#turns out the problem was in me needing to find people I’m comfortable around
Me: oh yeah I just typically don’t miss people when I’m away from them
Finds one (1) person I love
Me: Wait shit what’s this feeling no no no no-
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luveline · 8 days
hi jade!!! i would love to see a poly!marauders fic where they help r fall asleep please! absolutely no pressure at all just a suggestion ofc <3
“Why so moody?” 
You rub at your eyes, standing just behind the sofa. You’d been frowning when James spotted you, not wanting to ask. “I can’t…”
“What?” Sirius asks. 
Remus perks up from beside him. 
Three sets of eyes makes it worse and somehow better. Sometimes it’s easier to only tell one of them when you have a problem, but sometimes you need all of them to know. “I can’t sleep again. Are you coming to bed soon?” 
And listen, four people in one bed is insane but occasionally you manage it. Most of the time you sleep with James, less often Remus. You and Sirius tend to be incompatible while you sleep, because he grabs you around the neck and face for hugging and you wake up with sweat pouring off of you, blind. 
Perhaps that’s why he offers first and emphatically. “I’ll come to bed with you, darling,” Sirius says, a picture of concern as he stands. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong, I’ve just tossed and turned for half an hour and I can’t take much more of it.” 
“She’s going insane,” Remus comments with a severe frown. 
Sirius helps him onto his feet. James, never one to be left out, turns off the television and gathers his throw blanket. “Not on my watch.” 
“Wait, I’m sorry. You don’t have to get up,” you say, wringing your hands behind your back. You hadn’t meant to summon them all to bed. You’d just wanted to know when you could expect an end to your agony. 
“Oh, well,” James begins, wrapping the throw blanket around your shoulders, “too late for that. Will you warm my side for me? I’ll lock up.” 
You feel shyer than you’d thought, shuffling back to the bedroom. Sirius’ hand finds your lower back as he enters the room from behind you, encouraging you gently to the side as he goes for the other. You’d left the sheets in disarray, the lamp on. James’ room is messy as always, but it’s your fault as you live from it most days. Remus is immediately put off by the overflowing dresser, closing each drawer with a shush over the runners. 
Sirius makes the bed, peeling back a corner for you. “Here, lovely. Climb in.” 
“I didn’t mean for you to wait on me,” you say shyly, embarrassed at their attention.
“There’s nothing I like doing more.” 
“He’s in a mood,” Remus says, though you’d guessed that already. “Enough room for me, too?” 
“‘Nough room for everyone,” you murmur, rounding Sirius to climb into bed as instructed. 
You and Remus end up in the middle of the bed, thankful for James’ sense of reality —everybody knew when you moved in together that the separate bedrooms wouldn’t last, but only James had the wherewithal to buy a very large bed. You’re immediately comforted by having one of them next to you, and Remus is very kind about it, asking in a murmur if he can cwtch you, wrapping his arm around your chest like you’re in danger of breaking from his touch. 
Sirius is less polite, but not less caring. If he thought you didn’t want him to touch you he certainly wouldn’t, but he knows he can hug you pretty much whenever he wants. He presses his nose to your face, Remus’ against your shoulder, the three of you deflating after a long day never quite this close to each other. You can feel a day’s worth of back ache leeching in your mattress. 
“Sorry,” you mumble. 
“Ooh, for what?” Sirius asks. 
“Making you come to bed.” 
“Didn’t make us do anything.” His breath warms your cheek as he talks. “It’s late. We would’ve been in bed soon.” 
It’s true enough. Everyone is in their pyjamas, Sirius smells like toothpaste. Still, you feel guilty for asking. And yet… you can finally relax now they’re here. It’s like they know exactly what’s been keeping you awake. Remus had cleaned and now holds your chest, Sirius reassures you and calms your stomach with his palm. 
James gets one good look at you all and rolls his eyes. “I asked you to do one thing for me. Jesus. Babe, could you move over?” he asks Remus, not giving him the time to comply before he’s in bed and smushing everyone even closer together. “This is fun. Sleepover!” 
“Just don’t start climbing on me again, Jamie,” Remus says. 
You close your eyes. “Don’t worry, they’ll chill out soon,” Sirius promises in a whisper. 
“Kiss?” you whisper back. 
Three different boys attempt to kiss you in the dimly lit bedroom. All the fuss doesn’t help you sleep, but knowing how much they care about you definitely does. 
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 month
would you make a Klaus fic, where he and reader are under a sex spell? just a sex magic fic, you can decide on the plot🥰
love your fics btw💕
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Warning:Dubcon cause sex pollen, talk and use of sex toys, desperate/passionate fucking, needy Hybrid sex, brief realization of Yandere behavior at the end
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‘You’re joking!’ I exclaimed, unable to unhear what Bonnie had just told me.
‘No, not at all. We need to keep you away from everyone else because this spell can potentially effect others who come in contact with you. Caroline has already said you can stay in her parents cabin, Damon is taking you there now.’ She shooed me out of the room and outside to Damon’s car.
‘Get in the back!’ He snapped as I moved to slide into the passenger seat. ‘I don’t need this shit effecting me next-‘
‘Why can’t I just stay in the cell in the basement? That way I won’t be alone…I’m scared-‘
‘Because Klaus was hit by that shit too, we don’t know if he knows what it was yet and with how desperate he is for you every other day without being bewitched, I can’t even imagine what he would do with you now.’ He explained as if I were a small stupid child and I wanted to hit him desperately.
A warlock coming after Elena (as always) for Doppelgänger blood for one of his spells had attacked us. I had grabbed a potted plant outside of the Grille and cracked it over his head which gave Elena enough time to run and find Damon, though as he whirled around to me there was suddenly an angry Hybrid standing in front of me which gave the Warlock pause.
Klaus had seemingly taken an interest in me as soon as he arrived in town and while I don’t encourage him, I’m also not cruel or mean either, which seemed to make him think he had a chance.
The man reached into his jacket and pulled out a small spell bag before dumping some pink powder into his hand and blowing it at the both of us. I couldn’t help but inhale it, only breathing in more when I began choking and hearing Klaus do the same, my eyes and nose burning as I felt his hands holding onto me. Though he was still coughing himself he checked on me (which I found very sweet), hands on my face and inspecting me before brushing the powder off of me leading to me returning the favor. He had no clue what it was and neither did I but after a quick thanks I left to find my friends and a witch to tell me what the fuck I just inhaled.
Turns out we had both been choking on a very powerful potion that people had dubbed “Sex Pollen”. Many witches used to use it several hundred years ago but most stopped once people began insisting that it led to way too many people becoming effected (since all you needed to do was injest a drop) and ending up sexually assaulting whoever came across their path. The potion is typically in a liquid form but talented witches can make it in a powder, however it is about ten times more potent.
‘Stay here, theres food and water, TV, books. Everything you could possibly need. Caroline also bought you some…play things…to help. God this is so gross, they’re in the bedroom. Get out of my car-‘
‘No! How long do I have to stay here?!’ I snapped making him roll his eyes.
‘Bonnie said in the powder form it can take several hours to kick in but it lasts a few days, though with how much you breathed in probably a week at least. Go! Before you infect me too and we really have a problem!’ I grabbed the bag that Elena had packed me and slid out of the car, walking inside and locking the door behind me with a heavy sigh.
‘Fuck All Of You Assholes!’ I screamed, hating my friends for abandoning me just so they wouldn’t suffer as well before I looked around the cabin, finding the bedroom with a large California King that was quite comfortable. I also came across a basket on the bed which contained a rechargeable wand, a 7 inch pink suction cup dildo, a butt plug and a bottle of salted caramel flavored lube. ‘Why The Fuck Was She So Thorough?!’
I set the basket aside and stripped out of my shirt and jeans as I began feeling warm, climbing into the bed under the sheet and deciding to try and take a nap before I get hit with killer horniness.
The nap didn’t last more than an hour before I woke up rolling around restlessly, my body sweating now as a hot feeling in my stomach began intensifying. I couldn’t tell you how long I laid there writhing in misery before I heard a loud knock at the door, instantly hating the world that much more.
‘What are you doing here?!’ I snapped as I finally dragged myself to the front door, moody and uncomfortable which made me unable to be kind.
‘I thought I would come and assist you. Wouldn’t want you suffering through this alone, now would we?’ Klaus asked, looking every bit as put together as always but I could see in his eyes how desperate he was. I could also see his impressive bulge tenting his jeans.
‘How did you find me? I was-never mind. Go away Klaus!’ I groaned, moving to shut the door.
‘I followed Damon, he wasn’t very careful, my guess is he didn’t much care if I found you. They just wanted you away from them before they had to suffer too, your friends that you protected sent you away to save themselves. Seems really selfish to me.’ Any other day I would disagree but with how I was feeling I couldn’t argue with him, prompting me to agree.
‘You’re right…Fuck them! Couldn’t even put me downstairs! Had to leave me all alone!’ I raged as I was overcome by a cramping pain straight down to my pussy causing me to double over.
‘Invite me in Love, let’s help each other? It’s going to be days with only brief hours of relief between…let me help you get some relief?’
‘Klaus, I can’t-‘
‘You want me just as much as I want you, don’t lie!’ He growled, eyes glowing gold now as he showed how desperate he really was, so far gone that he wasn’t able to hide it anymore.
‘It’s just this stupid magic-‘
‘No! No, I’ve wanted you since I first set eyes on you, and you…you need me too.’ His hand reached down to grab his crotch, pupils nearly swallowing his entire eye whole. ‘I can make your pussy feel so good baby, you need me! Who else could go anywhere near as long as a Hybrid, huh?’ He was right, if anyone could help me it was Klaus, especially with how pent up he is himself. ‘Please Y/n? I need to be buried in your little cunt, and you know you need it too! Your fingers can’t help you the way my cock can and I know you’ve dreamt of my cock in your needy little pussy since long before this ever happened-Fuck! I Need You! Please?!’ He begged and as I felt a rush of wetness coat my panties I whined, nodding my head. ‘Say it Y/n…Say It!’
‘Come in Klaus! Please?! I need-‘ I didn’t get to finish my statement before I was tackled to the floor with the Hybrid yanking his pants open and shoving them down enough to free himself before tearing my panties off of my body and shoving himself into me roughly.
‘So Fucking Perfect! Knew your cunt would be perfect! Tightest little cunt-Fuck! Never gonna stop fucking you baby!’
‘Yes! Don’t Stop! Fuck Klaus, your cock! So good!’ Tears leaked from my eyes as he continued thrusting into my body. The sound of skin slapping together echoing through the house and out the front door that hung on one hinge from where the Hybrid had nearly ripped it off as he entered. ‘Oh Fuck!’ I threw my head back against the carpet as my first orgasm rushed through me out of nowhere, only realizing he had finished with me when I felt the hot cum inside of me as he continued thrusting, never once even slowing down.
‘I need to feel you squeeze me again Babygirl, cum for me! Cum for your Alpha!’ The second orgasm was just as strong as the first as I came and felt his body tense up as well before he finally stilled, breathing heavily into my neck.
‘I think…we’re in trouble…’ I panted heavily and he chuckled before looking down at me, hesitating only a second before pressing his lips to mine in a soft, lovely kiss. ‘Don’t stop.’ I insisted when he pulled back, grabbing onto his neck and pressing my lips to his this time as I enjoyed our kiss.
‘This isn’t how I wanted it to happen, I wanted to take you on a date, show you how much I love you…then I was going to fuck you…wanted to make you feel so good you would never leave me again-‘
‘It’s okay, you’ve just done it backwards…you can still take me out, just after this is over because I don’t think people would appreciate you fucking me over our table.’ I teased, enjoying the genuine smile that I got from him, only ever seeing it when he looks at me which has always made me feel special.
‘That’s the spell talking-‘
‘I liked you before that you idiot! I just never really thought you were all that serious.’ I admitted, pushing him up and feeling his (once again) hard cock slide out of me as he helped me stand up.
‘How could you think that? I’ve gone out of my way to show you-your friends told you I was using you, didn’t they?’ I nodded and he huffed a heavy sigh before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a rough kiss. ‘I love you, regardless of any doppelgänger or your awful friends. After all of this I will take you out properly, I promise…but until then-‘
‘No! No more floor fucking, there’s furniture and a bed here for a reason, no more carpet, it hurts.’ I explained, feeling the rug burn against my back and ass.
‘No more rugs, but I need you now.’ He growled, lifting me by my thighs and appearing in the bedroom instantly, dropping me onto the bed. Just as he spread my legs he paused, glancing over to the table and reaching out to grab the basket with the things Caroline had left. ‘What-‘
‘Caroline left them for me. I guess she wanted to help me since I’m all alone.’
‘Interesting…does she know you well, or not?’ He wondered, picking up the butt plug and raising his eyebrows making me blush as my body started sweating.
‘Klaus! Stop the teasing and get inside me! The cramps are starting, so if you’re not going to help me then get the Fuck out and I’ll do it my-Ah!’ I cried out, feeling the rounded end of the plug pressing to my tight hole and rubbing against it. ‘Oh God!’ Klaus took the lube bottle and squeezed a healthy amount onto the plug before tossing it to the other side of the bed and pressing it back against my ass.
‘Relax Precious, this is going to make it feel so much better!’ He promised, pushing the plug harder until it popped into my hole. Klaus could feel his cock throbbing even harder at the sight of the jewel on the end of the plug. ‘You are so fucking perfect! How do you fee-‘
‘Klaus! Please?!’ I begged, pulling him closer and yanking at his shirt before getting it off and sighing in relief at the feel of his hot skin against mine.
Klaus shoved his jeans and boxers the rest of the way off, finally naked as well before taking hold of his cock and pushing himself back inside of me. ‘There you are love, feels so fucking good, doesn’t it? Both of your slutty little holes stuffed up?’
‘T-Too much-Never-‘
‘Never been so full before, I know Baby! I-Fuck!’ Suddenly as if he could no longer control himself he began thrusting into me frantically. ‘Mine! My Fucking Cunt!’ He snarled, Hybrid visage taking over as he fucked into me so hard I briefly wondered if he could shatter my pelvis like this.
‘Yes! Yours! All yours, don’t stop! Please don’t stop?!’
Y/n couldn’t have said how long Klaus continued like that. How long he thrust into her cunt at a painful speed, how many times the both of them had climaxed together while he still continued to fuck his (somehow still) hard cock into her, she couldn’t even say how many times he had buried his fangs into her throat in an effort to mark her as his like a werewolf marking his mate…and maybe he was. Odds are she was never getting away from him now-not that she wanted to.
It was a week later that Damon finally came back to the house to check on her finding the front door ripped open.
He ventured inside, not hearing anything and figuring that it was over for Y/n and who was inevitably Klaus that had torn the door off the hinges. He was prepared with jokes galore for the the drive back, excited to pick on the young girl for giving into the monster that had been after her for months but sadly he never got to use those jokes.
Damon opened the door to the bedroom to find his girlfriends friend snuggled into Klaus Mikaelson’s naked chest fast asleep. The Hybrid however seemed to have awoken as soon as he turned the doorknob, his yellow eyes finding his with an intensity that he had never seen. He bore his fangs, lifting his head and Damon (one of the only people who had never truly feared Klaus Mikaelson) was instantly terrified. It was like a bucket of ice water dumped on him, alarm bells ringing in his head declaring the danger that he is in prompting him to throw up his hands instantly. As Klaus moved to sit up, the young vampire shut the door promptly and hightailed it back to his car, peeling back down the driveway.
He doesn’t know how long that stuff will take to wear off but it definitely hasn’t yet and he would not be disturbing them again!
Y/n and Klaus were in the house for nearly 2 weeks before they felt as if their bodies were back to normal though they stayed for another week after that. No one could have imagined how close such a spell would bring them…no one except Klaus of course.
The witch he had hired to make that powder had done a wonderful job, money well spent in the Hybrids mind. The spell had worked better than he ever could have imagined and it had gotten him exactly what he wanted.
The only thing left to do was to kill the witch that had helped him and ensure that his mate never learned that he was the one who had dosed her.
He finally had his girl, he couldn’t let something so trivial ruin it.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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shooting-love-arrows · 10 months
could you write where darling wakes up and sees 1950s husband in the middle of his morning routine and finds out hes not as neat as they thought?
but instead of taking it badly they love him even more
Dear Anon,
Aww, that's heartwarming!
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎'𝐬! 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 and not so perfect morning
PAIRING: 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 x reader (gender not specified/mentioned/implied) Tw. angsty, hurt and comfort. A/N: I decided to take into consideration this question when writing this fic. So it is longer and about our dearest 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝.
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You were awoken by the quiet and familiar sound of the bathroom door being open. It means only one thing: your dear husband was currently in the bathroom. Like every other day during this time around.
“Ugh…” A soundless groan of misery left your mouth. Unluckily you didn't sleep well that night. Your sleep was shallow and you couldn't seem to find a comfortable position. Not to mention you woke up to every sound you could hear. And just when you were slipping into a blissful dreamland, your bathroom doors decided to prevent you from slipping further. For now, you snuggled closer to your fluffy pillow. Your thoughts began to roam freely but at some point focused on something that has been bothering you for a while. 
It was confusing. 
At the very beginning of your marriage, you found it surprising. Not many people were that determined to wake up early in the morning. After a few months, you reasoned that it was just part of his personality. Perhaps a perfectionist problem? Part of his routine he didn’t want to stray from? You didn’t know and you didn’t want to pray. Your logic was that if he wants to share it with you, he’ll do so. But after months turned into years, with you still being left in the dark, you began to feel…doubt. 
“Why does he do that?” You wondered more than once. You had no idea what was the reason why your sweetheart got up before you, shuffled around the bathroom, only to come back to bed right before your alarm clock rang, like nothing ever happened. “What does he do there? Should I ask him? Does he want me to ask him? Maybe I should wait for him to tell me himself?”
So many questions, so little answers…
You sighed heavily. It looks like you won’t be able to catch some zzz’s anymore. You were too awake, especially with your mind running miles an hour.
“What a pity…” You rolled over your back and groggily opened your eyes. You blinked a few times to adjust your eyesight. The familiar white ceiling of your cozy bedroom greeted you like an old friend. Streams of warm sunlight were shyly peaking in the room from behind the gaps of the closed curtains. Everything stood still. It was peaceful. You let yourself sink into the soft bed and strained your ears to hear your husband shuffling in the bathroom. You wanted to say you were content but… “What a pity he isn’t here with me…”
You let your eyes slide over to the other side of the bed. It tugged on your heart that it was cold and empty with a messily thrown blanket and a pillow with a dent the size of your husband's head is what has greeted you. It was a let down. You wished he was there to greet you with his brilliant smile that seemed to light up the room, whisper to you a ‘good morning, my darling’ that always caused your heart to skip a beat and let you kiss his soft lips that perfectly molded with yours. This is what you needed to start a good day. 
Involuntarily you did a big and satisfying stretch. Your body felt heavy and begged you to stay in. Just lay down…under those fluffy blankets. Let yourself relax and wait for your dearest husband to climb back beside you. Wake up to him and cherish those kisses you'll share…
“I’m spoiled fella, aren’t I?”
There was no point in dwelling about such matters this early in the morning.
With a heavy sigh, you bravely fought those demons of laziness and decided to get up. You decided to invest this energy in something productive instead. And there’s so much to do around the house! 
“Hold on a moment…isn’t my husband in the bathroom?” Your mind went blank before you eagerly jumped out of your bed. You wouldn’t miss a chance to spend more time with the love of your life. 
You shuffled towards your bathroom, barely containing your happiness. So high on positive emotions and not expecting anything unusual, you didn’t even hesitate to open the door. 
There was a beat of silence. Both of you froze for entirely different reasons. 
You stopped mid stride when entering the small space. Your jaw went slack when your eyes took a closer look at your husband. Your shoulder dropped and you took a deeper breath. His face was…bare. His glistening face seemed to be freshly washed since it was glowing in the warm light. He…he was mesmerizing. 
While you were too busy admiring the entirely new side of your husband you didn’t notice how 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 seemed to be feeling the exact opposite of you. His eyes widened till the white was showing around his irises and his stare didn’t dare to stray from you. His breathing quickened and his body began to fold, hoping to make himself smaller. 
This couldn’t be happening…it can’t be! How…why are you awake? Why are you here? You…fuck…you found him out!
“Swee — ”
“This can’t be happening…! You…no…how…?” You were cut off by your husband's quiet and wobbly muttering. Your eyebrows threw together and your body grew still. You were quick to note how your husband hid his face from you and was hunched over the sink. You heard just how heavy his breathing has become. Something was clearly wrong. 
The reality around 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 became more vivid. His senses heightened to the point he was sure he could feel his surroundings. He was sinking so deep into his headspace he began to get lost there. Everything was becoming too much. His head, his thoughts and his feelings were ripping him apart. And the reason behind it was very valid. Whatever he has built around his person, whatever worth he had in your eyes and the control were gone with the swing of those blasted doors! 
He was falling apart. 
You flinched back (but only because you didn’t expect it) when he started laughing hysterically. Your concern for your husband only grew tenfold when you saw his state worsening by every second. You wanted to help him however you didn’t understand what could be the cause of this. Was it…you?
It turns out you didn’t have more time to analyze the situation, because you had to rush over when you saw your husband crumbling to the floor. Before his body could hit the ground at full force, you caught him safely in your arms. He was hyperventilating and you feared that he would pass out from the lack of air. His body was shaking badly and muttering things under his nose like a madman. Just like you did many times before in different scenarios, you tucked his head into the crook of your neck, laid your chin on top of his head, brought him safely into your arms to hold him tightly. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 closed his eyes, brought his knees close to his chest and circled his arms around them. He curled into a tight ball, slowly rocking back and forth in your arms. 
But your heart broke when you heard the first sobs escaping his lips. 
You really wished you would know what to say or do in that situation. You wished you were more educated on that matter so you could be useful. You wished you could fulfill your role as his lifetime partner to him. Unfortunately, for now you had to rely on your instinct with a promise to be better and aid your husband in the time of need.
Starting now.
“Let it out love…let it out…” You whispered against his ear and started caressing his head. Sweet nothings began to pour out of your mouth soon after. Half of his curls were freed from the curlers and you carefully carded your fingers through them in a soothing motion. 
“Y…you…u…fo…fou…nd…out…!” He wailed in your neck after a while of intense crying. His voice held nothing but despair, pain and heartbreak. Not to mention he could barely speak with how violent his sobs were. You blinked rapidly, scrambling to understand what he meant by that. 
“What have I found out, dearest husband?” You lowered your voice.
“You…you…w…will…leave…leave…me!” He choked out those words like he didn’t hear your question. 
Your eyes widened when you heard this statement. How could he think you’ll leave him? What’s the reasoning behind this logic? Are you failing as a partner? Apparently so because otherwise, your husband shouldn’t be saying, nor even thinking, about such dark thoughts. 
Some moments passed before you opened your mouth again. 
“For better and for worse…for better, for worse…for richer, for poorer…in sickness and in health…until death do us part.” You whispered those sacred vows, engraved in your mind till the end of your time. You squeezed him tighter so your bodies were melting against each other. Your husband's eyes widened when he heard them, especially when laced with so much love and adoration just like during your wedding. His chest was heaving up and down, violent hiccups jolting his body. His face was flushed, fat tears pouring from his eyes and snot steadily coming down his nose.
He was at his worst, ugly and disgusting. And you…you dared to say those words? Why…?
“Be it whether you’re at your best, at your worst, when we’re young and when we’ll grow old, whether you wear your makeup or not. I am here for you.” You swallowed thickly and fought against your own tears. Your husband needs you and you won’t fail him ever again.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 processed your words before he let out another wail that echoed in the bathroom. You felt your husband latching onto your waist and clutching onto it tightly. He was afraid that if he won’t hold tight enough you’ll get up and leave him for good. He buried his face in your neck and continued to cry harder. He was reduced to a crying mess and shadow of the person he usually portrays himself as. 
“I will never cease to love you, the dearest love of my life.”
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All of the published posts on this account/blog belongs to @shooting-love-arrows. I do not consent to my works being: translated, stolen, published or reposted on this and other sites. Likes, reblogs, comments are highly appreaciated. Thank you.
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atlabeth · 5 months
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mine forever
request from @nghtwngs
pairing: nikolai lantsov x fem!tidemaker reader
a/n: SO sorry for posting this early and having to delete 💀 i was formatting and didnt realize i was not saving it as a draft lmao. but thank you for sending this in love!!! and PLEASEE send in as much nikolai as you want i miss writing for him so much
wc: 1.4k
warning(s): hurt/comfort. reader is insecure, nikolai is the sweetest as usual
join in on my 3k celebration!!
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“You’re avoiding me.” 
Your eyes didn’t move away from the horizon when you heard Nikolai’s voice, though you felt your muscles tense. 
“Clearly not well enough,” you remarked. “Seeing as you found me.” 
“You know I’ll always find you,” Nikolai murmured. “But that means little if you will not talk to me.” 
Of course you were not talking to him. You did not know how to talk to him—not when you so clearly didn’t understand the issue plaguing you. 
All you’d ever known was the life of a Grisha. You were tested when you were young, revealed to be a Tidemaker, and whisked away to the Little Palace, where you’d been honing your abilities ever since. You rebelled against the one thing you knew, joined the side of the Sun Summoner, and now you were in the midst of a war for the very survival of your people. 
There were so few Tidemakers left after the Darkling’s massacre, which meant Alina and Nikolai were counting on you more than ever in their fight to reclaim Ravka. 
But when you needed your powers most, they disappeared. 
You— you just didn’t understand, because it didn’t make sense. You’d spent years studying the Small Science and how to wield it, how to manipulate the water around you no matter how miniscule. 
This was not merzost. You had never tampered with the way of the world, never attempted to bastardize the abilities you’d been granted.
Like called to like. There was a part of you that connected to the water, that allowed you the affinity for all of this.  
You had just… lost it. For no apparent reason. 
“There is nothing to talk about,” you stated simply. The cold of the railing shocked your fingers as you set your hand down, but you welcomed any sort of feeling. 
“Do not be ridiculous,” Nikolai said wryly. He came out onto the balcony and stopped beside you. You could see him looking at you through your peripherals, could feel his intent gaze. “Nobody avoids me unless they have a reason.”
You huffed a bitter laugh. “I certainly have a reason, moi tsarevich.”
“So we’ve gone back to titles?” Nikolai’s lips quirked up. “Shall I start referring to you as Grisha? Tidemaker, even?”
You scoffed. “That would be inaccurate.”
“Ah,” he nodded. “We’ve reached the root of the problem.”
“We hardly did anything,” you said. “Do you talk just to hear the sound of your own voice?”
“I do, as a matter of fact,” Nikolai said. “But you should know your scornful words have no effect when I’m aware of your true feelings.”
“If you are aware of my true feelings, you should know I would like to be left alone.” 
“You want to be left alone because you feel useless without your power,” he said. “Any man worth their salt would not fall to that, and fortunately, I’m worth quite a lot.” 
You finally turned to look at Nikolai, though you could not muster the full force of your anger when you did. He had that slight smile still, the glint in his eyes, and all you could think was that you didn't even deserve this kindness. 
“Because I am,” you said. 
He shook his head. “You are not. Far from useless, actually.” 
“You served in the First Army, didn’t you?” 
“I hardly see how that’s relevant—” 
“Just answer my question.” 
“...Yes,” he said. “I was infantry. The 22nd Regiment.” 
“And if you had lost the ability to shoot a gun, would you be allowed to stay on the front lines?” 
Nikolai shook his head. “I will not participate in hypotheticals to help you feel worse.” 
“Because you know it’s true.” You looked back out at the horizon—the sun was steadily setting. “I have no place here anymore.” 
He said your name with a slight huff. “That is not true.” 
“I’m not Grisha anymore!” you exclaimed as you whirled back to face him. “The only reason I have ever gotten anywhere— the only reason I am here, the only reason I ever met you in the first place— it is all because of my power.” You pulled your jacket tighter around yourself in the wake of a cold wind. The material was noticeably thinner than your kefta, but you could not bring yourself to wear it anymore. “I’m useless now. To— to Ravka, to the Second Army— to you.” 
His brows furrowed. “You are not useless to Ravka— and you could never be useless to me.” You averted your eyes, unable to meet the full weight of his softened gaze, and his frown deepened. “That’s what this is about then? 
“Don’t act like it’s so ridiculous,” you muttered. 
Nikolai had the nerve to laugh, and you glared at him. He held up his hands in defense, but he could not fully bite back his smile. 
“I apologize, lapushka, but I did not even consider that as an option for why you were so upset.” 
Nikolai took your hands in his, hands that had been the key to your power the entire life, that were failing you, and he held them like nothing else in the world mattered. “Do you know how absurd the thought of me not loving you is?” 
You glanced away, but Nikolai gently cupped your chin with a few fingers and tilted you back to meet his eyes. 
“Because it is,” he continued, letting his hand fall back down to grasp yours. “I love you with everything in me. I love you because you are you—not because of your powers. Not because you are Grisha.” 
“Who am I if I am not Grisha?” Your voice came out as little more than a whisper, near a desperate plea. You’d never felt weaker, never felt smaller. The only thing you’d known all your life had been ripped away from you, and you felt as if you’d been shoved into an endless void. 
Nikolai said your name softly as he squeezed your hands. “You are a soldier of great renown. A revolutionary on the right side of history. The most loyal friend someone can have. And lest you somehow manage to forget it, you are the woman I love.”
“You deserve better than—” you swallowed the lump in your throat. “—than some broken, failed Grisha.”
“You are not broken,” Nikolai murmured, and he never looked away from your eyes as he lifted your hand to press a kiss to the back of it. “We are merely on… a different path.” 
“A different path,” you repeated, and you could not help your wry laugh. 
“Yes,” he nodded. “And we will go down every step of it together. Do you understand that?” 
Nikolai fought for everything he had, despite his standing as a Lantsov. He was a soldier on the front lines, he rose through the ranks on the sea under a pseudonym, and now he was clawing his way through useless formalities in order to take back the throne that he deserved. 
And here you were—someone who was given everything because of some power inside you. And now you didn’t even have that. 
It just did not seem right. It did not make sense. For a man as powerful as Nikolai to stick by your side despite such a misgiving. 
“If you don’t, that is alright.” Nikolai shrugged. “I will just have to spend extra time showing you how much I revere your very being.” 
“Nikolai,” you murmured, and his grip on your hands tightened. 
“I cannot pretend to understand what you are going through,” he said. “I cannot lose what you have lost because I’ve never had it in the first place. But I can promise you wholeheartedly that we will figure out what is wrong. Together.” 
“And what if we don’t?” you asked. You couldn’t help it. 
“Then nothing will change,” Nikolai vowed. “Milaya, nothing can tear me away from you, whether you are Grisha or not. Do you understand that?” 
A part of you still could not. Who were you if you were not of use? 
But when you met Nikolai’s eyes, those beautiful hazel eyes that seemed to glow with the sunset, full of softness and admiration and love, you found that you could start to.
You may not have believed in yourself, but Nikolai did. And that had to mean something.  
“I’m beginning to,” you murmured. 
“Good,” he said, and his lips quirked into a smile. “But fear not, milaya. I hold enough love for you inside of me for the both of us in the meantime.” 
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brenwritesss · 5 months
I'm Yours
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Paige Bueckers x reader
Summary: Paige and reader have been in a situationship for the past few months but reader is nervous to take it to the next step. A night out at the club forces reader to tell her how she really feels.
“Damnit, Paige,” you said, sighing as you shifted seating positions, trying to play your video game. You and Paige had known each other since freshman year at UConn, both being enrolled in the same English course. You both had hit it off instantly since you were working on a group project together. You had always thought she was gorgeous, complimenting her whenever you could. 
And you weren’t oblivious; you knew Paige would flirt with you too even though you just shrugged it off, believing that’s how she is. Paige and you became really close throughout the years, and being best friends had become harder for you when you had to watch her flirt with other girls the same way she did with you. Then things were different. And you noticed that your eye contact became longer, her touches lingered longer on your skin, and her flirting with other girls stopped. Everyone on her team knew you both liked each other, so with some help from Nika, Paige finally made a move on your 21st birthday, resulting in you two hooking up in her bedroom. 
Since then, things have been going well between the two of you. Paige had confessed feelings for you and you did the same. It had been a couple months since then and you weren’t dating, but Paige had made it clear that’s what she wanted.
“What?” Paige chuckled, her hand gripping tighter around your thigh.
You placed your game controller down next to you, turning to look at her. “I can’t focus when your hand is on my leg.”
“Not my problem.”
“Fine,” she said, taking her hand away but her eyes were still on you. You picked up the controller and continued playing, still feeling her stare. You knew what was going to happen. She was gonna ask you about what this was between you and then you had to try your best to find a new answer. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to date her, of course you did. But being friends with Paige for so long, you had seen how she was with other girls, how she was with her past situationships. Not to mention the fact that just months before hooking up with her, you broke up with your ex girlfriend who had cheated on you. You didn’t want to go through pain like that again, even though Paige wouldn’t cheat on you, it was something you were scared of.
“Hey,” Paige whispered and gently took the controller out of your hands. You didn’t do anything other than look at your hands. She used one of her own to move head so that you were now looking at her. “Y/n, what the fuck are we doing?”
You took her in, her blue eyes making you feel like a goddess. Her blonde hair perfectly draped in soft curls past her shoulders. She was wearing a black shirt and gray sweatpants and even in such comfortable clothing, she was one of the prettiest girls you’d ever met. You smiled softly, “you’re watching me play fortnite.”
Paige wasn’t amused. “Very funny. I’m being serious.”
You shrugged. “Look, I know what you want. I told you I need time to get there and I’m sorry it’s taking me a while, but you know how I feel about you.”
“Do I?” Paige’s response caught you off guard, making you raise your eyebrows. “You tell me how much you like me and how much you want me yet you don’t want to be my girlfriend.”
“No, that’s not it at all.”
Paige stood up from the couch. Anger clearly written on her face. “You only tell me how much you want me when you want me to fuck you. I mean, we already do things that people who are actually dating do, so I don’t know what the hell the big deal is.”
“So what, you think I’m using you for sex?” you ask her, shaking your head. Of course you didn’t use her like that. You didn’t realize that’s how she felt at all.
Paige responded, “well, can you blame me for thinking that?”
You stood up and walked towards her, taking her hands in yours. “I never want you to feel that way, Paige. I’m sorry I made it seem like that.”
“I know,” she said and took her hands out of your grasp, “but I can’t keep doing this. You either want me or you don’t. I’ve told you a million times I want to make you mine and I never get a clear answer.”
Paige grabbed her phone from the couch and walked towards the door. “Text me when you figure out whatever the hell it is that you want.”
You rushed to her to get her to stay but she had already shut the door by the time you got there. You didn’t just lose her right? Did you just fuck everything up? You tried your best to control your breathing in order to stop yourself from crying. You should have gone after her but you didn’t know if it would make things worse. 
Instead, you walked into your bedroom, waiting until your roommate returned home. 
It had been a few days since Paige walked out and you haven’t spoken to or seen her since. You had told your roommate about what happened and she told you to tell Paige how you really felt. You never really liked talking about your feelings since you were young and it scared you. However, your roommate assured you that if you wanted Paige to understand you, you had to be an adult and act like one. Thank god for her.
And she could tell that you needed a night where you could let loose and take your mind off of Paige. So she took you along with some other friends to a club, hoping it would help. “Okay Y/n, take a shot,” she ordered, holding shot glass in front of your face. You looked up at her and shoved her hand away.
“I don’t feel like drinking.”
She sat down next to you, her arm draping around your bare shoulders. “You’ve been in a slump for the past few days. Please take a shot. We’re here to have fun, remember?”
“I remember.” You took the shot glass, looking around the club. “Fine.”
The liquid burned the back of your throat while all of your friends cheered you on. You rubbed your hands on your small black dress and then grabbed your best friend’s hand. “Let’s go dance.”
Your friend followed you and for what seemed like hours, but had only been fifteen minutes, the two of you danced together and laughed. She was always your go-to dancing partner but right now, your heart ached, wishing it was someone else. A blonde basketball player.
If you had just told her how you really felt, this could have all been avoided and you two could have been here together, dancing. You wanted her to look you in the eyes and hold you like no one else ever had before. God, you missed her. 
Suddenly, you backed into someone by accident. Muttering ‘sorries’, you both turned to look at each other. “Y/n?”
“Oh shit, Madison?” You were facing your ex-girlfriend. The one who had cheated on you months before you started seeing Paige.
“You look good,” she said, smiling at you while the music blared in the background.
“Thanks.” You moved a strand of your hair away from your face. “It’s good to see you. Sorry for bumping into you.”
You turned to move away from her and to find your friend but she had stopped you. “Hey, you wanna catch up? I’ll order you a drink.”
You looked at her confused. “Thanks, but I’m here with friends so I should really get back to them.”
She laughed, “c’mon, it’s just one drink. If I remember correctly, you can never turn down a dirty shirley.”
One drink couldn’t hurt. Right?
She led you to the bar, ordering you a drink and pulling out one of the stools for you to sit on. You thanked her and she stayed looking at you, making you feel weird, as if you shouldn’t be with her.
“So, how have you been?”
“Pretty good, actually. I just moved into a new apartment with my best friend so life is pretty chill right now,” you explained and she nodded, taking a sip of her drink.
“That’s awesome. Yeah, my girlfriend and I talked about moving in together. Won’t be for a long while, though.”
“Girlfriend?” You asked her, grabbing hold of your dirty shirley. You were unaware that she was dating someone new.
She looked down at the floor, clearing her throat. “Yeah, uhm Emily and I started dating three months ago.” 
You took a deep breath. Emily was the girl Madison had cheated on you with. “Wow, I’m uh happy for you.” You forced a smile.
“Thank you,” she said. She put her drink down and moved closer towards you. “Hey, I want to apologize for what I did to you. I know it was shitty and I hurt you. You didn’t deserve that at all.”
This was the first time she had ever apologized. Even when you find out, she never took accountability which was another reason why you were so pissed and hurt. So this meant a lot to you. “Thanks for apologizing. I know I wasn’t the greatest girlfriend but damn, that was really fucked.”
Madison let out a laugh, “no fucking shit.”
“Why’d you do it?”
Madison sighed, “because we weren’t working and I was scared of saying something. And I didn’t want to lose you so I thought that if I did what I did, I could still have you. I know I should have told you how I felt but I didn’t want to own up to my own feelings.”
You nodded, trying to process what she was saying. “It really fucked me up, you know.”
“I know and I’ll spend the rest of my life apologizing if I need to. And I hope you can forgive me. If I could go back, you know I’d never do it.”
“I know.”
“So, friends?” she asked, nudging you with her fist. 
“Friends.” You fist bumped her, resulting in the two of you laughing. You finally got the closure you needed with Madison and it made you feel really good. As if a weight was lifted off of your shoulders.
“Hey Y/n,” she whispered, causing you to look at her. “Why is Paige Bueckers staring me down like she wants to kill me?”
“What?” You whipped your head towards your right and stood across the club was Paige, a drink in her hand and Aubrey standing next to her. Aubrey was saying something to Paige when you both made eye contact. You realized then what it had looked like. That you were there at the club with your ex-girlfriend. The same ex-girlfriend that Paige grew to hate after she had spent days comforting you when she cheated on you.
Paige set down her drink and walked away. You wasted no time in following after her, trying to get her to stop walking. “Paige, wait.” You were both now outside the building when she continued walking. “Paige, I promise it was not what it looked like.”
Paige stopped, turning around. Your breath hitched. You hadn’t been this close to her in days. You took in the sight of her, wanting to run into her arms. “So you want me to believe you weren’t here with her?”
You walked slowly towards her. “I wasn’t. I was here with my friends and we bumped into each other. What you saw at the bar was just her apologizing for what she did. Nothing else.”
“And what you forgave her? Do you remember what she fucking did to you? I had to watch you cry over her for days and I held you to try to go to sleep because you couldn’t sleep on your own because of her. And everything’s fine now?” Her voice raised.
You took in all of her words. “I can’t hate her anymore, Paige. Anyway, that’s not the point,” you said and she looked at you confused. “I should have gone after you when you left my place but I was scared. I do want to be your girlfriend, you have no idea. I’m scared that I won’t be a good one. That’s why I keep pushing you away.”
Paige’s expression softened. “You could have told me.”
“I should have, I know. But I’m doing it now.” You were now close to her and she watched your every move. “I do want to be with you. And when I’m not around you, I miss you like crazy. These past few months haven’t meant nothing to me. They’ve been everything to me. Please give me another chance.”
Paige stayed silent and you worried yourself for what you thought her response would be. “You’re all I can think about, Y/n. I want you to be my girlfriend but I don’t want to force you into it if that’s not what you want.”
“No,” you said, “I really want that. I’m yours in every way you want.”
“Fuck,” she muttered before crashing her lips onto yours, her hands wrapped around your waist. “I’m yours too.”
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hidden-poet · 2 months
Commander Snow: 10
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Commander Snow
Summary; Under the advice of Dr Gaul Coriolanus returns back to district 12 where without blinding light of lucy-grey he could see you.
Warnings; dead dove to do not eat, stalking, unrequited love, breeding kink, violence, possessive!Snow, unco/dubco, sexual content, she/her pronouns, explicit, violence, death, sexual assault, child birth, Capitol bullies.
Editor: @hotline-to-hell
chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
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The bed you were asleep on felt like a cloud under you. 
The bedding was fresh, and smelt slightly of lavender scented washing powder. It held a  crispness that could only be given by drying in the sun. 
Pillows surrounded you, giving you a sense of security while heavy blankets nearly pinned you to the mattress from their weight. 
You slept easy despite your predicament. Only the morning sun, as it streamed through the airy curtains, woke you. Still, you don’t move. Too comfortable, and too tired to face the day. 
Coriolanus was not next to you. The large bed was only occupied by yourself. You wondered how long he had been missing, and how much longer he would stay away. 
You were in an entirely new world, only he was familiar. And even he had changed. He was President of Panem, not Commander of District 12. His hair was long, and his clothes were fashionable. He even held himself taller and talked slower. 
Still, he was what you knew. Your lifeline in an alien world. 
Would you change too? You supposed you had. 
A District girl, now wife of the President. Soon the weight of the diamond on your hand would become unrecognizable. You would get used to the strange people here. Tigris and Grandma’am would become family and not Capitol enemies. 
So quickly, your life was snatched from under you. Everything you have ever known has been replaced. Even the air felt different upon your skin. The people around you ate differently, talked differently, dressed differently. Would anything be left of you? Would you be able to keep anything of your home inside of you?
Your heart hurts to think of your mother and brother. Were you to trust Coriolanus when he said he had released them? He was likely to have had them 
released and then shot outside of the gates. How could you ensure their safety? Would he let you call them? What would it cost you?
The quiet turning of the door knob broke your train of thought. 
You wondered if it was a maid or Coriolanus but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn and look. 
You didn’t want to face either one so you closed your eyes hoping that they would leave you. 
Coriolanus did not. He gently shook your shoulder, and you rolled over from your fake sleep. 
“Good morning,” he pushes back your hair, tucking it behind your ear, “Did you sleep okay?”
You brush his hand away. Your ring scratches the skin of his hand as you do. 
“I have a doctor on standby. Are you in any pain?” 
You sit up and surprisingly find very little pain. More tightness from a muscle that had never been used before. You were quite wet already, and he was slow. Allowing you time to adjust. 
“I feel fine,” you respond, “What time is it?” 
“It’s early. I’m sorry. The sign-in is at noon, so you need to start getting dressed. Just like yesterday, some women are going to come in and help you.” 
“The same women?” You hoped not. They were so Capitol. You felt repulsed at the thought of sharing a room with them again. 
“I don’t know. Was there a problem with them yesterday?” His Commander's face was put on. A displeased stone expression that made you feel like a scolded child. 
“No.” You deny. Your eyes go to your ring that sprays out a pale rainbow from the sunlight. 
He pulls your attention back to him with a hold on your chin. 
“You’re my wife. First Lady of Panem.” 
Him calling you wife made your heart curdle. 
“You hold the power over them. If there’s an issue you need to tell me.”
“There was no issue,” you insist. 
He doesn’t push you on it.
“They will be here soon. Come outside for breakfast.”
He gives your arm a tap before rising from the bed to retrieve a warm dressing gown from the closet. 
It was soft around your body and brought a surprising amount of warmth. 
The journey to the dining room table was simple. Just past a long hallway, it opened into the living room, where to the right an elevated platform formed the dining area. 
The Snow women were not dressed as casually as you were. Fine dresses and jewels were worn for breakfast. 
You looked to Coriolanus to see he was also dressed fashionably and felt embarrassed that he had brought you out in last night's worn make-up and a dressing gown. 
The women seemed unbothered to see you. 
“Good morning, Y/N.” Tigris greeted you. 
“Good morning.” You offer back. 
Coriolanus holds out a chair for you amongst the 12 available. 
“Did you have a good time last night?” she asks. 
You looked at her and saw no vindictiveness in her eyes. It was a genuine question, offered to make you feel at ease. 
It was, in fact, the worst night of your life. But you were a stranger at her table, you would not repay her kindness with scorn. 
“Yes,” you say instead, “Did you?” 
Tigris nods her head, as she pours out coffee from a pot into the small white tea cups. 
“Bet you never saw anything like that in the Districts.” Grandma’am quipped. 
You weren’t sure if she intended for her comment to be a way of reminding you of your place, or as an encouragement to how great the Capitol could be. 
“No, I haven’t.” You agree. 
There was food displayed on the table, across a long white cover. Coriolanus picked food from and dropped it onto the gold plate in front of you. 
You had no appetite. It was all so ghastly rich. There was no need for this amount of excess. 
Coriolanus did not share your off-put. He ate his plate, while you examined the strange contents of yours. 
Grandma’am doted on her grandson. Telling stories of his younger years. He always had leadership skills, she said. His presidential future was never in any doubt. 
“Even when-” Grandma’am stopped herself, suddenly looking at and pushing her food around on the plate. 
You were eager to hear what she had to say. Even when he was sent to be a Peacekeeper? Even when he got involved with Lucy Gray? Was there something else that Coriolanus has kept hidden?
“If only your father could see you now,” she redirects, “Oh he would be so proud.” 
“We’re so proud,” Tigris states. Trying to defuse the somber mood. 
Coriolanus smiles at Tigris under her praise. 
“And you?” he asks, turning to you. 
You nod your head, unsure on what he wanted to hear. 
“Congratulations, President Snow.”  You offer. 
“It sounds right, doesn’t it?” Grandma’am squeals. 
You wait until the rest of the company has finished their breakfast between idle chatter. 
Coriolanus was on his second cup of coffee. His arm slung over the back of your chair, as he sits casually, talking to Tigris. 
He leans down to your ear, the second Tigris is occupied with Grandma’am.
“Can you eat something, please? The stylists will be here soon,” he whispers. 
 His casual demeanor returns as Tigris’s attention does. 
You follow his request, taking a bite of some sort of breakfast biscuit. It was fresh, and soft, even stone-cold. You could taste the butter in it. Real butter, not the imitation type found in the Districts. 
“I am going to miss you,” Tigris sighed. 
“We’re not staying here?” You turn to Coriolanus who had just taken another sip of his drink. 
Your stomach fills with knots thinking about a new place. You didn’t want to move. 
He swallows quickly, trying to answer you before anyone else. 
“No. We’re going to the presidential estate, but we’ll come back and visit. And you're both always welcomed at the Presidential Palace.” 
You jump as a ringing sound breaks through the air, looking around to try and see the small bell hidden in the room. 
Coriolanus’s hand comes from the back of your chair to the back of your neck. “It’s okay,” he soothes. 
He reaches for a panel of buttons built into the table and holds one in. 
“Yes?” He answers the call. 
“Mr. President, the PR team is here,” a voice spoke back. 
“Send them up.” His hand returns from you, back to the chair. 
“You don’t have long. Try to have another bite,” he commands. 
You finish the breakfast biscuit by the time the two Peacekeepers escort a whole team of people up to the penthouse. It sat heavy in your stomach. 
You see the same two women in the group. They stand side by side in ridiculous outfits. The one who had burnt you with a curling iron had a spiky, purple hat that reached tall into the sky. 
Two racks of clothing, and four big black boxes on wheels, were carted behind them. 
Coriolanus walks to the living room to greet them. They all congratulate him on his win, which he brushes off quickly to talk to the head stylist about the plan for today. They mutter between themselves, and the stylist shows Coriolanus a large book, pointing to the pictures. Coriolanus points down the hall, explaining the layout of the apartment. 
The book shuts with a heavy snap, and the stylist turns to his workers directing them to their places. 
The team split up behind Coriolanus, as he walked back over to you. 
“You’ll go back to the bedroom. I’ll use one of the spares. If there are any problems, you come and find me.” He tells you. 
You nod in response, noting that three other women follow the two women from yesterday down the hall. 
Coriolanus says goodbye to Grandma’am and Tigris, before leading you back to the bedroom where he lets you go without a word. As he closes the door behind you, the women in the room snap their attention to you. 
They all begin talking to you. Not one voice is heard but hands are felt all around you as they pull you into the bathroom. 
They bicker amongst themselves on what needs to be done first. You had many faults that needed to be fixed before the signing. Your skin wasn’t tight or dewy enough. You needed a facial, and eyelash lift. Your chipped nails were disgusting. Your hair was dull and lifeless. 
You feel vulnerable as hands dig harshly into your clothing, pulling it off your body. As you push hands away, more hands take their place. They call you difficult as you beg them to allow you to do it yourself. 
The shower is turned on too hot, you could feel the heat of it standing five feet away. 
Stripped, you notice the mess of semen still between your legs. Others notice it too and begin to giggle to themselves. Coriolanus had run a wet towel over you so you could sleep comfortably, but it wasn’t enough. 
The shower was boiling as you were pushed under it. Your skin instantly turned red. The women themselves didn’t want to get wet, standing outside of the shower screen, and pulling you by your hair to bring you closer. 
One lathers a strong-smelling liquid into your hair without much care, while another scrubs a hard brush against your skin to rid the old skin. 
It hurt as it raked across your body without soap. The woman's rings got caught in your hair as she scrubbed your head, it yanked as she pulled back. 
With a cry of pain, you are pushed back under the stream of hot water. 
You think about running to find Coriolanus, but they are here now. Another team would not be sent. He would only reprimand them, and then you would be left alone with their wrath. 
You sob instead. You should be at home. It was Wednesday. You were pretty sure. You should be at work, making idle chatter with your co-workers. 
“Wash it out!” The woman commands, “We don’t have much time.” 
Trying to appease her, you do a quick rinse under the water. 
“All of it,” she sighs. 
‘'The water’s too hot,’’ you cry. You felt like a cornered animal.
She looks at her co-workers annoyed. “Turn the water down,” she commands. 
The water is turned ice-cold but you make no further complaint. 
Another round of the strong-smelling liquid is harshly rubbed into your hair, and a nice-smelling lotion is rubbed into your skin. 
The cold water makes you shiver as you stand under it, trying to wash everything off you. 
The water is turned off leaving you standing shivering in the shower. 
“Come on” the women demanded, “hurry”. 
You go to her, and she throws a towel at you. It helps to dry the cold water off you, bringing back a little warmth. 
They watch you as you dry yourself making you feel self conscious. The attempt to cover yourself with the towel is ripped from you, and thrown to the floor. You are once again being pushed instead of asked to do something. 
You were laid flat on a table they had brought. Bare under their eye. Nothing was given so you could cover yourself. 
Five women stand above you and begin work. 
You close your eyes trying to dissociate from everything. A mask is put on your face, leaving space around your eyebrows so they can be waxed. Another oil is put on your hair and skin. 
You could hear the buzzing of the laser and feel its zap as it took the hair off your body. She scaled the length of you with the laser, paying extra attention to your most private parts. 
Only a reprimand was spoken to you as tears ran down your face. You were wasting the product with your tears. 
For a long time, you laid still against the table as they worked. Your body became sore and stiff before they told you to get up and into the bedroom.
It was there you were given back your dressing gown and placed in front of a vanity. 
The women talk amongst themselves as they work. Not one of them asks you anything. You tune them out, thinking about home. 
It felt overstimulating to have so many people working on you at once. Someone cut your hair, while the other women took one hand or one leg. They massage more oil into your skin, before shaping and painting your nails. Your ring is given a shine, and they speak about how beautiful it was. 
You feel their jealousy as they work. Your fingers were twisted into unnatural positions as they were filed. Your hair was pulled ruthlessly as it was cut. One woman stepped on your toes as she rose from the floor for some polish. 
In your head, you were at home, baking for your market stall. Your mother would keep you company in the kitchen, reading a letter from your brother. He had found someone. A nice girl, who treats him well. He wasn’t lonely anymore and had plenty to eat. Edmund was alive, and you would see him when he finished work. He would be joyed at the news that his best friend found a girl, and after dinner that night you would sit with him and draft a letter explaining your new relationship. 
It was a surprise when they all stopped to address the President. 
You turn to see Coriolanus standing in the doorway with a large mug in his hands. He had been taken from his clothes this morning and undressed into a white singlet. He had no shoes on his feet, and his dress pants still had pins in them from the tailoring. 
“It’s time for a break,” he announced. His hair appeared to be cut back, and slightly curled more. His skin glowed with treatment. 
You had never been thankful to see him until that moment. A tear slipped from your eye and you quickly wiped it away.
“Sir, we still have lots to do,” one of the stylists said. 
“Leave the room,” he commanded. 
Tools are dropped as they follow his request.
The five women pass him through the door, and he kicks it closed as the last one leaves. 
You get up from the vanities chair with a headache from all the pulling. 
“I came to check on you. Are you okay?” he says. 
The tea in his hands was a welcomed surprise. The hot shower had dehydrated you, and your crying left your throat scratchy. You take it from him and take three large gulps. 
He takes your waist into his hands once they are free from the cup. 
“Yeah,” you lie. Your voice was quiet and broken from having not spoken for a long period of time. 
The tea was hot, burning your throat as you drank it, but it was good. You broke away from his hold, going to sit on the ottoman by the bed. He followed you as you sat. 
Certain parts of your head felt like they were burning from the harsh treatment, You reached up to soothe the sore spots. Coriolanus’s hands follow yours. You knock them away, wanting nothing more than not to be touched. 
He moves onto the bed behind you, sitting with either leg by your sides. His strong fingers reach into your hair and massage your scalp. It felt nice as his fingers dug into your head so you allowed him to do it. 
You lean back into him, the hot cup burning your lap. 
“Do you want to tell me something?” he gently asks. 
His fingers press into a very sore spot on your head, causing you to wince and pull forward out of his hold. 
He doesn’t let you sit up, pulling you back by your shoulders into him. His fingers go back to your hair once more, but he rakes his nails through your hair instead of pushing in. 
He rakes his nails in a continuous backward motion, soothingly as he talks. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. That shouldn’t have hurt.” 
A gentle kiss is placed against your ear. 
“Are you alright? Do you want me to stay? I’ll stay.” He offers. 
You think about it. The women would surely be kinder with Coriolanus in the room. But you didn’t want to admit you needed him. Worse, you didn’t want to feel indebted to him. After all, it was because of him you were going through this.  
You get up from him once more, and he allows you to create distance as you go back to the vanity set. 
“Leave me alone, Coriolanus,” you demanded. 
You wipe the tears harshly away from your face, and he sits there watching you. 
A gentle knock is heard at the door. Coriolanus rises to answer it. 
“Come in,” he orders. 
The women single file in, past him. Only he stops the women who had been barking orders at everyone all day. 
You watch him in the mirror as he brings his hand down across her face.  
A gasp leaves your lips as you watch her fall to the ground from the force. 
“I entrusted her to you. If you make me regret it, I’ll make you regret it,” he warns, staring down at her with eyes that spoke of his anger. 
He steps over her and back to his room. 
“What did you say?” the woman in the purple hat hisses at you. 
“Nothing,” you admit, “I said nothing. I promise.” 
The woman who was hit gathers herself from the floor, coming over to you and pinching the skin on your arm between her long, fake nails. 
“Well say less.” she rasped. 
“It wasn’t my fault. He’s like that,” you contend, rubbing the skin she had pinched. 
“Maybe to District scum, but not to us.” 
“Your red cheek would suggest otherwise,” you sass. 
It earns you a harsh tug on your hair as it is yanked to one side.
“Just do as you are told and face forward,” she spat.
She spins you by your hair towards the mirror. No more tears fall from your eyes, but a satisfied smirk stretches across your lips. The moment had made you feel powerful. 
While their nail files dug into your skin, and your hair was gripped too tightly just to be cut, they no longer spoke. Coriolanus had scared them into silence. 
A few moments later he reappears with his own styling crew as they struggle to bring everything they need into the room. 
He sets up next to you, and under the watchful eye of Coriolanus, your stylists turn gentle. With your body done, they move to your hair and make-up. 
The large room is crowded with all the people and equipment. The head stylist tries to persuade Coriolanus back to his own room, but he would hear none of it. 
As your hair is curled and pinned into a loose bun, the iron used slipped slightly from her hands as she pinned. It burnt behind your ear, causing you to jump from the hot touch, but no sound escaped you. 
Coriolanus noticed anyway. 
“Be careful. Watch what you are doing”, he reprimanded.  
“Yes, President Snow” the woman apologizes. 
With a spray all over your hair, the woman steps back to admire her work. 
“Alright. We are fifteen minutes behind schedule. We need to get her in her dress”, the woman with the red cheek called out. 
Coriolanus was done. Only one stylist was there with him, shining his shoes. 
They lead you to the bathroom with a dress bag. 
As soon as the door was closed, one of the stylists who had remained quiet all morning began to speak. 
“Yes, President Snow,” she mocked. 
“Shut up,” the hair stylist barked. 
The dress was pulled from the bag without a wrinkle. 
It was a sweetheart, white satin, strapless gown. The bodice had pearls strung along it, and it curved up in the middle into a line of pearls. 
It was matched with a pair of white heels with pearl straps and a jacket of the same material that was only meant to go around your shoulders and not to be worn, you learned. 
The shoulders of the jacket clipped into the dress so it didn’t move.
“There,” the head woman snapped, “You’re done.” 
You quickly rushed from her presence, back out to the bedroom where Coriolanus stood alone. 
You turn back as you walk to him, expecting the woman to come from the bathroom. But they never do.
He takes you into his arms, gaining your attention from the door
“You look beautiful,” he comments. 
He did too, but you wouldn’t admit it. He wore black instead of white, but his shirt and pocket square matched the material of your dress. 
“Thank you,” you reply. 
A slight squeak of the bathroom door had you pulling back. You would hate for them to see you so cozy in his arms. But the door never opens. 
Coriolanus pulls you tight against him again, leaning down to whisper something to you. 
“Do you want me to have them killed?” He asks. 
“No,” you say, astonished that he could think of no other solution.
“It’s up to you,” he states, “Come on. We are late.” 
He leads you back to the living room where Tigris and Grandma’am stood waiting amongst the stylists packing up. 
“Give us time to settle in before you come to visit,” Coriolanus spoke to his family. He leans his tall frame down to kiss each of them. 
“Of course,” Tigris answered. After she had kissed him, she moved over to you. Wrapping her arms around your shoulder, and placing a kiss on the corner of your head. 
“We’ll see each other again soon,” she promises. 
You smile back at her before she is replaced with Grandma’am. The older woman's hug is shorter and less affectionate. 
With a final goodbye, you follow Coriolanus and a series of Peacekeepers to the elevator and down to the car park. 
A sleek black car was waiting. A driver held out the back door, and Coriolanus placed you in the car first. 
The Peacekeepers piled into a large truck. Only one sat in the front of your car with the driver.
The divider was raised so you couldn’t see them, but you could have sworn you had seen the Peacekeeper before. You wondered if Coriolanus had brought back men from District 12. 
The car ride passed through the city. You had never seen such buzz. Colors and colors flew past you. Buildings that reached the sky gleamed. Tall statues were littered across the drive. You counted seven, and a possible eighth that flew past too fast to see more than a gray figure. 
You wanted to put the window down for a better view as the tint from the window dulled some of the colors. But Coriolanus denied your request. The wind would undo the work done on your hair, and it was important that you arrived looking your best. He had promised to take you out again later with the windows down. 
When you arrived at the presidential estate, it was surrounded by supporters of Coriolanus holding banners and sticks with a picture of Coriolanus’s face attached. They waited outside of the tall gates guarded by peacekeepers. 
As the car passed them, screams and cheers deafened you. 
It got worse when you entered the gates, the screaming was matched with flashes of white light. 
Coriolanus was unbothered by it all. His focus is all on the approaching building in front of him. 
The building was grand, surrounded by meticulously kept gardens. Large Panem flags hung on flag poles on either side of the staircase that led to the entrance. A line of staff stands at the top of the staircase. All of them were dressed in expensive white material that formed around their bodies in a long coat, and pants. Gold detailing was added to the stitches and a gold pin fashioned into the Panem symbol was pinned across their chest to keep their jacket closed. 
Even the servants dressed nicer than the high society of District 12. They looked better fed too. 
The car stopped as close as it could to the stairs and Coriolanus turned to you, taking your hand in his. 
“Stay close to me. People are excited and that can cause them to act mindless.” 
The door is opened by a Peacekeeper and Coriolanus leads you along the slim path through the sea of people. 
People reach out to touch him, yelling out to gain his attention. But his mind stayed focused on the approaching building. A look of smug satisfaction and determination played across his features. You must have looked terrified as you followed him.
These people looked like animals. They frenzied around you with only a few Peacekeepers to keep them in check. 
You stay as close as you can to Coriolanus, taking the back of his shirt into your spare hand. 
The path ends as it comes to the bottom of the step. Coriolanus reaches his hand back to release you from his shirt, bringing you to stand by him as you climb the steps. 
One woman in an all-black ensemble stood out in front of the line of staff. She greeted Coriolanus as he reached her on the steps. 
“President Snow, an honor to serve you as your head of staff.”
She reached out her right hand but his right hand was latched around yours. He was hesitant to let it go.
She pauses when he doesn’t react but quickly switches out hands which Coriolanus accepts in a handshake. 
Upon realizing your importance to him, she turns to you in a curtsy. 
“And you, Mistress.” 
The crowd cheers once more for President Snow. White roses are thrown from the crowd, falling on the road and upon the bottom of the stairs. 
Peacekeepers push back against the crowd. Things were not to be thrown at the President. 
“A pleasure. Perhaps we should get inside before the crowd decides to see how close they can get.” Coriolanus suggests. 
The woman steps back, nodding her head quickly and too many times. 
“Of course. If you would follow me, I will take you to the signing.” 
The rest of the staff remain on the steps as you and Coriolanus follow the woman.
The loudness of the crowd was shut out from the big, heavy doors. It offered you two seconds of relief before taking in the vastness of the house. 
The floors were polished and matched the furniture.  A big lush thick carpet was laid out to add some warmth to the room. It was dark red and had cream accents that splayed out in intricate designs. The entryway must have been 50 feet in width and length but the red carpet covered nearly all of it. 
Both you and Coriolanus looked around in wonder. Only Coriolanus was better at hiding his amazement. He acted indifferent as the women explained the history of the house. But you could see his eyes linger on the expensive and well-decorated decor of the house. 
Staircases were everywhere, leading up and down in all different forms of design. The house was too big. It would be easy for a person to get lost but the woman led you without stumbling. 
You wonder about her. How long had she been here? Was it a choice to serve the house? 
She didn’t seem scared or upset. There were no marks upon her cream skin suggesting a lifetime of servitude. She wore make-up, and her thick, black hair was styled fashionably. But looks could be deceiving in the Capitol. 
They liked to hide behind their fine things and sharp appearances. 
She leads you into a large office. The original flag of Panem hung framed behind a large desk. The dirt and blood that had gathered on it during the war blotted the bright colors. 
Only five reporters were allowed into the room, amongst a few other important people. They all greeted Coriolanus with a firm handshake. Only one reporter was female, and she towered over the men, assisted by her six-inch heels. She looks at your ring, and you notice an absence of one on hers. 
She was too smart to get trapped by the Capitol men. 
Coriolanus thanked them for being here with his dazzling smile while you stood behind him mute, and useless. 
The women who brought you in interrupted the polite conversation between the group. 
“President Snow, it is custom to sit in the chair while signing,” she directed. 
“Yes,” Coriolanus obliged, leading you behind the large oak desk. 
You tug your hand from him as he sits. They wanted him, not you. 
A dark green plush couch with colorful cushions called out to you. You needed to sit as your legs felt like jelly. 
“President Snow, did you want the picture with or without your First Lady?” The woman reporter asked as she readied her camera. 
“With.” Coriolanus beckoned you closer but your legs would not cooperate. 
You stood until the head of staff pushed you forward. 
“Alright, dear, you stand behind your husband and don’t forget to smile. Big smile!” She commands. 
You are thankful that her hands moved you into position. The referral to Coriolanus as your husband froze you. She told you once more to smile which activated your lips into a thin smile.
“Okay, Mr. President when you’re ready,” one of the male reporters called. 
The cameras flash blinding you as Coriolanus signs his name on the parchment. 
His signature is a series of neat loops finished by a long line that curled underneath his name. 
It was official. Coriolanus Snow would now rule over Panem. With the hopes that it was over, you go to move back out of the camera frames but it only caught the attention of the journalists. 
“Mrs. Snow, how about a kiss for the President?” One of the reporters called out. The comment frenzied the rest who shouted out encouragements. 
Coriolanus turns out to you in his chair, permitting you to follow the command. 
So you do. Bending down to his height and placing a kiss on his lips. He steadies you with a hand on the side of your face so that the kiss deepens. 
The cameras liked that. You pull away, but Coriolanus' hand keeps you in place. 
His thumb brushes against the lipstick that had smudged getting rid of it before wiping his hand over his mouth. 
A make-up artist comes over to him, helping him to rid the lipstick off his face and reapplying power from a compact. 
“Okay, can we get a shot of just the President staring down the lens with the flag in the background?” The woman once more directs. 
You move quickly out of the way as the journalists kneel on the floor for the shot, and point their cameras up. 
You find comfort on the couch and watch as Coriolanus is directed for the magazine shots. 
When he is not directed to stare into a camera his eyes are on you, making sure that you are still in the room. 
A deep regret sets on your posed photos. You should have said no. Coriolanus would be too cautious to correct you in front of what constituted the entirety of Panem. You could have gotten away with it. Now your family was sure to see the photos of you happily smiling behind him. Kissing him, with a diamond ring on your finger. 
What would Edmund's family think? Your own family would think of you as a traitor. What would the family who lost everything due to you think? Edmund was keeping them afloat. How would they get by now? Would your brother take care of them as Edmund took care of his family? Would they accept the help of a traitor's brother?
Coriolanus stands from the desk in front of the reporters. 
“As you can imagine, yesterday was a long day. If you are satisfied with the photos I would like to settle in with my new wife.” 
“Of course, Mr. President,” was the resounding response. 
He comes to collect you on the couch as the head of staff briefs the people in the room on what is to happen now. 
“No one is to leave this room. Peacekeepers will come and escort you out. You and your equipment will be searched before you are released back to your firm. The President thanks you for your time and service to your country.” 
Coriolanus brings your arm to loop through his as you follow the woman back out into the vast space of the house. 
She takes you up a large, twin staircase back at the main entrance of the house, and along a corridor lined with a long carpet. At the very end came a double-door entrance that stretched from the very bottom, all the way to the top. 
This was the President's quarters. She unlocks the door with a key that was passed to Coriolanus, and swings open the doors so you can see the space. 
Another enormous space was filled with plush rugs and expensive furniture. Back home a house consisted of the bare necessities. In the Capitol, they had space for every activity and filled it with unnecessary furniture. 
A breakfast nook, a long dinner table, a sitting area, a living room, a walk-in coat closet, two full bathrooms, a tall wine fridge, and a set-up bar were all contained within the floor. A staircase that led up suggested that there was more to the living space. 
The woman asks if she can do anymore, but Coriolanus assures her there is nothing to be done but rest now. 
She shows Coriolanus a button he could push to call for a servant before bidding him goodbye. 
He was quick to shut the door behind her as you wandered into the apartment. 
“What do you think?” He asks. 
“People live like this?” You run a hand over a soft blanket draped over the couch. 
“I never have,” he admits. 
 From a war-ruined boy, to a Peacekeeper, to Commander of District 12, Coriolanus lived far from the luxury of the Capitol. 
He got nights of Capitol living when he came to visit from District 12 but his home had always been rat-infested slums. 
“It’ll feel more like home when you settle in, and make it your own.”
“It’ll never feel like home,” you remark snidely. 
Coriolanus picks up a small decorative statue and examines it. 
“Well not your home back in District 12, but your home in the Capitol.” 
He places the statue back down and holds out his hand for you to take. 
“Shall we see upstairs?” 
Upstairs was as impressive as down. Six spare bedrooms each with their own bathrooms and ready for guests, a sizable private study that conjoined to a lavish sleeping arrangement. 
You open the doors to your closet to find that it already had been filled with clothing. A pair of comfortable-looking pants and a singlet call out to you, and you ask Coriolanus if you could change. 
He gives you permission, telling you that he was going to look around the estate but he would be back soon. 
The bathroom had heated tiles which helped to keep you warm as you tried to figure out the shower. There was a pad with buttons that had too many commands to work.
You finally figure it out with pure luck and a heavy stream of water shoots out from the shower head. 
You shower off the make-up and hair spray. Some glitter that had been dusted on your skin had to be scrubbed off which left you red, and pruny from the time it took. 
Another battle to turn off the water, before you could reach for a white fluffy towel off the rack. It was warm too from the heated rack.
With Coriolanus gone, you explored the room. Everything was set up as if you already lived here. 
You find a book about the history of Panem in the bookcase and flick through it. It talked about the Dark Days. How District people were dangerous and out to ruin Capitol life. 
Large black and white pictures taken during the war were displayed in large form across the page. The Capitol during the war looked like District 12 now. 
The next page showed a photo of rebels being lined up to be shot. The page after that had a photo of a man. A general during the war. The name shocked you. 
General Crassus Snow. He looked a little like Coriolanus. Same blonde hair and blue eyes, but without the name, you wouldn’t have known.
A hero they called him. It turned out Coriolanus wasn’t lying to you when he said his father was killed in 12. You wondered how that must have felt for him, to go back there and rule over the place that left him fatherless. 
A little blurb read that Crassus Snow was known to have an excellent head for strategy and nerves of steel. With a commanding presence that rose him quickly through the military ranks before he was cowardly killed in an ambush. 
Coriolanus had followed in his father’s footsteps. The page could have been Coriolanus' autobiography. 
Your fingers trace the photo of the man standing tall in his uniform. If he was alive, you doubt he would have let Coriolanus get involved with you. But he wasn’t, and you were here, trapped in the Capitol, while he was buried somewhere in District 12. 
You continue with the book, scoffing as they skew history to fit their narrative. War was never one-sided. 
You hear him as he enters the study. The door was heavy and loud. 
Expecting him to appear, you continue flipping through the pages of the book. 
But time passes with no appearance.
You finish the book and go to find out what he is doing. 
Taking the side door, you could see his back as it faced a large painting on the far wall. You knew from school that the picture was of the past President Ravenstill.
He gazes at the portrait with his hands clasped behind his back. 
“Coriolanus?” You call. It breaks his concentration, and he unhooks himself from his rigid posture to extend his hand out to you. But he never faces away from the painting. 
You rush to accept his hand, looking up at the painting with him. There was nothing special about it. An oil painting that depicted a hateful man in a powerful position. 
But something about it captivates Coriolanus. 
“Are you alright?” you ask. His broody eyes normally meant bad things for you.
“You see this?” He bends his forehead to your level and points to a faint scar on the top corner of his head. 
“During the war, I went looking for scraps around the Presidential palace. I found a great big bucket full of half-eaten bones with meat still on them just sitting there over the fence, so I reached my hand in to try and get one. I was found by a Peacekeeper who informed me that the President said they were for his dogs and left me with a scar from the butt of his rifle.” 
He looks away from you and back to the painting. You were grateful for it. There was a darkness in his eyes that scared you. 
“Now I am the man in the palace,” he mutters. 
“I am sorry that happened to you.” 
He smiles at your words. Pity was something he wanted from no one but you. 
“You can do a lot of good, Coriolanus,” you temper with a squeeze to his hand. 
He nods his head in agreement, “I will. The Capitol will flourish under me.”
“You could do good in the Districts too. You saw the disadvantages there.”
His grip around your hand tightened, and his jaw locked in place. The painting was no longer of any interest. You now bore his intense stare. 
“I saw a bunch of animals clawing at each other to get ahead. You should be thankful that I saved you.”
“Saved me?” You questioned. 
He had not saved you from a burning building but taken you from your bed at night. 
“It wouldn’t have been long before the animals tore into you.”
The hold on your hand loosens and he takes a step back from you. 
“I’ll ring down for lunch.” He disappears from the room, leaving you in front of the painting. That night it was replaced with one of Coriolanus. The painting of him was still wet but hung proudly in the room. 
The next morning after a luxurious breakfast you went straight back to bed and stayed there until Coriolanus returned home. 
You had no idea if he locked the door on his way out, you never checked. There was nothing out there for you. No family or friends to shield you in their arms. No familiar faces, or sense of community. 
Tigris and Grandma’am visited on the weekend, wanting to be shown around. But you only knew the bed, and Coriolanus spent too many hours at the official office downstairs to know the little details of the apartment. The head of staff was called again to show the group around the property. It took nearly half an hour to explore the place. 
Grandma’am was too old to do that much walking but she wouldn’t slow down. She had dreamt about this day, longer than Coriolanus had. She held on to him as he assisted her in walking, and you held her handbag. 
They stayed for coffee and cake which delighted Coriolanus. You spoke very little, even as Tigris tried to coax a conversation out of you. The crushing weight of defeat was hindering your ability to be social. 
When they left, you got an earful from Coriolanus, who was disappointed in your behavior. All was forgiven, however, when the lights turned off and you were alone in bed with him.
The staff thought it was odd when you insisted that you would do the cleaning and cooking for yourself and Coriolanus. He took great pride in it. Feeling as if it was a testimony of your love. But in truth, your days were so much longer without it.
Sometimes there were visitors from the Academy or acquaintances from high society. Grandma’am and Tigris came over consistently but most of the time you were left completely alone. 
For a brief period, while the facilities for you to cook and clean were installed, you lived back in the Snow Penthouse. 
You enjoyed other company besides Coriolanus. One night after he was finished with you, you asked him if home could be here instead of the Presidential Palace. 
He gave a laundry list of reasons as to why that wouldn’t be possible. The Presidential Palace was safer. It was the place where the President and the First Lady were supposed to live. Besides he didn’t want Tigris, and Grandma’am around while he adjusted to married life. You knew it all boiled down to the fact he simply didn’t want to. 
The night you return to the Presidential Palace, he comes to bed with a stack of papers.
“Look,” he leans closer to you, holding out a bit of paper that you couldn’t read under the sporadic flashes of light from the Tv. 
“My first official act as President. Schools will now provide breakfast and lunch free of charge for every school student.”
“I thought children in the Capitol never had to worry about food”. 
“Some do,” he responds, “There are poorer and richer classes in the Capitol too. Not to the extent of the Districts, but we have our own troubles in the Capitol.” 
The Capitol people, no matter how poor, were not treated like animals, and terrorized by a militant group. They were still Capitol, and thus worthy of respect. 
“And university is free for those in the top 10% of their cohort. I’ll make the announcement first thing tomorrow morning.”
“That’s wonderful” you praise, although you cared little for the new change. 
He felt as if the bill would rewind the clock. Damn the Hunger Games, and the Plinth Prize. If he could bury the mistakes of his past, they never happened. 
Coriolanus grew desperate for a baby after his first month of presidency. He wished he had gotten you pregnant back in District 12 so he could have a baby halfway through his first term. But he didn’t dwell on the past when he could focus on the future. 
He tried desperately every night to put a baby in you, but nothing stuck.
He grew worried that time in the Districts had made you barren. After a very uncomfortable examination by a doctor who assured him that you were able to bear children, but simply have not. 
The thought of children made you feel sick. You had no idea how you would manage it on top of everything. You did not want his children, but how could you stop him? He was the one who decided your future. 
Every morning he would wait outside of the bathroom door for you to do a test. You would bring a negative result back, and his face would sag. 
His frustration was rough in form. Since election night, fun was the only objective for Coriolanus. But as his want for a child grew, teasing and pleasing you were secondary to his need. Again and again, in the same night, he would manhandle you in positions he thought were best. They left him with a sore wife and no baby to show for it. 
A doctor had suggested that extreme stress can disrupt the ovulation cycle making it difficult to plan strategic timing of sex. This had annoyed Coriolanus greatly. You went on only a few official obligations in which you stayed by Coriolanus. You were fed, clothed, and rested. There was no extreme stress in your life that would hinder you from his baby. 
You verbally agreed with his rant but laughed in private at his delusional hissy fit. 
Every night when he was finished, he would sleep thinking tomorrow he would wake with good news. 
One day he did. He was getting ready to go down to the office, waiting for you to present him with the test. 
You expect the same as before, but as you expect the test, you notice an instant difference. 
Scrambling for the box, you check the instructions. A cold shot through you as you looked back to see the indication of pregnancy. 
In hope you take another one. 
Coriolanus knocks on the door, telling you he has to leave soon. 
You don’t care, you stare at the test waiting for a negative result. 
It appeared the same as the other.
Coriolanus calls out again. On auto-pilot, you unlock the door and show him the test. He knew from your expression that it was positive but he looks anyway. 
He kisses you deeply, but you can’t move against him. You were going to be a mother. Die nursing Coriolanus’s babies. 
“A baby,” he says joyously. He brings his hand to your stomach and smiles, “A Snow.” 
He ushers you back into bed, and calls for a maid to come tend to you while he is at work. All day you only move to throw up once. 
The maid annoys you all day by asking you to do things. You just wanted to cry in bed without an audience. 
As soon as the news was announced, floods of gifts came piling into the apartment. Designer clothes, a gold crib, flowers, and chocolate were sent for you. You threw them all out. 
Every day you spend organizing and putting away presents only for more to come. 
If you had thought your life was miserable before pregnancy, your life was unbearable while you were pregnant. Coriolanus was anxious about losing the baby. 
The whole nine months at breakfast each morning a doctor checked for any complications. It made it difficult to eat which frustrated you as you woke every morning with great hunger. Only to throw it up again by mid-morning. 
You were young and healthy so the pregnancy was low risk. Due to the rations in the Districts, your iron was low, but with your meals now being made by qualified chefs and nutritionists it quickly came back up to an acceptable level. 
Coriolanus insisted that everything was a risk. Cooking over a hot stove, or bending to clean.  You came to work with him like you did at the Compound. It was then you realized that he was more worried about you self-sabotaging the pregnancy than he was about the chemicals in cleaning products. 
You grew big and uncomfortable. With the hormones raging in your body you would cry randomly during the day. One time when Tigris came to drop off the baby clothes she had made you, Coriolanus insisted she stayed for tea in the garden. 
It was a beautiful day, and you had company other than Coriolanus. It was one of your better days. But upon seeing a dead baby bird at the edge of the garden, you began to cry uncontrollably. 
You resisted Coriolanus' hold as he shouted for the bird to be taken away. The scene greatly shocked Tigres who quickly left when Coriolanus returned you to your room. 
In addition to the mood swings, your baby kicked all day long giving you little rest. It took a toll on your appearance, leaving you looking half-dead.
Everywhere you turned someone was handing you a pillow and a blanket or offering you food. You felt like the main attraction at a circus. The only good thing about the pregnancy was that no meant no.
Coriolanus was far more respectful of your boundaries. All you had to put up with was his interactions with his unborn child. He liked to speak to it in your stomach and feel it kick. On daily walks for the baby's health, he would hold the bump as he accompanied you around the grounds. He was excited to be a father but you were terrified of being a mother in an entirely different world than your own. 
Both you and Coriolanus attended parenting classes to help with the transition. Even raising babies was different in the Capitol. Mothers were not supposed to leave the house for 40 days after the birth. District women went back to work before the week was out. 
The teachers talked about safe sleeping practices in a cot, District babies slept in a basket cushioned with rags. 
Special food was designed for every stage of toddler life here. Babies back home ate what was available. 
The classes made you grateful that your child was Capitol. At least you could give them a happy, comfortable life.
Coriolanus would ensure the best for his child that you were sure of. 
Nine months passed quickly. One early morning you woke up in a great deal of pain. Coriolanus was still asleep next to you. You knew the baby was ready to come, but you were not ready for the baby. 
You try to delay the baby. The midwife said you had another week. 
A hot bath stops the pain for a little while, but the sound of running water wakes Coriolanus. You’re in the bath for thirty minutes before he rises from bed to join you.
He doesn’t knock as he enters. There was a time when you would have tried to cover up, but those days were long gone.
Coriolanus kneels by the bathtub and places a hand on your rounded stomach. 
“Kicking, is he?” Coriolanus asks. 
“Yeah. Something like that,” you state. 
“He’s just excited to be here next week.” 
As if it was a call to action, your stomach begins to contract painfully tight. You wince, trying hard to keep a sound from coming out. 
“Are you alright?” He asks with concern. 
“Yes. Can you help me out of the tub?” 
The plug is pulled by twisting a round knob to your left, and the water drains quickly. 
He helps you out of the tub gently, wrapping you in a towel and helping you walk to your wardrobe. 
All of your pregnancy clothes were loose dresses that fell down to your ankles. You picked a light blue one but as the fabric fell around your body, your stomach gave a harsh twist. It felt as if your stomach muscles were being pulled from your stomach. 
You feel Coriolanus place a hand on your back. 
“I’ll call for the doctor,” he says. 
The doctor and his nurses had been moved into the presidential palace for the pregnancy. Coriolanus wanted to be sure that if anything went wrong, a team of experts was at hand. 
“No,” you moan, “He’s just moving that’s all.” 
The next contraction had you yelling and kneeling over in pain. 
“Is he coming?” His voice carried an excitement that could only be found in a person not about to give birth. 
“To the bed,” he demands, “Come on.” 
The team is quickly called up, bringing with them scary-looking machines. Your doctor had previously explained what they did and how he would deliver the baby. But none of it mattered now. You were terrified. 
Coriolanus only left your side to get dressed. The labor was nearly fourteen hours, during which Coriolanus held your hand and waited for the contractions to get closer together. 
He tried his best to make you comfortable. Hard pillows were brought in for you so you could sit up, and he held a water bottle close, ready for you. 
As you enter the second stage of labor, the pain intensifies as your body gets ready for the push. Your fear spikes, knowing that a baby would soon be placed in your care. 
“No, no,” you mutter. This wasn’t supposed to be like this, You were supposed to be married to the love of your life, and have your mother to coach you through this. 
“You’re alright, darling. He is almost here,” Coriolanus dabbed an ice-cold rag over your forehead as he spoke. 
“No,” you state more forcibly, “I want my mother.”
“Mrs. Snow, you need to start pushing,” the doctor instructs. Your body pushes automatically, causing a painful groan to resound around the room. 
Coriolanus gives you words of encouragement but they buzz in your ear. The sound of your mother's name coming from your lips was the only thing you heard.  
“You don’t need her. Just keep going.” He soothes. 
You scream at the pain. The room felt as if it was on fire around you, but you knew it was cold outside. The world began to blur, the beeping of the machines and talk of the medical team lapped. 
You look towards the doorway as your body begins to push again. You swear you see your mother peeking in. 
“Mum!” you scream, “Mum, please, don’t leave me.”
“No, No.” Coriolanus consoles. 
“No. Coriolanus, I want my mother. Where’s my brother?” You ask in a state of panic that brings tears to your eyes. 
“Mrs. Snow, push.” The doctor bids. 
“No!” you scream back, “Not without my mum.”
“Mrs. Snow, this baby is coming. You don’t have time,” the doctor says. 
“Push,” Coriolanus tells you. 
“Please, Coriolanus, please,” you beg. All you wanted was to see her. If he didn’t want you to speak that would be fine. You just needed to see your mother as you delivered your first child.
“What have you done?” You sob, looking at his worried face. 
“I haven’t done anything,” he defends, “You need to start pushing.”
Pain ripples through your body and you push to ease it. 
Three big pushes that burn, and suddenly the pressure in your stomach is gone. 
A loud cry fills the room, in constellation with your heavy panting. 
The crying buddle is brought to you by the doctor, but you push his hands away. One peak at his light blonde hair had you feeling sick. He was supposed to have dark hair like Edmund’s. He was supposed to be Edmund’s child. 
Instead, the child was given to Coriolanus who accepted him into his arms. 
“Coriolanus, where is my mother?” You ask. 
“She’s not here. You know that,” he answers. 
Still, you scream for her to save you. 
“Commander Snow, please! Just let me see her,” you beg. 
He looks down at you puzzled, with the screaming child in his arms. 
Despite feeling as if you had been hit by a train, you attempt to rise which is discouraged by everyone in the room.
 Coriolanus steps forward to stop you, but won’t release his hands from his son. 
You feel the pressure from the nurses on your shoulder as they press you back into the mattress. 
“Sir, can I administer a sedative to calm her?” a nurse asks. 
Coriolanus nods at the nurse, and she inserts a needle into your IV drip. 
“Get off. No!” You try to tug against the IV connection, but your hands are pinned down. 
“Mum!” you shout, “Archie!” 
The sedative works fast. You soon find yourself unable to hold your head up. The fight kicked out from under you. 
You watch as Coriolanus holds tight to the small blanket. 
“Commander, please.” You mumble, but hear no response as you slip into a deep sleep.  
When you wake it feels as if each limb has been torn from your body, and you have been hastily stitched together again. 
The room is blurred but your eyes are opened. You could feel their sting as you failed to blink. 
You had a son, you think, but where is he? Why can’t I hear him crying?
With newfound motivation you will yourself to get your bearings. 
Your muscles move at your control once more, and your eyes focus on the lamp on the table. 
As you regain control, you hear footsteps by the end of the bed. Your head rolls on the pillow to see Coriolanus as he stands over a bassinet, still for a second, before he reaches down and picks up your baby, wrapped tightly and swaddled. 
You wanted to call out and demand that he place your baby back down but you were still hazy from the drugs. You're too slow to gain back your voice. 
He sits in a nearby rocking chair with the baby tightly in his arms, beginning to rock gently as he gazes down at the small bundle. 
The baby fusses slightly but is soon soothed back to sleep. 
Seeing your baby in no harm, you try and sit up 
“Coriolanus,” you call. His eyes shoot up to watch you as you rise into a sitting position but go back to your baby as he speaks. 
“Take it easy. He’s okay,” he consoles. 
“Is he healthy?” You ask. 
Coriolanus smiles down at his son, as he rocks back and forth. 
“He’s perfect. I’ve named him, Crassus Alexander Snow, after my father.”
You hate that your son is named after the man in the book. You hate that Coriolanus has named him without your approval. Your son wasn’t a doll for him to play with. He had taken enough from you, now it felt as if he was after your son too. 
“You named him?” Your voice was hard with your displeasure. 
“I had to. The nurses needed a name. Don’t worry you can have the next one.”
The next one. Not even 24 hours after an excruciating labor, and he was talking about the next one. 
Looking around, you see that you only felt like you had just given birth. The machines, apart from your IV drip next to you, had been taken back. The bed was fresh under you, and you had been changed into comfortable pajamas.  
You lean back into the bed, silent. This was not how you pictured your first child. You wanted your mother and brother to see him.  
You picture seeing them again. Just one last time to say goodbye. 
The thought of it makes you break the silence you otherwise never would have broken. 
“Coriolanus, do you think I could write to my mother to let her know I had a child?” You ask quietly. 
He is quiet which worries you. Your mother would know when the Capitol news circulated through the District, but you were hoping to at least let her know you tried to tell her. 
“Yes, you should,” he finally spoke.
He gets up from the rocker and walks slowly towards your bed. 
“Here, do you want to hold him?” 
You open your arms for Coriolanus to place your son into. 
He fits perfectly and doesn’t wake.
You stare at him. He didn’t feel like your son. Crassus was a small baby, with light blonde hair. Not how you imagined him. 
Coriolanus lays on the bed next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders so he could bring you close. 
“Thank you,” he says, “I know how scared you were. You called for your mother. Do you remember?”
You were hoping that he wouldn’t mention it. That it could just be something that happened and then forgotten.
“Did I?” you fawn. 
You're careful to keep your eyes on your son, and not to look anywhere that could gain Coriolanus's attention. 
He captures it anyway by bringing your chin up to his height. 
“You did so well, and I am so proud of you,” he praises. He places a quick kiss on your lips before drawing his head back. 
“I love you.” He states. His eyes look at you expecting. 
“I love you too, Coriolanus.”
You never know if the letter you write is sent home. No return was ever given. 
A week later your baby boy lay between you and Coriolanus on the bed. He was sleeping after you had just fed him. It took a while for you to feel connected to him but now a mother's bond was established, and you could watch him sleep for hours. 
Coriolanus ran his finger down the side of his baby's face and down to his little belly, rubbing soothing circles to try and help him digest the milk. 
“He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” Coriolanus spoke to you but kept his gaze on his child. 
“Yes,” you agree. 
You wished your mother could see your baby. To hold him as is her right as a grandmother. You had wanted to ask Coriolanus, but you knew the answer. Still, you had to ask. Maybe he would be kinder to you after birthing his child. 
“Coriolanus, I was wondering if I might be able to take him back home to see my family?”
His eyes shot up at you. The answer was more than no, it was how dare you. 
“Don’t you ever ask me that again.” he seethes. 
You held little hope that he would agree so his denial hurt less. 
“Can we video call them?” you try to compromise.
“No,” his answer was hard and cold, “Put him in his bassinet and come back.” He commanded. 
Crassus’s bassinet was only at the end of your bed. Coriolanus wanted to keep him close. 
Your baby stirs as you gently pick him up but settles back into his mother's arms. He was so milk-drunk that the normal fight to set him into his bassinet was won with a gentle rock. 
You knew you were in trouble with Coriolanus. The only time you had wished that your baby fought sleep was so you could avoid Coriolanus’ wrath. 
He holds his tongue until you are back lying next to him. 
“I don’t want you speaking about your family ever again. I don’t want our son to know that you are District. Think about them if you must, but if you continue to speak about them, I will have them killed.” 
“They are my family,” you spat. 
“We are your family. Us. Your son and your husband.”
You get up from next to him, even though you know you shouldn’t. 
“Lay back down,” he demands. 
“I’ve done everything you have asked of me,” you snivel, “Gone to every event where they look at me like a trained animal. Cooked your meals, washed your clothes. Gave you a son, just like you wanted.” 
Your voice was wobbly and raised. The hormones that were still raging through your body from birth trapped you between uncontrollable sadness and an unquenchable fury. 
“Be quiet. You’ll wake Crassus,” Coriolanus scolded. 
“I don’t care!” You yell. 
Coriolanus looks to the bassinet at the end of the bed, expecting his son to wake, crying. 
All is silent. You lower your voice as you continue speaking. If you upset Crassus all conversation would stop. 
“Crassus doesn’t have to come. I can have a one-hour phone call a month without him. He doesn’t have to know, but I can’t live like this.” 
His eyes snapped to you as he lay in the bed. “Can’t live like this? I have given you a life so terrible that you can’t bear it?”
He rises from the bed, and you take a step back. You were in a bad condition after birth. There was no way you could defend yourself against him. 
“Nothing I do for you is ever good enough for you” he exclaims. His eyes squint at you but his voice is calm and collected, “You know how dangerous it was for me to help you in 12? A Commander, and a District girl. How that looked for me in my presidential run? But I didn’t care. From the day I met you, I have looked after you. And you want me to feel in debt to you, because why? You cook the food I give you? Wash the clothes I buy? Birthed a beautiful son that you never would have had without me.” 
“You didn’t ‘take care of me’, Coriolanus. You took me. I never asked for any of it. I want to go home to my family.”
Coriolanus stood across from you, his face unmoving and hard. 
“You’re right. Family is important,” he suddenly says. His face relaxes, and body unwinded. 
He moves quickly to the end of the bed where Crassus lies. 
“Your brother had a child. A little girl, named after you,” he rocks the bassinet gently despite his threatening words. 
“You want to see her? I can bring her here,” he taunts. 
“No,” you whisper. 
“No? All this talk of family, and the answer is no?’’ 
He looks down at his sleeping baby, checking for any signs of distress. 
“I could bring them all here. They could work in the presidential estate. You’re the only one who doesn’t have to earn their keep”.
You imagine them dressed in the same white uniforms as the other servants. How much control Coriolanus would have over their lives daily. 
“That’s not what I am asking,” you state. 
“You’re asking to have your family around you, and I couldn’t agree more. Unless you don’t consider them family?” 
“Well?” he pushes after a moment of silence. 
“Who do you consider family then?”
“You and Crasuss,” you gave the answer he wanted to hear. 
“That’s right!” He cooed, running a hand over Crassus’s head, “Just us. All you need is us.”
He straightens once more, giving his full attention back to you. 
“I am not asking you to be grateful, but I will not allow you to be thankless,” he shoves his hands in his pockets in a casual manner. 
“You should sleep as he sleeps,” he suggests. He wanted the fight to be over, and the newborn bliss to continue. 
“Lay back down, and go to sleep. No more talk of Districts.”
He leaves you in the room with your son, retreating from any further fighting. 
You wondered if it was true. Did Archie have a baby? 
Some part of you hoped it was true, and that she would fill the void of you in their lives. Just as Crassus filled the void for you. 
With the success of Crasuss, Coriolanus was eager to have another one. You were still getting used to motherhood. You weren’t sure if you could deal with this one, let alone another one. 
Coriolanus stayed home with you for the 40 days that you were supposed to be on bed rest. He was up late with work, and then during the night with Crasuss. 
He tried to give you as much rest as he could. But Crassus needed you for feedings, and sometimes he would only settle if he was in your arms. 
Coriolanus was unversed in assessing others' needs. He would bounce Crassus when he needed to be held, change his diaper when he needed to be fed, and give him toys that were too old for him. 
He couldn’t decipher his cries like you could, leaving him frustrated. 
You knew he tried, which was more than you expected of him. 
You wake from the sound of your son crying from what feels like a two second nap. Coriolanus tried to prolong it for you by trying to soothe the baby himself. 
“He needs to be burped,” you tell Coriolanus, “Put him up on your shoulder and pat his back.”
He had only just fed so you knew it was just tummy pain. 
Coriolanus does as you say. Crassus settles as he is put upright but no burp comes. 
“It’s not working,” Coriolanus panics. Every little thing the doctor was to be called to check it out. 
“Keep going,” you encourage. 
Coriolanus sighs in relief when Crassus lets out a little burp and returns to being a happy baby. 
“You’re good at this,” he commented, “ A natural.” 
He always knew you would be, but to see it in action filled him with great joy and admiration. 
You huff in response, closing your eyes to go back to sleep. 
Coriolanus had to go back to his usual duties, leaving you with the full responsibilities of being a mother. 
It was overwhelming to have no one else to talk to but a baby. You spent your days in the apartment which drove you crazy. 
You eye the door. Coriolanus never told you to stay in the apartment. It was just an assumption you made. You knew you would never get outside of the gates, but you would settle for the gardens. 
With your baby in your arms, you cautiously twist the knob. 
There is no booby trap as you step out. No alarm rings. So you continue your journey. 
You vaguely remember the way from when you were out of the apartment with Coriolanus. 
A maid was polishing the wood of the staircase you needed to go down. You curse but try to act casual as you approach her. 
“Mrs. Snow,” the maid seemed surprised to see you, “Can I do something for you?” 
“No. I am just going to the gardens,” you justify. 
You walk quickly away from her. You hear her calling your name but you don’t stop. 
The house is large and echos as you make your way across it. The entrance out into the gardens was almost hidden. 
You wanted to run, but you were careful not to shake your baby too much. 
The big door comes into view. A sense of excitement and apprehension overcame you. You had never been outside of the Presidential quarters without Coriolanus. Now you were stepping outside. It felt as if you were gaining some independence back. 
When you open the door, you are confronted with a Peacekeeper, who stands aside out of your way. 
You thank him as you move past him, but he follows wordlessly as you cross the field. 
The maid had called the Peacekeeper on you, who called Coriolanus on you, and Coriolanus had told the Peacekeeper to keep an eye on what you were doing.
You find a spot under a tree in the lowest field, the Peacekeeper stands ten feet away to give you and your baby some privacy. 
You play with your baby in the short grass. He liked the feeling of it.
Some maids come, bringing a picnic blanket, and a glass of lemonade. 
You thank them although you wanted none of their assistance. 
Crassus has some tummy time listening to the birds. You lay back on the grass and watch the sun as it goes down. It was comforting to know that your mother and brother would be looking at the same sun. As far away as they were, at least something still connected you. 
You tell Crassus about them and he babbles back as if he was trying to talk. You tell him about Edmund in the prime of his life. You don’t discuss Edmund’s death or his father's involvement. 
You begin to explain District 12 to him just as the sun disappears behind the trees, when you hear the Peacekeeper stand to attention in greeting. You shut up immediately.
“It’s time to come inside” Coriolanus’s voice is heard. 
He picks his son up and places him on his shoulder after a quick kiss. 
You get up with the blanket and cup as you follow him back to the house. 
Coriolanus takes the items from you and gives them to the Peacekeeper in passing. 
“Look at this,” Coriolanus pulls out a small doll from his pocket,  “A senator's little girl gave it to me. She was so cute. We should try for a girl next.” 
You still had four weeks before the doctor gave you the go-ahead to engage in intercourse. But you knew Coriolanus would push the limits on that time frame. 
“I want to wait at least a year before another one,” you tell him. 
It already was so difficult, you wouldn’t survive having to care for another one. 
“No,” Coriolanus protested, “I would like a girl before the years out.”
You knew how obsessive Coriolanus could be when he had a thought trapped in his head. You also knew that nothing you said was going to change his mind. 
You wait until Crassus is asleep, and your shift with Coriolanus starts. 
He was waiting for you like he usually is. After Crassus was asleep, it was his turn to have his wife. 
He had opened a bottle of wine and was flicking through the tv channels. It surprised him when you dropped to your knees in front of him. 
Your hands reach for his trousers, and he eagerly helps you to take them off. During pregnancy he didn’t want to force you to do anything, thinking that it might harm the baby. After he was born, there was a recovery period that he had to wait through. It left Coriolanus pent up and hungry for your touch. 
Your lips were warm on him and worked so well. 
After all of your experience, you knew what Coriolanus liked. You swatted his hands off you as he tried to take control. He relents, bringing his hands to his thighs in a tight grip. 
You feel it grow in your mouth with your attention. It twitches under your tongue and you knew it as a sign he was close.
Just as he is reaching his high, you drag your lips back and off. 
He gasps as you do, throwing his head back onto the couch. 
“What are you doing?” He groans. He was irritated, which was not your desired effect. 
“Crassus turns one before another baby,” you demand. 
His hands curl into the couch as he counters, “Eight months.” 
You move to get up but his hands stop you, “Okay, okay, a year. Just finish.” He begs. 
You do finish him off, with the smug satisfaction that Coriolanus Snow is just a man. 
The day Crassus turns one, Coriolanus keeps you to your bargain. 
Coriolanus was determined to have a girl. Clothes and bows had already been brought. 
While Capitol technology allowed you to artificially change the sex of your baby, Coriolanus was more interested in conceiving the natural way. 
He researched old myths to increase his chances, and he tried all of them. 
He made you drink lemon juice before sex. He initiated sex on even days of the week. You were on a diet of fish, eggs, and vegetables. And you had to leave your legs raised for a couple of minutes after he was finished. 
You were slow to conceive like you were with Crassus. But one of the old wives' tales worked, for nearly nine months after Crassus turned one, you fell pregnant with a baby girl. 
You named her Aurora meaning dawn. A silent homage to your family back home, and the sun that connects you. 
Having children strangely settled you. You had five children in total within years of each other.  Your fifth child was your last. After you had lost too much blood during the birth of your next boy, Coriolanus put off plans to have a sixth. It scared him, seeing you so pale, laying half dead in a bed like his mother. The goal of children was to bring you closer, not to use you up. 
They gave your life purpose and little room to think about anything else but their needs. As they grew, you got more freedom to explore the city. Always under an army of guards. Coriolanus wanted them to have a full life, even if it meant granting you  access to be far from him. 
His children were not to miss out on anything the Capitol had to offer. Their names were on the top of the list for any attractions, child star concerts, and plays. The world was at their fingertips, and you got to experience Capitol life through them. 
He went when he could but his work was demanding. In his absence, a team of Peacekeepers escorted you and your kids around the Capitol. 
Despite his many faults, Coriolanus was a doting father. His children were first, sometimes before you. Where once his hold was tight around you all night, now you wake to find that one of your children had escaped their bed and taken your place. 
You always worried about his temper. He hasn’t hit you in years. You figure it was partly because you gave him little reason to, and partly because if you weren’t physically holding a child in your arms, you had one in your belly. 
But as your children grew would they be in the same danger as you if they acted out?
They all had the signature blonde hair of a Snow, but only the firstborn had Coriolanus’s blue eyes. Your other two boys and girls had your eyes. Something to tell you that they weren’t all Coriolanus. 
Date night normally consisted of an official event. They were far and few between as Coriolanus preferred you to be home with the babies. He disliked nannies but conceded to their usefulness. 
Tonight was a charity event to raise money for a new public swimming pool. Vapid and silly. At this stage, only Crassus and Aurona were born to be left crying as you tried to leave for the event. 
They were not used to being parted from you, and you were not used to being parted from them. 
“It’s okay,” you hush, “Mummy will be back soon, and she will check on you.”
Aurora was too young to know what your words meant. Her only cue that something was wrong was Crassus as he screamed. 
“No, Mummy, no!” His face was bright red from tears. You worried that he was short on breath from his screaming. 
He knew when you dressed up, you were leaving. He was four but a smart little thing.  As soon as the stylist crew arrived, his meltdown began. 
You held him as they did your hair and make-up, trying to soothe him. Coriolanus was still at work. All he needed to do was change his suit when he arrived home. 
He arrived home to chaos he could not settle. 
He stood behind you, watching as your son tried to tug off your elbow-length glove. 
“It’s alright, it’s okay. Mum will be back,” you promise. 
Aurora throws her head back, throwing her body off balance in your hold. 
The two nannies try to gain the kids' attention by holding out new toys, and calling out to them. 
“Once you leave they will settle,” one of the nannies promised. 
With teary eyes, you kiss both of your crying children, Coriolanus does the same, and Aurora is handed over. 
Crassus’s little hands claw onto your dress, he has to be picked up and yanked away by his nanny. 
You try not to let your tears fall as you walk to the car. It would ruin your make-up, and once you started to cry, you weren’t sure you would be able to stop. 
“They will be fine,” Coriolanus promises on the way to the event. 
“Why do I have to go tonight?” It was a silly thing that would survive without you. 
“Because you’re my wife. That’s why.”
Despite many years in the Capitol, events like this reminded you that you don’t belong. 
People would only talk to you in an attempt to gain an audience with Coriolanus. 
You would remain civil but not overly friendly. 
They all thought you were shy and timid as you were rarely seen, and always by Coriolanus’s side. 
Your relationship with Coriolanus had changed over the years but his overprotectiveness never dissolved.
His hand was always on you in some form. Where he went, you went. Who he talked to, you talked to. You were only an extension of him in public. At least at home, you were your own person to your kids. 
Tonight it seemed to all children. Only one person spoke to you apart from Coriolanus. 
It was a little girl, who passed you a flower in thanks. The public pool didn’t seem so silly in your eyes anymore. You bent down to talk to her, thanking her for the flower. You asked her about school and her siblings. You told her about your own children who were too young to attend a party like her. 
You were disappointed when her nanny came to collect her. She scolds the child for running away and bothering the President. 
Tucking the flower behind your ear, you blow the girl a kiss as she is carted off.
The rest of the night was dull as you acted as Coriolanus’s shadow. 
Coriolanus had just finished a speech on stage, you were walking back down the hallway to the party with him. You passed a few people running the events. They tried to talk to him, but he seemed in a rush. 
He turns off the direction of the party, and tugs you down an empty hallway. 
You ask him what he is doing as he checks the doors until he finds one that is opened and ushers you inside. It was a supply closest. Small and smelling slightly damp. 
He pushes you up against the wall, knocking over a broom and a bucket. 
“You’re such a good mother. Such a good little wife. I don’t tell you that enough,” he says. 
“Okay,” you respond, pushing back on his shoulders. 
“I love you so much.” He kisses you so hard, that your head is knocked painfully back into the cement wall. 
It reminded you of the harsh and needy kisses he used to give you as a Commander.
You feel his hands slide up your dress and grip the flesh of your butt. 
“Coriolanus, not here,” you beg. 
His lips go to your throat in slow, sexual kisses.
“I want another baby,” he requests. 
“Not here. Someone could find us.” 
“Not if you are quiet.” 
“Coryo,” You try. A bit too loud for this liking. He clamps a hand over your mouth, and shushes you with a hard look that tells you he was serious. 
“It would not look good if they found the President and First Lady fucking in a closet.”
He kneels on the floor in front of you, going under your dress and up your legs, bringing down your underwear. 
You feel him put his mouth on you, and you try to relax. It took you months to fall pregnant the last two times. This time wasn’t anything special. 
His fingers dig into the back of your thighs, keeping you close as he works. 
Soon a lapping sound is heard, and Coriolanus leaves your cunt with a kiss.
You try one more time to dissuade him. Telling him to wait until home. But he unbuckles his belt and hoists you up around his waist. 
Your arms circle his shoulders as he pins you to the wall.
You can feel how hard he is against your heat. He bucks up against your wetness in desperation before he lines himself up properly. 
You engulf him in your wetness as he thrusts his hips up into you. 
With no way to hold yourself up, you feel yourself sink and then be thrusted up into.
“Are you going to give me a baby?” He grunts.
He is fast and rough as he slams up into you. His words were heard but your mind was far from them.  
“Yeah?” He teases. His lips go to your neck again, trapping you head against the wall. 
He seemed to continuously hit the spot that you liked, no matter how you moved your hips. 
The pressure means you come too quickly. Coriolanus was nowhere close so would continue. 
You can’t help to groan as he fucks you through your orgasm. 
He reminds you to be quiet once more, and you bite his shoulder to stop the sounds you couldn’t stop coming. 
He knew you had come from the way you clenched around him. 
Taking the back of your neck, he leans you into his shoulder and wraps an arm around your waist. 
He delivers you to the floor, releasing you gently into the tight confines of the cluttered room.
“Think you can manage another one?” He asks. 
You shake your head ‘No’, your words failed you as he continued his brutal pace. 
“I think you could,” he states. 
He uses two fingers to circle your pearl as he drives into you.
The door had no lock. Anyone could open it and see you. 
You were being too loud. You knew you were. But he forced the sounds from you. Your whole body tingled under his touch, your legs shook with pleasure. 
He was not being entirely quiet himself. He grunted and shutters above you feeling his own end coming. 
You feel him twitch in your preceding his exploding into you. 
He beats you but doesn’t stop swirling his fingers, determined to have you finish again. 
You come too loudly causing Coriolanus to cover your mouth with an open palm and look to the door, expecting detection. 
His hand is pulled and with a kiss, Coriolanus pulls back on his ankles with a stupid grin. 
He uses your panties to clean up the excess cum from you before placing the underwear back on you. 
If you had any energy, you would have taken them back off but all you could do was lie there, watching him transform back into a respectable gentleman. 
“We have to get back out there before they send Peacekeepers looking for us.” 
He finishes tucking his shirt back into his pants before reaching down to help you to your feet. 
You’re a little wobbly at first but Coriolanus keeps a firm grip to keep you upright. 
You spend the rest of the fundraiser with damp panties and shaky legs which causes you to bump into Coriolanus as he stands next to you. 
The stupid grin never leaves his face, even in the car ride home. 
Your children are asleep when you arrive home. 
You leave them with a kiss, before going back to your room and rushing to beat Coriolanus to bed while he is occupied going through the messages left for him. 
He joins you in the shower but it’s quick and with the intention of going to bed. 
He talks about the night. Recalling things he enjoyed and disliked. 
He asks you what you think but you shrug. All Capitol events were the same to you. 
You finish your shower while Coriolanus washes his hair. Giving you time to dress and get into bed before him. 
You roll to your side, hoping that the supply closet tryst fulfilled him enough. 
You feel him as he moves in the bed to come over to your side, his arm wraps around your shoulder and his head rests against yours. 
“We should take the kids to the zoo tomorrow. I’ll have it cleared out.”
“Okay,” you reply, knowing that there wasn’t any other option. 
The zoo was large, and there were too many animals to see before nap time. 
Crassus got whiny and tired from all the walking and climbing on things. He demanded to be carried. Instead of using his words, he would scream when he got sick of looking at the same animal. 
Normally you would have returned home to put him down for a nap, but Coriolanus enjoyed having his son rest on his shoulder. Crassus was a mommy’s boy and very rarely wanted to be held by anyone else. 
It was not your first time at the zoo. You had taken Crassus while you were six months pregnant with Aurora. It still amazed you, however. You could spend hours just looking and learning about the animals, but Crassus was lucky to push a five hour awake period. 
It was a blessing to visit the penguins where the sound of the gentle flowing water, and cool air sent him to sleep on Coriolanus' shoulder. 
You pushed the pram that Aurora was asleep in as you and Coriolanus searched for a comfortable resting place.
Finding a canopy, you sit with your family in the shade. Coriolanus had successfully transferred Crassus from his shoulder to the bench with his head resting on his father's thigh. 
Coriolanus’s other leg went out to gently rock the pram with his expensive shoe. 
You lay back resting your eyes yourself. Crassus had woken you up from a nightmare. With him in your bed, you got very little sleep as he tossed and spread out. 
Coriolanus disturbs your peace by reaching out to place a hand on your stomach as if there was something already inside. 
“What do you think it will be?” he asks. 
“We don’t know there is anything in there.” 
Coriolanus had wanted you to take a test this morning but it was chaos trying to get the children ready for the day. 
“I don’t care what it is myself. I was thinking Marcellus for a boy, and Lillian for a girl”. 
You cry at the thought of being pregnant again. It was a horrible experience. It was uncomfortable, tiring, and you suffered great nausea all throughout the nine months. That's all before the recovery period while you run around after two other children.
“Hey,” his voice is soft and reassuring. He stops rocking the pram to reach his hand to yours. 
The hand that wasn’t captured by Coriolanus went to your mouth to quieten your blathering. You were always cautious about what the children saw.
“If it’s too much I’ll let you get a nanny to help during the day” he offers. 
You rip your hand out from under him in anger, “I don’t want a nanny.” 
You didn’t trust Capitol people to be around your children. Only when you were forced to where you parted from them. They were too young. They needed their mother. 
“You’re tired,” he pandered. His hand wraps around your shoulder to pull you down to his lap. You rest your head on his thigh like your son, and find your eyes shut by themselves. 
You feel his fingers itch your head until you are asleep. Coriolanus waits until your breath evens before returning to rock the pram with his hand. With his arm rested over his oldest child, and his hand lulling his baby girl to sleep, Coriolanus felt a swell of pride.  
His family slept under his protection and lead. Pamen had entered into a new golden age. All paths led him here. 
You woke to the sound of Aurona crying which woke and upset Crassus. 
On instinct, you shoot up from Coriolanus to retrieve your baby girl. She needed to be fed again, but Crassus was now rejecting Coriolanus’s hold, wanting to be picked up by you. 
You oblige him when his face starts to turn red from crying. You feel their tears on either side of your collarbones. Their screams rang in your ear. 
Coriolanus stretches his dead legs, slowly easing himself up to place a hand on Crassus' back.
“Let's get ice cream,” he bribes. 
Crasuss turns his head to look at his father and nods.
With a bright smile, Coriolanus claps his hands together before opening them wide, “Come to daddy?” He asks. 
You never let him get ice cream at the zoo. It was too close to nap time. So with the promise Crassus eagerly goes into his father's arms. 
At the ice cream shop you could feed Aurona but it took far longer than normal with the anxiety that you were pregnant with your third. Something told you that you were.
It was a boy. A gorgeous baby boy. Doll was your nickname for him, but Coriolanus officially names him Adrianus. He cried very little, and at six weeks old he slept through the night. He latched easily, and from 3 to 4 in the afternoon, he would laugh insatiably at everything. He was a dream child. You were very happy with him, despite his initial undesired conception. 
Life settled for a little bit as Coriolanus worked to quell a quiet rebellion brewing in the Districts. 
For a year Coriolanus was kept busy. His mind off expanding his family. 
For the moment he was happy with the three wonderful kids you had given him. Something you could share. Three young kids, five and under,  left you exhausted by the end of the day, yet when the day was over and the kids were asleep, Coriolanus demanded your attention. 
Coriolanus was not immune to jealousy even from his own kids. You had learnt to give him enough attention during the day when he was around but it only starved him off until night time. He rarely talked about work. Only upcoming events that concern you. He was more interested in you recounting every single thing the kids did. 
After having the kids hang off you all day, your least favorite thing to do was have Coriolanus all over you. But when it was his time, he followed you everywhere you went. Insisting that you sat on the couch with him for an hour. He didn’t feel like it was much, but you felt as if it was the last bit of energy zapped out of you. 
You normally got a break when Coriolanus returned home from work. He started early so normally he was home in the late afternoon. While you had lots of staff to help you with chores and cooking, you preferred to do it yourself. It gave you a routine that you could go auto-pilot on. 
From five to six every day you were in your kitchen while Coriolanus watched the children. Capitol food took some getting used to. Half of the meat you had never even seen before. Coriolanus organized cooking lessons to help you as a Mother’s Day gift. 
Dinner was often followed by free play if they weren’t too messy, allowing you time to feed Adrianus. It was important that he had your full attention as you fed as he was so quiet that you might miss a cue of his discomfort. 
Crassus sat coloring at the kitchen table while you were in the kitchen trying to feed your youngest boy, Adrianus, who had just turned one
Coriolanus sat next to his son watching as your daughter Aurora showed off her expensive ball gown that her father had brought her simply because she wanted it. ‘No’ was not in Coriolanus’s vocabulary when it came to his children. 
He held out accessories in his palm for her as she explained what they were and where they went. 
Despite ruling a country with an iron fist, at home, it was you who disciplined the children. He let them run wild, while you tried to raise them to be respectable, and moral children. Your work mostly paid off. They were good children. 
Aurora having free reign over her father and older brother, who both bent over backwards to please her, was spoiled. Her tantrums were something you were yet to stop, but she was sweet when not disappointed which was more often than not. 
She only had to cry and Coriolanus would pick her up, giving her what she wanted. It annoyed you to no end. If your marriage was equal, you would push more for him to discipline the kids, but Coriolanus only ever gave you the illusion of partnership. 
“Mummy, how did you meet Daddy?” Crassus asks out of nowhere as he draws. 
The small spoon in your hand drops to the floor as memories that you had buried spring up. The stalking, the harassment, the loss of freedom. You remember the late nights as your mother cried out from pain from the flogging that he ordered. 
“Mummy used to own a cake shop, and Daddy would go by every morning before University to buy one.” Coriolanus answered for you. He reaches out and brushes Crassus' hair lovingly. 
“Dad, you can’t have cake for breakfast!” Aurora exclaimed. 
“Oh, but I did! Your mother would make them special for me.” 
You close your eyes remembering the words, ‘Can you make me some more of those oat bars.’ A demand, not a gesture on your behalf. You remember the hard wall behind you as he pressed you there. Just the thought of it brought your heart back into your throat as if it was happening all over again.
“She doesn’t let me have cake for breakfast!” Aurora complained. Tears sprang to her eyes causing Crassus to push a lollypop you had given him for eating his dinner across the table, trying to fight off his sister's tears. 
Coriolanus picks her up from the floor and places her on his knee so she can cry into his arms. 
“Darling, these are special cakes. Ones you give to someone you want to marry.” 
You remember the cakes you used to make Edmund. Edmund, you hadn’t thought about him in years, yet the scar on your heart never healed. 
“Not growing little girls.” Still, your daughter cried, which displeased Coriolanus. 
He rises from the table with Aurora in his arms and heads into the fridge. 
“Let's see if Mum baked any for you”. 
Your youngest son begins to cry from hunger which snaps you out of your spiraling. With your daughter receiving a cupcake and your son resuming feeding, the room is calm once more. But your hand shook as your mind flooded with memories of Commander Snow. 
Moments later, Crassus presented you with a picture of two stick figures surrounded by out-of-proportion cupcakes. You stared at it with the weight of your baby resting on your hip. 
Just like that Coriolanus had rewritten history. Commander Snow was a distant dream. District 12 a vague thought. Lucy Gray no longer haunted the woods. No longer made Coriolanus Snow the victor of the 10th Hunger Games. The war scar had faded. He had fixed history’s mistakes. 
He had taken his rightful place as President of Pamen. Only you were left to remember him as Commander Snow. 
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The end!
Thank you all for reading, and coming along for the journey. Especially to those who commented and motivated me to write. This story would not have been complete without you.
A HUGE thank you to @hotline-to-hell for editing the work, and restructuring the mess.
And a HUGE thank you to @thaleleah and (who i assume is the same) anon who took the time out to encourage me with their long, and hilarious feedback.
Hope to see you all in my other works!
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sunflower-lilac42 · 4 months
𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀 | 𝘭𝘩43 ♔
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➪ summary: with her recently dating luke, she'd rather her brother and his friends see her drunk rather than him which leads to luke worrying excessively
➪ warnings: drinking
➪ word count: 2.0k
➪ file type: fic
➪ sunny's notes: i've been in such a hughes mood so here's a luke fic, maybe I'll edit safe and sound tonight and get that out too. this was one of my favorites when i wrote it and it still is, i hope you enjoy it again
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This was a bad idea, a horrible idea. She knew she shouldn’t have gone out with them in the first place, but y/n was a people pleaser and caved quickly. Saying goodbye to her friends at the lake house she headed out with her friends to whatever party they wanted her to go to. 
It also never took much for her to get drunk, she could hold and handle her liquor that wasn’t the problem, but she was a lightweight, which made this night all the worse. Two drinks in, the ones forced by her friends, were all it took for her to go back willingly for more. Three drinks after that she was absolutely hammered. 
She knew she should go home so as she started walking out of the party, her friend grabbed hold of her, “Where are you going?!”
“I should get home.”
“It’s only-” Her friend’s words were slurred, checking her watch, “Midnight. Just say for a little while longer.”
Y/n being the person that she was nodded and went back to dancing with her friends. An hour or two later she felt sick and put her foot down with her friends, saying that she was leaving. The three others nodded and let her go, the girl walking outside and stumbling down the street. 
She tripped not long after that, her knees scraping on the ground. She was overly emotional from drinking and instantly teared up. She dug around in her purse for her phone and turned it on, immediately going to call her boyfriend. 
However, just as her finger was about to hit the call button she paused, thinking about how she didn’t want Luke to see how she looked right now. They had known each other since they were little, yet only started recently dating. She had no desire for him seeing how she looked right now. 
Swiping out of Luke’s contact she went to find Trevor’s, calling him instantly. 
“Y/n/n? Where are you?”
“Trev.” Her voice was littered with emotion, Trevor could hear the waver and tears in her voice.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“I think I had-” She hiccuped and sniffled, “A little too much to drink and I-I hurt myself.” Tears were streaming down her face as she spoke, lifting her hand to wipe her cheeks off. 
Grabbing his keys from his nightstand he stood quickly, “Okay, do you want Luke to come with?”
“No, no, no, no-”
“Okay, I won’t ask him. How about Jacky and Cole?” She nodded and whimpered a ‘yes’ and Trevor was knocking on their doors within seconds. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” Jack stood against the doorframe looking at his best friends, “Y/n’s hurt.”
“What?” Luke stood at the end of the hallway, looking between his brother and his brother’s friends.
Trevor’s eyes widened, “Hey Lukey.”
“Y/n’s hurt?”
He nodded and told Jack and Cole to put their shoes on, “Can I come?”
“I asked her and she said no.” 
“What? Why? Let me talk to her!” Trevor put his phone out of reach for the youngest Hughes not to grab it. 
“She doesn't want you to come and I think you should respect that Luke.”
“But she- she’s- she just said she was hurt.”
Tears flooded the boy’s eyes and Trebor looked conflicted, looking between his phone and Luke. Luckily, Jack walked out of his room and placed his arms around his brother, “I’m sure she’s okay. We'll go get her and bring her back.”
“You guys are going? Why do they get to go?”
“Because she wanted them to.”
“Trevor?” Y/n’s voice is heard from his phone where he accidentally put her on speaker. 
No one paid any mind to it, “That’s such bull shit.”
“Luke! She’s scared and drunk and probably just needs what is most familiar and comfortable to her, which is the three of us.” Cole tried to reason with the younger boy, but nothing was getting through to him.
“We’ve been friends for almost as long as you guys have been and we're dating, why wouldn’t she trust me?!”
“She does trust you, Luke. But you two are also just getting into a rhythm of dating and maybe she doesn’t want you to see her like this. And before you say anything, she knows you won’t care but she's not thinking straight. Why don’t you go sit with Quinn until we get home and we’ll let you know, okay?”
“Whatever.” He stormed off into his room, the other three rolling their eyes and rushing out to whomever's car was first. 
“We’ll be there soon, y/n/n, okay?” Cole asked, taking the phone from his friend. 
She nodded and listened to Cole talk to her as they drove to where she sat on the curb, hoping no one would come up to her. 
Luckily, no one did and the three rushed out of the car and to her side. 
“Are you okay?”
“I think so, I just got a little nervous.”
Trevor kneeled in front of her as Jack and Cole wrapped one of their arms around her at each of her sides. Placing his hands on her knees, Trevor spoke, “How many drinks did you have?” 
By now, she was able to talk without slurring her words, her mind being able to think more clearly. She held five fingers up and looked down shamefully. 
Jack chuckled, “You know you can’t drink that much.” 
Still emotional, her eyes held tears again in her eyes, “I know, I know. I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad?”
“Hey, no one’s mad, we just want you to be more careful. Let’s fix up your knees and then we’ll go home.” Trevor went back to the car to grab the first aid kit that Cole had thrown in there.
“Where are your friends?” Cole took off his jacket and placed it around the girl, “They wanted to stay longer. I didn’t want them to have to leave because of me.”
Placing a kiss on her head, Cole chuckled, “You and your people-pleaser tendencies.”
“Hey don’t make fun of me.” She held a put on her face and Jack laughed as well, “We could never.”
She laughed as well and Trevor cheered, placing the last band-aid on her knee, “Yay, we got a smile! You ready to go home?”
She nodded and the three helped her up, Jack happily driving home so she could sit with her brother in the back. She easily laid against Trevor, placing her feet in Cole’s lap. 
“Is Luke mad at me?” 
The three looked at each other, Jack glancing in the rearview mirror, “No, just a little upset.”
“I heard him over the phone.”
Trevor sighed and moved the hair that was crowding over her face out of the way, “He just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“He sounded really frustrated.”
“He’s just worried.”
Moments passed in silence before y/n spoke again, “You were right you know?”
The boys furrowed their eyebrows, “Who?”
“I didn’t even do anything,” Jack claimed, his voice going higher.
“When you were talking to Luke.” 
She flipped over so she was lying on her left side, looking through the rearview mirror so she could see Jack, tracing shapes on the floor of the car, “You said that I didn’t want him to see me like this, you were right.”
“He loves you, you know? He wouldn’t have cared.”
“I know, but there was just something, I don’t know. Scary about it. We’ve been friends for so long and I just didn’t want him to see me mess up as his girlfriend and end it.”
To, y/n, Luke seeing her drunk and emotional as friends was different from him seeing her drunk when they were dating. Sure there were plenty of times Luke had seen her drunk before, but now, it was almost as if she was afraid of him judging her more than before. 
Cole nodded his head, “I can see that. But at the same time, y/n/n, some of the things you can say are different from when you were friends, yet not really now that you’re dating, this for example.” He gestured to her knees, “The only difference is Luke’s worry is more visible, and reasonable.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For always being there for me.” She drifted off to sleep and the three boys looked at each other and smiled. 
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
“Wakey, wakey.”
“No.” Y/n groaned, feeling more of the effects of the alcohol she consumed. 
“Come on, you’re going to give Luke a heart attack soon.”
“But I’m tired. And you’re fucking loud.”
“Only the best for you, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that, only Luke can call me that.”
“Oh sure, I’ve been calling you that since third grade but when my brother comes along, he gets priority.”
“Shut it.”
“I can just leave you out here.”
“No! I love you, I’m sorry, you can call me whatever you want just take me inside, please.”
“Alright lil Z, let’s go.”
“Anything but that. I don’t want to be associated with that one.” She pointed to her right where Cole was standing.
“One, now that was rude and two, I’m over here dipshit.”
“I’m telling, Mom.”
“Then I’ll tell her you got drunk.”
“I’m 21, I can get drunk if I want to.”
“Then I’ll tell her you got drunk freshman year of college.”
“Fine. Truce, all of you.”
The three nodded and shook her hand, taking her inside. As soon as the front door unlocked and opened, Luke stood up from his place on the couch and rushed over to the door, “Lukey!”
Luke caught his girlfriend in his embrace, wrapping his arms around her torso, “Hey. You okay?”
“I had a little too much to drink.” She giggled, wrapping her hands around his neck.
“Have fun bro.” The three walked off to their rooms, leaving the couple behind.
“You want to go lay down?”
“Yes please.” Luke picked her up, her legs unconsciously wrapping around Luke’s waist.
He carried her with ease to his room, placing her on the bed, “What do you want to wear?”
“Your clothes.” Luke chuckled and went to grab some clothes for her, helping her get changed.
The two got comfortable in his bed, y/n wrapping herself in the blanket and snuggling up next to Luke,
“I’m sorry for not wanting you to come, I was just nervous about how you would-”
“Hey, let’s talk about this tomorrow, okay? I’m just glad you weren’t severely hurt.” He kissed her forehead and tightened his hold on her.
She nodded, drifting off to sleep, smiling to herself. 
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
•❅ 《 𝘉𝘖𝘕��𝘚 𝘚𝘊𝘌𝘕𝘌 》 ❅•
Luke woke up around eight and took a look around his room, y/n was nowhere to be found, “Babe?”
He got up and trekked downstairs to see his brothers Trevor and Cole in the kitchen, “Have you guys seen y/n?”
The four looked at each other, then at Luke, trying not to laugh, “Bathroom.”
“Hey! I’m out of the bathroom, thank you very much.”
“After spending thirty minutes in there.” Jack retorted, coming around the side and sitting next to her, kissing her on the head, “But we love you.”
“Do you though?”
“Hey stop being mean to my girlfriend!” Luke pulled the girl away from his brother and into his lap.
“Get your hands off my sister.”
“Never.” Trebor gagged and went back to pouring the orange juice into the glasses.
“Cole’s the only one that was nice to me last night.”
“That’s so not true. You got mad at me for calling you sweetheart.”
“I did?”
“Mhm, you were all like ‘Luke’s the only one that can call me that.’ and ‘Luke this’ or ‘Luke that’.”
Y/n blushed, hiding her face in her boyfriend’s chest, “Awe, you love me.”
“You wish, Hughes. I love Cole and Quinn. You three are jerks.”
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⬂ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘆 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗹𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ⬂
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qwimblenorrisstan · 26 days
Meaningful Mistakes Pt. 3 | Azriel x Reader x Cassian
Summary: After the baby is born, your mates are bound to be a bit more territorial, and you a lot more tired.
Word Count: 672
Warnings: None!
A/N: this is barely even a drabble, but thanks to anon who requested this, I love writing for this cute lil couple!! hope you enjoy<3
Requests are open!
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Your mates were bound to be more territorial after the baby was born, Rhysand and Feyre had informed you as much.
You didn’t have much of a problem with that, except for the fact that it meant you couldn’t do much of anything. At all. Even today, when after weeks of being practically bed-bound because of your boys taking care of you and the baby, you’d insisted that you and your baby girl needed some fresh air.
“Tired? You should let me carry you.”
Cassian insisted for the umpteenth time as you walked through the bustling streets. His hand was in yours, and Azriel was sulking to your right, unable to hold your hand because you were holding the baby in that arm.
“I’m fine, Cass.”
He grumbled under his breath, pouting now like Az, but continued walking with you. Many people from the streets of Velaris knew Cassian and Azriel, and now, you. This, in turn, led to many people stopping to congratulate you. Mostly the women, or the older ones that had known the General and Spymaster for quite a long time. Most of the males were old and wise enough to keep their distance.
However, one Fae male that must not have heard to keep away from a newly mated pair, let alone a group that had just had a child, approached to give congratulations on this day.
“Hey, congrats on the kid-“
You nodded your head with a weary smile, as even if you tried to convince your mates that you weren’t tired, maybe you were. Just a little bit. And your ankles and calves were hurting, not to mention how sore your thighs still were from the birth.
A low snarl ripped from Azriel at the male getting a bit too close to you for comfort. Cassian bared his teeth, wings flaring behind him. The poor male didn’t seem to know why.
“Sorry, they’re…territorial.”
You said, pinching Azriel’s wing with your left hand after slipping it out of Cassian’s hand. He grumbled under his breath, and the male mumbled something while walking away. Your little girl, face still a bit smushed like all newborns, cooed and giggled at them, and both of their attention immediately went to her.
“Seriously, you two need to-“
You cut yourself off with a yawn, your finger idly rubbing your baby girl’s cheek as her hands went to try and clap in excitement, Azriel’s shadows swirling around her.
“Need to…”
You mumbled, trying to remember what you’d been saying. Azriel and Cassian met each other’s gazes, and Cassian gently took the baby from your arms, cradling her, while Azriel picked you up, mindful of your sore body. His shadows began rubbing into the sorest parts, relaxing your muscles and soothing them with their cool touch.
“You’re tired, love, let’s go home and rest.”
Azriel cooed softly to you as your eyes fluttered, he and Cassian began to walk down the streets to find a private area to winnow without bothering anyone. You could faintly hear Cassian growling at any males getting in the way of them, or getting a tiny bit too close to you, Az, or his little girl. The baby giggled in glee at every growl, seemingly very amused.
“No, no, I’m..fine..”
You mumbled, convincing no one. Az’s cool shadows wrapped around your little family, winnowing all of you back into the House of Wind, and conveniently right into your bedroom. Azriel laid you down on the bed, and within a moment you were out, breathing in a deep rhythm that drew a tiny yawn out of Az himself.
Cassian came up from behind him and gave him a little pat on the back, hand going up to ruffle his hair a bit. His other arm held their daughter.
“Get some rest, Az. I’ve got her.”
Before he could protest, Cassian gave him the gentlest kiss on the cheek he’d ever felt and left the room.
That was enough to convince Azriel, who promptly collapsed into bed alongside you.
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flippinpancakes64 · 23 days
The Cullens with a reader who is afraid of needles but has tattoos and piercings?
The Cullens with a Reader who has tattoos and piercings but is afraid of Needles
Again, you guys manage to clock me perfectly. It’s kinda freaky. I just got a new tattoo the other day but I’m still putting off getting some of my vaccines because I’m scared of them.
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He thinks you’re funny
He so fascinated by how your mind works
He went with you once while you got a new tattoo
He was supposed to be there to hold your hand
But you didn’t need it
You just sat there peacefully making small-talk
But then
Carlisle called you into the clinic because you were overdue for a vaccine
Edward thought you were gonna take his hand clean off
He’s tried to talk to you a couple times about how they’re not so different
But you don’t wanna hear it
So he just settles with being there to comfort you every time you need a shot ❤️
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She finds it hilarious
Definitely tells you that you’re overreacting
But she will still comfort you
She loves your tattoos and piercings so much
But she just cannot wrap her mind around why you seem to be petrified of other needles
Oh well
She teases you for it all the time
But that doesn’t stop her from going with you and holding your hand and telling you how brave you’re being
She still tries to convey how weird you’re being
And how they’re not that different
But even she can see that that won’t work
So she just lets you be you
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He may be a vampire
But honestly he gets it
No one particularly enjoys the feeling of something punching into your skin
But it’s easier to cope when you know that you’re getting something cool out of it
Aka a piercing or a tattoo
He understands
So he goes with you whenever you have to get a shot and he uses his ability to calm you down
It makes it easier for everyone
He also may or may not have taken to just asking Carlisle to give you your vaccines when you’re asleep
He can use his ability to keep you asleep
Bada bing bada boom problem solved
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She understands a little bit
But also not really
She remembers getting her ears pierced when she was alive and she absolutely hated it
So she hates needles too
She understands you there
But she doesn’t understand your love for tattoos and piercings
Like obviously she loves her ear piercings and sort of wishes she’d gotten second lobe ones
But the pain is way too much for her
Also she is very reluctant to go with you
She can stomach a lot
But something about needles is a no for her
Don’t get me wrong she will hold your hand and let you squeeze
But her head will be turned the other way
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He thinks you’re hilarious
He teases you for it all the time
Likely won’t let up even if you tell him to stop
He just thinks it’s the funniest shit
That doesn’t mean he won’t go with you to be your emotional support and personal stress ball
It just means that he’ll bully you relentlessly afterwards
He doesn’t actually mean any malice behind it
He’s just a jokester at heart
And if you really, really tell him you don’t like when he teases you about it
He might let up every once in a while
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If she was human, she would honestly be the opposite
In her human life, she could take a vaccine needle like a champ
But even the thought of a tattoo or piercing makes her queasy
She does her best to reassure you of that
Trying to convince you that needles aren’t that bad
But you’re hard to get through to
So she just settles for being there for you
She goes with you every time you need to get a shot
But she stays home from the piercers or the tattoo parlor
Best scenario
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He has a bit of a different approach to this
He knows many people who are afraid of needles
He’s a doctor, it’s bound to happen
Thinks that exposure therapy is the best
He takes you to the clinic with him all the time
Has you sit in on a couple of his patients
And watch them get vaccines
Maybe it works maybe it doesn’t
Can’t say he didn’t try
But he never judges you for your fear
It’s real, it’s valid, and he will never make fun of you for it
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Vampire! Bella:
She understands
I have a feeling she was really in to getting piercings at some point
But I also have a feeling she never took good enough care of the piercings for them to stick around
So when she was human she had a bunch of scarred holes on her ears
But she gets it
She hated needles
But she loved piercings
Honestly wishes she could get some now
But either way, she doesn’t judge
She understands completely
Supportive queen
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mariclerc · 1 month
Biker love | cl16
Summary: An unexpected encounter with a biker ends up in the best way possible.
Warnings: fluff, biker boy/tattooed Charles and shy reader.
Part 2
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You find yourself in a cozy, well-lit bookstore, bookshelves line the walls. You are a little bit shy and somewhat innocent with glasses, sitting at a small table surrounded by a bunch of books and notes. You're scribbling furiously on a notebook.
You sigh and put the pen down on the table. “Okay, okay... so the French Revolution...” you mutter to yourself.
Suddenly a loud motorcycle engine roars outside, you glanced out the window, your brow furrowing in concentration at the unexpected sound.
You shake your head. “It must be someone new in the neighborhood... But that motorcycle look so cool.” you murmured to yourself.
You returned to your books, ignoring the loud noise.
An hour later. You gather your books, preparing to leave after a long study session. As you stand up, you bumped into a tall guy covered in tattoos. He's wearing a full black outfit and exudes a confident aura.
“Whoa there, careful!” says the boy holding you to prevent you from falling to the floor.
He chuckles, his eyes twinkling. You blushed profusely. “I-I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking.” you fumbled with your books, trying to pick them up at once.
He smiles. “Let me help you with that.” He bends down and easily gathers the scattered books.
You smiled shyly. “Thank you.” your voice is barely a whisper.
He shakes his head. “No problem. Are you okay? You look like you’re about to faint.” he grins, revealing a charming and warm smile.
“I’m fine, really. I'm just a little clumsy, that's all.” you laughed nervously, your cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink.
He smiles. “Don’t worry about it.” he says softly. “Hey, what's your name?” he asked.
“Y/n” you say softly and shyly.
“Charles.” He says and extends his hand, you grab it and shake hands. “Oh I’ve seen you around here before when I ride around the block, you’re the girl who always sits by that window.”
“Oh! You’ve noticed?” You're surprised and flattered.
He nodded. “Yeah, I couldn’t help but notice the concentration... You look like you’re solving world problems or something.” He winks, and your heart skips a beat.
“Something like that, I’m just a student.” you giggled while looking down at your books, feeling shy again.
“Student, huh? What are you studying?” he asks.
“History? That’s cool! I’m not much of a history buff myself, but I like learning about stuff.” he smiles.
You both stand there for a moment, a comfortable silence between the two of you.
“Well, I better get going. See you around, bookworm.” He gives you a friendly nod and walks towards the door.
“Bye.” you say softly.
You watched him leave, a small smile playing on your lips. As he walks out the door, you noticed him jumping on his motorcycle again, your heart races for a different reason now.
The arcade is a neon-lit, bustling haven of noise and games. People of all ages are engrossed in various machines. You look slightly out of place in an oversized sweater and jeans, while you try to navigate a claw machine. It's a Saturday afternoon and you needed to get away from your assignments and uni work and what better way to do that than to go to an arcade?
“Come on, just a little more...” you muttered to yourself.
You're concentrating intensely, your cheeks flushed with determination. Suddenly, a strong hand appears next to yours on the machine.
“You need a little help with that?” you hear Charles' voice.
You jumped, startled. It's Charles, grinning at you.
“Oh! You startled me.” you laughed nervously, your cheeks turning pink.
“Sorry about that. You look like you're about to break that machine.” He chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
“I was trying to get that plushie! I like to have some of them at home.” you say shyly, a little afraid that he will think you are childish.
“Aww, that's so sweet. Let me try it.”
With a confident smirk, Charles takes control of the claw machine. A few deft movements later, the plushie is plummeting towards the exit chute.
You look at him in amazement. “Wow! You're good at this!”
Charles hands you the plushie. “Thank you! So, what are you doing here little bookworm? Studying or just taking a break?”
You shake your head. “No, I was just taking a break from studying.”
He giggled. “Hmm, understandable... To solve world problems you need to take a little break.” He winked at you, and you feel a flutter in your stomach remembering how he had said last time that it seems like you "solve world problems".
You two wander through the arcade, trying different games. Charles is surprisingly good at everything, while you are more of a casual player, but you still have fun.
He laughs. “You're terrible at this, you know.”
You're playing a racing game, and your car has just exploded. “Hey! It's not my fault. Your car is too fast!” you say while laughing and he does the same.
As you play, you started to talk more freely, Charles shared stories about his motorcycle, his tattoos, and his job (which turns out to be as a mechanic). You smiled while you listened, captivated by his easygoing charm and nice sense of humor.
“So, you're a mechanic? That's so cool.”
“Yeah, it's alright. It keeps me busy.” he shrugged.
There's a comfortable silence between the two of you as you continue to play.
“Hey, I'm getting hungry. Want to grab a bite to eat?” Charles' asked while looking at you.
Your heart skips a beat. This is the first time he's asked you out, even if it's just for food.
You smiled at him. “Sure, I'd like that.”
A smile spreads across Charles' face as you leave the arcade and walk through the mall until you reach a classic, old-school diner, filled with the comforting glow of neon lights and the soft rock music that plays in the background. You and Charles are seated in a booth, the empty plates pushed aside.
“So, tell me more about history. You know, I've always been curious about the past.” He says as he finishes drinking his soda.
You smiled, visibly relaxed, you're animated when you talked about your passion. “Oh, there's so much to tell! Like, can you imagine living without electricity or cars? Or when people believed the Earth was flat?”
Charles listens intently, nodding occasionally at your words and interesting theories.
“That's super crazy! I can't even imagine a world without my phone.” He says and you both laugh.
As the conversation flows, there's a comfortable silence between you two. You look at each other, and for a brief moment, there's a connection, a spark.
“You're really interesting, you know that?” he says softly and shyly at you.
“Thanks! You're pretty interesting too.” you say while blushing at his words.
A comfortable silence falls between you two again, Charles reaches across the table and softly takes your hand.
“I've had a really good time tonight.”
Your heart races, you squeezes his hand back gently. “Me too Charlie...”
He smiled at the nickname you just gave him, you two sit there, holding hands, the world around the two of you fading away. The diner's soft glow casts a romantic ambiance.
“Hey, do you want to go for a ride on my motorcycle?” he asked softly you and your eyes widen in surprise and excitement.
“Really? I mean, I've never been on a motorcycle before.” you say softly.
“Don't worry, I'll take care of you! It'll be fun, I could also take you home.” he smiles showing off his dimples.
You hesitate for a moment, then you nodded enthusiastically.
“Okay, let's do it.” you say while smiling.
As you two stand up to leave, Charles pulled you in for a quick hug. Your heart skips a beat. This is a new level of intimacy, and you're both scared and excited.
The city is alive with the glow of streetlights. The wind whips through your hair as Charles drives his motorcycle. You're wearing his leather jacket, a little overwhelmed by the sensation of speed.
“This is so crazy!” you let out a nervous laugh.
He laughs. “Relax, I've got you bookworm.”
His voice is steady and reassuring. You cling to his waist tighter and you can feel him relax a little at your touch.
You two weave through traffic, the city lights blurring into a colorful stream. The wind in your hair and the rush of adrenaline are a thrilling combination.
“I can't believe I'm doing this.” you giggled.
“You're doing great princess. Just enjoy the ride.”
Suddenly you two pull up to your apartment building, a modern structure bathed in soft blue light.
“And we're here.” you say shyly while you dismounts carefully, your legs feeling a little wobbly.
“You okay?” he asks.
“Yeah, just a little shaky.” you say nodding.
Charles smiled and helps you off the bike. “You'll get used to it.” he giggles.
You two stand there for a moment, the silence between the two of you filled with unspoken words.
“I had a really good time tonight, y/n” he smiles while tracing a finger over your cheek.
You blushes. “Me too, Charlie!”
Your eyes meet, and there's a clear attraction between you two. Charles takes a step closer.
“Can I see you again, princess?” he says softly.
“I'd like that.” you say softly at him.
Before she can say anything else, Charles slowly leaned in and kisses you. It's a gentle, sweet kiss that leaves you completely breathless.
“I'll call you princess.” he gives you a kiss on the forehead. “Have sweet dreams.”
He says and gives you one last smile before turning and getting on his motorcycle. As he drives away, you watches him, your heart pounding... You feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness, it's the first time you feel so special with a boy.
Your turned to face your apartment building, a new sense of confidence and adventure filling your body. Tonight has been a night you won't forget.
The gentle glow of fairy lights illuminates the cozy living room in Charles' apartment, you are curled up on the couch, wrapped in one of Charles' oversized sweatshirts, you look content as you flips through a science magazine. You've been dating for a couple of weeks now, but there's already that feeling of trust and affection between you two.
“Oww, my little bookworm baby is all comfy and cute.” he says while entering the room holding a mug of hot chocolate in hand, he hands it to you.
“Thank you, Charlie. It's super cozy here!” you take a sip of the hot chocolate and sighs contentedly.
He smiles. “You're welcome, my little sunshine. How about we watch a movie?” he asks.
You nodded. “That sounds perfect.” you giggled.
Charles picked up the remote and starts browsing through some streaming services. The truth is that the idea of "appearances can be deceiving" is very real, since anyone who sees Charles may think that he is a rude and perhaps aggressive guy... But he's actually a pretty sweet and nice guy, plus he's super attentive and affectionate with you and you really love that.
“How about a classic rom-com? To set the mood, you know?” he asked and you giggled.
“Okay, but don't laugh at me if I cry at some sad scene.”
He shakes his head. “Never, my little baby.”
He ruffles your hair affectionately while you two settle down on the couch, you snuggled close to Charles. As the movie starts, Charles wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer to his body.
“You're so small and cute in my sweatshirt.” he says softly.
You blushed and hide your face in his chest, he laughs softly. “Stop it, you're embarrassing me.”
“Aw, come on, don't be shy, my little bookworm.” He kisses the top of your head.
You two watch the movie in comfortable silence, interrupted only by occasional soft laughter or whispered comments at some scenes. As the movie reaches its climax, you grabbed Charles' hand, your knuckles turning white.
“Oh no, don't let this happen!” you whispered softly.
“Don't worry, baby. It's just a movie.” he looks at you tenderly.
He chuckles, squeezing your hand reassuringly. When the movie ends, you sit in silence for a moment, the afterglow of the film still lingering.
Suddenly Charles' sighed. “You know something love? I can't believe how lucky I am to have you.”
You looks up at him, your eyes filled with love. “Me too, Charlie... me too.”
You two share a tender kiss, the world melting away around you two. It's a soft and slow kiss, as if you didn't want the moment to end. You two break away from the kiss and you snuggles deeper into Charles' embrace, feeling a sense of peace and security you've never experienced before. The warmth of his body and the soft rhythm of his breathing lull you into a state of relaxation.
“I feel so safe here.” you say, your voice is barely a whisper. Charles tightens his arms around you, pulling you closer.
“You're always safe with me, baby.”
He kisses the top of your head, and you close your eyes, savoring the moment. Your fingers, drawn by an irresistible impulse, begin to trace the intricate patterns of Charles' tattoos.
“You like my tattoos?” he asked, his voice is low and husky.
You nodded. “Uh-huh, they're really cool.”
Your voice is soft, almost shy. You continue to trace the lines and shapes, your fingers lingering on certain parts.
He starts to explain the meaning of one of his tattoos, his voice filled with a sense of pride and ownership. You listened intently, your eyes wide with fascination at his words.
“Wow, that's really beautiful babe.”
You reached out and touched the tattoo gently, your fingers brushing against Charles' skin. A shiver runs down his spine.
“Mhm, you're making me feel all tingly inside.” He chuckles softly, and you blushed.
“Oh... So- Sorry about that.” you say shyly.
“Don't be sorry. I like it, it's a good feeling baby.” he whispers. He pulls you closer, his lips brushing against your ear. “Maybe you should draw on me sometime.”
Your heart skips a beat. The idea of touching Charlie in such an intimate way is both exciting and terrifying for you.
“I don't know how to draw properly.” you say in a whisper.
“That's okay baby girl. I'll teach you.” he smiles and gives you a little peck on the lips.
He turned you around so that you're facing him and your eyes lock, and a spark ignites between you two. You had never felt so comfortable and attracted to someone in your life, but since he arrived into your life, everything has changed significantly and you know you've changed his life too.
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idlerin · 2 months
love sick — 10. ur like an exorthermic reaction
romance 101; ideal partner #14 — someone who would be down to go to trips or do some fun activities with me!
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suna observed the way your lashes fluttered against your cheeks. the lights blazing colors in mixtures of red, blue, and purple. each of the hues seemingly highlights your features most excruciatingly. he couldn’t place exactly why it was so unbearable. perhaps it was because it was putting you in a light he’s resisted seeing you in for the past few days.
so far, he was winning.
“they’re next,” you absentmindedly tug on the sleeves of his shirt, gaze still focused on the stage where you waited for semi to show up, “they’re really good!” you hype them up more, a buzz in the tone of your voice.
“do they play originals?” suna asks, an arm slung around your shoulder. the both of you chose to stand close to the walls because it was easier for suna to prop himself to a more comfortable position. there were plenty of people in the crowd which caused the two of you to press closer against each other—he asked in the car ride if you went to these gigs often and you said yes, he wondered how you stayed cooped up in places like these alone considering the prissy princess idea he’s had of you for a long while now—in the process, you casually resumed a couple-like position. it wasn’t like there was anyone here you needed to put up an act with now.
suna didn’t want to dig into that thought deeper.
“ei likes to mix it up sometimes. they don’t always perform here, specifically, of course. i’ve noticed that his band usually starts with a cover song and then an original. he’s a really good songwriter, he’s been writing songs since high school,” you began to ramble, occasionally looking up at suna pointedly as if emphasizing your words. you had to lean in a bit closer in case he couldn’t hear you well with the noise surrounding you both.
“so you’ve been present and supporting him since the very beginning?” suna urges you to continue with his reply, yet his eyes were surveying over the place, trying not to make you the center of his attention.
“well, duh! i’ve known him before i could even form proper sentences,” you shift and cross your arms over your chest. causing your hair to brush against suna’s collar, making him fail in not having you his focus. his thoughts now went to your perfume and how it would linger in his car later on.
“that long, huh. i haven’t been close to anyone for years close to that, the closest would probably be the miya twins,” suna starts to share about himself, to your surprise.
“i find it hard to keep long-lasting friendships,” you confess, putting more of your weight on suna unintentionally, jutting out your lip in a subtle pout, “i’m lucky i have ei and the others.”
suna found himself focusing on your lips, they were tinged with a darker shade you usually wore. it contrasted the appearance you usually put yourself in around campus. it suited you even though it wasn’t anything he was used to, that made it more appealing. it was distracting, to say the least.
why did he even agree to go here?
he had no reason to. he was tired. and yet he chose to be here. he only needed you for one reason and that was to stop getting bothered. it was going fine, if only it could be kept up for more weeks. you guys didn’t have to be friends the whole time. you guys didn’t even have to be amicable as long as you acted like it. but you preferred having a more familiar relationship if you were ‘acting’, was it under method acting? suna thinks it’s a bit ridiculous that his thoughts made that conclusion just to rationalize. this. this problem.
he thought for the whole duration of this agreement he’d only have one problem, turns out he has two.
the first one was figuring out a way to get a particularly persistent one off his back, and the other was you.
because he was attracted to you.
“are you listening?” he snaps out of his slight daze at the sound of your voice. semi’s band has been playing for a minute or two, suna doesn’t know the specifics since he was only guessing, but you were here making sure he was paying attention. here you were, wide-eyed and raising a hand to tap his cheek.
atsumu was right, you were cute.
“yeah,” suna answered absentmindedly.
you squinted your eyes at him, “listen more,” you put a hand up to your lips to ‘shush’ and went back to watching semi.
suna listens for once and he admits semi was good. he hasn’t interacted much with the guy but he seemed nice enough, he was never interested in his musical endeavors though. suna’s life revolved mostly around volleyball, after all.
a few more minutes pass before suna couldn’t take it anymore.
he was being tortured by the sight of you, it was that cursed moment he saw you in the lobby. suna was taken aback by the way you presented yourself in a different style than usual, he didn’t really think it would have this kind of effect on him.
fuck it.
suna leaned down to whisper in your ear, “hey, you said i can kiss you, right?”
it takes a second before you turn to him, your features scrunched in curiosity, not in any way judgemental or doubting anything, your immediate assumption was, “is anyone you know watching?”
“no,” suna says, eyes dropping down as he watches you wet your lips, “but can i?”
you contemplate it, and in the middle of doing so your surroundings suddenly turn into silence. suddenly, there was only you and him. like they were described in books or movies, everything else turned into background noise.
your ears were ringing and you were a little dazed as you carefully stood on your tiptoes, your mind battling whether this was really a good idea.
it shouldn’t matter, it meant nothing in the end.
you were still clutched against suna and before you started regretting anything, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his.
it was a solid five seconds, and you stepped back with your stomach turning in knots.
suna’s grip on your shoulder tightens, but it wasn’t uncomfortable.
the both of you were silent as you continued to listen to semi’s music.
“i hope that made whoever you were trying to trick go away,” you suddenly say, looking up at him with a smile on your face.
suna was left dumbstruck, he clearly told you there wasn’t anyone he was trying to stray away from here… unless you were doing it on purpose, playing another act on purpose. suna observes your features once more, notices that your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes, the blank determined look set in your gaze and deduces that he was spot on.
he splayed a small grin, deciding to play along, “yeah, thanks.”
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masterlist — previous | next
❥ fun facts !
kageyama has the healthiest screen time in the fg.
kiyoko has a whole list in her notes app abt reasons why she (personally) would never get pregnant.
suna is the type who needs time to warm up and joke around in texting.
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love sick ! a suna rintarou social media au
synopsis. cupid! calling cupid! as the resident matchmaker slash hopeless romantic of tokyo university, you are the person people look for to get love advice or to set them up with the love of their lives. when suna rintarou comes to you asking for the opposite, to help fend people away from trying to get with him, to the extremes of even asking to fake date you, you couldn't refuse! mostly because you did owe him since he was on the receiving end of a bunch of your clients’ unsuccessful love efforts (hey, you do warn them your matchmaking only has a 62.3% success rate).
a/n — i listened to sabik by deny n arthur nery the whole time reading this so i suggest listening to that if you feel like you wanna reread this PLSSS. also END OF ACT 1 YAY! look at how self destructive these two are 💖. also will prolly close the taglist before i start posting act 2 wlxnsnx. omg my head is throbbing.
taglist is CLOSED ! + (1/3) @yas-mjm @agirlwholovesalot @yenqa @fairywriter-oracle @noideawhothatis @alienvarmint @renardiererin @cheezitwh0re @yaboiithewreck @zephestia @nicerthanu @wolffmaiden @2baddies-1porsche @bluegrey02 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @lylovw @fo-love @cloudsvna @haruskatana @apinu @coyloves @rockleeisbaeeee @geombyu @girlkissersco @reveusecherie @mwhahahalasagna @megumiif @erenjvegerrr @thechaosoflonging @rintarousgirl @ris-krispie @kamikokii @complexivelovely @justabreadslice @hearts4faey @yuzurins @eleanorheartschishiya @hearts4itoshi @justsomeonewhoyoudontknow @rijhi @sleepystrwbrryy @snail-squasher @seiamor @wave2love @le000xxgrd @iuspired @theidontknowmehn @linmabbe @rntrsuna @tenaciouswritersheep
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
No Bad Days When You're In Them
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!girlfriend!reader
Summary: Tim has a bad day, but he forgets about it when he sees you get hurt.
Warnings: angst, kidnapping, mention of domestic violence, r gets hit by a vehicle, mention of hospital and broken bones, fluff and comfort!
Word Count: 2.3k+ words
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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The worst part about having a bad day, in Tim’s opinion, is that he knows it’s affecting him, but there’s nothing to do about it. With each passing moment, he feels his attitude worsening, but each of those moments also keeps him from caring that he’s snapping at the people closest to him. Bad days are inevitable, they are a comfort of sorts to cops, but that doesn’t mean Tim enjoys them.
“Wait, what does that mean?” Nolan asks.
“You passed the rookie exam, figure it out,” Tim answers harshly.
“How are we supposed to get inside if the guy isn’t cooperating? We don’t have a warrant,” Nolan points out.
“Then focus on what we do have!”
“A report of a kidnapped child and no probable cause to get in! You’re not the only one having a bad day, Bradford.”
“Then don’t make it worse.”
“Whoa! What is going on?” Angela asks as she approaches Tim and Nolan.
“Get a little room,” Nyla commands.
Tim steps back from Nolan, his jaw tight and his shoulders drawn up. Between the bad morning he had and the stress of a kidnapping case, Tim is ready for the day to end. If he can go home, and see you, then maybe the residual tension and annoyance he’s carrying will disappear. He’ll just have to remind himself not to take anything out on you; he promised never to do that again. At this moment, though, he can’t see himself doing anything more than finding comfort in your presence.
Tim’s phone rings as Nyla relays the details of the missing person’s report the child’s father gave, but he silences it without looking at who is calling.
“Today is going to get worse so if either of you have a problem, get away from my case,” she tells Tim and Nolan.
“No problem,” Nolan says. “Sorry.”
She looks at Tim, and he fights the urge to roll his eyes as he agrees, “I’m good.”
“Good. Tim, you’re going around the back with Angela. Nolan, you’re contact; find a way to get this guy to the front door and we’ll take it from there.”
“Did you get a warrant?” Nolan inquires.
“No,” Angela answers. “You two don’t have probable cause?”
“I can make him scream,” Tim offers.
“Thanks, but we need a legal means of getting in there. If he has this little girl, she’s got-“ Angela checks her watch to say, “Less than half an hour until she needs insulin.”
Tim exhales and looks at the house. A curtain moves on the far side of the house, and he taps Angela’s arm before he points to it. She turns to watch, and Nyla and Nolan follow suit. With their eyes on the window, they don’t notice the front door opening.
The curtain falls back into place and Tim looks away. Standing in the open doorway, the owner of the house raises a gun toward Tim.
“Gun!” he warns.
He, Angela, Nyla, and Nolan dive to the side of the walkway for cover. The man empties the magazine into Tim’s shop.
“Can today get any worse?” Nolan mumbles.
“Now it will!” Nyla responds quickly. “Shut up, Nolan!”
“Cover me,” Tim tells Angela.
“No, Tim-“
She doesn’t finish her sentence before she raises her gun to cover him. Tim moves quickly through the yard as the man reloads his weapon. Just as the new magazine snaps into place, Tim pulls the gun from his hands and uses the force to throw the man to the ground. Nolan approaches quickly to place handcuffs on the suspect, but Tim simply sets the gun aside and walks into the house.
“Hello?” he calls. “LAPD! It’s safe to come out.”
He hears a scraping sound in a room down the hall and pulls his gun from the holster as he nears the door. The scraping slows before someone or something hits the door.
“Help!” a young girl cries.
“Hey,” Tim greets as he holsters his gun. “My name is Sergeant Bradford.”
“I’m Josie,” she replies.
“Okay, Josie, I’m going to help you. Listen, I’m going to tap the wall over here, and I want you to get as far from the door as you can before you tap back, okay?”
Tim extends his arm and taps his knuckles against the wall beside the door. A moment later, Josie knocks further down the wall. Tim stands and kicks the door twice before it snaps, and he muscles it open the rest of the way.
“Bradford!” Angela calls from the doorway. “Still having a bad day?”
Josie hugs Tim’s legs, and he knows that saving one girl isn’t enough to escape the day he’s having. No rest for the weary, right?
“There’s a situation downtown. Need all the backup they can get,” Angela adds. “Hi, Josie, I’m Detective Lopez. Your dad is waiting in my office to see you.”
Josie releases Tim and runs toward Angela. And just like that, Tim is back on patrol and navigating through the crowded and hectic streets of Los Angeles. When he reaches the address he was sent to, he sees a crowd of violent protestors. Sitting back in his seat, he takes a deep breath.
Tim’s phone buzzes in his pocket, and he clenches his jaw as he pulls it out. Whoever has been trying to contact him is relentless, as if he wasn’t juggling enough already.
“Nell?” Tim wonders aloud as he reads the contact name on the numerous missed calls.
He calls her back, and she answers nearly immediately. She begins talking the moment the line connects. She reads an address that Tim knows by heart, and he pulls the gear shift of his shop into reverse. As he steers into a j-turn and hits the sirens to drive the other way, he asks Nell why she’s saying his girlfriend’s address.
“We got a domestic call nearby, and the responding officers checked on the neighbors. She wasn’t home, but it was her house number that the caller gave,” Nell explains. “We don’t think she’s in danger, since she isn’t home-“
“She should be,” Tim interrupts. “She told me she’d be home all day today. Tell me more, Nell.”
“Yeah, of course. So, the caller said he was at her address, but said it was his house. Probably another neighbor wanting to be anonymous.”
“How long ago did the officers try to contact her?”
“About half an hour.”
Tim hangs up on Nell and dials your number. He’s close to your house, but if you answer he’ll probably yell at you in relief. Unfortunately, he doesn’t get the chance to see what his reaction would be because you don’t answer. As he turns onto your street, he hits the brakes. There’s a small crowd of people in the middle of the road, and he jumps out of the shop as he races toward them.
“Tim!” you yell.
He stops and turns, surprised to see you approaching from the other side. “The guy that was hitting his wife, his- his brother showed up and started knocking on doors. He was trying to find the person responsible for his brother going to jail.”
“Slow down,” Tim says softly, laying his hands on your shoulders.
“No, Tim, he was out here yelling and waving a gun around, but then he just disappeared. We started gathering in one of the yards, but we still don’t know where he is.”
Tim looks around and sees the crowd separating. He expected someone to be in the center of the crowd, but it’s just concerned neighbors. As he radios for backup, he keeps a hand on you. The bad day wasn’t supposed to extend to your neighborhood, yet Tim finds himself relaxing slightly just because you’re beside him.
“Wait in the shop,” he tells you.
“But I-“
“I need to know you’re safe. The passenger door is unlocked, and more cops will be here in less than two minutes. Just- just wait, okay?”
You nod and slowly pull yourself from his touch. Once you’re in his car, he yells into his radio to find out where his backup is.
“I’ve got a crowd of innocent people standing like a target with no idea where the shooter is!” he exclaims. “Get somebody here!”
“We’re trying,” Grey replies calmly. “I know where you are, but you need to step back from that, from her, and focus on your job.”
“I’ll focus on my job when I can do it again,” Tim snaps.
He directs the crowd of people to stand in a nearby front yard, then asks them to sit with their backs against a fence to protect themselves from the armed man looking for revenge.
You watch Tim stand with your neighbors, but he’s looking around with his hand on his gun. You’d been doing the same, but there was no sign of the man who pounded on your door and demanded to know if you had called the police. You hadn’t, but you knew exactly who did: the man who lived across from you and almost always got your address numbers mixed up.
“Bradford, backup’s a minute out,” someone says over the radio in Tim’s car.
From where you sit, you can see him as he replies, and he looks stressed. The moment everything is under control, you’ll hug him, you decide.
You don’t get much further than that in your planning before something catches your eye. Directly to your right, a construction front loader is barreling toward you. There’s no time to get out of the shop and out of its path, so you brace yourself for the impact. Just before the door beside you folds in against your side, you see the face of the man Tim is looking for. Interestingly, you don’t feel any pain, just a deep hope that this doesn’t make Tim’s day worse or get him hurt.
Tim watches the vehicle crash into his car. With the bullet holes littering the back, he should’ve realized that leaving you alone was a bad idea. Either the day is just historically bad or that shop is cursed. He pulls his gun as he runs toward you. Finally, his backup arrives, and he yells for them to get the guy in the front loader.
“I need an R/A! Now!” he yells into his radio.
Tim reaches his shop and pulls the driver’s side door open. Your eyes are closed, and you’re wedged uncomfortably between the bent door, your broken seat, and the raised console. He pulls loose pieces of his wrecked shop away from you, his bad day and worse attitude completely forgotten. When he reaches over your lap, you lay your hand on his.
“Are you okay?” you ask as you blink your eyes open.
“Are you?” Tim inquires quickly.
He’s sitting backward in his seat, his eyes locked on yours. He flips his hand to hold yours and sighs when you squeeze it kindly.
“I’m okay. Sore, uncomfortable, but fine. Are you?” Tim shakes his head, and you add, “You seemed stressed. Bad day?”
“That’s not important.”
“It is,” you argue. “It is. And as soon as I’m not trapped here, I’ll hug you to prove it.”
“You’re going to the hospital first.”
You want to argue, say that you would prefer to just go home, but Tim’s expression makes you stop. The stressed look, the yelling, it’s all gone as he focuses on you. As long as he doesn’t start apologizing, you will do whatever he asks.
“Does that mean you won’t hug me?” you ask.
“Not until I know you’re okay,” Tim replies.
He looks out the window beside you and squeezes your hand. The front loader has been towed away from the shop, and your chest is rising a touch higher as if pressure has been taken off of you. Tim hopes that you’re right, that you will just be stiff and sore for a while and nothing worse. His bad day seems like nothing now; seeing you hurt is worse than any hectic day the LAPD can throw at him.
A firefighter moves to your door and prepares to remove the door forcefully. The EMT beside him looks at your eyes and head, then welcomes you to pass out if you want, rather than fight any pain or discomfort. Tim nods reassuringly, his hand still in yours, and you close your eyes.
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You’re happy to spend the night at Tim’s rather than the hospital. The shared comfort is good for both of you after the day you had. While you recline in Tim’s bed, mindful of the deep bruising on your right side, Tim lays on your left. His head is on your shoulder as he runs his fingers along your forearm. There’s a movie playing on the TV screen, but the only thing you can think of is the man beside you.
“I love you,” you say.
“I love you,” Tim replies. He sits up to look at you and adds, “I’m sorry you got hurt because of me.”
“That wasn’t your fault. You were trying to keep me safe. You always keep me safe.”
Tim shakes his head as his eyes drop to a scrape across your cheek.
“You keep me safe from more than you know,” you whisper. “Do you feel better now? Bad day over?”
“It hasn’t mattered since I saw that guy hit you,” Tim admits.
“I make your bad days go away?” you ask with a smile.
“You do. Not watching you get hurt. Nothing else mattered in that moment.”
You nod and thank Tim again. He returns to his place beside you, and you take turns holding each other throughout the night. You both need comfort, and this is the best place to get it. When Kojo joins you after the movie ends, you know that today wasn’t all bad, and Tim realizes that no day can be bad when you’re in his life. Not when this is what you both come home to.
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d0youc0py · 1 year
Could you do any 141 member (I don’t really care I love them all) comforting civilian!reader while she’s on her period? Like the cramps, nausea, mood swings?
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He winced as another pained groan left your lips.
“Pain killers didn’t help?” He frowned. He laid down behind you tucking you against him. He pressed a kiss to the back of your head, his hands pressing down on the heating pad against your stomach. The pressure made you feel better and you softly grabbed his hand and put it under the heating pad, silently asking him to massage your stomach. “I got you.” He pressed another kiss to your shoulder.
“Are you done with your paperwork yet?” You whined.
“Ya, Sweetheart.” He lied. The thought of leaving you alone to suffer on the couch made his stomach turn. “You rest up, now and I’ll fix us some dinner later, yeah?”
“Don’t leave till I fall asleep please.” You requested, scooting closer to him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He’s literally the dream partner when it comes to this stuff
He has always been a very nurturing person
He has your special week marked on his calendar so he’s never caught off guard if you snip at him or you wake up and need to change the sheets
When he can’t be with you he always ships a care package to your house with all the things you could possibly need (snacks, pads/tampons, medicine, a card saying how much he loves you)
He’s the best honestly
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“Kid, open the door!” The door handle jiggled. You splashed cold water over your face trying to calm down, but no matter how hard you tried sobs wracked your body. You blamed the hormones. You and Simon were new in your relationship, about five months in, and you had just recently started spending the night at his place. You always had a plan for what to do if you got your period during the night but you didn’t plan for it to come almost a week early. You woke up feeling a familiar wetness and practically ripped yourself out of Simon’s arms. To make matters worse he had his thigh resting between your legs, meaning- you didn’t even want to say it. You shook the thoughts out of your head.
“Sweetheart, c’mon.” Simon sighed from the other side of the door. “You know what I do for a living, yeah? You think a little blood is gonna scare me off? I find that a bit offensive if I’m being honest.”
“It’s disgusting and embarrassing!” You shouted through your sobs.
“It’s not disgusting.” He shot back. “Whoever made you feel that way is a cunt. And it might seem embarrassing now, but I promise you in a week it’ll make you laugh. Out you come.” He shook the door handle again. He did make you feel better. “There she is.” He whispered. You looked him over, happy he had changed his sleep shorts. A clunky thumb wiped away a few remaining tears.
The man is completely unbothered
You can throw a whole hissy fit and he’ll just ask if you’ve eaten anything today
Bodily fluids don’t faze him at all- you could bleed, vomit and cry all over him and he’d just pat you on the back
He’s still doesn’t always understand how to take care of other people, so if you want/need him to do something all you have to do is ask
He never ever makes you feel bad/embarrassed about anything
“Si, you aren’t going to believe the blood clot that just came out of me.” “I’m proud of you Sweetheart.”
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“I just can’t believe he did that to her!” You sobbed, wiping your eyes on your husbands shirt.
“What a bastard.” He growled, wiping a tear from his own eye. He wrapped an arm tighter around you, throwing a few pieces of popcorn into your mouth.
“Get off the screen!” You shouted, throwing a few pieces of popcorn at the TV.
“Ya, fuck off!” Johnny yelled after you tossing a few pieces as well. You both looked at each other before bursting into a giggle fit.
Every time you on your period it seems like Johnny also goes on his
You would think both of you being so emotional would cause problems, but it really makes you feel less alone
He definitely steals higher grade pain meds from the base to help you (Price caught him and started doing it for his own partner)
Absolutely loves to take warm showers with you
This man is also unfazed by bodily fluids ;)
Whenever you feel sick he is on the other side of the door cheering you on
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You hated when you got your period and he wasn’t here. It always reminded you of how sucky life was before him and how much spoiled you are now. You pressed yourself deeper into his pillow, inhaling his scent. Your muscles relaxed slightly- but it was nothing compared to the real thing. The pain killers had yet to kick in and your body felt so hot and uncomfortable. Your ears piqued up when you heard the door open.
“Ky!” You screeched. The ache in your stomach couldn’t stop you from running through the flat to greet him. “What are you doing here? Your not suppose to be home for another two weeks?” You questioned between both of you pressing kisses against each other.
“I can just stay for two days.” He sighed, scooping you up. “I told Cap you weren’t feeling well- and let’s just say being the favorite has its perks.”
If you thought Price was good wait till you meet Kyle He definitely learned it from Price
Total Princess treatment to the max
“Ky, I can tie my shoes.” “Don’t worry bout it love.”
He shows love through acts of service so this is his time to shine ✨
Has a stash of all your favorite snacks/drinks for when the time comes
He usually puts you between his legs and the two of you play video games for the next eight hours- distraction helps take you mind off of the pain
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queersolarfandompage · 9 months
Hilson Masterlist:
A bunch of fics I’ve read in the last month, month and a half. All works are completed and over 9,000 words per fic.
My Love’s an Arbutus - Rated G
House gets a soulmate, WIlson gets Hanahaki. It ends suprisingly well for both of them.
Handle with Care - Rated G
This is the story of how James Wilson ended up on his best friends doorstep with a baby in a carseat he’d stolen from the maternity ward, and the chaos that followed.
A Thousand Teeth (And Yours Amoung Them) - Rated T
Sometimes, when House gets too overwhelmed by his emotions, he gets a little bitey. This is five times House bites Wilson, and one time Wilson finally bites him back.
Systemic - Rated T
Ever since Wilson moved in, House has presented with some inexplicable symptoms. Fortunately, he has a team of talented doctors to aid him with his diagnosis.
Touch Therapy - Rated T
It’s not that House needs the human contact. It’s just that when you’re sharing an apartment, these things happen sometimes.
I Never Sleep With Married Men - Rated T
House and Wilson are married. It’s not what you think.
Double or Nothing - Rated T
House kisses Wilson’s cheek as part of an ‘act’, it feels too natural to him, so, of course, he has to turn it all into a game, Wilson catches up pretty quickly. The duckings try to not get scarred for life.
The Line of Thought - Rated T
Cameron, Foreman, and Chase keep on trying to get into the little details of House’s love life. House doesn’t like that one bit.
In the Eye of the Storm - Rated T
House does not want Wilson to invite his subordinates over for dinner, and he definitely doesn’t want them to be stuck there due to an unexpected snowstorm. But could the two of them find what they need?
Drew Stars Around my Scars - Rated T
James Wilson loves Gregory House in secret, but perhaps he is closer to knowing than he realizes.
Oreos, a Cane, and a Hell of a Lot of Diapers - Rated T
Hilson AU in which House and Wilson are waiting for the birth of their two babies. Watch them survive their first few weeks of parenthood along with the struggles it takes to be a parent.
Impossible - Rated T
“Wilson, hey-“
“…This is James Wilson. I can’t get to the phone right now, but if you leave a message, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
There was a long, sustained tone, and House cleared his throat.
“Wilson. I’m sorry for what I said to you in January. It was over the line, and I shouldn’t have gone there in the first place. I know you don’t want to talk to me, and… I’ll respect that. I just wanted you to know that I’m…”
He looked down at the flowers.
“I’m sorry.”
House and Wilson both have Hanahaki Disease, and would rather die than give up their feelings.
No Need to Worry (Making Up Your Mind) - Rated T
House makes the mistake of telling his mother he can’t join her for Christmas because of his new boyfriend. Somehow, this becomes Wilson’s problem.
Something to Prove Series - Rated T
Something to Prove
When House suddenly want to initiate a relationship with Wilson, Wilson is overjoyed. The feelings he’d held for years are finally mutual. Or are they?
House and Wilson decide to let the other people in their lives in on the fact that they’re dating. But no, they can’t just sit them down and tell them. Of course not. That would be too boring.
After School - Rated T
Gregory House is incredibly bored with his life when James Wilson is hired to teach Anatomy & Physiology alongside him at Princeton Plainsboro High School. Though he wants to maintain that same monotony he’s grown comfortable with, House quickly finds out that one school year can change a lot.
Life’s Harsh and Sweet Lessons - Rated T
House and Wilson find out that a simple act of kindness can turn into something so much more for all involved. (I love this fic so much. They’re just gay dog dads.)
Losing Balance - Rated T
There’s a new case for House, in which Wilson gets stuck by chance. The relationship between the patiend and his best friend brings up new issues House and Wilson have to deal with. While the first simply chooses to ignore them, the second is forced to face the changes in their friendship and the influence that the people around them have on it.
Gaseous Nebula - Rated T
After a hard day at work, House and Wilson intend to spend their evening watching the Princeton Philharmonic Orchestra. Instead, the building collapses, leaving on of them trapped in peril and the other desperate for answeres. The chaos drives them to revelations about themselves and each other, but it may be too late.
Ship of Fools - Rated M
The Captain’s a tyrant and possibly a madman, but when the crew rebels it’s Wilson who gets caught in the crossfire.
Bait and Switch - Rated M
Wilson tricks House into participating in a bachelor auction to benefit the hospital.
Fool’s Gold - Rated M
Don’t threaten what isn’t yours. (Dragon AU)
Old Machines - Rated M
Wilson said, “So we’re just two friends who want to have sex with each other, who aren’t going to do anything about it.”
Spoken with the increduility of a beautiful person with low impulse control. House shrugged.
“We’ve been that for years. Why mess with success?”
Wilson was looking at his mouth. He sounded strained. “I don’t think what we’re doing qualifies as success.”
Not as Easy as it Looks on TV - Rated M
House and Wilson share an intimate moment. the likes of which Wilson had never seen before in their three year relationship. It drives Wilson to realize he wants to marry House, but of course it’s never that easy, is it?
That’s How Strong My Love Is - Rated M
For once, Wilson doesn’t fall into a relationship, much to House’s irritataion.
Fresh Feeling - Rated M
House is tricked into going on a team-building trip with his colleagues. He does far more bonding with Wilson than anyone else.
Love Is The Drug - Rated M
What happens when two best friends love each other to the point of hating each other? They try to date and sulk about it.
The More It Took Away - Rated E
House has been hiding this little secret of his for years. Too bad it’s coming back to bite him on the ass.
The Escalated Butt Dial - Rated E
He thinks it must be an accident. Because all he hears is shuffling and soft… clapping? He’s about to hang up and laugh because House butt-dialed him while drunk when he hears it.
A very, very obviously sexual grunt. A moan, if more specific. Whatever. Not whatever. He can’t really breath right now, or think; call back laterr.
He wants to hang up. This is an invasion of privacy. This isn’t okay. House butt-dialed him while masurbating, for fuck’s sake. And it’s not like he wants to listen. Right? So. Just hang up.
The One-Eyed King Takes All - Rated E
The classic crew plays strip poker.
You’re the Only One That Never Gets Old Series - Rated E
You’re the Only One That Never Gets Old
An accidental kiss… and a few taht are not so accidental.
Let’s Take A Breath (Before We Go, Go, Go)
House kisses Wilson to piss off an homophobic patient. It might ahve been his best idea yet.
Keep Me Where the Light Is - Rated E
House has his Earth shattering, (good) knee weakening, life changing revelation about Wilson at such an inopporune time, that he’s tempted to laugh. He would have, if he hadn’t been hands deep in his patient’s organs.
Absinthe - Rated E
Wilson wants a new apartment, House is up to no good, and strange metaphors abound.
Experimental Procedures - Rated E
An offhand comment leads Wilson to test out some unusual methods of pain relief for House. (They’re extremely effective.)
Familiarity (Breeds Contempt) - Rated E
House and Wilson stumble into a relationship, but they run into problems before long.
Around We Go Once More - Rated E
Stuck in a small university town out of the country with Wilson, House is up to day 104, of a ‘grounghog day’ style constatly recurring day scenario. Seeing as the day will repeat, he figures it would be safe to try and seduce Wilson; the one he’s always been attracted to, but never acted on it, for fear it would ‘ruin the friendship.’ This is not as easy as he planned, particularly as Wilson refuses to take him seriously.
Stay With Me - Rated E
House has always depended on Wilson’s friendship, but now he finds himself depending on him for his very life - and Wilson realizes that both mean more to him than he ever realized.
I’ll See You In Court - Rated E
Every year, the council chooses ten alphas to participate in the breeding run — this year Wilson has been chosen. He’ll be forced to bond with whichever omega he knocks up whilst he’s in heat. When House hears, he’s forced to take action. There’s only one way to get pulled from the yearly run, and taht’s to file an intent to bond. And in order to file an intent to bond, you need an omega willing to go through with it.
There’s only a week until Wilson’s heat, but luckily, House knows just the omega for the job.
Things That Go Bump - Rated E
Wilson has nightmares. House gets a headache. Everyone tries to diagnose just what’s going on between them.
If He Spends That Dough (Imma Throw Him a Bone) - Rated E
James Wilson loves to feel needed, so who is hOuse to refuse him?
Money, sex, and love is all you need. In that order.
Howler Tone - Rated E
The calls always happen late at night, and they’re extremely sporadic, with weeks, sometimes months bridging between them. They talk on the phone otherwise, of course; about patients, or dinner plans, or carpooling. Typical stuff. But the calls that always end a certain way always start a certain way.
House develops a new vice. Wilson, as always, enables him.
He Won’t Tell You That He Loves You - Rated E
In which Nolan pulls at the Wilson thread, and House can’t stop it all from unraveling. Repression is a hell of a drug.
A Valuable Friend - Rated E
Wilson has been recieving mysterious late night phone calls. He’s rather House kept his nose out of it - but we all know how well that goes.
Baby Mikey - Rated E
House gets a visitor that will change his life, while Wilson struggles to figure out exactly who he is and where he fits into House’s new life.
Buy Some Time, It’s On My Dime - Rated E
The one where House is a phone sex operator.
You’re So Fuckin’ Special (Run) - Rated E
It was full of pictures.
And all of them are of Wilson.
In Every Lie, In Every Truth That You’d Deny - Rated E
Wilson just needs someone to take care of while he recovers from yet another divorce. That’s all this is.
Ath least, that’s what House thinks.
A Patient’s Guide to Living with ICS - Rated E
House and Wilson share a hotel room at a medical conference.
Hooked (On Feeling Low) - Rated E
There are things even House cannot control.
Can Wilson continue picking up the pieces?
A Modest Proposal - Rated E
Tritter’s case agianst House still depends on subpoenaeded testimony from Wilson. To save House from losing everything, the doctors of PPTH decide on an unusal solution, which in turn leads to unexpected consequences. This is a story about the sacrifices we make that turn out not to be such great sacrifices after all.
Silk, Lace, and Satin Bows - Rated E
“What’re those,” House lilted, taking a firmer hold on the blanket and tugging, even as Wilson cluched the blanket to his chest, his eyse impossibly wide as he shook his head.
“It’s nothing,” Wilson gritted out, cheeks flushing hotly. “I just… I borrowed some underwear from Sam. It’s nothing. Just get out, House,” the younger man hissed, clutching the blanket more firmly to his chest.
The Marrying Kind - Rated E
The one where House is a wedding planner and Wilson keeps on getting married.
TGIF - Rated E
House is stuck living the same Friday over and over and over and over again. A Groundhog Day AU with a medical mystery, the pursuit of true love, and egregious references to Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.
Correlation Does Not Equal Causation - Rated E
“This… this hasn’t happened before.”
“Most people say that in the opposite situation.”
Alternatively titled: Wilson Doesn’t Actually Have Whiskey Dick
Don’t mind me just adding another fic here.
Grin and Bear It - Rated E
In a world where soulmates can feel each other’s pain, Wilson had always grown up wondering if he really had a soulmate. Sure, he could feel the occasional twinge like that of a bruise or cut without actually seeing one, but he had always chalked those up to random aches and pains that everybody got.
Wilson would keep this mindset until both he and House begin feeling agonizing leg pain, and a realization dawning from it causes Wilson’s entire life and well-being to change forever.
I’m always looking for new Fics so if there’s a fic you think is missing from this list, let me know and I’ll check it out!
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Summary-> (Early season 3 based) Winter had been a long journey for all of your group, especially you and Daryl given that there was always a lack of privacy. You find it difficult to feel at home in the prison, but Daryl is always there for you when you need him, and you have the chance to relish in a night alone - or as lonesome as a cell can be (2.9k)
Warnings-> 18+ mdni, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, established relationship, mentions of arrest and imprisonment, swearing
daryl dixon // norman reedus works masterlist
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It was an adjustment, that much was clear. After having been locked up in a prison for a few years, the last place you had wanted to be was in one, but here you and your group were, in a cell block after having cleared it out.
Your knee bounced as you sat upon the steps, gnawing upon lip, staring at the familiar grey walls that brought bad memories back into your mind. It wasn’t something you wanted to voice as a problem, you’d spent all winter out on the road, enduring the cold nights, you should have been grateful like everyone else was.
“Y’ okay?” Daryl asked as he took a seat beside you, brushing his shoulders with your own with a comforting manner, reading with no doubt that something was bothering you. Most of the day you preferred to be outside, killing the walkers that clawed at the fences, and you jumped at the chance to go out on a run for supplies just to get out of this pit of misery.
“I’m fine. Just need a distraction from all of this.” You gestured around you, sending him a small smile, feeling far too conscious to even think about falling asleep. “I know it should be good that we’ve found somewhere, and it is, don’t get me wrong, but-“
“I know.” He told you, nodding in understanding, before he put his large hand over your smaller one, clasping it in his grip and bringing it up to his lips. “Don’t have to like it, none of us do, but we woulda died if we hadn’t found this place. And that’s the last thing that I wan’ to happen to ya. I’m grateful for everything you did, ya know.”
“I know Dare.” You decided to look at him rather than the tin you were sat in, meeting his softened blue eyes. “Think if I saw Merle again I’d kick his ass for abandoning me on that night which cost me months in the normal world with you.” He grunted in agreement, smiling when remembering that you had found their camp, and you’d done just that to his older brother.
“Ya got out, that’s all that matters. Especially before all this and the world goin to shit.” The thought of you trapped in somewhere like this and most likely being turned into walker chow or one of them had his heart bursting at the seams. It was a vulgar thought, and the last thing that he ever wanted to happen to you. He wanted to protect you, and he should have done that before, but he was petrified, and you were too stubborn and claimed that you had to pay for your mistakes.
He’d come to see you a few times when you were locked away, he hated that a panel of glass separated the both of you, all he had wanted to do was run his fingers through your hair and tell you everything was going to be okay. But he couldn’t, so instead he counted the days and hours until your release, he had this whole idea of collecting you from that place and driving you far away.
But your release day had been the same day that the entire planet was engulfed with the spreading news of a disease that turned people into monsters, and Merle wouldn’t let him go to see if you had made your sanctioned escape. He had no idea whether you were still alive until he saw Shane carrying you into the camp, exhausted from the lack of both food and fluids and running god knows how many miles just to survive.
“Guess you’re right.” He always was, even if he was too selfless to admit it. “Do you maybe want to try sleeping in a cell? I know we’ve got this whole thing of liking the floor, but I guess it’s worth a try.” Daryl surprising agreed, pulling you to your feet after he had stood, the two of you walking to an empty cell, passing by the other members of your group that were either asleep or lying down in isolation.
It was a big step for you to enter a cell after the months you had been holed up in one by the law, but Daryl kept his hand on your elbow, reminding you that he was there. And always would be. And so unsurely, despite it being your idea, you stepped within the cell, it was devoid of any personality, just a bunk and the normal silver basin and toilet, which all reminded you that this wasn’t home. You hoped that one day you’d find somewhere that felt less suffocating, there had to be a place out there, beyond the chain fence, where it was safe to breathe without the risk of walkers eating you in your sleep.
As you entered the room, you were strangely comforted by the sound of Glenn’s snoring from the cell over, he was no doubt laying beside Maggie, then both lulling in the chance to rest. “It’s not so bad.” You muttered, kicking off your mud accented boots, as Daryl remained close to the door, blocking the view from anyone that could pass as you shrugged out of your jeans, and lifted your shirt over your head, leaving you in just your underwear. It was something that you hadn’t been able to do in prison without the harassment of officers or other people fulfilling their sentences.
Daryl said nothing as you stood still for a moment, closing your eyes, before you reached back, unclipping your bra, his eyes danced over the expanse of your back, every scar traced by his pupils and every mole a target that he planned to pelt with gentle kisses. You turned around to face him, like a vixen testing his limits, tilting your head as you padded along the floor towards him, your fingers brushing against his sleeve butchered flannel. “I want your shirt.”
There was no resistance on his part as he helped you unbutton each button on it, shrugging it off of his broad shoulders as he handed it to you, watching you slip it on. You inhaled his scent as you did only a couple of the buttons on it, before testing the mattress with your hand on the bottom bunk, before sliding upon it and closing your eyes. “Aren’t you going to join me?” He said nothing as he silently kicked off his own boots, tossing the knives he carried out from his pockets onto the floor, them deliciously clattering upon the cement, as he readied himself to lay beside you.
“It’s been a long time since we had a bed.” Daryl spoke in hushed volume, not counting the time on Herschel’s farm after he had been scathed by a bullet in the left side of his head, no thanks to Andrea. He shuffled as he tried to get comfortable, deciding on laying on his side and facing you, trapping you in his arms as his nose brushed against your own. “At least it’s better than that one you had in your shitty old trailer.” He smirked, watching as you tapped his shoulder with your screwed up fist, rolling your eyes when you remembered why it hadn’t been so comfortable.
“It was perfect, we broke it in. Not my fault that the springs couldn’t hold up.” He shook his head at your words, clearly that sale you had got it from had been a scam, but you had insisted that it was better than sleeping on the floor. Truth be told, Daryl didn’t care where he slept, as long as he had you securely beside him, he never wanted you to be taken away from him again, and he was insistent that he wouldn’t allow that to happen.
“I think you’re the one tha’ couldn’t hold up. Or be quiet.” He remarked, causing a scoff to pass from your lips, as you attempted to turn away from him but he wouldn’t allow you. Instead his grip on you got tighter, as he raised a brow at your actions. “But if yar blamin’ it on the damn mattress, we migh’ as well see if this one is any better.” It wasn’t very often that Daryl would smirk, but when he did, you practically melted in a puddle in front of him and forgot where you were, which in this instance, was a blessing. His hand trailed down your sternum that was exposed by your lousy buttoning of his shirt that you wore, descending dangerously lower, so that his fingertip hit the top band of your panties.
Your breath hitched, as your body became almost immobile, frozen from his more that welcomed touch. He teased you, running his hand hand back to your stomach only to trail it back down to where his destination had been. “Damn it Daryl, do something.” You hissed, careful to keep your voice down. “I swear to- oh.” His hand had slipped into your underwear, rubbing against the outside of your cunt, causing your hips to jut up into his touch. He always knew how to make you sufficiently aggravated, you’d have cursed out from the bubbling annoyance in your chest if you had no worries that anybody could hear the two of you.
With that he slipped a finger into your walls, it felt like it had been a long time since the two of you had an opportunity to be physical. All through winter, after losing the farm to the mass of endless walkers, you’d had sex once out in the woods, when you were supposed to be hunting, and because of your lack of action you felt touch starved. Even despite Daryl proceeding to hold your hand when the pair of you rarely walked at the back of the group, and sleeping side by side with him. It just hadn’t been enough, but for now these taunting walls allowed you some release, ironically enough.
“Yer so fuckin’ tight.” Daryl muttered, kissing up your stomach all the way up to your lips, ushering and drinking your whimpers that threatened to escape. “Woulda fucked ya more if I’d had the chance baby, now I’m really gonna have to stretch ya out before I can put my cock in ya.” You could only moan into his mouth, hands clasping around his wrist as you ground yourself down on his hand, you let out a squeal as he unexpectedly entered another finger, alarmed by the welcomed intrusion, however Daryl stopped all movements. He spoke quietly to himself, eyes dancing around with a scheming glimmer in his eyes, as an idea revelled in his mind.
He yanked a pillow out from beneath your head, causing you to pant as you clenched desperately around his fingers, trying to allure him into continuing. Daryl raised your hips, fingers still in you, as he placed the pillow beneath them, your mouth making an O shape as he hit a new angle inside of you. If you hadn’t been in a prison, knowing that it was your worst nightmare, he would have calmed your sounds by placing the pillow over your head, but he knew where the line was drawn and he was never one to cross it if he was aware of your discomfort. “Good girl.” He drawled out, deciding to fasten the pace of his fingers as a wet spot began to leak onto your panties, he swiped his tongue across his bottom lip as he watched you. You were close, and it had come faster than expected, given how many months it had been.
“More.” You pleaded, wanting his cock, no matter how much it hurt when he stretched you out, but instead you were given another finger, and Daryl grunted as he rutted into the bed. “Dare, need you.” You huffed, feeling empty when he removed his fingers. The time dragged as he unbuckled his belt and pulled off his jeans, and finally he clambered on top of you, his naked form teasing every nerve in your entire body. “If you need me so bad, why don’ ya ride me?” He whispered, rolling the both of you over so that you were atop of him. You leant down, your hair falling in a cascade around both of your faces as you pressed your lips against his, sliding your cunt over his cock.
He was frighteningly hard, it had been months since the both of you had gotten this far, and there were no interceptions that could stop you this time, or so you hoped. Your slick coated his length as you ground yourself on him to fulfil your own insatiable drive of hunger, his hands bruising your hips as he attempted to keep you still so he could slip inside of you from beneath your trembling form. His tip grazed your clit, sending you into a frenzy, you couldn’t wait a second longer you mindlessly decided, grasping his erect cock in your hand to hold it still, as you slid him inside of you. It was an ethereal feeling, the two of you relished in the sensation of being so close, and not just emotionally.
Daryl’s head reached up, pulling you down flush on top of him, as he spread an array of butterfly kisses over your collarbones and the middle of your throat. “I love ya girl, you drive me absolutely crazy, but yar my kinda crazy.” He stroked your hair lovingly out of your face, distracting you from how he raised both of the weights of the lower halves of your bodies up, and before you could respond with your own spoken words of love to him, he began to thrust up into you, making the world around you drown into nothing more than a distant memory. Your breathing was messy as it mixed with your partner’s, you sturdied one hand on the pillow beneath his head, the other long discarded to the floor, as your opposite braced itself on the wall, clawing at the impenetrable surface.
“Fuck Dare.” Tears were glazing your eyes as you felt each vein of his cock within your cunt, and you began to move with his own thrusts, finding a rhythm that suited the position that you were in. You were careful not to raise your head too high so that you didn’t hit it on the bottom of the bunk above you, Daryl’s right hand left your hip and rested forcefully on your ass, squeezing the flesh as he tried and failed to hold in his grunts. Surely by morning, there was no doubt that someone would make a commotion about hearing you through the screen-less doors, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care, not after how long it had been since you had evoked such passion with the man below you.
Sweat began to bead upon his forehead, slicking the growing locks onto his face, as you brushed them away. A heavy creak rattled from the bed as Daryl once again turned you over, and pounded in you from above, without allowing his cock to slip out from your sweet and wet pussy. From the red tint that had appeared on his face, and how he frowned as though he was on a mission, it was clear that he was getting close, which wasn’t a surprise considering the amount of time that had passed since your bodies had moulded together in such a way. You grasped him by the back of the neck, pulling him down to entrap him in a fiery kiss, your legs wrapping tightly around his waist as you approached your own high.
And there it was, the destination that you had been caving for, your own release. After all of those months that you had served as a resident in a prison, you’d missed his touch, and as soon as the two of you had reunited in Atlanta, you’d made the most of the time you could get together. Daryl’s thrusts began to get sloppy as he struggled to keep up his pace after feeling you clench around his cock and cum all over it, sending him into a delirium to chase his own high. He could feel his balls straining to be emptied, and when he was almost there, he pulled out, not wanting to further the risk anymore of getting you pregnant given the state of the world, and began thrusting himself in the apex of your thighs, until finally he allowed his seed to spill over your flesh.
He exhaled a deep sigh, leaning down to press a kiss against your sweaty hairline, before reaching down and grabbing your discarded shirt, wiping your upper legs clean. He wasted no more time to curl up next to you and bring you into his large arms, staring at your face, letting you know without words that you were the most important thing to him. He’d do anything for you and to keep you safe, nobody was going to separate the two of you again, he was stern on that. “Maybe this place isn’t so bad.” You muttered lovingly into his chest, brushing your nose against where his heart lay, and Daryl releases a small but real smile as he tugged the blanket out from tour forms, awkward as his manner was, and wrapped it around the two of you, so that you could drift off to sleep in his arms and pretend for a moment in your dreams that the world wasn’t as it was.
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