#trends and jokes stick around for months
dragonbleps · 2 years
remembered why i dont like drawing art for twitter. trends/topics move SO fast and i am a slow as fuck artist
i take more than 1 day to draw something and i get discouraged because the chance of it getting noticed drops DRASTICALLY and I don't want to have worked over 24 hours on something to get literally 0 interaction >:I
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remember-the-fanfics · 8 months
• Died at 18, been in hell for a few years.
• Came in after Alastor disappeared, just before Vaggie showed up.
• You were never one to follow what everyone else did. Killing, drugs, theft, or porn.
• Kept to yourself for a few months, getting use to being dead and in hell.
• Accidentally became an Overlord after you killed one in self defense.
"In my defense, she was like super creepy and an asshole. A big one."
• The souls were free but you kept your new territory nice so they didn't leave.
• You made jobs and kept the housing in better shape, only made deals to help souls.
• Gave them a job, house, and protection. You give them a limit of a few years of the deal and if they don't mind it, they can renew it.
"Well I don't want to force them to do something, its rude."
• In return, they keep your territory nice, clean, and less violent than most. Work the jobs you made and protect your little town.
• There's been occasions were you trade souls to other overlords, either the soul did something against them or just an asshole.
• The time on the contract would restart
• To every other overlord, you are a child with a knife and to much power.
• You demolished another overlord because they thought you were weak and tried to destroy you territory.
"You ass eatting bitch-"
• You let others fight for new open territory because you're fine with what you have.
• Panicked when you got invited to an Overlord meeting.
• Apparently you had enough power to be one, then you realized you actually were one.
• It was awkward to meet the most of the overlords. Not knowing who you were to begin with.
"This is for overlords only."
"Oh, I'm (Y/n). I got invited."
• Chatted with Rosie before and after it.
• Camilla likes how you run your territory but you seem so young.
• Did apologized afterwards, introducing you to her daughters, apparently you were around the same age.
• Zestial wanted to know how you took over you territory, interested on how you did it.
• You've only meet Velvette because you need some clothes. She recognized you as the up and coming overlord.
• Throwing the clothes you had in your hands away, saying you need to be in the best lastest trend of clothes.
• You were now stuck having a fashion show as she decided what look good on you.
• While not enjoying all the clothes she had you try on, you kept being nice having conversation when she wasn't yelling at everyone else.
• Velvette learned that you were around the same age so she decided that you were acquainted enough to have her number.
• Apparently it wasn't optional for you.
• You brought back way to much clothes for one person, atleast now you have style.
• Chaotic neutral energy
• Charlie meet you after she heard that you improved a part of hell, wasn't expecting someone so young looking.
"Dying just after I turned 18 just means I look young forever."
• Laughing at your own dark humor.
• Charlie did not find it as funny.
• Told you about the hotel idea and you were right on board.
• Thought it was a good way to stick it to the man and help people.
• Vaggie was surprised when Charlie brought back a child.
• More surprised that you're the Overlord that Charlie wanted to meet with.
• Definitely said Vaggie's name wrong for the first time reading it.
• Meeting Angel Dust after he decided to crash at the hotel.
• Not knowing what he was known for but definitely heard his name from someone.
"You're a kind of actor?"
"Of the sorts."
• After you heard what he was famous for.
"Well, he'll do him and I'll do me but never do each other."
• There was an awkward silence of confusion from everyone.
• Having to explain every reference you make.
• Vaggie made jar for everytime you make a dark joke.
• Charlie has asked you why you were in hell. You shrugged, never living a truly bad life but probably just too chaotic for heaven to handle.
• You leave every few days to check back in your little town to make sure everything was running smoothly.
• You know when something happens, feeling the souls you own in a panic.
• Having to let everyone remember why you were in charge a couple of times.
• Either with your words or actions.
• Luckily Rosie just adores your mannerisms and how you don't completely turn away from her with what or who she eats.
"You could say the food was to die for!"
• She finds your dark humor funny.
• So she keeps an eye out for you, sending letters to you every few days.
• You vist her every other week to just chat, she tells you about easy territories that you could get. You say you would rather show up some punks than have more responsibility with more souls.
• Offers food everytime, you say no thanks everytime.
• Rosie would tell you all the tea about the other overlords or her own town.
• Yay! You have an allie with an another overlord by being friends.
• Also with offering truly worse souls sometimes. On a rare occasion.
• Rosie knowing when you offer a soul to her, she would take her time with it. Enjoying every bite.
• Anyway- Sinners would come up to asking for deal when they are completely down on their luck.
• But whats following a couple of rules for free house and job.
• You give them enough warning before you would shake hands then saying you would know if they even thought of fucking your shit up.
• Putting an add for Charlie's hotel in your territory.
• Charlie almost hugged you to death after seeing it.
• When Alastor showed up, the two of you would have a intense staring contest.
• He wasn't expecting another overlord here, oh wait, you're new.
• Alastor not actually taking the hotel serious, pissed you off but he was more powerful.
• Charlie having to keep you and Vaggie from trying to fight him.
"I didn't know there was a new overlord! Charmed to meet you. Whose territory was up for grab?"
"She was a bitch-."
"I know who exactly you speak of, that's good. She never had any manners."
• Watching him summon Husk and Niffty and was shocked.
• Tried it and summoned one of your workers.
• Excited that it worked! Apologetic for interrupting their day.
"Ah ha! It worked! Oh shit it worked! Sorry!"
• You and Niffty vibe on a similar level. Charmingly violent.
• Vaggie has to make sure either of you give the other one a bad idea to do.
• Husk question your age when you went to the bar. Making you do the math.
"Well I died at 18, it's been a few years so old enough."
• Gave you a hard drink which you spit out after tasting.
• You decide hard alcohol wasn't for you.
• Knowing how technology was when you died making you the most technical advance Sinners in the hotel.
That's enough for now, just a thought I had when working.
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ryukatters · 1 year
swipe right — k. bakugo x fem! reader
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✮ a/n: i remember seeing a post on here a long time ago about a character making a fake tinder profile for their gf and realizing how many people want her. (if someone knows the OG post please lmk so i can link it!) so now i present to you: bakugo falling to his knees in the middle of your apartment bedroom for the exact same reason.
✮ content/warnings: dubcon, quirkless/college! au, jealousy, possessiveness, breeding, creampie, unprotected sex, cum eating, cunnilingus, overstimulation, praise, biting, bkg gets a little rough with you, and bkg's also a fucking simp but when do I ever write him as being otherwise??
✮ summary: your boyfriend decides to make a fake tinder profile for you just to see how many matches you get. he comes to a realization just how many other people want what’s already his.
✮ word count: 4.2k (i'm so sick)
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Bakugo can remember how this all started. In very vivid detail, actually. He remembers because Kaminari had pissed him off so much to the extent that it took him a very substantial amount of effort to refrain from bashing his friend’s face in.
It all started during the last monthly hangout amongst Bakugo and his friends— one day out of the month designated to make sure that they all had time to catch up with one another despite their busy schedules.
Everything was normal, with all of them getting more than enough of their fill of food and alcohol while idly playing video games and talking about random topics to fill in the silence in Kaminari’s living room. 
Perfectly normal, until Denki decided to open his stupid mouth, at least. 
He goes off on a tangent about a trend he saw on social media where someone makes a fake Tinder profile for their partner to see how many matches they’d get. He proceeds to tell Bakugo that he should try doing it, for “funsies,”— to which Bakugo scoffs at. 
“Aren’t you curious, Kacchan?” Kaminari smiles cheekily, wrapping an arm around his blond friend’s shoulders, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Bakugo’s becoming visibly more upset with every passing moment. 
“Your girlfriend is really pretty,” Mina chimes in, sticking her tongue out when Katsuki whips his head to glare at her. “I’m still surprised she’s with a grump like you.” 
Kaminari butts in, “I bet there’s a whole line of guys around the block just waiting for a chance to get with her. I mean, just look at her! Hell, I’d even let her peg m—”
For a moment, Bakugo swears he wants to bash Kaminari’s face into his flatscreen. And for a moment, he lets that impulsive thought win— getting up and grabbing two fistfuls of Denki’s shirt before promptly getting cut off by Kirishima.
“Alright alright,” Kirishima forcibly pries Bakugo off of the other blond, pushing him off to the side. “That’s enough, you two. Kaminari was just messing around. I’ll admit, it wasn’t a good joke, but no need to hurt the guy, okay Bakugo?” 
Kirishima knows that Kaminari wasn’t being that serious, but Kirishima can also admit that what he had to say held some ounce of truth. And Kirishima knows Bakugo well enough to see how your boyfriend tends to be rather skittish and protective with matters concerning you— which is exactly why Eijiro had to stop him before it was too late. He really didn’t feel like preparing for Denki’s funeral or helping hide Katsuki escape from a homicide charge.
And that was that…up until a few minutes ago.
Katsuki’s tried to forget that conversation. But try as he might, his mind betrays him and can’t help but wander back to what Denki said that night.
He trusts you of course, and has complete faith in your relationship. However, he’s curious to a fault, just about perhaps too curious for his own good. 
How badly could this end?
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As it turns out, this whole scheme seems to be playing out very poorly. 
Dozens of photos of you— screenshotted from your social media accounts— fill Katsuki’s screen. He had to choose photos you uploaded yourself, because most of his photos of you were either too…suggestive or too domestic (and he wants to be the only one to see you in those moments).
He swipes through “your” profile one last time before clicking “done” to officially put you on the market. And just like that, Bakugo’s met with the faces of men who are nowhere near your level. He goes through the batch of profiles, scrutinizing each one he comes across. He’s (un)surprisingly selective with the ones he chooses to swipe right on— making sure that they’re at least somewhat conventionally attractive. To his surprise (or dread, rather), his phone pings right away with a notification from someone who swiped back. Another ping. A message. 
You free tonight? 
Bakugo scoffs. He looks through the guy’s profile— a picture of him at a party with his arms around some girls, another with him doing a victory pose presumably after hiking, and one with him holding a fish. He feels his mouth curl in disgust, about to give into the urge to reply and give this guy a piece of his mind, before he realizes he’s pretending to be you. He takes a deep breath, closes out of the app, and puts down his phone. 
He’s starting to regret this.
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Bakugo’s phone has gone off 15 times in the last hour. Bakugo has also felt the need to strangle some stranger through the phone 15 times in the last hour. Your (read: his) profile has existed for less than 60 minutes, and you already have a whole address book of nobodies trying to link with you and get a quick fuck. 
He feels the familiar beginnings of a headache creeping up the back of his skull. He thinks he might need a drink. Why did he decide to do this again?
In hindsight, he probably should have known this is exactly how it was going to go down. 
What was that saying? Curiosity killed the cat?
He was never great at self-preservation in the first place. So this, the feeling of overwhelming jealousy, frustration, possessiveness brewing up a storm threatening to pour out of every single fiber of Bakugo’s being— was no surprise.
He watches as the numbers at the bottom of his screen increase steadily, before tapping on the star icon. 
‘99+ likes!’ it reads. Over 99 people who saw your profile and thought you were beautiful. Bakugo pales, and he can feel the cold sweat building on the nape of his neck. He grips his phone, knuckles turning white. Is he shaking from anger or nervousness?
Anger because all these guys think they even have the slightest chance with someone as amazing as you. Nervousness because what if you decide that they do? You wouldn’t actually leave him for one of these guys, right? Right?
None of these men would walk through hell and back for you. They don’t know how you like your coffee, the details of your skin care routine, how you like to binge watch shows and talk Katsuki’s ear off about them (not that he ever minded, of course). They don’t know you, not like he does. Katsuki looks at you like you hung the moon. In fact, he’s pretty convinced that you did. Everything good in his life— the warmth, the color, the joy,— is encompassed by you. He’d be damned if he lets some greasy little nobody take that from him. Because the moment Bakugo fell in love with you, you became a part of him— inextricably and indefinitely. Loving you has become so intrinsic to him, that even the mere thought of another person loving you or looking at you the same way he does has him going insane. Not that anyone could love you like he did, though. That thought brings him some comfort, but not for long. 
One last notification he sees sends him spiraling. Bakugo swears that he can see red. That’s when he deletes the app, and throws his poor phone in some random corner of the living room, which is markedly one of the smarter choices he’s made as of late. He marches to your bedroom with a fire burning in his chest. 
He stops short of the door and finds you sitting at the edge of your shared bed, fresh out of the shower. You’re applying lotion, and he watches the cream absorb into your skin wordlessly, in awe at how overwhelmingly beautiful you manage to look in the most prosaic of tasks. For a second, he almost forgets the reason he was upset in the first place.  
Your hair is still damp, water droplets accumulating at the tips, and Katsuki feels his mouth run dry the minute he watches a stray bead fall and make its way down your neck and stop perfectly in the dip of your collarbone. Your very existence is forever etched into his heart, every inch of you carved into his memory, but even still he can never get tired of looking at you. At every angle, in every lighting, he needs to see you in it. You could call him obsessed, but he’d simply laugh and agree, because what’s so wrong with that? Especially if it’s you. 
You’re one to be studied— to be adored, Katsuki thinks, to the greatest capacity. It’s what you deserve. And what better person for that task to fall upon than him?
He finds himself naturally gravitating towards you, his finger tracing the same exact path the water had carved just moments before, wordlessly. You try to pay no mind, but it’s difficult as you realize just how close Bakugo was and how your towel barely manages to cover up your most intimate parts. One wrong move and you’d be exposed. With how things were playing out, and the predatory glint in the blond’s eyes, you don’t think your boyfriend would be too perturbed with your current predicament. 
Katsuki presses a delicate kiss to your forehead before he crouches down. Suddenly, you’re at eye level with one another, his hot breath tickling your lips. You think for a moment he’s going to kiss you so you lean forward, lips waiting. But he merely grazes them before he sucks a deep bruise into the juncture of your neck, biting slightly. 
You’re barely given any time to react before he’s grabbing the hand that’s securing your towel and ripping it away, the offending garment falling off your body. Your flesh prickles with goosebumps as its exposed to the sudden chill.  It’s quickly replaced by the heat of Bakugo’s body as he pushes you lightly, your back hitting the mattress. He crawls on top of you, muscular thighs on either side of your hips, your head placed conveniently between his forearms. He’s trapped you, a nonverbal challenge for you to try and escape. 
You’re a work of art, he thinks, but much more valuable than any pièce de résistance framed in any museum. 
Beautiful, yes, but far too blank for his liking. He wants to ruin you, make you his own personal magnum opus. And so he does. 
He presses a clothed knee against your bare cunt, pressing firmly. His lips continue their assault on your neck, leaving angry purpling bruises in their wake. Rough hands find your breast, and you moan in surprise when he gives both of them a harsh squeeze as he shoves his tongue into your mouth. Katsuki kisses you like a man dying of thirst, hungry for everything you can offer him and more. It’s all too much already, the way he’s kissing you has your mind reeling, and you have to turn your head away for a moment to catch your breath. Katsuki thinks it’s a moment too long without you, so he coaxes you into locking lips with him once more. A wave of mischievousness washes over you, prompting you to take your boyfriend’s lower lip in between your teeth, biting down lightly. 
You feel his breath hitch, before he lets out a low groan as he grinds his clothed dick against your bare wetness. He returns the favor, sucking on your bottom lip before letting it go with a wet pop. He pulls back with a lazy smirk, his lips pursing together to scatter messy kisses down the base of your throat and down your chest, alternating between sucking and biting at the flesh. 
He gives you a good once-over, scanning every surface, committing them to memory. You feel the need to curl into yourself with how intensely those vermillion eyes are piercing into you, memorizing every single curve, scar, freckle like he’s done time and time again. 
He drops down to his knees, broad shoulders bullying their way in between your legs, forcibly prying them open. He grips your hips, fingertips digging into the soft flesh, and drags you down the mattress until your legs are dangling off the bed.
“Jesus, Kats, be more gentle.”
“Shhh. I know you like it when I’m not gentle,” he chuckles. As if to prove a point, he pulls you down even further, giving a harsh bite to your inner thigh. He smiles deviously when you yelp. You try to pull at his hair but his reflexes are too quick, pinning both of your wrists down on either side of you easily. “Besides, this is the perfect height for me to eat you out, dontcha think baby?” 
You want to chastise him for being so crass, so Katsuki, but the words die on the tip of your tongue the minute he gives a sweet, loving kiss to your clit, sucking lightly. 
“You’re mine. I don’t want anyone else seeing you like this except for me.” 
You’re not entirely sure what brought this on, but you find it hard to complain when Bakugo drags his tongue from your throbbing clit to inside your pussy, drinking everything you have to offer. 
Your hands automatically try to find purchase in his blond locks, struggling against the vice grip Katsuki has on your wrists. He decides to take pity on you, loosening his hold so you can slip your hands into his hair, moaning appreciatively when he feels you tug. He rewards you by flicking his tongue on your clit over and over again, just the way you like it. He does it until your moans begin to pitch higher and higher, the same way that they do when you’re close. He doesn’t stop his ministrations even after you cum, riding out your orgasm until your thighs are shaking from overstimulation. He pulls away from you with a loud pop, taking in the sight before him. 
He runs a hand up and down your thigh soothingly. “So fucked out already and we’re barely getting started, baby.”
Your mind is barely processing his words before you feel Katsuki’s erection brush against your stomach, his clothing haphazardly discarded on the floor. He taps the head of his dick against your clit to tease you, a feeling of satisfaction swelling when you cry out from under him.  
He watches in fascination as strings of your arousal cling to him. He positions his length at your entrance, locking eyes with you as you hold your breath in anticipation. Katsuki likes you like this. Needy for him. 
 “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, you know that?” He slips into you with a stuttered groan. 
Katsuki’s always been big. You never get used to the initial stretch, no matter how many times you two fuck. Still, that doesn’t stop him from sliding in with ease from the slick of your last orgasm. It easily coats his cock as he gives a few experimental thrusts. He groans in rapture. How do you manage to feel so good every time? It’s enough to drive him insane. Perhaps he already is. 
“So fucking perfect, no wonder why all those losers want you.” He mutters out the last part, and you’re not sure if you caught that right. 
“What?” He chooses not to respond, and you aren’t given the opportunity to think any further before your legs are thrown over his shoulders, Katsuki’s weight effectively pinning you in place. The stretch knocks all the wind out of your lungs, and all you can do is cling to Katsuki, nails leaving red, angry lines on his well-defined back.
He wastes no time before he starts drilling into you, hips slotting in between your legs perfectly. The position has him pressed against your clit, and your entire body feels like it’s been set ablaze, with Katsuki holding both the power to have it burn even brighter and the ability to extinguish it. And you’re almost there, you can feel your soul slowly ascending, your room filled with hymns of pleasure, the coil in your stomach winding tighter and tighter, threatening to unravel along with your sanity. Katsuki can feel it too— the way you’re squeezing him tighter, how your gasps and moans have climbed just a note higher, how absolutely ruined you look, how he’s responsible for your current state. Which is exactly why he wants to push it even further, he wants to see how much you’ll break for him— and only him. 
Katsuki cuts you off right before you can reach your peak, pulling out but making sure just his tip is inserted. You come to and take a look at your lover and marvel at the sight. He has a crazed look in his eyes. The way he smirks is absolutely wicked. 
You feel distraught— having been so close but having it ripped away from you. You give your boyfriend a petulant pout.
“Katsuki,” you whine, slapping a hand against his sweaty chest, “Why’d you stop? I was so close!”
“Because I didn’t want you to cum yet,” he says simply. “You’ll be good for me, yeah? I’ll give my baby what she deserves, as long as she’s good.” 
You roll your eyes, huffing. That won’t do for him.
As much as he loves seeing you indulge, he feels a need to punish you— at least a little bit to even begin to atone for being the wicked temptress you are. 
“Don’t be a fuckin’ brat,” Bakugo growls, gripping your face with one hand, squishing your cheeks, causing your lips to purse slightly. “I said be good, okay? Wanna take my time with you.” 
There’s a moment of respite, until you sigh in defeat, knowing better than to argue with him lest you wanted to dig your own grave. “‘Kay, ‘ki.”
He flashes you a smile. Obedient, just how he likes you. “Good girl.”
Katsuki draws his hips back, thrusting just enough to fuck his tip into you. He’s teasing. The amount of willpower on his end it takes not to cum is nauseating. 
“You’re so pretty, aren’t you?” he rasps, one hand finding their way around your neck, squeezing just enough to make your head spin. Your hands reflexively grab his wrist. 
All you can manage is a fucked out moan. Katsuki has to resist the urge to coo, about how he’s managed to turn you into a cockdrunk mess in such a short matter of time. The wave of possessiveness that’s been gnawing at the depths of his soul begins to seep out, and he’s reminded of the reason why the two of you are in this position in the first place. 
He gives your throat another squeeze and a rough slap to your clit. “C’mon princess, answer me. Say it.” He slowly adds more and more pressure until your ears grow hot and air feels like a precious commodity. 
“I-i’m pretty,” you manage to gasp out, tears spilling from your lash line as you begin to lose yourself between the space of pleasure and pain. 
Good. Always so pliant for him.
“That’s right, baby,” he concedes. “So fuckin’ beautiful.” He punctuates the last word with a deep thrust, right against that spongy spot that feels so good. You’re so sensitive that it’s enough to send you spiraling into your second orgasm, walls spasming around him uncontrollably. 
Katsuki stills, staving off his own release with all the restraint he can summon. He silently thanks whatever divine forces are out there that he didn’t cum the minute he felt the first clench of your orgasm. 
He grits his teeth as he wills himself to move, trying not to get lost in the wetness that envelops him. You’re babbling now, senseless moans filling Katsuki’s ears like a sweet melody. 
“Kats, please, I’m too sensitive—” You’re shaking now, muscles trembling with every thrust. 
“But I’m not done with you yet,” he says simply, drawing his hips back with a particularly rough thrust. You choke back whatever you were going to say with a loud cry. “What’s your color, baby?”
You take a moment to answer, brain trying to comprehend the words just uttered to you. You look at Katsuki firmly, “Green.”
“Atta girl,” he praises, the drive of his hips beginning to shallow. He’s close, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold out. But for you, he tries. “You’re mine, right?”
“Yes,” you breathe out, shivering as goosebumps dance across your skin. 
“Say it,” Katsuki pleads, thrusts growing sloppy by the second. “Say you’re mine.”
“I’m all yours, ‘ki.” 
With that, Katsuki’s fate is sealed. He’s left groaning as a flash of pleasure shakes his very soul, filling you up with so much cum that it dribbles onto the mattress even while he’s still inside you. You follow suit, an embarrassingly obscene rhythm of squelching noises fill the silence as you spasm around his dick. He collapses on top of you, but he’s still coherent enough to not dump all his weight on you. 
Your labored breaths fill the room as the two of you come to. Katsuki pulls out of you with a wince, still a bit sensitive. He gives you a peck on the lips before he drags himself down, settling in between your legs much like he was earlier. 
You tense up, “Kats, wait—”
Any and all protests cease the moment Bakugo works his tongue inside of you, slurping lewdly as he drags out the mixture of your cum and his, swallowing. He tries not to stimulate your puffy clit in an attempt to be merciful, but you still feel yourself steadily climbing to what would be your fourth orgasm this session. While the past three have been intense and drowning, this one comes to you in waves, dull pleasure invading your senses as Katsuki continues to eat you out to clean you up. 
He pulls away when you finish, your slick and his saliva coating his chin before he wipes it off on the back of his hand. You stare at his half-hard erection with a half concerned, half quizzical look. “Do you…” you lick your lips, “need help with that? I’m a little sensitive down there  but I could use my mout—”
“Nah, I’m good babe,” he says earnestly, flashing you a smile that he only ever shows around you. “I’ll be back.” With that, your boyfriend leaves the room only to come back with a bottle of water. 
“Drink.” You comply, finishing half the bottle graciously before handing it to him. He downs the rest before he settles next to you on the bed, laying on his side. You mirror him, shifting your body so that you’re both facing each other. 
Katsuki reaches out, finger idly tracing random shapes and lines onto the bare skin on your hip. He has a pensive look on his face, one that he usually doesn’t hold after stolen moments like this; it’s an expression he wears when he’s in deep thought. 
“Baby,” you call out. His eyes snap to yours, eyebrows raised.
“Whatcha thinking about?” You watch as a hesitant look flashes across your boyfriend’s face before he shakes his head.
“S’nothin’. Just thinkin’ about us two.” He speaks lightly. It’s always been difficult for him to voice his inner thoughts and feelings, so he tends to beat around the bush. You’ve learned that if you ever want something out of him, you’d have to pry a little. Katsuki always indulges you though. 
“What about us?”
“Do you- do you think you’ll ever get tired of this?” He repeats himself, clearing his throat. The question is followed by a weaker, “...of me?”
You think it’s the most ridiculous question he’s ever asked, because the answer should be obvious. “I’d never get tired of you, Katsuki. I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he replies automatically, “but if I ever do anything that upsets you, or if I get too much for you, or if I—” he’s rambling now. Yes, it’s difficult for Katsuki to talk about his feelings, but once you manage to get him to open up, all the walls of his self-made fortress come crashing down and it’s up to you to pick up the pieces. 
“Baby,” you giggle, pressing a kiss to his lips, cupping his sharp jaw with one hand. “Look at me.” And he does— ruby eyes meeting yours. “I love you because you’re you. And I choose to be with you everyday. It’s not always gonna be perfect, no relationship is. But I know that I will always wake up and choose you.” 
You can see the anxiety melt away from Katsuki’s body, shoulders slumping as he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
“Love you too, sap,” is all he says before he’s pulling you against his chest, squeezing you into a bearhug. You two stay that way until both of you are lulled to sleep. 
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You’re laying in bed with Katsuki, both of you dozing off when you hear a slight buzz from your phone on the nightstand. You squint as you try to read the notification, and make out that it’s from your friend.
Denki Kaminari: So did it work?
You bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing, giving a quick glance over your shoulder to check on your boyfriend— fast asleep. You turn back to your phone, your thumbs making quick work at your keyboard. 
You: Just like I said it would. Thanks Denki :)
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Writing belongs to @ryukatters. Please do not share my work on Tiktok.
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hotchgirlsummer · 2 years
i'm a mess but
⤷ aaron hotchner x reader
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summary ⤷ Aaron has this date all planned out but things seem to fall apart and they're forced to improvise.
pairing ⤷ aaron hotchner x fem!bimbo!reader
warnings ⤷ fluff! slight angst - reader opens up about her horrible dates. aaron mentions haley, her death, and how he feels about it (briefly). not a warning but jack and jess make an appearance!
word count ⤷ 7k words
a/n ⤷ HELLLOOOOOO! i wasn't really expecting the first part to blow up but the support and love i received in my first bimbo!reader fic was so overwhelming 🥺🥺🥺 thank you to everyone who read the first one and i hope this second part lives up to your guys' expectation and to your liking. i received three requests involving aaron and bimbo!reader so i'll be working on the two before incorporating the third request in part three of this saga! also i have a possible plot for spencer reid x bimbo!reader and i'm trying to gauge if you guys would be interested in that? as always, feedback is appreciated. have a day as fantastic as yourselves!!! ❤️❤️
masterlist | part one: mess of mine
“And just as a reminder, we will be having the weekends off for this month as Strauss has deemed we deserve a break after the continuous cases that took away most of our time,” Hotch reiterates before they end their final meeting for the week. This announcement was met with cheers and applause by the rest of the team. “Anyway you can have them extend our weekends off for the next, say, 12 months?”
This time Hotch cracked a smile as he gathered his files and into his folder as he shook his head, “Only way you can have that is by making a wish to a genie.” The team looked among themselves, each of their faces etched with surprise and amusement as they rarely got to witness their unit chief ride in on their jokes; behind their entertained expressions, they were curious as to what prompted this change. Rossi schooled his expression as well, despite knowing about the cause for Aaron’s welcome change in demeanor, he knew that his friend wanted to share the little ray of sunshine he found on his own terms. “If there’s nothing else, you all are dismissed for the rest of the week. Have a good one.”
As the team slowly dispersed out of the room, Hotch found Rossi smirking at him to which he raised an eyebrow at him, “Penny for your thoughts, Dave?” To which the mentor looked around the round table to ensure that everyone but them had left, “So, I’m assuming tonight’s the first date then?”
The faintest shade of red littered Aaron’s cheeks as he nodded and exited out of the room, “Tonight is the first date, yes. I’m picking her up after her shift at 7.”
Rossi looks at his watch and smiles upon seeing that their unit chief had a solid hour prior to picking up his date for the night. “Normally I’d wish someone good luck on their first date,” Hotch appreciated in that moment how Rossi leaned into his ear to whisper that as to not catch the attention of the nosy profilers, “But something tells me you would not need it in this scenario. Have a great weekend, Aaron.”
“You too, Dave. Try sticking to one jazz club this time, yes?”
Chuckling when Rossi flipped him off, Aaron hurriedly packed all of his things in his briefcase before heading out of the office. As he waited impatiently for the elevator to bring him to the floor of their parking lot. Turning on the radio, Hotch found himself smiling upon hearing a pop song — that he once was not familiar with until he started talking with Y/N. What started as constant texts, transitioned into hour long phone calls where their topics of conversation ranged from her opinions on how the internet’s influence on fashion trends have both been good and bed, her singing him the new song she had stuck in her head — which explains how he was now familiar with a lot of the songs that were played in the radio — but the one thing that seems to be a constant subject is how he would look good in certain styles of clothing.
Once home, he was delighted to see that Jack had been all cheery from his day at school and soccer practice. He indulges in his son’s excited recollection of his day, relishing in the giggles he let out everytime his son praised the dinner that was prepared for him; though it was just chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, and some fries, he supposes that if it were made with love it would taste like a fine meal. It was like time passed by quickly after their meal as Jack was already bathed and dressed in his jammies before 6:45. After a quick chat with Jess, he was out the door and anxiously driving to the boutique. Once parked right out by the store, he was just in time to see his sweetheart exiting the front door and closing the aluminium security shutters. Jumping out of the car, he surprised her by gently pulling her back and lowering the shutters. “Aaron!” Came her surprised giggle, hugging his arm and looking at him like he was her whole world. “You’re here!”
“I did promise to take you out on a date, right?” He teased once he was sure the chutters were secured. Chuckling, she nodded her head as she smiled widely, “You did! And I was so excited for our date, you know? Phoebe got so annoyed with me talking her ears off about how handsome you were and how nice you are.”
Grateful that she was too busy rambling so she couldn’t witness Aaron blushing, he walked her to his car, opening the passenger door to reveal a bouquet of pink and white flowers; handing them to her with a smile he spoke, “For you, sweetheart.”
“Aaron! They’re so pretty!” She squealed excitedly and threw her arms around him, nuzzling her face in his shoulder, “Thank you, thank you! You’re spoiling me way too much already!”
“Well I have to, sweetheart,” He explained as he helped her in the car before quickly jogging to the driver’s side and continuing on, “Have to treat you like a queen, you know?”
“Does that mean you’re my handsome king?” Her question had him reciprocating the sweet smile she had on before reaching for her hand and placing a kiss on her knuckles and affirmed, “I’ll be whatever you need me to be, sweetheart.” And in turn, that made heat spread throughout her face.
The drive to the restaurant was short yet filled with so much light and conversation. Stepping out of the vehicle once Aaron opened the door for her, she smiled at him, “Thank you, Ay-ay-ron.”
Before entering the restaurant, the couple were met with views of disgruntled customers, some of them having wet stains on their dresses while others seemed to have  food stains on them. Puzzling her, she looks up at Aaron, “I wonder if they’re alright.”
They were about to find out for themselves upon reaching the host’s stand and announced their arrival, “Reservation for Hotchner, please.” The host who had their back turned faced them with an uneasy smile as they too were trying to rid the blemishes and food stains that unfortunately clung onto his work clothes; he looked down on the their tablet that served as their scheduler and frowned upon looking up at them, “I have to sincerely apologise, Mr. Hotchner. There has been an unfortunate incident, one of our servers tripped which caused this domino effect to the other servers, causing them to drench our customers and staff in food. Not to mention that one of our new chefs in training caused an identical chaos at the back.”
“You can use a butter knife to get rid off the food there,” She pointed to both the host’s shoulders that had some food residue that looked very well edged in the fabric; next thing she noticed wine stains by their chest, “And for the wine, putting hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid in the stain for about ten minutes will get it out.” The way she shared the information so casually paired with the way she tilted her head to the side and pursed her glossy lips made it all the more surprising that she new what to do; but beside her, Aaron felt nothing but pride swell in his chest as he pressed her closer to him by her waist. 
“I appreciate your advice, ma’am,” The host then faced Aaron once more before saying, “Unfortunately we are not in any capacity to entertain our beloved guests for the rest of the evening. We’ll put a note to put you in our priority list for next time if that sounds fair?” Nodding as he held back a frown of his own, the unit chief understood that things were past their control, “That would be much appreciated, thank you.”
With that the couple then left the restaurant, Aaron tried to school his features as he tried to hide the panic in his face; however as Y/N looked up to see him she pouted as she saw that there was a slight furrow in his eyebrows. Reaching up to rub the skin between them she cooed, “Don’t frown, Aaron. Why are you even frowning?”
Almost immediately a smile replaced the mentioned frown as he explained, “Well since the restaurant is a bust, I’m sensing that I’ve just wasted your time, sweetheart. The date’s pretty much ruined already.” Her offended gasp took him aback, causing them to stop just as he was about to open his car door for her, “Well good thing a dinner is not the only you go out for a date! Plus, you just saved me, you know?”
“Saved you from exactly what, sweetheart?”
“From having a fancy dinner! Don’t get me wrong, the décor looks amazing and all, but sometimes their menu is so hard to pronounce too! Like just say roasted, why use sweltering? And don’t get me started on their alcohol — bordeaux, wine, brandy? It’s all just so confusing,” As he walked her to the passenger seat and helped her in, he just chuckled lightly as he tried to console her, “They do tend to differ in ingredients and alcohol percentage.”
“Even you get it,” She whines out to which he now smoothed the furrow she had which quickly disappeared upon feeling his touch in her skin. Swiftly moving to the driver’s side, Aaron looked at her with a soft expression before asking, “Why don’t I get your mind off of it then? How would you like to spend our time together?”
His heart melted at the excited grin she had as she thought deep about how to spend their date before rambling, “We could go bowling in this place on 6th Avenue, oh but they have league games today. Oh! How about we go to this drive-in theatre just by the outskirts of town?” Just as he was about to agree to her suggestion she pouted once more, “But wait, their movie for tonight is a kid’s one, Megamind, I think.” Her excited gasp accompanied by her light taps to Aaron’s shoulder made it evident how excited she was by her current idea, “We could go right into the city centre! They have different kinds of food trucks this day of the week!”
“You sure that’s what you want, sweetheart?” He got her affirmation as she buckled her seatbelt up and nodded, “Sure do, Aarbear! I heard there was a food truck that would sell raspberry and cherry cotton candy.”
“Aarbear?” He questioned the nickname although he could not deny the warm feeling that washed over him upon being granted to him. She hummed, “Ever since we last saw each other, I’ve been thinking of cute nicknames for you; since you call me sweetheart. Aarbear is my favourite just because you remind me of a teddy bear. Just so snuggly and cute.”
“Snuggly and cute? Sweetheart, have you taken a good look at me? I’m the farthest thing from that don’t you think?” Aaron playfully countered as he relished in their playful banter. “You know what? Yeah, I have taken a good look at you and if I say so for myself you always look dashing and,” Her train of thought was cut off when she gasped out loud and saw the coat he was wearing, “And I thought I told you to wear the pink suit I got you! Why didn’t you?”
By that time, they had already reached the public parking that was allocated for the food truck event, Aaron looked at her chuckling as he thought she wasn’t serious about her little plan for the pink suit she gifted him; but upon seeing her expression which consisted of a frown with her wobbly lips and a furrowed brow, he knew that it was serious and important to her. Hoping to appease her feelings, Hotch then lifted his hand up to rub on her cheek gently and as she nuzzled herself deeper into his warmth, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. But I might have mentioned it before, but I don’t really know how to pair up clothes, you know? That’s why my suits and slacks have always matched.”
Placing her chin centre on his palm, she shoots him a smile as her upset expression now melting into an excited one as she speaks, “Does that mean I get to dress you up? I get to rifle through your wardrobe?” Removing herself from his hold, they both tried to ignore how empty it felt when they were not within each other’s reach; but to help diminish the emptiness they felt Y/N then laced her hand with his large one and grinned, “Next time we go out for a date, we go to your house first so I can dress you up and make you even more handsome! Oh there’s this new sweater line that came out and I wanna see how the sweater brings out the brown in your eyes.”
“Already planning our next date, sweetheart? You already want me around you that much?” Unsure of whether he can handle the truth of her answer, Aaron kissed her knuckles as he made his way out of the car and opened the passenger door for her. Leaping out to wrap her arms around his large figure as she hummed against his shoulder, “I sure do, Aarbear. So hopefully you don’t get sick of me right away.”
“I don’t think I could ever get sick of you, sweetheart,”  Aaron reassured her as they began walking towards the plethora of food trucks that were present in the little festival going on, “Besides, the only thing I plan on getting sick on is a ton of cotton candy. Was raspberry your favourite flavour?”
Failing to hide how giddy she was at his sincere revelation, she smiled as she laced her fingers with his and dragged him to where the food truck that sold cotton candies were. “I do like the grape-flavoured ones, do you have a favourite?” It was in that moment that Aaron wished he had a camera permanently lodged into his brain so he could capture the way her eyes sparkled as she inquired more about his interests. He hummed as they stood in line in front of the food truck, “I don’t think I’ve explored enough of these flavours to have a definite favourite.”
Her gasp paired with the soft tap on the shoulder was another thing that was quickly becoming a favourite of Aaron’s. Upon reaching the front of the line, Y/N took charge and ordered three kinds of cotton candy. As she reached down for her wallet, she was caught off guard at how quick her date was in tapping his own credit card against the machine. 
“Aaron! Why didn’t you let me pay?”
The two walked a few feet away and sat down on the bench nearby before he smiled and pinched some cotton candy and offered it to her, “Now what kind of man would I be if I even let you touch your wallet throughout our date?” 
Returning the favour by feeding him some cotton candy as well, she pursed her lips as she concluded, “A handsome gentleman, still. And don’t ever think differently.” From there on they fell into an easy conversation which ranged from childhood shenanigans to workplace happenings. For Y/N this was a complete 360 switch to see Aaron’s eyes crinkled in joy and his posture relaxed; seeing him so serious and stiff on their first meeting gave her the impression he’d be too uptight. In her mind, she’d do anything to keep the beautiful smile on his face. “Wait, so Garcia was able to access the file that I didn’t know the password to?”
“Took her less than five minutes to do that, sweetheart,” Aaron informed her as the two wiped their mouths of any crumbs and threw the container in the trash before strolling once more to get more food, “What else are you in the mood for?”
“Can we get some tacos? It’s been quite a while since I’ve had some,” With that Aaron led the way as he spotted the specific truck sooner, “So Garcia can hack into anything?” As they stood in line in front of other patrons, Y/N made sure to only whisper her question so as to not attract any unwanted attention from curious ears, something that did not escape Aaron’s observant nature and something he appreciated.
“Absolutely, it only takes her about ten minutes to do so. There’s rarely anything she can’t crack,” He answers, however he’s left more puzzled as she stands on her tiptoes and whispers in his ear, “Do you think she can hack into something for me?”
“What exactly do you need to get hacking into, sweetheart?”
At that, her glossed up lips — which compared to last time that was a soft red shade, this time around she had a flushed pink hue with a slight shimmer to it — formed a pout as her eyebrows furrowed in frustration as she recounts, “Because I signed up for Snapchat a year ago and then now I forgot which password I used to it, it reached to a point where I’ve tried so many times that they told me I’m no longer allowed to try guessing. And I wanna get access back to it because everytime I take a cute selfie of myself I send it there.”
 By the end of her story, they reached the front of the line and Aaron paused their conversation for a while to order for the two of them; his heart fluttered when Y/N patted his shoulder gently as she whispered, “Extra cheese on mine, please.”
Once they were handed their food, the two stepped away and once again found a bench to give them privacy. Before even taking a bite from her taco, she faced him and her face was once again etched with concern, “So? Do you think Garcia will help me? I can give her a cute little outfit in the boutique if she does. Or whatever else she wants, promise.”
Smiling at her as he allowed his first bite to go down before replying, “I’m sure she’d love to assist you even without the promise of repayment.” She was midbite when she looked up at Aaron, cheese at the side of her mouth as she seemed confused with what he meant before he clarified as he wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin, “I’ll let her know you need help, sweetheart.”
Shrieking out of excitement wasn’t the only way she expressed her relief but also with the way she tried her best to wrap her arms around him without causing both their tacos to crack as they hit the ground, “Thank you, Aar! Can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that! Do you think Garcia will like cupcakes or cookies more? I’ve been meaning to bake since it’s been a while, you know.”
“I know for a fact she wouldn’t mind either one, sweetheart,” He leaned closer as if he was sharing a secret and whispered in her ear, “But I do know you and her will get along well.”
Her nose scrunched up in excitement as she shimmied her shoulders in a little dance, “You did mention she likes little quirky gadgets and she dresses a lot like I do. Maybe she and I can go shopping sometime? You mentioned you work with other ladies too right? Alexa and GG?”
“Alex and JJ, sweetheart,” He gently corrects her as threw his napkin after finishing his taco in the nearby bin, “But yes, I’m sure they’d love to meet you. Maybe in the near future we can set that up?”
Her excited nod caused some of the taco sauce to spread past her lips, prompting Aaron to wipe the sides of her mouth as she replied, “Do you think they’d like me though? Some people I’ve met before say I’m too much or you know,” The slight pause between her train of thought made him worry about what previous perceptions were about her so he encouraged her on, “Know what exactly, sweetheart?”
Perhaps it was the way he gently coaxed her or the way he rubbed her back was full of care but it got her talking as she mentioned, “It’s just, people like my friends say that I’m dumb, that I’m no fun to be around with,” She sniffled a little which proved to be the wrong thing to do as it accidentally got some sauce on her nose, to which she scowled a little and threw the wrapper away and she felt a sudden wave of shyness take over her as Aaron was quick to wipe by her nose, “I don’t have very many people who stay — except for my family, I guess, but they don’t really have that much of a  choice — so I don’t know,” She looks up at him and it was only then that Aaron got a good look of her eyes that had a glimmer of both hope and sadness, “I’d really like for you to stay, Aar.”
“I’d like that too,” Came his immediate reply as he brought her into his warm embrace, tucking her head underneath his chin as he tried to get across every ounce of affection he had had for her, “I promise I’ll keep you close to me, sweetheart.”
Slightly detaching herself from his hold to take a good look on his face, she smiled up at him, “Have I ever mentioned that you’re one of the most handsome men in the world? If not the most? Like, inside and out,” She pulled away fully from his embrace and frowned as she recalled her statement, “No wait, I don’t think it works that way. Do you mind being called beautiful? I know some guys are uncomfortable with that. Or maybe I can call you a pretty boy?”
Shaking his head at her silly antics he just kissed her forehead and teased her, “I thought Aarbear was the nickname you had for me?”
“I guess that’s just one of the struggles for when you’re the most perfect man in the world, hm? Having too many options for a nickname since you’re everything good,” she giggled. 
Just as he was about to reply with some sort of a witty comeback, the shrill tone of his phone broke them out of their trance. Dread filled his gut immediately at the thought of a case whisking him away from a great date; he shot her an apologetic expression before saying, “Sorry,” And answering the phone and being pleasantly surprised that it was just Jess calling, “Jess? Is everything alright?”
Deciding to keep herself preoccupied while Aaron tends to his call, Y/N mindlessly grabbed for his free hand and slowly traced over the lines on his hand and smiled upon noticing how much larger his hand was and when she lined up her hand against his, she rubbed the skin of it and realised that she could get used to the warm feeling of his touch.
“I’m sorry about that, sweetheart,” Aaron apologised as he pocketed his phone and that seemed to break her out of her trance as she looked up at him and mirrored the small frown he was sporting, “That was Jess, she’s the aunt of my son. She said he awoke from a nightmare and won’t calm down. Apparently, he’s been asking for me and refuses to go back to sleep until he sees me.” 
“Then you should go to him,” Was her instant reply as she stood up on her feet and held out her hand for him to take, “Let’s go to your sweet boy, Aarbear.”
Taking her by the hand, he smiled at her as he led the way back to the car he decided to check in with her, “I’m sorry to spring this on you, sweetheart, but I’m a single father to a five year old.”
Upon being helped into the passenger seat she waited for Aaron to buckle himself in beside her before asking, “So what’s he like? And what’s his name?” The unit chief could not hold back the smile from how sincere she was in her curiosity. “Jack is a talented soccer player, he’s slowly getting into music and he can’t wait to audition for their spring play. I will say though he takes a lot of traits from his mom, which might be a good thing for him, honestly.”
Scoffing in offence, she gently scolded him, “Do not talk about yourself in that way, Aarbear! You’re smart, kind, funny, always keeping alert and all that. You have a lot of good qualities, you know.” There was a comfortable silence that took over for a few minutes before they were at a red light where it got Y/N thinking, “Wait, so if you have a son he has a mother, right?”
“I do believe that is how biology works, sweetheart,” His lighthearted joke was his attempt to soften the upcoming difficult conversation they were definitely going to have  in light of her recent discovery of his son. 
“Where is his mom then? Wait,” She panicked as she looked at him and gently held onto his forearm, “Oh God, please don’t tell me I’m making you cheat on your wife. That I’m not the other woman.”
Her somber pout while adorable made his heart clench as he realised she was concerned about what Haley meant to him as it shows how serious their relationship is to her. So he reached over the console and rubbed her knee comfortingly, “You’re not the other woman, sweetheart. Jack’s mother, Haley, is not in the picture.”
“Why not? Is she okay?”
Her kind nature came through once more and every time Aaron has a glimpse of it, it makes him feel like he’s in this trance-like dream where his dream woman came to life by merely manifesting it. “She unfortunately passed away. We had this unsub — bad guy — who went after me and my family.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that, Aar,” Y/N sympathized once Aaron was parking his car in their assigned stall. Once parked he looked at her and there was a slight tremble in his lips as he shared with her, “She was killed, and he was about to go after Jack but I was able to put a stop to it before doing so.”
“You saved Jack,” She reminded him of his heroic act as she smoother over his trembling lips with her thumb as she tried to comfort him the same way he did her everytime she nearly spiralled into overthinking negatively, “You didn’t kill Haley, the bad guy did. That’s not your fault, okay?”
Slightly rotating his head so he could press a quick kiss to her palm, he smiled at her, “Thank you for that reminder, sweetheart; I needed that.” 
Feeling the heat creeping up her cheeks she smiled too and grinned before gasping out, “Wait, we’re here already, right?” At his confirming hum, she then quickly said, “We need to get to your boy!”
Aaron found himself frowning not because their moment was cut short, but he was unable to open the door for her and escort her out of the vehicle. Upon reaching the elevator of the building, he noticed Y/N was bouncing on her heels as if she were nervous. Just as he was about to check in on her, the elevator had a soft ping and opened the doors to reveal that they were on their floor. Gently placing his hand behind her back, he led her to their apartment and he hated that his sweaty hands slightly dampened her dress; but she didn’t seem to mind it and instead unknowingly calmed him down by smiling brightly at him.
Upon entering their living space, Aaron could vaguely hear Jess keeping Jack occupied by talking to him. “Jack? Buddy? I’m home,” Aaron called out gently as he made his way by the hallway while Y/N settled by their couch as she didn’t want to intrude any more than she already had.
Almost instantly the sound of pitter patter of tiny feet, “Dad!” Jack ran towards his father’s embrace and Aaron opened his arms as he allowed his son to nuzzle into his neck and carry him. “How are you feeling, bud? Aunt Jess said you couldn’t go to sleep?”
He rubbed his eyes with his hands as he frowned, “Yes, had a nightmare, dad. I was so scared I couldn’t get back to sleep with you.” As Jack laid down his head on his father’s shoulder that’s when he noticed a pretty girl sitting. “Who is she, dad?”
Y/N smiled warmly as she waved, Aaron sat him and his son on the armchair near the sofa she was sitting at and mentioned, “This is Y/N, she’s my friend, Jack.”
“Nice to meet you, Jack,” She held out his hand for a shake and while she understood that kids are naturally shy, especially around people they’re unfamiliar with, she was thoroughly surprised when he shook her hand and had a shy smile on his cute little face.
“Hi Y/N, I’m Jack,” When he retracted his hand she took a good look at him before mentioning, “You look like a princess.”
Indulging him she then leaned a little closer and playfully whispered, “Don’t say it out loud, this princess just snuck out to meet with her prince.” Jack giggled at her silly reply and mirrored her actions and came a little closer, “And? Where is he? Did you get your happily ever after?”
“Not yet,” She replied as she shyly smiled and took a quick glance at Aaron, “The story isn’t done yet. But you do know what a princess needs? A knight of shining armour who can be her best friend! Can we be friends, Jack?”
Looking up at his father, he shot Aaron a questioning look and inquired, “I know Y/N’s your friend but can I be her friend too?” Feeling his heart warm up at the way how gentle and considerate Y/N was to Jack — knowing that she couldn’t automatically assume Jack will see her as a friend and instead she’d have to earn it — paired with Jack’s interest in getting to know her, he smiled down at his son as he steadied his grip on his growing toddler who seemed to be wiggling a little at the excitement of having a new friend, “I’m more than alright with that, Jack. But it’s up to you, okay, bud?”
Nodding at his father before facing Y/N once more, Jack showed her his toothy grin that came out every time his father told him a silly joke before concluding, “I’d love to be your knight friend, Y/N. Does that mean we’ll go on adventures?”
Giggling and clapping her hands in delight, Y/N nodded before calming down and saying, “We sure can, Sir Jack! But maybe after you’ve had a good night’s sleep? That way we both will be energised and ready for whatever adventure comes our way?”
Right on cue, Jack let out a little yawn that Aaron partially thought Y/N induced out of him by mentioning he had to sleep, “Okay, I can’t wait for our adventure already!”
“After a good night’s sleep, okay, bud? I’m gonna put you to bed now,” Jack didn’t fight his father much and instead curled his arms around his neck, signalling that he wanted to be carried back to bed. As Aaron stood up, Jack unclasped one of his hands and waved at Y/N and smiled, “Bye, princess Y/N.”
“Sweet dreams, Sir Jack.”
Once the two men disappeared into the hall, Jessica came into view and walked towards her. Taking initiative Y/N reached out for her hand and introduced herself, “Hi, I’m Y/N. Aaron mentioned you were Jack’s aunt.” 
Shaking her hand, she confirmed, “Yeah, I’m Jessica. I’m Jack’s mom’s sister. Did he mention Haley to you?”
A sincere, sombre expression washed over her face as Y/N pulled Jess in for a hug, “He did, and I’m so sorry about what happened to her. From what he’s told me, Haley was such a lovely soul.” Noticing that Jess tensed slightly at the hug but relaxed because she didn’t realise how good a hug can be from someone earnest; which is why Jess was puzzled when they pulled away and Y/N had a frown. “I didn’t ask first before hugging you, sorry ‘bout that. My family did always say I was such a big hugger.”
“Don’t worry about it,” The blonde woman reassured her as she reached out and held Y/N’s hand, “I appreciated the hug and your kind words.” Beaming brightly at that, she looked down at their hands and her sharp eye couldn’t miss the blouse Jess was wearing and noticed, “Are you wearing Nanette Lepore?” Taking her aback, Jess then had her mouth open in surprise as she was unsure how to respond to that. Y/N, however, took this opportunity to babble on, “You have a good eye! She really shocked everyone when she revealed that her fall spring collection was mostly going to be perfumes but I was really excited to buy one, but shipping costs are a pain in the butt.”
“I’m sorry but our conversation took quite a turn here,” Jess tried to steer their conversation and Y/N smiled as she explained, “Oh sorry, I get so excited when the topic is fashion and all that. I work at a boutique, always thinking about designing my own clothes, but I don’t know.”
It was then that Aaron walked in the room, “Sorry for the delay, Jack requested quite a few stories tonight.” Placing a hand on his date’s shoulder and facing Jess with a tight-lipped smile, “Jess, I appreciate you looking out for Jack tonight. I was out on a date with Y/N earlier and I hope that it won’t  cause too much of an issue between us.”
Jess appreciated Aaron’s vulnerability at the moment as she knew how bad her brother-in-law’s mindset and confidence was following Haley’s passing. He was deep in his belief that he was unable to open up to someone and if he ever did, they’d walk out on him after having a good, long conversation with him. Reaching out to rub his forearm that she couldn't  help but notice was colder than usual before smiling, “I know, Aaron. And can I say just how lovely Y/N is.”
“Oh oh, before I forget,” Y/N reached for her bag and fished for something and made her way back over to them and handed a card to Jess, “Next time, please do swing by in the boutique. I’d love to give you some clothes that will really go well with your style! Plus, it’d be fun just chatting up with you and there’s a cute little cafe nearby too.”
Taking the calling card and looking at it first before pocketing it, Jess smiles as she hugs Aaron and gives the same affection to Y/N before parting ways, “I’ll definitely give you a call when I can swing by, okay? Enjoy your evening, guys.”
As she was putting on her coat and slinged her bag over her shoulder she looked at Aaron, “Oh and Aaron?” The man raised his eyebrows and just as he was about to ask what’s wrong Jess winked at her, “I think you found yourself a keeper.”
With that, Jess allowed the two lovebirds their privacy, the two snuggled with each other on the couch but just as they made each other comfortable Y/N looked up at Aaron and had another confused pout, “What did Jess mean when she said you found a keeper? Did you lose a tupperware container?”
Aaron chuckled lightly at her question before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead and shrugged, “I’m not too sure too, sweetheart. I’ll ask her the next time she swings by.”
Deciding to let go of the topic, she then nuzzled her cheek into his chest as her hand mindlessly drew random shapes on his chest; it was Aaron that broke the silence by apologising, “I’m sorry our first date didn’t exactly go as planned. I’ll make it up to you next time, I promise.”
Looking up at him through her lashes she smiled at him and gently shook her head, “It’s okay, Aarbear. I had fun at the food truck festival. If I only knew I was going to be meeting sweet boy Jack, I’d buy him a few cotton candy flavours.”
“I’m sure your sweet personality made up for the lack of treats you gave him, sweetheart,” He tickled her sides gently to elicit giggles from her and when she did he wished he recorded it as it was such a joyous sound, “Besides, he will be looking forward to some princess-knight adventures you two will be having.”
“Is that okay with you though? I’ve read some stories where kids don’t like it when their parents date someone else. I don’t wanna come across as evil or anything,” She worried and now she stopped her movements and just looked at Aaron with worried eyes. 
This time it was Aaron who had his hand rubbing her back gently to coax her back into her relaxed state, “Sweetheart, I wouldn’t worry about that. Did you see how at ease Jack was when you were talking to him earlier? I don’t see any scenario where he would treat you unkindly and you to him.”
Nodding her head softly she then leaned against his shoulder once more as she said, “Okay, but if he ever tells me or you that he needs some space from me, I’m gonna do it. And you can’t stop me from doing it.”
Humming as a reply, Aaron appreciated how Y/N was respectful of Jack’s boundaries. They were basking in a comfortable silence before Y/N asked, “Did you really have a great time with me, Aar?”
“Of course,” Came his immediate reply, “Did I give the impression that I didn’t?” He felt calm when she gently shook her head and sighed out before sadly recollecting, “No, you didn’t. But I just went on dates before where it ended up with them just calling it a night right away. They’d mutter under their breath that they can’t handle being around me for any longer.”
Her quiet sniffles had him fearing that she thought this was how their relationship too was gonna go; choosing to reassure her, he lifted her chin with his hooked finger and looked serious yet loving as he spoke, “I’m sorry to hear you’ve been on terrible dates with terrible boys. But let me reassure you that I do not, in any way, think of you in that way. Can I tell you a secret?”
Looking at him with curious eyes she nodded as he took his queue to reveal to her, “You bring so much happiness and joy in my life. I don’t think you can ever be those mean things that they said. In fact, I think you’re all I could ever need and want.”
Having to bite back her smile as she tried to not show how his words affected her she smiled and leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek, “You’re too sweet to me, Aaron.” She bit her lip before continuing her train of thought, “Would it be too soon to say that I like you a lot? Like, I know it’s only been nearly two weeks since we’ve talked to each other but you make me so happy. Whenever I get a text from you I smile so wide, it even got to the point where Phoebe has to tell me to stop smiling and giggling too much because it might creep out other customers.”
Laughing along her story as she did so, he shook his head as he shared, “I feel what you mean, sweetheart. I have to be careful of my reactions everytime my phone rings because of you. Which is hard to do around profilers.”
“Wait, profilers? Is that the ones who try to understand the bad guys or the ones who just do the research on how to find the bad guy?”
Chuckling as he found her confusion unfortunately adorable he clarified, “We do a little bit of both, sweetheart.” She gasps out loud as she frowns, “You do both? That sounds exhausting!”
“Well thinking of you does make me feel less tired, sweetheart,” Rubbing her cheek softly as he took in her features led him to focus on her lips that he had thought about kissing ever since they met, “Would it be too soon if I told you I wanted to kiss you, sweetheart?”
“Not at all,” Came her instantaneous reply, “I’d love for you to kiss me, Aar.” 
And with her consent he gently pulled her in softly by the cheek, tightening his hold on her without hurting her and slanted his lips overs. Feeling her smile into the kiss as she held onto his shoulders, bringing him even closer to her. Their lips felt warm and like puzzles fitting into place, after both of their initial shyness they both opened their mouths and allowed their tongues to entangle in a sweet dance as their hands took in every part of themselves that were new to each other. 
The couple poured all of the unspoken feelings they both were too frightened to share — all the premature love and companionship — was made evident by their sweet kiss that felt natural. Despite her unwillingness to do so, she had to slowly detach herself from his lips as she had to gasp for breath. Her fingers ended up playing with the short hairs at the nape of his neck and while she separated from his lips, she couldn’t pull away from his hair as she looked up at him, “That might be the best first kiss I’ve ever had with someone.”
Pleased with her conclusion, Aaron quickly littered sweet pecks all throughout her face before placing a long, loving kiss on her lips before nodding in agreement, “And the best part about it is that that’ll be just the first of our many kisses, sweetheart.”
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agendabymooner · 1 year
𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 !!! 𝐥𝐧𝟒 — 𝐭𝐰𝐨
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chapter summary: lando norris is beginning to show his true colours after honey-sue announced her third album release and her participation in a special event occurring in three months — maybe he’s just excited to see her during the monaco gp?
OR f1 fans are noticing that his twitter timeline is being taken over by posts about the famous british youtuber/musician.
content warning: use of explicit language, ofc’s discography is based on lana del rey’s albums and songs, insta + twitter posts, mentions of cigarette + alcohol consumption, mentions anxiety, short jokes, “liked by pierre gasly”
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
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tagged sidemen
liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, pierregasly
chrismd oh geez can’t wait to share lockers with you i guess 🤥
suemehoney god forbid i’d actually see some kneecaps on you, dixon 😳
user1 stop violating him oh my god 🫣😩
stephentries_ finally 🙃 the better lewis playing for the match liked by suemehoney
zerkaa one of the boooooyz 😩💪 liked by suemehoney
bambinobecky my favourite pick me 😭🫡 liked by suemehoney
suemehoney actually give me a kiss plz 🥵
user2 “liked by landonorris” 💀
user3 honey is officially a victim of “liked by pierregasly” 😭😭😭🫡
user4 what’re these f1 people doing in honey’s insta??? 😳
user5 didn’t mean to invade y’all— but we couldn’t contain lando and pierre in the horny jail so we had to check out what’s the fuss ourselves
user4 understood
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly, miniminter
user2 i’ll kiss you in the mouth if you do the spoon necklace again 😩
ksi 😭😭 liked by suemehoney
wroetoshaw i’ll be the first to cry when it first come out liked by suemehoney
r0sielewis 🥵 liked by suemehoney
niko they better play this at my funeral liked by suemehoney
suemehoney i’ll even dj it for you neeko 😚🤭
user3 yo these f1 drivers are wiiiiild 😭
user4 “liked by landonorris” 💀
user5 “liked by pierregasly” 😅 can’t believe this shit
user6 can’t even have shit in this economy
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william ya shit! who is this man??? he goes on to say that this lunch is important but he isn’t here??? tf am i doing here? i could be doing something else!
honey calm down m8 😅 lando said he’ll be here in five minutes that’s what max said at least why don’t you grab some alcohol
and get her pissed in monaco at 1 in the afternoon? are you insane? do you want to die?
allow it? it’s her vacation harold— let her drink if she wants to drink
i took my anxiety meds this morning you fuckin numpty 😭 if i drink now it’ll be nothing but a trip to the hospital for me
right. shit sorry. maybe take some breather? filly’s more than willing to walk around with you before we order. i’ll talk to max about lando 🙏 the idiot isn’t always this late so this is unusual
you better 😐 i should’ve brought cigarettes
shut your mouth. if i see a single stick i’m shoving it down your throat.
oh fuck off. you’ve had worse than nicotine. bitch.
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m8 🤠 the more time you spend in front of a mirror the more time you lose with your lover girl
fuck off im nervous
lad 😭 she’s not going to bite you. she doesn’t even want to talk to people what makes you think she’d want to deliberately talk to you?
that’s even worse 😭😭 i’m omw. seriously. i just need to make sure i look decent enough 🙄
you might have to do some explaining to w2s about you retweeting posts about his sister though 😅 the whole “lando norris retweeted” spiel is becoming a trend and uh it’s not a good look for you
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
bracket 1 FINAL BATTLE
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Rusty used to be a stray and then he had An Accident and now he has three legs (he had been living at a vet's office for a month when submitter adopted him). But he's doing great! Submitter taught him how to climb stairs and built him some steps out of cardboard boxes so he can get on their bed whenever he wants. They think he could be anywhere from 6 to 12 years old, it's hard to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. To their pleasant surprise, he does not mind wearing a harness at all, which is good because he still loves the outdoors. He often gets his ear turned inside out while bathing and weirdly prefers dry food over wet.
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breaking: semi-feral baby learns to cuddle, becomes addicted to laying on my face
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and here he is chillin on the patio with me!
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vote for rusty #1 best at sticking out leg
when i first got Rusty he could not go up stairs... but he could go down, so he would get stuck at the bottom of them and meow for help. Of course he also hated being picked up and carried up the stairs.
but now he just goes ZOOP up the stairs doing audible damage to my carpet the whole way, which is so valid of him because i hate carpet on stairs
and something that is not quite propaganda for rusty but important words from rusty's human nontheless
For this semifinal I am going to do a different kind of propaganda.
Next time you are looking to adopt a pet, please consider getting an older animal or one with special needs, if you are able, or even just a shy, timid one. The reason my vet friend came to me about Rusty was because cats like him are usually overlooked in shelters. It wasn't just his injury--behaviorally, it was like he didn't know how to be a pet. For about three months he spent 95% of his time sitting in one spot, doing nothing, mostly indifferent to human attention. And now, after less than two years, he is super active and follows me to bed every night for cuddles. There are so many pets like Rusty who just need somebody to give them a chance, and give them time. If you can be that person, it is the most amazing thing to see what they bloom into!
Thank you for reading my spiel, now here is a picture of Rusty sleeping in the cat equivalent of a T-pose for some reason:
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If she's quiet she's either sleeping or somewhere she shouldn't be. Or Both. Openly favors submitter, tolerates others. Very autistic cat: anxious of bad noises, very picky eater, kneads with her right paw out for no reason, must walk a circle around the room before going somewhere, has Specific eating spots for mealtime, etc. She probably knows more English than she lets on. Disobeys authority when she's bored or hungry. Loves the outdoors but she needs her pretty pink harness or she'll run; her favorite activity is playing with grasshoppers. She's a little brat but you can't help but love her when she squeaks at you.
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As you can see, she likes tight spaces (it's the 'tism -u-). She has access to larger, roomier sleeping spaces, but she always gravitates to places where I can't understand how she could possibly be comfortable. That round thing in the top right pic? She sleeps on top of that for the night even though a whole leg falls over the side. We've debated getting her a bigger one, but I don't think she'd like it.
She is also a lover of people food; we tried not to get her used to it, but somewhere along the way she broke down our walls. Whenever I snack on cheese puffs on the couch, she's always gotta get up in my face to try to get some of that delicious cheese dust, going so far as to stick her big face in the bag right in front of me while I'm holding it. And if you've got salmon, she will go nuts. I think salmon is her favorite food with cheese as a close second. ...but she'll also beg for chicken nugget.
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[Image description: a photo of OP sitting at the dining table over a plate of chicken strips and ketchup, OP on one side of the chair and holding a piece of bitten chicken and Prissy sitting on the other side of the chair with one paw on the table eyeing the bitten chicken strip. OP's face has been painted over with a black spot.]
As for speaking English, I've caught her saying Hello and Mama clear as day, and is working on pronouncing Outside and Water (I mean it, just from her tones and "syllables" of her meows, it's like she's trying to speak).
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Sorry for the spam, but she really is that photogenic. And also sorry for the stuff on my bed, but my legs were injured at the time and needed extra support. While they were injured, I also spent a lot of time on the couch, where Prissy frequently sat by my side and especially on my lap. Now that I'm better and not sitting there anymore, she now claims that specific corner of the couch as her own; she's even stolen that spot from me when I get up to do something really quick.
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I've also trained her to hop on my lap when she wants to eat, instead of jumping on the table, but at the end of the day she still does what she wants lol. She's always been by my side, from the first day she got here at 3 mos. old and took a nap on my lap right in the hallway.
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fandom-junk-drawer · 2 years
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern AU) - Family Dynamics
None of them quite knew what they were expecting when Jaskier invited Geralt and Yennefer to move in to his house in Oxenfurt. Yennefer was lonely in Aretuza, and Geralt and Jaskier needed a more permanent place to stay when Geralt was between jobs or Jaskier had to work on band business.
They were all probably expecting it to be one of those awkward roommate situations where a couple and the third wheel best friend all split the bills and live under the same roof. It ended up being nothing like what they were expecting.
They all secretly expected Jaskier and Yennefer to make it maybe a month before they were at each other's throats and Yennefer decided to leave. It already looked as if they could barely stand each other. They always seemed to be arguing, insulting each other, or being passive agressive.
And then came the subtle smiles, the slight playful tones...
Jaskier and Yennefer had finally bonded. Geralt figured that since they were friends now, things would settle down. But he was wrong. So very wrong. They all got sucked into this new chaotic relationship.
Yennefer always complains about how Geralt and Jaskier are nothing but trouble when they are together. How she can't turn her back on them for five minutes before Geralt loses all higher brain function and somehow allows Jaskier to convince him to do some of the most stupid, and/or annoying things.
Things like:
Building blanket forts and refusing to let Yennefer in unless she knows the Super Secret Password. It's 'Bewbs'.
Tying a bunch of helium balloons to a blow up doll and setting it loose in the backyard to float away, then running inside to monitor the police scanner to see how many 911 calls it recieved.
Buying a tiny fat pony. Not Jaskier's fault this time. They were driving home and Geralt sees the advertisement on the fence and has to stop because all the fluffy babies are out in the field and he sees a little red one, and is just going "Oh my GAWD, I want to take her home! We can put her in the van!"
Geralt just really loves horses, ok? And she fits in the van!
And now they have to say Wee Roach, or Van Roach so no one gets confused as to which Roach they are talking about.
The constant That's What She Said, Everything Can Be A Toy If You're Brave Enough, and I Fell On It jokes. And all the other inappropriate jokes Jaskier is constantly waiting to make.
Yennefer and Geralt have forbidden Jaskier from physically entering any sandwich shop ever again. They never did find out Jaskier's answer to "How do you want your sub topped?" Because Geralt had, thankfully, been close enough to clamp his hand over his mouth in time.
The laughing fits that start over words like "butthole". All it takes is for Jaskier to start laughing, and then Geralt starts laughing, which makes Jaskier laugh even more... Heaven help them if they are in public, or even worse, at a public function and something sets Jaskier off. He will try to get the person who said the trigger word to say it more.
And then they get kicked out.
Yennefer feels like she's babysitting two 6 year olds.
Jaskier convincing Geralt to walk around the grocery store acting like a gorilla
Jaskier convincing Geralt to squeeze into Yennefer's yoga pants, then go for a nice jog around the neighborhood.
Yennefer having to hold their hands at stores/shops/amusement parks so they don't run off and get into trouble. Or get lost.
Blowing their straw papers at each other and Yennefer. (Jaskier always tries to get his straw paper to stick in Yennefer's cleavage. Geralt aims for her hair because he's not that stupid.)
Leaving messes everywhere. Trails of clothes leading to the bathroom. Messes in the kitchen. Crumbs on the couch. Seat left up, or 'sprinkled on' and not wiped off...
Constantly walking in on them doing whatever the hot new tiktok trend was. The Beethoven Challenge had truly been a sight, she had to admit.
Ridiculous games. Like the one where they put kazoos or harmonicas in their mouths and took turns zapping each other on their bare a**es with bug zapper paddles.
Putting random price tags on random items at the store to see if they can make it through the checkout line with it.
Surprisingly, it works the majority of the time. Which is how they ended up with a wet floor sign shaped like a giant banana peel, a big plastic horse from a wine display, and a standee of the store mascot
And trying to rip each other's back pockets off. Geralt had completely ripped the entire a** out Jaskier's jeans. In the middle of the grocery store.
And don't get her started on how she couldn't make a phone call around them. Yennefer lived in constant fear that her phone would ring in their presence. Because that meant trying to talk on the phone while they
Yell random things like:
Is that the brothel again? Was my credit card declined?
That doesn't go in your butt!
Why are you lying to them like that?
Stop hogging the bong!
Yen, help, he's escaped the basement again!
Geralt will do a very realistic impression of a barking dog.
Jaskier will randomly scream.
They will team up and pretend to be two children fighting over something "MoOoooMM! Geralt/Jaskier is...."
"MoOOMMM, I frew up!"
Pretend there is a small crisis going on and run around cursing in the background.
Make random moaning/creaking/slapping/thumping combinations.
Make fart noises.
Bang pots and pans together
Random sex jokes
Deez Nuts jokes
But what Yennefer didn't realize (or refused to acknowledge) was that her and Jaskier were just as bad.
Geralt secretly referred to them as the Chaotic Siblings.
Yennefer tried to be the responsible, mature one of the pair, but always ended up getting sucked in by Jaskier's playful energy. Which always left Geralt feeling like a Tired Dad.
They will fight, argue, and annoy the h*ll out of each other and Geralt for fun.
Some of the things they do are:
The Butt Poke of Death. Geralt can't remember who started it, but Jaskier and Yennefer spent weeks jumping at every opportunity to stab each other in the a**. Then they involved Geralt, and they all ended up walking around the house, constantly on guard, relexively covering their butts.
Embarrassing Yennefer in public. Jaskier starts walking weird, making odd random noises, or just acting embarrassing in public and follows Yen around as she tries to get the h*ll away from him. He just starts walking weirder and weirder. Running just makes it worse. He will chase her, doing the "I'm frEEEE~!" run.
Jaskier and Yen once did the Awkward JCPenny Sibling photoshoot. They wore the cringiest clothes they could find and did all the awkward Sibling poses. They do it every year now and pick the worst one, have it framed, and hang it on the wall in Roach. Last year's photo is moved to the livingroom wall where everyone who walks in the door can see it .
They even get Geralt to sometimes involve himself in their nonsnse. Like the time when Jaskier and Yennefer got bored on rainy day and started doing old kid's crafts they remembered doing from their childhoods. Classics like the Squawking Chicken Cup, plastic mesh canvas crafts, fuse beads, paper mache, etc. Geralt had declined joining them. And then they'd started making Friendship Pins for each other. Geralt had absolutely not been jealous as he'd watched them trade their pins. He'd just been bored, okay? He'd definitley not sat down and started making pins because he was jealous!
The pranks are even worse. Geralt is always an unwitting participant. Like the time they filled his room with balloons. Geralt had started popping balloons just so he could get into his room, and found the one balloon they had filled with glitter. He'd been rather irate about it, but as the Chaotic Siblings had put it as he'd chased them through the house, "At least you look fabulous!"
Not even a week later Geralt had been opening a soda bottle in the kitchen when Jaskier had run up behind him and dropped a mentos in the bottle when Geralt turned to get his glass. They'd run like h*ll after the soda spewed all over Geralt. Yen's phone has the whole thing on video, including the chaotic shaking view of her running from Geralt.
Putting clear tape across the doorways at face height and watching Geralt walk into it.
Switching places when Yennefer is walking with Geralt. The Siblings had gotten a good laugh when Geralt realized that at some point they had switched places and he'd been holding Jaskier's hand for the past 15 minutes.
They bought a big bag of gummy bears, waited until Geralt had gone to bed, then spent a few hours licking each gummy bear and then sticking them to the ceiling of Geralt's van.
F**king with Geralt's collection of horse figurines by either replacing one with a random a** object, or dressing one up, and waiting to see how long it takes him to notice.
Sometimes they just abduct one and hold it hostage until Geralt pays the ridiculous ransom they came up with.
Which is how Geralt ended up walking out of the salon with hidden pastel rainbow hair.
And not to mention all the random, childish things, like
Interacting with random statues they come across, resulting in hilarious photos.
Full sleeve tattoos using assorted kids' temporary tattoos
Both of them constantly yelling "gErALt!" whenever one of them did someting particularly annoying to the other. Like how Yennefer keeps calling Jaskier 'Babygirl' in front of his band. Or telling Geralt that Jaskier is his other wife.
Eskel and Geralt have a private joke that Jaskier is Yennefer's gay boyfriend. Eskel even took all the footage he had collected of Yennefer and Jaskier interacting and put it to Gay Boyfriend by The Hazzards.
Not being able to play a serious game of pool because Jaskier keeps dancing around his pool cue while Yennefer sings "Somebody come get her, she's dancin' like a stripper!"
Or they end up just contantly trying to poke each other with the pool cues.
Or they get drunk, turn the barstools upside down and sit between the legs and have 'barstool rodeos'. The first one to tip over loses.
The a** slapping battles that subsequently end up with bickering, name calling, and sulking.
Which dovetails into their wrestling matches, that always end in high pitched screams for help when Yennefer gets the upper hand.
They call Geralt by going "Pspspspsps!"
Geralt hates it because he turns to look every single time. He hates it even more when they do it in public.
He tried to ignore a public summons once, and had done a pretty decent job of barely twitching, until Yennefer had called loudly, "Geralt Roger Eric-!" And Geralt had never moved faster in his life.
He'd thought they had given up "cat" calling him, until he found out they had changed his ringtone. Now when one them calls him, it's a recording of the specific Sibling going "Pspspspsp!"
They will, every once in a while, even send him a text message that reads "Pspspspsps!"
They found out that a squeaky ball worked just as well. Geralt's in his room and Yen wants to ask him something? Squeaky Ball! Don't know where Geralt is? Just give the ball a squeak!
And if that wasn't bad/annoying enough, the little sh*ts will casually walk up to him, start scratching his cheeks/chin, and just smile as his eyes dilate and he starts purring.
Geralt tries to resist, but as soon as the skritches start, his brain just goes 'Brrrrr! Skritches Good!' and he's gone! He can't even remember what he was doing/saying.
And Geralt is pretty sure the Siblings have used the Chin/Cheek Skritch technique on numerous occasions to get themselves out of trouble.
The Squeaky Ball works just as well. Just give it a squeak and throw it, and Geralt forgets all about being mad!
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minghaoyoudoin · 2 years
Stray Kids As Romantic Tropes
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genre: fluff warnings: none
a/n: y'all, I CANNOT get stray kids off my mind 😵‍💫 in an effort to get my brain to stop rotting, here's some fluff. is this an original idea? definitely not, but I wanted to give my two cents on this trend!! please like or reblog if you enjoyed, bye loves! - j
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bang chan -> second chance
chan has some of the most comforting energy in the world. maybe you had a bad experience with relationships in the past, or your outlook on romance just wasn't great to begin with, but if there is anyone to change your mind, it's him. he would be so caring in a relationship, he constantly does everything in his power to show you exactly how special you are to him. when you met he intimidated you because of his looks and the way he carried himself, but as you got to know him you realized that he is kind to a fault and will always have your back, no matter what. not to mention, of course, he's a total dork.
rest of the members below the cut!
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lee know -> brother's best friend
you were really not supposed to have a crush on your brother's best friend of who knows how many years, but how can anyone blame you when he looks like that? he teased you mercilessly growing up, but as you aged you found that your fake-hate relationship turned into something more. it would probably start with lee know sticking up for you when your brother starts his usual jokes at your expense, which would definitely get a few weird glances in his direction. eventually it turns into late-night adventures, laughing until you pee, pranking your other friends, and hoping with everything you have that your brother isn't mad when he finds out.
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seo changbin -> enemies to lovers
we'll put it mildly and say that you and changbin did not like each other when you first met. you were constantly annoyed by everything he did and you agitated him to no end, and you became comfortable in your mutual dislike for one another. that is, until changbin kissed you during a game of truth or dare at a party. you both realized at the same time that, hey, maybe hatred isn't actually what you've been feeling this whole time. it's that push you need to start up a careful friendship, but neither of you can deny the genuine romantic affection that begins to grow between you. and when he finally asks you out officially, he is, without a doubt, the sweetest and most devoted boyfriend you've ever had.
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hwang hyunjin -> forbidden love
you were never supposed to love hyunjin. yet no matter what you did, the two of you were drawn together like moths to a flame. you would be constantly terrified of other people finding out about your relationship, but somehow he always manages to put your fears at ease with his genuine kindness. hyunjin is the type of boyfriend to pick you flowers on the side of the road simply because they made him think of you; paint you abstract versions of your eyes or hands just to get you out of his head. a relationship like yours is unavoidable, no matter how hard you try, and you can only hope love will be enough once other people find out.
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han jisung -> fake relationship
when he approached you on campus and proposed a scheme to make his ex jealous, you'd laughed in his face. then, for reasons beyond logic, you'd said yes. you would feel so awkward at first, considering jisung was holding your hand and bringing you flowers to keep up appearances, but eventually his charm and humor started to get to you. you would both argue over who actually fell in love first, but it didn't truly matter in the end. eventually, the relationship shifted from forced to destined completely on accident. the fake-dating scheme actually worked on his ex, who approached him at a party a few months later, and jisung cackled in their face. why go back to gold when he'd struck diamond?
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lee felix -> soulmates
from the first second you spotted felix, you were done for. the two of you danced around one another for weeks after that, each of you unable to stay away for more than a few days at a time. from day one, being with felix felt like waking up from a very long dream. you would be embarrassed trying to describe your feelings for him out loud but they were still unlike any romantic feelings you'd experienced before. he's sweet and devoted, truly the sunshine in your world full of clouds. your favorite part about him, however, is that you're allowed to see the parts of him no one else can. his sorrows and fears that he reveals only to you. you love him endlessly and have never felt the need to act like anything than what you are with him.
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kim seungmin -> school crush
kim seungmin is the coolest kid in school, the boy everyone wants and can't have. when you first met he seemed completely disinterested in romantic relationships, a fact which bothered you more than you liked to admit. you saw him once a day in class, never able to really concentrate because he sat directly behind you and was always cracking jokes with his friends. you were convinced he didn't know you existed, but you couldn't have been more wrong. when seungmin asked you on a date out of nowhere, you thought it had to be a joke. nope. he'd been crushing on you just as hard since the moment he laid eyes on you. your relationship with seungmin is sweeter than honey and full of teasing, late-night karaoke dates, and matching outfits. you couldn't ask for a better first love.
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yang jeongin -> childhood best friends to lovers
jeongin lived three houses down the street from you growing up. you walked home from school and every day, without fail, he was always in his driveway shooting hoops (badly, though you'd never tell him that). you had playdates every afternoon until dusk and remained friends all the way through high school. he was your platonic date to every school dance and club function. you never admitted to anyone that every time he got into a new relationship, your heart broke a little more. finally, in college, jeongin reaches his limit and asks you when you're finally going to let him take you out, a question that nearly gives you a heart attack. after that moment, everything changed. jeongin is obsessed with you, to put it mildly, and spends all of his time trying to make you see yourself the way he sees you. relationships, you realize, are effortless when your partner is your best friend.
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thank you so much for reading!! if you got this far, please leave a like and/or reblog to show your support :)
masterlist here!
© minghaoyoudoin 2022 - all rights reserved. reposts/translations not allowed. I do not assume to know the personal lives of the idol(s) depicted in this fic, this is for entertainment purposes only!
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cinnabundolly12 · 1 year
Hi, I wanted to say that your art style is super cute, i love how bright it is, snd I wanted to ask if you have any particular headcanons for the fnafhs cast, any ideas or relationships (of any kind, to be clear) you have made! Things that you changed from the source material, kept, expanded on, anything! Id love to hear how you interpret these characters
For example, you drew bonnie snd fred working at an ice cream place, and il thats a trend going around but do you have any hesdcanons for anyone working in particular places or any coworker dynamics ?
So sorry if this is too much at once or unintelligible!
Thank you I tried sticking to edo's color pallets while also fixing them to fit my color picking choices XD the style for the series was changed to being chibi like to draw easier and faster (due to my hand pains I have been recently having these past months) I wanted to try cartoon like style but I haven't picked a decent coloring style yet which is why everything hasn't been rendered so well worry guys ;v;
Yea ok the team and I decided that some characters desperately needed a rewrite so all the headcanons and some of my comics jokes are canon to the au they're not just my ideas but mostly are
Here's some stuff I've added/kept relationship wise
Golden x Fox
Owynn x Fred x Joy
Toddy x Onnie
Meg x Spring
B x B?
Fede x Felix
Eak x Town Trap
There's most likely more ships in the future but they're extra characters from the rest of the fnaf franchise c:
In my au Bonnie's mother is having troubles paying bills so bonnie gets a job to help out and the animatronics offer to help take a shift so they take turns (still a process being looked through) it's a small workplace that I haven't finished designing yet so more on that later but the animatronics are like siblings so there will be chaos >:3c
Spring would take on small jobs like he did in the series except he will be getting his money because he needs to feed the household somehow XD
The au has the bands working to get 1st place so they'll get the prize money so not many of them are job focused uwu)b
The villains are kind of a mess atm since there's 2 villain groups and they themselves are fighting each other because of their goals (and the meddling of fred/dy and joy)
My favorite thing which I have not shown yet is owynn and vanny hating each other so much they want to get physically violent but their solution has been nerf gun fights in the student council room xD (vanny is president and owynn is vice president) others in the council are Mai, Puppet, eak, TownTrap, Moon (other positions being looked at aka no more spoilers lol)
The world of shadows is being included in a different kind of form if you've seen the glitches in fnaf world then you'll probably understand and the locked door from help wanted is being turned into a thing which is where security puppet is placed in which is why I have had her interacting with fred/dy and joy (joy is sorta having this big role along side the boys so her character development is supposed to be made with their help)
Ann and bonnie are going to continue getting bullied but I'm going to try to expand on it a bit (I've also been bullied before and I ended up becoming friends with one bully but I'm not pulling that deltarune card xD)
I made Freddy's emotions a bit more dramatic and he ended up being a little depressed I'm not sure how far to censor that tho but Fred has been showing his scars which Freddy does not like since he's still trying to "play normal" and their role of their friendship with the animatronics are flipped from the original Fred wants to hang out with the animatronics to be normal and Freddy wants to be by himself not talking to anyone trying to pretend to be normal especially since Fred keeps getting more out of his control and taking over the body by force
I gave Fred a pet to help balance out this human thing which is also playing the part for the "magical girl" thing where the creature helps transform the person but Fred can be human at the cost of being a pet owner to a very hungry monster xD the problem of this creature is trying to balance out how long Fred can be human since I don't want it to be like a Fred can turn whenever he wants to he actually has to make sure the pet has energy up so that Fred can continue being human at school all day
The problem with golden being "the golden boy" has definitely been looked into and his rank position will very much effect the band especially against upcoming rivals I have written down UwU
I'm still debating which things get drawn into a side comic for fun and which will actually get put into the series as I'm writing down future episodes but if there's any questions about specific characters (existing fnafhs characters/ fnaf franchise/ fnaf fazbear frights/ fnafsb tales from the megaplex/ fazbear fanverse) I don't mind answering especially since most are still being looked into or being made as background characters c:
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solavelyan · 1 year
It's a Dragon Age sideblog! My main blog is @bogunicorn, and I go by Bog (or any type of nickname you can wring out of "bog unicorn"). If you're looking for more info about me as a person, that'll all be over on my main.
This blog and my main are both 18+. Please do not follow me if you're under 18. I don't keep close track of my followers, but I do check out blogs that follow me because of the spambots, and I block minors on sight.
eta oct 2023: given The Bullshit happening at bioware following their mass layoffs and their leveraging of the next game against former employees' requests for proper severance pay, please assume that none of my posts or words are an implicit or explicit endorsement of the company itself. i mean, they already weren't, i just want you to imagine that all of my reblogs have an invisible "EA/BW execs fall off a cliff challenge" tacked onto them.
regarding the veilguard.
Yeah yeah yeah, who ever had "Bog sees one (1) trailer with Solas's face in it and rethinks their Veilguard policy on this blog" on their bingo card is one square closer to a line, okay? So, there will be SOME Veilguard posting here. However, I am personally sticking to looking at official sources only for my Veilguard info, or people or blogs directly quoting official sources. I will not be seeking our nor acknowledging any leaks, and will be generally avoiding any in-depth speculation or theories or whatnot, even ones that come from Veilguard promo. All of my Veilguard posts (including images of Solas or Varric that are from anytime after The Missing) will be tagged #datv, and anything I think might contain any kind of spoilers will be tagged #datv spoilers. It's mostly just gifs, shitposts, and pretty fanart of the new companions and stuff. For my own sake, I'm really making an effort not to pre-plan my new character or romance or speculate on what specifically the Inquisitor has been doing, and am doing my best to go in with a very open mind while still being excited, and I've found that sticking to what's officially shared in promotional material is about the speed I want to go here. My "no DA4 chatter" policy for this blog was because too much intense speculation and headcanoning and Fandom Anxiety (you know what I mean) gives me a lot of anxiety. I always also hesitant to engage with it too publicly out of respect for the laid-off developers and not wanting to be supportive of Bioware. However, as Mary Kirby herself feels comfortable getting ~hype~ for this game even with all of the context around it, I'm not going to be precious and defensive on their behalf about the whole thing and letting myself be excited. I'm very consistent with my tags, especially game-specific and spoilery ones, so this blog is still a safe spot for anyone who wants to go in 100% blind.
Still might blacklist the fandom entirely when the game launches if people are annoying, though.
what to expect here.
Gifsets, fanart, jokey jokes, and sometimes (reblogged) meta posts.
My own Dragon Age thoughts, feelings, theories, random whatevers. My original posts of all kinds are tagged #bog post.
A general positivity toward queer shit, weird shit, horny shit, and kinky shit.
My fanfic and my OCs. I don't post fic too often, at least not in the last few months, but I have a ton of OCs (roster TBA). I write notes and profiles and little ideas for them as a hobby even when I'm not actively writing fic. Anything relating to my own writing will be tagged #bogfic, anything involving my characters tagged #my ocs and then #character name (oc).
Generally, I'm a multishipper at heart and can find something to love about any given ship, PC choice, character, or type of storyline. Chances are if I'm spending my time talking about something or speculating on it, it's because I'm having fun or enjoying myself.
Commentary on fandom trends and behaviors (and, sometimes, common sense reminders not to be a dick to each other about fake stuff).
To get blocked if you put rude or annoying shit in my mentions, including using any of my posts to character bash or otherwise go off-topic in order to air your personal grievances underneath my stuff. I don't care if you don't like Solas, or if you have strong opinions about Anders vs. Fenris, or if you think "supporting" the mages/Templars/Chantry is good/bad, or if you feel like your personal favorite character/PC option/romance isn't represented by my posts and you feel your specific criticism is the exception. Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch, I was there when it was written (like 8+ years and two US presidents ago). Mind your manners and blacklist or scroll if you need to.
what not to expect.
Untagged Veilguard spoilers, or in-depth Veilguard speculation or guesses. All my Veilguard posts with potential spoilers will be tagged #datv spoilers or #veilguard spoilers, since the latter seems to be what people are using across multiple sites now.
Consistent character bashing or character hate. I simply do not spend a majority of my online time thinking about stuff I hate.
Anonymous asks. Anon is always turned off, both here, on my main, and on my AO3.
Real world politics and news, or general (as in, not-DA-specific) Disk Horse. Honestly, probably not even that much Dragon Age Discourse, either.
Equating in-game choices or fandom opinions with real life politics and morality. I don't "support" any group in Thedas because Thedas is fake. My politics and activism are for real people, not Wizard Politics or whatever.
Egg or cheese jokes.
the tag system (tm).
#timeless posts - Anything reblogged from the depths of @bogunicorn in the last 10 years. Usually queued.
#bog post - Any and all of my original posts.
#bogfic - Anything involving my writing or my OCs.
#my ocs - My OCs. Often accompanied by #[character name] (oc).
#spicy bog - Ye olde horny tag.
#bogcrit, #[character name] critical, #dragon age critical, #[game] critical, #fandom bs - These are my Complaining Tags. If you never want to see anything truly critical or negative, just blacklist #bogcrit. If you want to avoid grousing or critique of a specific character, the games in general, individual games, or the fandom itself, blacklist whatever listed tag is relevant to you.
#fic, #art - Fanfic and fanart that I didn't make.
#meta - Meta or speculation posts.
#da au - Any kind of alternate universe post.
#ask meme - Blanket tag for any put-it-in-the-tags posts, as well as actual ask memes.
Characters are tagged by their full names. Origins and Inquisition PCs are tagged #the warden or #the inquisitor, as well as by surname. Hawke is always just #hawke. I don't specify gender in my character tags, this system is already complicated enough.
Ships are tagged #[character] x [character] in alphabetical order, with the PCs just using their surnames. I also use the more portmanteaus (like Solavellan, Fenhawke, Adoribull, etc) because that's what people are inclined to click/search, but I would still slap "lavellan x solas" on a Solavellan post just for consistency.
complain to my manager
send me an ask
read my fic
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rudemaidenswrite · 1 year
Crowley!!! Part 2
Part 1       
So I’ve Had this mostly written for quite a while but officially finished for like a month. I just wasn't sure if anyone would want it , but I’m biting the bullet and posting it. I do have more ideas for more chapters let me know if yall want more.
Word Count:1258
Warnings: language is all that I know of
Credit to Gif Owner
Author: @bookchic20
Thanks to my Beta Reader @sylvanasthebansheequeen and @pusantheamazonian
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“Yeah I just got it home I’m sending you a pic now.” You say to your best friend on the phone, as you pull the phone away from your ear and then sending her a picture or your new car. Putting the phone back up to your ear you say, “Alright sent it you should be getting it soon.”
 “Got it” (Y/B/F) answers you. “Oooo I like it, but I am gonna miss taking you to work and getting free food out of it” She jokes laughing.
 “Now you know we will still get food girl, that’s guaranteed.” You say laughing along with her.
“For sure, well have you decided on a name for this one, yet? I always love hearing what your gonna call your cars.” She asks.
 “Well, I think I’m gonna keep with the same trend as the last one.” You start as you put some of your things in the back trunk area.
 “Oh, so sticking with characters from the supernatural books, eh?” She asks. “But which one will you choose this time?”
 “Well, I figure since this is actually like an SUV and so much taller than the cars I’ve driven in the past, I’m thinking Moose, after Sam ya know since he is supposedly so tall.”   You say as you start to pull down the hatchback of the SUV.
 “Really Moose? I thought you had class.” You hear in a Scottish accent from behind you.
 “Ouch shit.” You say as you hit your head on the hatch.
“You okay?” You hear from your phone, as you turn around and see Crowley standing behind you, leaning up against your apartment building.
 “Wha… oh yeah just hit my head uh I gotta get off here I’ll call ya back ok?” You say.
 “Cute guy, gotcha.” She says hearing the specific tone in your voice that she knows.
 “Uhhuh something like that.” You say. “Later.” You hang up your phone putting in in your pocket.  Smiling at Crowley, you put your hands on your hips.
 “Hello, darling.” Crowley says with a grin.
 “Well Hello to you too Crowley, it’s been a while hasn’t it.” You say starting to head towards him, and the door to your apartment.
He nods at you as you open your door and wave him in. “Not as long as you think.” He says, following you into your small apartment.
 “What do you mean?” You ask him. “It’s been like a year.” Grabbing a water out of your fridge you offer him one.
 Shaking his head, he asks. “So why a new vehicle? I thought Crowley was running just fine after I left you that night.” Crowley sits down in your armchair crossing his right leg over the left.
 “Well yeah it was but…wait.” You look at him intently.
“It was you!” You yell pointing at him.
“What was me?” He asks, looking annoyed to be accused of who knows what.
“I thought I was crazy, my friend thought I was crazy!” You exclaim, throwing your hand in the air as you pace back and forth before stopping and looking at him. “You fixed Crowley, well I mean my car Crowley not you Crowley…well not that I can say that I don’t know what’s going on down there fixed or not.” You mutter your eyes briefly going just below his belt line, before continuing to pace again. “You made my car work better and didn’t even let me say thank you and then you vanish for almost a year, and randomly pop up after I get a new car and named it something you aren’t a fan of.”  You rant on. “Why do you even care what the cars name is are you just jealous its not named after you?!”
 Crowley sits up straight in the armchair eyes going wide, staring at you as you rant, he clears his throat. “Ehem.”
 Stopping in your tracks at the noise you look at him. “Sorry…I was ranting wasn’t I?” You ask him with an apologetic look.
 “Its fine Darling, I think we just have a couple things to address from your…rant.” He says.
 “Oh yeah sure like what?”
 “Well for starters you told your friends about me?” He looks at you with raised eyebrows.
 “Well not exactly.” You say and he looks at you unconvinced. “I told my best friend that I had a dream about meeting you and that my car was better after it like it was a coincidence type thing. So, I didn’t really tell her I met the real you…or ya know that you are in fact real in the first place.” You explain.
 “Ok well that’s fair enough now for the other thing.” He says with a smirk.
 “What other thing?” You say with a confused look. “Sorry sometimes I get lost in my rants as you called it and don’t pay attention to what I say. And what’s with the smirk?”
 “Well you said something along the lines of you ‘don’t know what’s going on down there fixed or not’ .”
 “Oh…” Your face goes red. “I didn’t mean… I just get caught up in talking sometimes…I… Wait a minute you’re avoiding my question.”
 “I am not.” He says with a huff before sitting back in the chair.
“You so are, and I think I have my answer you are jealous, aren’t you?”  You smile at him, and he huffs crossing his arms. “You’re jealous of a car! Ha!”
 “Mnot.” Crowley mutters under his breath, barely able to be heard looking away from you.
 “Crowley.” You say his name softly.
He doesn’t respond.
“Crowley.” You say a little louder, as you pat him on the shoulder. Come on Crowley look at me.”
He slowly turns his head. “What?”
“You know you’ll still always be my favorite right?” You ask him. “Just cause my other car got totaled after a wreck and I had to get a new one doesn’t change that.”
 “Wait you had a wreck?!” He asks concerned. “Are you okay?” He asks standing up and looking you over.
 “Hehe..” You chuckle a bit. “I’m fine Crowley, It was like a month ago and I wasn’t even in the car at the time so it’s all good. You don’t have to worry about me.”
 “Wait a month ago.” Crowley thinks back to a month ago, when he was helping the Winchesters with some issues they were having. He hadn’t been able to check in on you like he had been doing every so often over this last year. “This is all the boys’ fault.” He sighs as he turns away from you.
“What are you talking about? It’s nobody’s fault really. I was just in a fender bender and when we got out of the car to exchange info a car that was driving by slammed into it cause their brakes went out on them and so it was totaled. It could have been way worse.”
 “It shouldn’t have happened at all though, but because of those damn Winchesters you could have been hurt.” He says turning back around to face you with a strange look on his face.
 It was a look that you were not expecting to see on him, concern. “Wait a minute I’m confused.”
 “I should have been there to check in on you.” Crowley said, as he starts to reach out to you, right when your phone starts ringing.
 Looking over at your phone you reach to stop the ringing, and by the time you look back Crowley was gone.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
bro if you gotta leave then do what you need to do, i totally get not sticking around when people treat you like shit. (side note this trend drives me crazy, 75%+ of the fandoms ive been in over a decade and a half have driven marvelous people away due to other fans' shitty behavior). but i will say it will be a huge blow to the community because imo you are one of the few remaining people on this website in the spn fandom that i feel is trustworthy and reputable 😩
Thank you.
In the very least, I have enough going on that my posting is going to probably be lighter. A joke that began a month and a half ago isn't worth investing in anymore anyway. I'm sure when I get my PC set back up I may cover a few topics and answer if you asks but I'm pretty sure the next few months I'm just going to be quieter.
If people are still being generally psychopathic around me I will probably disappear. If people have learned how to self-regulate, and the obsessed haters catch a clue and move on, maybe I will reinvest, especially by the time Winchesters season 2 is airing or what have you.
For an update, I am back home. If you can call it a home at this point. Even though I'm supposed to have a very low weight limit and being a wheelchair I really had no choice but to slap on my back brace until I could barely breathe and get to moving furniture. I've barricaded the place extra so it limits access even if he does get down here which is unlikely. But he ain't going to shoot through concrete. And I have floor control if he does get in and some very nice hammers with his name on it
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newstfionline · 1 year
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Warmly welcomed, ‘Cousin Joe’ jokes of staying in Ireland (AP) In Ireland this week, well-wishers have lined the streets to catch a mere glimpse of President Joe Biden. Photos of his smiling face are plastered on shop windows and one admirer held a sign that read: “2024—Make Joe President Again.” No wonder Biden keeps joking about sticking around. Back home, Biden’s approval rating is near the lowest point of his presidency. And even some Democrats have suggested he shouldn’t run for reelection. On trips within the U.S. to discuss his economic and social policies, Biden often gets a smattering of admirers waving as he drives by, and friendly crowds applaud his speeches. But the reception doesn’t compare with the overwhelming adoration he’s getting here in the old sod. It’s a dynamic that most of Biden’s predecessors also have faced: The world abroad tends to love American presidents. Back home, not always. Not so much.
Tired of waiting, Arnold Schwarzenegger fills a pothole in his LA neighborhood (NPR) Fed up by an enormous pothole in his Los Angeles neighborhood, Arnold Schwarzenegger picked up a shovel and filled it himself. The actor and former California governor tweeted a video Tuesday of him and a helper using packaged concrete to repair the road in the Brentwood area. “Today, after the whole neighborhood has been upset about this giant pothole that’s been screwing up cars and bicycles for weeks, I went out with my team and fixed it,” he wrote on Twitter. “I always say, let’s not complain, let’s do something about it. Here you go.”
Obituaries for Nuremberg prosecutor erase his beliefs about the U.S. (The Intercept) Benjamin Ferencz died last week at the age of 103. Ferencz was the last surviving member of the team of prosecutors at the Nuremberg trials after World War II, which led to the convictions of many top Nazi officials and since been understood as the exemplar of justice for war crimes. Ferencz served in the U.S. Army during the war and in its aftermath investigated the conditions at the Buchenwald, Mauthausen, and Dachau concentration camps. He spent the rest of his life advocating for the creation of an international criminal court and accountability for war criminals generally. These facts appear in his obituaries. What’s missing from all of them in major outlets is Ferencz’s belief that top members of the George W. Bush administration, including Bush himself, should have been tried for war crimes for the Iraq War.
UN: As many as 400,000 migrants may cross Darien Gap in 2023 (AP) Two U.N. groups said Thursday that the number of migrants crossing the dangerous Darien Gap between Colombia and Panama could soar to as many as 400,000 this year. That would represent a huge increase from the 250,000 migrants estimated to have crossed the roadless, jungle-clad route in 2022. The U.N. agencies for refugees and migration said in a report that nearly 100,000 people may have already made the crossing so far this year, six times more than in the similar period of last year. If that trend keeps up, it could mean many more migrants seeking to reach the United States through Central America and Mexico. The groups called it “an unprecedented movement (of people) through the Americas.”
Brazil calls for alternative to dollar in foreign trade (Bloomberg) Brazil’s Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva called on BRICS nations to come up with an alternative to replace the dollar in foreign trade, supporting China’s crusade against US global dominance just as he prepares to meet with Xi Jinping in Beijing. Lula’s remarks were made on Thursday during a visit to the Shanghai-based New Development Bank, an institution created by BRICS countries, which, along with Brazil and China, include Russia, India and South Africa. Former Brazil President Dilma Rousseff is the bank’s new chief executive.
Macron’s Pension Reform Victory (Foreign Policy) After almost three months of mass protests, France’s Constitutional Council on Friday approved the majority of President Emmanuel Macron’s highly unpopular pension reform bill. The now-approved legislation will increase the country’s retirement age from 62 to 64 by 2030, starting in September with incremental increases. Six parts of the pension bill were rejected, and a referendum on the decision—requested by 252 parliamentarians—was denied. Macron is expected to sign the bill into law within the next 48 hours. Protests are expected to continue.
Cash-loving Germans fret over exploding ATMs as cross-border crime wave hits (Reuters) In the German town of Ratingen, exploding cash machines are a hot-button topic. Two got blown up early on the same morning last month, at branches of Santander and Deutsche Bank across the street from each other close to the Duesseldorf suburb’s main square. In Germany, thieves are blowing ATMs up at the rate of more than one a day. Attacks are up more than 40% since 2019, according to the interior ministry, and investigators say two factors are driving the increase. Europe’s largest economy has 53,000 ATM machines, a disproportionately high number that reflects Germans’ preference for cash rather than bank cards. The country also boasts an extensive network of highways, or Autobahns, on much of which no speed limit is enforced. Ratingen lies just 70km (40 miles) from the Dutch border, and investigators say gangs from the Netherlands are the prime culprits for the attacks, which send glass flying, cause building facades to crumble and money cartridges to crack open.
Is Russia’s Defense Ministry using Bakhmut to eliminate the Wagner Group? (Worldcrunch) The infamous Wagner Group, whose fighters are accused of some of Russia’s most horrific war crimes, has been engaged over the past two months in some of the fiercest fighting in the besieged Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. Wagner fighters, many of whom were recruited from Russian prisons, are facing colossal losses in Bakhmut, and are increasingly short on ammunition and supplies. Some experts now believe the official Russian military may be deliberately under-supplying the mercenaries, hoping they will be wiped out. Wagner owner Yevgeny Prigozhin, once a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has been left out in the cold, reduced to complaining on social media that his fighters are dying en masse, starved of ammunition. The Washington, D.C.-based Institute for the Study of War suggested in March that the Russian military is “prioritizing eliminating Wagner on the battlefields in Bakhmut.”
New Leaked Documents Show Broad Infighting Among Russian Officials (NYT) The depth of the infighting inside the Russian government appears broader and deeper than previously understood, judging from a newly discovered cache of classified intelligence documents that has been leaked online. The documents paint a picture of the Russian government feuding over the count of the dead and wounded in the Ukraine war, with the domestic intelligence agency accusing the military of obscuring the scale of casualties that Russia has suffered. In one document, American intelligence officials say that Russia’s main domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Security Service, or F.S.B., has “accused” the country’s Defense Ministry “of obfuscating Russian casualties in Ukraine.” The finding highlights “the continuing reluctance of military officials to convey bad news up the chain of command,” they say. The F.S.B. “calculated the actual number of Russians wounded and killed in action was closer to 110,000,” the document says. The last time that the ministry publicly disclosed a death toll was in September, when the defense minister, Sergei K. Shoigu, said that 5,937 Russian troops had been killed since the war started.
South Korea Tries $500 Handouts to Help Reclusive Kids Get Out (Bloomberg) The South Korean government wants shut-in kids to leave the house and go outside. The country’s Ministry of Gender Equality and Family said the cabinet passed a measure Tuesday to provide potentially thousands of dollars a year in education, job counseling and health support to those between the ages of 9 and 24 living as recluses. The program, which expands a November announcement, is targeted at so-called “hikikomori”—a term coined in Japan to describe severe social withdrawal, likely worsened by the pandemic. Qualifying South Korean youth get funds through several categories, including 650,000 won ($490) per month for general living costs. The policy’s main goal is to help disadvantaged youth, but it’s also a way for the country to address its shrinking working-age population amid alarmingly low birthrates and tight immigration policies.
Cyclone Ilsa hits Australia’s northwest, misses iron ore export hub (Reuters) A tropical cyclone smashed into Australia’s northwest coast as a category 5 storm, setting new wind speed records, but has largely spared populated regions including the world’s largest iron ore export hub at Port Hedland, authorities said on Friday. Cyclone Ilsa made landfall early Friday morning with the highest intensity rating on a 1-to 5 scale and then moved inland. Ilsa set a new preliminary Australian ten-minute sustained wind speed record of 218 km per hour (135 mph) at Bedout Island, about 40 km offshore, eclipsing cyclone George’s 194 km at the same location in 2007, the Bureau of Meteorology said.
After Shunning Assad for Years, the Arab World Is Returning Him to the Fold (NYT) Saudi Arabia, like many other Arab states, had refused to engage with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria for more than a decade after he violently crushed his country’s Arab Spring uprising—bombing, gassing and torturing his own people in a conflict that morphed into a long-running war that is still in progress. So when Syria’s foreign minister arrived in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, it seemed to put to rest any notion that Mr. al-Assad’s regime would remain isolated in the Middle East. The Saudi foreign minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan, welcomed Mr. al-Assad’s emissary, Faisal Mekdad, with a smile. In a joint statement, the countries said they had discussed steps to facilitate “the return of Syria to its Arab fold,” and would start procedures to resume consular services and flights. Also this week, Tunisia formally re-established diplomatic relations with Syria, naming an ambassador to Damascus. “Assad remaining in power and Arab normalization with Damascus seems to be a foregone conclusion at this point,” said Anna Jacobs, a senior Gulf analyst for the International Crisis Group. “The U.S. and Europe have made it clear that they do not agree with Arab states normalizing with the Assad regime, but there doesn’t seem to be much they can do about it.”
New malaria vaccine (Foreign Policy) Ghana on Wednesday became the first country to approve a new malaria vaccine (called R21) described by its creators as a “world-changer”—igniting celebrations across the medical community. The new vaccine appeared to be “hugely effective” in local trials in Burkina Faso. Widespread use of the vaccine as well as possible approval by the World Health Organization (WHO) will depend on the results of a larger trial whose results have yet to be published. In 2021, Africa was home to 95 percent of malaria cases and 96 percent of malaria deaths, according to the WHO. Nearly half of the world’s population was at risk for malaria that year.
Cash (Quartz) De La Rue is a British company that prints money; literally, they’re the ones who produce banknotes on behalf of government clients and is responsible for a third of banknotes made globally. The company has warned that profits are going to miss expectations because demand for cash is way down, with cash falling from making up 27 percent of spending at point-of-sale transactions in 2018 down to 16 percent of transaction value as of 2022, with the projection for 2026 being that cash drops to 10 percent of value.
Virginia Fifth Grader Is Celebrated for Spotting Textbook’s Error (NYT) Liam Squires, like many students, usually answers the question “How was school today?” with an evasive answer along the lines of “I don’t know.” This is why weeks passed before his mother, Megan Squires, learned that he had spotted an error in a science textbook that the publisher, dozens of students and his own teacher had missed. Liam, 10, had noticed that two rocks were misplaced in a diagram of the rock cycle. The significance of his discovery was not clear to his mother until months later in March, when Liam was praised by the school district superintendent and received a letter from the textbook’s publisher. In the review section of the “Exploring Science All Around Us” textbook that Liam’s class used, the sedimentary rock and igneous rock were swapped into the wrong spots in the rock cycle. He immediately told his teacher, Serena Porter, who at first thought that there could not be an error in the textbook. Then, she looked more closely at the diagram. “No one saw that,” Ms. Porter said. “I was just blown away that he had found it.”
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cosmic-pheonix · 2 years
So, I’ve just come up with an idea for The Owl House Fandom 🧙‍♀️🦉🔮🌟…..
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So with the premiere of the 1st part of season 3 of The Owl House quickly approaching (airing way late in my time where I’m from - on a Sunday no less) I figured I propose a suggestion to the fandom… By giving thanks to Dana and the crew for all their hard work, especially on this season!
And while I’m not sure if anybody else has or is going to use this idea before me (I mean it was worth the shot! I feel like just about any fandom would do that), I was thinking about doing some sort of massive fandom big bang; making and creating fanart, animations/animatics, AMV’s/edits etc You name it!
The idea came to mind after lurking around in the Amphibia fandom (I like to check into the fandom every once in a while) then I remembered that since Amphibia ended months ago, the fandom would joke around making tweets about season 4 happening and creating fake promos and fan made episode animations/animatics/storyboards for like a couple of weeks (even creator Matt Braly liked some of the stuff he saw from fans and had to check in with the fandom about it - You had to be there!)
I like to think of this as a tribute to Dana and her crew for giving us the most of season 3 has to offer, and while we’re concerned of how the final season would play out as a 3 part near hour long special, I trust Dana and her team would be able to fill in everything that’s needed, flaws and all.
As a fandom, I think we can all come to an agreement that since Disney decided to be a bunch of assholes for cutting the rest of season 3 and cancelling the show entirely for not “fitting into their brand” (whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean?!) that they’re now officially on - what I like to call - “Massive Corporate Entertainment Company Hit List for Screwing Animation Fans Over” officially considering Disney public enemy No. 1 (but now that spot seems to go over to Warner Brothers/Discovery, after certain recent events - also don’t ask me on the title, I just randomly made that on the fly so it was the first thing that popped into my head - sorry if that sounds cringe 😬)
Which is why I think starting around the day of the premiere for season 3, let’s get the show trending on social media to show tremendous support for the owl crew, cuz lord knows they deserve the love for creating an amazing show after everything they’ve went through with Disney’s higher ups shady ass-hattery that goes on there, the best we can do is support Dana and the team for the hard work, appreciate and make the most of what we have for the final season!
There’s probably a few bits and bobs I felt that are missing (or just the whole idea of some fandom big bang is already somewhat a common thing here and in other fandom spaces IDK) but feel free to share some ideas here! I’d love to see some ideas to shared around this fandom!
Personally, I love seeing fanart, but you know what I wanna see more of? Fan made “episode” animations/animatics/storyboards of season 3, y’know since Disney thought that cutting season 3 was necessary, why not make make some fan made “episodes” to fill in the gaps that would’ve been a full season (especially once the first part is aired and from what I’ve heard we go into a 3 month hiatus until the next part, which oof, I thought the Steven Universe fandom has a rough hiatus, but this 😳) - whether it’s from fan made theories, headcanons or just something that’s canon adjacent - I think it would’ve been really fun and would really mend the hole in the fandom’s heart once the show’s over (honestly I kinda miss the chaotic energy from the fandom when Amphibia ended and I really wanted to have fun with The Owl House, all in good fun!).
I hope this idea sticks to the fandom because I would love for this post to boost up and garner everyone’s interest! Again, if you like this, feel free to share your ideas here!
Also of course, please support the show through legal means through Disney +, or more likely, just pirate the show and give Dana the crew some support and kind messages! Also, don’t share any spoilers/leaks and PLEASE tag them once they’re aired, especially to those that are not in the US!
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                                   Happy Season 3 Everyone!
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britswriting · 2 years
TikTok Prank Gone Wrong
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Summary: Katrina decides she wants to do the pregnancy test TikTok trend where they all do a test and see if anyone is pregnant, but she buys a fake positive pregnancy test and has that be her stick so one of them says pregnant the only thing.. is two say pregnant
Request: No
Warnings: Small angst (?), Fluff, mention of abortion
Cursing: Once. It was an accident- I tried to keep this one shot clean lol
Pairing: Colby Brock x Fem!Reader
MC: Katrina Stuart, Y/N
Rate: Safe for all readers
Word Count: 859
A/N: I'm officially posting my work on Tumblr now after years of only writing a certain person on Wattpad - will be posting those later. Kinda scared, so we will see how this goes! Here is an imagine I wrote up last week, and my friend liked it so I decided to share!
Repost/translations: No
You can find this imagine on Wattpad here
Anywhere else, it is reposted without my consent, please report for stolen content!
You can find me here:
Sam and Colby fanpage
“Okay so I’m going to do the tiktok trend where we all pee on a stick and see if anyone is pregnant… The only thing is I bought off Amazon a fake positive test so one of them says positive to welcome the girls into a prank war! Shh!” She showed the pregnancy test before holding her pointer finger up to her mouth.
Katrina told Y/N, Devyn, Xepher, Cassie and Tara to go pee on the pregnancy stick, placing a cup in the middle of the room.
After about 10 minutes, the girls walked down and placed their sticks in the cup.
Everyone waited 5 minutes before Kat grabbed the cup, dumping out the stick.
She showed the sticks one by one before her eyes widened at the positive pregnancy test, quickly spinning around and saying “WHOSE PREGNANT?!” The rest of the girls' eyes went wide, their faces getting red.
“It can’t be me! I haven’t slept with anyone in months!” Xepher announced.
“Shit! Do we need to go buy more pregnancy tests?!” Kat spoke loudly.
“Is it just that one that says positive? Is it just one of us?” Tara asked, motioning to the few that were left to be looked at.
Humoring Tara, Kat grabbed the pregnancy sticks, showing the two negatives, smirking at the camera as she grabbed the third, but much to her surprise, it read positive.
Oh no…
And just like that, this was no longer funny.
“Oh my god!” Kat yelled, staring in disbelief at the pregnancy test. “No! No! No! No! No! No! NO! OH MY GOD” She screamed, the girls huddling around her to see the second pregnancy test reading pregnant.
“NO! WAIT! GUYS! I- WAIT!” Kat yelled, her hands starting to shake. “IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A JOKE!” Katrina confessed, confusing the girls.
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked and Kat shook her head, the two pregnancy tests in front of her that read pregnant.
“I BOUGHT A FAKE ONE! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A PRANK! I bought one off Amazon that said pregnant, BUT ONE OF THEM ACTUALLY SAYS PREGNANT!” Kat held up the two tests, her hands visibly shaking.
“Wait, what?” Y/N asked, her face scrunching up a little bit.
“NO WE NEED TO GO TO CVS NOW!” Kat yelled, stopping the recording and holding the fake, and very real positive pregnancy tests.
Everyone was quiet for a minute, no one knew what to say.
One of their lives was going to change forever, all because of a dumb tiktok…
The girls bought more pregnancy tests, anxiously waiting for the next morning to hit. Apparently your morning pee was the best shot at the most accurate test results, so that morning each one of them ran to different bathrooms of the house, peeing on their stick and walking back, sticks in hand as they sat in Sam’s bedroom, the boys out of town filming for that week.
“Okay, now we wait. What are we going to do? One of us is pregnant” Cassie spoke up, staring at the pregnancy stick in front of her.
“Are any of you going to get abortions?” Tara asked quietly and Y/N shot her a glare. 
“How dare you even say that!” She snapped at Tara, her anxiety levels skyrocketing the longer she waited.
“I mean, not all of us are ready for babies” Tara said and Y/N shook her head, her hands running along her thighs, wiping some of the sweat off.
Five minutes passed slowly, and silently, and the second that timer went off, all the girls were glued to their own sticks. 
There was multiple sighs of relief and breathy “thank god”’s… but one of them never spoke up
“Y/N?” Devyn asked and all she did was shake her head, tears welling up, making her eyesight blurry.
“It’s okay Y/N!” Cassie consoled but Y/N shook her head, the tears now streaming down her face.
“What am I going to do?” She whispered, her shoulders shaking as sobs escaped her body, tear droplets falling on the white stick.
“Colby loves kids Y/N, he’s going to be so excited!” Kat tried to reassure her, but she wasn’t having it.
“NO! You don’t get it! He doesn’t want kids right now, neither does Sam! JUST YESTERDAY HE SAID HE DIDN’T KNOW IF HE WANTED TO GET MARRIED! How am I supposed to tell him I’m pregnant! We haven’t even been together a year!” Y/N cried and the girls huddled around her, trying to give her a hug but Y/N shoved them off of her, snatching the stick and quickly exiting the room, the door slamming behind her.
“It was just supposed to be a funny tiktok…”
Thought of on: April 14th 2022
Written on: April 14th 2022
Published on: April 23rd 2022
Part Two
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bluegarners · 3 years
so, i know a lot of profiling comes with investigative work. you know, the typical: age, weight, height, race, ethnicity, sex, etc.. i imagine that everyone who’s ever trained under batman is incredibly good at getting that sort of information at a glance, rattling off numbers like they’re reading from a script. however, one of those indications is incredibly hard to correctly guess from just a glance, and that’s age
personally, i think dick is the best at guessing at people’s ages. he can just take a few seconds and look at a picture, or have someone be pointed out in a crowd, and he’ll be able to give an exact age nearly every time. he’s so good at getting the ages correct that it’s uncanny and slightly un-nerving, as even bruce isn’t as accurate half of the time. they’ll try and confuse dick by showing him a lot of children’s pictures, as kids are notoriously difficult to parse through when ages 6-9, 10-13, and 14-17 all look the same, and dick will still get the age on the nose 95% of the time
this is because he’s really good at reading people and their general demeanor, more so than anyone else in the batfam. people like to joke around that dick is the social butterfly of the family, and though that’s certaintly true to an extent, dick is also just really good at paying special interest to the people he’s with. just by listening to them talk and what they talk about, watching what their hands and feet are doing, the clothing they wear, it’s easy for dick to sort through common trends for certain age groups and narrow it down to the exact year, and a few times the exact month, and get it right. dick knows how to look through the facade a person puts up and see them for who they truly are
(this is why damian stood out to dick in the early days. damian acted three times his age, spoke like a rebellious teenager, and fought with all the limber muscles of a twenty year old. and yet, dick saw through it all. saw the child underneath. really looked and payed attention to the ten year old beneath the capes and swords)
dick has even had informal training in this kind of niche trade before ever meeting batman. Haly’s had a booth they’d stick out in front of the tent, something to get a crowd collected and make a little extra money on the side, and a woman by the name of Francisa M’oore was also infamous for her ability to guess both age and weight in a few seconds. she wasn’t always accurate, comign within two to three years or off by ten pounds or less, but she taught the young Grayson her secrets, whispering to him to pay attention to facial expressions especially and to be careful not to over-guess (dick found out early on that people get offended when you’re too wrong). he picked it up quickly and it was always a fun brain game to sit next to Francisa and compare his guesses to her’s
and then he... left Haly’s and took one look at bruce wayne and thought 26, took one look at alfred and thought 43, took one look at jason and thought 14, took one look at tim and thought 15, took one look at damian and thought 10, ohmygod he’s 10 and he was never wrong. he was never wrong and they were all so young back then, but even then he knew
he just knew
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