#tube forming near me
Exploring the Art and Science of Tube Bending Services
The process of bending tubes has evolved into a specialized art form. Tube bending services have become an integral part of various industries, ranging from automotive and aerospace to construction and manufacturing.
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krystalglobalengltd · 8 months
Manufacturer of capillary tubes
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KRYSTAL GLOBAL ENGINEERING LIMITED (Formally Known as Krystal Steel Manufacturing Private Limited) is a Stainless Steel company with the vision to be the Leader from INDIA in Stainless and Nickel Alloy Tubes with success based on Operational Excellence and Superlative Services.
We are dedicated to help our customers gain a competitive advantage by supplying a wide range of products such as Tubes, Pipes, U Tubes, Coil Formed Tubes.
KRYSTAL has well established “State of Art” facilitates with continuous enhancement of the product and services to serve the customers across the globe.
Tap here to know more about: https://www.krystalgeltd.com/
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steelboxmaker · 1 year
Steel Pipe Round to Square Tubing Machine
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cpericardium · 30 days
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Fun fact: wasps like honey and are CUTES
Actual facts:
Wasps are ecologically important pollinators and predators and great for your garden!
They're chill if you're chill, as long as you aren't near their colony and don't make aggressive moves they're less likely to sting
They have body language! The paper wasps i watched had 3 main stances: relaxed with their wings flat, ready with their wings in a v, and warning with their wings spread and abdomen in the air like this \!/
Some paper wasps can recognize the faces of their nest mates and maybe even human faces
A lot of wasp species are solitary putting their eggs in paralyzed prey stashed in burrows or as parasites in moving prey
The babies need meat! While the adults can live on sugary liquids like nectar the babies need protein to grow
Mud daubers and potter wasps make their nests out of mud gathering and forming it into little tubes or pots
Conclusion: wasps <3
wasps <3 don't sting me though. don't come near me
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yuff7e · 3 months
Hii !!
Could you please write lady muzan with a his s/o male uppermoon reader that loves his boobies ?
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𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
hello anon, i love this request .. i am also obsessed with lady muzans boobies, js wanna squish em (ofc he would crush my head if i ever put my hand near his beautiful chest) hope you enjoy this one shot + headcanons :) ఌ︎
♬♪ -> lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıı
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muzan wasn’t unaware of your obsession; in fact, it was quite the opposite. your relationship with muzan had blossomed over favoritism, rooted in mutual respect. he admired your strength, your capabilities, and the unwavering loyalty you displayed towards him. he found himself drawn to these qualities, yearning to possess you as his most trusted servant.
muzan regularly rewarded you with generous amounts of blood in exchange for your dedication and hard work. one day, however, he decided to give you his blood in a different manner. assuming his female form to conduct a unique set of tests, muzan summoned you urgently. as you appeared before him, he turned to face you, gazing down with a tender expression.
“my, my, [name], how beautifully you’ve grown.” muzan remarked, observing you with a sense of pride. “i trust the eliminations of the remaining hashiras are proceeding well. have you brought me the samples?” “yes, master.” you replied promptly, bowing before him. with a graceful motion, you raised your hand, presenting a small, glistening tube containing a sample of blood.
muzan hummed in appreciation as he delicately took the tube from your hand, causing a shiver to run down your spine at the lingering touch. each contact with him felt like pure ecstasy, even if it was fleeting. muzan delighted in teasing you, savoring the effect he had on you.
“you’re very good, [name].” he purred, his voice laced with allure. “i might just have to reward you with some of my blood.” with a tantalizing smile, he began to make his way toward his nearby table, leaving you with a mix of anticipation and desire in his wake.
with each passing moment, your yearning for further contact with your lord grew more intense. you hungered for his touch and approval, the very sound of his voice was enough to send you over the edge. the cold blood he had shared with you coerced through your veins, driving your longing for more of his attention.
sensing your unspoken plea, muzan placed the tube of blood down before returning to your side. seating himself in the chair facing you, he exuded an aura of power, his presence captivating you.
as muzan signaled for you to meet his gaze, you obediently lifted your eyes to meet his. locking your gaze with his mesmerizing presence, a smile naturally graced your lips as you admired his perfection, your thoughts swirling with desire; causing a grin to tug at the corners of muzan’s lips, acknowledging the unspoken admiration.
in a swift motion, muzan slowly folded back his yukata, revealing his impressive chest as it spilled out of the fabric before you, a symbol of his power and dominance laid bare in your presence. the action alone would’ve made you fall to your knees if you weren’t already on them.
your mouth went dry as a lump formed in your throat, causing you to stutter out, “master, i—” before muzan interrupted you with a raised hand, signaling for you to approach him. your legs felt like heavy weights as each step you took a struggle as you slowly made your way to kneel right before your master. muzan moved a hand towards your jaw, his grip tight. he gazed intently at your face, a moment of silent communication passing between you.
without a word, he guided your face to hover just above his exposed breast, his commanding presence leaving you eager. “i want you to drink the blood from here.” muzan’s directive was clear, his voice hung with authority as you puckered your lips against his areola.
slowly, your hot mouth engulfed his nipple, causing muzan to twitch; which only fueled your desire more. you bit down lightly, being careful in order to not hurt your master. you sucked in, and that’s when the ecstasy hit you, his thick blood coerced throughout your mouth, over your tongue and down your throat. you couldn’t help but flick your tongue over his nipple every now and then as you sucked, a new lustful feeling taking over your senses.
muzan placed a gentle hand against the back of your head, soothing you as you drank from his chest. he usually didn’t hold back on how much blood he gave you, since you were his favorite. he leaned his head back slightly, brows furrowed, reveling in the feeling of your mouth on the sensitive area.
you bring a hand up to massage his soft, tender breast, encouraging more blood flow. you tremble with pleasure and power as you feel it coursing through your body. eventually, muzan has to push you off, a prominent bite mark surrounding his nipple, which quickly heals. he looks at you with his dark, feminine eyes, gazing deeply into your very being.
“my dear, you just can’t resist my breasts, can you?”
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˗ˏˋ ✨ 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 ✨ ´ˎ˗
— ever since muzan let you drink from his nipple, you’ve been obsessed.
— and honestly, muzan has too.
— the way you instantly attach to him, massaging them as you drink…
— he’s mesmerized by your dominant behavior and proceeds to let you drink from his chest more often.
— at times, he may just alter his chest and not his actual appearance, allowing you to truly behold your lord and experience his aura as you drink from such an intimate place.
— one day, you asked your lord if he allows anyone else this privilege .. wether it’s just you and him, or shared with others ..
— he attentively considers your question as he senses the pressure on his chest intensify, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.
— "my dear, do not ponder such matters so naively. you are aware that this is a highly intimate gesture that i would only permit you to partake in. you’re a good boy, [name]."
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vitaminkyeom · 1 day
telephone || k.mg
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PAIRING || Mingyu x Female Reader
GENRES || Horror, 911 Operator!Mingyu, Romance
SUMMARY ||  Working the night shift as a 911 operator was hard as it is and the last thing Mingyu needed was those calls from his ex-girlfriend. Whom he had not seen in years. For obvious reasons of her being dead.
Or, in which, Mingyu kept getting calls from his ex girlfriend claiming that she had murdered him.
SERIES MASTERLIST || till death do us part
WARNINGS || inaccurate 911 stuff, description of murdered body, horror, mention of murder and ghost
A/N || If you recognise this story, no you don't. but anyways this was one of my most favourite works even though i'm not that great at writing horror so i'm really glad i'm starting off with this story for the series. i've tried my best to make it as scary as i could (sorry but im a pussy) so yeah any feedback would be really helpful!
TAGLIST || @monamipencil @nonuify @black-swan-blog27 @hipsdofangirl @wonuilu @kibs-and-bits @unlikelysublimekryptonite @gyuguys @hanicore @alyssng @hyneyedfiz @weebotakuboy @aaniag @thepoopdokyeomtouched @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @sea-moon-star @hrts4hanniehae @athanasiasakura @doubleshoticedshakenespresso @asasilentreader @isabellah29 @mrswonwooo @nonononranghaee @hoichi02 @cheolsboo @dinossaurz @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @tinkerbell460 @bluewbwerry @hoeforcheol @kawennote09 @iamawkwardandshy @winterbeartaehyungbestboy ​ @jjeongddol @k-drama-adict @mnstxmnbb @stervahaha @escoupseu @wonvsmile @mansaaay [if you want to be added to my taglist please fill in this form!]
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“911, please state your emergency.”
Static. He waited for a minute more but there still wasn’t any sound coming from the other side.
Mingyu sighed exasperatedly, sure that this was another prank call. Halloween night was looming close which also meant teenagers found it funny to call the operators up at night to scare them.
But he was used to this. Which was funny because Mingyu was the biggest scaredy cat in his group and could not even watch Scooby Doo without whimpering at least once. But he took his responsibilities very seriously and there was no way he was going to let his fear come in the middle of his work.
He was about to hang up the call when he heard a sound. Immediately he jerked back the phone to his ear and strained them to hear anything, but all he could hear was a buzzing sound.
“Hello? How can I help-”
He inhaled sharply, the woman’s raspy voice very clear in the empty office. Mingyu was the only one serving night shift in his floor currently, and the only thing accompanying him was the soft beeping on the seven screens in front of him and the buzzing of the fluorescent tube lights above him.
“Ma'am, are you in a position to tell me what is happening?”
His fingers flew across the keyboard, noting down the number first and then quickly texting the other department to find out the location of the call.
“Pl-please help. Make him stop.” The woman whispered,  her ragged breath harsh against his ears.
“Make whom stop? Can you tell me who is near to you, ma’am?”
Mingyu felt an unnatural calmness settle into his bones, one that always came whenever he forced himself to calm down in such situations.
A message dinged on one of his screens indicating that they had traced the nearest cell tower of the cell phone.
“Officer Lee.” He said, already on the other line, talking to the nearest official he could see. “We have a 911 emergency of abuse.”
“Roger that. Address?”
“It's…” Mingyu’s voice trailed off on seeing the address. 
No way- How was that possible? There had to be some mistake right?
Because the address was of his house.
He cleared his throat, sure that the address was wrong since they tracked the nearest cell tower, and that could be kilometres away from the destination.
“Uh, the address shows my house. I… I think you need to be on the lookout for areas near my house.”
There was a pause, as though Seokmin seemed to be trying to process this information. Seokmin had been good friends with him, so Mingyu knew that even he found it odd, especially when his neighbourhood was a safe and nice one.
“On my way.”
“Ma’am,” Mingyu said, back to line one, “if you could tell me your name or your address, or even what is happening to you, I could help you out better.”
His eyes were trained to look at all the monitors at once, one monitoring the small dot that represented Seokmin heading towards the destination, another with a blank form about the caller and another one where he was rapidly typing what he was hearing, ready to call in other emergencies in case he heard something important.
“Help! Why don’t you help me? Please help!”
“Ma’am help is on the way, please calm down-”
He was interrupted by a loud pop as all the lights went out, the only source of light now being the soft glow of his computer screens. The room was now lit up eerily and he felt the hair on the nape of his neck rise up. Mingyu wasn’t very scared of the dark ever, but the growing sounds of gurgling and growling in the telephone line was causing shivers to travel down his spine.
“Mingyu…” The woman rasped, this time sounding like she had gargled razors, her screeching voice turning his blood to ice.
How did she know his name?
Goosebumps rose all over his skin as his breathing came out in sudden pants, feeling an icy invisible hand wrap around his neck. He sucked in a breath harshly and with a jolt, he realised how lonely he was, not a single soul on his floor whilst he was plunged in darkness.
Then the call cut off abruptly, and at the same time, the power surged back to life. 
Yet, the cold feeling hadn’t left Mingyu as though he could still hear the woman gargling in his ear.
He jerked as the second line suddenly came to life, Seokmin’s voice clear through the landline.
“H-Hey. Did you find anything?” He tried his level best not to sound shaken, but it was hard because the more he tried to ignore wherever had just happened, the more the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach grew.
“Nothing. We will be needing to get a more specific address. Your entire apartment seems safe to me. Is she still on the line?”
Mingyu exhaled harshly, rubbing his chest with his hand to calm down his heart that was beating too fast. He then realised how dry his throat had become, and quickly took a sip of water before continuing.
“No. She cut the call. I- uh, I don’t think she needs help anymore. She sounded alright at the end.” He said, wincing having to lie. He still couldn’t shake off the feeling of horror he had felt when he saw his own address flash on to the screen.
“Are you sure? Shouldn’t we follow the protocol still-”
“She told me so herself.” Mingyu snapped, and Seokmin shut up, not saying anything more.
He sighed, rubbing his template, trying to forget what he had just heard. But it was like the noise had been ingrained into his brain. He could hear it even now, even though there were many other small sounds beside him.
But being a 911 operator, there was bound to be such horrors, right? He had heard some similar stories of ghost calls from his superiors. Maybe this was one of them?
“Well then…I suppose that’s it huh?” Seokmin cut the silence, causing Mingyu to flinch as he jumped out of his thoughts. “Are you calling it a night?”
Mingyu felt his heart leap to his throat.
Calling it a night? On any other day, he would have loved to crash on to his bed but all of a sudden going back to his house, the place where this lady claimed to be at, seemed like a distant nightmare, something which was waiting for him to tear him apart.
“Uh, n-no. I’ll continue my shift I think. Besides, Seungcheol won’t wake up if I call him now.”
“Hey, are you okay?” Seokmin asked, concern lacing his voice. “You sound…scared.”
“I’m fine.” Mingyu swallowed thickly, feeling a patch of sweat that had formed on his forehead as he tried rubbing his temples.
“We’ve dealt with these before, right?” Seokmin asked again, trying to sound bolder for his sake.
“Y-yeah. Yeah. We have. I’ll… hang up now.”
As soon as the phone went down, Mingyu buried his face in his hands, trying to forget the horrible sounds he had heard on the phone.
But the more he tried to forget them, the more he was convinced that they were no more voices in his head, but were coming from the room. It was almost like he could hear the noise coming from behind the door.
I’m probably just hearing things.
He got up and decided to get some fresh air. He walked to the door and paused, the sound still ringing in his ears. Clutching the door knob, he took in a deep breath and with his eyes screwed shut he turned it open, bracing himself for whatever lay ahead of his.
Silence greeted him as he slowly peeled his eyes open, looking around tentatively for anything that might jump on him out of the dark. 
The sound of the elevator’s beep caused his heart to nearly stop, the sudden sound cutting through silent night that was almost engulfing him. He felt his entire body freeze as all he could do was watch the numbers on the screen of the lift increase until it reached his floor, limbs paralysed with fear. 
With another soft ding! the lift door began sliding open, and Mingyu found himself almost begging that he shouldn’t be greeted by someone, or something, once the lift door opened.
The dim blue light of the lift spilt out as Mingyu watched in terror, but to his relief only emptiness greeted him back. He looked at his own reflection in the mirror of the elevator. 
Mingyu looked deathly pale, his eyes tired and haggard like he had just seen a ghost. His cheeks were hollow and he felt his stomach lurch when his reflection wobbled, indicating that that the lift was about to close.
And then the lift shut close, leaving him alone with a pin drop silence that almost felt suffocating.
Weren’t there others who had night duty? Because there was no way he was all alone in the building, right?
The thought was enough to cause his stomach to lurch, and he swallowed thickly wondering if he should call someone to take his place.
But his house! Mingyu could feel goosebumps rising on his skin the second he thought of his house.
What if she- that thing was still lurking around his house? Or worse, was actually in his house.
The ringing of the telephone cut through the silence like a blade, causing him to jump a mile. His reflexes kicked in though, and clutching his painfully beating heart, Mingyu ran towards his computers to pick the emergency phone call.
“911. Please state your emergency-”
Mingyu froze, the familiar voice draining out all the blood from his cheeks again.
No way.
He wanted to cut the call, wanted to block out whatever this woman was about to beg for because her voice was like icy daggers to his skin, rekindling his fear like never before. Mingyu had never felt so terrified in his life before. 
“Please help… Mingyu.”
It was like her whispering his name had opened Pandora's box, and lots of emotions hit him at once. He couldn’t even question how she knew his name because that wasn’t what terrified him the most.
But it was the familiarity of the voice of the woman. A voice he used to hear almost every day before it was snuffed out of his life suddenly.
“Y/N.” He whispered, fear clutching his stomach as he felt his heart hammer in his chest.
In the empty office he could only hear his own ragged breathing and the slight buzzing sound coming from the phone.
But how was this possible?
Because you had died six months ago.
Or rather, you had been killed in his apartment. Murdered in cold blood even though it didn’t make sense because you were the sweetest and most caring person he had met in the world. 
At first, he had been charged with murder. Those two months of investigation had nearly driven him mad. It was hard as it is dealing with your death but constant poking of the police made it even worse.
Finally he was set free due to the lack of evidence. 
Even thinking about you made his head throb. 
“Help please.” You rasped again. “Help me-”
“Where are you?” He whispered urgently, not sure why he was even asking questions. Because this had to be some sort of sick joke, right? Or maybe- maybe he was hallucinating after all. Hallucinating that you had come back to life to get some sort of closure.
“In our apartment! Why aren’t you helping?” You sobbed on the other end of the line.
He felt his head spin. Whom was he even talking to? With each word your voice turned more and more raspy and he could feel the familiar fear returning.
“If you don’t help me he’ll-”
Mingyu heard you gasp, followed by a whimpering as he heard someone slap you.
“Y-Y/N?” He asked, though he truly didn’t want to know what had happened to you. Was the person you kept mentioning your real killer? Then… was this your ghost he was talking to?
“Stay away.” A male voice spoke into the telephone suddenly, causing him to nearly fall off his seat. The hair on his arms and necks stood up at the familiarity of the voice.
“Stay away." He repeated.
He could hear his own voice on the other side of the telephone line asking him to stay away and Mingyu felt his head spin at the thought.
The telephone nearly slipped from his sweaty hand as he tried taking in a deep breath to calm himself down.
"And- and who’s this-”
“Just stay away from us.” He heard his own voice command him, before the line disconnected finally.
“Who was that?”
Mingyu jumped from his seat, hands flying to his mouth to prevent himself from screaming, until his eyes landed on Seokmin.
“You- you scared me!” He hissed, rubbing his sweaty forehead while trying to calm his shaking body down. What had just happened?
No way he had been talking to himself, right? How was that even possible?
Seokmin raised an eyebrow, walking towards him and sitting down on a chair opposite to him?
“Did I scare you? Or that call did?”
Mingyu looked away.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to check on you.”
“I’m fine.” He snapped, wiping his sweaty face with a tissue. The last thing he needed was Seokmin asking too many questions before he started questioning his own sanity.
“You’re not. You asked the caller whether she was Y/N.”
Mingyu shivered involuntarily at the memory, giving away his fear.
“It sounded like her.” He lied, not wanting to remember what had just happened. Maybe if he was nonchalant about it Seokmin would leave him alone.
“Are you sure? That call before was unusual, coming from your house.” Seokmin said, still concerned. “It's okay to be shaken up by this, you know.”
He exhaled out, trying to calm down his nerves as much as he could.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry. Pretty sure it was a prank. I mean,” He forced out a laugh, which sounded odd against the silence surrounding the two of them, “How can it even be Y/N? That makes no sense. I probably miss her a lot. That’s why I can hear her everywhere.”
“You should go home.” Seokmin cut him, patting him on the shoulder. “I think you need to rest a bit if you’re that stressed out. Sometimes, stress causes us to see and hear things that are not real. ”
Mingyu opened his mouth to protest, feeling dread fill the pit of his stomach at the thought of going home, but with the way Seokmin was staring he knew he didn’t have an option. Or else he would need to explain how he heard his own voice speak to him and ask him to stay away.
Stay away.
Was that a warning, then? Was it a big mistake going back to his house?
But with the way Seokmin was staring at him, Mingyu had no other option but to get up slowly and pack up his things. His hands wobbled, causing him to nearly break his favourite mug, but he managed to force a smile and walk to the elevator, knees threatening to give out any second. 
Once inside the elevator, Mingyu chose to stare at his reflection’s nose, unable to meet its eyes. Something told him that seeing his reflection eye to eye would not be a good idea.
Please hurry up. Please open the door fast-
His heart jumped again as his phone rang suddenly, cutting the heavy cold silence which was accompanied by the occasional soft dings.
"Hello?” He whispered, wondering who was calling so late at night. It couldn’t have been Seokmin since he had his number saved, right?
“Why did you kill me?”
Mingyu froze, unable to breathe anymore. How did you-
“Y/N? How did you- Kill you- What are you talking about?” He panted, stumbling back to support his wobbly legs with the help of the wall of the lift.
All of a sudden the air felt cooler, and his clammy hands seemed to be unable to grip the hand bar of the lift. His eyes darted to the equally petrified reflection and a yelp escaped him, phone dropping to the ground.
Because standing right beside his reflection was you. You, looking just like how you had the day you were murdered. Except there was blood all over your dress and multiple stab marks on your chest and stomach.
You smiled at him sweetly. 
“Don’t you know? You killed me. Well, not exactly you. It was Mingyu. But he is you, you are him, right?”
His legs finally gave away as he pushed his back into the walls of the elevator, terror filling every single of his senses.
He heard the lift ding as it reached the ground floor. Crawling to the buttons of the lift, he frantically pressed the open button, eyes not leaving your face as you grinned at him, baring your bloody and broken teeth.
Finally the door opened and Mingyu darted to crawl out but froze almost immediately, feeling his heart stop for real this time.
“No.” He sobbed, as he watched the real you walk towards him. Edging back, he felt his heart hammer painfully hard in his chest, every bit of rational thoughts leaving him as you stepped into the elevator.
You leaned towards him much to his terror, and Mingyu screwed his eyes shut as he finally accepted his fate. His breathing eased a bit but he could still feel how tense his entire body was, adrenaline rushing coursing throughout his body.
I don’t want to go.
“Now it’s time for me to return the favour.”
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A/N: Please do tell me what you think about this story!! I worked really hard on it and I would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it~ Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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endereies · 2 months
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Pairing: Chris x Reader
Contains: headcanons, sfw and nsfw but they will be labeled as such
Requested?: no
Author's notes: This is just how i interpret things, not trying to offend anyone. Thanks to ana for help <3 mwah
Word Count: 1828
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╰┈➤ SFW
༊*·˚ Chris knew that you loved to express yourself through fashion and accessories, so it was no surprise when your wardrobe was full of assortments of pink.
"Hey Chris, can you get me my pink lace top?" Your voiced hummed quietly as you sat at your vanity, curling your hair.
"Uhm, baby. which one?" Your body turns to see a puzzled expression on Chris's face as he stands between the doors of your wardrobe.
It's hard not to giggle as he scans through the section dedicated to the criteria you gave him.
"The one I wore when we went to the restaurant for my birthday?" A smug grin immediately falls upon him when he reaches out to grab the exact top you wanted.
༊*·˚ Chris was just as obsessed with your bows as you were, finding any excuse to subtly be near them
"Baby! I saw this cute thing online, can we try it?" Your voice sweetly fell against his ears as you spoke to him. Placing his phone on the kitchen counter, he looked up to you curiously.
"Sure. What is it?" The bright screen sunk between the two, shaking slightly with your excitement.
In front of him was a woman whose face was adorned with the same features as you. Her waist possessed the same denim skirt as you, except hers was lined with a pink ribbon which formed a bow in the center.
He wasn't about to say no to you, especially when your eyes glistened at him.
"Okay, you want me to help you?" You graciously nod in return.
"Alright, turn around for me" You instantly turn your body around so that your back is facing him and he reaches for the baby pink ribbon from your fingertips.
His face settles as his attention was on the material that he was threading through each belt loop. He tugs onto your hips which turns your body to its original direction. Your own hands try to grasp the fabric from him to form a bow but he swats them away with a giggle.
"Allow me.." This caused you to retreat your hands and allow his eager touch to create a messy bow in the center of your skirt.
"Absolutely perfect" Both of you knew he didn't mean the work he did but you look down to analyse it none the less.
"Your turn!"
༊*·˚ This man would spoil the absolute fuck out of you
One day before you go out on a date with Chris, you mumble to yourself how you ran out of your favourite vanilla scent. He notices quickly that he doesn't smell your iconic perfume as he leans in for a kiss and he questions you about it.
Once he finds out which perfume it is, he sneakily orders a new bundle of them for next day delivery. He completely disregards the price just to make his girl happy.
You open a package, the next day that's addressed to you and gasp when you come across two bottles of the perfume and a travel size container for trips. Chris would then enter the room with a proud smile on his face.
"Chris. This is like $175 per bottle.."
"Oh? Is it?" He grinned as he hugged you and was finally met with your smell from the bottles still in your hands.
༊*·˚ Chris would happily watch you do your makeup whenever he had a free moment.
"Hey are you nearly ready to go?" You rolled your eyes at his comment that had been repeated more then a few times.
"Almost!" Just as she finished with her mascara she turned to see Chris leaning against the door way. Giggles came from him as he noticed the blue tube poised between your teeth.
With a swift movement of her feet, her body spun in her chair back to her mirror and found her eyeliner.
Chris knew he was staring but it was hard to look away from the steady motions of your hand as you flicked the black tip across the edge of your eyes, perfectly lining the deep pink eyeshadow.
"Okay...and done!" A pop of your lips made you smile as you appreciated the shade of lipstick paired with the glossed which covered your lips.
You chuckle as you notice Chris's heart eyes gazing down at your face, scanning each step of makeup. His touch came to linger on your skin as his lips met yours.
"Chris! My lipstick.."
"Sorry beautiful, I can't help it, you're so pretty.." This was only followed by another dosage of blush underneath the powder.
༊*·˚ He would never let you run out of things
"Ugh.." Your attention had slipped from Chris's words as you tried your best to grasp the remaining lip gloss from the tube.
It had taken a few moments before he realised the quiet mumbles from your direction. "Baby..?"
"Uh yeah!" A silent apology spread over your face whilst the tube was pushed out the way and onto your lap. Not unnoticed by Chris.
"Anyway, i was saying th-"
He pretended to ignore your silent struggle with your lip gloss, which made you waking up to another tube all the more special.
"You have to stop doing this Chris.." As much as you wanted to argue his spending on you, it wasn't unappreciated.
"Stop treating you? Never. Besides its my favourite.."
༊*·˚ Flowers are a must
Chris was typically a little forgetful when it came to small details, so when he started to religiously buy you flowers, he kept one of his own. He'd keep this little flower on a shelf in his room by his window and checked on it when he woke up. If they ever showed signs of wiltering, a new order had been placed for the next day to arrive at your house.
You heard a knock at the door and you shrugged out of bed to open the door before the knocks repeated themselves.
In the doorway stood Chris with one of his hands behind his back.
"For you, mademoiselle.." He gave you the tulips alongside a sheepish grin on your face.
"Baby..my last ones just died." Fresh scents filled your nose when you brought the tulips to your face.
"Good thing I always come prepared."
༊*·˚ Chris will only give you princess treatment
After a party was held at Tara's place, your feet grew tired of the soles of your heels. The lack of support had worn your feet still and you sat on the edge of a chair trying anything to soothe them.
"Looks like I was right." He smugly look down at you while you consoled your feet.
"Yeah yeah..laugh it up.." You switched over your feet and started to massage your ankles before pressing the heels back to your feet.
"Stay here a second.." Before you can even respond, he has already taken off in the other directions leaving you sat in the chair.
You're left confused as he takes off and blends back in the crowd.
About 5 minutes later, before you grow impatient of waiting, Chris appears in front of you once more. However, this time he is holding a pair of your trainers. "I asked to leave them in Matt's car. I knew those heels would kill your feet."
"Oh my gosh, you do love me." He immediately pushes you back into your chair when you push your weight upwards.
"You better not doubt that." His own body leant to the tiled floor and swapped your shoes for you, gently pushing the shoe onto each foot before tying them in semi-perfect bows.
╰┈➤ NSFW
༊*·˚ The princess treatment will carry through
His lips caressed whatever inch of skin you allowed him to touch with small, peppered kisses. You giggled occasionally at the pure gentleness he gave to you.
"You're so pretty..." Chris's hand traced the sides of your hips as you playfully toyed with his hair.
His kisses grew lower and lower and his hands fell to your stomach. The muscles in your stomach flexed occasionally but with Chris massaging your skin you slowly melted to his touch.
The mattress dipped on the sides on your chest as he shifted, you own hand moving from his scalp. He scattered kisses onto your cheeks before landing on your own lips. His smile didn't go unnoticed by you and caused a sensation of butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
One of his hands continued to slide lower past your stomach and had begun to carefully trace small circles onto your inner thigh.
"How about I show you how beautiful you really are?" You sheepishly nod while holding steady eye contact.
༊*·˚ He loved to try and get you to become more open to him
It was a surprise to no one just how shy you were, in all aspects. Thankfully Chris never took this badly and did things at your own pace, yet that never stopped him from asking.
After a few minutes of kissing and light grinding from both parties, it was clear you both were getting a little worked up.
Chris's lips parted gently as he pulled away from yours, leaving a small distance between you.
"y/n..? Could we..try something today?" Compared to the previous breathes you shared, he noticed the sharpness of this one.
"Uhm..what is it..?" He noted your reluctance but he didn't shut anything down until you did.
"Remember you can always say no but..I wanted to try and eat you out today." You couldn't lie and say you weren't opposed to the idea but it was the raw vulnerability that intimidated your want. But your trust for Chris overshadowed that.
"Okay..sure." You smiled sincerely at him, your chest beating a little faster.
Let's just say that after that night it became you're favourite thing.
༊*·˚ Prioritize your needs over his
You had lost count of the minutes Chris had spent between your thighs, but you weren't complaining. His arm pushed heavily in the side of the mattress to support his weight as he focused his tongue gently. His free hand was used to keep your thighs open as you became more and more stimulated.
"Chris..so good.." Your breath was sparce. Your head was blurry, but everything was too good to pass up.
"Let me make you feel good, pretty girl..." The absence of his tongue wasn't missed for long before he dived back in.
Your jaw was constantly slacked as he refused to back away from you.
"Chris..fuck!" A cry escaped your lips as you finished on his face, a sly grin from him as he looked up towards you.
His eyes seemed doe-liked, contradicting what events just passed.
"You always do so well f'me.." When he leant in to kiss you, you were sure to taste yourself on the skin of his lips, smirking at the thought. He chose to embrace the kiss deeper rather than focus on his numbed arm from laying on it too long.
────────────────────˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗───────────────────
@melliflws @axolotllover225 @yuhayeee @st7rnioioss @sturn-bugz @bueckerslover @worldlxvlys @raysmayhem-72 @patscorner @y0urm4m @bernardsbendystraws @junnniiieee07 @luverboychris @sleepysturnss @jnkvivi @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @shorthairchris
277 notes · View notes
xreaderanonaccount · 10 months
My stone cold love (Dottore x G/N!Reader)
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Tags: Mentions of human body parts near the end
Dottore clicked his tongue in annoyance as he was bothered again by one of his segments. He glanced behind him to see Omega leaning against the doorway. His face blank staring straight into Dottore’s eye.
“Are you going to stand there looking stupid, what do you want?” Venom spewing out of his voice as turn back to his work. The two stood in silence as Dottore hunch over his lab table staring down at his lab reports. 
“(y/n) came back from their mission.” Omega finally spoke up as Dottore listened to his footsteps approaching. 
“Good, arrange something warm for them.” Dottore didn’t look back as he grabbed one of his many test tubes. 
“Understood” He could hear Omega walk away before another fast approaching step approaches his lab. 
“Omega, good you're here.” Theta’s voice rang into the cold lab, “(Y/n) is back-” 
“Yes we know that.” Dottore cut him off, 
“Yeah and they’re covered in blood.” You could hear a pin drop in the lab as Dottore whipped around to face Theta. The silence was deafening, as the three of them all stare at each other.
Dottore made a sound of anger before storming out of his lab. Theta and Omega followed close behind as he slammed the door of your shared room. The room shook a bit as he heard a small yelp. Looking around he immediately spots you sitting on the couch being cleaned by one of his many segments. 
“Dottore…” You tried to speak up before you yelped in pain as one of the segments dab a wet cotton on your wounds. He stormed up to you roughly grabbing his face making you stare at him. Your face was in shock and worried as Dottore inspected your face turning it side to side. 
“Who did this to you?” Dottore’s voice is eerily calm, towering over your small form.
“S-some treasure hoarders. That’s all…” You mumble as you place your hand in one of the segments hands as they continue to treat your wound. Dottore clicked his tongue as he turned to Omega.
“Find them, and bring them to me.” Omega nodded, but before heading out Omega placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before leaving the room. Dottore now turns his attention back to you and the segments. Dottore took off his bird mask, his bright ruby eyes staring back into yours.
“All of you out.” He command. Some tried to protest but one glare had the segments leaving you behind. Some promise to come back to check on you. Once all the segments were gone and it was just you and Dottore you shuffled in your seat as you waited for whatever Dottore was going to say. Dottore's stone cold eyes slightly softened as he gave a deep sigh. Running his hand through his icy blue hair.
“May I?” Dottore asked, gesturing to the empty seat next to you. You nodded scotting over for him, which he gladly accepted. Settling down on the plush couch he grabbed the Isopropanol and continued cleaning your wound. 
“Are you okay?” Your voice barely above a whisper as you watch his face. His face scowled as he stared at the blood leaking out of your wounds. 
“Love?” You asked again, gaining his attention as you gently cupped his face. Dottore looked at you intently before going back to your wounds.
“Fine… I’m fine,” Dottore sighed as he placed the,now redden cotton down. This side of Dottore is rare to see, as the normal mad man has a very weird soft spot for you. You smile as you watch Dottore grab your hand off his face to tend to it.
“Just thinking that’s all.” Dottore gave you one of his scheming smirks before he finished cleaning your wounds. Dottore got up as he planted a quick peck on your lips before getting up. 
“Get some rest.” His voice was weirdly soft as he guided you to your shared bed, “Rest is the best medicine. You know?” You gave a soft laugh as you settled down in your bed.
“I’ll be back with some soup later.” Dottore whispers before leaving you in your shared bedroom. You smile as you nuzzle yourself into the soft warm blanket.
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After some days of rest you happily walk towards Dottore's lab. A small box of sweets wrapped in your arms, a small smile plastered on your face as you open the door to the lab. You were immeaditly greeted by Theta who gave you a nod. You gave a friendly nod back as you headed towards Dottore's office. You gave short and soft raps on the door before being told to come in. As you open the door you immeaditly notice a couple of new jars of human limbs in his office.
"How are you love?" You ask ignoring and brushing off the new jars as Dottore's weird hobby.
"Fine. I'm glad to see you all well." Dottore respond not lifting his head, as he is burried in paperwork.
"I'm to," You smiled setting down the box of sweets sliding it towards him. Dottore glance at the small box of sweets before staring at you.
"I just decided to get something nice for you," You smiled as you sit ontop of his desk, "As a sort of thanks." Dottore gave a small sigh before setting the pen down. He watched you as you grabbed one of the new jars of human parts staring at the hand floating in it.
"Where did you get this one Dottie?" You gave him an innocent smile. Dottore gave a chuckle as rest his head on his hand.
"Mm... let's just say I found some Treasure Hoarders."
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A/N: divider credits: cafekitsune
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vngelicc · 1 year
𓆩♡𓆪 “i heard from a friend of a friend, that that dick was a ten out of ten” — jock!jk
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·˚ ༘ 💌 TAGS — threesomes, sexual objectification, yg and jk are both high, dom-sub undertones, petplay(?) yg just calls oc puppy and makes her crawl, dumbification, protected sex, pussy eating, blowjobs, reader’s in for it LMAO, cum-eating(?), it gets soft i swear
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“You remember I told you about Yoongi, right baby?” Jungkook wraps his arm around your waist and gently guides you out of the car, “ ‘s not gonna take long, we’ll be in and out. I just need to pick something up.” He closes the door and tugs you with him with a hand on your ass.
You sleepily look around the parking lot mumbling about how pretty the apartments looked. “Yoongi is the one you said sells you weed?” You softly reply as you follow him into the building, “But I thought you said weed makes you dumb, ‘s why you don’t let me get you any from Jooheon.” You pout.
Jungkook presses a kiss to your forehead, “Jooheon’s a idiot and I don’t want you near him. At least Yoongi actually sells shit worth buying.” He presses the button to the elevator, “You’ll like him baby, he’s a good friend of mine. Plus his roommate has a dog too.”
You step into the elevator with a angry little pout, “You said we would be in and out, does that mean I can’t play with the doggy?” You huff, you’re no stranger to Jungkook taking you out so late to do god knows what, but you really hope he isn’t making this a short trip because then it means you got all dressed up for nothing. :(
Jungkook kisses the pout off your face, “Don’t give me that fuckin’ pout, I’ll take you out after this. You think I’m gonna let your cute ass go to waste?” He teases softly as he gives your ass an appreciative squeeze.
Well, he does have a point. You ARE dressed pretty cute tonight, you had chosen to wear this pretty jean miniskirt along with your new pink tube top that had little rhinestones all over! You find yourself smiling brightly at Jungkook, “Can we go get fried chicken at that one karaoke place?”
Both of you reach Yoongi’s floor, his roommate Hoseok(?) invites the two of you in and he heads off into his room talking about needing some sleep. You coo quietly at the small dog sleeping by the TV stand all curled up into a tiny fluff ball. “He’s so cuteeee.” You whine as you bend over to get a better look at the dog.
Jungkook chuckles quietly and leaves you be, “Yoongi! Get your ass out here!” he says, disappearing down the dark hall in search of said man.
You’re left all alone in the dimly lit living room with the puppy. You’re too busy cooing over it to notice Yoongi come out from the room opposite of the hallway Jungkook went into. “So you’re the one Jungkook talks about.” Yoongi’s eyes rack down your form until they land right on your ass where your skirt rides up just a tiny bit, “Guess he wasn’t lying afterall.”
You jump a little at the new voice and turn around to look at Yoongi with puppy eyes, “You scared me!” You hold a hand over your chest, “Don’t sneak up on me like that, you look like a creep.”
Yoongi snorts, “My bad sweetheart,” he holds his arms up in surrender as he licks his lips, “didn’t know it was a crime to walk in my own house.” He shakes his head and walks to the kitchen connected to the living room, “Where’d your ‘Jungkookie’ go hm? Think you can be a good girl and use that little brain of yours?”
“He went to look for you down the other hall!” You smile cheerfully and stand up a bit straighter. He eyes you silently and you make a confused noise, following his gaze down only to see he’s staring at your chest where a tiny bit of boob pops out. “Oh. Sorry,” you softly huff and mutter about your ‘stupid top’ as you fix your tits.
Yoongi nods, “Nah, nah… you’re absolutely fine..” He trails off and sips his water. Jungkook comes barreling in a few moments later and Yoongi perks up, “Oh there you are, I was just asking about you to your girl.” He clears his throat.
Jungkook rolls his eyes in faux annoyance, “Yeah, yeah dickhead I was looking all over for you. Got my ass yelled at by Hoseok cause I was making too much noise supposedly. You got what I need or what?” He grunts, pulling you to his side.
Yoongi nods, “I just rolled one a couple minutes ago, why don’t we smoke that one first, on the house Kook you know hyung rolls the fattest blunts.” He smirks, “On the house.”
Jungkook raises a brow and looks over at you, you’re obviously lost in your own world as you coo at the now awake puppy which is hiding at your feet. “Fine, but y/n’s not smoking, got it. So don’t even fuckin offer any cause I know your ass.”
Yoongi grins, “Pinky promise.” Jungkook doesn’t miss the wink he shoots you.. Oh, so now Yoongi likes to share his blunts all of a sudden? Generous.
They get situated on the leather couch together as Yoongi lights the blunt up, taking a long drag from it and passing it off to Jungkook. You mostly ignore the two, opting to sit out with the puppy playing around and cooing at it. Yoongi watches you with darkened eyes sitting back in his seat and enjoying the sight of you looking so pretty on your knees.
“I can see you staring bitch,” Jungkook grunts and hands off the blunt back to Yoongi, “you’re not being so fucking subtle like you think you are.” He narrows his eyes.
Yoongi shrugs, all to calm for someone who just got called out, “I know a pretty ass when I see one, I’m only a man after all, sue me. Don’t worry, I won’t go near your precious y/n.”
Jungkook looks over at you, you’re sitting so pretty and clueless at the same time. He looks back at Yoongi who’s intently watching him with those cold calculated eyes which hold something akin to mischief in them. It suddenly dawns on him he’s more interested than he initially thought he was. Jungkook has a vision (which is partly owed to the weed taking over his senses and clouding his mind) and something in him wants to see just how perfect you go with Yoongi..
His beloved Yoongi hyung whose reputation was built far more worse than his own was. His hyung that fucked a plethora of women who all had one thing in common–their shared love for his tongue and fingers which apparently they referred to as heavenly and mind blowing.
“... How bad would you say that you want y/n, and none of that what are you talking about shit. I see the way you’re looking…shameless bastard.” Jungkook smirks as he takes a long hit.
Yoongi slowly tilts his head to look at you as he licks his lips, “Does little Kookie wanna watch hyung fuck his girlfriend into another universe? Is that what you like Kook, watching someone else ruin that pretty thing over there?” He grins, eyes half lidded with desire. Jungkook shivers, he’s possessive sure but something about getting to see you get wrecked right in front of him does things to him.
“You know my answer to that.” He pokes his tongue against his cheek and smirks in return.
The two carry on in silence passing the blunt back and forth. You on the other hand sit there in utter shock, frozen in your spot after hearing all those things Jungkook and Yoongi were saying about you. Yoongi gives you butterflies in your tummy, the good kind too, and hearing them talk about you like you’re not even there makes it ten times more appealing.
You slowly turn around to look at the two sitting across from you. Yoongi catches your gaze and stares right back at you with a promising grin. It has you feeling a second heartbeat down there between your thighs as you shift around and rub them together. Yoongi hands off the blunt to Jungkook and curls his finger at you in a ‘come here’ motion.
As you go to get up Yoongi stops you, “Ah, ah,” he grins evilly, “on all fours sweetheart, wanna see you crawl like a cute puppy.”
You flush under his words and slowly lower yourself back down, crawling towards Yoongi with a sway of your hips. Jungkook’s own eyes are dark and half-lidded, he watches you with close eyes and mutters something about how hot you look on all fours like that.
“There you go sweetheart, guess your little brain does work for something after all.” Yoongi pats his knee, “Right here baby, right where you belong.” The insinuation itself has your pussy creaming, clit throbbing from arousal and neglect. You’re not too sure you can survive this.
“Let’s get this flimsy thing off.” Yoongi pulls you in even closer once you’re on his lap, his (veiny) hands slithering down to your miniskirt as he begins to unbutton it for you. “Up you go,” he slaps your ass, “yeah, just like that baby, I think your Jungkookie likes what he sees.” He motions over to Jungkook.
You turn around to face Jungkook with puppy eyes, pouting even more when you see his tattooed hand rubbing over his growing erection sitting so sinfully in his sweats. He nods at you with a grin, “Be good for hyung baby, show him how much of a good girl you are.” With that in mind you turn back to Yoongi.
Yoongi hisses under his breath when he comes face to face with your lacy panties, chubby little pussy hugged so perfectly by the flimsy material with an obvious wet patch over the center. “Do a little spin for me sweetheart, nice and slow for me.” He licks his lips sitting back and staring up at you.
You shyly do a spin, making sure not to go too fast since you’ve done this countless times for Jungkook. Yoongi’s hands come up to stop you mid-twirl, holding you still in front of him as he runs his hands over your baby-soft skin, gently cupping your asscheeks and bouncing them in place.
“Shit.” He growls, “So fuckin’ pretty.” He suddenly pulls back to smack your ass harshly, watching it bounce in place as a hand print slowly starts appearing. You yelp softly and chew on your bottom lip, this isn’t fun at all if he’s only looking :( you want him to make you feel good too!
“I bet you’re even prettier over here.” He whispers huskily and gently presses two fingers right up against your cunt, rubbing over the wet patch as he presses in to emphasize his words.
You mewl softly and give him the best puppy eyes you can muster, “You’re being really mean right now. ‘S not fun at all!” You huff angrily.
Yoongi smacks your ass hard, “You’ll take what I give you sweetheart, no need to get fucking mouthy with me. Your greedy little pussy is practically beggin’ for it at this point, look at you,” he laughs which adds further to your embarrassment, “you want me here?” He presses right up against your swollen clit which lies hidden away in those damned panties. “Puppy forgot how to speak?”
“N-No, ‘s just–”
“Just what sweetheart?” He quickly interrupts and forces another whine out of your throat. “C’mon, I don’t have all night to sit here and wait until you decide to use your little brain to figure out what you want.”
Yoongi is cruel with the way he pinches your clit while he nonchalantly talks to you still expecting for you to be able to reply to him. Your lip wobbles and you begin whining again with small hiccups, “Y-You’re being mean..! I don’t want your stupid fingers anymore, you’re not even doing anything and it’s not fair.”
“Not fair puppy? How, if you can’t tell me what you need? Are you that dumb you can’t even figure out your own needs? Has Jungkook fucked you stupid babydoll?” Yoongi pulls you back into his lap as he circles his arms over your waist and holds you still against him, “Hm?”
“ ‘s not true, I know that I want your fingers.” You huff cutely and lick your lips, “And if you won’t do something about it then I’m going to Jungkook, he’ll do something.” You glare.
Jungkook makes a noise since he’s addressed for the first time since this has started. “My patience is running thin Yoongi, if you won’t I will and you’ll single handedly ruin your only chance to get your hands on my baby.” He smirks.
Yoongi rolls his eyes and lays you back on the couch, “Brats, the lot of you.” He slides your panties down your soft thighs and tosses them in Jungkook’s direction, “Get yourself off with those loser.” He grunts and lays his eyes over your glistening pussy.
Your breath hitches in excitement and you let your thighs fall open for the older, biting your lip in anticipation. “Actually I got a better idea.” Jungkook muses as he rises off the couch and slowly walks over, “from what I remember…puppies don’t speak.” He grins.
Yoongi looks up at Jungkook and then trails his gaze down to you, “You’re right.”
Soft moans and garbled little cries are punched out of your throat with every thrust Yoongi sends your way. His cock punches in deep and strikes a spot inside that has your thighs shaking and pussy leaking. His thighs smack into your over and over again, he practically has you hanging off his cock bent over at a perfect angle with your ass up high.
Yoongi grips your hips tightly and occasionally digs his fingernails into your soft skin, leaving behind marks from his aggression. He releases a series of pleasured grunts and tiny sighs as your pussy tries to milk him of all he’s worth. “Loosen up for me will you sweetheart? Gonna give it to you just the way you need.” He moans.
You’re trying not to tighten up around him but it’s a little difficult with your mouth preoccupied with Jungkook’s cock. You’re trying not to choke up around him but Yoongi keeps catching you off guard with his punishing pace. The pleasure clouds your senses, making it a bit harder to focus on Jungkook.
“C’mon baby, you can do better than that.” Jungkook grunts as he guides you up and down his cock, watching as you slobber all over him and leave behind a mess.
You whimper loudly and squirm around, your jaw aches pleasantly from the stretch but you don’t find it in you to care much. Not when Jungkook’s cock settles just nicely over your tongue, you easily catch him off guard when you suckle around him and slurp up your spit and precum. Yoongi however, catches your attention again when he delivers a slap to your ass.
“I don’t want a drop wasted, good girls always make sure to clean their messes don’t they? You gonna be good to Jungkook and swallow all of it, or are you too cock drunk to understand.” Yoongi pants softly and re-adjusts his grip on your hips and fucks into your harder.
The sound of your ass clapping off of his pelvis resonates loudly, between your thighs there’s a mess of your creamy slick which seems to form a visible white ring around Yoongi’s cock everytime he backstrokes. Yoongi hisses at the sight, he wishes that he wasn’t wearing a condom so he could fill your sweet little cunt up and watch as his cum was pushed back in.
“Ah fuck,” Jungkook groans out and throws his head back, “keep going like that baby.” He whispers in pure bliss, “You’re doing so good for me.” He grips your hair tighter.
You gag around his cock in response, feeling the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. You’re pretty sure you look a mess right now, tear streaks down your face and ruined makeup. “Mmm..!” You cry out in a mix of pleasure and some pain when Yoongi reaches between your thighs to pinch at your swollen clit, rolling the sensitive bud between his fingertips.
“Go on and make Jungkookie cum baby, don’t be a selfish little slut.” Yoongi purrs as he slows his hips down to a sensual grind. “Hold it in for me sweetheart, good girls cum when they’re told to.”
Jungkook on the other hand loses it when you make eye contact with him, he grabs on to your hair tightly and begins fucking up into your mouth. His balls press snug against your chin as he rolls his hips quickly. “Shit, shit baby, you’re gonna make me cum,” he shudders as he tightens his grip, “just a little more for me.” He moans.
Not wanting to disappoint him you swallow around his cock and moan loudly, letting the vibrations travel as you flick your tongue on the underside of his cock where a particularly sensitive vein lies. Jungkook’s poor cock throbs as the first few spurts of warm cum shoot down your throat. He lets out a long moan, eyes slipping shut and head falling back in pleasure, “Shit.”
Yoongi licks his lips and pulls you off of Jungkook’s cock, “Swallow for me.” He whispers, yanking your head back as he watches you greedily gulp down the cum. “That’s a good girl,” he licks his lips and delivers hard punishing thrusts, “gonna cum all over that pretty ass sweetheart.” He closes his eyes and groans.
Your cunt throbs in excitement as you shakily whimper and hide your face in Jungkook’s thighs. “P-Please, ‘m so close,” you sob softly it gets harder to hold your orgasm back, and you do NOT want to be a bad girl.
Yoongi suddenly pulls out, leaving you empty and clenching around nothing as you whimper from the loss. You hear him rip the condom off and toss it on your ass. “Fuck,” he hisses as he strokes his cock rapidly, “turn over for me.”
You shakily comply and push yourself off of Jungkook, lying on your back and staring up at Yoongi with those sweet puppy eyes of yours. He aims his cock down at your lower tummy and spills all over, hissing through his teeth as he tips his head back and sighs. You watch with teary eyes, this isn’t fair! They got to cum but you didn’t!
“Don’t you pout at me, I haven’t forgotten you yet.” Yoongi sighs, utterly relaxed from his strong orgasm as he wedges himself between your thighs, “You did so well for me puppy, sit back and relax.”
His hot mouth ghosts over your pussy until you feel his lips wrap around your clit. You cry out in sensitivity and reach up to hold on to Jungkook’s hands while Yoongi begins ferociously eating you out. He eats you like a man starved, basically making out with your cunt at this point.
“Mm..! Mmm..!” Your head is thrown back, mouth agape as he spits on your cunt and traces your clit with the tip of his tongue.
Jungkook gently hushes you, “Just let go for me baby.” He leans down to smooch your cheek and whisper words of encouragement.
The praises are what leads to your orgasm. A loud cry escapes out of you and you’re left shaking on the couch as you cum harder than ever with your clit in Yoongi’s mouth. Yoongi slurps up the mess he made on your cunt as he pulls back to pant softly, “Good girl, look at you.” He whispers as he watches your chest rise and fall.
You pout your lips up at Jungkook for a kiss and he easily complies without hesitation. You happily sigh into his mouth and relax under both men. Jungkook for the most part ignores Yoongi and murmurs against your lips if you’re okay. You think he’s so sweet for that and it makes you melt even further.
“Are you guys getting the fuck off my couch anytime soon? I gotta clean this shit before Seok wakes up.” Yoongi says now standing as he smokes the rest of the blunt he and Jungkook were sharing earlier. “I have a magical thing called a bathroom where you can do this thing we call freshening up.”
“Fuck off.” Jungkook snorts as he gently gathers you in his arms, “Leave my baggy out there and we’ll be on our way after we freshen up.” He says as he lifts you up and begins carrying you off down the hall. You pass by Yoongi mumbling a ‘I have to go peepee remember?’ to which Jungkook replies, “Yes you do baby, ‘less you want a STI.”
Yoongi stands there with a unreadable expression, “Get the fuck out of my house.” He rolls his eyes and begins cleaning. (He doesn’t mean it though..)
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TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama @thvhoe
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sevenop · 3 months
Billie Eilish x Fem!reader: Can you open up the door?
A/n: she takes you to her home, lovingly sheltering you from the heavy downpour so rare in LA. Takes you, and it seems, your love and all the inner contradictions along with fears caused by the public.
Inspired by the atmosphere of "CHIHIRO".
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You know perfectly well that arguing with Eilish's decisions is a losing proposition, not in all cases, but in the vast majority of them. Your clothes are soaked to the skin, and the wind, though not quite cold but assertive, hints that all this will leave a mark on your immunity in the near future. Only as long as you can hear her voice on the other line, you don't care at all, frankly. You clench your chilled fingers a little tighter and hold the phone closer to your ear, because the rain noise makes it hard to hear her.
"You don't even know where I am right now."
"I know and I'm on my way to Amir's Garden to pick you up," she says uncompromisingly, and you realize Billie is really serious when you hear the click of a seatbelt and the noise of an engine in the background. Fucking hell! A puzzle quickly forms in your head: surely Finneas must have told her everything, knowing your plans. You think, you're need to talk a little less about yourself.
"Wow, what a commanding tone, Ms. O'Connell," - your pathetic attempt at defensive irony is immediately shot down by her chuckle, but you don't want to end this game. - "Do you like to lead?"
"Do you still doubt it?" - the slight hoarseness in her voice awakens a short-term flash of current in the back of your head, dispersing a pack of goosebumps on your hands and speeding up your heartbeat. You almost exhale deeply into the tube, but you pulls yourself back in time - it's too ambiguous a gesture, she shouldn't know. Not now. There is a slight mutual silence on the wire and you are content with the barely perceptible rustle of wheels, bringing thoughts and feelings into relative order.
"Just don't go anywhere, okay?"
"I was waiting in the garden, contemplating, beg your pardon," - you smirk softly, humming the now so appropriate line.
"It's not fair to mock me with my own songs, girl."
"Leave me at least something, Eilish," - you smile, imagining her childishly sly expression frozen in imaginary offense.
You drop the call and lean your back against the trunk of a tree with a spreading crown. Well, all that's left is to wait.
"Damn, you're all wet!"
"Can we be a little less blatant, Billie?" - you plop down into the passenger seat next to her, slipping your seatbelt on in one motion until it clicks into place. It's impossible to wipe the smirk off your face after this joke. Naturally, you lost in your verbal altercation and Eilish arrived as she wanted, but no one forbade you to get even at the expense of lewd jokes, right?
"Shut up, you know what I meant," - Billie snorts amusedly, blue eyes sweeping over you from head to toe. - "I just want to help you, my underdog and... I missed you."
You meet her eyes and sparks shoot up in the back of your head again, like multi-colored fireworks, and the cog of anxiety that has been a regular in your head lately starts to slowly spin, revealing before your eyes the endless lines of negative comments you've read today. What bad timing.
"Is something wrong?" - and you're not even surprised. Billie reads people like an open book, her incredible talent that you sometimes get a little jealous of.
"A little later, Bils, I promise," - the gray highlights merge with the infinite blue of her irises - understanding mixed with worry. You gently touch her hand resting calmly on the gearbox and deftly interlock your fingers, creating an overall perfect puzzle. The feel of her skin makes you feel so warm inside. - "I missed you too, love."
Eilish blurs into a smile, clinging to the last word, which is new to both of you, and your heart does a somersault. You've only been dating for a week and you need to get used to this. Going from being friends to lovers is a strange but pleasant thing.
"Shall we go?"
"You don't deserve her!", "Another affair, pfft...", "Disgusting!" - The cog speeds up, causing your single nervous exhalation to shatter the silence of the cabin as if you had shotgunned the roof above you two.
Her lips touch your knuckles on the palm still closed with her, saving you from the captivity of the stinging words of Internet strangers. The sound of rain rhythmically drumming on the body of the Dodge suddenly fills your ears. She seems to know everything.
"Please, can I stay with you?" you look at Eilish as if she were a prayer altar: blue eyes reflecting your deep hope mixed with fatigue and helplessness. Warm smile of her beautiful lips is your impulse to confessional.
"I wasn't going to let you go, silly."
You reach her house in silence: no unnecessary questions and jokes, just the sound of a non-stop downpour. Billie is completely focused on the road, and with your finger you are already drawing the eighth heart on the fogged window, like amulets from voracious thoughts. Dodge smoothly pulls into the parking lot, and you don't really remember how you find yourself in her bedroom, sitting lost on a huge bed.
"Hey, my girl," - the back of her palm touches your cheek incredibly softly, causing you to immediately stare at her. Eilish is kneeling in front of you, in her arms a warm red sweater with two white stripes in it, and her eyes are pure silver steel. It's not clear if she's mirroring the frowning sky looming outside the huge panoramic bedroom window, or if anxiety is stirring so strongly within her, crowding out all the peaceful blue of her irises. - "Put it on, I don't want you to get sick."
"It's from the CHIHIRO shoot, right?" - you take off your wet T-shirt and folding it accurately, as if won't throw it in the wash. Billie pulls the sweater over you, nodding affirmatively. The gray steel of her eyes doesn't open from you for a second. - "I've never seen 'Spirited Away'. It's silly, but as a kid I was always scared about those pigs and turned off the TV right away, and over time I just plain forgot I wanted to watch it to the end."
"Do you want to watch it together?" - her hands touch your waist, gently stroking your sides as if supporting you through the touch. If you were in a different frame of mind, you'd let go of a million jokes. The domineering Eilish kneeling in front of you is quite a display.
"I don't think the person who wrote an entire song about this anime would be interested," her palms calculatingly slowly slide off your waist to obligingly offer you warm house shorts. - "You've probably reviewed it back to back."
"With a girl like that, looking so mind-blowing in my sweater, I'm ready to look at least a thousand more times," - she moves a little closer to your face, lifting herself slightly on the arms on either side of your hips. Her lips, where you instantly shifted your gaze to, now have the hottest smirk you've ever seen in your entire life. You feel the flame of embarrassment flicker across your cheeks. Billie bites her lower lip and you immediately look at the top of her head, out of harm's way. For the first time, you notice that she's a little wet herself, running out of the car with you.
"Only if you wear a sweater too so you don't get sick, O'Connell." - you kiss her gently on the forehead, because kissing on the lips is still embarrassing. She agrees.
"Haku, you know, my mom told me... I don't remember much myself. When I was little, I fell into a river once. Now the river's been filled in. They built houses there. But I just remembered! I remembered what it was called." - You watch the little girl fly on the dragon under the moon itself, holding onto its horns, and suddenly you feel Еilish's hands pull you closer into her arms. You only rest your head on her shoulder, relaxing completely and covering your eyes for a second against the coziness around you. - "It was called - Amber River. Kohakugawa. Your real name is Kohakugawa."
"I know everything, y/n. I know they write everything," Billie whispers softly, scorching your ear with hot breathing. You immediately jump up, open your eyes abruptly, and stare at her with an understanding and frightened look, echoing exactly the emotion of Kohakugawa himself. - "Hey, hey, hey! Relax, baby, I'm right here."
Billie deftly grabs the remote and pauses the footage with a barely audible click of a button, and your anxiety cog is spinning in your head again, winding up your sanity at an insanely fast pace. Again a shroud of avatars with mostly pictures of her, again a cluster of venomous the letters, "You don't deserve her!", "She's probably with her out of pity.", "Billie has everything but taste in girls." Click, click, click! You put your hands on your head like you're covering your ears. O'Connell reaches her hands toward you, and you leap out of bed in one strong and sharp, the word of a bucket of boiling water being splashed on you. It becomes so damn hard to breathe. The steel in her eyes, even in the semi-darkness of the room is intense and red-hot to the extreme.
"They're all right, Billie! I don't deserve you! I'm such a fucking coward!"
You grab desperately at the collar of your sweater, the word that imaginary lump in your throat is about to cause asphyxiation if you don't. Your hands shake uncontrollably, your gaze darting from side to side, clinging to the huge plasma, to the chair, to the corners of the sheets hanging from the bed, but returning to her each time. You see her slowly rise from the bed. You see it, and you immediately run to the stairs without even thinking about it. The cog clicks wildly, drowning out even the sound of footsteps that immediately overtake you. Your hands cling to the railing as you twisted your ankle on a hurried descent. Close your teeth tightly against the waves of acute pain and run, run, run!
But you realize you can't, leaning back powerlessly against the wall, already near the door. You can't because it hurts too much to run, and you can't because you love her too much. Billie pushes you against the wall even tighter in a second, looming over you like a hurricane. Arms spread on either side of you. You're trapped. Her breath hitches a little, scorching your neck, but her face shows nothing like anger, only seriousness and concern. She stares at you so intently that you think the wall behind you is about to crack and fall to dust.
Confident, yet lost in words, she finds nothing better than her own lines
"Open up the door, can you open up the door?" - she touches both palms to your face and you feel for the first time how much they shaking, - "I know you said before you can't cope with any more..."
"That's my favorite line from your song," - you flap your nose, realizing you really can't take it anymore.
"I know."
And you cry, shamelessly and right in front of her. You feel the salty, clear paths from your eyes dripping down her arms, see the worried silver in her eyes change to their usual tantalizing ghostly blue. You feel her clutch you in hers tightly, sliding down the wall with you. You hiss at the pain in your ankle and she shudders fearfully, fingers touching your chin and lifting your head. Your gazes meet and you see the weeping oceans opposite, so bright against the pinkish whites. She is crying along with you.
"Did you fall? God, y/n, we have to...," - her pleasant husky voice twitches with worry and tears, and you cover her neat, plump lips with yours, silencing her. She responds immediately, biting your lower lip lightly in a silent plea for more. You obediently open your mouth, immediately meeting her tongue. You feel the salt from your tears and the heat in your heart. True, and much lower, too.
"I'm scared, Billie," - you say honestly, palms resting on her collarbones. The cog in your head immediately fall with a clatter, crack in two. - "I said I wouldn't be afraid of some strangers' opinions, but it turned out not to be like that at all. I seem to be hated now, even for just breathing."
"I understand, my heart," - Billie put her arm around you, her hands stroking your back. From your shoulder blades to your tailbone, over and over again. - "But I chose you, not any of them, remember. You are my conscious choice. You are my love."
You hear her reply, finally finding the reassurance you need. "You are my conscious choice." The storm of words subsides as you standing this phrase on a shelf in your head like a trophy. The wreckage of the cogwheel of worry dissolves altogether, disappearing into infinity.
Eilish catches your smile and kisses you immediately. Your hands cling at her neck, and she moans gutturally as she gets what she wants. But she pulls away immediately:
"We need to take care of your ankle first, dumbass. I'll dial the number of a docotra I know."
"And then?" - you ask so childishly naive as Billie helps you gently stand up and you walk leisurely toward the couch in her living room.
"And then we'll watch this anime and I'll take back every kiss you owe me when I've been gentlemanly patient." - She sits you down on the soft couch, plopping down next to you. With her hand, she immediately pulls out her cell phone from the pocket of her home shorts. - " To make sure you heard exactly what I said."
"Thank you. For everything."
And later you do make out to one of Hayao Miyazaki's great masterpieces, just as she promised.
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superblysubpar · 5 months
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oh you sweet lovely angel, happy birthday week @palmtreesx3 - you've had your cake, now it's time for steve to eat too💛
warnings: minor mentions of body image concerns/letting them go, "public" smut (aka, you're outside by the pool, and maybe a neighbor *could* hear or see, but they won't), mentions of alcohol, steve telling you what to do you and both of you liking it, a praise kink sort of, and oral - steve performing | my blog is 18+
1495 words
Maybe it’s something only people in love can do, or perhaps only that sweet bubble of lust and love joining together to create this totally new feeling that allows it. 
Maybe it was just something you and Steve could do. 
Because, without opening your eyes, you can feel his eyes on you. 
And they’re making your body warmer than the rapidly fading sun has all day. 
They’re on your ankle now, traveling up the curve of your calf, the bend of your knees and your lips twitch. You know if you turned your head and blinked open your eyes, you’d find him with just his eyes out of the clear water that mirrors the pink and tangerine in the sky above him. 
You decide you’ll let him have his moment. 
Steve’s currently deciding he hates the color red. 
He hates it on your toes, because it’s reminding him of you painting them earlier. A moment where your sunglasses were pushed onto the top of your head and your body was curled over itself, letting curves and rolls and things happen you’d normally try to cover just to reach them, your mouth forming the words of top forty after top forty song.
Happy. Content. Totally in love with the day. With him. 
Which is what you told him from where you laid in a floating tube a few hours later as he handed you a can. Sweating droplets over red aluminum as your head fell backwards and your smile was more dazzling than the sun in the middle of the clear blue sky.  
He had watched you a little greedily, swallowing when you did, wishing he was the red can you were drinking out of. 
You’d laughed, flicked water at him and said he needed the beer more than you. That he needed to cool off, reading him better than the actual book in your hand. 
But how could he cool off when you were still wearing that? 
Red little bows against your hips. 
Red triangle of fabric rudely separating him from you.
Red that traveled up your shoulders and disappeared behind your neck resting on the towel beneath you. 
Red that teasingly let the curve of each breast taunt him all fucking day. 
Your hands twitched from where they laid flat against the pavement as the sound of water falling off of his body near the stairs alerted you Steve was finally getting out of the pool. 
Steve’s watching your eyelids flutter, the way your knees tap together tighter as he slowly approaches you. 
The air pulses with each step he gets closer, the cicadas buzz louder and despite the sunset taking away the heat, your body is on fire when Steve finally speaks with a tap to the top of your knees. 
“Open these up for me, honey.”
The words are a command, despite how softly they’re spoken. 
Your stomach fizzles and warms as you do as you’re told and a cold drop of chlorine scented water drips onto your stomach accompanied by praise. 
“That’s my girl,” his hands aid you, palming over the inside of your thighs as they drop open for him, “There you go.” 
Steve clicks his tongue when you flinch at the second drop, a soft and teasing remorse in his tone as a large hand roams low again, circling your knee and back up. 
“You cold?”
A breath huffs out of your nose when your back arches as his fingers play with the bow at your hip. 
Your eyes finally open, a dazzling sunset above the man grinning smugly at you as you shake your head and let out an even shakier, “No.”
Water clings to his tan skin, a particular drop convincing you to never look away from his cupid’s bow ever again. Darker, chestnut hair falls over his forehead as he cocks his head to the side in a silent ‘That so?’ while one singular fingertip travels across the band of your suit. 
His lips twitch as goosebumps rise to the surface of your skin. 
He brushes over a fresh wave of them, just above the tie of the suit, with his thumb, and leans down, eyes remaining on yours as he blows a warm breath against the pebbled skin. 
“Steve,” your hands lift with the plea, only for Steve’s much larger ones to wrap around your wrists.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he shakes his head, the honey turning amber in his eyes as you freeze and blink up at him with a pout on your lips. Until he reminds you, warmly, softly, “Just painted your nails baby. Wouldn’t wanna ruin ‘em, yeah?”
Your chest fucking aches as he gingerly lays them back down and reassures, “How about you just lay there and look pretty?”
It’s hard to breathe from the eye contact, from the way he takes the end of the red bow between his teeth and tugs. 
Steve’s nose nudges your hip, it skates across the looser band of the suit, till he’s at the other side. 
He doesn’t undo that bow though, he just follows the suit’s seam lower, dropping with the crease where it meets your thigh. 
You jolt, torso lifting and hands doing the same as his tongue licks you once and boldly through the red fabric. 
Steve lifts too, quicker than you, reading you just as well, hands circling your forearms and giving you a look beneath raised eyebrows. 
A silent question of if you’re going to behave lingers in the honey that’s turned amber that’s turned molten. You give a single nod, Steve drops your arms and his adams apple bobs as you slowly and patiently, let your hands drop back down to the towel. 
Your clit fucking throbs, pulsing faster than your heart as you blink away spots that compete with the lazy clouds above you. 
Steve’s lips press a kiss to your thigh and you squirm beneath him. The kiss lingers and his lips drag up to the wiggling and needy hips moving. 
“So,” he grumbles against the red fabric, nosing at the second tie, “Impatient.”
You whimper as the suit falls open, and Steve licks the path of it as he removes it, like he’s following the outline he’s been memorizing all day and determined to not actually ever put his mouth where you want it. 
His thumbs spread you open though, and finally, his tongue lazily licks through you once. 
Your fingers flex against the towel as your stomach burns, desperate to just grab his hair and pull him closer, but you know if you move one more time, he might never stop teasing you. 
Except you’re so wrong, because while Steve does love teasing you, he’s about 2.7 seconds from coming in his swim trunks and it’s all the color red’s fault. 
Which is what he sees as he looks up your stomach as his mouth makes contact with you again. Red fabric tightening over pebbling nipples as you arch higher and gasp out his name a little too filthy and a little too loud for a neighborhood, even if there are fences hiding the two of you. 
But it only spurs him on more, fingers bruising into your waist as he picks up the pace, tongue traveling up you once, twice, three - fucking keep going Harrington you need her to cum -, his nose tapping at your clit each time and getting rewarded with a, “Ye-yes. Steveohmygod.”
Your eyes blink rapidly, fingers scrunching into the towel and your thighs press against his ears as you gasp through his steady and brutal rhythm. A fluid and practiced drag of his tongue over and over and over again, until his lips are molded around your clit and you swear there’s fireworks going off in the sky right now. 
Steve squeezes his own eyes shut, because if he looks at the way your back arches higher or the way your lips look saying his name like that or the way your chest heaves with a new layer of glistening of sweat, he really will come and he can’t, because he’s absolutely not done with you. 
He blinks, mouth sucking slower, tongue lingering until he knows you can’t take anymore. He pulls away and smiles as your bright red fingers cup your cheeks as you breathe deeply, in and out, through your nose. 
Steve pretends he’s not just as worked up, carefully and slowly tying your suit closed again. 
He kisses your stomach as you sit up and before your parting mouth can say anything, he nods towards the house. 
“Go lay down on the bed.”
Steve bites his lower lip as the retreating view of your ass bouncing under the high cut of red disappears into the sliding door faster than he’s ever seen a person move. 
He waits a solid ten seconds to calm down, grabs the bottle of polish you left behind and makes note of the name. 
He’s buying every bottle the store has tomorrow. 
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shares-a-vest · 7 months
@steddielovemonth Day 25: Love is… Asking, “Do you want a blanket?” (Prompt by @thefreakandthehair)
wc: 952 | Rated: T | cw: Hospital setting, mild descriptions of injuries and general hospital stuff, physical pain, one mention of blood
Tags: Post-s4, Fix-It, Eddie Munson Lives, Hospital
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'Hospital Blankets'
“Steve? Hey, Steve?”
Steve is pulled out of a restless slumber by Eddie’s stage whispering. A twinge in his back fully rouses him as he remembers exactly where he is – in Hawkins General, bent up like a pretzel on what is quite possibly the world’s hardest chair, wearing nothing but a hospital gown and his underwear. He blinks harshly, his vision blurry as he looks in the direction of the chattering, dark-headed form lying in the bed in front of him.
“Huh?” he grunts, his voice thick with sleep as he becomes very much aware of the overall pain radiating over his whole body.
His throat burns too, even from a single word. He instinctively reaches a hand up to the reddened scar there – already a formed habit – only to scratch himself with his patient wristband.
“Do you want a blanket?” Eddie continues, his weakened voice indicating he is barely conscious, let alone aware of Steve’s discomfort.
Steve arches his back this time but it causes his chewed-up sides to ache, the bandages stiffening and contorting. Their tacky borders pinching at the already tight skin and scar tissue.
He gives up and slumps back in the chair, clutching the armrests for dear life as a twang shoots directly up his spine to his head. He runs a hand through his hair, impossible to keep from flopping in his face considering all he can do is give himself a goddamn sponge bath these days.
He should have just listened to Robin (and more than a few disgruntled nurses) when they begged him to stay in his own room.
But his room feels empty. Big and dark, just like his family home but a little more white and clinical smelling. It gives him nightmares. If he manages to settle enough to sleep that is…
It’s kinda hard when your friends are scattered throughout the bowels of the local hospital, all in varying states of distress meanwhile, outside the world has half caved in.
“Steeeve,” Eddie whines this time as he repeats, “Do you want a blanket?”
He half dry-sobs his query and Steve has no choice but to shimmy upright – thankfully, the slippery cover of his stupid seat helps him up this time.
Blanket… he finally considers and finds himself stifling a shiver.
He didn’t think to bring a blanket with him as he was much too focused on getting out of bed and down the hall to Eddie’s room. A room that is much colder than his own, which the occupant clearly knows.
Eddie’s fist is balled up in his blankets, offering them up as he raises his shaky arm.
“No,” Steve says softly, shaking his head and waving him away.
Eddie needs it more.
With a herculean effort, Steve moves the chair a few inches closer to the bed, hoping it isn’t scraping the floor or tangling up any of the wires and tubes hooked up to beeping machines – god knows where they each begin and end. His sides all but seize up as he sits back down and forces himself to correct his posture.
“But you’re cold,” Eddie frowns, his voice impossibly small.
“I’m fine,” Steve protests.
Eddie’s weak hand punches at his banket in a haphazard swish motion.
“Get into bed with me…” he mumbles, closing his eyes, “Rest with me, sweetheart.”
His head lolls to the side and Steve huffs out a laugh. Eddie is certainly on one hell of a cocktail of meds, mixed with the overall exhaustion that must come from almost dying. Steve can barely keep his own eyes open and he wasn’t anywhere near as close to it.
His heart thuds in his chest as thoughts of Eddie’s almost lifeless body rush back to his sleepy brain.
Dustin’s sobs… Robin scrambling to tear up clothes and sheets from the Upside Down version of the Munson’s trailer to make bandages… Nancy forcing everyone to focus as she devised a game plan, stopping every few moments to shoot down undead bats…
Steve screws his eyes shut and stands, bracing his arms on the sides of the chair before swiftly moving them to the bed for purchase.
At least Eddie’s right side is a little less banged up – but only just enough, Steve thinks as he hikes back the three warm layers of blankets enough to sit himself down on the bed. He swings his legs up next, clenching his jaw as every muscle in his body aches and pains from what transpired however many days ago.
The bed is a tight fit, but Steve doesn’t mind. The mattress is perhaps a fraction more comfortable than the chair, but he soon warms as he settles down and rights the blankets, smoothing them out for good measure and double-checking he hasn’t disturbed Eddie too much.
His body warms almost instantly as he rests his head beside Eddie’s on his pillow, positioned close enough that he can feel frizzed dark curls tickling his cheek. Eddie’s wispier than he expected and smells of the generic hospital soap – but at least the dried and caked-up blood is gone.
“That’s good…” Eddie coos, turning his head to face Steve, those tickling tendrils now replaced with a soft woosh of his breathing.
He can see the scar on Eddie’s cheek now. The bandage patch has been removed, exposing raw stitches today. Steve sighs, relieved by the smallest of steps forward.
Eddie can’t do much more than reach his hand out. And Steve takes it, interlacing their fingers despite the heart monitor clipped onto Eddie’s right index finger.
“Blanket’s... warm…” he mutters, nodding as he feels slumber tugging at him once again.
Eddie hums in agreeance and lightly squeezes his hand.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
the water heater
lilac, chapter three
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a/n: ...don't ask me how late it got when i wrote this.... i was on a roll that day and time just turned into a weird soup.
summary: “Dad, please, for the love of god, just–,” you spun around, though the unexpected figure that stepped into the low light caused your fury to fade away in an instant, “oh, uh, you’re not–, uhm, h-hi.”
warnings: lumberjack!frank castle x reader, lumberjack AU, pete castiglione era, past domestic violence, crazy ex trope, slow burn, renovating an inn, totally inaccurate description of tinkering with a water heater just for the sake of making them fall in love
word count: 1137
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“Well, maybe if you just–”
“Dad! Just–…” you swallowed the rest of the heated statement that nearly escaped your lips, mentally counting to three before glaring back at the man who was breathing down your neck, “do you remember when I was 12 and you had the clever idea of attempting to install that new sink in room 5?”
Already knowing where this story was gonna go, Harvey quietly replied, “…yeah…”
“And just who, pray tell, fixed it after you made the pipes uncontrollably spurt out water, consequently flooding the entire room?”
“…you did…”
“That’s right,” you sucked on another tense breath before continuing, “so, unless you’ve somehow improved that skill since then, which, I’m sorry dad, but I highly doubt that you have, please, just let me handle it alone.”
“…alright, fine,” he ultimately backed off, nearing the basement stairs, “but I’ll be right up by the front desk if you need me.” 
“I won’t,” you called over your shoulder as you redirected your attention to the hopeless pipes, “but thanks.”
Letting the illuminated spot from the small flashlight clutched in your palm guide your vision, you checked each and every rusty tube. 
After too many pokes and prods, you finally found the source of the problem. Stepping over towards the main pipeline you bend down and reached through tickling cobwebs to turn the paint-chipped knob clockwise, shutting all of the water off.
Before your spine managed to straighten back out, you felt your blood begin to boil as you heard the sound of heavy footsteps once again ascending the crooked staircase.
“Dad, please, for the love of god, just–,” you spun around, though the unexpected figure that stepped into the low light caused your fury to fade away in an instant, “oh, uh, you’re not–, uhm, h-hi.”
“Hey,” Pete’s deep voice echoed throughout the dim space, sounding the way that hot chocolate felt. 
“Uh, not that I’m not thrilled to see you here, in my basement of all places, but, um, what are you–, what can I help you with?” 
“Nothing ma'am,” he took a step closer, “it’s what I can help you with.”
“Excuse me?”
“Well, Harvey sent me down here to take a look at something.”
“Oh, did he now…” that was the last you needed in order to lose your patience.  
“Yeah,” Pete’s eyes tracked your form as you riffled through the open metal toolbox and yanked out a wrench. 
“Well,” you huffed as you began to loosen the various hexagon-shaped fittings snug on the pipes spiderwebbing out from the bulky water heater apparatus, the labour of the task presenting itself in your vexed voice, “you can tell my dad that I’m still just fine and don’t need any help!” the tool on your palm then inadvertently slammed against one of the pipes, the clanging and therapeutic blow snapping you enough out of your ire to take a step back. Squeezing your eyes shut a moment, you let out a deep sigh before parting your lips once more to speak, “I’m sorry, it was very kind of you to offer your help, but I’m okay.” 
Fully expecting him to just take off, his stationary stance caught you off guard, “so, the water heater’s acting up?”
“It’s fucking ancient, that’s what it is,” you replied as you returned to twist the remainder of the fittings, “should have updated it long ago, but no, no, that never happened,” you continued to grumble mostly to yourself at this point, “of course it’s much more fun to let me handle it down the line when the hot water outlet is completely rusted over and clogged up to the point of no return, you know, that’s just so much more fun…” your words then faded away as you attempted to turn a knob that in no way wanted to corporate.
Quietly cursing underneath your breath, you tried to put all your weight into it as you strained to turn the stuck fitting. 
But just then, from out of nowhere, you felt the wrench begin to turn, but that victory wasn’t the only thing you suddenly felt. Engulfing your own, the comparatively massive hand of Pete enveloped yours as if it wasn’t even there to begin with, helping you turn it as though the metal was made out of butter. 
Blinking up at him after it finally twisted completely, his intimidating stature seemed even more towering up close. 
“Uh,” you slipped your hand out from under his calloused palm, “thank you…”
“No, problem,” you promptly whirled around to avoid his piercing gaze, busying yourself by riffling through the toolbox without any purpose whatsoever, “so your old man’s not helping you out in renovating this place?”
“Well, he’s brilliant at a lot of things, but those skills in particular have never really been in his bailiwick–, wait…” you kept your back turned to him as you asked, “how do you know that I’m renovating?” 
“People in this town like to talk, a lot,” he breathed out the essence of a laugh, “and that includes your father.”
“Ah, okay…”
Spinning around once again, you kept your eyes steadfast on the dusty pipes, though after what only felt like a second, Pete unexpectedly proposed, “hey, what do you say I lend you a hand?”
“Well,” hands clasped together in front of him, the digits on one of them dug into the palm of the other as he spoke, “I’m no stranger to fixing things, so it might help make it fly by a bit faster than if you try and get through it all on your own.”
Unable to detect if this was just some strange joke or not, you verified, “I’m sorry, but are you legitimately offering me your help in renovating this place right now?”
“Seriously?” you bellowed a little louder than you’d intended, earning just a small nod from him in confirmation, “I–…” you blinked back at him, downright dumbfounded, “that’s incredibly generous of you, but I can’t really afford to hire you right now…”
“Oh, I’m not asking you to hire me, just let me help out a bit.”
“Pete, I can’t let you do that, not without any form of compensation.”
“Well, then just pay me in free coffee till it’s done,” he attempted to joke, though it didn’t manage to crack a smile on your lips. 
“This is not funny, Pete.”
“No, it’s not,” he continued, still in a startlingly light-hearted tone, “you clearly don’t know yet just much coffee I tend to drink on average every day,” seeing you not budge an inch, he then dropped the attempt with a gentle nod, “fine, how about we just take a look at a price at a later date? Decide on it later when it’s all done, and you start making a profit again?” 
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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ask-the-royal-absol · 2 months
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King Flint: Stan, could you get a few rock types to help shift the walls around to let her into Elantra’s room? Could you also get a couple of attendants to help find rooms for the rest of these fine folks?
*The hitmonlee walked towards one of the side doors, taking the map tube that was carefully placed down with him. Soon afterwards, five rock types (a graveler, a sudowoodo, a nosepass, a solrock and a boldore) came in, asking the King how he would like the stone walls of the castle to be moved. He directed them with a point to the right wall close to the two thrones that stood at the back of the room and the five of them placed hand, or hand equivalents, on the rocky ground down below them. A bright brown glow shone from their eyes as the ground started to quake, the solid stone wall glowing with this same colour.
A few seconds later, an opening slowly began to form, growing larger and larger with each passing moment. The door that once stood there shattered from the movement, splinters of wood breaking off in all directions. Crumbling noises echoed around the room. Sweat dripped from the rock types and a few small grunts could be heard from them. The strain was immense. A structure shift that large was a lot for five Pokémon to move. The castle wall's opening just kept expanding upwards and outwards, the edges of it quite neatly formed with barely a crack to be seen.
An enormous archway took shape, large enough for Pikavee to comfortably move through. The rock types took a moment to catch their breaths. They were rarely asked to move castle walls by the king. It certainly took a lot out of them. With a wipe of their brows, they looked towards the towering Pokémon eagerly awaiting their next instructions.*
King Flint: These fine Pokémon will show you the way to Elantra's room. It may not fit you the best; she was never as big as you. But, it should at least be a bit more comfortable than having to sleep on the floor. Sorry we don't have anything larger for you.
*King Flint turned to the rest of the group.*
King Flint: We should have some attendants come for you lot soon enough.
*An echo of footprints sounded behind the kindly king, followed by Stan, a Lycanroc, a Mienshao and a centiskorch. Each bowed before their king. Flint gestured for Stan's attention and whispered something into his ear whilst looking towards Mouse and Gizmo. With a small nod, Stan gave a small and subtle look towards the other attendants in the room to which they all nodded in understanding.*
King Flint: These four here shall take you all to some of the spare rooms we have. If you need anything at all, please feel free to ask one of those four. They'll be located near your rooms. They're all incredibly good at their jobs so please don't hesitate to ask. We will be having a breakfast feast in the morning. I'll have some of the attendants let you know when that is.
King Flint: I'd suggest for the dark and poison types here you stick within the castle walls for now until we can figure out some sort of plan for how to allow you to move around the city without arousing too much suspicion. I know Destino said they had some sort of trick or something but I don't know if any of you can do the same thing. If you need Destino, they'll be situated on the floor above you down the corridor. If you need me for something, though I highly doubt you would, I'll be located on the same floor as Destino. My room door is painted orange and is the only one like it on that floor so it should be easy to find. Hope you all have a good night! Again, any assistance needed, ask the attendants. It's guaranteed one of them will be around.
*King Flint waited patiently for everyone to head out of the large room they were situated in. Only him and Hope remained.
Hope gave a small stretch and a slight yawn before starting to walk away from her father. It had been an incredibly long day and she was exhausted. She was usually incredibly tired after her busy days but this felt even more tiresome.*
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lovetorn · 2 years
tonight you are mine — xavier thorpe
Guitarist!Xavier x Fem!Reader
Summary: Enid invites you to a gig with her new band, which leads to a certain guitarist taking an immediate interest in you.
Warnings: a little suggestive, singing (yes, this is a warning), idk music
A/N: i love this one, and i hope you will too.
W/C: 2.6k
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“I promise you’ll love them. They’re like brothers to me. Except for Ajax, of course.” Enid giggled. “This is gonna be awesome!” 
You smiled as she spoke over the sound of her pink Doc Martens slapping the concrete. Enid carried a tote bag full of what you didn’t know. All you had was your phone and a lip gloss tube, clueless as to why Enid insisted on taking so many belongings to the gig. 
Enid only joined her boyfriend’s band as a lead singer last month, and you hadn’t seen them perform yet. You had never met the other two original band members, only Ajax, as he and Enid were almost attached at the hip. Enid had you listen to some demos over the few weeks she had been a part of it all, and you were beyond proud of your best friend.
“I think there’ll be a huge turnout tonight. Xavier told his college friends, and Rowan invited his study group. I can’t wait to get out there,” Enid grabbed your arm, a wide grin on her lips. “Aren’t you so excited? I am. I want you to hear these songs so bad.” 
Your heart doubled in size as you listened. Enid was completely enamoured with the band despite only being in it for a short period, and you guessed that’s what made the boys so grateful to have her around—she was just as passionate as they were. 
You smiled brightly at her and nodded. “I’m so proud of you, E. Soon, I’ll be waiting hours to get front-row at your concerts.” Then you widened your eyes jokingly. “I’ll have to fight teenagers to get tickets!”  
Enid stopped you and turned toward you. She wore a giddy smile and shook her head. “You won’t be in line. You’ll be backstage. Duh.” Then she latched onto your other arm and shook your shoulders, both of you sharing the same elation, laughing together.
“Hey! What’re you girls doing?” A voice called from a car. You didn’t think Enid’s smile could get any bigger until she peeked around you to wave at her boyfriend. Ajax sat in his beat-up Subaru on the curb. Enid grabbed your hand and pulled you along toward the car. 
“Just discussing our future success,” She exclaimed, opening the passenger door and sliding in. You got in the backseat and watched as the couple shared a kiss. 
“Come on, at least wait until I’m out of the car.” You joked, covering your eyes. Ajax rolled his eyes and put his car in drive, pulling away from the sidewalk and back into the traffic. 
“It’s okay, baby; she’s just jealous. She hasn’t gotten with anyone for months.” Enid threw you a teasing look and a cheeky smile before returning her gaze to the road. Your mouth opened and closed, no words forming on your lips as Ajax laughed. 
You sighed obnoxiously and turned your attention to your phone. The pair in the front shared a few whispers before Ajax spoke.
“We’re sorry, Y/n. I bet there’ll be someone here tonight. There’s a lot of people coming.” He said, no hint of sarcasm in his tone. You met his eyes through the rearview mirror. “I know Xavier needs some, too, jeez!” 
Enid slapped her boyfriend on the shoulder. “No! I will not let him anywhere near my beautiful Y/n.” It was the first time since this morning that you’d heard her voice so serious. “She will not be his rebound.” 
“Yeah, I don’t want to be a rebound, Jax. But thanks, though.” You falsely smiled and looked out the window. The sun had started setting a half hour ago, and the sky was painted a deep tangerine. 
“Just saying! Ever since he broke up with Wednesday, he’s been so pissed off. Nearly had my head on a stick because I ordered tomatoes on his sandwich. He’s fucking crazy!” 
You had heard stories of Xavier, mostly from Enid. Tall, green-eyed, goofy, and sometimes timid. He intrigued you, yet you’d never seen him. 
“Okay, Y/n. Jax and I are going backstage for like 20 minutes. Will you be okay on your own? I don’t want to leave you alone, and I know you hate that.” Enid explained as the car pulled into a parking spot behind the small venue. 
You nodded in approval and got out of the car.  “Yeah, that’s fine, don’t worry about me. Go be a rockstar.” 
She gave you a grin and a hug. “I’ll dedicate ‘swoon’  to you.” Laughing, you pulled back. 
“I hope so. We wouldn’t want Ajax getting a big head.” 
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
You stood at the front of the crowd, securing the spot the moment you entered the doors of the building. As expected, the venue was packed. Knowing Enid was beyond ecstatic, you didn't doubt she was a little nervous. 
Your mouth was sticky from the fresh layer of lip gloss you applied not 2 minutes ago, and you moved your lips together to ensure it was evenly coated. You wiped the corners of your mouth with your fingertips, and a short cough rang through the room, indicating one of the band member's microphones was on. You looked up and noticed an unfamiliar set of eyes focused on you. Your gaze quickly darted away to notice Ajax already sitting at his place behind the drums and again to see another new face on the other side of the stage. The boy had glasses and held a bass guitar. All who was missing from the stage was Enid. 
Suddenly, the lights turned a deep purple, and the chords of ‘Monodrama’ started playing through the speakers. You looked back towards the first guy whose hair hung in his eyes as he plucked at his guitar strings, his body hunched over slightly. You watched him in curiosity and confusion. They were starting without Enid? 
But your question was soon answered when the ball of sunshine you called your best friend came running out on stage, a microphone up to her lips as she sang the first line. Your face broke out in a smile. As the song continued, you saw her become more comfortable in front of this many people. She pointed at you and jumped around. 
You nodded to the beat, mouthing the lyrics you knew before your eyes drifted to the long-haired electric guitarist. Xavier. As he played, his eyes met yours again. His dimples indented his face as he smirked, tongue poking his right cheek. You felt your face go warm, and soon, he leaned forward into his mic to join Enid on the chorus. You were in awe of how well their voices went together. He knew what he was doing and wasn’t afraid to show it. 
Xavier opened his eyes to see you already staring at him after the chorus. Shivers ran down his spine as he watched you sing the words to the song he wrote. Sure, many girls had done exactly what you were doing, but the difference was he knew who you were—Enid’s best friend. The girl who his bandmate never shut up about, and Xavier had been eager to meet you. He continued your minor stare-off, grinning smugly to himself when you broke the eye contact, a smile of your own pulling at your lips. 
The lights had turned blue throughout the song, highlighting Xavier's high cheekbones and long face. You had to force your eyes away from him to gain control over yourself.
Once the fourth song ended, Enid spoke to Xavier before she went backstage for a break. Her shoes were killing her. Four songs of jumping around. Four songs of a game of cat and mouse to play out between you and Xavier. One would look away when the other glanced in their direction, and only thrice had you caught each other staring.
You watched as Xavier walked up to the lead microphone, his converse only feet away from you. Expecting a new song to start, you kept your eyes on the bass drum to stop yourself from looking up at Xavier. You didn’t expect him to take a step forward and crouch in front of you. Your eyebrows raised when he held your gaze, his fingers moving in a lazy come hither motion. When you pushed onto your toes, he leaned down to your ear, his hot breath on your neck. His fingers tangled in the long strands of your hair as he pulled you closer, his fingertips scorching your scalp.
“Next one’s for you.” He said. His voice was so thick you’d think this throat was lined with honey, golden and sweet, and the crowd around you faded as your ears rang. Xavier pulled away from you and used his ring-clad finger to brush the tip of your nose. Your ears went hot, and you took a deep breath to control your racing heart.
The room turned green, and for a second, you thought you must've fallen into a dream. Xavier towered over you, his teeth pulling at his bottom lip as he adjusted the microphone stand, maintaining eye contact with you. It was a sensual moment that should only occur in the depths of the night in a bedroom. His dimples and devilish smile were the cause of the butterflies in your stomach, and you had never felt under such scrutiny. But it was an illusive feeling to be the focal point of his attention.
You knew the song as soon as Xavier started playing. Tonight You Are Mine. The sound brought you out of your daze. 
“This is a new song I wrote, like, last week,” Xavier said before the crowd cut him off. His soft laugh echoed through the room as the noise died down, his eyes finding yours again. “We’re gonna play it for you tonight if that’s okay?” 
Enid had given you the demo of this one only four days ago, as she said it was mandatory for you to hear it before tonight’s show. The song was one she was excited to learn, and who were you to deny her of sharing her passion? So you listened. And you listened, and listened, and told Enid it was your favourite one yet. And it was. The song was wholly sultry, and you found yourself going back to it each time you put your headphones on. She must’ve passed on the news. 
In a sense, I'm such a mess watching you The air is cold, so hard to breathe Still, your breath is all I see
You could hardly breathe when he looked at you like that, played his guitar, and sang intimate lyrics to you. You were utterly entranced by his voice, hands, smile. He looked ethereal on stage like he was destined to be on one. 
Don't be so naive You know that you are all I see
To your disappointment and relief, he broke eye contact with you only a few times—you weren’t sure how long you could stand under his intimidating and dizzying gaze. 
But, it only spurred you on more. It made you believe you also had some power in this uncharted territory. You watched him sing through your eyelashes, the rasp in his voice making you warm. 
So let me slip inside your ultraviolet disguise The daylight holds you close But tonight you are mine
Xavier’s eyes were heavy-lidded as he played through the guitar solo. He knew it was inevitable that he would have to face you after the show; sometimes, the thrill of performing made him cocky. He hoped you’d still like him when you discovered he was pretty reserved when he wasn’t in front of a crowd. Yet, none of his insecurities deterred him from wanting you. Because when you looked at him like that, he needed nothing more. 
After the song finished, Xavier winked at you, and you desperately needed to get out of the crowd, go outside, and fill your lungs with cool, fresh air that would free you from the irrational thoughts in your head. You didn’t know the guy, but still, you wanted him more than anything. 
Enid’s voice brought you back to earth. “Thank you for coming out tonight, everyone! I hope you had a good night and liked our music enough to come back.” She laughed. It was obvious everyone in the room had fallen in love with her personality throughout the night. Enid carried herself with such self-assurance it was difficult to find why you wouldn’t like her.
The only thing that could pull your eyes away from her grand smile was the burning on your cheek. Your eyes flickered to Xavier, who stood off to the side with his guitar. His hair was now tied back in a half-up style, and you swore your knees almost buckled.
As everyone filtered out, you remained in your spot. Enid came bounding over and jumped down to stand with you. “Did you have a good time?” You could see she was nervous to ask.
“Of course I did! And you played my favourite song,” You replied, grabbing her hand in reassurance. Enid smiled sheepishly. 
“Well, I didn’t play it. Someone else did.” 
“Well, someone told the other someone to play it, so.” 
Enid wiggled her eyebrows, her voice dropping to a whisper. “I saw how he was looking at you. I knew he would like you, who wouldn’t?” 
You rolled your eyes, heat rushing to your cheeks. 
“But, you’re still off-limits. Only until he gets over his ex. That wouldn’t be fair.” Enid rambled before she stopped and straightened up. “And that’s my cue to leave.”
You looked at her hesitantly, unsure why she would be saying that. “What?” 
“Bye, Y/n. Hey, Xav." Then she pointed him behind you. "Don't fuck this up."  You assumed he made a face at her from behind you because then she laughed and walked backstage.
You’d never felt your stomach drop and your heart rate speed up in such synchrony. He was the devil in converse and a white tee. 
“Y/n.” Your name on his lips was something you could get used to. 
“Xavier.” You said, turning to face him. 
“So you do know me.” He was taller than you. A lot taller than you assumed, and it made your legs weak. “I was under the impression that you only knew Ajax.” 
You shrugged. “Enid mentioned you a few times, so I had to come and check out these band guys she was hanging around.” 
“Final verdict?” Xavier’s mouth was pulled into a smile at the corners. 
You purposefully took your time to make a decision. Taking a step back, you sized him up. He stood still, arms crossed over his chest as you eyed his hair. You rubbed your chin in false thought and then nodded.
Feeling bold, you looked him in the eyes. “Yeah, you’re cute. And talented. So, I guessed you’re alright.” 
Xavier’s cheeks were dusted with pink as he laughed. You smiled proudly, pleased you got the reaction you’d wanted from him. 
He then moved closer to you and leaned down so his eyes aligned with yours. “Well, I find you alright too. How’d you feel if I asked you to hang out in about…” He twisted his mouth in thought, his eyes flickering down to your lips. “Half an hour?” 
You bit the inside of your lip in habit. “That would depend on what we would be doing.” 
Xavier stood to his full height with an unconcerned expression as he uncrossed his arms and opened himself to you. “Whatever you want. My treat.” 
You tilted your head, studying him. “Tempting.” His lopsided smirk and tired green eyes were too easy to fall for. “But, yes. I would like that.” 
His lips slipped into an easy grin and he nodded, throwing this thumb over his shoulder. “Sweet. I’ll be back in half an hour to take you on our date.” He winked.
You shook your head, laughing as he stepped up onto the stage. “Not a date!” 
Xavier didn’t turn back to face you as he replied. “We’ll see!” 
Were you in too deep too quick?
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
songs mentioned: - tonight you are mine - the technicolors - swoon - beach weather - monodrama - benches
feedback is greatly appreciated! thank you for reading <3
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mycoblogg · 1 year
HORROR WEEK- FOTD #144 : apple bolete! (exsudoporus frostii)
the apple bolete (also frost's bolete) is a mycorrhizal fungus in the family boletaceae >:-) it typically grows near the hardwood trees of the eastern US, southern mexico & costa rica. it was chosen for horror week due to its appearance being reminiscent of muscle tissue !!
the big question : will it kill me?? nope !! however, although they are edible, they are not recommended for consumption as it is quite easy to confuse them with other red boletes. ^^
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e. frostii description :
"the shape of the cap of the young fruit body ranges from a half sphere to convex, later becoming broadly convex to flat or shallowly depressed, with a diameter of 5–15 cm (2.0–5.9 in). the edge of the cap is curved inward, although as it ages it can uncurl and turn upward. in moist conditions, the cap surface is sticky as a result of its cuticle, which is made of gelatinized hyphae. if the fruit body has dried out after a rain, the cap is especially shiny, sometimes appearing finely areolate (having a pattern of block-like areas similar to cracked, dried mud). young mushrooms have a whitish bloom on the cap surface.
the colour is bright red initially, but fades with age. the flesh is up to 2.5 cm (1.0 in) thick, & ranges in colour from pallid to pale yellow to lemon yellow. the flesh has a variable staining reaction in response to bruising, so some specimens may turn deep blue almost immediately, while others turn blue weakly & slowly.
the tubes comprising the pore surface (the hymenium) are 9–15 mm deep, yellow to olivaceous yellow (mustard yellow), turning dingy blue when bruised. the pores are small (2 to 3 per mm), circular, & until old age a deep red colour that eventually becomes paler. the pore surface is often beaded with yellowish droplets when young (a distinguishing characteristic), & readily stains blue when bruised. the stipe is 4 to 12 cm (1.6 to 4.7 in) long, & 1 to 2.5 cm (0.4 to 1.0 in) thick at its apex. it is roughly equal in thickness throughout its length, though it may taper somewhat toward the top ; some specimens may appear ventricose (swollen in the middle). the stipe surface is mostly red, or yellowish near the base ; it is reticulate — characterized by ridges arranged in the form of a net-like pattern."
[images : source & source] [fungus description : source]
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