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I love this series 💕
ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴍᴏᴏɴ
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Summary: Ransom is home and you get to spend time together.
Pairing: Mob!Ransom x Female!Reader
Word Count: 7.5k
NOTES: I'm sorry this took so long. I haven't written the whole story but a few of you asked me to post the chapters I do have in the meantime. Thank you for being so patient with me.
This is the hairstyle and beard I have in mind for Mob!Ransom
You are absolutely exhausted. The two nights preceding Ransom’s supposed return date had been sleepless, then James called you about Ransom being arrested and you had two more days before seeing him again, two more sleepless nights and now Ransom’s is laying on the backseat with his head on your lap and soundlessly sleeping as James takes you home. You spend 3 hours watching him sleep and running your fingers through his hair.
As promised, James makes a pit stop to get your car key from Jesse before driving you back home.
When James’ driver parks in front of your house, you gently shake Ransom awake.
‘’Ransom.’’ You say softly. ‘’We’re in front of my house. Do you want to sleep here tonight or do you want James to take you home?’’
He opens his eyes and looks up at you. ‘’I am home.’’ He mumbles as he sits back up, stretching with his arms above his head.
He says a quick thanks to James for the ride and opens the door, stepping outside first. He blinks a few times to let his eyes adjust to the sun and holds out his hand for you to take to help you down from the SUV.
Your heart flutters at Ransom’s revelation of him feeling like he’s already home. You put your hand in his and let him help you down.
‘’Thank you, James.’’ You smile at him while Ransom grabs his suitcase from the trunk and he waits for you by the front door, not saying another word to James.
You walk up the few steps of your porch and unlock the door. You let Ransom walk in first and you follow right behind him. You close the door and make sure to lock it, you are back at being on high alert now that you’re home again but you won’t tell Ransom about the picture. At least, not yet. He has enough to deal with as it is.
You take off your boots and your coat, dropping your keys in the small bowl next to the front door.
‘’Are you hungry?’’ You ask Ransom as you walk towards the kitchen.
‘’I’m starving.’’ He puts his suitcase down at the bottom of the stairs and joins you in the kitchen.
You open your fridge’s door and look at what kind of meal you have left.
‘’I can reheat pasta.’’ You offer.
‘’I’d eat pretty much anything right now, whatever is easiest angel.’’
You take the pasta out and put them in the microwave. ‘’Don’t tell Milo I reheated his pasta in the microwave.’’ You chuckle and take out a plate, waiting for the pasta to be done.
Ransom watches you with a smile on his face. He had missed you so much.
You put the pasta on the plate, take a fork and put both down in front of him.
‘’Thank you.’’ He says as he quickly grabs the fork and starts eating. ‘’Aren’t you eating anything?’’
You shrug and shake your head. ‘’I’m not hungry.’’
Ransom swallows and looks you over. ‘’Still? Baby, it’s been a week. Please tell me you’ve eaten.’’
‘’I have.’’ He squints his eyes as if he was trying to catch you in a lie. ‘’I swear, I have. James almost shoved a stack of pancakes down my throat this morning, that’s why I’m not hungry.’’
‘’Good.’’ He nods and finishes eating with a few more bites.
You smile and take the plate. ‘’You can go shower. I’m sure you want to go back to sleep.’’
‘’Oh, yes. A shower. Hot water. A bed.’’ He stands up and walks over to you to kiss your forehead. ‘’Do you have to go to work or are you coming to take a nap with me?’’
‘’I’m definitely taking a nap.’’ You smile. ‘’I’ll just take a shower after you and then I’ll be right there.’’
‘’I’ll just use the downstairs bathroom so you can use the one in your room. The quicker we’re both clean, the quicker we’re going to be sleeping.’’
‘’Smart thinking.’’ You nod and watch him leave the kitchen. ‘’Don’t forget to brush your teeth.’’ You call out after him.
‘’I’m not forgetting about your little promise, don’t worry.’’ He answers loud enough for you to hear him.
You chuckle to yourself before running up the stairs to take a shower and then put on your pajamas. When you come back out, you’re surprised to see that Ransom isn’t in your room. He’s usually always the first one being done.
You go back downstairs and when you get to the bottom of the stairs, you can hear the water running.
Instead of going back upstairs to wait for him, you head over to the kitchen to wash the dirty dishes that you didn't have time to do before leaving and from Ranson’s dinner. You look outside as you wash though there wasn’t much to see as the sun had almost already completely set. You couldn’t wait for winter to be over so you’d gain some daylight back. It was starting to feel like it was dark all the time. You’re almost done when you hear Ransom come out of the bathroom.
‘’Angel?’’ He calls out, unsure of where you are.
You empty the sink and start drying everything you’ve washed.
‘’What are you doing?’’ Ransoms asks as he steps behind you.
‘’The dishes.’’
Ransom shakes his head. ‘’Baby, we haven’t seen each other for more than a week and you’re doing the dishes?’’
He takes the plate out of your hands and puts it down on the counter, he puts his hands on your shoulders and turns you around so you’ll face him.
‘’Well, in my defense you were still in the shower.’’ You smile at him.
‘’I was trying to scrub off the filth from the cell they put me in.’’
You grimace. ‘’Did you succeed?’’
He nods, grinning. ‘’Yes, and my teeth are brushed so…’’ He wraps one arm around your waist and holds your chin with his free hand. He gently pulls you towards him at the same time that he’s leaning in. The moment your lips touch, you both feel like you’re going to melt.
You put your arms around his neck, bringing him in closer.
Ransom lets go of your chin once he’s sure you’re not going anywhere and his arm joins the other around your waist. It doesn’t take very long before one of you deepens the kiss, because frankly you have no idea who is doing what. Your mind is currently in a kissing haze.
All the emotions from the past week are put into the kiss; the frustration from being apart, missing each other, needing each other, wanting each other, the fear you felt when James told you Ransom had been arrested, the satisfaction of finally being together and… love.
One of your hands is gripping the collar of his shirt on his back while you’re running your fingers through his damp hair with the other one.
You both try to make it last for as long as possible but at some point you have no choice but to pull away to breathe.
You are both panting a little, maybe you should have broken apart earlier but it was worth it.
Ransom quickly wets his lips. ‘’I missed you.’’ He says softly.
‘’I missed you too. I’m so happy you’re home.’’ You smile, still playing with Ransom’s hair.
His knees go weak at hearing you say that he was home, maybe he’s reading too much into it but for him it sounds like you’re saying that your house is also his home and that makes him feel all giddy inside. Whether that is what you meant or not, you’re happy that he’s here with you and that’s more than enough for him.
Ransom leans down and starts to kiss your neck, covering every inch with either a gentle kiss or a graze of his teeth.
‘’Say it again.’’ He mumbles against your skin.
Your skin is covered with goosebumps and you can feel chills run down your spine. You feel so good and relaxed that it takes a few seconds for your brain to register what he said.
‘’I missed you?’’
‘’No, the other part.’’ He moves to the other side of your neck.
‘’I’m so happy you’re home.’’
Ransom nips the skin of your neck a little harsher, then lifts up his head to kiss you again. His hands move to your hips and then down the side of your thighs to end behind each thigh. He pulls away and just as you’re about to ask him what he’s doing, he’s tightening his hold on your thighs and lifting you up from the ground.
You let out a little squeak, though you are quick to wrap your legs around his waist to help him keep you up.
‘’I can walk, you know?’’ You chuckle.
‘’I know you can, doesn’t mean you should though.’’ He smirks and turns around, walking towards the kitchen’s entrance.
You turn off the light as he carries you out and then up the stairs.
‘’I’m half convinced you’re only doing this to show off your muscles.’’
You poke at one of his biceps.
‘’Maybe…’’ He looks behind you to see where he’s going. ‘’Is it working?’’
‘’Meh.’’ You shrug as Ransom kicks the door of your bedroom close once you’re inside and walks over to your bed.
He frowns. ‘’What do you mean, meh?’’
‘’I’ve seen better.’’
Ransom softly throws you on the bed, watching you land on your back. He puts his hands on his hips and looks down at you.
You laugh as you move up, resting on your elbows.
‘’On who?’’
‘’Milo. It might be all the whisking.’’
Ransom rolls his eyes. ‘’Ok, now I know you’re fucking with me because Milo has the tiniest arms I’ve ever seen on a man who works with his hands.’’
‘’Maybe I prefer tiny arms over big biceps.’’ You arch a brow, tilting your head to the side.
Ransom takes off his shirt, throwing it somewhere behind him and lets out a long exaggerated sigh. ‘’I guess all of this,’’ He moves his hands over his chest, arms and abs. ‘’is going to waste then.’’
‘’Guess so.’’ You try not to look at his chest, not wanting him to win.
He moves a little from side to side after he notices how you keep looking directly into his eyes and he smirks. ‘’You ok baby?’’
‘’Mh-mh. Fine. Why?’’
‘’Don’t know, you seem a little… tense.’’
‘’I’m probably just tired.’’ Your eyes flicker down so fast that if Ransom had blinked he would have missed it.
But he didn’t blink.
‘’We should probably go to bed then.’’ He says, while joining you.
You move to lay down on your back with your head on your pillow, Ransom follows you and moves to lie on top of you. His head hovers above yours and he smiles down at you.
‘’Hi.��’ You chuckle. ‘’Do you need something?’’
‘’Yes, angel. We aren’t done catching up.’’ He grins. His eyes lower to your cheeks and his eyes soften. ‘’Let me see.’’
You turn your head to the right to show him your left cheek. You look down to the floor, feeling slightly embarrassed and vulnerable for some reason.
‘’Does it still hurt?’’
‘’No.’’ You say quietly. ‘’It’s a little sore in the morning but it’s fine.’’
He brushes over your cheek with thumb, barely touching the skin from fear of hurting you. The bruise had almost completely faded, it was in the last healing phase and Ransom feels so much better seeing you healed.
‘’I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.’’ He gives your cheek a soft kiss, again being careful not to hurt you.
‘’It’s ok.’’
‘’No it’s not.’’ He looks up to find you looking away.
Ransom reaches up to your right cheek and holds it as you turn your head back to be facing him. ‘’Hey. Are you ok?’’ He whispers, looking down at you clearly worried.
You nod. ‘’I am. Now that you’re here.’’
He feels even more guilty for leaving you. ‘’You know I didn’t want to go, right? I only went because James ordered me to, otherwise I never would have left.’’
You smile reassuringly and turn your head to kiss the palm of the hand holding the right side of your face. ‘’I know. I believe you.’’
He brushes the tip of his nose against yours. He opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it after hesitating for a couple of seconds.
‘’What were you going to say?’’ You push back a strand of his hair that fell on his forehead.
He shakes his head. ‘’Something that would make you want to run for the hills.’’ He chuckles, trying to lighten the mood.
‘’Tell me.’’
‘’I was just going to say that I had been miserable for the entire week and all I could think about was going home to be with you again, that I never want to be without you for this long ever again.’’
He looks to the side, not wanting to see the rejection in your eyes. You laugh quietly and put one hand on each side of his face, forcing him to look at you. ‘’I thought the exact same thing.’’
Something lights up in Ransom’s eyes, hope. ‘’Really?’’
You nod. ‘’Really. I knew that I liked spending time with you, I liked being around you and having you with me almost all the time but… I hadn’t realized that I needed you.’’
You chew on your bottom lip nervously.
‘’You needed me?’’
‘’Yeah.’’ You let go of his face and look down to his chest, using a finger to trace one of his tattoos near his collarbone. ‘’I didn’t know what to do with myself. I kept picking up my phone to text you or call you. I barely slept because I kept reaching around for you and you weren’t there.’’
‘’Baby, is that true?’’ He asks quietly, looking intensely at you.
You simply nod. You are starting to regret oversharing.
He lets out a huff, relieved. ‘’Thank god, it wasn’t just me.’’
Your eyes snap up to his.
‘’I mean I had things to do to keep me occupied during the day but as soon as I was alone? I kept wanting to talk to you and it took me forever to fall asleep without you, plus I couldn’t stay asleep. My brain kept looking for you when I was asleep and it woke me up every time it couldn’t find you.’’
You grin, Ransom doing the same instantly.
The words ‘’I love you’’ almost slip from his lips but he catches himself at the last second. As he can’t trust his brain right now, he kisses you instead that way he won’t be able to speak.
As time passes, the kiss grows more intense and slowly hands are starting to wander.
Ransom pulls away long enough to ask, ‘’Is this ok?’’ and then he was kissing you again.
You nod, making him smile in the kiss.
‘’Do you want to stop?’’ He asks a few seconds later, lifting his head up to be able to see your face.
‘’No. Do you?’’ You look at him, slightly out of breath.
‘’Hell no.’’ He lowers back his head. ‘’I want to show you how much I missed you.’’
You aren’t really surprised to see that it was almost noon the next day when you woke up. You had a lot of sleep to catch up on and Ransom had used what little energy you had left.
Before you even open your eyes, you can feel him all around you. That is what you had been craving the past week, to wake up in his arms. You are both laying on your right side, Ransom’s chest is to your back and his left arm is wrapped tightly around your waist.
As you open your eyes, you move a little to stretch and you feel his arm tightened around your body as if he was scared that you were going to leave.
He kisses your left shoulder before nuzzling the side of your neck. ‘’Good morning angel.’’
‘’Good morning.’’ You chuckle, his beard tickling you.
‘’How are you feeling?’’
‘’Yeah?’’ He smiles.
You nod and turn in his grasp to face him.
He looks down at you, his smile getting bigger. ‘’Hi.’’
‘’Hi.’’ You grin as you wrap your arm around him, holding onto his back. ‘’How are you feeling?’’
Ransom tickles your back by rubbing your skin with only his fingertips, moving his hand up and down your spine.
‘’Better than ever.’’ He answers, serious as can be.
The intense look in his eyes almost makes you squirm. He closes in, kissing you lovingly.
‘’Do you have to go to work today?’’ Ransoms asks right after he moves away from you.
‘’No.’’ You look up at him.
‘’All mine?’’ He smirks, making you chuckle.
‘’All yours.’’ You confirm.
‘’I have the perfect idea.’’ He kisses your forehead and rolls on his back and onto his other side, getting out of bed.
You turn on your back and lift yourself up with your elbow to be able to look at him. ‘’Where are you going?’’
‘’Don’t move.’’ He warns, pointing at you then he walks into the connecting bathroom and closes the door.
You lie back down and close your eyes, waiting for him to come back.
You must have drifted off to sleep because you hadn’t heard him come back, you just felt him lifting you from the mattress by grabbing you behind your knees and back. You open your eyes.
‘’Ransom, what are you doing?’’ You laugh.
He smiles. ‘’I’m carrying you.’’ He answers as he walks towards the bathroom.
‘’You do know I can walk, right?’’
‘’You can?’’ He frowns as he stops walking, looking down at your face. ‘’Then I didn’t do my job right last night.’’
You throw your head back, laughing.
‘’Yeah, yeah. Laugh at my pain.’’ He moves again, getting the both of you in the bathroom.
‘’Aw, I’m sorry.’’ You kiss his cheek.
Ransom gently puts you down and nods behind you. ‘’Too late. Get your butt in there.’’
You turn around to see your bathtub filled up almost all the way to the top, covered in bubbles.
He closes the door and dims the light so it’s not too harsh and you can actually relax. Ransom offers you his hand to help you climb in the tub without slipping, you hold onto it until you’re seated. You move to the middle of the tub and look up at Ransom, who’s just standing there.
‘’Aren’t you coming in?’’
‘’You want me to?’’ He asks, surprised.
‘’Of course I do.’’ You laugh.
You don’t have to ask him twice. He’s careful not to move too quickly, otherwise the tub would just overflow and he sits behind you. He puts his arm around your waist and pulls your back to his chest. You lean into him, resting the back of your head on his shoulder.
Ransom wraps his other arm around your shoulders and hugs you tightly. He peppers your shoulder with soft little kisses and then lets his head fall back against the edge of the tub behind him.
‘’What do you want to do today?’’ He asks softly, trying not to startle you.
You hummed. ‘’I don’t know. I don’t want to move.’’ You lean even more onto him, you’re so comfortable in his arms.
‘’Me either.’’ He lets go of your waist to play with your hair.
‘’Do you think you’ll have to leave again?’’ You’re sad just at the thought of having to go who knows how long without Ransom.
‘’No. I don’t think so. I’ll try not to.’’ He kisses the top of your head.
‘’Yes, baby?’’
‘’Do you think we’re going too fast?’’
His hand stops moving on your hair and he frowns. ‘’What do you mean?’’
‘’I don’t know.’’ You play with a little cloud of bubbles in front of you, running your fingers through it and gathering more bubbles to make an even bigger cloud. ‘’James seems to think we’re going too fast, my staff too.’’
‘’What do you think?’’ Ransom is getting nervous that maybe his week away made you realize that you didn’t really want a relationship with him, but yesterday you were just telling him how much you’ve missed him that wouldn’t make sense. Maybe it’s because you slept together, maybe you weren’t really ready for that yet and now he’s ruined everything.
‘’I think we’re going really fast.’’ You turn to your side to be able to look at Ransom. ‘’But I don’t think it’s too fast.’’
Ransom lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, relief washing over him.
He brushes his knuckles against your cheek, a fond look in his eyes that makes your heart melt.
‘’We are going fast, but I think that’s just how our relationship is supposed to go. Every relationship has its own timeline, I don’t think there’s a wrong way to go about it. If we tried to go slower, I don’t think this-’’ He waves a finger between you and him. ‘’would work as perfectly as it does now. But if you feel like we’re going too fast, you can tell me. I don’t want you to feel pressured.’’ He adds quickly.
‘’I think you’re right.’’ You smile. ‘’This is perfect just the way it is.’’
He pulls you by the chin to push your foreheads together. ‘’Fuck what James says or thinks. All that matters is what you and I think, and I don’t think we should change anything.’’
Your heart flutters, Ransom is so right. It’s you and him, just the way it should be. You put a hand on the back of his neck as you move in to kiss him.
As soon as your lips touch, Ransom’s hold tightens around you as he tries to bring you closer but there isn’t any space between you.
To your surprise, the kiss stays sweet and loving. It doesn’t escalate to anything more, it’s just a way for you and Ransom to show your love without saying the words. When you break apart, you stay seated on your side and snuggle against his chest instead of turning around. He wraps both of his arms around you and clasps his hands together right on your hips. You look at Ransom’s chest, the little part that isn’t hidden by all the bubbles, and start tracing one of his tattoos with the tip of your finger. You follow every line and once you’re done, you move onto another one. Ransom smiles the whole time as he feels your finger moving around, he didn’t even need to look down to know what you were doing. He’s noticed on more than one occasion that you like tracing his tattoos, you’re doing it often but he doesn’t think that you’ve ever noticed it. He puts his chin on top of your head and closes his eyes, relaxing under your delicate touch.
You have truly missed him, of course you knew that from all the moments you craved his presence but you had missed him a lot more than you originally thought and in more ways than one.
‘’Do you want to tell me about your week?’’ You whisper shyly, not sure if you are allowed to ask questions about his trip.
‘’How much do you want to know?’’ He opens his eyes but doesn’t move.
‘’As much as you can tell me.’’
‘’Are you sure?’’
You nod. ‘’I am.’’
He hesitates for a few seconds but ends up giving in. A small part of him is excited that you want to know more about what he does and that he can trust you with what he tells you. He’s leaving out some details in case something happens and you find yourself in hot water because of him, then you won’t have to lie if you say you didn’t know the whole story.
He tells you about the men he met with, that they were gun suppliers and James wanted to get into business with them. He tells you about his bad feeling about them and what happened on the last day when he got arrested.
‘’To me it seems like you getting arrested and then not showing up was just a coincidence. A very badly timed one, but still. It looks like they got cold feet at the last minute. They knew there wasn’t going to be anything there to incriminate you, it would have been a really stupid move to tip off the police over nothing.’’
Ransom nods as he runs his fingers up and down your spine. ‘’That’s what I think too. It seems that someone was trying to take me out, they knew where to find me but didn’t know about every detail otherwise they would have known their plan wasn’t going to work.’’
‘’Could it be someone from the family? Someone that has access to some information but not all of it?’’
‘’It could be. It wouldn’t be the first time it happened.’’
‘’Thank goodness you didn’t have anything with you, they could have sent you to jail.’’ You move closer to him as you say the last part, almost as if you are scared that someone might take him away from you.
Ransom kisses your forehead, sensing your panic. ‘’Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere baby.’’
‘’You better not.’’ You warn him, trying to look threatening but failing miserably.
He laughs quietly, shaking his head. ‘’I promise.’’
You press a kiss to his chest. ‘’I’ll hold you to that.’’
A few minutes later, you start to shiver as the water turns cold. You have no idea how long you’ve been in there but there aren’t any bubbles left and your skin has started pruning. Ransom sees the goosebumps appearing on your skin with each shiver and decides it’s time to get out.
‘’Let’s go back to bed.’’
You pull the plug to empty the tub and move to stand up but Ransom stops you.
‘’Hold on, I’ll get out first and I’ll help you.’’
You move forward to give him enough space to get out and watch as he pats himself dry with the towel that had become his. He ties it around his waist and holds out his hands for you to take and once you do, he pulls to get you up. He puts your towel over you and lifts you out of the tub, then puts you down.
You hurry to dry yourself off, trying to get some warmth back. You go back to your room and go straight to your dresser to get clean clothes to wear to bed. Once you’re dressed you go back to the bathroom to hang up your towel next to Ransom’s.
Ransom’s already lying in your bed, waiting for you. He looks at you as you’re coming back and pouts.
‘’What’s wrong?’’ You chuckle, moving to get under the covers.
‘’You’re wearing clothes.’’
‘’We’re not all heaters on legs, some of us are cold sometimes.’’ You laugh, lying on your back but turning your head to the side to look at Ransom.
In the blink of an eye, Ransom moves from his side of the bed to lying on top of you, taking some of his weight off of you by holding himself up on his elbows. He looks down at you, a playful smirk on his face.
‘’You say the word angel, and I’ll warm you up. I’ll warm you up real good.’’ He wiggles his eyebrows.
‘’You’re a dork, you know that?’’ You smile, amused.
‘’It’s all part of my charm, baby.’’ He leans down and kisses you, so gently that you barely feel it.
You huff. ‘’Stop teasing.’’ You wrap your arms around the back of his neck, tightly, to make sure he’s not going to move away.
‘’You’re no fun.’’
Before you have time to argue, his lips crash onto yours. Barely two seconds later, Ransom’s already deepening the kiss and makes you shiver. He shifts his weight to one arm, freeing the other. His hand cups your cheek as he tilts your head back and once he’s satisfied with the new angle he runs his fingers down your neck, then your side and your thigh. He lifts your thigh slightly upwards to signal to you to put your leg around his waist as he tries to get even closer to you.
Just as things are getting interesting, Ransom’s phone starts to ring. His first instinct is to ignore it, but then he recognizes the special ringtone he chose specifically for James.
You let out a little whine as he slowly moves away from you.
‘’I know. I’m sorry baby.’’ He gives you a quick peck and wiggles his way out of the bed, hurrying to his phone on the desk next to your bedroom door. He picks up as soon as he finds it.
Ransom holds the phone between his cheek and shoulder as he puts on his underwear, he knows James can’t see him but it still feels weird to talk to him without clothes on.
You can’t hear what’s being said, Ransom’s speaking so quietly that you can only make out a few words. Whatever’s being said, you know Ransom’s going to leave soon just by his body language.
You sigh and rub both hands over your face, trying to pull yourself together. You then lift up the covers and get out of bed. You’re about halfway done making the bed when Ransom hangs up and turns around, towards you.
‘’Sorry angel. James wants to try to figure out what happened to me, who did it. I gotta go.’’
‘’It’s ok.’’ You smile, trying to hide how disappointed you are to have barely gotten 12 hours with him after being apart for more than a week.
‘’I promise I’ll come back later.’’ He watches as you’re making the bed, he can tell you’re sad but don’t want to show it.
Ransom puts on a suit while you finish making the bed and once you’re both done, he comes up to you and hugs you from behind.
‘’Are you mad?’’ He hides his face in the crook of your neck.
‘’No, I just thought we’d have more time together before you had to go back to work, that’s all.’’
‘’I thought so too, but I don’t have a choice. If I piss off James again, I might be gone for a lot longer than a week next time.’’
You gasp. ‘’No.’’ You put your hands on his forearms in front of you and hold him tight.
He stands back up and turns you around. ‘’Wait for me tonight?’’ He asks with a little pout.
Ransom gives you a kiss, taking his time but not too much because he really has to go.
‘’Of course I’ll wait. It’s not like I can sleep without you, anyway.’’ You laugh.
‘’I’ll try not to be too long.’’ He kisses the tip of your nose, grinning when it scrunches up. ‘’Can you give me a ride? James’ got my car.’’
‘’I just gotta change first. Give me a sec.’’
‘’I’ll wait for you downstairs.’’
‘’I’ll be right there.’’ You say, already in your closet to find a pair of jeans.
You quickly change from your shorts to your jeans, throw on a sweater on top of your shirt and hurry downstairs. You put on your boots and your coat, you make sure you have your phone and step outside. You lock the door quickly and go join Ransom in your car. He’s sitting in the driver’s seat, leaving you to sit in the passenger’s seat.
‘’Ready?’’ He watches you as you put on your seatbelt.
‘’Ready.’’ You confirm right after hearing the little ‘click’ sound from your seatbelt.
Ransom holds your hand the entire time, lifting it up to his lips to kiss it every few minutes.
Once you’re there, Ransom leaves the keys in the ignition as you both get out. He also leaves the door open on his side so you can slip right back in.
Ransom takes you by the hip as he brings you closer to him, to kiss you one last time before he really has to go. You’re startled by Ransom’s guys whistling and cheering him on, a little bit embarrassed to have been caught kissing him by his men.
Ransom groans, annoyed. Why does the universe hate him so much? He just wants one uninterrupted, peaceful, loving moment with you. That’s all he’s asking for.
‘’Get a damn room.’’ One of them yells at you.
‘’It’s not for the lack of fucking trying.’’ He mumbles under his breath.
Ransom kisses your forehead quickly and lets you get back in your car.
‘’Text me when you get home.’’
You nod and smile. ‘’I will. Text me when you’re done here.’’
‘’I will.’’ He winks playfully.
You nod towards the door. ‘’You better go before James comes out to get you.’’
‘’You’re right.’’ He gives you one last smile before hurrying inside as you pull out of the parking lot.
Today’s meeting was chaotic. No one’s really listening to what the others have to say. They’re all pitching their theories, pointing fingers at everyone without listening to what Ransom is trying to explain. He hadn’t come in with the best of attitude or mood, and this meeting only made things worse.
At some point he just gave up. The bridge of his nose hurts from all the pinching he’s been doing. He stares at your text saying you had made it home safely and now all he wants to do is be there with you.
Ransom bangs his fist against the table, shutting everyone up.
‘’Can you all shut the fuck up for 5 fucking minutes?’’ He growls.
They all stare at him, finally letting him speak.
"I'm 100% sure that the guys I met with aren't the ones who tipped off the cops. It's too obvious, and they knew that I didn't have money or guns on me. If they were going to rat one of us out, they would have done it so that there wouldn't be a chance of me getting out and finding them. The tip came from someone who knew where I was going to be, what I was doing there but that didn't know the way we operate. They fucked up. Now, we need to find out who did this."
James nods. "Ransom is right."
"But there was no way in hell those guys I met with were gun suppliers. I don't know who told you about them, but they were a joke."
"We will discuss that later."
"Anything else?" Ransom asks, looking around the table. "Ok, then."
He pushes his chair back and stands up.
"Where are you going?" James frowns as he watches Ransom.
"Home. My girl's waiting for me." He answers like it's the most obvious thing.
James sighs. "You really need to cool it with this girl. You've been here an hour and you're already running back to her." He shakes his head disapprovingly.
Ransom's anger from last week is slowly making its way back up to the surface.
"No. I have been away for more than a week because you were pissed at me for caring for someone else. You took me away from her when she needed someone to be there for her the most. Maybe for you it's just an hour, but for me it's 9 days and one hour, and counting."
"Watch it." His boss warns him.
"Why can all of you have wives or girlfriends and sometimes both, but when I get a girlfriend I need to "cool it" and I need to be sent away? And don't you dare say it's because I am spending more time with her than I am here. Jesse disappeared for almost 2 weeks on a bender with a girl he never saw again and no one bat an eye." He shakes his head and puts his coat back on. "My relationship is serious. It's real and it's happening, so deal with it."
Ransom walks out before anyone can say anything and 30 seconds later he's sitting in his car. He turns it on and pulls out on the street a few seconds later, too pissed to remember to text you.
After sending the text to Ransom, you looked around your house and felt empty again.
You had been looking forward to finally being with Ransom but that was very short lived.
As you sit on your couch, you try to find something to do. You have no idea how long Ransom is going to be gone and you need to keep yourself busy.
You go back to your room, turn off the lights and settle into bed to watch TV. You scroll through half a dozen lists before finally settling on a movie. You toss the remote to the side and grab the pillow next to you to hold it to your chest. As your arms close around it, you're hit by the strong smell of Ransom's cologne and you feel your entire body relax. You hold the pillow a little tighter and close your eyes.
You end up falling asleep, snuggling Ransom's pillow.
It doesn't take long for Ransom to get back home, 10 minutes later he is parking his car next to yours in your driveway and 15 seconds later he is unlocking your front door with the key you gave him.
He closes the door behind him and turns the lock back into place. While he takes off his boots and coat, he listens to try and figure out where you are.
"Baby?" He calls out when he doesn't hear anything.
He goes to check the kitchen and the living room, finding them both empty. As he gets closer to the bottom of the stairs, he can hear the muffled sound of the TV. He hurries upstairs, climbing two steps at a time which isn't really hard to do with his long legs.
Ransom slowly opens your bedroom door and he feels himself melt when his eyes fall on you. The sight of you sleeping, all curled up around his pillow, makes his heart race in his chest. He can't stop the grin that rapidly spreads on his lips and the fond look in his eyes.
He silently walks into your room and closes the door without a sound. He moves quietly towards your bed and climbs on it behind you to wrap himself around you.
You are startled awake when you feel his arm pulling you closer to him.
"Oh, I'm sorry baby. It's just me." He kisses your neck. "You just looked so comfy, I couldn't help myself."
You rub at your eyes and move a little further away from the edge to give Ransom more space, to keep him from falling down. You let go of his pillow and turn around to hold him instead, the real thing is much, much better.
"How long were you gone?"
He kisses the tip of your nose and smiles when you scrunch it up.
"A little over an hour?"
You look surprised. "Really? That's it? I thought James was going to keep you away from me for a lot longer than that."
Ransom shrugs and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. "I think that was the plan, unfortunately for him I had a different one."
"That must have gone over well." You chuckle.
"I didn't stick around long enough to find out, I'll probably get my ass kicked tomorrow but it's totally worth it." He kisses your forehead.
You smile even though you want to ask Ransom if he’s kidding, but something tells you that he isn’t.
‘’Are you hungry? I’ll make us some dinner.’’ You sit up, looking down at Ransom.
‘’How about you get dressed and I take you out instead?’’ He takes one of your hands and brings it to his lips to press small kisses on your knuckles.
‘’Are you scared of my cooking?’’ You tease him.
‘’No, I just want to show you off a little.’’ He grins as he keeps kissing your hand.
You laugh. ‘’Well, in that case I can’t really say no.’’
He shakes his head. ‘’You really can’t.’’ He sits up and moves up the bed until his back is against the headboard. ‘’Go on.’’ He gently nudges you with a small smirk on his face.
‘’I’m going, I’m going.’’ You hurry out of bed and walk over to your closet. ‘’What should I wear?’’ You ask him while going through your clothes.
‘’Whatever you feel good in.’’ He simply answers as he watches you.
You grab a few options and go into your bathroom to change, closing the door behind you. You try a few things on, before deciding on your final choice, then you do your hair and put on a little makeup to hide the remaining bruise on your cheek. You know Ransom doesn’t care but you don’t want people staring at you all night. Especially not when they know who Ransom is and what he does, you’d hate for them to think he was the one who put that bruise there.
Once you’re satisfied with the way you look, you turn off the lights in the bathroom and open the door. You walk back into your room and look at Ransom.
‘’Is this ok?’’ You ask shyly.
You honestly can’t remember the last time you went out to dinner with someone, even less with a boyfriend, and it’s making you nervous.
Ransom looks you up and down, grinning. ‘’You look perfect, angel.’’ He stands up from the bed and walks over to you. ‘’Gorgeous.’’ He gives you a small kiss before quickly pulling away, making you pout slightly. ‘’Don’t give me that face, if I kiss you longer than that we’ll never leave this house.’’
You giggle. You, a grown woman, giggled. You’d be embarrassed by it if Ransom’s smile hadn’t become 10 times brighter at the sound.
You very rarely wore dresses, not because you didn’t like them but just because you rarely had an opportunity to wear them. Tonight is the perfect time to wear one, and that’s why you chose to wear your prettiest black dress. Ransom’s suit is all black too, so you fit perfectly together and to be honest, it does things to Ransom at the simple thought of you two looking so perfect together.
You both walk down the stairs, hand in hand, and only let go when you have to put on your shoes and coats.
Ransom holds your coat for you while you put on your shoes and helps you put it on.
‘’Thank you, Ransom.’’ You kiss his cheek before letting him guide you outside.
He opens the door for you and gives you his hand to hold as you sit in the passenger’s seat of his car. Once you’re seated and your door is closed, he’s quick to come sit next to you.
While he drives, he reaches over to you, puts his hand in yours and intertwines your fingers together. You can’t help but smile at the sweet gesture, squeezing his hand gently.
Your heart keeps fluttering in your chest when Ransom is around. Whenever you see the fond look in his eyes when he’s looking at you, the way he smiles when he listens to you talk or laugh, the way he holds you at night like you’re the most precious thing in his life, when he kisses you with so much love it almost makes your heart burst into your chest or when he’s kissing you with so much desire and his hands start to wander like he can’t help himself.
That’s on top of all of your own feelings you have for Ransom. It’s almost overwhelming at times but you wouldn’t want to trade all of this for anything else or anyone else.
You’ve had boyfriends before, some of them for longer periods than others, yet none of your relationships ever felt like this. It goes beyond the physical attraction or emotional connection, it’s like your two beings are being pulled together. At first you thought it was just you, because you hadn’t caught someone’s attention in so long and you were scared he might lose interest quickly, but after being apart for over a week you now know that you both feel the same way. Your relationship is still very new while it feels like you’ve known each other forever. It used to frighten you, how quickly you’ve been falling for Ransom. Now it feels so right that you just go with it and enjoy every moment you get to spend with him.
You have decided to wait before telling Ransom about the picture you received while he was away. For now, you have no reason to believe it will happen again and Ransom already has a lot on his plate with what happened while he was away.
For tonight, you’re going to enjoy spending time with your man and have fun on your date without caring about who might be watching from the shadows.
@deputy-videogamer | @n3ssm0nique | @rootcrop | @leyannrae | @samwinter09 | @dontbescaredtosingalong | @raging-panda | @broadwaybabe18 | @lilbabygirll | @blackwidownat2814 | @dancer3205 | @thatsmyfavoritewhiteboy | @littlemissthistle | @tenaciousperfectionunknown | @krissy25 | @littlebunbun876 | @lover-of-bucky | @beingagodsucks | @rainbowkisses31 | @benbarnesbussy | @emi11ie | @floral-recs | @rogersdrysdalebarber
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a long , long time
Weekly challenge
hasn’t been read through so please ignore the mistakes please
this is sorta a continued of ROSE , but can be read by its self
How ?
How can you do this ? How are you going to keep going ? Why did he do this ? Why leave you ? Why leave his daughter ? why her , why is it always her ?
you dont know how your going to do this ,you dont know how your gonna cop being a single parent , you dont know how you are going to do it alone ,. More importantly how are you going to get over him ?
How are you ever going to get over Steve Rogers ?
one thing is for sure , you have to for the sake of your daughter . Even though you will never love another , because Steve no matter what will always be your first and only love and that why it hurts so much .But you need to at least be strong for your daughter , she just lost her father.
Time , time is all you need .
it was a random Sunday , at a random park where Steve sat , He knows that he has just when back to ever one , but he hasn’t showed his face yet. He looked around the park as the tree rustle against the wind as the odd person or two passes by . At this moment he feels peace .He had lived a beautiful life , with the women he truly loves and he wouldn’t change .A life with Peggy , a life in his time was everything Steve wanted and got .
But for him the last 8 years or so haven’t been easy , with old age playing effect on him ,the snap and the death of his love he was mostly been by himself . leaving him more time to think about them , her , you , his daughter . wonder what it would be like if he stay , how you are , did you meet some one else ? the thought sickens steve your his wife … wait was his wife and what about his daughter he doesn’t want another man raiser her .But what thats what it like now he made his choice and no matter what life he picked , it would always be filled with what ifs / and questions , theory on how he life would of went .
He buried the memory of you and his daughter for so long , Peggy never knew he had a daughter or a wife . His other children never know that there have a sister who is the same age as their grandchildren . He never thought about you , not untill it came to the years where he knew some place in the world right now , you and his younger self where together , meeting , working , dating , married , a child all together . And now your by your self .
on the days like when he asked you to marry him , got married he thought about you all day , was so so temper to go and see you and him self , but it was to risky . he remember everything , every detail to your hair , dress , your shocked face when he got on his knee . the small tear that rolled down your cheek where saying your “i dos “ . He would sit there on those days buying a single rose and drawing you.
even on the day you were born you never left his mind , he find it quiet funny and sad on that day , thinking this is the day his wife was born , but also all the pain that was to come your way , that he couldnt do anyhing about
But htere were days like the 7th of January 2020 were he couldn’t just sit there by himself with his thoughts . He made his way to a random hospital in Brooklyn . He sat outside on a bench for hours , people would pass by ask if was okay an odd nurse or too would come up and ask if he was a patience . unknowingly to them his daughter , his eldest , yet youngest chronologically was being born . He sat there for hours thinking and remembering , the first time he holded her , her first steps , the annoyed look on your face when her first word was “pa “ , he remember how happy he was , he swears he never smiled so wide so happy , spinning his daughter around promising her the world because she said dad first . He chucked at the memory . He left sortly after not getting a glance at you or his daughter since he could risk seeing his self .
that was roughly three years ago and on that day every year he would celebrate in one why . he would also send her a gift which he knows he should but he couldn’t stop him self .
Now he sits here on this bench, knowing soon he will have to see everyone well at least Bruce and Bucky to tell them not his okay an nothing went wrong . He was so lost in his thoughts he didnt notice the little girl run passed and trip over a rock right in frount of him
the girl had pushed her hands ifrount of her to try and save her self and let out a little cry . Steve got up the fastest her could , he reach of her hand and helped her up , while looking around to see if there was anyone running after her , not yet anyway .
the little girl was now up on her feet , with small sniffles . Her hair was long and blonde covering her face in all different direction . Her little hands trying to push her hair out of her face . Steve kneeled down to help her .
“ are you ok….”
he stop , his old heart began to beat face , his eyes wide
“ Sarah ?”
the sight of his daughter broke him , he didnt realise how much he missed her , his first child , the one he promise to always be around .
“ hmm “ was the onlt thing that came out of her . she glanced up to meet steves eyes . Blue meet blue , the same blue
Hers widen , in shook , she looked like she was about to cry .
“ h … how do yo. you know ..my ..n..name “ she coked on every word , taking her time .
Steve was silent he didn’t know what to say , the fact that his daughter that he left behind was right infrount of him.
her mouth only widen as she brought her tiny hand up towards steve face and pointed at his teary eyes .
“ y.. you … you stole my daddy’s eyes “ her little face scrunched up angerly
he slighlt chuckled shaking his head “ n..no i didnt blue “
her hand quickly wet to her side at the name
“wh… onli daddy cowlds me t..hat “
“ i.. i know “ his tears now fully streaming downs his eyes .
“how?” she asked quickly
“be..because ..” he truly didnt know what to say
“ your my daddy ?”
he forget how smart she was , she may only be three but even Tony said shell grew up to be a genius and has the smartest around about an 8 year old the least time there checked
he nodded his head in relief , the little girl only seem to grow anger as she place her hand on his cheek .
“liar .. my daddy is young …. my daddy will hurt you …. my daddy is c.cap .. amwerica he .. does good ..and doesn’t liek liars “ but then she paused for a moment her eyes grew red and her lip trembled “b…but his a li..liar … he l…my daddy ..left me “
and with that she fell to the ground with aloud sob , and Steve went with her , both crying on the floor
“ h..”
“mm im sorry blue …but i am your .. daddy ?” he knows he shouldn’t but he couldn’t help it his little girl right there crying over him , his heart is breaking and dying
“how could i ever leave her ? “but he did
“ho.. how ?” you looked up
he stay silent how do you tell you daughter you left her and her mother to grow old with some one else.
“ how do i know your .. not lying ?”he glared at him . the same expression she shares with you , he let out a small chuckled , his daughter asking all the right question , she she so much like you .
“ i call .. you blue be..because we both .. have blue eyes “ a small smile placed on his lips , at the memory of finding the perfect nickname of his daughter .
she just nodded in agreement staring him down . he smile shiftig on his bony knees .
“ yo.. your first word was pa … your birthday is 7th of January , you cant go to sleep with out piggy .. yo..you favoit food is cookie .. double double chocolate chips that antie nat makes …. you love that silly little show that .. “
“the song “ she cut him off
“what ?” he titled his head
“ if you are really my daddy .. you know the song “ her eyes soften almost coming to terms that he is her father
he paused for a mintes , cold tears falling from his eyes , every memory , everytime he song her to sleep with the song , the song that was your and his first dance together as husband and wife
“it … its” he could trust his own words , his voice he was so emotional he was sure hes old fragil body would give away .
“ its .. its been a . long .. long time “ he closer his eyes in a temper to clear his vision as he sung the melody
“never thought that you would be standing here so close to me ,
theres so much i feel that i should say
but words can wait untill some other day
kiss me once the kiss me twist
then kiss me one again
its been a long long time
haven't felt like this my dear
since cant remember when
you'll never know how many dreams
iv dreamed about you
or just how empty there seem with out you
so kiss me once then kiss me twist
then kiss me once again “
he paushed on ever word , every line , a thousand memory and emotions , him meaning every word as he looked into the yes of his daughter , that he had missed so much , the same blue eys he shared . The ones that have grown to accept that he is her father , her papa , her daddy .
with both teary eyes ,cold stinging cheeks against the hash wind on he ground of a random park , on a random Sunday , there finish the song together meaning very word , as father and daughter
“its been a long , long time “
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Hey! Love your writing 🥰 was just wondering with the wolf within is still in works.....I am not ready to let go of alpha random 😭
Due to your request I've started writing again and more specifically this story . I will post a new chapter soon but I can't guarantee it will be the best . I love this ransom story and had so much planned I just haven't had the motivation to write again and i would love to finish this story .
#chris evans fanfiction#ransom x y/n#ransom x reader#ransom drysdale x y/n#ransom drysdale x you#ransom drysdale x reader
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Chapter 2
Lisa pov
I sat at the kitchen isle with my phone heavy in my hand. My heart beating fast with excitement
I got the text just last night around 5 pm which must of been early morning late night of them . As the waters final broke
My newest granddaughter coming into the world
I couldn't sleep all night . The panic of everything and how it's all a sudden become very real . If that how I felt god knows how y/n felt .
I'm just glad she wasnt by her self she been through so much the last couple of month no thanks the my son .
Arr that's a story for a different time . I love and adore that boy . Mothers love after all but I wont ever forgive or forget what he did to the girl I'd hope to call my daughter one day .
He threw it all away for his new assistant he cheated with and now he has to deal with the consequences.
I gladed up to the clock on the wall behind me .
God is she even hear yet ?
I know labour can be long and hard . I should know four times but with everyone it's less time
I zoned out thinking about each day my own little ones came into the world . Robert was always with me . With his kids when they came into the world .
It's a shame y/n and the baby will never know that. But this is what she wanted nothing to do with my son . I dont blame her. It pains me so much .especially lying to my son but he lied to her for far too long. Did what he said he would never do . But did it anyway .
At least Scott's with them
I'll never forget the day we found . Found out everything.
7 months ago
3rd person
"You know lisa your pancakes ....... " y/n slowed swoled the rest of her food.
"Are too good for this world "
A soft giggled escape y/n lips as syrup tripled down her chin as Lisa's laughter boomed through out the kitchen
"Why thank you .... " Lisa said with a wife smile on the other side of the table .
"So what's chris and you up today " she asked
The smile that was once on y/n suddenly dropped as her head fell down look at the plate
"Ummm .. he went to New York for a shoot I think ..." she said quietly
"Is that boy serious!"
"Its fine lisa he said hell be back tonight you know " y/n rushed out
Lisa sighed and took a deep breath
"That's not the point .... he just asked for your hand in marriage and he couldn't spare a month or two to spend with you ."
Lisa stated but then her brows raised "wait I thought he said he didnt have anything for at least 9 weeks "
Y/n just shrugged her shoulder clearly hiding somthing
"Did you two have a fight ? " lisa asked but quickly came consider as y/n face twisted with disgust.
"What is it the pancakes or my son ?" Lisa chuckled lightly leaning towards placing a hand on top of y/n . Who just shook her head until she shot up and raced around the kitchen isle to the sink .
The sounds of choking and gagging as well as a swash sounded echoed throught out the kitchen
Lisa stood as fast as she could and went behind y/n
"I'm..... hmmm.. I'm...so ...s...so sorry lisa " y/n wiped her mouth with the back of her hand a few tears escaped her eyes .
"What ... no dont be silly. " lisa quickly filled a glass of water up handing it to y/n
"Maybe I didnt cook the pancakes right ?"
"No ... not at all "
Lisa titled her head waiting for y/n to continue.
"It happend this morning..... and yesterday " y/ n half closed her eyes as her heart sped up .
"And umm .umm"
"How long " a small smile spread on lisa face .
"What ? " y/n head shot up
"How far along are you ?" Lisa asked .y/n eyes wides
"What !..... "
Lisa had a small knowing smile on her face .slowly taking the glass out of y/n hand
"Come on .. we are going to the store .."
Present day lisa pov
I rember that day . God we were both so happy . Well I was . I was about to be a grandmother again . And I know y/n was but she was hiding somthing
I'm not gonna lie at first I thought it might not be chris by the way she was acting . But it was far from it . More like she was to much of love fool to leave my stuiped son . It pains me to think about the future there could of had . The pain and lies he put her threw
But hey she has her baby and he now has his son to .
My eyes blured as I was stuck in my own head . I almost missed the phone buzzing in my hand
I smiled wide
"Hi " I waved as I asked the face time to my youngest sons face on the other side .
"Hi ma " scott said quietly. Clearly still in the hospital room
"So !" I said exitenly nearly bouncing on my seat
"Ma ! " scott snapped quietly again . "There asleep "
"Both of them " I asked . Abit upset .
"Yeah " scott began to make he way across the room
"Sorry " I said quietly.
Scott shook his head a little laugh left him as he smiled .
"So ..." he tiled her phone until i saw a sleeping y/n sound a sleep "she wiped out "
"I dont blame her child birth is no joke "
"Tell me about I think she broke my hand "scott said seriously.
"Just be thankful she didnt bite you " I laught
Scott zoomed his face back on him
"No she did . " he nodded his head " got stitches to ... oh and I think my ego hurt to ... she made her feeling very clear .... I think she thought I was chris when she did tho . " he took a deep breath "that's what I'm telling my self anyway "
I couldn't help but laugh. I couldn't help my self Scott looked like a kick puppy
"Ma it's not funny I got stitches ..."
I shook my head slowly quiting my laughs
"Sorry "
The smile quickly returned on Scott's face
"So .... ready to meet your granddaughter?"
My eyes widen as I nodded "please "
Scott switch the carma so it flipped until next to the hospital bed there was a tanspart container that was filled with pink and yellow blankets
My breath stopped and my eyes watered
"Oh my.... "
"She beautiful isn't she ?" Scott said softly
A sob left me "oh my god Scott just look at her. "
"Oh ma dont cry "
"I have to... just look.... oh she just... "
I quickly wiped the tears away
"So .... how ... "
"She healthy ..." Scott began behind the carma as it was till forced on the little bundle
"Small at 5 pounds but healthy . Small surprising how big the bump was ..."
"Good .. good " I chuckled. "Oh .."
"And do you wanna guess what she called her ? "
"Lisa ?" I quickly said .
"No .." oh my heart snake "well not quite ..."
I heard some murmurs and bed sheets moving
"Its ma ..."
"Oh .!"
The phone images blured as the phone was quickly taken. Until it fell onto a tried looking y/n with bed hair .
"Hi " y/n
"Hiya "
"So what point did he get to ?" She asked
"The name " I said .
"Oh yes the name "
"Lisa meet ... Clara Lisa Anne Evans"
#chris evans#chris evans x reader#chris evans fanfiction#fanfic#chris evans au#chris evans x you#chris evans x mom!reader#chris evans x female reader#chris evans x y/n
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SORRY -part 2
Out of love

Part two to July
I won't tell you I'm lonely
'Cause it might be selfish
I won't ask you to hold me
'Cause that won't mend what's helpless
Sitting in this shitty hotel room. With my cheeks stained with tears . My heart was well and truly broke then pain within my veins and the suffocation .
The tv buzzed in the background as my mind relived every moment it could remeber I had spent with my husband for the last 10 years . Form the begin to me leaving last night .
I know I did what's best for him but call me selfish I just want my Andy but I guess in his view you cant ment what's helpless . So he went to the arms of someone else .
There's not a thing I could say
Not a song I could sing
For your mind to change
Nothing can fill up the space
Won't ask you to stay
But let me ask you one thing
Nothing is going to change this . He went to someone else . And yes my heart hurts at the thought but what hurts me is I dont know why
I wanna know if he woke up saw me gonna .found the papers ? And if he did is he hurting like me or reviled as I think he is ?
Is he looking for me ? Or did he run to her ? Is he happy I left him? Did he knew I was
See I love him I will always love him and I know its toxic but if he came looking for me wanting to work our marriage out . I'd forgive him in a heart beat .
Out of everything this last year has happend I just want to ask him one thing . One thing
When did you fall out of love?
Out of love?
Oh, when did you fall out of love with me
I can't float in an ocean
That's already been drained
I won't cry at your feet now
I know my tears will fall in vein
There's not a thing I could say
Not a song I could sing
For your mind to change
Nothing can fill up the space
Won't ask you to stay
But let me ask you one thing
Oh, when did you fall out of love?
Out of love?
Oh, when did you fall out of love with me?
No use
Why your change in heart has wondered
So I ask you this question
'Cause it might help me sleep longer
The sickness feeling the heart break. I dont need to know why he went to someone else and didnt want to help our marriage . Just when did he fall out of love with me !!!
The thought caused me to let out a loud sob into the empty room that was now filled with light from the sun .that had risen .
I quickly went to get my phone like I have done all night . Its 7 in the morning he should be up by now . He should know I'm gonna .
Yes I love him. But it doesnt mean I'm not spiteful and selfish. I left the way I did as I test I guess and now I just gotta wait for the results .
Oh, when did you fall out of love?
Out of love?
Oh, when did you run out of love for me?
Out of love? (Out of love)
Out of love? (Out of love)
Out of love with me?
The screen lit up . And my eyes squinted in order to see the screen as my eyes still blured with tears .

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SORRY -part 2
Out of love

Part two to July
I won't tell you I'm lonely
'Cause it might be selfish
I won't ask you to hold me
'Cause that won't mend what's helpless
Sitting in this shitty hotel room. With my cheeks stained with tears . My heart was well and truly broke then pain within my veins and the suffocation .
The tv buzzed in the background as my mind relived every moment it could remeber I had spent with my husband for the last 10 years . Form the begin to me leaving last night .
I know I did what's best for him but call me selfish I just want my Andy but I guess in his view you cant ment what's helpless . So he went to the arms of someone else .
There's not a thing I could say
Not a song I could sing
For your mind to change
Nothing can fill up the space
Won't ask you to stay
But let me ask you one thing
Nothing is going to change this . He went to someone else . And yes my heart hurts at the thought but what hurts me is I dont know why
I wanna know if he woke up saw me gonna .found the papers ? And if he did is he hurting like me or reviled as I think he is ?
Is he looking for me ? Or did he run to her ? Is he happy I left him? Did he knew I was
See I love him I will always love him and I know its toxic but if he came looking for me wanting to work our marriage out . I'd forgive him in a heart beat .
Out of everything this last year has happend I just want to ask him one thing . One thing
When did you fall out of love?
Out of love?
Oh, when did you fall out of love with me
I can't float in an ocean
That's already been drained
I won't cry at your feet now
I know my tears will fall in vein
There's not a thing I could say
Not a song I could sing
For your mind to change
Nothing can fill up the space
Won't ask you to stay
But let me ask you one thing
Oh, when did you fall out of love?
Out of love?
Oh, when did you fall out of love with me?
No use
Why your change in heart has wondered
So I ask you this question
'Cause it might help me sleep longer
The sickness feeling the heart break. I dont need to know why he went to someone else and didnt want to help our marriage . Just when did he fall out of love with me !!!
The thought caused me to let out a loud sob into the empty room that was now filled with light from the sun .that had risen .
I quickly went to get my phone like I have done all night . Its 7 in the morning he should be up by now . He should know I'm gonna .
Yes I love him. But it doesnt mean I'm not spiteful and selfish. I left the way I did as I test I guess and now I just gotta wait for the results .
Oh, when did you fall out of love?
Out of love?
Oh, when did you run out of love for me?
Out of love? (Out of love)
Out of love? (Out of love)
Out of love with me?
The screen lit up . And my eyes squinted in order to see the screen as my eyes still blured with tears .

#chris evans#chris evans x reader#chris evans fanfiction#andy barben x female reader .#andy barben x y/n#andy barben#andy barben x reader
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May I introduce a new story. I have no idea if I'll finish but here ya go .
An Andy Barben story
Part 2 coming soooooonnnnn
Andy x Reader
A/N remember you can always send in request .
Aswell as a song along with a character and I'll write a one shot

I've been holding my breath
I've been counting to ten
Over something you said
I've been holding back tears
While you're throwing back beers
I'm alone in bed
I know this isn't good . I know it's not good for me I cant help my eyes from stinging tho . I've tried to get close to him . I've tired god knows I've tried .
Andy Barben
The bed room had a heavy silent as he down the last of his drink as I read my book . It had been a ruf day once again for him . Well at least I think he has barely said a word . No kiss when he come in from work .and went straight for the beer
However as I think about it. It's been like that for while . As my heart stings yearning for my husband who has made it clear time and time although not saying the words you could tell he didnt for you . Well at least not anymore .
You know I, I'm afraid of change
Guess that's why we stay the same
Its been like this for a while . You see I think the problem is we got to comfortable with eachother . After four years of marriage and nearly a decade of being with each we did the same thing.
But I dont want it to change . I love him . Oh I love him .
I just ...
I dont think he loves me anymore
So tell me to leave, I'll pack my bags, get on the road
Find someone that loves you better than I do, darling, I know
'Cause you remind me every day, I'm not enough, but I still stay
See I knew from the beginning I'd never be enough for Andy I mean look at him . He has always been successful. He is always kind and loving. I also knew I was lucky to have him.
But I never felt good enough for him . But I tried to be .
I mean he use to tell me all the time he loved me and I could see it in his eyes . But now I know when he says it he shares those words with another and he means them alot more with her
Feels like a lifetime
Just tryna get by
While we're dying inside
I've done a lot of things wrong
Loving you being one
But I can't move on
Although I know what Andy has been doing with the new lawyer in his firm I could never bring myself to say anything as i was dying inside . I tried god I tired .
But what's the point when your the only one loving in the relationship . I love Andy with everything in me . I do anything for him.
But you see that's the problem I've been doing that for to long now .
You know I, I'm afraid of change
Guess that's why we stay the same
That's why its stayed the same. Me at home with my work while he went to his work with her . I just hope he loves her because its killed me
So tell me to leave,I'll pack my bags, get on the road
As andy made his way into the bed he turned his back from me once again . I put my head on my pillow facing his back . I wish he would hold me one more time
"Night love " I spoke softly in the dark of the room
"Night " was his short response
"I love you andy " a single tear rolled down my cheek .
"Love ya " he shifted around before closing his eyes with a deep breath as I tried hold in my sob .
Unknowing to him my bags where packed my clothes gone from my closet waiting under the stairs with papers waiting for him on the kitchen table
Find someone that loves you better than I do, darling, I know
I just hope. He loves her and is happy with her . Because I love him and for him I cant see him die inside everytime I'm near him or tell him a love him when he wants to be with her
'Cause you remind me every day, I'm not enough, but I still stay
The daily reminder I was never enough . After 10 or so years I finally decided not to stay .
When I heard to soft snores after 20 minutes or so I slowly got up . My shoes under the bed along with a shirt and leggings. I quickly changed and made my way to the bedroom door .
But not before I stood in front of the man I love. I love at him not in a creepy way but loving. See his cheated but I know hes a good man I just wasnt enough . I never deserved a man like him.
I looked at every detail . From his breaded checks covering his freckle to his soft brown curls on top of his head . I slowly lowered my head until I place a kiss on his cheek . Taking a deep breath
If you want me to leave, then tell me to leave, and baby, I'll go
Although he never said the word I knew he wanted me to leave and be with her . He just couldn't do it him self so I did for him .
So as I stood outside our shared home with my bags and suit case . Where I once hoped I'd grow old and share with my husband and future children . I waited until my uber pulled up .
My cheeks stung from my tears as I turned around towards the door as I slipped my keys through the letter box
"Baby I'll go . "
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I dont normally send asks unless I can go anonymous, BUT July has me so emotional I had you tell you, you have to fix my heart after that emotional torture. Tell me it was a misunderstanding. Its was sooo painfully good😭😂🥰😘
Firstly thank you for sending your ask . And I'm sorry for your heart break 🥺.thank your for reading and thinking it should be considered good
But I'm doing it as a mini series now . I think. For this story
The seconde part is already to go and is set around the song "out of love " (make of that what you will .there will be more after that )
The parts will be based on songs .
So I dont know if I can fix your heart just yet or at all .
But if you have a song in mind or any request it may sway the outcome
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I'm thinking about turning this into a mini series what do ya think?
Andy x Reader
A/N remember you can always send in request .
Aswell as a song along with a character and I'll write a one shot

I've been holding my breath
I've been counting to ten
Over something you said
I've been holding back tears
While you're throwing back beers
I'm alone in bed
I know this isn't good . I know it's not good for me I cant help my eyes from stinging tho . I've tried to get close to him . I've tired god knows I've tried .
Andy Barben
The bed room had a heavy silent as he down the last of his drink as I read my book . It had been a ruf day once again for him . Well at least I think he has barely said a word . No kiss when he come in from work .and went straight for the beer
However as I think about it. It's been like that for while . As my heart stings yearning for my husband who has made it clear time and time although not saying the words you could tell he didnt for you . Well at least not anymore .
You know I, I'm afraid of change
Guess that's why we stay the same
Its been like this for a while . You see I think the problem is we got to comfortable with eachother . After four years of marriage and nearly a decade of being with each we did the same thing.
But I dont want it to change . I love him . Oh I love him .
I just ...
I dont think he loves me anymore
So tell me to leave, I'll pack my bags, get on the road
Find someone that loves you better than I do, darling, I know
'Cause you remind me every day, I'm not enough, but I still stay
See I knew from the beginning I'd never be enough for Andy I mean look at him . He has always been successful. He is always kind and loving. I also knew I was lucky to have him.
But I never felt good enough for him . But I tried to be .
I mean he use to tell me all the time he loved me and I could see it in his eyes . But now I know when he says it he shares those words with another and he means them alot more with her
Feels like a lifetime
Just tryna get by
While we're dying inside
I've done a lot of things wrong
Loving you being one
But I can't move on
Although I know what Andy has been doing with the new lawyer in his firm I could never bring myself to say anything as i was dying inside . I tried god I tired .
But what's the point when your the only one loving in the relationship . I love Andy with everything in me . I do anything for him.
But you see that's the problem I've been doing that for to long now .
You know I, I'm afraid of change
Guess that's why we stay the same
That's why its stayed the same. Me at home with my work while he went to his work with her . I just hope he loves her because its killed me
So tell me to leave,I'll pack my bags, get on the road
As andy made his way into the bed he turned his back from me once again . I put my head on my pillow facing his back . I wish he would hold me one more time
"Night love " I spoke softly in the dark of the room
"Night " was his short response
"I love you andy " a single tear rolled down my cheek .
"Love ya " he shifted around before closing his eyes with a deep breath as I tried hold in my sob .
Unknowing to him my bags where packed my clothes gone from my closet waiting under the stairs with papers waiting for him on the kitchen table
Find someone that loves you better than I do, darling, I know
I just hope. He loves her and is happy with her . Because I love him and for him I cant see him die inside everytime I'm near him or tell him a love him when he wants to be with her
'Cause you remind me every day, I'm not enough, but I still stay
The daily reminder I was never enough . After 10 or so years I finally decided not to stay .
When I heard to soft snores after 20 minutes or so I slowly got up . My shoes under the bed along with a shirt and leggings. I quickly changed and made my way to the bedroom door .
But not before I stood in front of the man I love. I love at him not in a creepy way but loving. See his cheated but I know hes a good man I just wasnt enough . I never deserved a man like him.
I looked at every detail . From his breaded checks covering his freckle to his soft brown curls on top of his head . I slowly lowered my head until I place a kiss on his cheek . Taking a deep breath
If you want me to leave, then tell me to leave, and baby, I'll go
Although he never said the word I knew he wanted me to leave and be with her . He just couldn't do it him self so I did for him .
So as I stood outside our shared home with my bags and suit case . Where I once hoped I'd grow old and share with my husband and future children . I waited until my uber pulled up .
My cheeks stung from my tears as I turned around towards the door as I slipped my keys through the letter box
"Baby I'll go . "
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The pain of being in love
Part 9

"Chris ...."
"Y/n .... y..you actually opened the door !" Chris said softly just as soft as he eyes were on you . His chest was no longer heavy and in pain but more light but it didnt stop the fast beating if his heart
"You didnt think I would ? " y/n crossed her arms over her chest and tiled her head to the side. Not quite telling what she felt in the moment
"I ..I. yes... and then. ... I was ...was gonna "
"What leave ,clime threw I window " y/n snapped
"What ! ... I dont know "chris suddenly become hurt once again at her voice .
She took a deep breath "why are you here Chris " she asked slowly .
He stood there silent for a moment or two.
"I just need to see you " he said it was such confidence as if it was his only misson in life . It took y/n by surprise so much she felt tears burn her eyes
"And ...um whys that ...you made your feeling perfectly cle....."
With her word cut off my an unfamiliar feeling of soft yet chapped lips meet her and the ticklish feeling on her cheeks from what ? A bread . Y/n forget how to breath for a moment and just stood there . It last no more then two . Maybe three sentence but it was enough for her to have everything she ever wanted and everything she didnt need right now by making everything so confusing
"Oh shit ... shit .. I'm.. shit ...y/n im ..."
It was Chris turn to he cut of as y/n predicly leaped on him . He quickly brought her close and held her tight as there fighted for dominance. It wasnt untill Chris took some step forward enough to now be inside and to spin y/n closing the door while pushing her against it .
As y/n grabbed onto chris hair she cant help but it feel like she was walking on air . Untill she was lifted up and her noise touching chris
"You shouldn't of done that...." y/n spoke her lips still moving softly against his
"You...kissed me " chris bit her bottom lip
"You did it first ... .." y/n giggled untill she pulled her head back and looked into those eyes . Those blue ocean eyes that she will never not love .
"Why ?" Her voice was above a whisper more of a sob
Chris shook his head slightly "I dont know ..." chris spoke honestly crushing y/n all over again. "
"I dont know why the fuck it took me so long. " a smile creeped on chris face as he lend in once again .
"Wh.... oh you dont .. you dont ...feel .. what?" Chris spoke quickly unknowing tighting his hands on her hips
Y/n looked down with a heavy heart
"Chris your getting married ."
"No ....no you dont .... " he put her down and step back "you dont get to use that.... that to hide away from me y/n not again "
"What ! "
"God I'm getting married and I purposely came here to see you .. to kiss you to be with you " Chris's voice raised
"What so what you just thought you could get lucky with me before you go of into the sunset with Minka "
"Oh for fuck sake y/n" Chris shouted
"No you dont shout in my house ...no yo..."
"Are you really gonna make me do thing here and right now "
"Do what ?" Y/n asked with a shrug
Chris just looked at her with wide eyed
"Y/n ....."
"Wait are you going some where ?" He asked taking in your outfit .
"I ... I. " you didnt know what to say "don't change the subject!"
"No answer my question " he demanded
" yes I was ! And fuck me for having a social life for once!" You shouted
"Fine I'll leave you to it then " chris went to the door but not before you were finished with him
"No what were you going to say .."
Chris stayed silent
" oh for fuck sake why did you kiss me !" It wasnt untill how you felt tears roll down your eyes
"I . I ....lo..." Chris took a deep breath and went to the door once again . "I cant do this right now !"
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The pain of being in love
Part 9

"Chris ...."
"Y/n .... y..you actually opened the door !" Chris said softly just as soft as he eyes were on you . His chest was no longer heavy and in pain but more light but it didnt stop the fast beating if his heart
"You didnt think I would ? " y/n crossed her arms over her chest and tiled her head to the side. Not quite telling what she felt in the moment
"I ..I. yes... and then. ... I was ...was gonna "
"What leave ,clime threw I window " y/n snapped
"What ! ... I dont know "chris suddenly become hurt once again at her voice .
She took a deep breath "why are you here Chris " she asked slowly .
He stood there silent for a moment or two.
"I just need to see you " he said it was such confidence as if it was his only misson in life . It took y/n by surprise so much she felt tears burn her eyes
"And ...um whys that ...you made your feeling perfectly cle....."
With her word cut off my an unfamiliar feeling of soft yet chapped lips meet her and the ticklish feeling on her cheeks from what ? A bread . Y/n forget how to breath for a moment and just stood there . It last no more then two . Maybe three sentence but it was enough for her to have everything she ever wanted and everything she didnt need right now by making everything so confusing
"Oh shit ... shit .. I'm.. shit ...y/n im ..."
It was Chris turn to he cut of as y/n predicly leaped on him . He quickly brought her close and held her tight as there fighted for dominance. It wasnt untill Chris took some step forward enough to now be inside and to spin y/n closing the door while pushing her against it .
As y/n grabbed onto chris hair she cant help but it feel like she was walking on air . Untill she was lifted up and her noise touching chris
"You shouldn't of done that...." y/n spoke her lips still moving softly against his
"You...kissed me " chris bit her bottom lip
"You did it first ... .." y/n giggled untill she pulled her head back and looked into those eyes . Those blue ocean eyes that she will never not love .
"Why ?" Her voice was above a whisper more of a sob
Chris shook his head slightly "I dont know ..." chris spoke honestly crushing y/n all over again. "
"I dont know why the fuck it took me so long. " a smile creeped on chris face as he lend in once again .
"Wh.... oh you dont .. you dont ...feel .. what?" Chris spoke quickly unknowing tighting his hands on her hips
Y/n looked down with a heavy heart
"Chris your getting married ."
"No ....no you dont .... " he put her down and step back "you dont get to use that.... that to hide away from me y/n not again "
"What ! "
"God I'm getting married and I purposely came here to see you .. to kiss you to be with you " Chris's voice raised
"What so what you just thought you could get lucky with me before you go of into the sunset with Minka "
"Oh for fuck sake y/n" Chris shouted
"No you dont shout in my house ...no yo..."
"Are you really gonna make me do thing here and right now "
"Do what ?" Y/n asked with a shrug
Chris just looked at her with wide eyed
"Y/n ....."
"Wait are you going some where ?" He asked taking in your outfit .
"I ... I. " you didnt know what to say "don't change the subject!"
"No answer my question " he demanded
" yes I was ! And fuck me for having a social life for once!" You shouted
"Fine I'll leave you to it then " chris went to the door but not before you were finished with him
"No what were you going to say .."
Chris stayed silent
" oh for fuck sake why did you kiss me !" It wasnt untill how you felt tears roll down your eyes
"I . I ....lo..." Chris took a deep breath and went to the door once again . "I cant do this right now !"
#chris evans#chris evans x reader#chris evans fanfiction#fanfic#chris evans au#chris evans x you#chris evans x y/n#chris evans x female reader
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I just wanna see chris reaction to Biden winning
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losing a friend ?
5 the thought of losing you scares me
29 -i want to be more then friends
requested by @arabescapr
a/n this is my first Andy fic sooo .. its not good but when ever is my writing
You did it you actually told him , your best friend of years , you told him what you really want , how you really feel . You felt like it was the perfect time there was nothing in between the two of you . Laurie was out of the picture for two years and , Jacob was doing well in college you thought why not . Now is the time , and you thought that he would feel the same .
you finally told Andy Barben you wanted to be more then friends
And thats were you were now , sitting on Andy coach , staring in to space ,a avoiding his eye contact as you held back the tears . As Andy sat beside you with his head in his heads .
“im sorry y/n i just ..”
“these no need to be sorry we cant .. we cant help how we feel . People want different thing “ you chocked on your words
The room remind silent once again , until you turned to face Andy hopeing your hair fell around your face to cover you hurt .
“wh… what happens now “ you asked slowly scared of whats to come
Andy took a deep breath sitting up straight , he turned his head too so your eyes were locked with his blue ones
“i .. i may not feel the same … but the thought of losing you scares me “
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Master List

Song request Masterlist

the pain of being in love
Series Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8.1
For the love of coffee
Part 1 ( needs editing )
Is it all fake ?
Series Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
The truth was hidden there all along
Part 1
Cheats to life long lies
Part 1
One shots/dabbles
Your never to old

The Habit
Series Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Late lies
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
What ifs
Part 1
Part 2
The fear of protection
Part 1
The Lawyers lies
Series Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
One shots/ dabbles
A long long time
Is it really your birthday?
The two week misson
Can we dance?

You cant be serious
Part 1
Could of had
Series Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
The wolf within
series masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Maid to be - ( completed )
Series Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
One shots / dabbles
Stab to the heart
Drunken song

One shots /dabbles
Losing a friend ?
298 notes
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Steve Roger's x Reader
A/n I might do another version of this . Since it wasnt what I planned for this song but I came out this way anyway . I like the story but I have another one in mind of this song
Remember to send in a song request along with a character ❤
Requested by @donutloverxo

We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
This is our place, we make the rules
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
Its hasn't quite been twenty seconds or twenty year . But long enough for me and steve to finally get our place together. We havnt been here long late August. And our little nest has already seen the change of season quite quickly with as soon as September rolled around the Halloween decorations were up. It didnt take much convincing since steve loved the holiday.
But as 31st of October past and November the 1st came forward I knew my work was cut out of me .
" please stevie . Pretty please " I said looking up wrapped up in his arms on the stairs giving my best puppy dog eyes .
"No . It ain't gonna work " steve shut his eyes shaking his head trying to avoid your eyes
"But .... please "
"No doll . The boxes are going up and nothing it coming down . No Santas or reindeer until the 1st of December " steve said sternly
"But that agesssss a way "I whined like a kid . What can I say I love Christmas well any holiday really
Steve took a deep breath and step away from me . Picking up the box on the floor filled with skulls ,bones and black and orange decor .he began to clime the ladder to the loft whispering to himself "no happening. Not happening. It was literally Halloween yesterday "
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my lover
As I stood there staring at the ground waiting for steve . I knew he wouldnt let me put the decorations up . I mean it November shops are selling Christmas stuff why cant I put it up ! I'm not waiting a month ! I softly yet firmly stamped my foot like a child . Quickly glancing up to see if steve notice he doesnt like it when I'm a brat . But what do u expect me to be like when I want Christmas and his been a grinch .
Yet I couldn't find it in me to be angry with him . His been so patient he waited months for me to finally agree to a date and then took things slow with me . But when one night randomly in his room he said he wanted a place of our own . I freaked out and avoided him for days until we talked and he said he was happy for to wait for me to make a decision . It didnt take me long tho . I knew steve was the one . He will always be my lover . That's why I dont think I wanted to rush things but to make them perfect . But the thought of a place all mine and steve warned my heart I couldn't wait. I ran into the compand kitchen one day shouting 'yes ' everyone thought we were gonna get married . But no I said yes to a place of our own , where the walls would have our favourite colour and our pictures. Decorations when ever I want . Apparently not
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Its wasnt until a heavy box fell at my feet with a thud that I snapped out of my thoughts looking down untill u saw the red tinsel picked out . I smile creeped on my face. Growing as I turned my head towards steve who was at the bottom of the ladder showing of his muscles as he held a larger box on his shoulder . With a final creek he was at the bottom and turned to face me . He had a frown on his face as he was clearly trying to hid his smile . He left the box on the ground and grabbed you with full force you fell over my own feel and right into his chest . His arms circled around me.
"Let's make one thing clear " Steve slowly said as his blue ocean eyes glance into mine ."this ..." he pointed to the boxes "is only happening ... this early ... because it our first Christmas here "
"Yes sir " I said happily bouncing quite literally up and down with a wide smile on my face untill I was pushed all of a sudden to the wall behind me
"What the h..."
"What did you just call ?" Steve voice was stern yet playful .
"Umm " my throat all of a sudden become very dry
"Now what do you say and say it right " steve soft eyes where a contrast to his voice . It's one of the many things you love about your lover for the last three years . Mainly why you will alway want to be with this man .its always somthing I know alot of people would want and do want . Even after three year and a house with the ring hidden in his drawers I cant help but still feel like he doesn't actually want me because I know everyone falls to his feet so why pick me . But the though went as quickly as it came as I feel Steve's lips getting closet to mine .
"Ummm thank you captain "
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
Steve quickly pulled away just before our lips met .
"Come on then " the bastard had a smirk on his face as he looked down at him .I just hummed as a reply pissed of with me . "Dont you want to to decorate " he bend his neck till he was eye level with me and did a playful pout . I quickly nodded and zoomed off to get a box .
You're my, my, my, my lover
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
The sky had turned black as me and steve finally sat down with a cup of hot chocolate for both of us . Mine with mashmalls of course. I sighted finally relaxing. I glanced around the room. Seeing the tall tree and the red and gold decor every way.
"Thank you stevie " I spoke softly
"No thank you doll "
My brows raised as I turned to face the handsome super solider "what for ... you spend your day of helping me take down and put decorations "
"That I did love ... but maybe next time you shouldn't let me have so much control over where to put put them " steve said as he leaned toward and took my hot chocolate out of mine hand . He slightly titled his head up with a devilish smirk . I followed his eye light . Untill I saw a mistletoe hanging down . I small chuckle left his lips and he came closer to me. "It is traditionally after all "
A small smirk was now placed on my face as I quickly got up and ran to the kitchen "not quite yet lover boy " I giggled
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Oh, you're my, my, my, my
Darling, you're my, my, my, my lover
His laughter boomed though out the halls as he slowly made his way towards me . "Ohh really " he cockly said as he point above me once again. My heart sank as I looked up and saw yet another mistletoe.
"Oh you think your so clever dont you?"
"You know it darling " he quickly stood in front of me with his hand framing my face and his lips touched my softly .
I softly sighed as we parted I must of looked pissed or sad or angry because Steve's face quickly become worried. "What's the matter doll . I'll take them down if you.."
"No ...no " I quickly said
"Then what is it ?"he softly asked his hands moving to my waist .
"Can we stay this close forever " I closed my eyes . Untill I heard a chuckle
"Forever and ever my lover , "
"Really " I looked up wide eyed .
"Of couse if you'll have me that is ?" He looked a bit scared untill I placed a small peck on his pout .
"Why wouldn't I? Your my lover "
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