#ttte trucks
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happyspookysteamer · 4 months ago
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Rab and Wilson! @indo-ken 's OCs!
Wow this gives me an excuse to talk about rollingstock in my au so this is great!
They are Trucks believe it or not, its not very obvious here at first sight (maybe it is idk). In the Dampfross Au the trucks themselves are more of a Nest that they build. They are able to create some of the most stable constructs from scrap wood that humans use these nests to transport goods (with permission). In turn the trucks get a mobile home of sorts. They are called Holzding which means wood thing.
More aboot Rab and Wilson.
Rab, the red Holzding, lives on Sodor. He is notebly smaller than counterparts which makes him the butt of many jokes, often resulting in him being easily prone to anger.
Wilson (blue one) is also a Holzding who (just like Rab) is smaller than his other counterparts. Unlike Rab however he isnt bothered by the jokes and just ignores it. He is also the only one capable of calming an enraged Rab, he has an overall calm and reasonable demeanor.
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anonymousboxcar · 10 months ago
Moving Forward AU: Romance?
(This was something I meant to have out by Valentine’s Day, but… yeah. No spoons. The silverware drawer was empty. Apologies for the lateness, folks!)
I’m pondering what romantic shenanigans Stanley might get up to in my AU. I imagine it would be years before he felt up to pursuing that kind of relationship. But once he’s had time to settle into his new normal, process his trauma, and make new friends, he might feel more comfortable with it.
One possibility I see is that he and Duncan decide to give it a try!
I like the idea of Duncan falling for this rough n’ ready, plainspoken engine who helps him not blow up over the little things in life. And for awhile, Stanley is too busy adjusting to his new life to see it. But he feels ever fonder of his grumpy friend who makes him laugh and doesn’t ask him to be patient all the time.
Once they sort themselves out, they’re not ones for extravagant gestures. They do what they did before, watching tapes of George Carlin and cracking jokes, with the new understanding between them. It’s very easygoing and comfortable for them both.
(There’s also an ongoing competition between them to call each other the most ridiculous, nauseating pet names possible.)
Another possibility: you know how there’s a notion in the RWS of engines being paired up with coaches, almost “courting” them? I like to think Stanley scoffs at this. It seems silly and quaint to him. But he’s also rejecting any closeness due to his old, ingrained fears surrounding derailments and getting somebody hurt.
And then, at the rail museum, he meets a truck.
The truck works with Stanley in his capacity as an exhibit on trench railways. They used to carry troops and supplies during WWI, though not on the same railway as Stanley’s old wartime circuit. At the museum, they haul passengers around the grounds.
They notice Stanley’s uneasiness over this business and try to reassure him: “So what if you slide off the track? I blew up once!”
“Well, it was a ways ahead of me in the train. Got a face full of shrapnel and a bent axle. But! Point is, I’ve had worse. I can take a bump or two.”
Full of irrepressible cheer and optimism, the truck helps assuage the worst of Stanley’s anxieties. In return, Stanley — grateful and a touch bemused — does his best to give smooth rides. This wins him the trust of the truck, who never experienced such gentleness in an unpatronizing package.
They start chatting on their runs and at the end of the day about museum gossip, guests, and their old lives. The truck shares their adventures with other trucks after the war. Stanley tells the truck about operation on a more typical railway like the SKR.
Hearing about Skarloey and Rheneas’ treatment of their coaches, the truck wonders what it’s like to be treated the way a civilian engine treats their coach. Stanley, thinking of his own struggles to fit into a “normal” railway on the MSR, offers to help. The truck accepts.
Stanley stumbles over calling the truck “dear,” as well as the other typical flowery compliments and language. He’s self-conscious and a little embarrassed by the time the day’s over.
But he’s also flustered by the warmth in the truck’s responses, their own compliments towards him. They’re not flowery, demure, nor outrageous, but honest and open.
The truck, seeing how red in the face he is, apologizes for making him uncomfortable. “You already made me feel respectable, proper-like, before I asked you to do this.”
Stanley admits he liked their compliments. “Just didn’t know what to with ‘em, I guess,” he says. “But… I really did like ‘em. Made me feel good.”
“Oh. Well, you can tell me that, if you like.” The truck looks Stanley in the eye. “You can tell me anything. I won’t laugh.”
“Not even if I ask you to keep doin’ what you did today?”
“Not even that. Though — if I’m honest? I’d like it if you kept up your end of things, too.”
So they keep at it. Their exchanges become more natural, more like second nature over time. They become mixed into casual conversation, become less about meeting expectations of engine-rolling stock relations and more about what they like in each other.
After a certain point, one curious child visitor asks for how long they’ve been married.
A pause follows. It’s long enough for Stanley to realize he isn’t surprised or confused by the child’s assumption. It’s long enough for him and the truck to make significant eye contact, to see his happiness and hope reflected back at him.
“A year,” they both say at the same time, smiling.
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fabianvalencia561 · 1 year ago
I wanna draw this lil goober as an oc
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it's too bloody cute :D
(just asking you for permission)
Oh of course! Anyone is allowed to make their own trucks from my ttte au ^^
Just tagged/ or show me when you are done because I would love to see it! ^^
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brendambois · 3 months ago
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togetherness23 · 11 days ago
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the lwr
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duskstargazer · 3 months ago
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The big green engine groaned, as the cranes carefully lifted him from the broken rails and debris of wagons. Something warm and tasting of copper dripped onto his upper lip.
“You’ll be alright, Henry.” Judy tried to sound confident and uplifting, but it was clear neither she nor Jerome had ever dealt with a wreck this bad.
“Oh, thank God you’re alive…”
That voice surprised Henry. The Fat Controller stood in the snow between the tracks, looking mournfully up at his big green engine.
“Th… the signal was down, sir…” Henry rasped, his voice dry and hoarse. It hurt to talk.
I don’t care what caused this disaster, Henry.” Sir Topham Hatt cut in. He had a hard look in his eyes. “I’m just glad to see you’re not…” He trailed off.
“…Beyond repair?”
The stout gentleman bit his lip. “About that. Our workshop here can give you the repairs you need, but it will be a long time. And that’s without all the renovation work that’s been going on there.”
“But,” he continued, “I’ve gotten in touch with a friend of mine from the old days. You probably don’t know him, but he and I were close in our Swindon years. He said that he could have you rebuilt to the design of one of his new mixed-traffic engines. You’d be a different engine, and wouldn’t need Welsh Coal anymore. But I’ll leave the choice to you.”
Henry was silent for a moment. He considered the controller’s words, as his wheels landed gently on the well wagon.
‘Won’t that be nice…?’
Henry grimaced, and tried to dispel the strange voice in his smokebox.
“Where would you be sending me? And how long would I be gone?”
“Crewe, and he said the work would take about four months.”
Henry bit his lip. It felt raw.
“I want to go to Crewe, please.”
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motharaya · 24 days ago
Cool Truckings animation
I feel like it could have been better, but oh well
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rez-n-rex37 · 2 months ago
Various Doodles :9
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I ran out of tags :[
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mean-scarlet-deceiver · 1 month ago
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It remains my life mission to inform people that Toby canonically got turned away from that seaside festival a) back in the 30s or whatever and b) because he was too dripped out.
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pxmun · 14 days ago
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Source and Hierarchy.
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monstersteam · 9 months ago
Greetings! How's your day going?
I hope everything is oki ^^
Idk if you already drew them in the past... buti was wondering how do rolling stock look like in this AU :0
Have a nice day! i admire u a lot! >w<💗
I’m good, thank you!
I have yet to give them bigger roles in “Legend of Sodor”, but I can sort of explain them in-depth for “Sodor Monsterverse”
These specimens are generally collectively referred to as “rolling livestock” and vary widely in behavior. Coaches are basically very peaceful, boxy cattle that graze in yards and tend to be herded by the dinosaurs — Annie and Clarabel as an example here
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The trucks are another story (I drew them some time ago in 2018 I think but I don’t have an updated version yet) in that if you were to accidentally release them from their crate (it’s a big one lol), you’ll witness like a hundred instances of this going around
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tencenttankengine · 7 months ago
Bringing your son to work be like:
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hazelcongestion · 4 months ago
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I watched misty island rescue with @m0th1c last night
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daisywithnomakeup · 3 months ago
M.King goes through the desert from a certain MAProject cuz it's gonna hit 41°C where I am (About 105°F) 😭😭 [Patiently waits for the Cowboy Mapleshade fans]
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Seriously though, good luck my fellow Victorians. Stay hydrated through this whacky weather 🫡
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masterjarthub · 7 months ago
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"Trucks are silly and noisy"
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duskstargazer · 3 months ago
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Edward groaned as warmth spread through his boiler. It was unnaturally early for him to be in steam - ever since the Flying Kipper had been taken over by more capable engines. However, he had been informed of an emergency up at Killdane. He wasn’t sure why, but an uneasy feeling had settled in his firebox when he’d first been briefed.
He was being fired up by night crew staff when a deafening whistle cut through the cold morning air.
James came barrelling through the station and into the yard. He wrenched on his brakes, sending a shower of sparks lighting up his frames and wheels like sparklers.
Edward blinked, trying to catch his mind up with reality.
“TheCranesEdwardWhereAreThey?!!” James panted, his voice cracking and desperate.
“Th… the cranes? Judy and Jerome?”
“YeaTheOnesThatRescuedMeWher-OhThereTheyAre-” James said, frantically, as he caught sight of the two. “Come on, Edward!!”
“James, what’s going on?” Edward asked, worry and adrenaline coursing through his tubes.
“A-accident at Killdane,” James stammered, his voice trembling and his words rapid and uneven. “Henry… train… crash…”
James’s words were hard enough to make out as he struggled to find his words between panic and trying to catch his breath, but he rambled the situation out as he raced through the yard making his way to the cranes.
He was coupled on, and tore out of the yards, back to the main line, and East to Killdane. Edward had been told to collect a well-wagon and a brake van and meet them there. As he collected them, he braced himself for just what he was going to see when he met James at the accident site.
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