#tua s4 negative
femboypussy420 · 1 month
i'm as mad as everyone else is that five's entire personality was erased because the showrunner wanted to make aidan gallagher kiss someone, but honestly i'm just as or almost MORE mad that lila's character was completely reduced to being a) a mother (who barely seems to care about her kids at all) and b) a reward for diego and five to fight over. she was such an interesting, fun character, and besides her scene in "book club" she was just. so uninteresting. very little impact to the plot. she had a random unexplained power instead of her own power, that was used for a single gag and then she couldn't figure out how to do for some reason but then as soon as we needed her to she could do it again and also had her other powers. she just did not feel like the same character or a fully realised person with depth, but that's true of pretty much all of them so i don't know why i'm so upset, the writers just clearly did not understand these characters or care at all about them
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it wasnt even character assassination it was a character massacre
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ohmerricat · 1 month
2024 kind of an awful year for people who enjoy time travel shows. two disappointing finales in a row what the fuck is this. We need something good stat
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autie-hobbit · 1 month
Something I haven't really seen anyone talk about yet is just how dull this season was.
This show's charm was how weird and silly, quirky and fun it was.
It had up-beat songs over brutal fight scenes, dance numbers, scenes that would be serious in other things were filled with jokes and sillyness.
Season 4 was exceedingly dull, boring, unfunny, and took itself far too seriously.
Where are the jokes? The fun? The funky songs? The joy? The sillyness?
And no, playing Baby Shark 5 times is not funny. When I saw David Castañeda mention Baby Shark in his "how would you describe season 4?" I kinda expected them to just, play Baby Shark over a fight scene, which honestly would have been funny, but instead they did- that.
The dullness of the season was immediately apparent to me from the jump, but I forgave it because it was the first episode, and I thought that it was probably just like that because they were setting up were everyone was. But then the rest of the season continued to be that way.
This season feels like it was written by writers that had not seen the previous seasons and were not familiar with the general tone of the show.
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bluesyjean · 24 days
Truly insane to think that two characters who were literally inseparable in s1-2 (Klaus and Ben) share zero one-on-one screen time in s4. Or even seem to care at all about each other before they go on horrible journeys that WoULd have benefitted from a wingman.
Yeah yeah yeah, it’s a different Ben, but by the end of s3 we had Klaus be the one to convince the siblings to give this new asshole-version a chance. They obviously still want to include him in the family. Why did we not have Klaus give a shit when Ben ran off on his own?? WHY was he never even able to find out how HIS Ben died when the rest of them did??? (He SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE for that jfc. Your cartoon mafia characters were not more interesting.)
The choices in s4 are baffling.
Klaus was the key to getting people on board with Sparrow!Ben. It was a horrific choice to remove him from that story so he could have his massively traumatic side quest that had nothing to do with the main plot and I’m mad about it.
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hazelwords · 1 month
Random initial thoughts re: season 4 of The Umbrella Academy (er, spoilers obviously!)
Like many fans, I full-body cringed at the love triangle, and I've been thinking how it's not only character assassination but also lazy writing.
Like, for the overarching plot, Five had to somehow get coffee with his other selves and learn about the broken timelines and source of the apocalypses. So there has to be a reason for Five to go off on his own away from his family to end up there. Narratively, this needed to happen towards the end.
So like any good writing, you have a scene in mind and need to create the motivation for the character to behave and speak in the way the story requires. This motivation comes from previous scenes, so writers need to work backwards.
Instead of building Five's motivation any other way or using the established inconsistencies of his time-jumping power to land him where the writers need him, they...make him mopey and lovesick over his sister-in-law with whom he previously had an antagonist relationship and now HAD a relationship???
It's lazy writing—it's a shortcut for characterization and narrative to occur while also ignoring everything else the character represented and stood for.
Help us, fix-it fic writers, you're our only hope.
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swampbrick · 1 month
I am pretty sure that Viktor was shot in the arm, and the next scene it's never brought up again??? Bro is just doing everything with bullets in his arm
My idea of a perfect world is one where they took a solid 30-60 seconds away from the Days of Our Lives infidelity side plot to address Viktor’s GSW; even if it was just to show him with bandages around them, to imply that they were treated offscreen.
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weirdwildwonderland · 4 months
None of this filler post bs anymore my favorite characters are back and here's what I have to say about it.
First of all, I kind of went on hiatus from this show back in January so it feels really weird seeing them on screen again especially since the last time I was so excited for it was literally January 2023 (a year and a half ago) when I binged the whole show.
"Hargreeves Home for Wayward Boys?" What????
Klaus breathing into a bag/hanging upside down/doing an actual seance. what is this man. bro seems kinda depressed
DIEGOLILA KID BDAY PARTY???? ***also I noticed the piñata AND all the women wearing saris, so that's really cool because the kid is growing up with both cultures
"Smile!!!!" "oh god"
wait does that mean ray is also back????
Viktor working at a bar????? And sounding more confident than he's ever been in his life?????
Luther????? and the spacesuit?????
Viktor talking to reginald?
What the fuck is that weird rainbow drone thing????
Reginald hold machine gun?
"This is a rescue mission >:("
why reginald put headphones on everyone :O
"We drive each other crazy. But when things go to hell, they're there for me." IM CRYINGGGG
Overall I'm so excited for this season. It seems like they're finally together as a family and actually want to be family again (not because of forced proximity or running out of time). Also lots of fun set locations, no covid restrictions, new characters. Holy shit I can't wait I am so excited.
Finally if you're a s4 hater I will be blocking you :)
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rayghosts · 1 month
no but the more i think about the five/lila thing, the less sense it makes, because even if you ignore the age gap and the character assassination and everything, why the fuck would they introduce it so late into the final season? normally when a love triangle is added to a story, it's to add enough drama to keep the show going for another 2 or 3 seasons. things would play out the way they did in season 4 and then season 5 would be about five and diego falling out, lila choosing between them, etc. but instead they introduce the love triangle the episode before the finale and then kill them all immediately after. then what was the point??? instead of spending the little time they had tying up all the unresolved conflict in the series before ending it, they chose to add even more conflict and then not resolve any of it before the show is done forever. why even
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femboypussy420 · 1 month
why did they think making klaus do noncon sex work was the move
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golden-redhead · 1 month
I agree so much about your post about Five's love story. I know everyone can have a different opinion, but it makes me still sad that some people justify the whole thing because they think both getting lost for many years and feeling lonely, that it made sense for them to get together. That Five craved love after everything he went through. That he changed and also grew apart from his family and already grew tired in s3 to save the world.
You know? Five could at least feel guilty. Realize it was wrong. But no, he even got mad and insulted Diego when he had no right to. Like, our Five seriously got pissed that his BROTHER got mad at him that he had an affair with his WIFE he had three kids with? The disrespect was insane and so out of character.
And for what? Getting his heart broken twice. Lila telling him it was survival, like she only used him. Then getting told it's over when he and Diego fight. Yeah, great love story you added there, Steve.
I feel like many people try to justify it as a perfectly normal response to years of isolation and being stranded together which technically is a valid point? But they also forget that this literally didn't have to happen. At all. It was a bizarre subplot that only leads to heartbreak and tension between the characters. And just as they say their final goodbye, too. It was written with no hope for future or resolution. I am still so shocked that they not only came up with this idea but also followed through with it and actually made it canon.
And I agree, Five's total lack of remorse is so wildly out of character, especially since even though he can be hot-headed, he's not emotionally stunted to the point of not understanding that Diego is perfectly in his right to be furious. Him fighting and threatening Diego after his betrayal doesn't make sense and just makes it impossible for the audience to sympathize with him.
I also hate the implication that because Five HAD TO have a love story, then Lila is... well, basically some sort of consolation prize?? Because she was the closest woman available to turn into a love interest? There's this one post pointing out that the badass assassin Lila was bored with her domestic life with Diego, so she became Five's cottagecore wife which is honestly the best possible way to put just how out of character it was for her as well. And Diego... I've seen someone half-joking that maybe the actor and showrunners had some kind of beef, because this season legit goes out of its way to humiliate Diego. Between the fatshaming, his fights with Lila and basically turning him into a comic relief character devoid of substance... Well, I can't help but wonder if there's something to this theory.
Also, shameless self-promotion, but I actually made a video ranting about what this season did to Five, so you can check it out here for more of my thoughts!
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Spoilers spoilers spoilers! Do not read if you haven’t finished the umbrella academy!
you know what really pissed me off about S4? Not that fucking ending which was fucking STUPID!!!!! (Yes, I’m pissed.) Or what about the fact that Luther (& the director!!) made a big fucking deal about how Sloane was missing and he was going to find her only for there to be no fucking follow through!! And don’t even get me STARTED on that whole strawberries affair all of a sudden like 2/3rds of the way in!!!
Allison made a big fucking stink about wanting her daughter AND 60’s husband, and he literally ran out on her????? Like high five Klaus for stepping up and being dad of the year, but my god! All of their lives were upheaved and ruined (granted, I know, they at least were ALIVE!
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but point remains…)
wtf was the point of S3’s ending and everything they were hinting at if S4’s ending is what we were going to get?
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autie-hobbit · 1 month
I hope to god that the cast hates this season as much as we do. They did their characters so dirty, I wouldn't be surprised.
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bluesyjean · 16 days
Do you ever sit around and think “well, if nothing else at least Leonard Peabody/Harold Jenkins is alive and well in the final timeline.”
Thank goodness they defeated the family who made everyone the worst versions of themselves.
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sunriseseance · 1 month
Also the show was shit to Diego in s4 and that sucks because he's not even my favorite but even I can see he is objectively the best character
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swampbrick · 1 month
i wish theyd expanded more on luthers newfound silly. i would have LOVED his silly this season so much if it was in a well written season and like i can enjoy clips of s4 him outside of the show but i really wanted them to get into it deeper. from the start of the season i was expecting them to eventually delve into the way he got to this point in the past 6 years (same w all the other characters, just like the timeskip in season 2), and was half expecting it to be some sort of coping thing where luther would be one of those relatable sad 2024 adults who suffer deeply from intense lifelong trauma and the shackles of capitalism and the cost of living and stuff and like sort of show him basically giving in one day and just coping with his deep sense of loss and everything through humour. but they never did☹️ did his character arc that showed that sort of stuff get deleted the same way a bunch of klaus's arc did?? it makes me mad because i love how silly he is and would have been so deeply obsessed w this season of luther if it was within a good season
I feel like there wasn’t enough time for any of the characters to really experience this in S4 and it’s one of my least favorite things 😭 the set up after the 6 year skip had this perfect layout of “wow all of these people are in vastly different scenarios than they were 6 years ago, how did we get here? Why are they doing this or living this way?” But it was all kept so surface level. There was so much focus into the life that Diego and Lila were living and how it affected them and how they felt about it, I feel like everybody else just kind of got the 2D treatment. But for almost everybody else it was basically “let’s just drop our lives from before we all came to this party and Viktor got kidnapped, and go on this Jennifer side journey!”
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