#destiny 1 tyra karn
brontios-helm · 2 years
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Destiny: Visiting Tyra
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crow-posting · 8 months
Destiny NPCs according to: RZ-3
*note: this is not indicative of the author's personal opinions so if you feel like jumping to the comments / tags to defend [insert character here], save your energy.
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"This is my favoritest person in the whooolee world":
"I'd kill for you":
Colonel 🐓
Eva Levante
"Ghost" = Ori
Quinn Laghari
Saint-14 ("Uncle Saint")
Shin Malphur
Shuro Chi
Sjur Eido
the Starcats 🐱✨
Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney
"I call you [familial title] bc it's funny and also I secretly believe it":
Zavala ("Dad")
Ikora ("Mom")
Lord Saladin ("Uncle Sal")
Rasputin (старик)
"You're weird but I like you":
Benedict 99-40
Lord Shaxx ("Uncle Shaxx")
Xivu Arath
"You're okay":
Alis [Alice] Li
Ana Bray
Arcite 99-40
the Corsairs
The Emissary
Kadi 55-30
Lady Efrideet
Shaw Han
Tyra Karn
"Customer service voice activated":
Amrita Vae
Master Ives
Master Rahool
Tess Everis
"I tolerate you at a distance. Come any closer and I'll bite your fingers off.":
also Drifter :)
Arach Jalaal
Sam Moleyn
The Speaker
The Traveler
"F**k off":
also Xivu Arath
Dominus Ghaul
Dûl Incaru
Elsie Bray
Executor Hideo
The Fanatic
Jisu Calerondo
The Nine
see also: dungeon/raid bosses
"You're lucky you have diplomatic immunity":
"Murder is illegal. I might kill you anyway.":
Clovis Bray
Uldren [RIP]
Brother Vance
The Witness
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scout-fang · 4 years
Im going to miss them all 🥺😭😞
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renarinkholin · 4 years
Let’s Talk About “The Young Wolf”
So the Destiny fandom as a whole has really latched on to “The Young Wolf” when referring to the player character Guardian, and this is a little strange to me. Not that people like the title (I don’t care for it much, but that’s a difference of taste thing) but that the fandom treats it as The One True Title/Name for our Guardians, as declared by lore. 
I wrote up a meta response to a post about a week ago, and just used “our Guardian” throughout, then mentioned in the tags that I don’t care to use “The Young Wolf” because I don’t really like it. I got a response that basically said, “I agree with your meta but people use The Young Wolf as their title because it’s canon and using ‘the Guardian’ is confusing and terrible.”
But is it really canon that this title is the main title amongst the many, many titles and accomplishments our Guardians have picked up? I decided to do some searching and my conclusion: It really isn’t.
Lore Check
NPCs and lore call our Guardian “Young Wolf” only 17 times in Ishtar Collective, which searches through lore books, dialogue transcripts, item descriptions, etc throughout Destiny and Destiny 2. The use of this title happens in three different cases: 1) used in the context of the Iron Lords/by Saladin directly, 2) used in a list of titles and accomplishments, as one of many, 3) used by non-Iron Lord characters in a general sense.
Saladin and the Iron Lords The first usage accounts for the majority of the title’s appearances, 10 of them total. Of these, 7 are said by Saladin, who gave our Guardians this nickname, 2 are by Tyra Karn (one of which she uses “A Young Wolf of the Iron Lords”) and 1 is when Shaxx calls you “Saladin’s Young Wolf” in the Homecoming opening mission of D2. I’m not going to screenshot all of these, but feel free to look them up if you want.
One Title Amongst Many The second usage, when it appears amongst many other titles, happens 4 times across the games: two times in Calus’ prophecy fanfic about us, once in Saint-14’s eulogy in the Corridors of Time, and once in Phylaks’ dialogue during her Empire Hunt.
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Other Cases There are only 3 times where NPCs use “The Young Wolf” as a general title to refer to our Guardians. Vyhar calls us this in that his Ghost’s Fragment, Osiris calls us this in the Season of the Hunt’s transmission from him, and Saint-14 calls us this once while talking to Ikora.
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The fact that the overwhelming majority of times we hear someone in-game or in-lore call our Guardians “The Young Wolf” it’s either Saladin using his personal nickname for us, someone referring to our status among the Iron Lords, or someone listing off a bunch of our titles and accomplishments. The fact that there’s only 3 times ever that it has been used in a general context, and two of them showed up this season means that I really can’t take at face value the notion that the “Young Wolf” is our main, general title. If the fandom wanted to just pick a title out of a hat at random amongst the many we’ve picked up, sure, it works. It is a title our Guardians have. It’s nowhere close to being the title for our Guardians.
In the grand scheme of things? It’s a pretty minor title. In fact, it’s mostly one character’s nickname for us. What’s the accomplishment here: “played Rise of Iron’s story campaign”? That’s the accomplishment the fandom has decided to define our player characters by? It’s baffling to me. 
After all, Emperor Calus decided to call us the Shadow of Earth, and that shows up in lore far more times numerically than “the Young Wolf.” Drifter calls my Warlock “Snitch” every time she plays Gambit because she didn’t side with him. I don’t see why either of those would be any more valid as a general title in the same way Saladin’s nickname, “Young Wolf” has become.
There’s better general titles out there. A whole bunch of characters refer to our character as “The Hero of the Red War,” including Asher, Saint-14, the Drifter, the Spider, Aunor, even a random Titan named Joxer. In lore, that seems to be more of the go-to “general” title for our Guardian in D2. And that makes sense, if we’re talking about our Guardian in the context of Destiny 2, it would make more sense to use their title that refers to them completing the vanilla campaign, not a random D1 expansion that, lore-wise, is pretty forgettable.
There’s a whole handful of titles we’ve got as a result of killing Oryx: Kingslayer, Destroyer of Oryx, Slayer of Oryx. In terms of importance, that’s a way bigger deal than finding and containing SIVA. Or “Crota’s End” for killing Crota. 
All in all, I think if we’re being honest, the devs try pretty hard to avoid giving our player characters any kind of name or main title in-universe. It’s tricky to write dialogue that way, but they do a pretty good job of it. Most of the time people refer to us, we’re just “the Guardian.” Or vendors will refer to you by your class as a title. Or a specific character will choose to give us a nickname and that specific character calls us that, which is what happened with Saladin. The few times where the writers are narratively written into a corner and they need someone to use a general title for us? They just pick one at random, it seems.
Anyway, this is a long post that probably will not really have an impact on anything. And in all honesty, I’m not trying to tell people that they should stop referring to the Guardian generally as “The Young Wolf” or that it’s bad or something. I just find it weird that this one got stuck in the fandom’s brain like this, and it’s one that you won’t see me personally using in a general sense because I find it to be kind of lame and I don’t think Rise of Iron was all that narratively important. I don’t really care about Saladin and I don’t see why I should pretend like his nickname is my Guardian’s general name in fandom spaces.
When I write meta, you’re going to see me using “our Guardian” or “the Guardian,” because that’s the general name the game gives. I don’t think of my Guardians as “the Young Wolf” any more than I consistently think about them as “Crota’s End” or “Shadow of Earth” or any of the other multitudinous titles we’ve accumulated over the years. They’ve done lots of things and they’re all of those titles technically. They’re just my Guardians though. 
People can refer to their Guardians however they want, and I’m sure “the Young Wolf” is sticky enough at this point that people are probably just going to keep using it in the general sense. But I take issue with assertions that it’s the game’s canon main title for us, or that it’s the objectively correct thing to call our Guardians. It’s not, it’s a minor title among many, and I personally am not interested in doing it. 
PS: If you read this whole post, you deserve a bowl of spicy ramen, on me! Have a coupon for it.
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Destiny NPCs reaction to a Guardian falling over
[cause of falling: miscellaneous]
He’d ask if you’re alright, chuckling nervously as you get up, and help you steady/brush yourself off.
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
He would loop his hands under your arms and yoink you back up, maybe comparing your clumsiness to that of a pigeon’s.
Ikora Rey:
[cause of falling: tripping on robes]
She’d probably quirk a brow, ask you if you’re okay after standing upright, and help pick up anything you might’ve dropped.
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
He’d stifle his laughter as Sagira would scan over your body, and proceed to scold the man. You lay face-down the entire time.
[cause of falling: tripping on cloak]
He’d instantly freak out like “oh shit they fell”— and rush to help you stand up, and he’d be like “what did I fuckin tell you”, as he helps you pick out a cloak that doesn’t trip you, or get caught onto other things.
Andal Brask:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
He would pretend to trip as well, and lay down with you.
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
There are two moods about this with him. One(1): he’ll be like— “okay bitch. Nap time, then” Two(2): just deadass “get up, we have places to be.” He’ll help you up nonetheless.
Lord Shaxx:
[Cause of falling: tripping on rug]
He’d legitimately pick you up and put you on your feet, and then clap a hand onto your shoulder while laughing, which causes you to fall again.
Lord Saladin:
[Cause of falling: tripping on steps]
He’d laugh a little, and offer you a hand to stand up. (Occasionally he’ll give you something for your troubles if you drop something(s), or if anything of yours breaks bc he’s a soft grandpa)
Eris Morn:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
She’d stare you down, then shake her head.
Sauraya Hawthorne:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
She’d nearly lose her shit and pray that you don’t fall off the edge of her post. If it’s bad enough, she might let you pet Louis.
Devrim Kay:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
His heart would probably skip a beat, he’d apologize for the mess you tripped over, and offer you some tea. (He’d clear out the spot you fell on to prevent future accidents)
The Drifter:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
He would take a picture, and say something like, “maybe if you banked your fucking motes, I’d be obliged to help you.”
Asher Mir:
[Cause of falling: tripping on rocks]
He’d look at you disappointedly, roll his eyes, and then say something along the lines of “pathetic”.
Amanda Holliday:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
She’d exaggerate her reaction (“Woah there, Guardian!”), and pull you back up.
[Cause of falling: the rig is fucking slippery, okay]
She’d yank you back up before you even hit the floor.
Eva Levante:
[Cause of falling: probably tripping over a fallen streamer or smthn]
She’d immediately crouch down you your level, and place a hand on your shoulder blade, asking if you’re alright.
Emperor Calus:
[Cause of falling: probably from something in his throne room]
He’d look at you in awe, and be taking several photos from every angle, commenting something like “flawless” every three seconds.
Tess Everis:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
She’d lean over her stand, and ask you if you’re okay. Once you’re back up, she might give you a small discount on exotic emotes out of sympathy.
Tyra Karn:
[Cause of falling: tripping on steps]
She’d be a little hesitant you touch you, but would gladly ask of your state.
Master Rahool:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
He’d just stare at you in silence like the psychopath he is.
Executor Hideo:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
There would be an air of an awkward atmosphere before asking if you’re okay.
Arach Jalaal:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
He would look at you startled, and watch you get up.
The Speaker:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
He’d pick you back up and brush you off bc he’s a good man and we know it.
Petra Venj:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
She might smile, but put you back on your feet.
Anastasia Bray:
[Cause of falling: the Cursed Thralls. Anything and everything will always be their fault]
She’d laugh while shaking her head, and give you a pat on the shoulder.
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
She wouldn’t know how to react. Her eyes would widen and she’d make buffering sounds. This definitely hasn’t happened before.
Mara Sov:
[Cause of falling: probably some metal junk that lies around]
She’d roll her eyes, unimpressed. How could someone who slaughtered a Vex Gate, and the heart of the Black Garden be so ridiculously defeated by a bit of shrapnel?
Uldren Sov:
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
**Pre-Rez** He’d let out a single laugh (“Ha!”), and then shoot you. **Post-Rez** The sight of you hitting the ground with such force and speed makes him jump out of his skin. He probably thought you suddenly died, but once you stood back up, he just laughs it off with you while trying to ease his heart rate.
[Cause of falling: trying to avoid stepping on her]
She’d trot up to you, and settle herself on your back. She’s a very warm hen, so some Guardians fall on purpose around her during cold seasons. (She will intentionally try to trip people just so she has somewhere comfortable to sit)
[Cause of falling: miscellaneous]
He’d look at you, maybe peck you once or twice around the armor before plopping down next to your head, and snuggling into your face. (HE’S SO FUCKING S O F T)
Sweeper bot:
[Cause of falling: tripping over his broom]
He’d fucking sweep you. —————————————————
That was longer than I had intended. My bad 😛
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Legend of Acrius
“In the Cabal legend, a hero seeks to possess the sun. He succeeds. Then he becomes Emperor. The Cabal…are not a subtle people.” —Tyra Karn
Type: Shotgun
Slot: Kinetic | Energy | Heavy
Element: Arc | Solar | Void
Perk: Shock Blast - This weapon fires blasts of high-damage Arc energy that overpenetrate enemies.
Trait: Long March - Detect enemies on your radar from farther away.
Masterworked Traits:     Deeper Pockets - Increased ammo reserves.     Trench Barrel - After a successful melee hit, this weapon gains increased damage, handling, and reload speed for a short duration—or until three shots are fired.
Ornaments: The Emperor’s Pleasure, War Beast Skin
Origin & Description: Legend of Acrius is another enemy weapon Guardians can acquire, this time from the Cabal. The Cabal Empire is one of the four main hostile factions in the solar system, and maybe the best at war. They're basically space Romans if Romans were seven feet tall and built like bipedal rhinos in mech suits and also had dealt the Guardians their biggest defeat in the history of ever. Both male and female Cabal serve in the armed forces and are indistinguishable to the human eye when suited for combat. Out of combat, females can be identified by the pair of forward-facing tusks along their lower jaws that emerge as they reach adulthood. The Cabal rule a massive interstellar empire that stretches way beyond our solar system - we’re the equivalent of a troublesome border province to them - and have conquered multiple worlds and multiple “client species”. Among the latter are the Psions, a species kept more or less in permanent bondage for their unique mental powers.
In Destiny 1 we only had a minor Cabal scouting legion to deal with, though they still caused massive headaches; but in Destiny 2 the Cabal drive the base game’s plot. See, that scouting legion reported back to the current emperor, Dominus Ghaul, describing among other things the ruined-but-still-potent Traveler and the incredible feats accomplished by those gifted with its Light. Hearing these stories, Ghaul decided to come to our system personally to take the Light for himself and his own elite fighting force, the Red Legion. Ghaul had unexpected aid in the form of one of the Nine, who - man, let’s not even get into what the Nine are right now, it’s enough to just say they’re mysterious and very powerful - who concealed his approach until he descended directly upon the Last Safe City. The Guardians fought back, of course, but this wasn’t Ghaul’s first rodeo. The Red Legion brought with them a giant boot designed to confine the Traveler (which, fair, it's been illegally parked for centuries) and cut off its power. And - well, it worked, and it sucked. Without their Light newly-mortal Guardians were cut down by the Red Legion before they realized what happened. The old Tower was destroyed in moments and the City occupied within the day. This invasion, which became known as the Red War, devastated both the City and the Guardians. In other words...we got our asses kicked.
Eventually we clawed our way back into the Light and into the City, kicked the parking boot off the Traveler, faced a Ghaul energized with stolen Light, got our asses kicked again, then had the Traveler go "oh my god FINE I'LL DO IT" and vaporize Ghaul itself. Oh, we also had to destroy a Cabal superweapon aimed at our sun along the way. It was called "The Almighty." Yeah, that bit about the Cabal language having no word for "hubris" is right on the money.
Although we toasted Ghaul the Red Legion is still in our solar system and they're nothing if not trained professionals equipped for the long haul. They've occupied Mercury and Mars and are actively scavenging resources and technology to build their forces back up. The Spire of Stars raid involves killing the new leader of the Legion, Val Ca'our, to keep them on the back foot; they're no longer an existential danger to the City, but Red Legion forces still pose a major threat to anyone outside its walls.
As if it weren't enough that we have to deal with Red Legion holdouts, there’s another Cabal faction in our solar system: the Loyalists. Ghaul became emperor by deposing the previous emperor, Calus, who had also become emperor by force (remember, space Romans). Calus led a populist revolution to topple the ruling military Praetorate and eventually the deposed ruling class struck back. After the coup Ghaul and Caiatl, Calus’ daughter, put him and his loyalists on a prison barge called Leviathan locked on a course for the edge of our galaxy. Problem is, Leviathan got there. And when it did, Calus went outside and encountered something...else. Something pyramidal, and hungry, and imminient. And long story short Calus is now hanging out in our solar system aboard the Leviathan, by now retrofitted into a kind of colossal world-eating Space Vegas, drinking and yelling about how it’s the end of the world so let’s fuckin party. Calus’ hedonistic nihilism started off kind of funny, but it wasn't until the Season of Opulence that we learned just how dark his philosophy really is, what he means by "the end of the world," and how serious he is about his determination to be the last being alive. I won’t go into details because the details are gross but among other things Calus basically had his future-predicting psions write a fanfic describing the murder of every single character in the game, often in grotesque Hannibal levels of screwed-up. The dude is off his fucking rocker, is my point.
Unfortunately Calus is also very smart, and as the former ruler of a military dictatorship he knew exactly how to get the Guardians on his side from day fuckin' one: loot. Tons and tons of loot. The Emperor is more than generous with his (obscene space future-tech) wealth, and the sad truth is Guardians will do anything for shiny guns. So for the time being the sentiment towards him in the new Tower is neutral to slightly favorable, which is astonishing given the Cabal literally blew up the old Tower. Me? I hate him. Calus is actually the only character in Destiny lore whom I hate. Not as in he's a bad character - in fact he's an amazingly well-written and -acted character - but as in I hate him, and I hope Rasputin feeds the Leviathan some antimatter ordnance as soon as possible.
Calus decided upon seeing that world-swallowing fleet of Darkness that there is no possible hope for any living being and the end is certain. Having decided that, he then asked himself what a loving and generous god-emperor (as he believes himself to be) would do in this situation. Naturally the answer was to conquer any civilization that tried to fight back against said tide of Darkness - because resistance is futile and fighting back will only prolong their suffering, so a kind god-emperor like himself who has seen the truth must force them not to prepare for an unwinnable war but to pass the time they have left joyously. Embrace your life today - pass your days in gluttony and hedonism - and then embrace your death with the same enthusiasm when Darkness comes. In other words it's not enough that he's a fatalistic, selfish coward, he's making war on anyone trying to fight back to force them to be cowards as well. You can see, perhaps, why I hate him.
Anyway, Legend of Acrius is his fanciest gift thus far. It's a Cabal shotgun, and having been murdered by numerous Cabal shotguns, Guardians can attest to their potency. Unfortunately, there’s a catch: have I mentioned lately that the Cabal are fucking huge? The scout rifle Skyburners’ Oath, a regular-sized gun for a Guardian, was made as a sidearm for a Cabal elite. Legend of Acrius? Is the actual size of the actual Guardian trying to use it. Equipping it cripples your mobility stat, noticeably reducing your movement speed and jump height. In return you get a “shotgun” that’s more like (somewhat) portable artillery. Two years and a few hundred light levels since its introduction Acrius’ railgun-style Arc blast still slices through crowds and puts down big-ass damage numbers on the scariest bosses in the game. When paired with rapid-reload perks like Lunafaction Boots, anything you point it at won’t be bothering you for long.
With the disappearance of Leviathan around the same time as the Black Fleet's arrival, Acrius' acquisition quest has changed to simply purchasing it from the Tower's Monument to Lost Lights. Its two ornaments are also both Cabal-themed. "War Beast Skin" changes its surface to resemble the rough red scales of Cabal war beasts (or "knife dogs," to use their Guardian name). "Emperor's Pleasure" changes its Red Legion colors to the white-gold-purple of Calus' Loyalists.
Destiny 2 Compendium Armarum Exoticarum
[ Ace of Spades | Ager's Scepter | Anarchy | Arbalest | Bad Juju | Bastion | Black Talon | Borealis | Cerberus+1 | The Chaperone | Cloudstrike | Coldheart | Collective Obligation | The Colony | Crimson | Cryosthesia 77K | DARCI | Dead Man's Tale | Deathbringer | Dead Messenger | Devil's Ruin | Divinity | Duality | Edge of Action/Concurrence/Intent | Eriana’s Vow | Eyes of Tomorrow | Fighting Lion | The Fourth Horseman | Forerunner | Gjallarhorn | Grand Overture | Graviton Lance | Hard Light | Hawkmoon | Heartshadow | Heir Apparent | The Huckleberry | Izanagi’s Burden | The Jade Rabbit | Jötunn | The Lament | The Last Word | Legend of Acrius | Leviathan’s Breath | Lord of Wolves | Lorentz Driver | Lumina | Malfeasance | Merciless | MIDA Multi-Tool | Le Monarque | Monte Carlo | No Time to Explain | One Thousand Voices | Osteo Striga | Outbreak Perfected | Parasite | Polaris Lance | Prometheus Lens | The Prospector | Queenbreaker | Rat King | Riskrunner | Ruinous Effigy | Salvation's Grip | Skyburner’s Oath | Sleeper Simulant | Sturm | Sunshot | SUROS Regime | Sweet Business | Symmetry | Tarrabah | Telesto | Thorn | Thunderlord | Ticuu's Divination | Tommy's Matchbook | Tractor Cannon | Traveler's Chosen | Trespasser | Trinity Ghoul | Truth | Two-Tailed Fox | Vex Mythoclast | Vigilance Wing | The Wardcliff Coil | Wavesplitter | Whisper of the Worm | Wish-Ender | Witherhoard | Worldline Zero | Xenophage ]
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sophasil · 7 years
@bosmer Top 3 kissable destiny npcs
1. Ghost
2. The Fallen
3. Tyra Karn
Honestly bungie doesn't want you to know this forbidden knowledge but I'm too powerful to stop now
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cloudtales · 7 years
Here's our first proper look at Destiny 2's hub
Here’s our first proper look at Destiny 2’s hub
Bungie has shown off our first proper look at Destiny 2’s new hub location, which will replace Destiny 1’s Tower (which gets blown up at the beginning of the game, sniff).
The Farm looks like it will be of a similar size, and feature a couple of familiar amenities – a Cryptarch for collecting new gear, and a Postmaster robot for checking your mail. The Farm’s Cryptarch will be Tyra Karn, who…
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gflaserbolt · 8 years
Destiny Weekly Reset 1-17-17 NIGHTFALL, Shiro, Strikes, Tyra Karn, Shaxx Bounties RAID January 17  (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1Hs4oRHAkw)
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