#salfur speaks
salfur · 2 years
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i never want to use my phone to draw ever again
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salfur · 1 year
i'm pretty sure reading fanfiction has warped the way i can consume stories in like the sense that i can easily blow through approximately 400k words in a day and a half and think "oh, that's not that many words" despite that being basically the length of like 6 novels
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salfur · 2 years
because grian keeps changing the name for the dang ___ Life series, i propose that we as a fandom refer to the series as a whole as Traffic Life
anyone with me on this one?
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salfur · 3 years
So I decided that after slogging through my long ass writing tag one too many times to try and find a specific tip/trick (and motivated with wanting to help my friend write a fic), that I was just going to make a whole compilation of all the useful writing tips, tricks, and prompts I’ve reblogged over the years.
And, after going through hundreds of links, I’ve managed to compile my most ambitious masterlist of references for a writer. About 90% of the drive is just hyperlinks to various websites or tumblr posts (ones either I’ve reblogged on my blog or from the original posters) with a few manually typed out because they were images and it looked gross to slap the image in the doc(s) with the formatting or tumblr was just being wack with the post.
And, y’know, I figured I might as well share this here too so that others can use it if they want.
I plan to continue to update this drive with basically any useful writing references I may come across in the future. And commenting is also on so you are all welcome to suggest your own references for me to add. :)
Important to Note: This is very much formatted to be used with the document outline setting (found in the view tab). It’s possible to go through the docs without it but navigation is a lot easier with it.
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salfur · 4 years
Hey, so I was just thinking about how in some folklore, werewolves have longevity (being able to live for centuries) or, in some cases, immortality. And from how Desmond was telling the history of the Connors and the McMahons in the finale episode, it really sounds like he was there when the “werewolf shadow wars” were happening. Meaning Desmond must be like 200 years old or so at least.
But that’s not the point of this post. Because what I want to talk about is Paul.
Sybilus called Paul a man-child half-wolf, but I’m not sure if that was because he’s still in the process of transforming (hence why he couldn’t get his fangs out in episode 9) or if it’s because of the fact that he was turned and not part of the initial curse (like Desmond is). Either way, I’m pretty sure Paul is probably going to end up living a longer life than the average human. Which means he’s more or less guaranteed to outlive Artemis.
Like, I can just imagine Paul not really thinking about that fact until they start getting in their 40s and Artemis gets her first grey/white hair and Paul still looks like he did back when they first went to Connor Creek. And as the years pass Artemis just gets older and weaker and Paul can’t do anything but watch it happen. And, eventually, she would die and Paul would have to live knowing that he’d still have a long life ahead of him without his sister, his twin.
And because he’d age slower, it would probably be really suspicious if he still looked really young when Artemis died (assuming she dies via old age and not, like, a disease or whatever). But the fact that he wouldn’t look like the age he should would probably mean he couldn’t actually show up at Artemis’s funeral without him looking really suspicious.
I mean, I’d assume the two would have probably talked about it before her death but, like, what if Paul ended up having a private funeral for her after her first one? Can you imagine Paul just standing at her grave with Madison (who probably would have been at Artemis’s initial funeral) and the Connor Wolves and they’re all consoling him? Like, can you imagine?
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salfur · 4 years
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I am so happy with how this turned out!
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salfur · 3 years
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was messing around with a random color palette generator and then i decided to draw a frog for fun with it
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salfur · 3 years
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Been a while since I last did any art but I've been getting into the Dream SMP lately and wanted to draw something from it. Except I'm not too confident on my own drawing ability rn (especially with people) so I decided to do a scene redraw of my favorite ghost boy from SAD-ist's latest animation and color it instead
Also go watch the animation this is from if you haven't it's amazing and SAD-ist has just been getting better and better with each video
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salfur · 4 years
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salfur · 4 years
So I made a thing...
I would like to thank @cirilee​ for inspiring me to make this playlist with her own (go take a look/listen!). While hers’ is focused on kaiju fucking, this one is more focused on the actual mind control/brainwashing aspect of Newton’s drifting.
I decided to do something a little different than my usual (personal) playlists (where they’re usually just a mess of vibes) and tried my hand at telling a story with the songs and (with what I have rn) I think it’s turning out pretty good. The first song acts as a sort of overture while the rest tell the actual story.
Technically speaking the playlist is still a work in progress (probably just some minor tweaking and maybe adding one or two more songs) but I’ve gotten it to a place where I’m comfortable sharing it
Note: The song Letdown by Letdown. as of March 10, 2021 is unreleased and only clips of the song are available to listen on the artist’s tiktok. The specific sound clip I have in the playlist as a place holder is from this tiktok but more snippets can be found on his page. 
Additionally, the full lyrics for the song have been released by the artist which can be found in the description of the music video (which is set to premiere March 26, 2021)
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salfur · 4 years
Wayward Guide has been over for over a month now and yet Sybilus Silver II continues to live in my brain rent free
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salfur · 4 years
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This man was the best and he deserved better 😔
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salfur · 4 years
Sybilus already owned my heart, but somehow he owns it even more after the newest Wayward Guide episode 🥺
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salfur · 4 years
Analysis on the Jewelry/Accessories in Wayward Guide
So, I was rewatching episode 6 again when I noticed that some of the townsfolk had pieces of jewelry on that I didn’t notice before (specifically my sweet bean Sybilus).
So, I decided to go back and rewatch the whole series again, going frame-by-frame whenever a townsperson was on screen to see if any of the jewelry/accessories could be clues.
CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR: Wayward Guide episode 2, 3, 4, & 6
Sybilus wears a ring on his left ring finger that has a wolf paw on it. You can’t really see it very clearly in episode 3 (when he’s first seen) or 6 but it is very clear in episode 4.
I noticed that Desmond has a bracelet on before but didn’t think too much of it initially. I know that it had some words on it but there aren’t any clear shots of the bracelet in the show yet to see what it says.
Agnes, in episode 2 has a cat pin and a ring. The ring had flowers on it and she wears the pin again in episode 6.
Rita, in episode 2 has a necklace or pin or something that’s a small skull. Assuming I know my animal skulls I’m pretty sure that it’s a wolf skull. She doesn’t wear this exact piece again but she does have a jawbone of some animal in her other appearances. I don’t know what kind of animal jaw though.
Riley and Olivia both have dogtags but we’re never shown what is on them. I’m thinking the dogtags might be their form of BFF necklaces but the idea of dogtags in general when it comes to werewolves is suspicous.
Helen has some sort of watch on but not always. The watch also switches wrists every now and then. In addition to the watch or whatever she has some sort of metal bracelet. I think it has words on it but I can’t make anything out.
Jeremiah has a rosary which makes sense since he’s the town’s pastor.
Donny doesn’t have any accessories/jewelry when he first appears on screen and I’m just going to gloss over his whole ‘fit in episode 6 because, well, you know.
So, from my findings, the only accessories that either are or could be wolf related are worn by Sybilus, Desmond, Rita, Riley, Olivia, and Helen. 
Of these people, Sybilus has the biggest possibility of being confirmed as a wolf by jewelry/accessories alone. However, despite probably being a wolf I don’t think he’s the killer(s) given how he was in town hall when Barney was killed, And, despite working for Silas, I’m pretty sure Sybilus is anti-mining (as mentioned in one of my previous theories).
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salfur · 4 years
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Wayward Guide is a really good show. Highly reccomend👌
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salfur · 4 years
Wayward Guide Episode 8 Analysis/Theory
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AKJDLKASJDALSDGHL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THIS EPISODE WAS SO GOOD Y’ALL OMG So many truths revealed, but that also means there’s less for me to theorize about *cries* Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna still analyze, though, so LET’S GO!
CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR: Wayward Guide Episode 8
Okay so I WAS FUCKING RIGHT ABOUT OLIVIA! HELL YEAH! Man, I can’t wait for Riley to find out! I was wrong about Aubrey though but that’s fine because that just means Desmond is back on my high-tier wolf list now. Truman, Truman, oh my god Truman. So, I was wrong about Silas being a wolf/killer but I was at least right about her being a killer. The MacMahon reveal was truly just *chef’s kiss*. God I can’t stop thinking about that scene, it was just so good!
Madison knows about the Connor wolves now and also has a silver bullet, spooky. She is def gonna use that bullet either next episode or the last to kill Truman. But more importantly, AUBREY KNOWS NOW! AAAAA! His face when his suspicions were validated oh my GOD! “The hooey was true-y” god, TCB, y’all, that was such a good line.
So, I know that the Irons are (presumably) dead, but that doesn’t mean they won’t live on in our hearts and in our fix-it fics DAMN IT! Also, with the tarot card being The Battle Axe with a picture of a pickaxe, we might have a legitimate chance of seeing them again, especially since they were “killed” off screen. Listen, I can hope, okay?
No TL;DR this time since this essay was so short
So, while the killer is revealed now there are still more chances for wolf reveals so, my suspicions list is gonna be only focused on the wolf section.
Confirmed Connor Wolves (and therefore not a killer): Helen, Odie (RIP), Rita, Sybilus, Olivia (hell yeah) Confirmed Killer: Truman (also a wolf)
Werewolf Suspects: High-Tier: Desmond, Vern Mid-Tier: Crispin, GPS, Wallis Low-Tier: Jeremiah, the Walkers Currently ruled out: Agnes, Aubrey, Donny, Henry, the Irons, Madison, Quinn, Riley
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