#writing fix-it fics means revisiting this travesty
bluesyjean · 24 days
Truly insane to think that two characters who were literally inseparable in s1-2 (Klaus and Ben) share zero one-on-one screen time in s4. Or even seem to care at all about each other before they go on horrible journeys that WoULd have benefitted from a wingman.
Yeah yeah yeah, it’s a different Ben, but by the end of s3 we had Klaus be the one to convince the siblings to give this new asshole-version a chance. They obviously still want to include him in the family. Why did we not have Klaus give a shit when Ben ran off on his own?? WHY was he never even able to find out how HIS Ben died when the rest of them did??? (He SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE for that jfc. Your cartoon mafia characters were not more interesting.)
The choices in s4 are baffling.
Klaus was the key to getting people on board with Sparrow!Ben. It was a horrific choice to remove him from that story so he could have his massively traumatic side quest that had nothing to do with the main plot and I’m mad about it.
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