops and the doors open. There it was, an empty base full of furniture.
A huge TV on the wall, a sofa big enough for seven people, a coffee table with food spoiled with flies and cockroaches. On the other side the was a small kitchen, he opened the freezer to find itself with food left to rot, full of rats and disgusting cockroaches that crawled between his feet when he opened the door.
He stares at the sight in disgust before closing the freezer lane and wiping his hands on his clothes. He heads into the next room, a room full of unplugged monitors.
He swallows dry. He puts his foot into the room feeling the Heart accelerate. He gains the courage to enter the room and go to a part of the monitors.
He looks at the cables, seeing them completely scrambled, and returns to get a better look at the monitors. He touches the dusty keyboard with his fingers, smoothing the keys and looking at his fingertips to see how dusty it was.
He blows the dust off the keyboard, careful not to use his fire breath so he doesn't have to burn anything. He coughs as the dust kicks up and walks over to the keyboard fumbling between the power key.
He finds the button and presses it trying to turn on the monitors. Some turn immediately but others don't. The ones on were just showing static and nothing else.
He gets frustrated Crossing his hand over his head and sitting in the chair next to him. he tries to push all the buttons but he can't turn it on.
“W-what are you doing!?"
“I will change the world! Whether you like it or not!!"
In a roar of fury he raises his fist and punches one of the monitors, breaking it in half in seconds. Panting he slowly removed his hand from the monitor, some scratches and glass were on his hand.
Panting he tries to push those memories to the back of his head, removing the shards of glass from his fist and rubbing his injured hand. He decides to leave the room without looking back.
Leaving the room he looks around trying to remember where the bathroom was which should have a medical kit. He walks around the place stepping on various blueprints from old blueprints, some with spiders on them and others with some kind of blade.
He arrives at the bathroom from which he was similarly abandoned and opens a closet where an old first aid box was there. He opens it to find several medicines, scissors, syringes and bandages.
He takes the bandages and starts to wrap his hand remembering more.
“You shouldn't hurt yourself this much you idiot..."
“You know I like to train hard!"
“You're an idiot."
“Haha, we are two idiots!"
He finishes bandaging his hand still listening to the laughter of the past It was like a mockery, a spirit from the past he would rather forget. He closes his eyes putting the box back in the closet and leaving.
He investigates the place some more and arrives at the last aria of the base. On entering it he seemed to have seen a ghost, a vision of which he then doubted the possibility.
“Dark?” He calls giving more steps forward. "Dark" had his back to him not answering him, in front of some kind of machine in front of him. When he got close enough he looked at the machine, his eyes lifted and when he looked back, Dark was gone...
It was all in his head. Dark wasn't there.
He looks down in frustration, he stares at the machine he appears to have destroyed.
“I really made a mess of it...." He says to himself, laying his hand on the cold, battered surface of the machine. He walks away behind the machine from which he can see a light. An open passageway in the wall from which he follows.
On the other side of the wall was the ocean, from which he could see coming to this place. He covered his face with his hand against the light. Wind whipping his hood hard, the breeze brushing his face.
He feel calm. Very calm. This place brought him good and bad memories.
“That's enough for today..." He closed his eyes, leaving the place the same way he arrived.
Green and Sec were at the supermarket buying food for themselves. The fridge was getting empty and they need more food. Second was looking at art supplies thinking about buying but at the same time not wanting to spend Green's money. Even if Green didn't mind that much, he would buy it if Second wanted and not spend a lot of money.
After half an hour finishing shopping they finally get ready to leave. On the way to the car, Green stops to ask Second, "Do you want something to eat? There's a diner nearby."
Second nods his head with a smile, they nearly drop their groceries tripping over their own foot and laugh awkwardly. Green laughs too.
Green puts the groceries in the car and the two get in the car to go to the cafeteria. On the way Green turns on the radio to listen to music but they end up listening to live news of yet another recent murder case that was being investigated. The radio host states that there are suspicions of abnormals being responsible for this because of the crime scene, which bothers Green a bit.
They claim that the person responsible for the investigation is Detective Cadmium. A researcher famous for being "anti-abnormal". Green sighs, of course such a bigoted person who hates abnormals would be behind the investigation! Of course, the prime suspects would be abnormals!
Second can feel that Green was a little tense and pokes his on the shoulder getting his friend's attention.
“Green, are you okay..?" They ask a little worried. Green sighs, putting it aside and opening a smile.
“Yes, I am Sec. It's just..." He paused, he wasn't brave enough to reveal his abnormal nature to them. He didn't know how they would react. “I just think it's unfair that they judge abnormals for being... Well, the way they are..." Second seems to understand this looking out the window watching the cars go by.
Green sighs in relief and changes the radio station again, this time starting to play a song he likes. With a more relaxed smile he starts tapping his finger on the steering wheel to the beat of the music.
After a few minutes of driving they arrive at the diner and park the car in the parking lot. Green locks the car after Second leaves and the two enter the establishment to grab a table. They choose a table near a window and the two sit down and start reading the menu.
Green still tapped his finger on the table humming the music on the radio, making sure no one heard him for fear of having his anomaly heard. Second starts trying to make origami out of napkins which makes Green smile a little.
“May I serve you?" A waiter asks them for what they are going to order. Green orders for the two of them and the waiter writes down what they want and retire to another table. While the two wait, they hear the news on the TV attached to the wall of the establishment.
The news talks about an incident involving an abnormal who recently discovered his anomaly. But that unfortunately ended up causing a pushy that killed his family. The police are investigating the case in depth, at the same time that the so abnormal self regretted and blamed himself for what he did.
One of the police officers interviewed claimed that he did not believe that the abnormal had done it on purpose, and that he was responsible for calling the police after the insistent and quickly handed himself over.
Green gets a sick feeling in his stomach listening to all of this.
Second looks at Green who looked uncomfortable with his hands gripping the table tightly. They hear mutterings coming from a table next to them. Second raises his head to try to hear what it was.
“If these abnormals are so dangerous, wouldn't it be better if they were all just wiped out for good??" Said a woman in a blunt and confident tone speaking to others beside her, some agreeing others feeling uncomfortable with it.
Green gets up making a noise. "I-I... I need to go to the bathroom..." He takes his backpack and goes to the men's room looking at the floor and breathing hard. Second looked at the woman at the next table. They felt immense anger...
“Hey!! Will you please shut your MOUTH??" They stand up looking in their direction. Green stops in his tracks looking in the direction of the commotion.
"hun? Are you talking to me kid??" The woman looks at them raising an eyebrow.
“Yea! Who else is talking trash about the Abnormals here??” They leave the table and face theirs. "You might think they don't have a heart, but they're people like everyone else!! You're sick of thinking that just because they're different that they're not like you!!" They point the finger at them.
“Didn't you hear?? This freak literally killed the family! How are you going to defend that??" She smirks.
Second was red in the face, they raise an angry fist but Green grabs ther wrist not allowing them to hit them.
“Sec..." He looks around and Second looks at everyone in the establishment as well. They see that everyone was staring at them. All these judgmental stares surrounding them have them panicking, they start to hyperventilate and Green decides to take them to the bathroom.
Green looked back at the woman waving with a smirk and laughing with her friends. Some were a little uncomfortable and not laughing and one looked like he was packing his things to leave.
Green hearted her by forcing his eyebrows down in an angry expression.
In the bathroom secondo sat in a corner trying to calm down. Green closes the door.
“What was all that about??" Green turns to Second, extending his arms towards them. Secondo flinched with Green's tone of voice. Green stares at them before taking a deep breath. "I... sorry I didn't mean to yell at you..." he looks to the side and approaches Second.
“I... I just didn't like her tone!! The way she said it made me so angry!!" For a second the bathroom lights flicker which startles Second who lifts and hides ther face in Green's chest. Green jumps in shock and tries to calm his friend down.
“Sec... You... You don't have to do this, but... I'm proud..." He blushes a little, he wanted to thank them, but even though he now knows that they care about abnormals, He still didn't have the courage to open up to Second. “You're a very open-minded person, and I like that about you!" Second blushes and wipes away their little tears and cracks a smile.
The two get up and go out of the bathroom in time to hear a discussion at that group's table. It appears that one of the woman's friends was yelling at her.
“I'm tired of you!! You are disrespectful and toxic with your "opinions" about Abnormals!!” He was pointing at her with a furious expression. The others in the group looked surprised and others looked furious with him, the woman was in shock.
“Want to know something?? I have a brother who has an anomaly!! But I knew you would never accept him like you don't accept your Older sister for being an abnormal!!” Everyone was now in shock, "I knew you would start talking shit about my brother after finding out about this...”He was in tears at this point.
“You always do that!! Now I see that I should have spoken instead of that kid!! But even they knew that you only talk shit!!”What appeared to be the woman's boyfriend tried to speak but he fell silent within seconds. “I'm DONE!!! I'M DONE WITH YOU!!! NEVER CONTACT ME AGAIN YOU IGNORANT BITCH!!!"
Green and Second stare at each other, covering their ears from the volume of the man's voice. After all this, the man took his things and left the cafeteria with some friends following him and staring at the woman with disgust and anger. Apparently he wasn't the only one with problems with this woman...
The woman starts crying until she sees Green and Sec, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! IF YOU JUST SHUT UP MY FRIEND WOULDN'T HAVE THIS MELTDOWN!!!” Green felt his stomach twist. He couldn't believe this woman was so blind as to blame others for her obvious discrimination.
Green went to the counter and asked the attendant to cancel his order, he had lost his appetite. He takes Second's hand and takes their things to leave the diner.
Before leaving Green sees that the woman's boyfriend had thrown a napkin holder in the direction of Second and Green went in front of them to protect them, taking the impact behind the head very hard. One of the friends who stayed jumped at the sight of the act and screamed in horror.
Green fell into Second's arms who was panicking trying to keep him awake. Green was losing consciousness, his head ached. He put his hand where it hurt, feeling something wet on his hand and bringing it closer to his eyes.
He was bleeding.
He felt the couple running out of the diner, and muffled what sounded like someone on the phone. The last thing he saw before he blacked out was Second's face but...
Their eyes were shining brightly.
Green opens his eyes finding himself with a very strong light. He covers his eyes because of the light and tries to get up but his head hurts so much making him grunt in pain.
“Easy, easy..." Green weakly looks to his side, Blue was there with a worried look. "You have to rest, bro..." He puts his hand on Green's shoulder positioning him back on the bed carefully. Green tries to get up again but his head hurts a lot and he let himself lie down.
“W-what happened...?" he asks trying to process what had just happened. Blue stares at him not knowing what to say, "where is..." He starts to panic, "where is Sec!?"
“Wow! Calm down, they are ok...”Blue tries to calm him down with a smile, but the idea of Second being alone makes him very nervous and scared for them.
“Alone??" Blue denies and takes a deep breath.
“They're with the nurses, they're crying and having a meltdown, one of the doctors said he'll see a psychologist about it...”He says in a serious tone. He paused awkwardly to explain the next part. "They said it could be some kind of mental issue..." Green's eyes widened, "not the bad kind!! They said it looks like a case of public meltdown, when a person starts to feel very stressed when surrounded by lots of strangers. At least that's what I understand..." Blue feels uncomfortable talking about these things. Green was shaking, he wanted to make sure Second was okay.
“P-Please tell them I'm fine! I don't want them to be scared...” He holds his arms with trembling hands, he only thought about Second and how they were doing. “And you can take care of them while I recover..?" Green asks looking at Blue.
Blue could see the pain in his friend's eyes, and it hurt his heart. "Okay, I promise I'll take care of him…" He sighs trying to force a smile. He gets up and leaves the room letting the doctors in to treat Green. Blue follows with his hands in his pockets looking at the floor.
Green was like a brother to him, seeing him like that disturbs him, makes him very worried. Now that's all that's on his mind. He just needs a drink to forget...
Just. one. drink...
No! He needs to see if Second was okay too... Green asked him... Can't he think of something else besides drinking for a minute? Why does he always drink in situations like this? Blue pushes those feelings to the back of his head, heading to the hospital cafeteria where Second was. They were sitting in a chair away from the others, their hands looking shaky as they held a cup of tea with a blanket over their shoulders. Blue could feel the pain in their eyes too. He approaches second and without saying much, or knowing what to say, he sits down next to them at the table, they look at them out of the corner of his eyes, he was worried.
“H-hey... Are you ok Sec..?" He puts his hand close to theirs and they push them away and puts them on ther knee looking down. Sec had tears and a tired look on ther face. “Sec..." He sighs, "how about..." He pauses looking down, wondering if that was a good idea, "how about hanging out at my apartment while Green gets better?" He flashes a friendly smile.
Sec looks at him and the floor, nodding in agreement. Blue pats them on the shoulder, he gets up, "ok, how about we get your stuff and go to my apartment?" He points back with his thumb as Sec starts to rise on shaky legs. "Hey, it's going to be okay Sec..." He put a hand on their shoulder trying to comfort them. Both begin to leave the cafeteria together, Sec listens in holding Blue's arm which makes him a little embarrassed but he didn't care much. As much as Sec felt comfortable he didn't care much.
Both confirmed the departure to the doctor and they go to the nearest bus stop. Blue hasn't been able to drive since he was fined for drunk driving three months ago. He takes his wallet and opens it, they had enough money to go to Green's apartment, they would be a little far. Blue pulls her phone out of her pocket to look at the map and mark the direction to Green's apartment, to make sure he doesn't miss the stop.
While he, sec and other pedestrians waited for the next bus, they took their seats in the waiting seats. Sec was facing the floor with a backpack in hand with the things they and Green had bought that day. Sec stared at the backpack with a guilty look, ther eyes almost blurry, they was very tired. They were alarmed by the sound of water falling heavily on the ward above them, "Shit, I forgot it was going to rain!" Blue comments as he gets up and grabs his hood and puts it around Sec’s. They begin to cover the backpack with the hood while facing the rain falling on the stop's roof causing a strong hiss.
They begin to hear an uncomfortable noise in their ears which bothers them a lot, every drop that falls loudly alarms them. They huddled together with the sound of rain combined with the noise of cars, covering their ears in discomfort. The bus arrives and Blue draws the attention of Second who returns to pay attention to his surroundings and gets up quickly letting something fall to the ground by accident. Second bends down picking up what had fallen, it was a small brown notebook with a music note keychain.
“Sec, come on!" Blue calls for Second who looks at them and puts the notebook in his hood pocket while closing his backpack and covering it with his body and hood, getting on the bus right after Blue. “Did you get everything?" Second opens the backpack to see if everything was there and nods uncertain. Blue shrugs her shoulders and pays to get on the bus and the two take a seat at the end of the bus, which at this hour is practically empty.
The two Si sit next to each other but Second was facing the floor while Blue Si was leaning against the window. "You Know..." Blue begins, "I don't think I can take you to my apartment.." He opens an ironic smile, he didn't want Sec to see his "house", after all, it was a mess that no one would want to live in, but it was cheap and close to college. “We're spending the night at Green's, I'll try to call the doc to let Green know." Second looks at him and starts digging through ther backpack for the keys but Blue laughs softly, "Don't worry, Green already gave me a spare key." He says putting his hand in the pocket of his hood and they pull out a keychain with two keys, a blue one that belonged to his apartment and a green one that was from to Green's.
Second smiles for a few seconds before going back to a wistful expression. Blue loses her smile and looks away, wondering if this was all a good idea. He takes his cell phone out of his pocket and pulls out a card from the doctor to read his number. Second goes to the window on the other side looking at the raindrops going down the glass of the trough in a delicate and slow way. Sec begins to trace the paths of the drops with ther fingers to destroy himself, Blue looked at him feeling sorry for them.
The rain gets harder and harder, between the buildings stands the watchman, watching the surrounding city while not paying attention to his back, which he is caught off guard by black claws. But before being attacked he quickly dodges and grabs the individual and pulls him and throws him against the ground with force almost opening a hole. “I told you to leave me alone..." He says staring at a female individual, a dark purple stickperson with a heroine uniform, a tiara with horns and gradient gloves that showed on her skin that went from her shoulders to her hands, of which were pointed and sharp claws.
“I never said I would listen to you." The guard releases her letting her get up and wipe the dust off her shoulders, "you've been very quiet lately, you don't answer my calls and even less my messages.” It shows a black bracelet with purple details with a screen that showed several ignored calls and unread messages.
“I lost my phone." He says looking back at the city, "I don't even like social media." She sighs and sits down beside him swinging her legs in the air beneath her. “What do you want so much with me?" He questions, looking at her with a glance.
“I just want you to join the group I want to form..." She cracks a smile leaning back with trembling hands, "A group of real heroes!" He looks at her and laughs quietly.
“I already told you I'm not a hero...." He clenches his fists staring down at the pedestrians, "I'm not like any of them..." He looks to the side withdrawing. The woman sighs and gets up
“I know you're looking for him, but his powers can be put to good use!" She says in a serious tone, "I know our experiences with this hero thing aren't the best..." She pauses, “But I want to do what's right..." She says, listening to the sounds of an alarm on the other side of town, which she looks in the direction she came from and can see bright lights.
Local heroes have already been called.
She glares coldly in the direction of the sound, "something they don't seem to understand..." She turns on the device on her arm calling someone on the other side, "Smoke, can you fill me in on what's going on?" She asks as the person on the other end sends her a live video of what was going on at the location in question.
“Location is the central park, better if you want to look better than the local heroes, beware of the police."Says a calm, male voice on the other end of the call. The woman looks at the watchman who was still there.
“You can pretend all you want...." She goes to the end of the building with her back, "but you care about these people's lives more than those heroes." The watchman looks towards her quickly finding himself alone, until he hears flapping noises, which he already knew what they were. “Don't lie to yourself..." Said the woman of which it contained black dragon wings with purple details, which flapped allowing it to fly, Parts of his face were also covered in black scales. “Chosen." And so she starts flying towards the central park. Leaving Chosen, the watchman, behind.
Chosen snorts, he looks back down at the people he promised to protect a long time ago. “I know you're out there somewhere..." He takes a deep breath before he steps away from the edge to get ready to turn on the fire in his hands to start flying and away from the building he was standing on.
Blue unlocks the door to Green's apartment letting Second walk in soaking wet, the rain has only gotten worse. He locks the door and sits on the couch sighing with exhaustion.
“Can you take a shower first and change your clothes, okay? I'll see about it later..." He says in a weary tone as Second nods and places his backpack and hood on the kitchen counter. They grab some clothes that Green had bought for them and head to the bathroom to shower.
Blue was kept in the living room and turned on the tv, getting up to go to the fridge to see if he had something to drink. He was disappointed to see that they only had juice, milk and soda, Green didn't drink much alcohol, especially when Blue visited. He sighs loudly and grabs a can of soda, it's better than nothing.
He returns to the couch in time to hear the latest news, an incident at the central park where a group of rebellious Abnormals were causing trouble and vandalizing the park with their powers. The local super heroes arrived, among them the one who spoke the most was the leader, Freedom Bringer, Leader of stick city super hero agency. He controlled his hood in addition to the things around him which did a good job of taking care of the rebellious teens. He had help from other heroes like Skiper, a super hero with super speed and Phoenix, a hero with fire powers who also became a firebird. The heroes managed to keep the delinquents under control but during the confrontation another super heroine appeared, but it wasn't a legal heroine, she was a known illegal hero, Draconix.
“What's going on?" Second was drying himself off with a towel and nightwear as they walked across the room watching the report with Blue. The report shows Draconix being able to stop the vandals with her brute strength and ability to spit a purple flame. Second was very excited about this, they didn't know Draconix.
“She's amazing, the only problem is, she's an illegal hero..." Second looks at him confused and Blue sighs giving Second himself space to sit down. "Well, to be a legalized hero like these three," he points to the tv with the three heroes on the screen, "you have to be part of the superhero agency, Not only do you have to be an Abnormal, but you also have to have controlled power and have attended the agency's superhero training academy." He pulls out the phone and shows an article he found about the agency, "All the best superheroes in the whole city were created there!" Second looks at him in surprise, "yes, many heroes are raised in the agency since they were little, many Abnormals grow up or are born there."
He sounded very enthusiastic about the subject and enjoyed entertaining Second as well. Blue smiles and continues, “The agency also doubles as a high-security prison for Abnormal criminals like these delinquents." The two turn their attention to the TV, the three Abnormal vandals had been apprehended and Draconix was responsible for stopping them with some help from the other heroes, who were frustrated that she helped them.
“But if you never finished the academy, you are not accepted as a hero and if you try to be one, you are considered an illegal hero." Second in the excitement started to draw Draconix from the images he had already seen and seemed to be having fun.
“What's your take on today's encounter with Draconix?" Blue returns his attention to the TV, watching an interview with the Freedom Bringer. “I believe she means well." he replies, "she's definitely not a good person, she just follows her own life choices in a different way than ours." He says patiently as he signals to his partners, They were on their way out, "we need to go at the moment, take these delinquents to the agency to take care of them." He says trapping the delinquents with his live scarf.
Blue was smiling, he always dreamed of being like the Freedom Bringer and the other heroes, but he was just a weak and pathetic civilian. He wanted to help people, do good and beat up bad guys. But nothing changed, he could pay to become a regular assistant, or even to have a Spark implant and gain a power. But nothing would change the fact that he was just Blue, a pathetic, alcoholic college kid.
He looked at Second who was almost asleep while drawing on the table. “You should sleep, it's quite late at the moment." Sec looks at him with heavy eyes and sighs followed by a yawn. Without complaining, Second gets up and puts away the drawings they made next to their things and goes to their bed to sleep a little, they play on the mattress already very tired and sleepy that they couldn't even move.
Blue laughs and grabs a blanket and wraps them up and lets them sleep, laying down on Green's bed with a little discomfort. He covers himself and looks to the side looking at pictures of him and Green when they both got into college, and then looks at some pictures of Green with his band that they go to concerts with every month.
The smile faded, the fact that Green had friends and Blue didn't make him upset and insecure. He felt his hand shake and he grabbed it, smoothing it until it stopped shaking, his breathing was hard but he kept calm. He got up and went to the window, he takes something out of his pocket, cigarettes. He takes a lighter and starts smoking outside the window so as not to disturb Second. He knew Green hated it, but he had no other way of keeping himself calm, or that was it, or back to hurting himself. Blue hated all of that, he just wanted to stop being a burden on his friend.
As he was to his father.
He starts to hear a cry, he looks back. Second was fussing on their bed, crying softly and muttering, Blue is worried, stubs out and throws away his cigarette and puts his lighter away and walks to sit next to Second. “Sec..?" He asks sitting next to Second and touching their shoulder, which wakes them up making them move away from Blue scared.
“Hey... Did you have a nightmare...?" He asks, Second doesn't answer they just approaches Blue and lays ther head on his chest. Blue didn't know how to react he was a bit nervous about it and he didn't know what to do in this kind of situation.
“I don't want to be alone...." Second whispered in sobs and cries. Blue knew what it was like to feel alone, so he didn't push Second away and just allowed them to sleep on his chest while he leaned against the couch, Putting a pillow behind his head so to not get uncomfortable. He looked out the window as Second held his hand, making him smile a little with their company. Maybe Blue wasn't alone after all.
[To be continued...]
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abra-ka-dammit · 10 months
Going in to the vet ER every day for over a week has really shone light on how many different.... kinds of pet owners there are
and im almost kind of mad to find out i am not the most common kind. not gonna lie. bc i feel like i should be.
theres the ones who come in and sit there and bitch and leave because the triage system determined that their pet is in stable enough condition that the docs need to focus on more critical ones ahead of it and waiting is too much of a hassle despite whatever concern originally brought them to an emergency vet. the my dog ate a grape and was puking all morning and twitching and acting very strange but i dont want to wait TWO HOURS for them to be able to do the testing needed to make sure she puked all of the poison out of her system and wont like, get organ failure or some other invisible issue for it, bc she "seems fine now", so instead i'm going home. these ones piss me off, and are common.
theres the ones who come in to the emergency room with their nice pet in its nice carrier and then look at the front desk clerk like theyre abso-fucking-lutely insane when they ask them if they'd like to consent to CPR in case of cardiac arrest while under ER care, and fervently shake their head and say no, for a CAT? no, no, no... i'm not paying to give CPR to an animal. That's ridiculous. these ones piss me off, and are very common.
and there's ones like the lady and gentleman i sat by today. the lady who had clearly been crying, saw my carrier as I sat, and immediately asked about my pet. Who looked at me with big, sad eyes when I told her the story of what happened to Bojji, and who with a shaky voice told me the vets here are so compassionate, how she was so scared coming in today that she was going to have to put down her 15 year old dog, because its behavior had been so abrupt and scary (seems suddenly her left legs just, wouldnt work?), but they took the dog in immediately and comforted her. She was so shook and the stoic, silent-type man with her (husband, I presume,) was sort of sympathetically frowning and gently patting her arm or leg and i was like. oh, no. i see what kind you are. you're me. so LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT HOW GREAT THE DOCTORS HERE ARE. so i got to gush about how much the vets there clearly love the pets they care for and how they worked with me and explained everything every step of the way to make sure i can get bojji to the finish line bc they want to see the happy ending just as much as we do, and i got to see hope shine in this poor lady's eyes even before the doc finally came out. they told them their doggy was stable and scans arent showing any injuries or growths like cancer so its very likely doggo is suffering some temporal lobe issues--frustrating, likely due to old age, but can be helped out with treatment, and is nothing to be put to sleep over, certainly. the lady was so relieved, and even her husband seemed to perk up once their lil doggy was back in their arms. these types i adore and wish there were more of. before the doc came out we had talked a while about old pets, other folks pets, etc, and it was just clear the both of them adored this dog like she was their whole world and would do whatever it took to make sure she could continue her long, happy life. like pet owners should.
then a lady came in who had witnessed an untagged-but-collared dog get hit and run by a car by the side of a freeway out in nowhere lands and risked getting in trouble with state troopers for stopping on the side of the road to help it. said doggo was alive and even had her head up when riding the gurney in. despite the tagless collar the dog wasnt chipped so had no proof of ownership and was taken in as a stray, and the kind person who brought her in left with hope in her heart of seeing that doggo later on the humane society's website alive and ready to be adopted to a loving home. i, who had to sit there longer while awaiting the return of my cat whose tubes were being drained, had to deal with gaining the heart breaking knowledge that said doggo won't be making it to the humane society at all. after overhearing doctors in the back mention something being "entirely shattered", after which the listening party looked especially grim, I daresay the surgical intervention this dog likely needs is not going to have a financial backing of any sort thanks to being a "stray". i guess at least that woman's kindness means in her final moments, that doggy won't be in pain, rather than slowly dying alone and cold down in the ditch she had tumbled into after the hit. i hate that its all that woman's kindness would amount to. i hate that some person didnt even put a fucking tag with a goddamned phone number on their dog's collar. you're gonna make me go to bed tonight knowing that poor helpless dog had a fucking careless owner who let her get as far astray as a freeway, who cared enough to mark her as property but not enough to take fucking responsibility for said property, and that she needlessly experienced massive painful physical trauma and is dying tonight at a depressingly young age because the people who had her in hands and could have saved her had nobody to ask permission to do so to. do you even know she's gone? do you even care?
if i ever meet that kind of pet owner, i dont make any promises i would be able to stay civil
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