#truman macmahon
Okay but Truman's character-introduction speech at the Town Hall is so well done? Obviously her family motto being "never settle" instantly tells us how she fails to align with Connor Creek's values and culture, marking her as a villain.
But then she says she wants to make the town's "original founders" proud. On the surface, it seems like she's talking about the Connors, but then we remember that the MacMahons also founded the town, and had much greater and crueler ambitions...
They really just spell her out right from the start, even if the audience doesn't realize the weight of it until they rewatch.
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moonmoonthecrabking · 22 days
and what if i said truman macmahon was an evil bisexual werewolf who had much fun. what then.
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awigglycultist · 1 year
Truman: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying
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Hello on the submissions I made for Desmond Connor/Brewer and Truman MacMahon/Hensley I think I accidentally forgot a word in the title of what they are from. Anyways they are both from "The Wayward Guide For The Untrained Eye" (pretty sure I accidentally for got the "eye" oops) just saying this to clear that up
A lot of people have nominated characters from this series, it makes me want to check it out
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imo, madison’s best moment wasn’t shooting truman (although that was super cool and perfect for her arc). it was when she threatened desmond because she stood up for herself with no prompting and demanded the explanation she deserved, but most importantly, she only had one silver bullet and used it on truman! she was totally bluffing and nobody even questioned it!
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charlieism · 4 years
the contrast between connor creek's "good enough" and trumans "never settle" sayings
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truman macmahon talks like those wolf girl tiktoks
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melchron · 4 years
Truman is coming for Paul. Sypaul fans where you at?
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Okay but I'm so sure that Madison shot Odie Doty, because he was littéral just found in the street where she shot a werewolf, and he's a werewolf, but like... What about the silver bullet? Did she shoot him with a regular bullet? Did Truman shot him later with a silver bullet to make it seem like Madison shoot him? Are all of the murders related?
Is Truman a werewolf? Is she a special breed of werewolves? How many Connor Creeks werewolves are alive? What is happeniiiiing?
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radxianixe · 4 years
SPOILERS for wayward guide episode 8!!
for some reason i thought truman was going to take a bite of the heart and considering it was 1 am, i was in a completely dark room, it was almost completely silent but i had a neighbor that would randomly start screaming and she was doing so at the time... i was scared omfg
anyway THAT EPISODE WAS SO GOOD i can't believe it's almost over and if the irons family is actually dead i will riot
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So the werewolf who says they'll keep an eye on Paul at the start of episode 5 is Helen, right? In the subsequent episode, she's the only one to approach him instead of the other way around (to give him a ticket admittedly, but still), and she's the one to fetch him from his room at the Dead Canary and finally reveal the truth.
I know the voice doesn't sound anything like Gavyn's, but that doesn't really mean much. Sure, Truman continued to speak with Cassie Silva's real voice when she turned, but that was in her hybrid form, whereas Artemis stumbles onto a group fully wolfed out--maybe their voices all go that deep when in full form?
Alternatively, I guess that wolf could have been Odie Doty. Maybe he got murdered on his way to check on Paul, explaining why he was out in front of the Dead Canary. But on balance, Helen just feels more likely.
I wonder who the other werewolves we overhear are...
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atomic-no-83 · 4 years
I'd be lying if i said that i wasnt screaming throughout the latest episode
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awigglycultist · 2 years
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salfur · 4 years
Wayward Guide Episode 8 Analysis/Theory
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AKJDLKASJDALSDGHL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THIS EPISODE WAS SO GOOD Y’ALL OMG So many truths revealed, but that also means there’s less for me to theorize about *cries* Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna still analyze, though, so LET’S GO!
CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR: Wayward Guide Episode 8
Okay so I WAS FUCKING RIGHT ABOUT OLIVIA! HELL YEAH! Man, I can’t wait for Riley to find out! I was wrong about Aubrey though but that’s fine because that just means Desmond is back on my high-tier wolf list now. Truman, Truman, oh my god Truman. So, I was wrong about Silas being a wolf/killer but I was at least right about her being a killer. The MacMahon reveal was truly just *chef’s kiss*. God I can’t stop thinking about that scene, it was just so good!
Madison knows about the Connor wolves now and also has a silver bullet, spooky. She is def gonna use that bullet either next episode or the last to kill Truman. But more importantly, AUBREY KNOWS NOW! AAAAA! His face when his suspicions were validated oh my GOD! “The hooey was true-y” god, TCB, y’all, that was such a good line.
So, I know that the Irons are (presumably) dead, but that doesn’t mean they won’t live on in our hearts and in our fix-it fics DAMN IT! Also, with the tarot card being The Battle Axe with a picture of a pickaxe, we might have a legitimate chance of seeing them again, especially since they were “killed” off screen. Listen, I can hope, okay?
No TL;DR this time since this essay was so short
So, while the killer is revealed now there are still more chances for wolf reveals so, my suspicions list is gonna be only focused on the wolf section.
Confirmed Connor Wolves (and therefore not a killer): Helen, Odie (RIP), Rita, Sybilus, Olivia (hell yeah) Confirmed Killer: Truman (also a wolf)
Werewolf Suspects: High-Tier: Desmond, Vern Mid-Tier: Crispin, GPS, Wallis Low-Tier: Jeremiah, the Walkers Currently ruled out: Agnes, Aubrey, Donny, Henry, the Irons, Madison, Quinn, Riley
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Finale thoughts (spoilers)
Okay I'm late to the party but still enjoy my slightly incoherent thoughts
Aaaaaaa I can't believe it's over
Madison you did it I knew you could!!
Sad we didn't get to see Paul transform though.
Aaaa they used the same animation as the title sequence I love it so much!
Seriously, those colours are stunning
I wonder if there are other MacMahon wolves out there. I assume there is since their motto is 'never settle', so they're probably everywhere. It would be cool if Paul and Artemis got to meet more.
Is that Aubury asleep on the sofa behind them?
You know since Dr Henry is asleep at the Dead Canary, I'm gonna choose to believe there was a town-wide late night meeting to deal with the fallout.
I wonder if they told the others Truman died, or whether they just said she disappeared like in the podcast?
Also unrelated but shout out to me for not realising Olivia and Riley were both played by Tara Perry XD I knew they looked similar but I didn't realise they were that similar
The Irons deserved better
I know that keeping the presence of werewolves a secret is sensible, and also an easier way of wrapping up the series, but I wish everyone in town knew so the wolves don't have to hide anymore
I'm assuming Desmond is immortal, barring accidents (like being shot with a silver bullet or killed by a rival wolf), so does that mean the other wolves are too? Especially since they're not "Connor Wolves" (which, does that mean they were turned, or is Connor Creek just a sanctuary for wayward werewolves?)
Agnes I love you
Vern is a werewolf I knew it!!! (Okay it was fairly obvious but still)
Aw him and Paul are so cute
Quinn really just waited his turn to give a blunt goodbye XD I love him
I wish Rita was in this episode I miss her :(
And Helen
And Sybilus
And Olivia- you know what I miss all the characters that didn't appear
I want a mini episode thats everyone trying to deal with a carful of raccoons
Rebecca deserves better
A mermaid related second series would definitely be fun! I saw a post saying Kim Whalen should play a mermaid and yesss
Also Artie now being fully into searching for the supernatural I love her
The Schue Horyns should team up with the Solve-It Squad 100%
I feel like Paul and Artie would go definitely go back to Connor Creek, Paul especially. Also since they're not in Connor Creek, does that mean Paul transforms when the moon is full? I wonder if he'll tell Liam about it
I love the Tin Can Bros so much this series was truly incredible and I cant wait to rewatch it again
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