#Out. and also to reveal the truth to morty prime. make it so that he doesn’t have to be the one to shoulder everything anymore.
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fear-no-mort · 1 year ago
favourite thing: his new habit of saying uhuh/mhm and also this
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#the first time he did it in unmortricken i was like Fuck Yes and little did i know he would just keep doing it the whole time#DESPERATELY hoping they keep both of these things. i Love when characters have tiny little habits sprinkled in their actions#to me these things kinda sorta symbolise him no longer being afraid to really be himself#like he no longer has to hide certain things about himself that inside of the cfc wouldve made him appear ‘suspicious’#since he IS like so much different than any other morty ever#also barely related but like. em is fundamentally such a good character bc everytime we see him he’s feeling something different#in his first appearance he was cold and distant because at the time he was new to being free and was strictly focused on his goal and wasn’#even sure if it would work#in his second appearance he seemed hopeful and honest both of these things just being a trap to get the people of the citadel to trust him#and his old colder self unfurling near the end after he successfully becomes president#in his third appearance he seems giddy almost. he’s constantly giggling before and after sentences and he’s super eager to just Get The Hel#Out. and also to reveal the truth to morty prime. make it so that he doesn’t have to be the one to shoulder everything anymore.#and this fourth appearance. apart from a few little details he really just seems happy and comfortable. the entire episode he was just doin#whatever he wanted and nobody got in his way at all. and i could not be happier#normal about this character!#rick and morty#evil morty#rick and morty spoilers#odiespeak
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year ago
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"Unmortricken" was a lot. In fact, it might have been a little too much.
To start, I loved the glimpse of what exists outside the Central Finite Curve. The visuals were stunning and reminded me of M.C. Escher's drawings. The Jetson-like family was a nice touch--if anything can happen, who says they can't have different animation styles? All those colorful portals make me wonder what's lurking just out of sight.
It's also funny that the space outside the Curve is full of Rick's favorite thing: crystals. If he took a trip there, he'd come back with his pockets stuffed with gemstones.
Evil Morty's reappearance gave us a decent character study. Since he wasn't the antagonist, we saw him interact with the C-137s as a regular person. Morty's a little impressed, and Rick has a grudging respect for him. Others have called Evil Morty the Rickest Morty, and I agree: similar intelligence, similar technology and similar bloodthirst.
I was glad that he left in the end because that's what his character arc is about anyway. He doesn't want to be part of anyone else's story, not even another Morty's.
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However, that's also part of the issue that I had with this episode. Seeing Evil Morty was great, but it was also a little...pointless? You could've had the same story without him. He's not working with Prime, and he has no ties to C-137 after "Rickmurai Jack," so it felt like the writers just said "Hey, you know what would be cool?"
I'm not against writers having fun and giving the audience what they want. "Spider-Man: No Way Home" (yeah, groan at me, Marvel haters) is fan service in blockbuster form, and it was one of the best theater experiences I've ever had.
Still, if Evil Morty came back, I think he should've had a separate episode. The episode juggled C-137 Rick, Morty, Evil Morty and Prime Rick pretty well, giving them satisfying interactions with each other, but no Evil Morty would've meant more relationship development for the C-137s.
Evil Morty's backstory also didn't reveal much about him. I mean--yeah, we all figured that he had an abusive Rick and got fed up. The fact that he had a "regular" Rick instead of a deranged lunatic does make a point about the banality of abuse. Monsters aren't always raving maniacs who torture people in their basements. Ordinary people can wear you down with a slow drip of toxicity and neglect.
I enjoyed this episode, and Evil Morty's return was exciting, but cramming the series' two biggest antagonists and storylines into twenty minutes was a little overwhelming. New plot developments kept showing up, too: Rick found Prime! Prime's various lairs! Omega device! I would've preferred a two-parter.
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I'll admit that if you told me that we'd see Evil Morty and Rick Prime in the same shot, I never would have believed you, but here we are.
On that note, Prime's characterization was perfect. No attempt at a cutesy, sad backstory; he's a laughing monster until the end. And is it really the end? He has regeneration abilities, but C-137 acts like he's dead and even gives up the search. This leaves us with a few options:
C-137 killed him.
Prime fooled C-137 into thinking that he's dead when he isn't.
C-137's keeping him alive for later use.
Hopefully, this is more complicated than it looks because I'll be disappointed if this is the end of Prime. He's a brilliant reflection of C-137: the Rick he'd be without his tiny shred of humanity.
And Prime's a maniac, but he tells C-137 the truth. Rick broke into Prime's house. He pretended he belonged with this group of strangers. He latched on to Prime's grandson because he never had his own. His brutal, violent streak never went away no matter how long he tried to play house.
Prime says "Admit it! You would have been me!" In season three and parts of season four, Rick was close. His love for his family--love that he pretended he didn't have--and desire for their approval just barely pulled him back. But what kept that spark alive? How close was he to becoming a cold, unfeeling shell?
In the end, C-137's not satisfied after he destroys Prime--and weirdly, I'm not satisfied, either. Beating Prime to an unrecognizable pulp doesn't bring Rick's original family back. It doesn't erase the atrocities that Rick's committed. It doesn't make his grief go away. It doesn't change the fact that Rick teetered on the edge of turning into the monster that he despised.
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What's more satisfying is that Rick didn't turn out like Prime. His Morty doesn't give two shits about Prime, but he loves him. He hugs him in relief (come on, Rick, hug him back already!), cries out "Rick? Rick!" and shakes his body when he thinks he's dead, and talks excitedly as they return home.
Rick's going to therapy, which Prime would have mocked. He went from having nobody to living with FIVE kids if you count Morty and Summer. Even he and his Jerry are pretty tight.
Rick knows this, but he still feels empty all the time. Vengeance doesn't work, drinking doesn't work...wouldn't it be easier if he just switched off his humanity and laughed at everything, even his own death?
But now that he knows how it feels to be loved, especially by his hypothetical grandson, I think he'll always find himself at the Smiths' doorstep.
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glitteringcrab · 1 year ago
Possible resolutions to the Freaky Morty Thing
1. (and the one I personally think is most likely) Morty Prime boots Evil Morty out.
We don't know yet how aware Morty Prime is of this whole thing:
a) His mind may be in complete stasis, like an asleep clone in a vat.
b) Or he may be trapped in Evil Morty's body inside Evil Morty's minecraft base.
c) Or his mind and Evil Morty's mind may be sorta merged, like Rick's and Jerry's did.
d) Or he may experience everything with a strong feeling of dissociation; admittedly, Evil Morty isn't having him do something he'd never do, he acts pretty normally. So it's possibly he currently can't even TELL he's being puppeteered.
e) Or he maybe getting puppeteered with FULL AWARENESS OF IT (which honestly sounds extremely traumatizing and I can't see how he could recover from it any time soon).
f) Or he's a willing participant, which I found EXTREMELY unlikely.
It appears that Evil Morty has access at least to some of Morty Prime's memories: he knew about the punchcard system and how it worked, he knew what certain specific adventures had been about, he knew the names of some kids and teachers from school. Admittedly, these could all be nearly identical experiences he has had in the past with parallel Ricks, but my guess is he has access to SOME stuff.
At the same time, he hadn't really grasped what Morty Prime's and Summer's relationship was like, and he even seemed uncertain (and hunched up) when he asked Rick C-137 if the auditors thing should count as Rick's or as Morty's adventure; like he wasn't sure how this whole thing worked and was looking at Rick for clues. If Morty Prime asked about it, I'd imagine him being more flippant. Not all hunched up. So I think Evil Morty doesn't know EVERYTHING from Morty Prime's life.
If we take into account Evil Rick's experience, it appeared he had at least some degree of autonomy at times (his "kill me, kill meeee" was definitely genuine, I doubt Evil Morty made him say that) and given that he tried to kill himself, he was aware of what was happening to him (also, it's obvious that resisting whatever Evil Morty has been doing was within the realm of possibility). At other times, it feels like Evil Morty was speaking through him directly ("Ricks don't care about Mortys") or forcing him to do stuff directly (like... bending 90 degrees backwards to shoot someone). So maybe it's kind of a spectrum. Maybe at times it was sufficient to give him a mental nudge or amplify an emotion he was already feeling or a thought he already had (as in: I'm the greatest Rick, therefore I could totally kill hundreds of Ricks). Or maybe it's ALL direct manhandling, and the "kill meeee" part was simply Evil Rick resisting for one last time (...it's probably that).
Whatever the case for Morty Prime may be, IF he is aware of what is happening to him and can communicate with Evil Morty directly, then it's also possible for him to challenge Evil Morty and force him to consider his actions. Honestly, I don't think it would take a lot to make Evil Morty mentally stumble: a simple reminder that the family he surrounded himself with does not really love HIM; that would they know the full truth they would turn against him immediately; a challenge to reveal the truth and see what happens; a suggestion that it's better for him to give up now rather than risk getting caught later after he's become more invested. I feel like Evil Morty would ignore all that initially, but won't be able to ignore it forever. Unlike the case with Evil Rick, when Evil Morty was detached and calculating, he's getting really emotionally invested right now, and is digging a bigger hole of disappointment for himself with every day that passes and brings him closer to the day the truth is revealed.
Also, you know, since Morty Prime is basically getting mind-effed right now, him having the strength to get back his autonomy sounds like a life-saver for him, and pretty balanced plot-wise.
2. Rick finding out (or someone else finding out and telling Rick) and Doing Something to make it stop
I have some issues with this option, mostly because I can't see Rick being able to do much anyway. After all, whether Rick wants to react to the reveal calmly or violently, the truth remains that Evil Morty currently has the Omega Device (schemes-- has he built it yet?).
If he tells Evil Morty gently 'please leave', Evil Morty may not take the rejection well and throw the whole family into the device.
If he starts yelling at Evil Morty about what a lunatic he is, Evil Morty may throw the whole family into the device (I mean, Evil Morty may also NOT throw the whole family into the device, but would Rick really risk it?).
Rick's best bet would be for him to secretly track down Evil Morty's omega device, destroy it, and then force Evil Morty to leave. However, as trucknoises wrote, having Rick's intelligence solve the emotional problems in the show would undercut it's entire theme.
3. Evil Morty getting fed up with Rick's abuse and leaving
I... like this one actually. Because even if Evil Morty has been discarded and beaten by dozen horribly abusive Ricks in the past, Rick C-137 is still abusive.
It doesn't really matter that he is not beating up his grandson or abandoning him every other week. That's a freaking low bar that we shouldn't celebrate Rick passing.
Rick still forces his grandson to sell drugs, still abandoned whole universes in ruin even though he could do something to help, still has nonchalantly killed strangers and manipulated his own family (and the only one in the family who really tried to stand up to Rick was Jerry lol).
I think that Evil Morty being all "hey, it's okay that he wants me to sell drugs because at least he's not beating me up" would quite undercut his character and motivations.
Up until now, Evil Morty is the only character REALLY forcing Rick to look into the mirror and pressuring him to account for his actions. Having that hand-waved away simply because Rick is nice sometimes really takes the kick out of the story, I think. Rick hasn't earned forgiveness by meeting baselines niceness standards.
(However, Evil Morty is so desperate for a sense of family that I can see him giving Rick C-137 a pass, at least at first. I can also see him trying desperately (and subtly) to force Rick to account for his actions as the story progresses, in the hope of Rick REALLY turning a new leaf and Evil Morty REALLY feeling safe).
4. The whole family finds out, everyone (except Rick who is terrified of the Omega Device) begs Evil Morty to leave
...and Evil Mory complies because he has grown to love them and wants them to be happy.
I guess this would entail the most character growth for him, and probably the best chances for a real, honest relationship with them (or anyone else) in the future.
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fukia · 2 years ago
Rick and Morty vs Rick Prime Theories Predictions or whatever
Rick discovers that Rick Prime is everywhere because Prime underwent mitosis multiple times like a bad bitch.
Morty and Rick Prime get into a twerk fight where Morty silently shakes it with a blank expression a la the end of season 2 while Prime spews a lot of exposition in a mocking tone. A Summer makes it in and outdoes both of them, killing prime with her ass and declaring herself the new overarching villain of the next season or so.
Do you think Evil Morty is sippin on an other-dimensional piña colada watching this all go down because he got really bored? Prime is probably aware it’s happening, streaming Evil Morty in his mind or something and they’re both like off the clock from being a villainous character to banter and riff together about the absurd competition going on.
In the stinger, we get the first appearance of female Rick and Morty (besides Girl Morty/Mabelty or the ones in Pocket Morties), where woman Rick sings a cute lil tune while a little bit out of frame. Then young woman Morty pops in, says she has a pretty singing voice, which causes woman Rick to scream and throw something near young woman Morty in embarrassment. Assuming she’s only comfortable singing something like karaoke when drunk. That would be somethin huh?
Jokes aside, d’ya think Rick lets himself age as opposed to staying young like Prime because his guilt is still there and he wants to see himself in the mirror aging as motivation-reminder? Or maybe he‘s just disgusted looking at himself in this particular age that he wants to find some way to bring back that sense of control he feels he’d lost by not resembling Prime as much (while still keeping his face because he refuses to allow himself to heal?)
Also, I’m a total killjoy; got disappointed back in the end of season 5 when Diane was revealed to actually be his wife’s name and that was her canon appearance - imagine the image of Diane in Rick’s not-totally-made-up memory being connected to him in a totally different way? Where the paths to the truth wind in every-which way but slowly begin to converge some time later down the line? What if his wife Diane turns out to actually be Vietnamese and the author of the critically acclaimed book series, Ivy Tran, Food Court Detective? What if Rick’s original Beth was just as worryingly psycho as current show Beth if not moreso? Imagine if Rick Prime never killed Rick’s daughter and instead was raising her to carry on his nightmare legacy and eventually force Rick to fight her JUST for the evulz? What if Rick Prime not only abandoned Beth, but actively chose a different Beth? What if his dead wife isn’t even named Diane at all and that was the name of someone else who is important to him? I legit thought they were going for more twists and turns, more buildup and intrigue! Still amazing season 5 finale though, more jokes aside.
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animationforce · 4 years ago
13 Spooky and Wonderful Fall Animated Films to Watch This October
+Check out our cozy fall films list at Animationforce.art
1) Spirited Away
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This mythical Japanese bathhouse folktale is probably the most beautiful animated film on our list. Stream on HBO.
2) ParaNorman
This stop-motion charmer follows Norman, a boy whose ghost-seeing ability keeps him on the fringe of society — until he’s revealed as the only one to keep the zombie apocalypse at bay. Rent from your favorite service.
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3) Revolting Rhymes
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory author Roald Dahl’s creepy fairy retellings are beautifully rendered in a two-part miniseries. We recommend checking this one out when you’re in the mood for a dark laugh. Stream on Netflix.
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4) The Brave Little Toaster
The film that frightened many children holds up, if not as an amazing story, as a frightening bit of fun this fall. Rent from your favorite service, or stream the sequels on Disney+.
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5) Coraline
Live action doesn’t have a full hold on spooky Neil Gaiman flicks. This stop-motion adaptation of Gaiman’s novel was directed by Henry Selick and launched LAIKA’s film production. Rent from your favorite service.
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6) The Nightmare Before Christmas
Make it a Henry Selick double-feature with this dual-holiday special. This is a classic. Stream on Disney+.
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7) The Addams Family
This 2019 computer animation is more cooky than creepy, but it’s a delight to see Morticia, Gomez and family return in animation. Stream on Hulu.
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8) Monster House
Three kids investigate a house that appears to be eating the neighbors. Did we mention it was co-written by “Rick and Morty” / “Community” creator Dan Harmon? Catch on SyFy channel, or rent from your favorite service.
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9) Corpse Bride
Tim Burton’s directorial debut was also animated by LAIKA on freelance terms, so you know it will satisfy that stop motion spooky itch you get every October. You guys get that, right? Is it just me? Rent from your favorite service.
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10) A Monster in Paris
This French animated feature is not particularly creepy, as long as you aren’t frightened by a gigantic (albeit singing) bug. Stream on Amazon Prime Video.
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11) Coco
A boy wants so badly to be a musician that he faces down his ancestors in the Land of the Dead, risking it all to uncover the truth of why his family hates what he loves. Stream on Disney+.
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12) Kubo and the Two Strings
If you must blink, do it now.
Pixar’s Miguel is not the only boy with some seriously scary relatives. Kubo’s aunts are the creepiest things LAIKA has animated since Coraline, and the film itself is a breath-taking adventure story you should not miss. Rent from your favorite service.
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13) The Black Cauldron
Although it was a failure in the box office, Disney’s worst kept secret has a solid following because of the dark fantasy’s heart. You don’t have to care for princesses or pig keepers as long as you want to see someone finally vanquish an evil king. Stream on Disney+.
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eddycurrents · 7 years ago
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For the week of 29 January 2018
Quick Bits:
Avengers #678 is more gorgeous artwork from Pepe Larraz and David Curiel. The intrigue and mystery to the story is also being teased out a bit more, just enough internal questions about Voyager and Grandmaster’s opponent to keep you hooked amidst some all out action between the Avengers, Black Order, and Lethal Legion.
| Published by Marvel
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Black Crown Quarterly #2 adds some more comic previews, interviews, and various odds & sods to the mix. Rob Davis’ Tales from the Black Crown Pub remains the best thing about the anthology, but the Cüd comic is growing on me. It’s nice to see James Coe’s Bandtwits continue here, it was one segment I was expecting to see spun out to its own comic. Also, House Amok by Christopher Sebela and Shawn McManus is deliciously twisted.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Bonehead #2 puts a lot more meat on the bones of this series. Where the first issue was largely a beautiful showcase for Rhoald Marcellius and Sakti Yuwono’s art, this time Bryan Edward Hill dives into more of the world and what’s going on with “56″. It’s an interesting approach with what amounts to parkour gangs in what looks like an increasingly oppressive society, reminding me somewhat of Mirror’s Edge.
| Published by Image / Top Cow - Glitch
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The Despicable Deadpool #293 reinforces the idea that we’re seeing Deadpool’s end of days (the writing on the wall that this arc is called “Bucket List” and we already know this incarnation of his adventures is ending at #300 notwithstanding), as the issue long fight with Rogue underlines Wade’s self-destruction and deliberate alienation of his friends and family.
| Published by Marvel
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Eternity #4 brings the latest Divinity story to a close, kind of, as Matt Kindt dives deep into a meta narrative of construction, conception, and delivery of story and ideas. Trevor Hairsine, Ryan Winn, and David Baron also raise the bar with the execution of some of the glorious story ideas presented here.
| Published by Valiant
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God Complex: Dogma #4 remakes Seneca, giving us a look deeper into the gods’ technology and adherence to mathematical projections for behaviour as “fate”. It also gives Hendry Prasetya and Sunny Gho a chance to show off again, delivering some beautiful artwork as it shifts between Hephaestus trying to save Seneca within the digital framework and the grit and blood of attempting to save him on the physical plane.
| Published by Image / Top Cow - Glitch
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Hack/Slash: Resurrection #4 is messed up. This, of course, is a good thing as Tini Howard continues with the humour of Cassie’s relationship with Laurie and adding an interesting possible wrinkle to series’ mythology.
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Hungry Ghosts #1 is the start of an anthology series of food-themed horror stories with the overall narrative being linked through a game of kaidan (some would also know it as kwaidan)--basically a party game wherein participants tell one another ghost stories and then see whether or not they’ve been possessed in a mirror once they’re done--written by Anthony Bourdain and Joel Rose, and illustrated by an assortment of artists. 
This first issue sets up the rules, the framing narrative, and a couple of stories. It’s good so far, with art provided by Alberto Ponticelli for the framing narrative and first story, Vanesa Del Rey for the second story, and colours by José Villarrubia. The first story is a kind of traditional cautionary tale of helping others, whereas the second is a kind of humorous horror story of the perils of being a dick.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Jean Grey #11 is an interesting, oversized finale for the series, which sheds a different light on what the Phoenix has been doing to young, time-tossed Jean, even as she goes through more purification by fire at the hands of other past remaining Phoenix hosts. Dennis Hopeless throws out some implications here that I really hope are followed up on in the near future.
| Published by Marvel
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Joe Golem: Occult Detective #5 brings to a close both the “Flesh and Blood” arc and this second mini-series. This one has been good, with a nice mystery solved and some of the subplots of Joe’s history and supporting cast advanced. Patric Reynolds’ art is still a real treat, making the sunken NYC a real character in the book in its own right.
| Published by Dark Horse
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KINO #3 spotlights again one of the things that I love about this series; the use of old style comics storytelling as a narrative device itself. I love that within the normal dark, stylistic intrigue of the main narrative, there’s a stylistic shift in both Joe Casey’s scripting and Jefte Palo’s art with Chris Sotomayor’s colours to a simpler superhero style when inside the KINO conditioning programme.
| Published by Lion Forge / Catalyst Prime
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Phoenix Resurrection #5 is the epic conclusion to this series, which, despite some bombast, goes out with some emotional resonance, discussion, and character building rather than the usual superhero battle. It’s a fitting and mature reawakening for the “real” Jean Grey with Matthew Rosenberg giving us another glimpse as to why he should probably be one of the voices guiding the next stage in the X-Men’s evolution. Also, there are some great shots and reveals from the art of Leinil Yu & Gary Alanguilan and Joe Bennett & Belardino Brado, with colours by Rachelle Rosenberg. I know it’s not continuing into X-Men Red, but I particularly like the black and red variant on the Phoenix costume.
| Published by Marvel
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Spawn #282 is ostensibly the conclusion to the “Dark Horror” story-arc, that gained this extra chapter somewhere along the way. As the story progressed, its felt like Todd McFarlane has been taking over more of the scripting, steering it more towards more traditional Spawn storytelling, and, although it has felt a bit at odds with the original oblique Japanese horror told through suggestion and conversation, it has still be entertaining. Also, Jason Shawn Alexander’s artwork has remained a beast.
| Published by Image
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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #16 sees the crap hit the proverbial fan as Aphra and her team face off against an angry archaeotech trap. The humour hits probably and all time high this issue, as the relationship between Aphra and Tolvan develops further.
| Published by Marvel
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Tales of Suspense #101 continues to be one of the best buddy comedy thrillers in comics right now. Matthew Rosenberg’s characterization of Hawkeye and Winter Soldier are hilarious and help propel them through the action and intrigue in the book. Travel Foreman’s art (with colours by Rachelle Rosenberg) also continues to impress with some really nice panel transitions and action sequences.
| Published by Marvel
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Underwinter: A Field of Feathers #4 is dark, very dark. As Felix and Rose battle over their kids, something worse happens. Ray Fawkes manages to amplify the horror exponentially.
| Published by Image
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Other Highlights: All New Wolverine #30, Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #15, Animosity #12, The Beautiful Death #5, The Beauty #19, Big Trouble in Little China: Old Man Jack #5, Black AF: America’s Sweetheart, Captain Marvel #128, Dark Ark #5, Defenders #9, Dread Gods #3, Elephantmen #80, Eternal, Falcon #4, Incredible Hulk #596, Infinite Loop: Nothing but the Truth #4, Invincible Iron Man #596, Jessica Jones #16, Kaijumax: Season 3 #6, Lazaretto #5, Maxwell’s Demons #2, Moon Knight #191, Old Man Logan #34, Outcast #33, Punisher: The Platoon #5, Quantum and Woody! #2, The Realm #5, Rick & Morty #34, Riverdale #10, Spider-Gwen #28, Star Trek: Boldly Go #16, Star Wars: DJ - Most Wanted, Star Wars: Forces of Destiny - Rose and Paige, Void Trip #3
Recommended Collections: Godshaper, Kill the Minotaur, Royals - Volume 2: Judgment Day, Saucer State, US Avengers - Volume 2: Stars & Garters, Venom - Volume 3: Blood in the Water, Violent Love - Volume 2: Hearts on Fire, Wayward - Volume 5: Tethered Souls
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d. emerson eddy is revisiting The Moon and Antarctica. Wondering about the dark centre of the universe and all these tiny cities made of ashes.
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obikinbigbang · 8 years ago
(I’m so sorry these are late.) Artists take a peek at these summaries and have in mind which you would like to work with. Please remember that if you are under 18, you will be paired with a SFW fic. I don’t know which ones fully are which, but there are some clearly NSFW ones, so don’t cling to those. It’s not gonna happen. (I don’t mean to be mean, but this is just how it is.) Anyways, love the ideas folks! 
These are the ones that were submitted. Still need to submit a summary, or would like to post an updated/longer version? 
Please do so here! 
Also if you know there will be NSFW, please let me know, so we can help plan ahead of time. 
★ by @anibun-skywalker [NSFW]
Anakin was a freshman at Coruscant Republic University with a full ride basketball scholarship. His skills had been rumored to have been the best in the area, but of course, only by high school standards. Anakin quickly discovered that the head coach, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was the most attractive man he had ever seen in his life. He only intended his coach to remain just that; his coach. Too bad that didn’t work out like he planned.
★ by @prideandprejudiceandkittens [NSFW]
Anakin and Obi-Wan crash-land on the Planet of the Living Force. And, Anakin being Anakin, finds a glowing cave and walks straight into it. When he comes out, he's not alone. A creature of pure Force-dust and soul, his daemon, walks beside him, powerful enough to manifest daemons in those around her. Now back at the Jedi temple, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, and even Mace and Yoda find their lives destabilized by the presence of their soul, palpable and alive, next to them. (To artists: daemons are animals, an idea taken from His Dark Materials.
★ by @darthvders [NSFW]
So my fic is a professor!Obi-Wan and TA/GA!Anakin au where Anakin has just leaving an abusive relationship with the help of Padmé. Obi-Wan is a Philosophy/Ethics professor and Anakin is his GA /TA who is in graduate school to get his masters in both philosophy and psychology (he's a double major). Obi-Wan doesn't feel like he's ready to take on a GA/TA and comes off as standoffish which leads Anakin to think he hates him. It's a slow burn friends to lovers with Anakin going to therapy and realizing that yes he does deserve to be happy. The abusive relationship is more implied and is only in the first chapter, with the occasional flashbacks. This fic will be nsfw but the nsfw will only be between Anakin and Obi-Wan.
★ by @blumyosotis [SFW~]
Ben was born in a distant Moon where the inhabitants worship and are descended from the Starbird, a great flaming bird that is the personification of the Force. He was sent to the Jedi when he was young and apprenticed under Yoda. Years later, in a mission with Qui-gon Jinn to save the Naboo Queen, they emergency land in the planet Tatooine and there he meets a young boy called Anakin who holds the galaxy in his eyes... and apparently can see his wings. He brings(in a manner of speaking) the child back with him to the Temple. Anakin chooses to become a Jedi to help people and becomes an unofficial padawan of Ben. When he is older, the two goes on missions to help a torn kingdom, rescue royalties, topple a dicatorship, and help incite a slave rebellion. Anakin totally loves his master.
★ by @ninadown [NSFW]
Just smut, and lots of it. #Master kink #daddy kink Obi Wan, Anakin and Padme live in New York in a poly relationship. Obi Wan comes from money and can be a bit arrogant at times. He is a New York Times reader and he also works as a negotiator for the UN, and as such, is a Very Important Person. He has the ear of the president on occasion. Anakin is a bit flighty, and is a very high in demand male model. Not that this has gone to his head…When he’s not obsessing about working out, he’s obsessing about his Master. He has somewhat of a rivalry with Padme when it comes to his Master’s attentions. Padme is a hard working chef at a posh restaurant. She is very competitive and sometimes her work tends to occupy all her time. In fact, she may be a bit of a workaholic. Until she gets distracted by the boys…. Padme loves when her daddy spoils her with attention, it really takes her mind of her stressful job. She may have a competition with Anakin, but at the end of the day when Obi Wan isn’t home they definitely know how to distract each other….
★ by @cuddlykoalas​ [NSFW]
Anakin gets taken in by Sidious when he's still a boy on Tatooine. As a young Sith Lord trying to survive in a galaxy quickly descending into war, he meets Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight, tea provider and all around mother hen. That's not exactly improving his life expectancy, though.
★ by @grayjedii [NSFW]
Recently knighted Anakin Skywalker is assigned a simple transport mission at the Council’s insistence. Upon arriving on Dantooine, Anakin discovers that his “cargo” is a dangerous prisoner whom he must escort to Coruscant where the man will be safely contained in the Jedi Detention Center. However, not all goes as planned, and as Anakin finds out, not everything is quite as it seems concerning the prisoner. Additionally, fresh in the young Jedi’s mind is the death of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn. As he attempts to come to terms with the loss, Anakin is drawn into doubting his past, his beliefs, and the Order itself. Complicating things further, Anakin is unable to resist his fascination with the prisoner, Obi-Wan, and develops a strange attachment to him. It should be unsettling—the extent to which Anakin connects with this man—instead, Anakin finds it all too natural, like stoking a fire that had always been there, lingering between them in long-forgotten dimness. Whispers of the Sith’s return do nothing to quell the situation, and somehow, Anakin finds himself falling not to the darkness, but for Obi-Wan.
★ by @ice-mint​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
Anakin lives a boring life in his mother's farm near the dessert Town of Tatooine and works in a minumun wage job. All of that is going to change when he witneses an ongoing mission and picks up the dashing J.E.D.I knight Obi Wan Kenobi. In a world in the verge of war Anakin Skywalker may have what it takes to become part of a shady organisation and stop a tyrant from gaining ultimate power. (I dont know yet if there will be smut, but count on lewd jokes and make out sessions,)
★ by @selcier​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
Anakin decides that in order fulfill his prophecy of the Chosen One, he needs to take up the Father’s demand to stay on Mortis. Anakin believes that this will enable the War to end quickly. Obi-wan supports his decision with the caveat that he be allowed communication with Anakin. He is proud of Anakin for putting aside his worldly wants in order to follow the guidance of the Force. However, over the course of Anakin’s stay on Mortis, he begins to lose less and less of himself while become immersed the Force. He lacks initiative and is distant from the events in the rest of the galaxy. Obi-wan finds this change disturbing and eventually realizes his attachment to Anakin after the parts of his personality are lost to lethargy. Also, Anakin’s actions do not seem to affecting the War in the Republic’s favor. More and more systems are falling under Separatist control, the Senate bogged down in committees and inaction and the Jedi are decreasing in numbers. On a mission to Onderon with Ahsoka (whose training Obi-wan has taken over), Obi-wan feels the lack of motion in the War and chooses to aid the rebel group in guerrilla tactics. His methods are beyond the scope of self-defense and the Council deems them Terroristic in nature. He is ordered to return to Coruscant. Instead, Obi-wan finishes his task and decides to liberate Anakin from Mortis. Anakin wakes up in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to find that he has missed two years of the War. He is frustrated that his actions were in vain and angry at the Force for its deception. He finds out that Obi-wan has been Court Martialed for his actions and is being held in a GAR military prison. Eventually, they have words about their goals and expectations while Obi-wan is awaiting trial. (This story will probably play out in a nonlinear fashion with hints to past Obikin interactions. Clearly there’s no ending yet!) 
★ by @stopaskingme​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
[AU] Obi-Wan is a hermit, herding shaak on the grassy dunes of Osten, Stewjon. He had no intention of attending the Skywalker clan's annual gathering of Force-users. Until the Prime Minister of Stewjon came begging at his door.
★ by @thishereanakinguy [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
Post-ROTS AU. Anakin makes the right decision in Palpatine's office, but ends up suffering the consequences. Effects of the Force Lightning has damaged his health, and Padme has still died, the twins with her. In mourning, Anakin struggles to piece his life back together. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is tasked by the Council to keep an eye on their Chosen One: he made the right choice once, but could they trust him to do it again? Could they trust him not to cause himself harm? Short answer is no. Long answer is Obi-Wan and Anakin dance around each other and their feelings until they can't anymore.
★ by @askgrelf​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
In the wake of his premature death, Anakin is left trapped in the physical realm as a Ghost. Confused and troubled, with pieces of his past left unfixed and broken, he struggles to come to terms with what was his reality as truths, lies and corruption are revealed in a twisted puzzle between the Jedi and Sith. All the while watching helpless as Obi-Wan begins to succumb to the fate that should have been his. All while slowly fading away out of existence - and the Force - eternally as he and his master both remain lost afoot. (Heavy angst, inspired by the song "Dear Agony").
★ by @imaginaryanon​ [SFW~]
Modern day London; Anakin Skywalker, a young man who's accidentaly always in trouble with the law, is in bigger trouble than usual. He's about to get his ass locked up when a fancy, suit-wearing stranger arranges for him to be discharged. The stranger introduces himself as Obi-Wan Kenobi and leaves Anakin with more questions than answers as well as an address of a tailor shop in Savile Row. But not before he takes Anakin for a drink at a local pub and, after they're rudely interrupted, proceeds to beat up four grown men into unconsciousness without so much as breaking a sweat. "Well fuck me," Anakin whispers in shocked awe. "At least buy me dinner first," Obi-Wan replies, grinning. [basically a Kingsman AU but, like, even gayer]
★ by @musicandfandomtrash​ [SFW]
Anakin goes missing in the outer rim and it's up to Obi-Wan to find him. But after almost a year of searching, he's beginning to lose hope. With Satine dead and Ahsoka gone, he's isolated and lonely. He never had the chance to tell Anakin what he truly meant to him. And now he's afraid he never will. When Obi-Wan is sent a planet in the outer rim, he meets a very young girl who may have the information he's been so desperately searching for. Will this be what leads Obi-Wan to his love? Or will this supposed lead turn into a trap?
★ by @skywalkerssassyginger​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
As far as he knew, Obi-Wan hadn't signed up to be the exclusive, pioneering member of the Anakin Skywalking Disaster clean-up crew. However, when Padme Amidala shows up on his doorstep, neck bruised and heavily pregnant, of course he couldn't turn her away. Anakin's gotten involved in the Sith. You'd be a fool not to know the name of the gang, or speak of it in anything higher than a whisper. Of course Anakin had been getting into nothing but trouble since they had last spoken, just short of a year ago. Soon after, Padme dies in childbirth. Her eyes drift away with a pen in hand, Luke and Leia Kenobi drawn out in soft cursive. 
★ by @autisticanakin [NSFW]
Anakin Skywalker is a cloaked force-sensitive working in the Senate as the new Coruscant representative under Palpatine's guidance. Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Senator shortly returned from a leave of absence, can't stand him, with Senator Skywalker's reputation being that of a morally grey, pleasure seeking, bribe taking scoundrel. When the threat of the Sith becomes evident in the galaxy, Senator Kenobi sets to researching. He soon finds himself put on senatorial assignments with Anakin Skywalker.
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