lenitivo · 8 years
SMITE by Blizzard
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lenitivo · 10 years
As a Virgo.... That's some straight up bullshit
well erm.. I was kinda hoping you'd help me telling the difference between each personality of each zodiac sign ?
Well let’s see here… Pages of notes on the subject. In quotes are each sign’s mantra, which sums each of them up pretty well. The elements draw strong parallels between each sign, too! Fire=dynamic, Earth=stability, Air=charisma, Water=emotion.
If you’re basing characters off these, keep in mind that two people can fit the same sign while still being completely opposite from each other. Rarely will a person fit every quality of their sign, which is why I like their mantras. It is a good place to start, since the signs all have an even mix of positive and negative qualities!
Aries — (fire) “Thrill of the Moment.” Tends to be independent, ambitious, and quick-tempered. They’re confident, sometimes to the point of arrogance, but also brave and adventurous. Aries is generally the type to jump into things without thinking too much about it—they’re headstrong, daring, and rash. Definitely fitting of their fire alignment!
Taurus — (earth) “Emotional and financial security.” Typically Taurus is the motherly figure of the zodiac. They’re family-oriented, dependable, and stable. They’re all about being safe and secure with people who love them. As an earth element, there’s definitely that feeling of nurture and prompting others to grow. They can, however, be stubbornly fixed in their ways and slow to change.
Gemini — (air) “To explore a bit of everything.” Gemini is the quick-witted trickster type of the group. They’re clever, talkative, and can easily adapt to any situation. They have a lot of energy, but because they’re so interested in everything, they find it hard to focus on one thing. Geminis can be restless if stuck in the same situation. They like being able to move around how it pleases them, regardless of what other people need or want at the time.
Cancer — (water) “Constant reassurance and intimacy.” Another family-oriented sign, Cancer is loving and peaceful. They’re also sensitive—sometimes over-sensitive. They can be highly loving, romantic, and nostalgic, with a poetic, dreamy-eyed view on life. And while they want to protect those they care about, sometimes they’re the ones who need protecting. Cancers, in their daydreams, are often unrealistic and all too willing to give away their heart, making them vulnerable and susceptible. Dreamy can also fall more under the lines of lazy.
Leo — (fire) “To lead the way.” Leo is a true leader.They’re noble and strong-willed, with a courageous will to be a hero and save the day. Leos are also proud, often to the point of vain, and confident, often to the point of arrogance. Like the other fire elements, Leos are outgoing and ready to tackle the world, sometimes without fully thinking things out. They’re fiery and quick-tempered (sometimes violently) but they speak from the heart and will get things done.
Virgo — (earth) “Do the right thing.” Virgos are usually good students. They’re reliable and precise, well-organized, and hard-working. They like helping people and they’re honest and loyal to those they think deserve it. However, they like things done a certain way (very detail-oriented) so they can be fussy and inflexible. Virgos tend to be shy, reserved, and modest. Even though they don’t talk much, they’re always analyzing and calculating.
Libra — (air) “To be consistent.” As the sign famous for its scales, Libra likes things fair and balanced. They’re smooth talkers always looking for a diplomatic solution—something that’s peaceful and agreeable to everyone. They tend to have charisma, and usually they know about their affect on people which can sometimes lead to being vain. Libras are all over ideas of justice and communication, even if it means they have to be insensitive to reach that solution.
Scorpio — (water) “To survive against all opposition.” Scorpio tends to be a sign of whole-hearted passion. They’re strong-willed and resolute in their ways, and no one can tell them how to act. With charisma and cunning, Scorpio tends to have high ambitions. They’re competitive and aggressively chase what they want, no matter the cost. Scorpio is the most sexual of the signs, which they tend to see as another tool they can implement for manipulation.
Sagittarius — (fire) “To live the good life.” Like the other fire signs, Sagittarius is independent and adventurous. They can be reckless, but only because they want to see the world. A natural optimist, Sagittarius is energetic, charismatic, and fun-loving. They’re also straightforward in their ways.
Capricorn — (earth) “To be proud of achievements.” Capricorn can be considered the ideal hunter. They’re precise, steady, patient, and persistent—they won’t give up their chase, even if they have to be ruthless to get there. Capricorn is typically a sign of focus and discipline. They may be distrusting and withdrawn, but if you can get one on your good side, Capricorns are honest and reliable.
Aquarius — (air) “To understand life’s mysteries.” Often seen as the inventor of the group, Aquarians tend to be clever and inventive. They’re forward-minded—always looking to progress the world and make a difference. Their thought process is eccentric and you can rarely predict their actions—others see them as paradoxical. As humanitarians, they’re charitable and generous. They can, however, get caught up in their thoughts and become distanced, elusive, or idealistic.
Pisces — (water) “To feel connected to others.” Like the other water elements, Pisces has a lot of emotion and compassion. They’re devoted to the people they love and are filled with thoughts of romance, mystery, and opportunity. The emotion can go overboard at times, though, when they get too escapist or idealistic. With their heads in the clouds, Pisces can easily be scatterbrained or indecisive. They’re also one of the more self-victimizing signs and can be irrational and self-pitying when things don’t go their way.
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lenitivo · 10 years
So... I guess this mean Soren likes Big D?
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Everybody deserves someone in their life who looks at them the way Soren looks at Daniel in Cracked After Hours.
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lenitivo · 10 years
Reblog this if you would watch a Wonder Woman standalone Movie
Via Comic Book Misogyny
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lenitivo · 11 years
Care to explain why, kind sir?
What are your collective thoughts on the entire #CancelColbert situation?
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lenitivo · 11 years
G: Não podes fazer o twerk em todas as músicas, mor. 
A: Baby, I’m an outlaw, I don’t care.
G: Twerk Bandit!  
Portugal The Man a tocar na TV
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lenitivo · 11 years
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1: Observem o GIF durante 30/40 segundos.  2: Apreciem as restantes imagens. 
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lenitivo · 11 years
Karl: Essa foi fria. 
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Marxist Utopia, A T-Shirt Design Uniting ‘Yo Mamma’ Jokes & Marxism
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lenitivo · 11 years
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lenitivo · 11 years
Conceito brilhante
Zelda: Clockwork Empire FAQ
I’ve been getting a ton of questions regarding my Zelda project, so I thought I’d answer a few of the most common ones. 
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lenitivo · 11 years
Erry' day!
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lenitivo · 11 years
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Então, de acordo com o professor Turchin, e segundo a “Cliodinâmica"  a violência política ocorre de 50 em 50 anos. Interessante. 
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lenitivo · 11 years
V.B.Kühl - Sonate in V
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lenitivo · 11 years
                        Esses não são os clássicos, "Niggah"
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                         Aqui esta uma amostra dos clássicos
  O Livro da Selva: Toda a aldeia morre devido a um Mogli furioso por terem decimado a família que o adopta. Originalmente de Rudyard Kipling.
Moral: Não fodam com um puto que comunica com animais selvagens, sobretudo se vivem numa aldeia desprovida de armas de fogo. 
A Pequena Sereia: Devido à sua estupidez e a querer acreditar no poder do amor a sereia perde o príncipe para outra mulher e recusa-se a mata-lo para "salvar a sua vida", evitar transformar-se em espuma do mar. De modo a "voltar à vida" tem de ganhar uma alma. Para obter uma alma tem de praticar boas acções por 300 anos. A melhor parte: Por cada lágrima que uma criança verter ela tem de fazer um dia adicional de boas acções. Original de Hans Christian Andersen
Moral: Leiam sempre as entrelinhas num contrato com bruxas dos mares
O Corcunda de Notre-Dame: No livro, Victor Hugo decidiu que a Esmeralda seria cobiçada por: Quasimodo; o capitão Phoebus; Gringoire, o poeta de rua e pelo pai adotivo de Quasimodo e "arquidiácono" da Igreja, Frollo. Tirando a competição alimentada por testosterona desse cenário, existe também a frustração sexual de Frollo que o compele a ordenar Quasimodo a raptar a cigana. Quando este falha e é apanhado pelo capitão, é sentenciado a chicotadas e humilhação pública. A Esmeralda, no que será a boa ação que marca toda a obra, salva o corcunda de morrer de sede. Isso não a impede de ser acusada de tentar matar o capitão. A sua sentença: tortura e forca. Quasimodo salva-a da forca e mantêm-na na igreja sob a lei de asilo. Tudo iria correr bem, se não fosse o Frollo(quem realmente matou o capitão da guarda) a informar o poeta que ser-lhe-ia retirada o asilo e entregue ás tropas reais para depois ser morta. Depois disso vem a confusão geral: Quasimodo ao tentar proteger a Esmeralda dos enviados de Gringoire(que a queriam levar para um lugar seguro) acaba por afasta-los e a entregar a cigana aos seus carrascos. Ela é morta. Frollo ri ao vê-la morrer. Este último é morto pelo seu filho(empurrado de um dos andares superiores da catedral) E - cereja no topo do bolo - Quasimodo decide deitar-se na mesma vala em que o corpo dela foi atirado e passar lá o resto dos seus dias.  Recapitulando: Traições, mortes e assassinatos, necrofilia.
Moral: L' enfert, c'est les autres. - Sartre
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lenitivo · 11 years
Recentemente foi anunciado que a Microsoft vai competir com a AppleTV, ao lançar a sua "box TV" com o nome de "xbox mini". A informação acerca do seu serviço fora dos Estados Unidos ainda não foi revelada. Ainda acerca da MS, diz-se que a "Durango" não vai ter compatibilidade com jogos da 360.E a MS decidiu complicar ainda mais, dizem os rumores. De modo a jogarem os jogos anteriores, deverão usar um periférico: a xbox mini.
1 - A consola principal NÃO vai ler os jogos anteriores.
2 - Se quiseres a nova consola E quiseres jogar a jogos da 360, tens de comprar a dita "xbox mini" que é essencialmente um objeto que já tens em casa. E se por acaso viveres fora dos EUA, não sabes se vais poder usa-la ao invés dos serviços de distribuição de TV do teu país.
De modo semelhante anda a Sony: Foi anunciado que a PS4 não vai suportar os CD´s da PS3. Ao invês disso, eles vão disponibilizar um serviço de cloud-gaming para os titulos anteriores. Oxalá corra melhor que a embrulhada que eles criaram ao tentar migrar jogos da PSP e da PS1 para a Vita. Oxalá tenham um bom repertório de jogos prontos a serem jogados pela altura em que a PS4 esteja nas lojas!
Além da incompetência da Sony, há ainda a sua ganancia. A prova disto é o fato de que, ás nossas costas, decidiu criar um sistema que bloqueia o uso de CD´s usados por outro individuo. Têm sido discretos com isso: apenas vão patentear. Depois distribuem para os criadores de jogos. Isto significa que numa primeira fase, não haverá mais dessas coisas de "amigos" a "emprestarem-se os jogos", sobretudo os exclusivos ps3. Eventualmente isso vai alastrar.
                                  Não sei quanto aos outros, mas isto inunda-me o paladar com o sabor da bílis. Mas tomo consolo no fato de que a WiiU tem exclusivos como o Monster Hunter 3 e que a Steam ainda existe. 
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lenitivo · 11 years
Gif de Paolo Ceric.  Percam algum tempo pelo Tumblr dele.
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lenitivo · 11 years
Caldera: Um filme acerca de patologias mentais. 
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