#tube bending services
dependabletubebending · 11 months
Metal tube bending is a versatile process that can be used to create a wide variety of shapes and sizes. It is a relatively quick and inexpensive process, and it can be used to bend tubes made from a variety of materials. However, it can be difficult to get a smooth bend, especially with thin tubes.
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advancetube · 4 months
At Advance Tube Engineering, our material capabilities include bending aluminum, stainless steel, and mild steel, in addition to square tube bending services to customer specification. In addition to bending, we also offer beading, flaring, swaging, and other services.
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We are capable of meeting your tube bending needs with a variety of applications including: beading, flaring and welding.
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sawantgroup · 5 months
Best CNC laser cutting machine in India
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don't have specific information on the latest CNC laser cutting machines available in India. However, I can provide you with some popular CNC laser cutting machine manufacturers that were well-regarded globally. It's important to note that advancements in technology and new models may have been introduced since then.
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TRUMPF: TRUMPF is a globally recognized company for manufacturing high-quality CNC laser cutting machines. They offer a range of laser cutting solutions for various industries.
Amada: Amada is another well-known brand in the CNC machinery industry, including laser cutting machines. They have a reputation for producing reliable and efficient equipment.
Bystronic: Bystronic is a Swiss manufacturer known for its advanced laser cutting systems. They provide solutions for sheet metal processing and have a presence in India.
Mazak: Yamazaki Mazak Corporation, commonly known as Mazak, is a Japanese company that produces CNC laser cutting machines. They are known for their precision and innovation.
Han's Laser: Han's Laser is a Chinese company with a global presence, manufacturing laser cutting machines. They offer a variety of models suitable for different applications.
LVD: LVD is a Belgian company specializing in sheet metalworking equipment, including laser cutting machines. They are known for their innovative solutions.
When considering the best CNC laser cutting machine for your specific needs, factors such as the machine's power, cutting capabilities, ease of use, support services, and overall reputation of the manufacturer are important to consider.
To find the latest and best CNC laser cutting machines in India, it's recommended to check with local distributors, attend industry exhibitions, and explore online reviews and forums for updated information. Additionally, contacting the manufacturers directly or consulting with industry experts can help you make an informed decision based on your specific requirements.
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Best CNC laser cutting machine in India CNC punching services in pune Best MIG Welding Machine Pre-Treatment for Surface Preparation in pune Best CNC bending services India Best SS fabrication services in India Best spot welding services in pune Best tube, pipe, and angle cutting services in pune Best automotive manufacturers in pune Best manufacturing and assembly services
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Tubing Fabrication of Exhaust Assembly
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For the drag racing industry, Advance Tube Engineering manufactured an 8 piece exhaust header …
Contact Us18211 Enterprise Lane, Unit C Huntington Beach, Ca. [email protected]
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⋆♱ 🕸 Scorpio observation 🕸 ♱⋆
𖤐 Pluto in scorpio had a rise between 1985-1995 of test-tube babies (my bf born in 87 was a test tube baby himself and had a surrogate mom.)
𖤐 1984 AIDS was discovered and announced by the health services.
𖤐 1987 the first heart-lung transplant and successful surgical operation of a separation of twins.
𖤐 1983 mobile genetic elements was discovered by Barbra’s McClintock (her moon is in Scorpio.)
𖤐 Scorpio has extreme intense emotions that aren’t for the faint of heart (aka air signs) only other water signs can hang and earth signs are they’re safe heaven.
𖤐 They’re emotions are the underbelly of the moon if we’re looking at all the water signs as a whole. But they hide it well keeping they’re true feelings hidden from everyone and everything.
𖤐 Like the shell of a scorpion they can bend and almost go flat and you could never shift them if they’re character. You could never fold them.
𖤐 Scorpio are ruthless about getting they’re “own” way.
𖤐 Usually moon in scorpio have a square face. At times scorpio are know to have direct eye contact and intense eyes, very piercing. Defined sharp face features, high nose or cheekbones, strong eyebrows or defined brows. Hair usually straight or dark.
𖤐 If a Scorpio women hair is normally dark and if she goes blonde, watch tf out, she WILL eat your heart out.
𖤐 Known for the intensity of their eyes but if they have a crush on someone they can’t look at them fully, but if they’re in the same room as them they take looks at they’re crush all the time. (Trust me, we notice as the crush)
𖤐 If your Saturn is in Scorpio you are a force of personality and you can easily control other to “join your side” and the the “leader” of your own team/group. (Very cultish of you.) but you can only unlock this if you stop being shy and gain confidence, break all those internal walls and show people what you’re all about!! (I’m routing for you!)
𖤐 But within Saturn in Scorpio this placement can create love affairs or affairs in general, scandals and tons of secrets you keep or other keep of you.
𖤐 Don’t be surprised if you had rumors or gossip about you at one point. (The talk of the group chat)
𖤐 You attract secret love affairs that are prone to your downfall and with backstab you or betray you at some point.
𖤐 When they were young they had some kind of health problem or visit the ER once in they’re life or maybe had a near life death experience.
𖤐 I don’t know why a Scorpio feels so alone with a lot of people want to be with them, or be them or be on top of them (;
𖤐 Without them there wouldn’t be pain there would be the feeling of sorrow, they feel what we don’t want to feel. And that within itself is powerful.
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the-comorbidity · 1 year
Pay Girl
summary: sex was a commodity in the QZ, and Joel Miller would do (and pay) damn near anything to have you
warnings: MDNI!! prostitution, consensual sex, mean!joel, prostitute!reader, oral (m receiving), fingering, p in v, mentions of subspace, overstimulation, use of "baby brain", "dollface", "pretty girl", face tapping? not like slapping, just light taps, biting, possessive!joel
wordcount: 1942
a/n: welcome to my first ever post/work on this account!! i hope you enjoy, please be sure to provide feedback if possible xx
Joel Miller was not above paying for sex. Here, in the QZ, everyone was on the verge of murder for any sexual release, and men would crumble just for the sweet feeling of sliding in.
Joel Miller was not above paying for sex.
He’d learned of your little business when he was snooping for more passages to the outside. It was… quiet, he’d admit. Didn’t look like what it was from the outside with nothing demarcating the door other than a ratty sock just outside the door. He stepped in trying to scour the place for supplies, and came out with a list of services and prices instead.
He’d tried a few different women, but you were his favorite.
You, with the soft skin and the sweet voice. You, with the fruit scented hair and the vanilla scented lotion. You, who was much younger than Joel.
You, who was the stuff wet dreams were made of.
He could always tell it was you who came to his door. You knocked thrice every time, raps on the door so soft that if Joel had the radio any louder, he would’ve missed it. But even if it were, he scheduled a time and you were nothing if not purely obedient.
He opened the door and you were there, ratty sneakers and a shirt that exposed your midriff. He’d guessed you got your hands on a tube of lipstick, because your cheeks had a light dusting of pink, and your lips looked the perfect shade of kissable.
Joel didn’t say anything, just moved over to let you in, but he was already growing hard at the thought of seeing tears roll down your pretty face.
“Where do you want me?” You say, and he nods towards the bed.
“Sit up on the side, I want your mouth on me first.” You hum so goddamn innocently, and Joel was sure he’d cum in his pants if he had to spend another minute without his hands on you.
He unbuttons the bottom three buttons of his flannel and unzips his jeans while you strip bare and take a seat, and you can feel your mouth water at the trail of hair that goes from his stomach to his cock, which slaps up against the golden skin of his belly. He steps up to you, cupping your small face in his much larger hands, and tilts your chin so he can stare down at you.
“You want me?” He asks and you nod, peering up at him through your eyelashes and fuck, he needs you.
“Beg.” His voice is pitched higher just a little, like the words he’s saying don’t have a filthy meaning behind them. But it’s the way your voice wavers when his cock twitches at your pleads and his hands in your hair that keep your head tugged back and the tears on your bottom lid, it’s that which makes him shut you up.
“Kiss it. No hands.” You do as he says, keeping your thumbs held behind your back as you bend down and kiss the tip, the salty taste of his precum floating over your tongue to coat your senses in everything him. His hands gather up your hair in a rudimentary ponytail, urging you to take more.
Joel tosses his head back, a deep groan etching and carving its way from the bottom of his throat as he feels your constrict around him. Sweet, darling you, he can feel you gagging when the tip of your nose brushes the wiry hair that sits at the base.
He’s so thick, you think, and your lips are tiring from stretching around him. There’s a particular moment in which he tugs you down by the hair but thrusts up at the same time, and you gag so hard your hands come flying forward to push him away on instinct. He practically pushes you off of him, a disgruntled noise coming from him.
“Didn’t I say no fuckin’ hands? The fuck am I payin’ you for?” Your lips tremble, and his hand surprisingly comes up to hold your chin tenderly before winding back and tapping your face a few times as if you were stupid and he were trying to explain the simplest thing to you.
“Do you think you can lay back on the bed? Can you follow those orders, or is it too fuckin’ hard for your little baby brain to comprehend?”
“I c-can do it.” You lay back, just as he says, your back propped up with pillows that smell so distinctly like Joel and as his hand sneaks up your inner thighs to the place that’s dripping for him, you feel yourself start to get a little floaty.
His fingers brush the insides of your thighs, barely inches away from where you need him the most. He hears your breath hitch when he swipes a finger, collecting your juices before bringing it up to his mouth. He hums around his finger, cleaning it off and getting it wet before bringing it back down and pushing it in. He feels you squirm away almost immediately, caught off-guard by the sudden intrusion, but he throws an arm over your hips and leans down, effectively pinning you where you lay.
“Nuh uh, pretty girl, you take what I give you, you understand? No squirmin’ away.”
God, he’s so mean. But as he adds another finger and begins to circle your clit with his thumb, skin rough and calloused, the only thing you pray for is that he doesn’t stop. Your legs shake from the onslaught of pleasure, and he looks like he finds joy in your struggle to speak.
You can’t even tell him you’re on the precipice of release. The noises spilling from you aren’t close to words and he needs you to ask permission before you do, but you can’t escape his pleasure because of the heavy arm over your waist. His eyes are trained on you, lips twisted up in a sick smirk that tells you exactly what you need to know; he knows you’re about to cum.
“Remember to ask, dollface.” He’s so unbearable. Your hands unfurl themselves from his sheets and instead claw at the arm that lays heavy over your waist.
“Joel, ‘m close.” You manage to get out, and he chuckles.
“Yeah?” He says, readjusting himself so his mouth is level with your ear without halting his motions, “hold it.”
“Can’t, Joel, please.” You beg, yet he remains silent, curling his fingers slightly to add to your pleasure. He sighs, as if you couldn’t complete the simplest of tasks.
“If you cum now, you’re not stopping. No breaks.” His voice goes dark, and you try everything possible to stave your orgasm off, but the nips of pleasure become too much and your toes curl as your pussy clenches around his fingers, your thighs tightening over his wrist.
He clicks his tongue at you as he grabs a condom out of the nightstand and rolls it over himself. He makes you feel worthless, with the way he pulls his fingers out of you and replaces them with his cock, stretching you out beyond belief. He quiets your whimpers of overstimulation by shoving his fingers in your mouth, and he gives you no moment of reprieve, fucking you almost immediately after you cum.
You’re sobbing around his fingers. The pace he’s set is unbearable and you want nothing more than him to fully shed his flannel and run your fingers over his skin, pulling him close. You need to feel his weight on you, something, anything. He’s dangling you in this fragile headspace and you need him. Finally, he pulls his fingers away, using his hands to push your thighs up and fuck you deeper somehow, pushing you over the edge again, the orgasm sharp, all pain and pinpricks. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, and he laughs at you, all dark and growly.
“Joel.” He looks up at you from where his glance was, watching you take him almost effortlessly. You reach your arms out, not trusting your voice for anything more than his name.
“You wanna feel me? You want me close?” You tug at the buttons of his shirt, and he unbuttons them quickly and throws his flannel away before allowing you to tug him by the shoulders onto you. He tilts your head up, exposing your neck to him before swooping in and marking you up.
“Mine,” he whispers against your skin, “all fuckin’ mine.” Your nails sink into his skin, dragging down to leave raised red tracks in their wake. He groans into your neck, the pain making him fuck you even harder. The noises the both of you are making are obscene, coupled with the sound of him sliding in and out and the rickety headboard slamming against the wall, it’s all too much and you can feel your third orgasm growing just out of reach.
The sting of overstimulation has faded once again, and you can tell that Joel nears his end, with the way his hips meet yours with no set pace, and the way his hands curl tighter into the meat of your thighs, definitely leaving bruises for the next few days.
“You close?” He asks, just a peak of the softness that lay behind the rough and tumble exterior.
“I need-” You grumble out the rest of your sentence, curling your hand around his wrist and placing his fingers on your clit, the barely-there pressure already causing your body to twist. He gets the hint, circling your clit with more and more pressure until you choke on your words and look up at him with tears in your eyes.
“Awh, you’re gettin’ there, ain’t ya? Almost there for me?” You nod, eyes rolling back once again when the pleasure gets overwhelming.
“‘M there, pretty girl, you gonna cum with me? You gotta cum with me, wanna feel this gorgeous cunt milkin’ my cock.” His words are making you clench around him, and suddenly you’re getting closer and closer to bliss. It’s not razor sharp, not like your first or second ones. No, this seems more gentle, as if you’re running up and then subsequently rolling down a grassy knoll. It’s soft and warm and welcoming, welcoming to the ache in your joints. He cums with a mighty groan, emptying into the condom. He thrusts a few more times, toying with his own prickly feeling of overstimulation before pulling out, ridding himself of the prophylactic and tying it off. Joel groans as he rolls over, pulling you with him until you rest on his chest.
“How was that?” You ask, a chuckle pouring out of the Texan.
“Glad I asked for ya.” He says simply.
From the first time meeting Joel to now, you realized he was a man of very few words, rather showing his affection in ways of service or physical attention. But then again, you’re a pay girl. Aftercare isn’t in the “contract”, so to say. With Joel, you could get about five minutes of his soft, molten interior before he built his walls back up, inevitably getting out of bed to clean you with a towel that had all of the fibers burnt together, like he was wiping you with sandpaper. He’d help you get your clothes on, maybe offer you a drink.
But at the end of the day? You were here for payment. And he’d shell out ration cards and cigarettes to you and call it a day, but the both of you knew that you’d end up in his bed again.
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softcthulhuwu · 5 months
with Sam getting his response department forms this week it's gotten me thinking
Specifically about MAG100 and "John Smith's" encounter with supposed secret government facility accessed via a tube station - we have confirmation from the season 3 q&a that all the episode 100 statements are still real, so we know for certain this guy encountered *something* down there
whether it was an actual facility of a fear-scape nightmare zone bending of real space is another matter, but we do know in TMA the original copy of Trevor Herbert's statement was taken under a government and law enforcement contract with the teeth bag also nowhere to be found, and they gotta have put those somewhere
So, y'know, secret govt. facilities are not out of the question, and now in TMAGP we're working for the government in the civil service department of spooky shit, so maybe we'll see Sam taking a trip to Aldwych Tube Station (or hear of somewhere like it)
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cazzyf1 · 1 month
Quotes I wrote down for my dissertation from the book 'Mon Ami Mate' by Chris Nixon
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"When Mike phoned he was asked if he was going to England to see his father. Mike said 'No I am going to Le Mans. Why should I go to England?' Then the Reuters man told him that his father had crashed and was badly hurt. Naturally, Mike was in a terrible state, but I took him to orly and the journalist Bernard Cahier managed to get him a seat on the last plane for London. While we were waiting, Mike called the garage at Farnham and was told that his father had died." - p87
"He had a tube up his old man, draining into a bottle and he told me it was very painful 'because every time you walk into the room I get an erection. It's agony!"' - p104 (this had no relevance to my dissertation I just found it funny)
'Mike was never short of visitors and Moi (partner at the time) was one of the most frequent. "I had long hair in these days and Mike would spend hours brushing it while I sat beside his bed'" - p104
'"He was tottering'", Macklin told Mark Kahn, 'He stood behind me at the table, put his arms on my shoulder and said, 'oh my god Lance, I'm terribly sorry. I bloody near killed you and I killed all those people. I'm really sorry. I'm certainly never going to race again." - p127
'Mike was, indeed, taken to the caravan, where he was looked after by Rob Walker and Tony Rolt's wife, Lois. Rob's memory of Mike's arrival is still vivid. "His first words - and I'll never forget them - were 'It's all my fault, It was all my fault! I wanted to get into the pits before Fangio went by!" Lois and I said "Don't talk such nonsense!" And we put a large brandy down him." - p127
"Mike returned to England and appeared on BBC-TV to talk about he disaster with Rudolf Whlenhaut of Daimler-Benz, the telecast was an unhappy experience for Mike. As Moi Kenward recalls - 'He had to face the music. He came round to my flat afterwards and he was really in a terrible state - he was in floods of tears' - p131
'Leslie Hawthorn blamed himself for all of Mike's National Service troubles. "Will you help me about Mike?" He asked Cardew. "The boy is miserable and pretty bitter. He is never really happy abroad and we have got to settle this call-up trouble, will you write an article in the daily express and let people know the whole story. Blame me for this mess, I advised Mike all along from the time he was sixteen. The boy was always keen to do his national service but I have spent my life in racing - motorcycles in the TT and sports car races - and I thought his future lay in that direction, rather than driving lorries for the army" - p203
"At London Airport he bravely faced the press and TV cameras and gave his eye-witness account, tears running down his face, as the Daily Mail recorded. 'There was a dip' he said, 'we went into that. There was a sharp, short right-hand bend and Peter took it a little too wide and didn't turn into it soon enough. I don't know how fast he was driving. There was just a bunch of us. Tony Brooks was in front. Peter was second. As a driver he was the best, definitely. As a friend...he was my best friend, and that is that." - p227
"Hawthorn could hardly speak. He was asked 'Will you race again?' 'If Ferrari wants me to I will. I am due to race in the Portuguese GP in two weeks, but personally I am not very intrested' Massive, fair-haired Hawthorn crammed a handkerchief against his mouth, 'Dam silly of me' he said, 'So sorry...' He walked blindly along the corridor, took Louise Collins by the hand and drove away." - p228
"The doctor pulled back the sheet and there was Peter, like he was asleep. Mike took one look, turned and went out into the corridor, where he leaned against the wall and slid to the floor. He just sat there, saying nothing." - p336
"For the man who had just become world champion, Mike was decidedly lacking in excitement immediately after the race 'He was quite strange - he didn't want to know anyone,'" - p348
In the future I will either buy this book or rent it from the library again and copy up more quotes because this book is a gold mine for information on Mike Hawthorn and Peter Collins. But for now I am going to try and reread some of my Mike Hawthorn books and copy up quotes from them.
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whilomm · 3 months
these are claims from a different whistleblower than the one that was totally not murdered by boeing
(disclaimer, im not an expert and this article doesnt go into a ton of detail on the specific issues, so i could be a lil off, these are very much non-expert speculation rambles. anyone who understands better, feel free to correct me/add more deets).
if im reading it right these claims get into the way boeing has been outsourcing more and more manufacturing of parts to other companies, such as for the fuselage (the plane body as a whole, big tube u sit in). if those parts dont quite fit together right (and keep in mind the margins of error on these things can be VERY small in some cases, though im not sure exactly how much wiggle room they got here), that can lead to too much stress on certain parts.
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like, for example, if one part of the fuselage is just baaaarely too big for the next part it connects to, it might all seem to fit together perfectly fine, but every time it takes off and lands or goes thru compression cycles (that is when they take off and land, going from low pressure-high pressure-low pressure), it just puts a BIT too much pressure on where they join. and over the years, that pressure just adds up until theres microscopic stress fractures, which become slightly larger stress fractures, until they get big enough that once a plane reaches a high enough altitude theres a midair disentegration, which is. exactly as bad as it sounds.
(sidenote: compression cycles can be more important for determining an airplanes lifespan than flight hours. the usual metaphor is bending a paperclip back and forth until it breaks, how many times can you bend it before metal fatigue sets in and it just snaps. holding it in a more bent position however will take a lot longer to snap it generally.)
now to be clear, every single plane has an intended service life, and its well known that planes can only take so many compression cycles before they start to get really hard to maintain without going kablooey. a plane may be rated for like, idk, 50k compression cycles (so, taking off and landing 50k times before its retired, because after that its no longer worth the maintenance vs just making a new plane). but if it turns out that plane has some flaw in its build that means itll develop fatal stress factures at only 20k cycles, well. thats bad. not sure exactly how the schedule on looking for stress factures looks like for maintenece crews (do they do it regularly for all planes on a set schedule? do they only do it occasionally for new planes, and start to ramp up checks as the plane gets older? dunno!) but well. generally speaking, a plane having a fatal flaw that gives it an explosive midlife crisis is Bad. i would hope theyd catch it! but i dont know enough about the deets of fuselage maintenence to know the specifics.
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and OH YAY COMPOSITE MATERIALS. now, before anyone gets too freaked out thinking about the uh. submarine. use of composite materials is actually far more common on planes than on subs for a buncha reasons. one, planes just generally undergo a lot less in terms of pressure (that futurama joke, "this spaceship can handle between one and zero atmospheres", vs subs that have to deal with tens to potentially hundreds of atmospheres) but also because apparently, for complicated material engineering reasons, composite materials work much better under tension (high pressure INSIDE pushing OUT, like airplane) than under compression (high pressure OUTSIDE pushing IN, like submarine). heres a vid from someone who wrote their masters on composite materials under compression if you wanna hear from someone slightly smarter on the subject. im not gonna pretend like i understand the full deets, but "composites do OKAY with tension" is enough for me, go read the fancy scientific papers if you want more.
now, so that people do freak out at least a little bit: hm. dont like that they are using Way More Composite Than Usual on this plane. how much is the usual? idk, i assume composites are much more popular with low altitude small aircraft (bc well, weight and less pressure worries), dunno whats considered normal for high altitude longhaul crafts. but, apparently, the dreamliner is "more than usual". which, yeah cool, lighter weight airplanes use less fuel which is better for longhaul flights. is it. well tested enough though???
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...anyway. im not an engineer, idk the full Deets, but well. havin lotsa fun hearing the engineers talk about how the parts of the giant metal skybirds dont fit together quite right and theyre using materials that fail more catastrophically than metal with less warning, experimentally, and we dont quiiiite have the data to know if. its a problem. thats really fun! LOVE hearing about how much theyre outsourcing parts, given how bad quality control of things as tiny as the titanium in some bolts or a little bit of the engine blades being not properly vacuum forged has lead to catastrophic failure in the past, and knowing how important sourcing of parts in airplanes is. all VERY yay!
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missiletoe · 2 days
first fill for bonus round 4 of yuri shipping olympics!
Word Count: 891 Prompt: time traveler/impressionist painter
Yuri’s painting in the garden one day when it lands. It being a metal monstrosity that’s unlike anything she’s seen before, hissing smoke and spitting fire.
“Dragon,” she breathes, clutching her canvas close to her chest. She tucks her paintbrush behind one ear and picks up as many paint cans as she dares before running back towards the house.
A loud yell stops in her tracks and her feet bumble into each other as she goes crashing to the ground. The paintbrush skidders across the floor and the cans roll and bump into one another.
The canvas, thankfully, lands face-up. Yuri breathes a sigh of relief. But the voice, the yell–it had almost sounded human. Is that what monsters are supposed to sound like?
Yuri turns around and comes face-to-face with another girl, albeit a very strangely-dressed one. She’s more metal than human, a bizarre jacket with the sleeves torn off and patches adorned to it hanging around her shoulders.
There are syllables pouring out of her mouth, loud and jarring noises that Yuri doesn’t understand. But the kindness written across her face is clear and her outstretched hand is a universal gesture.
The girl makes a note of surprise at her confusion and fiddles with something attached to her ear.
“There!” she shouts clearly and Yuri blinks. What was that–magic? “Can you understand me now?”
Yuri nods mutely and the girl hauls her to her feet.
“I’m Kitty,” she laughs, tucking her hair behind her ear. She keeps it cropped short, hanging just above her shoulders and there’s a bizarre pair of glasses affixed to her head. “And you are?”
“Yuri,” she replies and immediately dives for the canvas in lieu of a proper greeting, inspecting it for damage.
The paint is wet but she’d been careful to keep it a couple inches from her chest to avoid smearing. It’s unharmed except for a slight bend in the corner.
“Beautiful,” Kitty gasps at the sight, reaching out to touch the tail.
“Fresh painting,” she snaps, pulling it out of reach. “Don’t touch it, it’s still wet!”
“Right,” Kitty laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. “I forgot.” It’s such a welcome change from her buyers that pretend they know the meaning behind every stroke and splash even before she’s unveiled her work that Yuri decides to forgive her.
“I really am sorry about your workshop,” Kitty says, teetering on her feet. She’s not quite making eye contact, gaze fixed to a point right above Yuri’s shoulder and she feels reminiscent of one of Yuri’s younger cousins after they’ve been caught pilfering half the desserts. “And I hate to impose any further on you but would you happen to have any trash?”
“Trash?” Yuri echoes, sounding out the unfamiliar word.
“Garbage, scraps, stuff that you don’t really need,” Kitty babbles on, rolling her wrist. “Anything that’s flammable will do–stuff that burns?”
Yuri inclines her head towards the little basket she keeps in the corner of the room for broken paintbrushes and other assorted scraps she doesn’t want.
Kitty shrieks with delight at the sight. It hurts her ears with the volume but it also makes Yuri snicker. She’s like a child on Christmas morning.
“Yes, this’ll work!” she laughs, carrying it over to the back of the beast. She pops the skin open to reveal a giant tube and she puts one foot on the scales to get a better position to dump the contents in.
Her shoes look like they’re made of rubber as they squeak against the metal and they come up to her mid-thigh. It’s unheard of–well, everything about her is unheard of.
“What are you?” Yuri asks, swallowing past the fear lodged in her chest. Kitty turns to look at her, setting the wastebasket back on the ground.
“I think a more appropriate question would be ‘Who am I?’” she corrects. “Kitty Song Covey, time traveler and seeker of knowledge, at your service.”
Kitty finishes the sentence with a bow, lifting up the empty can to her. Yuri takes it with a full-bellied laugh.
“Now I’d love to stay and chat but I really must go,” Kitty says, pushing the flaps in her beast’s skin shut. “Wars to stop, sights to see, that sort of thing. But keep painting, Yuri, I’ve seen a lot of art in my lifetime and it’s clear that you’ve got talent!”
“Do you try to flatter every girl you meet?” Yuri asks, bemused.
Kitty gives her a wink as she climbs back into her dragon.
“Only the pretty ones!” she yells as she presses a button and the whole thing sputters to life.
Yuri shakes her head even as she feels her cheeks warm.
“Paint me like one of your French girls!” Kitty hollers, reaching for the metal hood. Yuri blinks at her in confusion.
“I’m not French!” Kitty tosses her head back and laughs, the wind ruffling what remains of her short hair.
“I guess they wouldn’t say that here,” Kitty yells over the roar of her beast. “Just paint something in honor of me!”
She slams the top down and the beast jets off onto the street.
Yuri nods, searing her face into her memory but even as she watches the metal blink out of existence on the horizon, she knows that no portrait can do Kitty’s face justice.
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dependabletubebending · 11 months
Exploring the Art and Science of Tube Bending Services
The process of bending tubes has evolved into a specialized art form. Tube bending services have become an integral part of various industries, ranging from automotive and aerospace to construction and manufacturing.
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lux-et-astra · 1 month
The Sink Session Two Transcript
Session Two: Kevin Boots
VOICE OVER: Welcome to Sink Systems. If you are new to the service, make sure you start at the beginning. This is not the beginning. A warning. This session contains swearing, sex, and violent bodies.
NARRATOR: Welcome back to The Sink. It’s been a long week, hasn’t it? You’re more tired around your face. Your eyes are soiled, and your tongue’s gone hard. But that’s okay, that’s part of it. Last time was the first time. We went in quick, digging around, washing out all your dreams. The first time’s always going to bruise, get a bit tender, purple, little bit green on the top. But it'll be worth it, when your brain’s all clean. There are plenty more dreams to wash off as we start to figure out why you’re full of this mud. Soon, no more sludge, no more mud, no more muddle. Just clean and cold, sliding in your skin like a needle. 
NARRATOR: All you need to do is trust the advances in nanomesh sleep technology, and let us dive in. Breathe in, breathe out. Feel it coming, that’s okay. Arms outstretched, feel how long they are.
NARRATOR: Feel the breath, like wind into your mouth, isn’t it. Lovely bit of windy business. Breathe in, lovely, breathe out, windy business. I’ll count down. Three, two, one.
VOICE OVER: The Sink, by Natasha Hodgson. Session Two.
MAN: (FAINT) Are you gonna give me a hand here, or what? What are you here for? Now, help your dad out, will you?
WOMAN: Dad, you really look like you’ve got it.
MAN: Come on! What’s Instas-gram got that the great outdoors hasn’t?
MAN: You’re not a robot, you know? You’re not plugged.
WOMAN: I know.
MAN: Right. Get our bearings.
WOMAN: Again?
MAN: So we’re two fields off from the scarecrow, one away from the bog, ravine on the left.
MAN: Say it!
WOMAN: Two fields from the scarecrow.
MAN: Right. Tube, please. Bend your tube.
WOMAN: Which tube?
MAN: The – tent tube, the s– structural tube! It’s the spine of your tent, that tube.
WOMAN: We’re not staying here!
MAN: These are the skills you’ll need! Tents, edible brambles, medicinal bark… it’s the only way you’ll survive in the wild.
WOMAN: It’s a festival, Dad.
MAN: Oh yes, that’s how it starts…
WOMAN: Dan’s taking me, and he has the van!
MAN: Oh yes, here they come, these boys, creeping in closer every day –
WOMAN: Oh, my God, they’re just friends!
MAN: The second my back’s turned, here they come, creepy crawlies, well my daughter will not die on a patch of marsh with funk in her ear. Now time to play, bend that tube! Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo, bend.
WOMAN: Oh my God, Dad, chill.
MAN: Oh, cheer up. Medi kit in the hamper, Flazer in your tin. Right, bearings!
WOMAN: (HUFFS) One field from the scarecrow, one field from the bog, ravine on the left.
MAN: Two fields!
WOMAN: What?
MAN: Scarecrow, two fields away.
WOMAN: No it’s not.
MAN: Yes it is.
WOMAN: Dad, look.
MAN: That’s –? It wasn’t – was it? WOMAN: What?
MAN: Was it one away, just now?
WOMAN: What? Yeah. Of course, it’s not moved, has it?
MAN: And creepy Dan’s got a licence, has he?
WOMAN: Stop calling him that! He doesn’t like it! Yes, he’s got a licence, obviously!
MAN: So he says. Right, we need some wood.
WOMAN: I’ll stay. Watch things.
MAN: You’ll be alright?
WOMAN: I’ll be in the tent, I promise.
MAN: Bearings.
WOMAN: Again?
MAN: (STRAINED) Just humour an old man for me, will you? So he doesn’t worry?
WOMAN: Fine! We’re in the field with the scarecrow, one field away from the bog, ravine on the left.
MAN: (STRAINED) Very good! Put me teeth back in, haha… You know I’m only like this, because…
WOMAN: I know.
MAN: I wanna protect you! You’re just –
WOMAN: Growing up too fast.
MAN: You are! Feel like the moment I close my eyes, someone’s gonna grab you away.
WOMAN: Stop being a weirdo. Go and get some wood, or whatever. I’m here, I’m fine.
MAN: Alright, alright, okay then. Bearings! You’re in the tent with the scarecrow, one field away from the bog, and I’ll see you in a second.
WOMAN: Bye Dad.
MAN: Alright sweetheart. Sorry for being… you know.
WOMAN: It’s okay.
MAN: It’s just… those creepy boys!
MAN: Should I zip you both in?
WOMAN: Yeah. So we don’t get a gust.
MAN: Exactly. You don’t want a gust, do you.
NARRATOR: You don’t have to stay here. You don’t want that, do you? Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
MAN: I’m sorry.
WOMAN: No, that’s alright, don’t worry!
MAN: No, I thought I’d be more…
WOMAN: No, it’s fine, honestly.
WOMAN: Why don’t you…
MAN: I was going to say, I’ve never done anything like this before, which is, uh… which is true, but uh, I bet you get that all the time.
WOMAN: Look, it doesn’t matter about that, honestly, just…
MAN: I don’t… I don’t even know why I’m here, I really don’t.
WOMAN: Shh shh shh.
MAN: I’m a nice man!
WOMAN: Yeah.
MAN: I just – sometimes feel like –
WOMAN: I know. You – you want to relax.
MAN: Yeah.
WOMAN: You wanna relax with me.
MAN: Yeah. (LAUGHING) How do we, uh… how do we start?
WOMAN: Well, how do you want it to start?
MAN: You have a beautiful… neck.
WOMAN: (SULTRY) Thank you.
MAN: Your neck is beautiful.
WOMAN: (LAUGHING) Thank you.
MAN: (LAUGHING) You’re welcome.
WOMAN: Do you want some straw?
MAN: What?
WOMAN: Do you want some of this straw?
MAN: Uh – no.
WOMAN: Alright. Why don’t you – why don’t you just come a bit closer?
MAN: My – my wife, my wife is –
WOMAN: I – shh shh shh.
MAN: (STRAINED) Oh, God, and my boy –
WOMAN: Hey, you love them.
MAN: So much.
WOMAN: I know! I know that, and that’s okay!
MAN: Yeah.
WOMAN: You just – you need a break.
MAN: Yeah. They’re in the crocodile kingdom.
WOMAN: Okay. Good.
MAN: He wanted to see the crocodiles.
WOMAN: Of course he did. Crocodiles, yeah, they’re great.
MAN: I just… we walked past you.
MAN: A– and I told them I was getting another tango drink and some wedges.
MAN: Your neck is… fucking beautiful.
WOMAN: Thank you.
MAN: (SIGHING) It, uh… it must… is it weird for you, being here?
WOMAN: What?
MAN: Being so close to the lions, I mean.
WOMAN: What?
MAN: Just… the lions are next door, does that never bother you?
MAN: No, oh, sorry, I’m…
WOMAN: (OVERLAPPING) No, it’s fine.
MAN: I’m prattling, and my boy, he’s only –
WOMAN: (OVERLAPPING) Look, the point – lions don’t bother us, and we don’t bother them. So.
MAN: Oh. Right.
WOMAN: We’re powerful, and our legs are strong, and we run, very fast.
MAN: Yes.
WOMAN: (SULTRY) We fight.
MAN: Yes.
WOMAN: With our necks.
MAN: Oh, God.
WOMAN: We’re warriors.
MAN: Can I – touch you?
WOMAN: Of course.
MAN: Oh, God. You’re –
WOMAN: Mmm –
MAN: You’re – you’re so – tall.
MAN: I like your little… hooves.
MAN: Oh, Jesus –
WOMAN: Oh, how did you find me?
MAN: The door, was swinging open, all the straw was spilling out –
WOMAN: Oh God –
MAN: One of the cleaning staff had left a broom –
MAN: A broom in the –
WOMAN: Uh, the broom?
MAN: The –
MAN: The hinge –
WOMAN: (BREATHING HEAVILY) Ah, they’ll be here soon…
MAN: Oh God…
WOMAN: Don’t, don’t think…
MAN: I’m a good man!
MAN: My wife is so short, she just doesn’t –
WOMAN: I know, I know, shh shh –
MAN: (STRAINING) I’ll go straight – to the crocodile kingdom –
WOMAN: Of course –
MAN: (ORGASMIC) Just – as – soon – as – we’re – finished – I’ll get a fizzy tango drink and go to crocodile kingdom!
NARRATOR: Funny, isn’t it… what you really want. What’s underneath… Nothing to be ashamed of, it’s just what’s inside you. Quite nice, really, when you admit what it is. It’s better when what’s chasing you starts to catch up.
MUM: Love?
WOMAN: What?
MUM: You going out then, are you?
WOMAN: Mum, what?
MUM: I just – I just, uh…
WOMAN: I’m using the bathroom!
MUM: That’s absolutely natural.
WOMAN: Uh, yep.
MUM: Uh, I’ve put some tampons – for you. Behind the bubble bath!
MUM: It’s behind the Matey.
WOMAN: Yep, okay, that’s fine, thank you Mum, you can get –
MUM: (OVERLAPPING) The bottle of Matey –
WOMAN: Thank you!
MUM: Cause – you – cause you’re not still using pads, are you?
MUM: You’re not flushing them?
WOMAN: Oh my God. No!
MUM: Because they get stuck in the pipes? Love? Like, your dad said about the pipes – they run the water all red.
WOMAN: Oh my God.
MUM: Dad tried to hose down the garden last week and it came out brown, like a wet rope.
WOMAN: What do you want, Mum?
MUM: Love – 
WOMAN: What?
MUM: I found your razor!
MUM: Now, it’s absolutely your decision –
MUM: And I know about legs, for lacrosse, and – shorts and things – all the girls wanna be smooth girls now…
MUM: But the thing is, once you’ve started shaving them, it grows back thicker.
WOMAN: Okay!
MUM: And darker. And –
WOMAN: Mum, I don’t –
MUM: And it’s very hard, plucking them out by hand, cause they’ll get so thick –
WOMAN: Okay, thanks Mum, my friend’s here in a sec –
MUM: (OVERLAPPING) Pulling them out, one by one, just to keep up with the growth, you know… like a brambly hedge!
MUM: Just – pulling out, like feathers from a cushion –
MUM: You alright?
WOMAN: Yeah, yeah – yeah, um… what?
MUM: You alright, love?
WOMAN: Yeah!
MUM: Did it snag on one?
WOMAN: (WHISPERED) What, I – what is this? What?
MUM: Alright.
MUM: It’s alright, oh dear.
WOMAN: (PANICKED) Oh, what’s happened – Mum? MUM: (OVERLAPPING) You’ll need to pull it out now, love.
WOMAN: But – but what – I don’t underst – why is it, why is it just so dark?
MUM: You can’t keep them inside you love, now you’ve started.
WOMAN: Oh my God, oh my God –
MUM: Just – find the sharpest one, the biggest darkest one, and just pull it out, if you can.
WOMAN: Okay. Wait, wait, okay.
WOMAN: (PANICKED) Why – is it… why is it wet?
MUM: Yes, well – they’ve been growing inside, haven’t they? No good for feathers, really, that, they want to be on the outside.
WOMAN: But – but they’re the wrong way! Why are the feathers –? Why are the feathers the wrong way?
MUM: You’ll need to keep pulling them, now, love! Cause you’ve started, you’ve got to get them all out.
WOMAN: Oh my God! Oh my God – ah – ow!
MUM: Love? Love, are you alright, do you want me in there?
WOMAN: Ah – no!
MUM: You can use the Matey, sweetheart!
WOMAN: (CRYING) I don’t want this!
MUM: I know, love, I know, I – I wanted – a couple more years, but…
WOMAN: (OVERLAPPING) Mum, I’m sorry, there’s… there’s feathers, they’ve gone everywhere!
MUM: It’s alright, my love, it’s okay, it’s okay. You’re not a bird, are you, love?
WOMAN: (CRYING) I don’t know! I don’t know! What’s – what’s wrong with me?
MUM: It’s alright, sweetheart – you know, some boys, they don’t mind, these days, you know! Just – just make sure that you don’t –
MUM: Oh, dear. The poor pipes. Your dad did say…
WOMAN: (PANICKED) Oh God… the feathers aren’t going… Mum! The fea– they’re not flushing down! Mum, what’s wrong with me?
MUM: I’ll get your dad. Oh, he won’t be happy about those pipes…
WOMAN: Mum, Mum, Mum! Mum? Mum!
NARRATOR: (ECHOING) It’s better when what’s chasing you starts to catch up.
MAN: Hello again.
CLAIRE: I’m so sorry.
MAN: No, no. We’re happy to handle complaints.
SAM: We haven’t – we – we don’t wanna do complaints.
SAM: It’s lovely here, it’s a lovely hotel, we’ve – just done the local area, the hat museum –
CLAIRE: Your colleague, uh, recommended we–
MAN: Mm, it’s popular.
SAM: Yeah, we learned about their, uh, shapes, and how you wear them…
CLAIRE: Sam, if you’re doing this –
SAM: Just on your head, really, don’t second guess it, that’s the…
CLAIRE: If you’re doing this, can you just do it, please?
SAM: Yes! Yes.
MAN: I assume it’s your room?
SAM: Uh, yes.
MAN: The fourth room.
SAM: Yes.
MAN: In four nights.
SAM: I am – I am really sorry.
MAN: What’s the problem now?
CLAIRE: There isn’t one.
MAN: Fantastic. The entertainment tonight will be local jazz, provided by Kevin Boots.
SAM: Oh, yeah, yeah. There – there’s just –
MAN: He’s on trumpet, with his wife, Mary-Anne, accompanying on the bells.
SAM: Right. We need – we need to change rooms, please.
MAN: Can I ask why?
SAM: Uh, yep, okay, um, the thing is – hah, is that it’s, um, it’s getting – closer.
CLAIRE: She’s – she’s being fussy. It’s – we’ve not had, um, any time off, in a while, so it’s, it’s just one of those…
MAN: If I remember, room number one was –
CLAIRE: Too close to the hedge.
SAM: Yeah, the plants, are quite – near.
MAN: Right. Room two, the taps weren’t parallel.
CLAIRE: Not quite! Not quite parallel.
SAM: (QUIETLY) Parallel, yeah.
MAN: Room three, there was a noise, it says here, like “a dog in illness”.
SAM: Illness, yeah.
CLAIRE: She’s a light sleeper.
MAN: And you don’t think you can stick out the sense of a dog in illness for one more night, seeing as you check out tomorrow.
SAM: Uh, I, uh, I… I can’t.
SAM: I’m not mad, Claire, you’re making me sound mad.
CLAIRE: No one’s mad. We’ve had a lovely day, all those hats, shapes –
SAM: I don’t care about the – hats, or the plants, or the taps, or the – the dog in illness…
MAN: To clarify, there is no “dog in illness” in this hotel.
SAM: I know that! I know, I’m not insane.
SAM: Just let me tell him, Claire! Alright, just… okay, so in the night, the problem is, is, it gets closer.
SAM: And it only backs off if –
CLAIRE: I’m, I’m so sorry.
SAM: (DETERMINED) If you’re looking at him from a different window!
MAN: Looking at who?
SAM: The scarecrow. It’s so dark, it’s just… it’s just, I mean it’s just straw, well, you know, like a heap –
MAN: Straw like a heap?
SAM: It resets as soon as we change rooms, it starts again, so it starts far back again, if it’s a different window.
MAN: What starts again?
CLAIRE: So, local jazz –
SAM: At midnight, it’s in the furthest field.
CLAIRE: And bells, I mean that’s a real lost art, isn’t it –
SAM: D’you see? D’you see, d’you see the tent?
CLAIRE: I can’t believe you managed to book Kevin Boots! I mean –
SAM: And at 2 AM, if you’re awake, if you check, it’s a field closer, it’s moved, to the wheat.
MAN: There’s nothing to fear from a scarecrow.
SAM: But – but, but, by 3 AM, you know, there’s nothing you can do, it, it doesn’t move when you’re looking at it, but it, but you have to keep – and your eyes, get so tired, and if you close them, it – you know, it’s moved, and then by the morning, I could feel it, it’s by the window, and it’s getting straw in all the glazing!
CLAIRE: Sam, there are hay bales.
SAM: It’s trying to get in!
MAN: This is working farmland, madam, the farmers are well within their rights to put up cloth-based deterrents or bundle up the hay in a tidy heap.
SAM: He doesn’t want to bundle up hay in a tidy heap, he wants to scare me!
MAN: Scarecrows aren’t for scaring people, madam.
SAM: I know.
MAN: They’re for scaring birds.
SAM: (SCARED) I know.
MAN: Are you a bird, madam?
SAM: I don’t – I don’t – 
SAM: I don’t know.
SAM: I don’t – I don’t know.
JOHN: (ECHOING) Jim, did a Birdman come to your school?
JOHN: (ECHOING) Jim, did a Birdman come to your school?
MAN: And now, it’s my pleasure to introduce local jazz, from Kevin Boots, accompanied as ever, by his wife Mary-Anne on the bells.
MAN: (DISTORTED) Are you a bird, madam?
WOMAN: Stop!
WOMAN: I hate Kevin Boots.
NARRATOR: You’ve done so well. That’s enough for now. You need to build up those muscles before we go again. The things that come back, it all means something. Underneath your dreams, swimming into focus, is the truth. Like a lovely bit of hair, at the bottom of the canal. And we’ll find it. Whatever it is that’s keeping you from sleeping. Whatever it was that you did.
VOICE OVER: On Session Three of The Sink.
NARRATOR: Let the dreams flood in.
WOMAN 1: Well, yes. That’s a problem, isn’t it.
NARRATOR: Have a little drown.
WOMAN 1: They don’t remember. You don’t remember.
NARRATOR: We’ll figure out what’s keeping you down.
WOMAN 2: Uh oh, where’s she gone?
NARRATOR: Down at the bottom of the tank.
WOMAN 1: Jingly jangly beads.
MAN 1: I’m wet, I’m angry!
MAN 2: You’re wet on the chair.
MAN 1: I’m soaking wet!
NARRATOR: I’ll count down.
MAN 3: There were children in there.
MAN 3: I thought.
MAN 3: Children…
MAN 3: In there.
VOICE OVER: The Sink is written by Natasha Hodgson, and produced by Andy Goddard. It stars Alice Lowe as the Narrator, with Jason Forbes, Celeste Dring, David Elms, and Natasha Hodgson. The music was written by David Cumming. The executive producer was Victoria Lloyd. It was a BBC Studios production for BBC Sounds.
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taperwolf · 9 months
My big oscilloscope is a Tektronix 2213, a 60MHz analog 'scope made in the early 1980s. It has worked fine for what it is in most respects, except for one glaring issue: the power switch, a push-on push-off button on the front panel, was stuck. Fortunately, it was stuck in the "On" position, or obviously it wouldn't work at all, but turning electronic equipment on and off by yanking the power cord isn't the best practice, so tonight I finally took it apart to see what I could do about it. The back cover is fastened on with two torx screws, and the metal casing around the chassis by one more, so once those were gone I could see what was going on.
And what's going on is basically plastic fatigue.
See, while the switch button is at the front of the device, next to all the controls, the switch turns on and off the power supply, situated all the way at the back. The length of the 'scope — about 15"/38cm — is dictated by the length of the cathode ray tube, so it's a fair distance from the panel to the actual power supply. But while you might expect this distance to be bridged by, say, wires or something, 1982 Tektronix had a different idea. The pushbutton is just the end of a long bar of plastic that runs all the way from the panel into the power supply — when you push the button in, you're operating the switch with a long stick. The service manual shows this below: I've highlighted the bar in red, and the switch in blue.
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The trouble is that the bends in the bar have given the whole thing a bit of a tendency to buckle slightly upwards at about the point where, in the diagram, it crosses the edge of the bottom chassis plate. So while pushing in on it will turn the switch on, pushing again tries to activate the spring on the switch, but there's just enough upward force to have the button catch on its hole in the panel.
It's right now at the point where I can coax the button to slide out if I nudge it right when turning it off; I'm not sure if my best course of action is to try to find a replacement — at an unknown price — or to try to reinforce the existing bar somehow. Hmm.
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audio-luddite · 7 months
Baby its cold inside!?
Cryogenic treatments. In my research into glass things I have seen several references to Cryogenic treatment of vacuum tubes. "Upscale Audio" touts that a lot. Another extra cost service. People will proudly review their new purchase and credit that three digit negative temperature exposure made all the difference.
OK is this snake oil or real? It seems a stretch. In metal processing cryogenic treatment is used to harden steel for example. It improves wear resistance in gears. It does affect crystal structures. BUT...
Another thing that effects metal crystal structure is heat. If you want to bend or shape steel it helps to anneal or soften it. That is using various levels of heat to loosen the metal up so it can be shaped. Once done further heat and quenching will harden it. And you know vacuum tubes get hot. Sometimes they get really hot. Incandescent glow hot. It seems to me that once you get a tube hot whatever possible effects extreme cold may have had get overwhelmed. Plates and thin sheets get annealed and softened. On off heat and cooling cycles cause thermal stress. Arguably that is one of the big factors in wear and tear on vacuum tubes.
Here is another opinion.
Note that the author worries about tubes being damaged by thermal differential shrinkage at the metal to glass joint. Vacuum tube with poor seals don't hold a vacuum.
At this point only a few vendors actually do the freezing thing. I guess having a cooler full of liquid nitrogen is inconvenient. It may also be dangerous as it can displace breathable air in a closed space.
The most likely source I would use when the time comes does not offer the service. So I don't have to worry. Maybe I should spend the savings on crystal pendants with moon energy.
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epdmhot-waterhose · 8 months
EPDM Hoses: The Heat-Resistant Tubing for Hot Water Applications
EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) hoses have become a popular choice for hot water applications in recent years. As a versatile synthetic rubber material, EPDM offers superior heat resistance, flexibility, and durability compared to traditional rubber hoses.
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In this article, we’ll explore the key benefits of using EPDM hot water hoses, their typical applications, what to look for when selecting one, and proper care and maintenance tips. Whether you need a hose for a dishwasher, washing machine, or just to conveniently transport hot water, read on to learn why EPDM is an ideal tubing material.
For More Information Please visit, epdm hot water hose
Key Benefits of EPDM Hot Water Hoses
Temperature resistance – EPDM rubber maintains its strength and flexibility in continuous temperatures up to 150°C and is safe for intermittent use up to 230°C. This makes it well-suited for hot water lines.
Chemical resistance – EPDM stands up well to water, detergents, oil, and other common chemicals. It won’t degrade or leach contaminants into the water flow.
Durability – Properly maintained EPDM hoses can last for many years. The material is ozone, weather, and abrasion resistant. It also has excellent tensile strength.
Flexibility – EPDM tubing remains pliable and kink-resistant even when subjected to repeated bending. This allows it to move freely without restricting water flow.
Cost-effective – EPDM is an affordable hose material that provides exceptional performance per dollar compared to other rubber, plastic, or metal options.
Typical Applications
Dishwasher supply lines – EPDM is perfect for the high heat sanitizing cycles dishwashers run. Flexible EPDM tubing won’t crack under the strain of repeated movements either.
Washing machine hoses – For hot water inlet lines that must withstand high pressures and temperatures over years of use.
Hot water transport – Durable EPDM hoses allow safe, convenient transport of hot water for cleaning, outside showers, etc.
Radiant heating systems – Flexible EPDM tubing can be bent around tight spaces to run in-floor home heating systems.
Solar water systems – High heat resistance makes EPDM ideal for solar water heating system transport lines.
Hose Selection Considerations
When selecting an EPDM hot water hose, key factors to consider include:
Temperature rating – Hoses rated for 190°F+ are best for typical residential hot water heating systems. Industrial applications may require 500°F+ rated EPDM.
Hose diameter – Standard sizes include 1⁄2”, 5⁄8”, and 3⁄4” for home use. Larger diameters provide increased water volume.
Pressure rating – Look for at least 100 PSI working pressure and a high burst pressure. industrial uses may require 500+ PSI rated hoses. 
End fittings – Brass and stainless steel fittings offer maximum durability and temperature resistance. Plastic fittings can degrade over time.
Approvals – Look for EPDM hoses certified lead-free and drinking water safe by NSF, WRAS, or other standards organizations.
Proper Care and Maintenance
With proper care, EPDM hot water hoses can last 5-10 years or longer:
Inspect regularly – Check for damage, leaks, kinks, or corrosion. Replace suspect hoses.
Avoid overheating – Don’t exceed the hose’s rated working temperature.
Protect from UV light – Sunlight can degrade EPDM over time. Use UV-resistant covers outdoors.
Clean as needed – Flush out mineral deposits with vinegar. Don’t use solvents on EPDM.
Avoid kinks – EPDM is flexible but kinking can restrict water flow. Install with gentle bends.
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Thanks to its durable, flexible, heat-resistant design, EPDM is the ideal tubing material for hot water applications ranging from dishwashers to radiant floor heating. Following the selection and care tips above will help ensure you choose the right EPDM hose and get the most service life out of it. Investing in a quality EPDM hot water hose will provide reliable performance for years to come.
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tubetrading · 9 months
The Role of MS Plate in Modern Structural Engineering
Utilising high-quality materials is essential for the safety and longevity of buildings, bridges, and infrastructure projects in the dynamic world of contemporary structural engineering.  Plates made of Mild Steel (MS) serve an important role in structural engineering.  MS plates for numerous construction applications are in high demand in Vadodara, Gujarat, and their significance cannot be overstated.  This blog will examine the role of MS plates in modern structural engineering, with a concentration on the availability of MS plates from suppliers and distributors in Vadodara, Gujarat.
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MS Plates' Evolving Form:
Structural engineering has made great strides with plates of mild steel.  Initially, iron plates were employed, but they lacked the required strength and durability.  As a result of metallurgical advancements, MS plates have become the material of choice for a variety of structural applications.  MS plates are fabricated from low carbon steel, making them ideal for welding, bending, and forming without sacrificing structural integrity.
In structural engineering, the function of MS plates:
MS plates offer remarkable strength and durability, making them an excellent option for supporting the load-bearing components of structures.  The durability of the structure is ensured by the ability of these plates to withstand large loads and adverse weather conditions.
MS plates are extremely versatile and can be used in a wide variety of structural applications, such as building foundations, bridges, and industrial structures.  They are an indispensable component of modern engineering due to their adaptability.
MS plates are renowned for their excellent weldability, enabling for the creation of strong joints and connections.  This characteristic is indispensable in structural engineering, where precise welding is frequently required.
MS Plates in Vadodara, Gujarat:
When sourcing high-quality MS plates in Vadodara, Gujarat, it's crucial to work with dependable suppliers and distributors who can provide the appropriate materials for your projects.  Tube Trading Co. is a reputable provider and distributor of MS plates in Vadodara, Gujarat, and their dedication to quality and customer satisfaction sets them apart.
MS Plates Supplier in Gujarat's Vadodara
In Vadodara, Gujarat, Tube Trading Co. takes pride in being a dependable supplier of MS plates.  To meet the diverse requirements of the construction industry, they provide a vast selection of MS plates.  Whether you need MS plates for a residential project or a large-scale industrial undertaking, they have the knowledge and inventory to meet your needs.
MS Plates Distributor Vadodara, Gujarat
As a dedicated distributor of MS plates in Vadodara, Gujarat, Tube Trading Company ensures that you have convenient access to high-quality MS plates whenever you require them.  Their efficient distribution network and on-time delivery services make them the preferred supplier for contractors and engineers in Vadodara and beyond.
Why Buy MS Plates from Tube Trading Co. in Vadodara, Gujarat?
Tube Trading Co. is dedicated to delivering MS plates of the highest quality, meeting or exceeding industry standards.  Their products undergo stringent quality inspections to ensure their dependability.
They offer competitive pricing, which makes the use of MS plates cost-effective for projects of any size.
Expert Guidance:  Their seasoned team can offer valuable guidance and recommendations to assist you in selecting the ideal MS plates for your specific project requirements.
Final Thought
MS plates are indispensable in contemporary structural engineering because of their strength, durability, versatility, and weldability.  If you are in Vadodara, Gujarat and in need of high-quality MS plates, Tube Trading Co. is your reliable source as an MS plates supplier and distributor.  Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that your structural engineering projects will have access to the finest materials on the market.  To ensure the success of your upcoming endeavour in Vadodara, Gujarat, select MS plates from Tube Trading Co.  It is impossible to overstate the significance of MS plates in contemporary structural engineering.  Their strength, sturdiness, weldability, and adaptability make them indispensable in the construction of safe, dependable, and lasting structures.  Tube Trading Co. is your trusted partner when it comes to procuring premium MS plates in Vadodara, Gujarat, ensuring structural consistency and adaptability in your projects.  Choose Tube Trading Co. as your MS plates supplier and distributor to enhance your construction projects and reinforce structural integrity in Vadodara and the surrounding areas.  MS plates from Tube Trading Co.  are the best option for your construction project's success.
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