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nextwarden · 1 year ago
wtf D:
warning for discord users
If you're on the app, immediately go to your dms and then "add friends". After the latest update they allow your contacts to find you and have that option turned on by default, so make sure it's unchecked!
This is very obviously not great for a multitude of reasons, but especially for people in vulnerable positions who do not want people in their contacts to see who they are on discord and/or know they have discord in the first place. I've also tried finding out if this is a thing on desktop but haven't been able to find any mention of it, so either it's not a "feature" (yet) or they've hidden it. Either way, stay safe, and turn off finding friends via contacts!
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[ID: three screenshots from the discord app with circles around the buttons to press to get to this "feature". 1: the messages/DM button, 2: the "add friends button", 3: in the add friends page, the "allow contacts to add me" checkbox. /END ID]
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smallblueandloud · 2 years ago
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I posted 4,246 times in 2022
160 posts created (4%)
4,086 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,245 of my posts in 2022
#a queued post - 3,231 posts
#xmen - 312 posts
#laugh tag - 284 posts
#fanart - 265 posts
#star trek - 249 posts
#sb and l rambles - 212 posts
#humanity - 203 posts
#tiktok - 193 posts
#star wars - 175 posts
#queer things - 163 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#searching for someone to tell him how to be a jedi. when he needs to realize that he is a jedi and he gets to decide what that means for him
My Top Posts in 2022:
like. yeah, okay, the ot3 is never going to be canon. we know this. we accept this. it's already a lot more than i thought we'd ever get in this day and age
eliot is just? so CLEARLY a part of the parker-and-hardison unit? they're a FAMILY! he and parker join breanna in teasing hardison! he and hardison have mandated Stealing Practice with parker! he had matching halloween costumes with them, for god's sake!!
like, yeah, the ot3 is never going to be confirmed as Fully Romantic, and that's a bit of a bummer. but these characters are a family anyway. parker and hardison's romantic relationship NEVER comes above their relationships with eliot. he's part of their unit! and that's so special
92 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
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See the full post
99 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
i love rewatching firebringer because you can hear the audience get dead silent for the chorn part. all the laughter after that part is either slightly quieter than usual or much more hysterical than usual (because of the leftover shock of chorn). can you imagine. you spend months excited to watch starkid's newest musical about prehistoric society and in the last ten minutes it very briefly becomes a beautifully sung scifi opera before it IMMEDIATELY dovetails back into the emotional arc of the show. i would lose my shit.
150 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
also just like. more and more, i am convinced that the way i headcanon cosette's personality isn't just interesting for me but is actually canonically supported? like, yes, she's the most classic Blonde(tm) i can think of, but also i think she's always aware of her situation and how she can affect it in a way that marius, bless his heart, just isn't. and i have receipts!
[tried to make this a bulleted list but tumblr mobile apparently CANNOT handle those anymore so! guess we're doing this formatting now]
first off, the entirety of in my life. "what's the matter with you, cosette?" shows a self-awareness that i wouldn't expect from her if she were just her archetype. immediately after, she laments how she doesn't know what her situation is, and it's making her antsy. later, she questions her father about his past, and he blows her off in a way that implies she's asked these questions before. she also criticizes him for seeing her as a child, which he ignores. (specifically i'm thinking of the way she says "i'm no longer a CHILD, and i long for the truth that you know!")
secondly, the general theme in a heart full of love of marius representing doubt and cosette representing stability. see: "i am lost" / "i am found", and "do i dream?" / "i'm awake". later, she actually seems to lead marius to realizing this is real, beginning the "and it's not a dream" line and then letting him join in.
then there's the attack on rue plumet. which, okay, we know i am obsessed with, but also the cosette characterization implied there FASCINATES me. let's go over the events of that song and the previous one from her perspective, shall we? she meets her idiot love-at-first-sight at her gate and has a beautiful duet with him. then, while she's gazing soulfully into his eyes, they hear a scream. he appears to recognize it, identifying the screamer as his friend éponine, who's trying to warn them that someone's coming. (ignoring the possibility that she recognizes the name as her childhood friend's,) marius disappears and immediately her father shows up, panicked about the scream. cosette, without hesitation, shifts tunes to a comforting song, claims that it was HER scream, and then uses her childhood melody to slip in the fact that it was three men she saw that he should look out for.
it's my theory that she does this -- literally and musically aging herself down -- to calm him down, because there's no way she did it out of the joy of her heart: she literally SAYS several songs earlier that she doesn't enjoy being treated as a child. the only reason it DOESN'T calm him down, why it instead makes things worse, is because she accidentally trips over his javert feelings, something she also told us she doesn't know anything about.
and then, of course, there's a heart full of love (reprise). where marius is drowning in his sadness and unanswered questions and cosette tries to pull him out of it. she starts off with their love melody (a heart full of love) and then reminds him, "and it wasn't a dream", which marius actually! starts off with her, instead of her having to pull him into it! she sees how he's feeling, sees how to pull him out of it, and does it successfully! i am a big fan of looking at when characters use leitmotifs and whether they're doing it "on purpose" -- i don't think valjean and javert, for example, use each other's tunes on purpose, i just think they're similar. but cosette is definitely someone who would be aware of what leitmotifs she uses, or as "aware" as a character in a musical can be, and i like that a lot about her!
158 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
oh ALSO i recently realized for the first time that hades challenging orpheus to not doubt eurydice on their way back to the surface is... him challenging orpheus to be better than hades himself. just like orpheus will always turn around, hades will always grow jealous again. hades let persephone go to the surface because people were starving but now cannot bear to have her leave him to go to the surface... orpheus lost eurydice to the underworld because she was hungry but now cannot believe she might follow him in the dark again...... i am thinking INTENSELY
194 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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amalthea9 · 4 years ago
My commentary on how falling for Style happened(because personally it humors me how this came to happen)
I went in to Horatio Hornblower to see David Warner (my obsession for most of 2020) and then Paul McGann(being the 8th Doctor). 
I remember struggling through the first episode because the pacing was slow for me, and I also didn’t immediately attach to any of the characters. Except I did think Styles was a little shit from the start to lie about the bandages on his face to Horatio. Which made me snicker tehe
But it wasn’t until episode 3 that I was thinking to myself, “I like Matthews! Styles is my favorite though. And he has no plot armor...so I am worried as I watch every fucking battle sequence...”*bites nails*
Episode 5 roles around, and David and Paul show up and I’m SO happy. 
But then the douchebag seaman is fighting with Styles. I’m getting more and more worried about a final fight between them. AND THEN IT HAPPENS. And I’m legit near tears with worry when Matthews and Horatio return to see Styles on the floor. Of course then Styles tells Matthews weakly that he was winning, and I’m over here just: *Smiling and wiping tears* I hate you...you scared me to death, you idiot...
Then of course comes the time gap and Horatio and Bush tell Matthews he’s on board, but they don’t need Styles. So Styles says he can cook and I’m thinking, “I'm pretty sure you can’t but okay hon.” 
(Him saying he’s boiling the coffee solidified me calling him ‘idiot’ as a term of endearment. XD) 
Of course then the flogging happens for something Styles didn’t do, and by this point the romantic feelings are happening and I am ONCE AGAIN physically  upset at the sight of Styles getting flogged. And then afterwards getting his wounds tended...I was not okay. (Because I’m one of those gals that gets upset when a character/or actor they adore is getting hurt in any way even though I know it’s an act ^^; )
But the FULL ON crush/obsession didn’t happen until after I finished the series and thought back to the characters and discussed some of them with @hello-robin-goodfellow 
THEN I was thinking, “God, I really like Styles...this sucks because he’s not attractive and no one will get and I will feel isolated and dumb and I’m just going to adore him quietly and keep it to myself.”
But I end up posting my frustration on Tumblr, and several of you BEAUTIFUL people were like, “Styles is awesome! What’s wrong with loving him?”
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And the rest is history as they say. XD 
Now I’m working on my gal for him and re-watching the series gradually to take screenshots and just squee over Styles in general. XD
And feeling SO blessed and accepted by not only old friends but new ones too from the Hornblower fandom. <3 <3 <3 
*hugs the fuck out of all of you*
anyways, this was a fun trash post to make to just talk about how sometimes crushes hit me in the WEIRDEST ways XD
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escriveine · 5 years ago
Good Omens Author and Artist Recs
In honor of the tenth month, here are 10 Authors & Artists in the Good Omens fandom who are absolutely giving me joy and life right now. They each have published multiple pieces, and the intended audiences of these works range from general to mature-but-non-explicit to mature-and-quite-explicit.
The stories I most favor — including these recommendations — have happy endings, though not necessarily all works in the portfolios of the authors/artists will, so do read the tags and such for yourself.
(NB: The lists are alphabetical by username; it was hard enough selecting only 5 of each, don't ask me to rank them.)
ARK | @et-in-arkadia | AO3 Good Omens top-level: Ark
Start with the fic that pulse of my nights and days, a gorgeous, explicit romp that revels in revelations of pining, and love, and literary recitations.The way Aziraphale and Crowley gradually reveal themselves in confessions more naked than their bodies, in their desire to please one another in ways that augment, but are not strictly subject to, the sensual pleasure of the flesh is deeply engaging and soul-satisfying.
If you'd rather plunge into the fic that seared me with Aziraphale and Crowley's adjacent yet solitary pining, splintered me with mutually-recognized reciprocal angst (and Someone have mercy that I know that's a thing now), and finally made me actually cry when all hearts were mended (even mine), try this: these furious passions, these chances. It’s an exquisite agony and fierce, cathartic joy; a true paean to love and desire.
DRAWLIGHT | @drawlight | AO3 Good Omens top-level: drawlight
Start with the series Chiaroscuro, a kaleidoscope array of myth and legend and stories from time out of mind lived by two who would be lovers, would be loved, did they but know it. The tales take us from memory and starstuff, through living and revelations, to futures and syncretism; all of it suffused with light, light, light.
If Crowley's fears hurt, it is because I have held them, sliver-sharp and lying inside my own heart; when Crowley's rapture resounds, it is because each of us secretly knows the sound of blessed water falling on the desert — the echoes of love are built into our very fabric, waiting to reverberate. drawlight takes us through the moments, the tesserae of many colors with an intimate eye for hope, then shows us how the jangled tumble resolves into utter delight. It ends (though their story never really ends) as it begins (where all stories really begin) — in the stars.
FYRE | @amuseoffyre | AO3 Good Omens top-level: Fyre
Start with the series Crossing Paths, a sprawling, currently-41-chapter saunter Through the Ages with Aziraphale and Crowley. Each morsel of backstory is canon-compliant and richly evocative of its particular era, laced with enough detail to make this fellow history nerd’s heart soar (seriously, there are even endnotes giving specific context to the setting and pivotal flow of events).
But these are no dry ostraca, no cryptic, lifeless castoffs; these stories fairly shudder with the countervailing magnificence and wretchedness wrought by humans, each extreme alternately and seemingly arbitrarily condoned by Heaven and Hell. And this crucible of life on Earth refines something unexpected in the natures of both Aziraphale and Crowley — a tiny mustard seed of compassion that may have been intrinsic to their natures, but would never have come to fruition without being deliberately nurtured, sheltered, encouraged. It is something the other angels dismiss, and the other demons forswear. But over and over it draws these two incarnate immortals together, and the adversity that could have seared the heart right out of them instead makes them kind. And every bit of is in character. These stories made me cry and laugh and quail and hope and long for ever, ever more.
JESS THE RECKLESS | Twitter JessWhitecroft | AO3 Good Omens top-level: jessthereckless
Start with the series It's Not The End Of The World, Dear, a light-hearted romance exploring what happens when an ethereal and an occult being come together and have to navigate the supernatural repercussions of their involvement. The opening story picks up where canon left us, in a world saved and remade and spinning on. Aziraphale and Crowley work through what it means to be on their own side the way they do everything else, with snarky bickering and displacement activities and gravitating toward each other like two celestial bodies on close approach.
That delightful domestic fluff, with all its attendant joys and frustrations, gives us the opportunity to fall in love again with our pair of ineffable idiots even as they realize they’ve fallen in love with each other. There are picnics and portents, kisses and divine ecstasy, seduction and human pleasure. And so much outright hedonism, sexual exploration, and joyful fucking it feels positively sybaritic. Yet that’s not the end-all be-all here. Life is infinitely more interesting together, even as they tackle kitchen renovations and making dinner and assembling furniture. As Aziraphale quotes, Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove… The series is an ongoing indulgence, with another update posted just today (Oct-3).
LAURA SHAPIRO | @laurashapiro-noreally | AO3 Good Omens top-level: laurashapiro
Start with the series Leaves of Grass and the not-to-be-missed follow-on stories in the same universe: Working Hard in Damp Places and As Time Goes By. This extended series is everything great sex (and stories about great sex) should be — playful, joyful, loving. Daring. Scorching. An utterly delightful mix of banter and banging, pleasure and emotion, exploration and re-discovery with excellent character voices and interactions. It's incredibly fucking sexy and emotionally satisfying.
And lavish attention to detail makes Aziraphale and Crowley shine through as genuinely supernatural beings sharing the joys of their flesh (and all the very human transcendence that can bring). But there’s so much more, too. Laura weaves the most glorious, fulfilled and fulfilling yearning through every part of these works, and it's breath-taking. It's not just the scope of years for these immortal characters, but the depth, the breadth, the texture of their longing that's so amazing. Those first, nearly invisible tendrils first introduced in nearly offhand ways as "they talked, and they argued, and they dined and drank" ineluctably gather and twine into a great ribald ribbons of longing running through the fabric of their relationship — fascinating and inextricable.
Enjoyment of the wicked wordplay and cackle-inducing snark is left as an exercise for the lucky reader.
DRAWLIGHT | @drawlight | Good Omens Art Collection on AO3: as beautiful to me as lightning
Start with the piece I’m never getting over: and there, where my head pushed backwards (Original Tumblr post) (Full image on AO3)
Shared breath, shared gaze, shared being. Desire and connection flow through every line, thrilling the senses and stirring the soul. We are gorgeously suspended in the moment with them and know, in drawlight’s words, this is only the first time, never the last. I get happily lost in their soft blush of discovery and joy.
The rest of the collection well repays the looking with sweet heat, tender gestures, and the dawnglow of genuine love.
GEMENNAIR | @gemennair | Redbubble Shop: gemennair
Start with the piece I’m never getting over: Forbidden Friendship (Original Tumblr post)
A glimpse of their first picnic, in Eden. There is absolutely luminous joy in every shaft of sunlight, each dappled fruit, every green-gold leaf. And, of course, in the faces of Aziraphale and Crowley. And there are secrets awaiting notice: lily of the valley, first sprung in Eden, a symbol of hope and return to happiness; the possible origin of Aziraphale’s love for pears; Crowley amiably sheltering under the angel’s wing again.
Everything is soft and nothing hurts and I treasure the time I get to spend there.
GINGER HAOLE | @gingerhaole | Tumblr art tag | Good Omens Art Collection on AO3: Polaroids | Etsy Shop: gingerhaole
Start with the piece I’m never getting over: [CW: This kink is not everyone’s cup of tea. You may wish to preview the SFW Tumblr snippet and description first.] Sounding (Original Tumblr post) (Full image on AO3)
Even the SFW snippet gives me a heartrush. The long, accepting lines of Crowley’s body, the way he’s opened himself entirely to the pleasure being given to him, giving over control even to the point of allowing his halo to manifest.
In the full set of Sounding images, the depth of well-worn affection and tenderness between Aziraphale and Crowley, their reciprocally earned and returned trust absolutely shines. Aziraphale’s Botticelli hands fascinate; his intense concentration captivates. The contrast of a fully clothed Aziraphel reverently pleasuring an enthusiastically nude Crowley is beyond delicious. And Crowley’s trembling compliance enchants; his erotic exaltation thrills.
And the various nonbinary, genderfluid representations in the rest of the explicit Polaroids collection feel as genuine as the mindful, existential bond between the ineffable lovers. The same goes for the non-explicit artwork featuring them on Ginger’s Tumblr, too. Exquisite.
JASMINE TWIL | @jasminetwil | Tumblr Good Omens art tag | Etsy Shop: JasmineTwil
Start with the piece I’m never getting over: The first comic adventure of Aardvark!Crowley and Aziraphale (Original Tumblr post)
Playful, snarky, delightful comic-style fanart. There are details that callback to canon (like Crowley’s particular relationship to houseplants and Aziraphale’s tartan bowtie and camelhair coat), and others that exist purely for the joy of them (like Crowley’s demon tattoo appearing on the aardvark’s fur, and the UPC code on the plant pot — seriously, read the last 3 digits…).
Never underestimate the power and worth of laughter.
KHIROPTERA | @khiroptera | Tumblr art tag
Start with the piece I’m never getting over: making sure Crowley has lovely dreams about whatever he likes best (Original Tumblr post)
This is so meltingly soft and tender, I get all misty every time I see it. The deepening crepuscular colors, the scattered twinkles from stars Crowley likely hung himself, the smitten smile curving Aziraphale’s lips, the tender blush of sleep on Crowley’s cheeks give the scene a wonderfully dreamlike quality. I particularly adore this reminder of Aziraphale’s first act of service for Crowley: offering comfort and shelter under the curving expanse of angelic wings. In canon, Crowley’s acts of service tend to be fairly dramatic, increasingly overt gestures impelled by accretion of yearning and dire circumstance, so this homage to Aziraphale’s comparatively understated offerings is particularly sweet.
All the pieces in her portfolio make me squee, every time I revisit them. Truly, every single time. In fact, I was so inspired by her adorable Ineffable Husbands in scarves in the snow (Original Tumblr post), I ended up writing a vignette of ineffable fluff about it.
Postscript to the authors and artists mentioned here: If you would rather I present different links or other information, or if I have in any way mischaracterized your work, please tell me, so I can make corrections. While my words come from a place of love, it would be no kindness for me to gloss over mistakes or cause any of you discomfort. Thank you all. ♥
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quillyfied · 5 years ago
Mega Good Omens Fic Rec Post 2
Part 2 is here!
99 titles this time because I have no self-control, once again separated into different categories: Jaunts through History/Canon, South Downs, Post-Apocalypse, Bus Ride/Night Before/Heaven and Hell, AU/UA, Soft, Before (a new category exclusive to this list, about Heaven before and during the War), Touch-Starved/Body Worship/Wings, Bonus, and H/C /Whump/BAMF. Warnings for gore and explicit material present where applicable.
Enjoy these as I have, because they’re all worth savoring!
Mega GOmens Fic Rec Post MASTER
1. Paperwork – Mirach (T, the one where Aziraphale is filling out forms for a new corporation and is idly flashing back to the reasons for his discorporation. It has a lot to do with Crowley. This one is so sweet and heartfelt, and also has a surprise at the end that gave me a good chuckle.)
2. A Dozen Red Roses for My Darling – @raiining (G, the one where Crowley finds himself in a bit of a pickle while doing a miracle for Aziraphale. This one has the funniest summary and I don’t even know why it’s so funny to me. It’s even better that it’s a Regency story, and the underlying tension between Crowley and Aziraphale is so good. Simple and sweet.)
3. When the lights go out (run away with me) – strawberriesandtophats (T, the one where Nanny Ashtoreth and Brother Francis skip out for the night. Has a gorgeous little rendezvous between the two of them, and a wonderful second chapter where they find Warlock again. Entirely too beautiful. All the emotions.)
4. older now, and the light is dim – WISHBONE (NR, the one where Aziraphale walks in on Crowley holding baby Warlock and both he and my heart go entirely to pieces. Based on that one gingerhaole fanart, it captures the quiet tenderness of the art perfectly, and then beyond—Crowley goes a little protective at one point and then Aziraphale is introspective and it’s GOOD.)
5.  It begins, as it will end, in a garden – @tenoko1 (G, the one where it’s the cold open but with a recurring theme of flowers woven in. This one has fluctuating gender presentations and Crowley and Aziraphale discorporating each other and one utterly perfect moment where Aziraphale tries to kill Crowley and can’t make herself do it, and it is all Too Soft and Too Beautiful for words.)
6. A House in the Country – @theoldaquarian (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale take a vacation in an abandoned house in the Lake District for a summer. It’s beautiful and there’s pining and there might be thirty-six rooms in this place but it’s nicer to spend time together, dangit. Understated and quiet and perfect.)
7. The Gospel of Crowley – gutterandthestars (T, the one where Crowley gets on with tempting Christ and in true Crowley fashion it backfires on him. Jesus has the BEST characterization, he and Crowley have wonderful banter, and the whole thing is poignant and hilarious. Loved it from start to finish.)
8. build me a city, call it jerusalem – @gyzym (T, the one where Crowley considers Right and Wrong. Book-verse. Jumps around in history and is one of those really esoteric, artistic pieces that makes you stop and think about what you just read. Absolutely gorgeous.)
9. Solitarius – @popcornpowergoddess (G, the one where Crowley blesses an old cottage and is sad. This one blew my mind when I read the author is fifteen, because WOW they are going places if they’re already this good. The work is heartbreaking and a little funny and so, so visually appealing. A real treat for the brain.)
10. Sawdust of Words – @aethelflaedladyofmercia (G and T, the series where Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship and the Ineffable Plan get looked at from another angle. This series is already gonna rip me to pieces—Early Days had the most gorgeous and DIFFERENT storyline for Aziraphale post-Adam and Eve getting cast out, and it has him and Crowley actually arguing and being contentious at first in their relationship, it’s so good, especially when they start to try and work it out. Obedience hurt me in ways I did not ask for. The stories jump around in the timeline and it’s all so GOOD, I’m READY for more!)
11. An Angel who did not so much Fall In Love as Settle Into It Gradually – @theladyzephyr (G, the one where it’s exactly what it says on the tin. Jumps through history and has precious tender moments and less-than-tender moments all jumbled up in there, you can really feel with Aziraphale where he starts to lose the fight against his feelings. Just fantastic.)
12. Inauspicious (But Not Impossible) – @thetunewillcome (M, the one where there’s a kiss in 1945 and immediate consequences, and Aziraphale contemplates Romeo and Juliet. IMO doesn’t deserve the M rating, the kissing and the snogging are both pretty innocuous. The pining is real and delicious and painful, and the ways Heaven and Hell choose to remind their agents of what happens to traitors is Awful. Nothing gory, just sad. But it ends so much happier.)
13. and you can say that my hair’s a disgrace – @phoenix-soar (T, the one that’s an ode to Crowley’s hair throughout the years, and excuses for Aziraphale to touch it. Intimate, romantic, intensely emotional, just a real treat of a fic. Aziraphale loves Crowley and his hair so much.)
14. As Yearning Lips to Unyielding Stone – SanSanFanFan (G, the one where Crowley gets maudlin over a statue that looks like Aziraphale. Oh my gosh, you guys. You guys, the PINING. The YEARNING. The LONGING. It’s exquisite and painful and a work of art in and of itself. I have a soft spot for period fics, especially Italian Renaissance, for some reason, and THIS is one of the best.)
15. What’s Done In the Dark – @charmingpplincardigans (T, the one where Crowley literally glows with love and HOLY CRAP ON A STICK, Y’ALL, this one is an epic. It’s as much a story about growth as it is about love, and it’s so, so satisfying to watch Crowley go through this journey. I don’t have the words, just know that it’s one of those fics you can’t pass up. A+++++++)
16. Hot Days, Mad Blood – noodlefrog (T, the one where Aziraphale teaches Crowley how to duel, or he will in future chapters. This is a brand-spanking-new one that is gonna be so much fun to watch update. Italian Renaissance! Swordplay! Crowley being a smitten idiot! Aziraphale being competent! It’s gonna be so good y’all.)
17. make your good love known to me (or just tell me about your day) – Sky_Stars_Sea (G, the one where Crowley is adjusting to living with Aziraphale. Has a beautiful sensory experience running throughout, and Crowley being so vulnerable it physically hurts. Beautiful, beautiful story.)
18. The Cottage at the End of the Lane – Angelina_Aintithenniel (T, the series where Crowley and Aziraphale have to defend what’s theirs. I have never screamed at my computer so much while reading a fic series, mostly along the lines of “LEAVE THEM AND THEIR HOUSE ALONE,” because this series is the Madoka Magica of fics: cute and fluffy casing, unexpectedly wild, angsty, action-packed innards. I adore this whole series. It makes me FEEL things.)
19. in my darkness I remember – @anthxnyjcrxwley (T, the one where it’s a soft, quiet night in the South Downs. A straight shot of fluff right to the heart, friendos, nothing more, nothing less. Stuff a mattress with this fic and say goodbye to any and all worldy pains.)
20. there’s no kingdom to come – killingthemoon (T, the one where Crowley slips off to fix up the cottage before springing it on Aziraphale. Tender, sweet, has a gorgeous ending scene that’s lots of fun and lots of shouting at the sky.)
21. A Heaven More Like This – miladyshakespeare (T, the one where it’s a Welsh cottage this time, cycling through a year. Such a beautiful piece of longing and uncertainty as Crowley and Aziraphale circle each other, a lot of quiet themes about letting yourself be cared for and letting yourself care, and also there’s a cat.)
22. The Legend of Devil’s Dyke – @sameoldsorceress (M, the one that’s a retelling of a popular South Downs local legend. Not sure at all why this one is rated M but it might be the gratuitous use of the word “cocks”, though in context it’s not filthy at all. This one is FUN, y’all, and I agree with the sentiment of the Tumblr post that inspired the fic, there need to be more fics featuring local South Downs legends.)
23. Slow – @theirdarkreturning (T, the one where the Antichrist makes some assumptions when he puts the world back together. Scores points for being very Jewish and playing right into the classic nigh-Shakespearean trope of miscommunication. Hilarious and sweet also the one where God signs the marriage certificate.)
24. Binary Stars – samael_the_scrivener (T, the one where Crowley has an emotional breakdown and Aziraphale does his best to make it right. Heavily emotional and angsty, nearly had me in tears right along with Crowley, and Aziraphale’s portion doesn’t back down from the tone, they have to fight tooth and nail through the emotional blockage to get to understanding and it’s positively sublime.)
25. If We’ve Got Nothing (We’ve Got Us) – @kedreeva (G, the one where everyone ends up where they’re meant to be. A gorgeous story about found family and working through differences and—eventually—God’s Ineffable Plan possibly coming to full fruition. I don’t wanna spoil too much, it’s best experienced blind.)
26. The Ludicrous and Many Disasters of Mister A.Z. Fell, Houseplant – @souljellied (T, the one where it is also exactly what it says on the tin and is exactly as ridiculous as you’d hope. With an unexpected but not unwelcome dash of angst, to boot. Crowley doesn’t take too well to being unable to immediately find Aziraphale, after all. Aziraphale is mostly wondering how to get out of this mess.)
27. In the (Second) Beginning – cherryfeather (M, the one where they have an inevitable conversation after the Ritz. Doesn’t really need the M rating since the smooching is intense but not graphic, and has the single greatest scene of Aziraphale reminding Crowley he’s a sensualist of ALL TIME. Fabulous work, very formative for me tbh.)
28. all I need, darling, is a life in your shape – @mortuarybees (G, the one where Aziraphale and Crowley need some convincing in the form of their well-meaning friends putting them in a room with one bed. The pining is delicious and piping hot, friends, and then suddenly oh my GoSatSomebody, they were roommates. A great little number with a beautiful confession scene.)
29. corrections – @0nelater (T, the one where Crowley is having a slow, melting come-apart about his feelings. Lots of Crowley being, in his own words, a basket case, and having a fundamental misunderstanding of how angels sensing love works, and how those two concepts are resolved. Has beautiful color symbolism and fun meta throughout.)
30. dearly beloved – @dissatisfied-starlight (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale get married, despite the universe’s best efforts, it seems. Hilarious and sweet and surprising! Not to spoil anything, but also has the best Beelzebub characterization as a nice little cherry on top.)
31. A Buried and Burning Flame – Lissomedi (G, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale visit an art museum and happen upon a disturbingly accurate and intimate depiction of themselves. Lots of Crowley pining and then being miserable, lots of Aziraphale being confused and then exasperated. So cute and sweet.)
32. The Long Game – sir_not_appearing_in_this_archive (G, the one that’s an adventure romp with proper twists and pining and saving the world. I love the spirit of this one, and the various inconveniences the cast have to overcome to stay out of Heaven and Hell’s radar. The building action right before the climax of the plot is heart-stopping, and the resolution is suitably satisfying. Was a fun way to spend a late night, for sure.)
33. in which labels are finnicky things – REVVIII (T, the one where Aziraphale is trying to figure out the perimeters of their relationship post-Apocalypse. He tries so hard, does his research, but honestly, nothing is gonna do it like talking to Crowley about it openly, which is, of course, not his first course of action. Very cute, especially when he’s trying to suss out what friends with benefits are.)
34. if you wanna be alone, come with me – mygalfriday (G, the one where they can’t even make it into Crowley’s flat before it all comes spilling out. Short and sweet shot of fluff, just a perfect little sip of serotonin.)
35. The Things We Did and Didn’t Do – @dietraumerei (G, the one where they finally get their act together and defeat Heaven and Hell with the power of LOVE. Such tender, very emotion. Wow.)
36. Too Generous – rfsmiley (T, the one where That One Line, you know the one, from Pride and Prejudice serves as the inspiration. There’s some sneaky shirt-opening and it’s both hot and kinda funny. The very definition of “enthusiastic consent.”)
37. Exit Interview – Pygmy Puff (G, the one where Crowley has to survive a round of paperwork in order to get out of Heaven in Aziraphale’s body. This one went in a completely unexpected direction. I was ready for a humorous romp through Heaven’s bureaucracy. I got so much more than I was bargaining for. Read it, it’s ridiculous in all the best ways and surprisingly dangerous.)
38. An Honest Surrender – @kedreeva (T, the one where their plan to fool Heaven and Hell is a little different. Y’all might already know this one as the Angel Marriage fic, but for those who don’t, imagine “marriage” as we know it and then throw that concept out the window, because what happens is too weird and beautiful for words. My words, anyway.)
39. Mr. Fell – @amarguerite (T, the one that’s a reverse AU where Aziraphale is a Victorian dandy frat boy party-thrower who used to date Satan and talks about it constantly, and Crowley is Heaven’s perfect little soldier and all the PTSD that comes with. Tons of heart and originality already, though it’s still early in the fic, and a truly special dynamic between Aziraphale and Crowley. Also Aziraphale accidentally causes Original Sin by inventing brunch and if that doesn’t get you to read, nothing will.)
40. Keep Getting Stranger (I Do) – @callipygiangoldfish (T, the one that’s a Howl’s Moving Castle AU, patterned more after the book than the movie. It’s a wonderful little adventure about accepting yourself and the side-dish of falling in love is SCRUMPTIOUS.)
41. By the Light of My Stars – @theladydrgn (T, the one where Crowley was Raphael and in love with Aziraphale and that bit doesn’t change, at least. Has probably my favorite tag used in any fic ever of all time, I’ll see if you can spot it. Protective Crowley for MILES and MILES in this one, what he does to a demon that threatens Aziraphale is pure poetry. Going in a promising direction for sure!)
42. flammam gladii hinc – @wildenessat221b (G, the series where Crowley was Raphael and wiped Aziraphale’s memory to protect him. Has the BEST backstory for the flaming sword, of all things, and a bittersweet story throughout. Told in terms of [redacted] so it’s got a bit of mystery to it but not much. Somehow that makes it sadder.)
43. Bring Out Your Dead – metallic_sweet (T, the one where Crowley is Raphael and a healer no matter what Heaven tries to get him to do. A reverse AU where Aziraphale is a shark, of all things, and a warrior with a supernaturally bad sense of direction trying his best. It’s a refreshing change of pace in both reverse AUs and Raphael AUs; Crowley is still gruff and Aziraphale is still sweet and it’s perfect.)
44. Something to do with these sacred words – @thehumantrampoline (T, the one where Crowley confesses early and often. It’s both lovely and sad, in a way, for Crowley to be so open about his feelings so much without Aziraphale doing much about it besides panic internally, but the ending is sweet, very much so.)
45. reckless and wild and stricken – @weatheredlaw (T, the one where Armageddon happens again and this time it’s a true post-apocalyptic nightmare scenario. Weatheredlaw is famous for having fics that just tear at the heartstrings, and this one’s no different. It’s tender and it’s sad and it’s desperate and it HAUNTS ME.)
46. A price to pay – @aerococonut (T, the one where performing miracles costs Crowley something. A lovely look at the technicalities of Crowley—and Aziraphale, mind—doing something they aren’t made for, and the ways it changes them. Fans of fics about chronic pain, this is the one.)
47. Soulmates – GoodandIneffable (G, the one where your lies put marks on your soulmate’s body, and Aziraphale and Crowley are soulmates. This is one I wish had at least a 3k-word expansion, because the concept is gorgeous and Crowley’s realization at what it truly means to be Aziraphale’s soulmate is staggering. Short, but worth it.)
48. i love(d) you – extraordinarilyextreme (G, the one that’s a Star Wars AU and it WRECKED ME. Force-bonds, love, betrayal, forgiveness, AUGH. It’s too much. I love it. Also Padawans Warlock and Adam ftw.)
49. The Book of Aziraphale – @gigglesnortbangdead (T, the one where Aziraphale wrote poetry he never intended to make public, and naturally it goes public. This had the potential to be silly or sweet and wound up directly in poignant instead; Aziraphale takes a decidedly self-loathing approach with a lot of his poetry and it’s amazing to watch him work through his feelings about himself and about Crowley.)
50. Of Celestial Sonnets and Pitiable Poets – trieduntrue (T, the one where Crowley wrote poetry he never intended to make public and then Hell finds it. So naturally, to save his skin, he has it printed and distributed under the guise of “spreading sin.” Then he writes and publishes a second one completely drunk. This one is pure silliness and Crowley schadenfreude; it really plays up the beloved device of “everything Crowley does backfires on him somehow” in the most lighthearted way.)
51. The Healer and the Lover – Nnm (T and G, the series where Aziraphale’s name means “of Raphael” and that’s who Crowley used to be, and there’s a lot of complicated feelings involved. Really emotionally complex and interesting take on the Raphael AU, one I’ve come back to a lot because it’s so compelling.)
52. Tracing The Stars On Your Skin – PunJedi (T, the one where Crowley’s freckles used to be stars. Achingly sweet and sad, goes through each constellation Crowley made and has a story for it. The end is just gorgeous, really emotional and sweet.)
53. On the Matter of Touch – @somedrunkpirate (T, the one where Aziraphale is flooded with the emotions of the ones he touches, and Crowley is a touch-starved lovesick sad sap. Incredibly tender and emotional, lots about boundaries and communication and the Mortifying Ordeal of letting yourself care and be cared for.)
54. keep me close – @saints-and-demons-preserve-us (G, the one where Aziraphale accidentally discovers that Crowley does local theatre. It’s so funny and sweet and full of longing and excellent Broadway tunes, and also Aziraphale is The Most Awkward and it’s gratifying af.)
55. i keep a window for you (it’s always open) – @campgender (T, the one where they quote Romeo and Juliet a lot. It’s beautiful and romantic and Shakespeare always deserves appreciation. The lines that are picked out are especially gorgeous in the context of the fic.)
56. Hunter’s Heart, Hunter’s Mouth – kashiichan (T, the series where Aziraphale romances Crowley with poetry. I’m new here so I don’t quite understand the Gomens fandom’s immortal love of Richard Siken, but I can darn well appreciate good poetry, especially when it’s couched in tender touches and overwhelming feels.)
57. Fools in Love – @theres-a-goldensky (T and M, the series where this is absolutely true. The first is a frankly hilarious jaunt at Aziraphale trying different hobbies and dragging Crowley into them, the second is Aziraphale not realizing he’s projecting his own longing for Crowley onto everyone around him and then getting jealous of his own warped perceptions. M rating is more for lascivious intent and verbiage than actual smut, and what an intent it is XD)
58. To Trust in One Another – bluespring864 (T, the one where Aziraphale is haunted by something insensitive he once said to Crowley. Do you enjoy pining that builds until it breaks every dam in the universe? Do you enjoy self-flagellating for something dumb you said once? Welcome to paradise, friends, a sweet, adorable paradise.)
59. Best Not To Dwell On It – @saaliyah (G, the one where they make out in a linen closet sometime in the early 1800s. Short, simple, sweet, and making out in a linen closet, what more do you thirsty lovies need XD)
60. Something So Precious – @freyjawriter24 (G, the one where Aziraphale and Crowley are adopted by two separate groups of old ladies who take it upon themselves to matchmake, as groups of old ladies are wont to do. Too adorable for words, will cause literal discorporation.)
61. Birds of a Feather – @idiopathicsmile (T, the one where Aziraphale is nesting and Crowley doesn’t get it. Another one of those classic miscommunication fics where everything is awful until they finally get on the same page, and then it’s wonderful. Also the thought of Aziraphale in particular feathering his nest with things he and Crowley both like is the sweetest mental image of all time.)
62. Just Hold On Tight – @books-n-bentleys (G, the one where communication is key to every relationship. Love languages are a thing and making sure you and your partner come to an understanding about them is important; see this fic for why this is a really good idea. Because every relationship deserves tenderness and understanding and the correct level of schmoop.)
63. Braving Those Angry Skies – ladymerlot (T, the one where Crowley nearly kills himself saving Aziraphale from Nazis. Crowley is so perfectly in character throughout it’s almost funny even when it isn’t (maybe especially when it isn’t). A prime example of my favorite Gomens fic trope to date. I know I don’t have a lot of variance in my adjectives but you guys TENDER. ROMANTIC. SWEET. IT’S ALL OF THEM.)
64. Moral Arguments – WhiteQueenWrites (T, the one where Crowley and the gang help a woman get revenge on her truly horrible ex. This one is FUN, there’s no other way to say it. It’s cathartic and satisfying and is one of those fics I wish was a cheesy movie I could watch while eating disgusting amounts of popcorn.)
65. get religion quick (cause you’re looking divine) – @brinnanza (G, the one where Aziraphale is convinced Crowley doesn’t love him back and it’s fine. Cute and emotional and must absolutely be read with its counterpart below. This one first, that’s why it’s listed first; they aren’t related in the way that they’re the same scene from different perspectives, they’re just similar situations with the roles swapped, and it’s so worth reading, these idiots I swear 2 Someone.)
66. you play with my feelings (right from the start) – @penrosesun (G, the one where Crowley is convinced Aziraphale doesn’t love him back and it’s fine. Hilarious and emotional and must absolutely be read with its counterpart above. Really illustrates how two smart people can completely miss the point for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.)
67. Worth Any Price – @sameoldsorceress (T, the one where Crowley sets up a kissing booth. You guys I was ready for fun shenanigans involving Crowley kissing the general public and maybe Aziraphale getting a little bothered under the collar. I was not expecting the FEELS. The PLOT. The UNEXPECTED PUNCH TO THE GUT. Absolutely an underrated treasure in this fandom, needs to be talked of often.)
68. Bodies of Change – @dietraumerei (G, the one where Aziraphale has new clothes. This one plays right into my Fashion itch and it’s wonderful and body-positive and so, so sweet. Crowley is so smitten with his angel.)
69. i did not know ‘twas love i gave – miribees (T, the one where Aziraphale makes Crowley a mixtape. This one is unexpectedly bittersweet and tender, with Crowley and Aziraphale in a fight for a good chunk of the fic, but it’s the apology and the making up that’s sweetest, of course.)
70. World Cold, Aziraphale Warm – maddiemaynot (NR, the one where Crowley is trying his best, okay. It’s unbearably romantic how much they love each other, how they slide into soft intimacy in fits and starts. Also has quite possibly the most disastrous date in history, but it’s the thought that counts.)
71. Fractured Heart – @asparklethatisblue (T, the one that’s gonna murder me with Aziraphale’s feels. The premise is that angels can be physically broken by strong emotion, and what’s stronger than the grief of losing a loved one to the Rebellion? Also dealing with Aziraphale’s feelings for Crowley getting tangled up in his feelings for his lost heavenly love, and it’s DELICIOUS.)
72. ask, and ye shall receive – @ariaste (G, the one where Crawly gets exactly what he’s asking for. Very much has the feel of my something-great grandpa, who once told a man “Go ahead, shoot me!” and was obliged. Hilarious and sweet, you can FEEL God’s smugness throughout the entire fic.)
73. what wound did ever heal – HallsofStone2941 (M, the one where Aziraphale is wounded in the War in Heaven and carries it with him. Rated M for one line involving sexytimes that truly isn’t that bad at all. Aziraphale is just so good and brave and Aziraphale about it all, A+++ characterization.)
74. Falling – @differentjasper (T, the one where the War in Heaven changed a lot of things. Read this if you want to picture little baby angel Aziraphale and Crowley and then get EMOTIONALLY WRECKED about them. I kinda wanted to rip my own heart out just to stop it from hurting so much while reading it.)
75. Uncaffeinated Decisions – @suntosirius (T, the one where Aziraphale is insecure and Crowley is sleepy. Utterly heart-rending in the best way; reading Crowley being so loving of Aziraphale’s body was extremely cathartic and satisfying, and continues to deliver every re-read.)
76. And So He Bringeth Them Unto the Haven – @je-suis-em-jee (T, the one where they’re both so touch-starved it’s obscene. Pitch-perfect romance and intimacy, I could feel the affection and love in my very bones.)
77.  All that’s been shown to me (Sunlight) – WillowRoseBrook (T, the one where Aziraphale needs some convincing that being soft is good. I’m especially weak for softness being praised, so this one hit me like a nail between the eyes. Intense, passionate, and intimate. Deffo got that praise kink going, too.)
78. These Fragments I Have Shored Against My Ruins – @istezada (NR, the one with vague D/s themes as Crowley and Aziraphale work through their traumas together. Has wing grooming and praising and misunderstandings and communication, oh my. A veritable piñata of feels.)
79. Long For the Touch of Your Hand – sara_wolfe (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale Did the Do in ancient Athens and predictably never touched again because Miscommunication. Oh, y’all, so mournful and uncertain, so desperate and sweet! My skin literally ached the first time I read this, it was the best.)
80. I Love My Lover With A-- – DictionaryWrites2 (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale have a game that involves kissing and adjectives. Book-verse, one of those curious fics where you’re both drowning in feels and learning something. Sensual in all the best ways and so achingly loving.)
81. Untouched – @etaleah (T, the one that RIPPED MY HEART FROM MY CHEST WITHIN THE FIRST COUPLE HUNDRED WORDS OR LESS. And then CONTINUED TO PUMMEL ME INTO THE GROUND FOR THREE THOUSAND WORDS. Crowley is so painfully touch-starved it kicked my own touch-starvedness into overdrive. Will take your emotions and leave them bleeding and broken before carefully bandaging them up and giving them a snuggle.)
82. a garden all their own – @letmetemptyou (T, the one where Crowley gets some much-needed TLC as he starts to process the day of Armageddon. Plaintive, poignant, and deeply emotional. Absolutely wrecked me.)
83. High Risk, No Reward – @asideofourown (T, the one where idiots try to rob the bookshop. BAMF Aziraphale and hapless mortals, it doesn’t get any better than this.)
84. Asportation – @mazarin221b (T, the one where Aziraphale gets kidnapped and gets the best of his kidnappers. Or, rather, brings out the best in his kidnappers. Such a delightful way for Aziraphale to deal with the people who tried to put him up for ransom, the whole thing is utterly charming.)
85. A Button to Lurk – @reidluver (T, a quiet and mournful look at a possible spin on Michael and Hastur’s relationships with Ligur, and what’s left after Armageddon. Took me completely by surprise. Understated, powerful, and dignified, if you can believe it. Of course it is, it’s Michael.)
86. And So They Grew Better – JiMoriartea (NR, the one that’s about the plants! Basically has canon from the perspective of the unfortunate little plant that gets singled out for having a leaf spot. She is a delight and I’m so proud of her, and can’t wait to see her completely miss the point of future events XD)
87. Secret Agent Man – @theaceace (G, the one from the perspective of an actual secret agent who doesn’t think Crowley and Aziraphale are very good at their jobs. Baffling and hilarious and wonderful in every way.)
88. The Point of You and Me – Rizandace (T, the one where you think everything is gonna be fine and then Gabriel happens. The danger is real. The emotions are real. The heart-stopping was figurative but felt pretty real at the time, tbh. Prepare to get punched in the face with your feelings.)
89. (Don’t) Say My Name – @cosmicocelot (M, the one where Crowley gets summoned by a not-nice person. M for torture. A classic search-and-rescue and it’s the best OH SNAP moment when Aziraphale finally catches up. Woof.)
90. Something Wicked – @thepaisleyelf (M, the one where Aziraphale gets summoned by a not-nice person. M for torture, though it’s supernatural and not exactly graphic. This one is an intense and wild adventure, y’all, that morphs straight into intense and desperate attempts at care and healing. The whole thing is a tender love story wrapped in a Victorian supernatural candy coating and it SLAPS.)
91. Every Demon Wants his Pound of Flesh – @dolphin-bouillabaisse (T, the one where Hastur is stalking Crowley. If hurt!Crowley trying to be brave and not let anyone know he’s hurting and bamf!Aziraphale taking care of business once he finally figures it out is your flavor, then welcome to Flavor Town, because this one is juicy. Was not at ALL expecting the ending, it’s delicious and vindictive.)
92. And we could feel, (none of it) – @clankclunk (G, the one where Aziraphale comes to grips with how Crowley knows to save him and the implications of that. Aziraphale’s entire emotional journey through this fic is so heartbreaking. But the conclusion is the exact counterbalance of healing and sweetness needed. Also Heaven is full of dicks but we knew that (except Aziraphale didn’t but that’s the point of this fic, now go read it).)
93. the wonder that keeps the stars apart – Nilmiel (G, the one where, fourteen hours after he gets the holy water, Crowley immediately has an Incident. Painful and emotional and intensely sweet. The second chapter has the best closure, even though it happens post-Armageddon’t.)
94. goodnight sweet prince (and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest) – @xoxoemynn (T, the one where Crowley needs a nap. Told throughout like a bedtime story in between the narrative and it’s such a charming effect, watching Crowley succumb to his exhaustion and Aziraphale take care of him.)
95. Fragments of Life – TheGirlWithBrightEyes (G, T, M, the series where Crowley has PTSD and anxiety, and Aziraphale adjusts. This series is a heartbreaking one and doesn’t shy away from the ugly parts of neurodivergence, but as much pain as there is, there is an equal and even greater amount of comfort and positive reinforcement. The single M is for a fic that toes the line of smut but doesn’t actually go over. Feels as cathartic as a good long cry.)
96. A Choiceless Hope In Grief – @thealphaaxolotl (NR, the one inspired by Orpheus and Eurydice. Featuring Crowley trapped in Tartarus and Aziraphale being more determined than Heaven and Hell combined to save him. One of those stories that drags you through the dark but doesn’t leave you there—at least, not alone, not without comfort.)
97. November Rain – FeatherBlack (T, the one where Crowley has a very bad time dealing with his emotions and Aziraphale is very bad at communicating. Visceral and emotional and raw and difficult to read at times with how miserable everyone is, but it does get better. It does definitely get better.)
98. Within These Walls – Elvendork (G and T, the series that you think is gonna be a fluffy “Greatest Showman” song-inspired jaunt but then comes out of left field with a sucker punch straight to the throat. Touching and thrilling and who invited Gabriel and Sandalphon, because I sure didn’t.)
99. Sticks and Stones – Kaz_Langston (T, the one where Aziraphale develops disordered eating because Gabriel is a dick. This one hurt so much, Aziraphale does not deserve what happens to him, but he does deserve the love and care Crowley gives him as a result.)
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Pretending (Part 4) Jughead J. x Reader
Hi~ Long time no read haha, I honestly drop this story because my life became busier with college, and then I stopped watching the show as the plot lose my interest. Yet, as I was reliving my Tumblr I came across with Part 3 and Part 2, which I really enjoyed, so I thought I might just give the story an end, since I’m fond to the characters of the show and my own OCs, Not really sure if anyone is gonna read it, specially since I won’t be following the exact plot and timeline as the original show, but, I kinda feel that’s what an imagine is about, so ooopsie
Summary: Drama in Riverdale seems to never end, your home-life was a mess, your past was still hunting you, yet, breaking up with your boyfriend was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. How are you supposed to go through all the chaos that was coming? Are you going to keep pretending to be the normal nice girl? Or his your heart willing to reveal it’s true skin?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Pairing: Jughead Jones x reader
Words: 4583
Note: English isn’t my first language, I deeply apologize for any mistake.
Disclaimer: Since I’m writing this as someone who doesn’t follow the current plot of the show, I’m unaware of the fandom’s situation, so I just want to clarify that this fic is only meant to entertain, it doesn’t hate or trash in any character, I still love the cast of the show so I’m not here with any negative vibes, pls keep it like this, I’ll try my best to write the most human, imperfect, mistake makers characters, you’re welcome not to read if you don’t like it, thanks y’all!
“Easy there, Hot Dog.” you said calming down the little dog that seemed overwhelmed by the presence of the beanie-less Jughead Jones III. “He’s family.” You added smirking at him, quite pleasant by the shock in his features.
Tall Boy started talking, dragging his attention from you to the man. “We heard your dad could have named names, but he didn’t.”
His eyes were on you just as he heard that, you just winked an eye to him.
“We wanted you to know, no matter what happens to him, however long he's gone, we've got your back.”
The serpents were all looking at him, some with decision and compromise, some with thankful welcoming eyes.
“This is yours… If you want it.” You mentioned, giving him a leather jacket with the Southside Serpents’ logo.
Your heart flattered as you saw him putting on the jack.
Good Lord, he’s hot.
No one could deny how good Jughead looked in that jacket, it suited him perfectly, he belonged to them. You looked at him, smiling as you with that quirky sparkle in his eyes, and he smiled to you slightly.
Like it was meant to be.
That’s how you felt your world while you and the Jones kid both turn around to see a pretty blonde girl hiding her body behind the wall, confusion marked all over her face. It didn’t take you long to notice the state of her clothes.
His clothes too.
Noticing the sudden mood in the air, Jughead spun around seeing at your figure with horror in his eyes.
“I think we might have interrupted something, gentlemen.” You said towards the group without looking at him. “We should leave.” You got down the stairs as you suggest the departure.
“Dismiss.” Ordered Tall Boy, everyone following you, as you became smaller and smaller with the distance.
You collapse in your homemade bed as you arrived at the Whyte Wrym, you’re staying in a little room at the second floor thanks to the fact that the manager owned FP a favor. You felt Hot Dog jumping by your side.
“Can you believe it Hot Dog?” you said looking at him incredulous. “I mean, yeah we waited because when we started to date we were too young to make that kind of things, but even tho, hell they have just been some months together.” You covered your face with your hands, memories of Jughead’s touch filling your mind.
He was so fucking good and lovely at bed.
And now all of that was in hands of the Cooper girl.
“Here comes the green-eye monster Hottie.” You announced looking at the puppy. “How he dares forgetting me so easily? I’m glad we ruined their night.” You huffed crossing your arms.
As your head started to hurt you decided it was better to sleep than overthink. You cuddle as you could, embracing Hot Dog between your arms, closing your eyes hoping that the next day you would be blessed to avoid the beanie boy.
Successfully, you hadn’t see your ex for a week or so, apparently, he kept dumping classes to go to the northside, but who could blame him? With all this Archie’s father being shot and The Black Hood thing going on, it was pretty normal for him to be there.
If not, he was shut in the Red&Black newspaper office. It was kind of funny, yet kind of sad how you two would remain like strangers under the same roof, even if not so along you were soulmates.
With that being said, today was an odd day, you entered your class as normal, your presence shutting down everyone as usual, walked to your destined seat, in front of Toni, diagonal to Sweet Pea and beside Jughead. What?
You faced at your left being welcomed by those intense blue-greenish eyes that could make everyone in the room faint with a stare. You looked sights for a second, broke apart when the professor entered the room.
He started to talk, the class started to become noisier, making the teacher fight for the attention, it made you grew impatient at the idiotic attitude of your classmates. You harshly kicked the desk at your right startling everyone, the room fall in silence just a second later.
“Thank you, Miss Y/L/N.” said the professor continuing with the lecture, you nodded absently as you tried to focus on his words rather than the handsome boy next-desk that couldn’t keep look away from you.
The class kept the same pace you had managed to achieve, your mind spaced out as the clock’s tic-tac rhythm filled the room, making everyone count the seconds unconsciously. Distracting you from the pass of the time a little paper ball was throw to you from your left.
You opened cautiously, no bothering in turning around to see the paper’s owner.
“What was that?” was written in a small quick handwriting.
You furrowed your eyebrows crumpling the paper and throwing it away.
Just a few seconds later another paper ball landed in your desk. You sighed no bothering open it, you just set it aside.
A minute later it wasn’t a ball what arrived, it was a full paper plane with the words ‘Stop ignoring me’ written at a wing.
You opened it tired of the little game.
‘What was that?’
You rolled your eyes taking a pen answering. ‘What was what?’ you threw the paper at his direction not even looking, you could hear Toni chuckling behind you, well at least she was having fun.
The paper was with you a minute later, his plane form was built again.
‘Earlier you hit a desk, and everyone shut up.’
‘Yeah, you’re welcomed.’
You extended your arm to pass him the paper this time, your hands touched as he took it.
‘I owe you my life ;P but my question was why did they shut up because of you, they looked afraid.’
You couldn’t help but smile a little at the little face he drew in the paper. ‘Oh no, they weren’t afraid. Well, not at all, they just respect me. And lets just keep it like that.’
You looked at him finally, leaving the paper at his desk. “End of the conversation.” You said quietly, the bell ringing just a second later, you took your stuff and stormed out of the class before anyone else.
Jughead’s PoV
I sat at the canteen with the other serpents, my eyes instantly scanning the place to see a certain Y/H with Y/H/C.
“Where’s Y/N?” I asked as she was nowhere near to be seen.
“She doesn’t sit with us.” Said Sweet Pea bluntly.
I just throw a confused look to Toni.
“She just sits there.” She said calmly pointing out at her in a desk a little far away, all alone.
“What the hell?!” I felt by heart sinking in fear at her sight “You just let her sit alone?! The Ghoullies are gonna eat her alive!” as sudden as I said that the table broke in laughs.
Noticing my unbelieved face Toni faced me. “I kind of think she sits there to protect us.”
“How?” I asked as her answer didn’t make any sense.
“Well, she used to sit with us, but the Ghoullies did come to bother her even if we were with her, after that she started sitting alone.”
“The Ghoullies stopped coming, just focused on her.” Continued Fangs.
“Because she was Southside’s bookworm.” Answered Sweet Pea making me glared at him because of the nickname he has given to her.
“And even if we tried to help her she stopped us.” Fangs sighed as everyone else nodded.
“But now none of the Ghoullies has the guts to face her.” I looked up at Sweet Pea who was smirking at Y/N’s direction.
I arched a brow confused. “Are you kidding me?”
“No” said Toni smiling. “It’s true, it was awesome Jones. One day an idiotic asshole Ghoullie mentioned her family and threated her about hurting her cousin.”
“She exploded.” Fangs concluded with a glint of joy in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” I said gulping the anxiety out of my voice.
“She beat the hell out of him and his friends.” Sweet Pea nodded fondly at the memory.
“Sweet Pea had to stop her when she took the fire extinguisher.”
He nodded again. “I’m still curious about what she would have done with it.”
“That’s how she finished earning the respect of all the gang and the school.” Toni finished, all looking at Y/N’s desk where she ate an apple reading a little book in her other hand. “She looked so hot. The serpent’s loner wolf.”
“Riverdale’s Sweetheart.” Argued Fangs earning a glare from Toni.
“Southside’s bookworm.” Said SP taking part of the argument.
I felt my blood boiling at their comments. “That’s enough.” I scold them loudly dragging their attention to me. “Stop tagging her for God’s sake. She hates that. You can’t just classify her in a category you know? Y/N is just too unique to fit in one of those mundane descriptions.” I ranted taking my tray.
I leaved the serpent’s safe zone and proceeded to walk towards the girl with the serpent jacket and the book.
“Mind if I sit?” I said taking the seat in front of her.
“I actually mind, yes. But as always you’re just gonna do whatever you want.” She said not even looking at me.
I took a moment to appreciate her, with all the shit that has been going on the town, I hadn’t notice her subtle change, her makeup was just a smidge more notorious and rebellious, her hair was more wild, her soft face was now contrasted by her hard expression, her Serpent jacket embraced her body in all the right places, she emitted this new sensation of power and sassiness, even with the sweet glimpse that was still in her eyes.
“You know Jones? That look you’re strolling all over my body can be consider sexual harassment, jail won’t be seen good at your curriculum.” She said quietly, yet cold enough to freeze my train of thought.
I blushed furiously as she noticed it. “Sorry, it’s just… You look different.”
“I guess.” She muttered bluntly.
“It suits you.” I smirk at her slightly.
She looked at me for the first time in all the conversation. “Thanks.” Her eyes sunk down at her book again, I didn’t feel her blush, her voice didn’t stutter neither, her eyes didn’t look at mine with warm, unlike every time I used to compliment her, and it hurt me, the fact that she treated me like a stranger was slowly killing me.
“Y/N… Listen, I’m being honest. I don’t like our current status.” I said snatching her book to have her full attention.
“Oh, you mean ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend? Well I’m sorry it bothers you, but it wasn’t my decision.” She took the book away from me.
“I know… I know I hurt you and I’m sorry for that, I didn’t mean to screw up the things between us, but, can’t we just be friends? Please…”
She locked eyes at me, thinking quietly, she slowly began to open her book, ready to ignore me again. Being as fast as I could I took the book again this time my other hand has gripping her wrist.
She sighed. “I guess I could pretend to.” I could her the bluntness in her voice.
“Pretend?” I repeat quietly amused. “I was expecting something more real… Like a true friend, I need you here Y/N.”
“Well I’m sorry it’s disappointing to you but is the best I can offer you.”
“Why can’t we just be friends, like when we were kids… Come on, don’t you miss me…?” I hold her hand between mine, craving to feel her warming soft skin.
“No. We can’t.” She removed her hand from mine.
I silently cursed, her rejection hurting me down my soul.
“Why not?” I asked bitterly.
“Because friends don’t love each other like I love you. Because friends don’t crave for the touch and the kisses of the other. Because friends can be okay to see you with your girlfriend. But I can’t, I can’t be your friend because I’m in love with you, you idiot, I want to be your girl, I want to be your best friend, your confident, your person. But I’m not, so don’t ask me to be okay and be your friend. Because I can’t, I just can pretend to.”
I saw her eyes growing watery, but I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t react I didn’t know how, she has never talked to me so harshly. She blinked, stopping the tears from falling, she avoided my eyes and stood up, walking trough the door, leaving me there, with her book between my hands, in the cold lonely bench, in a cold lonely mess.
I saw the book’s cover, it was a little antique poem book we stole from the library some years ago, I flip the pages until end, there in the back face of the book, was a little photo attached with some tape, it was an old polaroid photo of us, with Tobias, the baby was in her arms giggling, I had my hands in her waist as I embraced her, she between my legs, her back leaning against my torso, I was looking at the camera with a faint smile, and she was…
She was looking at me…
I tighten my grip on the book as I exanimated her face, her pupils were slightly bigger, and her smile was little, but warmly breathtaking, her eyes were soft, I knew that expression, it was the same she put whenever she admire something, like an art piece, or when Tobias said his first word, I loved that expression, yet, I never knew…
She saw me like that.
My heart sunk as the realization that maybe, maybe all this time I never took a moment to realize those little things about her, and our relationship, and now it was too late to think of them, maybe…
Maybe I got too used to have her around, that I looked at her, but I didn’t see her.
Life has mastered the irony, as the loner boy was now the one to say hi, when he was the first to say bye, and the sweet girl refused to answer back as she tried hard not to fall apart.
I went to the Red&Black office to clear my mind, I took the local newspaper and my heart pound as a read the headline, a cryptograph from the Black Hood to solve? Sounds like a case for Sherlock Jones, I sat starting to analyze it when the creaking sound of the door caught my attention.
There she was, Y/N herself entering the office with Toni, some boxes in their hands.
“Oh, you’re here.” Toni said putting her box in the desk.
“Yeah… Hey have you seen the news?” I said looking at both.
Y/N just left her box next to Toni´s and stormed out of the room.
Toni looked at me with a scold on her face. “Did you do something to her?”
“W-What? No, she’s just… We’re in the middle of the ex’s war zone.”
“Ex?” She said widening her eyes.
“You didn’t know? I thought you knew her!” I replied mimicking her expression.
“And I do, but she never talked about her love life, I didn’t get to ask her neither.”
I sighed covering my face with my hands. “Don’t tell anyone.” I asked sternly.
“May I ask what happen?” She said raising a brow. “Like bro, who dumps a girl like Y/N? or what did she did for you to leave her. No wait, did she dumped you? That makes more sense.”
I looked at her, too tired to explain myself or to discuss, I just told her everything vaguely.
“So, Mrs. Pony Tail and you started to grow closer, you both develop feelings and she convinced you to try a relationship even tho she knew that you were Y/N’s everything.”
“No!” I yelled angry. “When you say it like that it sounds cruel.”
“And you really just left an almost three years, relationship like that. You’re easier than I thought Jones.”
I growled. “Thanks Toni.” I give her the newspaper changing the subject. “Wanna solved it together?”
She sighted looking at me, smirking faintly. “Hell yeah.”
Y/N’s PoV.
There was an awkward silence in the room, just the sound of the pencils on the paper or the flipping of the pages filling the mood.
I can’t really tell how I ended up in this situation, I just know that I gave up at Toni’s begging for me to join she and Jug to decipher the Black Hood’s code, but she never mentioned it was going to be at Jug’s trailer, neither she told me that Betty was coming too, although the pissed expression in her face makes me believe she had no idea.
The bright side of this was that Kevin had come too, I was so happy to see him that I just jumped into his arms when he noticed me, he was currently resting my back against mine as we helped each other to reach a comfort
“These symbols look so familiar to me.” Said Betty breaking the silence, catching all our attention. “It's like I've seen them before and it's driving me crazy I can't figure out where.” She added sounding frustrated.
“Maybe if you loosened your ponytail.” Said Toni bluntly. I facepalmed internally as I saw the offended faces of the Northsiders. “What? That was a joke, guys.” she cleared, yet it was already too late, I sight hearing Kevin’s indignation.
“Betty's ponytail is iconic and beyond reproach.”
“Kev. It's fine. And at this point, I'm willing to try anything.” Betty said loosening her ponytail as Toni said, being free from it.
I looked at her for a moment as the other returned to discuss the important matter of the night. Betty wasn’t a bad girl, not even close, yet I couldn’t help but be mad, she knew all my story with Jughead, every single fucking detail, and yet she didn’t even think about it when they started dating… But then again, I didn’t have any right in the Jones boy… He was free to fall in love and leave, so was Betty.
I heard vaguely part of their conversation as I started to feel dizzy, getting even sicker as I notice the tension in their voices, there was a war getting near, I could feel it.
“No, I mean like why, why is he killing people? Or at least, why now? We know the Hood's obsessed with cleansing the town of sinners and hypocrites, right? And he seems to be attacking anyone with ties to the Northside.” I tried to focus in Betty’s analysis as my head spun around.
“Here we go with the fake news again.” Said Toni getting in a defensive attitude, I slapped myself mentally finally waking up as I knew this wasn’t going to end well.
“Toni.” I said calmly looking at her. “Breath.”
“No! This Northsiders and their privilege. All you do is demonize the Southside so of course you think the Black Hood's from there.”
“It's not demonizing, Toni. It's stating facts.” Betty excused herself not helping Toni to calm down. “There's way more drugs and gangs.” The little Cooper continued, yet it didn’t take long for Toni to interpose.
“And the drugs you mean which were sold primarily to Northside crackheads? And what about the Northside Neo-Nazis?” Perfect, Archie´s little gang was now on the discussion. I looked at Kevin’s awkwardness, sharing the feeling, as we were the ones in the middle watching all the drama.
“The Red Circle?”
“The Red Psychos, you mean. Hell, Betty, I'm surprised you haven't just come out and said it yet.”
“Said what?”
“That you think the Black Hood's a Serpent. We all know how much you hate us.”
“Okay, Toni. I don't hate the Serpents.”
“Oh, yeah? Says the girl who stole a good friend’s boyfriend, mostly just as a whim than for love. Then, tell me why is it that your boyfriend here lies about the fact that he sits with us at lunch?” She ranted her breath getting heavy, I took her arm as I stood up.
“That’s enough Toni, we should go okay?” she scoffed taking her arm back from my grip but starting to gather her things.
“Yeah I’m gonna go too.” Said Kevin looking away from the situation. “Maybe I can walk you home.” He added looking at us, Toni just glared at him. “Or you can walk me home.” He muttered as we exit the trailer, making me chuckle a little.
I took a last glance at the quirky couple we had left behind, being slightly worried for the fight I knew we had caused.
I sighed shaking the thoughts from my head and I looked at Kevin. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“I don’t know, then you’re gonna be all alone walking in the middle of the night when you return.”
“Who said we were going to walk?” I smiled at him passing him a helmet.
He gasped at the sight of it and looked at me in disbelieve. “No way.”
I just laughed. “This way.” I said guiding him to where I had parked my motorcycle. “Beautiful right?” I said caressing the seat.
“Who would imagine little sweet Y/N in a beast like this?” He said amazed. “Boys most be head over heels for your bad girl version, right?”
“Just a smidge” I winked at him jokingly “Wanna do a bad boy version yourself?” I said sit think in the motorcycle “Come on lazy turtle, hop on.”
After dropping Kevin at his house, winning a worried glance from our local sheriff by the way -I guess laying to him didn’t help our relationship- I returned to the White Wrym ready to shut everything down and gain a good night of sleep.
Since the day after the “solve coding party” was Saturday you decided to help serving at the White Wrym thing you usually did whenever you got the time as a way to show gratitude for your little room and your food. Life was just easier like this, not worrying about anything or anyone, your only problem now was, ironically, Forsythe Pendleton Jughead Jones III. Screw him for interrupting your peace.
“What are you thinking about?” The voice of the pink haired serpent girl woke you up from your thoughts.
You looked at her for a straight second without saying anything as if you were still on a trance.
“Um.. . There’s a murderer on the loose, I have to finish my report before Monday and Hog Eye is running out of tequila” you listed as you cleaned some glasses from the place “There’s a lot to think about Toni”
She raised an eyebrow skeptical “Yeah… Sure… That includes Jughead Jones, am I right?”
“Not quite actually, but it does include the little war that was throw yesterday at his trailer” You looked at her putting a glass down and sighed “They’re not bad Toni, Betty is not just a basic mean girl… She’s nice”
“Are you really defending that white Northside girl? And after she stole your boyfriend?” She asked indignated.
You took a heavy breathe “Northsider or not, that doesn’t matter at all, she’s not bad, and I still appreciate her as a friend. Am I hurt? Yes. Am I angry? Yeah, a little bit. But Betty didn’t put a gun in Jones’ head, he could have said no, yet he didn’t, and is his right, and is her right to fall in love with whoever she wants… I believe in sorority and I can’t just judge her and shame her or hate her because of this… This things… They just happens sometimes. She’s not the bitch you think she is.”
Toni looked at the floor taking your words in, thoughtfully, maybe even a little ashame.
“But” you continued, smiling at her truthfully “I highly appreciate the fact that you like me enough to acknowledge and worry about my feelings, thank you Toni, for real, you’re a great friend” You took her hand squeezing it a little bit, she looked at you slightly surprised at this new face you had never show to her.
You didn’t saw, or heard about anyone from the other side of the own in the whole, it was just as usual as before everything in Riverdale started falling down.
And even if you felt comfortable with the mood, you couldn’t help but think it was a bit strange too, as you saw the moonlight walking down the rain, an uneasy feeling started forming on your gut. Maybe it had something to do with the serial killer on the loose, maybe.
You heard a spray paint can, the unique sound of the paint being ejected against the wall caught your attention, yet you didn’t look for the source, since that wasn’t unusual in this part of the town, you decided it was better to ignored it, but after hearing Archie’s voice you couldn’t help but turn around.
“You can’t just come here and tag our turf.” Said Sweet Pea with anger in his voice. “So why don’t you get your ass back to the Northside before someone gets hurt?” He snapped at Archie threatening.
“Get my way, or someone will be hurt” said Archie without a glimpse of fear in his voice.
“You just made a terrible mistake” you saw Sweet Pea taking his knife out of his pocket, your blood turned cold and you ran as fast ass you could.
“Sweet Pea! NO! Stop!” You yelled, your words trying to reach him. Yet your steps stopped abruptly as you saw with fear the gun Archie had in front of you three, as you heard his heartbroken, heavy, tired and paranoid voice screaming “Who made a mistake?!”
“What the hell?!” Was the last thing you heard from the pair of serpent that was there before they ran off, yet you didn’t run, looking straight into Archie’s eyes.
You watched him carefully as he put the weapon down, breathing heavily squeezing his knees.
You contemplated the big red circle on the wall for a minute “I’ll guess you need a ride” He looked at you saying nothing, still in shock.
“It’s been a long time” You commented as you stopped in front of Archie’s house “The last time I was here Jughead broke my heart” a bittersweet laugh scape from your lips but you shut it as you saw Archie’s uncomfortable expression.
“Sorry, that was something dumb to say” the blush in your face creeped as you apologized.
Archie nooded, not knowing what to say “Do you want to come in and dry yourself?” He asked with concerned seeing your wet dripping because of the rain.
You smiled at him feeling that little nostalgic warmth “Yes, yes please” he opened the door as you followed him, both of you oblivious of the worried blonde her next door.
“Veronica? I think you better come here, quick!” Said Betty, concerned following her trembling voice.
“Archie might cheat on you!” Was the last thing Veronica Lodge heard before hung up her phone.
Hi again~ if you read everything till here and you liked it, thanks for the support! I’ll do my best to not disappear again oopsie
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diveronarpg · 5 years ago
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We’ve arrived at day four, everyone! Today, the admin team would like to take a moment to appreciate one another. Running a group for two years comes with many moments of excitement and joy. It’s incredible to see the plot make leaps and bound forwards, and watch characters that first began in our heads flourish into the player’s own on the dash. It also, admittedly, comes with its challenges; challenges we embrace with enthusiasm as a team, relying on one another and encouraging one another when life gets demanding.
For a DiVerona admin history lesson — Rosey and Jen first opened the group together in August 2018, preparing diligently to launch DiVerona and bring it to Tumblr after a few years of hiatus. Minnie acted as an invisible admin beginning August 2018, offering advice when requested, and came on as an official admin in MAY, 2019. Julie joined our team as the graphics admin in JULY, 2019 and ushered in a beautiful era and graphics revamp for Act II. Last, but certainly not least, Rogue was welcomed to the admin team in APRIL, 2020 to create stunning, heart-wrenching characters and continue building on the momentum of the plot.
Below, you will find a little love letter each admin wrote for one another. For this particular day, we will not be requiring any activity from our members. Feel free to take a break! If you’d like to show admin appreciation, you are free to do so, but we are not expecting it and hope you do not feel pressured to do so.
Thank you all for a wonderful two years of being admins of an incredible group like DiVerona!
My fire sign soulmate, my BITCH. As an admin, you bring aLL of the Montague spirit and heart and fire, and it shows in how passionate you are when guiding DiVerona’s story and development. Your creativity? Your flair for drama that inspires the most game-changing plot drops and the most iconic line in this group’s history? I mean, who else could have come up with infant king? For me, Jen, you embody the creative and collaborative spirit of DiVerona, and I treasure the fun you bring to the group and to the team. On a personal level, you have shown up for me time and time again. For that, I am so, so thankful for you. Your honesty is invaluable to me, whether you’re telling me I’m being impulsive or need to calm the hell down. You’re the sense of humor when we need it most, the ride-or-die who both starts adventures and cleans up the messes after, and my dear friend. — MINNIE
I’ve never met someone as passionate as you. You stick to your guns the whole way down and there’s something so deeply admirable in that -- you take such great pride in the things you do and how hard you work and what you bring to the table both as a writer and as an admin. We have exactly the same sense of humor and I love sending you memes and text posts through Discord at like, four in the morning, and seeing a reply from you when I wake up. It’s like taking a shot of orange juice right after rolling out of bed. Wakes me right up! You’re dedicated to the end, even when you’ve struggled, and I think that spokes both to your character and who you are as a friend. You’re like a sister to me in the sense I feel like we see right through each other, and I couldn’t be happier to know someone like you and get to work with you, even on opposite sides of the world. Our calls together are one of my favorite things to do -- we just click. <3 -- JULIE
Getting closer to you, Jen, has been one of my favorite parts of coming online as an admin. I have always admired you, I’ve always loved writing with you, but being your friend is one of the most rewarding things in the world. You have such fierce passion for things, all this burning intensity inside of you and an unflinching way of confronting the world that leaves me in absolute awe. The way you can always see around the corner to what a character needs (rather than what they want or what they might say) gives you such a great ability to build masterful plots and expand our world. Our shared weird insomnia has led to so many absolutely insightful, ridiculous, very hazy conversations, and I am shocked the team has put up with us for this long, but also more glad than anything in the world. Every word you write is precious to me, in character or out, and I’m going to save all of them forever so I can drag you within an inch of your life at ANY moment. Like a clingy little barnacle. I treasure both the experience of working creatively with you and of getting absolutely nothing done with you, and I love you with all my heart!! — ROGUE
to my idiot jen, sometimes i really can’t believe how we found each other again. i truly believe that it was no less than fate (and my utter disregard for any sense of self-preservation) that we would come into each other’s lives right when we did. i have never really questioned why or thought too much on how - because truly i cant really recall a moment where i didn’t know everything about you. there are so many things that i love about you: your tuna sandwiches and food pictures, our really really extensive aus, sharing with me every little frightening piece of your heart, forcing vulnerability and honesty and unconditional LOVE and being so very patient with me...over the past two years there has been so much that i’ve learned about you and still so much that there is still left to learn and love. i adore you to the moon and back you idiot. - ROSEY
Hopefully you're not cringing too hard over this Very Formal Approach that I'm taking but trust me, if I could throw a meme in here somewhere I WOULD. Anyway, ever since you came on board, you've been nothing but a blessing to the team, and I mean that in every sense of the word. Your graphics and aesthetic vision for the group have inspired us in amazing ways, and beyond that you've lifted the team up with your pragmatic sense of judgement and gentle sensitivity to things. You really represent both sides of the same coin, dude, like… IT BLOWS MY MIND. I'm so happy to be sharing this anniversary with you, and I'm so proud of you and how far you've come ever since I met you, not just when it comes to the growth of your incredible talents but also when it comes to your writing and your maturity and pretty much everything about you. Thank you for being part of this amazing journey with us. I wouldn’t want to share it with anyone else. — JEN
Goosie, I really think you’re the closest thing to a renaissance woman I’ve met, not just in ability but also in who you are. Our entire admin team is pretty creative and original, but you are I think the true artist among us! And while your graphics are truly godlike and unlike anything I’ve ever seen in the RPC before, it’s in your writing I see it most. You’re the most versatile member on the admin team, Goosie, and I think you ground us in so many ways. Not just in doing major graphic makeovers or writing the single most iconic plot drop of DIVerona, but also with your kindness, compassion, intuition and self-awareness. I really would feel a little lost without you, Goosie - not only as an admin, but as a person! Every time you speak, I want to listen; every time you create anything, I want to frame it in a museum. I love you to fucking BITS, and I am genuinely so proud to call you buddy. (I thought about using friend instead, but buddy felt more accurate for us…) — MINNIE
Where would I begin? How can I even write a note when I feel like everything I do and every act I take is part of how much I love you, because it’s like, an entirely indelible part of me? Julie, you’re one of the most talented people in the world. Literally. Your writing is so piercing, so emotionally intelligent and brave and just vulnerable in a way I’ve never seen. Your graphics and art have such a passion to them; I think I love them because they’re beautiful, but I know I love them because I see little parts of you in them that delight me every time. I would crawl across broken glass to be a part of anything you do; I feel so lucky that I’m someone who often gets to see your works in progress, the messy edges of things, the half-finished projects. You bring such warmth to the team and such a grounded, different perspective; there have been so many times where we would entirely miss things if you hadn’t pointed them out when we were blind. You are our cornerstone, the one who anchors and glues us all together in so many ways, and I want to bask in that warm glow of your sunlight forever. — ROGUE
to my dearest julie, i wish i could just put a cody ko meme here but i am ABSTAINING EVEN THOUGH I FEEL LIKE YOU KNOW WHICH CODY KO MEME I WOULD PUT HERE. whenever i think about the times that i dragged you back into my life...like there are so many things in life i thank god i did but keeping you in it EVEN WHEN YOU TRIED TO ESCAPE MY CLUTCHES - that is number 1. having late night conversations with you about literally everything and anything makes my heart feel so full. you have been so much to me and trying to put it into words is really really difficult because none of them feel like they’re ever going to be enough. i love you for so many reasons: your humility, your determination to be there whenever, every single video and podcast you send me, your ability to listen and make people feel heard. you are special and if we are to take on this world i thank god i get to take it on with you. i love you. -- ROSEY
We complete each other and THAT'S JUST THE TEA. I admit, I can be a little over the top and just Too Much sometimes, but you always get me, and it's something that I appreciate more than I can put into words. You're the rock of this team, Minnie, and even though it's a pretty lame way of saying it, it feels right. I truly don't know where the team would be without you, but I know it wouldn't be anywhere near where it is now. You have a way of holding us together, of keeping us steady when we're weighed down or doubtful, with your kind heart, endless calm and unconditional support. I honestly don't know what to thank you for because it feels like there's way too many things and I wouldn't even know where to begin… but thank you for being here and being at our side through everything. I'm so proud of you and the amazing, one of a kind person that you are, and I wouldn't wanna share such a special moment with anyone else. — JEN
When it comes down to it, I think the best word to describe you would be a powerhouse. I’ve never met a woman in my life who works quite as fucking hard as you do -- and if not harder, then smarter, y’know? This past year I’ve spent getting to know you more and more, slowly wheedling you into opening up (motherfucker! We are Known in this house!) and sharing bits and pieces of myself, I’ve come to admire you just for who you are as a person. I’ve learned so much from you in standing my ground and not letting the wind blow me over. You’re funny and witty and sharp as a knife when it comes to your style of prose, and your love not just for Maeve and Paola but for the group shine through everything you do. You’ve held us all together like glue when we needed some extra assistance and let us know when we needed to pick things up, too. You’re open and honest with your feelings and I value that so much about you, knowing I can come to you and lay the cards down and ask your opinion on things and you’ll give it to me straight. I’ve never really had someone “at my back” in the sense of friendship, but oh man, Minnie, you make me feel safe, and I think you’ll know how much that means when I say it. -- JULIE
Oh, no, I’ve already been so embarrassing about how much I love you Minnie!! I suppose it’s only right I do it on main as well. I genuinely feel like I haven’t had another friend in my life who balances with me so well. When we’re united and on our peak shit, we complete each other, shoring up the places where we’re both insecure, making us both feel safer with each other nearby. I’ve written some of my favorite dynamics in RP with you, here at DV, and I don’t think I’d have grown half so much in my outside life or my rp life without you there to talk to. You are also the absolute rock of this team, to steal Jen’s words. When we’re all freaking out and afraid to act or worried about getting stuff wrong, you cut through everyone’s bullshit and get right to the heart of the matter. Your direct and straightforward way of speaking and of loving is a force for good in the world and on the team, and you are also maybe one of the funniest people alive, or at least in my acquaintance. I love your laugh, I love how open you are with your heart when you’re with us, I love you so very much. I want to write with you and talk to you for as long as you let me. — ROGUE
to twin-flame minnie, i wish you could see my face as i type this because this amount of vulnerability is making me like...ew. but minnie your soul resonates with me so much - never would i have ever thought in the time that we’ve known each other (it really did start with a conversation about glitter and then somehow just expanded from there and tbh i am not at all surprised) that i would bare myself to you as much as i have and felt completely and totally understood without having to say things in so many words. i cannot wait for the day when i can sweep you into my arms in a great big hug and i probably will cry when i do because i love you so much. there are too many things to love about you: from your signature giggle, to your ability to take on the world, to your conscientious growth as a person...you give me so much hope. and i don’t think it’s necessary to say anything more than that. i love you. -- ROSEY
When you first joined, you fit into the team so naturally, Rogue, it honestly felt as though you had always been a part of it. I remember being SHOOK AS FUCK at all the incredible things that you were doing in NO TIME, like, right from the start, you crafted the most amazing bios, offered the most rich and intriguing input for the plot, and helped us when it comes addressing issues and concerns in a way that made it all so much easier to tackle over time. Not to mention your sunny presence and the unconditional support that you offer, which never fail to brighten everything when we hit a bump in the road or things get a little tough. It's amazing to consider all that you've achieved and all the ways you've uplifted the team despite being with us for the least amount of time. In my eyes, you've always been with us, and I'm SO fucking proud of you and happy to be sharing all of this with you. Thank you for being a part of this team, and a part of this journey with me. — JEN
Maybe it’s a little cheesy to say, but I think the universe meant for us to meet, and having you on the team with us is a gift. We all mesh together so well and you pull things up out of nowhere on the fly, whether it be individual character plot development or actually writing The Most Iconic Plot Drop Of All Time(TM) and letting me tack on a little flourish at the end. You’re like... the cheese to my cracker, the whipped cream to my slice of pie, the biscuit with my coffee. We complete each other, and you listen to me when I really need to just word vomit all over the floor about something either entirely related or all too related, from time to time. I know if I need to call you anytime I can, and maybe my favorite memory of 2020 so far has been us watching Cats together and just suffering the entire time, but getting through it together. You’re funny, smart, endlessly endearing, work harder than the devil when it comes to threads and replies, and I’m grateful as all get out to have you with me in life!! -- JULIE
ROGUE, YOU REALLY CAME IN HERE AND SAID YEAH, I’M GOING TO SHAKE SHIT UP FROM DAY ONE. Whew, I remember one week you knocked out like four bios back-to-back and I just stood there trying to stop myself from booking a flight to your city and camping out in front of your house like the stan that I am. Sometimes, I still can’t believe there was a day you weren’t on the admin team because you not only fit seamlessly, but you also are just so essential now. Everything you’ve done in the few months since you joined our team, Rogue, has been *chef’s kiss* flawless. From the characters that I’m ANXIOUS to see on the dash to the ways you’ve helped guide our decisions and responses, I can’t imagine DiVerona and the admin team without you anymore! You brighten my day on a daily basis, and I love brainstorming with you, screaming with you, and I just love YOU! — MINNIE
to baby rogue, you see and know my True Sinner Nature rogue and the fact that you, in turn, have shared yours with me makes me feel so warm and bubbly inside - as well as makes me giggle. we really do have this habit of taking little smidgens of inspiration and connections and growing them into something extraordinary. geeking out about anything and everything within that encyclopedic brain of yours is one of my favorite things - our late night conversations, watching cursed together, plucking characters and plots from each other’s names as if they were already written in the stars...i dont know how to live without. there are so many things that i love about you: how you want to make everyone feel seen, how inclusive you are and kind, how you foster such creativity to others...i love and treasure you so very much. and we have so many more characters and worlds to explore together. -- ROSEY 
I don’t think I'll ever forget the day that you asked me if I'd like to be an admin and offered me a spot on the team. It was just you, me and Bree back then and I was way in over my head, but you made me feel at home without even trying, honestly. DV is my first longstanding admin experience and truly the best one I've ever had, and it’s all thanks to you, which is something that I'll always cherish and keep close to my heart. I've looked up to you, learned a lot from you and felt inspired by you over the years, not just because everything was so new to me at the start, but because you're a guiding light for anyone who's lucky enough to have you in their life and share with you the experiences that I have. I'm so incredibly proud of everything we've done together, and proud of you most of all. Thank you for being the one to bring me along for this amazing journey, Rosey, and thank you for going through it with me for two amazing, unforgettable years. — JEN
I think, sometimes, that people think I’m joking when I tell them you saved my life, Rosey Ro, but you did, in a way that I would never have guessed. I felt utterly alone, coming fresh out of a physically and mentally abusive relationship, juggling court dates and other things that seemed impossible to conquer. I’d left Diverona unsure of my present, what I’d considered my past, and my future, but I happened to log into Discord one day and came upon that good ole’ 9+ messages notification. All of them were from you. Every single one. It felt like a sign, of some kind, and so, as I scraped my life together, we chatted and I re-apped for DV, and in spite of tumultuous times on both our ends, I don’t regret a fucking minute of it. You have truly helped me in figuring out who I am as an individual person, where I fit in the world, and with every crisis and “OH SHIT” moment, you’ve been there for me, whether it was in your writing, your jokes, late night calls with you, messages over Whatsapp knee-deep in irritation or excitement. You’re the older sister I never got to have. Without Diverona, my life wouldn’t be the same. Without you, my life wouldn’t be the same. I love you so much. -- JULIE
How far we’ve come since we talked about Greek life parties and glitter… Rosey, my sister sign and my mirror, the mother to my father, I love you very much. Your creativity is – as we all can tell from DiVerona’s success – UNMATCHED, and your heart goes even deeper than I think most people realize. For someone who writes some of the scariest and evilest characters, you are one of the most considerate, thoughtful and empathetic people I’ve yet to meet. Thank you for creating this space and reminding us time and time again that we’re more than just admins; we’re individuals with Big Feelings as well as Big Brains. You did an amazing job, Rosey. It doesn’t get said enough, and if I could, I would tattoo it to your brain if it meant it would stick: you created a beautiful group, and no one can take that away from you. — MINNIE
Rosey, Rosey, Rosey. All of this is your fault. I never thought I would join any kind of mafia RP, always having been prone to more fantastical settings in my preferences, but when you asked me to look around at the bios, how could I say no? How could I have known it would entirely change my life? Before DV and in DV, you and I have written some of my favorite relationships to work on, some of my favorite threads of all time. You pull out such creativity from me that I never would’ve imagined existed in my brain. I love you such a ridiculous amount. I could, would, and do talk to you about anything and everything. I want to spend like 50 years of my life fighting with you over whether Hope from Legacies is hot and indulging in our weird shared white boy thirsts. You are so funny, so talented, so bright, so interesting and I don’t know how I got so lucky as to be your friend. If you and I aren’t writing together when we’re 80 it’s because I died early and tragically and you wore a sexy fascinator to my funeral. — ROGUE
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surrealsunday · 4 years ago
Hi Jaime, its the bookstore anon that disappeared into thin air! Long time no speak! I’m sorry it took me so long to write this but we went back into lockdown and I’ve been meaning to write to you for a tiny update (we went into lockdown before she even finished the first chapter) but I really struggled with just being online, so I didn’t want to bother you unless I could give you full details. Like I said we went into lockdown and I couldn’t see Faye for what felt like a lifetime. BUT Life was on my side for once because I was able to see her and she dragged me to her house so we could sit outside and talk about Mood Tattoo. She was so excited to talk to me about it. *gets ready to copy paste everything from notes app so sorry if it makes zero sense😩* She read it twice because it took so long to see her. She was able to print it halfway through though so she’s very happy about that because she once again made sure to put notes everywhere and highlight stuff she liked. She said she was pleasantly surprised that it was from Eliotts pov and that at first it threw her off because she got so used of Lucas being an idiot😂 but she said, she really enjoyed the different side of story and to learn about Eliott more and his way of feeling/thinking. She really liked that you put Manon and Idriss together again 😂 and she was very happy that she didn’t have to put up with Charles. She also said “i had a feeling I was going to hte Lucas’ father but my gosh I wish I could smack that bastard” and oh my god she got HEATED because of Moreau, holy crap I thought the neighbors would come out to tell her to shut up. “Oh that fucking old geezer what a waste of space! No wonder him and Lucas’ dad are friends! A moron always befriends a moron!!” It was as funny as concerning because i hd to remind her it was fiction but JAIME I WAS NOT READY FOR THIS WOMAN TO LOOK AT ME AND SAY “well, my love for Lucas is not fiction so i am MAD” she got up, walked inside and came out with a tea and then went “but my god, did I enjoy Eliott! And the way she wrote him! I love him even more now!” 😂😂 she also said she cried when she learned about Lucas’ mom and him reading to the kids, said that Marty thought something terrible happened 😩 (i dont know how this app is still letting me type so out of safety, ill send part 2)
Part 2, i really hope this goes through! So she told me to specifically tell you, that she really enjoy this so much and most importantly that it made this second lockdown way easier to deal with and that she talked about it to Marty like crazy! She really loved the different side of Lucas and how she got to learn more about him through Eliott and with Eliott. She said she enjoyed watching Eliott fall in love and how amazing it made her feel. And now the important part of the notes app “OH MY SWEETS!!! LET ME NOT FORGET! HOW DID YOU LET ME RAMBLE FOR SO LONG BEFORE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART! THE TATTOOS! THE TATTOOS!!!!!!!! SWEET BABY JESUS! I really liked those! (she started laughing really hard and then went) i REALLY liked the tattoos! How did she do that?” And i explained that with a lot of hard work on photoshop and she went “god bless her soul for that!” 😂 she did mention to me to tell you that the ending made her cry as well. And that when she realized they traveled to Japan she had to take a minute because she started crying 🥺 and she said “AND THE PROPOSAL!! I SCREAMED LIKE CRAZY! I BAWLED MY EYES OUT AND COULDNT SEE WHAT I WAS READING SO I HAD TO READ IT AGAIN AND I KEPT CRYING MORE!” She once again told me at the end to tell you “that i really enjoyed myself reading these! It made me feel so happy and carefree during this horrible time we afe having right now. It made me smile and it made me laugh so hard my belly hurt at some points and the tears I cried when I finished it were absolutely crazy. I hope i read something from her again! Tell her I will wait for the day she decides to write again and I already know I’ll love it just as much.” Oh and btw the best part was when we were talking about something else and halfway through she gets this look of horror and goes “see! I completely blocked it out memory! But that punk Jeremy! With his weird threesomes! Every time he came on in the story i went fucking hell jeremy! I hate that kid.” 😂 so yeah, this is all😂 I’m sorry it took long, in my defense we only saw eachother like 2-3 weeks ago? 🥺 i really hope you get all this, i guess tumblt updated the app with character limit 
Bookstore anon!!! I’m sorry for taking a while to get back to you. I didn’t check messages this week because I was stressed. But this was the absolute BEST message to come back to! 
I am 🥺🥺🥺 over you getting together with Faye to talk Mood Tattoo omg. The way I wish I could be there with you both!!! But this is absolutely the next best thing and I ADORE YOU for taking notes and giving me all the details. And she hated Moreau so much because of how much she loves Lucas! How very valid! I love her!!! And she loved the tattoos?!!! YAYYYY!!! hahahahaah. I’m so glad she did. I (obviously) really loved including that detail too! All her thoughts and comments are just ahhhhh so perfect and just what I would want from a reader. I love it. 
I really can’t tell you the joy hearing all of this brings me. Like if you guys think the stories give you a happy spot in the midst of so much real-world shit, these messages are x100 that for me. I’m emotional just reading this. You and Faye are my favourites. I love you both and I love her comments so much omg adfjaskdf. So thank you thank you thank you. It’s been a weird and super stressful week and now I am just grinning from ear to ear. Please give Faye all my love, and take care of yourself during lockdown. I send you all the love and hugs. 
(And bless tumblr for not fucking it up and actually delivering these messages in their entirety!) 
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let-it-raines · 6 years ago
Rising From The Ashes (Ch. 4)
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Summary: When her husband died, Emma wasn’t sure that she could ever move on. He left her with a broken heart and a baby who was only three-months old. It’s enough to take most people down, to make them not want to keep going, but Emma Swan isn’t most people. She’s stronger than she has any right to be. And after years of heartache, she’s found ways to move on…one of those being in Neal’s best friend, Killian Jones. As she’s always known, however, things are more complicated than they ever seem to be. 
Rating: Mature
A/N: I honestly love writing this story because of things I’m having to weave together, but I’m not going to lie, I love how you guys react :D
Double “-/-” around flashback!
AO3: Beginning | Current
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Tag list: @resident-of-storybrooke  @captainsjedi @captswanis4vr @teamhook @ekr032-blog-blog @mayquita @bmbbcs4evr @wellhellotragic @kmomof4 @jennjenn615 @onceuponaprincessworld @shady-swan-jones @snowbellewells @snow-into-ash @andiirivera @mariakov81 @thejollyroger-writer @shireness-says @kristi555 @facesiousbutton82 @superchocovian
“So I’m really into trains right now,” Henry tells Neal, showing off the set he’d gotten for his eighth birthday last month while they all sit in the living room and attempt to have a normal conversation that’s not full of awkward silences and pauses after someone finishes talking.
Neal is sitting in their living room talking to his son. It’s beautiful. It’s wonderful, really. Neal deserves to get to know Henry, and Henry sure as hell deserves to get to know Neal. Killian just thought this would never happen. Neal was dead. He was never coming back, and yet he did. He came back.
He’s here.
It’s a miracle if Killian has ever seen it. His mate is back from the dead, and he’s getting to spend time with his son.
His mate is back, and he gets to spend time with all of them. With Emma. With him. It’s a reunion in every sense of the word, and as happy as he is, as happy as he can be, he still feels a little sense of dread every time he looks at Neal. That’s not something he’s ever really felt before, even when Neal was suggesting idiotic plans on a night out.
Killian’s starting to think that he may never come up with a solution that’s not going to hurt someone when it comes to their new family situation. And as much as he doesn’t want to be the person who takes the pain, who is the one who gets hurt the most, he’d suffer so Emma can be happy. It might be the worst decision of his life, but all he wants is Emma’s happiness.
Even if it kills him.
He wants Neal’s happiness too. Neal is getting a second chance at life, and he should get to be happy. After what he’s been through, he deserves the world.
But right now Killian and Emma are still together. Things might not be normal, but neither of them have made any sort of move to end things. Bloody hell does he not want to end things. He knows that when their lives calm down, when they get Neal back into a regular schedule and life, he and Emma will have time to actually talk about things, more than just yesterday at the kitchen table for five minutes while Henry was distracted with TV and Ada was eating. Right now, though, their focus is on their children and on Neal. Not on them.
As important as his relationship is to him, it’s not a pressing matter right now.
Which is exactly why Neal is set up in their guest bedroom as of this morning and is currently spending time with Henry. In a move that he absolutely did not like, they had to tell Henry that he couldn’t talk about Ada, not yet. His boy is a brilliant lad, so he’d gotten the most incredulous look on his face, and Killian had lied to him about the reasoning, stating something about it being a surprise for later. It felt as if lead had dropped in his stomach.
They’re doing what they have to do, though. They’re getting through this. They’ll let Henry spend time with Neal while Mary Margaret discreetly watches Ada in the kitchen where Neal hasn’t been, and after Henry and Neal have had some time together, Killian and Emma will take the plunge and tell him how life has changed since he’s been gone.
They’re not going to hide their child, not permanently, but they have to if just for a little while to do what’s best for Neal.
If he’s been alive this entire time, he has to have known that things would change, that life wouldn’t stand still. That’s not how things work. Even when you don’t want the earth to keep rotating and revolving, it does.
There’s no stopping it.
Ripping off the band-aid, he’d said yesterday when talking to Emma at the kitchen table and again before they’d gone to bed. It’s easier than living a lie, living in secret, and it’s what they have to do. For all of the confusion, the one thing he knows that he and Emma agree on completely is the fact that their children come before anything else.
Without a doubt.
They are the only part of this that are not complicated, even if it doesn’t seem that way now. Hell, they’ve got their son lying and Mary Margaret hiding their daughter in the other room. She’s been fussy lately, so Emma didn’t want her out of the house, especially since they usually all spend their mornings together playing with her before he goes to work. And they wanted Mary Margaret around to help with Henry while they talk to Neal since they’re not exactly expecting the smoothest of sailings. Nothing bad, really. They just know it’ll be shocking for him.
So maybe the kids are a bit complicated for today, but it’ll get better. It’ll get better, and they’ll all adjust. Things take time.
“I liked boats before that,” Henry continues, moving his train across the coffee table, “but then my friend Avery rode on a train that went under the ocean, and I thought that was super cool. Plus, Mary Margaret had us read about them during reading time.”
“He’s always getting into new things,” Emma helpfully supplies, and her hand reaches for his, their fingers touching before she suddenly pulls back, like she’s remembering where they are. “I’m sure by the new year it’ll be airplanes or something.”
“So you’re creative, buddy?” Neal questions, reaching over to ruffle Henry’s hair, and Killian internally cringes, knowing that Henry hates that. But Neal doesn’t know. He has no idea. He’s obviously trying, and they’ll work with him. They have to work with him. That’s the only way this will work. Besides, Neal deserves to know all of the little things his son loves and hates. He deserves to get to be a dad after missing so much.
Killian cannot imagine how it must feel to have missed so much of his child’s life. He doesn’t think he could cope had he missed all of his firsts with Ada, all of the moments, actually. He doesn’t know how he’d cope if he’d missed them with Henry too. Having to go to work is hard enough when Emma sends him videos of Ada completely rolling over or laughing. God, he loves her laugh. It’s like pure joy.
He’d been around when Henry was an infant, but not as much as he wishes he could have been now that he’s been there for nearly everything the past seven or so years. He’d missed all the firsts like the laughs and the smiles, rolling over and crawling and such. He and Emma had been close but not close like they grew to be. So in a way he did miss several big moments in Henry’s life too, and he does deeply wish that he’d been around on the day that Emma heard Henry giggle for the first time. The first time he heard Ada…he can’t even describe it, and if he could change some things, he’d have been around for absolutely everything for Henry too.
“Yeah,” Henry answers, patting down his hair until it lays in weird patterns on his head, “I like a bunch of different stuff. Daddy bought me a new storybook for my birthday, too, and I can write my own stories in it. I wrote one the other day about a train that can fly. But it’s different than an airplane.”
He feels Emma’s entire body tense next to his, and when he dares look over at her, he can see tears already streaming down her face while her hand messes with the pendant on her necklace. He wants to wipe them from her cheeks, but he can’t. Instead he quickly squeezes her knee before looking over at Neal who looks confused, his brows knitted together and his lips pursed even if Killian swears that he saw a flash of anger at first glance.
He's not sure of anything, though, not with the way his heart is absolutely pounding in his chest. Maybe they should have asked for a doctor to be here as well.
For when he inevitably has some kind of heart attack.
“What are you talking about Henry? How could I have bought you a book?”
“You didn’t. My daddy did.”
“Henry, I’m your daddy.”
“No,” Henry laughs, and Killian would step in if his voice was working right now, if he could focus on something besides the pounding in his head and in his heart. They should have realized this would happen. How did they not? They thought about him talking about Ada, but they never thought about him calling Killian daddy in front of Neal. Shit. He thought they’d thought of everything, thought they’d worked out how to do this in the short time that they had to work through things, but Henry’s obviously decided to speed things along. The damn psychiatrist and all of those specialists have not helped this transition at all. “You’re my dad. He,” Henry says as he points to Killian, “is my daddy.”
“Henry,” Emma croaks, her voice breaking, “why don’t you go in the other room and ask Mary Margaret for something to eat, okay?”
“Okay. Do you think I can have some chicken nuggets even though it’s the morning?”
“Yeah, kid, sure. Whatever you want.”
Henry walks out of the room without a care in the world, waving at Neal with this giant smile on his face before leaving. To be so young and innocent. It’s a wonderful blessing.
“Emma,” Neal grits, his jaw ticking while his fist continuously clenches and unclenches. It’s a sign of anger management that Killian saw time and time again when he was going through therapy after his first deployment. “Why did he just say that Killian is his father?”
Emma looks to him, her eyes bright with both shed and unshed tears, and he simply nods, trying to force the tight smile on his face into a comforting one. His heartbeat is irregular, his face heating up, and he’s sure that the entire neighborhood can hear it. It’s as loud as a drum beating in his ears.
“Neal,” Emma hesitantly begins, a gulp visibly moving through her throat while her hand shakes, “I…we have something to tell you, and I don’t know how you’re going to take it.”
“What is it, Ems? Because if it’s just that Henry thinks Killian is like a father figure, that’s great. He’s his godfather anyways. I just think it’s a little weird that he calls him daddy. I feel like that’s something that has to be taught and encouraged.”
“Daddy,” Henry yells, running toward him and wrapping his arms around his legs, the force nearly knocking Killian back as he walks in the front door. “Momma has a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?” he laughs, picking Henry up and absolutely ignoring the way he just called him daddy. That has never happened before, but if he didn’t have a lanky five year old on his hip, he’d probably cry from the affection and confusion of it all. “What could Mummy possibly have to surprise me?”
“It’s a secret, so I can’t tell you.”
“Ah,” he sighs, nodding his head as he walks them back into the house and to the kitchen where he can hear Emma moving around. What the bloody hell is she doing in the kitchen? They’re supposed to go out to dinner tonight. “So I’ll just have to wait to find out then.”
“Happy birthday,” Emma greets when he and Henry walk into the room. She steps away from where she’s icing a cake and moves toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck before she slants her lips over his. She tastes of sugar, and he absolutely cannot wait to explore that a little more later. Once Henry is in bed. The lad needs to go to sleep early tonight. He won’t, but a man can wish. It is his birthday after all.
“Hmm, thank you, my love,” he tells her, kissing her one more time until he pulls back and looks at Henry who’s got the most mischievous smile on his face. “Young Master Henry tells me that you have a surprise for me.” “I do,” she smiles, her eyes lighting up while she falls back on flat feet, her height drastically changing as she moves back over to their counter. “Because you, my sweet man, are now thirty-five, I’ve made you a cake. And it’s edible too. I know because I had David help me.”
“So I should thank David for this creation?”
“Probably. But that’s not the only surprise.” He raises an eyebrow. What has she been planning? When has she even had time to plan? The end of the school year is a busy time for her. She’s been running herself into the ground trying to get all of those seniors to graduate.
“Really now?”
“Mhm,” she hums. “Henry, baby, why don’t you go get it?”
Henry squirms in his arms until Killian puts him down, his long legs running into the other room. God, he’s really gotten big. He’s got to stop growing up. He’ll be six this year, and no part of Killian is okay with it. He wants time to stop ticking by him because he’s more upset about Henry turning six than he is upset about him officially being in his mid-thirties as of this morning.
“Darling, you really didn’t need to go through all of this fuss.”
“Nonsense. You always do it for us. Why shouldn’t we do it for you?”
“Because you don’t have to.” He walks over to her and wraps his arm around her waist, dipping his head and kissing her again. “I love you, Swan.”
“I love you too, babe.”
“Shhh, shhh,” he hears Henry say, and for a brief moment he wonders if Emma really went out and bought a dog for them, but then he sees familiar blue eyes and curly hair that definitely don’t belong to a dog.
Bloody hell. Liam is here.
“Happy birthday, little brother,” Liam wishes, a bright smile on his face. He can’t believe this. He can’t believe Emma flew his brother here from London just for his birthday.
“Younger, you ponce,” Killian laughs, stepping away from Emma and walking over to Liam, wrapping him up in a hug, feeling immediate warmth when Liam’s arms wrap around his shoulders. “What the bloody hell are you doing here?”
Liam pats him on the back a few times before pulling back and clapping him on the shoulder. “Your lovely lady called me a few weeks ago and asked if I could manage to fly across the pond to see you. And how could I pass up seeing you as well as my favorite little man?”
“That’s me, right?” Henry asks, standing on his toes and scrambling so he can be closer to eyelevel with he and Liam.
“Of course that’s you,” Liam promises, squatting down to Henry’s level. “You did such a good job helping me.”
“Thank you.”
Killian lets Liam and Henry talk before walking back over to Emma and wrapping his arms around her waist again, burying his face in her hair and kissing along her jaw, only increasing his efforts when she squeals. “I bloody love you,” he growls into her ear, biting down on the lobe the slightest bit, “and I absolutely cannot wait to get you alone tonight so that we can celebrate my birthday in private.” “Yeah?” Emma giggles, twisting in his arms.
“Most definitely. You have plans for me, and I, darling, have plans for you.”
“I’m amazed that you guys are able to live with a child,” Liam laughs, walking over to them with his hands over Henry’s ears, “because you are not subtle at all.”
“Don’t be jealous, Liam,” Emma teases, pulling back from him and swiping her finger through the icing on the cake. “I’m sure we will spend plenty of time with you too. Though I do suggest you run to the Walgreens around the corner and gets some earplugs. Your room shares a wall with ours.”
Later, after they’ve gone out to dinner with everyone – David, Mary Margaret, and Leo joining them at the restaurant – and he’s spent some time with Liam, catching up on everything, he and Emma are lounging in bed. He’s exhausted but sated. Though, if Emma keeps running her foot up and down his calf like she’s doing, he’ll be ready and willing for another round soon enough.
Who says he’s an old man? He has stamina.
“Have you had a good day?” she asks, her finger curling his chest hair until she releases it and moves onto another patch.
“Aye, wonderful,” he promises, patting her back before sliding his hand down and lightly tapping her ass, squeezing the firm skin in a way that makes Emma giggle. “You are wonderful. You know that?”
“I do, but I like to be reminded in ways other than my son giving me gifts he made in school that say that.”
Emma kisses his chest, just above his heart, and his breath hitches. He’s got to talk to her about what happened when he got home. “Darling, I need to talk to you about something.”
All of her movements stop and she pulls back, sitting up in bed and pulling the blanket around her shoulders, closing herself into a ball. “What?”
“When I got home today, uh,” he reaches up to scratch behind his ear, “Henry called me daddy.”
“Yeah, and, like, I’m fine with it. I have no qualms. I’ve always thought of Henry like he was my son, I love him like that, but I don’t want you to be uncomfortable with it. This is all totally up to you of how we want to go about this.”
“Babe, you’re Henry’s parent too. You know that, right? It might not be legal or biological or whatever, but that doesn’t matter. You love him. He loves you. It’s…you’ve been a dad to him for almost his entire life, and if he wants to call you daddy, he should be able to. I know that you’re in this for the long haul, that you’re not going to leave us.”
“But what about – ”
“Of course I wish that Neal were here to be Henry’s dad, but he’s not. And he’s not coming back. And honestly, if there was anyone in the world who Neal would want to help take care of Henry, it’d be you.”
“So you don’t think we should ask him not to call me that?”
“No,” Emma sighs, leaning forward and cupping his cheeks with her palms, “we shouldn’t. When he’s older and can understand a little better, we’ll explain things to him. But, Killian, you are his daddy. You are.”
“Daddy,” he repeats, trying to weigh the words on his tongue. He’s obviously feeling bold tonight because he asks something he’s been hoarding away for months now. “Love…do you ever…would you…”
“You don’t even know what I’m going to ask.”
“You’re going to ask if I ever think about having another baby. With you preferably.” He chuckles, all of the happiness of today settling comfortably in his stomach. “Yeah, the with me part is pretty big. So do you?”
“Yeah,” she smiles, and he’s continuously blown away with how beautiful she is, with how much he loves her, “I do. I want to, actually. I feel like…I feel like it’s right for us, you know? We should have kids. Henry should have a sibling. I don’t know. It’s hard to explain. I just…I want it. With you. More than I can even describe.”
He tugs Emma back down on top of them, letting her chest land on his and their legs tangle together while he caresses her cheek, looking into her eyes and hoping that she can see just how much he loves her. “Emma Swan, I would love to make a baby with you one day.”
“Do you want to practice a little more because I have to get my implant – ”
He doesn’t let her finish, bringing her lips down to his and sliding them over hers in a kiss that is a hell of a lot sweeter than the icing that was on his birthday cake.
Thirty-five might be his favorite birthday.
It’s not really something that has to be taught, but Killian’s not dumb enough to say that out loud. Kids are pretty intuitive, and they can figure out a lot of things on his own. Killian’s still not sure what prompted Henry to call him “daddy” for the first time. He’s not sure if someone at his school accidentally mistook Killian for Henry’s father, not knowing the situation, or if maybe the kids in his kindergarten class asked about it. Honestly, it could have been a million little things, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. He is Henry’s dad just as much as Neal is.
He wants to say more than, but that’s not fair to Neal. Not at all. It’s not his fault that he hasn’t been around.
“No, um,” Emma stutters, biting her bottom lip, “that’s not it.”
“Fuck, Ems,” Neal groans while his fists still move, fingers fidgeting. “Just tell me.”
They shouldn’t have done this yet. They should have given Neal more time. He’s only been home from…wherever he was, the details still unclear even to him, for a month. And he’s only been in their house for a day. For less than a day. Only for a few hours. They were at least going to give him this morning, give him a moment to breathe, but plans never stick.
They weren’t going to have Henry just blurt out the news.
“Henry calls Killian daddy because to him, Killian is his daddy,” Emma explains, fidgeting her fingers on her knees. “He’s known about you for awhile, since we felt like he was old enough to understand, and he knows that Killian isn’t his biological father, that you are. But he just kind of started calling Killian that when he was five, and Killian and I agreed that it was okay. And, um,” she gulps, and at this point he can’t not touch her, so he reaches over and twines their fingers together, squeezing her hand and letting her know that it’s all okay, letting her know that she can stop fidgeting, that she can do this. As soon as their fingers interlock, however, Killian sees a flash of confusion flicker across Neal’s eyes before his jaw ticks and his teeth obviously grind, his knuckles going white.
“My  kid calls Killian daddy because you’re together,” Neal finishes for Emma, and he feels the lead in his stomach grow heavier. Can he really be this weighed down by his own guilt? Should he even really be this guilty?
“We, um,” Killian begins, trying to take some of the weight off of Emma since he knows she must be drowning in it, somehow more than him, “we also have a daughter together. Her name is Ada, and she’ll be five months old tomorrow.”
“So what?” Neal darkly chuckles, his hand reaching up to rub at the hairs on his chin, “you knocked her up and then tried to be together? Just because you guys fucked up doesn’t mean you have to try to be in a relationship. Also, what the hell man? You slept with my wife? You better have been drunk or something because damn, that’s messed up. I never would have slept with Milah, and she was smoking hot, which was probably why she so easily cheated on you in the first place.”
Anger pulses through his entire body, and while he knew that this would be hard, that there would be no way Neal was immediately accepting of this, he didn’t expect such vile remarks thrown at them. First, that he implied that he and Emma had to be intoxicated to sleep together. Yes, they first kissed while drunk, but they also put a stop to it. They’re together because they love each other, and he didn’t knock Emma up. It was a planned choice. Neal speaks like he owns Emma, and he doesn’t. No one owns Emma, and she can make her own damn choices. The Milah thing stings, Neal throwing his past scars in his face, but he’s in no way pissed about that. Neal has just insulted his character, his love, and his child. He will not stand for it no matter what Neal has been through.
“Neal,” Killian grits, his teeth practically grinding to dust and his hand holding onto Emma’s so tightly that he hears her whine in pain before he releases her, “I understand that you’ve been through a lot, more than we can understand, but you can’t talk to us that way. It’s a difficult situation, but it’s not going to help if we’re throwing insults at each other.”
“You fucked my wife, dude. How am I supposed to respond to that? A fucking gift basket.”
“First of all,” Emma sneers, her voice clipped and concise as her hands tremble, “there are children in the other room, children who do not need to hear all of this, especially the language you’re practically screaming. Secondly, Neal, none of this is ideal. Not a bit of it, but things happened. I lived a life that made me happy. We thought you were dead, and somehow you’re alive. Shouldn’t that be our main focus?”
“It’s kind of hard to focus on that right now. I spent years dreaming of coming home to you and Henry, Ems. And I finally get to, and that fantasy is destroyed. I wanted to be a family. Can’t we be a family again?”
Neal’s voice breaks, tears beginning to stream down his face, and Emma looks at Killian, sorrow and anger mixed in a storm in her eyes, before patting his hand and going to squat next to Neal, rubbing her hand up and down his back in soothing circles as she whispers quietly in his ear, Neal nodding his head up and down before he twists and sobs into Emma’s shoulder, his eyes flickering up to Killian for a brief moment.
But not brief enough that Killian doesn’t notice a flash of…something there.  
He could punch a wall, break his hand, and not at all be sorry about it right now for the storm that’s raging inside of him, one that he knows is much darker than the one he saw in Emma’s eyes.
This is going to be hell.
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imbeccablee · 6 years ago
(tumblr mobile wouldn't let me post a link so i guess y'all get this then. it's on ao3 as well like all the others are)
I'm just a kid
And life is a night mare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair
Nobody cares 'cause I'm alone
And the world is
Having more fun then me
Deku is lying and Ochako is going to find out why.
Ochako knew he was lying to her. She knew it in the way he held himself and the way he stuttered through his words. She knew it through his eyebags and in his sluggishness.
She saw it in his ambling walk, in how he flinched away from sudden movement. She saw it in how he lost fight after fight in class, in how Aizawa pulled him aside to talk because it was so bad. She saw it in how he nodded to his teacher and didn't get better still.
She heard it in his voice and in his yawns. She heard it in his excuses, how he told her not to worry, he's fine. She heard him lie to her for days, weeks on end.
It hurt.
She saw, heard, and knew Deku lied to her, but for the life of her, she couldn't fathom why.
It was late. Ochako’s clock read 3 am. Having woken in a start as her parched throat couldn't bear it any longer, she'd ventured downstairs for a glass of water.
She went for the cup cabinet blindly, not bothering with the lights. It was too late for that, and she'd be in and out anyway.
It took a few tries to get a grasp on a cup, and as she turned and walked toward the sink, she tripped on her feet and fell to the ground. The cup slipped from her hand as she shrieked at the sudden change in direction. She landed as the cup’s shattering seemed to echo in the empty kitchen.
She winced as she laid there, taking her throbbing knees and palms in stride. Oh well, she thought at the sight of the shards of glass. She was fully awake, though that was more a curse than a blessing.
As she gathered up the broken shards, the front door opened.
Ochako froze. The door clicked shut and there was a scuffle of feet. A locker opened and closed, and then there were quiet steps.
Ochako gulped and slowly looked around the corner of the counter beside her. In the darkness, it was hard to tell exactly who was ambling toward the elevator. They looked about average height, and wore a white t-shirt that shown in the dark. Ochako squinted.
Whoever-they-are made it to the elevator and pressed the up arrow. It opened immediately, bathing the living area in a rectangle of light, and Ochako gaped.
If Deku found it odd the elevator was on the first floor instead of one of the floors with the rooms on it, he didn’t act on it. He only yawned as he entered and rode it up to his floor.
Ochako stood from her kneeling position, broken glass all but forgotten. She stared at the elevator doors like they would explain why Deku was out so late.
She thought briefly of the current mystery she was trying to solve, but shook her head quickly. It… honestly wasn’t any of her business.
She cleaned up the broken glass and headed back upstairs without ever getting her drink of water.
The next night she woke again in the middle of the night. She laid staring at her ceiling with a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, filling her with nervous energy.
She turned to her door, glanced at the clock. What if she just…
She shook her head, and violently threw herself to face the wall. She needed to let it be. Deku can do whatever he wants after hours. Even if that means leaving the dorms at an ungodly time. Even if that means losing hours of precious sleep. Even if that means worrying the hell out of Ochako.
Fuck it.
Ochako flung back the covers and speed walked down the hall, careful not to wake any of the other residents on her floor. She took the stairs this time, leaping down two at a time.
The first floor was dark when she arrived, just like last night. It was near midnight again, so assuming Deku had gone out around the same time again, he should be back soon.
She sat in the kitchen area, pressed against one of the floor cabinets with her knees to her chest.
“I’m just making sure he gets back okay,” she said to herself. “Nothing more…”
So she waited. And waited. And waited some more.
When she was finally falling asleep in her cramped position, she heard the front door open and snapped to attention. She scrambled to her knees and peaked ever so slightly around the corner.
There he was again, just… sluggishly walking to the elevator. He seemed to sway on his feet as he waited for the elevator to come, and still didn’t notice her. She couldn’t bring herself to call out to him, too scared to break this trance he seemed to be in.
(Truth be told, she was afraid of confronting him about all she’s been feeling lately. Funny how she told him he could come to her with any of his problems and when he didn’t, she got all upset, when she did the same exact thing.
Ironic, isn’t it.)
He made it onto the elevator in one piece and rode it up to his floor. Ochako slumped down on the kitchen floor and didn’t move until the clock hit two am.
She was questioned the following morning why she looked so dead to the world, but she only shook her head and willed her eyes to stay away from her friend, even as he worriedly glanced at her from time to time. Call her petty, but she almost felt he didn’t deserve answers if she didn’t either.
They fell into a routine, though Deku didn’t know it. She would wake suddenly in the night and would rush downstairs to wait an unspecified amount of time for Deku to return from god knows where. The time it took him to get back ranged from ten minutes to a full two hours.
She would hunch in the kitchen, willing herself awake in the wee hours of the morning just so she could make sure he came home safe.
It is two weeks into this “arrangement,” that the routine is broken.
Ochako awakened and went downstairs just as normal. She waited like she usually did, and Deku came back after some time too. Only he didn’t get into the elevator when it came. The open doors bathed him in a bright light he squinted at, but he made no move to get in. He stared and swayed until the doors shut again, and then stared and swayed some more.
It was unbearable.
Ochako gripped the edge of the cabinet tightly in her hands, rooted to the spot like always. Her hesitance always cost her answers, but she couldn’t find it in herself to move.
That is… until Deku collapsed.
She has seen him fall many, many times, but nothing like this. Those other times he had been hurt, sure, but he’d either gotten up or been helped up if not unconscious. He’s also just clumsy sometimes. But now, seeing him just fold into himself and fall forward, not due to some final hit, but purely out of what looked like exhaustion is… scary. Before, she’d known he was tired, overworked, but…
Ochako felt herself fly over to Deku. His knees had caught him and he laid with his forehead pressed to the carpet. Ochako slid to her knees beside him, wincing at the rub burns immediately appearing on them. He was gasping over and over, like the breath he was taking in just wasn’t enough to satisfy.
Her hands hovered above him restlessly, not entirely sure what to do. “Deku, Deku,” she murmured, trying to rouse him from whatever state he was in. Finally, she grabbed him by the shirt and shoulders and yanked him into a sitting position.
The tears on his face were not an uncommon occurrence, but still she found her heart breaking at the sight.
The movement seemed to wake him in some way. The gasping subsided, but his breathing was still heavy as if he’d been running nonstop for the time he’d been gone. Which… taking in the sweat staining his shirt and the godawful smell coming from him, Ochako wouldn’t be entirely surprised if he was. “U—Uraraka? What—What’re you—”
“You’re such an idiot,” she said, crying too, and pulled him into a tight hug.
He was tense, and yeah, maybe hugging someone who was obviously freaking out wasn’t the best idea, but goddammit Ochako was fucking terrified. She knew she did something right because he melted in her arms and bawled his eyes out for some unknown reason. That was fine, though, for the moment, even if she desperately wanted answers for why her best friend was sneaking off in the middle of the night to run, or something.
Because judging by how he grasped helplessly at her shirt and how he sobbed apologies and the like into her shoulder, she could tell he needed this.
Honestly? Holding onto him after weeks of barely holding in her desperate worry? She needed this too.
It was a long while before either of them talked. They sat sprawled over one another in front of the elevator until the latter part of the early morning, nursing those relieved feelings after a good crying session.
“Deku?” Ochako finally said.
“Please tell me what’s wrong.”
He didn’t. At least, not in the way Ochako wanted him to. He spoke vaguely about pressure and about the fear that’s been building in him ever since the beginning of the year. He told her his goal and how he sometimes didn’t think he could cut it, that he wasn’t trying hard enough, and that he was just so tired. Tired of the pressure and the worry and the constant threat of villain attacks. He said he knew what he was getting into when he signed up for hero school. He said he had thought he could handle it.
He said he thought he was wrong.
And god, did that make her angry.
“Are you…” Deku jerked his head up from the dipped position he had held it in. “Are you kidding me?”
He looked mildly hurt, and sure, maybe that wasn’t the best choice of words, but imagine if you heard this amazing, absolutely inspiring person who was kind and caring and everything you wanted to be, straight up say he didn’t have what it took to be a hero.
“No, I mean—are you literally kidding me? You. Midoriya Izuku. Are saying you don’t have what it takes to be a hero. After everything that’s happened? After you saved me before we became friends, after you saved Todoroki when you were supposed to be fighting him, after you helped save Eri when she was in the darkest place possible.” That restless, nervous energy from before was back and was pumping her full of love-induced rage. God, Deku’s such an idiot. “You’re so good and caring and you just want to save people, what are you even saying, Deku?”
Deku was crying again, shaking his head. “It’s all—so much, too much! I can’t—look at me, I’m dead on my feet, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t—do anything, I’m just so scared all the time, I—!”
“You think all these heroes out there are sleeping soundly every night? We’ve—they’ve—So much has happened over so little time, I can’t even begin to unpack it all.” Ochako cupped Deku’s face to keep him looking at her. “Deku, Deku, hey. C’mon. We’re—We’re just kids, Deku. Just a bunch of kids wanting to be adults. We’re allowed to be scared. We’re allowed to be affected. We’ve been through some scary shit.” Deku huffed a watery laugh and Ochako smiled. “We’re kids, Deku, stop forcing yourself to be an adult.”
He leaned against her, his forehead pressed into the curve of her neck. “... When did everything get so… fucked up?”
Ochako laughed. “I think it’s always been fucked up, Deku.” She paused a moment. “Hey, Deku?”
“I just wanted to say, um… I don’t know what the future holds, or how the rest of high school will go, but… no matter what, you’re already a hero. To me, to Iida, to Todoroki… to everyone. You—yeah, just… know that.”
He gave a wheezing sob and wrapped her in another hug
The next day they were both worried over by their friends due to their ragged, red-eyed state. Mina made crude comments on the coincidence that both of them looked the same. They waved off their friends’ worries and shared a look over the island. Deku averted his eyes first and Ochako sighed.
Yeah, sure, he didn’t tell her what was really bothering him. Or he did, but just in the absolute vaguest way possible. But she guessed he’s entitled to that. There are some things you can’t reveal, not all at once. Ochako is nothing if not patient, and she knew now he would go to her if he ever needed help.
But if all she ever is is a shoulder to cry on, then dammit she’s done her job.
Izuocha Week 2k18
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admiralsweko · 3 years ago
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I posted 1,969 times in 2021
2 posts created (0%)
1967 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 983.5 posts.
I added 945 tags in 2021
#tales from the borderlands - 239 posts
#tftbl - 167 posts
#borderlands - 98 posts
#fiona the con artist - 83 posts
#rhyiona - 81 posts
#rhys the company man - 73 posts
#far cry 5 - 69 posts
#stardew harvey - 48 posts
#harvey sdv - 44 posts
#botw - 43 posts
Longest Tag: 78 characters
#technically i doodled the main character for fruits basket a million years ago
My Top Posts in 2021
I just binged (and re-binged "Interested In Someone Else") your fics and oh god, my feelings
Rhys' complete obliviousness in "Interested In Someone Else" is absolutely adorable. I love that his first thought is that she likes Vaughn because there's no way she'd be interested in HIM, right?! And then Fiona's solution and how she just went all in with "it's you, you bloody idiot" - AAAAAHHHHH
Man, I loved "Worries As Big As The Moon" and how did it take me so long to read it?! I loved Fiona's "welp, this is my life now" and yeah, like she was ever just going to have a nap. The morning after awkwardness was so cute. My favourite kind of comfort fic. Thank you for blessing the Rhyiona fandom with these. <3
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for this. Such kind words! My motivation to write has been as dried up as a prune but this makes me feel so much better. You've hydrated me! Bless you for being such a beautiful person and for being so very kind!
2 notes • Posted 2021-08-21 14:24:05 GMT
5 Male Characters Beloved
Tagged by: @olwrathie
Tagging: @starryfallows, @elusivexx, @xlucani, @dewiidrop​ and anyone else who wants to participate!
1. Rhys (Tales from the Borderlands)
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2. Harvey (Stardew Valley) 
See the full post
25 notes • Posted 2021-04-24 01:19:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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skeletonscribbles · 7 years ago
At Least It’s Not Sports (Part Four - Senior Year, First Semester)
okay I am SO sorry about this but I thought I posted this yesterday and then I looked and it...wasn’t there? so if you’re getting tagged twice in this, I’m sorry. either tumblr ate this last time, or I’m a big idiot. (well...I’m always a big idiot.)
anyways. I decided to break up senior year, so here’s that sweet part 1 for ya <3
Title: At Least It’s Not Sports (High School Drama Club AU)
Pairings: Reddie, Stanlon, Benverly, Bill x Audra
Rating: they’re 18! it’s explicit now whoops
Summary: “Things will be different this year, mama,” he said softly, looking at his Keds. “Can I go?” Things would be different. Things were already different, but she didn’t know that yet. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have to know that at all.
Warnings: sexual situations, some cliche Reddie tropes (window climbing etc)
Freshman Year / Sophomore Year / Junior Year /  Senior Year Pt. 2
Read on Ao3!
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(sorry for the Crucible Cast Party joke with myself but it’s relevant to the content I swear) Sonia kept Eddie pretty much confined to his room all summer, which was kind of a blessing, but mostly a curse.
The curse part was pretty straightforward. Eddie finished his summer work at the beginning of the third week, and from then on had absolutely nothing to do but daydream and (God forbid) spend time with his mother. Time with Sonia usually started with the television and ended with the bible, so on most days, Eddie picked the first option. He curled up on his bed with a book or a notepad and lost himself thinking and drawing and dreaming of thick glasses, freckled shoulders, and big hands. It would have been sweet and romantic, except that it was a far, far cry from the real thing.
The blessing part came in the form of the real thing, by way of the drainpipe.
On a hot night in the middle of July, Eddie was laying on his bed, Pride and Prejudice folded open on his stomach (it was his fifth readthrough - Lizzie Bennett was up there with Elle Woods on his list of role models) and Whitney Houston playing on his small alarm clock radio. He was in the middle of one of his favorite daydreams - the one where he and Richie ran away together to New York - when he heard it.
Something was tapping against his window.
Eddie, figuring it was a squirrel or some other annoying form of New England wildlife, tried to pull himself back into the daydream. He focused on the shade of Richie’s eyes and the slow, easy stretch of Richie’s mouth, and was just about back to the fantasy when the tap came again.
Cursing under his breath, he set Jane Austen aside and went out to see what was making noise.
When he drew back the curtains, the sight he was met with made him trip over his own feet and fall backwards onto his pink rug.
Richie Tozier was trying to curl his whole body around the frame of Eddie’s window, hanging on with his fingertips and looking terrified as shit.
Once Eddie wrapped his mind around what was happening, he jumped up to open the already cracked window the rest of the way up.
“You could have let yourself in, dumbass,” Eddie chastised him breathlessly, smiling in spite of himself.
“It didn’t seem polite,” Richie replied, gently uncoiling himself and gingerly hoisting his way into the room. He wasn’t very good at it - it took him a couple of different tries to fit his long, stickbug legs through the window in a way that made sense. Eddie did his best to stifle his laughter, but he wasn’t strong enough to choke it back, so he settled for giggling under his breath.
“To what do I owe the displeasure?” Eddie asked, still smiling as he watched Richie try and regain his bearings on the floor of his room. “And how did you know where I live? You’ve never been over here before.”
“I asked Bill.” Richie didn’t seem embarrassed about that in the slightest. “Anyway. I figured you were lonely up here in your prison, and no one else was confident in their drainpipe shimmying skills, so…voila.”
“Voila,” Eddie echoed, drinking in the details of Richie’s face like a man starved. (It had been almost two months; Eddie supposed he was starved, in a way.) “I…uh. I don’t know what to say.”
“Well, I do,” Richie said, and launched into a spirited soliloquy about Bev’s most recent Target shoplifting excursion like they were at the lunch table at school rather than in the middle of Eddie’s dimly lit bedroom that Richie had, within the last five minutes, effectively broken into. Eddie was having trouble listening…not because the story wasn’t interesting, but rather because he wasn’t quite sure if Richie was real or not. After about five minutes, he held up a hand.
“Richie, why did you come here?”
Richie stopped mid-sentence, obviously thrown off. “Huh?”
Eddie squirmed a little. “This isn’t…we don’t see each other except at school. We don’t hang out in the summer. I don’t understand.”
Richie fidgeted with his glasses, obviously embarrassed. “I told you…I figured–”
“Richie,” Eddie said, not interested in putting up with bullshit, “I know what you said.”
Richie huffed out a breath. “I…thought things were different, this year.”
Eddie’s heart leapt. Different?
“Different how?” he asked, searching Richie’s expressive face for any sign of…well, anything.
Richie was truly a consummate actor. He gave Eddie absolutely nothing. “Just…different.”
“Oh.” Eddie willed himself not to feel disappointed. “Carry on.”
Richie did.
He was right, in a way. It was different, one hundred percent different, but not in a way that either of them had to talk about. In fact, talking about it would have ruined whatever electricity was in the air.
Richie talked to him almost all night, and only left because the birds were beginning to sing. After that, his visits became a weekly ritual, and whatever was crackling between them grew stronger and stronger every time. Nothing ever happened, they just sat and talked and stared and smiled, but there was a promise in it - an understanding that it wasn’t ‘if’ something was ever going to happen, but ‘when’.
Even with that being the case, the summer wound down without Eddie’s relationship with Richie escalating at all…except for the fact that they were finally on good enough terms that Eddie wasn’t dreading seeing Richie in school in September.
This year, Sonia had taken up the mantle of dreading Eddie seeing Richie in school in September.
“What are you to do if you see him in school, Eddie Bear?” She had gone all out for his last first day of school - made him a full breakfast, took one million photos, the whole shebang - and now she was trying to use all of her “kindness” to her advantage.
“Avoid him, ma, I know.” Eddie rolled his eyes, itching to get out the door.
“And if he–”
“I won’t touch him, I won’t talk to him, I’ll make friends with girls.” Eddie rattled off all the things he knew she wanted to hear, biting back a long, tortured sigh.
“Good.” Sonia seemed satisfied. Well, almost satisfied. “I still don’t know if it would be wise to let you rejoin that club…”
“The drama club needs me, ma,” Eddie insisted. “I’m the only one who can run their backstage stuff. It’s important.”
Sonia fixed him with her most intimidating stare. “If things start to go back to the way they were, Edward, I’ll have to make some phone calls to doctors. Do you want me to make phone calls to doctors?”
Eddie felt nauseous. There was no question what kind of doctors she’d send him to - in fact, he was pretty surprised he hadn’t been shipped off there already.
“Things will be different this year, mama,” he said softly, looking at his Keds. “Can I go?”
Things would be different. Things were already different, but she didn’t know that yet. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have to know that at all.
“Yes.” She tapped her cheek, and he quickly stepped forward and kissed it, stomach still churning. “Have a wonderful first day, sweetheart. Senior year!”
“Senior year,” he repeated, numbly pushing his way out the door.
Richie was waiting for him by the side entrance to the school, where all the drama kids snuck in to hang in the band room before classes started. Eddie thought of his mother…and pushed the thought aside, instead choosing to smile as he approached Richie, heart thrumming in his chest.
“All right, Eds?” Richie smiled back, and Eddie noticed with a little jolt that the remnants of the little bug-eyed kid that flirted with him at their first ever drama workshop were still visible in the crinkles around his eyes; the stretch of his lips. So much had changed, so much was different…but it was the same, too. Eddie kind of liked that it was both. Different and the same.
“Don’t call me Eds,” he said warmly. “Are you ready?”
“Senior year?” Richie laughed, loud and full. “Are you kidding? I’ve been waiting for this my whole life.” He slung an arm around Eddie’s shoulders and began to drag him inside. “Let’s go ruuuuule the schooooool.”
Eddie followed. He was ready, too.
The fall was…tense.
For once, it wasn’t Eddie’s fault. He and Richie fell back into old habits, to the point where Eddie wondered sometimes if he’d imagined whatever spark he was feeling over the summer…but it was okay; it was probably better that they were being professional about their working relationship.
(Eddie didn’t want to be professional about their working relationship…but how was he supposed to tell Richie he didn’t want to be professional when he, the stage manager, was meant to be the apex of professionalism?)
“You’ve got to stop calling me about this,” Stan had told him exasperatedly, after Eddie had called him for the forty-sixth time asking about how he’d managed his relationship with Mike.
“I’m dying, Stan,” Eddie whined, curling into himself on his bed.
“Please do that on your own time.” Stan hung up.
Even with that being the case, the drama club tension was still concentrated hard on Bev, Bill, and Audra. Bill and Audra were still together, and while Bev was pretty solidly over Bill, she was still annoyed by the whole thing.
She was also playing opposite Bill in the fall play. Eddie had groaned upon seeing the cast list - it was clearly one of Ms. Starrett’s reconciliation techniques, and it was absolutely doomed to fail. Offstage, Bill and Bev were more separate than ever, and onstage, their animosity was bleeding into their acting. Richie was all but tearing out his hair over having to share the stage with them.
The worst day of it came in early October, when Bill came to the lunch room from a study-hall meeting with Ms. Starrett with capital ‘N’ News.
“She liked my puh-play!” Bill said excitedly, sliding a copy of the piece he’d been working on in creative writing for the last three years across the table. “She wants to do it this winter!”
They all gaped back at him, astonished. “She wants to put on your student play? As like…a school thing?” Eddie asked, not sure if he’d heard him correctly.
Bill nodded. “She does.”
There was another moment of stunned silence at the table, and then Bev broke it by getting up to leave.
“Bev, seriously?” Bill asked incredulously, clearly fed up with her attitude.
“Seriously what, Bill?” Bev whipped around, glaring daggers at him. “When’s the other shoe gonna drop, huh?”
Bill furrowed his brow. “I don’t follow.”
Bev threw up the arm that wasn’t clutching her stuff. “Oh, I don’t know. You cheat on me - no repercussions, you’re still in a relationship, I’m left out to dry. You write a play, we’re doing it, no questions asked. What about us, huh? What about me?” Her voice broke, and she looked away. Ben reached out a hand to her, but she recoiled from it, clinging so hard to her things that her knuckles turned white.
“I’m sorry,” Bill said, soft and open. “I’m really sorry, Bev. I didn’t do any of it right.”
“You didn’t,” Bev agreed hotly.
“We should have broken up months before,” he continued, “but I didn’t know how to tell you that, because I wanted so badly to be your friend.”
“Well now what?” Bev asked, softer now. “We’re not friends.”
“You’re right. We’re not.” Bill looked at her, unwavering, and Eddie found himself impressed by the way that Bill was handling things. In another life, Bill might have served as a good leader for the group…but they were beyond that, now. “I want to try again.”
Bev turned her gaze to Audra, who had kept mercifully quiet though the whole argument. “And what do you think?”
“I think it’s a good idea.” Audra’s eyes remained on her tray of food. “He wants you to be his costume designer, and I think it’s a good idea, Beverly.”
Bev snapped her eyes back up to Bill in surprise. “Is that true?”
Bill nodded. “And I was hoping Ben could do sets and luh-lights, if that’s of interest to him.”
Ben looked at Bev. “I’ll think about it.”
There was a silence as they waited for Bev to speak, and then:
“Me too,” Bev said, almost inaudibly. “I’m….me too.”
Eddie and Richie looked at each other, hopeful and amazed.
They were right to have hope. Things slowly started to improve after that. The anger seeped out of Bill and Bev’s acting, first, and then out of their time at rehearsal, and finally it dissipated altogether. Lunch was suddenly a much more comfortable and inclusive experience. Ben in particular was smiling more than Eddie had ever seen him smile before in his life.
The only downside to the reconciliation was that it meant that Eddie and Richie’s not-relationship was back to being the group’s Big Shitty Feelings Thing. Bev specifically would not shut up about it, and so Eddie was forced to rehash every single Richie encounter to her in horrifying detail. He wasn’t really sure why she wanted to know, but he indulged her anyway (because he felt like he had to…definitely NOT because he enjoyed it at all in any way, shape, or form).
“He keeps leaning up against me at the lunch table.” Eddie and Bev had set up a little arrangement of chairs in a corner backstage for themselves during the weekend of the fall play, and when Bev wasn’t on stage, that space was their new gossip headquarters. “One of these days, I’m just going to fall over and die, I swear to God.”
“I was thinking, actually,” she said, picking at her manicure.
“Dangerous,” Eddie replied, arching an eyebrow.
“Definitely.” She looked over at him and smirked. “What about the cast party?”
Eddie stared back. “What about the cast party?”
“That’s when you should make your move,” she said, like it was the simplest thing in the world.
Was it the simplest thing in the world…?
His responsibilities to the fall play would be over, so he wouldn’t have to worry about professionalism, he’d be surrounded by friends, so he wouldn’t have to worry about comfort, and as for courage…
“Your Aunt is hosting, right? Will there be substances?”
“Wine and beer,” she confirmed.
To his excitement and mild horror, the beginnings of a plan were already starting to form in Eddie’s mind.
“That might not be such a bad idea,” he conceded to Bev as she got up to listen for her cue. “I guess we’ll see.”
The plan in its finished form was simply to get absolutely blitzed and find Richie, and within his first hour of being at Bev’s, Eddie was most of the way finished with step one.
“I just really miss you, Stanny,” he slurred into his phone, slipping across the kitchen in his socks. (He’d taken his shoes off by the door like a proper houseguest.) “I wanna…you’re just such a good friend! Such a good friend. Best friend.”
“Is there a way to record phone conversations?” Stan, on the other end, was entirely sober, and apparently bitter about it. “I want to tape this one so I can play it back to you the next time you insist you’re not annoying.”
“Bev wants me to find Richie,” Eddie continued, undeterred, “but I can’t do that r’now.”
“Why?” Stan asked, without any real interest.
“No control,” Eddie said, rolling his eyes because wasn’t it obvious? “Dunno what I’d do. Might be dangerous.”
“What you’d do, huh?” Without warning, hands appeared on either side of Eddie, boxing him in against the counter island. Eddie knew exactly who it was, but he made a show of turning around anyway, all the while pretending that his heart wasn’t trying to escape his chest.
Richie was looking down at him with the most intense expression Eddie had ever seen him wear - and he’d seen Richie do basically the whole spectrum of human emotion onstage.
Boldly, Eddie reached up and balled his fist in the front of Richie’s black show t-shirt. He felt Richie’s breath hitch, and felt powerful. “You wanna find out, Rich?”
“For fuck’s sake, you two,” Eddie had dropped his phone on the counter, so Stan was yelling to get their attention, “stop dragging this out and get to it. I’m leaving.”
The phone went silent, and they were left to stare at each other. The crackling feeling from the summer was back, and it was so fucking thick that it was hard to move…
…but Richie managed to, somehow. He fastened a hand around Eddie’s left wrist and pulled him away from the counter, out of the kitchen, up the stairs…into a bedroom.
Holy shit.
Eddie was too drunk to really feel or understand the gravity of the situation, but he knew that whatever happened was about to be momentous, so as soon as Richie closed the door, he crowded his space, not wanting to miss a single second of whatever was coming next.
“Eds?” Richie whispered, somehow both tentative and desperate, and that was it for Eddie. He surged forward, grabbing the fabric around the collar of Richie’s shirt and sinking his teeth into the skin between Richie’s neck and the slope of his shoulders.
“Fuck,” Richie breathed, burying his hands in the fabric of the back of Eddie’s drama sweatshirt while Eddie worked to kiss down his neck. “Eddie Kaspbrak, holy shit, holy fucking shit.”
He pulled Eddie’s head away and moved to kiss Eddie on the lips, but Eddie dodged out of the way. (He’d seen Pretty Woman. He knew what would happen if he let himself get too emotionally invested in what they were doing. Richie was a notorious horndog, and the more Eddie concentrated on that, the easier this would be.) “What do you want, Rich?”
Richie ran his fingers down and under Eddie’s sweatshirt, digging his fingers into the flesh of Eddie’s back. “So much, sweetheart, but I don’t want to scare you.”
Eddie couldn’t help but smile at that. He took a step backwards and took stock of Richie’s wrecked expression, marveling at how different it was from the cocky, lead-actor front that Richie usually put up, and felt a warm sort of pride blooming in his chest. He’d been the one to shake up the otherwise unflappable Richie Tozier. He had that power.
More than that, he planned to exercise it - starting by slowly sinking to his knees.
Richie looked down at him, beet red, like he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. “Dressing practice?” he joked, but he was too nervous for his words to hold any real humor.
“I want this,” Eddie said, sliding his hands up Richie’s legs slowly - more to steady himself than to be sensual, but Richie seemed affected nevertheless. “I’m not afraid.”
“Gonna dirty talk like you call light cues, huh? Short and sw–” Richie began to say, but Eddie effectively shut him up by going for the button on his pants. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. Eddie, holy fuck, I…you don’t have…hhhnnn…”
Eddie ignored him in favor of unzipping his pants and pulling them down around his thighs. He huffed out a little laugh at Richie’s lucky Aquaman boxers…and earned himself a soft, high whimper from Richie.
He tore his eyes from Richie’s crotch and turned them up to Richie’s face, trying to gauge how he was doing. He was met with an expression that was equal parts lust and panic.
“Are you sure?” he asked, eyes huge in the reflection of his still-terrible glasses. “I didn’t bring you up here to–”
Eddie, drunk and confident, moved his hand up to grope at the very, very prominent outline of Richie’s dick in his boxers. It was bigger than Eddie had registered it being when he’d come in almost-contact with it backstage…or was that just the alcohol distorting things?
Anyway, he had his hand on it, which was fucking awesome and awkward and everything in between. Richie made a noise like a wounded animal and jerked his hips forward.
“Okay?” Eddie asked, head swimming. “I didn’t…I don’t know what I’m doing, really, so if it’s bad–”
“Not bad,” Richie said quickly, reaching down and burying a hand in Eddie’s hair. “Really, really not bad.”
“Good,” Eddie whispered, leaning forward to mouth over Richie’s still-clothed erection. Richie let out a stream of expletives above him, which was encouraging, so Eddie pressed a final little kiss to Richie’s confined dick and moved his hands up to the waistband of Richie’s boxers. “We never got this far backstage.”
“No, but Jesus…you don’t know how many times I’ve looked down and thought…I thought…” Richie tugged at Eddie’s hair a little bit, obviously still nervous.
“Tell me you want me,” Eddie asked, hazily recognizing Richie’s nerves. “Richie.”
“Fuck, Eds, I’m…I’ve never done this either, I don’t mean to…yes, I want you, yes, yes, yes.”
Eddie filed the ‘never done this before’ factoid away as something to bring up with him later, and pulled down Richie’s boxers in one deft tug. Richie’s dick was right there to greet him; in fact, it all but hit him in the face as it sprang free, which made Eddie laugh a little bit. Classic Richie - even his genitals were overenthusiastic.
Richie, for his part, was looking down at Eddie like Eddie had personally handed him a million dollars in cash. Eddie preened at that a little bit, and used it as encouragement to lean forward and take the tip of Richie’s dick in his mouth.
The rest of it was sort of a blur.
He remembered having as much of Richie in his mouth as he could possibly hold - practically choking - and being thankful for years of practice dry-swallowing pills. He remembered the bitter taste of skin, strong and all-consuming. He remembered Richie mumbling what Eddie assumed was nonsense above him and stroking feverishly through his hair.
It was over in less than five minutes. Eddie was too lost in the spin of the world and his mind to register Richie’s attempts to get him to come up off of his dick, so he ended up with a mouthful of jizz. That would have really freaked Sober Eddie out, but Drunk Eddie didn’t care. He found a box of tissues on the nightstand nearby, took one out, and spit.
After he was finished, Richie sat on the bed and gestured for Eddie to join him. He was flushed and sweaty and there was a huge grin on his stupid fucking face and Eddie loved him, loved him, loved him so much that he could practically already feel his heart breaking with the knowledge that this wasn’t permanent.
Against his better judgement, Eddie crossed to the bed and flopped over onto it, painfully aware of his proximity to Richie.
“Hey.” Eddie heard and felt Richie sink down beside him. “Hey. Look at me.”
Eddie picked his head up to look. Richie was peering over at him, practically close enough to kiss.
“That was fucking incredible,” he whispered, and Eddie felt his insides freeze, because wasn’t that usually a lead into ‘but let’s stay friends’ or ‘no homo’ or whatever?
Richie didn’t keep talking, though. Instead, he tried for a kiss again…and Eddie rolled over, chest clenching painfully. He couldn’t handle intimacy with Richie if it was just going to be like this. He could handle what they’d just done, but some things were…too much.
Richie pulled him back over again. “Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?”
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. “Everything’s fine.”
“Obviously not, dumbass.” He felt Richie’s hand under his jaw, and shuddered. “Jesus, Eds…are you drunk?”
Eddie opened his eyes at that, peering confusedly back up at Richie. “We’re both drunk.”
Richie looked like he was about to throw up. “No…no, I’m not, I…oh, fucking FUCK, Eddie.”
“Are you mad at me?” Eddie whispered, watching Richie’s hands moving from his lap to his hair and back again and feeling like he was somehow disconnected from what was happening in his own life.
“No, not you, never you.” Richie yanked his pants back up shakily. “Mad at myself, mad for taking advantage of you and getting my hopes up and just…fuck, Eddie.”
He was leaving. Eddie must have done something wrong, because Richie was leaving. Shit, shit, shit.
“I love you,” Eddie called weakly, feeling like it was the last weapon he had at his disposal.
Richie looked back at him from the doorway, face twisted up in hurt and grief. “No, you don’t.”
Eddie was too woozy to protest.
--- :( Tag List: @nymphadora @sun-nugget @reddieaddict @peonyromance @should-i-gay-or-should-i-go @its-stranger-than-you-think @forever-a-lonely-valentine
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oneallysa · 7 years ago
Got tagged by two people and since the questions are custom-made (lol) I guess, I’ll answer twenty-two instead of eleven LMAO. Love you both guys!
The rules are:
• Post the rules
• Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
• Write eleven questions of your own
• Tag eleven people
QUESTIONS FROM @equusgirl​
1. If you could have lunch with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?
This is a tough one. I have many different aspects of myself—several masks. My joker-self would want to be with my friends because I never fail to make them laugh their pants off. My lonely-self would want my future spouse, whoever that person is, right now. My artist-self would want Vincent Van Gogh so I could do the Doctor Who thing where I would reassure him that he is amazing. 
My desperate-self would want Bob Ross because I bet he’d inspire me the hell out. My sad-self would want to have lunch with my dead happy-self because I bet I’d slap the hell out of my face. My family-oriented-self would want my maternal grandfather I never got to meet because he doesn’t know me and it’s nice to have a family who would probably say that they’re proud of me. Estranged relatives are like that, I think lmao
OH and I would also want any psychologist, so I’d have free sessions to deal with my ADHD because I can never afford to have more sessions, and I’d finally get a prescription cos I need dem meds.
2. You’re stuck on an elevator with whoever is on your lock/home screen. Who is it?
If we’re talking about my phone, I guess I’m stuck on an elevator with the Eiffel Tower (lock screen) and Mona Lisa (home screen). If we’re talking about my computer, I guess I’m stuck on an elevator with Sherlock (lock screen) and Leo Valdez (home screen). Ho-ho-ho I will be in an elevator with self-loathing mask-wearing joking-but-dead-inside heroes. That will be fun.
3. Last TV show/movie you watched?
I rewatched the last episode of The Crown again after I binged-watched Riverdale and re-re-re-binged-watched The Good Place. Movie-wise, it was the Filipino film called “Ang Larawan”. It’s actually hard for me to watch films because it takes a lot of time for me to stay focused in one episode.
4. A cottage on the beach or a cabin in the mountains?
Cabin in the mountains. I hiss angrily at beaches because I tan so easily and I kid you not, I haven’t swum in a beach since 2009. In a country where lighter paler skin was more cherished, and being an insecure bullied 10-year-old. You’ll understand why. Nowadays, I guess the habit just stuck. ALSO CABIN IN THE MOUNTAINS HOW FREAKING COOL WOULD THAT BE... I’d be surrounded by trees, it would be cold there, I can sit by the fireplace, look out my window to view the beautiful forest and night sky, and just drink whiskey, read a book, and quietly whisper, “Bless.”
5. Last song you listened to?
If we’re not including Brooke Simpson’s performances (specifically, “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World”) in The Voice which I legit just binge-watched before opening Tumblr, it would be the Riverdale Cast’s cover of “Mad World.” I was shookt that I liked it.
6. Most recent obsession?
Video-editing. More-so than usual. I legit have anxieties when I’m not making a video. I should probably stop after finishing these videos I’m doing because I know it will hinder my studies (which I’m already failing at because of my worsening ADHD), and it’s already ruining my sleeping patterns and eating habits. It’s a toxic kind of obsession.
7. Last thing you googled?
“people find out harry potter is abused fic rec” shut up (if interested, click here)
8. Which city would you most like to visit?
(for the first time?) Athens. (again?) either Assisi or Rome or Paris. You can’t make me choose.
9. If you could bring one (1) fictional character to life, who would it be?
I’m having a hard time between Mary Watson (Sherlock) and River Song (Doctor Who) *sobs*
10. Favorite thing about yourself?
My... God, I don’t know, really. I don’t really like myself so how can I find a favorite thing about myself? My ability to brag for things I’m not even good at, I guess? False advertising of myself, I guess? HAHAHAHHA WAIT NO! My ability to make anything sad or depressing. Yes, I’m good at that. It’s not my favourite thing about me but out of all, that’s the only thing I think I’m really good at.
11. Ideal career?
Becoming a wife and mother. Some people give me odd looks for this but I really want to take care of people in ways I never experienced. I want to be there for some people—to feel needed and depended on—to be trusted, long-term.
Younger-me would be furious. She was aro-ace. As a person who grew up only relying on books as company, I thought I would grow up as the typical strong independent woman who is a CEO or is an actress, or a musical theatre performer... I used to want to be that... 
But those dreams were based on what my family wanted. CEO because I grew up poor and being a CEO would make me financially stable which my parents wanted. Actress/Theatre Performer because my sister and I bonded through musical theatre, TV shows, and films, and we both love the arts (but I have to admit that she’s better than me with everything srsly im not kidding)...
But as just for myself? I really don’t see myself working for money, or working for the arts. I mean, obviously I want to work for money and for the arts, but... I want to work for people I care about—for a family I will finally not be scared enough to say “I love you” without fearing they would laugh in my face.
OKAY, NOW QUESTIONS FROM @musical-chick-13​
1. If you could wake up and be magically good at something you’ve never done before (or have little experience doing), what would you want it to be?
The ability to quickly understand things I’m not interested in and explain them to people easily with how I understood them. I think that would help me a lot in my Law class now at uni. Seriously, I’m having troubles reading, and I always stutter in class because I’m not good at formal English. 
My stupid brain needs time to process what I learned (which was written in English), explain it to myself (in Filipino), translate my explanation from Filipino to English, and focus enough to say those things out loud.
2. What is/are your favorite genre(s) of music?
I have an odd range: musical theatre, rock, indie, classical music, PIANO IS LIFE, ANYTHING AS LONG AS IT IS GOOD PIANO AT THE BEGINNING (usually starts with an A, idk why). Also, Lady Gaga and Beyonce. Hands down.
3. What was your first fandom?
Avatar: The Last Airbender. THE SERIES OKAY. A year after that was Harry Potter and Sherlock AT THE SAME TIME 2010 was a crazy year. Just like that, since I was eleven years old, I went down the road to fandom hell.
4. What is a play/musical/opera/etc. (basically any fictional work that’s not a book, movie, comic, or TV show) you like?
Spring Awakening, Next to Normal, In the Heights. (I listen to the full album completely. The music is divine and the stories are beautiful. You got a story about sex, a story about mental illness, and a story about Hispanics). Spring Awakening’s and Next to Normal’s rock + violin music in a setting of 1800′s Germany and a typical family house, gets me on, ya know?
Sweeney Todd, Wicked, and Rent. (The typical classics I love, note that whenever Sweeney Todd’s Prologue and Wicked’s As Long as You’re Mine starts, I get orgasms just as much when the peak of Rent’s Goodbye Love goes). Great songs, seriously.
5. If you could get paid for doing a mundane task, what would you choose to get paid for?
Organising files.
6. What is a joke you really like?
My death.
7. If you had to have a job working under a fictional character, which character would you choose to be your boss and why?
Sherlock. He would know how to take care of me. He would know how to make me feel better. He has great work ethics, and he knows when to be harsh with his words and gentle, because he knows which people are deserving to be called idiots and those who are just insecure. Though I’ll probably annoy him because of how nervous I’d be but since “Faith Smith” I’d think he’d know how to deal with me, I guess.
8. What article of clothing is your favorite to wear (i.e., dresses, skirts, pants, suits, hats, jewelry, etc.)?
A gold necklace my grandmother gave to me because out of all my cousins (or our generation in our lineage), I’m the first one she gave an “inheritance” to because I happen to be her roommate. Considering that I am the dumbest in the family as well as the family freak, I consider this as my sole victory.
9. Do you consider yourself to be an optimist, a pessimist, or something else entirely?
A total pessimist. An optimist to those who are feeling pessimistic.  In my head, there is nothing but hopelessness, despair, and utter misery and pain. But homie, you say shit like that to me? You tell me you are feeling those? Yo, imma throw my rainbows and sunshine up your ass, you are gonna vomit glitter and light, I swear to all deities out there.
I may claim to say that I’m like this because I’m the only one who should be pessimistic, like I’m some narcissistic the-world-revolves-around-me idiot because I don’t like being depicted as anything else but manipulative, cruel, and an arsehole. So please stop telling me I’m nice or that I’m a good person. It makes me feel weird. They’re like unnatural things to say to me.
10. Feelings on cats?
Tolerable. My sister loves them. My school has cats just chilling around. They love me idk why. I love dogs more so I’m surprised they let me in their pack.
11. Favorite soda (or beverage in general if you don’t like soda)?
1. Are you feeling okay right now?
2. What is the funniest thing you have ever first-hand witnessed/experienced in real life?
3. Who is/are the most important person/people in your life and why?
4. What is a memory that wouldn’t fail to make you smile like an idiot while you’re in public?
5. How did you come to your current obsession?
6. Why do you ship your OTP (either real-life or fiction)?
7. Let’s pretend speed and distance (lol basically velocity), and quality are the same, would you rather be in a plane or a ship in a storm where there are many lightnings and thunder involved in December?
8. What is the object that is most sentimental to you?
9. If you could be in any fictional world, which one would you explore, and will you or will you not interact with your favourite character? Why or why not?
10. What animal do you most relate to or you consider to be your spirit animal? Why or why not?
11. How do you define the word, “Happiness”?
Tags: @thank-you-for-being-with-me​ @sentimentalgenius​ @addignisherlock​ @randombiochemist​ @simpleanddestructivechemistry​ @its-sentimental-adlock​ @themissadventurer​ @sorrowsflower​ @throughtheparadox​ @theleftpill​ No pressure, guys! Also to anyone who wants to answer, too! I even tag those who tagged me.
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thelreads · 3 years ago
1) I'm getting the full experience of it all apparently, but I immediately figured out that this guy was evil. My evil detector is still working well
2) she saw koichi moving forward, and she realized he won't be waiting for her. She was making some good steps on moving forward herself, but her insecurities are still too strong for her to be able to handle.
3) this probably means that they had sort-of perfected the nomu template by then, which is why we haven't seen more instant villains all around. McBee got some free vacation days and he decided to use them to fuck with the vigilantes for a while.
4) that part about Gran Torino we discussed about before, and I'm not sure where people got this idea about him. All I've seen didn't confirm anything from my point of view, although it is a fairly interesting theory, one that I would enjoy a lot if vigilantes wasn't around to conflict with it.
5) the whole "then let me be evil" situation suits him better anyway. god bless Gentle, we didn't deserve someone like him after all.
6) don't blame my son for Furuhashi's sins. koichi is innocent!
7) every single time I swear to God...
8) Horikoshi never tricked me, it was simple me allowing him to think he was tricking me, when in fact I was never tricked, ever. It was a reverse bamboozle and he fell right on it.
9) oh just you wait until knuckles hear that this is guy is after his daughter... Oh he's gonna make dust from this nomu
10) which would be an amazing concept to explore, but I doubt it was actually intended. It was mostly a trap as a way to hit koichi and knuckles by using Pop as an entrance to their inner circle
11) the third wheel never wins as well, another rule of the world of romances.
12) surprisingly I don't think we got an actual clown as a villain yet. Sure, gentle and La brava and maybe miss joke have some jester influences, but none of them is an actual clown.
Dammit now we need a clown villain. Get with the program Furuhashi
13) his younger brother is going to beat his ass by the end of the story, like he could ever compare to the prince of Dorkiness, Koichi himself.
14) funnily enough, if he tried to befriend koichi he would immediately be accepted and helped. That boy may be dumb but he would do anything to make McBee find out what he wanted to be. If only...
15) the silence is the loudest of screams after all.
16) yeah yeah I'm already sure that this heartbreak she felt is not even the start of her problems, Furuhashi is already getting the pain hammer ready to hit.
17) oof, if only... The news I heard recently about Japan's position against drinking are... Far from pleasant.
18) not that she would accept his confession even if drunk. Pop heart belongs to a single idiot, now and forever.
19) he can disagree all he wants in the end I'm always right.
20) that character design make him look like a Tumblr sexymen and I don't like it
21) guess that my initial theories about him were right all the way back to the crab revolution, he can shapeshift to hide his identity, even if it's not completely
22) can't wait for them to reveal that every single villain so far was McBee in disguise. even the river that tried to drown pop was somehow him
23) although I wouldn't put past Furuhashi axing good characters off screen, the thought of Knuckle being turned into a nomu, one of the most iconic characters from the series been used by the villains against his will, is too absurd to even consider. He'll just show up out of nowhere and be like "did ya missed me?" And we're supposed to cheer
And now down memory lane we go...
24) koichi is too much of a Twink to even lift them. He tries to wield those things his arms are gonna shatter
25) "no way would Furuhashi miss-" yeah I feel like we're not talking about the same author here lmao
26) he could put a gun up to koichi's head and pull the trigger and he would still miss the shot, he's too much of a loser.
27/28) knuckle lost one fight (supposedly) and then he fucked off to the convenience store for two years. Classic Knuckles behavior right there.
Thelreads, Vigilantes 70, Replies Part 1
1) “Anyway, let`s see if he reveals his true form, on Chapter 70: Nomura.
…this fucking name, I swear to god if he`s not actually a Nomu…”- Well, in fairness, Furuhashi didn’t try to keep the pretense up too long, sicne it’s only been a couple of chapters sicne Nomura appeared, but due to the monthly timescale it felt like much longer whilst waiting for this reveal the first-time round. Good thing you didn’t have to wait as lon…actually, thinking about it, it’s probably been a month since you last blogged the previous chapter anyway, hasn’t it?
2) “And hey look, it`s our favorite tsundere cutie. I do wonder if she managed to make it big in the music industry, going by how long it was since we last saw her in this blog she probably must be a goddamn rockstar by now.”- Pop’s look is symbolic of how she feels at the chapter’s end, wrapped up in the childhood hoodie/fantastical perception of Koichi as her Hero who rescued her from drowning as a child and seeing how far he’s come since then in being, essentially taking comfort in her self-perception of Koichi as a heroic figure who’s there for her when she’s feeling down, but the glasses coming off symbolise how she’s steadily lost the  rose-tinted viewpoint that enabled her to ignore the harsher truths about him, that he’s far from infallible, that he’s not thought of her in a romantic way like she has him even once, that he’s steadily drifting away from her without realising it and it may be too late for her to truly fix things between them like she wants to. It’s sorta like if Izuku found out about Thin Might without Yagi’s knowledge and made up his own understanding of his oblivious hero based on that inside context without actually letting him explain the truth. Koichi can’t stop messing up and making mistakes with Pop in total ignorance until someone walks up to him, slaps him across the face and writes the message in 20ft flaming letters in front of him ‘She’s in love with you, you idiot!’. Once he twigs on that point, he’ll be able to start acting like the knight in shining armour Pop wants/ unknowingly needs him to be for her right now. 3) “must… suppress… urge to start complaining… about how this completely carpet-bombs the entire world building of the goddamn manga and the main series at the same time- oh god I know that I said that he probably just got a fake license, because holy fuck if that is an actual legit license then Furuhashi managed to create a plot hole the size of Bakugo`s fucking Ego. That is to say, pretty fucking big.”- Good thing it was as fake as everything else about No: Nomura in the end, isn’t it? Or at least, good enough to fool the average Joe on the street taking a casual glance at it. A top-end inspector like Phelps would probably be able to sus out the discrepancies in the licence if he was shown one, but again, Nomura is currently operating at below ground level to Phelps, more or less right under his nose as a random manager who’s hand indirect dealings with his sister through Pop, and Phelps would never suspect his top-end criminal suspect ‘wasting time’ as an Idol manager when the VF have been working towards much larger and grander goals so far. 4) “Furuhashi, I didn`t came here to beat you up, I`m just here to see my kids and make sure they are still being stupid, don`t you dare pulling funny shit that for real invalidates a lot of world building of the series. don`t.
I`m warning you.
I have my shovel ready to start digging a grave.”-  To be fair, since Koichi lost his chance to get his own license when he was saving Pop as a kid, and she’s not interested in becoming a hero, neither of them actually know the details and intricacies of getting a bona fide licence, or how difficult that would be for somebody as young-looking as Nomura, to then throw away the chance to pursue being a hero full-time and treating it as a side venture. And without Knuckles to correct them on that, they’ve got no frame of reference as to what’s involved in becoming a licenced hero –even through Nomura was only able to proceed with this plan because he’s already ensured Knuckleduster won’t be able to interfere with his goals for the duo and warn them in advance of his duplicity/prepare to counter him. In fact, the only other partial licence holder we’ve seen in the original MHA universe was the geriatric Gran Torino, who pretty much stated he was operating as a vigilante hero for years before he got the licence as an afterthought when he needed to achieve some goal, so the kids have no way of knowing Nomura’s cover story is full of holes precisely because they’re not official heroes. 5) “YEAH, YOU KNOW KOICHI, WHY WOULDN`T YOU DO THAT? LIKE, WHY WOULDN`T GENTLE DO THAT AS WELL? OR ANY OTHER PERSON WITH A SENSE OF JUSTICE THAT WISHES TO HELP PROTECT CIVILIANS BUT COULDN`T BECOME A PRO HERO?
FUCKING. WHY?”- In Gentle’s case at least, he was destitute, jobless and practically penniless, not to mention had a massive black spot on his record because of his accidental interference with a heroic rescue, so he likely couldn’t get an opportunity to even take the exam in the first place by successfully paying to join a hero course after he dropped out of school and learn the necessary tools and techniques to not be such a screw-up on the field. Not to mention he was a fairly late bloomer, so his likelihood of being successfully validated in such an environment with a mark like that on his record were not high. A ton of effort with pretty much no likelihood of it ever amounting to anything, and you can see why he’d basically accepted his dreams were toast from any ‘legal’ avenues. 6) “But alright, let`s ignore the elephant in the room and focus on the other elephant in the room. Koichi, now that she is showing such an interest in what you`re doing and is sitting down, why don`t you take this as a chance to talk about you two and the fact you aren`t dating yet?”- Pop needed a little more time to get herself ‘in the zone’ for Koichi, but sadly, like myself, Koichi has horrible timing and no ability to read the room, torpedoing our hopes. 7) “AND MORE THAN THAT, POP IS ACTUALLY TRYING TO MEET YOU HALFWAY THROUGH? SHE`S TRYING TO TAKE THAT STEP?
holy shit I even forgot about the worldbuilding being dragged to the back of the shed and getting shot in the head, damn you Furuhashi, stop dangling this carrot in front of my face!”-  Furuhashi dangled that tasty carrot in front of your eyes to make you drop your guard enough for the stick to smack you across the jaw come chapter’s end. 8) “THERE ARE MY OTHER KIDS! All of them so excited and completely unaware they are in the same room as an absolute monster… and also the manager that might be a Nomu, who knows. I do. I know everything. Like I said, I`m pretty AND sure that this is the way we`re walking, and I`m never wrong. Ever.”-  Whilst Horikoshi bamboozled you with a cross-series character reveal, Furuhashi instead gave you a much simpler ‘disguise’ to see through this time.  9) “FOR FUCK`S SAKE POP YOU JUST RUN AWAY FROM KOICHI AND NOW YOU`RE RUNNING AWAY FROM THE MANAGER? DIDN`T YOU LEARNED ANYTHING FROM SHINJI IKARI? YOUY MUSTN’T RUN AWAY GIRL!”- Well, they’re running away ‘together’ in this case, but Pop would actually have been served better listening to her usual instincts and running away from him instead of into his waiting arms…not that she could outrun a speedy guy like him for long anyway though. 10) “You know guys, y`all ain`t being subtle that you two are going to the same place. Sure, we know he`s helping you become famous because he wants to get access to Koichi, but the way you`re acting somebody is going to think you two are dating in secret.”- Honestly, it doesn’t really feel like that by the mid-point of the chapter. It might have started as an easy way for him to infiltrate and get closer to Knuckle’s apprentice through his social circle, but with all the time and effort he’s putting in to help lift Pop’s career without going out of his way to meet Koichi in the process seems like he’s become invested in the lie, the fake ‘normal’ identify he crafted for a cover purpose, taking some time whilst he’s ‘laying the groundwork’ to honestly enjoy himself and starting to like being Nomura as more than a disposable mask. Him ‘drunkenly’ asking Pop out seemed actually sincere as he could be in the circumstances, and with how dismissive he’s been of Koichi as Knuckleduster’s choice of successor, it seems like he took the opportunity to try and compare how they both faire in ‘competing’ for the same girl’s heart, like he fashioned his whole identity as ‘Nomura’ to appeal to pop as an idealised version of Koichi and see if that’s capable of charming her, or if not, where exactly he himself falls short in trying to achieve the same thing. 
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11) “I hope he`s dressed like a loser, but since we`re probably setting up a bait-and-switch love triangle before the reveal he`s a villain, he`s probably just dressed pretty sharp.”- He’s dressed sharp enough to cut himself…or Pop, if he decides to, now that he’s verified that her heart is set on Koichi no matter how appealing he makes himself look.
12) “Huh. Interesting. The resemblance to Number 6 is certainly there to some extent, that hair lock in the place where the scar was supposed to be was a heavy-handed clue there- We get it Furuhashi, he`s a Nomu just like McBee, get going with the program already.
And yeah pop, he looks like a fucking clown.”- Clowns can appear to be goofy and bumbling when acting a performance, but it actually takes a lot of skills and control to make such silly pratfalls seem natural, and if a clown decides to stop being funny, then we get Pennywise…
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Good catch with the visual foreshadowing of his hidden scar though.
13) “Yeah, doubt that. At the very least you`re trying to appear cool in front of her so she trusts and falls for you so you can approach Koichi, but boy oh boy is that not going according to keikaku.”- Mayhaps it’s the him he wishes he could be? For all his talk of being superior to Koichi as Knuckle’s successor, it seems his ‘Master’s’ words during their confrontation really stuck with him, and he’s rankled by the idea that Koichi isjsut somehow better than him, given he’s going out of his way to stalk him and integrate himself closer into Koichi’s life even after Knuckle’s vanished and Koichi lacks any dorect connection to the trigger experiments without him. Nomura seems to have actually gotten genuinely invested in being ‘Nomura’ for Pop, even slightly outwith his desire to one-up Koichi, and it sorta felt like he might have been acting, but part of him wishes this was how it honestly was for him without making a conscious effort to do so? 14) “Huh, can`t tell for sure if she really did liked it or if she`s just going with the flow, but even so I do believe she`s going to try what her producer is suggesting. Huh… Are we going to go a “this sounds good but it`s not what I truly want to be like” kind of conflict?”- The irony present in the additions of a ‘fake’ humanoid being with a falsified persona and identity to Pop’s music probably being the most genuine creation they’ve made, and Pop’s not happy with it, but too polite to say, would cut deeply. Nomura does seem to have a personal stake in events with Koichi and Pop, and actually seems to be flirting with the pretence of being a ‘normal’ person liked for whom they are, but everything they try to make that’s ‘theirs’ just doesn’t fit right. There’s a bit of tragedy present in his wistfulness at the chapter’s end and No:6’s obviously-crushed expression when Knuckle passes him over in favour of Koichi. At the end of the day, he just wants to be, but as an artificial creation, he doesn’t really know how to do what everybody else does naturally, and his attempts to mimic them just feel ‘off’ or forced on some level. With Pop, he seems to have found something he actually liked doing after a while, but It just wasn’t enough to overcome Koichi in her heart, which again drives into him how he’s ‘false’ and lacking compared to him, leading to him explosively venting with those fantasy boys. 15) “HIT IT POP! SCREAM YOUR SOUL OUT, LET EVEN THE DEAD HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY! SING THIS TRUTH THAT FINALLY YOU`RE NOT AFRAID TO FACE”- She can sing her heart out loud on a street corner, but can’t protect it from being crushed in a quiet conversation with Koichi thanks to his total obliviousness. 16) “Oh my kid is having so much fun I`m so glad- She probably never had this much fun singing when she was in her old persona. Sure, it was something that she enjoyed, it was freeing to her artistic soul, but even so, it didn`t got close to what she felt right now, that`s for damn sure.”- The greatest Highs in life come before the deepest lows, through both men she’s interacting with… 17) “Wait, are you two at a bar right now? Pop, you`re still too young for it, not to say that they are probably going to be closing for the night soon, that last couple did a mess, but the guy got kicked at least a good three meters in the air.”- I’m legit interested how many of these classy wine joints are around in Japan, complete with a fully-stocked wine bar, given the strict regulations against underage drinking there. Heck, It even looks like it could be the same bar where Kurogiri took up his side-hobby for the league. 18) “FOR FUCK`S SAKE POP- I WAS GETTING READY TO CRUCIFY THE NOMU BUT IT WAS YOU THAT ORDERED IT. I`M REALLY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU YOUNG LADY, YOU`RE TOO YOUNG TO BE DRINKING THIS STUFF.”- He might be a monstrous biological abomination turned terrorist, but he’s not sleazy enough to stoop to getting an underage girl drunk. Besides, what he wanted out of Pop here was an honest reaction to his own ‘confession’, and for that he needed her to be clear-headed and not having her mind muddied by alcohol.
19) “What, now that you know she`s going to be a big hit you`re trying to be friendly in hope she hires your asses like security? Tough luck, she already has Koichi, she doesn`t need anyone else to take care of her.”- Nomura would like to disagree on that point… 20) “Oh, are you now? What a coincidence. Yeah, I`m sure they are not bad guys aaaaat all, just like Soga wasn`t. Hell, I bet they are also friends, that is if you didn`t hired them to antagonize Pop so you could jump in like a knight in shinning armor or some shit like that.”- Not the case this time, but it does seem like as part of his goal to appeal to Pop as an ‘idealised Koichi’, and to avoid unwanted attention for ‘Nomura’, he adopted his Unaware rival’s tendency to befriend the foes he encounters, though Nomura has the advantage of being strong/violence-prone enough to intimidate them into not continuing to harass him and instead get along with him for the sake of their own wellbeing. Of course, once Pop rejected him regardless, he had no reason to keep the pretence up…
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21) “oh-
oh no
oh no no no no no
OH NO”- aaaaand the penny drops. Funny how changing your mannerisms can make you seem like a completely different person, even with a similar build and hair colour. But in yous defence, No:6 has proven that he’s adept at hiding beneath notice right under everybody’s noses. 22) “What, you also are responsible for that McNomu? Or should I say… McBee?
Jesus Fucking Christ on a rollerscooter what the fuck no I can`t fucking believbe it it can`t be him I refuse to believe no”- ‘Wouldn’t it be great if all the assholes you met out in the world all turned out to be the same guy with different names?’ – A phrase I’ve heard about that seemed appropriate for this situation. Granted, Strendal/Stain breaks the pattern, but he was more of an opponent for Knuckleduster to handle, whereas ‘Nomura’ is somebody only Koichi’s around to deal with. 23) “What the fuck if it is him then he managed to escape Knuckleduster, and not only that but hang around for god knows how long around HIS KIDS without him knowing. Sure, it wasn`t two year,s more like a few months at most, but even so, it`s like a serial killer hiding next door to a police station.
ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO PULL THE OL` “HE`S DEAD” ONCE AGAIN FURUHASHI?”-  Dead or perhaps… unavailable? Knuckle did prove he’s got a pretty robust body from all his workouts, and the VF don’t seem like the kind of guys who’d be willing to let quality material like that go to waste, especially with the guy giving them so much headaches in their experiments…
(Vigilantes ch 56)
Oh this is gonna turn ugly… And you Knuckles, don’t give that smile, we still have a lot to talk about your trip to the convenience store, Koichi is waiting, you know? It would be nice if he knew what the hell was going on, you know? For God’s sake, at least if you left a gun for him to use I’d be okay!”- He left him his Knuckles, and Koichi better pray that they’re enough combined with his quirk’s improvements….
(Vigilantes ch 56)
25) “He took that one surprisingly well- You know what, it feels so weird that we’re finally seeing McBee’s personality besides that hot-shit cool and collected image that Furuhashi desperately wanted to paint, and in reality he’s an unhinged psychotic fanboy like what was shown back when the Octo-nomu threw a stone on his face but that is way more endearing because it doesn’t feel like we’re being forced to think that he’s like that, he simply is like that.
Goddammit Furuhashi, giving the villain personality right before you kill him…”- Not this time. Knuckle may have been able to side-step Koichi meeting Kuin because of his own personal connection to her host, but there’s no way Furuhashi would miss out on having Koichi face his own evil counterpart- and no better way to show he’s surpassed his teacher, taking on the being that took him out in a straight fight and handling him with his improved skills as a fighter, especially since No:6 is a corrupted copy of Knuckle’s former hero identity.
(Vigilantes ch 56)
26) “Crap, I was waiting for the fight at first, but honestly now I want to hear more about the past, there’s too many questions whose answers will be withheld until its convenient, and I really liked the story treating McBee for the loser he actually is.”- Even a loser gets a victory now and again. Better hope for Koichi’s sake that he’s the loser when he and No:6 inevitably throw down, because otherwise…
(Vigilantes ch 57)
27) “Knuckles, I appreciate the trash-talk, I really do, but honestly the table just flipped around and I feel like now its time to get serious™ you know?
Goddammit Knuckles, you were supposed to be able to capture him rather than be part of the failed attempts.”-Unfortunately, even getting serious isn’t enough to stop No:6 this time. Knuckle’s saved Koichi from one showdown with the VF’s lackeys, but this time, it’s time for the protégé to inherit the master’s torch for real, and beat the villain that not even he could in the end…
(Vigilantes ch 57)
28) “OH THERE’S SHAGGY, THAT’S GOOD, NOW BACK TO THE FIGHT WE GO PLEASE KNUCKLES WAS ABOUT TO SHOW THE BADASS FISTER-STYLE THAT WE HAVEN’T SEEN SINCE THE FIRST FEW ARCS”- Alas, the heavyweight champ has left the ring, now it’s time for Koichi to take up his master’s knuckles for the revenge match he doesn’t know he’s destined for yet… @thelreads​
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s99crystal · 8 years ago
Answer these 88
Tagged by @alicat-doodles (thanks ali youre sweet)
I tag @aenjin, @jhopetaekmyhearteu, @cinnamonsugas
the last:
1. DRINK: Mountain Dew
2. PHONE CALL: My mom
3. TEXT MESSAGE: my friend melissa, shes the best :D
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: listening to Lost Stars by Jungkook, it kills me and makes me so emotional 
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: basically cried yesterday night seeing @hystherics new art post god dang she’s good
have you:
6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: not even once aha
7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: have not kissed eiiitherr
8. BEEN CHEATED ON: cant be cheated on if you dont take the test you feel me i dont date if you didnt catch me
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: not clinically
11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: never drank!
top 3 favorite colors
12. light pink
13. light blue
14. pasteeells
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: mm the coolest people aka @aenjin and @jhopetaekmyhearteu
16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: only out of TV shows cause i dont keep up haha
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: way too much haha!
19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: my friends inspire me everyday, but i dont know if ive met someone whos drastically changed me.
21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: dont got facebook dont got a kiss in my history or my future LOL
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: I don’t got facebook, so imma follow @alicat-doodles ‘s footsteps and say tumblr friends: three i guess?
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: I spent the day hanging with one of my close friends, we got boba, visited our old elementary/middle school and just had a lot of fun listening to KPOP in the car!
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: 11AM haha ooops
27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: uhhhh in the car coming back home from a family party i think?
28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: bangtan to rest god bless
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: prob ten minutes ago
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: I wish I could be less anxious and know things are going to turn out okay. Also the lack of bangtan merch could change pls and thank you
32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: Thomas, but not Tom, no…
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: My family members touching my hair / when my cousins get careless ahaaaa…
lost questions
34. MOLE(S): I don’t think so, oH on my neck I think I have one!
35. MARK(S): None I think (?)
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: Teacher and I pretended doctor was also a dream for my parents haha, but really just teacher.
37. HAIR COLOR: black
38. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: medium right now cause i got a haircut recently haha
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: besides bangtan nope
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: I can cheer myself up easily.
41. PIERCINGS: just on my ears
42. BLOODTYPE: uhhhh why you ask O.O
43. NICKNAME(S): Crystal, Mahans, Mahogany…
44. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single lets goooo
45. ZODIAC: Leo
46. PRONOUNS: She/Her
47. FAVORITE TV SHOW: don’t get me started omg TV is my life. 
K-Drama = Descendants of the Sun, American Drama: Arrow, American Comedy: Modern Family, Childhood: Full House / Drake & Josh doN’T TEST ME ON TV ILL GETCHU HAHA
48. TATTOOS: None
50. SURGERY: no surgery!
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: I wouldn’t do it, but i love the idea of pink hair and side note namjoon with purple dyed hair gives me life while killing me goodbye
52. SPORT: Dancing & Swimming
53. VACATION: Hawaii / Japan with my friend
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: what you mean like exercise i dont got a trainer oH SHOES uhhhhhhhh
55. EATING: watermelon hopefully soon
56. DRINKING: i want some orange juice
57. I’M ABOUT TO: text friends and lie around haha
58. WAITING FOR: BTS to rest still bless up
59. WANT: Go to a BTS fan meet one day / send them fan letters ^-^
60. GET MARRIED: its definitely something i want!
61. CAREER: software engineering!
62. HUGS OR KISSES: hugs!
63. LIPS OR EYES: eyes definitely
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: im short but i like taller guys (which aint that hard cause im short hahaha)
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: middle child of family, youngest of most of my friend groups
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: both lets goooo
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship definitely but i aint gon have neither rn haha
69. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: Hesitant all the way. Im hella nervous 24/7 << honestly aint gon change your answer ali, its same with me hahaha
have you ever:
70. KISSED A STRANGER: aha i havent kissed anyone so no
71. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: if by liquor you mean straight Mountain Dew and Sprite heck yeah. but if you mean alcohol then nah
73. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: Only random people at Chipotle and stuff LOL aint nobody else ask me hahaha
74. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: not uh not personally…
76. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: yeeepp… but not by any romantical peoples haha
77. BEEN ARRESTED: for my bad jokes heck yeah, for felonies nope
79. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: Nope… but I do love and care about them :D
do you believe in:
81. MIRACLES: Yup!
82. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: Only if you combo it with commitment!
83. SANTA CLAUS: I’ve never uhm celebrated Christmas, so not really…but I think the magic surrounding it is really cool!
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: This is like a whole other universe what is a date uhh
85. ANGELS: Mhmm
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): No best friends, but just close friends :D Melissa, Ashley, BRIITTTTANNNYY (trust me i call her that with all the extra letters), Angie, Elliot, Mishkah..
87. EYECOLOR: Brown
88. FAVORITE MOVIE: 3 Idiots pls watch itll change your life it changed mine
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folieamagique · 8 years ago
To-Write Top 5
Holy crap alright so apparently @coastingon-potential wants to know what I am procrastinating on because she tagged me in a thing where I guess I’m supposed to describe  my top 5 stories I don’t have the time to energy to work on. THANKS NICOLE! We both know this list is like a KM long so give me a minute to figure out which ones I should put on here...
So Give Them Blood (Wentziero): 
I honestly haven’t written a lot for this one yet but I’ll get there. Basically though Frank, the poor little shit, gets turned into a Vampire after he pisses one off. So he’s trying to figure it out. And eventually Pete will find him and he is a Vampire and he teaches Frank how to do shit. And then I mean...of course they find they like each other and that’s kind of all the idea I’ve got for that one right now. 
North Woods Law (Peterick):
So...we’re just not going to talk about the title of this one or where the idea came from because I just don’t wanna talk about it. I will probably change the title. Patrick is a Game Warden up North (it’s a thing don’t ask) and he’s been sort of dating this guy who keeps standing him up (PETER WTF ARE YOU DOING). But like he gets kind of sick of being ditched so people convince him to ditch Pete and go out with someone else. And side note Patrick’s current case is a store that is complaining about a Wolf coming too close to it at night and they are worried so he sets a trap and then when he checks it one morning he doesn’t find a Wolf he finds an idiot Pete naked and frustrated at his own stupidity.....I’ll let you guys figure out the connection there. I’ve actually got a large...well 80% of this one done...
AHA so...my friend Noodle is partially at fault for this mess. I actually can’t find any of my notes for this one...Basically Gerard is the Fountain of Youth and that’s why he never ages but there is a catch to how one can get...the blessing? or whatever you want to call it...from the “Fountain”. and Gerard can actually give it away to someone else if he wants. It was...I think it was kind of late when we came up with that one. Me and Noodle have some strange conversations. 
Heathens 2?!? (Peterick):
I have yet to get started on it but I have started thinking about it. There will be a second book for Heathens once I finish something else. You guys will have a reason to scream at me again. If you haven’t read it...here try that. 
Vagabond part...3? I think we are at part 3 now... (Freewood - ex-Turnwood): 
It’s gonna be called “Blood in the Cut”. It’s in the same boat as Heathens 2. Haven’t started on it yet but I’m beginning to brew some ideas and really should write them down. It’ll be the finale for Ryan/The Vagabond but I will do other Fake AH Crew AU stuff ^-^ probably more origin stories and then just whatever when I get through those. Don’t know yet, we’ll see. 
WELL THAT WAS FUN. Good gods I have a lot. This doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. I have 6 notebooks and an entire cork board full of sticky-notes with ideas on them. And that’s just the fic stuff. That doesn’t even touch my original works (but no one reads those anyway so).
ANYways...who do I tag... I’m gonna go with @saverockandsoulpvnk whatcha got sweetheart? um... @nixxiah I know you write so who knows what ideas you’re sitting on....I don’t follow a lot of writers on here honestly...wtf...or I am but I don’t remember what they’re damn tumblr urls are. idk if you’re writer and you follow me and you see this then have at it. 
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