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uly55es · 2 months ago
In the fanart you drew of intrulogical on a date, how would you describe Remus' reaction to seeing orange in Logan's eyes? 👀
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My heaviest Headcanon for the orange side is something to do with Impulse, and not anger and such. Remus, the embodiment of 'Dude jump out of this car rn loll' would really get along with him. (something like) Impulse has emotions that take over its being, quick to temper and probably says random out of pocket stuff. Remus and them would get ALONGGG. In my Silly little hc, Logan and the orange side were two people WHILE Remus and Roman were still one side, and merged together for some reason when Remus and Roman were split. The orange side only coming out as Logan begins to become more impulsive, I really want them to not be a split personality- but instead to sort of be like a steven universe fusion? where you can see the seperation of ideas (think of when Garnet was splitting during the sardonyx shit) It was also make somewhat sense with Remus repeatedly attempting to get Logan to be furious/Scream in the newer eps. Or im wrong who knows lol <3
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imkazz · 4 months ago
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a collection of screenshots ive sent in discord
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purple-does-the-art · 2 years ago
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New Logo 😈 
Tomfuckery is afoot
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donaldnobert · 2 years ago
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TUESDAY - World Cup: USA vs Iran THURSDAY- MONDAY - USYS National League P.R.O. Orlando - Boys - Germantown Legends teams: 08, 05 and 04 THURSDAY - Cunningham Community Center Mini-Pitch Grand Opening SUNDAY - Winter Futsal begins…. FUTSAL.GermantownLegends.com Online registration continues…. * Legends’ Winter Futsal…. FUTSAL.GermantownLegends.com * HappyFeet ‘Winter Tough’… MemphisHappyFeet.com * Spring REC Soccer… RECSoccer.GermantownLegends.com For the latest information and session updates, please check the online calendar at CALENDAR.GermantownLegends.com. Questions? Send an email to [email protected] ⚽️ #FutureLegendsSoccer #LadyLegendsSoccer #LegendsSoccer #GermantownSoccer #LegendsFAMILY #YouthSoccer #HealthyGermantown #GermantownTENN #GtownParksAndRec #SoccerFUN #SmallSidedGames #Soccer #TeamWORK #TSSA #TNSoccer #USYouthSoccer #USYS #Believe @GtownParksAndRec @GermantownChamber #SmallSidedGames (at Germantown, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CljiaCDAdJ1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brightclothesforwinter · 2 years ago
I mean if they didn't want a rail strike in December they maybe shouldn't have sent their people to the negotiating table in November without the power to negotiate on the main points?
I'm just saying that was such an obvious outcome that in normal times I'd assume they're either hoping for 'rail unions ruin xmas' headlines or for people who need the extra money at this time of year not to strike? But it is unfortunately entirely possible that our current government is actually that incompetent.
Besides we don't have an economy left to - ohhhh wait are they setting us up to take the blame for the mess they made?
Because like. Everyone knows they already fucked the economy like it was a dead pig, right? It ain't coming back from the dead until someone who understands macroeconomics takes charge.
"ooooh nooooo but a rail strike around the holidays could cripple the economy" damn sounds like their labor is really really important and you should give them what they fucking want
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insidecroydon · 1 year ago
Tories move to shut ticket offices at 1,000 railway stations
The Tory government, in the final throes of its catastrophic administration, has decided to end its days in a headlong battle with the rail unions, after imposing the closure of almost all of England’s station ticket offices. Staff cuts: even some of the busiest stations will have their ticket offices closed under the Tory government plans The move has been opposed by passenger and disability…
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askshtails · 1 year ago
Who said you can't keep him? It's possible, I'll allow it.
Just do not kill and do not put experiments on this star boy, please.
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emmarousil · 5 months ago
C'est les vacances !
L'année scolaire commençait à être vraiment trop longue. Avec le bac de français, j'ai été débordé ces derniers mois, alors que le tssa de touche-à-tout que je suis avait plein d'autres projets en tête. Je ne sais même pas si j'aurais le temps de tout faire, c'est peu probable car en route j'aurais surement trouvé de nouveaux projets qui s'accumuleront, mais c'est déjà bien d'avoir du temps.
Que penser de cette année scolaire ? Vsy pourquoi je me pose ce genre de questions...
Rien à dire de spécial. C'est passé vite, comme d'habitude j'ai tout trouvé facile, sauf quand un prof abuse COMME CE FOUTU PROF DE PHYSIQUE-CHIMIE
Ah bah si, y a des choses à dire.
Ahem. Mais c'est vrai, je n'ai rien compris à ses cours, car il enseigne mal. Tout le monde est d'accord sur ce point dans la classe, et moi j'ai bien vu ma moyenne chuter alors que le programme en enseignement scientifique est clairement plus léger et simple (car je suis en littéraire, même si je suis vraiment bon dans toutes les matières, c'est mon choix de me tirer une balle dans le pied). Je regarde une vidéo de 2 min sur un chapitre entier et je comprend mieux qu'en écoutant ses cours d'une heure... Et pour couronner le tout il nous sort des évals qui n'ont rien à voir avec le peu qu'on a appris !
Bref une arnaque, un prof n'a rien à faire dans un lycée quand Youtube est plus instructif.
Et le prof de français qui est pas mieux. Le gars il est sensé nous préparer au bac de français, eh bah je me suis dit qu'on était bien dans la merde. Le gars il n'explique rien explicitement, genre peut-être commencer par expliquer la méthode de l'analyse linéaire avant d'avoir fait la moitié des textes jsp ? Qu'on puisse savoir ce qu'il faut noter... Parce qu'il donne aucun cours, imprimé, normal vous me direz QUAND ON LE FAIT COPIER LE COURS. Oui il y a la prise de note, mais quand on sait même pas ce qu'on est en train de faire -il parle d'un texte du bac mais on sait pas exactement ce qu'on va y faire- bah tu notes pas ce qu'il faut. Résultat, pour tous les textes d'avant son "tient je devrais leur explique ce qu'est une analyse linéaire" bah mes notes sont nulles.
Puis le prof nous donne enfin les analyses linéaires imprimée des derniers textes. Au premier abord, c'est bien. Mais quand tu reconnais la fiche d'un élève random postée sur internet, tu te dis qu'il se fout de notre gueule quand même. Le gars est prof de français, il nous imprime des trucs qu'il a trouvé sur internet. Eh bah bravo, lui effectivement je sais pas ce qu'il fait pendant les vacances mais ça doit pas être du travail. Bref. Des fiches qui étaient pour la plupart vraiment pas ouf en plus.
Donc heureusement que je suis littéraire de choix et que j'ai fait mes propres analyses, parce que les autres je sais vraiment pas comment ils ont fait.
Alors à part ces deux phénomènes, tous les profs sont convenables. Mention spéciale à la prof de philo avec des discussions intéressantes. Je la cite, s'exclamant : "LES MANCHOTS VONT AUX PUTES !". Merci à une élève qui a trouvé intéressant de sortir cette information (il y a vraiment des études là-dessus, par contre regarde sur internet, c'est hors sujet) à l'occasion d'un débat "l'homme est-il un animal ?" BAH OUI ÉVIDEMMENT, c'est même le plus con de tous.
Mentions spéciale aussi à madame espagnol, très sympathique -trop gentille peut-être- qui m'a permis de collectionner les 20/20 dans cette matière. Vraiment, évaluations trop faciles, reportables... Bref pas compliqué d'avoir la note maximum.
Á propos des autres élèves de ma classe, ça n'a rien de méchant, rien de spécial.
Je suis quelqu'un de naturellement solitaire, j'évite volontairement les autres donc je ne connais pas très bien la classe. Cependant des téméraires ont décidé de me considérer comme leur ami malgré mon caractère fuyant et mon désintéressement total aux interactions sociales. C'est tout à leur honneur, et comme je ne suis pas méchant (aussi un peu parce que je cède aux menaces de ma sœur qui me voudrait plus sociable) je ne les repousse pas quand ils viennent me parler, je les écoute et leur répond toujours. Ça fait partit de mes valeurs.
La seule personne que j'ai spontanément envie d'aborder est mon amie de longue date, mais ça c'est parce qu'elle est aussi introvertie que moi, alors on parle pas énormément, j'essaie de la sociabiliser car contrairement à moi elle est timide, et on se comprend, on a aucune attente sociale.
Je parle ici des attentes de ces personnes qui veulent parler au moins une fois par jour à leur ami, et être assis à côté, sinon ce serait plus vraiment un ami. Je me rappelle ces filles de ma classe qui s'engueulent car une telle s'est pas assise à côté de l'autre, préfère machine à celle-ci... Moi à ces moments, je dis toujours "Voila pourquoi je ne fais pas d'alliances. C'est le début des disputes et de la jalousie."
Ces personnes qui me parlent, je vais les appeler "amis" car ils me considèrent probablement comme tel, moi je ne sais pas si je les voit comme des amis je m'en fiche un peu. Sauf mon amie de longue date, qui est mon amie je n'ai pas de doute là-dessus.
J'ai ainsi remarqué que ces personnes qui me parlent sont majoritairement des filles ! Pour être plus précis, je n'ai qu'un seul ami masculin. C'est beaucoup moins que quand j'étais en primaire et au collège, alors que j'étais une fille. Maintenant que je suis transmacsculin, je suis entouré de filles ! C'est hilarant. Écoute, moi ça me dérange pas du tout 😏
Donc ces amies, eh bien plutôt sympas et originales dans la majorité, tout ce que j'aime et c'est tant mieux. Il y en a que j'apprécie pas trop mais bon j'ai rien à leur reprocher de spécial, alors elles me parlent si elles ont envie hein.
Il y a une d'entre elles qui est lesbienne féministe radicale. Elle ne se définit pas comme tel, mais ce qu'elle dit correspond. C'est assez amusant, je trouve ça bizarrement sympa, quand elle me discrimine car je suis un garçon. C'est mieux ça que d'être considéré comme une fille ou discriminée en tant que fille. Quand ça arrive, bah je me sens vraiment garçon, et je me sens respecté (c'est contradictoire hein, je me fais discriminer, genre parce que je suis un garçon, cette chose négative). Je crois que c'est un peu en second degré qu'elle fait ça aussi, qu'elle le pense pas vraiment. C'est pour ça que je trouve que c'est sympathique et amusant. Et il n'y a rien de grave, donc ça renforce c'est impression. Je ne suis pas le genre de personne à me laisser faire, s'il y avait une raison je serais énervé.
Il y a une autre avec qui je m'entend super bien, on a plein de points communs. Cébi1.
Il y en a une qui me tape un peu sur les nerfs par son comportement, genre mettre 2 ans à te répondre, et aussi parce qu'elle est pas très fut fut je vais pas vous mentir. Mais bon elle a l'air de me considérer comme un ami, alors bon. Elle est pas méchante, elle le fait pas exprès. Mais moi je suis solitaire et j'ai pas de patiente, je préférerais clairement être seul.
Il y en a deux autres qui me parlent plus rarement. Au premier abord je n'ai pas vraiment d'affinité avec elles, et je n'ai pas apprécié l'un de leurs comportements dans les deux cas. Donc c'est pas des amies, des connaissances dans les deux sens je dirais.
Il y a une fille dans ma classe, j'ai l'impression qu'elle me déteste. Je l'ai remarqué par rapport à ses comportements vis à vis de moi, qui ont changé. Je la connaissais de la primaire, depuis c'est la première fois qu'on est dans la même classe. Je pensais qu'elle ferait parti de mes "amies", au début d'ailleurs ça allait dans ce sens mais son comportement a rapidement changé vers le négatif. Je ne comprend pas pourquoi, il ne s'est rien passé de spécial. Elle ne m'a rien dit à ce sujet, d'ailleurs elle me dit rien. J'ai tenté un interaction pour voir sa réaction, j'ai ramassé son écharpe qui était tombée, elle a juste dit merci et a continué sa route. Logik, mais c'était en mode ouais je suis sympa enfin montrer que j'ai pas de problème avec elle. Ça n'a rien changé. C'est un mystère, je comprend pas du tout. Je m'en fiche un peu. J'aime pas que les choses ne soient pas réglées mais bon, c'est elle qui a crée cette situation. J'ai laissé tomber. En plus elle s'est fait une couleur avec des reflets roux, c'est trop beau, elle est trop MIAM COMME ÇAEUH non j'ai rien dit c'était chelou.
Parfois je me dis que c'est fou que moi qui ne veut pas d'amis, ou pas trop, aie plein d'amis alors que des personnes timides qui en veulent sont seuls. C'est injuste, ça me fait un peu chier pour eux, mais je peux rien y faire.
Voila, une belle année à être emmerdé par deux profs et à emmerder mes "amies" à mon tour (oui car j'aime beaucoup embêter les filles héhé). C'est fou que ces filles continuent à me parler, enfin elles font ce qu'elles veulent.
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imkazz · 3 months ago
the sun shines again
That face… where had she seen that face? The demon stood across from the slayer. The busy city life had a lull, a gap in the cars zooming past along with the cheers of a festival and for once, it felt like Kamado Nezuko wasn't being dragged through decades. It felt like all air from that narrow alleyway had been sucked away, time coming to a standstill as Nezuko could recognize the shade of those charcoal eyes anywhere, that burgundy hair and a black sword held steadily. It wasn't Tanjiro, though. "Wait," She breathed. Nezuko lowered her sword. "Please." . Nezuko's body rejected the antidote to try and prevent Tanjiro from killing anyone. That promise remained decades after everyone else there had died and been reborn.
What's your fanfic titled? What does this reference?
the sun shines again: it is a partly reincarnation fic, with yoriichi as one of the characters. he is similar to the sun, his motifs are about the sun, and since this is his second appearance to japan, though it is split by like 5000 years, the sun is shining again.
Let's talk about genre and tropes. What are you drawing from?
lots and lots of modern demon slayer aus, where the characters are still slaying demons but its in the current era. to tie it back to the taisho era, it is a demon king tanjiro au. also a bit of a swap!kamados because nezuko is a slayer and tanjiro is a demon. some characters backstories are motifs to current problems in japan.
Any pairings or ships -aside from the obvious -your readers should look forward to? This can be romantic, or platonic, even.
oh definitely all the ones between the kamaboko squad (minus tanjiro and replaced by yoriichi now). each arc is focused on two of the six, and i want to focus on their backstories and how they interact with each other and the hashira, along with the situation theyre put in. also zenitsu and inosuke brothers. other than that, obamitsu is being set up and genmui has happened in the first arc.
What other works, be it literature or shows, inspire the vibes of your fic?
i think @demonslayedher impatience and hunger definitely inspired the beginnings of this au, then theres also the lots of drawings of the characters in modern clothes but with swords. also @2demon2slayer modern au and here again au were the rest of the inspiration for the modern part.
If your fanfic was an anime, what would you use as the opening theme? What about your end theme?
some of the arcs are inspired by stuff from the manga, so most likely taking songs from there. a chapter title is shirogane too, but along with that the opening and closing shots would be like the anime ones, with the shots and fight scenes. it really depends on which 'arc' is being talked about.
Any other notes on the soundtrack?
i tried to make it as similar to the manga while also putting a bit of my own twist to it, so all the funny little noises during silly scenes and the creepy lady singing when demons show up. cool themes for characters, esp That One for demon slayers. yk what sound i mean right-
What are some departures your fanfic is making from the canon?
moving a lot away from zenitsu related stuff. he was underdeveloped and i feel like a lot of stuff about him changes with his new backstory and new century. its the same thing with a lot of characters backstories (kamaboko and hashira), they just change a bit from their new modern times. other than that, i'm trying to remain close as possible to the vibes of canon but theres also stuff i have to add in for more interesting storylines and content.
Let's say your readers are on a scavenger hunt. What should they be paying extra attention to?
theres some foreshadowing, from some character's very first lines. it can definitely tell you a lot about some characters (wink kamaboko squad wink) along with how they react to demons. lots of arcs are also setting up for whats about to happen in upcoming chapters ;)
Are we talking one-shot, short series or slow burn? Care to explain your process?
full on canon rewrite... i have a plan, i have arcs down and estimated chapter amounts and short summaries of what i want to happen in chapters, and have estimated 80 chapters and around 240k words and 9 arcs.. characters have backstories and im just counting down to when they get revealed. its literally modern demon slayers but with dkt and hopefully they can get rid of demons in reiwa era japan.
come read!!! on the fourth arc currently
I'm bored and in the mood for procrastinating. Let's see if I can create a semi-decent tag post.
Tag people you want to respond to this, mmkay?
The Demon Slayer Fanfic Tag
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1. Pick one of your fanfics.
2. Answer the questions honestly so we get your vibes.
Here be some Qs:
🖊What's your fanfic titled? What does this reference?
📖Let's talk about genre and tropes. What are you drawing from?
🛳Any pairings or ships -aside from the obvious -your readers should look forward to? This can be romantic, or platonic, even.
💡What other works, be it literature or shows, inspire the ~vibes~ of your fic?
🎵If your fanfic was an anime, what would you use as the opening theme? What about your end theme?
🎼Any other notes on the soundtrack?
🛫What are some departures your fanfic is making from the canon?
🔍Let's say your readers are on a scavenger hunt. What should they be paying extra attention to?
📏Are we talking one-shot, short series or slow burn? Care to explain your process?
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uly55es · 22 hours ago
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Little Redraw! A lot of improvement for 2 months!!
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Heres a little side by side! My style is a lot simplier but i think my shape language! i love these two :3
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imkazz · 4 months ago
another arc!! yippee!! now we're going to the third arc of tssa very very soon (read it if you havent-- its a dkt au placed in modern day and ive put my heart and soul into this) so a little choice is needed so that i can set up for it
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maoistyuri · 5 months ago
yes filling your jerry can in your pickup bed is a static-electric fire hazard. no i dont care if you think it's stupid. yes diesel is still flammable no matter how much less flammable it is than gas. complain to the tssa if you have that much of an issue. or you can just self-immolate away from the station
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imkazz · 4 months ago
would you consider.... modern demons with a blood demon art thats so niche that nobody in the taisho era would understand
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from my fic
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donaldnobert · 2 years ago
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Congrats to the Germantown Lady Legends 2013 White on their 3-1 MSSF League win! The Lady Legends 13 White are headed to The 901 Cup this weekend at Mike Rose Soccer Complex. ⚽️🤍💪 #LadyLegendsSoccer #LegendsSoccer #GermantownSoccer #LegendsFAMILY #YouthSoccer #HealthyGermantown #GermantownTENN #GtownParksAndRec #SoccerFUN #Soccer #TeamWORK #TSSA #TNSoccer #USYouthSoccer #USYS #Believe @GtownParksAndRec @GermantownChamber @USSoccer @USYouthSoccer @HealthyGermantown @TNStateSoccer @GermantownTENN #MSSF #MRSC #MikeRoseSoccerComplex (at Mike Rose Soccer Complex) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqbnqSmAdVw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ethereal-carnival · 10 months ago
Wahoo!!! here's an intro post!
Hi!! we're Carnie/Carnival! Our pronouns are he/it/star collectively! We're plural, neurodivergent and disabled. If you want specifically what's wrong with us uhhhhh. yeah :3
We're currently in a ton of fandoms right now, including but not limited to: Hoyoverse media (HSR and Genshin), Enstars, Starbound, Splatoon, D&D and ISAT, just to name a few! We also cosplay, and mainly make props. We're learning how to sew still but progress is being made!
Enstars; We are a dedicated CosProP and StarProP, as well as an AkatsukiP and the world's most normal OddballsP :) we have a bee bias and we're very fond of Reimei Trio (and especially Kaname)
Splatoon; we cast for LUTI, IDTGA (OTD), TSSA, and more!
We don't bite!! We'd love to be mutuals to talk or be so normal about everything we like (lie)
here's our carrd!
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olko71 · 2 years ago
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2022/12/strikes-ministers-refusing-to-negotiate-on-pay-says-union-body
Strikes: Ministers refusing to negotiate on pay, says union body
Getty Images
By Faarea Masud
Business reporter
The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has accused the government of refusing to negotiate on public sector pay.
Its new general secretary, Paul Nowak, suggested in a BBC interview that ministers were using pay review bodies “as a human shield” in negotiations.
There has been widespread strike action in recent months as prices have soared.
But the government has said if public sector wages rose in line with the cost of living, it would lead to “worsening debt”, leaving “everyone poorer”.
Speaking to the BBC’s Today programme, Mr Nowak argued that independent pay review bodies were going into negotiations with their “hands tied” by the government.
“The pay review body process itself is in danger of being brought into disrepute because the government is hiding behind the pay review bodies, refusing to negotiate on pay and refusing to reach a reasonable settlement with our public sector unions,” he said.
A government spokesperson said: “We have been reasonable in our approach to agreeing to the independent pay review bodies’ recommendations for public sector pay rises.”
The strikes taking place in December and January
Why are prices rising so much?
Nurses across England, Wales and Northern Ireland held the largest strike in the history of the NHS during December and more action is planned for January.
Meanwhile, train and postal services have been disrupted as rail workers and Royal Mail staff walked out in rows over pay and conditions.
The rate of price rises – or inflation – reached 10.7% in November, the highest in 40 years, stoked by soaring energy bills.
Workers are seeking wage rises in line or above inflation as a result.
On his first day in the job, Mr Nowak also said he was hopeful there was a “landing zone” between the offers on the table from government and the demands of unions on pay.
“What’s crucially important is that government actually sits down and negotiates,” he added.
Mr Nowak has replaced Frances O’Grady as head of the TUC, which represents unions in England and Wales.
PA Media
In an earlier interview with the BBC, he warned that further strike action may be scheduled in the new year without progress on talks.
He said workers “feel that they have no alternative [to strike action]” because of the rising costs they are facing.
“When you think about those energy bills landing, the cost of the weekly shop, filling up your car, rents and mortgages going up – the one thing that isn’t going up is wages.”
Mr Nowak added that the decision to strike was a “really difficult” one for its members, who often lose out on pay during walk outs.
Rail strikes will continue on 29 December as TSSA union members at West Midlands Trains and Great Western Railway walk out in a row over pay as well as terms and conditions.
Border Force staff, including many who check passports, are staging further strikes which will last until 31 December, although disruption at six airports affected has been reported as “minimal”.
Driving examiners who are PCS members are also on strike until 31 December in a row over pay, pensions and redundancy terms, and action will continue throughout January.
The head of the PCS union representing staff has warned that industrial action could last well into 2023.
Rail travel in the first week of January, when many people return to work after Christmas, is expected to be disrupted because of strike action.
Members of the RMT union will walk out on 3 January and 4 January. They will strike again on 6 January and 7 January.
Network Rail, which operates and maintains the UK rail system, has warned people to “only travel if absolutely necessary” on those days.
In addition, members of Aslef will walk out on 5 January. Train operator Southeastern has warned there will be no services on that date and severe disruption on the days before and after due to the strikes and has warned customers to check their website before travelling.
The Rail Delivery Group, which represents train operators, said the RMT strikes will mean only around 20% of services will operate and “half of the network will shut down”.
How will strikes affect you? Are you planning to strike? You can share your experience by emailing [email protected].
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