#trying to make sense of it bc im just... im stumped... but also i just also just dont want to? ? bc its fucked up? ayyyyyyyyyy
toytulini · 5 months
if you draw enough monster ocs, when you go back to drawing a human character, it feels like "sameface syndrome" everytime, by virtue of their face being. human.
#toy txt post#or maybe i am just sameface syndrome#but also different face syndrome#two characters will have the same face but then the next time i draw those characters its a different face than they had last time!#i know part of it is being out of practice but also there is definitely an element of feeling constrained by human facial structure lmao#the monsters have Their Own Problems but like. no one has a face like bokrae no matter how inconsistent i am about drawing her#her features are iconic enough to her that you can tell everytime#birdie???? i faceclaimed eartha kitt for her and im still struggling cos i feel weird about faceclaiming as a concept#but even then 😭 one time i was trying to give headloose a face and someone was like wow he looks like birdie!#me 😭😭😭😭😭 what!!!!!! hes not supposed to!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i need to practice. features#you know the worst part about coming up w a bunch of fuckin Scenarios in my brain for ocs is that i have even fucking Drawn them yet#to give them like. iconic staple features and figure out what their faces look like. which feels like it would really help to have that#knowledge and muscle memory before i jump into trying to draw intense scenes with difficult poses!!#not to mention. listen. i can do the monster faces. somewhat. the bodies??????????? well for one. theyre too big everytime#im convinced i could be trying to draw bokrae on like a full ass wall size paper like a mural thing and run out of room. it just keeps#happening. i have no sense of scale for them either. by which i mean i struggle w scale already and also cant decide what i want it to be#and ive tried to handwave it away by being like ohhh uh. birdie casts spells on them to change their sizes for convenience but also#no. perhaps that explanation works for other ppl. @ myself tho its not good enough i Know Better!!!!!!#agh!!!!!!! i really need to figure out bokrae's Teeth also. like i dont. i coukd get away with it. but i should. and i want to.#anyway all this to say that i need to give these characters faces and body designs (actually the body designs for humanoid ocs is the easy#part. the faces are whats stumping me? well. i need more practice w all the body types again but like i Know what im Going For at least.#for the most part anyway. havent fully figured out heights. struggling w characters that i want to make short but give imposing tall energy#on occasion? birdie can be short all day long no problem. I want Alasdair to be short enough that he has a bunch of short boyfriends that#feel tall around him? bytte was going to be like 6ft max but then i thought about making her taller and like. what if i made her taller#headloose is not that /short/ but he is Not Tall and prolly pretty lean? twink build for sure#and of course all these short /tall distinctions come with a bias of relativity to my own height which i categorize as medium height#but short ppl call me tall and insist its not average and tall ppl call me short. (5'6) and then i have to factor in how the gender changes#the dynamic of a height like my height is Short For A Man but medium to tall for a Woman. which id argue is medium height bc mens heights#are socially held to high standards (hehe) and also i know ethnicity/race is also a factor? but im out of tags. rip. bye
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
damn harry posting the deer as an evil plan to manifest for louis to fall is just another proof of his data-mining plan to take everything for louis 😔
you figured it out anon
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mudpuddless · 1 month
I saw a couple tags with king Halt AU and I am interested now 👀 (if you need someone to blab to about this)
okay. listen. i was rereading the early years and halt rescues duncan but refuses to call him highness and duncan gets mad, the canon dialogue is pretty much just,
halt: you-
halt : i preffer to be called halt, actually
(this is the base idea: this scene is doubly funny if halt were also crown prince)
so picture halt swimming back to shore after ferris tries to kill him and deciding actually he doesn't want this idiot in charge of his country.
halt has had about four years of ranger training on top of royal battleschool at this point and ships ferris of to the countryside, names Caitlyn as his successor to the throne and convinces his father that he should aide araluen (read: the rangers who kept pritchard informed) for diplomacy reasons.
his father thinks this will be a good lesson in war craft for the crown prince and sends him on his way.
halt and Crowley meet in the inn just like in canon while pritchard, who travelled with halt to araluen, makes his way to berrigan who was his main contact and then the plot kicks off (canon slightly to the left) halt is still halt but with the full authority of the clonmel crown behind him. he just doesn't tell people. surely this won't result in any silly situations.
big change might be that daniel, who still dies, asks halt to look for his wife, who is heavily pregnant and halt goes to find her, but presented with a baby who has no living relatives he knows of he just takes baby will and disappears him to Hibernia? Caitlyn loves her nephew. halt insist that will is not his son. will is absolutely his son and no one will be convinced otherwise.
halts father/ the king of clonmel declares Will fourth in line to the throne bc what else are you supposed to do when your heir goes to fight a war for eighteen months and returns with a baby. the king isn't an idiot, halt.
i want at least one scene where an invitation is extended to the Hibernian kings for princess Cassandras first birthday and Caitlyn shows up to represent clonmel and bonds with crowley bc they have a similar sense of humour (compatible with halt). crowley refers to halt only by "Arratay" and Caitlyn only by "my brother". they think the two should meet though crowley thinks halt doesn't know how to behave in the presence of royalty.
this would be even funnier if it was cralt/craltine (geometrically accurate love triangle my beloved) bc crowley is fawning over halt and Caitlyn unknowingly sets them up by encouraging crowley to tell his friend how he feels.
at least one scene would be halt and crowley visiting Crowleys family which is big and loud. halt is immediately a favourite of Crowleys kid sister who thinks he is the funniest person who ever lived. halt is stumped by this
the rangers are also 100% the queerest group of people in the entire country. berrigan and Leander are established and not subtle about it. at least one person is only referred to by ranger, never by any pronouns. this is never remarked upon.
the problem im still trying to figure out is how I can merge canon post TEY. halt returns to clonmel bc he has to check on his family and also bc, yk, the infant he now cares for and virtually disappears from araluen. crowley and pauline are upset bc they dont know what happened. this would be even funnier if this was craltine and they just had a highly emotional moment and then the final battle happens and suddenly halt is gone and no one knows where.
if this was really cracky they would tag along as security/diplomacy detail for duncan when he is invited to halts coronation but then again, we're not catholic so I might as well. could be fun
feel free to add anything you might find funny/devastating etc.
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willowser · 10 months
lol original anon here😭I wasn’t at all referring to the sir or ma’am or even politeness thing. I guess a better way to put it would be like… I was wondering if there was some reason you don’t usually write Bakugo as the fun parent. Cuz he gets home to u decorating cookies so ig im wondering about what fun stuff do you think he initiates with the kids? When hes not working ofc.
Anyway sorry to cause this whole mess, I hope u don’t feel like I was trying to … undermine your choices
OHHHHHH like fun stuff !!! okay !!! hmm hmm !! well tbh i think the unfortunate reality of him having kiddos would be that he's still working a lot, regardless 🥺 it's such a difficult topic i think i just avoid it LOL but anyway !! i usually write us as doing the things with the little bugs bc i just imagine that we're at home a little bit more than he is, or at least have a more flexible schedule that allows to us go out and do things, or pick up gingerbread houses from the store or board games or whatever !!
as far as what he does with them.....hmm.....ykw i think this stumps me a little too bc. i guess i'm just wondering aloud here what—his view of fun would be for a kiddo ?? bc what i feel like we predominantly see of his childhood, he wasn't with his parents, he was leading his lil bully group LMAO hmm. and idk !! was katsuki getting taken to the zoo and the waterpark ?? or was he training his quirk ?? like what WAS fun for him, at that age ?? at what point in his life would he define what is traditionally "fun" for children ??
i think, when he has time, he's just very hands-on with ??? like he's pushing the couch a little out of the way in the living room and the kiddos are tag-team wrestling him on the floor LOL or—
pause. another thought. i also think it would be hard to do anything public with his family bc i think he's very private with them !! so days out are maybe very minimal ! bc he doesn't want to draw attention !!
—anyway, i can imagine him taking the family on a lake getaway trip somewhere, and they're swimming together and he's teaching his littlest bug how to move around with their life vest and hoisting the older one up in the air and throwing them as far as he can in the water LOL do you know what i mean !!! i think his love language is just—being there. that's fun for him. just getting to be involved in any way. i don't imagine him as the one bringing the gingerbread house home bc i think he's working a lot, but when he does get home, he's tossing the kids around for a minute before letting his daughter sit in his lap so she can finish working on hers. do you know what i mean !!! does that make sense !!!
also you didn't even cause a mess whatsoever !!! i think a different anon started the conversation anyway and it was a fun convo to have !!! omg no worries !!
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sinkableruby · 1 year
if you were going to see each Monogatari character paired with another character in a story which dynamics do you think would be most compelling?
trying to catch up on asks
idk if this is for just any character or other monogatari characters but i will think on both. im also assuming this is like for dynamics we havent really seen yet as opposed to just what my favorite dynamics are
im gonna say full anime spoilers for monogatari, and spoilers for other series too occasionally? nothing TOO huge but yea
koyomi: he talks to everyone so idk how i would do this. but for outside monogatari... i want him to talk to a boy he doesnt talk to boys enough. i think he should talk to jotaro from jjba part 3 purely because i think he'd be really intimidated and it'd be funny. either that or dirk strider because (homestuck spoilers) i think they could bond over creating splinter versions of themselves and almost killing said selves as well as their mutual self hatred
senjougahara: senjougahara has the tendency to dominate the dynamic of whoever she's with and doesnt take shit from anybody so i kinda wanna see her talk to gaen izuko. bc gaen is also someone who dominates the dynamic of whoever she's with (makes sense) but i feel like senjougahara would be extremely unwilling to put up with her and very distrustful. so thered be a lot of push back on gaens scheming that i think could be interesting. as for outside monogatari, i drew a blank on this so id say maybe sakurajima mai because... not only is that series just monogatari but for a wider audience, but mai is also senjougahara but a little bit to the left. i think since they both had mysterious supernatural starts to their relationships with their respective boyfriends they would start competing over whose start was like cooler or w/e for like basically no reason. i think it'd be funny. it'd probably start a little contentious and then just become them gushing about their boyfriends. how sweet
kanbaru: i think if she talked to sodachi she could be a very positive influence in sodachi's social life that she really needs. and i think she'd also do well in cutting down sodachi's pathological self deprecation if they got close. sodachi would try to like look cool in front of her junior and kanbaru would just be like woah youre taking breaks from college thats not good are you ok... and try to offer her help in staying motivated and healthy and all that. kanbaru's inner doctor can really shine lol. outside of mono first person that comes to mind is homura from madoka and they can talk about what absolute disaster gays they are (although homura is significantly more disaster). second person that comes to mind is serinuma kae from kiss him not me because i think they could have a blast going insane about bl together
hanekawa: id like to see her talk to gaen tooe (if it were possible) because tooes ideology challenges hanekawas and i think it could further hanekawas thinking if they managed to talk. its tough for hanekawa cause shes got her whole journey shes on so shes probably super focused on that and less on bonding w ppl or w/e. i think outside of the series itd be fun if she talked to oribe yasuna just bc yasuna is so bouncy energetic and childishly playful but also so annoying that hanekawa would be a little stumped and caught off balance. she'd end up having to go along with yasunas games and be kind of annoyed about it lol.
nadeko: kinda like koyomi nadeko has talked with too many people for me to feel like i can name a new person for a dynamic. outside of the series tho... shes very reserved so she'd have to talk to someone outgoing for anything interesting to happen... she should talk to baka from the wasteful days of high school girls. baka is so rude and would probably tease nadeko for her shyness but is also so genuinely dumb that nadeko wouldnt be offended by it for very long. baka would rope her along into her usual dumb shit which means nadeko would feel put upon but also get to have fun new experiences so cool.
hachikuji: im drawing a blank. maybe numachi, just because numachi is so negative and dark and hachikuji is so encouraging and positive. i dont think theres anyone hachikuji would like get along badly with but i think hachikuji and numachi might have some disagreements that would be an interesting dynamic. hachikuji should talk to phos from hnk because they could have a fun snappy dynamic with each other and their mutual silliness. and also because phos really needs someone like hachikuji in their life 😭. other than that maybe clara valac? theyre both chaotic i think they'd have fun together :)
tsukihi: should talk to kaiki because kaiki would be totally defeated by her. tsukihi brings misfortune to everyone and he knows this so he'd be really annoyed by having to talk to her. the worst part is she would probably critique his lifestyle and philosophy and not even be wrong about it and hed have no choice but to deal with it. in exchange for not bringing it up he would have to pay her off with snacks and cute clothes. shed prolly also be genuinely pissed at him for messing with karen so he'd have to lose a Lot of money and she'd make him lose a lot on purpose, not as much because she wants the stuff but more because she knows he wants the money. she should talk to suzumiya haruhi theyre both forces of nature theyd have a wonderful time unknowingly making the lives of everyone around them 1000x more annoying. they'd like feed off each other it'd be great. they've got like equally low attention spans so theyd go pursuing a new really ambitious project like every week and have a fun time with it. theyre mutually very bored i think they'd get along.
karen: karen should talk to kagenui and do a training montage with her. they'd do a training montage that's what they'd do. karen would adopt kagenui as her mentor after like 3 seconds. im not sure who to have her talk to from outside mono. maybe someone she can mentor instead of her being the mentee. actually i think itd be hilarious if she tried to mentor bocchi. like specifically in like martial arts and physical fitness. and bocchi would be like yes i can get stronger and then all the girls will love me so shes up for it but karen would be just so bad at teaching that it wouldnt amount to anything. but she wouldnt know how bad she is at it and would just keep trying to push through... bless her heart
yotsugi: should talk to senjougahara bc they are both monotone and acerbic it'd be a monotone-and-acerbic-off. who will win. (senjougahara would bring up yotsugi's old catchphrase and win bc yotsugi would die of cringe). i'd like her to talk to iruma because iruma is so sweet and yotsugi would probably be a little rude but also a little nice to him. and then she would make him do stuff for her every now and then bc he cant say no lol. she'd probably use him to pamper herself tbh
sodachi: itd be interesting if she ever talked to shinobu bc she'd be like wow you attached yourself eternally to THAT guy? lame and then she'd like openly mock her. shinobu would probably haughty about it like who cares about the words of a mere human (she does). i think itd be cute if she talked to anya for similar reasons that i think kanbaru should talk to her, only amplified bc anya can literally mind read all her self deprecation and try to cheer her up without letting her know she can read her mind in the way anya tends to. itd be very cute. sodachi would have a lot of fun spoiling her and being like a cool big sister figure. very sweet 😌
shinobu: shes not really interested in talking to people outside of koyomi so im not sure for this one. oops
ougi: i want ougi to talk to meme. the uncle dynamic would be amazing. all the better since ougi seems to dislike being compared to him. theyre both slippery vague people who tend to talk in confusing ways and i think they would have philosophical discussions that would go NOWHERE because neither of them gets to the point. i think ougi would try to critique his ideology and meme would just rebuff the criticism. and then he could bust out the uncley affection (but only in a slightly ironic/indirect way bc hes a tsundere) and itd be very cute (although i think ougi would absolutely hate it lmao). as for outside of the series i have many thoughts about these. like how i think araragi should talk to dirk i think ougi should talk to hal. they would understand each other and also them being together for any period of time upwards of 1 minute would make everyone in the vicinity have an instant migraine. and they could definitely talk philosophy together too! i also think ougi could talk to oreki houtarou from hyouka bc hes got that whole detective mystery solving thing going on and ougi would absolutely love to ask him to solve some mystery and be his watson. and of course theyd also try to lead him around into some dark path which he'd be wary of but might still fall for despite what happened with irisu. another fool for ougi to mess with. but that might be a dynamic too similar to araragis so i also also think ougi could talk to chitanda. ougi could probably pull out some kinda repression from chitanda but chitanda is just so genuine that she would handle it very well and it wouldnt turn into any kind of disaster as ougi would hope it to. really i think they could just bond over their love of mysteries. ougi needs a fellow mystery lover to talk to. (although oreki might also be a fan of mysteries too, partly in novels and stuff and partly irl, i think chitandas bright and loud enthusiasm about it could let her and ougi geek out together and itd be fun 😄)
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erwinsvow · 7 months
desi girlie here omg 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ please drop the playlist i need,, also how do you think rafe would react to watching like kkhh or any of the classic bollywood movies would he even sit through the 3 hours i'm so curious on what you think😭😭
also the books i got where better than the movies (idk if you've heard of it but my friend says it's like a romcom in a book and i LOVEEE romcoms), normal people bc i watched the series and i loved so i'm gonna read the book. LMK IF YOU HAVE BOOK RECS i'm on break rn so i'm trying to read as much as i can. also do you have any show recs bc i just finished bridgerton and now i'm stumped on what to watch
-💐 anon
omg stop what are the odds!!! hi baeee <333 i should make a whole playlist but some of my faves are isq risk, tere naina, tuje kitna chahne lage (this is SOOOOO pogue reader and rafe...) tum se hi!!! jab se tere naina!! im rambling i gotta stop<3
also yesss stopppp would take forever to convince him sometimes he's got no attention span but will give in eventually & gets really invested... hahah im crying i love u
also omg yesss such good books!!! i have SOOOOO many recs what do you like to read?? i read a little bit of everything so lmk! for romance tho i've been eating up these cheesy ana huang books recently! but for real real yearning romance sense and sensibility <3 happy place by emily henry is on my list too! love her. OMF bridgerton is my fave show in the world srsly. havent met a desi girl who didnt eat it up. the bridgerton books (there's eight.. i read them in two weeks) are amazing! give it a try!! <3 love you!!
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sho-minamimoto · 1 year
Bunch of scattered/unorganized Yellowjackets thoughts (spoilers)
- could not choose between shauna and misty as my faves throughout season 1 but Lottie and Nat really got me in season 2 as well… there’s so many good characters auugghg
- i have NO clue what the heck’s going on with taissa and where her characters going im absolutely stumped. The heck’s up with that man with no eyes I wanna know!!! It feels like they’re building up to something really slowly and taking their time with it
- finding out the woman who directed Jennifer’s Body is an executive producer on the show was really funny that makes so much sense.
- is van going to miraculously survive her cancer bc of how Lottie said the wilderness is pleased with their sacrifice (of nat) and implied how it’s going to reward them?? Since they had a close up of vans reaction to Lottie saying that I feel like that might be a thing that could happen but not sure what else
- Travis is fucking insufferable in season one (thankfully eased up in ssn 2) but I still couldn’t fully hate him bc of his siblingisms with Javi I’m so simple when it comes to siblings LOL… his reaction to seeing Javi’s frozen corpse absolutely wrecked me. And him taking a bite out of his raw heart my god I was FLOORED
- I get why people dislike Misty’s thing with Walter but I can’t bring myself to hate it I want misty to have nice things and a happy freak4freak relationship truly is what she deserves. The perfect ending though would be if both of them find out they’re gay and become wlw/mlm Reddit true crime solidarity. But I can also see them getting split pretty quickly bc of misty dealing with accidentally killing nat
- I absolutely adore the misdirection with some plot threads for example the whole mystery with Travis in season 1 felt like it was building up to a reveal of sorts like who really killed him and why?? What did they want?? Only to find out super early on in season 2 that his death was an accident (but in essence Kind of a suicide) and when Lottie recounts it nat calls bullshit and I called bullshit too bc I thought there was more going on but the more the 96 plotline plays out the clearer it becomes that that really was what happened… like we don’t know the full story of what happened in the wilderness but you can broadly fill in gaps. But it’s still a different thing entirely seeing what actually happened and it recontextualizing everything in the adult timeline you’ve seen prior… there’s no conspiracy Travis wasn’t murdered and all these characters are just haunted to such an extent that becomes clearer and clearer as the show continues
- Did Not care for Kevyn Tan idc that he used to be a goth kid in love with nat he revoked that card when he became a cop and didn’t do anything to stop jay/whatever the fuck that guys name was from preying on Callie… I laughed so hard when he suddenly died completely unceremoniously not gonna lie. I loved it. Wish they killed off that other cop too though
- love coach Scott’s fuck em kids move at the end I was not seeing that coming at all but I was delighted. Gay trying to do the mass burying
- I hope Mari isn’t pit girl simply because she’s so funny she’s such a fucking hater I love her
- am really curious how the rest of the show’s going to pan out over its projected 5 seasons I think the story is a slow burn overall but with a 5 season plan that feels really purposeful… like so far only 2 people have been Eated, one simply by circumstance and the other left to die in a passive way and we’ve yet to reach a point where they actively murder someone With Intent to kill and eat and the escalation to it has been very gradual
- I saw a lot of people complain about season 2s pacing but I felt like it was. Fine? I only started watching the show a few days after the season finale ended so I didn’t wait a week between episodes so it might be one of those things where the pacing issues are lessened when watched back to back but idk
- Doesn’t taissa have senator duties to attend to or something girl has so much to answer to when she gets home from the Lottie cult misadventures
- Also her assistants car is still just kind of out there ?? Left on the side of a ditch?? Girl
- I read in an interview that originally Nat’s dream realm scene in the plane while she’s dying was going to have javi and young nat laughing mockingly to adult nat while she breaks down crying THATS FUCKING INSANE????? GOOD LORD. it didn’t make the cut and part of me wishes it did but also I’m kind of glad it didn’t bc that would’ve been. A Lot. But holy fuck
- I know the likelihood of coach Scott getting hunted and eaten is extremely high but I hope he can last another season at least. He’ll probably be hiding for dear life from the girls who Definitely want him dead now for that stunt he pulled (if they figure out it was his doing to begin with)
- I want to give Lottie a hug
- Jeff is so fucking funny I love a good wife guy. He’s so ride or die for shauna it rules. I want to see more interactions of him and Callie also I found the scene where he tells her abt the wilderness baby heartbreaking but also really sweet…
- It’s wild how much time left there still is before they get rescued how in the hell are these girls going to stay warm for the rest of the winter?? Though now that I think about it since nat knows about it there might be a more active effort to find Javi’s shelter. Or maybe find others similar to it? The impression I got from the pit girl scene was that they split up into smaller groups in different directions (bc of the different symbols hung on different trees) but I may be wrong on that one
- When spring/summer rolls back around and game starts showing up again are they going to be like “ok cool we can go back to being normal humans let’s just never talk about our winter activities again ok.”
- More Caligula next season please
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catcze · 3 years
catte, do you use thoma as a shielder? cos i’ve been playing him and his shield isn’t really that…strong? or do you have any tips to make him stronger haha i’m stumped honestly
Over the past few days, I've mainly been testing damage-dealing roles on him (currently im using him as a main phys dps bc pretty animations go brrr) tho I've tried out his shield a little bit!!
im putting this under the cut bc I usually end up rambling when it comes to character builds and team comps akjsndas I'm sorry in advanced if it's a bit too much info HAHA feel free to follow up if you have questions or smthn akjsdnas <333
ok so yeah, I'm ngl the shield from his E alone is, like, alright right? like it does its job in keeping you shielded and stuff. All things considered, in terms of base damage absorption, his shield is I think stronger or just as strong as Diona's, though it's a bit shorter in duration (in comparison to her max-length shield.) Obvi if you're comparing his shield to Zhongli's shield–– well, basically no other shield in the game is as strong as Zhongli's E HAHAHA
However, an important thing to remember is that Thoma's shield works a little differently from Diona's and Zhongli's in the sense that both his E and his Q grant him a blazing barrier (his shield) and that his main potential as a shielder comes out when you learn how to time his rotations just right to keep uptime on that shield. Because his blazing barriers refresh their duration and their remaining damage absorption get stacked when he gains a new shield (whether it be through his burst or his skill) it's important to remember the timing of these when you play him as a shielder. Not to mention this shield refresh also increases your shield strength with his passive. So his shield is one that benefits mainly from being up constantly, since that increases its damage absorption. (side note tho but do remember that his Q shield's solo dmg absorption is lower than his E soo––)
So for a shield-centric thoma you're going to want to start off with his E to gain the shield, then refresh and reinforce it with his Q, and then use his E again to refresh the shield again when it's off cooldown, then rinse and repeat the cycle. It's... a bit of a tight rotation, given his long cooldowns and the eight second durations for his shields, but from what I've been trying out that's, like, one of the more effective ways to play him as a shielder. (made a little easier by his cons but, like, assuming I'm talking abt a c0, it's doable but it's a tight rotation imo.)
Ok, so since his burst is a really big part of his kit, and it's energy cost is fucking insane at 80, and as a shielder, you're not going to be putting him on-field for very long (and his e doesn't give him a lot of energy and also has a fucking insane ass cooldown) in order to keep his Q usable as soon as its off it's cooldown, you're going to need energy recharge on this lad. And I mean motherfucking energy recharge. As an on-field DPS, i mainly play him with upwards of 180 ER, which is okay because he's catching the particles himself, but when you play him off-field he's gonna need more. Like, 200 and up more, depending on your own playstyle, if he's C4 or not (bc of the 15 energy refund) the weapon you use on him and his team comp. Ive tried him on a full HP build w/ black tassel right and although it strengthens his shield pretty well, if you're using him primarily as a shielder the lack of ER is going to fuck you up and leave your team unshielded for several seconds. So you also want to build ER on him as much as you do with HP, in order to make the most out of that 'shield refresh' mechanic he's got going on. Also, like, 4pcs tenacity isn't super viable on him due to his E skill cooldown. As far as i'm aware, 4pcs Noblesse is his best in slot at the moment if you don't already have someone who uses it on your team. But in a pinch, Tenacity + Emblem is pretty solid too I think (in theory–– I don't have any good tenacity pieces to try out HAHA) since it helps with the ER and with the damage absorption.
That's abt all I know for a shield-focused Thoma tho–– do keep in mind I haven't been playing him much as a shield bot bc from the start i've always intended to make him a dps unit, so I'm not sure how accurate my own observations are, so take this with a grain of salt !! I recommend looking through other resources too, such as yt. Sorry if it's a little long or if i didn't explain correctly akjsdsa Hope it helps out somehow though! <333
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your-turn-to-role · 3 years
Hello there! i saw someone else doing this and i thought it was a fun and cool idea so: Headcanon Saturday (or sunday if its sunday for you): share a favorite headcanon (or lots of headcanons), big or small, if you feel like it! Your blog is very cool and I love seeing your thoughts whenever they pop up on my dash! keep doing what you do :D
it is in fact sunday for me! (or, it was when you sent this, it's wednesday now bc i had an assignment i had to do and uh, nz just went back into major lockdown so that’s fun)
but thank you so much!
and honestly this question had me stumped for a bit, because, in theory i have some, right? but, one, i'm less of a theory fan and more of a collector fan, i can put together minuscule details from all over the show to get a big picture of a character, but i rarely have headcanons that aren't based in some show evidence or other
and when i do have some, they either end up in a meta post im writing, or in a specific tag (like my cr nd headcanons i'll link a bit further down), or in a fic that i will write half of and never post bc i am chronically terrible at finishing things 😂
that said! i have scoured through fic ideas and discord server messages, so here have a few
fave headcanon that's not mine
disabled essek. like, thank you fandom for this one, it's incredibly dear to my heart, i consider it canon, nothing can convince me otherwise, it is going in all my fics, just.... comfort character
sometimes a character can be a neutral evil criminal and a disability icon okay
fave identity headcanon
see this tag for my various "why cr characters are neurodivergent" essays, also, fjord and jester are arospec thank you good day
a couple ones just based on dnd mechanics that i enjoy
- gilmore is a couple levels self taught in wizard
(he at the very least would have magic initiate if you were to build him like a pc bc he has identify, which is not a sorcerer spell, but... something about how he loves magic and was very determined to stand out but also something happened to him with the whole runechild thing that makes him scared to admit he is one so obviously he wouldn't flaunt that power, also the way he's kinda self deprecating whenever he has to admit he doesn't know wizard stuff, yeah, he definitely tried to teach himself magic the non sorcerer way)
- percy has a pristine organisation system for every room he owns and if you mess it up he can no longer find anything
this one is based off of two things. 1) percy is canonically a very neat and tidy person. after the feast with the briarwoods he goes home, wrecks his room trying to vent his feelings, and then barricades himself in his workshop. when vox machina find his room the next morning matt notes that percy's room is never messy like this. also, just in how he talks to grog when grog's snooping in his workshop, percy definitely knows the precise location of every tool in there. also he's just a precise person in general.
2) taliesin's weakness in rolling good for percy is investigation checks. he fails them almost every time. he has a decent int mod, but the dice just decided no investigation checks for you! (also, i haven't gone back to confirm this, so i may be wrong, but i'm pretty sure one of the few good investigation checks he makes is in whitestone castle). strict organisation system. he is absolutely useless without it 😂
aaaand, fave angsty headcanon (bc it's me, there was gonna be one)
the blumendrei didn't leave their hometown for days after they killed their parents. like. okay i've had a fic i've been lowkey writing for ages about these guys (yes i have like 40 cr fics in some form of wip status, no none are finished, this is how i exist), in the aftermath of that, bc i love them and i have a lot of thoughts about it
(also, not that i can prove it bc the fic was never posted but i kinda predicted the, cold stone tower overnight thing, which had me feeling A Way when that became canon!)
but anyway what this is based on is like... there's an idea in the fandom that trent directly ordered them to kill their parents but he really didn't. like obviously he put every step in place, but when caleb's telling that story, trent barely even comes up. he talks about how he found out his parents were traitors and how he "knew what he had to do"
so honestly, given everything we know about how trent engineers situations, it makes the most sense to me that the blumendrei, didn't want trent to know about this at all
like they believed the lie that their parents genuinely were traitors, so if you find out that horrifying secret, in the environment they'd been in for the past two years? that's shameful, horrifically so. why would they tell trent about that if they could avoid it? why risk getting branded the same, you've been told up to this point you're special, and you'd kill to keep that title. why on earth would you admit that your bloodline is tainted like that?
no, they would have tried to cover it up, as long as they could. which, is exactly what trent would want bc that again puts them on the back foot, but like... yeah, i fully believe they waited it out for a couple of days before going to trent until they were sure they couldn't wait any longer for bren to get better without drawing even more suspicion. and, since their cover story is they were supposed to be visiting their parents anyway, maybe they didn't go all that far
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julethiefs · 3 years
carmen sandiego as the jatp soundtrack
actually yes i am going to combine my two favorite tv shows and you can’t stop me <33
now or never
“clocks move forward // but we don't get older, no”
“keep dreaming like we’re living forever // but live it like it’s now or never”
“and even if we hit the ground, we’ll keep flying”
this song just ??? *screams* carmen right after she escaped vile... her being so excited to explore the world and not caring about falling down and her enthusiasm to stop vile without really knowing what they’re like yet... yeah 
wake up
“get out, get out, relight that spark”
“its not what you lost, its what you’ll gain”
“better wake those demons, look them in the eye”
this song has such jules vibes (jules is definitely julie in this hypothetical au... even besides the names its just so perfect), and besides the fact that julia’s mom is also dead (see necklace theory) jules finding this song and singing it would be so amazing i cannot handle this 
this band is back
“we gotta get ready, cause its been years” 
“can you hear me” “LOUD AND CLEAR”
team red singing this band is back is something that can actually be so personal... 
“life is a risk, but i will take it”
“we will fight to shine together, bright forever”
“together, i think that we can make it” 
do i. do i really have to say how much julethief this is. the way they shine and work well together, the way everything they do is the epitome of a risk but they do it anyways, the way together they can stop vile. yeah i’ll stop now 
flying solo
“my life, my life, would be real low, zero, flying solo”
“if somebody hurts you, im going to get hurt too”
yes i know this song is julie singing to flynn. in this au its jules singing to carmen (or vice versa idk) the amount of brainrot this au can hold... nobody mention stockholm but yeah it definitely fits and just. scream.
i got the music
“weight off my shoulders, dancing instead”
“can't stop the music // back inside my soul” 
i don’t even have coherent reasoning for this one i just think we should get to see jules sing this song and have player rap flynn’s parts. as a treat <3
the other side of hollywood
“we could go make history or you could rest in peace”
“everything has got a price but happiness is free”
“the rain don’t blind the rising souls // they got too much to see”
we all agree that hgc is basically vile but more dramatic and less green, right? also ive been trying to think of which of the faculty would be caleb in this au... i’m guessing countess cleo is the only one who could really pull it off well? but yeah... tr getting stuck at the hgc would be so so good and painrot
finally free
“hearts on fire // we’re no liars // so we say what we wanna say”
“i wanna fly // come alive // watch me fly”
“i got a spark in me” 
“been so long, and now we’re finally free” 
“now till eternity”
this is the ultimate julethief song actually i will not shut up about it (hence the excess of quotes). just !! the way its abt them not hiding anymore, “now till eternity” with “transcends space and time” ... yeah sounds like canon to me 😋  there’s so so so much quality content in this song i love it so much and just. this with julethief ???? my heart can’t handle this kind of excitement
perfect harmony
“bittersweet love story about a girl”
“two worlds collide when i’m with you” 
“we come to life when we’re in perfect harmony”
yes i know this was cs as jatp songs apparently somewhere along the line it dissolved into julethief but honestly are any of us surprised ??? its just so so perfect the way the lyrics describe them is just LGSHDAFLS “two worlds collide” (acme vs jules’s personal wants/desires) “in perfect harmony” *cough cought* did anyone mention the duane interview? no  ‘they work in harmony even when they’re not in the same scenes” yeah practically the same thing !!  (edit bc carmen pointed this out and i am screaming: perfect harmony is basically the tsonts dance scene and i cannot get over this) 
edge of great
“running from the past, tripping on the now” 
“what is lost can be found, its obvious”
“i believe that we’re just one dream // away from who we’re meant to be” 
“we’re standing on the edge of great” 
EDGE OF GREAT MY BELOVED !!! this song is SO iconic and you know whats even more iconic ??? the way it works so perfectly with carmen sandiego... carmen and jules post canon ?? 👀👀👀. i am looking at the lost/found line in particular for that but all of it works so so well (also side note but i would die if we got the classic juke nose scrunches with julethief actually)
unsaid emily
“i should have turned around // but i had too much pride” 
“and write in every empty space the words “i love you” in replace”
“the words i most regret are the ones i never meant to leave // unsaid emily”
to be honest this is the song that stumped me the most? it would take a bit of canon reconfiguring- either we’re making brunt more sympathetic (ew) or carmen grew up with carlotta and then had a falling out ??? i think that would make more sense, especially with carmen trying so hard to find her again after 25 years (the timeline matches closer than expected actually 👀 ) this song is peak painrot so have fun with this besties <33
you got nothing to lose
“ain’t nothing quite like living on the edge” 
“i’m chasing down a thrill, looking fit to kill” 
“you got nothing to lose, boys”
this scene would be so terrifying actually like, we already got the dark!carmen trauma so watching caleb have the ability to manipulate her would just be ABSOLUTE painrot *distant screaming* also the way the offer would be so tempting to team red ?? just bc carmens whole life is living on the edge, chasing down thrills, and being unable to settle down but she stays for jules i. yeah im soft what about it 
stand tall
“and it’s one, two, three, four times // i’ll try for one more night” 
“whatever happens // even if i’m the last standing // imma stand tall” 
“keep holding on, never look back” 
“i keep going on when it’s all falling apart // yeah i know it with all my heart”
thinking thoughts... julethief post canon with this song.... yeah i would be decimated on impact just the way jules thought carmen left but CARMEN COMES BACK.... canon ? i dont know her <33
in conclusion julethief/cs jatp au supremaki besties ♥️
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
I have a quick question, for the next time you want to chat with us. It's about smut! I really like how you present your NSFW material, if that isn't too weird to say; it's steamy and suggestive, but not in-your-face gratuitous, you know? So that's why I ask, because I admire your writing style. I'm writing something myself and always intended it to go in an NSFW direction, but the story is already quite long and has been very tame thus far, so I'm worried my readers will be like, weirded out? Or maybe they'll laugh or something 😅 I know it's probably a silly question, but how did you muster the confidence to just... put it out there? Any advice?
If you'd rather not get questions like this, I'll happily take a dog photo instead! Thanks either way 😁
hahaha oh what a kind thing to say!!! this really made my evening 😭 am a sleepy libra. and im rlly glad you like my style of NSFW! while i super love the way my friends write smut, personally this is what i prefer to write, so its nice to find appreciation for a more subdued style!
OKEE SO. i totally get what you mean, and I think i have some solutions you can try out.
when I write a scene i know will probs lead into NSFW, sometimes I know if I wanna do a “fade to black”. Other times, I end up writing out more smut than I anticipated, because it just flows well and I think it fits for X reason - it’s an important moment, I just want to write a loving relationship, I feel like writing out a kink bc im a degenerate, etc. 
That said! I’d say really build up the romantic tension of the scene - the touches, the longing, the kissing and gradual undressing, all that jazz. When you get to the point where it becomes more overtly sexual, start writing it out and see how you feel - is it flowing naturally, or are you struggling to come up with the next part? Is it feeling nice and steamy, or just “mechanical” and phoned in?
If it’s the latter, I suggest doing a “fade to black” and then you can return to the pillowtalk and cuddling afterward, which can be really sweet and romantic! I think you can really make something intimate without describing overt “sex part A in sex part B” -- like, have the characters been waiting for this? Have they just survived a harrowing moment, are they about to face one? will they be apart after this, or are they finally together? You can really amp up that emotion, longing and love to make something that ends up feeling far more intimate than just describing the physical act and pleasure of that act.
Strong emotion can make even minor gestures and words of affection a big deal, so you can emphasize certain things without being explicit - like, if the character is touch-starved, they can shiver and lean into someone holding their face or their body. You can have someone so overcome with love or stimulation, they want to hide their face in the crook of their lover’s neck. Senses like the feeling of hair, the warmth of skin, the smell of candles or their shampoo, the feeling of their hearts being together - these are all things that can be described in lieu of just outright writing “X person put Y in Z hole”, yanno? 
to wrap it up, try out a few methods and see what feels most comfortable and natural to your writing style. if it’s really stumping you, move past the scene, write several more scenes and come back to the smut. maybe you’ll get some fresh ideas while you write other things! also, think about the NSFW in fanfics and books you liked - what did you like about them? The dialogue, the descriptions, the inner thoughts of characters? etc. hope this helped a bit haha
(also pls have doggy pic i cant not share them)
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filthyjanuary · 4 years
and then a parx-centric one: day you could build a concert—what era would it be, what would the setlist have to include, and who’s opening for them?
urgghhhh this is so HARD, i think era stumps me most just bc... fandom makes the most sense bc then u get access to all the songs, but i think blue awsten is my fav and the aesthetic of ent was my fav so like wtf do i do... im gonna come back to this part one sec
openers... realistically need to be smaller so i cant just pick my fav bands huh........ and im trying to be realistic in that i cant pick bands that no longer exist hmm..... lets dooooo bands that are smaller than parx and im still just getting into which means i know them enough to enjoy them as openers but it’ll also be a learning experience aka idkhow, the wrecks, new politics and deaf havana. yes that’s four openers but ive been to shows with that many so please let it slide.
this is my ideal parx setlist i think, assuming it’s like...  a 23 song headliner setlist bc i think they did 19 on fandom tour and that included dd/ent 2019 which are longgggg and the last show i went to had a 23-song headliner to anyway, and we’re going for like... normal parameters aka we cant just do 23 deep cuts and the pacing has to make sense
realistically this would be different bc like ent 2019/dd 2019 would take up slots and thus songs heavily featured there would not be part of this but... work with me here i dont have the capacity to factor those in when strategically adding/removing songs from this setlist so PRETEND THEY DONT EXIST FOR A SECOND SHHHHH
1. blonde 2. mad all the time 3. it follows 4. noise 5. dream boy 6. telephone 7. take her to the moon 8. territory 9. sleep alone 10. peach 11. 21 questions 12. lucky people 13. never bloom again 14. gloom boys 15. dizzy 16. watch what happens next 17. rare 18 war crimes 19. tantrum ~ENCORE TIME~ 20. [reboot] 21. turbulent 22. what we do for fun 23. stupid for you
sorry but not really sorry for giving AC and B no rights, but i am SO sorry to pink, crave and i felt younger when we met bc axing them hurt me viscerally. this is not the correct order for anything except maybe the opener/closer of the main set and the entire encore but these are def the songs
message me (3) things you want to know about me
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sleepymouses · 5 years
tagged by @littlepetbee, thank uuuu <3 i spent way too long thinking about htis lol,
Rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, tag a bunch o ppls to do it too (if y’all want to, supes no pressure or anything!)
Natsume yuujinchou  (a teenage orphan who sees spirits/monsters sets out to free the spirits who were bound in magical contract by his grandmother after he inherits a powerful book, aided primarily by a spirit who appears as an exasperated fat cat (who is just as fun as he sounds). Titular character is like my Fave boy in the whole world, he’s so kind and soft despite all the hardships he’s faced, the series has very gentle pacing/character development, and each episode is a carefully crafted lil story that have often moved me to tears, chuckles, or outright chinhands of fondness as u watch natsume slowly find a home in the world and amongst the humans &spirits around him. big focus on friendships, there’s like no romance with any of the main characters, lots of cool different creatures (most of whom arent all that scary once u get to know them), its just literally everything i could ever dream for in a show and it exists! <3)
Leverage (team of modern day robin hoods ruin rich peoples’ lives via  delightfully crafted spy cons to give back to the regular folks the rich people hurt. Extremely good, strong found family vibes, and v cathartic)
Brooklyn 99 (follows diverse cast of character who make up a NY precinct. Hilarious, immensely wholesome & groundbreaking, & probs the most lighthearted crime show besides like psych tbh)
Blackspot/Zone Blanche (spoopy french/belgium crime series set in a small village way out in the mountains surrounded by misty, mysterious and murdery woods. eerie and atmospheric, but also like one of my fave characters (everyone calls him teddy bear) keeps a pet guinea pig at work, so it’s not entirely grim and bleak)
Longmire (a modern western crime drama centering around the titular sheriff and others in their small town wyoming county, well written and lot of chracter development revealed alongside some really good case mysteries bc i love trying to figure out whodunits apparently based on a book series well adored by dads btw)
who is your favorite character in 2? (leverage) ahhh,,, this is hard... Eliot maybe? like Hardison is baby ofc, but i relate to elliot a ton (i think if i was on a team i would want to be the hitter tbh?) and love the subversion of so many action hero tropes that he is, also endlessly amused by how very put upon he is despite all his rad/random skills
who is your least favorite character in 1? (natsume yuujinchou) oh seiji matoba for sure, he can go eat a mouldy tree stump. absolutely evil nasty dude
what is your favorite episode of 4? (blackspot) the end of the road. great opening, didnt end up too devastating unlike a lot of the cases, Hermann was gr8, cool twist i hadnt super expected in the plot which was neat.
what is your favorite season of 5? (longmire) probs 1, walter reeally started to piss me off being Such A Man in later seasons, also me being extremely anxious about Henry and his life choices later, that creepy stalker storyline starting up with Someone and when Someone else in the main cast got died really suddenly and upsettingly later on as well, also when a weird relationship started between some of the characters that i really aint feeling so. before all that happened was nice (also sorry if this is super vague, im trying to avoid spoilers)
who is your favorite couple in 3? (B99) Besides Jake/Amy and Holt/Kevin (bc oviously theyre gr8) uh.. i know it was a long time ago and didnt last very long, but i thought rosa and marcus were really sweet? it brought another layer out to her character, even when they broke up that helped rosa starting to show emotional vulnerability and all, even tho it ended it was still just, idk, i liked them.
who is your favorite couple in 2? (leverage) Does trio count, cos Parker/Eliot/Harding 4 life yo
what is your favorite episode of 1? (natsume yujinchou) i have sooo many faves ahhh!!! i dont think i could pick just one on pain of death, every episode is acrefully cosntructed gem all on its own and i have too many that i love and adore to pick jsut one :((
what is your favorite episode of 5? (longmire) Dog soldier!! ive rewatched that one a ton, so so many good bits, really satisfying resolution of the case despite the shitty system that was revealed, and i rmr getting chills by the end the first time i saw it.
what is your favorite season of 2? (leverage) i guess season 1? just, idk, everything being set up and watching all these grumpies/less grumpies who have no plans to stay together start working together as a baby team, and just the joy of seeing their first heist together with the first plot twist, just.. such a delight, but all seasons that ive seen so far were all excellent, it’s a stellar show
how long have you watched 1? (natsume yujinchou) oh idk exactly, like years and years man... defs the longest out of all on this list
how did you become interested in 3? (b99) i think it was just on netflix way back in season 1 and i started watching it, loved it and never stopped? i think that might have even been before it got rlly popular lol
who is your favorite actor in 4? (blackspot) i dont rlly know any of these french peeps? but teddybear’s one of my fave characters, so hopefully the person who plays him is also cool, in which case hubert delattre (if not, Suliane Brahim does a v good job as the lead)
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? (natsume yujinchou, leverage or longmire) um... real torn between natsume and leverage here, they’re both such lovely gems that do found family so, so well.. leverage is a team of modern robin hood-esque spies with brilliant writing and exciting heists and multiple delightful plot twists every episode and great character building and so much catharticism in ruining evil rich peoples lives.
but natsume’s title character is one of my very favorite characters ever, hes been through so much but he becomes the most kindest and thoughtful boy ever, and its so, so soft and gentle in its development of characters and their slow build of getting to know each other and becoming friends, and the interactions with the paranormal world are very rarely entirely malicious/scary, and there’s pretty well no romance, at least like no romance for plot/with the main characters anyways, and there’s lots of female characters who have important roles but arent sexualized/killed off for man feels/exist for romo (which sadly cannot be said about a lot of media, especially manga/anime tbh, even leverage does not win entirely on that front).. its defintiely my favorite anime ever (i dont watch loads, but literally no other one can ever come close to topping its perfection),
i guess tho, leverage is over, and natsume is still technically ongoing, so i guess for that then i have to go with natsume?
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? (natsume yuujinchou or b99) Natsume for sure, they’re so short its easy to power thru like half a season in an afternoon
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? (blackspot) i would probably want to be someone who didnt live in villefranche actually haha uh, it’s a pretty spoopity place.. even some of the characters i do like make some Bad decisions that are v bothersome. Dr. Leila barami seems to have a good head on her shoulders tho, so if i Must be a character here then let’s go with her
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? (b99 or blackspot) oh god... the cheery upbeat department at the 99 meet up with a grim, misty tiny mountain forest village with bleak day to day life, solving crimes amidst small town paranoia and weird maybe cult-related conspiracies and honestbhly something/s paranormal and menacing going on in the woods?? i just... cant see any of the characters even interacting lol, im just picturing jake’s confused befuddled face when he hears something weird but like x 10000
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? (natsume yujinchou) hm... i mean, one of the things i love about Natsume is that there arent really any romo relationships tbh? at least not with any of the main characters in the main storyline (so far), just like the odd one-off of minor characters (and takashi’s adopted parents ofc, but that’s different). so, yeah, i cant really think of one (although i think the big fandom fave ship of takashi and his worst enemy is rlly.. nope, and i dont know what’s going on there? takashi and tanama however, that would make sense, tho it is not unlikely so i cant answer this question with them)
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? (b99 or longmire) b99! cos ya know my annoyances with some of the stuff happening later on in longmire lol, b99 just got better n better as it went along, and it’s still going :’)
which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? (leverage or blackspot) blackspot has a real good eerie atmospheric theme which is gr8 and i love it <3 (leverage’s tune is like, elevator music/cheesy jazzy spy tune, which does suit it tho lol)
and idk, anyone bored and stuck at home who wants to do this? no pressure if ur like nah but if u wanna go ahead.... @creepy-friend-of-darkness @anna-wa @rhinky-thingz @rexbasileus @aeolian-harp @warrenkoles @softbrobarnes @damnitttana @cluelesswolf @moondoggiestyle @blloodorangeisthenewblack @my-nail-beds-suck @frankiecolours @savvylikeyeahhh @lake-effectkidx @justhugharry @casualmisandry @j4ya @galaxygalpals @thesecondwarm @dealwright @knipperdollin @curlycombover @kaspbrakeddie (and if i didnt tag u and u still wanna do this, consider yeself tagged)
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kabutone · 4 years
ok actually u know wat !!! fuck this bruh!! >:( im angy now!
i am worth so much !! i am so good!! and its fucking bullshit that i am often not treated like it!!!!! why must i suffer at the hands of people that cant fucking handle their own shit!!! why do i have to get an abusive family AGAIN?? we already DID this when i was a kid why are we doing it again??? yall ever stump ur fuckin therapists?? like they literally are just like. yeah dude your situation fucking sucks. i cant help, i cant point you to the bright side, it just fucking sucks. that’s literally where i’m at and it’s the worst it’s ever been!!! 
click to read some hate mail to one of my many abusers lol
like if u read this shit bc i Need some sort of validation
fuck dude. im sending this energy to my abusive piece of shit older brother specifically. not the good one, the failure one, the one that can make you look bad just by associating with him: you see me, 13 years younger than you, having lived a harder life, and still come out better and you’re Mad! you’re mad that i didn’t become a piece of shit like you. you’re mad that i’ve legitimately had it worse and i was strong enough to get through it! because i am living walking proof that your life is YOUR fault. abusing your ex to the point that she gets a restraining order and moves away with your kid was YOUR fault. wasting away your 20s because you were too busy flirting with girls closer to my age than yours was YOUR fault. the fact that you cannot keep a job because of whatever the fuck is YOUR fault. you look at me, 20 years old, and in a better place than you at 33. 
this whole time, ever since your life started spiraling out of control, you have blamed everyone else because you are convinced it couldnt be your fault. you look at yourself and you think “this couldn’t be helped, i was dealt such a bad hand in life that this is the best i can make of it” and that’s how you’ve been keeping yourself afloat. you lie to yourself by convincing yourself that there is nothing you can do about your situation, so instead you wallow in self pity and cry about how awful the world is. 
and my existence shattered that illusion for you! i’ve overcome more shit than you’ve ever had to face and i’m not a piece of shit wreck like you. in fact, my future is brighter than yours ever has been. my very EXISTENCE is forcing you to come to terms with the fact that you are making yourself worse. i am PROOF that someone can suffer and come back from it. i am PROOF that you can go through some shitty ass childhood trauma and still be a good person!! and i am PROOF that you were too weak to do that, and instead chose to become this toxic waste that nobody, not even your own family, likes. 
you try to RATIONALIZE by using trauma as an excuse, you try to PROJECT onto me by claiming that it was somehow MY fault that i was abused by my family (i was 4???), you use REGRESSION nearly every day to convince yourself you’re worth something, and when none of that fucking works because you see that i’m thriving, you end up DISPLACING those feelings by targeting me cause you think i’m an “easy target.” since you’re so set on sucking freud’s dick, maybe this will make sense to you. 
so no, my trauma did not make me stronger, i made MYSELF stronger and you obviously did not!! trauma is not an excuse to just become a shitty person, and if you try to use it as one, it is an admission that you are weak as shit!!!! not to be one of those “someone always has it worse” motherfuckers, but if your life has been SO so hard, why am i not ALSO a piece of shit? i’ve never assaulted anyone. i’ve never abused children. i don’t gaslight others, i don’t threaten suicide if someone upsets me, i don’t threaten to kill people’s pets, i don’t do any of that shit. so why do YOU do that?? its bc you’re a weak piece of shit who cannot deal with your own problems like an ADULT. 
you only tell me that i’m “not ready” and “too weak” for the real world because you know that’s what you are, and you can’t handle the fact that i’m, uh, better than you. the ONLY way you know how to cope is by telling yourself that i’m somehow worse. your shitty defense mechanisms are hanging by that single thread. yes, the world is a shitty place, congrats you have eyes <3 would you like a cookie? i KNOW how bad the world is. i’ve seen some of the worse shit first hand. i know the horrors of the real world better than you. this fucking world is awful. this isn’t a revelation, this is nothing new, especially not to ME. you’ve been hit with the reality that it’s hard to exist in this world because it’s cruel, and uncaring, and cold. and you decided it was too much to handle and you gave up. giving up and becoming an abusive, negative, draining waste of space is the EASY way out. it is SO easy to say “fuck it, i’ll just take this out on everyone else” that is literally the easiest thing to do when you’re hurt or mad. the HARD thing to do is to look at all the bad shit in the world and tell yourself that you are going to CHANGE that and make it better. when you get hit, it’s easier to lay on the ground than to get back up, and you are laying on the fucking ground, sir!! i got back up and i am THRIVING!! you are a weak piece of shit! you are a weak, sad, sorry excuse for a human. 
my oldest brother loves you, my dad loves you, not because you deserve it, but because they are gracious, caring people (and honestly they should be able to count this as charity). you make up some bullshit excuse, saying you abuse me and mistreat me because you’re trying to “prepare me for the real world” and then you tell me i’m too weak when i get mad about being ABUSED??? you know that’s bullshit. you KNOW i’m strong enough because i’m stronger than YOU ARE. you’re just trying to make an excuse to hurt me because you are making a lame attempt to bring me down to your level. 
by the way, i AM good at psychology, bitch !! fuck off and die.
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tinytieflingtiff · 4 years
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gonna post there here bc..why not. made pokemon teams for all my dnd characters. ill post them in handfuls and for my own sense of fun im gonna explain why i chose each pokemon for who :] most will just be me copy-pasting pokedex entries lol. i tried to incorporate pokemon into the teams that were both similar to the character and ones they’d be drawn to. 1- Qiran: Fairy types and grass types I felt fit him the best, so I wanted to stick to those. Sylveon- [SH] “There’s a Galarian fairy tale that describes a beautiful Sylveon vanquishing a dreadful dragon Pokémon.” [X] “It sends a soothing aura from its ribbonlike feelers to calm fights.” Gogoat- [X/OR] “It can tell how its trainer is feeling by subtle shifts in the grip on its horns. This empathetic sense lets them run as if one being.” Blissey- [DMD] “This kindhearted Pokémon nurses sick Pokémon back to health. It senses feelings of sadness.” [RUBY] “Blissey senses sadness with its fluffy coat of fur. If it does so, this Pokémon will rush over to the sad person, however far they may be, to share an egg of happiness that brings a smile to any face.” Maractus- Dancing cactus…he’d be all over this type of Pokemon. Maractus is also just depicted as very jolly and good-natured in general in the anime especially, so. Tapu Lele- [SUN] “It heals the wounds of people and Pokémon by sprinkling them with its sparkling scales. This guardian deity is worshiped on Akala.” We’re ignoring the part about it being “guilelessly cruel” apparently. Bellossom- Another dancing grass type. [GOLD] “Bellossom gather at times and appear to dance. They say that the dance is a ritual to summon the sun.” — 2- Cargo: There was no one specific type I was looking for when composing his team, I felt anything could fit, but I wanted there to be one fitting grass type for the sake of his life as a druid. Lycanroc- Symbolic for Amarok, Cargo’s wolf companion. [MOON] “When properly raised from a young age, it will become a trustworthy partner that will absolutely never betray its Trainer.” Houndoom- Reminded me heavily of Cargo himself – horns, pointed tail, fire, a dog…what more do you need? [BW] “The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins. If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever.” Sableye- Symbolic of Cargo’s previous greediness; y’know, gem-stealing goblin, basically. [DP] “It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.” Phantump- Fitting because it’s a lost child and from the forest. Both things Cargo feels it’s his duty to care for. [SW] “After a lost child perished in the forest, their spirit possessed a tree stump, causing the spirit’s rebirth as this Pokémon.” [US] “By imitating the voice of a child, it causes people to get hopelessly lost deep in the forest. It’s trying to make friends with them.” Torterra- Just thought a grass turtle with an ecosystem on its back would be a Pokemon Cargo would definitely gravitate towards, wanting to nurture that. His Torterra definitely has a whole field of flowers growing on it at this point. [PEARL] “Groups of this Pokémon migrating in search of water have been mistaken for ‘moving forests.’” Swoobat- It evolving with friendship would be significant for Cargo; only evolving once he finds himself and changes. [Y/AS] “Anyone who comes into contact with the ultrasonic waves emitted by a courting male experiences a positive mood shift.” [SH] “
The auspicious shape of this Pokémon’s nose apparently led some regions to consider Swoobat a symbol of good luck.”
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quackspot · 5 years
Every single one of the talk about meme questions. Just kidding, pick any 6 you wanna do
m gona do whatever i can talk about bc i like to talk about myself
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
getting addicted to th internet but of course i wouldn’t be here but i would likely be better off socially .  or maybe just being born as i am sometimes i think about how if i were born male things would be Much better for me like socially n stuff like that.. sometimes i jut wish i coud chest bump and cheer with friends n goof around and be crazy yeah i can be like that but it’d feel kind of weird (or just weird at first)
5: Talk about the best birthday you've had.
one year i got a club penguin membership and i was in chuck e cheeses and then another year completely different but me n some friends played a game called body body in my house and it was fun
6: Talk about the worst birthday you've had.
i dont think i did anything for my birthday last year so like oop
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.
my forehead or my height
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
im pretty proud of my art and writing!! 
9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.
my body is very cool i like how my hair bounces when i walk because of how i walk and how my hair curls in towards my face (kind of)
10: Talk about the biggest fight you've ever had.
probably a video game one to be honest.  cant really recall. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
11: Talk about the best dream you've ever had.
i’ve had some weird dreams like when i stole the side of a locker and ran from some guy but i was late for the bus so i put the side back and it was all ok then uhhhhh one where people were doing like cheer leader pyramids and i think some dude named craig from dream daddy was there i cant quite remember if that’s the guy who was there i just remember being like “FSKLJFLKJKLF CRAIG DREAM DADDY WAS IN MY DREAM”
12: Talk about the worst dream you've ever had.
i went to someone’s house and i kicked a tree stump then bees chases me and i dont remember much else about it it was in like 3rd grade
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
14: Talk about a vacation.
i went to florida in 6th grade for a week and i loved it very much i got a wand (and a wand ceremony >:) )
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.
18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.
in like 4th grade someone told me someone else had a crush on me and i was like “ohhhhh yeah that kind of makes sense” and i just felt awkward around him since i didnt like him back 
19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.
OHOSHOSHODHSOHOEHO HO O O O N N NN N  THE BUSS!!! I met a good friend and the first words i said to her were something like “hi i have social anxiety” and she was like “me too!!!” hten we were friends and then i went to another school in 8th grade and we never talked ever again and im in 10th grade now o-o
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.
last year i went to the bathroom and said “let there be light” while walking in and hte lights came on
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.
also last year someone who i considered like somewhat close friend (we dont talk anymore sadly he had fun games? i dunno he was rich and white and yeah he was fun to hang out with n stuff) and he asked me if i wanted to be his gf and i was like “nahh hahaha im not ready for that kind of thing” and i didnt like him that way also it was during challenge day aka  a day where people came in and were like “man we all sad let’s hug :)”
22: Talk about your worst fear.
either bugs or the horrifying fear of hte unknown and growing up
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down.
cant get turned down if you’ve only asked 1  person if you’d like to get together twice and they said yes both times but you started thinking you weren’t right for them then broke up B)
25: Talk about an ex-best friend.
someone i’ll call m&m because she didn’t like being called that uhh she was rather rude and had a trampoline and 2 dogs and was pretty bossy i guess
26: Talk about things you do when you're sick.
literally nothign new i just do what i do but maybe actually just. yeah thts basically what i did recently i had a stuffy nose and like mucus or something in my mouth and it’s still like that but the only thing i really changed was nasal spray ! i use that at night but i might stop soon since im feeling better
31: Talk about what you think death is like.
it depends on how you die. there’s probably like the last moments and then nothing. nobody knows what happens next. you might get revived or you might just be nothing forever and that’s rather scary to me
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
i remember my first house i lived in and i walked back home from elementary school and it was cool
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.
tell myself “hey stop being sad” or cry if im alone 
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you've endured.
so it was a period pain and i was on my bed and i was crying and i was curled up and a thught appeared in my head.... “what if i drew a pentagram on my hand?” because jamie said that brought her luck and i was like “fuck it might as well try it” so then i had a pentagram on my hand and satan didn’t help me with period cramps
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.
stop being nervous abt talking to people i guess lol. . . . making friends hard if u cant say hi 
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
my little pony n stuff sometimes i just watch kids shows when im bored
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.
idk i dont think i’ve truly fallen in love but im sure i was in love with kiley at least a little bit 
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
when i first listened to melancholy blues i thought of sparkling cookie i know he’s not real but songs don’t remind me of real people
39: Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier.
golden birthdays because my golden birthday was when i was 5  actually theyre nothing special but.. .  still wig
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
we dont have fishies anymore and that’s becuase we have a dog and a cat now :(((( miss u fish....... 
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