#destiny 1 felwinter peak
brontios-helm · 2 years
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Destiny: Visiting Tyra
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paracawsal · 10 months
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you would put me in a library and I would be so glad of it that I would never set foot outside its walls
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zalia · 5 months
I visited the Iron Temple to decrypt an engram the other night, and someone had opened the gate that lets you explore Vostok Observatory and further down the mountain! Decided to record the journey back up, showing the route, the skyline, Vostok and the differences between D1 and D2!
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hellkitten813 · 2 years
Felwinter Peak D1
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hustlemeanokay · 4 years
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Xander | Destiny 2 | Titan
Did a little drawing this morning, finally. 
Xander - Class VII Sunbreaker - Awoken - Male
Ghost Name - Luz
Relationship Status - Widower
Loads of info on him and a little sort of paragraph about him below the cut.
Notable Battles - Battle of Six Fronts - Battle of Twilight Gap - Par Valon Sven - The Taken War - The Red War
Currently Stationed - Nessus - Previously Stationed - Titan
Known Allegiances - Warlords of Charlone Pass - Ironlords of Felwinter Peak - The Sunbreakers - Burning Order of Ra - The Last City, Under Deputy Commander Sloane
Age - Unknown : Risen Origin - Unknown : Origin - Unknown
Titles/Aliases - Light Bearer - Warlord - Great Wolf - Umon-Ra - Maul of Par Volon
Known Friendly Associates - 
Commander Zavala (Younger Biological Brother) - Speaker (Deceased) - Saint-14 (Formerly Deceased) - Lord Felwinter (Deceased) - Ikora Rey - The Ironlords - The Drifter - Cayde-6 (Deceased) - Petra Venj - Ada-1 - Dep. Com. Sloane (Status Unknown) - Devrim Kay
Known Enemies - 
Osiris - Brother Vance - Mara Sov - Master Rahool - Asher Mir - Anastasia Bray
Previous Enemies, Now Unknown Relationship - 
Crow - Rasputin
Personality - Calm, quite, focused.
Xander doesn’t neccesarily like being at the Tower, because Zavala is there. Not because they don’t get along - they have a close relationship. But because people treat him differently, because they know who he is, and thus - he feels compelled to... kind of hide out. Once, long ago, Xander was full of fire and fight - like all light bearers, probably. But a twist of fate, destiny, whatever one wants to call it - took it all from him and since then, he’s grown... still. He’s not so quick to act anymore, more calculating, more thoughtful. He took a fifty year (or so) break from... living before the Red War, Luz left his remains in his ship, hidden away on Io until the system could no longer be ignored. The only thing now that will light his temper is Osiris. The two have history and while Xander knows his anger is misplaced, that knowledge does little to stem the tide of his rage whenever he sees the old Warlock. It was the forest that took Xander’s wife, back when he thought it possible to have such a thing. Back when he, Nef, a handful of others, and Osiris all either guarded or explored its many pathways in search of answers to help stop what they all feared was coming. But they were only ever trespassers, and Nef paid the ultimate price. Her ghost taken first, then her... and Xander blames Osiris for it all. Of course, Osiris bears this blame like he does all things, in a matter of fact way. It happened, it was in the past, there’s nothing he can do about it now. And Xander knows this. He understands all of it. But all of that understanding does nothing when he sees him. He’ll fly into a rage. And a Sunbreaker (hell, any guardian really) who loses their grip on their temper like that, is best kept at a distance from the source of their anger. Thus, Xander had always made sure to keep himself far from Osiris. Now that the old Warlock is back at the tower, he does his best not to go near that side of the wall. He stays away as much as he can... and considers taking up a station on Europa. But his worry over his brother keeps him at the Tower. 
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littleshebear · 6 years
The Narrow Road part-4; The Warlord and the Stable Boy.
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Zavala settles into his new home despite being socially awkward as heck. Saladin wishes Shaxx would stop talking. Jolder is enchanting. Efrideet drops a clanger! Shaxx discovers what it takes to make Zavala angry.
Destiny Fanfic | Commander Zavala | OC: Sasha | Zavala x Sasha | Zavala x female OC | Lord Shaxx | The Iron Lords | Various OC’s | The Dark Age | Angst | Romance | Unintentional(?) Shaxx x Zavala sexual tension
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Autumn’s end – how does my neighbour live? - Matsuo Bashō
“You’ll get used to the smell.” The old ranger’s face creases as she smirks in Zavala’s direction. Delores, Sasha had called her. She doesn’t look like a Delores, at least, not what Zavala imagines a Delores would typically look like. It’s a delicate-sounding name, yet the woman standing before him is decidedly indelicate.  She wets yellow-stained fingers and pats down the skin of a roughly rolled cigarette. “Everyone has to pull their weight here. Everyone pitches in and the stables need mucking out. The upside of horses and camels is that they’re more reliable than vehicles in the cold.” She lights her cigarette and takes a long drag. “Downside is they shit a whole lot.”
“I’m not sure - ugh…” There’s a sudden waft of ammonia and Zavala’s eyes prickle and film over with tears. “I’m not sure this is the best use of my time.”
“What would be a better use of your time? What can you do?”
Zavala considers his answer in awkward silence. I can summon electricity with my hands? I can come back from the dead? No, that wouldn’t do at all.
“Is it beneath you?” Delores asks, her rheumy eyes staring right through him.
“No but -”
She places a shovel in his hands and pats his arm. “This shouldn’t take you long, strapping lad like you.” She gives a rasping chuckle and winks at him but the expression on her weather-beaten face softens when she sees how sceptical he looks. “You’ll be happy for the physical labour once the cold really starts to bite - The animals generate heat too. You’ll much rather be in here than up on one of the watch-towers once the snows come, believe me.”
“How long does winter last?” Sasha, Delores and the other rangers had made it quite clear that travel during winter was out of the question.
“Six months.” She stubs her cigarette out on the stable wall and tucks the remainder behind her ear. “I know,” she notes the sag in his shoulders. “You want to get moving. You want to get to where you want to be, you don’t want to spend half the year shoveling shit. But take it from me, you don’t want to be out there when it’s forty degrees below freezing. You won’t get far.”
Zavala acknowledges this with a glum nod before hefting the shovel and entering the stable. “I’d best start getting used to the smell.”
It had become something of a tradition for a group of the Lightbearers to gather at a fire near Shaxx’s hut for their evening repast. They would sit, nursing aching bones and tired muscles and eat together, swapping stories and boasts. The members of the group would change over time but Shaxx was a constant, having a seemingly endless supply of stories to tell. Zavala tended to hover at the edge of the gathering, he didn’t speak often. He preferred to listen. That night, there were two new additions to the circle. A contingent of Iron Lords had stopped off on the way back to their base at Felwinter Peak. Shaxx enthusiastically recounted a story about the oft-mentioned Lady Efrideet, who sat beside him by the fire, grinning all the while.
“So, Efrideet lifted Saladin,” a pause for emphasis, “over her head!”
“I’m fairly sure everyone from here to the Rusted Waste has heard this story by now, Shaxx” Lord Saladin grumbled, shifting in his seat.
“Oh, I never get tired of hearing this one.” the woman beside Saladin jostled him then laid a comforting hand on his knee. Zavala noted how Saladin’s expression eased from a scowl to a mere deep frown at her touch. Lady Jolder. She had immediately made a beeline for the training grounds after arriving to volunteer in one of Saladin’s demonstrations. Armed with nothing but a sword and shield she had deftly taken down four gun-wielding trainees. Zavala had been impressed when she had slammed her shield into his face. It was a good lesson. There was clearly more to combat than superior weaponry.
Jolder fixed Zavala with a brilliant smile. “He’s new, right? He hasn’t heard it? Has he heard it, Saladin?”
Saladin glowered in Zavala’s direction. Zavala tipped his head to one side in a noncommittal gesture, “My lady, I may have heard snatches, here and there. Enough to piece the story together.”
“Very diplomatic. Oh, I like him,” Jolder turned back to Saladin. “I’m glad you picked him out. So polite.”
“He knows when to hold his tongue, I’ll give him that,” replied Saladin, with a pointed look in Shaxx’s direction.
“So anyway,” Shaxx resumed, “Efrideet had Saladin over her head -”
Saladin snorted, “And she threw me like a javelin into the Fallen walker, combined arc energies, and so on, dead walker, laughing ghosts, end scene.”
Shaxx stared back in silence. “You just don’t know how to tell a story, do you, Lord Saladin?”
Efrideet laughed and patted his hand. “Don’t be a sore loser, you-.” She coughed and spluttered when the wind changed direction and blew a cloud of smoke in her face. “Can’t wait ‘til you sort out some proper buildings in this place. Felwinter Peak is cold but at least it has chimneys.”
“We should get some camels,” Zavala interjected, oblivious to the quizzical looks prompted by this statement. “Camel dung is good burning fuel; dry, no odour, burns smokeless.” There was silence and befuddled looks all around the gathering. Zavala looked up and paused to swallow a mouthful of stew before speaking again. “What?”
“I did not know that, Zavala,” said Saladin, the tiniest tremble of amusement creeping into his usual deadpan growl. “Thank you for sharing.”
“How do you know so much about camel dung?” Asked Shaxx, leaning forward, elbows on knees. “I’ve been trying to drag a tale out of this one for weeks on end now, I know he’s got one. So let’s have it”
“I worked in a stables once.”
Shaxx huffed and sat up. “That’s not a story. Come on. How does a Risen end up mucking out camel shit?”
“I was helping some people out.”
Shaxx was about to protest more when Jolder’s musical lilt cut him off. “Leave him be, Shaxx. Perhaps he’s shy. Besides. Why shouldn’t a Risen muck out a stable? It’s honest work, it’s necessary. There’s nobility in that.”
“You’re the storyteller here, Lord Shaxx,” Efrideet piped up. “Be proud.”
Zavala snapped his gaze toward Shaxx. “Lord Shaxx?” The only sounds that followed were the crackling of the fire. “Lord Shaxx?” He repeats. “Did you become an Iron Lord while I wasn’t looking?”
Efrideet continued brightly, apparently unaware of the tension in the air, “Oh, no. Shaxx was a Warlord but his ego wouldn’t let him give up the title.”
“I see.” Zavala put his bowl of stew, half-consumed, back down on the ground. “Excuse me.” He stomped away from the fire, no clear end-point in sight, just so long as he wasn’t anywhere near a Warlord.
“Did I say something wrong?” Asked Efrideet, after Zavala’s heavy footfalls had died away.
“Excuse me,” Shaxx rose to his feet and left to follow Zavala’s tracks, eventually finding him on the edge of the settlement.
Zavala glared over his shoulder when he heard Shaxx approach. “For someone who says he loves stories, it’s odd you never mentioned that little biographical snippet.”
“I’ve got lots of them. I hadn’t got around to telling that one yet.” Shaxx circled around to face him. “Something wrong?”
“You were a warlord?”
“Still am.”
“So what are you doing here?” Zavala hissed through gritted teeth.
“Training. Fighting. Same as you.”
“We are not the same! I came here to help humanity, you-
“Oh yes, please enlighten me, what is it Warlords do exactly? You’re an expert, apparently.”
Zavala closed the distance between them, face inches from that ridiculous helmet. “Warlord is just a fancy word for murderer. Tyrant.”
“Well I hate to tell you this, but you’ve been breaking bread with an awful lot of murderers then.” He threw his arm out in an expansive, violent gesture. “We were all Warlords! It was dog eat dog out there. We did what we had to do to survive.”
“And how did you do that? By burning villages? Murdering people who wouldn’t bend the knee?”
Shaxx put his hands in his hips and drew himself up to his full height, standing over Zavala, forcing him to tip his head right back to maintain eye-contact. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. What’s the air like up there on that high-horse?”
Zavala didn’t shrink back. He stared up at the larger man and replied with one, clipped syllable. “Clean.”
A rumble began in Shaxx’s chest which bloomed into a hearty laugh. “You’re fierce. Shame you spent your time mucking out stables. You’d have made a good warlord.” He stepped back and folded his arms. “If you must know, I defended my territory and the people in it from all-comers. I conscripted troops, yes, I couldn’t do it all by myself. Then I met Saladin. He told me about The Iron Lords, Radegast and the Iron Decree. I realised there was another way. A better way. So I came here.”
“If you say so.” Zavala snorted. “Just don’t expect me to call you Lord,” he added with a sneer.
“After that display, I’d be disappointed if you did.” A silence ensued as Zavala turned away to gaze back at the surrounding countryside. “All right.” Shaxx crossed over to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. “It’s definitely story time now. Why are you so angry?”
“Everyone knows about warlords and what they do.”
“No. This isn’t hypothetical. This is personal. What did they do to you?”
A muscle worked in Zavala’s jaw and he took a deep breath before answering. “It’s not what they did to me.”
“Hey, stable boy.”
Sasha comes to a halt in the centre of the yard, grinning down at him from atop a sturdy little horse. When it nickered softly, Zavala could swear the horse is laughing at him too. He nods in greeting then returns to sweeping the yard, the pulsing strands of light beneath his skin gathering at his cheeks in embarrassment.
“Oh don’t make that face,” Sasha dismounts and leads the horse toward an empty stall. “You’re doing a good job.” She sets about fussing over and removing the animal’s tack. “Trigger will be happy for a nice clean bed tonight, won’t you Trigger? Yes you will.”
“Trigger?” Zavala leans on his broom to watch this strange animal-human bonding. “His name is Trigger?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?” She lays the tack over the wall of the stall and sets about rubbing down Trigger with handfuls of clean straw.
“Nothing, I just expected something a little more. I don’t know. Poetic?”
“I like poetry just fine, I like Roy Rogers too though.”
“I have no idea who that is.”
She chuckles. “Mm. Not many people do these days.” She turns her attention away from Trigger’s grooming and trains her large brown eyes on him. “Are you in any pain? You seem to be healing quickly.”
“I’m fine,” Zavala assures her. “Strong constitution,” And an over-zealous Ghost, he thinks to himself.
[I heard that,] Chides Izanami over their neural connection.
“Animals didn’t give you any trouble? They kick, you know, you need to be careful.”
“None of them tried to kick or bite.” Zavala casts a baleful look towards the Camels in another stall. “I got spat on quite a bit.”
Sasha laughs out loud and leans on Trigger’s withers for support. “Oh you poor thing. Yeah, they do that.”
Zavala smiles despite himself. The embarrassment is still lingers a little but he finds he doesn’t mind being the one to cause her to laugh. “Are they really better than vehicles in the winter?” Trigger clops over toward him and starts nudging him with his snout.
“They’re far better adapted to survival than we are, trust me.”
“Does it really get that cold?” He pats and strokes the little horse’s neck, sinking his fingers into the thick, coarse hair as if to confirm what Sasha had just told him. He looks up at the sky adding the wistful caveat, “I’ve never even seen snow.”
“The novelty will wear off, soon enough. And you’ll be glad of something to keep you occupied when the days get cold and short. A lot of people don’t do much except get drunk and cause trouble.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“No! Well…” She smirks and gives him a sly, sidelong glance. “Maybe. Now and then.”
Zavala is about to ask for details when Trigger darts backwards away from him, ears back flat. “Woah. What did I do?”
“Nothing.” Sasha’s expression is deadly serious as she glances around the stalls, at snorting, stomping horses and grumbling camels. A wailing siren sounds from one of the watchtowers.
“What does that mean?”
Sasha pulls a pistol from her holster. “Fallen.”
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ladyjolder · 7 years
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> DESTINY IS BEAUTIFUL (35/??)   [1-31]          ↳ Felwinter’s Peak, Earth
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Destiny Fic Master Post
My writing and my faves by others. I’ve reorganised this by character because while I came here to write fluffsmuts about Commander Bae this turned into a whole lot more. Written by me unless stated otherwise. Complete unless stated otherwise. Probably M/F unless marked. NSFW is marked. 
Commander Zavala
After the Fall 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Fireborn Girl, featuring @warpriests OC Yana 1 | 2 
Apprehension (domestic kink one-shot, NSFW)
The Zavala x Reader Collection (gender neutral unless NSFW)
The Red Legion Attack
The Tattoo Parlour
Crimson Days
The Dance Teacher (NSFW)
Strange Birds
Before the Fall A03 | fanfiction net (in progress)
Memories by @littleshebear 1 | 2 | 3 (in progress)
Crochet Class (ff.net writer, one shot)
Zavala x Guardian gender neutral fluff by @hardcore-henry (one shot)
Little Bird by @littleshebear 1 | 2 (in progress)
Shaxx x Zavala by @hardcore-henry (see their blog for lots more too)
The Aftermath by @bornandbredinsane (in progress)
Sad smol Zavala poem
Final Homecoming
Lord Shaxx
Striking Twice 1 | 2 (Shaxx by female Guardian feat. @illiksis​‘ Titan OC, in progress, NSFW) 
Theseus and the Minotaur (Shaxx x Saladin one shot)
Shaxx x Zavala kiss meme
Lord Saladin and the Iron Lords
A Killing Thing by @littleshebear (Saladin x Jolder, in progress)
Second Fiddle by @littleshebear (Saladin x Jolder, Saladin x Shaxx, one shot)
Iron Discipline by @littleshebear (Saladin x Jolder, very NSFW! Very sexy! one shot)
Morning At Felwinter Peak
Well, this is Awkward (a Ghost chat)
The Very Sarcastic Ghost
Mithrax the Forsaken Has No House (very NSFW, Fallen x female Guardian smut)
Shorts that continue the Mercy/Mithrax story 1 | 2 | 3 
Silence by @hardcore-henry 1 | 2 (Hunter x Fallen Captain)
Tellurian by @hardcore-henry (Archon Priest x Gender Neutral Guardian, in progress)
The Hive
The Wyrm Turns (Crota x gender neutral reader)
(Mostly) Hive fics by @slumberblues (Guardians with Hive enemy, in progress)
The Long Way Home by @gajeelsfineass (Guardians with Hive enemy, in progress)
Shiro-4 x female Guardian kiss meme
Pre-Destiny 2 spec fic drabble
The Averted Eye
The Break of Dawn by @shaken-veil (Cayde x female Guardian)
The Raven and the Hawk 1 | 2 (Osiris x female Guardian, NSFW, complete)
Fan Lore for The Raven and the Hawk
The Follower (Osiris x gender neutral reader, NSFW)
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thesevenseraphs · 7 years
Bungie Weekly Update
This week at Bungie, we’re grading one test and cramming for the next.
The Destiny 2 Beta on PlayStation and Xbox is over! Millions of you showed up to stand in the fires of the Tower and fight back. If you were one of the brave souls who dove past the drill to infiltrate the Inverted Spire, we thank you from the bottom of our sadistic hearts. The Crucible was an epic struggle between Market and Rugs. The Farm was so packed for the one hour we tested, we had to coop the chickens.
All told, this was the biggest Bungie Beta ever, and we’re not even done running eager test subjects through the obstacle course. We learned a lot about how we can improve the launch of Destiny 2 – on consoles, at least. There will come a time for a public analysis of our findings. Before we dare take a victory lap or share statistics for how many shots were fired in the new version of Control, we have preparations to make for the final phase of pre-launch sparring.
PC Community! You are up next. And this will be our first dance. Save the Date.
Destiny 2 PC Beta
Early Access: August 28 Open Beta: August 29 Beta Ends: August 31
Minimum Requirements
We know you want to know what you’ll need to play. This question has been floating on the winds of the Internet ever since we finally uttered a sentence with the words “Destiny” and “PC” and “Yes!”
The following are the specs for what you’ll need to build to participate.
Recommended Spec
CPU Intel - Core i5-2400AMD - Ryzen R5 1600X GPU Nvidia - GeForce GTX 970AMD - Radeon R9 390 RAM 8GB
Minimum Spec
CPU Intel - Core i3-3250AMD - FX-4350 GPU Nvidia - GeForce GTX 660 2GBAMD - Radeon HD 7850 2GB RAM 6GB
If you’re upgrading, here is hardware that’s available today and runs the game well:
CPU - Intel Core i5-7400 GPU - Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
CPU - Intel Pentium G4560 GPU - Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 2GB
Bungie’s Event Machine
CPU – Intel i7-7700k  GPU – Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080Ti 11GB
These are the specs for the Beta. They could change before launch on October 24. It all depends on how things play out.
This is not the last piece of news we’ll have for PC players prior to the Beta. In the weeks to come, expect us to sound off again with more details on how you can get the most out of your first steps in the PC build. Today, we wanted to let you know when the exercise will begin, and give you enough time – assuming you’ll even need it – to build the perfect rig. There's much more to come.
We’re looking so forward to hosting you for this crucial testing op. It’s been a long time since Bungie has served gamers on anything other than a console. This is an exciting time for us in our studio, and we’re packing a lot of love into the PC Beta. We hope you’ll join us for this tactical pre-party.
Stop Them Cold
Did you hear the one about the new Exotic Weapon that you’ll meet in Destiny 2?
Everyone will have a chance to get their hands on this weapon in Destiny 2. If you want to be the first Guardian in a Public Event to trace your enemies with pure energy, reserve yours now. If you already have a pre-order in your hot hands, this cool implement of destruction will be waiting for you.
Endgame: Crucible
Destiny 2 is closed – for now. That front will open back up for more testing on new platforms soon. In the meantime, there are some pretty heavy milestones in the Crucible that we have known for three years that need to be observed.
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Do you look good in royal blue? Have you reached Rank 7 in your Age of Triumph Record Book? This weekend will be the last occurrence of Trials of Osiris before the offer to obtain the Age of Triumph t-shirt expires. If that page needs some final love, this will be your last chance. Your deadline is August 1. This weekend will not be the last Trials of Osiris, mind you, but it is your last time to profit uniquely.
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Next week, the Iron Lords will host their very last competition in the Destiny 1 Crucible. It’s the end of an era! One more time, you’re invited to Felwinter Peak to collect some Bounties and let your Light run wild in the Iron Banner. The circle will close where it began. The game is Control. You’ll discover the rewards in the offing when you visit Efrideet. We’ve arrived at an interesting time where we live in between two worlds. Step by step, we’ll migrate to a brand new title. Don’t miss out on your last chance to partake in these rituals as you know them.
Calling all Overlords
Are you the leader of a Clan? If you are, your gaming life is about to get a lot more interesting in Destiny 2. While you wait for that day to arrive, we have some housekeeping for you to do.
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Yesterday, we updated Bungie.net with some new functionality to let Group Founders prepare their Clans for the trek to Destiny 2. If you are Founder of a Clan, give the support documentation a read. If you are a member of a Clan, go and rally your leadership to do what they gotta do.
Proctors of the Test
Destiny Player Support always has one eye on the game, one eye on the datacenter, and one eye on the road. The rest of their eyes are on the Bungie.net forum. While we were Beta testing, they were taking the Moose by the horns. They never sleep. Well, not at the same time anyway. This is their report.
Preparing for Destiny 2 PC Beta
The Destiny 2 Console Beta provided a great amount of data and information for our internal teams to address leading up to September. The next round of Beta testing is coming in late August for PC. If you have pre-ordered Destiny 2, follow these steps to register:
Sign-in to Bungie.net - Create or sign in to a Bungie.net account using your Blizzard Account, PlayStation Network, or Xbox Live credentials
Redeem the Early Access Pre-order Code - Enter the Destiny 2 Early Access Beta Code provided by the retailer on Bungie.net/redeem
In the coming weeks, we’ll update help.bungie.net/Beta to reflect PC Beta times, and the process of downloading the client. Until then, stay tuned to @BungieHelp for further instruction.
Please note the following:
If players experience issues retrieving a Destiny 2 Early Access code upon pre-order, they must contact their retailer for further assistance
Code redemption does not display properly on some mobile devices. Please visit Bungie.net on a web browser if you are experiencing any issues, and post a report to the #Help forum detailing your experience
Players will only be granted one Destiny Beta Download Code per Pre-order. Bungie will not replace codes if they are lost or have been redeemed for the incorrect platform
Preparing Clans for Destiny 2
Wednesday, we announced important steps for Group Founders to take leading up to the release of Destiny 2. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from the #Help forum:
Q: When will Destiny 2 Clans have access to the new Destiny 2 Clan features?
A: On August 23, 2017, Bungie.net and the Destiny Companion Mobile App will undergo maintenance to apply the chosen options to existing Groups and Clans. Once Bungie.net and Destiny Companion services have been restored, some of the new Destiny 2 Clan features will be available on Bungie.net and the Companion App, such as the Clan mottos and Clan banners.
Q: How can a Clan name reservation be redeemed?
A: If the "Remain a Group" options was chosen, the user that was designated as the Clan Founder when the process was finalized on August 23, 2017 will hold the Clan name reservation. To redeem the Clan name reservation, this user can simply create a new Clan with the reserved name. Any other user that attempts to create a Clan with the reserved name will receive an error message saying that the reserved Clan name is already in use. If a reservation is not redeemed by September 20 2017, the Clan name will become available for use by anyone seeking to create a new Clan.
Q: How can the Group Founder change the designated Clan Founder?
A: The Group Founder can set the designated Clan Founder from the Clan Roster page. To get to the Clan Roster from the Clan homepage, please click the " CLAN" button on the ribbon between "MEMBERS" and "LEADERBOARDS."
Q: What will happen to non-Clan members of Groups that choose the "Upgrade Clan" option?
A: Non-Clan members removed when the Group is deleted on August 23. If players wish to retain membership, they must enroll in the Clan prior to August 23. For example, if a player is strictly a non-Clan member of two Groups that choose the “Upgrade to a Destiny 2 Clan” option, they will be removed from both.
For all preparation steps for Destiny 2 Clans, please see this Help Article
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nitensalis · 8 years
haruspis replied to your photo “stay pressed, kid”
the revenant shader basically looks the same - same colour scheme, but with a slightly different pattern. so, like... fuckity nah? y2 destiny players got to experience the game as it was on its path to reaching its peak
if anything, we year/day 1 fools guardians deserve more recognition of our suffering.... we struggled through those crucible days of thorn/felwinter’s.... 
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brontios-helm · 2 years
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Destiny: Cold Blast
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gamegeekzeu-blog · 7 years
Destiny 2 news. Visit new worlds, gain new abilities and find new gear. Everything you love on Earth is gone and we have to get it back; let’s do it for the puppies!
At GamesCom 2017 we gave Destiny 2 two well-deserved rewards, Best Shooter and Game of the Show. There were a lot of guardians standing in line to play some PvP and get a t-shirt, emblem-code and can of Rockstar energy drink (promotion for in game loot). We are so far loving all the changes Bungie has made, and for those of you who haven’t read up on everything, we list all the available info below and keep updating this as we near the release date of September 6th. Check out all trailers in one playlist >>> right here <<<
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Explore 4 fantastic new worlds
EDZ Or European Dead Zone is the largest open world we have seen in Destiny to date. You can roam a lush forest, an abandoned city, underground cave-systems and a Red Legion military base. According to the latest rumors, a part of the forest isn’t all that lush but haunted. Maybe to the Raid or a Strike, but we’ll have to wait and see for ourselves. You will also find the new social space “the Farm” here, base of Hawthorne – a new NPC – and probably your faction leaders as well.
Nessus Nessus is a planetoid where the Vex occupy the lands and the “Inverted Spire” Strike takes place. The Vex modified this planetoid to look like Venus and the Cabal are mining there for something hidden below the surface.
Titan This moon of Saturn is the home base where Commander Zavala seeks refuge and strengthens to fight Ghaul. On this Golden Age world is no landmass at all, only oil-rig style platform on which you move around. Rumors say there are some spooky things involving wizards going on in the deepest part of the structures on Titan…
Io Before the Traveller landed on Earth, it first visited this sulphuric moon of Jupiter. The connection and lore between Earth and Io is significant, and Ikora Rey is exploring the moon to find out the secrets of the Traveller.
Destiny 2 gameplay changes and new content
Quite a lot has changed in Destiny 2 compared to Destiny the First. We won’t rehash every Destiny system here, but instead offer information from the Destiny 2 gameplay reveal of most use to returning veterans:
Everyone starts fresh even if they import a character.Bungie wanted to “break bones” with game design. No guns, no levels.
The primary, secondary and heavy weapon slot systems have been axed. Players can now equip a kinetic, energy and power weapon.
Weapons no longer feature random rolls.What you see is what you get, every time.
Weapons have a mod slot in Destiny 2.That may mean skins rather than attachments can be added.
Armour stats have changed to “armor, agility and recovery”.No more Intellect, Discipline and Strength.
There is no need to go to Orbit when moving between activities.A seamless Navigator gets you into the action faster.
Players can now open the world map anywhere.The map will show public events and discovered activities.
NPCs will populate social hubs in gameplay spaces.Chat with NPCs to pick up story quests and leads on other activities.
Clans are now an in-game feature.You’ll have a banner, emblems and rewards for every clan member now.
There will be matchmaking for raids and other activities.It’s called Guided Games and it extends to all kinds of activities, no more waiting for clan members to make it to your fireteam.
Guided Games are only available for normal difficulty activities.You can still use it to matchmake Raids, but not the heroic versions.
There are new activity types.The full list revealed so far is Story Campaign, Strikes, Patrols, Quests, Public Events, Crucible (returning), as well as Adventures, World Quests, Lost Sectors and Flashpoints (new).
Adventures are side-missions granted by NPCs.
Lost Sectors are dangerous dungeons, again unlocked through NPCs.
Flashpoint is a weekly PvE event with Nightfall-tier loot.
World Quests are an upgraded form of Adventure.
The first Raid is about “a place you’ll believe is real” and called “the Leviathan”.
Grimoire cards will not be returning. All lore will be in-game instead.
All Destiny 2 activities are hosted on a dedicated server. No host migration as in Destiny the First – but there are still some P2P elements though.
Returning players will be rewarded in Destiny 2. Bungie is keeping most of it secret, but there are some emblems you can earn right now.
Destiny 2 Crucible
Bungie has made significant changes to PvP in Destiny 2, designed to make firefights more intense. For starters, unlike the first game, Destiny 2 PvP modes will be mostly 4v4, as opposed to 6v6.You’ll still receive limited supplies of more powerful ammo, but only the first player to chest gets power ammo. That means there’s a much smaller chance of having your whole team go down while crowding around the ammo crate – and fewer chances per player to use their big guns. Since power weapons also include things like shotguns, this should mean we see players more reliant on primary weapons than ever before.
Bungie has revealed a new Destiny 2 PvP mode called Countdown in which teams are designated offense and defense, and play one round in each role. The attacking team must deliver a bomb to the defending group’s base, and keep it safe long enough for it to explode. Revives are limited. Another new PvP mode in Destiny 2 is Survival. In the mode, players only have a limited pool of revives to share out amongst their whole team; once you’ve run out, death is permanent for the rest of the round.
The developer has also made significant changes to Control mode in Destiny 2. Teams will start with control of one zone each, can capture zones without neutralizing them, and capture zones more quickly. However, they’ll no longer enjoy a capture speed bonus for having multiple players on one control point. So far, Bungie has shown off four Destiny 2 PvP maps, the most unusual of which is the alien Endless Vale on Nessus. On Earth, the more familiar Midtown takes us back to the European Dead Zone and Vostok is set around the Iron temple on Felwinter Peak. The Altar of Flame is a new Mercury map.
Private matches will not be available in Destiny 2 at release, but on the other hand, there may be some sort of ranked play system in place then or soon after, along with the new Trials of the Nine.
Destiny 2 subclasses
Destiny 2 adds at least three new subclasses – one each for Hunter, Warlock and Titan.
The new Hunter subclass is called Arkstriker. The super summons a staff of Arc.
The new Warlock subclass is Dawnblade. The super summons a sword of Solar.
The new Titan subclass is Sentinel. The super summons a Void shield, which can be thrown.
The new Destiny subclasses seem to replace subclasses from the first game – Hunter Bladedancer, Warlock Sunsinger and Titan Defender. Bungie has said the Sunsinger’s resurrection super was boring – but that it’s possible we’ll see other support-focused subclasses in Destiny 2 one day. We haven’t been too impressed by some of the returning classes; Gunslinger is very weak in PvE, judging by the beta.
Weapon system
 Perhaps the most noticeable change to how Destiny 2 looks and feels is in the weapons system. The original game had three weapon slots: primary, secondary, and heavy. Primary weapons were guns like automatic rifles, revolvers, and burst firing guns. Secondary weapons were sniper rifles and shotguns (as well as fusion rifles and side arms), while heavy weapons were exclusively large machine guns, rocket launchers, and, later on, swords.
Now, in Destiny 2, weapon slots are divided between kinetic, energy, and power weapons. Kinetic weapons still feel like standard primary ones: you have your hand cannons, auto rifles, pulse rifles, and so on. Yet energy weapons are now a kind of hybrid class that consists of any non-power weapon with an elemental charge. That means side arms, but also any hand cannon or auto rifle with a solar, void, or arc flavor to it. In other words, your loadout can consist of a hand cannon in one slot and an elemental auto rifle in the next. This brings up a lot of interesting new combinations — imagining taking down an enemy’s solar shield with your auto rifle and then swapping quickly to a hand cannon to land some head shots when his defenses have evaporated.
The power weapons are now where every one-hit-kill weapon has been grouped together. That means shotguns, fusion rifles, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, and the all-new grenade launcher are all in one category. You can only have one equipped at any given time. In my time playing the beta, this created an interesting dynamic. Firefights remained long-range at first, as every player used the new submachine class or relied on a hand cannon or auto rifle. But as the power weapon counter went down, players began stocking up on shotgun, sniper, and rocket ammo and the fight took a radical shift toward more hectic, close-range and one-shot play.
M.E. Chung told that this was designed to make Crucible more friendly and less about who could either close the distance faster and pull off that shotgun blast or camp and nail a sniper headshot. “Destiny 1 could have been better on the readability scale,” she said. “One-shot kills suck when they happen to you.” She added that Bungie wants Destiny 2’s multiplayer to be “learnable and watchable experience,” so that when you die you learn something new. This inevitably means less dependence on a “meta” weapon type and more strategic use of supers, latent abilities, and unique load-outs.
Destiny 2 Standard, Special Limited and Collectors Edition
Destiny 2 (Digital) Standard Edition € 69,99 SRP A digital/ physical copy of Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 Digital Deluxe Edition €109,99 SRP A digital copy of Destiny 2, Expansion Pass, Legendary Sword, Legendary Player Emote, Cabal Empire Themed Emblem and a PS4 dynamic theme.
Destiny 2 Limited Edition € 99,99 SRP A physical copy of Destiny 2, Expansion Pass, Legendary Sword, Legendary Player Emote, Cabal Empire Themed Emblem, Limited Edition SteelBook Case, Cabal-themed Collector’s Box, Cabal booklet, Cabal Schematic, Cabal Postcards and Cabal Military Pawns.
Destiny 2 Collectors Edition € 239,- SRP A physical copy of Destiny 2, Expansion Pass, Legendary Sword, Legendary Player Emote, Cabal Empire Themed Emblem, Limited Edition SteelBook Case, Cabal-themed Collector’s Box, Cabal booklet, Cabal Schematic, Cabal Postcards, Cabal Military Pawns, Frontier Messenger Bag, Frontier Kit, Solar USB charger with light, Paracord and Solar blanket.
Destiny 2 will release on September 6, 2017 on PS4 and Xbox One. The PC version of Destiny 2 will release on October 24, 2017. Stay tuned to our website and Facebook for any updates on Destiny 2. Visit our YouTube channel for all Destiny trailers including the all new Live Action trailer!
Destiny 2 News: Everything you love on Earth is gone and we have to get it back; let’s do it for the puppies! Destiny 2 news. Visit new worlds, gain new abilities and find new gear. Everything you love on Earth is gone and we have to get it back; let’s do it for the puppies!
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elite42-blog · 7 years
Destiny 2 | Tour pelo novo mapa do Crisol: Vostok A Bungie em parceria com a IGN lançou dois novos vídeos de Destiny 2. No primeiro vídeo que você confere na abertura do post é mostrado o novo mapa do Crisol, chamado Vostok, que fica localizado no Felwinter Peak, que foi adicionado na expansão Rise of Iron do Destiny 1.
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