#tw critical illness
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actuallyverynormalbtw · 1 year ago
i dont like to talk about self-diagnosis because i dont enjoy people making assumptions about me, my illnesses, and my diagnostic status. but i will say:
i have self diagnosed and gone on to be medically validated with an official diagnosis. multiple times actually. i was never wrong about my self-diagnoses.
however, i have been misdiagnosed by professionals FIVE TIMES. and let me tell you, a professional diagnosis being wrong is far more harmful than a self-diagnosis being wrong.
if your self diagnosis is wrong, maybe you used the wrong language or put yourself in a box or now feel invalid and whatnot. but if your professional diagnosis is wrong, it can lead to abuse, medical trauma, panic attacks, issues with medication, even suicide.
i was misdiagnosed with BPD when i was 15 by a psychologist that i spoke to for hardly even 10 minutes. this diagnosis was based on my parent's description of my reactions to abuse, and the diagnosis was used to validate and excuse their abuse.
i was misdiagnosed with MDD when i was 12 and put through several different types of anti-depressants. we never found anything that worked, because it was actually ADHD and dissociation, but i did end up with panic attacks and insomnia all throughout middle/highschool!
when i self-diagnosed with autism however, it saved my life. it took me out of active suicidality because i was able to finally able to accept myself after years of feeling like i am just "being a person wrong". i had the knowledge to accomodate for myself and the language to advocate for myself. this was life changing. even if i was wrong, which i wasnt, i dont see how it couldve caused any harm.
my opinions on self-diagnoses arent black and white, and im not entirely settled on them either, but i do think this is important to understand. doctors and psychologists are not all knowing. we live in a time where we can access thousands of dollars worth of university level education on the internet, even the same exact resources medical students use. plenty of people are capable of interpreting themselves and that information to come to a conclusion about what they are experiencing and what might help.
sure, self-diagnosis might be biased. but a professional is most likely going to be just as biased, and possibly less aware of it. its just silly to use bias as a primary argument when it is an inescapable feature of human psychology. there is a reason ADHD is underdiagnosed in women. there is a reason anxiety disorders are underdiagnosed in men.
an incorrect self-diagnosis wont take away resources or your space in your comminities. but professional misdiagnosis can cause real damage.
(i am not trying to fear-monger about professional diagnosis, moreso responding to the fear-mongering surrounding self-diagnosis)
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gorycutie · 4 months ago
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And the salvation was a lie like any other.
Shout out Gilbert Bloodborne, a real one from the very start. And that Hunter guy or whatever is cool too or smth smh [I love them both to death]
Also I take art requests, especially soulsborne related. Feel free to ask for anything.
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legionofpotatoes · 4 days ago
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please send good vibes for my Chichi who’s currently on IV fluids at the overnight clinic with possible (hopefully reversible) kidney disease :(
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 2 months ago
whenever i say that a character needs therapy and healing before they start a relationship, people jump at my throat and assume that i'm saying that people with mental health issues shouldn't date at all or that they're not deserving of love.
folks. i have bipolar type 2. i'm also a psychology major. trust me when i say that i never said people with mental health issues shouldn't date at all.
i just think that it's a lot healthier to get into a committed relationship once you've started therapy and/or medication. no one is stopping you from getting into a relationship before that, but there is a higher chance of the relationship turning unhealthy and/or complicated. not just for your partner but for yourself as well.
and there are other relationships that people can and should focus on. i would never recommend an individual completely isolate themselves because they're mentally ill. that's the opposite of effective, it will only worsen your mental health.
romantic relationships aren't the only form of love. and when a person focuses solely on their romantic relationship, pushing aside their familial and platonic relationships, there's a higher chance of the person becoming overly dependent on their partner, which can again be unhealthy.
and keep in mind, my criticism is also more from a fictional perspective. stories that ignore a character's trauma and just give them a romantic partner aren't trying to tell you that people with mental health issues deserve love too, they're trying to brush the character's trauma under the rug and hoping that you won't notice.
a lot of these writers seem to genuinely think that romance will “cure” a character, and that's such a harmful mindset because it discourages people from seeking professional help. it's the same logic as thinking that birthing a child will solve relationship problems between a couple - that's just not how it works.
and in cases like catra, it's even worse because catra is not just dating anyone, she's dating the same person she has abused since childhood. this is destructive for both of them, not just adora. we have to realize that toxicity often stems from some kind of trauma (though not always) and it's not ableist to say that an abuser shouldn't be dating their victim.
one good example of a relationship involving a victim of trauma, in my opinion, is steven and connie from steven universe.
steven universe future focuses entirely on steven's deteriorating mental health, caused by all the trauma he endured in the original series. but in the end, after experiencing a mental breakdown, he actually seeks professional help before beginning to date connie.
it must also be mentioned that their relationship had great development since their friendship was already quite healthy and mutually supportive, and connie has been with steven through all his highs and lows. and so, it doesn't feel like this relationship came out of nowhere, just so that steven gets a happy ending.
it's a satisfying conclusion to both of their arcs and even better because they're allowed to stay away from each other and pursue their own goals while still being in a relationship, meaning that there won't be the risk of them becoming codependent.
this is all that i'm asking writers do with their characters with mental health issues/trauma. you can give them a romantic partner, just make sure you address their personal problems too, instead of brushing them under the rug.
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glitter-stained · 4 months ago
I used to dislike Lazarus Pit Madness headcanons but I've seen people say "he doesn't need magic madness he has normal madness" and "why would you need a magical explanation for his behaviour have you people never heard of cptsd" and while I understand the sentiment (and Jason definitely has cptsd) this is exactly what I'm talking about when I say dc has a dangerous habit of demonizing/villanizing mental illness and it has a real impact on the fandom's perception of mental illness. Winnick isn't the worst when it comes to Jason's writers but the fact that he wrote Jason as both a brilliant hypercompetent villain and a sympathetic character that makes you go "oh hey, he has a point..." should not distract you from the fact that no, decapitation is not a common symptom of cptsd.
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finncakes · 2 years ago
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hound of ill omen
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viktoriaashleyyx · 7 months ago
ACOTAR is red pill content.
Tamlin is written in the way incels view a "Chad." Which is why SJM does take the time to say how beautiful he is and all the stereotypically gentlemanly things and then destroys his character to show, in the end, all Chad's are abusive assholes. "Women only want Chad's that will treat them like shit, [incel self insert] would treat them so much better!"
Rhys and cassian are oddly written as "Nice guys" yeah they've both SAd their women but "he had a reason to" and "don't forget he's ALSO a victim of SA so what he did to you should be forgiven."
SJM Dramaticizes the men's SA (at the hands of Amarantha and Ianthe) but justifies the women's SA at the hands of the male charaters because "they are traumatized too." It's giving "Men are victims of SA too!" as used to divert conversations when a woman is SAd.
This explains why she wrote RhySAnd SAing Feyre in the first place. It's put there to belittle women's experience with SA.
I'm not saying she did all of this on purpose, I don't think she's smart enough. I'm saying this is a heavy self insert and it shows what her true core beliefs are.
SJM is a pick me.
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Having to pause watching ExU: Divergence - Mirror and Key...
Because I got absolutely blindsided by a Brennan Lee Mulligan quote directed at a player character. Blindsided and struck so hard that I immediately paused, went back, watched again, and started crying.
"Your rage is an affirmation of your faith, not a refusal of it. In this moment... can Nia understand, and give voice and wholeness to what it means to rage against and be let down by something you believe in? Can you be disappointed by something you believe in, or is that a contradiction?"
Your rage is an affirmation of your faith.
Your rage is an affirmation of your faith, not a refusal of it.
Oh, god. I don't even know where to go about explaining how deeply this struck me. As someone who was raised not to be angry, but to have faith. Not to be led astray by the world, but to have faith. As someone who doesn't even know what she believes in anymore, but is still reaching for some kind of touchstone of faith because I've lived so long with one I can't fathom any other way. As someone who has over the last almost ten years, had my trust and belief in the goodness, the rightness of the people who raised me absolutely shattered and betrayed by the cruelty, and the injustice performed without any sense of recognition how absolutely and in direct contradiction of everything they told me they believed, everything they told me to believe in.
I was raised conservative, evangelical Christian, and while I definitely haven't been those first two things in a long time I'm still trying to unwind and untangle the damage of some of what I was taught has done to me. What I haven't know for an equally long time is whether or not I'm still the third thing. Right now, in name, I don't think I am. I just cannot in good conscience, in good faith, call myself by a name that is doing and has done such awful, awful things. Watching the people who had always put "faith before politics" fall in line and salute Donald Trump as somehow a good leader let alone a good man absolutely shattered any connection I can have with that title. And if I have to choose between turning my back on my religion or follow that cruel and horrible, horrible man in the Oval Office, then so be it.
So that has left me in the last few years in a really... well, in a really angry place. A liminal space too. Like I'm waiting for something. I don't know what. A sign maybe.
But oh god, this fantasy show about dragons and dice rolls - well. I guess this moment was not unlike a ray of moonlight falling through a slanted archers window.
Your rage is an affirmation of your faith. Not a refusal of it.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years ago
I think when people talk about things like desirability, they can miss the deeper point of why it can be important to analyze why people are seen as undesirable. It isn't just that a type of person is just... not hot... but often, it's the dehumanization of a person based on marginalized features.
For instance, I had a conversation with somebody about disability portrayal in media, and we had agreed that, historically, disability had been portrayed as a horrific ordeal. However, I think they missed the point as to why the "undesirable disabled" character was so appealing to a broader audience. The idea that disability is other, inhuman, and something that depersonalizes somebody from society is partly why those ideas were and are prevalent in mainstream media and culture. It is the idea that "nobody likes you. Nobody needs you. Nobody wants you" because of the person's marginalized body or experience or whatever it may be.
It isn't some superficial "oh why aren't I seen as pretty by everybody?" It is the knowledge that you are portrayed as undesirable in this way because it is a way to separate you from everybody else. It isn't about beauty, nor is it a selfish desire to be wanted by somebody. It is the desire to be seen as a person - an equal, regardless of who desires you or who does not.
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collectionofsinglefathers · 24 days ago
so this one is gonna get a bit more personal than I usually like to get but I have a bad habit of just not talking about my mental health period so like. I don’t know, I guess I wanna try to break that? and also I’ve wanted to in general start posting here more, not specifically about personal stuff but like anything, which is why i’ve been sporadically posting about me writing and stuff like that. but general content warnings, and I’m gonna tag these too so dw, but yeah general content warning up top for depression and anxiety. ALSO, a spoiler warning (which i’ll also put in the tags) for the ending of the first campaign and the third campaign of critical role since this is gonna be centered around that. now I haven’t actually watched the finale of c3, I have avoided literally everything about it so far except for the tailgate stream which i watched almost all of earlier today during my lunch break, but the spoiler warning is more for the earlier Vox Machina centric episodes. and normally, this many years on, I wouldn’t bother putting a spoiler warning for the first campaign, but with the animated show, in case there are new viewers for the campaign or in case there are people who don’t wanna know what happens at the end of c1 because of the animated show, I wanted to make sure I also put a spoiler warning for c1 as well, just to cover all my bases.
NOW. I'm not gonna get into any specific details about my personal struggles, but I have dealt with some level of depression or anxiety for a good portion of my life. the farthest back that I can remember an actual thing where I'm like "oh yeah that was probably depression" is when I was in sixth grade, and for context I'm going to turn 30 this year. there was a time, before I got into CR, where I was both unemployed AND no longer going to school of any kind (college didn't work out for me). in fact, the period of time when I stopped school/was out of work and me getting a job finally was 2 years, and in that time I was NOT in a good place mentally. not in any danger to myself but definitely not doing great. but in that time, I found critical role.
fun fact, I actually found it through a cosplayer I liked on vine at the time. this guy I followed would cosplay as some of the characters, and I had followed them because he also was quite a good singer and I thought he was funny, so when he started posting CR cosplay videos, I looked it up, and that's where I had first discovered it. I watched the first couple of episodes and was HOOKED IMMEDIATELY. I remember, for three weeks straight, it was the only thing I watched as I binged through the first campaign in order to catch up to be current with the campaign (which funnily enough was episode 69). and the character I connected to the most (mostly due to aesthetic if I'm being honest, and also because he was my favorite voice actor at the time) was Vax.
fast forward to the final arc of the first campaign, where they first face off against Vecna, and Vax dies. I remember just laying on my living room floor staring up at the ceiling in absolutely shock and horror at how that fight played out. and obviously, if you have watched c1, you know how that goes for him. he comes back, but temporarily, and is dead dead by the last episode, and I was a WRECK during the c1 finale because of that.
Vax was already my favorite, but when I got to the beginning of the chroma conclave arc, where you see Vax at first really struggling with what they're even doing anymore, to then almost losing his sister and having this insane downward spiral mentally before pulling out of it... It kind of hit a bit close to home for me, because of how much I was also going through it. and watching Vax be able to get out of his own bad place really helped me get out of mine. so when he died at the end of c1, it really fucked me up. not in a way where I was like, upset at the cast or matt or anything like that. but like. c1 is my favorite campaign, but I have never once been able to rewatch or relisten past the briarwood arc because every time I get to the point where keyleth and vax talk at the sun tree about their feelings, I just can't do it. it's far too close to home for me.
now fast forward A LOT OF TIME. to the end of c3. now, I had been in and out of keeping up with c3. not because of me not enjoying it or being frustrated like I've seen other people talk about when it comes to this campaign. it's been because of my mental health, and how I've been dealing with it for the past year, year and a half I'd say. but as the campaign has started to reach a climax to the end, I decided to finally buckle down and get through it because I knew that I wanted to watch it, it was just a matter of DOING IT. and I actually listened to a good amount of this campaign, but when I finally got to the VM episodes, I actually needed to watch. and actually, what I did, it reminded me a lot of when I was binging c1, just in a much shorter amount of time. for an entire weekend, I watched nothing but critical role. and when I got to the last VM episode of this final stretch, when matt put vax's mini on the board after they freed him from the malleus key. I straight up had to pause the episode because I started sobbing. like full on heaving full body sobbing. I was trying so hard to stay quiet because I was so worried that others in my household were going to be worried about me, that's how hard I was crying.
because Vax means a lot to me. he's very, very close to my heart. he will forever live in my mind and my soul. I have a lot of vague ideas for tattoos that I want to eventually get and for a very long time I thought I would want my first one to be a lotr tattoo but I actually thought about it more recently and I want it to actually be the vax tattoo idea I had planned, which was a general idea I had for something to do with raven feathers and snowdrop flowers, and maybe also a dagger. he's really, really important to me. I get emotional just thinking about how important he is to me. I'm emotional right now writing this.
now like I said, I haven't watched the finale to c3 yet. I probably won't fully finish it until some time this weekend cuz. ya know. 8 and a half hours long. but I have been thinking a lot about things that marisha and liam said in that final 4 sided dive, and about things that were said in the cooldown for that last VM episode when they destroyed the malleus key. and I've been trying really really REALLY REALLY hard to not get my hopes up about the possibility of VM being able to keep vax, because I know if I let myself get too hopeful about it and it doesn't happen, it'll fucking WRECK me real bad. but I also know that I'm gonna be fucked up either way so.
I don't know if I'm gonna end up liveblogging me watching the finale. we'll see. either way, I'm definitely gonna be not checking any notifications on here for this post, or any post I might make while watching the finale, just in case someone reads this and decides to be a dick and send me spoilers. but in any case. I just wanted to say all that somewhere, and I don't know if I quite have the courage yet to say ALL of that to someone I actually know (I've already said some of it to my best friend, but not everything).
but that's it. wish me luck, as I am now about to start watching the finale.
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 10 months ago
it is interesting how the spop fandom has just randomly decided that certain things are canon even though they’re not. “catra has BPD” being the most popular out of all of them, despite the creators not even mentioning BPD. you can’t diagnose a fictional character. you can have a headcanon, sure, but you can’t insist that it’s canon. in that case, i could just say that horde prime has NPD or something, and that y’all are ableist for hating him.
similarly, people seem to think that guided meditation is somehow.. therapy? it can be part of therapy, sure, but guided meditation alone isn’t going to do shit for you if you’re actually struggling with a mental illness, especially something like BPD, if you really believe that catra has BPD. personality disorders can’t be “cured” with just guided meditation lol. they can’t be cured, period, but if you want to learn how to deal with them better, you need proper therapy and medication. trauma from abuse also cannot be healed with just guided meditation. meditation is just a small exercise to help you relax and/or focus. that’s it. it does not replace proper therapy and healing. perfuma is NOT a therapist, and she is NOT qualified to be one, considering the way she treated entrapta. you can’t just look at one scene where perfuma offers to help catra open up and say “perfuma is catra’s therapist!”
there are also some others, like the whole “catra only hurt she-ra, not adora” but these two are the ones that piss me off the most because these people pretend to care about abuse and mental health, when they clearly don’t know shit about it. they talk about how much catra has suffered and how unstable her mental state is, and then act like she can be healed with the power of true love and a few sessions of meditation and positive affirmations.
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hchollym · 2 years ago
do you have any expansions/further thoughts about percy having ocpd? i'd love to hear them if you do
Referencing this post.
Absolutely! 😄
There are so many symptoms/aspects of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) that Percy demonstrates, including:
Excessive focus on details, order & rules, and perfection (this literally just describes Percy in almost every situation in the books)
The need for control & frustration with a lack of control (his desire to be a prefect/Head Boy)
The struggle to have hobbies that are purely for fun, as opposed to hobbies that serve a specific purpose (he only rarely allows himself to just relax & have unproductive fun)
Stubbornness and thinking their way is the right way (the argument with his family & his argument with Hermione about Winky)
High standards for themselves and others (12 O.W.L.s & encouraging Ron to live up to his potential as a prefect)
Extreme devotion to their work/projects (his report on cauldron bottoms & his studies)
Inflexiblity, particularly with their own morality or values (his refusal to doubt the institute of government)
Lack of understanding as to why others are negatively effected by their standards/expectations (the twins & Ron, in particular)
In addition to that, this disorder often occurs in people who have highly-controlling parents (Molly burning Fred & George's order forms because she wants them to go into the Ministry instead), because it develops as a coping mechanism to avoid rejection (Percy assuring Molly that he will be a good role model for Ginny, even if Fred & George are not).
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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ailius-suffers-through-art · 2 months ago
An original story i wrote for my english class way back when. It's dark (like all of my original fiction for SOME FUCKING REASON????? i guess im an angst connoisseur......???) so please heed the tags before reading to the end!!
i find nuclear power so ungodly interesting so its a damn shame i couldn't use it here. coal power plants generally use the same system minus the radioactive fuel though so i think its worthy of a mention.
reader beware, but please enjoy
Title: 17/11/██
I don’t know how I should start this. Does it even matter at this point?
I’m not sure what else I can do. The Walls scare me and I want to go home.
I guess I should start at the beginning if this is going to be my last work.
If anyone will ever read this in the first place;
This whole situation, the horror I’m trapped in right now, all of this is my brother’s fault. We had been sneaking out to meet our girlfriends at the time, Oh god marie, I’m so sorry. I hope I will be alive to see you again. and decided it might be fun to have a test of courage in the abandoned power plant just a stretch into the forest by our meeting place. Which twin had the fortitude to explore the old building, we wondered. I was certain it had to be me– though Dallas thought otherwise and was confident in his strength of mind. It was an amateur writer versus a “detective in training”, so he likes to call himself. If my brother were here, I wonder how sane he would be able to stay? Perhaps I, myself, have stumbled upon the true test of courage in his absence. Even despite our disagreement I couldn’t wish this fate on him or on anyone, really.
Unknowing of what awaited us, we threw ourselves into the dark with gusto.
We began our journey in the metal cylinder’s room. Small windows near the ceiling let in the moonlight and hinted at the size of the room, but nothing could prepare us for the sheer scale of it. Our flashlights darted around the wide open space, and we could hear the echo of our footsteps as we explored. In the middle of this expanse, our lights hit a massive enclosed structure– the sides metallic and rusted.
“You should peek inside. There may be a monster waiting for you to come give it a kiss!��� I teased my brother, knocking on the loose door. He laughed alongside me and agreed, pushing it open though his hands shook. As his flashlight lit up that small room, we saw the titular device I have named the room after. Forgive me for my ignorance as to the proper names for many of these locations and devices. I’m not somewhere where I could access this information– even if I wished to. It was a grand cylinder with lines engraved down the sides, stretching across several of those enclosings. This machine, bizarre yet harmless as it was, seemed to frighten my brother and so he quickly shoved the door closed again.
“Not to worry,” he joked– trying to cover up the way his eyes shook, “I gave that monster quite the smooch. She enjoyed it well.”
The air got colder the deeper we descended. Each hallway we traversed was lined with hundreds of pipes, trailing off into the darkness as our light was swallowed by the distance. The more my brother shivered, the more confident I became about my superiority in this little contest of ours. I was so sure of myself that I ignored the warning signs; the shifting beneath the ground, the dread slithering round and round those everlasting hallways.
At last, we reached the basement. The air was silent as death, the rest of life cut away from those isolated depths like an amputated limb. It was so quiet I felt as if I could hear a breath from a mile away. My brother stopped us there, grabbing me by the shoulders with his clammy palms.
“We can’t continue. Something’s… not well with this place.” he told me earnestly, but my ignorance was boundless. I laughed, spittle flying into the damp air,
“You’re quitting already? So much for that detective work, then?” Even now I can clearly remember the expression he made; it’s burned into my mind with all the clarity of a photograph. The furrow of his brows, the disbelief that bloomed across his face as he realized my foolishness, the frustration he must have felt, I understand it all clearly now. He shook me, clenching my shoulders tighter than he ever had before.
“You must be joking! Can’t you feel it? Everything feels wrong. This entire building is poisoned!” Dallas’ voice cracked harshly as he spoke with all the fervor of a wild animal.
All my blinded eyes could comprehend at that moment, however, was a coward.
In my folly I only saw the cornered dog, not the shadow looming over it.
“If you’re so scared you can run on back to your girl. Tell her your brother’s infallible will isn’t to be trifled with.” I had taunted.
“That’s not the point! God, it’s always the smartass with you, isn’t it? Think outside of your bloated ego for one second, for heaven’s sake.” he cried.
“If you want to leave, then just leave! I won’t stop you.”
Finally, he exploded.
“You arrogant prick! Fine, see what I care if you get yourself killed. Have fun with that courage of yours when you’re dead.” He shouted, turning around and marching away.
“Fine by me!” I’d called after him, before I was alone again in the silent dark.
Harumphing, my anger fueled me to plunge deeper into the basement. It was harder to face alone than with my brother.
The pipes looked like worms burrowing into the flesh of the building. At once I came across what seemed to be a shallow pool of water, stretching endlessly into that room.
My self-righteousness drained away by the cold, I kicked at the water sullenly. The water was warm.
Warmer than anything else in that chilly, dilapidated horrorshow. My instincts, once dormant, now awakened violently to the inherent evil of that place and sent me reeling backwards. All the signs had hit me at once. I had only understood the true nature of my situation when I was already in the mouth of the beast. Something reached out from that water and grasped my leg, and then I knew nothing.
When I awoke, I was here. I will attempt to describe this hell I am stuck in, though I feel my words will lack the depth of color to make you understand.
I woke up on a warm smooth surface, the heat of the room was quite pleasant in comparison to the freezing world I had left behind. The room was pitch black, so I felt my way across the room. Wall to wall, edge to edge, the walls were filled with warmth and the surface was without a scratch. The floor pulsated with an odd familiar rhythm, and as I searched for an exit I found myself enclosed within those six walls. A glass box with no escape. Whilst I fumbled around in the dark, my foot discovered my only other company, a pen and a stack of papers. As my eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, I finally understood where I was trapped, or to be exact, what I was trapped in. The first thing I noticed were the eyes. Hundreds of eyes, all staring at me from outside that glass box. Second, it was the viscera pressed against every single wall, pulsating to the rhythm of a heartbeat. Hair was curled within that flesh, ingrown and putrid. Lastly, I noticed the teeth, barely attached to the squishy meat they were embedded in, surrounding cavernous tunnels that breathed against my enclosure.
I nearly threw up. Once my realization had passed, I tried to use the paper to cover up those horrible sights– to stop those disgusting eyes from watching me. No matter how much paper I used, though, it never seemed to run out. A boon, I suppose, from the one who trapped me in this infernal purgatory. I use that pen and paper to write to you now, if anyone will read this at all. This cage of mine, or perhaps I should call it my last line of defense as without it I don’t know what the creature outside would do to me, contains finite air. I only have so long before I will run out. I can only hope someone will rescue me before that happens. Maybe an early death will save me from going well and truly insane here.
I’m scared.
I don’t want to die.
I’m sorry, Dallas.
Please come save me soon.
This letter was recovered next to the emaciated corpse of ████ ███, a young man who had gone missing two months prior. His brother, Dallas ███, had reported the disappearance the day of, dated 17/11/ ██. The police had searched the ████ coal power plant that night but no one was found. Recently, people complained of a foul smell coming from within the power plant and the place was excavated. This was when the body was discovered alongside the papers. These have been transcribed as accurately as possible for posterity.
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bloodmoonlich · 27 days ago
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cringefailfagcat · 3 months ago
someone let me talk at you PLEASEEEEE
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timidtresleches · 1 year ago
if you have something like, a mental illness, trauma, or anything like that, please do not assume that your experiences and opinions are the same as everyone else's.
theres a post on twitter (which is not the context for my post rn) where someone is like, rashing on that one popular hell cartoon's music video content because its considered a view of the character's reaction/coping with SA. their thread is literally just like NO ONE WHO HAS BEEN SA'd COPES LIKE THIS!!! THIS IS SEXUALISATION!! and literally everyone replying is like "i cope like this. you dont get to speak for me with your experiences bc those are not mine." and i think this is accurate for so many types of mental illnesses and types of trauma experiences.
you can dislike something as much as you want. you can dislike them because it looks like a stereotype of something you suffer with. you can have any of your own opinions, i dont give a shit. but you dont get to start beef with randos online and say shit alluding to or straight up stating the "fact" that your experiences are universal.
its the difference in saying "as someone with this specific trauma/mental illness i feel as though this is undermining my experiences with them" and saying "everyone with this specific trauma/mental illness will agree that this is definitely undermining everyone's experiences with them".
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