#tumblr ate my homework
starryknight1890 · 1 day
Me, on Thursday: Ahhhh I have so much work to do I've got to finish everything before Friday
*proceeds to finish nothing*
Me, on Friday: it's ok, I'll just do it this weekend
Me, on Sunday: oh nooo, I have way to much to finish in one dayyyyy 🫣🫣
Me, on Monday, writing all of my tasks from last week on this week's to-do list: the world is cruel, everything is pointless, I am a mere puppet in this life, there is nothing I can do to escape this monotony
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silvershoe · 1 day
wow i have no self discipline. i dont know if i ever did its been like actually a life long issue its kind of miraculous i'm in college and got straight a's in high school because i really did the bare minimum to get those a's and now im at a school thats actually like pretty difficult in comparison and i have to actually work to understand the material and when i actually do the readings and spend time doing my homework i feel really fulfilled and happy about being at an academically rigorous institution but then the second i have to write an essay i dont want to write everything goes out the window and i end up rotting in bed on animal crossing pocket camp instead of doing the things i dont want to do. how do i force myself to do things when my brainwall against things i dont want to do is like 100 feet thick
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ghnosis · 10 months
hi gentle reminder that tumblr ate my entire ability to message at all so if we were talking about my research/setting up interviews and I vanished off the face of the earth that's why! :)
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damesandheroines · 1 year
Do you think my lecturer will accept this as an excuse?
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shellofwonder · 9 months
I experienced a 6th stage of grief today when a 3rd grader walked up to me with stars in her eyes and a busted chromebook in hand only to immediately ask me to take her "What Therian Are You" quiz she had spent the last hr making
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baddywronglegs · 7 months
This week has been a learning experience.
I have learned how readily the average Tumblr inmate will accept the existence of fairies.
I have learned that "you have nothing on" is not a precise enough way to say you have no plans and instead results in a great many naked hypothetical people.
I have learned that notifications drain my phone battery.
Truly every day is a school day and I'm sorry, miss,
A walrus ate my homework.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 6 months
Extreme Proof – Steve Harrington
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Tumblr Request by theamunsonsworld
My heart sank into my stomach when I looked up and saw Nancy Wheeler walking up to the ice cream counter. My stomach turned when I realized that it was Steve's turn at the cash register. I couldn't help but watch their interaction. They seemed. . . Perfect.
Steve and Nancy always seemed perfect. His smile was different. His laugh was different. His whole demeanor and attitude were different when he was around his ex-girlfriend. And I couldn't help but wonder why he settled for me.
I knew Steve and Nancy when they were dating. Well, I didn't know them know them. I grew up with them. I was in the same grade as Nancy and lived next to Steve and his parents. After they broke up, I could instantly tell that it had a bigger effect on Steve than it did on Nancy. She quickly moved on. He didn't.
Later that year, I started working at the ice cream shop within the new mall. I ended up being trained with Robin. Two months later, I trained Steve. It took him almost a week to recognize me as his neighbor. Once he made that connection, he put more of an effort into being nice to me. It wasn't until one night when the three of us got high while pretending to complete inventory that things finally escalated between us.
~ • ~
"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Robin giggled. Her laughter made Steve and I laugh.
"Probably not," he shrugged.
"Definitely not," I corrected. "But who cares?!"
All three of us started laughing harder. All of a sudden, Robin jumped up and ran into the other room complaining about being hungry. I looked over at Steve, both of our laughter stopping. I cleared my throat and turned away from him, taking a puff. Without looking at him, I handed the blunt to him. He took it but didn't let go of my hand.
"I'm really sorry, Y/N," he whispered.
"For what?" I asked, forgetting why I wasn't looking at him.
"For forgetting you," he explained, his voice still soft.
"Steve," I sighed, finally pulling my hand out of his.
"Y/N," he quickly said, stopping me from walking away. "We spent our entire childhoods living right next to each other. I constantly looked over."
"You did?" I said, even though I had told myself not to respond.
"Every time I looked over at you, you guys always looked so happy," he said, maintaining perfect eye contact. "You ate dinner together. You watched movies together. Your dad helped you with your homework. You spent every weekend helping your dad with yard work and helping your mom with housework. I was so jealous."
"You guys did everything as a family," he said. "And all I wanted was to be a part of it."
"A part of it?" I repeated. "Why would you want to be a part of my. . ."
Steve leaned over and cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. My mind was too cloudy for me to make any sense of this. So, instead of making sense of it, I gave in. I started kissing him back and things slowly escalated. We probably would've gone the whole way if Robin hadn't literally fallen into the room.
~ • ~
After that night, I didn't work the weekend. Another teenager asked for extra hours and I gave up mine. Monday, when I finally went back to work, I walked in and instantly made eye contact with Steve. Before either one of us was forced to fill the awkward silence, I went to the back room and found my name tag. I turned around and was about to walk back out when I suddenly wasn't alone.
~ • ~
"Steve," I gasped. "I was just. . ."
He cut me off by grabbing my hands and pulling me closer. "I think we need to talk."
"We really. . ."
He cut me off again by pressing his lips to mine. I was clear-headed and still didn't hesitate to kiss him back. As our lips moved in sync, I let out a small chuckle. My laugh made Steve slowly break the kiss.
"What?" He asked with a small smirk on his face.
"I seem to see a pattern developing," I teased.
"And what pattern is that?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"From what I can remember from last Thursday," I smiled, "you seem to only kiss me when you want me to shut up."
"First of all," he started to list off, "there are worse ways to tell someone to shut up. And second, that's not the only reason I kissed you."
"Really?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Of course it's not," he whispered. "The truth is Y/N, I have feelings for you."
My heart jumped into my throat as Steve stared at me with soft eyes. "You do?" I whispered, not sure what else to say to him. "Since when?"
"Since we were kids," he said simply.
"All that time?" I stuttered. Steve smiled as he reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
"All that time."
~ • ~
Things changed after that. Steve took me on lunch dates, rearranged his work schedule so we were on the same shift, and even came by the days he didn't work and I did. As good as everything was for us, I couldn't shake this feeling that something was hovering over us. It didn't take long for me to figure out what was hovering over us.
When it got too painful to watch Steve take Nancy's ice cream order, I turned around and instantly grabbed the broom from the storage closet. I kept my back to the counter as I swept the floor. When I was done, I instantly started cleaning tables.
"I thought I was on cleanup duty," Robin said. I didn't dare turn around. I didn't want to watch Steve make Nancy's ice cream sundae. I heard Robin sigh before she grabbed my hand. She took the rag and tossed it onto an empty booth before dragging me to the small lounge we had back behind the counter.
"Talk," she demanded.
"About what?"
"Don't play dumb," she sighed. She lowered her voice as she continued, "I know what you're thinking, Y/N. Steve is not in love with Nancy."
"It's just. . ."
"He's not," she cut me off. "Steve and Nancy happened a long time ago. He's so much happier now, Y/N. Now that he has you."
"I can't help but. . ."
"What?" She pushed me when I didn't continue.
"I can't let go of the feeling that Steve still has feelings for her," I confessed. I looked up and saw Steve and Nancy still talking at the counter. "See?"
Robin turned around and sighed when she saw my boyfriend talking to his ex-girlfriend. "I'm sure you're reading into it," she stuttered. "I mean. . ."
I didn't hear whatever excuse she was struggling to come up with. Instead, I went to the back freezer and started unloading random things. I jumped when two arms wrapped around me.
"You know I love you, Robin," I said, trying to tease, "but not like that."
"Ha ha," Steve laughed sarcastically as he spun me around. His smile faltered when he saw the look on my face. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," I cleared my throat. "Why wouldn't it be?"
I walked away and reached down, picking up a tub of our new flavor that's been selling fast. Steve walked over, gently grabbed it out of my hands, and placed it back on the shelf.
"What's going on, baby?" He asked, his voice lowering to a whisper.
"It's nothing," I stuttered, matching his tone.
"Robin told me."
My stomach dropped. I pulled my hands out of his and instantly wrapped my arms around myself.
"Baby," he sighed, gently grabbing my arms and pulling me closer. "We've talked about this. There is nothing between me and Nancy anymore."
He started to lean in to kiss me, but I gently stopped him. "We should get back to work," I said softly. I started walking out of the freezer, but he grabbed my wrist.
"No," he said firmly. "Y/N, we need to talk about this. We have talked about this. I know you think you aren't good enough for me, but, baby, you need to get passed those insecurities."
"Get passed them," I scoffed, stepping away from him. "Like it's so easy. Tell me, Steve, how easy was it for you to get past your insecurities with high school and being known as Steve "the Hair" Harrington? Not so easy, huh?"
"That's not fair," he sighed.
"You don't get it," I said, my voice breaking. "Nancy. . . She's. . . Nancy Wheeler is everything that I'm not."
"Except for one thing," Steve quickly interjected. "She isn't the girl I want to be with. She's not you, Y/N. And I want to be with you."
"You have to try to understand, Steve. This isn't easy for me. I mean. . . I've never had a serious boyfriend before and. . . Seeing you with her. . . It's not easy on me, okay? It just. . ."
"What?" He asked a little too harshly. "Try and explain it to me, Y/N."
"I can't," I whispered. "And if you can't understand it then. . ."
"Then what?" He sighed, clearly losing his patience with me.
"Then maybe we shouldn't be together."
Before he could agree with me or fight for me, I turned on my heels and ran. I ran out of the ice cream shop, out of the mall. When I got outside, I stopped for a brief second and let out a small scoff.
It was raining.
"Of course," I mumbled. I looked around, my eyes landing on the payphone. I ran through the rain toward the payphone. I grabbed some coins out of my pocket and called my brother.
"Speak!" He answered.
"Eddie," I said, my voice breaking.
"What happened?" His whole demeanor changed. "Y/N, what's wrong?"
"I think. . . I think Steve and I just broke up."
"What?!" I covered my mouth to muffle my sob as Eddie continued to angrily mumble. "I swear I am going to. . . It'll be the last thing. . . I'm gonna kill. . . Wait, what happened?"
"Nancy came into the shop today," I said, my voice shaky.
"Y/N," Eddie sighed. "Steve is not still in love with Nancy. It's all in your head."
"But you didn't see them together, Ed," I instantly defended myself.
"Look," he said gently, "I know you've had your issues with your self-confidence and with constantly comparing yourself to Nancy Wheeler, but, you gotta stop. It doesn't matter that Steve and Nancy used to have a thing. He's not with her anymore."
"He's with me," I cut him off. "I know. I know. But it's not like it was his choice."
"What are you talking about?"
"She broke up with him, Eddie," I said, my voice dropping.
"That doesn't mean he stopped loving her."
"Y/N," he sighed. "I believe Steve when he says he doesn't love Nancy anymore. Why don't you?"
"Because why would he want me?" I yelled, finally letting out all my insecurities and frustrations. "I'm boring, Eddie. I don't have any friends. All I do is go to school, come home, do my homework, and go to bed a 9. Why would Steve "the Hair" Harrington fall for someone as boring as me? I'm not smart. I'm not funny. I'm not beautiful. I'm not enough for him, Eddie. Why does no one else understand this?!"
I slammed the phone back onto its receiver and turned around. Usually, Steve takes me home from work, but I had to get out of here. I saw the bus at the bus stop and instantly started running towards it in hopes of catching it.
One minute I was running through the rain. The next, I was falling. As I landed, I hit my head hard. I tried to think. I tried to sit up. I tried to move, but it was like I was frozen. Soon, the world started to spin. It wasn't long before the darkness took over. But right before it did, I thought I heard someone yell my name.
* * * * *
I woke up a little while later being warmer than I was when I first fell asleep.
"I told you, Eddie," I heard my Uncle Wayne sigh, "she hit her head pretty hard. She may be out for a couple of more hours."
"She's awake," I heard Steve say with a small chuckle.
"How do you. . ." Eddie didn't finish his question when he turned around and saw me watching them. I was back in my room and the three of them were standing in the doorway.
I smiled when Eddie ran to my side. He was already sitting next to me and holding my hand by the time Uncle Wayne walked into my room.
"How are you feeling, kiddo?" He asked me.
"Okay," I shrugged. "I think. I mean. . . I'm a little confused."
"You slipped," Steve said, his voice softer than normal.
"What?" I stuttered.
"You were running toward the bus," Steve explained as he slowly walked into my room. "With the rain and the puddles, you slipped. I walked out of the mall right as you fell. I ran over to you, but you were barely conscious."
"Oh," I said under my breath. Suddenly, a thick tension fell between the two of us. If it wasn't for that tension, I would've laughed when Uncle Wayne hit Eddie's arm.
"We'll give you two some privacy," he said as he practically dragged Eddie out of my room. As soon as it was just us two, Steve sat on the edge of my bed.
"We need to talk about this," he said softly. "I can't stand the idea of you thinking you're not good enough for me."
"I just. . ."
"Please," he gently cut me off. "I need to say some things and I need you to hear them, okay? You are enough for me, Y/N. You are the perfect girl for me. I know you struggle with my and Nancy's friendship. If I could make it better for you, I would. The only way I can start to make it better is to tell you that I am completely, one hundred percent over Nancy Wheeler. I am also completely, one hundred percent into you. I don't know why you think you're not enough for me, but you are. You are enough, baby. No one is better for me. You make me extremely happy. You make it so I don't have to be fake. If I'm not happy, you know it. If I'm struggling, you know what to do to help me. I promise, Y/N, there is nothing between me and Nancy. Not anymore. Not ever again. I haven't had feelings for her for a long time. You make me happy. There is no one in this world I would rather be with than you."
With tears streaming down my cheeks, I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. Every insecurity, every worry, disappeared as we kissed. Steve broke the kiss, both of us breathing heavily.
"I don't just want you," he whispered. "I love you."
"I love you too," I said, my voice breaking. My smile fell as I continued, "I'm really sorry, Steve. I never should've. . . I shouldn't. . . I was wrong. I should've believed you when you kept telling me you were over her."
"It's okay," he soothed. "But next time, promise me that you'll talk to me if you ever feel something like that again. Please, baby. Promise me."
"I promise."
Steve smiled as I pulled him toward me and laid down. That night, I fell asleep with Steve's arms wrapped tightly around me.
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wosemi-sama · 7 months
and the crowd went mild 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 also no chara dividers im lazy rn
these r so short id add more but im rushing rn sorry lmfao 😭😭😭
intended lowercase!
misc. obm hcs
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wakes up at the ass crack of dawn every single morning.
wears those old man pjs. with the long hat and fuzzy slippers and gown. you know the one.
most bitter coffee you've ever had in your life how he can drink it is astonishing.
his bed, his mattress, his pillows are all as hard as rock how does this man SLEEP.
sleeps like hes the corpse at the funeral hes that one image
will pull you into a headlock and call it a hug.
guy who had mountain dew and cheeto dust in his veins instead of blood. guy who marinates in his room for two months straight. guy who- (i am immediately shot dead).
did a collab with the anti-lucifer league to create a 100k words dialuci fic to piss off lucifer (dont worry about him he got paid in anime and tsl merch).
TRULY believes he is the #1 tsl fan. and also #1 ruri fan.
wimp who VOLUNTARILY makes you cosplays if you are a cosplayer or even if you aren't. it will happen.
vtuber fan. he was like "hey i wanna be a streamer but i dont wanna show my face but i also want to be an anime boy! wait-" and now hes a vtuber.
has accidentally referred to all of his brothers as "chat" at least once. hes never recovering from that btw.
cannot stop annotating books he reads for the life of him.
all of his books are just filled to the brim with sticky notes because all he does is annotate.
once he has a crush he will start imagining him and them in the same scenarios as the characters in romance novels he read. (loser alert!!)
sneaking a new cat into hol like once a week (he never succeeds btw).
oh boy his room REEKS of perfume and body spray.
"i sprayed my new perfume in every nook and cranny! smells so floral and elegant, don't you think?" (it smells like a bath and body works threw up.)
surprisingly plays the trumpet and BOY is he loud. bro is absolutely blasting those notes.
worst driver ever btw.
freckles all over!! like a lot. *im not beating the insane allegations*
ate like 27 family size dorito bags, 30 dollars worth of taco bell, and four sprites in one sitting and he still hasnt recovered.
sleeps. like a lot. not as much as belphie but enough to be considered an eepy guy.
will randomly grab every blanket and pillow he can get his hands on and make a nest in the common room if he's up to it. and then have everyone make a dog pile in it just so they can hang out and be silly.
will NOT clean it up afterwards. lucifer will tell him to and his only response will be "im tired..."
freckles like beel too i think theyre silly.
9829364 cow plushies. (theyre all from lucifer)
will randomly gaslight people for no reason
"hey did you do the homework"
homework? what homework? there was homework? my, what even is homework? never heard of that.
"hey, i heard of this animal from the human world called a giraffe! can i see a picture?"
what? what's a giraffe? oh, those!! yeah, they're just myths. they're not real. purely fiction!!
yk that one post about tumblr funnyman solomon. he is a tumblr funnyman to me. he confidently posts his exploded spaghetti and gets 10k notes i think.
has a book club with satan and solomon. :)
probably writes oneshots of the brothers on tumblr idfk man (sorry to the simeon fans i write like nothing on this guy bro).
bodily six ("but didnt the devs say hes ten?" shut up. /j)
along with that, also shorter than in canon. (since hes. yk. a first grader. that BOY is not five foot hes one sauce packet long dude.)
favorite store in the human world is walmart. i like to think his human world outfit is all exclusively from walmart bc thats funny i think.
hands of STEEL. he tries to grab your wrist and he nearly crushes it by accident.
ice cream!! he loves it :) his favorite is strawberry btw.
also this boy is NOT a himbo hes a smart man.
needs like a hug and some sleep and also a friend this boy works too much!!
short. like really short. especially according to devildom standards since most demons are super tall.
"but isn't he six feet?" not in my heart.
somehow always making tea for some reason?? if he's not making tea then he's making pastries.
my boy does not SLEEP. hasn't slept since the sun has been birthed and doesn't plan on ever doing it.
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allfryam · 21 days
sugarcoated (remastered)
for those of you that don’t know, sugarcoated was the first story I posted on tumblr and… it’s rough. So I decided I would rewrite the story so it’s at least a little bit better because I really like the idea. Enjoy!
The crowd roared in excitement as Andrew made the winning shot right as the buzzer went off. He pumped his fist in the air as his team surrounded him cheering. Andrew had just won the championship basketball game for his school. It was the last game of his senior year and he was gonna be off to college soon.
in the locker room, Andrew took off his clothes and got in the shower. Little did he know, his friend miles was watching from afar, admiring Andrew’s perfect body. His wet, curly brown hair fell perfectly onto his tan face. His sharp jawline could cut through steel, and miles had to practically stop himself from drooling as he admired Andrew’s body. His toned abs and muscular arms looked even better with glistening hot water running down them. His tight ass sat atop his meaty legs proudly. Miles had to stop himself from staring before he got a boner. He couldn’t wait until college though. Miles and Andrew decided to be roommates when they went to college. Miles dreamed of seeing Andrew’s perfect body every day.
when it came time to make his schedule for the fall, Andrew discovered he had an open slot. Looking through the available classes, he only saw one that didn’t look like a snooze fest. “Baking 101”. Andrew reluctantly clicked on it and forgot about it until the first class.
Andrew was relieved to see miles when he walked into the baking class for the first time. He was nervous about not knowing anyone in his classes but miles made it a little bit better. Professor miller began the class by saying it will be very difficult and take up a lot of your time. Andrew rolled his eyes but decided to stay because of miles. The boys grabbed dinner after class and Andrew decided to skip the gym to get started on his homework. He had gone to the gym almost everyday in high school, but with all of the stress in college, he hardly ever had time.
the first week had come and gone and Andrew was starting to get into a routine. He only ever had time to go to the gym on the weekends and he usually skipped cardio. He figured he got enough of that walking to class every day. He actually ended up really liking his baking class in particular. The professor was pretty cool and they got to eat everything they made in class. One day the professor asked miles and Andrew to stay after class and have a chat with him. “I’ve made an accident, and I figured I would reward my two best students with it.” Professor miller said. “I read the ingredients wrong and made way too many cookies for my other class to sample. These are the leftovers.” Professor opened a Tupperware full of sugar cookies. “I decided to let you two have them so they wouldn’t go to waste.” Andrew’s eyes lit up as he thanked the professor. Miles was running late for his class so he grabbed a few cookies and took off, but Andrew had nowhere to be, so he plopped his ass down in a chair and dug in. Professors cooking was phenomenal. The cookies were the best Andrew ever had! He stacked them three high and ate them as quickly as he could. There were about 40 cookies in the container when he started, and there were only 5 left now. Andrew moaned as he slowly continued eating the cookies. For the last cookie, he just shoved the whole thing in his mouth and tried not to gag as he chewed. He eventually got it down and leaned back in his chair.
that night, when Andrew was on his way to the shower, Miles noticed his abs were looking a little less defined. Probably just the bloat from all those cookies. Miles wasn’t mad at what he saw though… he actually kinda liked it…
classes continued to ramp up in difficulty and Andrew had less and less time for exercise. He would find himself going to the school kitchen late at night to practice his baking. To his surprise, he actually ended up really enjoying the baking class. He got to hang out with miles, and eat all of the sweet treats he made in class. He ate pies, cookies, cakes, pastries, brownies, bread, and more. He only had the class two days a week, but he found himself going to the kitchen when it was empty to make some more treats for himself. One late night, Andrew had just finished making himself a warm apple pie. He sat down at one of the tables and dug in. The warm, gooey apples slid down his throat and he instantly felt relieved. He continued eating until he heard a small “pop”. He looked down to see the button on his jeans had come undone. He grabbed the two sides and tried to pull them back together, but he was really struggling. He stood up and struggled some more before he finally got them to button. He went to the bathroom to look in the mirror, and to his surprise, his perfect abs were starting to turn into a soft, round belly. Andrew grabbed it and gave it a little shake. It jiggled a little but he could still feel some muscle in there. Andrew shrugged it off as a bloat and finished off the rest of his pie. when he got back to the dorm, he took off his shirt and walked over to miles. “Dude, do you think I’m getting fat?” He asked. Miles eyes grew wide as he looked at Andrew’s gut. “Uhhh… no way man! You look great! Sure you’ve probably put on a few but it makes you look way stronger.” Miles replied, trying to hold back his boner. “Yeah you’re probably right. Thanks dude.”
over the coming weeks, Andrew continued to eat various treats and his waistline continued to grow. He stopped wearing jeans because he could never get them buttoned, so he only wore pants or shorts with an elastic waistband. His belly continued to grow rounder and began to fall over his waistband. His size medium shirts no longer covered his gut so he started wearing large, and those were even starting to get a little tight.
as Andrew laid in bed eating cake one night, miles got an idea. He knew Andrew couldn’t resist food, especially sweets, so he started bringing home all of the treats he baked in class to give to Andrew. Andrew would always be incredibly grateful and scarf the food down like it was nothing. For his second semester of classes, he decided to take all of his classes online. He hated having to walk across campus, and it was easy to just sit in bed in his underwear all day.
now that Andrew practically never left the dorm, his weight began to skyrocket. Miles watched his slight paunch turn into a dad bod, and that turned into a beer belly, and that grew into a tub of lard. Miles continued to bring Andrew food, and Andrew ate everything he brought. He didn’t even seem to mind the extra weight. It’s almost like he didn’t even notice it. He was just happy to be eating.
one day, miles decided to push Andrew’s limits. He brought home a massive amount of treats, all for Andrew. There was cake, doughnuts, pie, cookies, and more. “Woah! Is that all for me?” Andrew asked. “Yup! Decided to bring home a feast for my favorite person!” Andrew immediately dug in, tearing through the entire cake within minutes. With his face still covered in frosting, he started eating the pie. Crumbs and pieces of pie filling were falling onto his round gut bit he hardly noticed. He ate the cookies and the brownies at the same time, stacking them on top of one another and eating them as one. Miles’ boner felt like it was gonna bust through his pants with how hard he was right now. Watching Andrew devour this food was the hottest thing he’s ever seen. He needed to get in on this. “Why don’t I help you with the doughnuts?” Miles asked. Andrew just nodded his head and opened his mouth. Miles grabbed a few doughnuts and climbed on top of Andrew. Sitting on his gut, he shoved the doughnuts into his mouth and Andrew mindlessly chewed. After about 6 doughnuts, he motioned for miles to stop. “URP… I’m… full…”Andrew said breathing heavily. Miles ignored him and continued shoving the doughnuts into his mouth. By the time they were finished, Andrew’s stomach had never been so full. He looked like a beached whale. As Andrew drifted off to sleep he pulled miles close and whispered in his ear, “I love you.” Miles face got red and he saw Andrew smile. “I always have…” Andrew whispered before passing out from all of the food he just ate.
don’t really know if you guys will enjoy this one or not. The weight kinda piles on really fast and I know a lot of you like the slower paced stories, but I think the fast ones are fun! Anyway, next story will probably be fattest team in the country part 3 so stay tuned for that
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antinegationism · 12 hours
To be clear -- aside from the decentralization effort, I'm mostly joking about being mad. And Siikr has always been more of a labor of duty than one of love.
There's like, 5 almost cool algorithmic ideas (and 1 very scary one) almost in there that never got a chance to shine because of the logistics of not wanting to lose everyone's data or risk longer outages on experimenting -- So a lot of managing Siikr has basically been that of being forced to do homework in a toy store.
I'll keep services running for a while longer through the tumblr search roll-out (which I'm sure will extend to posts before 2017 eventually), and then probably pull the plug.
Social protocol dictates that I thank everyone for using or supporting the service or something here, but actually the service was free and you guys mostly just sat there and ate up my disk space so
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awingedllama · 1 year
hi, i sent an ask a few weeks ago about possibly adding countertop desks to the nostalgia kitchen set and you never responded, so i was worried that tumblr ate the ask 😭 (if you did get it and read it then feel free to ignore this message!) anyway, i think these might be a great addition to the set! there's nothing else like this that i can find for ts4 so it would definitely fill a niche!
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i’m so sorry for not answering!! i read your ask and then thought of my reply and somehow never physically typed it out??? (i do this way too often 😭)
anyway, my scattered brain aside, yes! this is as simple as a mesh edit and adds so much functionality to a kitchen! imagine the kids doing their homework at the desk in the kitchen as the parent makes dinner 🥺
on the list (again, since i already wrote it down once lol)
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justcallmesakira · 7 months
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i have been seeing this all over my tumblr page so ummm HERE YA GO!!! also this will be where i mention all my moots because i cannot for the fathom of fyodor copy that posts link
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@saelique- cinna x 15! dazai song- Tek it by cafune
two friends who secretly run on daffodil fields in the middle of the night and is always comfortable with each other
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@atlasnessie- atlas x jouno song- stereo hearts
that one couple who N O O N E predicted would get together but somehow he still carries you on his back as you pint to childrens bumper car
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@silverbladexyz- silvie x beast!chuuya song- Step on me
Your the only one who can calm him down, or so everyone says but can you? because with the way hes gone in a rampage it seems hes loyalty lies somewhere else...
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@typcallysid14- siddie x nikolai song- fuckin` boyfriend
Oh god, its a mess your just so in love with him and so is he! You cant stop taking pictures and his stuff and so cant he!
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@tojifile mo x geto song-somewhere only we know
The pair who never happened even when both of you acted so fruity with each other all the time,,,good things never last
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@rusmii= mii x chuuya song- BABYDOLL by ari abdul
That one funky and crazy couple of the mafia. After all who will save you when your telling the enemies that their dad went to buy milk and their mom went with him and cursing every single second.
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@biscuits-spooky-corner- my pookie cookie x highschool dazai song- Moonlight by kali uchis
OMG its that one crackhead couple who ate the dog before the dog can eat their homework!
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@elizais x eli x tachihara song- something about you by eyedress
You two may look like best buddies who blow vandalize peoples cars but in all serious you two are very genuine with each other espceilly since gaining tachis trust is something really award worthy <3
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@atzuhi- x atsushi song- we fell in love in october by Girl in red
I am not shipping u two bcs of ur names but i just think your personality would fit atsushi and you two would go sticker cutting together :D
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@riiwrites- x dazai song- FVN! by LVL1
crackhead who send each other instagram reels 24/7 and roleplay as jack/alpha/dont mess with me/ 24/emo/superstrong/ playboy wolf and emily/dont mess with mwy swenpai/ ywndere/ uwu girl/ secret darkside and bully kids on roblox <3
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@chuuyasboner x 18 chuuya song- see you again by tyler the creator
Tho u threatened him to a relationship he still takes out to the arcade and occasionally feeds you when you threaten ask him!
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@ruanais- rua x beast!dazai song- cigarettes out the window
You know hes going to leave one day,yet you still yearn to be in the warmth of his lap, Can he really hold you throughout the heavens and earth though?
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Rue x atsushi song- lovers rock by TV girl
I personally think you twi would be opposite attract bcs of your style, but even so as you run to buy more gothy type clothes and he goes to buy some soft matching pjs for you two, he will always be by your side
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@tsuunara- tsu x techhou song- Until i found you
No because you two would make such a cute n sweet couple (get it because of ur theme?). Just don't let him pour salt on your vanila cake though!
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@kurolumiis x loading...
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Who do you guys ship me with with? :3
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adrienneleclerc · 1 year
How You Get The Girl
Pairing: Ajax Petropolus x Hispanic!Reader, Ajax x Enid (platonic)
Summary: Ajax has a crush on Y/N, a new student, and asks Enid for help
Warning: spelling errors as always
A/N: I AM SO SORRY!!! I was in Mexico for 2 weeks, very lovely, I’m taking driving lessons, absolutely terrible, and now I am crushing on Chris Evans so that fixation has taken over my tumblr feed. And now I’m watching Star vs. The Forces of Evil so now all of my Hispanic Y/Ns will have her personality
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Most people believe that Nevermore Academy is the only school for supernatural children. However, there are schools around the world. Much like there’s Hogwarts and Ilvermorny, Nevermore is the American school, Wormwood is the UK school etc., and Belladonna is the Latin American school, the school where Y/N transferred from.
Y/N transferred from Belladonna 2 weeks ago and she was very good friends with Enid. Ajax has been crushing on her since she was introduced in botany class. Ever since that day, the little things Y/N did like talk to the animals that wander on campus made him like her more. He was now at a lunch table with Kent while he looks at Y/N who was sitting with Enid.
“Dude, you’re staring again.” Kent said as he ate his sandwich.
“Sorry.” Ajax said while eating his lunch.
“I’m telling you, it’s creepy. It’s been two weeks and all you do is stare at her. How about you ask her out? What’s the worst that can happen?” Kent asked.
“She rejects me, she laughs in my face, Enid records the rejection and posts it on her blog.” Ajax said.
“Nah, she’s too sweet to laugh in your face and let Enid film it.” Kent said.
“Either way, even if I did want to ask her out, I wouldn’t know how.” Ajax said. Kent was going to say something when Ajax saw Enid get up from her table with Y/N. “Enid, Enid, hold up!” Ajax said as he got up, following Enid.
“Hey Ajax, what did you want to talk about?” Enid asked.
“You’re good friends with Y/N, right?” Ajax asked.
“Yeah, I know her pretty well, why do you ask?” Enid asked.
“No reason. Does she have a boyfriend…or girlfriend back home?” Ajax asked.
“As far as I’m aware, she is very single. What’s with the questions? No way! You like Y/N, oh my gosh, this so perfect.” Enid said excitedly.
“Why is it perfect? Does she like me too?” Ajax asked.
“She thinks you’re cute.” Enid admitted.
“I Can work with that. So what does she like? I want to ask her out.” Ajax said.
“Ooh, we need to plan this, just let me talk to Y/N more, maybe I can get some…useful information, you know, help you out.” Enid said.
“Thanks, Enid! You’re the best” Ajax said, hugging her. He then went back to sit with Kent.
“Oh, i know.” Enid commented and she went to her dorm that she shares with Y/N. Enid was watching a movie on her laptop with Y/N came in. “Hey, where did you go?”
“Yoko needed help with some botany homework, you know, the one where you match the picture to the scientific names of the plants? Anyway, what you doing?” Y/N asked.
“Im watching 10 Things I Hate About You, such a great movie.” Enid said.
“I loved it when Patrick sang for Kat, so cute! I mean, it also helps that it was Heath Ledger.” Y/N said.
“Would you like someone to dedicate a song to you like that?” Enid asked.
“I don’t know, I think it depends on the person, you know.” Y/N commented.
“So that’s a definite maybe..” Enid mutters as she took note of it. “Since you grow and control plants, do you have a favorite flower?”
“I like peonies, I blame Gossip Girl though.” Y/N said and Enid made a note of it.
“I like peonies too. If someone were to ask you out, do you want it to be like this big thing or something small?” Enid asked.
“Something small is preferable.” Y/N said. They kept talking until Enid texted Ajax to meet her in the library, she had everything she needed.
“Im gonna go to the library to do some homework, I’ll be back in a few hours.” Enid said.
“What kind of homework are you doing? Maybe I can help.” Y/N said.
“It’s some dumb monster anatomy homework, you don’t take that class.” Enid said. She went to the library and found Ajax sitting at a table.
“Hey, so what dos you find out?” Ajax asked.
“She likes peonies, of you’re going to ask her out, make sure it’s like a small thing, maybe private, nothing too big. She’s a dessert person so maybe if you can like send her boxes of desserts everyday until the day you ask her out would be perfect! Like imagine, one day you send mini cupcakes, the next day a mini chocolate cheesecake, then brownies, then a small flan, and lastly you send a box of frosted cookies that spell out ‘will you go out with me?’ And you appear with a bouquet of peonies! That would be so cute!” Enid exclaimed as she grabbed Ajax by the shoulders and shook him with excitement.
“How many romance movies have you seen?” Ajax asked.
“I’ve seen a lot, not gonna lie. Now, how are you going to do this? Are you going to order from the bakery? Are you going to bake? Ooh, can I help you bake please?” Enid asked.
“Yeah sure, you can help me bake.” Ajax said and Enid squealed excitedly, hugging him.
“This is going to be ADORABLE, I’m so excited. I’m gonna start looking up recipes, I’ll send them to you so you can buy the ingredients.” Enid said.
“Why do I have to buy the ingredients?” Ajax asked and enid rolled her eyes.
“You have money, you’re asking her out, you’re paying. We’re baking Sunday night, I’m thinking chocolate cupcakes, we’re making our own frosting, everything has to be done from scratch, okay?” Enid said.
“Why scratch?” Ajax asked.
“It’s more romantic that Way, it says you put thought into it. Now I need to look up recipes on TikTok, I learn more visually.” Enid said as she left Ajax.
Ajax was in over his head. All of this for a girl who might say no. What if she thinks it’s too cheesy or if it doesn’t taste good?
Sunday night, Enid and Ajax were in the kitchen with flour on their faces and aprons.
“You set the timer, right?” Enid asked.
“Yeah i did, don’t worry.” Ajax said. When the timer went off, Ajax got the oven mitts that Enid brought and took the mini cupcakes out of the oven. He places it on the kitchen counter. “We gotta wait a little before tasting it but it looks pretty good, what do you think?” Ajax asked.
“It rose pretty well. Do you want to pipe on the frosting or do you want the cupcakes to have that flat look?” Enid asked as she showed Ajax the pictures as example.
“Piped, but not too high.” Ajax said, once the cupcakes cooled off, Ajax took one out of the pan and took a bite, “this is pretty good.” Ajax said and took another bite. Enid took another cupcake out of the pan and hit it.
“Ooh, the cupcake is kinda dense, it’s perfect for a chocolate cupcake! Now let’s see if the frosting we made is good too.” Enid grabbed a butter knife to smear the frosting on where she But it and finished off the cupcake. “It’s perfect!”
The two poured the frosting into a piping bag and began frosting the remainder cupcakes. Ajax puts the ones for Y/N in a box, in the fridge. The rest, Ajax and Enid split between them evenly, and they went to their rooms.
“What you got there?” Kent asked.
“You know, Enid and I were baking, don’t laugh, so I can ask out Y/N, now you can laugh.” Ajax said.
“I’m not gonna laugh, how douchey do you think I am? I think it’s kinda nice, how male wife of you,” Kent snickered.
“Ha ha, taste the cupcakes, I think they turned out pretty good.” Ajax gave Kent the container. Kent opened up the container and took a cupcake and tasted it.
“Very good, how are you planning to ask out Y/N anyway?” Kent asked, eating the cupcake.
“Enid came up with the plane, a week of dessert and the final one is frosted cookies with writing that spell out the sentence ‘will you go out with me’ and I appear with a bouquet of peonies.” Ajax stated.
“How many movies does Enid watch anyway?” Kent asked,
“Apparently a lot, but let’s see how it goes.” Ajax said.
Monday afternoon. Ajax made sure that Enid and Y/N were talking so he could have enough time to leave the cupcakes on her bed with a note. Enid texted Ajax that Y/N was coming so Ajax ran down the hall to hide. Y/N entered her room.
“Huh, what’s this?” Y/N asks herself as she opened the note. “‘You’re as sweet as the frosting i made, enjoy -A’ interesting.” Y/N said and she opened up the box and tasted the cupcake. “These are great, oh my gosh.” Ajax smiled when he heard that. He walked away and Enid entered the room.
“Ooh, where did you get the cupcakes?” Enid asked.
“Apparently they’re from a secret admirer. But I love these cupcakes.” Y/N said.
“That’s great.” Enid said.
So that’s how the week went, Ajax and Enid bake the night before and leave it in the fridge til it’s time to give Y/N the treat. Now that it’s Friday, enid had to keep Y/N in the room to give Ajax enough time to buy a bouquet of peonies despite them not being in season.
Ajax took the cookies out of his room and place them nicely in order with the bouquet in hand. He left the box on the floor and knocked on the door, running down the hall so Y/N doesn’t see him.
“Ooh, lets see what’s the dessert today.” Y/N said to herself as she opened the box. “‘Will you go out with me?’ Who sent this?” And Ajax appears in Y/N’s line of vision.
“I did” Ajax said and Y/N looked delightfully surprised.
“You bought all these postres?” Y/N asked.
“I actually made them. Enid helped.” Ajax admitted.
“That’s really sweet of you. Enid, you’re such a good friend.” Y/N said, looking behind her.
“Anytime, girl.” Enid said.
“So, will you go out with me?” Ajax asked.
“I will. This was too cute to say no to.” Y/N said.
The End
Hope y’all liked it. I was thinking about “match made in Hollywood” and I was thinking instead of writing their events in the story chapters, I should write separate drabbles of the events. So you know how Ajax has a puppy interview with buzzfeed? Instead of rushing the interview on the chapter, I write a separate drabble of just the puppy interview. Sí me entienden, verdad? Anyway, my writing is rusty, this one shot felt like 11 year old me wrote it but I tried, that’s what counts. So these are treats Ajax baked so you’ll have an idea
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I made a similar ask a while ago but i don't know if tumblr ate it or some other predicament (if you just didn't want to answer it that's fine too)
Do you think Michael had a childhood? And if he did, how do you think it was?
Omg I'm so sorry 😭 I was going to say I think Tumblr ate it, but I just looked back in my inbox and found it.
Probably what happened was this was sent during a bit of a semi-hiatus of mine. I got into a bit of a mental health funk and lost interest in Michael, so I probably just wasn't feeling it then forgot to circle back to this when I actually got back into the headspace to do so.
Anyway... enough explanations and into the actual question.
I'm tempted to say no, that he didn't have a childhood. This is based on some of my theories/headcanons regarding him and Barbatos (I still need to get around to writing that post @_@), and iirc Barbatos canonically never had a childhood.
However... that's boring. So, I'm going to go into some kid!Michael headcanons!
I imagine Michael's childhood having been relatively quiet and uneventful. The realms had only just been created, after all- there weren't very many beings around to cause problems, and things were only just starting to go into motion. Things started to get rowdy in his teen years, as the Devildom and Celestial Realm began to clash and he found himself leading legions of angels onto the battlefield, but his earliest years were quite unremarkable.
Michael was the first and only angel, for a while. But it didn't take long for him to get his first brother: Lucifer. The two essentially grew up together- Michael was a little older, but they experienced their childhood together.
Though it was just him and Lucifer for a while, Michael couldn't stop thinking about his siblings soon to be. Michael can see time, and got little glimpses of the future of his family. He'd offhandedly tell Lucifer the vague little tidbits that he somehow seemed to just know, excitedly rambling about their siblings-to-be.
"The next one's name is going to be... Simon? Or was it Simeon? Anyway. He's going to be even-tempered with the kindest smile, and he's going to love flowers!"
And Lucifer wouldn't quite believe him- only Father could know such things. But he'd chuckle a little and say, "Alright, Michael."
When the angels were just a small few, Michael would get lonely often. He tended to cling to Lucifer as his best friend, his first playmate. Whenever he got bored, he'd go talk Lucifer's ears off about something or other. It... was a little much for Lucifer at times. Eventually, Lucifer suggested Michael start writing down his thoughts instead of constantly subjecting him to them. As such, Michael got his diary, and has been religiously filling it out ever since. Nowadays, having that place to empty his thoughts makes him miss Lucifer a little less, and a little more.
Back then, Lucifer was the one on the straight and narrow. Michael was all over the place. He was the one who'd sneak down to the human world, to see rumored wonders like "stars" and "sunsets". He'd put off his duties like a little kid who didn't want to do their homework, refuse to sleep alone and regularly crawl into Lucifer's bed when Father stopped cuddling him to sleep. He took a lot longer to "grow up". Sometimes, he's convinced he still hasn't. Even if he's too ashamed to ever admit it.
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 10 months
Hey I thought I’d do another update before signing off for potentially the rest of the year.
Unfortunately last Monday we had to make the heartbreaking decision to put down our dog who had been my best friend for the last 14 years. While we knew something wasn’t completely right with him we didn’t expect him to go downhill so quickly, especially as that morning he was he usual happy self. When we took him to the vet we honestly thought we’d be bringing him home but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.
Anyone who knows me personally will know just how much I love animals and how much I loved him. From the moment I could talk I was begging for a dog and he was the best dog ever, even when he ate my maths homework and almost burnt the house down.
He was there with me through secondary school, college and university. I was never a kid who had a stable friendship group, I was always on the outside and at times felt like I had no one at all, but I had him.
I don’t know when I’ll feel comfortable to make a full return to tumblr as right now it just feel wrong to be posting and acting like everything is okay when it’s not. I still walk in the door and expect to be knocked over by his tail, I expect to hear his claws tippy tappying on the floor and the sound of his collar jangling as he shakes his head.
However before I sign off I just want to wish you all a very happy holidays, I hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating.
I also want to thank everyone who reached out and commented on my original post, I really appreciated it.
I also want to thank all of my incredible followers new and old for sticking by me. We’re just under 10 followers away from 3k now and I really do love you 3000 and when we do hit that target and I’m in a place to write and celebrate I promise we will 🩵
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back again~
so i haven't been posting these lil daily posts for a few days now, that's because i haven't been doing much. i would say it was period pain but also it was just sheer laziness. i am very ashamed but i don't want to dwell on it and instead DO something. i want to regain momentum and be regularly productive, actually i need to.
sooo, a new week and a fresh start.. and i was late to school. if i'm late once again i'm gonna have to pay a fine (cuz this new school is crazy like that). i need to go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier.
showered in the morning
came back home around 1pm and because i went to sleep late the last night i just changed and fell asleep for way too long.
slept for 4hrs unintentionally
ate some snacks
i was watching a video about the kolkata rape case made by another med student and though i don't know the exact details i'm still horrified. and the fact is that some people really don't understand just how violating sa is. in my books it's the worst thing someone can do, it is something that cannot be justified even a bit under any circumstances at all. it's the most vile thing ever. that woman was just resting after a long shift, and disgusting disgusting men did the worst thing ever to her. i can't imagine the pain she felt in her last moments and her family's. she was just training to be a doctor, to pursue her passion and save lives. and some people aren't even that shocked, just disappointed because it is THAT normalized. it is that normalized that people (almost entirely girls & women) grow up having to always worry about their safety and the possibilities of threats. i hate this world so much sometimes.
scrolled on tumblr for way too much time i'm not proud of that.
completed my biology homework
studied for tomorrow's biology test on biomolecules
ate dinner
extended my duolingo streak
night skincare (been neglecting my skincare for the past week and i wanna fix that)
all in all, not a productive day AT ALL.
song of the day: 'Camden' by Gracie Abrams (this song is my soulmate fr)
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