#trying my hand at writing combat!! what do we think?
a-leg-without-fear · 1 month
Flooded Red (pt.1)🩸🌧️
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some lore for the reader character!! this takes place during the raid on the mansion in X2: X-Men United. please enjoy some Gore and some BAMF reader :)
Ship: Logan Howlett x Mutant!Fem!Reader
Rating: 16+
Wordcount: 4.7k
Warnings: gore, violence, Carrie-levels of blood, mentions of child abuse/abandonment, child endangerment, mentions of experimentation, depressive thoughts, drugging, choking, mentions of serious illness
Series: Flooded Red
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You were no stranger to nightmares. Whether they were your own, making you toss and turn and wake up feeling exhausted, or Logan’s, leaving him shaking and panting. Yours were more infrequent than his. Every other night or so, your dreams were edged with that toxic darkness compared to his nightly torment. Anxiety-fuelled imagery that made your heart pump and your skin sweaty.
Tonight, it seemed, was your turn on the nightmare-express. Flashes of your life before joining Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters pierced your mind like a hot poker. Your father dying of polio, your mother abandoning you when your mutation showed itself, you begging for food on the side of the road for twenty years. 
In particular, one evening in the ‘50s decided to plague you. 
You, a 54-year old who appeared to still be twelve, were hunkered down in the abandoned building you called home. It was raining, humid summer air leaking in through the boarded up windows. Mildew spots covered the aged wallpaper. A distinct, old-house smell permeated the aged floorboards. 
You sat on your collection of moth-eaten blankets. An array of warm reds and cool blues created a cushy, makeshift bed that you spent your nights in. Pale orange filtered in from the streetlamps outside the abandoned house. You had tried your best to block out light by sticking newspapers to what windows weren’t covered by pine boards.
A group of men stood in front of you. Varying heights and weights. One had darker skin and cropped black hair, another had a neck tattoo and a cleft lip. Those two stood at the front of the pack of five. All wearing dark clothes and brandishing various household items as weapons. Steel pipes, wrenches, tire irons.
“You guys really don’t want to do this,” you squeaked out. You silently cursed your prepubescent voice. The man with the tattoo scoffed, squinted eyes peering around where you sat.
“And what’re you gonna do, pipsqueak?” he sneered. He smacked his palm with the pipe in his hands. The others moved to form a line next to him, blocking you from any exits.
“You’re not gonna like it,” you muttered under your breath. The man on the far right, blonde-haired and green-eyed, chuckled at you.
“You are the least threatening girl I-”
His words were cut short, breath caught in his throat. Your head was tilted as you focused. Dark eyes flooded red, blood overtaking the white, as your left arm raised toward the group.
Rough gurgles echoed from each man’s chest. Eyes wide with fear, skin flushing, lungs filled with liquid. Your lips spread into a knowing grin.
With one flick of your fingers, you made the men’s blood reach its boiling point. Explosions of crimson ichor burst from the five men. Skin split and flowered around large wounds. Bones cracked, limbs twitching and flailing.
One by one, each man fell to the ground. Bodies turned to sacks of flesh and organs. Blood seeped from the empty carcasses into the wooden floorboards.
Your smile remained stretched across your face. You hadn’t moved from your pile of blankets. Left arm covered to the elbow in blood, rest of your body clean, eyes returning to their normal ruby shade.
A piercing, world-shattering scream broke you from the shackles of your nightmare. You darted up, chest heaving, hands covering your ears to shield yourself from the noise. Glancing briefly at your own body, you were met with your adult self. Your wide eyes looked up and darted around your room.
The left side of your bed was empty. Sheets bunched up by your knees, pillow ruffled. Results of Logan sharing your bed. Yet the grouch was nowhere to be seen. You looked up to the door hoping to see him standing there.
Instead, your eyes landed on three heavily armed men. Covered in kevlar, bullet-proof vests, thick helmets. Each one having several guns attached at various points on their bodies. They were hunched over, hands over their ears, occasional grunts coming from beneath black, cloth masks.
Ignoring the scream that jabbed your eardrums when you lowered your hands, you scrambled out of bed. Your socked feet slid slightly on the hardwood floors as you dashed to the doorway. 
Just as suddenly as it had begun, the screaming stopped. You shook your head and blinked a few times. You took the chance you saw before you while the armed men reoriented.
A sharp jab to the front man’s jaw, his head ricocheting back, and a swift kick to his stomach sent him careening back between the other two. You couldn’t stop to check if he was out yet. You swiveled on your backfoot to the man on the right. Grabbing the sides of his helmet, you yanked his head down and connected his eye socket with your knee. You punched him in the temple for good measure as he fell to the floor.
The last man raised his machine gun to your torso. You paused briefly, eyeing the man up and down, then dropped to your knees as gunshots ringed over your head. You lunged forward at the man’s legs and knocked him to the ground. A strong kick to the face and he was out.
Breathing heavily, you clambered to your feet. Your gaze landed on the wooden door behind you. You expected to see bullet holes and splintered shrapnel. Instead, three small, white darts were embedded in the wood grain. You plucked one from the door to inspect it.
Right when the dart was lifted to your face, thick arms wrapped around your neck. Kevlar vest met your t-shirt clad back as the man who you’d failed to check choked you. Your breath came out ragged and strained. You tried to stomp back on the man’s feet, but he just stepped out of the way. Your vision was growing blurry around the edges.
“Stupid fucking mutant,” the man huffed in your ear, every word laced with malice and hate.
In a last ditch attempt, you took the dart still clutched in your fingers and stabbed it into the man’s arm. A string of pained curses left the man’s mouth as he released you. You stumbled forward, chest heaving to recover lost air, as you pivoted to face your attacker.
The man blindly grabbed at the dart in his forearm. He stumbled back, body connecting with the wall behind him, then started sinking to the floor. His head lolled to the side.
Huh, tranquilizers, you thought.
You hardly had time to assess your situation as you heard scuffling down the hall. Dozens of thick boots stepping quietly across the hardwood floor. When you listened closer, you heard the clatter of guns in gloved hands.
An involuntary growl left your chest. These men were here for the kids. Your kids. The kids you’ve helped teach and care for and raise. Flashes of fiery anger licked up your chest. You knelt and tore one of the machine guns filled with darts away from the unconscious men.
You kept low to the ground as you peered out of your bedroom doorway. A larger group of kevlar-clad men, about eight strong, were walking away from your room and toward the edge of the mansion. You nestled the stock in your shoulder and aimed at the group.
Muffled, quick shots echoed from the rifle as you shot at the men, each bundle of three darts connecting with a limb. Helmets clattered on the floor as the men collapsed. They had no time to register where the shots were coming from before they laid in an unconscious heap on the floor.
You threw the empty gun to the floor as you stood. You hated guns. Hated what they represented, the violence they caused, the people who wielded them. It was a very rare circumstance that placed a gun in your hands.
A chorus of children’s screams came from the hallway behind you. Terrified, heart-wrenching, utterly fearful. Pure, unbridled rage tugged at your chest. You could feel red coat the edges of your eyes. Blood seeping into the whites to make you look like some kind of demon.
You turned and walked briskly down the hall. Hands clenched in fists at your sides, pulse beating rapidly beneath your skin, eyes clouded in a flaming scarlet.
When you approached the next group of men, this group being six strong and standing outside Ryan and Addie’s room, your mind seemed to click off. All you could see was red, all you could hear was your own pulse in your ears, all you could taste was fresh blood coating your tongue. 
Your body wasn’t your own. Fingers twisted and manipulated the pumping blood beneath the men’s skin. Bubbling and boiling the flowing ichor until each man froze where they stood. Twitching and shaking, eyes crying scarlet and mouths leaking red. Another flick of your fingers and they exploded into clouds of steamed blood. Crimson coated your entire body, leaving you drenched in the men’s remains.
Six men. Turned into empty skins and abandoned organs. Blood seeping into the hardwood floor. Dead.
Your vision came back to you. Gasping breaths left your throat in short bursts. Warm liquid beaded on the sides of your face and dripped down your skin. Your clothes were utterly drenched, your hair plastered to your scalp, feet submerged in a puddle of red.
It had been so long since you’d lashed out like that. Mind going blank and fingers acting of their own accord. Since that night in the abandoned house, you’d kept your wits about you. Always resorting to hand-to-hand or to weapons if the need presented itself. You never used your mutation if you could help it.
You felt ashamed. These six men were just doing as they were told. They were only following orders. No one, not even the worst humans, deserved to die like that.
Before the panic could grip you in a chokehold, another group of booted footsteps came from down the hall. A small voice echoed in the back of your mind. The kids. Protect the kids. Whatever it takes. How could you refuse, when the children were your life? Your reason for being?
You splashed through the puddles of blood as you moved down the hall. Eyes flooded red, fingers twitching at your sides, anger gripping your chest in a vice. You weren’t yourself anymore. You weren’t the art teacher the children loved, the friend that the X-Men laughed with, or the lover Logan had grown to know.
All you were was a burning, churning whirlpool of fiery hate. Flames licked at your lungs, filling each breath with fire. Swirling images of corpses at your feet filled your stomach to the brim.
“There’s another one! Wait… holy shit!” yelled out from in front of you. You cocked your head as you observed this new group of men.
Ten strong, all clad in kevlar and vests, all pointing their rifles loaded with tranquilizer darts at you. You could see a shake in their hands as they took in the sight of you. Eyes flooded red, blood seeping through your hair and into your clothes, feet tracking crimson in their wake. If there was a physical embodiment of Carrie, you fit the bill.
“D-Don’t move!” called the trembling voice again. Guns clicked in gloved hands as the safeties were switched off. You could see every hand had a finger resting on a trigger.
Your right hand twitched, fingers curling, as a manic grin overtook your stoney expression. These men, these infiltrators, were giving you commands? Were demanding you stand down as they took your children away? These puny, insignificant men were instructing someone with the power to kill them in a single motion? The thought made you laugh under your breath.
“Or what?” you said back. Red dots centered on your chest as every man aimed at you. Another chuckle flitted through your lips, “Good luck with that.”
Dozens of gunshots ringed out through the hallway as dart after dart embedded in your chest. Clusters of white needles protruded from your blood stained shirt. You glanced down at the intrusions to your bloodstream. A tired edge overtook your mind as the tranquilizers pumped their chemicals into you. 
You gripped the darts and ripped them from your chest. A cacophony of clatters bounced back to the men as the darts fell to the floor. You shook your head to rid yourself of the chemicals threatening to knock you out. 
“Wanna try that again?” you asked, every word dripping in sarcastic confidence. 
Before the men could reload and obey your request, you raised your left hand to the group. Your senses focused on the blood pumping through their scared little hearts. Cortisol coursed through each man’s veins. Pathetic.
A twitch of your fingers made their hearts careen to a stop. Blood froze in their veins, oxygen being deprived from their lungs, eyes widening and limp hands clutching at their throats. It only took a few moments for them to collapse to the floor.
You breathed a humorless laugh at the mess of corpses in front of you. Who did they think they were, to challenge you like that? Especially after they saw that their darts didn’t work. You tilted your head side to side as you stretched out your neck.
“Vampire?” a small voice said from behind you. You turned to the source, fingers twitching in preparation. Whoever this new threat was, you’d deal with it quickly.
Regret filled your stomach like a lead ball when your eyes landed on Addie and Ryan. They stood, hand in shaking hand, feet soaking in the puddles of blood, wide eyes looking up at you. Your breath left your lungs in one sharp gust.
“Are you okay?” Addie asked, being the one who’d said your nickname before. She tucked a strand of platinum blonde hair behind her ear. You sank to your knees before the siblings.
“I… Yeah, I’m okay,” you sighed. You squeezed your eyes shut, clearing your head of the hatred it was filled with. When you opened them again, Ryan stood before you. His blue eyes looked you over with a deep concern crinkling in the corners.
“You sure? You’re pretty bloody,” he said. You wiped at the blood covering your face. It was no use, your hands being equally drenched.
“Is it your blood?” Addie questioned from behind her brother. You shook your head.
“No. No, it’s not. Are you guys okay?” you asked, desperate to shift the attention from yourself. Both children nodded. You gave them both a once over. Their hair was ruffled from sleep, hems of their pajamas and white socks soaked in the blood covering the floor, wide eyes looking to you for reassurance. You cleared your throat, “Did those guys hit you with anything?”
Both siblings shook their heads. You breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Alright. Let’s get you to the passageway on this floor. Ryan, You’ll be right behind me. Protect your sister,” you instructed. The kids nodded their heads again. You stood before them, giving yourself a look up and down. 
You looked horrifying. Once white t-shirt and green shorts were drenched in thick blood. Your hair clung to the sides of your head. Rivulets of crimson leaked down your bare legs and arms. 
Yet, when your gaze met the kids’, they looked at you with nothing but adoration. How could they look up to someone as terrifying as you? Someone who just killed sixteen fucking people? What would that teach them?
You squared your shoulders, pushing your insecurities down as far as they could go, and started leading the kids back down the hall. Your knees were bent as you kept low to the floor. You would pause every few moments to listen to the mansion around you. More gunshots from the floor below you, screams of terrified children, grunts and yells from the men in kevlar. You kept your mind from wandering to that rage and continued to lead Addie and Ryan to safety.
Relief flooded your lungs when you saw a group of children, led by Piotr, standing by this floor’s escape passageway. You straightened your posture. Addie and Ryan ran ahead of you to reconnect with their classmates.
“How many do you have?” you called over the swarm of scared children. Piotr, an older student whose skin could turn to metal, looked up at you from directing kids through the narrow doorway. His eyes widened at the state of you.
“Uh… Twelve, I think,” he replied. He ushered Addie and Ryan through the door, then turned to you, “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” you said through gritted teeth. Your shoulders seized when you heard heavy boots across the hall from you. Piotr looked over his shoulder, having also heard the approach.
Logan turned the corner. White tank top bunched around his midriff, jeans torn around his thighs, dark hair mussed from its two points. He held a knocked-out Jones, a young brunet who could manipulate electrical frequencies, in his arms. His hazel eyes glanced at you then fixed on Piotr.
“Hey, take him. He’s stunned,” Logan said, handing Jones over to Piotr. The larger boy held Jones tight against his chest. 
Just as Logan was turning to you, Piotr called out, “I can help you!” Logan looked back at Piotr. He pointed down the passageway, then said, “Help them.”
Piotr nodded at Logan, ducking into the doorway and sealing the passageway behind him. Logan suddenly grabbed your shoulders in both of his hands. You met his frantic eyes, narrowed lids shadowed by his furrowed brow.
“What the hell happened to you? Why are you covered in blood?” he asked. 
“I’m fine, Lo. It’s not my blood,” you said, shrugging his hands off your shoulders. His indignant reply was cut off when you both heard movement around the corner. 
Logan shoved you behind him as you both approached the corner. He pushed on your shoulder so you could squat next to him. His sturdy arm held you against the wall at your backs.
“Stay here,” he breathed into your ear. You nodded once in acknowledgement. Logan nodded back, then turned his attention back to the approaching group. 
You focused on lifting the blood from your shirt. Beads of crimson drifted away from your body and floated in the air before you. Your fingers twitched and the beads crashed into each other. Blood cell on top of blood cell, stacking together and forming a sharp lance the length of your forearm. One last flick of your wrist and the iron in the blood hardened the lance. A solid, red, metal weapon fell out of the air and into your open palm. At least you were significantly less bloody now.
Logan watched you out of the corners of his eyes. An air of admiration crossed his face. 
The brief moment was interrupted as a combat boot landed by Logan’s knees. Logan’s chest rumbled a deep growl, his claws shinking out of his knuckles, as he lunged forward and stabbed his right claws through the toe of the boot. A pained cry fell from the kevlar wearing man. Logan leapt to his feet as he plunged his left hand into the man’s stomach, shoving them both around the corner and out of your sight.
You remained crouched, back leaning against the wooden wall. Loud pops of gunfire echoed around you. Real guns, loaded with bullets instead of darts. Sharp cracks pierced the air as bullets flew in rapid succession toward Logan. A few bullet casings landed, smoking, by your feet. 
Light beamed from the dropped flashlight that rolled into view. Spurts of blood coated the tool in red jets. You spun the lance a few times in your hands, waiting.
“Clear,” Logan called. You pushed yourself upright and rounded the corner. About a dozen men, all clad in the same dark kevlar, lay dead at Logan’s feet. His chest was heaving, eyes darting to and from each man’s face, fists still clenched with claws poking out between his knuckles.
“All good, Lo?” you asked. His claws fully retracted as he met your gaze. He gave you a sharp nod then turned on his heel. You picked your way through the bodies, accidentally kicking a few limbs here and there, as you followed after him. 
“You never answered my question,” Logan said. You caught up with him and met his fast pace down the hallway. The two of you jogged while you tried to ignore his question. A few moments passed, the clipping of Logan’s boots on the floor being the only noise between you.
“I snapped,” was your quiet response. Short, simple, to the point. And it was all Logan needed. He threw you another quick nod while you two approached the balcony overlooking the mansion’s foyer.
Bright lights shone on Rogue, Bobby, and John as they stood below the balcony. All in their sleep clothes, all looking absolutely terrified. A guttural yell came from Logan as he leapt over the railing and dived into the four men aiming rifles at the older students.
You were about to follow when the back of your head was grabbed, a rough hand shoving your face into the railing and knocking your forehead on the wood. Spiked pain shot through your head, your knees crumpling beneath you. The hand tangled in your hair remained.
“Got the bloody one,” the man gripping you called behind him. You scratched at his hand as you tried to free yourself.
Slicing claws through flesh and pained yells soared over the balcony from the floor below. Your dazed mind tried to comprehend what was happening around you.
Some of the kevlar-clad men stood around you. Five, or was it seven, surrounded you with the muzzles of their guns aimed at your woozy form. Your head was utterly spinning. Nausea flooded your stomach and sent you reeling. If it weren’t for the gloved hand in your hair, you’d be sprawled out on the floor.
“Vampire!” Bobby called. You could just barely see his face through the bars of the railing. Wide, blue eyes glanced between you and the men surrounding you. He threw a hand up in your direction, “Duck!”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You yanked your head away from the man above you and dove to the floor. Just as your hands covered the back of your head, a biting chill filled the air above you. Wave after wave of flowing ice coursed over the balcony. You shivered from where you laid on the floor.
“C’mon!” John yelled up at you. You peered at the men who held you captive. All of them were coated in a thick layer of ice, skin turned pale and blue, joints frozen in place. Living ice sculptures. 
You pushed yourself to your feet, ignoring the sway in your motion, as you prepared to vault over the railing. Just as you had swung your leg over the wood banister the front door burst open, streams of LED lights illuminating the four mutants below you.
Logan motioned for you to stay where you were, looking you up and down, then ushered Rogue, Bobby, and John further into the mansion. Dozens of men followed in their wake.
You, not being one to listen to instructions very often, crept along the banister until you reached the stairs. Lucky for you, your socked and soaked feet wouldn’t make much noise on the hardwood. You snuck down the stairs while listening to the kevlar-clad men flood through the front door. When you reached the bottom you paused. Squatted, lance clutched in both hands, waiting for the last of the men to pass.
Once you saw a break in the stream of soldiers, you dashed between shadows while trailing after Logan. Keeping out of sight, ducking beneath flashlight beams, sneaking around corners. 
“You want to shoot me? Shoot me!” you heard Logan yell down the hall from where you were. You picked up the pace. Soaked feet slapping against the wood floors, clubbing soldiers on the head as you passed with the blunt end of your lance to knock them out, racing to try and prevent Logan and the others from getting hurt.
“Don’t shoot him!” a male voice yelled. You slid around the last corner and found a cluster of kevlar-clad men. All with their rifles and flashlights pointed at Logan down the hall. You froze in place, breath held. One of the men stepped forward, a flashlight held aloft in his gunless hands. He moved to stand in the middle of the rest of the men, “Not yet.”
You slipped behind one of the giant vases scattered throughout this hallway. Tucking yourself into the long shadows thrown by the large piece of pottery, your head just barely poked out to watch the scene unfold.
“Wolverine? Well, I must admit, this is certainly the last place I’d expect to find you,” the unarmed man said. He took a few more steps forward. Logan watched his approach, confusion written in his knitted brows. The lone man chuckled, “How long has it been? 15 years? You haven’t changed one bit. Me, on the other hand…” the man trailed off. He stopped a few feet in front of Logan and gestured to his own face, “...nature.”
You didn’t like this. The man in front of Logan gave you a bad feeling. Like shocks of anxiety pricking over your hypersensitive skin. You gripped your lance tighter in your hands.
Logan’s claws retracted back between his knuckles. Narrowed, hazel eyes analyzed the man standing in front of him.
“I didn’t realize Xavier was taking in animals,” the man said with a laugh. He adjusted the glasses sitting on the bridge of his wide nose, “Even animals as unique as you.”
“Who are you?” Logan asked. His hands remained clenched at his sides.
The man laughed again, “Don’t you remember?”
Logan stared at the man, mouth agape. He took a few steps forward.
You’d had enough. This man, whoever he was, wasn’t going to talk Logan into… whatever it is this guy was trying to do.
You darted out from behind the vase, lance brandished in your hands. Your head cocked as you sent the weapon soaring through the air. One of the kevlar-wearing men to your right gasped as the lance speared through his back and exited from the center of his chest. You focused on the lance as it flew from one man to the next. Sailing through the air until it pierced the men’s abdomens and sent them careening to the floor.
Every gun pointed in your direction. Some men holding rifles containing darts, others aiming real guns straight at you. You paused mid-step.
Your gaze met Logan’s. Recognition flashed in his widened eyes. He took another step forward, this time toward you.
Ice crackled on the walls of the hallway. Large snowflakes linked together as they stretched the width of the hallway and formed a wall. The ice solidified, creating a transparent, blue blockade between you and Logan.
“No, no!” Logan yelled from his side of the wall. He pounded desperately on the ice.
The unarmed man turned to face you. He was older, hair graying and beard wiry. Black glasses framed his squinted, blue eyes. You shifted your weight between your feet.
“Hello, my dear. You must be the one called ‘Bleeder,’” he said. Your posture stiffened at the name. You felt your jaw clench.
“I haven’t been called that in a long time,” you replied. God, if it weren’t for the guns pointed at you, you’d have skewered this man ages ago.
“And yet it was your moniker all the same,” the man said. His boots clicked against the hardwood as he approached you. Thick coat covering his torso, gloved hands clutched behind his back. He stopped a few paces in front of you. His hooded eyes passed over your blood-covered form, “I believe I have use of you. Take her.”
The familiar pop of the dart-filled guns rang out as you were peppered with white needles. Dozens and dozens of pinpricks filled your chest. You gasped, falling to one knee. The edges of your mind began to cloud with a foggy haze.
“Vampire!” you distantly heard Logan yell. You felt the floor sway beneath your feet. Your hands planted on the hardwood when you fell forward.
“That’s it. Off to sleep, Bleeder,” the man said above you. You threw him one last hate-filled glare, then collapsed as the tranquilizers overtook your senses.
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some looooooooooore for reader!!! hope y'all enjoyed. and what a cliffhanger, huh?
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readymades2002 · 1 year
trying to figure out how to pitch this setting to my current ttrpg party in the event that everyone stops doing their stupid JOB long enough to play toys with me again one day...
#or to perhaps gm it for other parties. who can say. if anyone#*glances at audience*would be interested *glances again* at any time maybe we could work something out who knows#its. hrmmm. our party is half newbies very enthusiastic about it and half dyed-in-the-wool dee n dee dudes#and ive been tinkering with the idea of like. a distinct way magic works in this setting and also just kind of#doing whatever and maybe using a different game because dee n dee is suck and the combat is nightmarish#but i dont know how to introduce that even if i HAD dm'ed before and anyway im struggling thinking#'some dms should just write a book instead'. because i like gorget i like what i've made#but its hard to develop around the idea of an animated force that doesnt exist yet and also i just#hrmmmm. puts chin in hands.#i love storytelling and i love worldbuilding and i love CHARACTER CREATION its just#i feel like. i want to share it with people. im not confident in it but i want other people to see it#because i always try to communicate with my art in my weird inept way and i feel like...this is my best chance to be understood#i would like that very much. but i don't know how. and of course if i put it out in the world#it belongs to other people too and if i become Known and Understood then i belong to other people too#which is always scary to me...#what if they dont like it (me). what if they do? what then#i think i have interesting contributions to make to this world...but being part of the world is hard#so much of them time i spend trying to keep the world OUT because it is always touching me and pressing on me and weighing on me#which is important to respect but very tiring and leaves very little room for anything else ever mind the responsibilities#of being a good friend...#ive been thinking about it a lot recently. it feels like there is something fundamental that makes me incapable#of getting close to people or at least uncomfortable with it but i want it so badly and i'm dying without it#i don't know what to do about that but art is my window into the world. so it is important to me.#i forgot what i was saying. do you want to see my introduction i wrote up for the setting awhile ago
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solangelotus · 3 months
she’s thunderstorms
luke castellan x reader (MDNI)
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beautiful patterns on the window pane
summary: you and luke agreed to be friends with benefits, but that all changes for you after a climactic moment together. luke knew his feelings before this agreement, but yours are a sudden revelation.
word count: 4.2k
warnings: zeus!reader, talks about greek tragedies/violence, angst if you squint, smut MDNI! (warnings under the cut). clarisse x silena. reader wears a bikini. percabeth mentions. reader has long enough hair for two braids
author’s note: this is based off of this post i saw! also, this is my first time writing something creatively in a whopping FIVE years! so please be kind <3 this will be a small series that i have planned out, but i want to see how this is received before committing!
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smut warnings: oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (don’t do that), p in v, slight breeding kink maybe, praise, pet names. little bit of dom reader and sub luke but nothing too obvious
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a forbidden child. gods and monsters alike all wanted you to pay for a life you didn’t even ask for. you had tried leaving camp occasionally, opting to try and live a somewhat normal life but it wasn’t possible as a child of the king of the gods. you always made your way back to camp half-blood, and back to the only place that feels like home.
this summer the heat is overwhelming. any day where you weren’t forced to teach combat or how to make friendship bracelets meant taking advantage of the empty beach that overlooked long island sound. your reprieve from the heat was typically spent with other campers. silena beauregard and clarisse la rue joined you today, and all three of you rested on towels underneath the bright sun.
“where’s luke?” clarisse asks, handing you a bowl of strawberries from the picnic basket you three had packed at lunch.
“oh, him and chris are stuck on dish duty,” silena explains with a shrug, not caring about the fact she’s to be blamed for their absences. “their cabin was a big mess this morning, and it was the nicest job i could give them. cabin nine is on stable duties right now. can’t have charlie thinking i’m soft on him. lee’s at an infirmary shift i think.”
“you are soft on him,” clarisse teases and silena scrunches her nose at her taller girlfriend. the latter shoves a strawberry into the former’s mouth with a laugh. “what? it’s no different than my friendship with chris, and i am not afraid to admit i’m soft on him. they're our exes.”
“y/n’s not soft on her exes, she’s only soft on her boy toy,” silena points out, and you lift your sunglasses to rest them on the top of your head. you narrow your eyes at the daughter of aphrodite.
“i don’t have any exes, and he is not my boy toy.”
“no, he’s just your best friend who you occasionally fuck and are completely in love with.”
“but you’re not denying that you have a soft spot for him?” silena smirks. of course, you are soft for luke castellan.
the son of hermes was the first person you met at camp and had been your best friend since you were fifteen. no matter how prideful you were, there was no chance of denying your loyalty to the boy who had been at your side for the last four years.
“it’s not like that,” you say to clarisse, ignoring silena’s question. “it’s strictly platonic. we have an agreement.”
“yeah, yeah, we know you don’t do relationships,” silena interjects, stating it as if it’s the biggest sin someone could commit. you suppose it may be to her; she was a favorite of her mother, and everything she did and said was full of love.
“no fighting, you two.”
“rich coming from you.”
“what? i was joking!”
“it’s so funny,” clarisse deadpans, and the three of you begin to laugh. you put your empty bowl back into the picnic basket and pull your band tee off before pushing yourself up to stand.
“can we swim now?”
“give me a second,” the daughter of aphrodite says and takes your hand to stand. covering her swimsuit is a floor-length pink sundress that you’re certain was the reason she and clarisse happened to be late to the beach.
silena may have inherited desire from her mother, but clarisse inherited passion from her father. you never would have pinned clarisse to like fashion, but anytime silena wore a sundress it was bad news for anyone around them. once she sheds the dress, clarisse grabs her hand and runs towards the water. you trail behind them, enjoying the sight of two of your closest friends' love for each other.
truth be told, you did envy them to some extent. the average demigod's lifespan was already short, and yours was even shorter. making it to nineteen was a miracle in and of itself.
it didn’t seem fair to rope someone else into a romantic greek tragedy. you would only do it if you were the one left behind. but as a forbidden child, that was and will never be an option. you are the eurydice, the hyacinthus, the daphne, and the achilles. in every version of your story, death would be your only option. grief would be a privilege.
by the time the boys finished their chores, they came into view with a few stragglers behind them. “oh, great. i thought the point of beach days was that they were childless.”
“who even is it?” you ask after silena splashes clarisse for her comments.
“looks like that fucking new kid.”
“you stay away from him, clar.”
“no promises, love.”
“oh, are you talking about percy jackson?”
“yeah, he failed his cabin inspection too,” silena answers you. if you had a soft spot for anyone, it would undoubtedly be the only other forbidden child at camp (sans your pine tree sister). luke spent a lot of time training percy, and you spent a lot of time voicing your experiences and frustrations with each other.
“he’s the only one in his cabin.”
“so is y/n, and she hardly ever makes it in the top five,” silena points out and you splash her. the boys set down their stuff, and you notice percy getting pushed by another girl. you make your way onto the shore as percy sprints past you with annabeth right on his heels.
“hey, stormy,” luke greets you. you swat at his hand which tries to touch your hip and push him away from you with a laugh. he gets his hands back on you and pulls your back flush against his chest. his hand snakes around to rest on the lower part of your belly. “can you blame me for wanting to get my hands on you when you look this good?”
“luke!” you chastised. before summer started, you both had snuck out of camp to go shopping with the money your mom had sent you. when you tried on the royal blue bikini, luke’s jaw had gone slack and you knew you had to buy it. he looks at you with a smirk once you spin around, and you stand on the tip of your toes to whisper in his ear. “you can do that later.”
“gods,” he mumbles and watches as you run back into the water. you cup a handful of water and throw it at percy who retaliates by sending a wave of water down on top of you.
luke feels like he can’t breathe when he sees you laugh and squeeze the water out of your soaking braids. he watches your hands and feels his heartbeat race as he sees you adjust the bottoms of your swimsuit.
“stop staring,” lee fletcher nudges him with a smile, and chris nods from beside him. the boys relentlessly tease luke at every chance they get. they knew to keep the information about you and luke to themselves but he was a loudmouth. he had trouble keeping it in when you were such a beautiful person to love on.
“i need to go help lena with clarisse before she tries to kill percy,” chris groans and runs into the water when percy accidentally splashes her in the process of trying to get annabeth. beckendorf follows him to help, but silena successfully stops clarisse’s anger with a kiss. luke wishes he could be so open with his affection for you.
he pulls his shirt off and sets it down beside yours. he catches your smile when he begins his descent into the water, and your eyes dip down to his v-line that pokes out from his swimming trunks. gods, he is going to kill you someday.
“y/n,” annabeth drags out your name and tugs on your arm, “play chicken with me and percy, please?”
“sure, you want castellan in on it?”
“luke,” she calls out and wades over to him. he smiles at her and tries to shake his head, but the young girl tugs him over until you are face to face with his pout.
“this feels unfair, stormy. why did you say yes?”
“just bend down,” you instruct and he blushes. he would be lying if he said he doesn’t love when you order him around.
“yes, ma’am.”
you push yourself up onto the lithe boy’s shoulders, just as a wave pulls annabeth out of the water and onto percy’s shoulders. she squeals in surprise, and he latches onto her hands to keep her balanced. you smile at the two, and look over at silena who sends you a silent message: percy is trying to impress annabeth. he likes her, and you know the daughter of athena well enough to recognize those feelings are returned.
annabeth calls your name, and you find yourself tugging and pushing against her to try and knock her off of her perch. luke’s grip on your thighs is distracting, especially as you feel him move his hands higher up at each opportunity. your heart speeds up in your chest and you can’t tell if it’s from the hands teasing the flesh on your legs or from the excitement of pushing the girl into the water.
percy groans and dips under the water to find her, while you and luke cheer. you try to coax him to look up at you but fail to move his head and feel a sharp, pleasurable pain on your thigh. you smack his chest, and he looks up at you with a wide grin. your heart drops to your stomach when you see the deep red mark presenting itself on your thigh. you splash water at his face when you hop down from his shoulders and he winces. “did you fucking bite me?”
“that,” he pauses and pulls you flush against him, “is payback for annabeth wanting me to go to the infirmary last week for the hickeys you left.”
it wasn’t very often that luke was able to make a mess of you in public. usually, you force him to keep it behind closed doors. he stares down at you with a smirk, enjoying the pink dusting your cheeks.
he spins you and wraps his arms around you from behind. you were familiar with this dangerous dance of his, one that he does when he wants you. “it would be a shame if a storm were to ruin our beach day, and we had to go back to your cabin.”
“a shame indeed,” you agree, and feel a tug in your stomach as you hold your hand towards a faraway point of the rocky shore. lightning strikes down, and a scream comes from percy as rain clouds begin forming overhead. annabeth laughs at her boy’s antics and runs with him as he tries to get to the shore as fast as possible. “you’re going to have to work a little harder than that to get what you want.”
“y/n, luke! come on!” silena calls and luke whines as you push off of him. he watches as you saunter out of the water, one hand behind you as you wield more storm clouds into camp. he slowly follows you and dies when you pull your tee shirt over your head. your ass pokes out from the bottom of the arctic monkeys shirt he had gotten with a five-finger discount at a concert you had snuck into. he would do anything you want right now if you were alone on this beach.
you turn around and toss him your towel, which blinds him as it lands directly on his face. you and percy laugh together, and luke just stands in defeat until he feels the fabric fall off his face. you move and stop yourself in front of him to wrap the towel around his neck as if it’s a cape. the smile on your face as you dry off his shoulders and chest makes him fully believe you were made for him. he says a silent prayer to zeus. he finds himself praying to your father more than ever. only the king of the gods could bring such an ethereal being to life. he’s sure that you were more divine than human.
“you like this, don’t you?” you ask. luke leans his face into your hands as you dry his hair off.
“me taking care of you,” you add, causing him to blush. he takes the towel from you and covers his face again. “nothing to be embarrassed about, pretty boy. you know i like it, too.”
“stormy,” he groans and you rip the towel off his face.
“c’mon guys, we need to get back to our cabins before the storm starts,” lee ushers everyone off the shore.
“it just came out of nowhere,” percy pouts, saddened by the rain ruining his swimming.
“yeah, super weird, perce,” silena agrees and narrows her eyes at you. you tug luke with you as you run off into the tree line with him. far enough away from both the beach and the cabins is when you find yourself pushing luke against the trunk of a tree. he smiles down at you, his cheeks red, and he reminds you vividly of the first time you decided to sleep together.
bruises litter his skin as you kiss a path up his chest back to his neck. his hands grip your thighs and you let out quiet sighs when he squeezes them ever so slightly. you sit up, your core resting lightly on him, and grind down on him. his eyes close at the movement and he lets out a low groan, his grip becoming tighter. it feels more intimate than anything you have done. your best friend squirms underneath you, and you feel a love and desire unlike any before.
you cup his cheeks and instruct him to open his eyes. he looks at you with heavy lids, and a heavy, warm feeling erupts in your chest. his cheeks are flushed, and he has a small content smile on his face. you feel like the most important person in the world; you feel like more than just a daughter.
you dip down and kiss him hard, a moan surprising the both of you from the back of his throat. you roll your hips against his again and open your mouth in surprise at how hard he is. his head falls back against your pillow, and you begin to kiss along his jaw, “is this okay?”
“yeah, that’s — that’s okay, y/n,” he speaks through gasps and you smile against his skin. he feels your teeth against his adam’s apple and murmurs your name again. “please, keep going. don’t stop.”
luke’s mouth on yours brings you out of your reverie. his hands toy with the end of your shirt, and he slips his tongue into your mouth when you gasp. his fingertips trace lightly over your core on your bikini bottoms, and your hands grip his arms tightly. you can hear your friends closing in from a distance. “we can’t be doing this here, luke.”
“i want you,” he whines when you circle his wrist with your fingers to pull it away. you let go and walk backwards in the direction of the camp with him walking slowly towards you, like a predator to prey.
“come get me then,” you tell him and turn to sprint towards your cabin. he has an advantage in sword fighting, but you will always be faster than him. he gains ground on you with his long legs, but you run into your cabin before him. his chest heaves by the time you let him lay you down on the bed.
luke likes you in control of him, teasing and teaching him where you like to be touched. he enjoys you teaching him new things about himself, where he’s most sensitive, and what makes him cum fastest. he loves when you relinquish control once in a while and you let him divulge and enjoy every part of your body that he can.
what luke castellan enjoys most is when your body shakes as he eats you out. he knows you love it, too, by the eagerness with which you allow the bottoms of your bikini to be removed.
he applies light pressure to your clit with his tongue and pushes your hips down to prevent you from squirming away from him. fervent moans leave your body, and your thighs squeeze his head. the way his tongue quickly switches from kitten licks to lapping makes your head spin until his name comes out like a mantra, like a prayer. luke, luke, luke. you’re tempted to give gratitude to the gods for blessing you with such a lover.
when he kisses you, you wrap your legs around his waist and rake your fingers through his hair. he pulls away and nuzzles his face into your neck. you wrap your arms around him, in a tight hug, and a contented sigh leaves his lips. he enjoys moments where you let him love you too.
his feelings remain unknown to you, but each time he finds himself touching you, tasting you, and feeling you around him is reason enough to enjoy your friendship as it is. although, truly, he feels this is something that even friends don’t do. you confirm his suspicions when you manage to flip him and remove his swim trunks. no friend that he knows of could ever touch him so easily, get him to breathe so heavily, and make him nearly cum with just a few strokes.
“leave your shirt on,” he breathes out, his breathing heavy from you guiding him inside you. he fills you completely, and a sigh escapes your lips. your eyes meet each other and luke believes you look like royalty with the soft glow of the sunset in the background creating a halo around your head. your hair is in two braids — something he was sure clarisse did for you — and he toys with the ends, trying to steady his breathing as you remain reluctant to move.
“truthfully, you look stunning in nothing but that shirt?”
“this shirt?” you laugh, and he groans as he feels you tighten around him. his head falls back against his pillow, and you move your hips in slow, languid circles against him.
it’s hard to keep serious, to act like he doesn’t press against your walls in the most perfect ways. like he doesn’t make you feel better than any person before him. you rest a hand on the nape of his neck and push lightly so he is forced to look at you. you try to remain calm, despite the building pressure. “clarisse always goes crazy when silena wears sundresses. you feel that way with these shirts?”
“yes,” he sighs. you often find yourself being asked to keep the band tees on during sex that he has stolen for you. luke can’t explain it, there’s just something so electric about something he has gotten you adorning your body. the bands, and the music, brought you much passion and you when you were passionate was something that drove him up a wall.
he couldn’t deny that your frame adored by the graphic band tees was something he thought about while fucking his fist when he failed to have you. now that he has you, he tries his best to share what turns him on the most. “you look like royalty.”
“i am,” you retort, and increase the pace of your hips. you groan and lean down to rest your forearms on either side of his head. he looks at you, eyes full of bliss, and he sits up enough to smash your lips together. you moan into his mouth, struggling to keep your wits when it feels so good. “what do you want, pretty boy?”
luke takes a second to comprehend your question. he’s whimpering and gripping your sides hard enough to leave bruises. sometimes you wonder if you are made for each other when he fucks you this well. he tries to take a deep breath, but his breath comes out in shutters. “can i mark you up?”
“f-fuck, yeah,” you mutter, and he sits up, his confidence increasing from the stutter in your words. he wraps his arms around your back, pulling you tight against him. he nibbles at your neck, running his tongue over the marks to soothe them. you are sure you have reached elysium; his teeth on your neck, and his hands guiding your hips as you rock against him. “luke?”
this is the most control you have ever granted him. he relishes the opportunity to make you fall apart and wonders why it all suddenly feels so different as you struggle to keep up your pace. on the other hand, you found yourself experiencing similar thoughts. you are more relaxed this time, more comfortable with allowing him to do whatever he wants with your body. it’s true intimacy, you finally allow yourself to relinquish what led you to sex in the first place: control.
“i-i want, um, i want,” you pause, taking in a gasp of air. he feels so good, so godly. you feel pathetic but fail to care. you know luke would never use this vulnerability against you. it’s hard to focus when he fills you so perfectly to the point where you are nearly knocked over the edge.
“what do you want, princess?” he asks, and you blush at the near-pornographic moan that leaves your throat. you rest your forehead on his shoulder, trying to hide your flushed cheeks. he reaches between your sweaty bodies and begins to rub harsh circles on your clit, causing a high-pitched whine to leave your throat. “c’mon, princess, you're doing so good. tell me what you want.”
“fuck,” you cry, biting down on his shoulder to prevent another loud moan from escaping your mouth. he groans and quickened his pace on your clit, causing another string of whimpers to leave you. you are entirely sure that you have never remained on edge for so long. you want to scream, to shout his name to anyone who will hear. you don’t even care if the whole camp hears. the praises, the nicknames, it’s all so new and so invigorating.
“please, talk to me.”
“i’m so close.”
“me too, baby. where do you want me to finish?”
“luke,” your voice comes out as a whine again, “cum in me.”
few words escape either of you, they are replaced with lewd sounds loud enough to only increase your arousal. he channels his unraveling with fast, rough movements on your clit, and with his mouth sucking on your neck.
you cum first, squeezing him within an inch of his life. he removes his fingers from your core, and places them on your hips, lifting and slamming you down on his cock. you nearly scream, the feeling so overstimulating after two orgasms.
when he finally cums in you with a groan, you clench around him, milking every last drop you can get. when you first slept together (and every consecutive time following), you felt embarrassed at the idea of him cumming inside of you being so hot.
he assures you each time that he feels the same, but you never have the confidence to let it happen. now you couldn’t care less at the idea as he collapses onto his back with you falling on his chest.
both of you are unsure of how long you lay there, but it’s long enough for him to soften inside of you. every movement leaves you whimpering, so spent from the activities of the day. he holds you tight, and you trace shapes and letters on his chest as he tries to guess them.
when he finally falls asleep, you pull yourself off him and admire the soft, kind boy beside you. you trace the scar on his face, and lean up to kiss the corner of his mouth. he doesn’t so much as stir in his sleep, and you catch yourself tracing three letters on his chest: I, L, Y.
luke is clueless of this as he sleeps, which you thank the gods for. love was never something you thought you would experience, but this surely had to be it, right? this was something so spectacular and ground shaking to you.
there were parts of yourself that he knew of that you would never tell anyone. you were fucked, you knew this the first time he made you cum. all of that pent up tension was more than sexual frustration, it was desire and blooming feelings you tried to hide from the moment you met him.
no one matches the feeling in your chest when he smiles. no one matches the butterflies in your belly when he pays you attention. no one ever has and ever will receive the same love you give luke, and maybe this is the moment where you finally will accept that it’s okay to love the son of hermes.
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thecapricunt1616 · 4 months
Vervain - c.b. one-shot
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𝓢𝓷𝓲𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓽 (𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓣𝓒): “I want you to fuck another baby in me.” You said and kissed him deeply, grinding against him and running your hands over his chest and abdomen, tugging at the tie of his sweatpants. He moaned in surprise and grabbed your bum, squeezing and spanking you lightly before pulling away after a few more moments of you essentially eating eachother alive to breathe. 
♡ O/S Inspo: Vervain - Use in Protection, purification, youth, peace, healing, sleep and baths. For all-purpose protection of homes and people (especially children).
♡ Summary: You & Carmy had your first baby 8 weeks ago... seeing him being so attentive and such a good father is for some reason inducing a baby fever - again.
♡ W/C: 4.6K+
♡ Posted Date: 05/09/2024
♡ A/N: OOOO hey yallllll! Capri is back - She was written by the writing bug this morning!!! I have other requests i'm still working on but for now - I am swallowing my stage fright, I hope this suffices for what you were wanting future Mrs.Berzatto eek!!! Thank you so much for requesting from me! You can see the request this one-shot is based on right ♡ here ♡ if you aren't following @carmenberzattosgf already I'm quite unsure how you found ME before you found HER go give her a freaking follow!!!I am seriously such a fangirl for her work and was over the moon when she requested me!
♡ Warnings for BTC: Pregnancy stuff, breeding kinks, talking about parenting stuff, Dad!Carmy, unedited (we die like men), NO USE OF Y/N!, AFAB/Feminine reader w/ long hair implied
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡
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It had been exactly 8 weeks today from when you’d given birth to your baby girl, Athena. Of course, you weren’t thinking about this yet - because you were peacefully sleeping away in bed, at 8:45 am. Each day you woke though, you were surprised your life wasn’t a dream. 
Being married to your ultimate dream man, with the most beautiful little baby and not a rush in the world. Carmy had known when you got pregnant he’d be taking some time off after you gave birth to care for you, especially since you’d been trying for a baby so he was more prepared to have everything set up. He made your life almost impossibly easy. 
Impossibly meaning it was nearly…isolating how simple your problems were compared to other moms. Since Carmy was like - the fucking golden standard of dad. You weren’t sure where he learned all this shit- especially since his father was never around and you knew for a fact didn’t treat his mother like this. You honestly felt bad complaining about anything to other moms - because in comparison when you did they were needing to do way more then you, and alone - because their husbands simply didn't care, or weren't interested in learning.
He had completely taken over the nighttime feedings, every 2 hours an alarm buzzing him awake on his watch. He would go ease little Athena awake, come back to the bedroom, gently wake you, set a boppy in your lap, help you undo your maternity bra and get her latched, and rub your back through the cramping that breastfeeding brought, whispering sweet encouragements and kissing your temple. 
After she was done eating, he would help you get situated again, bottle up the letdown milk and put it in the mini fridge he’d gotten for your bedroom for this specific purpose before bringing your daughter back to her nursery and burping her, before changing her and putting her back down - just do do it all again an hour and 15 minutes later. 
He took over the cleaning completely - your house was spotless nearly at all times, and of course you were very well fed. He would combat the exhaustion fatherhood brought by passing out next to you in bed after he brought you breakfast on a cute little tray and Athena had her morning feeding before being put down for a nap, baby monitor on his chest so he could jump up the second she fussed. 
“G’morning mama” was what woke you this morning, that and gentle kisses on your forehead. You heard quiet little coos and immediately your eyes were open on instinct, to see little Athena nuzzled up in Carmys arm like a little football and a tray of amazing smelling breakfast in your face. 
“I want my baby” you open your arms and he gently placed her on your chest to which she grunts happily and squirms her little legs, doing everything she can to lift up her head to see you. 
“She’s such a good girl mama she helped me make breakfast f’you this mornin’ she’s the best little sous ever” he cooed, looking at her beaming with happiness as he rubs her little back. 
This was what got you. You weren’t sure if it was the hormones, if it was the fact your husband looked like a fucking Greek god incarnate, or if it was just - you don’t know…human fucking nature?! Literally? But the insane level of need that you had for him - you wanted another one. 
Athena wasn’t even rolling on her side yet and you were already craving being pregnant. Well- Carmy did love your body while you were pregnant. You loved your body while pregnant, you felt sexier and more feminine and pretty and overall like a goddess. Mostly thanks to Carmy and his constant praises, and the way you two were fucking like rabbits during your pregnancy and you missed that. 
“What’s f’breakfast daddy?” You pucker your lips to which he obliges and gives you a sweet peck 
“So this mornin, Miss Athena she decided on an omelette so we have a French omelette with dill-“ he explained and you inturrupt with a giggle 
“Did you? You came up with that all on your own Athena? Such a smart girl!” You joked, kissing the top of her soft head to which she just huffed a breath to your skin and made little baby grunting noises as she wiggled her legs 
“She did! Then we also have a light cucumber salad f’you with fresh herbs ‘f’course, sourdough toast, and a banana smoothie. All made with love” he kissed the top of your head. 
Each morning after her first feeding, he would take Athena into the kitchen with him, baby wear her because he is just that perfect, and explain every little detail to her softly while he would cook breakfast, giving her head gentle kisses along the way and rubbing her back soothingly. He did the same while cooking lunch, and dinner. The first time you saw this you burst into tears at the sweetness and the beauty of creating your own family.
“Wow sweetheart thank you! This looks sooo yummy” you kissed the now drowsy baby’s nose and she smiled softly, causing you to smile and Carmy to gasp happily. 
“Look at that little smile ‘eh? Such a pretty girl” he rubbed her back gently and you carefully picked her up and put her on his chest so you could eat, to which he happily laid back, palm flat over her little back patting her soothingly. 
“Can’t wait to try this bear looks so yummy” you pull the tray in your lap and cut off a bite, trying it and nodding “course a ten.” You look at him and he huffs a laugh as to not wake the baby who was clearly ready for another nap
“Y’always say ten” he said softly and pressed his lips to Athena’s head gently, breathing in her baby smell. “Do you know what day it is?” He mumbles and looks over at you. 
“I’ve been waiting for this day for….eight weeks” you smirk and he shook his head amusedly with a smile. 
“Babe- you’ve been” he covers her tiny ears “you’ve been sucking me dry I didn’t even have a break. This is gettin’ exhausting” he joked and you laugh quietly as to not disturb the baby. 
“Not my fault you’re like- don’t get me started I need to eat and shower and shave and - today is a big day.” You said and sipped your smoothie, humming happily “this is really good seriously bear” you told him and he rubbed your hand gently before pressing it to his lips 
“Alright well that means I better get a move on then and there’s laundry t’do so I better go put ‘er down, you eat. Watch y’show ’er whatever and you can do your shower mm?” He asked and you nodded happily. 
Of course he’d oblige your every wish. He had always been this way, but became even more lenient after you’d gotten pregnant. You made sure many times through tearful guilt that he wasn’t making himself resent you, and he assured you that everything he does he wants to do and only does because of the fact that he wants to, he also assured you he could never resent you or even dislike you, or anything less then be fully in love with you. 
You had a luxurious shower, slathered on your favorite lotion and were even able to blow out your hair, putting on your favorite pair of lacy panties. You were upset you had to settle for a nursing bra, but knew Carmy wasn’t going to mind. You put on one of your comfortable slips, even put in some earrings after doing your skincare. By the time you were done Carmy was just getting Athena up from her nap and changing her diaper before bringing her in 
“Say hi mama” he takes her little hand waving it at you “did you have a nice shower?” He pecked your lips sweetly and helped you get settled with her on the bed so she could eat. 
“Very nice - thank you for taking care of everything sweetheart” you sit back, sighing softly and resting your head back “I love you” you look over at him with a sweet smile. 
“I love you beautiful, how y’feelin any cramps?” He asked and held your hand, lacing your fingers together sweetly and kissing your fingers. 
“No- well…not as bad anymore If anything when she’s not as hungry my boobs start to hurt” you explained and he nods 
“Well y’look beautiful baby, I love these on you” he gently touches your earring bringing a smile to your lips, he always notices the smallest things about you. Like he has you memorized. 
“Thank you Bear” you said softly as the baby makes little gulping suckling noises. Carmy chuckled, rubbing her belly lightly. 
“That’s the good stuff huh little? Mama’s got the golden tap” he jokes and you laughed, holding her securely 
“Stop! Stop making me laugh she’s comfy latched like this you’ll piss her off” you nudge him with your foot gently 
“It’s true! You were the one that forced me to try it. It’s sweet, I see why she likes it.” He said and you scrunch your nose, biting back giggles 
“Yes because it encourages her to eat it.” You gently brush that spot over her nose bridge and forehead, causing her eyes to flutter shut “that’s why when she’s 6 months we can’t let her have fruit for a while cause she’ll think everything’s sweet like my milk” you explained 
“Mmm…read that too in one of the books you got- it’s a good call” he thumbs over her fingers gently that were wrapped around his forefinger tightly like a baby monkey. 
“You should sleep” you told him softly. “You can have snuggles with her I’ll watch you” 
He smiled and leaned in, kissing you lovingly “thank you sweets. I can burp her s’okay. I already got the towel” he said and grabbed it from his nightstand. 
She only took a few more minutes before she slowly stopped suckling and instead went to fall right asleep but before she could you took her off and handed her over to Carmy for burping to which she fussed before she realized her dad was taking her then she relaxed again. 
After Carmy fell asleep, you went to put her down for a nap as well and put away the laundry Carmy had washed. It was about 3 hours before Athena began to fuss again and you went to get her, sitting in her rocking chair after you’d changed her and reading her a book as she ate. 
Carmy came in just as you were finishing up The Very Hungry Caterpillar “that’s a good one huh princess?” He said softly, gently caressing her cheek with his knuckle to which she fluttered her eyes open and smiled slightly before closing them again. 
“Mmhmm, that one always puts her to sleep, she stopped eating 3 pages ago but I like to let her have a little time” you said and gently pulled her off to which of course she fussed. Carmy took her, hushing her sweetly and putting her on his shoulder. 
“Y’mommy spoils you little girl” he told her, gently bouncing her as he burped her, putting a cloth on his shoulder and kissing her head. You smile slightly as you fixed your bra and nightgown 
“I’d say we both spoil her. The doctor says she’s the happiest baby she’s met” you fixed her little sock that she’d managed to wriggle down to her toes before kissing her foot 
“And the smartest and the prettiest and the most perfect “ he told her sweetly patting her back as she let out a big burp “good girl” he said and you giggled 
“That was a good one” you told her and kiss her head gently, seeing him like this with her, especially mixed with a sleep thick voice, no shirt, and messy curls - not to mention the stubble from not bothering to shave as often. He looked…delicious 
“Mmm- such a sexy daddy too” you mused, kissing his neck gently and rubbing your palm over his abs that had gone a bit softer due to spending way less time in the gym, but you loved it. 
“Yeah? Even with throw up on my shoulder mm?” He joked, and usually that would be gross - but fuck. The way he stepped up as a father constantly - everything he did was with the two of you in mind and you never even had to ask. He’d quit smoking for god sakes without you saying a word once he’d found out you were pregnant. 
“Especially. You’re so fucking amazing Carmy. Let me go to the bedroom so you can put her down but we need to talk” you told him and kissed his lips lovingly before heading back to the bedroom so he could work his magic getting her to sleep. 
It only took him 20 minutes before she was out and he came to the bedroom, carefully shutting the door behind him. “Needa talk mm? Got a feelin’ we won’t be doin much talkin’ “ he teased, throwing her spit up towel in the hamper easily and coming to lay down with you. As soon as his head hit the pillow you were straddling his lap, your hands on either of his shoulders like a hungry lioness in heat. 
“I want you to fuck another baby in me.” You said and kissed him deeply, grinding against him and running your hands over his chest and abdomen, tugging at the tie of his sweatpants. He moaned in surprise and grabbed your bum, squeezing and spanking you lightly before pulling away after a few more moments of you essentially eating eachother alive to breathe. 
“Holy fucking shit” he said, chest rising and falling quickly “what got into you- im not complaining but-“
“Get me pregnant. I love it- I love it Carmy. God I feel so fucking hot. And seeing you with our daughter being all attentive and good to her? Holy fuck baby. Mm when people look at me - when they look at us I love it. I love knowing that people know you knocked me up.” You said, kissing his neck and sucking a hickey into the stubbly skin there. He moaned softly, palming your ass and squeezing your upper thighs 
“No baby not yet - not yet mm? Y’need time to heal…we can pretend mm?” He counters and gently brushed your hair back. You whine and pout, pulling back and looking at him 
“No. I want it now get me pregnant now.” You beg and hold his hands “pleeease I’m all healed remember? It’s 8 weeks.” You said and kissed over his tattoos, hoping you were distracting enough to get him to agree.  
“Mm yup you can have me inside you again, but doctor said having another baby so fast would cause them to have low birth weight. We don’t want that for our babe no? Also y’breastfeeding babe. The chances of you getting pregnant are super low” he said and you huff, sitting up frustratedly 
“You really know how to turn a girl off, you know that right? Can’t you pretend to satisfy your wife? Don’t you think I know?! Do you think I’m stupid?” You snip and he raised his brows 
“Y’gettin sassy w’me?” He questioned lowly and squeezed your hips “fix the attitude” he ordered and you bit back a smile. 
“No.” You crossed your arms “I don’t have one” you snip “you’re being mean t’me. Y’being mean to your wife” you teased, shoving his shoulder into the pillow playfully. 
“Ohh” he chuckled a bit “did you just push me?” He mused, grabbing your wrist firmly but not enough to hurt, just enough to show you he was willing to play. 
“What would you do about it if I said yes?” You leaned in so close your noses were touching. 
“You’d be in trouble” he smirked, leaning in and tugging your bottom lip between his teeth and sucking and nibbling it gently the way drove you wild. You moaned softly, your eyes fluttering shut. The feeling went straight to your core, warmth flooding your abdomen and your clit twitching with excitement. 
“Please” you said softly, well as much as you could mumble with one lip the other still being assaulted by Carm who was very much enjoying the way you were squirming in his lap to get any kind of friction you could. 
He finally releases you “please what angel?” He spanks you lightly “what d’y’need mm?” He lifted your nightgown over your ass and squeezed the flesh, reaching under you and cupping your heat. He hummed at the feeling of dampness already soaking the lace, collecting as much as he could on his fingers. 
“I need you t’fill me up again. Fuckin breed me make me a mommy again mm?” You begged, grinding against his hand - not even caring about the whorish filthy moans falling from your lips. You’d been fantasizing about this for weeks now, the relief of his hand- his wonderful calloused, thick, muscular hand, felt like it was enough to send you into a full orgasm just from the pressure his fingers were giving. 
“Holy fuck y’soaked babe- my god” he groaned, pulling your panties to the side and gently rubbing circles into your swollen throbbing clit that was already twitching. Your hips buck and you bit down on your hand to hold in a cry as to not wake the baby. The next 3 or so minutes you couldn’t even remember what you said as he rubbed firm quick circles over your clit and after not having been touched for nearly 3 months - you were cumming on his hand mumbling his name, and profanities that would likely be considered sacrilegious while whimpering and squirming, thighs shivering - the whole 9. 
“Wow” he muttered, and if your orgasm wasn’t so intense you would probably have laughed at how amazed he sounded. “Y’good?” He rubs your stomach gently and you nod quickly, trying to even your breathing. 
“Fuck-“ you said once you came down “I literally blacked out for a second I think-“ you laughed and he followed suit, carefully laying you down after tucking 2 pillows under your hips to keep you elevated and tugging your panties off. 
“Shit babe y’get all soft on me?” He teased, carefully wrapping your thighs around his waist and pushing down his boxers and sweats just enough to let his cock free. You loved this. It all felt so normal, you were worried it would be awkward getting in bed again, but you two were picking up right where you left off. 
“I think you’re underestimating how sensitive hormones make you” you said as he kissed over your stomach and hips, licking a stripe up your heat causing you to gasp and grip the sheets tightly , your core clenching around nothing. Each touch felt like the power of a lightning strike, it was so much better than before. It had to be the hormones, but shit - now that you knew how good this felt you were worried you could never get enough of him. 
“I guess I was. Also y’super sweet now by the way - sweeter then before I should say” he spread you wider with his fingers to lap up more of your arousal and you look down at him, moaning at the sight. 
“God I fuckin missed you between my thighs - you’re so pretty” you smile, watching as he strokes himself as he continues to pleasure you first per usual. “Can you- try inside?” You asked gently and he looked up at you, resting his cheek on your thigh. 
“You’re ready for that?” He asked softly, his lips and chin glistening with slick. 
“Yeah- uh…try one? Maybe just one at first” you said sheepishly and he nodded, licking his lips 
“Course sweetheart, tell me if s’too much yeah?” He assured and rubbed over you gently before easing a finger over your entrance. 
The feeling was…well. 
It was similar to the uncomfort of your first time, which - if that was the case then it would just take a few times to feel good again. “How’s it feel?” He gently sucks your clit as he eases to the second knuckle, curling gently 
“Mm- okay? Not like it used to. But kinda like it used to…maybe it’ll feel better the more we do it” you assure and he nods a bit, flicking his tongue over your sensitive bud in the way that always got you to open up to him and you gasped lightly, back arching and core going lax. He slipped the final knuckle in and placed a kiss to your mound before slowly pumping as to not overstimulate you. 
“Yeah- mmm yeah” you breathe as it started to feel more familiar, the muscles loosening once again and relaxing. “Another- you can try another.” You told him and gently lace your fingers in his hair. He carefully eased in his forefinger, curling them against your g-spot and your thigh twitches, you nearly sobbed at the feeling that shot through your body at the contact. 
“Oh- okay found it-” he chuckled a bit “sorry did it hurt?” He asked and you shook your head quickly 
“Again” you said softly, trying to remain all of your control because you knew as soon as you lost it finding it would be nearly impossible and you two had a sleeping tiny human 1 room over. 
“Y’feel a lot tighter” he said, pumping his fingers slower, curling them against that fantastic spongey spot each time and you felt that coil in your belly tightening rapidly and it was going to snap now, any moment. “Y’like gushing right now” he chuckled, but it fell on deaf ears because your mind was fuzzy with pleasure. 
You couldn’t form a thought even if you tried, the mixture of his tongue sloppily drooling all over your clit as he padded over it, and the jolt of pleasure each curl of his fingers - it was a place long forgotten since your baby had been born since your priorities had both been changed and refocused for the time being. You weren’t able to warn him, you couldn’t do anything other then mutter his name as your orgasm washed over you so hard he had to hold your legs open so you didn’t crush him by mistake. 
“Fuck me- fuck me baby please Jesus- fuck me” you found yourself begging as you fluttered your eyes open and he was looking up at you in amazement like an owl, mouth slightly agape. 
“Holy shit” he muttered “you’ve never cum like that- what the fuck- I thought I almost killed you” he kissed your thigh and you laugh, a real laugh, chest rising and falling quickly as the aftershock of your orgasm reels back mixed with your giggles. 
“Please. Please” you cup his cheeks “cum inside me” you beg. He trailed kisses up your body, meeting your lips and pulling you into a hot, messy kiss. Mixed with clashing teeth and mixing of spit and sucking of tongues, before lining himself up and carefully pushing his tip in. You whimpered into his mouth and he pulled his lips away from yours, a small string of saliva connecting you both 
“Did I hurt you?” He asked worriedly and you shook your head
“Feels so good bear. Keep goin’ fuck I f’got how full I can feel” you pulled your lips back to his and felt him smile into your lips, holding your hand and lacing your fingers as his other hand worked on rubbing circles into your clit. He kept you quiet by making out with you as he thrusted in fully, staying still for a moment so you could adjust to the sensation once more. 
He grunts, feeling your walls flutter around him and you giggle in response, causing him to moan at the feeling of your walls squeezing around him “shit don’t do that I’ll fuckin cum”
“Then move dummy!” You push your heels into his ass and he chuckled, thrusting slowly in and out, nearly to the tip, before thrusting all the way back in to the hilt- his balls touching the curve of your ass 
“ are y’fuckin kickin me like a horse?” He teased as your back arched off the bed, a whiny moan tearing from your throat and he covers your mouth quickly, “here y’are beggin me t’fuck a second one int’you- y’haven’t even learned how t’be quiet for the first. The baby is sleeping.” He grumbled, and the way he was getting rough with you to protect your baby was enough to throw you into your third orgasm, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes from the overstimulation of your clit, whining and squirming beneath his grasp. 
“Y’gonna be quiet? Er do I have to keep you muzzled ‘mm?” He teased, removing his hand from your mouth 
“Promise- I promise- please please please Carmy - give me another one I promise I’ll be so quiet” you said softly, your voice pleading and begging. He moaned, thrusting a bit harder 
“Can y’take it? Mm? Are y’sure Y’can take me again princess? Last time I knocked you up it took quite a few months a’you face down, ass up, full a’my cum. Nights at a time. Y’don’t remember how you’d whine about how sore you’d get while you were ovulating? Mmm? Fuck you so full y’get sore- fuckin y’four er five times a’day?” he grabs your face, forcing you to look at him with mushed cheeks. 
You whine pathetically, mumbling little ‘yes’ ‘mmhmm’ and ‘please’  you manage to get out an “I miss that so much Carmy” you whimper as he cages you in with his arms, his chain dangling in your face and brushing against your chin as his thrusts get sloppier. 
“Yeah? You miss bein full a’my cum? Y’miss wakin’ up in the mornin’ drippin’ w’me honey?” He mutters into your neck, feeling droplets of your sweat mixing together as your bodies rubbed with his incredibly deep thrusts, nearly laying over you. But Carmy was the most comfortable blanket you could ever ask for. 
“So much- so so much baby. Y’know Athena would be such a good sister- she needs a little friend mm? Y’gonna give your girl what she wants?” You scratch down his back as he pounds right into your g-spot, “oh I’m gonna cum” you whined, back arching and chest pressing flush to his. 
“Fuck - fuck- yes. Yes baby. Fuck m’gonna fuck you full I promise- fuck I’ll give you whatever you want baby I fuckin love you I love you” he moans into your neck, whimpering softly as he shoots hot thick ropes of cum deep inside you, fucking you through your fourth orgasm of the day, rubbing over your belly gently “gonna fuckin stretch this belly out again mm?” He growled hotly in your ear and you giggle, slapping his back playfully. 
“You're so funny talking about wanting to wait” you said and he huffs a laugh into your neck. 
“Yeah yeah. Legs up- Thena’s gonna be hungry soon so Y’can only prop up there f’r like half an hour” he said and helped you put the pillows against the headboard with your hips on them so you were at an angle and rest your legs up on it to let gravity do its thing.  It wasn’t surprising to you, but he absolutely wasn’t opposed to another one so soon after a little convincing.
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In what ways would you change Yuu (or would you get rid of them entirely)? The writing feels inconsistent on their place/importance. If they were just a conduit for the player to watch the events unfold that's one thing but in another story they are an active player.
I'd personally play into the beastamer aspect more. They are supposedly the reason why Ace, Deuce, and Grim were able to work together thus I'd want them to have more agency in making plans, giving orders, etc. Rook calls them Trickster but in what way (lol). The vagueness of being a self insert pains me. I'd also want to give them some magically infused weapon (or has a magestone embedded) just so they aren't fodder or sideline material.
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Mmm… As much as I dislike the blank slate self-insertiness of Yuu (I’d prefer to read about an actually realized character), I wouldn’t want to get rid of them altogether. I think they’re important for the role they serve in the narrative even if in execution is inconsistent and not done well.
The problem with “changing” Yuu is that there has to be a certain level of ambiguity due to the design of the game. You cannot give them too much personality or you risk alienating the audience that likes to project or self-insert. There’s also a limit to how much uniqueness a mobile game can lend its players characters; the format isn’t exactly known for having super in-depth player arcs, it’s known for their colorful casts of rollable characters. The devs have to toe that line carefully, not to mention juggle Yuu’s participation with letting the other characters shine. It is for this reason that I won’t be doing a total overhaul of Yuu or just deciding “give them a personality!” as what I’d change about them. Rather, I’ll be proposing alterations while thinking like a dev (ie preserving the current story and as much of the self-insertiness as I can while also trying to give Yuu more to do/say).
Now Yuu, being the outsider to this world, is perfectly poised to have others dump exposition on them. This serves the dual purpose of being able to diegetically explain things to the player. (We wouldn’t get this advantage if the player character was changed to be like… a Twisted Wonderland resident; you could explain some magic things to a layman, but a resident wouldn’t need more common knowledge like country names exposited to them. Were this the case, we’d need an additional excuse for Crowley to take in a native.) It’s also convenient to have them be the “eyes” for the player to experience the world through, since Yuu is able to conveniently be present for most major main story events. It essentially makes them a human-shaped video camera.
I’ve often heard people suggest that if we need a POV character, why not go with Grim since he basically serves the same purpose now anyway. My answer to that is: Grim is also an arrogant asshole who picks fights, just the same as any other NRC student. If Grim were the player character, he wouldn’t be contributing much or helping to guide the other students learn to get along. We need Yuu here to be that driving force for change because Grim simply isn’t capable of it when he’s instigating himself half of the time.
A smaller thing about Yuu that I love is the idea of them being the school photographer! (This is something that is shown in the second anniversary animated video too!) It gives us context for the cards we roll and it implies that Yuu is the one documenting these precious memories. I want Yuu to stay if only for this reason.
Personally, I wouldn’t make Yuu a combatant. This is antithetical to their role and I feel would instead work against them (or at least create a scenario where Yuu has to have some level of battle prowess; this impedes on the self-insert nature of them). Sticking a magic item in their hand makes little difference since they most likely wouldn’t know how to handle it in the moment. (Nor would a magicless human even be able to use some of them; for example, a magestone is completely useless to them.) A magicless human with no combat experience is just another liability to account for, not to mention it actively puts them in harm’s way. It might be cool in theory, but I think in practice it goes against the very concept of Yuu. They’re meant to be here to show that there is “another way” to the NRC students—that violence doesn’t solve all your problems, proof that you don’t need to be a powerful being to “change” others or the world around them. They’re supposed to be underestimated and not seen as much of a “real” fighter, and they’re supposed to prove those notions wrong by demonstrating their worth via other avenues. In this “the weak obey the strong” school, Yuu has to be the one to show them that strength comes in forms that are NOT magic power or battle prowess.
I feel that Yuu works best on the sidelines as a supporter and strategist. Strategy is, after all, half of the battle, and it’s a part that people tend to overlook in favor of the flashier fighters. But strategy is crucial and it can turn the tide against a formidable foe (as we see in the prologue)!! I think this is something the NRC students need to be made more aware of too, so Yuu should stay as the strategist; they just have to be given more opportunities to show off those skills!
With all of that being said, here is what I would change about Yuu:
Drop the beast tamer thing. It gets mentioned prominently like once in the prologue and then never becomes truly relevant. Maybe it’ll become important when it comes to taking down OB Grim, but that will be SO late in the main story that the payoff doesn’t seem worth it. There are no examples of Yuu’s beast taming skills ever being used in the main story, so the whole “oh you have the makings of a beast tamer” thing is so useless. If you really want to keep it, then let Yuu’s innate talent/skills for beast taming help them out at least once per main story book. This means I’d want to see instances of Yuu getting other creatures (ie not just Grim) to help them out.
Allow Yuu the agency to act on their own when it comes to finding a way back to their own world. Going home is so often relegated to a single line or a few sentences and then not addressed again until next book. Have Yuu take initiative instead of waiting around for updates from Crowley. They should go out and ask questions, investigate on their own, etc. Maybe have them get involved in each book’s conflict because they happen to get mixed up in it while conducting research instead of being TOLD to go and fix a problem. Book 6 marks the only real time I can think of Yuu making a drastic decision against Crowley’s advice. It puts them at great risk, and that’s something they’re willing to take for the sake of saving their friends. We need more moments like this throughout the rest of the story. However, Yuu won’t be allowed to do whatever they want unrestricted because 1) it falls out of the scope of a mobile game title and 2) we want to largely retain the capacity to self-insert. So when I say give Yuu more agency to act, I mean it ONLY in the sense of being more proactive in their efforts to get home.
Add a short comment or two from other characters depending on which dialogue options are picked for Yuu. It would be too ambitious to incorporate a full-on branching storyline or strong “choose your own adventure” elements, but at least have the other characters consistently comment on whatever brief dialogue option Yuu has rather than ignoring them 90% of the time. This wouldn’t alter the story in any way but it sure would be nice to have a little more flavor text and more of Yuu actually being acknowledged as present.
Yuu should fully commit to being a planner and strategist. We get to see this aspect of Yuu like once or twice in the prologue (when they tell Grim where to spit fire at the ghosts/planning how to beat the Phantom in the mines) and then are left to extrapolate this to the rest of the game. Maybe you can argue they figured out Azul’s scheme in book 3 too, but this isn’t good enough. If you’re going to set up the idea, then have consistent segments in each book that reinforces that idea. Have Yuu brainstorm ways to jailbreak in book 4, have Yuu be perceptive enough to notice that Malleus isn’t feeling great in book 7 (only for Malleus to brush them off/insist he has a solution), etc.
Have a short story segment that explains how or why Yuu earns their nickname “Trickster” from Rook. We got this with Floyd, so the other known nicknamer should reveal this, especially since the name “Trickster” implies intelligence and cunning. Yuu should have an opportunity to demonstrate this (in book 5 maybe?), which earns them Rook’s respect and the new title. This should also be informed by other parts where Yuu shows how smart they can be.
More time bonding with Grim. I say Grim specifically because I commonly see him as a hated character in part because of how he “steals lines/time” away from Yuu. (Adeuce and Malleus are fine as they are because the former already stick up for/help Yuu out and the latter is meant to stay mysterious until late in the main story.) This means that if you don’t already like Grim, the whole “Yuu chases them to Styx HQ to save Grim” plot point in book 6 rings hollow. To truly build a bond with Grim, please give us moments prior to book 6 that show how much they care for one another and are linked to each other as partners. Times when Grim causes inconveniences for Yuu don’t count. Give me instances of them cuddling at night or talking to each other about their hopes and dreams or whatever. This would establish the value that Grim sees in Yuu, as well as the value that Yuu sees in Grim. It makes it more believable that Grim would cry when he’s alone or realizes he hurt his partner, and that Yuu would defy the headmaster’s advice and put themselves at risk to save Grim.
Better incorporate the ghost camera and its usage in the main story. The ghost camera provides an in-universe explanation for gaming meta (ie the card illustrations); in the main story, it’s hardly ever mentioned save for its introduction in the prologue and when Yuu takes a picture of Mickey with it. What should happen instead is Yuu will take a picture of the characters involved in that chapter. This way, it’s a physical reminder of the time everyone spent together and the bonds they’ve developed. It further strengthens the idea of the students learning to get along and Yuu being there to facilitate that while also keeping the ghost camera relevant.
More time where Yuu actually bonds with/“changes” the other characters. One huge gripe I have with the main story is that we’re TOLD that Yuu’s presence changes and improves the boys for the better, that they teach them how to get along. Very little of the actual main story supports this (outside of the prologue). At best, Yuu has a very short chat with some of the OB boys at the end of their respective book. Yuu should have a little more time in this regard. I don’t know, maybe Idia is still struggling to socialize when he comes over to play video games at Ramshackle so Yuu has to gently encourage him to give it a try or says something to help include him in the conversation. Little things like that! Keep the strong interactions the other characters have in changing the OB boys (like Trey being the one to rush to Riddle’s side, the twins teasing Azul, etc.), but have Yuu help facilitate them opening up emotionally and being vulnerable with one another.
This last point is debatable (I keep changing my mind about it), but possibly make a point of showing how Yuu is adjusting to this new world. This honestly might mess with the self-insert aspect (which is why I debated to leave this out), but I also feel like it might be interesting to reinforce Yuu’s desire to go home h demonstrating homesickness or issues with settling into Twisted Wonderland.
To summarize, the changes I’d make largely involve making TWST commit to briefly mentioned details (that they largely don’t follow through on) and making Yuu actually do a little more to warrant crediting them with resolving issues + fostering friendships. A lot of the problems that exist now are due to promising a lot but then poorly executing on what was promised.
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annievrse · 2 months
who's gonna know you like me?
dazai x fem!reader —ᡣ𐭩 fic summary: when a notorious gifted, george orwell, shows up in yokohama, you and dazai are sent to detain him. c/w: idiots in love ig, she/her pronouns, torture, blood, mutilation of a limb, kidnapping, dazai calls reader bella' w/c: 3.7k a/n: maybe this was a dream i had, maybe it wasn't, but what i do know is that i had to write this asap...
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"I would thank you for helping us, Dazai," Ango Sakaguchi states. "But you owe me."
The brunette next to you rolls his eyes but continues walking down the long hallway of the complex. "Anything for a dear friend."
You're sure Ango can detect the obvious sarcasm in Dazai's voice, but he doesn't say anything. You look up at your coworker. Dazai's eyes don't stray from the end of the hallway, but you know there's humour in his gaze.
Dazai's fingers brush your knuckles as the three of you turn the corner. The sudden zip of electricity up your arm makes you pull away before he notices anything.
"So," you start, shaking your thoughts of Dazai. "What's this guy's ability?"
Ango side-eyes you. "Classified."
Rolling your eyes, you bump shoulders with Dazai to prompt him to help you. "C'mon Ango. If my shadows are restraining this guy, I wanna know why."
Ango only sighs and takes his glasses off. A faint scowl twists his expression. You guess Ango's stalling when he cleans his glasses with a cloth from his pocket before sliding them back onto his nose.
"His ability is 'Big Brother'."
You nod, urging him to go on. When he doesn't, you flick your hand out. "And..."
You're not expecting the voice from your left. "Wherever he looks will suffer the demand he thinks."
Tilting your head, you think it through. Whatever he looks at will suffer the demand he thinks of... You hold back a shiver. President Fukuzawa gave no details when he sent you with Dazai.
"I don't want to know how you obtained that information, Dazai, but if you go telling unauthorised personnel—"
"Relax, Sakaguchi," Dazai laughs, though the sound is strained. "Your secret's safe with me."
An alarm sounds as the door you've stopped in front of opens. Dazai almost stumbles to a stop, running into your shoulder before rubbing the spot with his hand. Your lips twist into a smile, and you try to suppress the clear fondness you have for him in front of Ango.
"Before we enter," Ango's voice is stern, and if he notices the casual intimacy between you and Dazai, he doesn't say anything. "I need to warn you of this man. He is extremely powerful."
Dazai sighs. "Why isn't he in the prison then?"
Ango's expression doesn't change. "He broke out."
Your eyebrows fly to your hairline as you glance at Dazai, who, unlike you, doesn't give away his surprise. "You're kidding."
Ango turns toward you. "Orwell is dangerous. Be careful."
Dazai nods, not taking Ango's warning seriously—or he already knows what Orwell's capable of. The thought scares you.
"Return to base immediately after arriving at the location of the sighting, even if you don't find him. We'll need to do medical checks."
You open your mouth to ask about the checks but are interrupted when four men in combat gear appear in the doorway.
"Escort them to location 6846," Ango's monotone voice makes you glance at Dazai. He looks down at you and winks. "Report to headquarters every minute on the minute."
And then you're whisked away into the back of an armoured truck.
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The bench you sit on in the rear of the truck is cold, and Dazai is close next to you; the side of his thigh warms yours, and you almost forget you're about to undergo the most challenging mission of your career.
"Agents 0345 and 0543 have reached location 6846."
The truck slows to a stop, and you inhale sharply to calm your racing heart. Warm hands enclose your shaking ones.
"Just nervous," You say offhandedly, but Dazai sees right through you.
"You'll be great," Dazai whispers, ignoring your excuse while watching the guards exit the truck. "You always are."
Your ears heat up at the subtle compliment, and you nod.
At the guard's gesture, you jump out of the truck and find yourself in front of an abandoned warehouse. The sun sets behind the building, cloaking you and the rest of the team in a murky orange.
"Boring," You mutter, eyeing the decrepit building. "I was hoping for an infiltration or a raid."
Dazai laughs darkly next to you. "It's never boring with you, bella'. Now, check the perimeter, would you?"
Suppressing a smile, you close your eyes. Sheets of darkness surround the building, making it impossible for anyone inside or out to see through.
You scrunch your nose. "I've got three heartbeats inside."
The armoured guards murmur around you, most likely commenting about your ability, maybe one updating Ango, but you block them out.
Retracting your shadows, you turn to Dazai. "Plan?"
Dazai pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue before walking straight for the warehouse; you follow.
"Top or bottom level?"
You listen to your shadows swirling around you. "Top."
Dazai nods once, squinting at the upstairs windows. He reaches behind him and flips his coat to the side. A handgun sits tucked into the waistband of his pants. He draws it, clicks the safety off and returns it to its place.
Instead of speaking, Dazai points to the open doorway to the left of the building. Upon closer inspection, you see a staircase beside the entrance and nod in understanding.
Before you leave, Dazai pulls you in by the waist, his grip firm. He presses his lips to your forehead. "Be careful."
You give him a deadpan look. "You be careful. I don't need you dying on me today."
"Never gonna happen."
Breaking off from him, you sneak inside and up the stairs, sending your shadows ahead. The heartbeats remain where they are.
The building is falling apart. The concrete stairs wobble under your feet, and dust falls from the ceiling. Without brushing it from your hair, you arrive at the top step. You're unphased by the prominent tripwire that is strung before your feet. Rolling your eyes, you step over it.
There's no sound when you peer around the corners of the numerous rooms for potential traps. A sudden intake of air has you spinning around. A man dressed in black stands in the middle of the hallway.
He draws his gun and aims for you, his trigger finger fast. The bullet aimed at your head hits the floor five feet away from you, your shadows retreating behind you.
Darkness sweeps his feet from under him, and the gun goes clattering into another room.
"You're just human," You mumble, standing over him. Your mind is going a million miles an hour at the fact. The man shakes, and you kick his face to knock him out. You don't kill humans.
Turning around, you continue checking rooms. Entering the last doorway, your shoulders drop in disappointment.
"Really?" You groan, sighing. Your shadows didn't tell you about his presence—you swear they love him more than you despite dying out when he touches you.
Despite memorising his outline, finding Dazai standing there with a smirk and a hand around the wrist of who you assume is Orwell surprises you.
"How did you even get up here?" You look for potential entry points but come up empty-handed.
Dazai shrugs. "I never reveal my secrets in front of an enemy. But I'll tell you all about it later."
Orwell growls, and if it's because he just realised his ability doesn't work or something else, you don't know. But when you look at his other hand, or lack of it, you see why.
A pool of crimson sits directly under Orwell's mutilated arm, cut at the elbow. His arm drips blood steadily onto the floor, and the sight makes you nauseous.
Despite knowing Dazai's Port Mafia history and his capabilities to his core, you don't wish to figure out how or when he did this to Orwell. But the severed limb is nowhere to be seen, and there are no traces of blood on Dazai's bandages.
You clench your jaw and look away from it. Your gaze meets Dazai's, and he seems almost apologetic. Swallowing, you step further into the room.
"Don't look at her," Dazai says, his tone causing shivers down your spine. He walks in front of Orwell, fingers tight on the other man's wrist. He crouches down. "Look at me. I'm who you're after. Don't drag her into your fucked up shit."
The admission surprises you, and you circle the room to get a better look at what's going on. Orwell looks at you and giggles.
"How did you know? Hm?" Dazai mutters, head tilted. Orwell grunts, trying to rip his wrist from Dazai's hold, but it doesn't move.
"Me?" Orwell laughs bitterly. "The entire underworld knows."
Dazai curses lowly and glances at you. You're frozen in your spot, your shadows swirling around. Then he stands.
"Get up."
Orwell glares at Dazai and remains seated. his eyes are trained on you, and you wonder what Dazai was asking about. What does the entire underworld know about?
Dazai sighs, pulling his wrist. Orwell stumbles up, dripping blood wherever he goes. You send your shadows to wrap around Orwell's chest, thighs, and eyes.
"Shadow user," He mumbles, giggling. "You'd pay a special price where I'm from."
Disgust ripples through you, so you tighten your shadows until he yelps. Dazai yanks him forward and out of the room. You're close behind, avoiding the splatters of blood on the concrete floor.
Down the stairs and out into the open night, your shadows don't waver their hold on him, and neither does Dazai.
Stopping suddenly, you turn your head to the left.
There were three heartbeats.
"Stop!" You yell. Before you, everyone freezes, including Dazai, whose eyes widen.
Your name leaves his lips in an urgency you haven't heard before, and you assume he's just realised what you have.
Instead, there's a dull thwack to the back of your head, and your neck snaps forward as you fall over. Stars dot your fading vision, and there's an ache behind your eyes. The last thing you hear is Orwell's hysterical laughter and Dazai calling your name.
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The moment you're conscious, you feel nauseous. "Wha—"
You squeeze your eyes tighter; the light directed at your face feels brighter than the sun. You move your hands and feet to discern if you're restrained—you are. Mentally rolling your eyes, you shift in the hard metal seat you've been attached to.
Your shadows whisper about Dazai. They seem excited, which, in turn, gives you hope. Dumb, stupid hope.
"Water?" You choke out, voice scratchy against your dry throat.
"What'ya say?"
"Water. Do you have any water?"
A grumbling laugh echoes, and you're in another abandoned warehouse. Typical. Your hope wavers slightly.
When the man's footsteps come closer, you open your eyes into slits to gauge him through the light, and then you're suddenly soaked head to toe in ice-cold water. You gasp sharply and breathe heavily in shock.
"There's ya fuckin' water."
You're still hyperventilating and maybe shivering, but your eyes fly open. The brightness of the lamp hurts. "That was fucking rude."
The man disappears behind the light again. "You're a feisty one."
"Why am I here?" You decide to just go for it. Your shadows are dimmed, but you can feel one delicately swirling around your chained hands.
"You're one special lady, did you know that?" The man exclaims.
"Why don't you just kill me?" You spit, squinting. The silence that follows your question is unnerving.
Before you can ask again, the man giggles and says your name. "It's fun to play, don't you think?"
You scrunch your nose in disgust and try looking to your right. Your muscles burn as you do so, but you can see the night sky through the window in the ceiling. How does he know your name?
"You saw what I wanted you to see," He says. "Isn't that cool?"
You furrow your eyebrows and run through everything that happened earlier. Pushing Dazai's disturbed expression from your mind, you deduce a timeline.
The warehouse. Three heartbeats. Dazai. Blood.
Three heartbeats.
The realisation pours over you like the ice water, chilling you to the bone. You're breathless when the words leave your lips. "You're Orwell."
The light swings away from your eyes, and the face of the man you'd restrained with your shadows in the other warehouse appears in front of you. "Surprise!"
Dread claws at your chest. You're unsure whether you're shivering from the water still clinging to your hair or from pure, unguarded fear. If this is the real criminal you've been tasked with finding and detaining, then who's the other guy? What happened to Dazai?
The thought of him leaves you troubled.
"Who was the other guy? The one you forced your face on?"
"You're smart," The real Orwell hums. It was a human."
You curse. You don't begin to think about Dazai's torture of the man.
"And now that you're here," He continues. "Dazai will show up any second—"
How he knows you and Dazai's names doesn't scratch the surface of your questions. Amid Orwell's rambling, you feel the chains loosen around your wrists. The sound is muffled by your shadows as the metal lowers to the ground, and then you feel the chains on your ankles weaken.
"—we're gonna have so much fun! You and me." His eyes are wild when he looks at you, but you feel no coercion in your mind or body.
And then he frowns. You avoid looking at him directly, but you fear the worst when his forehead creases. He's staring at your feet, and your heart stops.
"I was gonna unchain you, but it seems you've already done it for me."
You leap from the chair and direct your shadows at his face to cover his eyes. He can't force you to do things if he can't see you.
But then you go rigid and know he's got ahold of you. You feel your body walk toward him; your movements are awkward. The voice at the back of your head is screaming for release from his claws, but there's nothing you can do except for what Orwell forces.
Your arms are thrown to the side, and your legs move in ways you don't think they ever have. He's making you dance.
"All we need is some music and an audience, and we've got a performance!"
His maniacal laughs echo in the large room, and despite your fear, disgust, and hatred, your face remains neutral.
Tears prick the corners of your eyes, and Orwell forces your mouth into a grin. "And she can smile! Such a pretty smile for a pretty girl."
Your shadows are nowhere to be found, you're sure they were forced back when Orwell took over your mind.
He rushes toward you, his face close to yours. His breath is acrid, and you try and tear your head away, to no avail.
"Now for questions!"
It's not your usual torture technique, but when your body crumples on the floor and pain shoots up your spine, Orwell is done with the act.
"Who sent you and Dazai to my hideout? Who ratted me out?" He growls, kneeling before you.
Your lips move before you can stop them. "The Government."
Orwell hums, standing and walking around you in a circle. Your back aches and there's an uncomfortable grasp around your lungs.
"Is it true you're involved with Dazai in a different way than just being in the agency together?"
The question throws you, and so does the way he asks it. But, like the other question, you answer before you're aware of what you're saying.
Orwell hums. The answer satisfies him, but you don't know why.
"Is he your boyfriend?"
The question makes you shrink with unease. "No."
"That's something Dostoyevsky got wrong," He whispers. The name raises alarm bells in your mind, but you can't speak.
"Does Dazai know what Dostoyevsky's up to?"
"Maybe you're hopeless after all."
When he's not looking at you, you can move the tips of your fingers. The longer he has his mind on something else, the more you gain feeling back into your body. His clutch on your windpipe eases, and you can finally breathe steadily. Where your hand lays on the floor, darkness stirs.
"Dostoyevsky said to remove the hopeless ones—"
Before he can finish, there's an explosion outside the warehouse. It's only a split second, but your shadows whisper about the explosion when Orwell's focus on you completely detaches.
Dazai, Dazai, Dazai...
The edges of your vision become blurry, and you go to swat away the growing darkness before Orwell can see you falling back—but he's the one who's forcing you to pass out.
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Dazai feels his knees weaken when he sees you on the floor. Anger rises within him, and when he spots Orwell's hunched body in the corner, he makes a beeline for him.
"What the fuck did you do to her?"
Orwell turns from where he's loading a rifle. His fingers tinker with the bullets, but they keep slipping from his grip. Dazai's smile is feral, and he tilts his head like a predator observing its prey.
"I thought I asked you a question," He sings. "And I don't want to ask it again."
Dazai knows Orwell is trying to control him, but the commands are hopeless. Orwell then turns his attention to you, who still lies unconscious in the middle of the room. A sick grin breaks across his face, and then he's making your body writhe on the floor.
Dazai grabs his wrist, twisting it with a strength he'd never used since he left the Port Mafia—that Dazai is dead, or he was. He can never seem to control his emotions around you.
Trying a different approach, Dazai states the obvious. "You tricked us."
Orwell's expression lights up, and he laughs, forgetting about his broken wrist, and, by extension, you. "I did! Wasn't it great?"
Dazai raises an eyebrow and digs in his back pocket for his folding knife with his other hand. "It was. But I like what I'm gonna do to you more."
When Orwell was hired by Fyodor Dostoyevsky to take out Osamu Dazai, he was aware of the man's ability but not his dark specialities. For what he did to you, Orwell will never see it coming.
And as Dazai goes to work on the man, carving and gauging, he only thinks of avenging you. Blood paints his beige coat, and he thinks it a shame that something this dirty has to ruin your favourite jacket of his.
The screams of the gifted make his blood sing, and he knows, somewhere deep in his dark and twisted heart, that you'd do the same for him.
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Your limbs tingle as you wake. A sound close to a whimper escapes you, and you realise you're no longer on the concrete but in someone's lap.
You open your eyes slightly. A familiar jaw and brown hair come into focus. His hands are secure around your waist and under your head.
"Hey," Dazai mutters your name, it sounds nice coming from his lips. "I've got you, you're safe."
It takes you a moment to realise this isn't a dream—only because of the smell of rot violating your senses.
"You're okay." You're sure Dazai's saying it more to himself than you. "He didn't do anything to you, did he?"
You've never seen such concern in Dazai's eyes before. You shake your head, blinking away the bleariness.
You think of what happened earlier, and the memory makes you cringe and laugh awkwardly. "He made me dance."
Dazai makes a noise at the back of his throat. He doesn't seem to think it's funny. He moves his hand from your waist to your face.
"Where's the other guy?" You ask, liking the feel of his skin on yours.
"I killed him." His bluntness causes you to come to your senses faster.
"I didn't like how he looked at you," Dazai's brown eyes meet yours. "And I thought he was the real one when you disappeared. Thought it was all his fault."
Sighing, you reach your palm to his cheek. His skin is softer than the last time you touched his face, or maybe you're still hazy, but the feeling is comforting. You swear his cheeks turn pink when you smile at him, but you forget it when the sound of footsteps is racing toward you.
"Dazai," A familiar voice calls, and you can't place it until your name follows soon after.
Ango is breathless when he stops before you. "Are you okay?"
Dazai nods, and you smile. "All good, Ango."
Ango rubs his forehead. "Good, good..."
You grab Dazai's hand, and he immediately squeezes your fingers.
"Orwell has been detained, he's being transported to Meursault now."
"But he escaped," You state, brain still a little fuzzy.
"He did," Ango says. "But we've taken... extra measures this time."
You don't miss how Ango glances at Dazai; you can guess what he did to Orwell.
You groan. "You did not."
Dazai stares at you with a softness only reserved for you. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it, bella'."
So you don't.
"Make sure you're at headquarters in half an hour," Ango mumbles.
Dazai says nothing and watches him return to the truck. You call his name softly.
"I was scared," You whisper.
Dazai sighs. "So was I."
You sit up, swallowing your shock at his blunt honesty, and take his face in your hands. "Thank you."
Dazai shakes his head. "Don't thank me. I'd put myself through anything to save you, you know that."
"He asked me about you," You blurt, watching closely for his reaction.
Dazai goes stiff. "Who?"
Dazai swears. "About what?"
"Shit," He helps you stand. Once on your feet, Dazai wraps an arm around your shoulder. You lean into him.
"That's bad, isn't it?"
Dazai doesn't answer your question. "It means they're aware you mean something to me."
The statement brings warmth to your chest, but then you remember what the fake Orwell said to Dazai.
The entire underworld knows.
"Oh, guess I'm famous," You comment plainly. You tried to make it a joke, but there's little to joke about when your life's in danger.
Dazai laughs bitterly, fingers dancing on your shoulder. "Just means I gotta keep an eye on you at all times."
"You wanna stay over tonight, don't you?" When you get outside, the horizon beams with morning light. "Or, this morning..."
Dazai presses his lips to your hair. "You know me so well, bella'."
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reidingandwriting · 5 months
coming out > shouta aizawa (mha)
Word Count: 2.1k
Pairing: Aizawa & Daughter!Reader, Reader x Momo (not official,,, yet), mentions of EraserMic
Warnings: Like one or two curse words, anxiety about coming out, probably a little OOC characters but oh wellll. Mostly fluff, I love writing Dadzawa
A/N: This was a request from @wi-2006 I hope you enjoy it!
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you fell to the ground with a pained thud, and you scowled as you stared up at the sky. “damn it,” you huffed as you sat up, and you rested on your knees.
“i’m so sorry! are you okay?” izuku held out a hand to you and you allowed him to pull you up before you dusted off the knees of your costume.
“‘m fine,” you brushed back a few strands of hair that had escaped from your ponytail before you got back into position. “i’m ready now.”
“need to focus, kid,” your dad’s voice called from a few yards away where he was helping hitoshi with his capture weapon. to anyone else, he appeared bored, bored of correcting your mistakes and calling out your lack of attention, but you recognized the concern in his voice. you knew he’d be talking to you later and you briefly considered faking sick to avoid the inevitable conversation. “try again, then take a break.”
you nodded as you turned towards izuku again, eyes narrowing as you focused. you had been sparring for what felt like hours at this point, and you wanted to perfect this new takedown. your close combat skills were usually your strength, but you couldn’t focus today.
izuku nodded briefly at you before he was off, and you quickly countered his first attack. the two of you continued to spar, each getting a fair amount of blows in before you finally saw the opening you needed. you jumped into action and when izuku was finally pinned, you leaned back against the ground and let out an ‘oof’ as your back hit the grass, your eyes screwed shut from the sun. you enjoyed the feeling of the sun for a minute, and a moment later, you heard shifting beside you. you squinted your eyes open and reached over, shoving at izuku’s arm as he sat beside you.
“you did good today,” you said and izuku smiled at you.
“thank you! you did, too.” a brief pause. “i asked mr. aizawa if we could go off campus and grab dinner for everyone, i think it’s shoto’s night to cook.” you shuddered at the thought and nodded.
“good idea.” you sat up. “let me get my gym bag and say bye and we can go.” izuku nodded and you stood up, and you walked over to grab your things. hitoshi was finishing his cooldown stretches, your dad watching from a few feet away. you walked up to him and butted your head against the back of his arm. you smiled as your dad’s arm wrapped around your shoulders and his hand ruffled your hair.
“good takedown,” your dad commented before he looked at you. “still coming home tonight?” you nodded, gnawing at your lip. you switched between your dorm with your class and your room in the teacher’s dorms; you loved your classmates but sometimes you needed a break from them. and your dad’s was the best place to get that break. you missed your old house, but you still have the cats and hizashi and your aunt nemuri are close, so it was still pretty nice.
“gonna do dinner, watch a movie, then head over,” you let your eyes flutter closed for a moment, enjoying the rare moment of peace with your dad. he briefly rested his head against your own before he patted your shoulder.
“should shower first, too. don’t need you stinking up the house,” a subtle smirk made its way to his face and you glared up at him.
“just for that, i’m not going to.” you stuck your tongue out at him, narrowly ducking from the stray edge of capture weapon that shot out at you. “rude!”
you exchanged goodbyes with your dad, called out a goodbye to shinsou, then jogged over to izuku. you and izuku walked off campus and you talked about classes, upcoming exams. you were texting the class groupchat about dinner orders when he asked a question that made you pause.
“you seemed really distracted today. is everything okay?” you and izuku were close, you and him quickly becoming friends, and you had the same friend group.
“i’m a little worried about my weekend with my dad,” you admitted after a minute, and izuku stayed quiet, having learned when to let you rant. “he knows something is bothering me and i’m worried about him asking me. i can’t lie to him, he’s my dad. but i’m also terrified of how he’ll react.” izuku stayed quiet for another moment, and you sighed. “i’m thinking about telling him.”
you could practically hear the gears turning in izuku’s head until it clicked. your crush on momo wasn’t glaringly obvious, but you had let it slip to some of your friends (izuku, hitoshi, and ochako). your entire friend group knew you were bisexual, hell you’re pretty sure your entire class did, but your dad didn’t know. and you didn’t know what was worse- telling him about it or him realizing you’ve been hiding it from him for so long. and you were scared. scared of how he’d react, scared if things would change.
“do you want to tell him?”
“yes. no. i don’t know? he can tell something is up and today just confirmed it. it never should’ve taken me that long to knock you on your ass. he’s gonna ask what’s bothering me and i just… i can’t lie to him if he asks me.” your phone vibrated and a quick glance left you smiling once you saw the text. “he’s bound to find out soon, and it would only be worse if he found out from someone else.”
izuku nodded, a sympathetic smile on his lips. “it’ll be scary, but i know you can do it. if you want any of us there with you, we’d all be happy to.”
“thanks, zuku. this is something i need to do myself, though. but if it goes bad, i may hide in your room after.” izuku wraps an arm around you and pulls you into his side, and you wrap your arm around him. “thank you.” no other words were said as you walked into the restaurant and the nervous pit in your stomach started to fade away a little.
dinner came and went, and now your class had spread out across the common room to watch some pre-quirk era movie about this hero that resembled a spider.
“sero! do you think you could-“ denki started and without looking away from the screen, you spoke.
“don’t even think about it,” you said and denki’s friends started laughing.
“okay, sensei,” denki huffed and you instinctively shot a glare at the blonde. denki yelped and hid behind hitoshi, who wrapped an arm around him.
“dude, she’s not actually aizawa, you don’t have to hide from her.” you rolled your eyes, an amused smirk on your lips.
“she looks just like him! look at that,” denki whined. living with aizawa, naturally you adopted his facial expressions and even his ‘teacher voice’ at times. denki would forever be haunted by the resemblance you had to your father when he had accidentally woken you up, your eyes might as well have been glowing with the glare you had given him.
“well he is my father,” you drawled and momo giggled from beside you, and you willed yourself to keep your expression calm.
the rest of the movie played out and you had started to fall asleep on the couch. you froze as you felt a blanket drape over you and someone lean down.
“goodnight,” momo whispered, her lips brushing against your cheek before she excused herself to bed. a minute later, you peeked an eye open and were grateful to see you were the last one in the common area. what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck-
“coming to bed?” your dad’s voice startled you and you jumped off the couch. he raised an eyebrow at you and you nodded.
“sorry, yeah. just started falling asleep,” your dad’s gaze was disbelieving but he dropped it for now.
“have everything you need?” you felt for the phone in your pocket and nodded, and you tucked yourself into your dad’s side as you yawned. “let’s go.”
you woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee and the faint hum of the television. you stretched and yawned as you sat up before you stood and walked to the living room. you were greeted by the sight of your dad, coffee mug in one hand and pen in the other as he graded papers.
“morning,” you greeted as you walked to the coffee maker and you poured yourself a mug. you took a seat beside your dad a minute later, and you looked down at the papers as you leaned against him. “how’d i do?”
“good as usual,” your dad turned to kiss your temple, and you smiled. a comfortable silence filled the room as you watched your dad grade, occasionally looking up at the TV screen. it was quiet, it was peaceful. and then your dad spoke again.
“i’ve noticed you’ve been a little in your head lately. distracted easily, not as focused as usual.” a brief pause. “is everything okay?” you swore your heart stopped and you set your mug down with a shaky breath. your dad set his pen down and turned to face you, his focus fully on you. “kid?”
“i’ve wanted to tell you, i-i was just worried you’d get mad.” you whispered and he frowned.
“well, you’re sitting here now so you haven’t been arrested.” the blunt statement shocked you and you couldn’t help but smile a bit. “i’m your teacher, so i’d know if you were expelled, suspended, or failing anything. none of your classmates ever come to me with any complaints about how you treat them. i don’t see what you could’ve done that would make me upset with you.”
“it’s nothing i did. it’s just… i don’t know how to explain it. just something i… discovered?” you could practically hear the gears in his head turning.
“is it about school?” you shook your head.
“do you remember the crush i had on hitoshi?” you decided to finally get to it and your stomach twisted and turned. he didn’t have his capture weapon on, you could realistically make it out the door before he could get it. you wouldn’t make it far, but you could make it to nemuri’s or hizashi’s. no, you needed to tell him. you could run away after.
your dad nodded. “didn’t that end a while ago? when he started liking someone else?” you nodded.
“i had never had a crush on anyone before hitoshi and when he told me he liked someone else, i was upset. i had my friends to help me through it, and i got close with one of them. i think i really like them, but…”
your dad stayed quiet, waiting to see if you’d continue talking or if he could talk. you took a deep breath before you looked your dad in the eyes. “i like momo.” you whispered. “i, i never liked another girl before and i didn’t know i could. then denki talked to me about it and said i could be bisexual? and i am. bi.”
the silence was deafening and you felt your hands start to shake. you wanted your dad to say something, anything, but you were scared of what he would say.
“have you asked her out yet?”
“i’m sorry, i’ll go back to the- wait, what?”
“why are you apologizing?” your dad asked and suddenly, his expression softening. “did you think i would react badly?” your vision immediately became blurry and your eyes began to burn. seconds later, you were pulled into your dad’s chest and you latched onto him. you sobbed against him, tears soaking through his shirt as he rubbed your back. “you’re happy, you’re healthy, you’re not hurting anyone. that’s all i could ever ask for,” another sob left you at his words and you shifted to look up at him.
one hand combed through your hair and the other cupped your cheek, thumbs wiping away stray tears. “i-i don’t know why, but i thought you’d be mad at me,” you whimpered and your dad shook his head.
“never. you can’t control who you love, it would be illogical to get mad over something you had no control over.” your dad leaned back against the couch, and you curled into his side. “besides, would be extremely irrational of me to get upset over you being bi since i’ve been dating hizashi for the last two months.” it took you a minute to process his words and you sat up.
“what?! you and hizashi?” your dad nodded, amused smile on his face and you stood up. “come on, get up. i need to go talk to him if you thought you two could date without telling me!” laughter filled the dorm and as you walked down the hall a minute later with your dad trailing behind, you couldn’t be happier. maybe now you could finally ask momo on a date.
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panda-writes-kpop · 25 days
twin flames ~ yours is bright, mine is smoldering - ng. y.
a/n: apologies for the thirteen day wait between the two fics - within that time, I got obsessed with and then finished one route of Fire Emblem: Three Houses (golden deer house my beloved), got sick and had to call off one day of work, had a family member experience a medical emergency, and then had to prepare for another college semester and an internship as well. I'm... tired to say the least. gonna take a few days to mentally regroup and then I'll get to requests and anon asks, I swear. ❤️ also last pirate! aespa fic wooo!! loved writing these four fics so much 🥹
tw: mentions of alcohol, violence, and weapons, but reader doesn't partakes in anything, reader is bad at their job but it's kind of charming, reader's a jailor but one that's actually doing their job of reforming their prisoners
related fics: Oh Captain, My Captain, Second Chances, your home is the sea, my home is you
summary: ningning, the famed mercenary, is caught by winter's pirate crew after a botched attempt on winter's life. after she's caught, she's your prisoner - and you're nothing like she expects.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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“Bombs away!”
The sound of revelry, fighting, and pirating comes from the upper deck as you sit, alone, in one of the lower deck cabins. You sigh, fidgeting with the key in your hands, as you admire the empty jail cell across from you.
Being the ship’s only jailor could be considered a lonely, miserable job, but you didn’t see it that way. It wasn’t like you weren’t a fan of your fellow crewmates, but combat was not your strong suit; therefore, your Captain, Winter, had found a suitable job for you.
“I need someone to watch any captives that we take.” She explained as she took you to the lower deck, where the holding cell was.
“And you want me to do this? What if I have to physically restrain them, or if they try to escape-”
“-they’ll be disarmed before they get to you, I’ll make sure of it.” Winter reassures you with a hand on your shoulder. “You belong here, just as much as the rest of my crew. I want to make sure that my crewmates are in suitable positions for their talents. If this doesn’t work out for you, then we’ll look at other options.”
You scoff at the memory, as if any of Winter’s other options were any better - scrubbing the decks and scrounging dinner from food scraps weren’t jobs that you were keen to take.
She was right, however, this position suited you, oddly enough. Most of the prisoners, if you could call them that, weren’t particularly violent. They were resigned to their fates, and you often found yourself trading stories with them once they realized you wouldn’t rip their tongue out for looking at you the wrong way.
Cruelty wasn’t your style, anyway. It might be the way of the pirates, or your Captain at times, but it didn’t have to consume you as it did to some of your other crewmates. Sure, Winter course-corrected when they went too far, but those occasions were few and far between.
Somehow, through meaningless chatter, you managed to convince a few prisoners to join your crew - with your Captain’s permission, of course.
“I knew you were made for this,” Winter offers you a proud smile, “and I knew my plan would work. It was never simply about holding them in a cell, after all.”
“I’m not just a jailer to you, am I?”
“Not in the slightest.”
Nothing would prepare you for the woman who would be carried through your door on this night, after the fighting above you had ceased.
“Let me… go!” Ningning weakly cries out as a pirate holds both of her arms behind her back.
She struggles against their iron grip, but they don’t even budge as another pirate ties her hands together with a spare piece of rope.
Think, Ningning, you’ve been in worse binds than this. How can I make it out of this in one piece?
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite rogue mercenary!” Winter says with a bit too much cheerfulness in her voice.
“Minjeong.” Ningning growls as she stares at a plank on the main deck.
I will not give her the satisfaction of seeing me beaten and bruised, within her clutches.
“No one calls me that, not anymore.” Winter shakes her head as she approaches Ningning from the captain’s quarters. “How much did your guild pay you for my head?”
Ningning stays quiet as Winter places her hand on the mercenary’s cheek.
“Don’t touch me!” She yells and thrashes around, but it’s no use.
That pirate must be inhuman, to resist someone of my strength and fighting prowess!
When she tires herself out, Winter roughly grabs Ningning’s chin and forces her to look her in the eyes.
“You’ll talk soon enough, believe me.” Winter smirks to herself. “Take her downstairs to see my friend.”
“You won’t get anything out of me!” Ningning yells as she’s carried away. “I’d rather die than give away my secrets!”
“Death is the easy way out, Yizhuo.” Winter chuckles as Ningning shivers at the mention of her name. “What? You’re not the only one who’s done a bit of digging.”
“I will have your head one day, I swear!” Ningning screams before she’s dragged down to the lower deck.
To meet my torturer, of course.
You find yourself nearly falling asleep as a loud knock on your door brings you back to the world of the conscious.
“What is it?” You mumble as you rub the sleep out of your eyes.
“We have a prisoner!”
“Fuck.” You grumble as you quickly open and clean the cell in front of you. “You may enter!”
You nervously stand by the door as two of your crewmates enter with a black-haired woman in their grip. Her hands are tied behind her back, but they’re still holding on to her for dear life.
She must be an assassin or a mercenary of some sort. The crafty type, by the look of her.
The woman looks you in the eyes for a moment, trying to read your emotions and intentions in one go.
Good luck with that.
“You…” She mumbles as the two pirates set her in the cell and close the door behind her.
“Yes, me, that’s who you’re stuck with.” You crack a small joke as you lock the cell door from the outside.
“I could kill you.”
“Let’s hope you don’t, huh?” You smile as the key slips into your pocket. “Oh, and don’t try to escape, this cell was built by our genius Captain.”
“Genius?” The mercenary looks astounded. “She’s a liar, a thief, a murderer-”
“-Everyone’s done those first two things once in their lives, and Winter, to my knowledge, has not murdered anyone that hasn’t tried to kill her first.” You feel the need to defend your Captain, as she would fiercely defend her crew without hesitation. 
The mercenary pauses as an argument dies on her lips – she’d be a hypocrite to argue any further, as someone who has done quite a bit of lying, thieving, and murdering.
As the two of you talk, the two pirates quietly exit the room. You find yourself enjoying the comfortable silence as you look back to your dinner. It hadn’t struck your fancy, especially since the ebb and flow of the ocean waves made you a little nauseous, so you decide to extend an olive branch to the imprisoned woman in front of you.
“Here, take this. It’ll be a long night for the both of us.” You hand her the plate along with a wooden fork and knife (one that couldn’t be used as a lockpick, you and Winter had both tried and failed).
She lets out a dry laugh as she grabs the bars of her cell.
“Why would you do this? Why would you offer me food when I just tried to kill your captain?”
You stand, unwavering, with the same brilliant smile as always.
“Everyone deserves kindness.”
Everyone deserves kindness.
Ningning was scared of you. When she looked you in the eyes, she didn’t see the hatred, anger, or disdain that most people held for mercenaries like her; instead, she saw empathy and the smallest shred of curiosity in your eyes.
Curiosity about a killer? Seems ironic.
That curiosity is what gets you killed in her line of work. You stick to what you know, and you get the job done.
Well, curiosity wouldn’t hurt her when she was already in prison, so she decided to indulge her curiosities for one night.
One night to stay here and plan my escape.
What intrigued Ningning the most about you was your behavior as a jailer. You weren’t trying to physically torture her with knives or water, as she was used to, nor were you trying to push her to mental collapse with starvation or a lack of proper rest. 
You, instead, were the least intimidating person she had ever met as you peacefully slept on your cot. She could’ve easily, if she had her knife and a hair pin, picked the lock, sliced your throat open, and then went on her merry way.
But you had the smallest bit of trust in her, enough to give her food when you had just met.
What is wrong with you?
She asks herself about you, as well as her own thoughts.
You chuckle as you spot the girl peacefully sleeping on the floor of the cell.
I’d offer her my bed if I was more sure that she wouldn’t kill me.
After a quick midnight nap, you had awoken to your hunger and the curious sight of a sleeping mercenary in front of you.
As to not disturb her, you carefully crawl out of your cot so as to not make a noise. Your feet gently brush against the ground before you fully commit and plant both of your feet down.
A small creak rings out in your cabin, but the mercenary shows no sign of waking up soon.
Good. She’ll need her rest if she’s not used to the sea life.
Someone knocks on your door once, pauses, then knocks three more times in succession.
A light smile appears on your face as you recognize the knocking pattern - a secret code for a friend who liked to visit you on occasion.
One knock, a pause, followed by three more knocks meant “Hello, may I come in?”
You respond with two quick knocks, a pause, then three more knocks: “Yes, you may, but I’m busy tonight.”
One knock. 
“You sure?”
You knock back.
“I’m sure as shit.”
You open the door to see Giselle grinning back at you.
“You remembered the code.” 
She looks pleased as you make room for her to enter.
“How could I forget? I helped you make it, after all.”
Giselle carefully observes the sleeping prisoner before softly chuckling.
“Hard to believe that this is the same girl that tried to kill Winter earlier.”
“I don’t think they are the same girl.” You quietly say as Giselle leans in to get a closer look at her.
“You think she’s putting on a mask?”
“It’s a hunch, really. You’d have to, in her kind of business.” You explain as Giselle nods along.
“Well, if anyone can get her to come around, it’s you.” Giselle presents you with a bundle of papers. “Here - it’s Winter’s research on the girl. Turns out that she’s been looking for Ningning for a long while. I just don’t see the merit in recruiting a girl who would happily remove your head from the rest of your body.”
“Winter’s mind works in mysterious ways.” You take the bundle of papers and set them on your cot.
A bit of night reading couldn’t hurt, I guess.
“I’ll drink to that.” Giselle shrugs before looking at the door. “I just finished polishing all of the weapons, and there’s a nice bottle of whiskey waiting for me in the my cabin-”
“-I’m alright, Giselle, but thank you.” You decline her invitation, but she doesn’t look surprised.
“A pirate who doesn’t drink, shoot a gun, or participate in any schemes. They should write a novel to dissect you because I certainly don’t understand you.”
You let out a hearty laugh before Giselle leaves you alone for the night.
“Be careful!” She says before closing the door.
“I will, I promise.”
“You’re strange.” Ningning comments as you stare out of the only window in the room. “What kind of pirate doesn’t carry a gun?”
“What kind of mercenary doesn’t know how to escape a jail cell without any help?” A teasing smile plays on your face as Ningning physically recoils.
“Shit, I didn’t mean it like that, I swear!” Your panic causes you to grab the bar cells in front of Ningning. “I’m sorry, I’m not very good at this… jailer thing.”
“I can tell.” Ningning dryly says. “Why does Winter trust you with this job? Did you pay her off?”
You have to repress a snort as you hide your smile with one of your hands, as the other continues to hold onto one of the bar cells.
“There’s no amount of money that could make her change her mind. It’d take divine intervention for that to happen.”
I remember Winter being like that when she was younger.
Ningning softly smiles.
“I remember her being like that in her youth.”
Your mouth hangs agape as you take in her words.
Did they not know? I thought it was in that bundle of papers that appeared two nights ago.
“I thought she told you-” Ningning gestures to the papers behind you, but you shake your head as you close your mouth.
“I didn’t want to read anything about you - I want to hear it directly from your lips.”
Something stirs with Ningning - compassion and camaraderie, perhaps?
You think differently than I do - interesting.
“I still think you’re strange - your behavior and your way of thinking.” Ningning repeats her earlier statement, desperate to get the conversation away from the secrets of her past.
“I suppose I’ll never change your mind, then?” You tilt your head at her.
The rare smile on Ningning’s face only grows bigger.
“Come on, up you go.”
It’s been a week since Ningning has been entrusted to your care - a long yet fruitful week of trying to pull any information from the girl in front of you.
You do have that handy bundle of research papers, but even hours of research can’t explain why Ningning chose to be a mercenary, why she chose to attack your captain last week, or why she’s so tight-lipped about any information pertaining to her at all.
Odder still, your Captain won’t tell you a word about her past with Ningning. Any account of their earlier interaction when Ningning was captured would tell you that they seemed to know each other, despite referring to each other as strangers.
What’s going on here? Why won’t either of them tell me the truth?
If there was one thing you could do, despite any limitation, it was getting answers to unsolvable questions. You would get one of them to crack, Ningning or Winter, so you could figure out what was going on between them, or rather, what had happened between them.
A bit of shock therapy is in order, then.
Ningning looks at you in shock as you pull yourself out of your thoughts.
“What do you mean, ‘up you go’?” 
“We’re taking a trip around the ship, so you should prepare yourself.” You play with the keys in your hand for a moment. “Hope you have your sea legs.”
“You think I won’t kill you?” The surprise in her voice is evident as you unlock the door.
“It’s more of a hope, really.” You move out of the way as Ningning gets up from the floor and approaches you.
Her eyes meet yours as the distance between you closes. One of her hands lingers behind her back as she stands mere inches from your chest.
Have I made a mistake? Was I too trusting? Is this my bitter end?
“You’re lucky I like you.” She quietly confesses before pulling a wooden knife from behind her back and handing it to you.
“I…” You pause while looking down at the knife in your hand. “You didn’t?”
“Why would I?” She smiles softly. “You have somewhere to take me, right?”
“Winter’s going to fucking kill you.” Giselle emphasizes the potential murder that may happen, as if you weren’t aware of the potential risk of your plan.
“I need answers, and someone has to start talking.” You shrug before grabbing Ningning’s arm with your hand. “C’mon, it’s time that you, the captain, and I had a chat.”
Giselle chuckles as you climb the stairs to the upper deck.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you about Winter.”
“Don’t say you didn’t warn them about me?” Winter parrots as she stands at the top of the stairs.
“Nope, fuck this.” Giselle quickly gets out of dodge as you haul Ningning up the stairs.
You can’t read the expression on her face but you can tell that she’s hesitant about this.
She’s not used to her secrets being out in the open, out of her control. Can’t blame her though - secrecy is how she keeps her head as a mercenary.
“I can’t say I’m surprised at this.” Winter offers you a weak smile. “I thought you’d connect the dots and come to see me sooner.”
“I respected my captain’s privacy until I had concerns on behalf of my prisoner.” You look over to Ningning, who glares at Winter.
“I’ll talk to you,” She stares down Winter before looking at you, “both of you, in private. Not out here - there’s too many eyes and ears for my liking.”
“Alright, you have my word. I’ll lead the way.” 
Winter’s quarters are a bit cozier than you remember - an improvement made by their partner and first mate. A small candle that smells of lavender sits in the middle of Winter’s desk, along with a few maps scattered around the table.
You let go of Ningning’s arm as you sit down on the left of your captain, but her hand quickly finds yours as she takes a seat on your left. You bite your lip before hiding your interconnected hands under the table - you don’t need your captain getting the wrong idea, after all.
She won’t sit next to Winter. The bad blood between them runs deep.
“So…” Winter trails off before grabbing a glass of brandy. “Where do we start?”
“I don’t want to talk to you. I want to tell the truth.” Ningning harshly replies as Winter offers you a glass of brandy.
You shake your head before passing it to Ningning, who happily sips from the cup with her free hand.
She’s cute when she’s not insulting me or my friends.
You allow the thought to quickly pass by your mind - now’s not the time for those types of thoughts.
“You never were one to talk about your feelings.” Winter shrugs before taking a sip from her glass. “Why don’t I go first?”
“Why, so you can try to justify why you left me with those people?”
Your eyes widen as you look between the two girls. Ningning, who looks oddly justified by this reveal, and Winter, who’s trying to gauge your reaction as you’re trying to find hers.
Why is she worried about what I think? Is this about her past?
“Yes, your dear Captain,” Ningning spits out, “was a mercenary. A damn good one, before she up and left me. She stole from them too, and guess who took the blame for that? A person near and dear to her heart that she once called a friend.”
“I-” Winter looks away in shame as you look up to the ceiling.
I feel like I’m intruding on something that should be said in confidence.
“I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what they did to you after I left.” Winter quietly says as she stares into her glass of brandy. “That’s why I left, you know. I couldn’t take the cruelty of it all. Satisfied, Ningning?”
“I should be,” Ningning takes a deep breath, “but I’m not. I imagined this exact conversation happening over and over, and yet-”
“-it wasn’t how you hoped it would go?” You finish her thought as she nods.
“I thought that it’d happen with a knife to her throat,” Ningning continues, “but I never could’ve killed her. Not you, Minjeong. No matter how much I hate you, I can’t find it in my heart to kill you. I had so many opportunities to kill you when I snuck onto this ship, but the only moment I could truly do so was when you turned your back. To watch life leave your eyes… it would’ve been torture.”
“I knew you didn’t want to kill me, and I didn’t want to torture you for your-” Winter pauses in thoughtful contemplation, “our betrayals of each other.”
“So what now?” Ningning asks as she squeezes your hand for comfort.
“We start over, as friends, and this all stays between the three of us.” Winter looks at you. “Has your curiosity been satisfied?”
“Most definitely.” You give her a teasing smile as she nods.
“I figured, but let’s make this all official.” Winter stands and walks over to Ningning.
She offers the mercenary her hand - an olive branch.
“Come join my crew. Start anew. You won’t have to go back to those mercenaries, I promise. We’ll take care of you.”
“You promise?” Ningning lets go of your hand before her hand hovers over Winter’s hand.
“My word’s as good as my gold.” Winter smiles as the other girl shakes her hand.
“I’ll join your crew, but there’s only one thing I ask.”
“Anything, Ningning, name it.”
“They,” Ningning points an accusing finger at you, “have to learn how to fight with weapons.”
“Did you really have to sign me up for fighting lessons?” You whine as Ningning settles herself in her new quarters.
“Can’t have someone I care about getting hurt, can I?” She chuckles to herself as you fold your arms in protest.
“First off, I can fight with a knife just fine, and secondly, when did you start caring about me?” You ask half-heartedly, hoping that she won’t joke with you just this once.
“When you started caring for me first.” She shrugs before walking towards you.
“I can’t believe I got you to care about me after you threaten to kill me.” You tease as her eyes meet yours.
“Neither can I,” She says before leaning in to whisper in your ear, “but fate must’ve had something different in mind for both of us.”
With a quick kiss to your cheek, Ningning leaves her room while leaving you in shock.
She… kissed me?
“Wait, that’s not how you did your work as a mercenary, right?” You call down the hallway, which only causes her to loudly laugh. “Answer me, Ningning!”
Although she’s (hopefully) tugging at your heartstrings, you can’t help but want to know more about Ningning. She’s a treasure trove of secrets and stories, waiting to be uncovered.
Maybe, in time, you’ll get around to telling her some of your secrets as well.
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octanesprohoetype · 2 years
no strings attached – genji shimada
a/n: hello, first post on my new blog >:3 this note is gonna be long and ramble-y so feel free to skip it. to begin with, everything about this fic was unplanned. i never planned on my first post here being overwatch related, nor did i plan on it being porn, but here we are with overwatch porn. and then, i was only trying to write a short 1-2k word valentine's day smut, but it is 2 days after valentine's and this fic is 5.5k words long with layers like a cake. this is the first thing i've written for overwatch, and also the first smut i've written in 2 years, so i may be rusty. i hope you enjoy it anyway.
word count: 5.5k
tags/summary: porn with plot (kind of), mild angst?, idiots in love. you invite genji over, hoping that having sex with him would help you get over the annoying feelings you have for him. that doesn't happen for you.
warnings: no pronouns used for reader, female genitalia is vaguely described tho, unprotected sex
edited to add: this fic is now on my ao3 as well! thanks to @smol-dragon for reminding me :3
"damn it. fuck."
you lock your phone and squeeze your eyelids shut, forcing the screen out of your vision, and throw your head back against the pillow in frustration. this is so, so stupid, you tell yourself, and it is stupid, yet you can't let it go.
you were an adult– you shouldn't be having inner turmoil about how you wanted to have sex with someone. it wasn't anything you hadn't done before, but for some reason, it was suddenly impossible to navigate.
"damn you, genji," you mutter, slapping one of your hands against your forehead.
this was all his fault. you'd never felt the urge to have sex with a coworker, honestly, the thought had never even crossed your mind... or at least, that was true until you met genji. you ignored your attraction to the cyborg at first– sure, he was nice to look at and had an alluring air of danger about him, but he was no different from cassidy in that regard. you figured whatever attraction you had to him would quickly dissipate into nothing, as it did with the cowboy, but to your dismay, it only grew stronger.
at first, you found yourself admiring the intricacy of his cybernetic body parts, and then his combat style. then, you found yourself staring at him for much longer, entranced by his form and the way he spoke.
genji himself did absolutely nothing to alleviate you of your newly-contracted disease. in fact, it almost seemed that he intentionally made it worse. he'd jump to your aid in combat, ghost his fingers across you in passing, and you caught him casting you lingering glances, though you could never tell what thoughts were going on behind his actions.
you told yourself it was probably nothing, that you were being delusional and trying to convince yourself that your crush (if you could call it that) was reciprocated. you were almost successful in convincing yourself to let it go, but the interaction between the two of you today not only reignited your thoughts of him, but intensified them.
genji had been in one of the sparring ranges at headquarters, dutifully practicing his aim, though you didn't really think it was necessary. you were observing, over-exaggerating your interest in his technique as an excuse to be around him, and offhandedly made a comment about wishing you could use a sword.
"i'd be happy to teach you," genji had replied.
you jumped at the offer, but severely overestimated yourself in terms of your sword-wielding capabilities. it looked easy, but maybe that was just because you'd only ever seen genji do it, and he made it seem effortless. after failing miserably, you were ready to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment, but genji seemed determined to teach you.
he'd walked up behind you, using one hand to correct your posture, and the other to guide your hands into the correct position along the sword's hilt. you were almost literally on fire underneath his touch, and it was suddenly very difficult to focus on what you were doing.
"i think this might be a waste of time," you'd commented, staring down intently at the sword in your hands so genji couldn't see how red your face was. "i'm afraid i may be a difficult person to teach."
"i'll gladly teach you about anything you want to learn," genji said, standing entirely too close to you with his hands on your shoulder and wrist. "no matter how difficult you may be."
(y/n.exe has stopped working.)
you stared back at him, wide-eyed, with every functional part of your brain failing you. fortunately for you, your phone rang, interrupting the uncomfortable sexual tension that had suddenly filled the room. mercy was calling, requesting your help with something 'important'. after pretending you were really sorry for leaving so abruptly, you practically ran out of the room, silently thanking the doctor for calling you at the best possible time and giving you a get-out-of-jail free card.
you sat through the tactical meeting with mercy and tracer, though you had absolutely no helpful feedback to offer. your mind was fixed on genji the entire time, and your skin still felt hot from where his hands had been. i really need to get laid, you thought, this is pathetic.
now, even though it was hours later, you were still in the same predicament. try as you might, your brain absolutely refused to focus on anything or anyone besides genji. your television had long since blurred into background noise, bits and pieces of some stupid rom-com becoming the soundtrack to your turmoil.
maybe i should just text him... you think, for the millionth time. it was easy, or at least, it should have been easy. finding someone to screw wasn't usually this difficult for you, and you usually didn't care one way or another, but the thought of genji rejecting you was terrifying. even worse was the thought of having to see him again afterwards.
your mind goes back to the sparring range, and you swallow harshly. 'desperate' was never a word you'd use to describe yourself before, but now... when it came to genji, it was kind of an understatement.
"fuck it," you say aloud, swallowing your pride and unlocking your phone.
- hey. are you busy?
he starts typing immediately. how scary.
- i am not. do you need something?
- kind of. i have... a question.
"i am such a fucking loser," you mutter as you watch genji's text bubble appear on the screen.
- what is it?
suddenly, you didn't want to ask anymore. maybe you could go out for drinks with cassidy instead of doing this. you stare blankly at the screen for a while.
- ???
- actually, nevermind. it's embarrassing.
- surely no worse than your attempt at swordsmanship?
- sorry, that was a joke.
- wow, okay. definitely not asking now :'(
- come on.
- okay. do you wanna...
- have sex? with me?
you watch in horror as he starts typing, then stops, then starts again.
- are you serious?
- that is entirely dependent on your answer.
- why... are you asking me?
- i don't know how to answer that.
- i'm definitely taking that as a no.
- i didn't say that.
- well, you didn't say yes either...
- i'm not sure i understand what you're getting at here
- not sure what you mean by that. i'm just asking to have sex
- for the record, i'm not expecting you to be my boyfriend or anything
- just a one time thing. no strings attached
- no strings attached? lol
- okay
okay? okay? what the hell was 'okay' supposed to mean?
- are you there?
- yes. an answer?
- if you're gonna say no i'd like to go ahead and get it over with so that i can go get drunk enough to forget my shame lmao
- that won't be necessary.
- the answer is yes. obviously
your heart almost stops beating for a second. surely this, too, was a joke.
- seriously? like... actually?
- ...
- yes?
- wow! unexpected.
- are you free? like... tonight, maybe?
- i'll be there. 20 minutes?
twenty minutes? was that enough time to prepare? you immediately scramble out of bed to your dresser, searching for something risqué to wear. you owned an obscene amount of lingerie, but for some reason, none of it seemed good enough for the occasion.
you knew enough about genji's past to know that he'd been with more than his fair share of people, and though you weren't inexperienced by any means, it had been a while– most of your time had been dedicated to overwatch lately. you were sure that the names and faces of genji's old lovers blurred together, and although you specifically said 'no strings attached', you wanted to make the best possible impression. even if you never slept together again, you wanted to be memorable, at the very least.
eventually, you realize you're running short on time and opt to put on your personal favorite set. it had never steered you wrong before. you quickly change into it and throw on an oversized hoodie with some random game logo on it– very basic, you noted, but you didn't want to look like you were trying too hard, although you definitely were.
after checking the time, you wander aimlessly around the house waiting for genji to arrive. you definitely weren't nervously pacing from room to room, overanalyzing every aspect of this situation– no, that is not at all what you were doing. before long, you hear a knock at the door. your anxiety spikes through the roof, but you do your best to get a hold of yourself as you walk to the foyer to let genji in.
when you open the door, you see genji, as expected, and he looks the same as always. there was nothing special about his outfit (because why would there be?) and you're very glad you didn't decide to wear something over-the-top. he's also wearing a mask, as usual, but you can actually see his eyes with this one.
"i like your shirt," he says casually. "good game."
you blink at him, having been completely lost in the crimson pools of his irises.
"oh, yeah, it is," you reply, nodding in affirmation. "um, come inside."
he laughs quietly as he steps through the doorway, and you furrow your brows at him in confusion, but decide to ignore it and move on. you lead genji through the house, mentally grasping for straws as to where to go from here. to be honest, you didn't think you'd get this far, so you're at a complete loss.
"sorry, i feel like this feels really weird. i don't usually... sleep with my coworkers," you explain as you reach the bedroom.
genji's eyes are fixed on you, and despite having a clear view of them, you still can't tell what he's thinking. it proves to be very anxiety-inducing.
"i didn't think you did," he says.
"thanks? i think?" you reply, unsure of how else to react. "i'm going to warn you that this might actually go really, really badly, because i haven't slept with anyone in a while, and you kind of make me really nervous, and i also don't–"
you're cut off by genji moving closer to you and moving his hand towards your face. the action causes your words to vanish and your train of thought to come to a screeching halt. you stare at him with wide eyes as he moves a stray strand of hair from your face and brushes it behind your ear.
"i make you nervous?" he asks, an amused tone to his question. "you? nervous?"
you can feel heat rush to your cheeks, and you're hyper-aware of his hand lingering near your face, but despite this you try your best to sound cool. "yeah, i know, it's pretty hard to believe! but it's true."
genji laughs. "you're funny."
"i am?"
"yeah," he replies. his dark eyes are sparkling a bit, and although you can't see it, you can tell that he's smiling beneath the mask.
you look away from his face, your gaze falling to his hand. it's still in the air, close enough to your cheek that you can feel the warmth, but not quite touching you. he seems... strangely hesitant to touch you, so you decide to take the initiative.
genji's eyes widen a bit as you reach out and cup his face, brushing your thumb across the sleek metal of his mask.
"are you planning to keep this on?" you ask.
genji freezes in place, visibly caught off guard by your question. "i–"
you giggle at his reaction. "hey, no pressure. it doesn't matter to me. i'll still think you're hot either way."
"i fear you'll change your mind about that," he mutters.
you frown, unsure of what to say. "there really isn't anything that could make me change my mind about you, genji. but seriously, do whatever you're comfortable with."
he makes a quiet noise in response, and you can see in his eyes that he's thinking carefully about what to do. after a few seconds of silence, he holds your wrist and moves it away with one hand, then carefully removes his mask with the other. you can't help but stare, not only because you're surprised that he actually chose to remove his mask, but because he's even better looking than you had imagined– scars and all.
he looks at you, eyes filled with uncertainty, and clearly a bit uncomfortable.
"you're staring. sorry to disappoint. i can put it back on, if you'd prefer..." he says quietly, as if he's ashamed. it's sad, enough so to distract you from your mission of keeping things clean and simple.
you shake your head and wrap your arms around his neck, staring up at him with a reassuring smile. "i'd prefer if you didn't, actually. i can't believe you didn't tell me you were so good-looking underneath that mask."
"i... don't think that's a term i'd use. not anymore, at least," he says, not meeting your gaze. "but i'm glad that you think so."
genji hesitantly puts his hands on your hips, his eyes fixed on the logo on your hoodie. he doesn't seem to know how to react to your compliments, but there's a shy smile on his face nonetheless.
"i mean, i thought you were hot enough before. it never occurred to me that you could manage to be even hotter," you tell him with a smirk.
he looks up at you, blushing profusely, and you're filled with a sense of satisfaction. "i, um, didn't realize you felt so strongly about me."
you look away, deciding to ignore that comment, and begin to trail one of your hands from his neck to his collarbone, then down his abdomen, which was unfortunately covered by his clothes.
"well, the mask is off. that's one thing down," you say, toying with the hem of his hoodie. "just a few more to go."
genji doesn't hesitate to reach down and tug off the hoodie, discarding it on the floor. he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath, and he also wasn't wearing his usual metal plating. his right arm and part of his right upper torso are still made of flesh, as well as most of his midsection. the left side of his body is cybernetic, but it ends just above his hips. you find yourself staring at the intricate and seamless fusion of metal and muscle, your attention focusing in on the sharp outline of his hip bones.
a question pops into your head, but you don't have the audacity to say it out loud– is his dick cybernetic? the thought had never occurred to you before, but you also had never seen just how much of him was still made of skin and bone. honestly, it didn't matter to you either way, but it was an interesting thought. guess i'll find out soon, you think.
genji is staring at you with a strange look on his face, and you're suddenly worried you may have said something out loud.
"something wrong?" he asks. "you look... confused."
"i do?" you ask, surprised. "i was just... curious. about the cybernetic stuff. i've never really seen it up close."
"i see."
you walk over to the bed and climb on top of it, beckoning genji over to you. he follows, but stands still beside you.
"come here," you say, reaching for his hand. "i want a closer look."
he smirks and nods, quickly climbing into the bed and positioning himself on his knees between your legs. you trace the outline of his abs, running your fingers along the border of skin and metal, taking in every detail, and then you realize that he's staring at you again.
"what?" you ask.
"you're overdressed," he says. "i want to look at you, too."
"oh," you pause, realizing that you were in fact still (mostly) fully clothed. "you can take the hoodie off."
genji's hands immediately move to pull at your top. you reposition yourself to make it easier, and you watch as he tosses it into the now-growing pile on the floor alongside his own jacket.
you can hear his breathing grow shallow, and you look back up at him nervously. he's staring down at you with wide, dark eyes, with his hands clenched into fists atop his thighs.
"damn," he breathes. "you're... really the most attractive person i've met."
it's not as though you had notably low self-esteem or anything, but genji's reaction was far more than you expected, and the attention makes you feel embarrassed.
"that definitely feels like flattery, but i'll let it slide," you reply. you're mostly teasing him, but you're also kind of serious– 'most attractive person i've met' is an extremely bold statement to make, especially coming from someone with a track record like genji's.
"flattery? you really think so?" genji asks, seeming to be genuinely taken aback by the accusation.
"mm, it doesn't really matter," you reply, desperate to cut this conversation off before it derails. come on, y/n do not get your feelings involved in this, damn it.
genji leans over you, propping himself up with one arm and lifting your chin with the other. he stares at you with an intimidating intensity, but you can't bring yourself look away from him.
"i'm not that kind of man anymore," he says, his tone serious. you look down at his lips, and before you can form a response, he kisses you.
the kiss is just as intense as the stare he'd been giving you, and it takes a moment for you to register that it's even happening. once you kiss him back, it grows into something more needy. his tongue finds its way into your mouth, and you try your hardest to suppress a whine. you reach to tangle your fingers in his hair and subtly pull his body closer to yours, while genji cups your face with his free hand, the cool metal a stark contrast to the heat radiating from your cheeks.
the kiss seems to go on forever, progressively becoming more sensual. you're so lost in the moment that you temporarily forget that you need to breathe. eventually, both of you pull away for air, lips slightly puffed, and eyes half-open, filled with desire.
you press one of your hands against genji's chest, the other still toying with his hair. he's slumped against you, now leaning against his elbow instead of his hand. your body is flush against his, and you can feel his hard-on pressing against you. you softly grind your hips against him, creating just enough friction to cause you both to inhale sharply.
genji looks down at you, his eyes slowly grazing over your body. he sits up, leaning back on his haunches, looking as though he was deep in thought.
your voice doesn't draw his attention back to your face, but he responds, brows still furrowed. "yeah?"
"touch me," you tell him, almost begging. "please."
he smirks. "sure."
he leans back over you, his face so close to yours that you can see every detail of the scars that paint his skin. the two of you stare into each others eyes, and he pushes your underwear aside without even glancing down. his human hand cups your face, and the metal one assumes its position between your legs.
the sensation of cool, smooth metal against your clit elicits a gasp from you, and genji seems hesitant. he draws his hand back, staring down at it with a forlorn expression.
"sorry," he says. "i... kind of forgot."
you reach for his wrist and pull his hand back to where it had been, shaking your head.
"no, it's fine. you don't need to apologize," you tell him. he still looks unsure, but he doesn't argue.
genji toys with your clit with expert precision, and as much as you enjoy it, your patience starts to wane. as if he can tell, he directs his attention elsewhere, carefully and almost hesitantly inserting two of his fingers into you. you whimper at the feeling, clenching around the unfamiliar texture. it's an entirely new feeling– putting metal there was never something you thought to do, nor did you ever really imagine what it would feel like– but it's good. it's obvious that genji is worried he'll hurt you, or that you won't like it, and you have what you hope will be an easy solution to his concerns.
you bite your lip, looking up at him with your best 'fuck me' eyes, and let go of the restraint you were trying to show. you didn't want to look desperate, but clearly he needed more reassurance that you wanted this– that you wanted him. a string of swear words, interrupted by panting and lewd noises, leaves your mouth, and you rut your hips against his hand, urging him to go deeper.
it seems to work. the dark look that was lingering on genji's face was replaced with a spark, and his movements become more free, no longer limited by the shackles of his insecurity. his well-earned confidence starts to shine through, and you smile in satisfaction, but only for a moment. with genji now seemingly returned to his former playboy glory, you find yourself unable to think straight, too busy writhing under his touch, crying out his name and clenching at the sheets.
"i could get used to hearing you say my name like that," genji comments, a teasing grin on his face.
oh god, please shut up, you think. it was almost as if he wanted you to fall in love with him or something, which was definitely not a part of your plan– in fact, it was the exact opposite of what you wanted.
"don't... say– fuck," you want to tell him not to say things like that, but you're overwhelmed with the feeling of your fast-approaching orgasm. what unfortunate timing. "gonna cum."
genji picks up the pace, unable to decide if he wants to look at your face or at his fingers as he pumps them in and out of you. you attempt to clench your thighs together, though genji's body blocks the action, and as you come undone, he decides the best thing for him to look at is your expression.
you squirm beneath genji, eyes squeezed shuts and knuckles turning white from the force with which you're grasping at your bedsheets. he watches carefully, taking in every minute detail of the way you look when you cum, while still fucking his fingers into you as you ride out the high of your orgasm. once you still, he slides his fingers out, the matte grey now slick and shiny. you open your eyes just in time to watch him pop his fingers in his mouth. he looks back at you through half-lidded eyes, a devious smirk on his face as he watches your already blown-out pupils widen at his actions. to add icing to the cake, he licks his lips, and suddenly you think 'wow, i'd let him do anything to me'.
"god," you mutter, shifting awkwardly. you were trying to rub your thighs together at the thoughts coursing through your mind, but genji was in the way.
you trail your eyes along his body, coming to a halt at the bulge in his joggers. you reach for the waistband of his pants, tugging them down to the middle of his thigh, but the position he was sitting in prevented you from getting them any further. genji climbs off of the mattress and yanks his pants and boxers off himself, then proceeds to do the same with your underwear. the intensity of the hunger between the two of you was so thick it was almost physical, and you can't pull your eyes away from him.
to your surprise, his dick was made of flesh. not that you had any complaints either way– it was just unexpected. you take a moment to admire him, then reach out to pull him back into the bed with you. genji resumes his position between your legs, lifting them up so that your knees are at your chest. the two of you both look down, watching in anticipation as he slides inside of you. he slowly pushes himself in farther, continuing until he bottoms out.
you both moan, almost in sync, at the sensation, and make eye contact again. genji positions his arms on either side of your head and touches his forehead to yours, staring into your eyes, as you dig your nails into his shoulder. one of your hands finds its way back to his hair, gently tugging at the spiky black tufts, keeping him as close to you as you could.
it doesn't take long for genji to find a good rhythm, his thrusts deep and and on the slower side. each movement coaxes noises out of you– his name, mostly, but a few mewls and downright pornographic-sounding moans as well. he kisses you again, lustful and passionate, and slides his hand into your hair to cradle your head. he pulls away, trailing kisses from your jawline to your collarbone, a few of which will surely leave some faint marks. you're not worried about that though– the only person who'd have the gall to comment on it was cassidy, anyways.
"you sound so pretty," he mumbles into your neck.
your breath catches in your throat at his words, and your grip on his hair tightens slightly. he sounded so so hot, it sent a shiver down your spine. "mm," is the only response you can manage.
one particular thrust hits perfectly, and you short-circuit, digging your nails deep into genji's shoulder and whimpering his name. he lifts his head to look you in the eye, his eyes honing in on your lips. his movement becomes more insistent, and he kisses you again, muffling your moans.
for the next few minutes, the only sounds in the room were that of your needy whines, genji's panting and occasional grunts, and the soft skin-on-skin contact. genji was surprisingly much more gentle than you'd anticipated, affection dripping from every action. it was enough to make you start to feel a bit of regret about the whole 'one time only' spiel, but you couldn't really focus on that when he was looking at you, and touching you, and fucking you the way he was.
with the stimulation of genji inside of you, and the way he was purring praise and sweet nothings into your ear in between the barrage of kisses, it didn't take long for you feel your climax coming up. from the way genji was beginning to become more shaky and haphazard in his movements, you could tell the same was true for him.
"genji," you whisper. "i'm gonna cum."
he hums in response, furrowing his brow. "me too."
a few seconds of silence pass, and then genji looks... lost. "uh, where should i...?"
"wherever you want," you say, not really thinking. 'inside' was the first thing that came to mind, but that felt weird to say. was it weird to ask your coworker cum inside you? yeah, probably, but it couldn't be any weirder than the fact that you were having such intimate, needy sex with your coworker in the first place, right?
genji slows down and looks at you with wide eyes. "what? no preference?"
"um, i mean," you cut yourself off, biting your lip to suppress a moan. "i was gonna say inside, but like... up to you."
"are you serious? you want me to..."
so it was weird, you think, instantly regretting that you spoke. "do whatever you want."
genji stops moving, and you let out a pitiful involuntary whine.
"i'm asking, what do you want?"
does he want me to spell it out for him? you wonder. fuck it.
"i... want you to cum in me, genji," you say, looking him in the eye with a serious expression. you ignore the fact that your cheeks are almost literally burning, and also opt to ignore the little voice in your head chastising you for being so awkward.
a choked noise escapes him, and his face turns pink. he promptly hides himself in the crook of your neck again. after a few more thrusts, you can feel the burning pleasure of your orgasm reaching its peak, prompting you to cling tightly to genji. he leans back to watch, and as you clench around him, he loses his composure as well. a soft chorus of each others' names and 'fuck' fills the room as genji fucks you through your orgasm, neither of you breaking eye contact. genji leans in for another kiss as he cums. this time is somehow even more passionate than the others, and you immediately miss him when he leans back and pulls out.
you almost let an 'i love you' slip out, but immediately realize how stupid that would be, and opt to just shut your mouth entirely instead. a silence falls over the room, with the both of you breathing heavily and casting shy glances at one another as if you didn't just have passionate, unprotected sex. genji moves first, sliding into the bed beside you and propping his head up on his hand.
this is definitely going beyond what this was supposed to be, you tell yourself, but really, you're not mad about it. sure, the plan was originally for you guys to have meaningless sex and then pretend it never happened, but that plan started to crumble almost as soon as he walked through your door. you were still worried that you were reading too far into it– maybe he was like this with everyone he slept with.
"can i... be honest with you?" he asks. you nervously look over at him, an overwhelming sense of dread filling your stomach.
"yeah, of course," you reply casually. acting calm and collected when you were pretty sure you were about to hear something you really didn't want to hear was a trait you'd quickly adapted as an overwatch agent, and damn, were you thankful for it right now.
"i... haven't been with anyone in a long time," he admits. "like... since the accident."
you stay quiet. you're unsure of what to say, and you can tell he's not done talking, anyway.
"i couldn't fathom anyone wanting to be with me, considering... you know," genji sighs and averts his eyes. "i've liked you for so long, but i didn't think you'd be interested in me at all. i'm... barely even human."
you're still quiet, trying your best to process what he's saying.
"oh, yeah, sorry. i know you said this was a one time thing, and that's fine. i just thought you should know that you treating me like a person... and making me feel wanted... it means a lot," he continues. "even if it was just sex, i enjoy being around you."
"i'm... really in over my head," you mutter, mostly to yourself. "this is really unexpected, honestly. like, all of it. everything."
genji's face falls, and you realize that you misspoke. he shifts uncomfortably and starts to sit up, obviously preparing to leave. you reach for his arm, wrapping your hand carefully around the metal.
"not unwelcome, just unexpected. i... didn't want to get feelings involved because i was sure they wouldn't be returned," you explain. "you seemed kind of unapproachable. i was taking a shot in the dark."
genji laughs a little. "i seem to give that impression. it's not really the case... or at least, not with you."
you gently pull him back to your side, holding his face in your hands and giving him a quick kiss. you can't find the words to convey the emotions you feel, so you hope that touch would suffice. he presses his forehead against yours and wraps an arm around your waist, and the two of you just lay there, basking in each others' presence. this was... an unplanned turn of events, but you were much happier with this outcome.
"hmm. so much for the whole 'no strings attached' thing, huh?" you say quietly. "looks like there's definitely strings. lots of them."
genji laughs again, and you find your heart skipping a beat at the look on his face. yeah, there were so many strings tethering this man to your heart. you wanted to tell yourself that weren't sure how exactly you ended up like this, but the moment you saw him take off his mask and show you his most well-kept secret, you knew there was much more than sexual attraction there, and that there was no going back.
"thank you," genji says, pulling you out of your trance. "for... overlooking my flaws, liking me as i am. you're truly the most beautiful person i know."
you smile at him, feeling your heart quite literally melt at the way he's looking at you.
"you're beautiful, genji," you tell him. and he was. the scars and metal that made up his body weren't flaws– they were a part of him, therefore they were beautiful, too. they weren't something you had to overlook to find him captivating, but you'd tell him all about that at another time.
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natsglorifiedsimp · 1 year
a bit of angst today cause why not?😝 oh gosh why is my writing so bad now lol i think this would be a last one lollll
This was a request of @aosquakewidow23
Taglist: @diaryoflife @xxromanoffxx @lissaaaa145 @fxckmiup @mmmmokdok @sayah13 @karmasgxrl @meurgen @simp-erformarvelwomen @lilaswidowspark @snowdrop1026 @beholdagaywriter
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(I'm not the owner of this fanart. Ctto)
"I need someone to talk to," you said sheepishly to both of your girlfriends. You tried your best to still maintain a smile even though you wanted to cry your heart out.
They know you are shy and not the best at communicating. They know how much courage it took you to say that you're hurting inside. But this time they ignored it.
"Y/n, I'm sorry but not right now. We still have finishing up to do." Natasha said.
A plea for help turned into an embarrassment. "What were you thinking?" you scold yourself.
You slowly backed away from them to give them much-needed space. "I'm sorry" you frowned. "I can come back later when you aren't busy." you tried to show a smile but your lips failed you.
"Yeah, yeah" Wanda flicked her hand ushering you out.
You wept in the hallway trying desperately to keep it together. "Maybe they're just busy and this is nothing, I can get over it myself" you convinced yourself.
Hoping they would listen to you, they didn't. It has been a week since they last told you to get off their faces. But it was one of those days again. You've been bottling up everything but you're already so exhausted.
"Nat? Wands?" you sounded so small, your eyes filled with tears you can't hold back anymore. "I could really use a hug right now."
Roaming your eyes in the room you noticed an unpacked suit of case. "What?"
You hurriedly looked at your closet, "Some of the clothes are gone" you thought.
Just in time Natasha and Wanda both came out of the bathroom. "Are you guys gonna leave?" you brittle.
"Oh yeah, new mission," Natasha said casually like it's nothing. Your eyes burned as you tried to keep your tears at bay. "But we haven't h-hang out yet." you stuttered.
"It's fine, we can do that when we get back" Wanda was occupied with her necessities. She didn't even spare a glance at you.
"Uhm, okay." you frowned in disappointment.
During the nights, you were up. Trying to keep your feelings in a jar keeping them away from people who are trying to help. You felt like a responsibility attached to your girlfriend's tail.
Someone who is trying to belong to a circle where she didn't fit in. You kept your distance to the team making sure you talked enough but not too much. Talked about them but little about you.
A daily stroll became your daily routine. During the day or night, you'd make sure you had your peace. But today, it wasn't the usual calm day. A guy dressed in a skimpy outfit is trying to snatch the poor young woman's purse.
Combat was something you never learned. Even from your girlfriends. But seeing the situation you didn't even think twice.
You grabbed the man's arm and kicked his crotch. He winced in agony keeping his balls together. You grinned braggingly and brought back the purse to the lady.
In utter anger, the man kicked your back with full force causing you to bumped the floor. 'That hurt' you thought.
He didn't stop there he made sure to give you blows by blow. You didn't fight though, you didn't care. At one point you even wished this would cause your death.
Getting home bruised and broken worried the team. Each one trying to talk to you, to give you immediate care. But with a simple "I'm fine" they stopped.
You walked past them like nothing happened. As if you didn't look like a mess. Natasha and Wanda were still weren't there though. As always.
The two redheads got back home exhausted. Shoulders slumped, eyes heavy with almost a week of deprived sleep.
FRIDAY notified you of their arrival but ashamed of what they're gonna say you kept it a secret. You hid in your room and sobbed until sleep took over.
You tried to keep yourself anonymous. Going into a room where the redheads are wasn't much hard. You were invisible to them.
This went on for days and you assumed that it was over. They no longer love you. They no longer care for you. You were once again alone in a room full of people you know but never belong to.
The bruises were still there. If anything they were more purple and visible. The ache in your back worsens but you didn't care.
Wanda gasped, "What happened y/n?!"
Suddenly you were visible again everyone was looking at you. "I'm fine" you lied.
"If you're fine you sure as hell won't have bruises littered all over you" she scolded worryingly.
She tried to grab your hand but you moved away from her. "It's fine, Wanda. It's not like you guys would care." your lips trembled.
"How can we take care of you if you wouldn't tell us what's wrong?" Natasha said.
Your eyes snapped at her, "I did try, Natasha. But you're too busy enough to even care!" the hood that you've been hiding on for weeks fell from your head. Now they could see every bruise you took from that snatcher.
"Oh y/n," Wanda said. "Come on let's get you fixed up" she ushered.
"No. I'm fine." you snapped. "Go back to your perfect little bubble."
"Honey, our bubble isn't perfect if you're not in it." Natasha cooed.
"Then the perfect little bubble ended weeks ago."
You only matter when you're sick and bruised. But once everyone finds how irrelevant you are. They'll pick a new person that is more capable than you. Remember: you're not a lot of people's favorite person
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Them reacting to you gifting them something for Valentine's day
characters: Seele / Bronya x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: Do me a Favor and pretend it’s still Valentine's Day, okay? I was busy yesterday and only got the idea to write something for it after I saw @genshingorlsrevengeance post.
Also no Natasha, bc I’m not going to lie, I couldn’t think of what to write for her…
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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The most difficult part about handing Seele her gift was finding her in the first place. With how many tasks and missions she had to run through, getting a hold of her turned out to be more difficult than you had envisioned, as whenever you arrived at her last known location, she had already booked it to somewhere else.
When you finally caught up to Seele however, you could hear her from what felt like a mile away, arguing with a couple of stubborn vagrants only for it to escalate into a full on clash as you got nearer. Once you got to see her however, the two other combatants were laying on the ground already, one of them groaning in pain as the other seemed to have been knocked out for a while.
“Get lost while you can- Oh it’s you”, Seele spat as she turned around in a moment's notice, her scythe drawn and pointed at the perceived enemy, only for her to quickly lower it once she realized who stood before her.
“Ah, my bad. You caught me off-guard… Did something happen for you to be looking for me?”, she asked as a hint of worry made its way onto her face, only for her eyes to widen in surprise when she noticed the small pouch in your hand.
“N-no”, you stammered out, still somewhat in shock from having her weapon pointed at your face before coughing in hopes it would lessen the chances of your voice cracking again and continuing. 
“Anyway, happy Valentine's Day”, you handed her the chocolate, Seele’s hand automatically reaching out to accept it as her cheeks grew slightly red, balling her other hand into a fist and putting it in front of her mouth to nervously cough into it while at the same time trying to cover the lower half of her face.
“I, umm… I didn’t think you’d- I’m sorry, I’m not very good at this”, she managed to say out loud, looking away slightly for a few seconds before putting down her hand and looking you in the eyes once again. “Thanks.”
“...Ahem. Where were we?”, Seele eventually proclaimed as she turned around to the two vagrants once again, only to start looking around hurriedly when they were nowhere to be found.
“Quick, they have to be nearby, help me find them!”
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From the moment she opened her eyes, Bronya was reminded of what made today so special, your work assured it, after all. The first of your letters was placed on her bedside table, another one fell out when she opened her closet, and the last one she found once she pulled open the top drawer of her desk, the envelope kept shut by the wax-seal she had grown all too familiar with since getting to know you.
Each of them were filled with enough encouraging and loving words to make even a heart of stone melt, and yet you were nowhere to be seen. As the day dragged on, with Bronya re-reading your words in between each of the dozens of audiences she went through, having to hide the smile appearing on her face whenever she thought about them in the middle of listening to her people’s troubles and worries more than once, she increasingly found herself yearning to see you. And yet, you were nowhere to be seen.
When she finally finished work, the sun was already starting to set, the amount of people in the room slowly dwindling down until the only people other than her present were two silvermane-guards standing on each side of the entrance. Only for that to change as well when another voice rang through the hall.
“Would you be so kind and leave the two of us alone for a while?”
By the time Bronya looked up, the two guards were well on their way through the door, and you were coming closer and closer before eventually stopping just a few feet away from the stairs leading up to her desk, a bouquet of Flowers in your hands as you gave her the smile she had missed the entire day.
And before Bronya knew it, she was on her feet and moving towards you as well.
“I’m sorry it took me so long. The Astral Express was nice enough to allow me to go on a small day trip with them”, you apologized before presenting her your gift, the various kinds of flowers she had never seen on Belobog before explaining your motive for leaving better than any words could have done.
“Happy Valentine’s day”, you managed to speak before Bronya gave you an unexpected hug, one you quickly returned.
The two of you remained that way until there was a sudden knock on the door, causing the Supreme Guardian to return to her regular posture in the span of a nanosecond before calling on the person on the other side to enter. Not without whispering a few more words to you however.
“Thank you.”
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writingseaslugs · 1 year
Diasomnia: When They're Sick
Ahhhhhh finally! This dorm actually took the longest because I kept getting side tracked with other things. Took me two days to write it. I blame my friend, Em. We had write night and we couldn’t stop talking long enough for me to write these. I got midway through Lilia before giving up.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please click the “Au Information” below!
Request Information | Masterlist | Au Information
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Diasomnia: When They’re Sick
Fae sickness was something that was vastly different from the kind that humans experience. It’s normally stronger and makes the person infected feel like a zombie. Thankfully the virus doesn’t circulate too often, but when it does it comes through like a hurricane. All it takes is for one person to visit Briar Valley when it’s going around and then come back to the dorm and everyone who can get it is sick. Sadly this happened and to say that everyone was in the dorm was suffering was an understatement. Even the humans were getting sick from flu season…overall not the best time to be visiting Diasomnia.
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Malleus Draconia
Malleus hadn’t been sick in a hot minute…how long we’ll never know. It just never really happened to the Dragon Fae. So when he did come down with a surprise flu that was exclusive to Fae, it caused a bit of an uproar in Diasomnia. Most students were told to keep quiet about the situation, but it didn’t stop rumors from spreading as Malleus began missing some classes. Sebek was tense while going to school and Lilia, for the most part, also wasn’t attending classes so he could care of the prince.
Lilia is the one who actually shows up to your dorm room to inform you about Malleus’s condition. He isn’t very subtle about it either, in fact he was a bit over dramatic as to how bad off Malleus was. Now at this point, the worst of his illness is gone. Lilia wasn’t about to drag you in for that shit show that was the first few days of the fae flu, but he is dragging you in on the last few days in order to help Malleus feel better emotionally. Poor dragon boy has been stuck inside his room not being able to do much, and it caused him to be restless. The moment he sees you appear in his room his entire day has already brightened up.
Malleus has no issues taking medicine, though what he takes is certainly not something you’d be used to. The glowing liquid in the vial looks almost alien as you hand it over to him. There were several lined up, all labeled according to when he had to take them. It was odd seeing him chug the glowing liquid since it was still glowing in his neck as he took it, only to fade out when it got past the neck. Apparently it was special medicine made in Briar Valley that was specially made to help combat the flu.
Please do him a favor and make something for him to eat…please. Lilia has been in charge of bringing him his meals, so some of them have been unique. Granted, Lilia did try following the recipes this time around to make sure Malleus didn’t get worse from his cooking, but they can only help so much. Lilia can’t help but think “Maybe if I add this it’ll help him feel better faster.” which ended up in a vile concoction. So please bring him something good to eat so he can have a palate cleanser. He’ll probably be asking if you can stay until he’s better just so he doesn’t have to eat another of Lilia's specialty meals.
You’re going to be receiving random gifts at your home as soon as he’s better, along with several letters. Chivalry isn’t dead when it comes to the dragon fae, and he’s making it known that he appreciates what you’ve done. You’re never going to find out about the earlier stages of him being sick though, so don’t worry. That’s something that you probably will never see in your lifetime if he has anything to say about it.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia is also someone who doesn’t get sick very often; the last time he did was before Malleus was even born. So to say he was shocked when he began feeling sickly was an understatement. He knew exactly what was going on too, he had the fae flu a few times in the past, and it’s a feeling you never forget. So he’s already getting medicine prepared and telling everyone that he’s going to be taking time away from classes for maybe a week or two.
Lilia originally wasn’t going to be dragging you into this, but when you found out from Malleus that Lilia was acting strange and isolating himself in his room, you were curious. Lilia was in his room, covered in tissues with a red nose and watery eyes, staring at the ceiling. He didn’t even notice you had come in, which says something. Of course he’s going to accept help even if it does pain him to let you see him like this, but he isn’t exactly able to do much himself at the moment.
Once he has you taking care of him, he’s going to be so happy and be far more of a big baby than he was earlier. He now has you to give him medicine and attention, and he’s living for it. He’s never actually had anyone taking care of him while he was sick, so this is new and pleasant for him. He’s going to be over the moon but also extra needy as he begs for an extra dose of medicine even though he had some like five minutes ago. You’re going to have to remind him to let it kick in, but he can’t help the whining. It’s so fun watching your facial expressions and despite being sick, he still needs to mess with you somehow.
This is the only time he might complain; and it’s not even for the reasons you think. He’ll take one bite of your food and comment he can’t taste anything, before asking for you to take him to the kitchen so he can add flavor. Don’t. Let. Him. Absolutely don’t let him even leave the room, he’s contagious and he’s aware, but he also really wants something with a strong taste so it’s a mix of emotions. Just let him know you’ll see what you can do and maybe grab something that’s…different to put into his meal next. It doesn't have to be good, it just has to be unique.
Once he’s better he is so hyped to be able to hang out with you again. He’s going to be jumping off the walls and thanking you for being such a good caretaker for the poor, old Bat. Silver, Malleus, and Sebek will also be thankful to you for helping Lilia, since he refused to let any of them see him while he was sick. He apparently didn’t even let Silver into the room, despite knowing he wouldn’t be able to catch whatever he had. Lilia didn’t want anyone to see him so weak and frail, but you guess since you came in unannounced he didn’t have much of a choice.
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Silver clearly can’t get a disease that targets fae, but that doesn't mean he can’t still get a cold. Falling asleep in random places can really ruin someone’s health, and Silver is no exception. He fell asleep outside and it got a bit too late, a little bit too cold. The next thing he knew he had a horrible cold and a raging headache that wouldn’t go away. So he did what was best and went to his room and tried to sleep it off without a second thought.
Silver in the past was always able to get over colds very fast, so Lilia never was too worried when he found out Silver was under the weather. You, on the other hand, were very concerned. If Silver just slept it off, then he might get better, but it was best to treat the cold as best you could. After all, colds could turn to pneumonia in the blink of an eye, and that can literally kill a human. Somehow this passed by Lilia’s knowledge so he never cared too much, but after you express this concern he goes full dad mode. He doesn't know much about treating humans though, so you’re the one leading the way. Thankfully Silver is too out of it to protest.
Silver will take whatever you give him judging by how he’s half asleep when you’re there. Whenever he’s sick he’s extra tired and literally can barely keep himself awake. It’s extremely concerning but Lilia swears it’s how he’s always been. Silver might be able to thank you while he’s half asleep, but that’s about it. Thankfully the taste doesn’t get to him while he’s in this state, so no worries about him spitting out the medicine or fighting due to the flavor.
This is the most challenging part about him being sick. Again…he can barely keep himself conscious. Just getting him to sit upright to have a meal is a struggle. You’re basically spoon feeding him as he begins dozing off every couple of seconds. You need to make sure he doesn’t drown in his soup. At one point, smelling salts actually do sound like a rather good idea to use on him. It’s going to take a solid hour for him to finish whatever meal you bring to him, but at least he’s eaten something. Normally when it’s just Lilia, he won’t eat until he’s all better. Small improvements are still improvements!
Silver hardly remembers being sick, but he does recall glimpses of you between his fever dreams. Once he’s back, he’ll be thanking you and asking if you’d like to go on a walk. It’s just his way of saying thanks. The walk is mainly so all the forest animals will run up and greet you guys, since they were all concerned once Silver was gone. The animals and Silver are very grateful for the efforts you put forward to assisting him in getting better. While he can’t promise he’ll be able to give the same care for you, he can at least say he’ll do his best if you ever fall ill.
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek, out of everyone, is the worst when it comes to denying he’s sick. He could literally pass out from exhaustion from his illness, and he’d get back up and apologize for his displays in front of Malleus. Lilia is the one telling Sebek he needs to rest, and the only way Sebek will is if Lilia reminds him that his illness is contagious and could make Malleus ill. So of course this leads Sebek to going to another extreme and barricading himself in his dorm room so that no germs can get out. This makes it hard for anyone but Lilia to get in to check on him.
He refuses to let a human help him; you have no idea what a fae illness is. How could you possibly help? Wait…Malleus personally asked you to come help nurse him back to help since you can’t catch whatever it is he has? Why of course, Lord Malleus is so generous and he needs his guard back as soon as possible, so it makes sense he’d send a servant to help him. Just remind him you aren’t a servant and you’re here because you care for him. He will get flustered but will do his best after he is finally open to you helping him out.
Medicine is something that he’s not super stoked on taking, but if Lilia bought it, then he’ll take it. He will give you the side eye if you stare at him while taking it and ask what’s so interesting about it. When he grimaces it’s a bit funny with how his face scrunches up and he quickly tries to conceal it. You caught it though, it was so obvious that he disliked the taste and it was oh so adorable.
He’s not super picky when it comes to the stuff he eats while sick, as long as Lilia hasn’t touched it. He might even comment that it tastes good for something a human managed to cook up. That’s him secretly saying that it tastes amazing and he loves it, he’s just not going to say all of that out loud. He does prefer it if the meals will help him get better faster though, so keep that in mind. He also wants a lot of protein to be in it so he doesn’t lose bulk, because he might still be trying to work out while sick. Smack him over the head and tell him to take a chill pill and relax. If need be, get Lilia to do it for you. He needs rest and it’s not something he’s good at.
Once he’s better he’ll thank you out of obligation, because Lilia literally won’t let him go without saying it. He might even be blushing but he’s going to have to add something to make it into a subtle insult. “You played a good nurse…well for a human at least.” at least it’s something. Just inform him that it wasn’t for free and the next time you’re sick, he’s the one giving you medicine and home cooked meals. He can’t even say he won’t. He can’t be indebted to a human, after all.
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asherthehimbo · 2 months
Love Talk - Song Mingi
prev | M. list | next chapter | [concert time]
word count 3.2K
warnings: mingi is down bad, like BAD bad, cursing, mature thoughts, thats ab it yall.
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“Do we really have to be there so early?” Mingi’s voice nags from his spot in the doorway of Hongjoongs room. The elder male currently seated at his vanity trying to perfect the liner on his left eye, he doesn’t spare a glance at Mingi even though the taller of the two is complaining like a child. “Yes, Mingi you simply don’t understand the earlier we get there the more we get to experience” Hongjoong sighs out before clickling his tongue in satisfaction as he lets out a small cheer when his left eye’s liner finally matches his right eye. 
“Speaking of you should get ready, we leave in an hour” Hongjoong looks at Mingi as he stands up from the vanity, cracking his back, the chains that lay around his exposed abdomen make soft sounds as they move. “What do you mean? I am ready?” Mingi stands up straight, no longer leaning on the doorframe as he looks down at his outfit, suddenly self conscious about his choice of clothing under his leader's scrutinizing gaze.
“You’re kidding right?” Hongjoong rests his elbow on his jutted out hip as he looks Mingi up and down, “No? I don’t think there's anything wrong with my outfit.” Mingi voices. He’s dressed in  beige pants paired with black combat boots, he has a black sleeveless turtleneck on with a very fashionable boob window, he has a few rings on, the outfit is simple yet stylish, it compliments his newly dyed oreo hair perfectly; he thought it was a fine outfit for the concert. “The outfit itself is okay, but there's no way in hell you’re going to an incarnation's concert wearing absolutely NO pink, and dressed like that.” Hongjoong smacks his lips in distaste before walking past Mingi, grabbing his hand as he drags him out of the apartment down to Mingi’s dorm.
“I’m going to get you a better outfit.” Hongjoong throws Mingi on his bed the moment they enter the taller’s room and immediately makes a straight line to Mingi’s closet, completely ignoring the other rappers' yelp as he hits the bed. Looking at Hongjoongs outfit and then at his own Mingi supposes he sees his leaders point.
Hongjoong’s outfit consists of a pair of pink low waisted washed out jeans with WAY too many pockets in Mingi’s opinion, it’s held up with a white belt that's decorated in little pink rhinestones that wouldn't be visible if you didnt stand close enough to see. His top half holds a white long sleeved turtle neck, its cropped so it ends a little bit above his belly button, its cut so that his shoulders are exposed but arms are covered, the shirt sits so tight Mingi is sure Atiny’s would drool at the very visible outline of Hongjoongs chest. 
His exposed abdomen holds some simple silver chains that have a great contrast to the tan he recently acquired. Mingi’s pretty sure Hongjoong’s feeding into the femboy Hongjoong agenda Atiny created, but he looks good in the outfit so Mingi won't disagree. The rest of the outfit has silver and pink accessories, and white combat boots that make his leader seem taller than he normally is.
Hongjoong steps away from Mingi’s closet, throwing a pair of pastel pink camo pants Mingi didn't even know he owned, along with a very tight cropped tank top, its white like Hongjoongs but instead of the plain white it was english writing on it with a graphic design, Mingi doesn't know what it says, he can't read english. “Go put this on while i get shoes and accessories” Hongjoong says before moving to where Mingi’s shoes and jewelry are, not giving Mingi a chance to object. 
Mingi moves to his bathroom to get changed, he feels a bit more exposed and he wonders what he’s going to do if it gets cold, he doesn't know if Hongjoong will let him wear a jacket. While Mingi would usually object or complain about Hongjoong making him change, Mingi knows it'll be pointless since Hongjoong is very serious when it comes to these things. He looks at himself in the bathroom mirror and he has to admit, even though he doesn't have shoes or accessories for the outfit yet, Hongjoong did make a good choice.
When he walks out of the bathroom he sees white combat boots, not much different to Hongjoong’s own placed on his bed, along with a silver chain that has a lock charm on it for a necklace, some bracelets and rings lay there as well as Hongjoong sits on the bed next to his layout with some makeup in his hands, he’s smiling up at Mingi in a way that makes Mingi shudder. He's going to get back at Wooyoung and the others for this, mark his words.
Sitting in their seats Mingi finds it hard to focus on the concert in front of him. Listen, it’s not his fault okay? They have good music, Mingi will admit, the song’s he’s heard so far will definitely stay stuck in his head for a while, and with Hongjoong’s excited blabbering every second Mingi started to enjoy himself. The way the crowd all had some pink on them, the way they moved in unison, it kind of reminded him of Atiny’s and that made him feel a bit more comfortable. 
Honestly he was paying attention, the drummer really caught his attention as he had a very unique way of rapping, but he turned his head once  after  a song had ended, just to look at the crowd once more, and he made eye contact with the most beautiful man he’s ever seen. Mingi swore his breath was knocked out of his lungs, the chillyness he felt before now long forgotten as his body heated up looking at the unknown male.
The male was tall, taller than Mingi definitely, broad shoulders and biceps that were straining against his white dress shirt in a way that made Mingi swallow his suddenly dry throat. Mingi could see faint black lines underneath the almost see through white shirt, tattoo’s maybe? The light of the stadium may have been dim but the way the pink led’s of the stage illuminated the man made him look stunning. Mingi wasn’t sure how long he was staring, but he knew it had been a while, and the man was staring right back, his neck turned a little backward because of where he was seated. 
The man crossed his arms and his shirt hugged his back tighter, Mingi is sure the man had a bigger chest that would be pushed together right now as well, and he wishes he was sitting a bit closer so he could see it. The man smiled at Mingi sweetly, waving at him with one hand- oh god what a hand it was. The song seemed to have ended as Mingi could register Hongjoong yapping to him, but he couldn't focus on the words of his leader though.
The man he’s been eye fucking for a solid half hour, the man whose been staring back at him the last few moments pulls out his phone and turns himself fully to the front making Mingi groan in annoyance as he lost his view, but quickly refocus as the man stood up. This man was built by the heavens, he was everything Mingi had dreamed a god would look like, before Mingi knew it he had half turned his face to Hongjoong, mumbling about how he had to go to the bathroom before standing up and following the unnamed man, leaving an open mouthed Hongjoong to stare at his retreating figure. “MINGI??? HELLO- that fucking bitch the intermission is in like 10 minutes he couldnt wait??” Hongjoong asks himself, not following after Mingi because the band on the stage had started their next song.
Mingi follows the man all the way outside to a vending machine, the man got himself a bottle of water before tipping his head back and chugging the whole bottle, giving Mingi a clear view of the way his adam's apple bobs up and down, his hand, that Mingi can now see is decorated with rings, and a snake tattoo that starts at his middle finger and disappears into the sleeve of his shirt. The water bottle is thrown into the nearest trash can and the man continues walking, Mingi continues following. 
Once they reach the outside the man stops, puts on a black zip up hoodie and pulls out a cigarette, placing it between his plump lips, lighting it and blowing out a puff of smoke before he turns his head to look at Mingi, shit. Mingi kind of may have forgotten he was visible, but in his defense, he wasn’t thinking, not a good defense but his nonetheless. Now standing awkwardly watching the guy he believes to be the love of his life staring him down like a piece of meat, Mingi doesn't know whether he’s turned on or scared, maybe a mix of both?
“Hello? Ah wait, uhm do you know english? Uhm, hello?” The man’s voice is raspy and deep, even more so than Mingi’s and he swears he can feel his knees fighting for their lives to not give up on him. Mingi tries to respond but it takes him a while, his mouth closing and opening before he clears it to respond, “Hello, uhm you speak Korean?”
The man takes a while, blinking slowly, before responding “A little bit, I’ve been learning. I’m [Name]”, the man places the cigarette back between his lips and stretches his hand out for Mingi to take, Mingi stares at the hand for a while, just repeating the name he heard in his head. He shocks out of his trance when [Name] awkwardly starts to let his hand fall believing Mingi didn’t want to grab it. 
Mingi desperately fumbles in a way that [Name] finds absolutely adorable, “Uh I’m Mingi. You’re very prett- I mean uhm you have a really pretty name” Mingi smiles up at him, despite his obvious nerves his smile is still one of the sweetest things [Name] has ever seen. Now, [Name] had two options here, tell Mingi he knows him  and that he’s a huge fan OR play it off cool and act like he doesn’t know Mingi. He chooses the third option by tripping over his own words. “I know, uhm I have a friend that likes your band so I know who you are I mean.” 
‘HE KNOWS WHO I AM OMFG HE KNOWS HOLY SHIT SDEHFD VBFVIUERHERGJNERGVHURFJG, HE KNOWS OMW NAME KNOWS WHO I AM I'M GONNA END IT ALL WHY OMFG I NEED TO TALK TO YUNHO ABOUT THIS HOLY SHIT’ “oh, I see” Mingi’s cheeks, redder than a crimson flower betrays the words he responds with despite the internal freak out he’s currently experiencing. Mingi moves closer to stand next to [Name] as they both rest their backs on the wall. “You like Incarnations?” he asks, his accent is obvious but his korean is pretty good for a beginner Mingi thinks. “Uhm, no, Hongjoong-hyung is a big fan, I like their music but I haven't really listened to them” Mingi’s voice is a bit stuttery as he speaks. [Name] hums and the sound makes Mingi’s knees weak, “Why you out here then? Not inside with him?” 
Mingi, in an effort to lie and not expose the fact that he followed him purely out of attraction just goes “Oh, uhm too many people I guess”  [Name] nods, “Yeah I get that….you stay here with me?” Mingi knows he probably meant to ask if he wanted to stay outside with him, but with the language barrier it sounds like he’s asking to stay with him, no matter the reason and that makes a warm feeling flutter in his chest. He just makes a noise of agreement and they both stay silent for a while.
“Hm… you want to get out of here?” [Name] asks and Mingi coughs in surprise, “Huh?!” he turns to look at [Name]. “Uhm, walk around, get drink, fresh air” now that [Name’s] sentences are more intricate his words get more choppy, yet somehow Mingi understands him. “yeah, yeah I'd like that” Mingi smiles, “let me just text my friend first” he says as he pulls out his phone and [Name] nods. 
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“Where would you want to go?” Mingi asks as he pockets his phone, “hm I don't know Korea well. Just walk around?“ [Name’s] brows furrow as he tries to concentrate on his words and Mingi chuckles at his face. [Name] looks at him questioningly and without thinking Mingi just responds “you're cute when concentrating” he slaps a hand on his mouth as he realizes what he just said. [Name’s] cheeks heat up at Mingis words. “thank you…” he mumbles and Mingi has to stop himself from cooing. 
“There's a really nice park a little while away from here if you want to go there?” Mingi asks and he sees [Name’s] face contort to confusion once again, silently mouthing the words to himself before his face lights up in recognition as he nods his head.  He blew out the last puff of his cigarette before throwing it in the bin nearby. “lead way” he motions as he extends a hand out in front of him once again and Mingi nods before he starts walking slowly as he makes sure [Name] is following him. 
They walk out, past the security that nods at them and the night air is chilly, Mingi wants to shiver but he doesn't yet. He doesn’t want to seem pathetic, yet his chills against the night air must have been glaringly obvious as  [Name] takes off his zip up hoodie and places it on Mingi's shoulders, despite the instant heat that churns in Mingis stomach he sends a questioning look to the taller male. “You're cold and need a hoodie, '' he says as he shrugs nonchalantly, playfully pulling the hood over Mingis head. Mingi takes a moment to process what happened before he starts giggling as he puts the hoodie on properly before zipping it up. He's overwhelmed with the scent of cherries and his mind starts to wander about burying his face in [Name’s] neck to get a better smell. 
Before his thoughts could drift completely he's snapped out of them by [Name] “cute, you're giggle” he says as he smiles at Mingi, placing a hand on his head teasingly, “cute little giggle” and Mingi whines in protest, placing his face in his hands to avoid the others gaze.  “Come on, don't hide your cute smile from me” as he speaks in English his voice drops even lower due to the familiarity of the language slipping from his tongue, and the warmth that's started to form in Mingi's stomach moves lower. 
[Name] moves closer as he gently wraps his jeweled hands around Mingi's wrists, pulling his hands away from his face, he lets go and places a hand on Mingi's chin forcing him to look up at him. Mingi's eyes wide and glossy, his whole face red as a wide smile is spread across his lips.  “See? such a beautiful smile.. hiding it from me would be a crime darling”
Now Mingi didn't understand much English, he understood the main message behind the tallers words, sure but he didn't know specifics, yet as the last word dripped hot from his tongue, like candle wax to skin, flowing past his mischievous smile, Mingi understood. Of course he knows that word, it sends chills up his spine almost as if it's the phantom of [Name’s] fingers tracing the indent of his back himself.  
It’s as if the other can understand the way Mingi’s mind drifts, he stands a bit closer, placing his hand on the small of Mingi’s back, “You lead the way, remember?”  he tilts his head as he looks gently at Mingi. Mingi jumps at the other man's contact with his back, but when [Name] moves his hand away and starts to apologize, Mingi stops him by grabbing his hand, wrapping it around his waist in a sudden burst of confidence fueled by lust. “I was just surprised, don’t stop.” He says as he guides the taller’s hand to be placed perfectly on his hip. [Names] eyes widen a fraction, before he nods his head as he lets a little smirk slip, causing one of his fang like teeth to poke out, and it makes Mingi’s neck ache, just the thought of those teeth biting into his flesh. “Yeah uh- uh yeah there's a park ahead” Mingi chokes out as he and [Name] walks, it’s silent but not in a bad way, almost comforting.
It confuses Mingi, why he trusts this random man, no matter how handsome, but he doesn't have time to dwell as he sees the outline of the park in the distance, he points to it to alert the male next to him who hums in acknowledgement. “You go to the park a lot?” the taller asks. “No, not really, not this one specifically at least. I used to go to parks at night a lot. I was kind of a shy kid, so my mom would bring me at night, or dusk- depending on how busy our day was.” Mingi spills, it's almost like the normal filter of socially acceptable words one shares with strangers is non-existent. [Name] nods as he takes a moment to understand Mingi’s words. Imagining a baby Mingi in the park with his mom, brings a smile to his face.
“Hm, what was your favorite part of the park?” [Name] inquires as the two walk, outline of the park becoming clearer as they get closer, “Probably the swings, it was always so fun when my mom would push me- I felt like I was flying, no matter what happened that day, when I was on the swings I was free.” Mingi has a wistful look on his face and it warms [Names] heart. “Do you wanna swing then? I'll push you” his voice rings in Mingi ears as Mingi realizes they now stand in front of the swings, he’s been so focused on speaking and [Names] comforting hand on his hip that he zoned out. “Oh- would you be fine with that?”  Mingi tilts his head as he questions [Name] who nods in response as he holds one of chains of the swing, motioning for Mingi to sit. 
Mingi sits down, steadies himself, before he tilts his head backward to look up at [Name] who's standing behind him. The top of his head is pressed against [Names] stomach as his eyes, big and brown, studies the other's face. [Name] leans down and places a peck to Mingi’s forehead, “Tell me more about yourself, princess” he speaks in a sultry voice, his breath hot against Mingis face, and before Mingi can react, [Name] pushes Mingi as the swing creaks. Mingi squeaks in surprise and [Name] gives a joyful laugh. 
The sounds of the two men echo through the air, but there’s no one around to hear them, the night for once being quiet. The moon looks down at them, and she knows her children will be happy tonight.
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notes: RAAHHH FINALLYYYYY I GOT TO WRITINGG AGAINNN, so anyway i'm busy with the next chapter of this and my other smau, hoping to get out one more chapter this weekend I just don't know for which story, this is NOT proofread guys pls if u find any errors tell me
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ouchthathurts · 1 year
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐬) ⋮ High-School! Gojo Satoru x Female! Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ⋮ 2.8k (little guy!)
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⋮ With the discussion of everyone's phone numbers, Satoru realizes that he has no way of communicating with you outside of school, which he wants to do so very much. Satoru's neediness and pride gets in the way; however, how can he get you to want his number without the meddling Utahime taking great recognition over the fact that she holds knowledge of Satoru’s feelings for you.
𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ⋮ Kaguya-Sama: Love is War got me wanting to write again! I love this little group dynamic so very much!!!
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬 ⋮ Series | No Spoilers | Second Person POV | Satoru pining over you | Fluff | Humor | Cross-Posted on Ao3 | Not so subtle Utahime x Shoko
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“I can’t believe you didn’t respond to what I said, Shoko.” Utahime cried out to Shoko who was sitting next to you, the three of you were having your free time out on a bench, “I didn’t see your text.” The brunette yawned, the cigarette loosely hanging from the corner of her mouth while the girl next you continued to find herself practically sobbing on Shoko.
"Of course, she didn't!" A voice called out from behind the two of you, the three of you turned around to see what loud and obnoxious voice called out to the three of you. You all turned your attention to be met by the one who was held in high regard by those higher yet amongst peers was one who was a disturbance to the peace.
"Shoko never answers my texts either!"  Satoru had cried to you all whilst holding onto Suguru and crying into his shoulder, the three of you rolled your eyes at his behavior before Utahime spoke up, "Like anyone would want to text you!" Shoko and you stifled your laughs before Gojo argued with the girl.
"Oh, Utahime, crying again about things you’re not strong enough to handle?” You watched the dark-haired girl's face scrunch up in anger, Shoko immediately went to massage her shoulders whilst you put your hand up and waved Satoru off. "You're so dead!" Utahime seethed through her teeth fanning the flames of anger that had built up for so long.
Shoko noticed the familiar way the two would fall into, she cooed to the girl next to her. "Don't listen to him. Satoru only texts me and Suguru, and we don't even respond to him that much." Utahime couldn’t help but find herself lulled by the brunette’s voice while the white-haired boy found his heart crushed by such.
Satoru cried out to Shoko, "How could you say that!?" The four of you watched in amusement before Suguru told Satoru off leaving Utahime to agree angrily. "But you guys never text me!" The white-haired boy cried, "Who am I supposed to send all these pictures to and talk about the memories with if none of them will respond!?" You all watched him in confusion, except for Utahime who was watching him with a smirk on her face.
"When Shoko doesn't answer, you know who I depend on?" Utahime chirped, her voice hiding the sinister tones of wanting to show-off to the lonely sorcerer, she hopped over and wrapped her arms loosely around your neck from behind. The way Utahime said your name made you flush, you couldn't help but smile at the attention, "I only answer because I know how lonely you get without Shoko." You waved her off.
This interaction left Satoru in a conflicted state, the brain combated Utahime's as if the two harbored telekinesis, he couldn't think of any reason as to why he would even want to text you in the first place. Satoru huffed at this before waving his hands dismissively, "Who would wanna text them anyways?"
Utahime smirked at this with her eyes slowly closing to hide her glare, "Oh, I know someone who would wanna text 'em." Satoru found Utahime’s eyes on him, watching him like a predator through her closed lids, he cursed himself whilst trying to find the proper footing for the situation. 
All Satoru had in his mind was when the young woman had often caught him staring at you, she followed behind the young man and was the one who found him leave chocolates for you on White Day. Utahime was loud about it, laughing hysterically at such a sentimental Satoru, he knew he couldn’t scare her into not telling you. In result, Satoru accepted this leverage that Shoko held over him.
You took notice of Utahime’s reference to the one who brought you chocolates, "Maybe the person who leaves those things on your desk would really want it." Your ears perked up at this, your eyes wandered away and a look of disdain painted your face, "Oh. I'm not really interested in someone if they can't say it to my face."  You called out. "If they wanted to say something they should say it, I want someone confident enough to tell me they want me. Face to face."
This caused Utahime’s eyes to lazily roll over towards Satoru’s, “Is that so?” The young man wanted to holler into the sky after finally facing the consequences of his actions after teasing the young woman after she was saved by Suguru and Satoru. Satoru needed to tell you to your face, and he did want to do that, someday, it's just that he needed to be sure that he's ready for you. Satoru wanted to break down and cry at the fact that not only had you seen him as a coward for not saying his feelings to you. 
Satoru continued to think for a moment, there was something he needed to say to get your number, in some way he needed to convey that he wanted to talk to you one-on-one without it making it seem like he wanted to talk to you in that way. Satoru was a genius, in his own dazed mind, as he then spoke up about whose numbers he didn’t have. "I only have Suguru's and Shoko's." Shoko lit up her cigarette whilst she spoke, "I have everyone here's phone number." Suguru nodded in agreement. Utahime then spoke up, "I have everyone here besides Gojo's number." You nodded at this, "Me too."
Satoru felt his heart drop. 
Utahime taunted the sorcerer before her, "Wow. Aren't you lonely, Gojo?" Satoru scoffed at this, "Oh please, what am I missing out on?" The young woman felt the shadow cast over her face as she talked, she looked down on Satoru from a throne, "You're really missing out on such sweet messages!" Shoko nodded at this, "They'll text us all good morning and goodnight." Suguru adds on, "They even check in on us after a mission too. Very considerate.
You had everyone's phone number except his? 
What? Even Suguru's? 
You had some other dude's phone number and not his? 
This wasn't fair! Satoru wants a good morning message from you, to text him after missions with such worry and concern so he can put you at ease, and to say a cute good night message to make sure he gets enough sleep. You would send selfies of yourself or even pictures of you and him together. Satoru was on his hands and knees wondering what in the world he should say.
The young man was torn by such, it killed something in him whilst he shriveled up, he spoke up softly, "Well…" The group all turned their attention to him, they stared in confusion at what he was trying to say, only for Satoru to immediately hush up at his question. Once the young man's aquamarine eyes landed on his executioner, he knew he couldn't allow himself to take such a monumental failure.
'Well, can I get your phone number?' 
Such a simple question, right? 
All Satoru wants to do is talk to you outside of Jujutsu High, thus he would have to ask for a hang out just the two of you. Wouldn't that be weird? It’s like I’m asking them out on a date! What am I even talking about? I just ask for their number! Satoru knew what this meant however, if he asked you for your info then that would mean he wants to talk to you outside of school hours, he’d never gone on a mission with you and the two of you never talked that much outside of the occasional greetings and formalities when he caught you talking to Shoko and Utahime.
If Satoru asked you for your number that would be a call out to himself, he'd be outing himself to you and letting you know that he wants you to tell him good morning, good night, to worry over him, to send him pictures of you, to come and schedule dates with you–It practically ate Satoru alive as he tried to think of any way to ask you such a thing.
"Well?" Utahime said softly, the teasing grin on her face as she waited for Satoru's question, the young man quickly gained composure and spoke up. "What do I care about? It's just some messages." Shoko watched as Utahime's brow quivered before she spoke up, "It's not just messages. We finally got to plan a hang out together and we can schedule our time to be around one another." The young woman's eyes turned to stars around the brunette.
You watched on in confusion before speaking up, "Well, yeah, that's communication? What a phone is for?" Suguru nodded at this before he spoke up, "I'm glad for it. It was nice meeting up with you after doing errands for my parents." You couldn't help but smile at the dark-haired man, "Yeah. I was so happy to go get ice cream with you, Suguru." You chirped.
Satoru was quick to question, "You guys hang out?" The whole group was very much confused by his sudden inquiry about the arrangements, "Well, yeah, when I got Suguru's number we found out we both shop at the same places just at different times, so we scheduled a time to go together." You explained, Suguru nodded at this, Satoru felt so frustrated by the two of you. 
All the white-haired boy wanted to do was go back to his dorm, throw himself into his bed, and slam his fists into his bed while he kicked his legs childishly.
Utahime would notice this behavior quickly, his shock that all of them hung out without him was one that was called to attention, the young woman then shot up and slithered around you similar to a snake. "Yeah. Shoko and I always join them shopping." Utahime smiled at this before whipping out her phone to show Satoru the pictures they took, mainly pictures that contained you in different outfits that you tried on and bought, Satoru's heart whined at the fact he could never see you in person with any other clothing than your uniform. 
The only way to get your number without revealing these feelings he so obviously felt is to make it seem like you would need to talk to him. "Well," Satoru started, you all looked over to him, "I should get your guy's numbers since there could be a time where you two need one of the strongest there." Satoru thought for a moment, the idea of you clinging to him to thank him for coming to save you, for you to acknowledge the fact that he came to help you was one that made him smile as he wanted you to think highly of him. 
Utahime and you looked at each other before rolling your eyes at such behavior, "Yeah, I think Suguru can take care of it if need be." You informed the white-haired boy, Utahime giggled at your response and clinged to you, "Exactly, we have another one who is the strongest." The girl continued to rub into your shoulder causing you to giggle. The young man found himself now questioning all angles of what to say before he spoke up again, "Well, in case you guys ever need help if Suguru or Shoko doesn't respond."
You scoffed at this, "I can handle myself. Thank you though." Utahime let out a chuckle, she was holding back the boisterous laughter that almost shot out her throat when you shot down his advance, Satoru was scared as he knew he needed to say something to get your attention.
"Well, you're the same grade as Utahime and even Utahime needed my help!" The young woman almost lost it on the young man before you spoke up, "Utahime is very capable, as am I, just because of one mission slip up doesn't mean we need the 'strongest' there at all times like we're not well versed in what we do." You found yourself a bit peeved by his behavior, it was almost as if he was reaching for something and so, you found yourself continuing to watch the young man in confusion.
Satoru needed to be honest if he wanted to salvage anything, he needed to ask for your number and yet, when he looked into your eyes there was nothing more Satoru could say as he found his heart getting caught in his throat. Shoko and Suguru watched the three of you, not really clicking until the two shared a knowing look after watching Satoru’s needy behavior unfold after you withheld your contact information from him.
Due to time with Satoru, Shoko and Suguru have been able to pick up on his behaviors rapidly thus they already knew what the young sorcerer was getting himself into, the dark-haired man was stifling his laughter as he realized his close friend was trying to get your number without admitting that whilst Shoko had found the situation humorous and was joyed that Utahime was not stressing over Satoru’s words.
That was until Utahime looked down on him, a caring look as she found herself almost merciful as a Goddess whilst she bestowed her blessing onto the white-haired boy, in that blessing that would bring the situation to a simmer there was only one thing she could do.  "Oh, Gojo," Utahime spoke up, a softness in her voice that called for the eyes of those who had never witnessed such an act to Gojo Satoru, "Do you perhaps want to talk to us outside of just school hours?" With Utahime’s graciousness rapidly falling into her grasp to crush Satoru’s spirit and corner him.
You raised a brow at this. Why would Gojo Satoru want to talk to me? The two of you would only acknowledge each other when you both were in the same area with a simple greeting. You thought for a minute, he was taking a lot of interest, but you knew the confident and overly boastful Satoru was one who would most definitely hurry up and ask for someone's number if he wanted it, the young man was a bravado type. You were quick to see through his scheme and thus formed your own to get him to admit he wanted your guy’s number to talk to you and Utahime.
You were now all aware of Satoru’s feelings, except for you as you believed he wanted yours and Utahime’s numbers when he only wanted yours, unbeknownst to the man who was on everyone’s mind since he thought he was so clever at his scheme and hiding his emotions that he was practically smirking at his 'greatness'. Sotaru thought of himself so brilliant when he uttered the following, "What would I ever need your guy's number for? I'm just offering my help is all. As one of the greatest, it is my duty to help and protect those who are weaker than me." 
No one liked that in the slightest. 
Satoru was digging himself a hole, what could any of you possibly do whilst you all tried to think of something to say after such a blunder from the young man, he only stared at you all in confusion since you all went silent trying to make sure the group didn't begin to separate themselves just because of what Satoru had said.
You didn’t get that message though.
"Well, on that note, I'm gonna go." You told them, you found yourself not wanting to beat around the bush and if a man couldn't admit he wanted the numbers, then he wasn't worth the time of getting to know them, "I'll see you all later." You spoke up and waved to the rest of them before heading off. 
The group watched you get a fair distance away before they all turned their attention to Satoru, "That's them, huh?" Shoko teased and Suguru held back his laugh with a large toothy smile, "I never thought you'd be so scared to admit you wanted someone's number." Utahime pointed out as she found herself covering her mouth with Suguru covering up his mouth as well to hide his smirk whilst he spoke up, "So you're the one that gave them chocolates, Satoru?" 
The group was questioning the young man yet, he couldn't even answer them as he found himself so clouded with the fact that you had left after such words, anyone else would've swooned at that line and have acted upon handing the number over. You wanted Satoru to admit he wanted your number; in his mind you wanted him to fork over every possession that meant anything to him and devote himself to you. 
© ouchthathurts please don't translate, claim as yours, redistribute and/or plagiarize in any way.
Satoru wouldn't mind that, even if it does take him awhile to finally profess his feelings.
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clare-with-no-i · 1 month
theogony part 1 behind the scenes
**SPOILERS ahead for theogony and mild spoilers for Outlander!**
this is just going to be a long infodump of all of the things I pondered while writing theog (specifically part 1, part 2 will come later) but never talked about! I'll try to go chapter by chapter, and maybe I'll end up adding more later on, but for now I just think it'd be fun to chitchat and reminisce on some of my favorite tidbits. this story is really my baby idk :")
Prologue - Alalá
one thing that I wanted to establish in the prologue, other than the obvious James-Sirius dynamic, is the presence of otherworldly or spiritual premonitions in this universe. it was always important to me that the first person who actually made any sort of prophetic declaration was James.
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so much of the story relies on Lily's status as an oracle, but this little tidbit here helped build the world for me so much; we can't be sure if James's various dreams and premonitions are wishful thinking, or really the Gods speaking to him, or something else entirely. of course, this story deals with time travel, so there's an inherent supernatural element. but Lily and James's conflicting – and sometimes competing – conceptions of God felt like such a necessary tension for me to explore. it was such an incredible shorthand for the tension between modern and ancient sensibilities. and we never get a definitive answer to those looming questions, which I knew I wanted to do from the outset. did the Gods bring Lily back to the past? did James? did she do it herself? does God/the Gods even exist?
also: there are probably moments where I failed to do this, but I tried to capitalize Gods in all of the James chapters but not in Lily's, unless she was referring to the Abrahamic Capital G God. that is, until the last chapter, which I'll elaborate upon later :)
also: i wrote the prologue first, then the epilogue, and then i posted the prologue pretty immediately after. I had the entire story roughly outlined but I absolutely jumped the gun when it came to posting the prologue LMAO I didn't even really announce the story, I just joked about writing it and then posted the prologue, which you can see from the beginning note. i remember Suze was about to go to sleep and she started messaging me like wtf Clare what do you MEAN?
and the rest was history (pun completely intended)!
Chapter One: Ouroboros
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the narrative brushes past the other statues in this section pretty quickly, but I always imagined that the first bust is Philoctetes, James's father. I think the consensus on this one tends to oscillate between Philoctetes and Aristides, which is another great interpretation.
The reason I wrote it this way and imagined it to be Philoctetes is because I thought it would have been nice to let Lily 'meet' James's father (in a sense), even before she 'meets' him. when I read this chapter back after I first finished the story, I had a very soft moment where I close-read my own fic (lol) and thought that maybe it was Philoctetes who sent Lily back to the past. maybe he sensed something about her and knew she'd be right for James and for antiquity.
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sooo many people forgot about this! which i was hoping for!!!!! I was hoping everyone would forget about James's statue holding something until the Big Reveal. fun fact is I wrote the reveal right after this. I liked the idea that, no, he was never going to actually be holding anything. he'd be reaching for Lily. the choice to accept his hand was always going to be hers.
a fun fact about this chapter is that I had to pull from a bit more Outlander lore than I originally thought. and no I don't mean the 'Jesus H Roosevelt Christ' part lol. It was always hilarious to me how Outlander set up Claire to be the objectively perfect person to go back in time. she was a combat nurse who happened to develop an interest in medicinal botany and Scottish-English history. she also happened to spend her formative years with her adventurous archaeologist uncle after her only living relatives died. like girl. lol.
so I had to really toss up which traits I thought it would be appropriate for Lily to have as she traveled back in time. the biggest one, obviously, is her field of study, which was necessary given the language barrier and the completely foreign nature of social norms in Classical Athens. I toyed around with the idea of making her mum a nurse so as to give her some base medical knowledge, but that felt a) unnecessary given the circumstances of the story, and b) far-fetched that she would have gleaned enough transferable skills to apply in 479 BCE.
it was also fun to give her more reason to go back to the future; she has a sister who, while they aren't in contact, is a significant emotional attachment; she has academic goals; she has a best friend (however toxic we know him to be). it added a layer of conflict that I enjoyed playing up, even if I definitely could have explored her modern life more fully.
Chapter Two: Kinesis
soooo much exposition and worldbuilding in this chapter. oml. it was so much fun to play around with the reasons why James would be in Tatoi in the first place; I can't remember quite how I landed on the Persian auxiliary soldier thing, it might have been from my initial (admittedly extensive) research on the months leading up to Plataea; it may have just been the fact that I KID YOU NOT this story used to take up all of my fucking brainspace. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I'd be doing work for my research fellowship and just daydream about theogony. the initial idea came to me AS A JOKE!!!!! when i was idly pondering before going to sleep (as one does), and then it just wouldn't leave me alone. i kept imagining what it might look like. I thought about how the time travel might work. I thought about James's Greek equivalent. I ranted to my sister and her dog (he did not care) about what the statue might look like and mean (sorry bestie love u).
one narrative decision that has given me a bit of strife was the Dimitrios-James name change. I've had a number of people ask me if I'd ever try to pubilsh theog – and this is one of the (many) reasons why that would be pretty categorically impossible. using James's English name in his internal narration, instead of the name I give him as a Greek man, is something that only translates to fic. it makes pretty much no sense at all if you consider these original characters lol.
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honestly putting the word 'practicum' in here caused me SO much pain. in James's chapters I tried really hard to use words which had Greek roots and not Latin roots, even if they're in modern English today. in most of his chapters, I'd try and find synonyms for big/complex words so I could use ones that came from Greek. it just helped me stick to his narrative voice a bit more.
I forgot how much STUFF went on in this chapter. oh my god SO much happens?? we get the lack of the Parthenon as the time marker (felt very clever doing that), Lily processing the fact that she's time traveled (lazy writing on my part to not have this happen in a Lily POV chapter but I'll take that on the chin), the Plataea reveal. OML. tired just thinking about it. lily sweetie i am so sorry
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guys, the amount of time I spent wondering if I should Greek-ify Sirius's name is insane. For so long I thought about making him Seirios, which is the original Greek version of Sirius. But I felt like I had already messed with their names too much, and so I left it. but honestly I'm still torn. looking back, maybe it would have been the right move to make him Seirios and have Lily give him the name Sirius, but I guess we'll never know!
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one of my favorite Sirius moments, and something that, essentially, sets up the rest of the story. but I wanted there to be a little ambiguity throughout the story about how much of this Sirius actually believes.
we know that James has just confessed to Sirius and Pétros that he was hoping they'd desert the Athenian army. we know that he thinks he's going to die, and he's adopted this sort of fatalist view of his future. and then here you have Sirius, who could never abide such a thing, pretty much leaning into the idea that Lily can tell the future – which would allow him to challenge James's prediction. I always wanted to leave it up to interpretation, and I know it comes up in later chapters (at the komos especially), Sirius's skepticism about Lily's origins. but it's such a fun question to ask: does he really believe that she's the Oracle that James prayed for, or does he just need that to be true so he can try and influence the future himself?
Chapter Three: Peribolos
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omg. lol. the chapter three opening academic argument scene. this is a favorite of mine, and something I had so much fun writing. it's actually based on an argument/"spirited discussion" I had with my dad a few years ago about moral absolutism versus moral relativism which forced me to interrogate and expand my knowledge on the subject. I thought it was such a fun way to get into Lily's politics and her character without doing crazy exposition in the ancient world.
it also touches upon one of the touchstone themes of the story: that to study something is, in a way, to detach yourself from it. academia is routintely completely disconnected from its subject matter, and it creates this weird disdain for lived experience versus book knowledge. Lily has spent upwards of ten years studying (in some capacity) the ancient world, but she is so utterly out of her depth when she experiences it herself. as such, she espouses these very revolutionary politics when examining historical conflicts, but she has a blindness to what the real-world realities may have been for the people living in those conditions at the time.
alsooooo, The Return of Martin Guerre is one of my favorite books I read in college, and the easter egg here is that it's about a person of dubious origin entering a community and the politics of how the community might accept or reject them. ha ha!
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^^based on something I said in an argument with a Poli Sci major in college and I have to say one of my better moments. was an absolute haymaker. this was very 'author gives main character a zinger' of me and I will not be ashamed of it
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this! ladies and gentlemen! this was basically a declaration of love!!!! to be loved is to be remembered!!!
in a very romantic way, the study of history can be such an act of love to those who lived before us. i just adore the idea that, even before Lily developed real romantic feelings for James, she had this itching sort of feeling; AKA, when someone has made such an impression on you, and you know (or in her case, you think) that you'll be leaving them at some point, and you just want to be interesting enough, be impressive enough, that they remember you, that they think of you randomly as time goes on. that is such a giddy hallmark feeling of having a crush, in my book. I liken it to making eye contact with someone or having a brief conversation on a night out, maybe at 3am on your way back from a bar when things are sleepy and dizzy, and you just have this sense that you're being seen in that moment as anyone you want to be. i love this moment so much I feel like I could give it its own meta LMAO
Chapter Four: Hamartia
this chapter really put the pedal to to the metal lol. at the time of writing the story, I generally didn't (and still don't) love fake dating that much as a trope; I don't typically love plotlines predicated on (even harmless) deceptions, it's just a sensitivity of mine that I don't expect anyone to relate to or share. but when I was considering how to structure theog, it just made so much sense for James and Lily's arcs to have them get 'married.' there was no way that Lily was going to be able to navigate Classical Athens as an unsupervised woman alone, and even with the Oracle title offering her some protection, there was nothing really tying her to James. much like Outlander, it really did feel like the last possible resort, which softened me to the idea of using the trope.
fun fact, i got a snarky comment a few months ago complaining that i was trying to pass the story off as historically accurate (lol to the fifteen disclaimers I embedded throughout which addressed that) and one thing they took issue with was that lily wouldn't have been able to own property and the only thing that would have kept her from being a slave would have been marriage.
which! yknow! none of which contradict the story! but anyway I digress.
I was initially nervous about how early on the fake marriage happens; we don't really know the characters that well yet, we're not sure who James is as a potential partner to Lily, or how Lily's feelings for him are starting to bump up against her very rightful and justified desire to get the hell out of dodge. but – we only really see James in canon as a husband and as the father to the main character, so it felt pretty true to the source material to throw him into being a husband pretty early.
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I loved writing this scene with Aristides. I've always been partial to his appearances throughout the story, and this one is just so special to me. I think of him as a driving force in humanizing the ancient world in theog, sometimes even more so than the main cast of characters. to elaborate a bit on that: with the Marauders and Lily and the other transplanted HP characters, I think there's this inherent sense that they are already fleshed out people (to some degree) even before they hit the page of the story, because they appear in canon and across Marauder fic verses. no matter how much I make James into Dimitrios and Peter into Pétros and Fleamont into Philoctetes, people know them and love them outside of theogony verse. but not Aristides. he doesn't have a one-to-one HP character. there is some version of him that really existed in 479 BCE (my complex and largely negative feelings on RPF are setting off alarms at this but we proceed) and that's it.
it would have been easy to just give him this very gruff and surly character, to make him a military general who didn't care about anything other than the war. I think that's how we conceptualize historical people sometimes, often without meaning to. but he was a person, and he had likes and dislikes, he probably had a family and maybe he'd fallen in love, and it was such an honor to give him such dimension. not to say that I'm putting that personality upon the actual historical person; but just to really take my time with a character outside of the Marauder canon. in this scene he has this human moment where he reminds James that, yes, love is a worthy pursuit, even to those in positions of incredible power. even when the discussion isn't about romantic love but about James's love for his closest friends. it's this permission that James didn't even know he was seeking but ultimately that changes the course of his and Lily's lives. Aristides is who James might become, in many ways. in the actual Plataea chapter this becomes more and more prevalent. (more on this later!)
overall, I am forever hoping that people come out of reading this story with an appreciation for the humanity of those that came before us. I did a poor job with other characters in this story, and I own that, but I'm proud of how I wrote Aristides.
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oh my godddddd I fucking love this part. i am so fucking proud of it. LMAO. achieving wordplay in an ancient language that i have never studied should be on my fucking CV I swear. like this was just perfect I'm sorry I am BUZZING that I pulled this off.
also, a cute way to introduce a phrase to the narrative which will become very important: se filo!
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I remember that I wrote this passage, which many people commented on and which I loved writing, in a coffee shop on a sunny day when my cousin was visiting me to introduce me to his girlfriend. there wasn't any wifi in the coffee shop so I was blessedly devoid of distractions and could only focus on the doc, and i was LOCKED IN let me tell you.
when my cousin and his girlfriend arrived I told them I was sending an important email and edited the last sentence of that paragraph about four different times while they sat in silence and waited for me to finish LMAOOO
Chapter Five: Ascesis
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a profoundly insane moment in my personal history was reading excerpts from Eudemian Ethics, Nichomachean Ethics, and Memorabilia just to passively mention them in a flashback in a fic. relied heavily on Foucault for this, I will be so honest. why did i do that tho. like girl take a breath...
but in all seriousness this was just a joy to write. i miss being a history student and having these discussions – law school is great, but history classes will forever hold my heart ngl! also, this passage is in some ways an homage to my grandfather, who is one of my favorite people ever. he taught himself Classical Greek and Latin when he was in his 20s, before he went to medical school (and get his pilot's license for fun, he's seriously the most interesting guy alive). he gifted me his leatherbound Great Books printings of Aristotle's works and of the Iliad and the Odyssey shortly after I started theogony, and I cherish them so much. he spurred my interest in ancient greece when i was young. so this is for him :)
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one of the hardest things for me to articulate (and maybe something I could have done better) was the war and the balance between James's inherent goodness and his growing feelings for Lily. i wanted her to have plausible reason to think that he doesn't at all feel romantically towards her, even as she's growing to admire him more and more. I hoped, as I wrote the story, that these little interactions where the reader clues into his feelings (this protective 'peninsula' moment being one of them) still walked that line. as in, i wanted lily to reasonably believe that he's just that good of a guy that he would take issue with anyone being taken advantage of, not just her. she's so destabilized in this moment as well, I think that worked to my advantage. or I hoped it did LOL.
from what I remember of writing this chapter, it just came really quickly and naturally. much more than the later ones. this early period of writing was just an outpouring of the ABSOLUTE BRAINROT I was going through after conjuring up the idea for the story. it just flew. the ending scene where they have their little almost-moment was probably about an hour's worth of writing. it's like I couldn't type fast enough to keep up with my thoughts. not sure i've experienced that since!
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also, the now, here, alive line reappears in the last chapter, which is one of my favorite callbacks:
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:) :) :)
Chapter Six: Kleos
one thing I used to worry about CONSTANTLY is that I was losing the classic (and necessary!) Marauder goofiness to the more somber setting. so it was a jaunt and a boon to write scenes like the opening one here, where it honestly could be copy-pasted into the Gryffindor Common Room and it'd look a lot like my canon stories.
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he's just a dude being hungover and embarrassed about the previous night with his bros!
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the first time we get a hint of Pétros disappearing to dubious locations!
this chapter was one of the most research-heavy. it was a new setting, filled with new characters, and predicated entirely upon planning the Greek front at Plataea. so if I couldn't nail that down (at least to some degree), I was going to have trouble. of course I took liberties, but I spent a lot longer combing through sources for this chapter than some other ones, I'll tell you that for free. it took ages to find any treatises on ancient athenian sword combat, sigh.
yeah I mean i remember thinking that the subtitle for this chapter could have been 'I am going to create an environment that is so toxically masculine' because that's pretty much the whole vibe. James is not immune to that, either, and that was intentional. he feeds off of the violence and the anger of the men surrounding him, and he exhibits some behaviors in this chapter (rushing off to kill Anaxagoras after he grabs Lily's arm, for instance) which are not ideal! but I do think that there's meaningful conversation to be had about Lily's cultural assimilation into an ancient, misogynistic society, and how there was absolutely no way I was going to get out of this story without giving James some sort of period-typical attitude. now again, I took the liberties I deem necessary, because I have no desire to make my main romantic lead into an asshole. that's not my James Potter. not that that's news [gets taken out by a sniper]
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i got CLOWNEDDD for referring to this dude as Dion son of Dion but idk what to tell you!! that's how the old documents referred to him!!! i didn't make that shit up I swear to god!!!!
also - that's the actual text of the Oath of Plataea, except (as Lily points out) it should read Athena Areia. is it likey that she'd remember this off the dome? no. is it possible that she just recognized the missing descriptor from context clues? yes. did i care enough to explain this either way? no, no i did not.
the Big Ticket Item of this chapter, though, is the oh.
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and it wasn't just an oh, it was an oh followed by this innocuous conclusion that isn't even about Lily. i made myself laugh so hard with that. he's just like 'oh god my friend is going to wave this over my head FOREVER' and you know what? he's right!
as for the previous paragraph in that passage, I pulled a bit of a bait and switch, but not as badly as you might think! it was a risk to even bring up the idea that James could leave Athens, because I know it spurred some people into thinking that he'd go to the future with Lily (sorry babies that was not on the table). but what I intended for this passage (however successful it may or may not have been) was to just…allow him a moment of real, visceral empathy for the sensation of displacement that Lily's experiencing, and as well, introduce the idea that he might leave the life he's cultivated in Athens. his entire upbringing has been himself, the consummate Athenian man, surrounding himself with people from outside of Athens and drawing from their experiences, but never venturing outside of his little realm. in so many ways, the story questions what Lily's relationship with 'home' is (especially later on), but it always felt necessary to me to reckon with how 'home' may change for James as well.
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yeah honestly i just remember the exact moment i thought of this passage. i had been reading the secret history (shoutout Donna Tartt i idolize and fear you) and i was lying down in my local park in the summer. I just thought about the Greek myths I knew, and the kind of cosmic horror that it is to really admit you're falling in love with someone, that they have this power over you that you didn't anticipate. and that closing line of the scene really struck me out of nowhere – I wrote it down in my notebook and just stared at it for a good few minutes. it's still one of my favs of the story :)
ok! if you made it this far, you are just amazing. this has to be a few thousand words at least. TYSM!!!!
see you all later for the part 2 BTS ❤️
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motherhaella · 2 years
What A Sight
Recom! Miles Quaritch x Recom! Female reader
Summary: The scientists said that Na'vi people get 'heat cycles' when they're in mating season. Now that Y/N is an Avatar, she becomes more sensitive than before. When she was pleasuring herself, Miles heard her and decided to check up on her.
TW: grammar error, minors DNI, 18+, dom! Quaritch, swearing, smut, fingering, masturbating, thigh riding, p in v, rough s3x, daddy kink, breeding kink, choking, milking.
Disc: this is my first time writing smut, I hope you like it
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I can feel the rush of adrenaline inside of me. My heart is beating so fast, I'm very tense right now and I need to get out of this room. The team and I, along with the Colonel are currently having a meeting with the general. We are discussing a plan on how to find Jake Sully and his family. But right now, all I can think of is that I need to go to my quarters so I can be done with all of this shit. I can't help but squeeze my thighs together, waiting for the meeting to be over.
Author's POV
Miles was standing behind you, leaning against the wall while listening to what the general was saying. He couldn't help but noticed your discomfort, he approached you from behind and he lowered his head down right next to your ear, "The hell is goin' on with ya ?" He whispered.
You can't help but got more aroused because of his damn raspy voice, and his hot breath hitting your cheek. "It's nothing sir, I'm fine." you replied with an annoyed tone.
He let out a "tskk," laid his hand on your lower back- a little too low, "You better stop jumpin' on your seat like an anxious, needy animal, lieutenant." his face is so close to the side of your face, if you turned your head your nose would definitely touch his.
You didn't answer him this time, and decided to sit still. He moved to take a seat beside you and he put his hand on your thigh, "Yeah there's somethin' going on with you, doll... but you're not so good at sharing things, ain't ya ?" He chuckled lightly. You swat his hand away, lightly hissed at him. His veined hand on your thigh only worsened the situation you're in. Quaritch is not always this touchy with other people. But with you, oh does he love to tease & taunt you. Sometimes he'd snake his hand around your waist or when you're trying to shoot at something he will stood very close behind you, or even press himself against your back. "Eyes on the price, cupcake." He'd whisper to your ear with his raspy voice. But it's just a friendly remark, right?
You felt the pool between your legs, your arousal getting stronger every second and now you can only hope that he can't smell you.
Oh he knows what he's doing earlier. He wouldn't admit it to himself but he got a thing for you. You're one of the best soldier, very skilled at combat. Also, the way your hips and tail swayed when you walk, you wouldn't notice this but he always stares at you. You always wear a tight tank top and shorts because it is hot here in Pandora, and he loves your curves. He knew that it was wrong to think of you as more than co-workers. But he can't help it.
"All right, that's it for today. Colonel, I hope your team will be ready for the journey." Said the General. The meeting has ended. Quaritch nodded at her, you quickly stood after the General exited the room, and you headed towards your room.
Miles was watching from behind, He knew what was happening. you fidgeting on your seat, sweating, your skin hot when he laid his hand on your thigh. It's mating season and not just her, but he, too, is in a super sensitive state. He can smell your sweet scent just from standing behind you. Watching you squirm when he gripped your thigh turned him on, he imagined the things he wanted to do to you. He's better than you at hiding his state, of course. 'Oh, just from the smell I can tell that it tastes & feels good,' He smirked at the thought.
After everyone went back to their rooms, he stayed outside a little longer, thinking about you. Specifically at what are you doing at the moment. It's getting late and he decided to get some sleep, when he walked passed your room all of the sudden he heard a strange noise coming from inside.
Miles' POV
"nngghh~ ahh... fuck..."
I heard it. And I know what she's doing. Shit, hearing her moan like that made me hard. I can't help but imagine how she moans my name. 'It's inappropriate, she's your co-worker.' My mind said. But it didn't stopped me from pressing my ear to her door. She was a moaning mess, and I can tell that she's about to cum. I really want to go inside and help her. Fuck, she's so hot I need to be inside her so badly. When I was pressing my ear against her door, it opened a little. 'Fuck, she didn't lock it,'. And right there on her bed, I can see her. Pants off, Legs spread. She's fingering herself with two fingers, while rubbing her clit with her other hand. She bucked her hips to the air while closing her eyes. 'What a sight.' I thought. I can feel my cock getting really hard. I was about to leave then I heard her unexpectedly moans, "Oh, daddy... oh, Miles~~ fuuckk, need ya so bad..."
Author's POV
He heard you. You whining his name while you cum. That's his last straw. He can't hold it anymore, he needed to fuck you. That is the most important thing on his mind right now. He's drenched in sweats, his muscles tense. He closed the door quietly, and waited a minute to knock harshly to it. After you put a pants on you opened the door, still breathing heavily. You're shocked when you saw him standing right in front of you, scared that he might heard you from earlier.
"Colonel Quaritch. wha- can I help you ?" I said with a stern tone, hiding my grogginess, my eyes not meeting his. I'm scared, feared that he heard me earlier. And fuck, I forgot to lock my door. It will be very awkward for us both if he saw or heard all that.
He didn't say anything but kept his eyes on me. He took a few steps towards me, made me back away and he shut the door, locking it. Then, it happened in a blink of an eye. He slammed my back against the wall, his hands gripping both my wrists above my head. His sudden movement caught me off guard, what the hell is he doing?
"Fucking let go of me!" I snapped at him, but he didn't budge. "What the hell is wro-" I was trying to talk him out of whatever he wanted to do to me but he cutt me off, "Shut your fucking mouth. I heard ya alright, and next time you should make sure that the door is locked and completely shut so no one can see you, Lieutenant." He spat at me.
I cursed myself, embarrassed that he heard AND saw me. I am too weak and overwhelmed to fight him back. His grip is very strong. The room became so hot, I can feel the tension in the air. Both of us like to playfully flirt and touch with one another, but right now it felt different. His scent is strong, his eyes wild and full of hunger. I have never seen him like this before, like an animal. "I didn't know that you're so desperate for me.. so.. needy. what, you want me to touch you? hmm.." His face is only a few inches away from mine now. I whined, I can feel myself getting wet again because of him. Of his presence in front of me. I shut my legs together but he forced it open with his knee. "Oh, don't act all shy now Sweetheart... not while a moment ago you were moaning my name while you touched yourself," he said with a seductive tone, with a menacing smile on his face.
Author's POV
At this point you're sitting on his thigh, your sensitive core rubs against his thigh. He can feel how wet you are, and that made him harder than before. You can feel how he flexed his thigh beneath you. "Ride, sweetheart. I wanna see you cum just from riding my thigh." You obeyed him, You start to move your hips, grinding on his thigh, your clit brushed the fabric of his pants. You started to move faster, chasing your release. At a time like this, you don't have any self-respect for yourself.
Watching you ride his thigh made his cock twitched, His desire to fuck you is stronger than ever. He never thought that this could happen. And boy, he's very happy that he gets to do this in his new life.
He leaned his face to your ear, he darkly chuckled, "that's it.. just like that... Scream my name when you cum, baby." He then started to suck your neck, that made you moan loudly, and trails kisses down to your collarbone. He doesn't like the fact that you're still wearing your top. He ripped the top that you were wearing and tossed it to the side.
He groaned at the sight, your chest going up and down, your nipples hard. He leaned down and sucked your left nipple sloppily while one of his hand left your wrist and started to toy with your right boob, massaging it.
"So pretty.. so delicious, all just for me.." he hummed. "Nggh... I'm so close.. Oh god.." you move your hips faster, desperate to cum. You can feel the wetness trailing down your thighs. "Miles.. I- I'm gonna- oh Miles! Ahh~~" you cum undone beneath him, you feel your legs trembling and your knees weak. You moaned so loud that he had to silence you by pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was rough and sloppy, but it felt really good.
You're still overwhelmed and breath not steady, but he couldn't wait any longer. He let go of your wrist then picked you up and laid your back to the bed. He removed his top then hurriedly unbuckled his belt, taking off his pants. He's completely naked now. You can see all of his muscles flexing. You can't help but to stare at his toned abs, his v-line, his slim waist... 'how can someone have such slutty looking waist?' You thought to yourself.
And his cock. It is so big you doubt that it would fit. His dick is long and hard, you can see the pre-cum on the pink tip. He noticed that you're looking and the worried look on your face, "don't worry sweetheart.. I'm sure you can take it," He climbed to the bed and hovering on top of you, "and if you can't, you still have to."
He teased your entrance with his finger, playing with your fold, feeling the wetness that he caused. You can't help but wrapped your tail around his arm, to feel him close. He can feel how you squirmed at his touch, "Enough with the teasing, daddy please..." you whined, arching your back lightly. He likes the fact that he's the one in control, likes to see you begged for him.
He slips his two long fingers into your wet cunt, making you gasp at the feeling. "Shh.. you gotta keep it quiet, honey. We don't want anyone to be suspicious, right?" He then thrusts into you in a fast pace, stretching your pussy. Since you have to be quiet, you can only gripped his bicep tightly and shut your eyes. Then you feel it again, the tightness in your stomach. Quaritch knows just by the way your walls clenched on his fingers, he stopped fingering you when you were about to cum. You whined and opened your eyes, looking at him with pleading eyes while he only smirked.
Frustrated, you tried to touch yourself but he tugged your tail and his other hand wrapped around your neck. "Daddy didn't say that you could touch yourself, baby. You can cum when I allow you to. If you wanna cum you'll have to be a good girl for daddy, yeah?"
You pouted and nodd, looking at him with glossy eyes. His patience is wearing thin, he moved his hand from your tail to rubb your ass and slapped it. "Use. Your. Words." He said each word by landing a smack on your ass. "Yes! Nghh... pleasee~~" you whimpered, unable to contain yourself. "You should address me properly and be specific, Princess." He landed another slap on your now red ass.
"Pleasee sir.. I need you to fuck me and make me cum... I want you to cum inside me, Miles!" You sobbed, and by the expression of his face, he seemed to be satisfied. He lined his thick, throbbing cock to your pussy, slowly entering. Both of you moaned at the feeling, you felt his tail wrapping around your thigh.
He's only halfway in your thight cunt when you whined again, "I- it's so big, daddy~~" you were trying to push him away when he gripped your waist and shoved all of him into you. You moaned, feeling the pain and the pleasure at the same time.
"Shit.. you're so tight, baby girl" he closed his eyes, feeling you in. He didn't let you adjust, he started fucking you in a fast pace, his hand still choking you and the other holding your leg to the side of his waist. It's mating season and his heat overcame his patience, he just wants to fuck you without mercy and breed you.
His breathing becomes heavy, ears going down and eyes rolling because of the pleasure, "Ohh fuuckk... you're mine now, baby. Shit- I'm lying to myself if I said that I haven't thought about fucking you, nghh~~ gonna breed ya good, babygirl.." he fucks you harder, his hand leaving your neck and pulled your waist to him so he can go deeper. The pleasure is too much for you, he's too deep inside of you, you're overwhelmed and you can feel your cunt clenched around him, about to cum.
He pounded into you mercilessly, hovering on top of you while your hands roamed on his back leaving scratches. "That's it, baby... good girl... takin' me so well..." he mumbled praises to your ear, you can only answer with loud moans and whines, the pleasure is too much. His hand found your throbbing clit, circling it in a slow pace. Your moans become louder than ever, he kissed you to suppress your moans while still drilling into your tight cunt. He then started to give little bites on your neck and whisper dirty things to your ear.
"Daddy please," you pleaded, you can't hold it much longer, not when he fucks you roughly like this. "Aww, you wanna cum, baby? You wanna milk me?" He mocked you, his thrusts getting faster and rougher. "F-ffuckk, Miles... ahh~~ I.. wanna.. yeah~" you stumbled with your words. His finger rubs your clit and he breathed, "Do it, baby.. I want you to scream my name while you cum on my cock," he said.
"M-miles~~ ahh fuck.. you fuck me soo good.." You let out a high pitched moan while you cum beneath him. He didn't slow his pace and this overstimulated you. "Fuck, baby... almost there.. fuck, I can't get enough of ya," he let out a few grunts and moaned when he cum his load inside you, filling your pussy with his seed.
Now that you can think much clearer, you realised that just had sex with the Colonel, your leader. You couldn't meet his eyes, you looked anywhere but him. "Hey, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He asked, concern written all over his face. You finally looked at Miles, "No, of course not. It's just... I wonder if- if this is just a one time thing" You softly said to him. He laughed at this, moving to the side and pulled you to his chest, holding you in. "What, you think I'm gonna let ya go ? Y/N, I missed my opportunity in my past life to be with you, I ain't missing it this time." You smiled and gave him a passionate kiss, that night both of you fell asleep in each other's arms.
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