#my quiz result was wolf btw
shellofwonder · 9 months
I experienced a 6th stage of grief today when a 3rd grader walked up to me with stars in her eyes and a busted chromebook in hand only to immediately ask me to take her "What Therian Are You" quiz she had spent the last hr making
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Name update
Don't know why but I've always liked the name summer
I found a quiz called something along the lines of "what is you're androgynous name" or something like that. I got raven as a result, i actually have a OC named raven but I liked the idea of calling myself raven
Well, I'm wolf otherkin for starters. Second of all I usually use this as a last name, like my wattpad says "Summer R Wolfe" the R stands for Raven btw
I kin Casey Hartley. That's all I got to say about that one
It's at the beginning of my url. I actually found this on a username generator and just really liked it (..and yes it's supposed to be spelled without an E)
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marauders--mischief · 7 years
Okay, I need help. So you know, when you're in HP fandom, you gotta have a house. And the best way to find that is via the test at Pottermore. So, I've done that test, quite a lot of times actually, because either I answered the questions on Patronus test not so honestly, or just thought my wand didn't fit me well enough. Well, the main thing is that I don't have a house. First, I was at Ravenclaw, which I was fine with btw, then I was at Hufflepuff, then Slytherin, then Griffindor. Where am I?
I think there’s several things you could do. A few people I know did the test a lot of times and ended up just having to tally whichever result was most common. 
You said the previous times you did the Pottermore quizzes, you didn’t answer honestly. If you wanted to, I would just do them again and take your time on them and answer as honestly as possible. Most of the time, you might not get the results you thought you would or what you wanted. Even I had this because I’m a Slytherin and I thought Gryffindor was best at first, but now I’m proud to be in my house. If you think part of the problem is the ‘stereotypes’ surrounding the results/house you get, then just know that the quiz was set up to put you in the house you have most similar traits with (if that makes any sense), so try to trust it’s judgement.
However, I also think that the quizzes can sometimes be a bit wrong. Personally, I don’t see how ‘Left or Right’ is a question that can determine your traits, especially as people would choose depending on different factors like if they are left or right handed, which way they would go on a crossroads or sometimes people could just answer randomly. Don’t get me wrong - I’ve not researched this question and how it contributes to your overall result and this is not me saying I don’t like/agree with the Pottermore website, because mostly, I do. But if you don’t want to do the Pottermore quizzes again because you feel like it would just confuse things even more, I would look at the typical traits of each of the houses and try and see which one you relate to most. After all, the Sorting Hat did let Harry have some leeway with the options of the houses, so why can’t you? If I did this, I’d probably put myself in Ravenclaw, because I have more traits for their house than any others (after Slytherin, of course). It might help if you could do process of elimination,for example, if you don’t think you’re brave or it’s not one of your strongest traits, you could cross Gryffindor off as an option for you. 
Tbh though, I’m also a believer that we can’t just have a limited number of traits. I think I’m loyal, intelligent (well, I like learning things), cunning and sometimes, I can be daring. If I went off this, I’d be in the same situation as you, because I have traits that fit into every house. So as you can see, my above suggestion creates a few dilemmas which begs the question: how do we solve them?
Well… I don’t think we can, entirely. I think we can definitely get rid of personal bias, (especially if you already favour a house, therefore meaning you’re more likely to think you have more traits which are required for that house). So, my temporary solution, until I (or anyone who wants to help after I post this) can think of something better than everything I’ve written so far, is that you ask your friends and family what they think you’re most outstanding personality traits are. Give em a chart or something. And then when you have enough results, whichever trait has more ‘votes’ then that’s which house you belong in. 
As for the wand and Patronus, well ‘the wand chooses the wizard’ but even with that, I like all the wands. Unicorn hair, Phoenix feather and Dragon Heartstring cores alike, they’re all pretty cool and unique to you. At first, I didn’t like my wand because the image of it on Pottermore was not very appealing to me. But if you got rid of the picture, I had a 9 3/4″ applewood wand with a dragon heartstring core with a surprisingly swishy flexibility, which I was happy with. So, because I find art relatively fun, I drew my own wand. Designed it so it looked nice for me. Again, the actors get to choose from a collection of wands, so why can’t you draw your own? Now I love it. Another way I thought of it was, if I was in the wizarding world, I would eventually grow attached to my wand after all the memories I would make with it. It would symbolise a connection to the magical world, much like Harry thought about his wand in the Deathly Hallows.
As for the Patronus… I love my official one - a cheetah, so it’s never been a problem for me. (The reason I say it’s my ‘official’ one is because after I had done it and got the cheetah, I did more tests simply because I enjoyed it so much. So technically, I have a dragon, wolf, white stallion and a manx cat Patronus as well). But, all animals are adorable and a lot like the wand, I think the animal you get would grow on you overtime.
Anyway, this is all I could think of for now but I hope it helps you. Just remember that no matter what house you end up being in, they’re all awesome. 
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