#anyways last ill say on this for abit
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bloodmoonlich · 24 days ago
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raindropren · 4 months ago
everytime gem mentions impulse and pearl I get really,,,, I think the word is uncomfortable?
It may be a fun storyline but i get so,, weird when a character is very clearly wanting someone to have a bad reputation with others instead of it happening gradually. Gem even says that impulse hasn't really done anything to her and joel, and yet,,,
not to mention the fact that the only thing Pearl did to gem was trying to get her to eat the cobblestone wall, which yes, would've poisoned her, but also was clearly for funzie's and something that multiple people had done in session 2 at that point, and maybe, maaybbee, be alittle agro with impulse during the cow stuff in session 1? but I,,, i have my own thoughts on that. Anything else is from the last season, and while referencing a past season is very fun, having a whole bias because of one makes me,,,, blah. It's not a bad thing, it's a fun storyline ngl, It just makes me,,, like,,, kinda ill,,,(and not in the "I'M ILL /POS" way,,,) like a,,, weirdly physical ill??? It's so weird to say because,,, I'm completely talking about the characters, I think CC gem is amazing, and really funny for this ngl, but stars above, the character makes me sick feeling.
Also, the fact that multiple other people have been,, eh,, meaner? to "The Family" and instead of also being rival's, enemies,,, not friendly?? with them, they are constantly trying to ally with them in a way. Biggest point is martyn, First session he killed one of their cows to try and force them into a trade, and it worked(kinda)! AND IT WAS IMPULSES COW!!! so ya,,, the fact the entire thing that,,, that was,, just vanished in her thoughts of them is,,, gvbiufhdbkgudfljnrioghdfjk
It's so interesting,, Fascinating, I love it, I hate it, It makes me sick, it's on a C!Scott level of interesting, WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!!
There's a weird level of nostalgia that I feel towards what C!gem is doing,,,, It,,, reminds me of a different,,, smp,,,, anyways
She's actively and constantly saying, especially to others, that Impulse and Pearl(But not Scott and Cleo) are basically the villains, that they should be harmed, die and such, to go after them. She tells Skizz to try and kill impulse actively, joel and her give him advice. She says something to Ren, Martyn, and Etho aswell(and I'm 90% sure there's more, i just,,, haven't finished watching the video,,,,) Bdubs and Tango? maybe BIG MAYBE!! they're around quite abit but I can't remember(my memories so bad oh my stars,,,) if She said anything to them. She talks to Scott about it AND I THINK SCOTT??? AGREES????
This girlie confuses me to no end,,, WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!
Also the fact that They are CONSTANTLY on her mind, despite not interacting,, basically at all it seems in session 3. They are in her head, spinning while she desperately tries to get them out, of course, via death in-season <3
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inkdrop-flags · 2 years ago
Yeah, no body is probably gonna care really as we've been dead for abit but im just gonna call it here. We're exhausted and everytime i think of coming back, some other bs happens in the community and more people show their ass and more people get lost in the sauce and more people start claiming some bs that were just done at this point.
Im not gonna name names but seriously its getting old seeing the performative bs in this community. Its like watching a bunch of kids trying to blow out candles on a birthday cake and they are constantly shoving each other out of the way to be the first to blow the last candle out aka hamfist another political issue and talk over another group of people.
Everytime we speak, either nothing happens or people police every single thing i say. You cant be neutral on any issue. You cant be uninformed on any issue. You cant disagree on any issues. You cant respectfully disagree, every single issue you must agree on or else the other party is bigoted. Im tired of the constant stress and anxiety that i might not have the "right" opinion. Im tired of being constantly policed. Im tired of being constantly stressed. Im tried of the bs and fighting and the discourse and everything. Im tired of the bigotry and the ableism and just...
This isnt what our community is for. This isnt what we're here for. We're to give terms and flags and pronouns and identities, thats it. Thats your only job as a coiner. Thats it.
Im done. I may come back some day under a different blog and different name but i dont think ill ever emotionally or socially engage with this community in the end. Its toxic and immature and unneeded. We've been on so many different sides of different arguments both exclusionarily and inclusionarily and for how "loving, accepting, caring and kind" this community claims to be, ive seen more kindess from "exclusionists" than ive ever seen from this. Mogai feels like a blind rabid beast, hellbent on ripping any opposing opinion or honest question to shreds and pissing on its remains as it gloats how tolerant and loving it is. Antisemitism and racism is waved away with a simple utterance of "hyperfixation" or "fictive" or "critical consumption". Every -core is ok as long theres a -coric version. Real life murders turned into genders and people telling others to kill themselves on anon while they have suicide-baiters in their dni.
Everyone here is guilty. Either by your own actions or by allowing those who cause this chaos and pain and confusion to continue undisturbed. I know how it looks. Ive been the follower of a dead blog watching its creator have a meltdown about the horrors of the community and how it treats people and how they've never been more stressed and alienated then when they actively were in the mogai community. I thought they had issues but they werent wide spread. I thought they had grievances but they were only truely aimed at a few people. I thought it was isolated incident but now standing on the otherside, i see it for what it really is.
A performative rabid pack of mindless zombies that throw tragedy after tragedy at a wall in hopes you might like or reblog their content just for that milisecond of serotonin and acceptance. They boast how loving and accepting of all they are and how much they desire to kill and shred anyone who makes people feel unwelcome for not being the norm. That should of been your first red flag but you continued in anyway and the moment they see you and see one minor imperfection that isnt in their image they fucking eat you alive. They slander you and tell you to kill yourself and prey on every insecurity and throw all your triggers at you. They insult you for one wrong color in a flag. One wrong image id. One wrong opinion. One wrong stance. Because for some reason, in their warped and unraveled minds, they think they are building a utopia of blogs and posts and servers where they are free and the undesirables are snuffed out. Inclusion means everyone. Even people you dont like. Even people who disagree. Even people who've done horrendous shit. Of course they want the harmful ones out but their sensors are triggered if you even so much as hc some random character differently. Harmful means nothing in their eyes. Any sort of questioning is harmful. Just smile and wave and agree and maybe we wont slander you to our 5,000 follower base ✨😍😘🙏 it makes me fucking sick
This is the most defensive and trigger happy community i have ever seen in my life and im so happy to finally step out into the sun after being in this hell for 6 years. I love xenogenders. I love neopronouns. Ive hyperfixated and informed myself for years and at this point... That isnt what this community is right now. Its unnesseary tone policing. Its demanding to know someone's personal identity before allowing them to speak on a subject. Its silencing anyone who may disagree and forcing them into the outskirts because no one within their perfect bubble needs to see any form of opposition or healthy debate cause they need that 'safe space'. We needed that safe space too. We needed unconditional acceptance too.
Its so... White. Its so cisgender. Its so heterosexual. You all refuse to see the humanity in anyone with an opposing opinion and think that you've achieved the "pinnacle of progressivism" so your better than anyone you deem to have an exclusionary and challenging opinion. They are stupid or blind in your eyes to your truth and theres nothing more white and christian than that shit. If your truely sure about your beliefs, you'd be willing to step out of your comfort zone for once. You'd understand that opinions arnt on a slider but mulitple and theres no lane of good or bad opinions. You'd understand that some shit isnt valid and some identities should not exist or be accepted. You'd understand just how disconnected from the real living world you are cause your too busy typing up your responce to the most recent disaster to actually ever step on ground zero. Id bet money 80% of you have never stepped foot in a protest, never donated a dollar to someone in need. Its too inconvenient for you. Anything that requires more energy than sharing a useless gofundme or adding your support behind some petition is lost on you. You all claim to be bastions of knowledge about the community but you cant even tell me when the stonewall riot occured. Oh and i bet the petty ones of you just did a google search so you can smuggly reply it on this post or in your reblog,didnt you? Well there ya go huh? You only acknowledge the information that boosts you and im tired of it. Ive seen with my own eyes yall have the energy to scream your trauma and pain at some sysmed but claim their ableist for not Condensing their sources and expecting you to read it. Some of yall really think that mspec lesbians are being murdered in droves like trans women. You snap at people and treat them like shit then turn off all your replies and anons and reblogs then claim they were too big of a pussy to respond. Hypocrites, liars and cowards, the lot of us.
im tired of holding my tounge and looking to a big blog for guidence just so i dont get thrown off the ship. This community truely feels like the song life boat from heathers. No honor among thieves, eh? Im tired of being petrified that i dont align. Im tired of watching people i know treat people they claim to advocate for like shit just because they disagree on some inane online identity. Im tired of being talked over by people whose ego is bigger than their mouth. This community is like high school with clicks n shit. Some of yall really just turned into xenogender pansexual bullies. The moment you can let out some vitrol on someone, you go nuts. Your just as bad and i am no better. Someone cant even be neutral in this community without being lumped into the enemy.
I know ive joined some dogpiles. I know ive lied about some shit. Ive never lied about who i am though and so many people get caught race-faking or age-faking that i dont know who my enemies or allies are. I never have felt safe ever truely connecting and being vulnerable with this community and i dont think i ever will. With how many times ive seen full callouts include ss of people's private chats where someone talks about their trauma has told me this community will not stop at hell when it comes to digging shit up. I cant even be mad without someone policing my tone. Some of you are like me and lack empathy but everyone is capable of sympathy and so many of you utterly refuse to show it. You claim to be bleeding heart liberals but the moment the victim isnt perfect for you, you ignore their suffering. I still hold all my beliefs so no, theres nothing you can go digging through my dni to find to disagree upon to make my testamony go away.
I was one of you and ive never felt like i belonged. I was only here by name never feeling. I will turn people away from here to protect them. I will advise aginest coming here and involving themselves with you. I will tell them to say nothing and never socially interact. I'll tell them its not worth the extra 5,000 xenogenders they may find to fit them. Cause for me? It wasnt. Nothing about this was worth the pain and stress and irritation i endured just being a passive victim. Pinkfruitgender was right and we should of left when they did but we thought we might be able to push through. That was a load of shit.
I hope this community crashes and burns and the lot of you scatter. I know ill be there to rebuild an actual loving and accepting community in its place. One that invites healthy differences in opinions. One that dosent strawman their enemies they've never even listend to. One that actually knows whats harmful and what isnt. I have very little hope that this community will ever fully stop. I already see new and toxic up and coming blogs taking the place of those who left. For every good blog, theres 7 seething and hateful ones popping up and blocking one blog dosent protect you from the rest. I hope the far and few between good of you will be there to help me because i know you'll make the best of it. But until then..
Good fucking bye
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-Millie and neo
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psychomachy-ador · 4 years ago
lypophrenia   ( Michael Myers x Y/n)
Hi! Im new to writing fics like these and putting it out for people to see, this is my first fic so its not the best but I wrote it during a depressive episode a while back. I wanted to give it a chance to see the light of day and let ya’ll be the judge! If i made any errors, offended anyone or any type of criticism please let me know and ill work it to your favor ^.^ Please enjoy. 
Hes standing in my doorway, only the moonlight shining from my window illuminating him. I stay lying in bed just staring back.
I should scream, hop on my heels, anything to stop what could be my demise but...I can't. This episode has gotten such a tight hold that my body feels too heavy, that even the idea of this being the end feels as though I'm being wrapped in a warm blanket full of comfort.
The faintest of smiles begins to tug at my mouth.
He tilts his head, not moving from his spot yet but makes his knife known by lifting it, the beam of the moon bouncing off of it. Run to your opened window, scream for help, get the fuck out of your head, he will fucking kill you! I closed my eyes instead; I haven't felt a reason to be alive since I was a child if anything this death was a long time coming...no one to mourn me anyways. These few weeks the only thought that has drifted through my mind is how I've lived past my expiration date, not long before I awoke to this horrifying figure I've seen on the news, I numbed away my hellish cherubs with tequila and tranquilizers a taste of nostalgic fire, a feeling of a mother's arms wrapped around her babe after they fell of their bicycle. The fire has burnt my drive to ashes, emptiness morphing this terrifying shape into an angel gliding towards me. He stands over me, our eyes locking us into a moment...those beautiful eyes void of emotion, like a fire I want to get lost in.
  In a fluster, I clear my throat averting my eyes away from the shape. “Hey... if you're here to kill me, I want to say I forgive you...Make it quick is all I beg.”  
Despite the cement feeling coursing throughout me, I stretch my hand out to him with only love in my eyes.
He stared at me for a significant amount of time, enough time to feel pins n needles in my arm, but before it dropped, he took my hand with a grip of death. I sucked in a shaky breath and pull him close towards my face, placing my hand on the cheek of his mask and I stare into the void of his eyes. Eyes igniting the warmth I crave to feel most of my living years eyes I couldn’t break away not wanting to break away... What the fuck am I doing? The fuck am I saying...?  
He pulls abit away to meet my gaze again, his eyes Un wavered with a stoic mask but all I can care about is this tragedy, a blissful tragedy that my foggy mind is praying for. He brings his knife to the side of my neck and slightly prods in, enough that I can feel blood threatening to spill.  
Wincing, shutting my eyes and letting my hand slip away from his mask.  
This is it; this is what I've been scared to do ... what I couldn't bring myself to do... what if-
The feeling of the blade becomes absent, I open my eyes locking to another gaze. "What's wrong? Is it because I'm not fighting or..."a cruel thought crosses my mind causing a sad laugh to leave my mouth as the tears form in my eyes " you also believe I'm not worth it, huh? I don't blame ya; That makes two of us."  
Only response is the grip on his knife tightened, blushed knuckles lightening to white
Either I pissed this guy off by talking or his restraint is wearing thin. Both the same really  
I don’t care anymore though, if he is not here to end my suffering but indulge in his games, I have no interest... scoffing I break away our gaze to face my body towards the wall opposite of him. “Goodnight, Michael.” the last I remember he didn’t leave, the feeling of his presence in my room lulled me to sleep.  
Eyes fluttering open as memories flood in, I shot up looking around my surrounding  
The bastard didn’t kill me after all, I can't tell if the annoyance is from that action alone or because in the back of my mind, I hoped he’d still be here. Smacking myself, I groan into my hands, “of all the things in your life right now don’t add romanticize a killer now.” I swung my legs off my bed and after a 20-minute pep talk, I got up and wondered around my space to see if maybe I had just dreamt everything. Hoping, that it was all a hallucination
Everything on the upper floor seemed untouched, but once I reached the bottom of the staircase, I am gifted the view of my front door wide open, the strong autumn wind inviting leaves inside.  
Huh... The Michael Myers didn't kill me.  
A smile threatening to widen only to drop quickly. Fuck! The Michael Myers didn’t kill me! Is that a good thing? A bad thing? Shit! Hesitantly stepping to the opening of the door thoughts race through my mind.
The feeling of fear and my already torturous anxiety tightens my chest but this faint warmth behind it causes a hopeful idea to take solace.  
Maybe, just maybe, someone actually gives a shit about me... whether it be embodiment of terror.  
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years ago
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Agave Syrup: ship kid. Secondary collab verse.
Annnnnd here's the new baby! She's my Cciller ship kid. She exists the the secondary ship kid universe which is a collab verse with @thebluescreen. She's from the Multiverse Rem is a part of, but not from the multiverse Coffee creamer is from. (They are two separate multiverses with different ships and storys.)
Both Agave and 4Loko are the same person, I'll explain below.
"yall really for a no caff, full foam, double chocolate latte, with an extra hit of caramel syrup!? It's my own special blend..... Added just for you~"
Name: Agave Syrup
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Strate
Parents: (Bio) Ccino (Da) and Killer (Baba). Non bio Nightmare (Father).
Other family: Rem (older half brother) Vanta (older half brother) Somba Lullaby (older half brother). Dream (uncle) Cross (Uncle) Radiant Hope (Cousin) Empathy (Cousin). And many cats.
Nicknames: Kitten (by killer) and Gave
Agave is the youngest of the Fluffynightkiller ship kids from the second verse. She grew up primary raised By Ccino and her oldest brother Rem. Killer and Nightmare were there, but weren't massively involved parents.
Agave is pretty close to her brother Rem, despite the 13 year age gap and will normally have a fortnightly movie night where they will watch crappy horror movies (like Jack Frost or The Sand) and laugh about how stupid they are. They also both love to watch old horror movies and play a game of "what incredibly stupid choice will character A make that will result in there death? Hmmm". It's there favourite thing to do together.
Agave isn't a huge fan of generally good horror films though and especially can't stand the saw films. So she doesn't watch them unless it's with Rem.
Agave and her other brother Somba aren't as close (he's 5 years older) but she still cares alot for him and isn't above defending him if needed.
Agave has two main sides to herself, this being how she is normally and her persona/alterego 4Loko. But more on that below.
Normally she is a very bright and chipper girl who's abit of a goof. She sees the fun or silly side in alot of things in life and is rarely not in a good mood. She's also quite a passive person (or at least pretends to be) and is quite kind. Her personality is abit to much like Dream's for Nightmare's liking so the two aren't really close.
She's that person who is very fun to be around but just slightly unnerving. Like there is something going on underneath her smile. Something just slightly off.
Being born with her soul on the outside of her body wasn't suprising because of her relation to Killer, however it caused Ccino to be conserned during her up bringing. He were quite scared about how easily she could be hurt of killed so always kept a close eye on her. Killer didn't care as much and gave her more free rain. For example, letting her play with this pocket knife as a 1 year old.
Agave works primarily at her Da's coffee shop and takes great pride in it. She grew up there and its been a part of her life ever since she can remember. She enjoys making her own flavouring syrups and blends to put into drinks to make them taste better. Other then that she's studying a business degree (at age 18 +) at a local university in order to get better with the business.
About 4Loko and her soul.
"Me? And serial killer? No no I'm a barista, those aren't even similar....."
Now this is where things start up, because she's got to inherit some things from Killer, right?
Agaves soul glitches, much like Killer's does, from being heart shaped to being target shaped. It does this many times a day. When this happens it normally doesn't last longer then a few seconds till it goes back to normal. To an outsider it may even be unnoticeable and for the most part it doesn't effect Agave.
However sometimes she will trap her soul into a jar or some type of container. Doing this will stop it from glitching and stick it in whatever form its in (she can't do this all the time as it strains the soul and brings pain). So sometimes she will stick it in target mode. When she sticks it in target mode, her eyes drip.
Unbeknownst to any of her parents when her soul is like this, it changes her. She feels basically nothing, no fear, no sadness, no guilt or empathy. She realised at a young age that this was her super power.
In this mode she could do anything and not suffer any emotional consequences.
It started with stealing cookies from the biscuit tin at age 9 and evolved into hurting bully's at school. Then into giving food poisoning to rude customers by mixing up syrups to slip into drinks to make people ill.
For the most part she stays out of this mode, only dipping in when she felt she needed to test how far she could push it.
When she was 15 she started to consider pushing it to the limit.
She was watching the news and found out about some kind of abuser or murder being arrested and she thought. Why do we let people who do such horrible things live? Wouldn't it be better if they were dead? Then she realised, with her super power, could she kill someone?
When she was 16 she had her first kill. They were robber shed caught beating someone in an alleyway. (I don't know to much about this yet so I'll need to think more about it) but afterwards, she realised that she'd been right in the fact that she didn't feel guilty. She could use this to make the world a better place!
She didn't kill again for about a year. (just incase, I wanna point out that I'm not saying that what Agave does is justified. She's just an ship kid, a act of fiction and not ment to be taken seriously)
So anyway, by age 17 Agave makes her second kill and continues on that path. These are alot more thought out and planned. Her method of choice is through creating poisonous syrup and killing people that way, though she isn't above a good old knife death. Her Baba taught her well. She also carries around chemicals to clean blood and things like that.
She doesn't like her victims to dweal in pain and gets the deaths over quickly and painlessly. She gets no pleasure from causing pain to others, and when she doesn't have a target soul it makes her upset to hurt people.
Agave ended up calling her killer mode 4Loko. That's the name for her alterego the serial killer. She separates 4Loko from herself and doesn't want it to impact her Day to day life. So she will use make up to cover the birth mark on her face. When she's in her 20s she ends up working as an hireable assassin for killing criminals. But more on that later.
Non of her parents know about her double life. But that doesn't mean no one does.
Rem has always kept a close eye on his little sister. Over the years he noticed her odd behaviour and her collection of 'syrups' that she keeps in her room hidden.
During her 17th year he confronts her about what she does (which was a huge mess) the two fought as she attempted to stab him through the soul with her knife. She couldn't let him live if he knew right? She would have been able to but she just couldn't bring herself to hurt him. Since she wasn't in target mode she just couldn't do it especially as he spoke to her and talked her down. (tbh it's actually a kind of sweet scene between them).
After he's calmed her Rem offers to help her kill people, and he's very happy to. (Rem has alot of darkness under his kind surface which I'm sure @thebluescreen would be more then happy to explain in better detail).
So the two grow closer through that.
And yeah, that's the basic run down of my Cciller baby.! Hope you like her! My barista turned murderer/hitman I figured this would be a good mix of both her parents.
You have no idea! How long I spent working on her colour scheme..... It took about a month till I finally had this one and I'm pretty happy with it. I hope I explained everything about her double life well, I wasn't sure how clear it is. If you have any questions, please ask.
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randomsevans · 5 years ago
a stab to the heart
Captain weekly challenge
a/n : i know i write quite abit of angst but i couldn't help myself , even tho i try to write soft Ransom because i dont think he gets much love , but i just had to write him as the true arsehole he is .
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You should know this day would come , why on earth did you fall form him ? ,Trust him ? Believe he would change for YOU !
This wasn't how today was meant to be , it was meant to be your anniversary , A year you have put up with  his shit but you did it anyway because you stupidly fell for him. You've dealt with it all his  shit show of a family ,his drinking , partying. Your voices which you should of listen to from the beginning . After all you should know to trust you gut felling , but your heart just over powered.
Despite all the times he would leave and you wouldnt hear from him for days , or his constant partying with his friends , knowing fine well theyd be girls all around much like it was before you , You trusted him , believed him . After all who are you to call the man you love , who says he love you and to trust him , who are you to call him a liar . 
but that was what he was . 
after all he is Ransom FUCKIN Drysdale . 
you had woken up by a soft pair of lip touch your cheek ,but it wasn't gental or sweet , it was rushed 
“y/n ! im leaving right , ill see ya soon “ Ransom husky morning voice echoed through out your room . Ransom may have said in a harsh tone , but you must of thought because it was so early in the morning and he probably didn't want to leave . After all today is you anniversary . But at least it was an improvement , in the past he would just get up and leave 
“okay “ you grumbled as you rubbed your eyes turning on your back , pulling the sheets with you as you opened your eyes to see Ransom pulling his brown coat over  his shoulder sorting out the collar . A small smile placed on your lips , as you were mesmerised by how lucky you were to have someone as hansom as him . “why dont you say ?” you said softly 
“i cant !” he snapped back , not in such a bitter tone , like he use with most , he has always been kinder to you but it was still enough for you to be slightly offend 
“umm okay “ you nervously said sitting up , “where you going ?“
he let out a deep sigh as his eyes slighted towards you in announce “out ! “ he snapped once again , until a small smug smile place on his lips “iv got something to take care of “ 
you nodded being as naive and in love ,you didn't dare question him further until a wide smile placed on your lips as you remembered what today is “im still seeing you later ya !” you  asked all giddy 
“uhhhh .. it depends on how today goes “ he let out a dry chuckle 
“oh okay “ you though maybe he was trying to wind you up he might have a surprise for you like you do for him , He does remember what today is doesn't he ?
ransom turned the door nob and opened the door , not even glancing at you . “see ya !” it was cold , nothing sweet about it. but before you could answer you heard him bounce down the stair , and soon after heard the front door open and close . 
You sighed , dragging your self out of bed , but still feeling good about the day . He was probably only winding you up .��
so you got up and got ready for the day , 
some time had past , and you were becoming more anxious ,to know if Ransom was actual going to come , of course he would , but what kept him from  not spending the day with you again . Especial today of all days . 
you tried to ignore the little voice in your head doubting him , where could he be ? who is he with ? what is he doing ? did he forget ?
you hide those thoughts in the back of your head , as you reminded your self of the plans you had for him . But you still could not help the gut feeling that something was off . So as you made your way up the stair you rang Ransoms phone , it rang through and went to voicemal by the time you got to the top of the stairs , You decided to try one more time , and as you did you heard a ringing noise coming from your bedroom . You lifted your brow in confustion and headed into your bedroom , The ringing contuined , you quickely glanced around , to see what it was , It was then you saw Ransom phone , was laying on the floor , inbetween the door and your dresser . 
You let out a little giggle , at Ransom for being foolish leaving his phone . It must of feel out of his coat pocket . 
You shook your head picking it up from the ground , you chucked it on the bed , along with your phone and made  your way in to your wardrobe to get ready for  when ransom gets back 
It didnt take you long to get ready , as you had gotten dress , applied little makeup (gift above )
you frowned releasing the time , once again , but you sighed , trying to remain , calm , and have a good day . But as you turned to grab your phone , yu quickly remembered you have Ransoms
you titled your head in curiosity , maybe you could find out what he was doing , or maybe call one of his friend to see where he was . As you grabbed his phone , you suddenly felt uneasy , and no it wasnt your lunch . You suddenly felt guilty for going through his phone it felt like you were invading his  privacy . You nibbled on your bottom lip . Surely it would be fine , its not like he has anything to hide , right ?
so you opened up his phone , and went to unlock it , when you released you needed to enter a password , that you didnt know . You stranded there for a minted thinking with one hand on your hip covered by you silk black robe .Ransom was a very forgetfully person   clearly . So you had to think of something , he wouldn't forget , and it was then you tried his birthday . NOPE didnt work . And then you remembered four number that were more important to Ransom his card pin BINGO you were in . 
But your heart suddenly began to beat fast , now you were in his phone , what were you going to do now , its not like anyone know where he is . So you decided to go on to message and see who it was that last text him , maybe there needed him and thats where he went ? Maybe ? 
so as you pressed the little green bubble at the bottom of the screen , you were met with a string of conventions . Your brows raised , as you saw , random numbers , and anitionals  with little side notes in brackets . The top one was just labelled as J.S? (good when told  ) . You decide to click on it , as a wave  of anxiety  hit you  , 
you saw a short line of blue and white message back a forth  as your eyes bluurd one the words as your eyes become glossed over . while your chest tightend and you colsaped onto the bed . You heart sank , and torn all at once while your head become dizzy . You read through the text to make sure , your eye wernt tricking you 
J.S : Ransom , baby where are you ? you promised       
                          R.D : ill be there soon iv just got to finish up over here first 
J.S :kk ill be waiting 😉😘
                          R.D : oh i know you will be ! 
you  shaking lifted your hand , and click on another , and another conversation , that were just as similair some that had when on longer others that were shorter . Some were similar , a thank you and telling him to call them back . 
A small tear trippled down your cheek ,as you read through the message , you were even be able to find your own somewhere between a 11 digets number and a ALICE ? (decent) 
And you , You were simple save as y/n (err okay ?)
you felt anger rage through you , as you shot up from your bed . 
And thats where you found your self now , just finished collecting all off Ransom cloths and things that he has left over . Watching them burn in the sink , turn to ash as you add to the glowing  flames as you pour the vodka you were currently sipping on , over the fire .  You turned facing away the kitchen isle as you lifted your arm as rubbed your eyes over your silk rob smuging your mascara . 
you looked down towards the cake that you had brought . You honestly dont know why tho .But you couldnt help but star at its delicate white piping around the edge and the swirls . It was kind of funny how you saw your self  in a cake . You was kind of like it before Ransom , sweet , and elegant  and now you were this A girl crying over an arsehole burning his cloths , after finding out he had been cheating . But you were surprisingly okay with that 
But the temptation was to much , you held to much rage with in . That you couldnt help but ick up a knive and stab through the cake  imagining Ransom face . With a harsh bang crumes where flying everway .You could help but laugh at your self , as you  took out your frustrations at on a cake . 
your anger , mixed with vodka made your turn into a fit of gigles that echoed through the kitchen . It was until you heard the openoing of the front door , you stopped , your face dropped as you griped the knive harder . 
“ha babe , i left my ... what the fuck !”
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iamtheempress · 4 years ago
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A Vegeta x OC Fanfiction (part 2)¤ ¤ ¤
The morning came with silence and silence came with Raditz banging on Calamatta’s pod. 
“Wake up! we need to get our pods to the ship in the upper atmosphere then we start the terraforming process! Got it?” SHe stretches and gives the long haired Saiyan a lazy thumbs up. Confirming she heard him loud and clear. Rubbing her eyes she punched in the coordinates to the ship and off the four pods flew to the ship in the higher atmosphere, slotting their pods into the mothership.
The four took their time to leave 2 by 2 to the planet and scour the planet to completely terraform it, with expertise and precision. Cracking open the planet enough to let the oceans flow forth, for several hours they did this until they returned to the ship. Calamatta entered the ship last and was greeted with a crisp clap to the back from Nappa. “Good job, lil lady!” He bellowed as she rubbed the back of her head. “T-thanks Nappa, now im just worried.” 
Raditz raised his hand and shook his head, “Ahhh calm down, we're going to give him an honest review of you then you will be moved to our quarters, you get your first pay and then you should be good. Settle down.” He brushes past her and makes his way to Frieza’s Hall. Vegeta followed behind, throwing a glance at the female Saiyan as she sat on a chair, he can tell she was nervous by the frequency of her bouncing leg. They didnt like bending to Frieza’s whim, but they werent about to just go against him out right.. And with one more saiyan with them to train and get stronger they could be unstoppable. Its just the matter of pandering to Lord Frieza until then and making sure they dont get killed.
Lord Friezas chambers had only Zarbon blocking their way, the annoying green haired former prince with no shame. Dodoria, the brainless ruffian was nowhere in sight. “Monkeys.. Im assuming its about the release of Friezas little ape?” Zarbon said very condescendingly to the three, very annoyed Saiyans. Vegeta tightened his fist and grit his teeth at the comparison to apes so blatantly to his face.
 “Zarbon thats quite enough. Ive been expecting them.” Friezas voice piped up waving the three Saiyans in. “Y-yes, Lord Frieza.” He obeyed and moved out of their ways. “You are excused Zarbon, your services arent needed this evening.” Frieza rotated fully in his seat and swirled a full goblet of wine within it. 
The three took bended knee to Frieza begrudgingly and raised up at the same time. “Were here to confirm our Terraforming a rousing success.” Frieza smirked and paid attention to Nappa. “Indeed. It was to be a 4 to 5 day excursion and you done it in 2 and a half days? My my, you 4 are persistent!” He chided and pointed to Nappa first. Everyone is fully aware of Frieza’s death beam so Nappa winced. Causing Frieza to visibly inflate like an egomaniac. “Now what is your report about my favorite little monkey, Ms. Calamatta” He sipped his wine and let it hover mid air rotating it and lacing his fingers together and letting his long worm like tail wag lightly. Nappa took one step forward and spoke up, light sweat on his brow as he made eye contact with deadly bright vermillion eyes.
“Calamatta’s first time out with primary race extermination was exquisite. Effective and heartless. If she continues with us you should expect the same, Lord Frieza!” He did a full bow and stepped back for Raditz, The long haired teenage Saiyan cleared his voice and spoke up, starting with an embarrassing voice crack. “She took orders for sequences of events and how to lay waist to entire cities fairly quickly. I'd prefer her with us simply because she has a job to do and she seems to enjoy it.” Frieza slowly nods, eyes closed and speaks softly. “Mhmm. mmhmmm. You two are dismissed. Vegeta… you stay.” 
Frieza took his goblet and took a sip from it as the Prince narrowed his eyes and approached, puffing up his chest. “What do you think about the pretty little simian? Shes quite interesting… obedient and has grown to be a lovely young woman, shapely i think your repugnant species would call her... You are aware her father appointed her to me when she was a child, I'd assume Vegeta…?” He lets the wine glass levitate again, Vegeta stood with his arms crossed and brow raised. “Yes, Im aware...What is this about.” Frieza clicked his nails about on his seat and smiled softly.
“Her father did not trust his only daughter with the likes of the Kings eldest boy… Not after their fight… so she was appointed as my little monkey butler, a nice little piece of arm candy… if only she wasnt a Saiyan. Anyway… Enough with my little flights of fantasy…” He gestured to the confused Saiyan Prince, his lips lined straight and unmoving. “About Calamatta… How was she.. Your word I take higher then anyone else.” He preened upon saying her name, it was borderline perverted but with a sinister meaning behind it. 
“Shes the missed opportunity id like to get my hands on. A perfect Saiyan through and through. If she werent by your side so often id have taken her by my side YEARS ago, Frieza…” He stated as a matter of factly, Friezas dark little smile returned “How disgustingly romantic... Zarbon! Summon Calamatta for me.” He snaps his fingers and trot like tapping faded down the hallway. Zarbon was waiting outside, like a good little brainless lackey.
Calamatta was tapping on the table she waited at, tail flicking nervously about behind her. She was snapped from her stupor of nervous leg bouncing and hair twirling to Zarbon slapping his hand down firm onto the table. “Calamatta, Lord Frieza is requesting your return asap.” SHe nodded and fixed her hair abit standing up and wrapping her tail around her waist. Shes known Zarbon longer then shes known Dodoria. 
The kinship Zarbon developed for her was astounding, a favorable friendship when she felt immense discomfort in her teens on. It weirds her out and flatters her nonetheless. “Yes, Zarbon.. Right away.” She walks along side Zarbon and even passes Nappa and Raditz on their way back. “Ill have you know for the duration of time that I have known you; you are not like the others… youre charismatic and maybe the most tolerable, of the 4 of you...your  still nothing more than a monkey butler though.” She sneered and returned her gaze fixed forward, down then away. The moment she turned the corner she went wide eyed to see Vegeta. 
She stopped in her tracks and was given a push from Zarbon, Frieza chirped upon her entry. “Welcome back, Calamatta! I have some good news for you…” “Lord Frieza..” She bowed at the waist obediently she stood next to Vegeta and Zarbon once again excused himself.
“I trust that your first day terraforming was a success and that you had a splendid time, did you dear?” Calamatta stood up straight and let her tail unwind from her waist. “Y-Yes! I actually liked it alot!” She chirped and gulped abit, Vegeta scoffed and closed his eyes, only for Frieza to speak. “Oh, well you are not out of the woods yet my dear...no no.. You have one more task to prove to me before i let you do anything with the male populace for you to shake your pretty little tail at.” 
He makes a face and a screen pops up on the window behind him. A massive green, blue and red planet popped up on the screen encircled by 2 rings and 2 moons. “You and Vegeta are to Terraform this planet on your own. I will give you a month to do it because this planet has highly hostile inhabitants.” Vegetas eyes snapped open and stared at the planet then to frieza. “You cant be serious? Why not just send me on my own then i can do it 3 weeks without the likes of a newbie.. No offence Calamatta but its just facts.” He crossed his arms. “Do this the both of you for me in a months worth of time and your pretty little primate will be out of my hands and in yours. Indefinitely. But if not i will be forced to use my own hand… and you dont want that Vegeta..” He grinned widely. His pointer finger extended toward the female Saiyan and she gulped upon seeing the beam charge at the tip of his digit.
Vegeta stepped infront of the female Saiyan and narrowed his eyes, his move was more instinctual than out of emotion. Calamatta never thought the prince would ever put himself in a position like this but here he was, his solid back to her front she peaked over his caped shoulder and looked at the tyrant who tilted his head. "Hehehe.. it seems ive struck a chord in you Vegeta.." "Not at all.. she's done nothing for you to raise that finger at her. I've made the decision and well go…" he clenches his fists, the material of his gloves made a noise. Calamatta could feel the princes frustration from how close he was to her… "to that planet… and well wipe it before the month even finishes.." 
Frieza chuckled, "Good… i know you will fulfill your promise.. Calamatta you stay, dear.. Vegeta…" Calamatta straightened her back  and tightened her tail around her waist. "You are dismissed.. i have a few things to discuss with her." Vegeta turned around and made eye contact with Calamatta, with a pitiful look in his eye.. like he knew she shouldn't be in this situation. "Bye, Vegeta." She said softly, causing the Emperor to briefly narrow his eyes, she kept her head forward. Vegeta said nothing as the door slid shut behind her. Leaving without a word and kind of making her heart sink abit. He grit his teeth and stormed down the hallway to a perplexed Raditz and Nappa.
“Calamatta, come little primate.” Frieza beckoned to her and snapped for one of his little cronies to bring something to him. Folded up in the hands of Dodoria himself. “Hello little Matta, hope you enjoy this little costume change.” She nodded to him and took the body suit and armor. “When would i expect to go to this planet?” SHe tilted her head and held the new suit, noticing theres not much too it, which made her really wary. “Ah ah, first things first alittle bit of information is more useful about the planet then when you and the simian prince will go.” Frieza quips looking at his shiny black claws. “The planets name is To-Rot, it is a giant habitable planet that im sure would be able to line your pockets quite nicely.”
Dodoria crossed his arms and quirked a brow at her, “Lord Frieza told you about the type of inhabitants to that planet right? Its not a walk in the park and I certainly wouldnt go alone... “ Calamatta gulped. “Now now, Dodoria. Do not frighten the girl. Who knows she could be the best of the 4 remaining Saiyans. We will see..” He gets out of his pod like seat and uses his tail to tip her chin up, a small smirk still playing on his lips.
“Run along and change and you may turn in for the evening… you both leave in 20 hours, when we arrive to the nearest solar system. From there you and Vegeta will go To-Rot.” Frieza chuckles to himself. “Fitting name dont you think? Ohohohohohoooo !!” He laughs and Calamatta turns and bows walking back to the saiyan chambers to change.
¤ ¤ ¤
Tags:  @memevember @dragonblobz @gonuclear @msgreenverse @fallen--lilith​ @jimbobslurpnchug​ @dragonballzforlife​ @nikabriefs​ @lilhemmo​ @lizardhipsdontlie​ @hierophantblue​ @supremeleadershitlord​ @thotful-writing​ @chickiedinner​ @anti-jaina @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit​
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junnibook · 4 years ago
Day 14 : eren Yeager sixty nine.
wasn’t requested)
Wasn’t requested but that’s okay.🔮 here it is anyways I hope you like it because it’s rushed.
This was the worst day- well every time you go out to battle is the worst day honestly. You see people die all the time. To that could make you a stone cold person. No- your just as soft as ever from when you first started innocently making decisions.
This time was and is honestly heart breaking , someone you liked - or you thought you liked. They were so nice to you, even when eren was being a bit harsh on you , they would cheer you up. They would alway stay by you and would be so clingy.
It always irritates a certain yeager. He’s such a jealous person and it shows. But you never notice you , you just took it as him not liking you- even though you grew up together.
He’s was always pissed seeing you with them. Talking to them laughing with them laying your head on their lap at night when you thought no one was watching. Why wasn’t you doing him like that? He knew you longer! But you choose to give that to someone else.
Eren has a secret ... he was there when your friend was in danger , he could’ve helped his body was hesitant. He thought ‘now I don’t have to worry about you taking y/n from me ‘
He probably should’ve helped. But he remembered what happened a month ago. When they tried to kiss you, he was gonna hot them full on swing off them. You were his well that’s what eren thinks at least .
He claimed you the day he met you way back when. You matured so nicely and he’s noticed. How your curves stick out. How your chest looks how your ass is so gripable. You couldn’t guess how many times he’s undressed you with his eyes. How many he’s played in his head you give yourself to him. So many nights he’d be in his room wishing your hand was there instead of his.
Your currently in your room. Before they was shared with others that met they last days. You couldn’t sleep- . You sat in bed cuddled up to you pillow . Wearing nothing but a thin white night dress. It was abit see threw plus it’s the last thing you had til wash day. Regardless you looked stunning in it. It’s a bit on the short side.
Your room door creaked open , it was loud and made you jump up. You were hesitant when you seen no one “ sam?” ( let’s say that’s the name of your ‘friend’) was it a ghost? You wasn’t one to believe in them - but with how many souls that died here you wouldn’t be too shocked.
Your stiffened body relaxed seeing Eren head pop in. He would’ve came in early like when he first open the door but he was shock that you thought it was sam even after death.
He let the cool air from the halls breeze in kissing you delicate skin. You rubbed your hand on your arms. He was stunned. Standing there analyzing your figure.
Your nipples were hard and breast basically on full display. His eyes moved down to your thighs . Gosh he wanted to be between them so badly. To have you Wrap them around him pulling him close wanting more from him.
“Eren!?” He blinked a few times looking at you , your head was tilted trying to figure out why he stood there for a whole five minutes not moving. “ uh, sorry I wanted to check up on you” just an excuse to come to your room.
“ we’ll close the door it’s freezing” Tuh , he knew your nipples showed him how cold you were. But you didn’t have to tell him twice on closing the door.
You moved to the bed and he followed without question. Without realizing you put your head on his shoulder. Eren automatically comforted your. Holding you in his arms was like heaven to him. He wanted to keep like this for as long as possible , listening to your soft voice talk about Sam made him upset but he wasn’t gonna ruin his bliss.
“ I wish it was me that got eaten instead of them-“ he squeezed your wrist tightly. “Don’t you ever say that again y/n I mean that” he glared into your eyes he held anger but was controlled. Your eyebrows frowned in confusion and anger.
“ why do you care ? All you do is glare at me ! Now you want to comfort me Damn it eren pick a struggle you can’t do both”
We’re you taking your days worth of anger out on Yeager . Yes and did he know - yes. Oh But what other time than now to tell you how he feels. “ y/n .... I wasn’t glaring at you at least not out of hatred ... damn it ! I wanted to be with you okay the same way sam was! I want to make you smile to make you laugh to hug you to kiss you to be with you!”
He paused “ I’ve always have wanted too , even before you met them . You just never knew” you starred up at him. You had a crush on him way back when. But it stopped when mikasa was for sure trying to take him and made it clear she was with him. “ why now .. why are you telling me this now eren” you looked away. You knew why. It’s clear.
Tomorrow isn’t promised
That’s why you need to hear it know . It’s a game of chance out there so what better time than now to tell him how you felt. But your words didn’t form instead tears formed slipping down . Your hand gripped his shirt.
Eren moved in kissing your tears. “ I will always protect you-“ he started kissed you other tears “always” now that you realized , he has always been there to stop you from getting eaten or when you were thrown by a titan he caught you . Always eren.
He moved up from your cheek , hovering over your face. His eyes snapped from your eyes to your lips. He wanted to attack those lips. They were so attractive to him. To have them wrap around him , he’d go crazy just from the thought. He snapped back to you eyes. As if he was asking permission to move on.
You lightly bit your lip looking into his eyes. Your eyes changing you looked more wanting. He moved close his lips on your , you hesitant at first kissed back. Was he your first kiss? He hoped so . Deepening his kiss , his hands on your sides squeezing your hips. Earning a small whine from you.
He couldn’t control his hardness , the smallest sound from you got him hard. He blushed at how easy you had got him to do that. He kissed you lips moving to your jawline than your neck. He didn’t waste any time at all to mark you. Kissing your sensitive skin.
A new feeling heated between your legs. “Eren..” you whined more like a small begging sound. Either way it was he was starting to get addicted to the sound “ yea” he wanted to call you baby girl , BUT will wait on that.
You were hesitant debating if you should tell him about the feeling. He thinks he caught on from the way your blushing moving your thighs together. He smirked going to you ear.
“ tell me what you want me to do” his voice slow and deep. Loving how it effects you. “ don’t make me say it” he attacked your neck again sliding his hand down your body rubbing your inner thigh . His fingers stopped right before touching you.
“ c’mon tell me “ you used your arm to cover your eyes your face red with embarrassment and he loved it. “ touch me ..” you voice barely over a whisper “ hm I couldn’t hear you “ he teased . You pressed your lips together “ t-touch me make me feel good ..I-I’ll do the same” he satisfied kissed you
“Will do” you sat up moving him. “ what are you-” you silenced him by taking off the dress. His eyes snapped to your chest staring like a kid seeing his new puppy. It made you giggle and he blushed .
Pulling you close by your back his mouth attaching to your mound . His tongue rubbing over your nipple lightly biting it.
“ eren I wanna make you feel good too” you breath out. He bit his lip laying down “ come here” you moved to sit on his waist. He likes the view. You looked at his bulge leaning down to it , releasing it from its ‘ jail’
You blinked at the size being hesitant but leaned down. You being near it was enough to drive him crazy, you didn’t know how to start. “ kiss it baby” you leaned lightly kissing it multiple times on his sensitive tip. Eren looked at your clothes parts.
He gripped your panties ripping them up “ eren! Those aren’t -“ he hushed you by slapping your ass gripping it pulling you close . He smiled seeing your pretty pink opening. He instantly attacked it earning a surprised moan . Forgetting about his dick that stood tall in front of you.
He stopped causing you to whine, pushing near his face “ ill do my job when you do yours” you got to work , licking from the base all the way to the tip. Taking only half of him in your mouth “ relax your throat “ he hissed feeling you take him fully. “Fuuuck “ he leaned his back. Thrusting in your mouth getting back to work.
“ let’s see how long you can last , y/n “
He moved his tongue matching speed you did with his member, his tongue felt like heaven - such a new feeling and yet it’s mind blanking. You removed him from your mouth feeling a knot form. You wasn’t sure if you liked this feeling , it made you so sensitive to his touch. You moved away from his mouth but he wasn’t letting you leave that fast.
He gripped your hips tightly making it so you can’t move . “ eren n-no it feels weird” you half moaned , whined out but that only made him want to do more.
He moved two fingers into thrusting fast, making you arch your back. Releasing what you had held in.  you laid down, your face near his member , you slowly pumped it , while coming down from the high. The sight of your glistening entrance was just enough to get hi to cum. Knowing he did that for you.
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once-delight · 5 years ago
The Marcomorphosis by Franz Karkat
it was an entrly norml morning dat morning marco thot befure he woke up. he was abit sore frum teh nite bfe becuse he had been aat a karkate turnament, so dat was nurmal too. it was onluy when he streetched his armes to turn of the alrm clock that he bcame alarmed. it was becase his arms had hid something hard over his hed. he felt along the hard thing with his hands, eyas still closed becas they had gunked over the night with eye snot and he was to tiered to open thm.
What the fudge “ he thot.
“ I must be still sleepin.”
becus teh hard thing he was fellin
was attached to his hed! it felt like… liek… HORNS!
“WHAT THE FUDGE!” he yelld out loud nnow, but his vioce soundded strange, freakken him out even moar. he rushd to his feet, but fell on teh floor, tangled in his shits. He scrammed, and rubbd his ice to ungunk dem. He had to sea what was going on.
the room lookd like it alwas did, coved in paosters of karakte fighters, and drowings he had mad himself of his demon friend Tom. It wasnt like he he LIKED tim like that!!!! he just thot he had a cool cataracts design ok. it is normal for friends to draw other friend,.
anyway it was despite the pont. sumthing weird was going on this monring. he looked at his hands and scriemd again! his skin was rd and he had drak blak claws at the end fo the fingers. the fingras were norml size.
“what the heckkie? margo lamnted to the room. no 1 anserd. peraps that was gud. he didnt want any1 to see him b4 he new wat was goin on. he tried to go 2 the mirror, but his fed was acting strange and it was difcult 2 blance. he removed the shit and locked at his feat.
his feat was HOOVES?”!!!
bfore he culd scram the thurd time, a red tale weeped into view. he had a tale! he grabd the furniture so he culd scoot 2 the mirror, but the funture movd from teh wall insted. Camo realizd he was also relly strong!!!! dis will be god for karate he thouoght for a sec before he panickd agan.
dere was only 1 person who might no what was gong on.
TOMMEH!” he yelld into da phone
“new phone who dis” anserd the other end
“Itsa me Marcio! I hav problme!!!”
“ahaha is only joke. I no its u” the dement laughd a dry huskily laugh at teh other end
“not funneh!” marcoc ried . “am serius! somthng weirt is ging on. I think i am becum….
thom was silencio on the otter end. “u wot m8” he sad then.
“2 sec ill be rite over. dunt go anywear”
“i cant I have goat legs” mac sobbd but thomas had alredy left the convo
thanksfulli tom was dere fast bcase he had demovnic sped. he knocked on moccas bedrrom door.
he was relief until marcca realzid timothy woud see his fanarrt.
oh no. but it was 2 l8.
Tem was alridy insde!
“noice” Torn said whene he saw Mrocas walls. “what u dont think is weard?”
“nah, althouogh I think i hav bigger guns”. “u do”, mrlos confesd. but I couldnt draw them without shaeking tu much.!”
“Is ok, i forgive.” “thank” Marlo wuld blush if he wasnt alredy red all ovver.
“oh yah that” teh demon saw his human friend or shudl i say FORMERLY humn friend????
u kno whts going on?” the boye asked.
Tumtum shrogged. was it HE dat sudnly looked emberassd?
“i guss” he mumbbled.
“Was is ist? am i demon now. why?” mr co was full of question and confus.
“I didnt kno it would happen! But I asked the other demons right now thru demon psychosis. and….”
he hsitated; “it turjns out dat when a demon luvs a human, the human turns to dmeon so they can mate!””!”
he bluarted out the last past.
Margo was still convused. But i dont now any demmonbabes. how can this be?
“aaahr u dumb snot! the demonhunk hissed. is me! i LUV U! ALLRIGHT? THEAR I sed it!”
mcdonalds suddenly felt liek he had been hit by a chunk of lava. his buddy was burning. had he herd right.
but… but I AM not a gaye?” he thot.
Thomas who had demon sidekicks, and culd red mr magoos mind now dad he was a demon said:
U must be… becus it only happs when teh human luvs the demans backk.
“oh wow ok” maracas thoguht. “this is happn I guess.”
Nand then they kissd adn make horny dmeon love.
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niel-trbl · 6 years ago
Did You Just...? (Part 2)
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Note: a little birdie aka this anon here, told me that they enjoyed that little penomeco thing i did and wanted a part two (btw thank you so much for the ask, i really really appreciate it 💖) so, here’s part two that you requested for! hope you enjoy this one!! also if you have any ideas for what should happen next - let me know in my ask!
Part One | Part Three
“we can explain!” both of you said at the same time
“i honestly never expected yall to get on with one another, considering how awkward yall were before. so tell me, how was it?” Jiho took a seat, waiting patiently to hear the details
“WHAT! no we didn’t even plan this-”
“wow no plan, a little spontaneous are we”
“Jiho please. i think this happened coz we drank a little more than usual,” you explained
“dammit yall are lightweights! yall were that drunk that yall made out,” you and Dongwook got red at the last two words
“this is just embarrassing. can you please not tell anyone?” both of you were practically begging Jiho at this point, knowing how he can be
it all settled when he agreed on the terms of both of you buying his meals over the week which was more than fine for you both
both of you quickly freshened up before it got too late to meet the rest
you can hear Jiho laughing in the background while you were trying to cover up the hickeys on Dongwook’s and your necks
(i bet yall know which laughter it is)
(i can practically hear him laughing right now)
(dammit now his laughter is stuck in my head)
anw so fast forward, yall met up with the rest to eat lunch to ring in the new year and also celebrate the release of Dongwook’s new album
“damn yall look really hungover. did yall drink more than usual last night?” Seunghyun asked
“you know them, they’re lightweights. one drink and they’re gone,” Jiho replied even before you could say anything
“sucks to be you” they teased you, in which you replied by sticking your tongue out
“so what did you guys do last night? got your new years kiss?”
even though it was asked generally, you and Dongwook choked on your food while Jiho was laughing his head off beside you
“OH IT WAS SOMETHING ALRIGHT!” Jiho managed to say in between of his laughs
you stepped on his foot before he could continue on
after that day, everything was normal
well minus the constant teasing from Jiho
apart from that, you and Dongwook tried to pretend that the incident never happened - so no bringing up about new years eve, no drinking at gatherings if the other is present and still hanging out with each other but sober
gotta say, yall did a pretty darn good job at it
it’s almost as if it really didnt happened
it has been some time since that day
Dongwook was in Danang with Seongyong to film a video with Dingo so you spent alot of your time alone like how you would as always
it was pretty late and you were working on some songs that were due to be released soon
when you stood up to grab a drink, you noticed your phone screen lit up
it was a video call notification from Dongwook
you quickly got comfy on the sofa then answered his call
“yah i called you so many times, why didn’t you pick up my calllllllllll,”
“a hello wouldve been nice but ok,”
“why didnt you pick up my callllllllllllll,”
wow Dongwook must’ve let loose while he was in Danang
so over the next half hour, you tried to entertain his antics, along with some appearances of Seongyong in the background during the video call
“you better get some sleep before your flight later,” you told him, knowing how bad his hangover is gna be when he wakes up later
“nooooooo i wna keep you company! youre all alone there,” he whined
“nah its fine, im gna meet Jiho in abit to check on some tracks,”
you suddenly see Dongwook puffed out his cheeks then pouted on screen and felt your heart moved a little binch me too
“you’re alwayssssssss with Jiho. do you not like me?”
“yeah i dont,” you stuck your tongue out at him
he went on whining for ages
it went on for a little too long to the point Seongyong had to tell you to do something to shut him up
“OKAY OKAY i was kidding! of course i like you!” you finally gave in
“kekekekeke i like you too!!! i like you so much... that’s why i couldn’t approach you. i was too shy because i like you!!! even now ha...... you’re so cute and such a nice person. i reallllllllllllllllly like you,” he slurred
Dongwook prolly said more but you couldn’t process it in
he prolly didn’t mean it right? he was drunk so he’s prolly spouting nonsense right?
most importantly, you don’t feel that way.... right?
you didn’t mention about it to anyone, well you had no intentions of telling anyone anyway
maybe you were just overthinking about it
it was later into the night, you were still at Jiho’s studio, working on the few tracks
your eyes were threatening to close anytime soon, from the multiple sleepless nights
“hey you should go home. youre gna pass out anytime soon,” Jiho told you
“no no it’s okay. im fine. i really wna finish the songs then ill get some sleep,” you attempted to say in between of your yawns
in that moment, the doorbell rang so he quickly went to attend to it
“look who is here!” he announced as he stepped into the studio again
you turned and you were suddenly wide awake - it was Dongwook
this time, you saw him in a different light, almost as if he was the only one there and that he was shining
like it’s just Dongwook but also, it’s Dongwook
you felt your heart moved again
“i came straight from the airport and this is how you greet me? rude,” he teased
you never realised you ended up staring at him for a little too long
“SORRY i was just... really tired. i think im gna head back to sleep,” you quickly gathered your stuff
“but Dongwook just got here,”
“i know but i dont think i can last any longer with no sleep. ill see you later,”
with that, you left the building and was rushing home
your heart was still beating quickly and you felt the blood rushed to your cheeks but it wasn’t because you rushed out
do you feel that way for Dongwook? crap, maybe you do
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zombeamik · 6 years ago
okay so spoilers again lol
okay so i thought when you played the scret ending 1? riaks backstory was free? e-e
HAHA NVM WAS JUST THE FIRST EPISODE time to go buy 330 hour glasses ANYWAYS
okay seriosuly thing for people who dont like Rika, for what she did. You should honestly play her backstory.. it really could clear some things up for you, and it may chnage your mind, just abit hopefully.
you shouldnt just say no to story, just because you don’t like her.
Of course, if you really dont want to read it fine, but it can probably really help.
Episode 1
this god lady sounds like Jaehee tbh SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OH Mina is Rikas real name :3 How cute already liking this. WONT BE ABLE TO AFFORD THE RETS OF IT THOUGH
Mina/Rika, they really didnt deserve what happened to them.
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okay gotta buy 330 hours glasses but THEN ILL CONTINUE MY REACTION
the game didnt like me buying more hourglasses o it decided to messwith mu audio.
okay had to restart my phone THANKS ANOTHER SETBACK
Episode 2
okay so, i like Mika back here. BUT WHAT I SAW IN THE V ROUTE, thats not cool Mika. you were kinda okay? you were already a little manipulative to a three year old. “My little sister, should always have short hair” how about you shut up. Twins? All she ever wated was to be loved and not taken away from her “Twin”, Maybe thats why she cared so much for Saeran and Saeyoung before she ddi what she did. Mika no, no. You’re the one who put those awful things in Minas/Rikas mind ugh okay i go back to not liking her, that was very fast.
Okay grown up Rika/Mina, okay rika i like you when you arent doing ur creepy eyes. UGH honestly im so mad at Mika, honestly the fuck. CUTE PICTURES OF V AND RIKA YES okay i know, i like V and all but tbh they were cute together.
excuse me V you shouldve said THATS WHY I ADORE UR SUN BC THATS ALL SHE NEEDED TO HEAR, she didnt want to hear that you loved her because of her darkness.  She wnated someone to love her, or show her a tiny bit of warmth so she could find the light inside her. So, so far, Mika is the one who introducded her to this “darkness” SO UNLESS RIKAS BACKSTORY CAN GIVE ME A REASON TO NOT DISLIKE MIKA AND FORGIVE HER I WILL GLADLY TAKE IT.
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Episode 3
sorry what?
Mina, Serena
Im glad she went with Rika, I like Mina, but Rika ive gotten used to it. Maybe she’ll go back to Mina one day?
Oh. Okay i dont like Rika/Mina/Serena’s Mother. and the pastor, no wonder she started a cult, i mena look at his outfit. WHAT KIND OF SHITTY PASTOR ARE YOU
“NEEDS ALOT OF PRAYERS” how about you shut up, man,  Pastor my fucking ass, Devil worshipper is more fucking likely.
excuse me pastor, your voice in my ears IS FUCKING CREEPY DO YOU MIND
“ your body has grown, is it satan?” HOW ABOUT YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND LEAVE HER ALONE
yep, i fully understamd now why she created a cult. okay im only on 3 of 8 but still
oh, her dads the head of the hospital, okay. all good.
she just wnated to be free from hatred? 
okay gone back to not liking Mika just abit
now i dont know?
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Episode 4
Mika had cacner in her eyes.
Mika lived a while though, so her dad must have paid the bills.
Did she really grow up at the orphange? PROBABLY FUCKING NOT
I was just feeling sad for her, but then she did that.
so she made V blind because of that?
okay no, no new puppy then.
no v, shes brainwashed him.
No V you should focus on saeyoung because ive turned saeran into somebody i regret now.
Rika no.
you didnt have to shut everyone out, 
he asked you to leave?
Ugh im so confused?
right yeah, she only separated saeran and saeyoung because of their parents.
Mika, why. 
she didnt have to lie about the orphanage, and then why you said you made Rika think it was all her fault, and then ugh
the pastor is a creep, a pervert, child molester
dont fucking freak out, you told her to leave because you didnt want sally in the house and now your like THE FUCK YOU GOING SERENA HUH? ugh
Rika no, that isnt the right choice.
oh bad momesnt to mention sally being cute.
listen, all rika every wanted was to love someone.
defo a cult, Believer’s? This some sort of god cult.
oh she was 16.
oh dear.
well that was a roller coaster
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Episode 5
great she started working a church, and became a nun. even more fantastic
I do like the names Mina and Serena but still Rika.
well wjat she thought she was doing was okay. Not wanting anyone to be abandoned?
she just uh turned it into something alot bigger than helping out at a church
She only treated people the way she did was because she didnt know how loving parents acted, so what she thought she was doing was right to her, since she didnt know anything else.
okay so shes 18.
and she wnated to shoe people her light instesd fo her darkness
OH THE CLOUD PHOTO, man when she looked at it she said Mother, because thats the first thing that came to mind. 
yeah she thought that of she didnt protect saeyoung he’d rot just like Mika.
she could see her and mIka in him so she grew attached
she onyl wanted to do good
Rika the Angel but she thought of herself as Rika the Devil ok
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Episode 6
okay so she didnt want yoosung to find out about her darkness
Rika honey, its okay. he still would ahve loved you.
Okay so Oh got it okay.
Yoosung is the son of rikas mothers sister,
she couldnt feel anything? well V is both light and dark rika.
man v still doesnt know rikas real name BUT WE DOOOOO
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episode 7
Man v ur kinda smooth with words but at the same time like you just met.
okay so she modelled for V and then when she was doing that they didnt talk much? man V atleast tell her she did good. how rude.
v the fuck you didnt even say goodbye, just IM GONNA GO GRAB MY CAMERA AND THEN FCUKING WALK OFF
V no.
you didnt even compliment her or anything, you just said heres lets take pictures but we aint gonna talk and thn when your done, i aint gonna say you did well or anything like that.
V you kinda an asshole.
okay shes fine.
V was just curious about me because im not like the rest”
kinda sounds like it,
oh so it was Mina that wanted to be loved.
well shes still a prt of you rika, so that measn you wanted to be loved aswell.
okay so she stopped visiting V
V came to visit her
make up your fuckingmind V
“Heathen Cult”
well yeah basically.
“ can you show me how dark you are?”
okay all good
she told V everything
and she scared she;ll end up like Mika.
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wow thats fast.
okay so saeyoung went abroad and then she stopped disagreeing when saeren was saved
then she met Jumin a year later, sweet.
okay so then she got her aparement
and then she dint know if things to turn to the worst or the best
well id say the worst but you did save alot of people.
you may have brainwashed them but they would ahve probably died without her help.
Mina believed her.
so she agreed.
“I must not use that boy. I must save him”
what kind of bullshit is that.
mika is the dark
mika just please shut up.
okay she died. thats sad but like
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thst was um
one crazy ride
so glad i read it.
even if you dont like rika at all
please do
its worth it.
as you can see my thoughts were jumbled in the actual live reaction
but it makes alot of sense kind aof?
im to lazy to write a review so thats the best you’re gonna get.
Its really good, to actually understand why Rika/Mina/Serena turned out the way she was.
i mena i already forgave her in the V ending
but even though she did those bad things, if someone just loved her and didnt feeed her with horrible views of the world, she was still a caring girl even though the darkness took a hold of her,
Im not glad of what happened to her, but if it didnt we would have never even met anyone. so as mucha s i hate to say it, im glad of what happened, and 100% glad we could help her through with it.
Okay, well that was fun.
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brolinskeep · 6 years ago
How much worse do you think Tumblr might become if P*rnhub buys it? I saw admittedly only one other person reblog the news on my dash and they did not like the possibility at all. But we're already up to our gills in p*rn blogs still and really I don't think the ban has actually worked at all besides for little actual p*rn content? Now, porn? 99% vile. There's that one TedxTalk that says it all. But aside from that, is P*rnhub known for some specific other bad thing, like child p*rnography etc?
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[first up: im in no way, shape or form qualified or knowledgable enough to comment on this properly, so take all im saying here as a completely unqualified guess.]
the only good thing i could see coming from this is that maybe tumblr would go back to allowing n/sfw material again, which im in favour of as long as they’d bring back the old tumblr option for ppl to opt out of seeing n/sfw-marked posts as they had before the 2018 TOS change/purge/ban - how likely the return of that option is when the parent company is made of p*rn is anyone’s good guess.but. as it is my understanding tumblr’s ban was never about cleansing the site of the p*rn spam blogs which are still around *she says as she reports another 5 of those from her followers list* but for tumblr’s app to remain featured in the official app stores of apple and google by changing the TOS forbidding ‘female representing nipples’ etc and cleaning house in the shitty way they did.so if a new parent company would re-allow n/sfwstuff, that might mean goodbye for the tumblr app from the official stores - which personally i have no opinion about cos i dont use it but it’ll be probably shit for a lot of other users.
could tumblr become worse than it is now beyond that? i guess chances are pretty likely, but right know my mind refuses to go down that rabbit hole of imagining in what ways it could become worse (i blame my post-endgame blues and not enough sleep last night for my current lack of imagination here btw) idk anything about pornhub really besides seeing articles once a year when they publish their most seeked kinks or sth or how good or bad their numbers are during superbowl, but i remember reading about them being bad for the p*rn industry, e.g. for exploitating performers and basically being a monopoly already. a quick google search linked me to this article about that kinda stuff.regarding bad content, there’s probably alot of questionable age-play and other stuff on p*rnhub, but i think they couldnt have become this big if there was straight illegal content hosted there.the worst thing i could imagine from that exploiting performers is that they might like claim right to n/sfw material posted on tumblr but thats a really wild guess and i have no idea if that would legally possible at all anyway.
i also found this opinion piece: Why you don’t want Tumblr sold to exploitative P*rnhub which also dives abit into what kind of bad actor p*rnhubs parent company is for similar reason as i mentioned above. when reading that mind that its posted on another verizon-owned outlet tho
EDIT: someone did the work i didnt do before going out on a limb here: https://brolinskeep.tumblr.com/post/184689678131/if-pornhub-buys-tumblr-while-the-deals-pending-ill
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thekaijudude · 6 years ago
Ultraman Taiga Reviews (4/5):
Hiroyuki Kudo
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Official Information:
A young member of the private security organization E.G.I.S, Hiroyuki has a kind heart and a strong sense of justice. He was attacked by an alien when he was a child, but was saved by the light of Ultraman Taiga who unexpectedly arrived on Earth. Since then, Ultraman Taiga dwells inside him.
However, Hiroyuki does not know about this, and lives a normal life with a normal family.
As the story goes on, he encounters Titas and Fuma as well, and become buddies with them.
Hiroyuki has a kind heart that embraces everything, including the unknown. He grows to become the bridge for “humans”, “aliens”, and “Ultraman”.
So essentially Hiro is another Mushashi/Daichi character, judging from this, we could say that he himself would also be the ‘compassionate’ force of the group dynamic as well as he’s the host. 
Expect him and Titus try to break up fights between Taiga and Fuma
And if we look carefully, we might see a situation that is very similar to Cosmos and Mushashi whereby in the ‘First Contact’ movie, Cosmos also interacted with Mushashi when he was a child and went against Neo Baltan, and after that, Cosmos seems to lay dormant within Mushashi until his series came about.
So it looks like its gonna be the same situation with Hiro and Taiga, but Titus and Fuma would join in ep 3 and 4 respectively.
But considering that it would be several years that Taiga would lay dormant within Hiro, what were Titus and Fuma doing in the meantime? 
One thing I see here that could be possible is that perhaps that before Taiga rescued Hiro, the Tri Squad weren't formed yet, I suspect that the Tri Squad would be formed only beyond ep 4 where all the three ultras have met.
Also another point to focus is the three groups that Hiro aims to reconcile,
1. Humans
2. Aliens
3. Ultraman
So we have established the three factions that the series will be focusing on, more on this over on Part 5 of my ‘First Thoughts’ series where ill go more in depth on this as the plot synopsis provides more clarity and information on this.
Henshin Items
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Official Information:
Hiroyuki will use Taiga Spark (top) with Ultra Taiga Accessory (bottom) to transform into an Ultraman. Based on the Ultra accessory he uses with the Taiga, he will transform into that Ultraman.
Very convenient that the accessory can only hold 3 Ultra Key Holder (that's what the ‘ultra keychains’ are called btw), so we can expect to have only three ultras to be featured for now 
(Im saying this cause apparently many of my followers are strongly suggesting that other ultras will be featured)
However, ill focus more on this as we look over at the toy catalogs as we’ll have more information on the specific henshin items which gets abit more complex as you guys will see.
ANYWAYS, remember to stay tuned for my next ‘First Thoughts’ post!
Next up would be the last review for the 1st wave of info we got for Taiga, which is the Plot Synopsis
The last one would be rather important as itll allow us to better speculate about the possible plot when I review the second wave of info (aka the toy catalogs)
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dearhummingbird · 2 years ago
been sexually harassed at work. i havent told my boyfriend yet because the worst of it happened the same day that it actually stopped, and it stopped because the man who was harassing me realised i was responding badly to what was happening, and my boyfriend happened to surprise me that very night. i dont know why it makes me so sad, i’m just so sad about everything i guess, i keep walking around with a heavy heart, taking things an hour at a time, and that is how i know i am experiencing grief, because i am being slow, i know my body is as fragile as glass so i am moving everything slowly. i am watching cartoons again; watched kungfu panda 1-3, lilo and stitch, mulan. i feel so heavy, i dont want to feel heavy, or sad or worried, but i am so worried. just now i went to his house to help put up the decorations with his family and his brothers girlfriend was there, shes my age(23; we both have a 8 and 9 year age gap respectively with our partners) and like, i felt so.. overwhelmed. i kept thinking theyre gonna love her more than they love me, theyre gonna say nicer things, theyre gonna give her the same treatment they give me eventhough ive been around longer, and i am around all the time, and that when that happens i am going to feel so unspecial. last year his parents gave me some ornaments to choose from to become my yearly ornament, and they were all ugly and not representative of me but i didnt want to be rude so i picked one and felt so awful about it because i felt like i didnt have any choice and that no thought about the choice was put into it. this year my boyfriend suggested i bring my own, smth that ill actually like(last year after choosing that initial ornament i verbalised that i liked the little sweater one, but instead of saying oh okay now you can switch to this instead then since you like it they kind of took it to mean its just some other random ornament i like, and anyway i couldnt claim it as mine because it’s an old one they got from years ago and i dunno like ive got no personal connection to it whatsoever). anyway this year because his brothers girlfriend is over for xmas i am so worried that they will give her an ornament thats much nicer than mine, and it will make me cry. i was so overwhelmed by all of this just now i literally had to leave for abit to hide and cry in the bathroom. it was too much for me. my boyfriend does everything he can to make me feel special and loved but sometimes i am so blind to it and even his comfort cant get me out of my hole. anyway i think because of that crying in the toilet thinf i feel extra tired today especially because i didnt fully fully cry, i had to steel myself to stop
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nerdinfakeglasses · 3 years ago
20 facts about me
Knowing with me
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Here are the facts about me
Lets begin now
Hi I am Ashley Laine Lim
18 years of age
I am commonly known in Malaysia as
Ashley Park instead of Ashley Lim,
Because my Grandpa is a half Korean which is the last name is park,so i used it as a screen name in school
My mom is pure chinese
Then my dad is half korean,1/4 Pilipino(because his dad is a half Pilipino too) and 1/4 chinese.were a lot of mix blood actually
I can speak,tagalog,english,not yet very fluent in chinese,a little bit korean(and now currently studying Bisaya language)And a BM language
I currently living here in the Philippines for 2 years alr
Im a typical spoiled brat and wicked actually
I am also choosy about on foods
Im very quite in real life ,but in social media i am some of those annoying and faggot thingy you know...because i cannot see them...
I rarely hang out since i came here unexpected...the vacation supposed to be ..and end up living here for 2 years because of the pandemic...
My mom job is a prosecutor
And while my dad is some an CIA hahaha damn i shouldnt be saying this for my protection then
Anyway...its doesnt matter then
Im with my cousin,my mom nephew
I'm now currently studying Form 5 subjects for my SPM exam this year or maybe next year...its depends..soon ill be coming back from my hometown,but not sure yet..i still have to talk about my dad on it
My soul was reach in the philippines because of a tragic happened in my life past 2 years ago..
When i was in form 4 i have this special someone
Lets call him "Whee"
Whee is in another school which is in Boys school
We met accidentally during my tuition class which is happened when i am in form 2 ,and we became close as i didnt expected it,like i said im quite shy and introvert in real life..alright,so he added me in facebook,get my hp number,we eventually become so close by always talking...sometimes he went to my school ,then send me home like that ,when we reach form 4,he kinda change abit....he slowly giving a hint that he likes me,well i am too young at the time so i dont mind at all...besides dating at the age of 16 years old is not in my vocabulary... too young to fall inlove...nah,his a typical guy ,so handsome,and a quite demonic...his perfect for my attitude...he always says i like you,willing to wait until your ready...we dont need to rush things ...and i told him,not yet really in my mind having a bf ah...but then i alr have a crush on him...1 year ago...his nice actually and caring all his time ,was only for me...he didnt change despite of pushing him always...he gotta say only...alright i know were both too young for this but then my heart beat only for you...willing to wait until you turn 18 years old...there's nothing change ash,you still the girl i like from the momenth i saw you in that tuition class....then ,in middle of form 3 he start going to my house,talking to my dad,my mom,they become close,we even study together in my house..and parents got trust him on everything...sometimes dad gotta told him that pls send ashley home Leo...then Whee gotta say okay uncle i love that..dont worry ill take care of your previous daughter......then its nearly Januaryhe start asking me hang out,eating outside,then my parents gotta say okay,dont go home late,dont do stupid things...like that..i thought my parents gotta approved him to become my bf ,but instead they start banning Whee of coming to our house,which is im a bit sad..ofcourse i used to him always by my side...and all of a sudden he will go far away from me..i didnt see it coming...i cry hard everynight because Whee has no access to my life anymore..my dad become more strict about me,he always there waiting for me in school,sending me back to our house...we also stop talking to each other which is new with me...no more good morning,good evening,no more i missed you,because dad confiscate my phone,he doesnt want me to talk to Whee anymore...he said Whee is not good for me because his not a chinese...cut that crap then...and one time my dad has a business trip with Whee's father so that night he sent a text with me that his dad and my dad is going to business trip for 1 week,lets go hang out ,i really missed you alr..no more calls,text and chat..i want to spent my whole 1 week with you so can we met outside your house...ill be waiting there for you...pls go out with me??he asked me like that ,but while me thinking hard,what if my dad knows,what if we gotta get caught ?? Whats worst scenario going to happen with us..??what if i tell him lets stop seeing each other?it could save us from danger ....but because im too imprudent i said yes with him..not thinking 1000 of thought what gonna be happened if we go out with out my papa's approval..so we agreed to go in pavilion KL,and thats the most unforgettable moments of mylife that i dont wanna talked about..i regret alot ...if i only listened to my parents,if i only tried to talked things out with Whee then things would be in different now....i shouldn't be ruining someeone else life,if i ,talked to him sincerely,he is still in Malaysia living a life he wants to be...damn,they are right...regret is always in the end..
We haven't yet reach to pavilion KL when that car crashed happen....his the one driving the car and im next to him which is in the passenger seat....we didnt see it coming the big truck...and its too late for him to brake ....the moment i saw him in blood ,i wanted to kill myself for being too stupid ...while his out of his senses i keep calling someone help...my whole body is shaking,i even forgot i can call 211 for help..just because im too overwhelmed of what happened i forgot how i still keep hugging his blooded body and shaking him...if your going to die i better die there too,i know your parents gonna haunt me forever for what happened with you...and i was right really ...because your mom wants me to be in prison at that time....oh how i wish im the one lying in the coffin not you...im the one to be blamed...after my long coma,the hatred awaited me ,instead of asking how i am?? But i didnt hear that from your parents..i stead they are cursing me nonstop..i didnt even attend your funeral....i was in distressed knowing your alr gone,how can you so fast leaving me all alone...i thought you said ,you wont leave me until the end but you end up leaving me in agony and in traumatic situation...all along i thought your here for me...comfort me to those who bullied me but then again,you leave me in my crying heart out ....i wanted to hug you one last time but its too late for mw to do that....i blamed for what happened with you...there's no such happy things happened with me the momenth your gone,i lost all my hopes...i wanted to end my life then....i wanted to shut down the whole world for me....i wana be with you for the rest of my life but how can i if my parents get on me cutting my wrisk to end everything on me....i missed you like crazy...i dont know how to begun my life that time....even now....i silently blaming myself for being stupid ....you should be here smiling at me and teasing with me nonstop....but then everything change just a glimpsed of my eye.....you've long gone...and i bet your the most perfect bf i have then....so now its been more than two years but i am still stuck with you...and i lately i talked to stranger which is also same as your name...and that hits me different...the moment i knew his name,all the things im trying hard to forget about you..it came flushing back that makes me more get hurt and lonely...i do not know why i easily attached with him....i always fight for him everytime he ignored me and no time for me...i am not like that with you before...maybe im inlove with him,or maybe i see him as you... i do not know exactly....but then the way he cared for me ....it all remember me with you....should i stay aways from him??i dont want to replace you in my heart...even if i have to get hurt...i should be the one to stay away from him....it all good for us both...since he didnt sure about his feelings for me...he said he love me but his words is very opposite of his action ....i dont know either.....maybe his just bored or what....
But then....i should care less...i might be hurt if im too attached for someone isnt sure about his feelings for me.....
Whenever you are right now...i wish your happy over there...i missed you always....
Good bye Whee
And i love you one last time
0 notes
softevan · 7 years ago
She’s A Devil Between The Sheets (Harry Styles Smut One Shot)
This wasn’t requested but I had inspiration to write this one because of the Victoria Secret Fashion Show! Sorry I got a little carried away, sorry if its abit long, but enjoyed every second of writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it! If you have any requests let me know and ill get back to you asap. Enjoy! -K
Warnings: Extra smut
Word Count: 10K
Pairing: Y/N and Harry
Y/N’S POV “Babe your phone is ringing” I heard Harry shout from the living room downstairs as I was putting my skirt over my legs, getting ready for the stressful day ahead. Well not really a physical stressful day, just emotional. Last week I had flew over to New York to meet with the owner and producers of Victoria Secret to talk about me walking this year. I worked so hard to get to this point, and to even be asked to come down and have a meeting with them was a big thing let alone actually getting picked. But I know for a fact I wont get picked, I’m not like the rest of the models. They are all like six feet tall, skinny. Its just not me.
I quickly ran down the stairs to grab my phone, which Harry had at hand at the bottom of the stairs. “Hello?” I jumped onto the couch tummy first, leaning on my elbows listening to my manager greeting me back. “Hey so I have some good news, the producers of the Victoria fashion show wants you back into the casting room in New York” “What again? I’m literally just back” “Well they want you back, you must of done something right Y/N” A slight giggle came from her mouth as I sat there not knowing what to reply back. “I’ve cancelled your stuff for the week and ill pick you up in a few hours to head to the airport, okay?” “Yeah sure ill see you soon” I hung up the phone and threw it behind me on the sofa. “Who was that?” “It was my manager, Ed Razek and Monica Mitro from Victoria Secret want me to come back to their casting studio like as soon as, Claire is coming to lift me in a few hours to go there and see what they want to say” Harry’s face lit up in pure excitement. “Y/N that is really good news, your going to be a angel” He quickly ran over to the sofa beside me, lifted my arms up to make me stand and grabbed my waist, pulling me off of the sofa. “Harry I haven’t got it, its just to talk or something” I giggled as he continued to dance me around the living room. “Y/N, c’mon, they would be pure idiots if they didn’t cast you. Plus, if you walk you’ll be with me, and you know how I love you wearing sexy underwear”
He grabbed my waist pulling me into him while he attacked my neck, giving me goose bumps all over. Harry is performing in this years show in Shanghai and he’s been excited ever since I had met them the first time to talk about walking. Harry was going to turn it down because he found women walking around in their underwear in front of the whole world very objectifying. The only reason why he accepted was because its really good publicity for his music, so it was a no brainer. But when I told him that I was being considered he was ecstatic, he couldn’t of been more excited to have someone there with him, and that he wanted to see practically naked.
“Harry your going to be singing, not judging. You should be concentrating on your singing. Besides you’ll be eyeing up all of the ladies anyway, I wouldn’t judge you” “Y/N your insane, yeah I will be looking at them because they are there, but ill not be looking at them the way I look at you when your dressed like that, fuck” His breathing got deeper with the thought of me dressing like that. His hands went straight to my bum like a magnet and clutched it, giving it a quick smack making me moan into him. “H don’t start something you cant finish, I have to start packing” I pushed his chest away from me and looked up at his grin growing on his lips. “I’m defiantly going to finish what I started” He grabbed at my waist yet again and lifted me over his shoulder making me yelp in surprise. “Harry put me down” I screamed with pure laughter rising within my chest as he walked up the stairs. “I’m just going to help you pack, after I’m finished with you”
Once I got off of the plane of course it was a media frenzy, trying to get the best picture of me, but I wasn’t having it. I wrapped my scarf around my face as I walked/ran down to get into my car to head to meet the producers. I’ve never felt so nervous in my entire life, this is such a big deal for me. I just hope that I done as much as I could do.
“Y/N, so nice to see you again” Monica Mitro, the main producer of the show, came over to greet me when I walked into the studios. As I made my way to her I was looking round at all of the drawings and planograms for the show. Looking the other way I seen the outfits on the manikins all ready for the show. “Thank you so much for coming back, I know you just landed back in London when you got our call” “No not at all, its fine” She wrapped her arms around me in a warm embrace as I tried to hold back my nervous shaking in my body. “So the reason why we brought you back is because we want to see you walk for us again. All of the models are so outstanding this year and we are having such a hard time deciding who to choose, so we wanted to make sure that we were picking the right people. I hope we haven’t put you through a lot of bother bringing you back?” “No no, honestly I would give up anything to be here so don’t worry” We both giggled as we walked to the dressing room. “So at this point it doesn’t really matter about what underwear your wearing, so you can wear your own that you have on or we have simple thong and bra’s here if you want to have a little nosey through them. We will be waiting in the casting room. Don’t panic about us and just enjoy it. Pretend your walking that stage and you strut your stuff” Her grin was contagious looking back at me. “No problem, thank you Monica”
I took off my clothes and looked at my underwear that I had on, baby blue with silver diamonds on the underside of the bra. Its perfectly fitting for this audition, if that’s what you would even call it. I quickly flipped my hair across my shoulders making sure it looked sexy, even though it was just pure jetlag hair. One of the stylists on the set gave me a pair of stiletto heels to match my undies. Lets hope I don’t fall with them on, that would be the biggest nightmare of my life. I pulled the curtain back and walked straight into the casting room, which had around 30 people with cameras and clipboards, with Monica and Ed sitting beside a desk. As I walked in everyone’s eyes were on me until I stood right in front of the two producers. Oh god. Panic and nerves set heavy in my chest as I couldn’t take my eyes off of every single person in this room. “Okay Y/N whenever your ready” Ed stated while he leaned onto the deck with his elbows resting on the marble surface. I gave them a quick smile and turned around to make my way to the back of the room. My mind was racing 100 miles an hour, thinking of all the things that could go wrong within these crucial minutes. I suddenly thought of Harry, and remembering when I was practising the first time at home. Just think that your walking for Harry, c’mon Y/N you can do this. The small prep talk gave me a sudden release of confidence and I turned around facing the VS team. I started walking down, swinging my hips with my hands on them. When I made my way to the end of the walk, I gave my most cheesy grin and posed the way Harry thought was the sexiest way, pulling my waist to the side I gave them a smile, wink and blew them a kiss and strutted my way back to the back of the room with pure sass and attitude in it. I know I went over the top, but that’s the only way they will even consider me.
A round of applause came from the bottom of the room as I made my way down to the desk and audience in front. My face turned a pink shade with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement emotions running through me. “Y/N that was brilliant” Monica gushed as the claps in the room started to die down. “What are you doing on the 20th of November?” My smile gushed to my face knowing what he meant. “Nothing I guess” I giggled looking at them in complete shock. “How would you like to walk for us?” “No way, are you serious?” My body just crouched down to the ground with my hands wrapped around my face, again in complete shock. “Oh my gosh yes of course I will, thank you so much” I got up and made my way over to them and gave them a hug. I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face. “Your different than the rest of the models Y/N. You stand out, and that’s what we look for in this fashion show, originality. Walk just like that and the cameras wont take their lenses off of you, good job” “You have a month to rehearse and get ready, which you don’t need anyway, your a natural” “Thank you so much I cant explain what this means to me” I couldn’t let go of both of them, tears coming down my face, I’m on cloud 9 right now. “Now you can go tell Harry, I’m sure he will be ecstatic that your walking with him” “I cant wait to tell him, thank you so much” I ran out of the casting room and jumped right on Claire, my manager. “I’m walking Claire I’m walking” I shouted as her face lit up. “Didn’t I tell you that you could do it” “Yes oh my god I need to ring Harry and tell him the good news”
I quickly ran into the changing rooms where my phone was hidden in my coat pocket and quickly dialled his number with my hands shaking with pure excitement. “Hey beautiful, how did it go?” “Hey Harry, I’m walking, I’m fucking walking I cant believe it” “Your lying” “No I’m dead serious, this is actually happening H” “Y/N I’m so proud of you baby girl, you done it. Now we can go together, this is going to be so fun. I have to go sweetie, I’m in the middle of rehearsals for x factor tonight. When are you coming home?” “I’m coming home tonight, so ill see you in like 8 hours” “Okay baby ill see you soon, love you” “Okay, have a good show, love you too” I hung up the phone and ran to get changed. This is going to be the longest month of my life
**1 month later**
“C’mon Y/N were going to be late for our flight” I was rushing round and making sure that I was packing everything that I needed before I left. I didn’t wanna forget anything, this is the biggest thing that is happening in my career and I want it to go smoothly without any problems. “I’m coming H” I had a final look around the bedroom making sure I had everything and walked out to meet him in the car that was lifting us to bring us to the airport.
Once we got to the airport there was nothing but paps, reporters and fans waiting for us at the entrance. Once it came out the line up for the models and performers, social media went crazy for us two being there at the same time. Fans, radio stations, even Ellen had mentioned it on her show, I didn’t even think it was a big deal that I was walking when my boyfriend was performing. But yet again who’s boyfriend is Harry Styles? “You okay?” Harry brought me out of my panicked state and I looked straight at him. “Yeah of course I am baby” I lifted my hand and placed it on one of his hands, squeezing it a little. I knew that Harry could read through me, he knew how I was feeling. “Look babe I know you don’t like the paps and a lot of media but this event is what its about. No matter where we go in the next few days that’s all that’s going to be in our faces. I love you and I wont let anyone hurt you or do anything, but you just have to go out there and not let them bother you and walk as if their not there. At the end of the day we have bodyguards there to help us get through. If anyone says anything to you just brush it off and don’t reply back to them. Just make sure you get through to security without any problems. But don’t worry ill be right behind you, okay love?” His eyes never leaving mine, he takes my hand in his two. “Yeah okay, just don’t let go of my hand, please” “Of course I wont Y/N/N” All of a sudden our door swung open and we both walked out of the car. As soon as we walked not even 10 feet, we were bombarded with fans and paps, literally right in out faces. But I did what H said and just put my head down and rushed through the crowd of people who were screaming our names. No matter how many times I go out with Harry in public, I’m still not used to this whole thing. But I will have to be if I wanna be with him forever, because that’s the way its going to be I guess.
Once we got onto the plane and sat down, I took a massive sigh as relief rushed through me. Harry came and sat beside me and I placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in closer to him as I quickly went into a deep sleep. This is probably going to be the only calm moment were going to have for the next few days, so I’m making the most of it. The smell of him making me feel so much comfort, no matter where I go I always feel at home with him. And I hope he feels the same way.
The plane had landed a lot quicker than I had wanted it to be, even though the flight was 11 and a half hours long. “Babe c’mon we have to go” “But Harry I don’t wanna get out just yet, I wanna sleep” “I know babe, the time difference is crazy, but we have no time to sleep, were already late, lets go” Harry’s voice more stern and his grasp on my arms tighter as he dragged me out of the chair and brought me to the door of the plane. I was so shocked to see that there was no paps or fans waiting out in the airport for us, thank god I thought. “So the plan is you are going straight to the stadium to try on your outfits and go through the line ups, and then your going to a Victoria Secret dinner with all the models and directors of the show. Then your going straight to bed quite early, you’ll need as much sleep as you can get cuz you have to get up at half 5 to do your promo and a lot of rehearsals” Claire was listing off the schedule on her paperwork as me and Harry was grabbing our luggage from the conveyer belt in the airport. “Wow, okay, so I guess ill not see you until tonight when I come to the hotel room” I looked at harry giving him the cutest puppy eyes I know that he loves. “I know babe but it’ll be worth it seeing everything and knowing what you need to do, you’ll love the experience for sure” He grinned as we were putting our luggage into the back of the car, harry helping with mine of course. “Y/N your coming with me” Claire raised her voice when I turned around to face her, seeing her getting into a different car. “Wait, can I say bye to Harry?” “C’mon be quick” She yelled as she was getting into the car waiting for me. “Babe you go ahead before she drags you into the car” Harry smirked looking at the car then back at me. “I love you, ill text you later when I get a chance yeah?” “Course babe” He answered as he pulled me in for a quick but deep kiss. I ran towards the car and got in. I never took my eyes off Harry as the car drove off to the stadium, I miss him already.
Once I entered the stadium there was nothing but people and lights and even more people. It was all like a dream, I thought to myself that this is going to be the best week of my entire life. I cant wait to get started. One of the stylist came over to me and shook my hand. His name was Olivier, he is the owner of Balmain which is based in France, and has designed the pieces for the clothing line. “Hello Y/N very nice to meet you, i’ve heard and seen a lot of you recently, I cant wait to see you walk in my clothing” “Its lovely to meet you too Olivier, I know all about you, I follow you and your fashion everywhere, I’m such a huge fan” “Thank you very much I’m so glad you like my work, its good to see the models enjoying my clothes and want to wear them, that’s what makes this job worth while you know” We both laughed and he brought to a different room that had all of the clothing ready to be tried on. We walked to a specific piece of clothing on the stand, which was absolutely breath taking. It had a very rock n roll meeting sexy innocent girl vibe. It had a black silk bra with silver studs around the pads and the Victoria secret logo underneath, with the same material on the hot pants. He had matched it with a spiked silver necklace, thigh high laced boots, and to top it off, a metal designed leather jacket with the Victoria Secret logo placed on the back of it. It was absolutely amazing looking at all the pieces put together. “When I was looking at all of the models polaroid’s on the table a couple of weeks ago, I was trying to pair this look with some of the models, but I couldn’t find the perfect person that would suit this. But when I seen you I thought that you were the perfect person to wear this piece, so I want you to wear this” “But Olivier, this is a big piece in your clothing line, you normally give this to Cara Delevigne or Bella Hadid to wear because the always lead the show?” “Well I feel like your going to be the eye of the show this year, and I want you to wear it” He took my hand and grasped it into his. “No way, oh my goodness this is amazing, I would be honoured, thank you so much” I said as I looked towards the eye catching bit of clothing. “So lets try it on”
Harry’s POV I sat here in the hotel room, for once not doing anything at all, which made me feel out of place, like I felt like I had to do something. I got up and rang one of my friends that joined us on this trip to see If he wanted to meet up for a walk around Shanghai, to take in the city. I never really get around the cities that I’m in when I’m working in them so this is the perfect opportunity to do so.
We walked around the nature part of Shanghai when we heard a lot of screaming coming from behind us, when I realised that no one had actually found out that I was already here because we were playing it on the down low. Me and Ben ended up staying here for a good hour going through each girl, taking pictures, signing books and my album. It was nice that I could take my time with each person and talk to them. I soon realise that it was time for some dinner before I went to lift Y/N from the models dinner. Me and Ben got some food sent to the hotel room. I couldn’t really be bothered going out for something to eat, I was just too exhausted. “So Harry, you excited for tomorrow?” Ben asked as she was stuffing his face with vegetable noodles. “You know what? I’m actually nervous. I don’t really know what to expect. I mean I know its girls walking around me in their underwear, and for most guys that’s their dream come true. But for me I just cant wait to get it over with, I never wanted to do it from the beginning” “Really, man as you said anyone would kill for to do that” “The only thing that’s getting me by is knowing that Y/N is walking around me, she always makes me feel so comfortable and she just makes me feel at home no matter where we are” I smiled looking down at my food, which I had no appetite for just thinking about Y/N and how lucky I am to have her. “Speaking of Y/N, how is things between you two?” “It honestly couldn’t be better, I sometimes look at her, if its when were out for dinner, out with friends, or even if its just her lying in our bed with no makeup on and she’s reading a book, and just think to myself how did I get so lucky to have her” I couldn’t whack the smile off of my face if I tried to. “Man you’ve got it bad, its good to see you happy though” “Yeah she’s defiantly the one for me. You know when you know I guess”
Me and Ben were just sitting talking about random shit when I realised it was time for me to get Y/N to bring her back to the hotel for a good nights rest. If anything I just cant wait to get into bed and cuddle her to sleep. When I got into the car I sped off to the entrance of the stadium and waited for her to come out. It didn’t take long until her face was in sight, looking out for me. I dooted the horn to make her look my way. She smiled and ran her way over to the car and got in beside me. “Hey baby how was it?” “It was the best day of my life so far I cant believe it” “I thought the best day of your life was meeting me?” I quickly frowned at her, with a chuckle rising from her chest. “No babe in my career, silly boy” She pushed her fingers through my hair and brought it down to my thigh giving it a squeeze. She better not start this, she knows the way I get when she touches me there. “We had done the dress rehearsal and after they were so impressed with me that they asked me to open and close the show” Her smile was so contagious when she was staring at me, just pure happiness radiating off of her. “Baby that is amazing I’m so proud of you baby girl” I pulled her towards me and gave her the biggest hug I could and gave her a quick peck, I never like giving too much pda in front of people because I always like to keep certain things between us. I know were not having sex or anything around other people, but there is always certain things you like to keep to yourself you know. “Thank you sweetie” She smiled up at me, I couldn’t take my eyes off of my girl. “Oh my god it just hit me, guess who’s opening and closing the show also?” “No way, are you kidding?” “No I’m performing kiwi and only angel at the start and at the end, not sure what order though but that’s all I know so far” “Harry that is amazing, I cant wait to see your face when I walk, I think it’ll be the only thing that will calm down my nerves” She said with a sigh of relief to it. “I think It will be the only thing that will calm my nerves knowing that your going to come out on stage with me too” I sunk my head into the side of her face and I whispered “It will maybe make me feel abit more excited too while your there, I don’t know what your going to wear but I know for a fact it will be something that I cant wait to take off later” Her eyes lit up as she smacked my harm harshly. “Harry, your so horny recently what’s gotten into you?” “You”
We finally arrived at the hotel and we made our way up to the hotel room. Once Y/N got to the bed she flung herself onto it and made a groaning noise. “Thank god that day is over, it was such a long day. Everyone was everywhere and there was so many people looking me at the one time I didn’t know whether I was coming or going. Don’t get me wrong I loved every second of it, but it was just so draining” I sat down beside her and placed my hands on her back, massaging her shoulder blades a little, receiving a little moan in return. “Love I know how you feel. Its the same when I’m on tour. One person wants me on stage to make sure that the lighting is right, then Lou wants me over to try on some looks, then my vocal coach is with me at all times checking my voice. It’s all just an adrenaline atmosphere, but you do get used to it after a while. I know this isn’t your true job, but this event will defiantly get you into modelling if that’s what you really wanna do” “Yeah it is, but signing is my natural calling I guess” “Well you can use both, sing for Balmain’s events” I chuckled at my own joke and Y/N turned around on her back, lifting her arms up to lean on her elbows looking at me in awe. “You can do anything you put your mind to, love. If you really want something, do it. Because I know that you can do it.  No matter what you wanna do ill be routing for you, you know that right?” I sighed as I looked down at her sleepy eyes, rubbing her stomach in small circles. “Yeah of course H, I love you so much” She brought herself up to me and gave me such a passionate kiss. The kiss quickly deepened as she quickly jumped on my lap with her legs wrapped around my waist, her hands trailing up my chest and into my hair. A small groan came from within me as my hands went straight to her tight bum, my dick twitching in my jeans when she started to grind up and down on me. “Baby you need your rest, you’ve got a big day ahead” I quickly let go of her lips to look up at her. Her face just full of lust, her emotion right now was pure desperation and need. She wanted me and I never ever turn her down, but under these circumstances she needs her rest. Even though I’m trying my best to contain my hard on in my jeans underneath her grinding on me. “Baby please, I’m just so stressed and horny, please just really quick” Her body still pulling and pushing against me, this woman pure tortures me. I flipped her over so she was lying on the bed, and I was hovering over her. “The things you do to me woman, its a good job I love you” Her face went a state of confusion at my statement, oh shit that came out wrong. “Do you not want to have sex with me?” My face was emotionless as I looked at her reaction, which was pure hurt in her eyes, the lust slowly draining out. “No no babe that came out wrong, I meant to say that I would do anything to make you happy, even though I want it too and I know you need your rest” “Just shut up and kiss me” She giggled as she pushed my head down to meet her lips and she immediately sucked on my bottom lip, she knows that gets me going. Her hands diverted straight to my jeans, unbuckling the belt within seconds. Fuck she must really want me. Such a turn on. Her hands went underneath them and my under and started to rub at the base of my dick, which made me leak instantly. I couldn’t hold in my moans as they escaped into her mouth. “Fuck” I mumbled when I decided to take my lips away from hers and took my clothes off so I was naked in front of her with my dick hitting off of my lower abdomen. She decided to take off her tiny little dress, her bra and knickers being pooled to the floor beside the bed and she just lay there, waiting for me. Fuck this is so hot. “Well what are you waiting for? Are you guna fuck me or not?” Her giggles filled the hotel room when her hands started to roam around her body until they got lower and her fingers started to roam around her slick little pussy, rubbing her clit. The pleasure ran through out her entire body while she was rubbing herself, which again made my dick twitch. I couldn’t waste anymore time and I took my dick and rubbed it on her clit, teasing the shit out of her. “Don’t tease me please Harry” Her pleads ran over her lips as she looked at me in the way that she always does when she wants something, especially when she wants my dick ramming into her. I forced myself into her with ease because she was so wet. “Jesus Y/N your soaking for me, fuck” I mumbled into her ear when I leaned down to give myself more balance to ram into her harder. I reached down to grab her legs and pulled them over my lower back and pulled her pelvis as close as she could get to reach deeper into her. Now that she is on the pill I can finally feel her without a condom, and it is like euphoria. The way she feels around me makes me cum in seconds. “Aw so warm, soft, so tight for me baby” Her moans got louder and quicker by the second when her orgasm was getting closer and closer. “Harry, fuck, I’m cumming” I love when she cums really hard, she just clenches around me, pulls the cum straight out of me, so hot. Her hips started to shake uncontrollably which made me have to hold them down with my hands. A loud scream whelped out of her voice as she came around me. My high was coming just as she finished, ramming into her harder. “Fuck, I’m filling you baby, I’m filling you oh god” I moaned just as I was cumming, spurting my load straight into her. Both of out sighs filled the room when we finished. When I pulled out of her my cum started to ooze out of her tiny hole, which I then got up and walked to the bathroom to get toilet paper to wipe her clean. “Look at you looking after me, such a gentleman” “Well I cant have my cum making you all dirty” As I pulled the toilet paper around her she winced with the sensitivity of her clit. “Sorry, love” “Its alright, just come to cuddle with me will you?” “Course I will babe” I threw the tissue paper into the bin beside us and got in, pulling her body into mine and resting my head on her waist. “Thank you” She mummered as her eyes tiredly closed. “For what?” “Fucking me until my stress went away” She giggled beaming down at me. “That’s what I’m here for, to help you de-stress” She quickly fell asleep which I joined, its going to be a hell of a day tomorrow.
Y/N’S POV The hours of sleep felt like minutes when the alarm went off at half 6 in the morning. This is the day of the show and I am beyond excited. The feeling going through me was hard to explain, nerves, excitement, abit of everything I suppose. “Harry, get up” I poked at his back every second to get him out of his deep sleep. I felt so bad that he had to get up with me. He looked so comfortable and peaceful just lying there. I could have looked at him forever. “Okay I’m up, I’m up” His puffy eyes looked directly onto mine while I ran my fingers through my hair. “The car is coming in like half an hour so I’m guna go shower and all that stuff, then we should be ready to go” “Okay ill shower after, don’t be too long now, I know what your like” I sniggered whilst I got up to get ready.
Once we got into the stadium it was all fully ready for the show, the lights sitting perfectly, the names of the important guests stuck onto their seats, the décor looking 10 out of 10, I just cant wait to get up on stage. We were all gathered to the stage for a prep talk which Harry wasn’t apart off. At this point he was getting ready for to do his rehearsal sound check. “Okay ladies we only have a couple of hours to go until the big event. I hope everyone got a good rest last night.” The thought of last nights events running through my head was turning my mouth into a small grin, I wish we had more time last night, I was still so horny for him. But hopefully after today he will wanna go all night. “So the plan is were going to run through the performance one more time, then your going to do your hair and makeup, then your going to do some press interviews, Snapchat updates etc. Then the show will start. Y/N is opening and closing this year for the first time so Y/N the pressure is on you my lovely” All of the girls started to laugh and I joined in. Thanks for making me feel better about it Monica. “Harry is performing the opening song with kiwi, then Miguel is up, then Jane Zhang, then Leslie Odom, then Harry is closing the show. So there is plenty of time for you girls to walk then change, there is like 11 songs altogether so it shouldn’t be a problem. Then after the show you’ll be getting a lot of pictures for the class of 17. Then you’ll do more press, and then it’ll be the after party so you’ll need more glam and change your outfit of course. SO you guys have a lot ahead of you today, but just enjoy it and have fun. Good luck ladies” We all started to cheer and clap our hands while Monica walked off of backstage. All of us gushed to the dressing room to get everything set up and all glammed up.
A few hours later and I was all done with my glam. I hadn’t seen harry from this morning when I arrived, knowing the whole day is pure hectic, I would have liked to have seen him before the show started. But its still early days yet I guess. I put on my robe and walked towards Karlie Kloss which was standing there with Bella Hadid. “Hey Y/N girl how are you feeling?” Bella greeted me with a hug when she asked me. I also gave Karlie a quick hug and looked back at Bella. “I’m so excited its beyond words, but also terrified. Like if I fall or do anything it will be seen all around the world. A lot of people tune into see this. Its a lot of pressure” I awkwardly giggle to them. “Don’t think of it like that, just think that your going out there for a photoshoot or something and your having fun on set like you always do when you with us. You’ll be fine once you get up there” “Thanks girlies” Random photographers were coming up and taking pictures of us talking which is something I have never had done before. “This is a weird kind of photography” I laughed to the girls as I saw them taking photos of everyone and anyone apart of the show. “Yeah that’s what they do, they like to capture the moment without having to act fake in front of the camera, they like to take photos in the moment which I think is a good concept. It takes pictures of the energy and excitement of the whole day in the room” Bella explains as she is looking towards a lot of the photographers. “Yeah I guess that’s a really good idea, you would never even think about that” “Okay we have to on ahead to do abit of press interviews, wanna join?” Karlie asked as the started to put on their pink robes. “Sure”
Going through all of the media interviews and being asked the same questions all the time is very exhausting, all of which is about Harry, of course. “So Y/N are you excited to be with Harry when he performs for the first time on the big event?” “Of course, he isn’t used to an event that is as big as this one to be performing on it, its a good way to promote the album and I think that he will enjoy it” “And this is your very first fashion show how are you feeling?” “I’ve been so nervous this past week but now that its here I cant wait to get on the stage and start the show, it’ll be an amazing day. Especially wearing Olivier’s new clothing line is so exciting for him. He’s always wanted to work with Victoria Secret and now its here, its a very big moment for him today and I’m so proud of how far he has came” “Thank you Y/N have a good show” “Thank you, wish me luck, ill need it” I walked away back into the dressing room, sighing at the fact that the media interviews is done. I never liked that part of any event, especially at award shows. Its not something I’m very confident with. “Okay so we have half an hour until the show starts so everyone into your outfits. Y/N your starting off in your grey and blue outfit first so make sure that your ready in 15 minutes” The first outfit I was wearing was a grey lacy bra and underwear with a silk material running down my arms, attached to them with diamond bracelet like jewellery around it.
I stood looking out at the side of the stage off all the photographers sitting all around, with fans sitting in the background, and I couldn’t even see the ending of the stadium it was that big. Seeing all of this now finally hit me, I now feel like anxiety kicking in. I seen Harry making his way over to me, eyeing me up and down. “Y/N you look absolutely stunning baby girl, cant wait to see you out there” He gave me a quick kiss and walked back to the side of the stage where he was going to enter out of. “Good luck babe I love you” I shouted as she turned around and faced me giving me a cheeky grin. The music started filling the stadium and I knew it was my queue to go in like a few minutes. “Okay Y/N get ready, your heading out in 10 seconds” A lot of people was working with my hair and fixing my tiara on my head. The crew ran off to the side of the stage and the doors started to open. Oh no what have I done. The screams of fans grabbed my attention and Harry’s instrumental part of Kiwi playing as I started walking out. Thinking about the way I walked in my audition was the only thing I could think of in that moment in time. I quickly raised my hands up so the silky material was waving at my sides as I was walking to the end of the stage. I stopped and pushed my hip out to the side and started to smile. I blew a kiss to the camera and made my way back, walking with pure sass in my hips. My smile couldn’t wash off of my face when I seen Harry coming walking onto the stage and he stood watching me walking towards him. His baby blue Gucci suit uncoincidentally matched my first outfit, and my god he looked so good in it. As I walked past him I blew him a kiss and he sent a wink my way, touching my arm as he started to sing the first line of the song.
As the show went on I went out a few times with the first outfit on. I was defiantly feeling more comfortable every time I walked out onto the stage. I was dancing to the different songs as I walked out, getting into the beat of the songs, which is what a lot of the other models were doing too so I didn’t want to look like I wasn’t having fun.
It came to the end of the show and Harry had changed into a different suit. A black suit with a pink shirt on underneath. Yummy. I had changed into Olivier’s outfit which looked amazing on me I have to say. Once Harry started singing Only Angel I couldn’t wait to get back out and walk around him singing. When I seen him perform it was always him by himself, and I always wanted to get up beside him and dance with his songs. This time I can actually do it and I couldn’t wait. Half way through the song I came out, and I was the first thing that Harry laid his eyes on as I walked past him. I could feel eyes burning into my stomach, radiating through out my body. I again stood at the end of the stage laughing at the camera as I done my poses. I walked back and again blew Harry a kiss while his voice was running right threw my ears. It came to the end of the song and I came walking out again, by myself. I walked to the end of the stage yet again and started to sing the lyrics and I then turned around to show the Victoria Secret logo on the back of the jacket. I stuck my bum out and moved it to the beat of the song, then turned around to stand in the middle of the stage and waited for the rest of the angels to come out to join me on stage to close the show. At this point Harry’s song had finished, and he was waiting for the rest of the singers to come out and he made his way into the middle of us. Of course he moved himself so he was standing next to me, applauding all of us as we applauded them. He was trying so hard not to look down at me because the media would take a picture in that split second and sell it to the media so he tried not to throw something out that people would report. They are doing enough reporting as it is about us being out here let alone anything else, which is understandable. We started to walk back to the backstage area once it was all finished and the class of 17 pictures were taken, I’m just glad its over now.
Harrys POV Thank god the show is over, I actually had never felt so nervous doing a performance before, but this one was different. There was million upon millions of people watching this live so I kind of had to make sure that my voice was perfect. Another thing that was perfect was my girlfriend. She done the show so well, you would think she had been doing it for years. She looked sexy as hell. Through out my performance all I could think of was taking her back to the hotel and fucking her brains out. Once it got to the end of the show we all walked out and I went straight to Y/N. She looked so drained but still gorgeous. At least now I can take a look at her in her outfit, fuck she looked sexy. Her gaze was on one of the models, talking her life away as usual. “Y/N” I shouted to get her attention. Her gaze set on me and she quickly ran to me giving me the biggest hug and a kiss. “Harry you did so well I’m so proud of you” “I’m so proud of you, you looked really good out there” “Thank you H” Her lips retrieved back to mine for a quick peck. I pulled her head to my lips and whispered “Can you keep the underwear that you wore on stage, would love to see you do a walk for me tonight” “Maybe I will, just for you” her eyes grew a lust again, she is still horny from last night, I know she is. She’s always craving my cock even in public, I love it. “Right guys its press then the after party, so ladies lets get changed and lets go and get drunk” We all cheered at Ed as he walked off again. “Okay well I’m going to go and get changed and ill see you at the after party yeah? I shouldn’t be too long” “Wait are you not doing press?” “I done it before I went on so I don’t have to do it now” She smiled. Smart thinking my girl has. “Well you better make sure you take that baby blue undies home with you.” “Don’t worry I will”
A few hours passed and I was standing talking to Alessandra and her daughter when I seen Y/N make her way into the room, holy fuck. She was wearing a black cut out dress. It had a slit up the side and it had half of her body exposed with a bra top which faded into a full crop top on the other side of her body. She had her hair tied in a messy bun up so show the turtle neck finish on the dress. Could this girl get any sexier. She made her way to Bella to talk to her. “Sorry I’m going to be really rude but Y/N just walked in and I haven’t seen her for a while, do you mind if I go over?” “No not at all Harry, it was so nice to see you” “And you, have a good night” I replied and walked on to meet Y/N standing with my back to me. “Excuse me my lady but would you like a drink of your choice?” I tapped her on her shoulder and she turned around with Bella looking towards me. “ Harry you scared the living death out of me” She giggled as she looked straight back at me. That laugh. I could listen to that laugh every day. “I can see that you liked the blue suit better then H” I quickly changed my suit back to the baby blue one because I love the colour of it, plus it made me looked tanned and ripped so why not. “It looks good babe, like really good” Her hands made their way down my arms to my forearms and squeezing them lightly. “What do you say we get out of here early” “Sounds like a good plan baby girl” A hour or so later we left to our hotel to get some ‘rest’. We told the guests that we were too jetlagged and tired to stay any longer, what a good way out.
Y/N’S POV We walked into the kitchen part of the hotel and immediately decided to take my shoes off. Wearing heels all day isn’t as glamorous as it may seem. “Did you have a good day love?” Harry asked as he was standing near me, eyeing up my body. “Yes it was the best day, just glad all the madness is over now though” I pushed my hair back from the bun and pulled it through my fingers, loosening the curls slightly. “So...” he sighed, taking another step closer to me. He’s suddenly in front of me, brushing against me and looking down at me with lust in his eyes. “What are we going to do now?” “Mmm, I think I have a rough idea” I pulled hard on the nape of his neck and pulled him into a forceful kiss. He returns the kiss immediately, his hands finding my waist as my fingers tangle through his hair, just the way he likes it. He steps forward and pushes me against the island in the kitchen while he pries my mouth open, giving him full excess to the inside of my mouth, licking inside, making me breathe out a small whimper. I feel him pouring everything he had into this kiss. It feels like everything is happening is going in slow motion, the way his tongue is grazing yours, his hands tracing the bottom of the waistline of your open cut dress and running his hands over your exposed torso. I grab him tighter with my arms roaming around the top of his muscular back, feeling each muscle tense with my touch, I just want to feel and kiss every inch of his body. “So you know that underwear that you wanted me to keep?” His face dropped. “Well its on me right now” I suddenly felt his trousers restrict below me on my thigh when his face smirked at me. “Baby girl you know what you do to me, you can feel it cant you?” I smile at him and press my lips against this again. His hands roamed around to the zip of the dress on the top of your neck and quickly pulled it down, stripping me doing so. The cold air hit my skin giving me goose bumps. “Bed, take me to bed” I whimpered, and he obliged, grabbing my hands and making his way to the bedroom. You squeal when he drops me onto the bed and his cute little giggle lifts the atmosphere to the way we normally are. I quickly started to shed his clothes off, piece by piece, ever so slowly, teasing the crap out of him. His raspy moan escaped his lips as I flipped him over so that I was straddling his hips once again, like last night. I started licking and kissing his chest making sure I never missed a exposed inch of his body. Harry groans again, and I fight back a smile knowing that this is what I do to him.
His eyes rake down my body seeing me in my underwear from the show, eyeing me like a piece of meat that he can only have. “Harry just fuck me until it hurts” I made my way to the bottom of his naval, looking up at him through my eyelashes as I was pressing feathery kisses to it. Harry lets out another raspy groan again and snaking your hair into his hands, bringing your face up parallel to his. “I will baby girl” His green eyes have become a dark emerald, his hands never leaving your body as they made their down from your chest to your waist, then to your naval, then down to your thighs. “Ill do anything you want me to do baby, I’m all yours” “I want you so bad Harry, just fuck me” He pulled me into his chest and wrapped his large ring covered fingered hand around to undo my bra and he took them into his hands kneading them. He took one of them into his mouth as you started to rock onto him slowly. His hand reached down to your ass to help you move on him harder. “Fuck” His head fell back in pure pleasure that I was giving him. “I bet you touch yourself thinking about me ramming into you when I’m gone, don’t you?” “Fuck” You whisper while you grind on him harder and squeeze my eyes shut. I don’t know how he does it. He can make me cum just by his words let alone his touch. I brought up the courage to say something that I know would make him bust a nut right in his boxers, which also is the truth. “No, I think, fuck, I think about you ramming into me, spreading me open, making me scream” I look down at him and I see his reaction to me. His face is filled with concentration and lust. He’s looking at me like he’s imagining the different ways he could destroy me. “Fuck baby, your so good to me, knowing that you do that will make me fuck my own hand way better when I’m gone” Just the image of him doing that alone while looking at pictures of me that I sent him so that he’s reminded of what he’s missing at home just gets me off.
He pulls me to lay on the bed and crawls between my thighs, looking at the wet patch on my knickers then back up at me. “Please Harry, just touch me, or do something” I’m begging him with everything I have for him to touch me, and he groans hearing the desperation in his voice. He curses just by looking at how wet I am for him and he pulls his face away to look at me in a moaning mess. “Jesus baby your dripping wet for me, soaking your panties is all I think about” He makes his way back down to my wet centre and pushes my knickers to the side, and pushes his fingers down, rubbing my folds, gathering the wetness from me and swirling his tongue around them. “So sweet, my favourite thing to eat” He puts his fingers back to where they were, only grazing my clit with the tip of his baby finger. The moans loudly roll off of my tongue, meanwhile Harry looking up taking in the sight before him. “Baby please, just give me your cock, I want it so bad” He brought his body up to me and started to kiss me again, and I pulled my hands down to his boxers and pushed them down his muscular legs. He pushes his boxers off of his legs and he uses his hips to pin me down on the bed which made me scream in pleasure. His hips rubbing against my heat, the only thing separating me and him was my soaking wet thong. The heat coming from my hips is starting to become unbearable, the sudden ache feeling went through out my body. Harry is taking far too long to touch me. All I want in this moment is to feel his head poking at m entrance, and rock his hips into mine, but he is purely teasing at his point. “Harry just get in me already, please I’m begging” His face began to smirk and his hands grabbed your wet thong and dragged them down your legs and throwing them on the floor. He finally made is way back to me and pushed inside me, and when he finally did, it was so fucking amazing. I tried to make a sound but nothing would come out. The little grunts that he makes while he is thrusting into me is echoing in my ears. He is so deep that I can feel him hitting my stomach, he feels like he is stretching me, making me feel so full of him, he’s so big, I can take him.
His pants take up the whole room as his thrusts become faster. “So... tight” He pants as his eyes are squeezing shut, pained groans filled your ears as he continued. It starts off with his hips slowly reclining, so slow that its pure torture, then ramming into with force, hitting places that you didn’t know he could. My hands reach up to touch his swallow tattoos then up to caress his hair through my fingers as he continues to get into a pattern with his thrusts that can reach so far up inside me. “Your... so deep.. Harry, I’m oh my fucking god” I cry to him with the burning pit in my stomach forming. “Are you close baby? He presses his lips onto my neck, bringing his lips down as low as he could go while he was still ramming into me with great force. “Such a pretty cunt, taking me so well, so wet, dripping for me, fuck” My hips buck up when he suddenly hits the spot I’ve been waiting for. “I’ve got every inch inside of you, do you feel it baby girl?” I couldn’t coherent an answer, I just looked up at him, in his eyes, which was still a dominant dark green colour, looking straight at where we were connecting, looking at his cock sinking in and pulling out of me. “C’mon baby girl, give me a good one” He whispered as he looked directly at me again. His speed slowed down as he decided to go for a forceful slow pump, angling his body so his pelvic bone hits at my clit as he rides me in and out, sending me to my orgasm. In a few thrusts after I came his trusts go faster reaching his high at the end. He pulled out of me and wanked himself off onto my stomach, letting out a massive inhumane moan. He moved himself off of me and lay beside me out of breath. He grabbed tissues from the side of the bed and wiped my stomach clean. Thank god he remembered to put tissues there instead of going to the toilet to get more roll. “Wow” I was speechless when I looked at Harry, still coming down from my high. “I haven’t came like that for a while” I said to him as I laughed. “Neither have I, it must of been the underwear.”
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