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novvaable · 8 months ago
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edited the front garden and changed up the plants 🪴!
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elitisim · 2 months ago
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS, DAY 9: 9 LADIES DANCING! ₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
Day 9's gift of [ELITISIM'S 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS ADVENT EXTRAVAGANZA!] is an act of charity. I'm making a much-needed contribution to the most underrepresented group in the entire sims custom content community: the poor, neglected, young adult females 😔. As always, the numbers are suggestions, not rules, so today you're getting WAYY more than 9 items for ladies because I have a shit ton of stuff just kicking around on my computer, collecting dust. Like, I think I converted one of these skirts during lockdown, it's that old.
None of this is my original work! All mesh and texture credit goes to the original creators: @astya96cc, @backtrackcc, @darte77, @dorificsims, @gorillax3-cc, @jius-sims, @korkassims, @mysteriousoo, and @newen092!
17 items for YA-A Females ONLY!
Everything has custom thumbnails, Lods and Morphs
Static preview pictures, and download links for everything is under the cut.
I'm doing shorter item descriptions than usual under the cut for the sake of brevity and my own sanity.
everything has all LODS and morphs
enabled for maternity, disabled for random.
WARNING: The Polycount for some of this stuff is HIGH. Please reference the list under the cut before downloading!
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@astya96cc: Chloe Jacket// 5.9k Poly //4 Channels //[Download Here] @astya96cc: Chloe Off Shoulder Top//5.5k Poly // 4 Channels // [Download] @backtrack-cc: Becky Tied Crop // 6.2k Poly //4 Channels //[Download Here]
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@backtrack-cc: Lynn Sweat Pants// 8.3k Poly //4 Channels //[Download Here] @backtrack-cc: Twill Skirt // 7.2k polys// 4 channels// [Download Here] @darte77: Double Long Breast Long Coat/ 11.3k Poly //4 Channels// [Download]
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@dorificsims: Oversized Denim Pants // 6.2k Poly //4 Channels //[Download] @gorillax3-cc: Belted Basic Skirt // 5.2k polys// 4 channels// [Download Here] @gorillax3-cc Belted Wrap Dress/ 10.8k Poly //4 Channels// [Download Here]
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@gorillax3-cc: Preppy Cardigan // 7.8k polys// 4 channels// [Download Here] @gorillax3-cc Cardigan w/ Turtleneck//10.8k Poly //4 Channels// [Download] @gorillax3-cc: Belted Sweater Dress// 9.3k polys// 4 channels// 2 textures// [Download]
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@jius-sims: Sneaker Boots// 7.1k polys// 4 channels// [Download Here] @jius-sims: Platform Mid Calf Boots// 8.8k polys// 4 channels// [Download] @korkassims: Witch Top// 5.3k poly//4 channels// [Download]
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@Mysteriousoo: Bustier with lace//4.8k poly// 4 channels// [Download] @newen092: Short Coat 02// 9.8k pol// 4 channels// [Download]
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johziii · 3 months ago
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residential | 30 x 30 | 3 bed 2 baths
pls read below:
i use reshade & a lighting mod so it will look different in your game
store items (blamseastore - need store fixes), cc may be included
click the pictures for hd quality (more pics below the cut)
put .package in your library and packages folder!
credits to all the amazing cc creators used <3
i don’t mind not being credited, but pls don’t claim it’s yours
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sfs (.package)
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patrycarro · 1 month ago
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TS3 - Cornerstone Pub (No CC)
At Cornerstone Pub, we celebrate the timeless charm of the classics—what some might call vintage. Live music takes the spotlight, with local bands bringing every evening to life. Whether you're here for a quiet drink or to soak in nostalgic melodies that transport you to another era, this is the place to be.
Lot type: Community, local watering hole
Lot size: 30x20
Location: Moonlight Falls
Furnished lot value: 153.767 §
Unfurnished lot value: 40.562 §
Packs used in this build: EP01, EP03, EP04, EP06, EP07
Terms and conditions:
DO NOT claim my creations as your own.
If you want to use any of my builds in your custom world or save file, you are allowed to do so, BUT make sure to credit me as the original creator.
DO NOT re-upload my content under any circumstances; share it with your friends using my own links.
If you experience any issues, let me know and I’ll try to fix it as soon as possible.
Download it here.
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En Cornerstone Pub honramos lo clásico, eso que las nuevas generaciones llaman vintage. Aquí la música en vivo es protagonista, con bandas locales que transforman cada velada en una experiencia única. Si quieres disfrutar de una copa en un entorno tranquilo y dejarte llevar por nostálgicas melodías que evocan viejos tiempos, este es tu lugar.
Tipo de solar: Comunitario, tasca local
Tamaño del solar: 30x20
Ubicación: Moonlight Falls
Valor del solar amueblado: 153.767 §
Valor del solar sin amueblar: 40.562 §
Packs utilizados en esta construcción: EP01, EP03, EP04, EP06, EP07
Términos y condiciones:
NO proclames mis creaciones como tuyas.
Si quieres usar alguna de mis construcciones en tu mundo personalizado o save file, tienes permitido hacerlo, PERO deja claro que yo soy su creadora original.
NO resubas mi contenido bajo ninguna excepción; compártelo con tus conocidos usando mis propios enlaces.
Si experimentas algún problema, házmelo saber e intentaré solucionarlo lo antes posible.
Descárgalo aquí.
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emmadesignstuff · 5 months ago
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Hello! I want to share with you a shopping center I built with love ❤️ I wanted to create a community lot where I can increase skills but also eat and have fun. I hope you like it! Feel free to give me some feedback once tested in game :)
If you have any issue let me know
cc included
there is a gym, a clothing shop, a café, a work office, a painting workshop and a cinema
you need Ambitions, University and Into the Future
-> I recommend to install both package and library file to have cc included and the lot
.package (sfs, mf) place it in your mods folder AND ALSO in your library file its recommended to find it in the game)
list of furniture (sfs, mf)
.sims3pack (sfs, mf) (cc not included)
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mystery-pixels · 6 months ago
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last block party of the summer
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omedapixel · 2 months ago
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working on the community pool for tørsvall 🤗
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hakkyouchannel · 2 months ago
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Daisen (10 x 10 Residential Lot for The Sims 3)
As promised, here is the house featured in my first YouTube video! This 10 x 10 home features a small kitchen area, a living room, two bedrooms, and one bathroom. Hope you enjoy it!
Required EPs:
Late Night, Ambitions, World Adventures, Generations
CC included in package format.
✨ Download (SFS)
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lazysunjade · 23 days ago
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W E D D I N ' T I M E |
presenting mr. and mrs. hayseed!
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aelisinsims · 7 months ago
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these two houses shared a lot before, but i built copies on two separate lots yesterday (with some minor changes) so here they are for anyone who's interested in downloading them. the book café is almost entirely without cc, the pub includes some cc decor.
the book café (unfurnished) download - simfileshare the local pub download - simfileshare
only .sims3pack files (for now)
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novvaable · 8 months ago
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ive missed building silly little houses sm 🫶🏼🥹
slowly working my way through some abandoned wips from my library!
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hiddencowplant · 1 month ago
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Art Garden & Library
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patrycarro · 1 month ago
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TS3 - LS3SR09 (No CC)
When I took on this challenge from @joshttew, the first thing that came to mind was a towering building with glass everywhere. But the game’s height limit made it incredibly challenging. So much so that I gave up—at least for a while—because nothing I tried fully solved the problem or matched the vision I had in my head.
This week, though, I decided to give it another go, and… LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY! Isn’t it absolutely stunning?! I’m beyond proud of how this build turned out. 😭
For those curious about the technical details, here’s how I made it work: the building actually has only 5 floors (not counting the garage), but thanks to this amazing tutorial, I was able to make it look much taller. Since windows can’t be placed on walls altered this way, I picked a wallpaper that mimics the appearance of windows. In other words, the whole thing is just an illusion!
This game can be incredibly frustrating at times, but with a little creativity and a lot of patience, you can achieve some truly amazing results.
I hope you like it!
Lot type: Residential
Lot size: 40x40
Location: Bridgeport
Furnished lot value: 138.252 §
Unfurnished lot value: 9.865 §
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 3
Packs used in this build: EP01, EP02, EP03, EP06, EP07, EP08, EP09, EP10, EP11
Terms and conditions:
DO NOT claim my creations as your own.
If you want to use any of my builds in your custom world or save file, you are allowed to do so, BUT make sure to credit me as the original creator.
DO NOT re-upload my content under any circumstances; share it with your friends using my own links.
If you experience any issues, let me know and I’ll try to fix it as soon as possible.
Download it here. 🤍
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Cuando acepté este reto de @joshttew, lo primero que me vino a la mente fue esto: un edificio súper alto con cristal por todas partes. Pero el límite de altura del juego me lo puso increíblemente difícil. Tanto, que terminé rindiéndome… al menos por un tiempo, porque nada de lo que probaba solucionaba el problema por completo o encajaba con la visión que tenía en mi cabeza.
Sin embargo, esta semana decidí intentarlo de nuevo y… ¡MIRAD ESTA MARAVILLA! ¿No es absolutamente increíble? Ay, estoy muy orgullosa de esta construcción. 😭
Para aquellos que tengan curiosidad por los detalles técnicos, os cuento cómo lo hice: el edificio en realidad solo tiene 5 pisos (sin contar el garaje), pero gracias a este maravilloso tutorial, conseguí que pareciera mucho más alto. Como no se pueden colocar ventanas en las paredes que se alteran de esta manera, usé un papel de pared que las imita bastante bien. En resumen: ¡todo es una ilusión!
Este juego puede llegar a ser jodidamente frustrante a veces, pero con un poco de creatividad y mucha paciencia, se pueden lograr cosas realmente impresionantes.
¡Espero que os guste!
Tipo de solar: Residencial
Tamaño del solar: 40x40
Ubicación: Bridgeport
Valor del solar amueblado: 138.252 §
Valor del solar sin amueblar: 9.865 §
Habitaciones: 2
Baños: 3
Packs utilizados en esta construcción: EP01, EP02, EP03, EP06, EP07, EP08, EP09, EP10, EP11
Términos y condiciones:
NO proclames mis creaciones como tuyas.
Si quieres usar alguna de mis construcciones en tu mundo personalizado o save file, tienes permitido hacerlo, PERO deja claro que yo soy su creadora original.
NO resubas mi contenido bajo ninguna excepción; compártelo con tus conocidos usando mis propios enlaces.
Si experimentas algún problema, házmelo saber e intentaré solucionarlo lo antes posible.
Descárgalo aquí. 🤍
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nonrevsims · 1 month ago
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The Appaloosa Plains Church 🐾🌾⛪
More photos below the cut
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smallsimmer · 5 months ago
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Smallsimmer Facemask 3 & 4
2 Face masks - recolorable
2k Textures
Found in the blush category
One for females one for males
For Sims 3 !!!
Download: Dropbox (alt)
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omedapixel · 23 days ago
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So I recently started watching Rykter (trying to get better at norwegian!) and thought maybe tørsvall's teens and young adults could use a party boat shed ✨ it's inspired by the one in the show, i'll probably add some more clutter before i can call this one finished though
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