#tw bears
fymo-blogs · 2 months
a stimboard of Miga (( mascot from the 2010 Olympics?
Warning for bears below cut!
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Miga stimboard
Requested by: Anon
Themes: Orcas, scarves, spirit bears
Note: Anon won't hide you @erikaskblog
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blumin-onion · 6 months
Daily Doodle Day 219
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Why friend shaped, if not friend?
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yumnasfunblog · 1 year
It was her house-a Goldilocks retelling
This is actually a second draft but I wanted to share. Please let me know if anything is unclear!
The thing is, Goldilocks thought it was her house. Not the bears' house. Not that it mattered when she saw the bears. Three, angry, large creatures with fangs and teeth looming over you. Terrifying, especially when you're an eleven year old child.
She didn't have the courage to fight them or confront them. So she ran back to the village, to find Prince Jayden, and tell him what happened.
Goldilocks didn't realize this, because she was young and only thinking about safety, but Prince Jayden was just telling a crowd about how they needed to kill the bears who'd killed poor orphan Goldilocks.
Prince Jayden pretended to be happy when the young, crying girl came into the crowd and hugged him. That the red on his face was happiness from being trusted, and not from anger and embarrassment at being proved wrong. At loosing face.
Once the crowd left he imprisoned her in a room. A nice one, so no one could say he'd been abusing poor orphan Goldilocks. But there were no toys, no books. Just a bunch of fancy pretty things Goldilocks was forbidden to touch.
The walls to that room were thick and heavy. So no one heard him yelling at Goldilocks. Accusing her of trying to humiliate him. Saying all sorts of obscenities, then berating her when she cried.
Then he left, and thought of what he needed to do. His people didn't trust him anymore! What could he do to fix it?
Jayden's advisors told him of a man-eating dragon.
Later, Jayden came to Goldilocks, pretending to be nice and apologetic. He told her he'd take her to her new house, and protect her from the evil bears. He even grabbed a bow and arrows to prove it.
Goldilocks didn't recognize the path. But she chalked it up to not knowing much of the city.
They stopped at a huge cavern. Goldilocks stood too close, looking at what was below.
Something shoved her. She fell, down, down, down. A scaly claw grabbed her. Goldilocks looked up to see a dragon. She screamed at Prince Jayden to save her, but saw him running away.
Goldilocks stopped screaming, then.
The dragon flew, with Goldilocks in his claw. Then it deposited her in its cave, because it wasn't hungry. Then it curled up to sleep.
Goldilocks also curled up. But not to sleep.
Plenty of time to think about what had happened. Prince Jayden giving her the map to the bears' house, yet berating her for surviving. Him running away instead of saving her. Maybe he'd been the one to push her?
No-Jayden was a kind, nice prince. He'd promised her a home, and family. It was the bears' fault, for breaking in and intruding.
Jayden would come and save her. At least, Goldilocks hoped so.
An hour passed. And an hour without anything to do often feels like a day, especially to children. Even a scared child.
Then two hours passed. Then three. Then four. Goldilocks gave up. Jayden wasn't coming. She'd have to save herself.
The dragon had slept forever. Goldilocks almost thought that the dragon would never wake up. That she could sneak out. She stood up.
The dragon woke up and glared at her. And then it started speaking in a raspy, high voice. "You think you can get away like you did with the bears?" It asked. "Oh, no, no no no no. Unlike them, I can fully make sure you face the consequences of your actions. No matter how fast you run, little human, I will still catch you." The dragon smiled.
Then it glared at her again.
The dragon grabbed Goldilocks by the ankle and hoisted her high into the air. "You spoiled brat! You think you can get away with breaking into someone else's house? Not only that, but eating their food, breaking their stuff!" "It was my house! The bears were just intruders!" Goldilocks said. She ignored the voice in her head, that sounded like Prince Jayden yelling at her for surviving.
The dragon shook Goldilocks, and berated her for lying. Goldilocks protested. Saying that the prince gave her the map to the house he'd gifted Goldilocks. That it was supposed to be her forever home. Goldilocks even stated that she'd double checked everything just to make sure that it was her home and not a stranger's.
The dragon laughed and asked if he was truly supposed to believe it. No adult would make a child go alone to find her house. They'd bring her there. To do otherwise would be cruel.
Goldilocks said that dragons must have different standards, because adults were mean to children all the time. That they hit children and turned them out into the streets and took their stuff.
And lied to them...tricking them...for their own gain. Goldilocks stopped talking. Anger washed over her as she realized that yes, Prince Jayden had lied to her and hurt her.
The dragon didn't believe her. Goldilocks glared told it about all the times adults had hurt her and beat her and yelled at her.
A loud noise was heard in the middle of one of Goldilocks's stories. The dragon dropped Goldilocks, then went to see the disturbance.
It was one of the bears. They ran into the room, yelling about how the prince was trying to trick the dragon (who turned out to be named Jade) into eating Goldilocks and then having the justification to kill it without dragon advocates getting angry.
The bear even brought out a map to her house, with Jayden's writing on it.
The dragon froze, going even more still than it'd been when sleeping. Then it roared-Goldilocks covered her ears-and stormed out of the cave.
Goldilocks and the bear stared at each other. But then a noise was heard. Yelling. Prince Jayden came in, along with a crowd holding pitchforks and swords.
They stopped when they saw Goldilocks. The bear then pushed Goldilocks towards the crowd. The crowd was angry. There was no dragon, just a bear. Jayden tried to speak up, saying that he'd been wrong about the bears and that they had freed her from the dragon.
The bear spoke up, talking about how it was all a trick by Jayden. Jayden started yelling back at the bear.
Goldilocks started yelling back at Jayden, saying that it was the truth, that he'd lied to her. The crowd started yelling, and then Jayden started yelling at them.
In the chaos, the bear left unnoticed.
Eventually Jayden realized that he wasn't going to win. He apologized. The crowd glared at him, then left, muttering the whole time.
Leaving Jayden and Goldilocks alone. Jayden glared at Goldilocks and tried to grab her.
Goldilocks used her escaping skills and dodged him. She ran out of the cave, Jayden hot on her heels.
But she was faster, and got away. She managed to get so far away that she couldn't see him anymore. Goldilocks stopped to rest. Suddenly an arrow shot towards her and hit her in the chest. Goldilocks stumbled and went down.
Jayden came into view, and grabbed Goldilocks. He yelled at her, and pulled out a knife. He was about to stab her when a scaly claw grabbed him.
It was the dragon. It threw Jayden in the air then ate him whole in one bite. Then it grabbed Goldilocks.
Goldilocks screamed. And someone else did too. "Put her down, Jade!"
Goldilocks and the dragon looked to see two of the bears, growling. The dragon sighed, dropped Goldilocks, then flew away.
Goldilocks stared at the bears, then apologized for breaking in and said she'd fix the chair and replace the porridge she'd eaten.
The bears agreed to it. Goldilocks fixed the chair and made porridge. She got ready to leave, but by the time she was finished it was raining there was a storm with a tornado. The bears insisted she stay, so she didn't die.
It was awkward at first. Goldilocks didn't know what to do. But then the little bear started talking to Goldilocks and asked her to play with him. He said he was lonely because there was no one his age to play with.
Goldilocks agreed.
The storm was still going strong when it was night, so Goldilocks ended up sleeping on the couch.
In the morning the storm was finished, so the bears said they'd escort Goldilocks to her house. Goldilocks frowned and said that she didn't have a family.
The bears paused, and went to the corner to talk a bit. The conversation looked pretty heated. When they came back they said that they'd be willing to take care of Goldilocks until a human family adopted her.
Goldilocks started crying and asking why they'd want to adopt her when she'd caused so much harm. The bears told her that they'd always wanted a child and knew it wasn't her fault. Plus, she'd made up for it by fixing the chair and making porridge.
Goldilocks didn't accept the deal at first. But one month later in the middle of a storm she asked them for shelter. They agreed.
It lasted for one day. But Goldilocks kept coming back, until one day she was staying with them permanently.
And she finally learned which bears were which, and later became best friends with Jade.
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rex-mania11 · 10 months
this week on my search history
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haruchiyos · 2 years
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luminarai · 1 year
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hey, hi, I was just on the former bird app and came across this info from a brand new study and now I cannot stop screaming internally??? what the actual fuckkkk
theres' an article from the guardian here and here is the actual study:
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wolfertinger666 · 6 months
tw // blood
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she :)))
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luvpngs · 9 months
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🕸️like or reblog if you use/save🕸️
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goobersplat · 5 months
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Animal Food Snacks
Kiwi Turtle, Teddy Bear Toast, Crab Croissant, Banana Snail
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fymo-blogs · 3 months
Ello, is me again
May be a bit obscure but could you do a Cucurucho (QSMP) stimboard?
Warning for biblically accurate angels and bears below cut!
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Cucurucho stimboard
Requested by: @ahandfulofm0ss
Note: I do not support any of the crappy actions anybody on the QSMP did!
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suiana · 4 months
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(yandere! polar bear hybrid x gn! reader) (CW: slight gore description/murder description)
if it's brown, lay down.
if it's black, fight back.
and if it's white, say goodnight.
especially if it's a male hybrid who developed an infatuation with you.
"shit shit shit! get away!"
you scream at the polar bear hybrid, running away as fast as you can. your lungs burn, chest heaving as you hear the male hybrid chase after you.
you were a researcher sent to antarctica to research about the wild life and how they coped with climate change. you saw arctic foxes, penguins, seals, all of which you were ecstatic to see. they eere just the cutest after all!
unfortunately, you had also garnered the attention of a polar bear hybrid.
you knew that polar bears were carnivores. you knew that it was dangerous. but you were curious about him, especially because he looked friendly. you should've turned your back on him and ran away when you had the chance.
you first met him a few months back when you were observing some seal hybrids that came up to land to bounce about. he was standing a few feet away from you, your eyes wide as you felt your heart freeze up.
you had thought you were going to die that day. after all, meeting a polar bear was not a coincidence. not with their keen sense of smell and their history with hunting humans down.
but you saw him outstretch his hands towards you, holding a fish as his cheeks flush red, trying to communicate with you with random sounds.
"for me?"
he nods his head, trying to nudge the fish towards you. you were hesitant to accept, but you eventually did. which led to you two talking often, growing closer and closer by the day.
you had taught him english, basic english at the very least so you two could communicate. he was eager to learn, listening intently. and in return, he taught you about himself and his way of life. much was gained from your exchanges with one another.
you found him endearing with how he always chirped and repeated your words, english rolling off his tongue with a heavy accent. you thought it was cute for him to call you 'his' and for him to say he loved you.
rightn he was just testing out new words! perhaps he found it interesting to say and repeat like a newborn child! that's normal, isn't it?
"love... love. mine."
"yeah, you love me, don't you?"
you tease, bumping his shoulder as you teach him a few new phrases, not noticing the faint blush he always had on his ethereal features. he probably meant it in a joking or friendly manner after all.
little did you know, he was not joking when he constantly told you he that he loved you.
nor did you remember that he was still a hunter at heart.
screams of pain awoke you from your deep slumber that fateful night. you immediately sit up in your bed, looking around before quickly wearing your thick coat and venturing out of the research base. what was that shouting? did your fellow researchers see something crazy?
well, you definitely did.
and it was a horrific sight. the sight of your polar bear friend ripping one of your researchers to shreds, scarlet blood staining his skin as he rips the poor guy to pieces. that's not even the worst part, for you saw two of your other team members laying not too far from the polar bear hybrid, bodies unoving and mangled beyong recognition.
you instinctively let out a scream at the sight, eyes widening as you bolt out of the base. your heart thumped loudly with each step you took, tears brimming at your eyes as you hear the polar bear hybrid chasing after you.
was he hungry? did he finally decide that he was going to kill you?
no, it was a fate far worse than that. and you finally realized that as the weight of what he called you hits you hard.
"mate! no run!"
he shouts at you, chasing after you on all fours as you run away as fast as your human body would allow you to. adrenaline ran through your body as you did your best to escape nature's natural hunter. but it wasn't enough.
"shit shit shit! get away from me!"
you shout, whimpering as you trip on your laces, falling face forward into the cold snow. you immediately try getting back up to run away. but by the time you pushed yourself up, the hybrid was already standing over you, eyes filled with an expression you wished would not exist.
"mate... mate... scared? no need scared... no hurt mate."
he mumbles gently, face softening as he bends down beside you to rub your cheek reasuringly. but it was hard to be reassured with how his mouth and body was stained with your team members blood.
"n-no don't touch me! you're going to kill me too aren't you?!"
you shout, shivering as you try backing away from him. your words cause the hybrid to pause, his sharp eyes narrowing at you as his grip on your face tightens ever so slightly.
"said... won't hurt mate. no scared."
he mumbles, staring at you before pressing his forehead against yours.
"only get rid of trash."
he sighs happily, looking at you with adoring eyes before rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
your heart stopped at his words, realization settling in. shit, so he wasn't lying when he said he loved you, nor when he was saying he only wanted you to himself.
you could've prevented this.
guilt seeps into your veins, tears finally rolling down your cheeks as you let the polar bear hybrid cradle your body in his arms.
"no... you didn't have to kill them-"
you sob, weakly wiping away your tears as the male tilts his head at you. confused, he doesn't understand why you eere crying or why you wished for him to not killyour teammates. why was his mate so sad? he should probably cheer you up!
"mate no cry... why? was... going to eat them since start. was watching you since the start. hate the way you always go back to... them. mate is mine since then. since mate... take offering."
the male hybrid says in an attempt to reassure you. but obviously, it did the opposite of just that.
oh. so he really was watching you since the beginning. that offering with the fish wasn't just him being curious. did he fall for you at first sight? shit, you knew you should've just ran away at the sight of him!
"the fish was an offering?"
"yes. offering for mate."
he nods his head, smiling slightly as he reminisces his first actual meeting with you. after all, he had been observing you for quite a bit before that. he just finally got the courage to meet you that day! and you accepted! unknowingly of course.
you look away from the hybrid, shaking slightly as some of the guilt leaves your system. ah, so maybe this wasn't fully your failt. you couldn't have predicted that it was actually an offering, could you?
"bring mate home now. mate tired."
the polar bear hybrid hums, goving you a bloody smile as he stands back up, cradling you in his arms. but you start flailing about, squirming as fear enters your mind. wait what? home? were you getting kidnapped by him?
the male says nothing for a bit continuing to walk back in the direction of his home. but as you continue to struggle and shout at him to be let go, his patience grows thin and he looks down at you with a warning look.
"stop moving."
he grumbles, glaring at you as he grips you tightly. blood drips down onto your face as he talks, your eyes widening in fear before you quietly obey not wanting to upset him.
no, you were just reminded of how brutal he could be. and you didn't want to be at the end of his anger. not at all.
the both of you remain quiet for a bit, the only sounds being heard were the sounds of his feet coming into contact with the snow with every step he took. thatw as until he broke the silence.
"love mate. mate so precious."
the hybrid mumbles, looking down at you with a longing expression before he sighs softly.
"mate mine now. all mine."
he giggles, cradling you closer to him before stopping in front of an igloo looking thing. was this his home? you weren't sure, but seeing as he was staring at it, it most likely is.
"temporary home. will build mate nicer house soon."
he mutters, placing you down on a makeshift bed made using... what looked like seal and fox fur.
you sit uncomfortably on the fur, not moving as the hybrid sits down beside you, holding you close to him. silence fills the air as he looks at you fondly, not saying anything at all.
he leans his head against you, rubbing your hand affectionately before sighing again.
"love forever. only us."
he mutters before pressing a blood stained kiss onto the back of your hand. you could only stare quietly, unsure of what to say. on one hand, you didn't love him. i mean he's not even fully human! but on the other hand... you didn't want to trigger his anger by trying to escape or refuse him.
oh well, you guess this is your new life now.
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yumnasfunblog · 10 months
I want the ovenist to carry a baby bear :) the bears would probably let the ovenist carry one of the babies.
They probably would :)
Everyone else is just kind of stunned since the bears don't usually let anyone do that.
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kingzombear · 4 months
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UUUGH crazy women w knives are my weaknessss 🥴 These kinda aus take me OUT I'd be no better than Rag's gay ass here TBHHHH
@spitinsideme hope u like it hon <3
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nicolacoughlan · 5 months
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Ayo Edebiri at the Met Gala (2024)
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