I Transcribe Things
149 posts
Tagging me is okay - No DNI - No stances on any discourse because everyone deserves to visualize or see any post - She/He/It [Avatar ID: A white complexion hand that glosses over a foggy cracked mirror, erasing some of the fog. The wiped away part shows a pink towel on a silver rack. The rack is hung on a saturated blue wall. End ID]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[Image ID: A 5 horizontally striped flag where the second and fourth stripe are two times bigger than the rest. The colors from up to down are neon pink, purple, neon red, neon green, and teal. End ID]
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A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving clowns, or in which clowns affect the system in a way with which everyone identifies. This will probably involve the system collectively presenting with a webcore aesthetic, but it can involve anything.
[This post has no DNI other than not to involve it in discourse, mockery, or other harassment]
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
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An aldernic identity for when one wishs to have an halo they could decorete with jewels and accessories.
(pronouned all-hal-jewel-lick)
(sorry for the watermark,its my first time making flags)
insipered by @imvasic 's alderantgoldic
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[Image ID: A 5 horizontally striped flag where the stripes are wavy. The colors from up to down are muted red, beige, black, light gray, and brown. End ID]
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A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by leather in some way. This could involve: -system members or headspace locations with a leather aesthetic -front triggers, xenoroles, or roleics related to leather However, it could involve anything.
[This post has no DNI other than not to involve it in discourse, mockery, or other harassment]
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[Image ID: A 5 horizontally striped flag where the second and fourth stripe are two times bigger than the rest. The colors are in pastel and from up to down are purple, pink, yellow, blue, and green. End ID]
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A plurid in which pastel colors/aesthetics affect the system's identity collectively, or in a way with which the system collectively identify. This could involve pastels affecting genders, kintypes, hobbies, career paths, fashion, or how the system present themselves to others. It could involve having pastel colorgenders/colorkins, wearing pastel clothes in the outer world, or collectively creating pastel art, but it could include anything.
[This post has no DNI other than not to involve it in discourse, mockery, or other harassment]
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[PT: -coardic. End ID]
[Image ID: A 9 horizontally striped flag where the volors from up to down are midnight blue, light midnight blue, purple, bright pink, white, yolk yellow, yolk orange, crimson orange, and crimson red orange. End ID]
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-coardic: A suffix genders for those who collect genders related to one or more -core aesthetics
Colors are inspired by both the -coric and genderhoarder flags
No suggested pronouns
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[PT: Limilosheavic
while you're here, remember your daily click for palestine! End ID]
[Image ID: A 7 horizontally striped flag where the last three stripes are lines of clouds. The fifth stripe has heaven's gate protruding out from the top. The colors from up to down are medium blurple, medium-light blurple, light blurple, very light blurple, off white, very light link, light lilaec. End ID]
[Image ID: A 7 horizontally striped flag where the colors from up to down are medium blurple, medium-light blurple, light blurple, very light blurple, off white, very light link, light lilaec. End ID
[Image ID: A 7 horizontally striped flag where the colors from up to down are medium blurple, medium-light blurple, light blurple, very light blurple, off white, very light link, light lilaec. The last three stripes are lines of clouds. End ID]
[Image ID: A 7 horizontally striped flag where the colors from up to down are medium blurple, medium-light blurple, light blurple, very light blurple, off white, very light link, light lilaec. End ID]
[ID]: a banner with a black in the background with six horizontal stripes, in the following colors: dark indigo, indigo, light indigo, light pink, off-white and beige. There's text over that, in black with a white border, and it reads: DNI if you fit basic criteria, if you're a proshipper or comshipper, if you're one of those harmful paraphile people, and if you believe in transrace/transabled stuff etc. (block me please). [END ID]
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くコ:彡 ; LiMiLOSHEAViC ; a gender related to heaven , normally filled with angels & other beings of divinity , being entirely empty ( perhaps liminal in nature ) … where did everyone go ?
🪸 requested by anon / coined by me ♡
while you're here , remember your daily click for palestine !
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
You can't have any stance on discourse, I say.
Might make a seperate blog for Those Terms I say back.
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[Image ID: Two 7 horizontally striped flags where the colors from up to down are medium-light pink, light pink, very light pink, purplish-white, very light purple, light purple, and medium-light purple. In the middle is a flat styled symbol of an orchid flower thats colored a dark crimson purple. End ID]
[Image ID: Two 7 horizontally striped flags where the colors are very pastel. From up to down are medium-light pink, light pink, very light pink, purplish-white, very light purple, light purple, and medium-light purple. In the middle is a flat styled symbol of an orchid flower thats colored a dark crimson purple. End ID]
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✦﹕ orchid , , ,
A term for beings who dont like the term feminine 。not a stand alone term 。
✦﹕ coined by virchu
╰ self - indulgent ,,
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✦﹕ orchidboy , , ,
A term for those who are feminine and a boy 。not masc / min 。
[PT: orchid. A term for beings who dont like the term feminine , not a stand alone term.
Not masc / min. End PT]
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[Divider ID: Two dividers with vertical colors overlayed on them. The colors are brown, light hide, dark beige, beige, desaturated blue, dark beige, light hide, and brown. The dividers themselves is of an arch with dashed arch below, and underneath that are bows. The second divider is flipped upside down. End ID]
[Image ID: Three images of the same flag, where the second image has a symbol in the middle. The symbol is of a cartoonish book with a magnifying class. The stripes are horizontol and from up to down are brown, light hide, dark beige, desaturated blue, beige, dark beige, light hide, and brown. End ID]
[Image ID: Three images of the same flag, where the second image has a symbol in the middle. The symbol is of a cartoonish book with a magnifying class. The stripes are horizontol and from up to down are brown, light hide, dark beige, beige, desaturated blue, dark beige, light hide, and brown. End ID]
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🔎 、Detective4Author A flag for detectives who prioritize relationships with/prefer 2 date authors!
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📖 、Author4Detective A flag for authors who prioritize relationships with/prefer 2 date detectives!
both coined by his majesty (as far as his knowledge goes), tagging @mogai-transcriber for image ID date in this context is not necessarily romantic n relationship isnt either! it can be taken whatever way yu like
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[PT: Detective 4 Author
A flag for detectives who prioritize relationships with/prefer to date detectives!
Author 4 Detective
A flag for authors who prioritize relationships with/prefer to date detectives!
Both coined by His Majesty (As far as his knowledge goes), tagging @/mogai-transcriber for Image ID. Date in this context is not necessarily romantic and relationship isnt either! It can be taken whatever way you like! /End PT]
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
I made a new coining blog and have been trying to make it accessible but I'm not visually impaired and so don't know if it's helpful.
Would you mind looking at it and letting me know if there's anything I should change/improve?
The one thing I saw is lack of capitalization and not specifying the type of ID. You also seem to extend on things when you could simplify them.
Note: no actual image attached
[id: three red stripes. two blue dots on each stripe. end id]
Let's break this down for example.
First, we should specify what type of image description it is. Let's say this is a divider we are describing.
[divider id: three red stripes. two blue dots on each stripe. end id]
Then let's capitalize the beginning of the sentence, the abbreviation ID, and the word End alongside the specific description itself. This helps to identify sentences, and the start/end of the description.
[Divider ID: Three red stripes. Two blue dots on each stripe. End ID]
Lastly, this one's a bit trickery. However, I commonly see that you make a sentence out of each detail, rather than listing the details in one sentence (if applicable of course). I also struggle with this so you're not alone. For the description example, we can easily specify the stripes, their color, and the dots on them in one sentence.
[Divider ID: Three red stripes with two blue dots on each stripe. End ID]
This helps to produce a clearer, simpler and/or smaller description. Thus becoming more accessible to those who struggle with comprehensive text or big walls of text.
Tag: @catastrophe-coining
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[Image ID: A 9 horizontally striped flag where the 2nd and 8th stripe are 3 times larger than the rest. The stripes from up to down are blurple, bluish-gray, lime, pastel lime, white, pastel lime, bluish-gray, and blurple. End ID]
Tags: @bpdarchive
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A gender related to obsessing over fiction/ having fiction as an obsession. Exclusive to people with bpd.
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[Image ID: Two of the same flags that have 11 stripes where the colors from up to down are light pink, rose pink, crimson pink, eggplant purple, purplish-black, purplish-white, purplish-black, eggplant purple, crimson pink, rose pink, and light pink. End ID]
[Banner ID: A thin crimson red line that has a crimson red cross in the middle. End ID]
Tags: @radiomogai @bpdarchive
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くコ:彡 ・A gender connected to having bpd / being borderline && being a thing ; A bpdthing / borderlinething .
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🏥 ・ Coined by me
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
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FPMIRRORSEXUAL — an orientation connecting to mirroring your fps orientation and / or only being attracted to youre fp
(only for people with bpd, made with @puresel 's fpsexual flag and @mourningmogaicrew 's mirrorsexual flag, ids/pt under cut)
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[PT: fpmirrorsexual /end PT]
[image ID: 2 flags made of 8 horizontal stripes of different widths, from top to bottom the colours are: pastel orange, a slightly darker pastel orange, a very pastel coral, a darker pastel coral, an orangey purple, a pastel purple, a very pastel purpley blue, pastel blue, a slightly darker pastel blue /end ID]
[image ID 2: a very light purple line that fades down /end ID]
[PT: (only for people with bpd, made with @/puresel 's fpsexual flag and @/mourningmogaicrew 's mirrorsexual flag, ids/pt under cut)
[image ID 3: a very light purple line that fades up /end ID]
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[PT: F/Obsesic. End ID]
[Image ID: A 9 striped flag where the 2nd and 8th stripes are 3 times bigger than the rest. The stripes from up to down are blue, black, pink, baby blue, purple, baby blue, pink, black, and blue. End ID]
Tags: @radiomogai @bpdarchive
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A gender related to obsessing over your fictional others/ having your fictional others as an obsession. Exclusive to people with bpd.
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[Image ID: A 7 horizontally striped flag where the stripes become jagged like a lightening strike in the middle. The stripes from up to down are medium-gray, black, purple, white, violet, black, and medium gray. End ID]
Tags: @bpdarchive
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⍋ ꙳₊⋆ Bordergender ⋆₊꙳⍋
⍋ ꙳₊⋆ "Bordergender, alternatively known as Borderdfluid, is a fluctuating gender experienced exclusive to individuals with BPD
⍋ ꙳₊⋆ A gender identity lacking a firm grasp on one’s identity, while still experiencing gender, to varying degrees, but having trouble pinning it down to just one label or identity.
⍋ ꙳₊⋆ Having the sense of grasping at labels as much as possible to describe a gender one keeps questioning because one keeps second guessing one’s sense of self and, consequentially, one’s sense of gender."
⍋ ꙳₊⋆ Description from
⍋ ꙳₊⋆ Term is not mine, flag is. Please credit if you use!
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
[Image ID: A 9 horizontally striped flag where the 2nd and 8th stripe are three times larger than the rest. The stripes from up to down are pastel yellow, orange, redish-orange, blood-orange, red-orange, red, medium red, dark red, and reddish-black. End ID]
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A gender related to obsessing over fire/ having fire as an obsession. Exclusive to people with bpd.
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mogai-transcriber · 1 year ago
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﹐BPD4BPD﹕being only attracted to other pwBPD as a pwBPD
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req by gf , flag by myself !
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