#trump is scared
isawthismeme · 7 days
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Always the same story with him, if he doesn’t win, it was rigged against him, as opposed to Republicans rigging everything for him! No neutral playing field in his mind.
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muddypolitics · 2 months
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(via Trumpworld Howls Over The Switch From Biden To Harris - TPM – Talking Points Memo)
And, Trump added, he would no longer agree to the terms of the next debate...effectively signaling that he’s dropping out of the next debate as currently scheduled.
trump is scared - he’s afraid to debate Harris
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geezerwench · 8 months
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Fun fact: "only the best people" are flipping on trump.
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vaspider · 3 months
I cannot stress enough how important it is that whatever you think of anything else, Trump Cannot Be President Again.
The "rip apart democracy and install an autocrat" group was not Ready for him in 2016. They didn't think he'd win.
They're ready now. They're teeing up for a second Trump president. Whatever your favorite current Thing, it would be worse under Trump, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they're going to try to make sure that they stay in power forever, by any means necessary.
SCOTUS basically just said, "If Trump sends the Army in to murder protestors, that's okay. If Trump assassinates a political rival with the armed forces of which he is the Commander In Chief, that's an official act, and there's no recourse."
Anything he can even vaguely justify as "an official act" - including installing people in the Justice Department to support his coup, including pressuring his VP to support his coup - is no longer a crime.
This isn't just me saying this, btw. Here's Robert Reich, lifelong public servant (and yes, dad of @samreich, since I know what's important to y'all):
Finally, the Republican-appointed justices have given a dangerous amount of discretion to presidents — broad enough, as Justice Sonia Sotomayor noted in her dissent, to protect presidents from prosecution for bribes and assassinations. A president already has the authority under the Insurrection Act to order troops into American streets. After today’s ruling, those troops would be under the command of a person who would almost certainly enjoy absolute immunity for the orders he gives them.
This is unbelievably terrifying.
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tex-now · 2 months
I am begging you guys to vote for kamala harris like I am being so fucking serious. If Trump gets into office we are all fucked. He's going to nuke palestine, he's going to take away the department of education, he's going to remove environmental protections, getting rid of birth control, gay rights, the ability to VOTE, and its not just a possibility, hes going to DO it. He is going to ruin our lives if he wins the elections. I'm so fucking sorry but we have no choice. We HAVE to get kamala into office or everyone who isn't a rich white man is fucked. Please
edit: turning off reblogs cause you guys are annoying as shit. jesus fucking christ just block me dude its so simple. are you 5
(oh and also... the reason why you're so unaffected by whoever becomes president is usually because you're not the target for the laws being placed)
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hamartia-grander · 4 months
Every single day I live in constant fear that trump will become president again because you stupid cunts on tumblr with no ounce of intelligence think that not voting for Biden will do any good. I'm sick to my stomach seeing this shit. You think that not voting absolves you from the consequences you think that not voting will make things better you do not understand that republicans will vote for trump no matter what and your inaction will lead to him winning. He cannot win. He cannot fucking win.
Vote for Biden and shut the fuck up
Edit: Anyone who comments asking if I'll block them and call them a bot for disagreeing, I absolutely will. Manipulation tactics will not sway me to ignore substantial ignorance and neoliberal bullshittery. If you're not a bot you're a fed so I think I'm being kind in calling you the former, actually
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Strong Women Scare Weak Men
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meret118 · 2 months
During his speech on Friday, Trump addressed Christians in the crowd and urged them to vote in November, emphasizing that they won’t have to vote again in four years.
“Christians, get out and vote! Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore,” he told the crowd. “In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote.”
Project 2025 is the blatant blueprint for the establishment of a christo-fascist state.
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sher-ee · 10 days
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And his ass has officially chickened out.
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destielmemenews · 2 months
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source 1
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myvoteismyvoice · 1 month
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I feel the same way honey
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canadiancryptid · 2 months
Really wish I wasn't living during ANOTHER historical event today. Really wish I wasn't living through an attempted assassination of a former US president today.
Really wish I wasn't going to have to see the results of someone trying to shoot Donald Trump and missing by centimeters. Really wish I didn't have to see how he'll use this as a platform to say he's the only one you should vote for.
Really wish that if I was going to hear someone finally got pissed off enough to shoot him, I had to find out they fucking missed.
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codedcore · 2 months
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
Since the freedom caucus successfully bullied the RNC into nominating a far-right candidate, why don't the moderate Republicans just vote for Jeffries?
I need everyone to understand there ARE no moderate Republicans. They will go down with the flaming MAGA lunatic ship rather than work with Democrats ever, on anything. That's just how it is. They may play moderate on cable news, but that's the truth.
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alyxisdead · 11 days
Trump wants to kiss Putin so bad it makes him look stupid
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kingtrash-fox · 1 month
To anyone living in Swing states Like PA or something:
My entire household thinks that Harris is Dangerous and don’t think that Trump won’t start a damn Dictatorship!
Please do research, and remember all the bad shit Trump did in his first Run for Presidency
I don’t want the US to become a new hell on earth
For Everyone on this planet
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