#sorry about so much political posting recently guys
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rats4brainzzz · 2 months ago
imagine how much of a fucking horrible person you have to be that on the first day your elected into office the crisis calls of a Suicide Prevention Project Go Up 33%. The Trevor Project Received over 1,400 Call By Early Monday Afternoon. Most of those calls, if not all, are coming from children. Children scared of you and what you will do. Imagine how much power and how horrible you have to be to do that.
( Edit ) Link To Where I Got My Info:
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qwimblenorrisstan · 6 months ago
To Be Known | Azriel x Reader
Summary: You’ve always been afraid to confess to Azriel about your feelings for him, but after a hookup gone wrong, everything begins falling apart, and he’s there to pick up the pieces.
Word Count: ~ 2.4k
Warnings: Drunk ppl, drunk fem reader, allusions to smut, std mentions, bloodwork (doctors), guy being an ahole + taking advantage of drunk reader, scars, angst to comfort
A/N: this request was so good (ty to anon!!), I feel like az always pairs really good with angst to comfort, anyways hope you enjoy<3 (also sorry for lack of posts recently I just had a math+science test back to back and have spent the past few days studying😭)
Requests are open!
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Unlike the rest of your friend group, you weren’t special.
You weren’t a High Lord, Spymaster, General, High Lady, Seer, or any special title. You weren’t funny like Mor, witty like Amren, or even talented in much like all of your friends were.
But then again, like your mother had said, opposites always attract.
Maybe that was why had always had a small crush on the Spymaster who was withdrawn and secretive, the opposite of your friendly personality. You could befriend just about anyone, knowing their name, age, and at least a few background details on them in a few minutes, while Azriel was the exact opposite, getting his information on people through other ways.
With his job and his centuries of experience for two different High Lords, it was a wonder he didn’t already know about your crush on him. Maybe it was because, like everyone else, he was focused on the central characters in your friend group.
The three sisters and brothers. It was hard to overlook them, with all their achievements and accomplishments, not to mention the things they’d overcome and their pasts.
Tonight you were all out at Rita’s, Cassian telling awful jokes to Nesta as she rolled her eyes, playfully swatting him on the shoulder, Rhys and Feyre having a drinking competition, Azriel brooding somewhere in the corner, alone because of Elain visiting Autumn Court with Mor for “political purposes” even though everyone knew she wanted to see Lucien.
You were taking a sip of your drink, idly standing at the bar, elbows propped on the table as your eyes raked through the crowd, searching for someone who could offer a decent hookup. Drunk Fae stumbled about, laughing loudly with genuine joy that made your lips twitch up a bit, the music playing in the background also helping your mood as a cool breeze blew through the open area.
“Looking for someone?”
You choked on your drink, alcohol coming back up to sting your throat a second time before you swallowed it all backdown, one hand over your heart as you sighed in relief, looking at Azriel who’d somehow approached without you knowing.
“Mother above, Az, you scared the shit outta me.”
You replied, taking a few more breaths to calm down, turning to face him, back now against the bar table as the shadowsinger looked down at you, hair falling into his eyes in a boyish way that made you giggle as you tried to brush some behind his hair.
“Someone needs a haircut,”
You teased, and a hint of a smile graced his lips.
“I’ll make sure not to go to Mor this time.”
He said, grimacing for a moment at the memory of the awful haircut Mor had given him, insisting he needed it, only to butcher his beautiful dark locks. You could still remember how distraught he’d been after, looking like a puppy that had just been kicked.
“I could do it, my mom used to cut hair, taught me a thing or two,”
You offered with a little shrug, taking another sip of your drink, one you’d already refilled by now. Maybe twice. You couldn’t remember, all you knew was that the hangover in the morning would be brutal.
A chuckle from Azriel made you rub your thighs together as he shook his head in fond exasperation. He swallowed, almost nervously, odd for him, before speaking.
“Maybe next time, though I wouldn’t object if you-“
He was cut short by another male strolling up to you a tad bit too confidently, one arm going to the right of you on the bar table as his eyes met yours.
An old partner. Particularly a fuck-buddy.
The best solution for tonight, really, since Cauldron knows you weren’t bold enough to push anything with Azriel. He was a friend, nothing more, or at least you tried to convince yourself. He still hadn’t gotten over Elain, or you thought he hadn’t yet, and you didn’t want to risk ruining your friendship or making things awkward between the two of you because of your desires the the crush you’d kept secret for years.
Your fuck-buddy’s eyes met yours, and you swallowed, glancing at Azriel as he watched the silent interaction the two of you had before giving a terse nod and walking away. You would’ve noticed how his eyes narrowed, or how he looked stiff if you hadn’t taken a few too many sips between talking with those at Rita’s tonight.
“Want to take this back to my place?”
The male drawled, arm sliding around your waist as he began guiding you to the exit around the side, where people could discreetly leave. Neither of you was beating around the bush, and you rarely did anyway. You both just needed a release, or at least you did.
You murmured, body hot now, thinking about Azriel instead of the male leading you to his old home, wishing it was Azriel’s hands on you, wishing you knew what it felt like to know him more, deeper than just the tip of the iceberg you’d touched.
Weeks had passed since that night, you’d woken up cold and alone in the male’s bed, gotten up, and collected your clothes before walking your ass back to the townhouse while your head had felt like someone split it open.
You had vowed not to go drinking for a while now.
And things had gotten weird between you and Azriel Joe, too. He was avoiding you, and no matter how much he tried to deny it, you could tell.
When he heard your footsteps, he left the room almost immediately, hell, even his shadows were avoiding you, not following you like loyal dogs per usual, just one or two to make sure you were safe at all times like he did for every member of the Inner Circle. His jaw was clenched every time he was in a room with you, and he wouldn’t look you in the eye, maybe couldn’t.
You barely remembered what had happened that night other than a few blurry memories of conversations and whatnot; so you didn’t know if you’d said something stupid and messed it up, or he thought you were a whore for going out with that other male and leaving him all alone.
The more you thought about it, the more you thought the latter was more likely.
It didn’t help that just a few days later, amidst all your worries, you’d decided to take a little walk through Velaris to get some outside time and a serotonin boost, only for the exact opposite to happen when you were met with your previous fuck-buddy from that night weeks ago screaming in your face, yanking you down a small alleyway to properly yell at you.
“Nasty bitch, gave me a disease! If you’re going to be a whore, at least keep your fucking viruses to yourself-!”
Horror shot through you at his words. You didn’t have any sort of STD, not that you knew of at least, and if you’d spread the theoretical disease to him…He might be an asshole, but no one deserves that.
Unsure what to do as tears welled in your eyes and fell, you began trying to ignore him as you turned and dashed out of the alleyway, the loose clothing you were wearing helping you to slightly outpace him through the streets, avoiding the children and Fae on them, not to mention the vendors and toys strewn about.
He pursued you, screaming still, and hot tears of embarrassment pouring down your cheeks as you began to sob, you didn’t even realize you’d outrun him until you were already at the steps to the House of Wind, ascending them, not even bothering to count out the 10,000 steps in your head.
Somehow, through either pure anger or sadness, you reached the top right when your knees gave out, only for Nesta to catch you right before you fell, dressed in her training leathers, weapons strapped to her. Her forehead wrinkled in confusion and already-building anger as she saw you crying your eyes out.
“What’s wrong?”
She demanded, shifting to hold you up fully, carrying you bridal style as she started walking into the House, snapping her fingers once she got inside, and the House listened to her as always, making a warm cup of tea in your favorite flavor, and a comfort meal she knew you loved as she slowly sat you down at the table. The House must’ve deemed it necessary when it added a cushion beneath your butt on the chair, considering your aching legs.
You tried to blubber out an answer amidst the tears, but couldn’t manage to, and her eyes softened as she sighed, sitting down next to you on your right, before seeing that she wasn’t making much progress, and getting back up.
“Eat, we can talk about this later, I’ll go get him.”
You were about to ask who she was going to get, even though a part of you already knew as you saw her walking off in the direction of his room. You began slowly digging into the food, finding yourself to be much hungrier than earlier anticipated. Then again, you’d skipped out on breakfast, expecting to get a big lunch while out and about in Velaris.
Azriel arrived only a moment later, shadows swirling, concern evident on his face as Nesta gave him a stern look and pointed to you before she mouthed “You’re welcome.” to you, and strolled out of the door.
“What happened?”
He asked, smooth voice soaked in worry as he quickly pulled out the same chair Nesta had just been sitting in, sitting in it as it groaned under his weight. One of his wings stretched out in your direction, just barely curling around you.
You swallowed a bite of your food, tears coming back up.
“It’s embarrassing.”
You managed to croak out, and he shook his head.
“I won’t make fun of you, I promise.”
He pledged, and you trusted that promise as you sniffled again, wiping the wetness from your eyes with one hand.
“Me and that male from Rita’s, we slept together, and he just accused me of…of giving him an STD.”
You said, before breaking into sobs again, hands going to cover your face despite the warmth that burned in your cheeks from the shame of being in this situation. His large palm gently brushed over your back as he scooted closer, raising an eyebrow at the cushion in your seat for half a second before his wing curled fully around you; and he pulled you into a surprisingly warm hug.
“I’m sorry.”
He murmured, and your sobs slowly subsided until you had no tears left to cry, but you still held onto him in the hug, hands fisting the back of his shirt, the cloth bunching up beneath your fingers.
“What if I do, though? Have a..virus?”
He gave a little hum of thought.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, do you want to go get tested?”
You gave a sad little nod, a small pout on your lips that made him want to rip apart the male that made you feel this way. He gently picked you up, careful with your sore legs, figuring out what had happened rather quickly after some of his shadows informed him what they’d seen. They also quickly informed him on the full story, and what that male had done. Another job for another day, but he would make sure he paid for it.
Nearly two hours later, you’d had to pee in a cup for Madja to check, and now were getting blood taken to get that tested as well, as well as any other necessary bodily fluids. Symptoms were noted if there were any. It was uncomfortable at best, but Azriel held your hand the entire time, not even wincing when you squeezed his hand a bit too hard for all the scars covering it.
He quickly winnowed the both of you to the House of Wind afterward, having been told the results would take at least a day to get back. He winnowed the both of you straight into his room.
It was dark, curtains drawn and everything, with the barest essentials in it as well as a desk for work, a few maps hanging from the walls, and assortments of fancy knives you knew he must’ve collected over the centuries.
You turned to leave, but his hand grasping your wrist quickly made you turn, tilting your head sideways in mild confusion.
He begged, looking terrified of what you might say, but also hopeful. You sniffled again, nodding and tentatively following him as he gently led you over to the bed, each move like a new dance, one that neither of you had practiced before, but were willing to try.
He slowly stripped his leathers off, letting you see his scarred body and wings for what it truly was. And for once, the sight of his bare body, while very attractive, didn’t just make you horny or craving him. It made you appreciate him, who he was at his core. The years he’d spent training and honing his body to protect his Court, the scars he’d suffered protecting his loved ones and serving them; even willing to take it to the end.
You appreciated him. Even in the bad lighting of the room, or the thick shadows swirling everywhere, you appreciated Azriel.
And so, in turn, you began slowly tugging your clothes off, leaving only your undergarments on. His eyes ran over you, respectfully as always, but taking in your vulnerability; who you were beneath the covers, before he gave a small nod.
He walked over to his dresser, pulled out one of his more casual shirts; one that was clean that he hadn’t worn in a good while, and walked over to you, standing in front of you as he helped gently tug the opening over your head, guiding your hands to the arm holes, adjusting it for you.
No words were exchanged, and none needed to be, not ad you both crawled into his bed under the blankets, and he enveloped you in an embrace; wings and arms wrapped around you with his head tucked into your neck.
And tonight, you knew for sure that you wouldn’t wake up cold and alone like that night so many weeks ago.
No, tonight, you didn’t need the warmth of passion or lust to keep you from the biting cold, now you had Azriel by your side, and that was more than enough.
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yabagofmilfs · 1 month ago
I truly wonder about how sid feels when people, especially other hockey players, talk abt him like he's some sort of celestial/mythical being. Cause like, I guess it must feel nice to be acknowledged as one of the best players ever, but he also likes being just one of the guys and this view of him is decidedly not that. And having all those expectations placed on him must be soooo much pressure too, along with like all of canada seeing him as a savior.
there was an article recently that talked about the immense pressure playing for canada puts on him because he’s so beloved, and so successful playing for that expectations are set incredibly high for him. (i’m sorry i don’t remember where it’s from, i think i only saw an excerpt posted.) and i think if you couple that with his “elder statesmen” status and the awe the younger boys have for him + the way the press has turned interviews with every player into “what’s it like playing with crosby, the greatest man on earth” + the political stuff ramping up the intensity and meaning of the games + being injured + the season(s) the penguins have been having + the expectations he always has for himself, the weight he’s carrying must be so massive. if it were me i’d burst into tears at center ice, but that’s why im not sidney crosby.
he must be used to it to an extent, but jesus how exhausting.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 1 year ago
Hello!! I just started reading your works recently and I think it's safe to say that I have fallen in love with them <3 the way you write both the cod guys and the reader feels so real and poetic that I just, eat it up everytime. I read your Barbarian! König post and it got me thinking about something.
König and Ghost are kinda opposites when it comes to their darlings. König likes darlings fiesty and snippy but Ghost likes his darlings as more agreeable or soft but not weak, ykwim??
And it got me thinking about Barbarian! Ghost. Whereas König got his darling bc he killed her husband and she was there when it happened, I see Ghost as going to take one girl originally but then the darling steps in front of said girl and says to take her instead, saving the girl and sacrificing herself. Idk but I think he would be very attracted to that, and unlike König who gently picks you up and puts you upon his horse while you kick and bite him, Ghost grabs you and lays you stomach first against his horse harshly, keeping a sturdy hand on your back as he rides away.
Sorry if this is weird or ooc!! But it was just a thought that came to me!
Oh Barbarian!Ghost would be sooo disinterested on the outside. He only saves her ass discreetly, but saves it more than enough times to spark her curiosity.
Why does he come to her rescue and then abandons her to her own devices?
CW: Minor violence (bruises), noncon groping, fear of SA, blood, cuddling & snuggling, Ghost being a complex PTSD weirdo who has a fascination towards bones.
It’s actually she who approaches him first, not the other way around. He allows her to seek protection by staying near him and thus get the others off her back: he might even throw her a piece of roasted lamb as if she were some stray cat, lurking about his campfire. But there’s not much more than that on offer for her: only a few sideways glances that tell her he regards her mostly as a nuisance and a liability, accompanied by a few scrap bones that luckily have some meat and fat still on them.
He shows her how to snap the bigger ones in half to get to the life saving marrow, and that’s when she realizes he regards her a bit dumb, some pretty royal girl who doesn’t know how to survive without a man.
And who’s to blame for all that? Clever men who have forced her to learn poetry and songs, pluck chords and recite philosophers from memory. No one ever even taught her how to ride a horse, the only things she can do is chat about the latest political turns and whether it’s old-fashioned to style your hair Southern style.
Now she’s supposed to strike a conversation with a barbarian who dresses in furs and wool, who collects the knuckles of his fallen enemies and looks at her like she’s the uncivilized one here. He probably plays dice with those bones, and she’s never seen him force a woman under him; she’s never seen him take a woman at all.
He’s probably half dead already, some ghoul raised to ravage this earth. But everytime she gets drooled over or spat upon, groped or squeezed or slapped on the soft flesh of her butt, she makes her way to him and only him. To become one with the shadows too, or to disappear, perhaps.
He gives her his biggest, thickest pelt to wrap around her shoulders, to cover those assets that make these wartorn men so crazy. Or then he doesn’t want to find her frozen to death at dawn... Dark, vast eyes look at her in the early morning fog, up from above from the highest heights, as if asking why she overslept again.
A rabbit is thrown at her feet, but she doesn’t know what to do with it: she knows he wants her to skin it, yes, but how? Even with the knife he provides her, she can only stare at the soft creature helplessly, lick her dry, creaky lips until he sighs and comes to wrench the blade away, taking the hare before it turns too stiff.
She’s almost certain he’s not even interested in women until one day, someone goes a bit too far and grabs a handful of her to squeeze. The spitting, jerking and screaming turn into a whole fistfight until she gets drawn to her knees by her hair. He’s about to rip her scalp off, of that she is sure from how much it burns.
Tears stream down her face from pure pain alone, but this time, the bone marrow man doesn’t only save her. He walks to the scene like a shadow, yanks her gropers head back, and slits his throat right then and there. The others take a few steps back, mist rises from their gaping mouths as he lets go of the bleeding slump, looking at the pulsing, open vein as if he intends to drink from it. But it seems he only wanted to confirm that the dead stay dead because his interest in this man fades as quickly as it was aroused.
She rises to her feet, only to get swept off them as he dives for her hips and raises her to a crude carry, mainly meant for wheat sacks and sheep.
With a wide palm resting on her butt, he hauls her back to his fire, further away from the open field, and she doesn’t dare to utter a word. He doesn’t squeeze her, he doesn’t grope or slap or force her, but he does throw the fur away from her shoulders to check her body for bruises. She stays silent for the whole inspection as he moves her joints and limbs to check if anything’s broken, carefully like she indeed was only a little lamb. Brushes the pads of his fingers across the darkening spots that tell a story of violence, and it makes her shiver.
They’re just bruises, but they’re also evidence that her body is not her own anymore. Still, this clinical inspection feels far more intimate and warm than the rough hands and demanding mouths from before: it’s not just the intention behind the touch, it’s his presence.
You’ve never felt so thoroughly seen.
A low rumble rises in agreement to you taking his probing so well, and you kind of wish he would hold you tonight.
Just… Hold you.
When he withdraws, content with finding you relatively intact after the attempted assault, you grab his wrist. His head snaps back instantly, but he doesn’t pry himself away from your insolent little fingers. If anything, he’s curious.
You don’t know his words, and he doesn’t know yours, so you decide it’s best not to speak at all.
Pulling his palm back, you bring it to your hip, then further up to your waist, trying to make it clear that it’s only closeness and body warmth you seek. You leave it there, and it stays there, out of its own free will. A thumb brushes over your ribs, explorative. His eyes travel, they move down the line of your neck and try to decide what you might want from him, but then you see the fathomless depths he’s been hiding. His eyes come alive, and there’s such darkness there, an unquenchable well of want that shoots fear straight down your stomach.
You were wrong about him, so wrong…
He’s not disinterested, he’s just been holding back a tide as if it’s no big deal to fight back the very gods on his own.
His palm feels like fire, but he doesn’t move, only battles with his demons for a while. You lie there before him, feeling utterly idiotic for thinking he’s different from the rest of the men.
But then… The fur gets drawn over your half naked body. Slowly, deliberately. He’s not reverent: he only knows the consequences of his actions, and this is a path he does not wish to take.
It doesn’t prevent him from laying himself down to sleep next to you, however.
It doesn’t prevent you from slowly reaching an arm around him, the rigid form that slowly, so slowly turns lax. You risk to curl against him: not safe, only warm. A stray royal cat and a ghoul who collects bones, you think, but then the ghoul sighs and turns. You should feel rejected from the way he presents his back to you, but you suspect that it has something to do with him coming alive downstairs.
And you cling to him.
He doesn’t rip you off of him as you slip a hand under his arm and bend against him, like a river otter who just found a fat clam. His solemn breaths lull you to sleep, and he stays still for you: all night until the birds start to sing and the sun warms your face, the whole heap of you two.
Like a big pile of snow, melting on a summer’s day…
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summerchris · 1 year ago
— missed you (c.s) ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚
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(this was extremely rushed sorry!)
summary: you and Chris were friends with benefits but stopped talking after rumors were spread around the internet of him dating someone. You were both invited to Tara Yummy’s 1 mil party and end up seeing each other.
the room is filled with loud music and flashing lights. Tara Yummy stickers are seen everywhere and the smell of liquor filled the place. my head was throbbing from the amount of drinks i chugged after playing a fun game of beer pong with influencers i’ve never met before. everyone was sweating from the massive heat filling the room. i sat on the couch talking to Larray as he was fanning me. “Chris keeps staring at you.” Larray blurts out. “Is he actually?” I question. I turn my head after a couple seconds to not make anything obvious and meet eyes with him.
Me and Chris met through mutual friends about 3 years ago and things started to escalate. We became friends with benefits but we kept it private. No one knew about us except for people we were close with. But one day, photos were spreading around the internet of him with another girl at a party. We both decided it was best to stop what we had going on before one of us got hurt. We stayed following each other on social’s so no one suspected anything and occasionally talked, but deep down it did hurt. I turn back around still feeling his eyes on me. “I’m not surprised, he’s been liking my posts non stop recently.” It was true, you’ve caught Chris stalking your socials ever since what had happened and favoriting some of your TikToks. “I think you should talk to him.” Larray suggests. I think about it for a moment and make my way over.
“I didn’t know you’d be here.” He jokes knowing me and Tara are best friends. “I can say the same about you.” I smile. “Just supporting a friend.” I nod. The music grew louder and it became harder to hear each other. He gently grabbed my hand and led me to a hallway that was more quiet. We definitely got in the background of some photos which is terrifying to think about. We didn’t say anything for a hot minute until he spoke up.
“You look really good.” He says while continuing to stare at me like he was star struck. “Thank you.” I smile. If I had to be honest, I was going insane inside but I was trying my best to act mysterious and calm. “Hey guys come get in the photo!” A voice behind us yelled. We turned in sync and saw Nick desperately waving at us. We head over and get in the photo with Jake beside us. “People are gonna think we replaced Matt.” Nick laughed. “Where even is Matt?” I question not seeing the guy anywhere. “He supposedly had better plans.” Chris responded. Nick and Jake walked away after the photos developed leaving me and Chris alone once again.
I couldn’t help but notice how good he looked. He was in a all black fit which was driving me insane and his hair was a bit messy but it still somehow looked good. He looked down at me and smirked. I’m guessing he caught me staring. I can feel the tension between us getting more intense. No one else was in the photo booth and the music was echoing behind us. I suddenly felt a pair of hands go around my waist. “Is this okay?” He politely asked and I nod. I look up meeting his eyes and he slowly leaned in not wanting to rush anything. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot recently.” He got closer. “I’ve been thinking about you too.” I whisper. Our lips meet and his hand travels down to my ass giving it a squeeze. I gasp and he took the opportunity to take control. The kiss became more heated until we both couldn’t handle it. After pulling apart, we were both out of breath and messy. He gently pulled away after catching his breath. “I’ve missed you, so so much.” Our bodies were still touching. “I’ve missed you too Chris.” I smile. “You’re the one I want to be seeing, not anyone else.” I couldn’t help but smile more.
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ambiguous-avery · 3 months ago
Chasing Shadows, Part 1
Dean Winchester x OC fem!Touched!Reader/You | WC: 2,999
Summary: She’s never been afraid of the dark, not really. She’s more concerned about getting lost in it. He’s haunted by every dark deed he’s ever done. It’s constantly nipping at his heels like a hell hound. He’s her light in the dark, and she’s the one bit of darkness he’s willing to embrace.
A series of murders has drawn the Winchesters to your small town, and for some reason, you’re at the center of it all. What are you hiding? And why does it seem to be painting a target on those around you?
Tags/Warnings: No use of Y/N, canon-typical violence, eventual romance,  eventual smut,  fluff and angst, POV alternating (sometimes a little all over the place), no beta we die like men
Disclaimer: The base concept of Touched comes from @aylacavebear and is used with permission. I’ve taken creative liberties with it.
A/N: I’ve never posted any of my work anywhere before, so this is a huge leap of faith for me. I’ve just gotten into the Supernatural fandom, so forgive me if there are things that don’t line up with the canon. I’m still in the early seasons of the show! I’m also new to writing x reader fics, so feedback is always welcome! I'll probably end up adding warnings as this goes on. Chasing Shadows Series Masterlist
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This was the fifth murder in two weeks. The reports Sam had found had hinted at possible ritual killings due to the bodies reportedly being bloodless, but really, the Winchesters knew better. Everything about the deaths screamed vampires, so the question was less about ‘what’ was killing and more about ‘how many’ were doing the killing. Dean adjusted the collar of his suit and squared his shoulders before knocking on the door in front of him. Their initial snooping into the cases had led them to the most recent victim’s best friend. You.
“Hello,” Dean said your name and flashed his fake FBI badge with practiced ease. “I’m Agent Ehart; this is Agent Greer. We were hoping we could ask you some questions.” You gave each of them a quick visual once-over before you stepped aside and opened the door wider for them. They each gave a quick, appreciative nod and situated themselves on a couch in the living room, looking wholly out of place against the decorations and outdated couch fabric.
“Can I get either of you something to drink?” you asked. Sam shook his head.
“We’re alright, thank you. I’d like to start off with "we're very sorry for your loss." I’m sure it isn’t easy,” he began, resting his elbows on his knees and lacing his fingers together.
“Thank you,” your tone was clipped as you sat down across from them. Your body language spoke volumes. The way your shoulders were hunched. The way you almost seemed to curl in on yourself, trying to be as small as possible. Your eyes were still red and swollen, the result of at least one recent cry session, probably more. “I already spoke with the police.”
“We understand. See, we’re conducting our own investigation. With so many recent incidents happening in such a short span of time, we’ve been called in,” Sam said, keeping his tone polite but professional.
“So… five deaths is the threshold for the police to bring in the big guns, huh?” They thought you might have been trying to make a joke, but there wasn’t any humor in your voice. Dean wet his lips before responding.
“Something like that… if it isn’t too much to ask, could you go over the night it happened? Anything stand out in your memory?”
You thought for a moment, running the night through your mind. As you reiterated the evening to them, they listened with rapt attention. You had been over the story so often and in so much detail that it was beginning to sound rehearsed. In a way, it sort of was. 
“We were out at a restaurant. We’ve both been so busy lately that we haven’t had some girl time, so we were catching up. It was uneventful, really,” you said with a half shrug. “The strangest thing about the night was a guy who crashed into her on our way out. But again, I’ve already told the police about him.” You looked at Agent Ehart, trying to get a read on him. Unsurprisingly, he wore a sort of grim determination on his face, but there was something else there. You weren’t sure you could put your finger on it. He seemed a bit young to be an agent – both of them did – but he carried the world-weariness of someone who had lived many more lifetimes than appearance would suggest. You wondered what kind of stories he might share over a drink or two.
“Tell me more about this guy,” the one with longer hair – Agent Greer, was it? – cut in. You jerked your head to look at the other agent, abruptly pulled back into the present moment.
“I dunno. There’s not much to say about him. We stepped out of the restaurant, and he walked right into her. Knocked her purse to the ground. All her stuff spilled out, and he couldn’t even be bothered to stop and apologize. Kinda seemed like he was drunk with the way he was stumbling on his feet.” You shifted a bit in your seat. Now was hardly the time to get distracted, not when you were a hair's breadth away from falling to pieces.
“Have you seen him around town before?” the same agent continued.
“Can’t say I have. Then again, I tend to keep to myself when I’m out and about. I don’t think I’d be able to recognize the barista I see every few days if I passed them in a grocery store.”
“I see… and you’re sure there’s nothing else you can think of that seems… odd to you? Really, any detail you might feel doesn’t matter might end up being quite significant. No matter how unbelievable it might be.” You were quiet for a moment, debating. “I promise, there’s nothing you can tell us that we haven’t heard before,” Agent Greer pushed. Something about the hazel-eyed agent’s tone made his words heavier, like there was a more profound meaning behind them than he was letting on. You swallowed hard, gaze dropping to the ground. 
The first chink in your carefully curated mask showed as a flicker of something flashed behind your eyes. The short-haired agent leaned forward, the movement catching your attention. You looked up, and you’re sure that if circumstances were different, you could’ve gotten lost in the agent’s green eyes. 
“Sweetheart, please. We want to catch this guy and keep him from killing anyone else.” His voice was soft and sounded more genuine than the other officers who had questioned you the day before, and somehow, the ‘sweetheart’ nickname didn’t grate on you coming from him. Maybe it was the way his voice rolled over you. Or maybe it was because he had a pretty face.
“I didn’t do this,” you said quietly. 
“I know you didn’t.”
“I feel like I’m going crazy or I’m being vain or something.” You maintained your eye contact with him as though it would make him believe you. “I knew them. All of them. Not well, mind you. Some more than others.” The crack in your mask splintered further. “I know how this looks, but I swear I didn’t have anything to do with it. I know you don’t believe me, but I promise on everything that matters to me.” Your voice cracked, and you squeezed your eyes shut, the familiar feeling of stinging tears behind your eyelids. The sound of fabric rustling drew your attention, and when you opened your eyes, the agent who called you ‘sweetheart’ was standing beside you, a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You leaned into the touch slightly. He was warm, and the touch was comforting.
“Don’t worry. You can tell us anything. We’ll get him,” he said.
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They didn’t get much more information out of you. Your inability to give them a solid description of the guy you saw outside of the restaurant was a real damper on their investigation. However, Dean had left a card with his name and number with you on the off chance you remembered anything else. With a heavy sigh, Dean set the duffel bag he was holding onto the motel bed, running a hand through his hair. Sam was seated at the small table in the room, typing away on his laptop. 
“What do you think, Sammy? Still dealing with a vamp?” The two had done away with the stiff suits, and Dean was happier back in his t-shirt and denim.
“I mean, every report I find talks about the bodies being exsanguinated. I don’t know many other creatures that would do that.” Sam turned his computer, letting Dean look over the documents they had gotten from the local police.
“What about a chupacabra?” Dean suggested.
“Everything I can find about those says they go for livestock rather than humans. Vamps fit the bill the best.”
“Yeah, but… the thing that I can’t figure out is ‘why her’? She said she spent time with each of them the same day they were attacked. Vamps don’t usually have a pattern that centers around one person,” Dean said, leaning over to skim the computer screen.
“Maybe it’s a vengeful spirit that’s latched onto her?”
“That would explain the victims’ connection to her but not the blood loss. Unless it has something to do with how the spirit died. But even then, there’s no report of the crime scenes being particularly bloody.” Sam leaned back in his seat as Dean spoke, drumming his fingers on the table. 
“And we’re positive she’s not a part of all of this? She said she didn’t tell the police about her connections with the first vic because she didn’t want eyes on her. That’s not something that someone innocent says,” Sam asked while taking his laptop back and scrolling through the reports again, as if some new detail would stand out to him. 
You had said that you knew all the victims, but the extent of which varied greatly. The first one was an old friend of your parents who you didn’t interact with much, but the one time you did, he was attacked. Victim two was a coworker in a different department who was attacked after a lunch meeting with you. Number three was a taxi driver who had driven you home after a late night at the office, and number four was someone you had met at a bar and shared a drink or two with. Ultimately, though, you hadn’t ended up going home with him. And the most recent one had been your best friend, one you had just hung out with the night of the attack. You weren’t wrong. It was extremely suspicious that you had a connection to all of them, no matter how insignificant it seemed. You had never mentioned your connection to the first victim, and the next three had far stronger connections with others that the police never really glanced your way. Number five was the first time they had looked closely at you, but without the knowledge of your link to any of the others, nothing looked suspicious to them. 
The Winchesters weren’t buying it. 
They spent the better part of the day doing as much digging into the cases as they could, even managing to schmooze their way into the morgue to see the body. As the medical examiner pulled back the sheet to reveal the body, both Dean and Sam’s gazes locked onto the very obvious bite mark on the victim’s neck. 
“Kinda gruesome, isn’t it?” the medical examiner asked. He was a younger kid, probably in his mid twenties, if they had to guess. 
“You can say that again,” Dean mumbled, slowly looking up and down the body.
“All the victims have the same kind of wound on them?” Sam asked, motioning to his own neck. The examiner nodded. 
“Unfortunately so. I try not to jump to conclusions, but I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors of these being ritual killings. Hard not to assume the worst when everything’s pointing in the same direction. Have you guys seen anything like this before?”
“Not exactly like this,” Dean said, shaking his head. 
Everything pointed to a cut and dry vamp nest except for the way they were targeting victims. Why you? More specifically, why those around you but not you directly? Maybe one of the vamps had a vendetta? That would’ve only made partial sense. Only two of the victims seemed to have a more profound connection to you – the neighbor and the best friend. They spent the drive back to the hotel running through every possibility. The sun was sinking behind the hills by the time Dean got out of the shower and dressed. 
“There has to be something we’re missing,” he said as he took a seat on the bed.He grabbed the jar of Dead Man’s Blood from the duffel bag he had shoved beneath the bed and spun it in his hands, his leg bouncing. They had exhausted just about every avenue including variations of vampires in different myths and lore across the world. Nothing was fitting the bill.
“We can always go back and ask her more questions tomorrow,” Sam offered.
“Yeah but what do we even ask? She already said she has no idea why anyone or anything would target her. And I know lying isn’t completely out of the realm of possibility, but it just seems... unlikely. Our last option is that she’s in on it, and something’s telling me that’s not the case.”
“You sure you’re thinking with the right head about that?” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh please, do you think I’m blind?” Sam scoffed, a light smile playing on his lips. “You’re a sucker for those big, doe ‘help me’ eyes.”
“Shut up,” Dean grumbled, “She’s a pretty girl in a shitty situation.” The jar of blood was still in his hand, the liquid sloshing around as he tilted it back and forth. Sam rolled his eyes, shaking his head slightly.
“Yeah, and you’re gonna swoop in, save the day, get the girl, and ride off into the sunset.” Dean flashed him his signature boyish grin, the kind of grin that Sam knew was going to get them into trouble sooner rather than later. “Look, just keep it in your pants until we figure this out, yeah?” He ran a hand through his hair and leaned back in his chair. Maybe if they looked more into your connection with the victims, something else would show up. 
Dean’s phone went off in his pocket, and he set the jar down on the bedside table before fishing it out of his pocket. He tilted his head to the side slightly as he looked at the number. He didn’t recognize it.
“Hello?” He asked, hitting the speaker button.
“Dean?” your voice crackled over the phone’s crappy speakers. You sounded scared. Dean was on his feet, grabbing the Impala’s keys from his other pocket as you spoke. “I think I’m being followed.”
“Where are you at, sweetheart? We’re on our way.” You rattled off a cross street then for good measure, gave a landmark for reference. “Stay around other people, anywhere with lots of foot traffic.” There was no response.
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The part of town you had directed them to was the opposite of what Dean had advised. It was a commercial area some distance away from the downtown shopping district several blocks over. What in the world were you doing out this late with all the recent incidents? You had better not have been trying to solve this yourself. Dean had parked, and the two of them armed themselves for a fight. On second thought, maybe it was a blessing in disguise that you had been out of the way of others. There was no one to judge them as they briskly moved down the sidewalk, checking down the alleys between the buildings. The sound of a scuffle and a pained cry from the next building up caught their ears, and the two of them hoofed it.
The boys turned the corner just in time to watch the vampire sink his teeth into you. The scream in your throat died to a soft whimper, hands uselessly grabbing at the vampire’s arms as it held you against the brick wall. Dean was the first to respond, firing off a bullet soaked in Dead Man’s Blood before Sam even had a chance to aim. It took two more shots before the vampire finally relented, dropping you to the ground, fangs still holding a chunk of your flesh it ripped from you. It clutched at its side where the bullets had sunken in before turning and booking it around the corner. Dean and Sam shared a knowing glance before Dean chased after it. Sam tucked his own gun into the waistband of his pants and knelt down beside you, worry and concern and anger etched into his features. Your eyes had slid closed, and your own blood soaked your shirt, oozing from the open wound in your neck. Sam gingerly eased you so you were sitting up rather than lying in a crumpled heap on the cold ground. He winced, quickly finding your wrist to check for a pulse. Even with his expectations on the ground, Sam was still disappointed when he didn’t feel anything.
“Shit... I’m sorry,” he breathed, brushing stray hair from your face. “I’m sorry we weren’t quick enough.” He stood up, pulled out his own gun, and chased after Dean, mentally promising that he’d make it up to you by killing this son of a bitch.
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“I’m telling you, Sam, it was weird. It was like the Dead Man’s Blood had no effect. No lethargy, no weakening of his abilities, nothing. We saw his teeth. If that thing ain’t a vamp, then I’m the queen of England.”
“That doesn’t make any sense. Maybe it’s because we caught him mid-feed? Maybe the fresh and dead blood cancel each other out in a way?”
“I dunno. But if there’s one, there’s bound to be a nest of them. And we’re gonna need a lot more blood than what we have on hand. Which alley did you leave the vic down?”
“Seriously, Dean?” Sam stopped abruptly, grabbing Dean’s shoulder and staring hard at him. Dean ran a hand over his face and pressed his lips together in a tight line.
“Look, it’s better to do it before the body’s locked behind yellow tape. We need every advantage we can get, and we might as well make her death worth something. Plus, she gets revenge on her killer. It’s a win-win situation.” Sam sighed and shook his head, letting his hand fall away from Dean.
“I hate it when you make sense,” he grumbled, turning the corner. The two of them stopped dead in their tracks.
“Sam...” Dean began slowly, “where’s the body?” Sam gaped at the empty alleyway. For a moment, he thought maybe he had made a wrong turn, but he recognized the dumpster with the mattress sticking out of it. 
“That is a great question...”
Thank you for reading, please feel free to leave a like, comment, or reblog! I would be forever grateful! 💜💜💜
Part 2
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brooks-heart-sunglasses · 3 months ago
Okay I am here today to add my own straw hats sexuality headcanons to fuel the fire. I am cis so don’t have a lot to say abt gender but whatever my friend @jinbeisluffy says is correct and true. Fair warning I am aroace and I love projecting onto character however I am not sorry for it. Anyways. These r just my headcanons and u are free to disagree just pls don’t do it on my post. Thanks
Luffy - aroace. THEEEEE most aromantic asexual to ever aroace. This isn’t even me projecting this is just fact. This guy does NOT give a fuck about romance or sex bc why would he when there’s food to eat which tbh is very real of him
Zoro - this is a homosexual. Enough said. He doesn’t really care about labels however and he probably wouldn’t call himself gay cause he doesn’t gaf however he likes men
Nami - lesbian. This is a girlkisser. She and zoro are PEAK mlm/wlw hostility. And recently my friend said demisexual nami which hffsgshsh…….. neurons r activating…. I’m absorbing it into my worldview. Demi nami for the win
Usopp - typa guy to also not really label himself but he does like both genders. I am hitting him with asexuality. In fact I am hitting many people with asexuality and there is nothing you can do to stop me
Sanji - hgrghsghsh this one is actually difficult bc there r so many good routes you can take with him……. However he is some flavor of queer. Whole cake island (and one piece as a whole but that’s a conversation for another day) is sooooo incredibly queercoded. “Erm sanji is cis” okay then why did kuma send him to gender island
Chopper - he doesn’t really think about it a lot. He just likes who he likes :]
Robin - bisexual (so I have a chance with her (I do not)). Frobin is sooo incredibly bi4bi trans4trans freak4freak coded
Franky - as I said bi4bi trans4trans freak4freak but in his case it’s in a cool epic asexual way
Brook - an elder queer. He and yorki were literally married I was there trust. They adopted a whale together. He is demiromantic but he doesn’t know what that is. I am hitting him with asexuality I AM HITTING HIM WITH ASEXUALITY bc he is my favorite and he is just like me fr. “But what about his pervy side” in the cooler more based version of one piece I have in my head that does not exist shhhh
Jimbei - he is aroace. Never really thought or cared much about it, but he doesn’t want nor feel the need to be in a relationship with someone. He’s just happy being with his crew and not having to politically maneuver his way though life anymore and that is good for him
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mahimahi713 · 4 months ago
I was discussing this with @djbunnie recently. But I was thinking about what I’d do if I were to do a redo of DP. But really this is mostly how I’d make Sam better.
Before I get further, I want to make a disclaimer: this idea would include Danny and Sam being endgame. They would be together in the end. However before that would happen, Danny and Valerie would actually have a relationship. They would be an established couple but they’d ultimately have an amicable break up. But they would have been together for 2 years I’m thinking?
This redo would also include bits and pieces of some of my earlier DP posts.
That said, let’s get into it.
So we would just ignore the entire third season and Phantom Planet. Let’s just get that out of the way.
The series would have go through several years of their lives.
Sam and Tucker would be a lot more fleshed out and go through character development. We would see more about the significant characters personalities and likes and dislikes.
First, Sam. Given how political Punk is, I’d make Sam more Punk than goth, tbh. Sam being political just makes sense. She still would be filthy rich, beyond anyone’s imaginations rich. But she uses that wealth and reputation to help marginalized groups and speak in injustices. She would also acknowledge her own wealth and privilege. I’d explore more about how she is athletic and her writing and her love of anime and manga, and her art.
Yes she would start out as looking down or just really disliking girly things. And this does stem from her mother putting her down for not being her picture perfect daughter. However she’d also have Grandma Ida to humble her. Sam wouldn’t hate girly girls themselves. Just that society will promote that image as being the way girls should be. But she’d look down things so much that it’s actually problematic. But she’d outgrow it .
And like my earlier posts about cringe Sam liking mediocre guys and saying dumb edgy things like “you laugh because I’m different, I laugh because you’re all the same”
But she also would be the one to put her foot down and say “no, Danny, you’re not going to risk and you’re going to be an astronaut” and along with Tucker and Jazz’s help, she’d help him study, make study guide and flash cards.
Another thing I’d explore is her feeling guilty over Danny being Phantom. This is guilt that eats at her but she refuses to discuss it because she knows Danny would tell her not to worry about it.
And in a way, Sam is doing this because she feels she deserves to wallow in that guilt. Almost like she’s punishing herself.
Sam was just done such a great injustice.
Tucker. Tucker would also go through significant development and we would also see more of his personality and likes and dislikes. I’d describe his character development to be much like Sokkas from A:TLA.
Tucker is a whiz when it comes to tech and computer related subjects.
Sorry I don’t have much more to say about him.
Sam and Tucker both take on bigger roles in helping to fight the ghosts. Much bigger.
For episodes like the Lunch meat episode, Sam would have just advocated for better vegetarian options and a salad bar. And when the school asks where they can get the funds to do so, she’d just be “I’m glad you asked”
She’d still think meat is murder and that they should use robotic or virtual frogs for dissections but again, she’s a work in progress.
When Danny and Val are dating, she’s obviously heartbroken. She asks Ida for advice. Ida tells her while she gets her pain, that she shouldn’t be one of those girl best friends who is mean to their best friend’s girlfriend or violates boundaries. Especially since she has feelings for him. That if she cares for Danny, then she would want him to be happy even if that means standing aside. And so, she does. She’s kind and friendly and respectful to Valerie. In fact she even gives Valerie some gift ideas that would be so meaningful for Danny. In the beginning, Sam even tells Valerie that she knows that Val knows about her crush. But she swears that she will never make a move or disrespect her or her relationship with Danny. And that if ever Val needs her to back off, she will. As long as it’s respectful.
This actually winds up being a bonding moment for Sam and Tucker because he helps her cope with her heartbreak. This relationship between them is platonic. They come to see each other as siblings. And that includes acting like siblings and being shits to each other and pissing each other off.
Oh and of course, the series would be more mature. They would act like teens and they would also engage in more mature behavior as their grow older.
There would also be more hilarity with trying to hide Danny’s secret (I’ve made a post about this).
And there would be darker moments as well.
We would also explore more of the Ghostzone itself. The lore, the science. What are ghosts. Where did non human ghosts come from. Who and what is clockwork and were did he come from. More on the ghosts’ backstories. Their lives when they were still alive. Just all that
Sam is the one who is the nurse of the group. Even for Valerie, once her and Danny begin to date. Sam can get all the medical supplies they need. She is also gentle and can do great stitches and has a steady hand and isn’t squeamish. She’s patching up everyone .
Oh and Sam and Valerie would become best friends. Even though at a point, Val would be Danny’s Ex and Sam his gf he winds up marrying. They would be best friends.
Look. DxS is my OTP and they’ll be endgame. But I think I’d want them to have more of a Ron and Kim vibe. With subtle hinting of the feelings they have.
Let’s explore DxV. Well, I think it would come to a point that Danny just realizes he needs to confess to her. He tells her the truth and while she needs to take a step back for a moment, she is able to think it through and she comes to Danny. They talk things out and decide to hang out to just clear things and get rid of those tensions. And they decide to date. They date I’m thinking atleast sophomore and junior years. They go through significant firsts together. Like serious relationship, that first time and so on. But ultimately they end things amicably because they outgrew each other and differing goals and all that. They remain friendly and respectful of each other
Sam herself goes on a few dates here and there but I really picture Sam as someone who is demisexual. She only becomes attracted to a person after she gets to know them. She actually winds up having a significant relationship with a guy who is actually on the football team but he kinda always just was there, when it came to the popular kids. He was just there because he too played football but he didn’t really interact with them and never was a bully. He and Sam start to date after they work on a project together. They date from junior year and into Senior year but break up amicably. They don’t want to do the long distance thing and have different goals and desires for the long term
Danny and Sam after high school begin to hang out more than before. Or more like they used to. Now Danny is living that college life and doing the typical hook ups. Sam isn’t because she’s not into it. And she is at a point where she knew Danny is gonna be hooking up and she’s indifferent. But they’re having out more and more and it’s nice and oh. Hey. Hello feelings for each other my old friend.
If you ever watched scrubs, the way Jake and Elliott get (back) together in later seasons, that’s basically what happens with them.
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| percy jackson x popstar au
| au masterlist ☽
warnings: swearing and i think thats just about it!
a/n: writers block hit so hard guys its not even funny apt. anyway hope you enjoy pt 3!! im also using show! clarisse as my description
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"LIA!!!!" you screech when you storm into the apartment. when she doesn't reply you get even more pissed. who the hell wakes someone up at 2 am tell them they desperately need to come over to their house now because its an emergency and then proceed to lock them out in the cold for half a goddamn hour.
"lia i swear to god im going to kick your fucking ass back to london if you don't come out here right now," you yell not even caring at this point if you wake anyone up.
"heyyy bestie," lia says coming out of the kitchen with a smile. "so glad you could make it."
from the threatening look on your face, her smile quickly fades. "ok, ok so i know its early-"
"its two-fucking-am lia, you're so very lucky that i don't kill you for this because for some reason, i've grown attached to your need self."
"i'm irreplaceable," she says. "anyway thats not why i called you here, i met some people on the subway the other day who want to meet you."
"you called me here.... to meet fans?" you say in a deathly calm tone. "lia... ITS 2:30 IN THE MORNING COULDN'T THIS WAIT UNTIL I DUNNO LIKE TEN?" you yell launching after her.
"no it couldn't wait! because this is a secret meeting, huhhh? how cool is that?" lia says running away from you into the living room. you follow after her determined to actually kill the little shit but stop short when you see three people standing and watching the ordeal.
two girls and a boy - the boy is jumping up and down with barely restrained excitement, the blonde girl is smiling, and the final girl is just watching with barely restrained boredom.
"y/n, this is grover, clarisse and annabeth." lia motions to the three of them.
you smile as politely as one can at 2:30 am and say hi back. the boy - grover - is still practically buoyant when you look at him, and its generally concerning how much energy he has.
"soo, uh what's up?" clarisse says awkwardly.
"yeah y'know nothing much, just being dragged out of bed at 2 o'clock in the morning to meet some people- by the way does he ever stop jumping?" you point to a still jumping grover. "like dude its wayy to early to be this energetic."
"no. unfortunately he's like this all the time," the brunette - clarrise - says.
"i'm sorry," grover interrupts, "im just such a huge fan of you. and i would've gotten into trouble if i had told my friend we were meeting you so thats why its at such an awful hour."
"your friend doesn't like me?"
"... he's not your biggest fan thats for sure."
☾. ⋅
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liked by underovergrover, lia.mandel, rileywest maisiehpeters, gracieabrams and 1, 268, 941 others
yn.official life recently...
view all comments
lia.mandel girls night was fun!! @/rileywest sad ur leaving again
riley.west im afraid london calls babes i'll see you girls when i get back
yn.official can't wait 🤍
user2 what is with the studio pic?!?!?!?
user3 grover (one of percy's friends) liked the post they're totally fucking
user4 ew can you not be so gross?? just leave percy and y/n alone
user5 im dyinggg until my show!! only 3 to go ahhh
user6 THE STUDIO PIC?? AND ON TOP OF THAT THE TOUR ENDING AND PERCYY/N RUMOURS?? my heart can't take this anymore.
☾. ⋅
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liked by underovergrover, chris.rodriguez, lukecastellan, clarisse.la.rue, the.annabethchase, lia.mandel, rileywest and 863, 459 others
percyjackson life recently...
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user2 he's so hot it hurts guys
underovergrover that was an awful party man just thought i should let you know
percyjackson thanks g man i had absolutely no idea maybe next time don't text me abt how awful it is in front of the hosts
user5 i ship them so hard fr
user6 yeah but there is literally ANOTHER girl in the post
the.annabethchase i wonder what amazing girl is in the second photo...
☾. ⋅
"fucking y/n," percy grumbles. "i cannot do a single thing without her showing up," he scoffs throwing the phone down onto the car seat beside him. he's currently sat outside a prestigious event - for what? who knows - contemplating whether he should go in because he knows for a fact the-person-who-shall-not-be-named is in there.
sighing he picks his phone up again and gets out of the car heading towards the bustling entryway to the building. men and women in fancy dresses and suits line the hallways as and elevators as he makes his way to the rooftop.
grover and luke are already here so his first goal is to find them, avoid being sucked into any weird business deals and do not under any circumstances run into y/n.
the elevator opens and he moves out onto the rooftop, the cool breeze brushing his face, the smell of alcohol and perfume fills the air. its almost peaceful as he makes his way to the edge of building leaning on the railing to take in the view.
"quiet a view isn't it?" a voice comes from beside him.
aw fuck.
he spins around and comes face to face with the one person he was determined to avoid.
"nice to officially meet you percy jackson," you say holding out your hand.
he takes it to be polite, "right back at you y/n l/n."
☾. ⋅
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☾. ⋅
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TAGLIST‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ [if you're name is white it mean i couldn't tag you]
@lauptimist, @itzmeme, @mariaaaaaahhhh, @paankhaleyaar, @maybxlle,
@lara20aral, @cxp1d, @user-3113s-blog, @pleasingregulus,
@avihashearts4lix, @inlovewithmorales, @brokecollegebitch, @user-3113s-blog, @officiallyalbino
@gloryhaddock [if you want to be added just let me know!]
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vermil1ion-sky · 2 years ago
Streamer AU
Some of our favorite characters as streamers or youtubers! Including some I haven't seen done before so I wanted to bring something new to the table.
Characters: Ayaka, Xiao, Wanderer/Scaramouche
A/N: this ended up... being really long so I did less characters than I originally intended but if you guys like it I can do more!
A fashion-focused youtuber, who occasionally dabbles in traditional practices, such as tea ceremonies and dances, and explains the stories and origins to her followers.
Most of them follow her for her fashion content but they religiously watch whatever she posts because her demeanor is so polite and elegant, it's almost like they can't look away...
Found a sudden influx of comments about her brother the first time he appeared in one of her videos, in the background asking if she wanted dinner, which she finds entirely embarrassing (Ayato thinks it's amusing).
After a lot of convincing from her fans, she ocassionally collabs with Ayato, both of them posting content on their respective pages featuring each other. Those videos tend to be their most popular.
Ayaka thought the teasing over her 'hot' brother would end after the hype sort of died down...
She was right but wrong as another wave of playful, teasing comments was soon to come.
You, like Ayato, appear first on accident; you just wanted to check in on your girlfriend who hadn't left her room in a while, unaware she was recording.
Ayaka turns to the door opening just as she was trying on another outfit from a recent purchase. She sees your face, blushing slightly though its entirely off camera and just for her to see, and giggles when you start to apologize.
"It's alright love." Ayaka's voice is... softer than her followers are used to. In the video, they can hear your voice in the background as you speak. "You... look really cute... Cuter than usual I mean."
She laughs at your awkward compliment but smiles, soft and lovingly, as she thanks you.
"Maybe you could wear that for our next date." That's the sentence that made Ayaka blush, making her turn towards you and punch your shoulder playfully, off camera.
"Aight sorry, I'll go, have fun." You kiss her cheek, your face only appearing in focus for a second, before leaving the room.
Even though it wasn't related to the video, Ayaka kept the footage in because she found it endearing.
She slightly regretted it as 90% of her comments after that were yelling that they wanted to know this mystery person that Ayaka's clearly dating.
She tries to draw attention away from you but it only works for a little bit. people really seem to want to know you.
Ayaka sighs, her face in her hands, but a small smile on her face. Guess she should bring it up with you one day, to see if you were okay with the idea of appearing once in a while.
A gaming streamer, famous for beating most games without much effort.
People flock to his streams for his careful plays, like he's analysing every possibility to win fast and easily. Also his voice and looks are nice, so it's a bonus for them.
Does both single and multiplayer content. The latter he usually games with his friends, also streamers.
Gets along the best with Venti, argues the most with Scaramouche, gets eye twitches when Heizou purposefully does a bad play to see everyone's reactions (but otherwise he bites his tongue and stays quiet) and with Kazuha, he's oddly patient, with him being the least into games in the group.
People are naturally curious about his life, as Xiao's usually very reserved and doesn't mention anything private. He tries to keep it at an arms' distance from his fans, just because it's what makes him feel more comfortable.
That quickly comes crumbling down when you make an unexpected appearance in his stream one day.
Xiao's usually very aware of his surroundings even while gaming, so catching him off guard is extremely hard. This time, however, the volume on his headset was higher than usual and he doesn't hear you enter the room.
You call out his name and he can't hear you but his chat definitely can. They're exploding the chat, asking who that is; unfortunately for him, he's entirely too focused on the game to look at chat.
You call him again, touching his shoulder slightly and he immediately jumps, cussing outloud, his headset falling from his head.
He sighs as he tries to steady his heart thats about to jump out of his chest. The chat can now hear your voice clearer.
"Sorry baby I didn't mean to scare you..." Your voice is soft, a hand reaching from off camera to run your fingers through his hair. Xiao closes his eyes and starts to lean into your touch but stops midway, remembering he's live and hopes his chat doesn't notice.
They definitely do.
"...it's okay..." He speaks softly, looking at you and it's so obvious that theyre's a lot of love behind that stare. "Did you need something?"
"Oh no, I just... I thought you'd be hungry after playing for so many hours... I brought you some almond tofu, a little snack..." You smile shyly at him and Xiao can swear he feels his heart melt, grabbing the plate so gently.
"...thank you..." He smiles and it's so soft, so full of affection... His cheeks are dusted with a slight pink color and everyone's teasing him about it. "...let me know when dinner's ready I'll join you..."
"...yes of course... I'll leave you to it, have fun baby." You lean closer, slightly in frame as you kiss his forehead, before stroking his cheek lovingly and leaving the room, leaving behind your flustered boyfriend who is only now reading all the comments.
From people asking to know his significant other, fans and even friends, to others teasing how red Xiao's face is, how 'whipped' he is, etc.
You can hear him yelling from outside the room, into the mic that he's not a 'simp' and you can't help but giggle at how... flustered he sounds.
Also a gaming streamer like Xiao, and they usually play together with their other friends. Those two are also the two who fight the most and Kazuha's the one who breaks up their spouts.
Besides the occasional gaming with his friends, he's mostly a single player content kind of guy. He just gets mad at random people if they don't play as well as he does.
Gets jokingly called emo boy by his fans, which terribly annoys him.
Also similar to Xiao, he keeps his personal life to himself, not wanting people to meddle on his business. So, he tries to keep you off camera and not mention you while he's live.
Unfortunately for him, he chose to date someone who enjoys teasing others and being a little shit just as much as he does.
You really never minded the possibility of appearing on Scara's streams but he never offered so you kept it at that, not wanting to possibly push a button by asking.
Still, one day you feel particularly cheeky and want to play a small prank on him.
With his stream on your phone, you pick a time when he's clearly too focused on playing to possibly noticing you entering your shared bedroom/recording room. You open the door slowly, his back facing you as hes hunched over, mashing keys as he seems to be trying to beat a hard boss. You smirk slightly, slowly coming closer, waving at the camera and putting your index finger to your lips, to tell the viewers to not say anything or redeem any tts that might startle Scara.
Right as he died again and he grabs his face, sighing in frustration, you make your move. You grab his shoulders quickly, out of nowhere and it's impossible to not laugh at how he jumps from his seat, yelling and falls off his chair, with only his legs in shot.
Well, that and you laughing way too hard, clutching your stomach as you cant stop giggling; your boyfriend's glare certainly doesn't help, he looks entirely not amused at how you're laughing at him.
"The fuck's wrong with you?!" "So many things babe, take a pick."
He grumbles as he picks his chair up and sits back down, running a hand through his fringe. You smirk, hugging his shoulders from behind and it's certainly funny to you how he tries to shake you off with no real malice nor effort.
"You're so cute when you're mad, Kuni." "I swear to God one of these days I'm going to change the locks of this house." "Oh noo I'm soo scared~"
Scara rolls his eyes, and yells at his chat to shut up with all the comments professing their love towards you. You get closer to read them, still clinging to his shoulders and you laugh.
"They love me already, probably more than you do~" He frowns when you say that. "That's not possible you-"
He catches himself too late, realizing what the implications of his... choice of words could come across. You stare at him in slight shock but it soon wears off. tightening your grip on him and nuzzling his cheek.
"Oh, my Kuni is so sweet~ Chat aren't I lucky?" You wink at the camera and the blush on Scaramouche's face is bright pink; his face gets redder as you press a kiss on his cheek as he tries to push you away.
"Oh my God get OUT." You giggle as you finally release your boyfriend, waving a goodbye to the camera, leaving your boyfriend behind to deal with the onslaught of comments asking for more details about you.
You turn the stream back on and see his cheeks are still red, partly from what happened and from how mad he is at his chat. It makes you smile as you can hear him yelling in your room to his chat to stop trying to get you back in.
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reaperlight · 3 months ago
Jealousy Saga, the eventual conclusion
[Post Venom 3 murder fam AU, when all hope seems lost and Eddie is convinced Venom doesn't want to see him again there's an unexpected face at the door.]
Flash: Hey. Yeah, I understand I'm probably the last person you want to see right now. But I learned what they did to you and my partner. That wasn't cool...
Eddie: Partner...
Flash: Uh, I think there's been a misunderstanding. When I said partner I mean Venom is my co-worker. As I was saying. It wasn't cool that they ripped him away from his spouse. I am truly sorry...
Venom: Eddie!
Venom: [*reaching out tentacles*]
Flash: Oh, uh. Of course.
[*Flash unfolds a wheelchair they didn't see previously because it was leaning against the wall and sits down.*]
[*Eddie is happy to have Venom back but now feels guilty because he realizes Venom was clearly what was allowing him to walk unassisted.*]
Flash: Yeah... Venom let's me get back in the field for a while. But that's besides the point. It was wrong of them to kidnap and exploit him as they did. Let's just say we unionized. Venom and me, and our friends over there on the project. We got the the top brass to agree that while Venom has a job with us and his cooperation is vital, he should have the same rights as any human employee to go home to his spouse after work. Also we managed to negotiate him a salary of his own. It's the same salary that any of us human soldiers make on the project which I don't exactly think is fair because he's doing so much more but considering he was getting nothing before...
Eddie: Woah!
Flash: It goes to an account that either you or I can access, it's opened in both our names for him since he is unable to interact with the bank directly. Also... we negotiated pardons for all of you... on the condition you'll join our team.
Eddie: No offense but...
Cletus: We're not really big fans of the military industrial complex.
[*because Eddie is too polite and Cletus has no qualms about saying it because his abusive dad was a military man*]
Frances: You understand we're not exactly eager to work for the guys who locked me up?
Flash: I'm sorry that happened to you. That wasn't us. We looked into your case...
Cletus [tersly]: ...What exactly took my wife then?
Flash: Ravencroft was a private prison company.
Frances: Was?
Flash: From what I understand they disappeared after your jailbreak exposed them and their doings but the most likely scenario is they just changed names and are operating somewhere else. [with genuine sympathy] I'm sorry.
Eddie: Okay, assuming all that is true... we still don't exactly know what you're doing.
Cletus: Yeah, what if they ask us to do something against our conscience?
Flash [snorts]: You're trying to say you're pacifists? [Looks at Cletus] You?
Cletus: Well... I have been trying to stay out of trouble, avoid doing this sorta thing. It leads to... bad habits. This is like asking an alcoholic to work at a bar. You understand?
Flash: ...yes. I do understand. Did you want me to sponsor you?
Cletus: Sponsor?
Flash: I attend A.A. regularly. I know that's not exactly the same but...
Cletus: [*considering it, glancing at Eddie who recently had a problem with actual drinking*]
Flash: If it helps our unit doesn't fight anyone on Earth. I'm not supposed to say this... but since everyone here already knows aliens exist I think I can tell you what we do. Project Space Knight is dedicated solely to protecting the Earth from extraterrestrial threats. So what do you say? Are you folks interested? We'd really value your skills and expertise in this.
[Later, Eddie and Venom in a private moment]
Eddie: Flash he's... He's a good guy.
Venom: Yes, he's my friend.
Eddie: Now I feel like an asshole for hating him.
Venom: Well, you're my asshole. Who I'd save this dirtball for.
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antebellumite · 9 months ago
tumblr fake posts but it's exclusively the US congress 1830s-50s. this will probably not make sense to anyone. it barely makes sense to me: [this is a long post. press j to skip]:
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guys help three senators from my party are outside my door and its a sunday and im scared i think they want something.
they want me to blackmail the president.
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henrywisingitup Follow
ohhhh goddddd ok so the coworker that called me a slur at work a few days ago IN PUBLIC just got a duel challenge from a friend of mine aslkdf. istg i hate him so much he's so annoying and he needs to resign or kill himself immediately. i hope he accepts the challenge fucking dies or gets shot up. good RIDDENCE fucking turd pile of trash empty bladder dung beetle puppy bastard LIAR. welliamgravely Follow
what'd he call you?
henrywisingitup Follow
an aboliti*nist.
Congblr Heritage Post. #congblr heritage post #senblr heritage post #houseblr heritage post #lmao remember when abolitionist was a slur guys #thank u pierceuinfiftytwo #i hate this post #and i think u do too #mod greeley
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Anonymous asked hi i'm sorry if i'm bothering you with this ask but i'm kinda new to this whole politics thing ( was just recently elected by my constituents so this is my first term ) and i would like to know how to get started on congblr? i've been recently appt to the house and i'd love to engage more with the community. do u have any blogs you'd suggest to me? bunnybrownfrench
hi anon!!!! i'm so glad you're here and in the house too ! ( it's where i am- frankly the Better House of Congress too while we're at it ). sadly i don't know what politics or party u have and i mostly scurry round the democrat side of the aisle more than anything, so i might not be able to help u that much, but i can try to give you some good ones!
@/gowestyoungman is a good source for news, and i'm personally a fan of @/mattbradydaggeurotype but @/geopeteralexhealy has some great portraits! obviously anyone has to follow @/oldhickory if they're a dem ( or even a whig ) they have great posts, lots of drama and thought provoking articles. a vv funny scroll. @/greatcompromiser is on the opposite side as a whig, but always sophisticated in their arguments, with nice shitposts in between to lighten the mood if you're uneasy about the american system.
@/jquincy and @/oldbullion are mostly serious blogs and if you're a westward expansion fellow, they're top blogs for u to follow. a bit hard at times, but personally i think they have great humor to make up for it ( unlike @/castironman though if you're here for what he posts all the more strength to u i suppose). @/redfoxkinderhook is also a good blog but they rarely post ( and never anything personal). @/godlikedan is my personal favorite blog. they have everything on there- drama, shitposts, detailed analysis, longposts, important info, aesthetics, etc.
for the rest tho anon, i'll leave it up to you! go out and explore! find the blogs u like; i wish u the best of luck!
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greatcompromiser hey guys, look at this BEAUTIFUL new commission i just got from @/mattbradydaggeurotype! it was wonderful to work with you, matt! <333
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every day i wake up.
#body horror
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gallerywatcher Follow
why he kinda......
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robrhett Follow
this bitch thirsting over baldy mcuseless LMAO
gallerywatcher Follow
hearing strong words from a guy whos blog is devoted to john c calhoun
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i have herpes. greatcompromiser
yeah? and????? we know.
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bunnybrownfrench asked: orgies in hell over secession!! dailyaskstotheussenate
i forgot i asked for poem recommendations for a moment.
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#ask #bunnybrownfrench
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castironman follow It is with great misfortune that I continue the discourse of the past week, but due to recent actions by certain other accounts, I have to re-engage with this conflict. Again, I would like to say that I stand firm in by belief that the 2BUS should not be re-instated, and that I resent the idea that I have somehow 'flip-flopped' or 'betrayed' my past ideals or other people in regards to what I believe to only be my own rational decisions, all logical as I will prove. read more
oh you've got to be kidding me.
read more
#fucking fuck offfff JOHN #dumbass ungrateful bitch #subtreasury discource #castironman #i shouldve let oldhickory hang you
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Hello, all. The Liberator is proud to announce a new mod today to assist in spreading the antislavery message. Presenting: @/frederickdouglass! We're very glad to have a new member to the abolitionist movement, and even more so to have a new mod with us today! We're sure they'll do great work, and we hope you share our excitement as well!
-Mod Garrison and The Liberator Team
Hello, all. Disregard this post, since we cannot delete it. Frederick Douglass has been removed from the mod team.
#info #state of the blog #mod update #mod garrison
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to the anon who asked us when the gag rule is going to be repealed.
the day that john quincy adams finally snaps and decides to murder the rest of his colleagues on the floor.
or never.
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Hello all, Frederick Douglass here. As you might be aware by now, The Liberator and I have since parted. The reason for this is due to several irreconcilable differences, some political, some personal. The drama has since cooled down, but due to the blowout from our conflict, William Lloyd Garrison and I have agreed to since part ways. I am currently running @/thenorthstar on multiple platforms available in my bio.
Garrison and I are still part of the abolitionist movement together, so if you're worried about the harm this might cause to our end goal of emancipation for enslaved people in the United States and the complete destruction of the slave system as it stands today, do not worry. I will be reposting a catalogue of my speeches and writings here that were originally in The Liberator- which you may feel free to mute as you wish. My advocacy for human rights will proceed as normal.
Please do not contact me to ask about just what occurred between The Liberator and I, however, as that is something that I both do not want to discuss, and feel it is unnecessary considering this blog's true content matter.
#info #blog #the liberator #please direct any and all comments about wlg to mr smith from now on
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higherlawseward Follow
Let's settle this once and for all.
#bro's getting ratioed so hard i almost cant watch. #SEWARD #delete this sewage boy
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brecknridge Follow
fellas is it gay to bring a flower to your senate colleague as your first act in congress to express your admiration for him (also from your state)( literally the most famous senator of your era)(you plucked this flower straight from your home state and tenderly carried it all the way to washington dc to hand to him)(kinda cute too)(this is the first time you've met him)(whig party, you're a democrat)(70 yrs old)???
brecknridge Follow
fellas is it gay to bring a flower to your senate colleague who's dying in a washington dc hotel room and sit by him for hours on end talking about politics and personal life before he finally expires his last breath and you tenderly are the last person to gently readjust his pillow as he falls asleep in your arms...
oldbuck Follow
brecknridge Follow
oh ok
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A gift from a friend. ;) ;) ;)
Everyone stop reblogging this. This was supposed to go to my other blog.
#lmao get wrecked. #always knew you had a porn blog danny
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real talk everyone in this senate needs to stop having drama.
#@/castironman @/greatcompromiser... looking at you both #stop it
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menstruation sounds so cool....but why doesnt it ever happen to men???
remind me how you got elected again.
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going to @/oldhickory's inaugeral party. I expect a solemn affair.
F U CK they broug ht t cheeessseeee....
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back to work in the senate :D~~~!
dawson Follow
tf i thought we censured you??
i got reelected :) :) :)!~
#take that mofos #no blocking or muting can remove me NOW #suck my dick
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OH MY GOD I HATE this house chamber so much the acoustics are horrible and its so crowded istg I am blaming Thomas Jefferson for all of this. the room was clearly already too crowded in the 1790s and then the louisiana purchase just comes by and Fucks! Shit! UP???? by doubling the amount of people who have to be stuffed in here??? and everyone keeps on smoking and spitting tobacco everywhere and its too hot??? i think the lead is killing me. i think the air is killing me. i think my colleagues are going to kill me. I DEFINATLY THINK HENRY WISE AND HIS COMPANY IS TRYING TO KILL ME???
Kill me.
get used to it buddy.
we're making court decisions in the goddarn congress basement if that helps.
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so horny for her
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just saw william seward and jefferson davis taking a carriage together. i don't get it. am i the only one who thinks that as antislavery advocates we in the senate Shouldn't be playing nice with slaveholders??
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forthurricane Follow
breakfast is very fufilling i say as a person who's morning meal consists entirely of a carton of milk and one (1) expired bread loaf garrison Follow
everyone please stop reblogging op is literally jefferson davis.
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Not to be mean but this coworker of mine needs to get caned. 23,233 notes
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senatorero hangman foote threatened to kill me again today. can someone please tell me if this means im part of the antislavery club.
vivelasboston Follow
are you a republican? because otherwise i think it's appropriation.
oh for christs sake
#personal 4 notes
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such a cruel world... so many good laps to sit on and no one to let me do so.
#SO MANY SOFT LONG CONGRESSIONAL LEGGGGS #THEY ALL LOOK SO COMFFYYYYY #ah well #no comfort or joy in life i suppose #time to bully president pierce into expanding popular sovreignty into kansas nebraska!!! :)))))) #this won't cause any issues
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inchidentally · 11 months ago
Um, these 60 seconds of recent content between Lando and Oscar made me realize one thing, are these two really only knowing each other for a year or their whole lives?
the audience does not know !!!
like there's a very specific 'united front' thing I can see in a lot of partnerships and it's founded on different things but ultimately manifests in a feeling of cohesion between the drivers. (and I am so sorry bc I saw in passing someone else made a similar post to this but I cannot remember who so lmk bc I don't want to be ripping off their idea !! I have my own separate feelings about it so it's not a copy but still I wish I could have kept that on my dash long enough to rb)
like most teammates fall in the neutral category of professional politeness and friendliness but also the need to push for their own advantage wherever possible. totally fine and normal. also allows for a few fireworks occasionally which is just as good for fan engagement - sometimes more - than if the drivers were always cool w each other.
aberrations like Senna and Prost, brocedes, and sebmark are not to be included - way too unique. could even throw Esteban and Pierre in there.
you've got consummate professionals Lewis and George who are both careful about cultivating their own separate images and who hold a baseline of genuine respect for each other - but part of that respect being that they both know they'll look out for themselves first. so they're very much similar and equals even in operating very independently. ultimately they want the mess to get cleaned up and to shake hands and do business as usual. I could see them genuinely having to hash out something truly ugly and shake hands and move onto their own lives no problem. which like, they clearly have lol.
then there's a situation like Alex and Logan where the dynamic is so incredibly imbalanced BUT you have someone as humanly decent and warm as Alex (even if he maybe wishes he were less so for competitive reasons) and Logan has already become very skilled at dealing with being an outsider/almost unwanted :( and it's clear that they both see how hard-working they both are and what a massive thankless task they have in trying to just achieve points - undetermined if they're mostly friendly out of trauma bonding or will remain friends after being separated but there's absolute friendliness and respect.
then there's The Charisma Guys of Daniel and Carlos and now Lando (who mooched a lot of his F1 charisma off of Carlos and then Daniel). Daniel and Carlos replicate an almost identical dynamic with all of their teammates and it's predicated on what most drivers are already well versed in, which is: playing gay for fangirls, bromance hugging/camaraderie/ribbing for sports media and fans, and taking care of their own brand and career separately from their teammate. it's a powerful tool to have especially for leveraging the popularity of whatever bromance they're in towards their own image without having to lose power over their own image. individual sponsorships being a driver's second goal after winning races and WDCs also makes this an exceptionally good skill to have. it only starts to break down when the personal fortunes of one of the drivers start to hit hard times (current example being obvious).
the Carlos and Charles dynamic absolutely pulls a lot from the charisma/bromance stuff but the huge difference is that Ferrari would - like any F1 team - not give a shit if they didn't get along and just hitched on a bland smile for the cameras. Ferrari aren't remotely behind C2 being what it is, that's all Charles and Carlos. don't get me wrong Ferrari social media teams are MORE than happy to jump on! and sure, the challenges and content are a fun bonus thing to sponsors but three things here: one is that Ferrari IS the brand and they're a top 3 team like they're not grasping for sponsors asflgaslf. two is that as many partnerships have shown, you really don't need to do that much to satisfy the brief. and third, sponsors are like 99.999999% interested in the team's standings and the drivers' individual popularity with partnership popularity coming dead bottom - the bromances are only worth it if they're engagement darlings like carlando. and charlos doesn't do anywhere near those numbers or that widespread corporate social media appeal. you gotta do major impact with crazed fans for it to at all influence a brand's decision where to put their money. so all of the pop off the screen fun and genuine enjoyment we see Carlos and Charles have is fully legit. when they're being tongue-in-cheek levels of cutesy they literally say so. 2025 onward will see how much of a friendship there actually is, but as far as them being very happy with the partnership and collaborating exceptionally well within it, they're far more rock solid and natural at it than most. and the fact that they're if anything even tighter when there's zero incentive for it ?? and when their families and fanbases and their team principal and garages are constantly feuding ?? like it says everything about how much they respect each other and actually feel affection for each other to remain such a united front and so happy and affectionate. nobody else benefited from Carlos asking his team to tell Charles' team to come celebrate his win with him. nobody else in Ferrari or on the grid made bank off of about Charles rushing to congratulate Carlos while he was still in the car. (especially not when carlando did a quick hug and it got brands and official accounts posting tiktok ship edits to the predictable delight of thousands of fangirls. and for them all to cough cough conveniently ignore the embrace with his gf to push the image further.) there is no PR benefit behind C2 that would justify them hitching on such a dramatic facade - and if anything the people around them would prefer they kept separate so that they could celebrate one without the other. whatever their relationship is after this there will always be that massive respect IN SPITE of what the world around them wants.
but Lando and Oscar are such a major aberration not just in them both being so incredibly young and arriving into F1 so hot and already being so close in ability, but their specific 'history' and personalities. they were already such an easy fit together that it surpassed the professional need for a bromance buffer - and at the same time their bond being partly on how naturally private and shy they are made them poorly suited for a PR machine.
Oscar had already said - and a lot of fans already knew - that there were several friends in common and that the shifts in careers and being separated professionally by more years than their ages is the only thing that meant they'd never crossed paths before privately. as K said back when Oscar originally opened that TikTok acc it was so long ago that he followed Max F but that Lando didn't even have an one yet.
but also as many people close to Lando have said (good example that was posted recently) and that we can often still see in streamer Lando - Lando is very much like Oscar as a person at his core. pretty much all of the 'famous person' stuff we saw him become happened after 2019 and directly because of latching onto the social lives of guys like Carlos, Daniel and Martin. he's always referred to as extremely shy and he's said before he likes for others to lead. but his comfort place is still either hanging out in private with close friends only or to get on stream and laugh with his friends. Lando himself said that he considers Oscar to be very similar to him as a person outside of F1 and for all that in some ways that seems surprising, when you look at who Lando is when he's not in Professional Mode or Party Friends Mode he genuinely really fits in with someone quiet like Oscar who loves spending hours gaming w his friends and not being in public. I don't know enough about Martin Garrix as a person but I rly honestly see that with him as well. yes there's the Party Friend aspect but for them to travel solo for two entire winter breaks in a row ?? clearly Martin is a peaceful, quiet guy on Lando's level <3
and ofc I go onnnnn and fucking on about how while we all hate it bc it means we don't get as much content, the fact is that Lando and Oscar are the type of friendship/partnership where it's quiet and private and not something that translates to a bromance on camera. it's never going to be strategic.
so the fact that they have this "twinning" thing isn't that they are identical or that they even look all that similar, it's down to actually slotting in really well with each other as people! as always who knows how deep these friendships actually go but the whole mind-reading and synchronization and total lack of drama between them as drivers comes from genuinely being similar people and liking each other - that's what we're all picking up on when we watch them together.
the fact that they honestly find it awkward as hell when the media try to get them to "package" their friendship in bromancey soundbites or when they look at the camera a bit like an intruder that's making them dance their friendship around for media, like. that's so incredibly relatable for how any of us would feel with one of our actual friends having to do all that. having a camera aimed at us and some stranger being like "so you two get on really well huh?" and practically leaning in for an expected answer ???? it would be so stupid and weird and the whole way Lando and Oscar work together in unison to dispel how weird that is is so natural !!
idk it's like there's different things to take from different partnerships and literally all of us are suckers for a fun bromance and great professional chemistry. but I think this whole universal 'twins' thing that everyone sees in Lando and Oscar is genuinely two guys who are similar in all the fundamental ways and who actually slot together in ways where they naturally just agree on everything and therefore can predict a lot of what the other person is thinking if that makes sense ??? like yes Lando has Single Guy Party Times and professional motivations where Oscar does not but for a friendship and partnership to work, those are the two least relevant things to need to be similar about y'know ??
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thatgirlyourejected · 3 months ago
Helpless reader x England x America x 2p England, 2p America part 1
So yes I used ai for chat but I reformatted and put everything in my own words, nothing is the same for the text receipts, if you guys want proof I can post a second page for reference. It was used to get the ball rolling since I’ve not read or watched hetalia in a while so spare me. I don’t use ai for any of my other works as I’m very familiar with the characters I write. I’m very honest about anything I write so any questions on this I will answer. This was also obligatorily modified for authenticity. I’ve already mapped things out so there will be lots of parts for you guys to devour.
Edit: I’m changing the story to reader believes she’s talking to ai…
Part 2
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Preview “Find me please, she pleaded over the phone, I need you!”
Recently (y/n) had joined a ai chat… a nation chat with England it was a cool concept nation’s personified, even better that is was based on an anime she loved; she had no idea nations or personifications actually existed, nor that the ai was a way for nations to talk with regular humans.
(Y/n-f/c): Hi I’m (y/n)!
A bubble popped up (…)
(England): (y/n) nice to meet you love, I’m England, but you can call me Arthur.
England okay, the ai’s pretty good, very in character so far… (y/n) smiled, excited to chat with one of her favorite characters from an Hetalia, a show she’d obsessed over long ago. She had to admit that now as an adult (age) it really felt different. In her teenage years she spent obsessed with the show, she imagined talking to various characters in her head so many times; nostalgia swept over her like a cold wind, goosebumps rose on her arms. Now that she had a way to talk to them though artificial she felt exhilarated, excitement made her tremble, with all the things she could ask, the reaction she could elicit. Divine.
(Y/n-f/c): England like the country? that’s neat. What are you doing talking to a humble human such as myself?
(England): yes dear I’m a country, but I must insist you call me Arthur. Why wouldn’t I talk to you, a new connection no matter who is always a breath of fresh air for and old man like me.
(Y/n-f/c): haha old indeed let me officially introduce myself I’m (y/n) I’m (age) and I hail from the United States.
It took awhile before a new message popped up. The screen flickering from loading dots.
(England): you come from America you sound polite for someone from that buggers country.
(Y/n) grinned though a little annoyed, accurate response probably… she huffed slightly annoyed he knew nothing of her heritage. She took a deep breath reminding herself it’s just ai.
(Y/n-f/c): that’s a bit much, where I hail from shouldn’t be a stereotype to define me.
(England): sorry love, didn’t mean to offend.
(Y/n-f/c): it’s fine, I’ve got things to do irl so I’ll chat with you later
(Y/n) had enough of there chat she needed to do something else. She didn’t bother to see what was sent next. She feels silly for being offended by an ai, but it really scratched her the wrong way applying a stereotype to her. She needed a break to cool her head.
Yeah I also did this in text format, because that how our story progressed over a phone, pretty unique if you ask me, like how will (y/n) get England to show interest in her, when do all the other characters pop in and why, will this get steamy? Who knows it does turn yandere though.
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athena5898 · 6 months ago
Given the nature of my blog at this point, i tend to shy away from posting about media stuff. Buuuuut I think there are a lot of younger people experience this slightly "political" dude bro phenomenon so I kind of want to walk them through it. So Dawntrail the most recent ff14 expansion. Is actually pretty good. Now if you listen to some aspect of the community you are going to get some other........."perspectives" on that. Dawntrail is flawed, of course it is. This is the expansion that would have been in development during mid to post 2020 AND it's the expansion that needed to come around after Enwalker to build up the new story. Endwalker that spent YEARS building up to a climatic finish. What does this have to do with the first paragraph? Well, I'll tell you.
Dawntrail focuses on the story of a coming of age of a nontraditionally feminine woman lead Wuk Lamat (who is voiced by a trans voice actor) and we, the heroes of the world, are now going to help and take a back seat to this person. Who she and the entire expansion is based on Indigenous people from various parts of "America" so you know, they should be front a center and our out-of-town asses *should* take a seat in the back (some of you will read this and immediately go "oh that's why it's getting extra hate") If you do not know and was lucky enough to not be a woman or non cis het white male in the 90s trying to play video games or enjoy nerd culture....All of what I just stated is a big problem. Dude bros as I like to call them, (aka someone who you will always be curious if they were or would be part of Gamer Gate. Also please note a dude bro doesn't have to be a man...trust me on that) hate this kind of shit. They naturally feel threatened when the media's focus is not about them. So what do they do? They take legitimate criticism of something and BLOW IT THE FUCK UP. Suddenly that thing that was kinda annoying, is now just the fucking worst. A story beat drags on a little long? Worst media ever. A character has a minor plot hole? Worst media ever. dialogue a little blah at one point? Worst media ever. etc etc etc These are the same kinda people mind you who will write a 8 page essay how (insert average mid action movie here) is the most amazing masterpiece of a film. (which I don't really care about, but it shows that these people are not exactly the most objective purveyors of media arts as they like to claim to be when it's suddenly about their misogyny and white supremacy) I'm bringing this up cause I'll notice some well meaning people being confused saving things "well...I kinda get *this* part of the criticism but...not this other stuff. Why is it a big deal" or some version of this. They don't actually care that much, they just care that an Indegenous GNC cat woman is getting more screen time then their precious gods gift to Eorza WoL. If they had made this expansion about a white guy or our WoL and it wouldn't of gotten nearly the same level of backlash. People will disagree with me, but I'm sorry this is just a fact. And because this is the reading comprehension website, no it's not bad to dislike Dawntrail. No it isn't bad to think a character is annoying. But the patterns are there and the chances of this JUST being about the real issues is just fucking zero. You dont' spend that much time complaining about ONE character as the focus if it isn't about the bullshit dude bro gamer pride. Honestly given how fucking gay this game is I have no idea how these people play this game without burning up like a vampire touching sunlight ALSO...I'm a ex wow player who played that game for the story (I was 14, give me a break) from BC all the way up to 7.2. So I kinda know what i'm talking about when it comes to toxic dipshit gamer behavior *looks back at that last paragraph* god that's so fucking sad. Oh fun fact, according to Wuk Lamat's voice actor Sena Bryer, all voice acting for the new area in Dawntrail was given to Latino/Indigenous voice actors for every single character. (from this area of course) *edit* lol yeah anyone saying i'm wrong is just a fucking grifter or liar. Found this while looking something else up. You know it's bad when the god damn director has to step in and say "yo you little assholes cut it out" https://www.pcgamesn.com/final-fantasy-xiv-a-realm-reborn/naoki-yoshida-wuk-lamat
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years ago
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In the mood for...
Link Limit Reached! Check out replies for more recs ^^
1. Any fics where wwx dies and becomes a water spirit? Or any plain water spirit wwx stories?
the past drifts away with the waves by thelastdboy (E, 5k, wangxian, WWX & Wen remnants, LWJ & LSZ & WWX, graphic depictions of violence, major character death, canon divergence, fall of lotus pier, major characger undeath, YZY being an asshole, implied/referenced child abuse, minor character death, major character injury, amputation, loss of limbs, transformation, merpeople, fierce corpse WWX, kind of, merperson WWX, resentful creature WWX, undead WWX, riverspirit WWX, it gets worse before it gets better, heavy angst w happy ending, no sunshot, hurt/comfort, politics, not cultivation world friendly, slow burn, getting together, revenge, demonic cultivation, WWX pov, dark WWX, monsterfucker LWJ, wen remnants live, sect leader WQ, WIP) i recently started this story
You still sound like a song by Moominmammashandbag (M, 64k, wangxian, WIP, Ghost!WWX, Mystery, LWJ plays inquiry, AU from after the Wens came to Lotus Pier, Most people lived, not everybody died, Angst with a Happy Ending, river spirit!WWX, Angst and Feels, description of murder, imminent smut, Execution, bad dog names, Poisons, Discussion of Attempted Murder, BAMF WWX, Family Feels)
2. Hi! I recently saw the rec about a fic where WWX was pregnant and didn’t know, it was called blood, google and love, I believe, and I‘ve read that, and the fic inspired by the same post. So now I‘m in the mood for that „he didn’t know he was pregnant“ scenario. I don’t really care who the one pregnant is. Thank you so much! @desperation-is-my-middle-name​
Little fall of rain by luckymoonly (M, 10k, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, WWX didn’t now he was pregnant, mpreg, family feels, soft LQR, misunderstandings, jealous LWJ, fluff & angst, happy ending, smut, breastfeeding, thirsty granny, JGS being usual self)
Impermanence, Transience, Permanence by Best Bepsy (BepsyGray) (E, 39k, wangxian, canon divergence, unplanned pregnancy, mpreg, gore, sunshot campaign, assumed miscarriage, medical procedures, childbirth, golden core reveal) And there's the, "I didn't know I was /still/ pregnant" fic 
Surprise Baby! by trulywicked (M, 10k, wangxian, modern cultivation, ABO, mpreg, unplanned pregnancy, accidental baby acquisation, didn’t know he was pregnant, birthing scene, blood, established relationship, fluff)
3. hello!! can you guys suggest some hidden/secret child or any stories like lwj didnt know he had a child with wwx
The time we’ve lost by Anye (T, 54k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Everyone Is Alive, But they don't know that, Eventual Happy Ending, Slow Build, Twins, Misunderstandings)
Nothing but your heart by airinshaw (E, 21k, wangxian, modern, ABO, implied mpreg, first time, getting together, drama, angst w happy ending, anal sex, whump, breeding kink)
4. Hello! If this ask is repeated please ignore it I’ve got a memory as bad as wwx and I forgot if I asked this already or not (Not to worry even if it WAS a repeat ask! ITMF posts have a lot of popular asks cycling through frequently ☺️ Repeats are even encouraged since there might have been found even more fics fitting those asks later on ~Mod L)
Anyways, for the itmf I’d like some kind of time travel but starring their parents, like Madam Lan or Canse or Wei Chanze or even Qinghengjun. But please it’s gotta have at least a little bit of wangxian too
Thank! Again sorry if I already asked this
🧡 All will be well when the day is done by abCEE (T, 76k, wangxian, time travel, canon divergence, fix it, not YZY friendly, not Jiang friendly, butterfly effect, no sunshot, madam lan lives, lan WWX) /technically/ a YZY time travel fic?
An Inch of Grass, and All The Sunshine of Spring by ChilianXianzi (T, 1k, wangxian, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR & LWJ &WCZ, time travel, grief/mourning, parent-child relationship, found family, fluff & angst, CSSR & WCZ live, WIP) Does it count if it’s to the future? Either way, CSSR/WCZ time travel
The Long Winding Road Home by Admiranda (T, 12k, CSSR/WCZ, wangxian, time travel, post-canon, not JC friendly, fluff, family reunion, mocking LQR to his face, mocking JC to his face, wild rumours) another CSSR/WCZ travel forward in time
Love you always, in any form you come in by YumichanHamano (G, 7k, wangxian, CSSR/WCZ, post-canon, time travel, fluff) CSSR/WCZ time traveling forward again
5. Hey ! This is a request for a very specific fic (not a fic finder ) Modern setting is preferred!
Is there any story where either lwj or wwx struggle with understanding social cues /jokes having trouble not being able to hold small talk etc.and people ( friends) making mean comments reactions to , etc..
Like struggling with mental health or
Basically struggling with neurodivergency not knowing their condition/ late diagnosis .
The Bunny Next Door by detailsinthefabric (E, 43k, WangXian, Modern AU, Bottom LWJ, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, LWJ Has Feelings, Soft WangXian, Internally Screaming LWJ, Neighbours)
this author writes neurodivergent wangxian in a very soft and gentle way her fics are locked to the archive so I don't know if I can link any fics?
leave all your love and your longing behind  by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly,   Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood   asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining,   Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the   asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation)
maybe together we can get somewhere (any place is better) by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 49k, LXC & LWJ, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, LWJ & LQE & LXC, modern, coming of age, QHJ raises his kids, child neglect, implied/referenced child abuse, teen romance, angst w happy ending, first kiss, implied/referenced suicide, implied/referenced self-harm, neurodivergent wangxian)
When we were small by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 7k, LXC & LQR & LWJ, LQR & WWX, modern, kid fic, good uncle LQR, neurodivergent LWJ, baby LWJ, baby WWX, parenthood, homophobia, implied/referenced child abuse, LQR pov, implied/referenced underage sex, grief/mourning, hurt/comfort)
deliciousblizzardshark also writes neurodivergent wangxian as well !
Lan Wangji and the Artificial Phallus by deliciousblizzardshark (E, 15k, wangxian, LWJ & MM, LWJ & LXC, modern, neurodivergent LWJ, virgin LWJ, WWX has ADHD, single parent WWX, trans WWX, implied/referenced trans male pregnancy, getting together, fluff & humor, panic attacks, anxiety, implied/referenced ableism, unreliable narrator, masturbation, bottom LWJ)
Heaven, Wait by sunflowersfield (T, 2k, wangxian, modern, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, neurodiversity, falling in love, getting together, happy ending, first dates, first kiss, hyperfixations, strangers to lovers, meet-cute)
6. Hi. I’m kinda new to the whole tumbler asking and all 😅. But I would like to know if you have an fic where it
A) yu ziyuan bashing or the whole jiang family bashing
B) Everyone loving Wei ying and protective of him
C) The junior squad ABSOLUTELY LOVING wei ying ( i LOVE this prompt 😅🥹)
💖  Lessons relearned  by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not Madam Yu   Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical   Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse   Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing) link in #10
A Curse Upon Your House (Nearly Worn Wings Take Flight) by Preludian_Staves (T, 5k, wangxian, canon divergence, curses, not YZY friendly, off-screen death, rogue cultivator WWX, happy ending, canon-typical violence, no war au, WWX leaves Jiang sect, JFM chooses YZY over WWX)
💖 Hoards and treasures by apathyinreverie (T, 21k, WangXian, Siblings, Family, not particularly Jiang friendly, YZY Bashing, slightly darker Gusu Lans, LXC being the best brother, Some manipulation, But with the best of intentions, and not between wangxian, Dragon LWJ, Fox WWX, Smitten LWJ, Fluff, perfect happiness, adorable WWX, Romance, Some worldbuilding, courting)
Through the Storm by marhikit (T, 33k, WangXian, Wen Xu/Male OC, WWX has siblings, Canon Divergence, Not Jiang Family Friendly, No golden core transfer, JZX & WWX friendship)
Debts of a Child by Hauntcats (M, 115k, WangXian, dark, YZY Bashing, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Angst and Feels, lots of anger, JC Bashing, not Jiang friendly, Angst with a Happy Ending, Content warning for icky spiders in later chapters.)
🧡 All will be well when the day is done  by abCEE (T, 76k, wangxian, time travel, canon divergence, fix it, not  YZY friendly, not Jiang friendly, butterfly effect, no sunshot, madam lan lives, lan WWX) link in #4
💖 Let the Heavens be the judge) by A_Mirror_of_memories (T, 4k, wangxian, time travel, fix-it, not JC friendly, not YZY friendly)
the world wags on by justdoityoufucker (T, 5k, WCZ & WWX, WCZ & LQR, WCZ/LQR, canon divergence, pre-canon, WCZ lives, not everyone dies au, not Jiang friendly, past child abuse, canon Jiang family dynamics, not YZY friendly, parent- child relationship)
Haunted by FlautistsandPeonies (M, 8k, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR & WWX & WCZ, canon divergence, revenge, not YZY friendly, not JC friendly, not Jiang friendly, non-linear narrative, canonical child abuse, child neglect, WIP but chapters can stand alone)
💖 Xiao-Ying of the Third Refugee Village by abCEE (T, 31k, wangxian, WWX banished from Jiang sect, not Jiang friendly, found family, mpreg, fluff, flirting)
💖 Light Source by abCEE (M, 31k, wangxian, not Jiang friendly, no golden core transfer, fall of the jiang sect, happy ending)
💖  in payment, a hand series by justdoityoufucker (M, 10k, wangxian, not jiang friendly, amputation, injury recovery, self reflection, abusive YZY, families of choice)
💖 To Speak Up by Vrishchika (M, 7k, wangxian, modern, child abuse, child neglect, not jiang friendly)
💖 crying like a fire in the sun by cl410 (T, 10k, wangxian, runaway WWX, not YZY friendly, rogue cultivator WWX, post-cloud recesses study, grandmother BSSR, angst w/ happy ending)
re 6a, I think we have Jiang Cheng bashing comp lol which might be up their alley
🧡 the stone-filled sea by yukla (T, 9k, WangXian, LSZ & WWX, Post-Canon, senior wei defense squad, [Podfic] the stone-filled sea by yukla by Beria1021, the stone-filled sea [Podfic] by BrickGrass) THIS ONE for #6c (junior squad loving wwx) but it’s mostly sizhui and jingyi
The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli (T, 19k, WangXian, In-Universe RPF, Romance Novel, Post-Canon Fix-It, The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli [Podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea))
7. Hellooo, for the next itmf; I'm looking for a fic with alpha wwx and omega lwj. preferably a long fic but it doesn't really matter. Thank you!
Until There Was You Series by farawayanddreaming, InTheGreySpaces (E, 50k, WangXian, LXC & LWJ, Omega Verse, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, LWJ In Denial About Sexuality, Bottom LWJ, Omega LWJ, Beta LXC, Sibling Incest, Sex as Therapy, LXC is the Best Brother, Worldbuilding, Lore creation, Canon Divergence, Submissive LWJ, but only kind of, Jade-cest, Chronic Pain, Terminal Illnesses, Grief/Mourning, Heavy Angst, Gentle Dominant WWX, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian)
to eclipse the night by quillifer (E, 15k, WangXian, Courtesan AU, alpha courtesan wwx, Omega LWJ, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, Canon-era AU, light Violence, off-screen mentioned noncon (not btwn main ship), noncon, A/B/O, minor mentions of future mpreg)
your heart of shadows, your eyes like stars by DrPanda99 (E, 62k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega LWJ, Alpha WWX, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, YLLZ WWX, LWJ Has a YLLZ Kink, Immortal WWX, Identity Porn, Humiliation, Voyeurism, Overstimulation, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Canon-Typical Violence, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Mildly Dubious Consent, Happy Ending, Alternate Sunshot Campaign, Marriage)
8. Any fanfic about Lan Wangji not growing up in the Lans? WangXian centric if possible. @catmaid-san​
The Dreams of Youth by sami (E, 86k, wangxian, time travel, fix-it, family, not lan sect friendly, canon typical violence & gore, childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, mothers who live, some people live/not everyone dies, [Podfic] Cold read of The Dreams of Youth by kisahawklin) Lwj leaves the lan sect and is raised by his mother.
My Boy Builds Coffins by enbysaurus_rex (Not Rated, 48k, WangXian, Coffin Maker AU, YL WWX, Location: Yílíng, LWJ builds coffins, Autistic LWJ, falling in love over a coffin, Hurt WWX, Mutual Pining, LWJ Has Feelings, Deathscapes, Death as a bittersweet community thing, accidental ecofiction, Farmer LWJ)
9. Hi, please recommend  some of the best dark lwj fan fiction @dog-89
A Matter of Time by mrcformoso (E, 34k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, POV LWJ, POV JC, Dark LWJ, Manipulation, Grooming, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Consensual Underage Sex, Except problematic please read warning in first chapter, Blood and Violence, Insane LWJ, Manic LWJ, Conditioning, WWX is a Lán, Minor Character Death, Confused JC, Golden Core Reveal, Good Friend NHS, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, Abusive Jiāng Family, Jiāng Family Bashing, Jiāng Family Critical, POV NHS, Dark NHS, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex, Dual Cultivation, Qīnghéng-jūn Lives, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Self-Lubricates, Plot Twists, Porn With Plot, Scheming NHS, Manipulative NHS, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX) After slaughtering many cultivators lwj travels back in time and takes wwx for himself. Not dark as in cruel, but on the dark end if morally grey- lwj kills anyone who tries to get in the way of him and wwx
💖 Ominous by 3neetee (T, 5k, wangxian, pre-relationship, established relationship, character death, fae & fairies, changelings, dark LWJ, dark WWX, BAMF WWX, graphic description, suicide, implied/referenced domestic violence)
💖 I just wanted to see you so bad by Blackberreh, ThatOnePlatypus (T, 1k, wangxian, canon divergence, dark LWJ, minor character death, blood)
💖 demons run when a good man goes to war by Miranda_Aurelia (T, 20k, wangxian, LWJ & NHS, JYL/JZX, canon divergence, angst w happy ending, NHS & LWJ friendship, not JGY friendly, dark LWJ, revenge, (presumed) major character death, not LXC friendly)
💖 Somewhere Sits an Empty Throne by Siamesa (E, 19k, WangXian, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, tgcf fusion, Gods & Goddesses, Ghosts, Romance, vengeance, Dark LWJ, Grief/Mourning, Explicit Sexual Content, Angst with a Happy Ending)
💖 Do you want to hear by allollipoppins, dameauxgentianes (T, 12k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, canon divergence, not everyone dies au, epistolary, Madam Lan lives, minor character death, dark LWJ, Lan WWX, bad parents JFM & YZY, good uncle LQR, no sunshot campaign)
💖  Like the sea loves the shore by Say (E, 15k, wangxian, LQY & WWX, implied/referenced WWX/WC, F/F, rule 63, dark LWJ, protective LWJ, sirens, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, angst w/ happy ending, eventual smut, human WWX, siren LWJ, age difference, non-human genitalia, minor character death)
💖  Buried in the Sky, Hallowed by thy Depths by themunchking (T, 9k, wangxian, supernatural elements, sirens, dark wangxian, canon-typical violence)
💖 The Way You Tremble by themunchking (E, 6k, wangxian, murder husbands, vampires, blood, violence, supernatural elements)
10. In the mood for a timetravel AU where it's not wangxian that timetravels but someone else.
Heliocentric by Aki_no_hikari (T, 13k, Time Travel Fix-It, slight angst at the beginning, badass wq, Murder, dark!wq, although not as dark as she could be) Wen Qing time travel
Who You Condemn by osiesaur (M, 53k, LXC/NMJ, LXC & LWJ, LXC & JGY, wangxian, time travel, canon divergence, semi-successful fix-it, 3zun dynamics, grief/mourning, chronic illness, angst w happy ending,not everyone dies au, WIP) LXC time travels (the other two fics in the series also have non-wangxian time travel)
Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Fix-It, Lynchpin [PODFIC] by Opalsong, [PODFIC] Lynchpin by Gwogobo)
Baby Of Mine by pupeez4eva (G, 3k, wangxian, time travel, humor, canon divergence, everyone lives, gusu school days, family) I really like this one where baby a-yuan time travels
💖 Alternative Choices by StarClearWaters (Readoutloud) (T, 20k, wangxian, time travel, butterfly effect, LXC pov, protective LXC, temporary character death, mpreg, panic attacks) LXC time travels multiple times
💖 Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not Madam Yu Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing) LQR time travels
💖 The blame game by apathyinreverie (T, 13k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, LSZ & WWX, WWX & WQ, LXC & WWX, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, possessive LWJ, oblivious WWX, fluff, siblings, romance, golden core reveal, golden core fix-it) LXC time travels, link in #16B
💖 secondhand regrets by spookykingdomstarlight (T, 18k, JGY/NHS, wangxian, NHS/WWX, time travel fix-it, canon divergence, curses, cloud recesses study arc, jealousy, misunderstandings, petty LWJ, pining, minor romantic experimentation between NHS/WWX, jealous LWJ) NHS time travels
💖 With Surgical Precision by metisket (T, 20k, WQ & WN, WQ & WWX, WangXian, Time Travel, Families of Choice, sibling bonding through murder) WQ time traveling
Jiang Rising by eebee (M, 134k, wangxian, JC & WWX & JYL, JC&WQ, JYL/LXC/NMJ, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, JYL is out of fucks, WQ never even had many, epistolary, polyamory negotiations, WIP) JYL time travels
Keeping Our Promises Unbroken by ColdBloodedReptile (M, 80k, JYL/JZX, wangxian, JC/WQ, JYL & WWX & JC, JYL & WQ, LWJ & JYL, canon divergence, time travel, fix-it of sorts, not everyone dies, angst w eventual happy ending, fluff, family feels, slow burn, JYL pov, found family, sibling bonding, protective siblings, occasional LWJ pov, canon-typical violence, WIP) here's a Yanli (and surprise other) time travel fic
💖 How Much Love Has the Inch Long Grass by Vainwyrm (M, 12k, WIP,  WangXian, ZhuiLingYi, XuanLi, Time Travel Fix-It, Permanent Injury,   Disability, Canon Disabled Character, Physical Disability, Non-canon   disabled character, Self-Worth Issues) The juniors time travel
💖 The Stuff of Legend by pupeez4eva (T, 21k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, time travel, humor, cloud recesses study days, post-canon, matchmaking, misunderstandings, WIP) Another time travel for juniors
💖 Who Ever Said the Past is Set in Stone? by Tekia (T, 24k, time travel, not a fix-it, and then a fix-it, canon-typical violence, sunshot campaign, canon divergence, suicidal ideation, suicidal thoughts, depression) juniors time travel multiple times
💖 The night sky is vast and wide by RedWritingHood (not rated, 5k, WC & WWX, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, WC the embodiment of fear and anxiety, PTSD, WC suffering, WC & WWX... friendship?, concerned WWX, frightened WC, sweetheart WN) Wen Chao ends up time traveling
💖 the peaceful old broad river by Sienne (not rated, 11k, WQ & WWX & WN, WQ pov, time travel, found family, family feels, no golden core transfer) WQ time travels in this one!
💖 A Brother's Choice by Admiranda (G, 8k, gen, time travel, yiling bros, animal death, minor character death, WN has no time for fools, YZY’s canonical cruelty, post-canon setting) WN time travels
💖 aim to repaint these days by NinthFeather (T, 2k, time travel fix-it, junior shenanigans, humor, sunshot campaign) Juniors again
💖 Drag Me Into Your Coffin (I Will Drag Your Sins Into the Light) by the5leggedCricket (G, 2k, canon divergence, temporary character death, time travel fix-it, BAMF LXC) LXC time travels
💖 Back in time  by LilacNeko (T, 32k, wangxian, time travel fix-it of sorts, angst, family feels, good kid LSZ, sad JL)
💖 i’ll keep walking by justdoityoufucker (orphan_account) (T, 2k, WQ &WWX & WN, wangxian, time travel fix-it, not JC friendly, everyone lives au, found family)
💖 parent trap by tongzhi (T, 23k, JL & LSZ & LJY & OYZZ, wangxian, JYL/JZX, time travel, cloud recesses study arc, humor, bad matchmaking)
💖 无别无离 | Without Farewells, Without Parting by dragongirlG (M, 30k, Junior Quartet, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Fix-It of Sorts, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, POV Alternating, Jin Ling’s Hundredth Day Celebration, qiongqi path, Family Feels, Hopeful Ending)
💖 Mission: Ensure A Better Future by a_dancer (Not rated, 21k, wangxian, junior quartet, time travel)
💖 Truth, Like an Arrow by Nahiel (T, 3k, wangxian, character death, time travel fix-it, WN is a good boy)
To Fix Your Twisted Reflection by Dgcakes (ficsnfun) (M, 167k, 3zun, time travel fix-it, slow burn, trust, healthy relationships, or at least trying)
Snapping brushes by Kayo_San (T, 63k, NHS & NMJ, time travel fix-it, Nie sect theories)
from the top, this time with personality by thunderwear (G, 15k, JYL/JZX, wangxian, time travel, JYL stands up for herself, family feels, WIP)
Sunlight Through Pines by handsofstardust (M, 66k, JGY/NMJ, wangxian, JZX/JYL, JC/NHS, time travel, eventual romance, pining, verbal abuse)
Wandering Eyes series by AstaraelWeeps (M, 14k, JGY & NHS, NHS & NMJ, JGY & NMJ & LXC, 3zun, time travel fix-it, outsider pov in the first part, JGY pov, murder, JGS being a creep, self-assigned honeypot, dub con, attempted rape/non-con, scheming NHS)
You might like fics in #4 and #16B also
11. ITMF request! (for when AO3 returns from the war): I am looking for WangXian fic that includes very close and loving Twin Jades (not Jadecest). Fics where LXC mercilessly teases his didi, where LWJ makes it his mission to pull his brother out of seclusion post-canon, where LXC and LWJ are "battle bros" of the highest order, where they try their damnedest to embarrass each other in front of other people in the most stoic, staid, subtle Lan way possible! @kimboo-york
12. i wanted to ask if there are any recs for fics in which wwx is saved by lwj, like from the jiangs or whatever, doesn't even have to be heavy whump, but very much jiang slandering.
(not yanli or jiang chen necessarily, but feel free to include anti madam and fengmian propaganda :3)!! @clawmark
🧡 rain falls and soaks into the earth series by RoseThorne (T, 48k, WangXian, WIP, Near Death Experience, Attempt Drowning, Madam Yu Bashing, Recovery, No war AU) also preludian_staves
13. In the mood for fics where people mistake Lan Sizhui as the biological son of WangXian / Lan Sizhui showing habits & similarities to WangXian (based off a reply to a previous ask - Mod C) @ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan
the-marathon-continues-nip: 13a, I have a fic that fits this in my bookmarks , I just have to find it , can the requester bookmark this post cause I might take a couple days to find it. it's a modern AU and it was a 5 times type thing where the premise was 5 times lan zhan got mistaken for being wen yuans dad or something like that over the years. it's very sweet. maybe somebody might remember it?
Just Like His Father by narikanyan (G, 2k, WangXian, Kid Fic, Mistaken Identity, A-Yuan is WWX's, Fluff, Falling In Love) I found it !!
14. Hi! For the next ITMF I wanted to ask for fics where WWX relates to YZY when he has to hide A-Yuan to save him at the siege (I don't even know if there's a fic like this lol) Like, both of them had to make the difficult decision to leave alone their child and go back to fight, and that was the last time they saw their children before dying. Thank you mods! @jiangclaritybell
15. Hi, I'm looking for stories where Lan Zhan overprotects Lan Sizhui. He is so overprotective that he won't let him leave Cloud Recesses without company. Sometimes he won't even let it out.If you can find stories that deal with that would be amazing. Thank you. @majhe2026
16. itmf for outsider pov fics
A) wangxian's relationship development through an outside perspective
B) time travel (doesn't matter who time travels back) through an outsider's perspective
💙 Su She Eats his Heart Out by KizuKatana (T, 16k, WangXian, 3rd person pov, implied offscreen wangxian sex)
I Have Been Selfish, Too by osiesaur (M, 176k, 3zun, JGY & NHS, JGY & JZX & MXY & QS, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, everyone lives au, outsider pov, happy ending, fluff & angst, scheming NHS, protective NHS, 3zun dynamics, anxiety, PTSD, mental health issues, chronic pain, chronic illness, canon-typical abuse & bigotry)
💖 That Moment When You Find Out That Your Classmates Apparently Have a Fighting Kink by BonBonWaifu (T, 2k, wangxian, canon divergence, time travel, outsider pov, NHS pov, sexual tension, fighting kink, cloud recesses study arc)
💖 Marry for Love by tuesday (T, 3k, JYL/NHS, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, minor character death, outsider pov, political marriage)
💖 The blame game by apathyinreverie (T, 13k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, LSZ & WWX, WWX & WQ, LXC & WWX, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, possessive LWJ, oblivious WWX, fluff, siblings, romance, golden core reveal, golden core fix-it)
💖 Who Ever Said the Past is Set in Stone? by Tekia (T, 24k, time travel, not a fix-it, and then a fix-it, canon-typical violence, sunshot campaign, canon divergence, suicidal ideation, suicidal thoughts, depression) IIRC this one fits here too, link in #10
💖 bleed by justdoityoufucker (T, 5k, WangXian, Sunshot Campaign, Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Families of Choice, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Canon JC Characteristics, Not Jiāng Chéng Friendly)
💖 Targets by nirejseki (G, 10k, NHS & NMJ, JC & WWX & JYL, NHS & WWX & JC, canon divergence, time travel, outsider POV, families of choice, unexpected consequences)
💖 things happen, don’t ask by MarbleGlove (T, 6k, wangxian, time travel, outsider POV, Mojo’s post)
💖 rerun from the outside by Eicas (T, 2k, wangxian, time travel, outsider pov, jiang cheng POV, Mojo’s post)
💖 Wei Wuxian’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good First Meeting With His Future by Enigmatree (T, 3k, wangxian, time travel, outsider pov, YLLZ WWX)
Wandering Eyes series by AstaraelWeeps (M, 14k, JGY & NHS, NHS & NMJ, JGY & NMJ & LXC, 3zun, time travel fix-it, outsider pov in the first part, JGY pov, murder, JGS being a creep, self-assigned honeypot, dub con, attempted rape/non-con, scheming NHS)
17. ITMF teen wangxian shenanigans
Fentao-laoshi's Guide to Cut-Sleeve Pleasures by occultings (microcomets) (E, 31k, wangxian, canon divergence, pining while fucking, friends w benefits, cloud recesses study arc, first time, practise kissing, sharing a bed, smut, loss of virginity, getting together, confessions, happy ending)
Wei Laoshi, Poonslayer by FeelsForBreakfast (E, 6k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, POV LWJ, straight boy wwx, Loss of Virginity, Getting Together)
when you love somebody, bite your tongue by sophiahelix (E, 17k, wangxian, cloud recesses study arc, first time, just the tip, only one bed, horny teenagers, sharing a bed, fantasizing, size kink)
your petals that bloom in the snow by lulu_kitty (T, 10k, wangxian, modern w magic, cloud recesses study arc, skaterboy WWX, everyone lives au)
Conjunction by DrJLecter (T, 12k, wangxian, cloud recesses study arc, soulmates au, soulmate identifying song, WWX is a menace, pining, supportive LXC, meddling LXC, LWJ pov)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what  you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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