#turn that warlord into a wet cat
bottombaron · 1 year
for some reason i find Nandor, having died probably somewhere in his late 30s/early 40s, being constantly in a state of mid-life crises, deeply hilarious
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deadsnothere · 1 year
Gunslinger Girl!
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Synopsis - After getting a call from Garp, Alias made her way to the Baratie for a nice bite to eat and a long needed reunion.
Part 2
Request - no, not taking them sorry.
Word count - 2.8k
Speak Ali! - Both parts together make 5,340 words, this Fic has literally taken up my brain.
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Monkey D. Luffy.
Garp was a cheeky bastard.
I, Alias Foreman, Swore to be on Monkey D. Luffy's pirate crew when we both turned sixteen and fled to the sea together. I had a dream of becoming one of the most versatile people known to man. I want to learn as much as I can, to cook, to clean, to navigate boats and ships, anything you can teach me I will try my hardest to understand and learn. Now I'm not saying that I want to be the best at everything, there will always be people better. But I want to at least understand the basics of as much as possible. But for all of my life I've been known as a Gunslinger.
I'm ‘The Cheshire Cat’. Cool name with a stupid job. I hate being a Warlord of the Sea, it's the stupidest job on this side of the east blue, and they wouldn't even give me a proper crew. Just a few bumbling idiots who don't know what being a pirate really means.
Luffy always understood what being a pirate meant. I remember watching Garp train him day in and day out. Parts of me understand why Garp was so hard on him, I mean people say he takes after Gold Roger. Imagine your grandson taking after someone you helped execute. I don't think I'd be fond of it either. I’ve never thought Garp nor Luffy were wrong for what they want but, I think one knows what he's doing and the other doesn't.
It's always quite bothersome when halfway through my delicious dinner, I get interrupted by a soggy mean fishman running in here and trying to take my table for dinner. If he had waited a few minutes I would've gladly given it up, I just wanted to finish my meal. But the inpatient idiot just had to have it now.
“I'm afraid there are no more tables.” Arlong and two of his crew members were walking down the stairs of the Baratie. They’re bodies are still wet and leaving water as they walk, which is just plain disrespectful. “I see a bunch of tables.” I couldn't help but roll my eyes, to think I would have a peaceful dinner, just hopeful dreaming. People started to whisper and get up from their tables but I stayed in my seat, intending to finish the nice meal served to me. Plus it's not as if they got far, Arlong was yelling at them as soon as he got to the middle of the staircase. “Sit down!” he yelled in his degrading, chalkboard scratching voice. I continued to cut my steak in pieces to eat, they over cooked it a bit but a fine job was done anyways. Seasoned almost perfectly. A little too much oregano, but I'm just too picky with my food. Arlong went around as if he owned the place. “No one leaves.”
He looked at me with malice in his smile. “Except you.” His webbed hand went to grab the collar of my shirt but I stopped it with my own, barely even looking back. “I only have a bite or two left, I'll give it up when I'm done.” I took another drink from my wine and let go of his hand, continuing on with my meal. I could tell it pissed him off from the way he growled close to my ear. A stupid amount of spit landing on my dinner plate and shoulder. I shivered in disgust and stood up from my table. “You know what- take it.” I grabbed my plate and wine and stood up, leaving the small round table for the fishmen to sit at. I felt bad not eating the steak so I got a to-go box from the reservations desk and put it in there to give to someone later. Deciding that maybe i'll get a nice drink from the bar instead.
I was a wine kind of gal so I got a nice glass of Merlot, it was tasty. Had lots of flavor, some of which I enjoyed and some I didn't. I was enjoying the peace. I always knew it wouldn't last long but god was i sad when it was over. “Which one of you is Arlong?” Oh shit. I knew his voice anywhere, the voice I was sent for by his grandfather, the voice of a new age. I got a refill on my wine, and bought the whole bottle while I was at it, due to the lingering feeling that this wasn't going to look pretty.
When I got back into the restaurant I decided to just rest a little under the staircase, hidden by the shadows hopefully. Seeing Luffy again made me nervous. Something about it..something about how he’d be even a little bit different. When I assessed the situation in front of me it confused me a bit. I could hear that Arlong was yelling from the bar but he's an idiot so I tuned it out and tried to enjoy the bit of ‘quiet’ I had. Arlong has an older gentleman by his shirt collar, while Luffy was halfway down the main staircase. He had two men behind him, one named Usopp the other Sanji. I heard about them both, one from a customer here and the other, from a bartender. “So this is the pirate I've heard so much about.” Arlong was starting to circle around some of the tables, pacing I guess. “You know, I was expecting someone… bigger.”
Sounds like my cue. I came out of the shady area setting the wine glass and bottle on the table and grabbing a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from a pocket in my shorts, picking the lucky one and placing it in my mouth delicately. “Tell me about it..I've had someone in my ear all day. ‘Find that dumbass.’ I have a headache at this point.” I laughed and leant on the chair. Luffy looks away from Arlong for a millisecond, to look at me but I don't think it registered in his brain. He couldn't have forgotten me. Luffy spoke, in his normal, nonchalant, Luffy way. “So was I.” I was puffing from my cigarette as I laughed. The snicker making smoke pour out of my nose. That got Luffy's attention. His head snapped to look at me, his eyes didn’t leave me, it looked like he was inspecting every part of my body. Probably looking for the one sign it was me. The small skull shaped scar just above my left knee. I wore shorts today just so he would see it.
His eyes were as wide as the plates they were using to serve that delicious soup I had for an appetizer. “ALIAS?!-” internally I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Externally, all I could do was smile. Luffy had a bright smile on his cheeks and I couldn't help but smile back. It was a smile I yearned for, for so long. I knew with even a bit of it, I was going to be addicted again.
I could see how excited luffy was that I was here (which made me VERY happy), but Arlong being himself did not like that attention wasn't on him for those few seconds so he cleared his throat obnoxiously. “Do you know who I am, boy?” Luffy's attention went to him but came right back when I spoke up. “Arlong the Saw.” There was a moment of silence, I taped the ash away from my cigarette into an empty glass off the table of people in front of me, and took another drag from it. “And just who are you-” - “I’m The Cheshire Cat.” I undid two of the buttons on my button up shirt with one hand, letting my collar fall back to show off the cat like scratches that laid on my collar bone (If those cats were lions that scratched almost all the way down my torso and arm). I did a stupid little bow. A few people reacted but I enjoyed the way Luffy looked so wowed. Arlongs eyes widened but they just went right back to a dumb smug smile. “You, Arlong, go for 20 million berrys.” I took another drag, exhaling calmly. “Which is impressive for the east blue but..Not so much other places.” He laughed from his chest, his friends going along with it. “What does the sell out have to say about it?” I sighed softly.
A part of me wished I was a sell out, instead of a kidnapped child forced to do the government's dirty work. The other part knew I would never do that, knew I would never betray my own crew like that. “Oh nothing honestly, I don't care about you.” I looked over to Luffy who still had a smile on his face. When we made eye contact he started to beam. I've only visited him once since I became a warlord, it makes me happy to see him so full of joy just from a moment of eye contact with me. “I'm here for him.” Luffy's hands started to shake, it was something small he always did around me. Blurted it out one day, said when I was excited sometimes I gave him a look, a glint in my eye that made him so happy his entire body shook. It was the sweetest thing he’d ever said to me. Arlong growled once again, leaving spit in someone's food. Those poor people.
He was circling the tables to get to me, circling around me slowly as if I was fish bait he was waiting to snap on. “Well I was here first.” I thought about correcting him, telling him that I was in fact here first. But Luffy interrupted the thought anyway. “How’d you find me anyway?” Luffy sounded completely confident in himself, Arlong just let out another horrid chuckle and made his way back to where he originally stood. “Old friend helped me track you down.” At first Luffy looked over to me, but I was drinking a sip of wine, just listening to what was happening in front of me. Arlong clicked his tongue and one of the other fish men grabbed the clown pirate's head out of a bag. “Heya, Straw hat. Did you miss me?” Luffy looked extremely confused, Sanji looked exhausted and Usopp looked terrified. “Burpy?” The name he called him almost made me spit out my wine from laughter (Which made Luffy happy, I could tell because he glanced at me. Even just for a second.) “What are you doing here?”
The fact that there was only a clown head confused and disturbed me, but I looked past it. “Believe me, it wasn't my first choice either.” He looked a bit nervous as he spoke. “But these fine fishy folk persuaded me to point them in the right direction, which ain't easy when you don't have any hands!” The joke made me raise my eyebrows and laugh a bit, it was funny i'll give him that. But Luffy still looked confused. “How’d you even know where to find me?” Suddenly the clown had the most serious expression I've ever seen him in. “I told you, I've got eyes and ears everywhere.” I noticed an ear start to climb out of the red band of Luffys hat. It was quite strange. The ear went back to the clown and popped right back in place, laughing. Luffy took the hat off his head inspecting it, while the two men behind him shared a look. “Stereo!” Luffy looked shocked. “You were listening all along? You heard everything?” The clown was quite happy. “Everything! and that old quick. 'Cause you shi-diots have no idea what you're doing.” The mashup word made me giggle a bit, it sounded so stupid, but it was kinda funny. (But luffy frowned a bit when he saw I laughed so i stopped as quick as i started).
The clown's head jumped towards the fishman with the huge lips. “Hey lips? How about a scratch behind the old ear, huh?” That made me roll my eyes, he was stupid enough to ask his captors that? The fishmen put him back in the bag. Buggy complaining about how sandy and wet it was.
“Listen here. I want my map.” It was so stupid. Watching them fight over the map to the entrance to the grand line, I understand why Luffy wanted it, but Arlong has a giant crew of thieves who could easily take it from another marine base. “Along with half of whatever you plunder as tribute.” Tribute? for getting a map, does he want tribute for his own existence now? “And if you bow down to me, I might even let you serve in my kingdom.” Stupid men. All of them were the same. Well not all, but most were extremely similar. “I don't bow down to any man.” Luffy stood tall, his head held up high as usual. That's my boy. “I'm no man.” Luffy continued. “Or fish.” That made Arlong growl and made me laugh. “And you’re no king.” There was a certain feeling in the air, the aggression that at any moment, one or the other would attack. Everyone was on high alert, my wine made that hard. It was just so delicate. Hard to enjoy in this environment but perfect in others.
“I will be, when I get my grand line map.” Luffy just smiled, which was a little bit attractive. “Then” He placed his hat back on his head. “You’re gonna have to fight me for it.” I take the attractive comment back, he's stupid. “Then let the fighting begin.” A bullet bounced off the fishmans skin. My hands almost drew closer to my own guns but instead I decided to pour another glass of wine. The old man that cooked my food was standing with a gun in his hand, the trigger pulled in his fingers clutches.
The thing about fishmen (I had learned the hard way) is that regular bullets don't affect them. I have very special bullets, made from some weird unmeltable ice, something about them coming from a town inside the grand line called drum town, from the deepest parts of frozen lakes. They're so sharp they even pierce fishman skin but don't go as deep as I would like.
Arlong turned to the old man, one of his crew members kicking him away and down before punching him into a pillar. Sanji called out his name and ran over, jumping on the table and kicking the fishman in the face. Which just pissed him off more. He got a few good kicks to the face and arms, even the legs but Luffy distracted him. “Really good fighter.” By the time he went to do a quite nice spinning kick to the face again, he caught his foot in his arm. I reached for both guns in my holsters, Checking that they had the correct bullets and shot multiple rounds from Alice, all of them making a trail up his arm and letting Sanji get away. The fishman looked back at me, anger and confusion in his eyes. “These bullets are made of ice, so sharp they even pierce fishman skin. I got them specially made.” There was a delicate smile on my lips, blowing the smoke out of my mouth and away from my guns. Normally i wouldn't touch these but i had a feeling about bringing them today, i'm glad i did. they may be expensive but Luffy was worth it anyways.
Everything was happening so quickly, Luffy's gum gum pistol, Arlong grabbing and pulling him closer. “Uh-” I could tell there was panic in his voice, but I couldn't tell if helping would really be helping at all. He was thrown at a pillar, landing on the floor with a thud. “Get up!” Arlong yelled, if i was him i would've stayed on the floor in spite, but he got up regardless. He kept stretching his arms three punches, one to each shoulder and one to the face. “Not bad for a human.”
I lifted my pistol to shoot Arlong but luffy put his hand up, his middle and ring finger were intertwined and the other three fingers touched. That was our sign when we were kids to stay out of it. It was our secret signal, not even Ace or Sabo or Dadan knew what it meant. I lowered my pistol, spinning it and putting it back in its holster. I grabbed the wine bottle taking a nice big gulp. Glad i’d gotten the entire bottle because this in fact, was not going to be pretty.
Part 2!!
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ikesenfantasy · 2 years
Ikemen Sengoku: What-If Collection Event - Warlord Pets
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(Don't mind the photo) I wrote this fanfiction for fun where the warlords turn into their animal mascots. Since there wasn’t much spotlight for their beloved pets I thought I would write about them in a What-If Collection Event for April Fool’s Day on April 1st. Since the increase of the IkeSen roster I decided to take the time to add the additional six characters. So a total of all seventeen men in the IkeSen roster.
It was a pleasant evening like any other evening. Tomorrow everyone from the Usugi-Takeda forces along with Kennyo, Motonari & Kicho were going to visit Azuchi. Sasuke already visited me two days ago since Kenshin wanted to visit me. I thought we would all try something that will get everyone working together…or at least trying to. I already had some ideas but Sasuke hasn’t visited me to discuss it over with him. Maybe we’ll talk tomorrow.
“Ah the moon is so beautiful this evening; it would be nice to watch it with everyone. Time for bed.”
By the next morning I was the first in the war council room. Usually everyone would be here or I would be informed to show up but no one was here until the sliding door opened. I sat up straight but instead I got pounced.
“Oof! What in the world?”
It was then I felt something wet on my face. When I lifted up whatever was on top of me and tried to see who or what it was.
“You were supposed to be at the manor with Masamune, what in the world are you doing here!? I better return you back to the manor as soon as possible or else Hideyoshi is going to blow a blood vessel.”
But the tiger was not the only animal that was in war council a whole colossal of animals flooded into the room. I didn’t even realize there was a monkey trying to attack the tiger that I was holding.
OH NO! Please no fighting!
I decided to stand up and try to reach for the monkey that was clinging to the back side of my kimono. But then I felt a nudge almost making me fall over. The perpetrator was a deer.
Circling around my ankle was a cat meowing and purring as if the fiasco I was in the middle of didn’t exist.
What is with all these animals? Something really isn’t right. The monkey on my back let out a yelp as it let go of my back who was trying to reach for the tiger. Now the monkey was flicking his tail that was sadly bitten by a fox. When the fox let go the monkey started chasing the fox. I better stop them.
I was so distracted by the chase I tripped over the cat and planted face first on the floor. A heard a soft snort and a boop from my cheek from a pig snout. What a mess. All of the Azuchi warlord pets are running amuck. I wonder why. I then heard the pig squeal as he ran off into a different direction being chased by something.
When I realized what happened I noticed a wolf chasing the poor piggy. On the wolf’s back was a squirrel. And behind them was a bear with a bunny and a hamster on its back chasing the other animals across the room.
Just when the wolf and bear were chasing after the pig and cat they nearly knocked over a jar. The peacock that flashed its feathers blocked their direction to the beautiful jar as if protecting something precious spooking any nearby it away.
I decided to try and chase after the animals stopping them from chasing each other around the room but it only made matters worse as the wolf started to fly into the air by a wallaby. A parrot flying overhead was shaking his head as the wolf collapsed on the ground after being air born by the wallaby’s kick.
The war council was in such disarray as animals were fighting among each other until I heard a loud scream that stopped the infighting and set all the animals on alert. They looked up and saw a hawk that was swarming around a lot more higher then the parrot. The hawk seated itself where Nobunaga would sit. Soon the animals that were most likely warlords from Azuchi began to position themselves in their spots. Now if I didn’t know better these were the warlords. How would they know to position themselves like their owners would sit. The parrot then landed just inches away from the hawk.
“Finally…now that they have settled down we can finally get down to business.” The parrot spoke.
I looked at the parrot who spoke and truly it sounded like Kicho and not Fuka. It was unbelievable. There was no way.
“N-no way…Kicho? Is that you?” I can’t believe I’m speaking to Kicho the parrot. Interesting ring to it if I do say so myself.
“Yes. It seems I’m the only one who can talk. Unlike the others. I don’t know what or how this happened. From the looks of it we all woke up this way.”
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ahungeringknife · 1 year
365: April 24
Grey/Cat has never liked Saladin :) makes more sense when you know Grey's backstory but that won't be posted for looks at their wrist like looking at a watch a while
An unfamiliar ship did a fly by of the Temple and Shiro looked up at it with a frown. A moment later a figure landed at the LZ. It had been snowing all day and snowing harder so Shiro had retreated to the front of the Temple to get out of the snow. Just because he was an EXO and didn't feel the cold didn't mean he liked being snowed on. It got his cloak wet.
Shiro was nervous when the figure was both familiar and not familiar. He recognized them because they were part of young Kass' fireteam but they never came to the Temple with her when she came to talk to Saladin. Shiro was wary as the Grey Dawn stormed up the Iron Temple's steps. The clouds above seemed darker and more sinister as they approached. What were they doing here?
Foolishly, honestly he didn't know what he was doing, he tried to bar them from the Temple. It's what Saladin would have asked of him. "You're not permitted inside, Dawn," he said like he was just telling them about the snow storm.
He yelped when they grabbed him by the front of their Lucky Raspberry and pulled them close to their SIVA encrusted helmet. "Get. The fuck. Out of my way. Pilgrim," they said with barely restrained violence.
"Only Iron Lords are allowed in the Temple," he said stupidly. Fuck even he wasn't allowed in the Temple. Also what the hell was he doing? Did he have a death wish? They'd make him their lunch.
That didn't amuse them. Didn't even slow them down. They just shoved him away and opened the Temple doors. Shiro knew Saladin was in there, like most days. In quiet contemplation or whatever the fuck he did in there. Kass joked he listened to emo music and was sad about his dead friends.
Shiro flinched back when he heard the crack of Arc Light and then Saladin yelled. Then there was the sound of sundering and Shiro cursed, finally following after them. The Grey Dawn stood in the Temple over Saladin's steaming corpse holding a lance of pure Arc, rage in every line of their body. "Where's your Ghost Saladin?" they snapped. "I'm not going to kill you," they added to the air. "If I did I wouldn't get the pleasure of turning him inside out."
Shiro put his hand behind his head. Shit. What was he supposed to do here? Saladin's Ghost, Isirah, came out and resurrected her Guardian. This time it was a fight as Saladin created his own Light construct. Didn't matter. Shiro winced as the Grey Dawn almost effortlessly deflected and then shoved their lance right through Saladin's skull. They weren't even winded other than by rage.
"How many time are you going to do this?" Isirah asked them.
"Until he's learned a lesson," they said, fury radiating through every breath.
"This is about Kassandra, yes?"
"What was your first clue?"
Isirah was quiet for a moment and Shiro wondered what the fuck they were talking about? Also what was this hostility about!? He knew the story of the Grey Dawn but it was just a story. No way this person wasn't just using the name. He'd met a handful of Hunters in the Crucible who claimed to be Shin Malphur too. But by the way it was now snowing even harder out, the clouds swirling angrily above the Temple he... doubted. Shit what if this was actually the Grey Dawn? He’d seen their old forest in Italy decades ago. Even so far removed from the Dark Ages it was a macabre delight of mummified corpses and skeletal remains and the shells of Ghosts left to show they’d been killed. The Grey Dawn had been just as bad as a Warlord. If it was he was grateful he'd just gotten away with being told to fuck off.
"Saladin doesn't learn through death," Isirah said. "You should know that by now."
"Makes me feel better to kill the little bastard," the Grey Dawn said viciously.
"And you claim you weren't a warlord," Isirah sighed. "If you want a lesson to stick you need to find a true weakness."
"Hey! Why are you telling them this?" Shiro asked loudly.
"Because my Guardian is not infallible. He also did it on purpose," she looked back at the Grey Dawn.
"He knew it'd piss me off."
"Oh yes," Isirah said. "And I think such things should be beneath him. He never learns though," she sighed. "You can go, Shiro," she added to Shiro.
"The Temple is only for Iron Lords."
"They aren't an Iron Lord," Shiro pointed at the Grey Dawn.
"No but they have a right to be here. You may go. They won't kill me so they won't kill Saladin."
"You sure? They've killed Ghosts before," Shiro said nervously, deciding then that yeah... this was the actual Grey Dawn.
"I'm sure. Close the door after you," she said with great finality. The Arc lance continued to crackle softly in the Grey Dawn's hand.
Shiro didn't know what to do. Follow orders or worry more about his boss. But she seemed so sure, so calm. "Okay," he said slowly and stepped out of the Temple. He closed the doors.
"What was that about?" Tyra asked as Shiro stared at the Temple's doors.
"I... don't know."
"You do," she said in a knowing way.
"Just stories," he said worriedly.
"Would you tell me them? I'm not versed in all the stories of the Dark Ages and the Iron Lords," she said.
They both looked at the door as the muffled sound of yelling came through. Not yelling in pain but more like the sound of rage. Shiro almost opened the doors again but then he heard Saladin yelling back. So he wasn't dead. That was good. Right?
Tyra touched his arm. "I suppose Saladin's done some foolish things," she said graciously.
"I-- maybe?"
"He's old. The old always do foolish things. Now weren't you going to tell me that story?" she asked. Either Tyra knew more than she was letting on or desperately wanted to get away from these two powerful Risen. Shiro didn't exactly blame her. She was Lightless. If they brought their fight out here there was a very real chance she could be injured.
"Ah- right. Yeah. Sure. Let's go down to the old docks and I'll tell you about it. Get out of this snow storm maybe?" he said trying not to sound nervous and was grateful when his Ghost brought his own ship around to get him and Tyra off this mountain.
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The Unexpected Perks of War | Daenerys Targaryen x Fem!OC
Part 3
Summary: Allys Baratheon is the only trueborn daughter of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. After the explosion of The Sept of Balor and the death of Tommen, Allys grew tired of the ghosts that hung in Kings Landing and set off to Dragonstone, hoping to find a semblance of safety.
Note: Masterlist for this series here🤍
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The seconds tick by, time ebbing and flowing in its usual pace. Guard rotations shift, the evening meal is prepped, and the sun slowly lowers as the moon prepares to take its place. Yet, every passing moment feels like a century to Allys as she impatiently waits for the keep to go to sleep, everyone except Daenerys of course. 
She wandered through Dragonstone, gripping onto any distraction that would come with an iron tight hold. Her footsteps echoed through the ancient halls, fingers tracing along it’s walls so many times she’d be able to accurately sketch the keep from the inside out. She floated through conversations like a phantom, mind always halfway in the clouds. At one point, she’d ended up in the library, bundled in a corner with a book that looked moments away from falling apart. Her eyes scanned the ink, flipping the pages and actually managing to read through it, but she couldn’t tell you the first thing about the book, not even the title. But eventually, light turned to dark; the moon brilliantly glowing in the sky as it glistened off the waters surrounding Dragonstone. 
The soft sand sinks beneath Allys’ slippered foot, and for a second she contemplates taking the delicate silk shoes off, eager to feel the sand between her toes. She longs to feel like a child again who was too wild to be proper, always frolicking about the shore surrounding King’s Landing, not jaded by the atrocities of the world. Not stained with the knowledge of the horrible things her mother and uncle have done, the sins her grandfather committed in the name of a golden legacy. Momentarily lost in her melancholy, Allys almost does it, if only to feel like that naive child again, but the fearsome roar of a dragon pulls Allys from her reminiscing. 
Flying high above the ground, Drogon lets out a ferocious war, the sound reverberating in Allys’ ears and she could swear she felt the ground beneath her feet tremble. The dragon was massive and terrifying, in shades of red and black, the colors of House Targaryen, but he was beautiful in a dangerous way. And if the sun wasn’t already hidden away while the moon shines bright, he would no doubt blot it out. She’s captivated by him, as she is with all the dragons, but Drogon demands her attention. He’s the largest of the three, named after Daenerys’ late husband Khal Drogo, and if someone told Allys his very soul resides inside Drogon, she would believe them. All of the dragons fiercely protect their mother, but Drogon does it with a ferocity that only a Dothraki warlord could possess.
Her gaze however moves to the form on top of the dragon. She knows who it is without needing to see her face, there’s only one person here that could ride Drogon so freely. Drogon begins to lower towards the ground, and Allys subconsciously moves to meet where he’d land. She grabs onto her skirts, lifting them up as to avoid dirting anymore than necessary, and just walks, any nerves and fears about being burned alive banished from her thoughts. Daenerys would never let any of them do that to her.
Drogon’s large form lands on the sandy ground, red eyes locking on Allys, opening his massive jaws and showing his razor sharp teeth that could rip her apart within seconds. But she’s not afraid. She continues her approach, the dampened sand squishing under her feet, water seeping through the silk shoes and onto her skin. Her eyes flit to Daenerys sitting on Drogon, looking every bit like the regal Dragon Queen she is. 
Her silver hair is pulled back into a series of braids, something Allys learned is a part of Dothraki culture, each strand curled and cascading down her back and spilling over her shoulders. Her bright purple eyes are already locked onto Allys, the harshness usually present in her War Room meetings replaced with a softness more akin to a child. Her pale skin glows in the moonlight, the stars casting beautiful highlights on all the right spots. Instead of her usual black and red attire, she’s wearing a dress in a light shade of blue, the fabric thick enough to fight any chill from the night air, but still breathable. Her signature three headed dragon broach is still pinned to her dress, holding in place her shimmering cloak that looks like dragon scales. A smile rests on her delicate face, filling Allys with all sorts of warm feelings.
She’s beautiful, by the Old Gods and the new, Allys is mystified by Daenerys and everything about her. 
Maintaining eye contact, Daenerys effortlessly slides off of Drogon’s back. Her feet hitting the ground with a soft thud. She moves towards Allys with the natural confidence she exudes, the easy charms she possesses always her biggest asset, only second to her dragons. In what feels like an eternity, Daenerys closes the distance between them. She’s close enough that Allys can clearly hear each breath she takes, but far enough away to be proper. And while she is only less than an arm’s length away, she feels like there’a a gaping canyon in between them.
“Thank you for meeting me tonight, Lady Allys,” Daenerys says, her voice like silk. 
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Your Grace,” Allies said, a teasing lilt in her voice. Her lips pull into a smile, bright enough to even blind the sun. The smile on Daenerys’ face widens as well. And if Allys’ smile is the sun, then Daenerys is the moon, captivating everyone with her soft and ethereal beauty.
“Shall we?” Daenerys says, guesting behind her towards Drogon, still in his same position, although he’s no longer baring his teeth and burning into Allys with his eyes. Her eyes widen a fraction, unsure what else to do.
“You mean we’re going to…?” Allys whispers, pointing at Drogon, hand low at her side as if she’s afraid the dragon in question will see. Daenerys looks behind her and then back at Allys, amusement brimming in her eyes, and she laughs. Not the quiet chuckle you give to Lords or Ladies from noble houses that you don’t want to offend, or the awkward squawk you make when in an uncomfortable situation. This is a real laugh, the kind that makes you throw your head back and close your eyes, that brings a pain to your stomach from laughing too hard. It’s loud, being carried away by the wind to every corner of Dragonstone, and it’s beautiful. 
In that moment Allys decides it’s the best sound she’s ever heard, that no minstrel, no matter how talented, could ever play a tune sweeter than this. 
“Yes, we’re going to ride Drogon.” Daenerys reaches out and grasps Allys’ hand. While Allys hands are cold and dry, her skin not accustomed to the weather, Daenerys’ are warm and soft, as if the fire in Drogon runs through her veins.  She turns and walks towards Drogon, pulling Allys, who doesn’t put up a fight, with her. Her heart is pounding against her chest, a blend of anxiety and excitement coursing through her blood. 
A dragon, a real dragon. She’s about to ride a dragon. 
She’s in a daze as Daenerys approaches Drogon, reaching her hand out to caress Drogon’s scaled face. He nuzzles into her touch, a pur similar to that of a cat coming from him as he nudges closer to her. The startling size difference between Daenerys’ hand and Drogon snout is enough to make Allys stop breathing, yet he isn’t acting like a terrifying beast. In fact, he’s more like a domesticated pet looking for attention than a fire breathing serpent, and that’s what keeps Allys in place. 
For a moment, she has a burst of bravery, a need to impress Daenerys, which causes her to step forward and reach her left hand out to Drogon. He turns his attention to her and huffs, the breath feeling like summer heat against her skin, but to her surprise, he leans his head forward. The feeling of his rough scales under her fingertips is…odd, he was as hot as Allys imagined he would be, similar to touch the barrier between a roaring hearth. Allys is at a loss, unsure of where to move her hand now that it rests on him, then she feels something soft and cool in comparison to Drogon over her hand. 
She glances over and meets Daenerys’ gaze, her smile isn’t as large and beaming anymore, instead it’s weeter, more delicate, as if she’s afraid that this moment could disappear. Allys knows because she feels the same. 
“Here, gently pet him here,” she says, guiding Allys’ hand in the center of his face and in between his serpentine eyes. She guides her hand down, as Allys’ nails lightly press into Drogon, who purs in delight, until her hand reaches the tip of his nose, inches away from his teeth. The tip of his nose is soft like that of a dog, but not as wet. It’s nice to feel a sensation that is familiar to Allys. 
“I can’t believe it, I’m petting a dragon!” Allys exclaims, nearly breathless from excitement. Her eyes are wide and wild, beaming with the radiance of the sun. Daenerys laughs, this was softer than her previous laughter, but just as sweet. 
“What would you say to riding a dragon?” 
And Allys can’t speak, her brain refusing to work hard enough to think of something to say. So instead she squeaks like a mouse, nodding her head far too enthusiastically to be proper. But Daenerys just laughs, taking the hand of Allys’ she still grasps, and leads her to one of Drogon’s wings, Daenerys getting on first and then holding a hand out to help Allys up. The feel of the leather wings are strange, similar to walking on the carpets and rugs in The Red Keep, but tougher and with a better grip.
Daenerys helps Allys get onto Drogon, making sure she is situated behind her. Instinctively, Allys wraps her arms around Daenerys’ waist, placing her chin atop Daenerys’ shoulder, the warm fabric soothing her frostbitten face. A flush appears on Allys’ face from the proximity, but just snuggles further into Daenerys, the anticipation of actually flying turning her stomach into knots. 
Allys lurches forward, the sound of Drogon’s heavy footsteps beating into the beach. And they’re moving, slowly at first, but then quicker and quicker as Drogon picks up more momentum. Allys squeezes Daenerys just a hair tighter as Dany throws her head back, laughing in delight - the sound being swallowed by the howling wind. 
Just when they are about to hit the ocean surrounding Dragonstone, Drogon lifts his great wings and soars into the sky. The wind is cold and unforgiving, but Allys can’t bring herself to care, as the wind whips through her hair, instantly tangling it. The higher and higher they fly, the smaller everything looks below them. And Allys can’t help the shout that leaves her mouth, the sound mixing with the winds around them and the powerful roar Drogon releases. 
They fly around on Drogon for the next hour and Allys never wants it to end. But eventually, they begin to get closer and closer to the ground until Drogon lands with a thundering thud. Daenerys slides off of Drogon with ease, holding her hand out to aid Allys off of the dragon. When her feet finally touch solid ground, they wobble and shake, and if not for Daenerys holding onto her, Allys surely would’ve greeted the ground with her face. 
Flushing bright red with shaky hands and a racing heartbeat, Allys looks up at Daenerys. And Daenerys looks at her, cheeks stained red as well.  
“That was-- amazing. Thank you, so so much,” Allys says, still attempting to catch her breath, something highly unlikely with how close Daenerys is.
“It’s my pleasure.”
And then Daenerys takes one step closer, Allys mimicking her movements. Then suddenly they’re only a breath away from each other. And for the first time Allys truly notices how short Daenerys is compared to her. She always carries such a strong presence, Allys imagined her 9ft. tall in her mind. But she doesn’t mind. It makes Daenerys seem real, something difficult to picture for the woman who brought dragons back into the world.
“Well, I should probably return to my room,” Allys says, but makes no movement to move away. 
“Yes, it is rather late,” Daenerys says, the corner of her lips tugging into a smirk, mischief dancing in her purple eyes. 
With a second surge of courage, abandoning any fear and worry that lingers in her head, Allys leans forward, connecting their lips together. 
Kissing Daenerys is like taking a bite from the sweetest fruit. Euphoria rushes through her veins, her head growing lighter with each second. Her lips are soft and warm and oh so inviting to Allys. And if kissing Daenerys is like eating from the sweetest fruit, then her lips taste like nectar from the gods themselves. And Allys get pulled under, deeper and deeper into the ocean, not fearing that she doesn’t have the faintest idea on how to swim. 
And it's soft, gods it’s so soft Allys melts into her, getting as close as possible.
Daenerys weaves one arm around Allys and her other hand into the tangled mess her hair is, and begins gently untangling it. Allys puts one hand around Daenerys’ neck, as if she’s afraid she’ll disappear, trailing the other one from her waist up her side, then her collarbone, and finally up her neck, with a touch lighter than a feather. 
It’s pure bliss in that moment and in her haze Allys decided she must be dead. She must’ve died at some point and her heaven is every moment spent with Daeenerys. 
“Would you care to join me tonight, Lady Allys? I’m afraid I’m not used to the cold of Westeros and would welcome the company?” Daenerys is only a hair away from her, but even that feels too far. Too far gone in her euphoria, Allys forgets all about her pride, chasing Dany’s lips as she groans at the loss of contact. Daenerys allows her to kiss her again, laughing against her lips as Allys’ mouth swallows the noise. 
“Do you even have to ask?” Allys asks, still keeping their lips pressed together. “We should go now, while I’m still thinking semi clearly,” Allys mutters, but makes no movement to untangle herself from Daenerys. 
“Then let us make haste before we die from the cold!” Daenerys exclaims, pecking the corner of Allys’ lips before pulling her towards the entrance to Dragonstone. Allys laughs, the sound so foreign to her own ears, the sound nothing like the grief stricken tones she spoke with. They both nearly tumble to the ground far more times than either could keep track of, laughing louder and harder with each fumble. Neither of them seem to notice the sleeping people in the rooms they pass. They’re too drunk on each other to possibly care, only focused on the other. 
‘Perhaps we should be more quiet?” Allys suggests in between her laughter, small giggles bursting in the seams of her question. 
“It would be respectful of us, but I’m too happy to care!” Daenerys exclaims. And her eyes are bright, like two stars plucked from the sky and painted purple. It would be easier to liken her eyes to amethysts, but they wouldn’t do justice to their vibrancy.
And she’s beautiful when she’s like this, so carefree and glowing like the moon.
Eventually they reach the end of the hall, standing before two double doors. Back to the door, Daenerys leans forward, pressing a faint kiss against Allys, fumbling as she opens the door behind her. It clicks open and she presses her body against it to push it wide open, the loud creaking swallowed by their laughter. Daenerys pulls Allys into the room, the lock clicking close behind them. 
Maybe the dragons coming back to Westeros isn’t such a bad thing. 
@historicallydysfunctional​ | @stuckupstucky​
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voltage-vixen · 4 years
"Only if you promise to behave.” Masamune (NSFW)
The grips of MC’s nails clutched the wrinkled sheet in a heated frenzy, while Masamune’s tongue danced along the curve of her silky thigh.
“You’re extra sensitive today, aren’t you, kitten?” the warlord purred, savoring the flustered pout each time he paused before reaching the area Masamune knew MC craved his touch the most.
“And who’s fault do you reckon that is?” she gasped, biting down onto her lower lip when Masamune’s teasing licks evolved into brisk carnal kisses.
Savagely devouring down onto the canvas of her pale flesh, kisses transformed into penetrating nips, leaving behind incandescent scarlet blemishes as validation of their love tryst.
“That privilege is mine, and mine alone it shall always remain,” Masamune retorted, smirking from his place between the valley of her thighs. “Perhaps next time, you’ll think twice before provoking the green-eyed monster within me.”
Earlier that afternoon, Mitsunari had been strolling the corridors of the castle. While absorbed in the text of his book, his lack of vigilance caused him to collide with MC, who had been innocently polishing the floors. Mitsunari and MC nearly tumbled to the ground, but the savvy strategist managed to sweep her into his arms and braced them against the wall before they collapsed. Despite them being spared from the fate of falling, their compromising position happened to catch the eye of Masamune as he was returning to his chambers from a meeting with Ieyasu.
Though the One-Eyed-Dragon trusted both Mitsunari and MC with the extent of his life, the sight of another man touching the woman he loved was enough to drive Masamune into a mania of jealousy. Exhaling a deep breath, Masamune maintained his composure and snatched MC from Mitsunari’s arms before accompanying her back to his quarters. The instant the door shut behind them, the tranquility was dropped, and he cradled MC down onto the futon. The sense of serenity was replaced with a rabid desire to tantalize the longing yearning of MC, not holding anything back until she begged for Masamune to satisfy the quench of her thirst.
“I-I already told you it wasn’t like that,” she growled in an irritation, when his inching fingers scampered away from snuffing the fire in her belly at the last second.
MC glared down at Masamune’s strikingly handsome face annoyed by the proximity he was to her blazing heat, and decided it was time to take matters into her own hands. Masamune blinked in surprise when she suddenly flicked him on the forehead to distract him, snaking her fingers down to the swell of her tender clit.
“I don’t mind taking matters into my own hands every once in a while,” MC moaned, as she easily slid a finger between her folds.
Watching in esteem while his partner played with herself, Masamune’s mouth dropped wide open. MC’s passionate eyes aligned with his one, and an uncomfortable twitch from his hardened cock flickered against his thigh. The need to watch the pleasure on her face when he ravished her had now reached a dire level.
“Allow me to offer my assistance, lass,” he crooned. “My appetite has fallen into a famine, and the only cure for my hunger is you.”
Masamune’s eye pleaded with her, and MC withdrew her finger to trace the edge of his lips. He started to lick her clean from the slickness of her arousal, and MC clutched onto the disheveled chunks of his hair.
“If you promise to be a good boy, and only if you behave yourself in the future,” MC huffed in between the sensual sucking Masamune was delivering, causing her toes to curl in an anticipated ecstasy from their foreplay.
Masamune ceased his pursuit of her hand, and instead pushed his head forward to her, lapping at the glistening remains on her folds before pushing his tongue into the wetness of her core. An elicited mewl huskily vibrated from the back of her throat in reaction to the pulsating jolts of euphoria her lover was unshackling as he showed no mercy in his conquest to provide MC with a blissful climax.
“My kitten is a stubborn one today,” he muttered, adjusting his angle to penetrate his tongue deeper into MC.
MC’s head arched back into the pillow, and Masamune reached up to palm her breasts, his thumb paying special attention to her nipple by rubbing small strokes to the bud. Her walls slowly started to quiver, and MC uttered a final cry when Masamune’s tongue caressing her clit pushed her beyond the brink of release.
“Taste as divine as ever,” Masamune murmured, shooting her a cheeky grin while his eyes glinted with lust from the aftermath.
With her body trembling from the powerful orgasm, MC couldn’t quite form a coherent thought, and she rode out the trembles rushing throughout her body. Her silence didn’t go unnoticed. No sooner was Masamune ascending the length of her torso, only stopping once his erection brushed against her fine lips.
“Now it’s my turn.”
No words needed to be exchanged when MC greedily encased every inch of his glorious member into her mouth. More than ready to return the favor, she prepared herself for a long evening of playing this little game of cat and mouse they had only just begun to scratch the surface of.
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littlegrrl7 · 4 years
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“The Tiger and the Wren”
Excerpt Chapter 42
Ikemen Sengoku Takeda Shingen/OC
Smutty married fun, playful light dom/sub switch, Mature
Ren looked to Shingen, he was buried once again in his papers as he had been for the last few days.
“Shingen, when was the last time you took a break?” Ren stood and moved behind him, looking down on what he was reading. There appeared to be a disagreement among the wealthy that they shouldn’t be taxed equally with the peasant class. It had worked here well in Kai, but other regions were being resistant to the change. She rubbed his shoulders.
“I need to finish this.”
“You need to take a break. Come to the dojo with me?” Ren tugged him up.
“Hmmm? Ren, it’s cold.”
“Come on, Tiger, I’ll keep you warm. We’ll get you stretched, do a little sparring, and get some fresh air into you. The paperwork can wait a few hours, it’s not going anywhere.” She tugged his arm insistently, and he smiled.
“Alright, my goddess.” He stood with an affectionate smile.
Ren grabbed a scarf and wrote a note on some parchment, then handed him his haori, and off they went.
A few lit braziers warmed the studio up in no time. Ren had hung a scarf with a note not to be disturbed on the main door. She wanted some alone time with him, they had been so busy lately it was rare they had time together. They sat on the floor opposite each other doing slow stretches. Ren looked Shingen over. So far, his lungs had been good this winter. Ren kept her fingers crossed that would hold.
“How about a slow kata, and we can run through some unarmed drills?” Ren suggested standing.
“Am I your student now, my goddess?” Shingen smiled indulgently, kissing her fingertips when she offered her hand to help him up.
“Would you like to be?” Her violet eyes flashed with impish mirth.
“Perhaps I need to be taught a lesson.” He stood, towering over her, his voice dropped suggestively. Ren chuckled, moving into a stance that he echoed.
“Do you?” She let a teasing allure coat her words.
The tiger flashed in his storm grey eyes. “I do.”
She started moving through a simple kata, he mimicked her, then purposefully made a misstep.
Violet eyes glanced at him from under snowy lashes.
He grinned.
Ren ran a hand down his leg, sliding it back into position, “Behave.”
Shingen’s lip twitched. “Yes, Lady Takeda.”
Ren turned away, nearly choking on her silent laughter. This was the game he wished to play today?
He slid his leg forward. Ren raised her brow.
“Naughty warlords don’t get treats.” She warned.
“History says otherwise, my Tigress.” He purred seductively at her.
Ren circled to the front of him, forcing him to slide his leg back into position. She leaned forward, her hand caressing his hip then ghosting around it to trace the curve of his well-rounded cheek.
She gave his right buttock a firm slap. “Behave.”
A blush rose to his cheeks, and flooded down his neck. It was the most adorable thing she’d ever seen him wear. She drew back, her eyes languidly moved down his body, pausing at his half-hard erection pressing the fabric of his hakama. Ren’s lips curled in a smirk.
“Is that the way it is, my pet?”
He closed his eyes, face flaming red. More length pressed the fabric forward.
She untied her kimono top, letting it hang open and gently used the belt to tie a loop around his neck.
A soft tug brought him down to her height. “I’ve always wanted a pet tiger. Open your eyes.”
His eyes were almost blackened in lustful desire. He clenched his hands at his side.
“Is that what you want right now? To be my pet tiger?” Ren ran her fingers lightly through his silky auburn hair. He closed his eyes, thick coppery lashes shadowing his cheeks, and leaned into her touch. He hadn’t looked this relaxed in days.
“Yes,” Shingen replied softly.
“I couldn’t hear you?” She gave another soft tug on the makeshift leash, bringing his head level with the bare flesh of her stomach.
“Yes, Lady Takeda” His warm breath caressed her abdomen.
“That’s my good boy, I knew you could behave.” Ren grinned, he hadn’t struck her as the type that would desire this, but his actions and body were telling a different story. She was happy to provide a little entertaining play for him.
He leaned forward to kiss her stomach. She tipped a finger under his chin, stopping him.
“Oh, my handsome one, did I say you could do that?” he growled in soft protest and moved forward again to claim her.
The leash snugged up, his eyes flew open in surprise.
Ren crouched, so their eyes were even, she studied him carefully.
“If you want to stop this game, you say mochi.”
He moved to kiss her again. She grinned, snugging up on the leash a little more.
“My goddess, you are a delicious dessert, you tempt me too much.”
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you…” Ren reclined back, resting on her elbows, the leash now slack. His eyes traveled hungrily down her flexed bare abdomen then back up over her barely covered breasts.
“Lady Takeda-“
“Lady Takeda, I wish to lick you like the delicious dessert you are.”
Ren bit back a moan…she wasn’t sure how long she was willing to keep the game up with him. Her eyes locked with his…he knew it, damn his ability to read people. A feral grin split his lips. He leaned forward, rubbing his cheek slowly against her hip, like a large cat.
Ren tickled her fingers through his hair then hooked them onto the back of his kimono, sliding it off his arms to drape around his waist.
“I would like to stroke my tiger. Come sit in my lap, my pet.” She sat up, tugging him forward, so his head was in her lap, nose pressed to the fabric of her hakama. He breathed in deeply and nuzzled against the apex of her thighs.
“Now, now, don’t be impatient.” Ren ran her hands down his back, massaging tense muscles. He curled closer to her with a low rumbling purr. “Remember, good kitties get to lap the cream.”
Shingen chuckled softly, still nuzzling against her, exhaling warm air through the cloth to caress her already silky wet female flesh.
Her hands worked their magic, fully relaxing his back and shoulders. Ren almost thought he had fallen asleep on her until his tongue flicked out, licking along her slit through the fabric of her hakama. It felt so good she let him do it again before she stopped him.
“Tch, obviously, there are no good kitties here.” Ren admonished. He grinned and closed his teeth around the fabric, tugging on it.
A crisp thwack echoed in the studio as her hand met his rump, it was all sound and not much hit. But it was enough to startle him.
He blinked. “I-“
“And such a short memory as well.” Ren rubbed her hand over his bottom, then slid it under the fabric to feel his bare skin.
Shingen moaned, melting into her lap.
“I am waiting, my sweet pet.”
He hid his face in her folded legs and mumbled something.
“My pet, your ears are an adorable shade of red.”
More mumbling.
“Perhaps I should have you fetch my tessen so I can give you a proper spank?”
Shingen actually squealed into the cloth of her pants. Ren bit back a laugh.
He cleared his throat rolling onto his back
“My Lady Takeda, please accept your pet’s humble apologies and spare his sensitive bottom.”
Ren gazed down his body, the man was rock hard. The tip of his cock peeked out of the waist of his pants, weeping in neglect.
“My Tiger,” she flashed him an evil grin. “Your lips say no, but your body is screaming, yes.”
He throbbed.
She had never seen him move quite that fast before.
Ren stood before him, he looked up into her eyes, that storm grey was a dark sea of passion. It reminded her of the first time they met, and he asked if she was available.
“You may remove my hakama, take it slow.”
Shingen leaned forward, catching the tie in his teeth and slowly working it loose. His nose softly brushed against her lower belly. His large hands cupped her hips then hooked into the waist, sliding the fabric down to expose her pale skin. He kissed and nibbled every exposed inch before revealing more. Once it was bare, he rubbed his cheek against her again, like he was scent-marking her as his. Ren saw his eyes go to her glistening curls, she ached for him to take her right now.
“Is there something you desire, my Tiger?”
“Lady Takeda, may I please taste my goddess?”
Ren slid one leg over his broad shoulder, bringing herself right up to his lips. “Yes.”
His hands cupped her bottom, and it was a good thing they did because, within moments, she was dizzy and seeing stars from his talented tongue.
He grinned fiercely against her wet lips and ravished her more. His other hand reached up to roughly toy with her breast. She buried her hands in his hair and just held on. Her cries echoed off the wood beams of the dojo ceiling.
“My pet.” She said softly, drawing back.
“Mochi,” the single word came out as a feral growl. “It’s my turn now.”
He laid her down on the hard wood floor, freeing his erection and was inside her in one swift push, his sculpted hips pressing to hers with an animalistic need that wasn’t to be denied.
“Sing for me, my little bird.” His words sounded out as a fierce rumbling command. He pounded into her flesh, pinning her between the hard plains of his body and the polished wood.
“Shingen!” Her voice was a ragged cry of passion. He pushed so deep into her Ren thought they would be one being. Her mind knew nothing but him, his presence filled every sense. She came, clenching around him, raking his back with her nails.
It only made him go harder, taking every bit of her roughly his desires completely unleashed. His molten heat exploded inside her, his thrusts erratic. Shingen collapsed over her smaller form, barely holding up his weight. His chest heaved with the exertion. Ren’s mind was pleasantly fuzzy, drifting on a cloud of pure bliss.
Shingen panted over her for long moments then chuckled.
“You were absolutely correct, my Tigress. I both feel warm and refreshed after the exercise.”
She grabbed the belt still tied around his neck and dragged him down for a breathlessly long kiss.
Read the whole story on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/21712111/chapters/51789976
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doctorgerth · 5 years
Prompt Winner #2
Prompt: “I fucking love you.” “Hang up, and tell me this when you’re sober.”
Description: Jealousy and drunk confessionals; fluff (with a lil bit of angst/nsfw) with Shanks and female s/o
Rating: 90% fluff // 9% angst // 1% nsfw 
Warning: mild cursing, brief nsfw 
Note: I went a lil angsty (cuz I’m mega angsty) but also tried to keep this fluffy per the winner’s request! Sorry if it’s extra cheesy, Shanks is a cheesy guy imo so I felt like it was fitting. Hope you enjoy! x 
Sober (Shanks)
Prompt Story 
Not her. Why her?
(Name)'s brain wracked for any logical reasoning behind Shanks's approval of that bimbo's incessant flirting. It wasn't as if he were flirting back, necessarily. To anyone else it would probably seem so, but she knew Shanks's ways. He was way too nice of a guy, way too friendly, and right now, way too accepting of another woman's advances. It was pissing her off.
"Oh, Shanks, you're so funny! Buy me another!" The boisterous woman proclaimed, obviously making sure everyone in the bar could hear her flirting with the Red-Haired Shanks.
Oh, Shanks, you're so funny hehehe give me your dick please because I'm a thirsty, desperate hoe (Name) mocked to herself, rolling her eyes and taking a big swig of her choice of drink for the night. Maybe if she ordered about six more of those she could forget about this whole ordeal. That sounded like a plan.
"You're mocking her now? Seriously? Are you a child?" The bartender, (Name)'s best friend, questioned with a raised brow, scoffing a little. (Name) sighed, shoving her empty glass over to her friend as a silent request for another drink. Her friend sighed in return, reaching towards the shelf to pour her another. They both knew this was going to be a long night.
"I just don't get it. Why is he letting her be all over him like that? Why is he buying her all those drinks and keeping her so close to him? Doesn't he realize she's just trying to get in his pants? She's just flirting with him because of his status!" (Name) yelled in a hushed tone, trying to not bring attention to her ranting.
"And why does that bother you so much?" (Name)'s friend questioned with a hint of sarcasm, rubbing a wet rag onto a dirty spot on the counter.
"Because!" (Name) peered behind her to see Shanks smiling away with his friends, enjoying the music and the booze to his heart's content. His eyes caught her own and somehow, his smile managed to grow even wider at the connection. His teeth practically glistened under the bar lights, cheeks threatening to burst from his extra cheesy smile. She smiled back, halfheartedly, offering a small wave before she turned back to her friend, a tint of red on her cheeks. (Name)'s friend chuckled to herself at her helplessly in love best friend.
"Because he's so much more than that! Shanks is so much more than a pretty face and a gorgeous smile. He's so much more than an infamous pirate or a fearsome Warlord. He's Shanks. The kindhearted man who'd do anything to help even a random stranger out. The one who'd risk his life to protect those he loved, those he cared about." A smile suddenly appeared on her face, "Not to mention he's an absolute dork who can literally laugh at anything. He lives to make people laugh and smile. He's so fun-loving and compassionate and adventurous and just so great. He deserves so much more than these cheap women who are only after him because of his power. He deserves someone who loves him for who he truly is, someone who would love him no matter his status. He deserves..."
"You know what he deserves the most?" (Name)'s friend interrupted, wiping away casually at an empty glass. (Name)'s eyes widened for a moment, intrigued by her friend's question, "He deserves to hear those words from you himself. He's not gaining anything by you telling me your feelings, you need to tell him how you feel. Don't you think he deserves that?"
(Name)'s head drooped, forehead dropping rather harshly onto the cold wood of the bar, "Yeah, you're probably right..." she muttered, "but he deserves so much better than me."
The remaining five drinks went down with ease as (Name) and her friend attempted to talk about anything else other than Shanks for a little while. The bar filled up as the night when on, so (Name) was left to her own devices while her friend served customers. As she took the last sip of her sixth drink, the shrill, obnoxious laughter of the woman at Shanks's table was beginning to give her a headache. She was drunk, irritated, and just emotionally exhausted, so (Name) decided to head home for the night.
"Let me know when you make it, okay?" Her friend waved while (Name) offered a sloppy thumbs up before stumbling out the door. Should she have said something to Shanks before leaving? Probably, she knew he would be worried about her leaving without a single word. It was his party after all, and she of course had a personal invitation from the red head himself. Nevertheless, she had avoided him all night due to insecurities, so of course he was already concerned. In her drunk selfish state, that's exactly what she wanted.
Shanks watched with sad eyes as (Name) waltzed out, not even looking back at him once on her way out the door. He quietly excused himself from the table to go talk to (Name)'s friend, "Hey, is (Name) alright?"
She couldn't contain the smile that graced her lips, he looked absolutely worried for her friend and for a moment, she wondered if (Name) had any reason to doubt Shanks's feelings for her in the first place. There was something there after all, she had noticed his wandering eyes searching for (Name)'s all night. Of course, (Name) was too stubborn, and drunk, to see that.
"Yeah, she's just heading home. She'll be fine." She responded.
Shanks looked out the door once more, perhaps hoping she would return to at least say goodnight to him, "Oh, well alright. Thanks for letting me know." As he turned to walk away, in a moment of desperation, (Name)'s friend reached for his arm without thinking.
"Hey, Shanks?" Her voice was hardly above a whisper now, leaning close towards the man.
"Yeah?" He responded, getting a little anxious at her sudden seriousness.
There was an awkward pause for a moment as (Name)'s friend contemplated her next words. She wouldn't dare confess her friend's feelings, but perhaps something more subtle would grab his attention.
"(Name)'s a great girl, ya know." Her eyes peered to the woman that had been glued to Shanks all night. She was laughing away, seemingly targeting Benn with her flirtations for the moment, though he showed zero interest in anything she had to say.
He didn't even have to follow her eyes to know who she was staring at or even what she was referring to. A smile spread across his face at her words, and he responded with a reassuring nod, confirming every aching question she had screaming in her brain, "I know. She's the best."
* The walk home hardly took any time as (Name) lived close by, but it felt like eons due to her dreary state of mind. She stumbled up the stairs into her apartment room, keys jingling so loudly as she fumbled with the door knob that her head pounded. As she made her way in, a welcoming meow from her cat startled her for a moment, but she was finally at home, finally at peace. That was until she noticed the den-den mushi seemingly waiting for her beside her couch.
She plopped down onto her stomach among her couch, staring at the phone with squinted eyes. Her hand reached out hesitantly, then retreated back as if she were about to touch a hot stove. Her heart was screaming call him but her gut was begging her to literally do anything else. Well, she was never great at listening to her gut instincts, anyhow.
Her shaky fingers stumbled with the dial, almost dialing the wrong number, but she knew his number by heart from the day he gave it to her. Shanks and his crew had been on a bit of vacation along her island for a few months now. He frequented her best friend's bar, which was where they met. He was a bit drunk and gave her his number one night, and she took it as innocent flirting as she soon realized that was merely his personality. But that didn't stop her from calling him at late hours of the night, the pair sharing rather interesting conversations while he was stowed away on his ship and she was cozy in her apartment. They called each other pretty much every night, and there wasn't a night, that she could remember anyway, where they didn't end it with a simple, but meaningful, goodnight.
The ringing of the snail brought her back to her senses, making the situation suddenly feel absolutely real to her. It took three rings before that familiar husky voice answered with a small hello.
Silent, stunned, no words escaped her lips for quite some time. Why she was so surprised he actually picked up, she wasn't too sure. He always answered her calls, but this was the first time she silently prayed he wouldn't.
"(Name)?" He questioned, concern clear in his voice.
She clumsily twirled the cord of the den den mushi between her fingers, biting her lip to prevent her from saying something completely idiotic, but the words spilled forth anyway.
"I fucking love you." She stated, her words slurred together a bit, but she meant it with every fiber of her being. She loved him when she was drunk, she loved him when she was sober, and she loved him during every moment in between. She knew she would have to tell him someday, as he wouldn't remain here forever. Her already heated cheeks somehow ignited to even warmer temperatures as she awaited his response.
It was his turn to offer her silence. The only sound heard was his steady breathing and the bouncing of her nervous thighs. Without another sound, he responded, "Hang up, and tell me this when you're sober."
For a moment, her heart sank to the pits of her stomach. She had tried so desperately to mentally and emotionally prepare herself for rejection, this was rejection, right?
"Goodnight, (Name)." He muttered before hanging up the phone.
Goodnight? At first, she dismissed his goodnight as a mere end to the conversation. It took a moment for his words to sink in, and when they did, her heart nearly burst from her chest. A relieved smile spread across her face. She was still a drunken mess, but the smile that graced her lips was genuine, endearing. She couldn’t wait to be sober again.
No hangover could stop (Name) from making her way down to the bar, practically running towards her destination. Her head ached at the brightness of the sunlight, pounding with every step she took, but she had to see him. She was fully sober now, a little nervous, but also eager to be with him again.
The bar doors slammed open, catching everyone's attention for a moment. Normally having everyone's attention on her would have her running for cover, but all that mattered was the red-head sitting at his usual table. Their eyes met and Shanks offered her a playful smirk as he watched her walk over to him confidently. He stood from his chair, easily towering over her figure, but it didn't scare her.
"Ahh, (Name)! Now, what was it you had to tell me?" Shanks questioned, acting like the same fool she fell in love with months ago. A silly smile warmed his face as he awaited in anticipation to hear her say those three words.
She grabbed the collar of his shirt instead, dragging his lips down to her tippy-toe level, "Come here, idiot." (Name) smiled before pulling his lips onto hers in a harsh yet passionate lip lock. His arm wrapped around her waist, instinctively pulling her up into him, lips graciously accepting her ravenous kisses with warmth and love. He picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist while he easily held her in place, their lips never ceasing for even second.
The bar erupted into cheers, a few women scoffed and left the bar, but none of it mattered to either of them as everything was so clear now.
"I love you." She muttered in between kisses, "I fucking love you, Shanks."
He smiled widely at her words, heart pounding at hearing them, he could hear her say it forever, "I love you more, silly. Took ya long enough.”
This beautiful moment was of course an easy excuse to celebrate, the captain had fallen in love! So the crew threw another grand party, and though the party was quite obviously for the two of them, Shanks and (Name) made a point to make time for themselves; a private moment to really show just how much they loved each other. 
After hours of passionate love-making, the pair remained in his bed, sweaty legs tangled together in the sheets, lips trailing lazy kisses along each other’s skin. 
“Come with me.” He whispered lovingly, his soft lips tickling at the sensitive bruised skin of her neck, “Just stay like this with me, forever.”
She offered him a tired smile, but responded genuinely, “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
He snuggled her body closer to him as if it were even possible, content with her response, beyond happy to have her as his finally, “Now I can tell you goodnight, every single night, with you right here in my arms.”
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chez-pezeater · 5 years
TCR Birthday Bash 2019: Day 7- Game Night
So this is probably going to get me either a lot of hate, thrown out of the fandom, or (best case scenario) requests for more. I’m honestly not sure which is worse (worst?) at this point. Either way please enjoy Cards Against Humanity: The Cat Returns Addition. Persephone is a TCR OC that belongs to @tcrmommabear & @sindysugar being used with their permissions.
At this point Hiromi has long since become a frequent visitor to the Bureau after following Haru one day. Meaning Hiromi while not quite as close to the others as Haru is, is still considered a friend.  Also the humans are in their early 20s and knowing my friends and I when we get into the game, potty language. Which really should just be a warning for CAH in general.
Cards Against Humanity (for those that don’t know) is played with two types of cards: Black prompt cards and White (I call them) Reaction cards. A person draws a prompt card and the other players put down their reaction card(s) face down and then replace the number of cards they used. Prompt drawing player flips them over and selects the best reaction card of the round. Best reaction card(s) win the prompt card. Prompt cards use between 1-3 reaction cards.
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To be fair, the entire thing was ENTIRELY Hiromi’s fault. Now that’s not to say that Haru didn’t love her best friend, because she did. She also knew EXACTLY what kind of humor Hiromi had. Mix that with a card game who’s box quite literally proclaims it to be “A horrible game for horrible people”. Yeah… It’s all Hiromi’s fault.
Hiromi drew a black prompt card. “’What’s making things awkward in the sauna?’ Ok folks hit me with your best shots.”
Louise puts down a card reading ‘A sales team of clowns and pedophiles.’
Muta chose to use ‘Scrotum tickling.’
Persephone gave it some thought before selecting ‘Cute Boys.’
Baron hesitated before putting down ‘MechaHitler.’
Haru slaps down ‘Full Frontal Nudity.’ with NO HESITATION.
Toto calmly places down ‘Fiery Poops.’
Hiromi reads all the reaction cards before declaring “A sales team of clowns and pedophiles is the winner. Who put that down cuz yeah that would make things awkward?”
Louise raises a hand while smirking. She accepts her prize before drawing a new prompt card, “’Only two things in life are certain: death and (blank).’ Oh my, there are so many ways that could be taken.”
Hiromi slapped down ‘The violation of our most basic human rights.’ as her card.
Muta, thinking of everything that happens regarding any of the groups antics, put down ‘Total fucking chaos.’
Persephone, not having very many good cards, selects ‘The male gaze.’
Baron, knowing how dramatic his sister is, chose ‘Dropping a chandelier on your enemies and riding the rope up.’ (winner)
Haru hemmed and hawed before putting down ‘Kamikaze pilots.’
Toto put down ‘Every ounce of charisma left in Mick Jagger’s tired body.’ hoping to get some laughs.
Louise read the cards out loud, cackling in between them, and said “’Dropping a chandelier on your enemies’ wins. So which one of you called me out like this?”
“I did sister dear, after all between the two of us this is exactly the kind of dramatics you would use.” Snorts echoed around the table, implying that Louise wasn’t the only over-the-top-Gikkingen around.
And so the game continued:
R3) Muta- (prompt) Listen, Gary, I like you. But if you want that corner office, you’re going to have to show me (blank).
Hiromi- Being a busy adult with many important things to do
Louise- Deez nuts
Persephone- Exactly what you’d expect
Baron- A constant need for validation
Haru- My worthless son
Toto- Meaningless sex
“Tough call but with how humans are ‘A constant need for validation.’ wins although ‘Meaningless sex.’ was close.” “Drat,” Toto declared while Baron took another card.
R4)Persephone- (prompt) Dear Sir or Madam, We regret in infom you that the Office of (blank) has denied your request for (blank).
Hiromi- Bill Nye the Science Guy & A gassy antelope
Louise- Republicans & Black People
Muta- Blackula & The shambling corpse of Larry King
Baron- Sean Penn & Tripping balls
Haru- AXE Body Spray & Being fabulous
Toto-  Wifely duties & Consensual sex
“Seriously Louise? ‘Wifely duties.’ AND ‘Consensual sex.’ You know that combination wins.” “Sorry Love but that wasn’t mine.” “Nope it was mine.” “Well either way it was well played, well done Toto.”
“Looks like it’s time to pull out the ‘Most Horrible Person of the Night Award’.” “Hiromi, No!” “Hiromi YES!” “Hey! Why does Birdbrain get Doritos?!”
R5) Baron- (prompt) Well if (blank) is a crime, then lock me up!
Hiromi- The boners of the elderly
Louise-  Eating together like a god damn family for once
Muta- The harsh light of day
Persephone- The Boy Scouts of America
Haru- Saying “I Love You”
Toto- The light of a billion suns
“I feel like I’m being called out right now. Who played ‘Saying “I Love You.”?” Baron asked with a very unamused look on his face.
“I did,” Haru replied straightfaced.
“You’re never going to let that go are you?”
“What do you think?”
Baron sighed before handing Haru the prompt card. It was better not to argue with her.
R6) Haru- (prompt) When I was tripping on acid, (blank) turned into  (blank).
Hiromi- Sudden Poop Explosion Disease & Used panties
Louise- The economy & The sweet song of sword against sword and the braying of mighty war beasts
Muta- Expecting a burp and vomiting on the floor & Turning the rivers red with the blood of infidels (winner)
Persephone- Crazy opium eyes & Treasure beyond your wildest dreams
Baron- Natalie Portman & Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night
Toto- A Ugandan warlord & Former President George W. Bush
“Really Muta? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: That’s disgusting.” “So are some of these reaction cards.”
R7) Toto- (prompt) Life for American Indians was forever changed when the White Man introduced them to (blank)
Hiromi- All my friends dying (winner)
Louise- Syphilitic insanity
Muta- How awesome it is to be white
Persephone- Indescribable loneliness
Baron- The Pope
Haru- The eighth graders
“Toto pass Hiromi the bag. Hiromi you’re terrible.” Hiromi just giggles naughtily.
R8) Hiromi- (prompt) (Blank): Brought to you by (blank).
Louise- Homeless people & Rich people
Muta- Mouth herpes & Going down on a woman, discovering that her vagina is filled with eyeballs, and being totally into that
Persephone- Santa Claus & Being rich
Baron- Shutting the fuck up & The Rev. Dr. Marin Luther King, Jr.
Haru- Getting caught by the police and going to jail & Going around punching people(winner)
Toto- Running out of semen & A mine having a stroke
“Sound about right.” “Oh and how would you know Turkey Leg? You don’t have any fists!” “Wouldn’t you like to know fatso.”
R9) Louise- (prompt) (Blank). Betcha can’t have just one!
Hiromi- Heartwarming orphans
Muta- Grammar nazis who are also regular Nazis
Persephone- Gwyneth Paltrow’s opinions
Baron- A sad handjob (winner)
Haru- Horrifying laser hair removal accidents
Toto- Emotions
“Is there something you want to confess brother dear?” “Not to you sister dear.”
R10) Muta- (prompt) This is the prime of my life. I’m young, hot, and full of (blank).
Hiromi- My dad’s dumb fucking face
Louise- Cancer
Persephone- Lunchables TM (winner)
Haru- The Hamburglar
Toto- Statistically validated stereotypes
“What? I’m hungry!”
R11) Persephone- (prompt) We never did find (blank), but along the way we sure learned a lot about (blank)
Hiromi- Blowjobs for everyone & Pac-Man uncontrollably guzzling cum (Hiromi)
Louise- What Jesus would do & The South
Muta- The white half of Barack Obama & A black-owned and operated business
Baron- God & A chimpanzee in sunglasses fucking your wife
Haru- Jobs & Western standards of beauty
Toto- Important news about Taylor Swift & Starting a shitty podcast
“HIROMI!” “AHH SAVE ME SOMEBODY!” (This was not the first time Hiromi used Pac-Man against Haru. Nor would it be the last.)
R12) Baron- In return for my soul, the Devil promised me (blank), but all I got was (blank).
Hiromi- Jesus & White people
Louise- Third base & Being fat and stupid
Muta- A subscription to Men’s Fitness & Pooping back and forth. Forever.
Persephone- Some shit-hot guitar licks & An ass disaster
Haru- Interspecies marriage & Necrophilia (winner)
Toto- The Blood of Christ & Adderall TM
“Guilty conscious Haru?” “I’M NOT A FURRY DAMNIT!”
R13) Haru- (prompt) You won’t believe what’s in my pussy. It’s (blank).
Hiromi- Daddy issues
Louise- The power of the Dark Side (winner)
Muta- A salty surprise
Persephone- Old-people smell
Baron- My collection of high-tech sex toys
Toto- How wet my pussy is.
“I hate you all.”
R14) Toto- (prompt) Money can’t buy me love, but it can buy me (blank)
Hiromi- The mere concept of Applebees TM
Louise- Sexual peeing
Muta- Authentic Mexican cuisine
Persephone- An asymmetric boob job (winner)
Baron- Helplessly gigling at the mention of Hutus and Tutsis
Haru- Switching to Geico®
R15) Hiromi- (prompt) (Blank) is a slippery slope that leads to (blank).
Louise- Blackface & Ripping open a man’s chest and pulling out his still-beating heart
Muta- Court-ordered rehab & Words, words, words.
Persephone- Same-sex ice dancing & Butt stuff
Baron- Establishing dominance & Stockholm Syndrome (winner)
Haru- Overpowering your father & Darth Vader
Toto- Copping a feel & A boo-boo
“Damn Baron, what are you into?” “I’m not! Why are you handing me these?” “Because you made shit go real dark, real quick boyo.”
R16) Louise- (prompt) My gym teacher got fired for adding (blank) to the obstacle course.
Hiromi- Walking into a glass door
Muta- Sperm whales
Persephone- Peeing a little bit
Baron- A face full of horse cum
Haru- Meatloaf, the man.
Toto- Warm, velvety muppet sex (winner)
“I think I need to give these back to you Toto.” “No no, you can still keep them.” (Cue unhappy Baron face.)
R17) Muta- What gets better with age?
Hiromi- Crippling debt
Louise- A Super Soaker TM full of cat pee (winner)
Persephone- Roland the Farter, flatulist to the king.
Baron- Yeast
Haru- The placenta
Toto- Nothing
“At least no one played ‘My genitals.’ this time.” “That can still change Haru~.”
R18) Persephone- (prompt) In his new action comedy, Jackie Chan must fend off ninja while also dealing with (blank).
Hiromi- Not having sex
Louise- Aaron Burr
Muta- Mixing M&Ms and Skittle like some kind of psychopath
Baron- The dentist
Haru- Samuel L. Jackson (winner)
Toto- Getting eaten alive by Guy Fieri
“To be fair, Ryan Renolds had a hard time dealing with Samuel L. Jackson in ‘The Hitman’s Bodyguard.’” “Still funny.”
R19) Baron- (prompt) Today on Maury: “Help! My son is (blank)!”
Hiromi- A woman
Louise- A monkey smoking a cigar (winner)
Muta- Teaching a robot to love
Persephone- Running naked through a mall, pissing and shitting everywhere
Haru- Such a big boy
Toto- Filling every orifice with butterscotch pudding
“What is ‘Maury’?” “An American TV show that mostly deals with people deliberately exposing themselves to lie detectors and paternity tests because they can’t stay in their lanes and be decent human beings.”
R20) Haru- (prompt) Heed my voice, mortals! I am the god of (blank), and I will not tolerate (blank)!Hiromi- Sunshine and rainbows & Incest
Louise- The profoundly handicapped & Throwing a virgin into a volcano
Muta- Sweet, sweet vengeance & Cheating in the Special Olympics
Persephone- Finger painting & The hiccups
Baron- Erectile dysfunction & Having a penis (winner) (game end)
Toto- Nickleback & Licking things to claim them as your own.
“That’s it, game over, Baron wins, Good night.” “Oh c’mon Haru.” “Nope! Can’t do it! Good night!”
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‘Most Horrible Person of the Night Award’ is an inside joke among my circle of RL friends that typically ends up being a bag of Doritos.
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lost-your-memory · 5 years
The spy & the Assassin
Villanevekendry, on Twitter, asked for : “#Supercat as spy/assassin enemies assigned to kill/capture each other but secretly respect each other’s skills” WARNING : there is mention of violence/blood/crimes in this little prompt. It’s a little graphic, so be careful. 
“Oh and C. ... Make it look like an accident this time. Your latest … chef d’oeuvre, dragged enough attention to the Agency as it was, no need to cause more trouble.” The disembodied voice, despite the monotone and robotic tone, sounded annoyed enough to make Cat smirk. “Sure, M. Whatever you say. Is that all?” “No. Your target is a highly trained assassin, do not take this assignment lightly. She hasn’t been active for that long but her achievements are impressive, and alarming for the Agency. The latest reports that came in about her suggest she truly is the last daughter of Krypton …” Cat arched a brow but said nothing. She’s studied Krypton during her training for the Agency, a supposedly old and mysterious guild of assassin, much like the League of Assassin’s Sara has told her about. Rumor has it the Kryptonians were all dead now, due to an impossibly hard recruiting process were most of the candidates were killed before they could even stand a chance to be part of the guild. The last known member of the guild, as far as the Agency knew, was Clark Kent but his body had been found four years ago, floating at sea near one of the Cyclades islands, in Greece. “So, mark my words when I say she’s dangerous. She might be the most dangerous person you’ll ever face. Don’t die, C.” The line biped. ---
The room was dark, all the windows were condemned with cardboard and journals, but a red-ish neon hanging from the ceiling was throwing a brutal shade onto the scene. Cat instantly noticed the bodies scattered all around the place. One was halfway thrown across the couch, legs dangling awkwardly above the furniture’s arm. Another was still perfectly straight in his chair, hands on the table in front of him but his head was hanging backward, exposing his sliced throat to the dim red light. Blood was still spilling from the wound but Cat could see the perfect line on the flesh, probably left by a sharp razor blade. A third man was sitting against a wall with his chin against his chest and Cat noticed the multiple wounds on his body, through the ripped t-shirt and pants. An open door to her left revealed another victim, sitting in front of a bathroom filled with red water. The upper part of his body hunched over the side of the faience, head still damp and dripping, told Cat this one had been waterboarded for a moment before dying. A piece of paper was pinned to the back of the man and Cat lowered her weapon, instantly realizing her target was already long gone. She carefully stepped across the room, not wanting to disturb the crime scene and intent on not leaving any trace of her passage, to get a closer look to the note. The words on it were elegantly handwritten, in black ink. I guess I should be flatted the Agency sent the infamous “CEO” to catch me. I’ve admired your work for a long time now. It’s such a shame, to be pitted against each other. See you soon. K. Cat couldn’t help it but smile. Brazen. She liked it. --- The girl in front of her was nothing like she had been expecting. Young, so impossibly young, she had bright sparkling blue eyes that evoked either a summer sky or a winter ocean. Her golden hair, soft and luminous, curled at the end and softened the sharp features of a still childish face. She looked like a teenage girl going to church and Cat was struggling to reconcile the woman in front of her with everything she’s read and seen about the last daughter of Krypton, the most highly-trained assassin in the world, heir to a forgotten but still incredibly powerful guild. “Not what you were expecting, right?” The girl’s smile was amused and sarcastic, despite gun Cat was pointing at her head. She had pink lips that looked impossibly soft, and wet. The image distracted Cat for half a second, before she reaffirmed her grip on her Glock. “Not exactly, but you and I well know that appearances can be quite deceiving …” The girl looked disappointed and Cat wondered why. The smile disappeared and slowly the bright blue eyes darkened to the point they became almost black. “Funny you should say that …” Cat almost shivered. The assassin’s voice, previously so light and soft, had become sharp and metallic, dangerous. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Cat said, quickly aiming down and pressing the trigger, sending a bullet through the floor, barely an inch next to the woman’s left foot. The sound echoed around the abandoned warehouse. The smile was back onto the assassin’s lips and it made Cat feel uncomfortable. She didn’t know how to read the woman in front of her and it was intriguing. It didn’t help that the girl was insanely attractive. “The infamous CEO … I wonder if you know what really happens in this so called Agency of yours … for example, have you met M. already?” Cat frowned and slowly took a step back, putting some distance between the girl and herself. Her gun was still aimed at the assassin’s face, but she was starting to feel it weight. “No.” she answered, planning on gaining some time before she could knock the girl out. She needed to make it look like an accident, she remembered. “Well, you’d be surprise … Your beloved Agency is nothing else but a nest of corruption, traffics, crimes and power plays to take down the government.” Cat arched an unimpressed brow. “You really expect me to believe one word you say?” “Oh no, you’re way too bright and intelligent to do that. However, I believe this would at least grant me the benefice of the doubt … pun intended, if I may …” The girl’s smile widened when she noticed Cat’s slight jerk. How did she know her last name? Every identity was carefully erased and hidden by the Agency, to make sure the agents didn’t risk more than their life when going on the field. It was meant to protect their loved one as much as it was a plausible deniability for the Agency in case of capture or any international situation. “They really did an outstanding job with you, Miss Grant. Brainwashing you so that you would believe you were acting for the greater good …” “Shut up,” Cat replied, her breath a little short but her eyes intent on the girl, gun still aimed at the pretty face in front of her. “I’ve seen your crimes, and the note you left me on the back of the man you tortured …” “Ah, yes. I knew you were getting closer, so I had to leave you something to guide you to me. I didn’t expect it to work so well, I must say …” Cat arched another brow, not believing one word of what she was hearing. “I know, I know. You’re brilliant, probably the best spy of the Agency, but didn’t you do your homework? Have you looked into the men I killed or did you just get on with it and moved on to track me, like a good soldier?” Cat frowned. She didn’t bother to look into the victims, the girl had a point. She was so focused on her target that she didn’t even ask herself why the crimes happened in the first place. Then again, why would she questions the last daughter of Krypton’s motivations? “Oh, I see. I’m your target, a supposed psychopath, the last daughter of Krypton, so there must be a thousand good reasons to kill me. Tsss. You’re disappointing, Miss Grant. I would have expected at least some questions from you, a hint of curiosity. I guess you were scared it would kill the Cat? You’re probably right though …” “Seriously. Puns about my name? How old are you?” Cat retorted, not showing that the little speech was starting to affect her. “Twenty seven, but that’s not the point,” the girl answered without missing a beat, and Cat almost dropped her jaw. “My point is, I have a file here that will tell you exactly who were the … men I killed, since I refuse to call them victims.” The girl slowly moved her hands, eyes on the gun aimed at her. Cat didn’t blink, almost holding her breath but when the woman retrieved a phone from her back pocket, she nodded. “You know my full name, but I don’t even know your first,” Cat said, observing as the girl turned on the phone and handed it over. Cat cautiously took a few steps and then moved back again, putting some more distance between the two of them. “My name is Kara Zor-El,” the woman answered after a beat, the evident pride in her voice laced with an impossibly deep sadness, so thick it almost made Cat swallow. “I am, indeed, the last daughter of Krypton, but everything you’ve heard about that guild is wrong.” “Hmm,” Cat let out, noncommittally. Making sure she was still pointing her gun at Kara, she looked down at the phone. She regularly glanced up but Kara wasn’t moving, seemingly waiting for Cat to finish her read. The men were absolute scumbags. Two were notorious cocaine dealers, amongst other trafficking network that included children and weapons. The one Cat recognized at the sliced throat victim was a warlord, wanted in several countries for having played every supposed ally he had. He had sold damaged weapons to one army, dropped sarin gas on another, raped the women of the villages he had conquered or destroyed, overthrown government to help dictators to take the power and so on. The last one, the waterboarded one, was a known predator always targeting children under the age of 10. The four of them met in college and grew up together, in Boston’s hot suburb, surrounded by the Irish mob, violence, traffic and corruption. “So, now that you’ve read it all. Tell me something … how comes your Agency never sent you after them? I mean, I know you’re more of an international spy, diplomatic mission, tactical extermination, maintaining peace at all cost and everything but one of them was on the FBI’s most wanted list, and he had ties with a lot of countries your Agency has interests in …” Kara’s voice was harsh and direct. Her eyes had darkened again and Cat found them utterly fascinating. Very distracting, too. “The Agency can’t chase every criminal on earth,” Cat opposed, knowing full well she was stepping onto a dangerous field. “That’s probably very true, but don’t bullshit me. You were there when they found Kal-El’s body, I read it in the reports when I hacked into the Agency’s database.” Cat frowned. “Kal-El ? You mean, Clark Kent? What does it have to do with anything?” Kara’s eyes darkened again, becoming as black as a moonless winter night. “That’s his civilian name. His real name was Kal-El and he was my cousin, the last son of Krypton. The Agency killed him.” --- Kara’s skin felt as soft as it looked, if not more. Cat ran her hands along Kara’s naked back, chuckling lightly when it elicited a soft hmm from the girl. It has been almost six months since she gave the girl a chance to explain everything, after the revelation that the Agency had killed her cousin. It took barely two months for her to fall in love with the so called Assassin. Her intense training made it harder for her to admit it but when Kara all but frantically kissed her, after a near-death experience that left her with a new round of scars, she threw it to the wind. They have been meeting once or twice a month for the past four months and every time, she marveled at how incredible Kara was. Young but wise, highly trained but not totally corrupted yet, she sometimes had a very childish behavior that made Cat fall even more in love with her. She could remember a scene after they had successfully chased a criminal with ties to the Agency, somewhere in a lost corner of Argentina, where the sky suddenly broke and the pouring rain drenched them both before they could run for a refuge. Kara’s laugh had been so carefree, so genuine and so simple that Cat had done nothing but to stare at the girl dancing in the rain. The highly trained killer, the cold-blooded Kryptonian, the Agency’s greatest menace, who was swirling under the deluge, raising her face to welcome the drops and let them run down her beautiful features. That was when she had finally let herself think of a future with Kara. There were still a lot of obstacles in their way, the Agency being the first one, but she was confident she could have it all. Kara was so solid at her side, a rock on which she could lean on and above all, someone she could trust. In her world, the world of a spy, it meant everything. “You’re thinking too hard,” Kara mumbled in her sleepy haze. Cat chuckled again and landed a kiss on her girlfriend’s shoulder. “I know Darling, but I can’t help it.” “Oh, I had an idea. Well, I dreamed of it but it’s still a good idea,” Kara said, sounding a little more awake now. She turned and faced Cat, her baby blue eyes still a little clouded with sleep but sparkling like a sky full of stars. “Oh?” “You should take over the Agency,” Kara said, matter of factly. Cat blinked a few times and then wholeheartedly laughed. “No, don’t laugh! It’s a good idea. We overthrow the bunch of white men in power and you take their place. I even have a name for the new Agency,” Kara continued, pouting a little. She looked adorable and Cat suddenly wanted to kiss those pouting lips more than everything. “I’m sure you do, Darling,” Cat smirked, leaning on to kiss her girlfriend, efficiently shutting her up. The kiss lasted, hands wandered across naked skin, ventured down under the sheets and Cat lost track of what they were talking about. Much later, as they were both catching their breath, sweat glistening on their skins, Cat suddenly frowned and asked “By the way, what was it?” “What was what?” “The name of my supposedly Agency?” “Oh!” Kara smiled and stretched her hands above her head, pulling on the muscles of her arms and Cat got momentarily distracted. “You should name it CatCo.”
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After the Blazing Fire Dies: the 2019 Reylo Fanfiction Anthology Treats Master Post
The After the Blazing Fire Dies Collection on AO3 | Gift Fic Masterpost Part One | Gift Fic Masterpost Part Two
sun and moon by Anonymous for aionimica
“You look pale.”“I always look pale,” he says without thinking, and then flushes.Rey of Jakku laughs. “Pale as the moon, my lord.”“And you are as bright as the sun.”
In the Worshyr Grove by Anonymous for apisa_b
Canonverse, meeting unexpectedly.
graft my soul to yours by Anonymous for bitterbones
Kylo Ren didn't know he made a mistake until the pain started.
Breakout by Anonymous for bittersnake
In which Rey, Finn, and Ben break Ransolm Casterfo out of prison... for reasons.
Rammahgon by Anonymous for bittersnake
Rey didn’t know how to begin to be a Jedi, repair a lightsaber, or how to stop the First Order.
the question by Anonymous for crossingwinter
In which Ben proposes to Rey.
Twelfth Night by Anonymous for crossingwinter
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have our King!" He announced grandly, gesturing wildly at Rey, who was still as frozen as a deer before the hunt. Cheers came from all quarters, nobles and servants alike. "Do we have a Queen?"
I was glad by Anonymous for crossingwinter
Princess Rey of Austria is to become the future English queen.
What Are You Doing Christmas Eve? by Anonymous for Dalzo
Ben wants to ask Rey a really important question.
Dinner With Friends by Anonymous for flypaper_brain
Rey and Ben are preparing for dinner with Rose's new friend and her husband. Rey just needs a bit of reassurance.
The Kitchen by Anonymous for flypaper_brain
Rey and Ben, hunting for their first house.
By Your Light by Anonymous for hipgrab
It’s cold outside, so Rey and Ben must figure out how to stay warm.
Force Annihilation by Anonymous for incognitajones
A Resistance team crash-lands on an uncharted planet, with unfortunate results.
Edelwiess by Anonymous for jeeno2
Captain Kylo Ren hires Rey, a postulant from the local abbey to be a governess for his adoptive children. As time goes on, music grows in the Ren household and the Captain and Rey must choose: love or duty?
Founding Day by Anonymous for jeeno2
Senator Ben Organa is upset in the weeks leading up to the Alderaanian Founding Day celebration, so his bodyguard has a plan for a gift that just might make him happy. She would very much like to make him happy.
The Stairwell by Anonymous for jeeno2
Ben Solo has worked with Rey Johnson for the past two years. And he's been in love with her the whole time. He just needs to work up the courage to tell her... unless she beats him to it.
Lavender Midnights by Anonymous for kuresoto
She knew her familiar wasn’t a normal cat. A curse broken in the night changed everything.
Hijacked Holiday by Anonymous for MeadowHayle
Rey and Ben have been dating for eight months. They’re taking things slow, but when Ben borrows his Uncle Luke’s cabin in the mountains and conveniently plans a romantic holiday getaway in order to avoid his family at Christmas, nothing goes quite as planned.
Investiture by Anonymous for MissCoppelia
In which Ben goes to daven for his father’s yahrtzeit and manages to prove to himself once again that he is both a terrible person and a terrible Jew. Oh and he sort of falls in love.
Trying Something New by Anonymous for MissCoppelia
“I can do this, I can do this, I can do this,” Rey thought to herself as she tugged her bag over her shoulder. She wanted to do this. She’d pored over holonet sites in preparation. The mere idea of Ben’s request made her wet. And terrified. Just a little terrified.
Don't Complicate It by Anonymous for monsterleadmehome
Rey, an Omega, in order to get a job as a chalet hostess, poses as a Beta. On getting the job, she's assigned to the chalet owned by the Organa-Solo family, with Rose Tico as her co-hostess. Rey knows it'll be a breeze; all she has to do for a season is cook, clean and serve drinks to society bigwigs. What could happen?Ben Solo, of course. Ben Solo, big old Alpha, who Rey finds herself in need of when her plan to pose as a Beta goes suddenly awry...
The Hunters by Anonymous for OccasionallyCreative
Rey and Kylo meet as they hunt vampires in Victorian England.
Tickle Monster by Anonymous for okaypianist
Ben finds love, comfort, and a few kicks to the ribs when he tickles Rey.
the librarian (or, where ben solo can't talk to a pretty girl) by Anonymous for perperuna
Dr. Ben Solo often goes to a certain library that he does not need to go to.
First Night by Anonymous for persimonne
Kylo Ren won't let his wife see him naked, and then she finds out why.
iron and steel by Anonymous for politicalmamaduck
The Resistance is waiting for them, waiting for one brother of the Night’s Watch and one wildling to open the gates of King’s Landing and let the army conquer the city--and with it, the Seven Kingdoms.
Babel by Anonymous for redbells
They understood each other when they were young. Now, in the face of arranged marriage, Rey couldn't be sure
linger by Anonymous for rissanox
myosotis by Anonymous for rissanox
Ben picked the flowers for their wedding.
Some Vast Unnameable Fear by Anonymous for roamingbadger
After Kylo Ren's relationship with Rey is discovered by the Resistance, the Supreme Leader hurries to save her and bring her back to the First Order. If he makes it in time.
Something From Nothing by Anonymous for sciosophia
It was Rey, the fostered neighbor kid that had run loose all over Luke’s land once upon a time; the one that had pestered him to play or go swimming back when he’d spent his summers out here in the sticks. Once again memory pulled Ben under: chasing her into the pond, splash, cool green all around him, her legs flitting by as she swam away. Rey, her lip cut. Rey, spitting watermelon seeds with his dad- every summer, Rey. She’d grown up well. The years that had kicked Ben from one side of the world to the other had been a hell of a lot kinder to Rey. She was in scuffed boots and jeans that had been washed soft and broken in to cradle her legs (when had they gotten so long?) gently. She was in a worn t-shirt, and the once-shoulder length hair she’d sported as a teen had grown out into a braid that was resting over one shoulder. “Oh, she said, casually as anything, as if she hadn’t just angrily barged into private property. “Hey, Ben.”
Whitlatch's Guide to the Fauna of the Naboo System by Anonymous for six4au
Rey and Finn go birdwatching. It doesn't go as expected. It's better.
and after us, the flood by Anonymous for spookykingdomstarlight
Ben is here, she reminds herself for what feels like the thousandth time since they fled the war together. He is all you have.But the bond is gone, and he will barely look at her, and it doesn’t seem fair that she could escape Jakku and find people who actually cared for her and still, somehow, end up alone again.
crimson red, juliet by Anonymous for spookykingdomstarlight
He lets her, though. Lets her nails rake bloody slashes down his cheeks, lets her pull his head down so her tongue can dip into the thorn-filled hollow where his eyes should have been. Used to be. [Angsty plant-based body horror for angsty magic space babes ]
A New Generation by Anonymous for thewayofthetrashcompactor
Ben glances at Rey and quietly asks, “Do you want to spend the rest of your life with a twice-fallen former warlord who doesn’t know what place he has in this galaxy except as a porg-mother?”
baby you can drive my car by Anonymous for tigbit
They call them “soulmates.” Probably because it leaves less of a sting in their mouths.
The Maiden and the Horned One by Anonymous for TourmalineGreen
Village girl Rey decides to take an offering to appease the forest god in hopes that a late frost won’t kill the first grape buds in the village vineyards. The ancient ritual entails a maiden who who has just reached womanhood to bring the Horned One an offering of honey. However, when Rey reaches the temple, she realizes that there is much more to the ritual and the true offering is her virginity.
Wintertide by Anonymous for TourmalineGreen
It was important work, gathering fuel for the Burning of the Ren, though only an outcast like the Scavenger could do it. The ceremony marked the turning of one year into the next, and ensured the light would come again to drive back winter’s darkness.The good Queen had tried to change the ancient rite, to mark the year without the loss of one more soul from their war-torn land. But in the ten years since her decree, the disasters sweeping over them had only multiplied. Famine, flood, unearthly winds and the summer’s fires had torn at people’s goodness, and the refugees that sought the Queen’s peace had only taxed it more. When a Wizard suggested that only human sacrifice would appease the angry spirits, the people listened, and demanded a real Ren for the fire.
alone with a heart meant for you by Anonymous for walkingsaladshooter
Ben orders Grubhub; Rey's car breaks down.
193 notes · View notes
Summer Fog
Hey there Honey Bees! I actually wrote this out about a millennia ago and am just now getting around to posting it. This was written in conjunction with @ikemenprincessnaga @ikesenhell and @softblushywarbunbun in which we all wrote a story or series about the warlords during a specific season inspired by all of the different fae and fairy AU’s going around. My season was Summer. 
Check out my Master List for more Ikesen works and make sure you check out the other writer’s pages too! 
It’s a long one folks, hope you enjoy it!
Happy Reading,
Summer Fog
Your grandmother passed away a year and a half ago. Leaving her summer cabins in the foothills of Virginia to your father and two uncles. Naturally, to celebrate her life, a vacation was planned with your entire extended family every year since. Your dad absolutely raved about this place six months leading up to the trip, but, just like last year, you had no idea what was so appealing about it.
Three days in and you were ready to throttle a handful of your cousins. It definitely didn't help that you were the youngest of the ten grandkids, but you were also utterly uninterested in rolling around in the field and wrestling with the boys like everyone else. You just wanted to sit and read your books in peace. That was the only entertaining thing to do in this sad excuse for a getaway.
Late one night, a few days before you were set to leave, the whole gang gathered around the campfire and shared stories. Immersed in your thoughts, you were only listening to bits and pieces when your father’s tale caught your attention.
It was four in the morning and a thick fog settled into the valley, blanketing the cabins and the forest surrounding them. You grabbed your backpack, filled with basic first aid supplies (lord knew your clumsy ass needed them), drinking water, some granola bars, a thick blanket, water shoes, a towel, a swimsuit, and your book, of course. The hike in the forest behind the cabins was nowhere near as arduous as your father’s tale had made it out to be. Sure, some ridges were steep, and you were bookish, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t keep up with the best of them. You were athletic enough.
The fog started to lift, and the air around you smelled fresher, drier, sun spilling through the canopies high above, soft streams of light caught in the clouds around you. The path in front of you opened up as the rock faces climbed higher. The small stream you were following expanded as you continued your journey. The once quiet dribble from the stream echoed around you, roaring in your ears as the sound of running water bounced off the jagged limestone surrounding the cloudy turquoise water in the swimming hole, a direct result of the spring running over the ledges above.
Finding a comfortable shady patch near the waterfall, you laid out your blanket, placing your backpack off to the side as you pulled your book out and situated yourself on your stomach. Who would have ever imagined that a silly story your dad told about fairies would lead you to the first bit of peace this entire vacation? You sat alone, enjoying the solitude when a frantic shuffling brought your attention away from your book.
You looked up in time to see a young buck, antlers just starting to take shape, a few faint spots still visible along its back, being chased by...something. Before you were on your feet, the young deer darted to the side to avoid a cat, fur the color of graphite, and careened off the precipice into the deep water below.
You didn’t wait to see if he was alright. Without a second thought, you were on your feet splashing through the shallows until it was too deep to run, swimming the rest of the way. You knew it wasn’t going to be calm when you got to it, assuming it hadn’t inhaled too much water yet. Buckling down, you steeled your resolve and prepared to catch a hoof or two.
Treading up to the side of the deer you waited, hoping to give it time to get used to your presence, trying to show him you meant no harm. Before long, the tip of his nose barely stuck out, leaving him frantically searching for air before he slipped beneath the surface. You took your chance to grab around the buck’s trunk, holding hard as you kicked like hell to shallower water while it squirmed in your grip.
You were out of breath trying to get someplace safe as hooves connected with your arms, legs, and stomach, your own heel striking the jagged edge of a rock embedded in the sediment, inhaling sharply as your butt scraped along the semi-rough edges. You righted yourself and helped the buck to his feet, giving him a final visual sweep, only to meet with the most captivating emerald eyes you had ever seen. Odd. There was a soft swirl of gold as it dashed through the trees and you swore you saw a man. Exactly how much blood had you lost?
The winter fae is going to be the death of me, I thought as plummeted towards the lake, specifically him. Why was he even out here?
Mitsunari had a taste for mischief no matter how innocent he seemed, and I wanted nothing to do with him this morning. I shifted my form to match my surroundings as he approached, but when he couldn’t be fooled, I took off in a gallop only to find myself plummeting towards the water mere moments later. Usually, I would just shift back and swim towards shore, but just before I slipped off the ledge, I caught sight of an unwanted onlooker. Now here I was… trapped as a buck, struggling to keep my airway from submerging in the rippling water.
Why was it rippling like that though? I shouldn’t be making that many waves. Just as I slipped under, biding my time until I could shift and sneak away, a firm grip wrapped itself around my torso. Gods, why couldn’t he just leave me alone? I struggled but couldn’t break free until I felt righted, legs firmly planted in the shallows. I whipped my head around glaring at the infuriating Unseelie and was eye to eye with a sopping wet human. Hair stuck to their face while large drops turned into streams that ran down as gravity took over. Soaked clothes crumpled and sticking to their skin, eyes focused and searching. They were beautiful. Crap.
Running out of the stream, I hid myself down in the heavily forested area off to the west. I shifted back into a more comfortable form, wringing my robes out as I turned and watched the human grumble. How had they even found this enchanted place? When did they cross through the circle?
It hadn’t taken you long to fix yourself up, but now you were soaking wet in the middle of the forest. Great. This was going to be a terrible trek back. By the time you arrived at your cabin, you were a mess. The afternoon sun had made the air humid, and everything was sticky. You were chafing between your thighs thanks to your ever dripping pants, your hair had expanded ten times its average volume, you looked like a walking cotton swab, and your gym shoes squished wringing water out of your still damp socks with every step you took.
“(YN), when you go for a swim, you’re supposed to take your clothes off!” Your cousins yelled as they all fell into a fit of giggles.
You felt your eyebrow twitch as your agitation bubbled over. Turning on your heel, you made a beeline for the cabin, slamming the door behind you and locking your room.
You woke up the next morning to the same alarm. You were stiff, and bruises were forming all over your arms and thighs from where the buck had gotten you. Thank heavens you had missed his antlers. You shuddered just thinking about it. Oh well, it was supposed to be warm today. Maybe you’d take an intentional dip, anything was better than hanging out here again. You were close to the edge of the fog swallowed tree line when someone cleared their throat behind you.
“Uh...hi Dad. I’m just...just ya know, going for a hike, yea...a hike.” You reprimanded yourself mentally. Wow. Way to not be convincing at all.
“Give me your hand. If you’re going back there, at least take this.” Your father fastened a black obsidian bracelet to your wrist.
“Wasn’t this Grandma’s? Didn’t she leave this for you? I can’t take something like that!” You felt guilty, but your dad’s soft smile kept you from protesting further.
“It was, but if you’re going where I think you are, you need it much more than I do. Be careful and have fun, Bug, though, with those three, I’m sure you will.” He winked, giving you a clap on the back before walking back toward the cabins.
I found myself back at the waterfall just before the edge of the circle, waiting, hoping maybe the human would wander back. As exasperating as it was, I did owe them.
They didn’t keep me waiting long. Only an hour or so later there was a soft shuffling in the trees just beyond the circle. The barrier shimmered and rippled iridescent as they crossed it, moving to place their belongings down where they had been set the other day. Were they hobbling?
Shifting into the form they had seen me as yesterday, I approached them curiously, hoping not to startle them. This way I could see what sort of injury was making them walk so oddly.
“Oh!” There was a hint of surprise in their voice “You’re back.” Then they smiled with the same captivating luster the barrier had in the bright summer sun.
They shifted on the blanket they were sitting on, legs crossed, as they fished through their bag for something. While they were preoccupied, I used the opportunity to scan my eyes over their figure, noticing new purple and red bruises, all close in proximity, accompanied by all manner of scrapes and bandages covering their arms and legs. Were those from me? Surely the injuries were, but the nicks and scratches as well? The longer I looked, the more there seemed to be. I was suddenly aware that their body was covered in as many tiny scars as they were freckles. What could have caused all of them? How clumsy did you have to be?
I was so immersed in thought I was startled when a handful of berries was thrust under my nose. I felt a pop and the familiar breeze and knew they were no longer looking at a deer. Crap.
“Well, that explains why my dad was so weird this morning. Offer still stands. Want some berries?”
“You’re not afraid?” I inquired. What a weird human, though the more I looked at them, the more familiar they seemed.
“Should I be?” An excellent response. As I thought of a reply, I caught the sun's reflection off of their black obsidian bracelet. They appeared to be as smart as they were audacious.
“That depends on you. Where did you get all of these injuries?” I gestured to their person. Face flushing, they broke eye contact, head turning down and to the right away from me, gaze focusing on the cracks of the ground beneath them.
“Uh...” They fidgeted nervously. “Here and there. I’m clumsy, so I’ve stopped keeping track. I’m sorry if I grabbed you roughly yesterday.”
That was the only answer I needed. “I see. Wait here.”
The trip back to the spring was a little more formidable than yesterday, but that was probably because of all the bumps, bruises, and scrapes you were sporting. It was clear to you now that your family had been visiting this spring for ages--or at least your father and grandmother had. But you hadn’t understood why your father insisted on you wearing the bracelet until the buck from yesterday turned into what you assumed was his more natural form.
There was a snap followed by a gentle, yet strong, breeze. As an iridescent yellow light sparkled around you, the scent of lemons and moss filled your nose. He had soft golden hair the color of those spots he sported as a deer, and it stuck out in neat, manicured tufts. Skin like alabaster, a touch of yellow shimmer when the sun hit just right, eyes swirling like smooth Maw Sit Sit with ears slightly pointed at the tip. He was definitely not human, and you had lots of questions.
“Well, that explains why my dad was so weird this morning. Offer still stands. Want some berries?” It seemed rude to rescind the offer just because he wasn’t a deer anymore.
“You’re not afraid?” He looked at you, a mix of confusion and intrigue in his eyes before he shielded his emotions behind a thick veneer.
“Should I be?” It was evident from his body language that he meant you no harm--yet. From what you could remember, fairies were fickle beings. It was summer though, so if he was confident enough to show himself, he was probably part of the Seelie court. They were the helpful ones...right?
“That depends on you.” He paused only for a moment to gesture to your visible scrapes and bruises “Where did you get all of these injuries?”
“Uh…” At a loss for an explanation other than ‘you kicked the crap out of me yesterday,’ you stuttered. Come on. Think. “Here and there. I’m clumsy, so I’ve stopped keeping track. I’m sorry if I grabbed you roughly yesterday.”
“I see. Wait here.” You wondered if he bought any of that. Probably not. You were terrible under pressure.
He wasn’t gone long, and when he returned he had the most extensive assortment of creams and bandages you had ever seen, all of which he dutifully explained their ingredients and function.  Twisting open jar after jar, he instructed on how to properly apply each ointment until the air smelled of cedar and sandalwood.
“How did you find this place?” He asked, his tone sharp as he closed the lid on the final jar.
“My Dad told a story from when he was young the other night about this place. I wanted some quiet time, so I packed a bag and just sort of followed the sound of the water and ended up here.”
“Your dad?” Recognition visible on his face for mere seconds before his expression turned sour again.
“You wouldn’t happen to be (DN)’s kid, would ya?” A booming voice yelled from above.
You turned to look where it had come from to see another young man approaching. This one, much taller than the one in front of you, had dark caramel eyes that swirled with playful mischief, skin as smooth and creamy as brown butter, and a mess of hair that transitioned from soft charcoal gray to the color of pristine white lace. His right ear, left uncovered by his hair, was pierced, adorned with a simple hoop near the pointed tip. Like the other in front of you he seemed to shimmer, but rather than the vibrant sunflower yellow his was more muted, hints of cerulean and ebony matching his robes. Both were impossibly handsome.
“That time already?” The blonde asked the other.
“Why else would a little surprise cause you to poof back, huh?”
“‘Poof back’...really? You know that’s not what it’s called, Motonari.”
“Ah Ieyasu, do be more careful. Now the little one here knows our names.”
“Wait a minute, please, both of you… how do you know my dad?”
It wasn’t like Ieyasu to just up and leave. Sure, he went out when he had duties to fulfill, but for the most part, he hardly left his home. I mean, it didn’t necessarily matter to me what he did with his free time, but why was it the one day I needed him, he and all of his medical supplies vanished? Exasperated, I let out a sigh, turning around to walk back down toward the town center, only to see Masamune walking up the path.
“Doc’s not in. Been waiting out here for ten minutes and there were no signs of him.”
“You sure he’s not just immersed in something in that lab of his?” His single eye focused on the door behind me.
“Yea. Even if I wasn’t sure, I’m not breaking in again. That ended in way more chaos than it was worth.”
“Eh, it wasn’t so bad. We got our exercise for the day in.”
“No Masamune… we got our exercise for the month in… and still ended the ordeal covered in sap. I couldn’t fly normally for weeks. If you want to break in, you’re on your own.”
“Come on, Motonari! Where’s your sense of adventure? You summer spirit?”
“By the sea where it belongs. Speaking of which, there was a ripple earlier. I’m gonna head down to the spring and see what wandered in.”
“Mhhhhm, alright. I’ll be here, gonna check inside for Ieyasu.”
“Yea… you do that. Good luck, buddy.”
We parted ways, and I walked all of fifteen feet before there was a single pop followed by a warm blast of air. “Well, that didn’t take long.” Not even turning around to see what the damage was, I headed for the spring.
To my surprise, I heard a conversation over the rushing water and could see their expression without even looking at their face. Their voice was flexible with a light, bright, musical quality to it. I wonder if they could sing? Curiosity got the better of me, and I leaned over the edge of the waterfall just in time to see dear Ieyasu shift back to himself, perfectly timed with a young lady thrusting a handful of berries under his nose. This ought to be good.
I sat, content to just listen. The conversation was interesting, but something about the young lady gnawed at the back of my mind. Bright copper hair shimmered in the early afternoon sun, ivory skin dusted with freckles. Their mouth was unintentionally sensual, a round bottom lip and a deep cupid’s bow up top, both as pink as the inside of a conch shell. Would they taste like the sea, I wonder? Those same lips smiled, and it was as bright as the sun, entire face lighting all the way up to their eyes, and those eyes; how did I even begin to describe them? They were beautiful, captivating, drawing you in, something akin to a boulder opal--mostly a muddy brown with a myriad of blue and green sparkling throughout.  
Ieyasu continued his line of questioning. It was odd to find a human here, let alone a repeat offender. There had only ever been three people to visit us regularly, all of them from the same family.
“My Dad told a story from when he was young the other night about this place. I wanted some quiet time, so I packed a bag and just sort of followed the sound of the water and ended up here.”
They said it and everything snapped into place. They were one of them. Excitement swelled deep inside me as I jumped down from my hiding place.
“You wouldn’t happen to be (DN)’s kid, would ya?” They both turned, surprise prominent on their delicate features. Ieyasu looked confused, but that didn’t last long. A perturbed expression etched deep in his face.
It was clear he was agitated, and an argument ensued. Something pretty standard for us now as far as conversations went. Before he could give up the young lady interrupted us.
“Wait a minute, please, both of you….how do you know my dad?” So they were related. Looks like we’ll have to take care of another one.
“Ah well, you see, about eighty years ago or so, a young woman… possibly your grandmother maybe? Her name was Ida. She wandered right into the middle of an argument between our portion of the court and them. But, being the magnificent woman she was, managed to strike a reasonable deal--all while out negotiating that infuriating Autumn Unseelie, something even our daring Queen Mab and Titania could not have done.”
“I’m not sure you need to tell them all that. They look confused. You’re just causing more trouble for me.”
“Oh, would you like to finish the story then, ‘Yasu?”
He rolled his eyes and sat back, crossing his arms over his chest. “I guess I have to since you’re not going to do it right. Since your ancestor helped us greatly, we struck up a deal to not only allow them access to this particular portion of our realm but to also protect her and a single offspring from subsequent generations should they wander here. It would appear you have been chosen.”
Your mind was spinning. How had you never heard anything about this from your dad? He was friends with fae? Well, it sort of explained the odd little personality quirks you, your dad, and your grandmother seemed to share. Had his story the other night been his way of spurring you into action? As you searched for answers in your memories, the two continued to stare at you until the one who called Motonari leaned in.
“So what should we call you?” He was right in your face, noses touching. You could feel his breath mingling with yours, as he smirked--then a small, strangled noise worked its way out of his throat as he fell back onto the rocks.
“If you’re going to flirt, I’m leaving.” The blonde called Ieyasu grumbled, dropping the portion of his robes he yanked on.
“Hmmm. I’m not supposed to give you my name right?”
Eyes wide, they looked up at you and smiled. “Correct, little one. But you should tell us what to call you.”
You pondered it for a while, turning option after option over in your head. What could they call you? Something that they could identify you by without completely giving them power over you. Maybe you’d tell them eventually. It was apparent your father and grandmother had.
“In that case, you can call me Red. For now.”
“Red. I like it! You already know our names, I’m Motonari, and the prickly one over there is Ieyasu. We’re two-thirds of the Summer Seelie Court.”
“Speaking of which, where is that one-eyed idiot?”
“Oh...he was checking your house for you. I told him not to, but I definitely heard a pop as I was walking away.”
“Damn it… I have to go; otherwise, I’ll be cleaning powder out of every nook and cranny for years.”
“Well if you guys need to go, I’ll head out too. I was gonna swim, but it’s a bit dangerous to do that by myself. If you’re ok with it, I’ll come back tomorrow?”
“If we’re ok with it! Absolutely, Red, we’d love to have ya! We’ll even drag Masamune down. We can have a big party to celebrate your welcome!”
“Sounds good. I’ll bring the food!” You knew better than to eat anything offered by them, no matter how well-intentioned they seemed.
Ieyasu smiled back at you, while Motonari smirked “Smart girl. You’ll do well here.”
They were marvelously brilliant. Red, what a name. It fit what I saw of their personality so well, almost too well. Moments like this always made me reminisce. Several years back Ida had passed, but when I looked at Red, all I saw was Ida’s spirit, burning bright, welcoming us all the same.
Masamune’s howling brought my thoughts back around. When we arrived back at Ieyasu's, he was stuck upside down to the wall with some sort of special...gum paste, covered head to toe in feathers. I was so glad I didn’t follow him.
“That hurts! Don’t just pull!”
“How else are we supposed to get you down? I don’t need you here screeching all evening while I try to sleep.”
“I could go get a chisel or something…?” It seemed like the only thing I could offer at the moment.
“I take that back,” Masamune hurriedly added as I strode for the door. “Just keep pulling. Where were you two anyway? Find something interesting at the Spring?”
“Actually, now that you mention it...”
Apparently, you came home quicker than your father had expected because he nervously fluttered around you for an hour before he bombarding you with excessive amounts of questions concerning his old friends. Had you met them, were they well, had they introduced themselves, were you going back, did you like them?
“Dad if you wanted to see them why didn’t you just go up and visit? Why not keep the bracelet?”
“No can do, Bug. They’re your friends now.” He smiled as he ruffled your hair. “You going back tomorrow?”
“I am, they want to have a picnic. So I’m bringing the food. Is there anything you know they like that I should bring?” And he smiled at your question
You spent the rest of the afternoon prepping food for the next day’s adventure. Apparently, each one preferred their food a certain way, and your father, through much trial and error, had finally gotten it down to a science. Ieyasu would eat just about anything so long as it was unnaturally spicy, Motonari ate mostly seafood but had a penchant for anything grilled, and Masamune was a food connoisseur in his own right, any dish that was new and exciting would be much appreciated. If he liked it, he would ask you to bring it again. All this in mind, you got to work creating something that everyone could share.
Whatever medicine Ieyasu gave you worked wonders. Almost all of the random scrapes and bruises were fading and significantly less tender than they had been the day before, making your climb this morning much more comfortable. The walk was familiar. You knew what ledges were sturdy and with confidence rushed up toward the spring.
More aware, you felt the give of the circle as it rippled around you. It was quiet and you moved to set down your things in their usual place. Your arms were stretched over your head as you blissfully took in the pale morning sun when you heard the splash. Turning around, it was just in time to see Ieyasu surface and string a slew of curses together at Motonari, who promptly jumped in after him. There was another splash, and you hid your face behind your arms, shielding your eyes. Where you should have gotten wet you didn’t. Peeking through cracked lids, you saw a sea of cerulean. There was a deep hearty laugh as the fae in front of you took your hand and swept you up into a spin.
“You must be Red. The name’s Masamune, you already know the other two, but it’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise, the pleasure is all mine.” You noticed he wore sweeping robes colored to match the fields of forget-me-not and cornflower you passed on the way here. He smelled unnaturally sweet, like the sap from a maple tree mixed with deep amber and something salty. His hair was the color of toffee, and it fell down over his face covering his right eye, which you noticed was covered by an eyepatch made of hard leather, embroidered with an anemone, hyssop, a purple crocus, and was that a Zinna? Spinning you away, you stole a glance at his infectious smile that reached up to his tanzanite eye.
“If you keep spinning them like that, they’ll fall in the spring the second you let them go,” Ieyasu grumbled.
“Maybe that was the idea?” Motonari jumped to Masamune’s defense
“I’d never let the kitten fall in. Unless they wanted to go for a swim, that is?” He looked down at you, still holding fast to your hand.
“Sure I’d love to go for a swim, just let me take my top layer off. Got my suit on this time!”
You slipped out of your gym shoes and socks and set them down next to your backpack. They could anchor the picnic blanket down later. Shimmying out of your t-shirt and running shorts you stuffed them into your bag as you pulled out your towel, so you didn’t have to fish for it later, then grabbed your water shoes to pull them on. Standing straight in your suit, placing your hands on your hips you faced the crowd.
“Alright, so where’s the best place to jump in from?”
They looked just like Ida: hair like fire, eyes that sparkled like fireflies in an open field, alabaster skin covered in freckles that told us how much they had been kissed by the summer sun. It wasn’t a stretch to call them Red, it fit. I was intrigued, taking a different route to them separate from Ieyasu and Motonari. I spun them around in my arms on the damp boulders surrounding the swimming hole we had gathered around for today’s picnic.
I looked on as they scaled the side of the hill, waiting patiently from above, I would give them a hand if they needed it but, so far, they were making their way up just fine. Besides, life is all about living it, so as long as they weren’t in danger, I wouldn’t interfere. They looked lovely as they made it to the top, skin, and hair covered in a glossy sheen from the spray off the rocks. Stepping out into the shallows just before the edge of the waterfall, they turned to me and smirked.
“Well, here goes nothing.” They took a deep breath before running the three steps needed to make it to the edge, catapulting themselves into the air as they gracefully fell only to be swallowed by the depths below. There was enough of a splash that Ieyasu was pushed off his rock in the shallows by a wave. They surfaced in just enough time to catch his grumblings and burst into laughter. The air around us sparkled along to the tune of their happiness, filling me with nostalgia. My mind wandered. You reminded me of the feeling I get sitting in a sun patch in the cool grass while the breeze dances around me. It was such a beautiful thing. I wondered if anyone else noticed that sort of innocence they held and the effect it had on the barrier. One look at Motonari and Ieyasu told me they did.
“Sorry, was it a weird laugh?” They looked bashful, cheeks tinting the color of tulips.
“Not at all,” Motonari stood, wading through the shallows, collecting them up in his arms when he reached them. “In fact, I’d love to hear more of it. You okay with that?”
“Oh...uh, sure?”
“Wonderful.” And he tossed them into the air, limbs flailing as they dropped back into the deep waters.
Oh, to hell with it. Inspired and itching to get in on the action I shrugged off my clothes and leaped headlong off the top of the waterfall. As I kicked up towards the surface, I looked around, taking in the shimmer of the milky turquoise water and locked my eye on Red. They were floating just above the surface looking over at the others. I kicked over, wrapping my arms tight around their waist, and pulled them under with me.
I heard a faint chirp before their face submerged and bubbles traveled towards the surface, gently rolling over their face. We surfaced together rapidly and in a fit of giggles. It was a perfect moment. The atmosphere grew increasingly playful as they jumped up onto my back from the shallows, and I swung around in circles before promptly falling backward into the water.
“Hey! Don’t keep’m all to yourself!” Not to be outdone, Motonari rushed over to join in.
We spent the afternoon running around the spring, flipping off and over one another, and rushing off the top of the waterfall doing tricks mid-air into the depths below.
Red currently sat atop Motonari’s shoulders while Ieyasu was perched on mine. How they had managed to goad him into this game of chicken was beyond me. We may be fairies, but the lass had some magic of their own.
Ieyasu and Red locked hands and intensely concentrated on pushing the other tower over. It was by no means an even match, but Ieyasu did an excellent job of giving Red a shot at winning. I was convinced when he tired of the sport he would overtake them easily. But then it happened...their stomach growled, momentarily distracting everyone. Everyone but them, who gave one final push and sent Ieyasu and me back into the water.
“That was a cheap trick, Lass. You know I can’t ignore a hungry stomach.”
“What is it they say? ‘All is fair in love and war.’ It definitely wasn’t intentional, but I can’t complain about the outcome.” Their giggle growing louder until it was replaced by a screech as Motonari jumped u[ doing a back smacker, submerging them both again. Of all people, Ieyasu walked over and offered a hand.
“Come on, let’s go eat. It would be trouble if you passed out from exhaustion.”
“Thanks,” they giggled again with a sheepish smile, taking his offered hand.
Gently, they wrapped themselves in a towel as they plopped down on the blanket, sorting through their large backpack. Soon each of us had a plethora of stackable containers filled with similar, yet very different foods.
“Yellow lids are for Ieyasu, they’ve got a little extra kick to them. Turquoise lids are Motonari’s, filled with as much grilled finger food as I could prepare. Navy is for Masamune, and inside is a mystery.” Winking, they handed out chopsticks and pulled out four more containers with red lids, setting them down in front of their person. Clever… Red got red.
“How’d you know what we’d want t’eat?” Motonari paused midway through inhaling his meal.
“My Dad gave me some clues, but I may have taken some creative liberties. Everyone technically has the same thing, it’s just prepared a little differently. So...I hope you enjoy.” What a bright smile.
I polished off my meal, which had been a bold take on Chicken Katsu. This bright little thing turned it into a masterpiece, placing the chicken and katsu sauce between layers of burger filling safely held in place by rice and a seaweed wrap like a little chicken katsu onigiri sandwich.
Everyone had looked satisfied with their food, or at least, they didn’t seem displeased. All in all, it had been a great day, possibly the best way to end your vacation. No wonder dad loved this place so much. If these three were here every year, each holiday was guaranteed to be amazing. You felt the joy creep onto your face and knew everyone was staring now.
“It’s creepy when you make faces like that. Like you’re plotting something.” Ieyasu grumbled
“Well, I guess I sort of am. My family leaves tomorrow morning, so I was thinking about next summer and all the ones after that now that I can spend them with you guys.”
“You’re leaving already?” Motonari gaped “But we just started this adventure!”
“I know...but it just means we’ve got something to look forward to next year right?”
“I guess you’re right.” Motonari pouted. “Next year will be even better!”
“Just make sure you’re only dropping by in the summer, Kitten.’” Masamune laughed low in his chest. “It’s the only time you’ll find us here. Come any other season, and you’ll run into trouble.”
You hummed in understanding. Your father had already explained what could happen if you entered the circle when any other court was in session, and since they changed with the season, it was pretty easy to keep track of. Not that you could see yourself coming up here any other time than for your family vacation anyway, but it was reassuring to hear the same advice from them.
The sun fell rapidly in the sky, glowing a vibrant mix of orange, pink, and purple. Standing from your spot next to Ieyasu, you began packing up your book and changing back into your dry clothes to hike back down to the cabin.
“You’re leaving?” Ieyasu asked as you quietly continued to pick up after yourself. His tone was accusatory, but his eyes were soft, and you knew he was sad to see you go.
“Unfortunately. If I don’t go now, I’ll be making most of the trip back in the dark...and that’s a little more treacherous than I’m willing to make.”
“Whatever you say, Danger Girl,” he scoffed.
“‘Danger Girl’? If they’re going to go by ‘Danger Girl,’ can we start calling you ‘Porcupine Boy’?” Masamune quipped
“What? No, don’t be an idiot.” He rolled his eyes then stuck his hand out. “Here...take these with you. Use them through the year whenever you need to.” Dropping the ointment container into your outstretched hand, he blushed as your hands brushed.
“Are you sure?”
“If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t have given it to you. Now, what are you hiding behind your back?” He gestured to the small bags you had poorly concealed behind you.
“Snacks from my dad and me. Feel free to open them whenever! I’m gonna hop along though, see you guys!” You waved frantically and skipped towards the edge of the circle.
“Be safe out there kid! We’ll be waiting for you!” Motonari screamed after you with a big smile. They stood shoulder to shoulder. Ieyasu looked more forced to be that close, but he stayed long enough to say goodbye. That counted for something, right?
All in all, it was a successful vacation. As you walked back down to the cabins, the sun dipped below the horizon line, and as the moon illuminated your path fireflies danced in the trees around you. You smiled...you couldn’t wait to come back.
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