#truth makes free
bea-lele-carmen · 2 years
So full of truth oneee of the best articles ive read as an anticonformist bohemian girl that didnt wanted to go to high school and never ever to College . After spending even a few days in the American schooling system, it becomes perfectly clear to students and teachers alike that school is not really about learning. In fact, to the ambitious learner, it seems as though school actively makes it harder to learn anything useful by taking up lots of valuable time, ruining sleep schedules, and separating all of the bodies of knowledge into discrete disciplinary boxes.
In my case, most of my friends lamented that school had actually ruined reading and learning for them and one of my close friends summed up the learning environment of high school precisely, saying, “I’m too busy to learn.”
It is also quite clear to the adults that send children to school for thirty-five hours a week as adolescents and often pay six-figures to send their children to college that school is not really about learning. When I asked the adults in my life how much of what they learned in college they actually used, most laughed. I think the highest answer I got was around 10%.
If school is not really about learning, then why do all ambitious, smart young people go and why do all of the adults in their lives insist that they go? The conventional answer is the financial payoff. Students don’t go to college to learn about Plato, but rather to earn a larger payday after college. In this view, college is a financial investment.
The conventional view of college as a financial investment is flawed. Almost half of the observed college degree premium can be explained simply by ability bias. Of the other half, almost all of it is explained by Signaling Theory, which has interesting implications that suggest, particularly for high-achieving, smart students, there may actually be an economic deterrent for attending college.
In this essay, I will analyze the economic argument against attending college as well as posit an alternative explanation for why students attend college and parents insist on it: conformity.
Primarily, students attend college to signal conformity to members of their tribe, notably their parents, relatives, teachers, and peers. While it is possible to signal intelligence, work ethic, perseverance, and many other traits in other ways, a college degree remains the only true signal of conformity.
If a student refuses to adequately signal conformity, members of the tribe will impose social costs on them in the form of lost friendships, disapproving “life talks,” and sometimes even the withdrawal of emotional and financial support. Scariest of all for the student who skips college, he must stand on his own as an individual and take responsibility for his own actions, decisions, and beliefs. This is true the mark of adulthood and it is a lot of responsibility, but for those who are ready, it is incredibly liberating.
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There should be a "steal post" button
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madewithonerib · 1 year
Albert Barnes [1798-1870] | Matthew 11:29-30
Take MY yoke—This is a figure taken from the use of oxen, & hence signifying to labor for one, or in the service of anyone.
The “yoke” is used in the Bible as an emblem:
[1] of bondage or slavery, Le 26:13; De 28:38. [2] of afflictions or crosses, Lamentations 3:27. [3] of the punishment of sin, La 1:14, [4] of the commandments of GOD. [5] of legal ceremonies, Acts 15:10; Ga 5:1.
   •  Leviticus 26:13 [Berean] ¹³ I am the LORD your       GOD, who brought you out of the land of Egypt,       you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians.       I broke the bars of your yoke & enabled you to       walk in uprightness.
   •  Deuteronomy 28:38 | ³⁸ You will sow much seed       in the field but harvest little, because the locusts       will consume it.
   •  Lamentations 3:27 [Berean] ²⁷ It is good for a man       to bear the yoke while he is still young.
   •  Lamentations 1:14 [Berean] ¹⁴ My transgressions       are bound into a yoke, knit together by His hand;       they have come upon my neck, and the LORD has       broken my strength. HE delivered me into the       hands of those I cannot withstand.
   •  Acts 15:10 [Berean] ¹⁰ Now then, why do you test       GOD by placing on necks of the Disciples a yoke       that neither we nor our fathers have been able       to bear?
   •  Galatians 5:1 | ¹ It is for freedom that CHRIST has       set us free. Stand firm, then don't be encumbered       once more by a yoke of slavery.
It refers here to the religion of the Redeemer; & the idea is, that they should embrace HIS system of religion and obey HIM.
All virtue & all religion imply “restraint”—the restraint of our bad passions & inclinations, & subjection to laws; & the SAVIOUR here means to say the restraints & laws of HIS religion are mild, & gentle, & easy.
Let anyone compare them with the burdensome & expensive ceremonies of the Jews [see Acts 15:10], or with the religious rites of the pagan everywhere, or with the requirements of the Popish system, and he will see how true it is that JESUS' yoke is easy.
And let HIS laws & requirements be compared with the laws which sin imposes on its votaries—the laws of fashion, & honor, & sensuality—& he will feel that religion is “freedom,” John 8:36.
“HE is a freeman whom the truth makes free, & all are slaves besides.” It is “easier” to be a Christian than a sinner; & of all the yokes ever imposed on people, that of the Redeemer is the lightest.
For I am meek …—See the notes at Matthew 5:5. This was eminently CHRIST's personal character.
But this is not its meaning here.
HE is giving a reason why they should embrace HIS religion.
That HE was not harsh, overbearing, & oppressive, like the Pharisees, but meek, mild, & gentle in HIS government. HIS laws were reasonable & tender, & it would be easy to obey HIM.
The Slavery of Freedom | John Mark Comer [Galatians 6]
Fighting World, Flesh, & Devil P2
Please turn to Galatians 6, as we continue our fall practice on fighting the world, the flesh, & devil.
Last time we kicked off module 2 on the flesh, in case you missed it—I don't have time to recap all of that content.
We have a lot of ground to cover; go back if you are up for it—listen to the podcast short version
We define the flesh as the base animalistic primal drive in all of us, for self-gratification. Put another way—it's the part of our heart bent from GOD and from HIS definition of good & beautiful & true.
And is instead in the language of the 4th century African theologian Augustine, turned in on itself
Calling out this corner of our heart is just naming an aspect of the human condition we all have to fight.
As a follower of JESUS or not:
     this inner tug-of-war between our mixed      desires: some of which are good & healthy      —others of which are the exact opposite,      but the way of JESUS is not a new idea &      so no Christian idea but the way of JESUS      has a unique contribution to make
Because it's a solution to the problem of what we call the flesh—is not willpower, but is the spirit's power.
All of which, leads us to Galatians 6.
This week's teaching is essentially part 2 of a very long teaching—that we started from Galatians 5-6 —which is one of the go to passages in the NT for a biblical theology of the flesh & the SPIRIT.
We left off last time, if you were here, at the end of CH 5—with this idea that the West, in general, has radically redefined the idea of freedom.
Often what we call freedom, we mean is the ability to do whatever the heck we want—which is actually what JESUS & Paul & the writers the NT define as slavery because when we give in to our flesh
     the part of our heart that has bent away      we end up enslaved, by our own desires      in particular to sin.
Now for tonight let's keep reading from where we left off at the end of CH 5. Let's start off in 6:1-9
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girl found dead in a hidden room.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan xichen#jin guangyao#jiang cheng#wei wuxian#qin su#EDIT: Tumblr published an earlier draft with only half the notes I wrote so: late entry on my JGY thoughts.#Unlike the mystic powers of the stockmarket (what the OG meme is referring to) I think this situation calls for more active investigation.#qin su is such a deeply tragic character to me and I really wish we got a bit more from her.#Love everyone who sent me messages about her after the last time she appeared.#I think she needs a spin off of her being a transmigrator SO badly.#MDZS has so many interesting characters - but it sometimes fails to give them the proper room to really develop past a role in the plot.#That's just the consequence of writing a story like MDZS. Not every character in a book *needs* to have a rich inner life and backstory!#To do so would bog down the story and obliterate any notion of pacing. It's just not possible.#Jin Guangyao (nee Meng Yao) is unfortunately not free from this leeway rule. He is the culprit of this murder mystery plot#and thus NEEDS to encapsulate the themes of the book. And personally he's a 7 out of 10 at best on this front (in the AD).#MDZS is about rumours twisting reality and working towards truth. And about how people & situations are rarely ever black & white#JGY has his motivations. He's well written in regards to his actions making sense for his character.#What started as good traits (drive to succeed & improve his image) became twisted over time (do anything to maintain his image)#and it's a good parallel to WWX! He has the same arc (with different traits)! Bonus points for IGY in that regard.#but man....by the time we confront this guy for murder there's not a lot of grey morality. He's just...deep in the hole *he* dug.#There's a beautiful tragedy to it! More on JGY in later comics - this is getting pretty long already!
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fear-no-mort · 11 months
favourite thing: his new habit of saying uhuh/mhm and also this
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#the first time he did it in unmortricken i was like Fuck Yes and little did i know he would just keep doing it the whole time#DESPERATELY hoping they keep both of these things. i Love when characters have tiny little habits sprinkled in their actions#to me these things kinda sorta symbolise him no longer being afraid to really be himself#like he no longer has to hide certain things about himself that inside of the cfc wouldve made him appear ‘suspicious’#since he IS like so much different than any other morty ever#also barely related but like. em is fundamentally such a good character bc everytime we see him he’s feeling something different#in his first appearance he was cold and distant because at the time he was new to being free and was strictly focused on his goal and wasn’#even sure if it would work#in his second appearance he seemed hopeful and honest both of these things just being a trap to get the people of the citadel to trust him#and his old colder self unfurling near the end after he successfully becomes president#in his third appearance he seems giddy almost. he’s constantly giggling before and after sentences and he’s super eager to just Get The Hel#Out. and also to reveal the truth to morty prime. make it so that he doesn’t have to be the one to shoulder everything anymore.#and this fourth appearance. apart from a few little details he really just seems happy and comfortable. the entire episode he was just doin#whatever he wanted and nobody got in his way at all. and i could not be happier#normal about this character!#rick and morty#evil morty#rick and morty spoilers#odiespeak
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some doodles 🫶
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letz-smoke-zaza · 3 months
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when I start talking about DRC, Palestine, feminism, how porn is rotting our generation’s brains, intersectional feminism, internally debating on kink culture, the place of religions in society, patriarchy and its effects on women, some men’s fantasies towards anything or anyone that reminds them of children and/or childlike aspects, the amount of violence on women and how people expect from us to accept it, and suddenly someone tells me "we" don’t care or "let people live-" like… just shut up already.
07/07/2024 - 19:49
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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those trinkets from his beau really stand out in his world
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psychhound · 10 months
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[ID: a cover image for a game. large brown text says "bagel, lox, golem talks" and smaller text says "a for truth's sake SRD solo-journaling game". the background is a faded photo of houses in a village. there are white stars, an eye with wings, a kippah with a star of david, and a golem on the image. end ID]
Bubbie Blumenthal has a leaky roof again. The leviathan in the river keeps lying its head on the thatch to sleep. Rebbe Ezra has instructed his golem to scare the thing off, to no avail. It’s a stubborn beast, even if it does seem to have a soft spot for the schoolchildren who feed it latkes on the way back from learning Talmud.
All you know is that you’ll need a new notebook soon with how eager all the old zaydes are to chat your ear off after a little post-Shabbos wine. One glass in, and every one of them claims a dybbuk encounter that week. Well, it’s good material. You’ll figure out how true it is after it goes in your field notes!
Bagel, Lox, Golem Talks is a solo-journaling game where you travel to a magical Jewish shtetl in order to learn more about the community and write an ethnography on them. 
Pull cards to ask questions of the residents, roll dice to see how well interactions go, and get to know a host of colorful characters from young mensches, to golems, to nephilim, to the community rabbi. Unlock 12 different locations and gain levels in friendship and familiarity with the community as you document more and more in your field notes.
You'll need: A d20, d12, and d8, and a deck of playing cards
BLGT is a hack of For Truth's Sake by @hmooncreates
Get it now on itch! BLGT is free/pwyw!
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pippindot · 24 days
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Looking normal!!!
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Clover's personality/mbti pt.2
When I said Clover has a more of a subjective than an objective train of thought, I also meant this: stealing money and stealing food is not OK in general but it is OK to them. They sure listen to themselves ↓
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They have more of a creative than a mechanical mind (but in order to deal with a lot of the situations they were in, they had to use their head to survive), look at these ↓
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they literally linked this situation with a saying (this is so something an intuitive like myself would do)
Clover's thinking function was more prominent in the vengeance route; their thinking is activated to the maximum here instead of empathy, but it's still subjective since they still have that Fi paired up with Te (see my last post). The sad thing about genocide is how Clover loses absolutely everything that made them who they are in pacifist:
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empathy gone
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warmth gone (even Flowey feels their heart growing colder)
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naivety gone
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creativity gone
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humor gone
Clover has always been kind, so I don't think their auxiliary is Fe. That isn't what needs to develop, or the weakest part about their way of thinking, the one that will shape them into who they were always meant to be.
Because they only felt kindness towards their own race, that's the problem. Clover was judgmental and thought they were doing the right thing, completely disregarding the monsters' side of the situation. Vengenace Clover is the other side of pacifist Clover's coin. This is what I mean ↓
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this type of capable of so much kindness but at the same time, if unhealthy, the effect is the complete opposite
That means the Clover in genocide IS the same Clover, but who made difference subjective choices. Whose justice for the children they didn't even know (they, once again, subjectively decided that the children had been innocent, as Martlet pointed out too) was so strong that they refused to see the truth: how both species struggled in this war.
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we can see Clover is still "idealistic" but tunnel visioned
"Normal" Clover is open minded, non judgemental and accepting of differences. They can put themselves in others shoes, but in genocide they're the opposite because they gave in to their "dark side" The reason I said they're the same Clover, is that, when I looked at the mbti people gave them, I saw this ↓
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I knew right away it can't be right that the same character is a different type when they're at their best and worst. It had to mean that they're neither of the two types people thought
Clover had been introduced to a lot of different problems they had to constantly deal with and get out of the "comfort zone" that are the Ruins. Toriel undoubtedly told them about the kids, and then Clover decided to stay safe rather than jump into adventure. That's what got me thinking: "Their reason for being here has to do with morality: it is Clover who thinks how it's not right for no one to go look for the children." It's more their own values of what's right, than their own truth. They follow the heart more than the head (although the Te becomes developed as the adventure unfolds and they are faced with difficulties), even in geno (see the previous two posts for more about this point)
To learn to solve real world problems using logic, to step up and take charge, "defuse situations" and "mend relationships" by using both thinking and feeling, to become a leader and a hero, that's Clover's end goal.
Look at Clover from their first run (being protected all their life) and Clover from their 100th+ (faces challenges bravely and willingly dies a hero)
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From a scared kid to a deputy to a sheriff to a hero.
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bea-lele-carmen · 1 year
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Total institutions are defined in this reader not as a separate class of social establishments that exercise complete or nearly complete control over their population, but rather as specific institutions which exhibit to an intense degree certain characteristics found in all institutions. The issue therefore is not which institutions are total and which are not, but rather how much totality does each of our institutions display? Representing an important new approach to problems of social control, this book concentrates on dynamics-how institutions change in the extent or nature of their totality over time and how they display totality in different ways-rather than the mere enumeration of common traits.
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runalongprincevaliant · 6 months
It’s so obvious why they’re trying to ban Al Jazeera. Isra-hell trying to hide their evil deeds and war crimes.
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celestie0 · 5 months
when ppl get too caught up in the accuracy of situations in fanfiction or if things are super realistic or as they should/would be in real life etc etc im like. my tumblr user in christ. it's fanfiction.
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veerbles · 7 months
every single thing said about kaz is just like, patently false to the point of irony. dirtyhands about a man whose hands are literally spotless because they're never uncovered. without morals or conscience, would do anything for money when it is repeatedly implied he's passed over business opportunities if they involved slavery or indentures. doesn't say goodbye, just lets go about a man who has made it a point to never let anything go. doesn't need a reason when he is proven to never act without a reason, and in all actuality usually has at least two. and this is without mentioning bastard of the barrel about probably one of the only barrel kids to have at least started out with a "normal", happy nuclear family...
and it just makes me think: kaz is deliberately written not to be better than people say he is, but just bad in different ways. he is not good or virtuous or compassionate; the point of having people say things that are not true about him isn't to make a point of his completely different nature.
so the point of it can only be to emphasize how nobody really knows him. to draw attention to his absolute isolation. and maybe to give more credit to how much his 'armour', which is supposed to protect him by keeping everyone away, really only serves to keep him away from everyone else.
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gideonisms · 5 months
Having my weekly I should quit my job moment
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