#tw tranny
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how-now-a-rat · 1 month ago
They say we can't reclaim "tranny" as if they haven't called our voices "tranny voice" for years, as if they haven't called us "tranny dykes" forever, as if cis people actually care who they hit with that word. I have been called "tranny," I have been called it in multiple languages, in many ways, people in my high school used it to attack me like any other trans person, queer people did. People used it to mock, to hurt, aggrivate, to try to bond.
But they push us out of feminist spaces because suddenly we don't understand anymore, they push us out of sapphic spaces because they deem our bodies gross, our self-expression wrong, and now they push us out of trans spaces because we don't suffer enough. I wonder how much more pain I am supposed to shoulder before it will be enough for it to be deemed worth talking about, for it to be deemed worth discussing, reclaiming.
Because we have the bi experience, the ace, and inter experience: every side turns us away. We're too queer and too damaged, and then we're not queer enough, haven't suffered enough.
All this when you won't even let us talk about our pain in our own voices. How will you ever know it if you never listen; if you make us afraid to talk?
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solartranny · 6 months ago
乁⁠|⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠|⁠ㄏ my first day of high school (4th last grade) today as a trans man
me: *waiting for a bus to home*
dude 1: *spots me,* hey look at this tranny over here!
me: *knew they were looking at me cause it was painfully obvious and ignoring him cause i had worse*
dude 2 to dude 1 annoyed: man who gives a fuck? let him be.
me: *in internally happy cuz got gendered correct + they didn't go further with transphobia.*
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butch-bakugo · 2 years ago
oh genuine question asking in good faith, what counts as a dyke is that just like a butch or smth else?
So dyke is a slur. It's aimed almost exclusively at the wlw community, lesbians and bisexuals(though non passing trans men can be caught in the crossfire). The intention of it is to demean women for loving other women because "they should be with men"(according to the patriarchy). Lets go through the 5 ws just to cover all the bases(my intention isn't to like infantize you or something)
What is a dyke?
A dyke is a woman that likes other women but used a slur. It is often aimed at public wlw relationships and more than often gets said to butches more than femmes. Dyke also gets thrown at any masculine woman, who in this hypothetical isn't wlw, and non-passing masculine trans men by accident. Dyke is typically reclaimed by lesbians who use it as an all encompassing identity, so much so that if your skimming the top of non-lgbt sources, dyke will quite literally mean lesbian. However! This ignores bisexual history and butch bisexuals who have the same right to dyke as lesbians. I'd also argue in favor of trans men(as well as nonbinary. Not just fully binary trans men) who identify still as lesbians and transmasc lesbians to still have a right to dyke as long as they still identify within the wlw community/ as women and (certain) non-binary people who love women.
Where are dykes?
Anywhere and everywhere, all the time :)
Who are dykes?
Lesbians, bisexual wlw, any wlw, some nblw, even the very occasional mlw(of course they also have to be wlw in this case), really as long as you identify somewhere in the wlw/nblw/nbwlw community, you can call yourself a dyke. Do you look at butch and femme relationships as your own and that's what you want and identify as? Ur probably a dyke.
Why call someone a dyke? Why call yourself a dyke?
Most people call someone else a dyke as a slur, an insult. It's the gay woman equivalent of faggot or tranny. The intention is negative. However sometimes dyke is used for someone because they identify as a dyke, lesbian or bi wlw and is used literally to mean that they are a lesbian or bi wlw. As for the second question, reclaiming a slur is either a very difficult or very easy process. Either it's something you have personal pain attached to(been called it, been abused with it, etc.) Or it isn't and you just learned it's something you have a right to as a wlw/nbwlw/nblw person. Some people take years to reclaim a slur, some never reclaim it all and others can pick it up and attack it to the collage that is themselves in less than a week. Everyone has their own personal reasons for identifying themselves with a slur and it should be respected, given they have the right to reclaim it. Some reclaim it just because they wanna use more words to explain themselves, others reclaim it to take power away from their oppressors, there's tons of reasons why someone might call themselves a dyke and as long as they are a member of the community, it's their business to share, should they choose to.
Now that I've explained it, I hope you understand the word dyke abit better. And if your not a dyke nor have a right to it, it's best yoy type it as d*ke or with some form of censor. And if you mention it, even censored, you should tag it as tw d slur, tw dyke and dyke tw. That way people who are triggered by that slur can ignore said post.
(I accidentally added a poll and Tumblr is stupid and wont let you delete them so I'm curious towards my wlw/nbwlw/nblw audience...
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kneehighrainbowsocks · 9 months ago
shoutout to all the trannies and the fags this pride month
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ellievalk · 2 years ago
Some June egbert headcanons because it’s 1 am and I can’t sleep
1. She “crossed dressed” one time cuz she thought it would be funny but Iiked it and that’s what started her journey
2. She did very little to transition it pretty much consisted of a name and pronoun change and switch from men pants to women pants
3. Though she still mostly wears short or pants she does like a nice skirt from time to time.
4. She came out too her friends by yelling tranny Becuse she realized she can now reclaim that and she thought it would be funny. (It was very funny after the panic)
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[Image ID: A 7 horizontally striped flag where the middle stripe has same colored fangs. The colors from up to down are crimson red, pastel blurple, pastel pink, pinkish-white, pastel pink, pastel blurple, and crimson red. End ID]
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[pt: . . . trannyvamp !]
A term for when you are both a tranny and a vampire, a tranny who likes vampire aesthetics, or a tranny connected to vampires in any sort of way!
[pt: Anyone can reblog / use if they can reclaim tranny. I don't gatekeep my terms.]
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swagging-back-to · 1 year ago
literally begging radfems to post body positivity without ANY mention of repdoruction. anytime you make a post talking about how great the human body is and you include any aspect about reproduction or child bearing everything else you say is void to me.
im just triggered and feel disgusting about myself even more.
if making a post about breasts and how "necessary they are" dont talk about how "pendulous breasts are like handles for babies to grab onto" and "they produce milk for our young!"
if youre talking about hips dont talk about how our pelvises are designed with the intention of pushing out a fucking head.
dont talk about our uteruses like theyre incubators.
the vagina like nothing more than a passageway for dicks or for parasites. Even that post that says penises are designed after vaginas is not as comforting as they think. it's still saying the vagina is made for the penis. for reproduction.
cellulite and high body fat like it's there to "protect a growing baby" and not there for. you know. the actual fucking woman.
women are so much more than reproduction. we all hear from every fucking person how women are the sex that has to go through 10 months lof having a parasite flattening their organs and rupturing others.
we dont need you reminding us any more than we already know.
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transgender-tonystark · 2 months ago
Can the Avengers say faggot and Would They?
Tony Stark - He can say faggot and will. Has probably never said dyke though
Steve Rogers - He can say faggot (and tranny) but has probably never actually said it before (doesn’t mind being called it by the other avengers)
Bucky Barnes - No one knows if he can (he doesn’t even know if we’re honest) but he’ll say faggot and dyke confidently
Natasha Romanoff - Can’t say it but she has a pass that she never uses
Bruce Banner - He can say it but doesn’t use it often
Wanda Maximoff - She can say it and uses the word very sparingly so when she DOES say it it catches everyone off-guard
Vision - Can and will, he gets it from Tony /silly
Peter Parker - He can say it but doesn’t, definitely calls himself a tranny though (I imagine it’d make him more comfortable than ‘transgender’ would)
Clint Barton - Yeah he can and will say it, probably gave Natasha her pass
Sam Wilson - Can but he doesn’t
James Rhodes - Can and will
(note; i hc peter parker as trans+intersex, hc steve would identify as genderqueer and not really caring about pronouns and obviously tony as mtf)
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mogayis-socool · 10 months ago
🐚 Tranny butch flag
[ PT: 🐚 Tranny butch flag /End PT ]
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[ ID: Three images of a flag with seven horizontal stripes, in the following colors: red, orange, light yellow, off-white, teal, blue and navy blue. The first and last images are plain, while the second image has a yellow symbol in the center of a circle outline with an upside down cross at the bottom, an arrow with a large tip on the upper right, and a line with an asterisk on the tip on the upper left. /End ID ]
― For trannies that are butches and vice versa.
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wit-and-worry · 5 months ago
Damn none of the Grindr trannies want me man. I don’t wanna be stuck drowning in fucking cheese crusted chaser cock forever. Celibacy is starting to look like my best bet.
Even when the good-looking trannies message first, after I follow up they ghost. Moreover the lot of them are 24+ and don’t wanna date a dickless 18 year old twink that looks like a freshly pubescent boy in thin disguise.
I wanna date trans people because cis men too often do not see trans people as human, even when they’re willing to fuck them, and I am not at all confident in my ability to appeal to cis women and have pretty much decided to put that Sisyphean endeavor on hold indefinitely.
However, trans people are just people and there’s as little guarantee that I will get along with any one of them as with cis people. Some are cunts. Some are boring. Some are weirdos. Many are just irritating. Some may think I’m a weird, boring, and insufferable cunt. Some are just out of my league. Many will have interests incompatible with mine. It’s a small pool. A very small pool.
I know that I’ve only been on testosterone for 8 months, but I wonder when I’ll start to look like a man. It’ll take years for sure, but I dread that it won’t happen until I’m middle aged. I hope for facial hair. At least a moderate rug of stubble.
Having adult urges and desires, and being a legal adult, and looking like a child is fucked. Totally fucked up. Fuck this existence. Being trans is just fucked. I hate carrying all of this tranny baggage. I know the progression of my anger in this rant seems steep but it’s not just about fucking Grindr. It’s not just about the issues of love and sex. It’s fucking everything. My body that’s a betrayal to me, the loneliness, the self hatred that I know is somewhat justified, the rejection and manipulation I put up with because I can’t swallow my (self imposed)loneliness anymore, the guilt, fear, humiliation, boredom, and hopelessness.
I only bear it because I hate the thought of dying as the pathetic loser that I am, without having experienced extra-familial love of a platonic or romantic kind.
Anyway. fuck this shit. I’m going to bed.
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stansavvy · 5 months ago
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b0a-c0nstrictor · 5 months ago
Tune in December 24 so I can do the one thing my mom failed at suicide (half joking any tips on an easy way to kill youself?)
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roxyandtheroxies · 5 months ago
Being as much of a horndog as me gets rough. Sometimes i even want to bang the pre-transition version of myself, i look at him, and it's like, wow boy your dick is big, your face is pretty, i am feeling it.
And then i remember he doesn't exist anymore :v
That's life.
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our-queer-experience · 2 years ago
man i love being a tranny faggot
i love looking in the mirror and seeing my messy hair and eye bags and going "thats a fag"
i love having body hair thats long enough for me to play with it and dark enough for it to be seen
i love being that guy you see on the street who either looks half dead or bursting with energy while also clearly gay
i love being weird and messy and strange
i love being me
i love being weird and unconventional and embracing it, actually.
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Reblog if men should stop wearing dresses.
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