#tyra karn
flowers-of-io · 2 years
Tyra Karn and Shiro-4 have actually been living in the Iron Temple all this time, if only for the sole purpose of making sure Saladin slept a night every once in a while. Ever since his forced promotion to Caiatl's War Council, they have been keeping watch over Crow and his sleep schedule.
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brontios-helm · 2 years
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Destiny: Visiting Tyra
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ahungeringknife · 1 year
365: April 24
Grey/Cat has never liked Saladin :) makes more sense when you know Grey's backstory but that won't be posted for looks at their wrist like looking at a watch a while
An unfamiliar ship did a fly by of the Temple and Shiro looked up at it with a frown. A moment later a figure landed at the LZ. It had been snowing all day and snowing harder so Shiro had retreated to the front of the Temple to get out of the snow. Just because he was an EXO and didn't feel the cold didn't mean he liked being snowed on. It got his cloak wet.
Shiro was nervous when the figure was both familiar and not familiar. He recognized them because they were part of young Kass' fireteam but they never came to the Temple with her when she came to talk to Saladin. Shiro was wary as the Grey Dawn stormed up the Iron Temple's steps. The clouds above seemed darker and more sinister as they approached. What were they doing here?
Foolishly, honestly he didn't know what he was doing, he tried to bar them from the Temple. It's what Saladin would have asked of him. "You're not permitted inside, Dawn," he said like he was just telling them about the snow storm.
He yelped when they grabbed him by the front of their Lucky Raspberry and pulled them close to their SIVA encrusted helmet. "Get. The fuck. Out of my way. Pilgrim," they said with barely restrained violence.
"Only Iron Lords are allowed in the Temple," he said stupidly. Fuck even he wasn't allowed in the Temple. Also what the hell was he doing? Did he have a death wish? They'd make him their lunch.
That didn't amuse them. Didn't even slow them down. They just shoved him away and opened the Temple doors. Shiro knew Saladin was in there, like most days. In quiet contemplation or whatever the fuck he did in there. Kass joked he listened to emo music and was sad about his dead friends.
Shiro flinched back when he heard the crack of Arc Light and then Saladin yelled. Then there was the sound of sundering and Shiro cursed, finally following after them. The Grey Dawn stood in the Temple over Saladin's steaming corpse holding a lance of pure Arc, rage in every line of their body. "Where's your Ghost Saladin?" they snapped. "I'm not going to kill you," they added to the air. "If I did I wouldn't get the pleasure of turning him inside out."
Shiro put his hand behind his head. Shit. What was he supposed to do here? Saladin's Ghost, Isirah, came out and resurrected her Guardian. This time it was a fight as Saladin created his own Light construct. Didn't matter. Shiro winced as the Grey Dawn almost effortlessly deflected and then shoved their lance right through Saladin's skull. They weren't even winded other than by rage.
"How many time are you going to do this?" Isirah asked them.
"Until he's learned a lesson," they said, fury radiating through every breath.
"This is about Kassandra, yes?"
"What was your first clue?"
Isirah was quiet for a moment and Shiro wondered what the fuck they were talking about? Also what was this hostility about!? He knew the story of the Grey Dawn but it was just a story. No way this person wasn't just using the name. He'd met a handful of Hunters in the Crucible who claimed to be Shin Malphur too. But by the way it was now snowing even harder out, the clouds swirling angrily above the Temple he... doubted. Shit what if this was actually the Grey Dawn? He’d seen their old forest in Italy decades ago. Even so far removed from the Dark Ages it was a macabre delight of mummified corpses and skeletal remains and the shells of Ghosts left to show they’d been killed. The Grey Dawn had been just as bad as a Warlord. If it was he was grateful he'd just gotten away with being told to fuck off.
"Saladin doesn't learn through death," Isirah said. "You should know that by now."
"Makes me feel better to kill the little bastard," the Grey Dawn said viciously.
"And you claim you weren't a warlord," Isirah sighed. "If you want a lesson to stick you need to find a true weakness."
"Hey! Why are you telling them this?" Shiro asked loudly.
"Because my Guardian is not infallible. He also did it on purpose," she looked back at the Grey Dawn.
"He knew it'd piss me off."
"Oh yes," Isirah said. "And I think such things should be beneath him. He never learns though," she sighed. "You can go, Shiro," she added to Shiro.
"The Temple is only for Iron Lords."
"They aren't an Iron Lord," Shiro pointed at the Grey Dawn.
"No but they have a right to be here. You may go. They won't kill me so they won't kill Saladin."
"You sure? They've killed Ghosts before," Shiro said nervously, deciding then that yeah... this was the actual Grey Dawn.
"I'm sure. Close the door after you," she said with great finality. The Arc lance continued to crackle softly in the Grey Dawn's hand.
Shiro didn't know what to do. Follow orders or worry more about his boss. But she seemed so sure, so calm. "Okay," he said slowly and stepped out of the Temple. He closed the doors.
"What was that about?" Tyra asked as Shiro stared at the Temple's doors.
"I... don't know."
"You do," she said in a knowing way.
"Just stories," he said worriedly.
"Would you tell me them? I'm not versed in all the stories of the Dark Ages and the Iron Lords," she said.
They both looked at the door as the muffled sound of yelling came through. Not yelling in pain but more like the sound of rage. Shiro almost opened the doors again but then he heard Saladin yelling back. So he wasn't dead. That was good. Right?
Tyra touched his arm. "I suppose Saladin's done some foolish things," she said graciously.
"I-- maybe?"
"He's old. The old always do foolish things. Now weren't you going to tell me that story?" she asked. Either Tyra knew more than she was letting on or desperately wanted to get away from these two powerful Risen. Shiro didn't exactly blame her. She was Lightless. If they brought their fight out here there was a very real chance she could be injured.
"Ah- right. Yeah. Sure. Let's go down to the old docks and I'll tell you about it. Get out of this snow storm maybe?" he said trying not to sound nervous and was grateful when his Ghost brought his own ship around to get him and Tyra off this mountain.
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vulshokbersrker · 1 month
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Lay back in comfort in the Farm. Speak about theories with Tyra Karn, or play some ball on the field. This is a place to rest from long journeys. Hawthorne spent her life away from the City, and so can you.
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crow-posting · 8 months
Destiny NPCs according to: RZ-3
*note: this is not indicative of the author's personal opinions so if you feel like jumping to the comments / tags to defend [insert character here], save your energy.
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"This is my favoritest person in the whooolee world":
"I'd kill for you":
Colonel 🐓
Eva Levante
"Ghost" = Ori
Quinn Laghari
Saint-14 ("Uncle Saint")
Shin Malphur
Shuro Chi
Sjur Eido
the Starcats 🐱✨
Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney
"I call you [familial title] bc it's funny and also I secretly believe it":
Zavala ("Dad")
Ikora ("Mom")
Lord Saladin ("Uncle Sal")
Rasputin (старик)
"You're weird but I like you":
Benedict 99-40
Lord Shaxx ("Uncle Shaxx")
Xivu Arath
"You're okay":
Alis [Alice] Li
Ana Bray
Arcite 99-40
the Corsairs
The Emissary
Kadi 55-30
Lady Efrideet
Shaw Han
Tyra Karn
"Customer service voice activated":
Amrita Vae
Master Ives
Master Rahool
Tess Everis
"I tolerate you at a distance. Come any closer and I'll bite your fingers off.":
also Drifter :)
Arach Jalaal
Sam Moleyn
The Speaker
The Traveler
"F**k off":
also Xivu Arath
Dominus Ghaul
Dûl Incaru
Elsie Bray
Executor Hideo
The Fanatic
Jisu Calerondo
The Nine
see also: dungeon/raid bosses
"You're lucky you have diplomatic immunity":
"Murder is illegal. I might kill you anyway.":
Clovis Bray
Uldren [RIP]
Brother Vance
The Witness
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kajijiart · 2 years
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“The Cabal... are not a subtle people.” -Tyra Karn/ Legend of Acrius I’d assume flirting is no exception. Honor Commander Vos’Oull and Commander Sho’Sa First post with two of my Destiny characters, and I have chosen this. 
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thefirstknife · 2 years
there’s like an idle line or smth somewhere about the d1 guardian (if awoken) being reefborn right?
I think there is, but since we got rezed on Earth, we would be Earthborn.
However, I remember that originally there were supposed to be different rez scenes depending on if you're Human, Exo or Awoken. It also particularly makes no sense for the Awoken character to be rezed in the Cosmodrome; the Cosmodrome is filled with the dead from the Golden Age; people trying to flee and board the Exodus ships. Which means that an Awoken person could not have existed yet.
So unless an Awoken somehow stumbled into the Cosmodrome in the Dark Age and died and then got found by a Ghost, it really makes no sense that the Awoken Guardian would be rezed there. In all likelihood, an Awoken Guardian was probably supposed to have their own scene, which was later probably scrapped to save on the cost, but a voice line might've stayed. I think it's fine to view the Awoken Guardian as either depending on what you want, tbh.
Zavala is treated as an Earthborn Awoken because he also got rezed on Earth. Same with Asher, who was confirmed to have lived in the City as a child. And Tyra Karn as well, who was already present in the Dark Age. Zavala and Tyra seems to be from a batch of the Reef Awoken who decided to leave the Reef and go to Earth. Zavala was rezed inside of a crashed ship, so he probably died as he was landing.
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RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP list, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Uh so. @arcaneglitch and @flowers-of-io tagged me on this and... Well I don't write anymore (most of my works sucked badly rip). So all my wips are not "in progress" anymore. And unfortunately I don't name my art wips or... Really I don't have them! I have a list of things I want to draw and pick one every day or two. But here it is!
- Caiatl. At least one
- Zavala with a trans flag! For joy
- more cats standing on hind legs
- my webcomics oh my god
- Ziggy Stardust! That scene where he is being ripped to shreds by his fans
- Shaw Han doing groceries
- Half-life stuff? Maybe Adrian Shepard? Also my OCs
- a nice tiger
- think of Warframe oc and draw them
- Saladin in a Polish folk costume
- some Destiny OCs maybe?
- Rahool and Tyra Karn, arguing (important - make Rahool really gay looking)
- hlvrai fanart because I've watched like 12 hours of this shit (cast commentary and q&a)
- WtNV cast. Ough
Uh and that's it. Will probably take me less than a month
Anyway if someone wants to do justice to this, fell tagged!
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titancutebutt · 3 years
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flowers-of-io · 2 years
Crimson Days: A Brief Characteristic
My piece for the Crimson Days event held by @d2artevents! 💘 // Read on Ao3
From the writings of Eido, Scribe of House Light:
Since our arrival to the Last City one and a half solar cycles ago, I have taken notice of several Human holidays never prior mentioned in Eliksni records. They are mainly small celebrations, rarely tied to naturally-occurring astronomical phenomena or a particular anniversary, and are not commonly observable outside large civilian settlements – which may explain the lack of data. Based on an extensive interview conducted with Lord Shaxx, my own observations, and analysis of contemporary and historical material graciously provided to me by prof. Meren Hale of the Academy, I have compiled an entry on the topic of one such holiday, the Crimson Days, in hopes it may shed some light on the area not yet extensively covered by anthropologists.
NAME: “Crimson Days” take their name after deep purple-red hue, which, according to Lord Shaxx, is the colour of Human blood and most vitals. The sentiment behind that corresponds with the ancient belief, evident in many Terran idioms and phrases (see: “Language and Culture Before the Golden Age”, crpt. Tyra Karn et al.), that the heart is the emotional management unit in the Human body. Curiously, I came across no proof of the notion of naming a holiday after the colour of internal organs being perceived as repulsive.
TIMING: The holiday is cyclical in nature, occurring in the latter half of every winter-season, but appears to be entirely customary and not tied to any natural phenomena. Asked about the significance behind its placement in the calendar year, Lord Shaxx spoke of “warming up frozen hearts” and expressed what (for the lack of visual verification) I presumed to be confusion when I wished for further clarification. From the information I was able to gather, the holiday appears to be of pre-Golden Age provenience, though I could not determine which specific customs date back to the ancient times and which are the result of the impact the Great Machine’s arrival and the Collapse have had on culture.
AESTHETIC AND SYMBOLISM: According to Lorrd Shaxx, the Crimson Days are meant to be a celebration of love and profound emotional bonds. As such, the symbolic coding centers around the colour red (see above), heart and flower imagery, with some variants including arrows, birds, and ribbons (see: ‘Crimson Bond’, Briar-Athewry, “Symbol in Cultural Studies). While I have not observed any municipally-funded decorations as is in the case of the Dawning or the Festival of the Lost, individual people often decorate houses and storefronts in accordance with the holiday’s aesthetic.
RITUALS AND CUSTOMS: Unlike some holidays of post-Collapse origin (see: Solstice of Heroes), Crimson Days celebrations are prevalent in all social classes across the City, civilian and Guardian alike. They are rarely collective, instead involving a small group — usually two individuals — and are meant to celebrate the relationship between them. Common customs include exchanging gifts, most notably plants and confections, writing letters, and involving in “dating” (see: Human Mating Rituals). Group activities are typically targeted at single persons, serving the purpose of finding a mating partner. Guardian-only traditions feature a type of ritual combat, where two pairs are pitted against each other in an activity known as “Crimson Doubles”; according to Lord Shaxx, this exercise is meant to test the partners’ cooperation skills and mutual trust.
- Matsuo, crpt., “The Past Is Now: Understanding Tradition through Contemporary Records”
- “3. Annual Conference on Pre-Collapse Culture”, Peregrine Institute of Higher Learning (see: Attachment 1)
- Briar-Athewry, Alice, “Symbol in Cultural Studies”
- Vale, K.S., “Hunter of the Heart” (see: Attachment 2)
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camalyng · 3 years
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Asian American and Pacific Island voice actors of Destiny
in order of appearance
Shohreh Aghdashloo as Lakshmi-2
Erick Avari as Master Rahool
Brandon O'Neill as Uldren Sov and Crow (including mocap); motion and face performance for Commander Zavala, Dominus Ghaul, Spider, and Young Wolf
Page Leong Ng as Tyra Karn
Sumalee Montano as Suraya Hawthorne
Joy Osmanski as Failsafe
Jamie Chung and Erika Ishii as Ana Bray; Erika Ishii also plays Kridis
Zehra Fazal as Female Human Guardian (Forsaken and Shadowkeep) and Female Guardian (Beyond Light)
Richard Nguyen Sloniker as Glint; motion and face performance for Cayde-6, Young Wolf, and Drifter
Cory Yee as Shaw Han
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scout-fang · 4 years
Im going to miss them all 🥺😭😞
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Destiny NPC’s reaction to a Guardian falling over: meme edition! (Part 2)
Devrim Kay:
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The Drifter:
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Asher Mir:
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Amanda Holliday:
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Tess Everis:
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Tyra Karn:
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Master Rahool:
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Executor Hideo:
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Arach Jalal:
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spartanlocke · 4 years
tyra and shiro when saladin returns to the iron temple with twenty feral wolves
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thedistantstorm · 5 years
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A Destiny Dawning story.
Summary: Hawthorne invites her newfound family in the Tower to experience a City-Style Dawning with the family that took her in years ago. The holiday is not without it’s charm, or aggravation, and certainly has plenty of surprises in store. A season-inspired, trope-tastic story about a family forged by something greater than blood, finding reasons to enjoy the season - and cherish each other.
Pairings: Hawthorne/Zavala, Sloane/Amanda, Devrim/Marc
Chapters: Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Epilogue
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