rudemaidenswrite · 1 year
Crowley!!! Part 2
Part 1       
So I’ve Had this mostly written for quite a while but officially finished for like a month. I just wasn't sure if anyone would want it , but I’m biting the bullet and posting it. I do have more ideas for more chapters let me know if yall want more.
Word Count:1258
Warnings: language is all that I know of
Credit to Gif Owner
Author: @bookchic20
Thanks to my Beta Reader @sylvanasthebansheequeen and @pusantheamazonian
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“Yeah I just got it home I’m sending you a pic now.” You say to your best friend on the phone, as you pull the phone away from your ear and then sending her a picture or your new car. Putting the phone back up to your ear you say, “Alright sent it you should be getting it soon.”
 “Got it” (Y/B/F) answers you. “Oooo I like it, but I am gonna miss taking you to work and getting free food out of it” She jokes laughing.
 “Now you know we will still get food girl, that’s guaranteed.” You say laughing along with her.
“For sure, well have you decided on a name for this one, yet? I always love hearing what your gonna call your cars.” She asks.
 “Well, I think I’m gonna keep with the same trend as the last one.” You start as you put some of your things in the back trunk area.
 “Oh, so sticking with characters from the supernatural books, eh?” She asks. “But which one will you choose this time?”
 “Well, I figure since this is actually like an SUV and so much taller than the cars I’ve driven in the past, I’m thinking Moose, after Sam ya know since he is supposedly so tall.”   You say as you start to pull down the hatchback of the SUV.
 “Really Moose? I thought you had class.” You hear in a Scottish accent from behind you.
 “Ouch shit.” You say as you hit your head on the hatch.
“You okay?” You hear from your phone, as you turn around and see Crowley standing behind you, leaning up against your apartment building.
 “Wha… oh yeah just hit my head uh I gotta get off here I’ll call ya back ok?” You say.
 “Cute guy, gotcha.” She says hearing the specific tone in your voice that she knows.
 “Uhhuh something like that.” You say. “Later.” You hang up your phone putting in in your pocket.  Smiling at Crowley, you put your hands on your hips.
 “Hello, darling.” Crowley says with a grin.
 “Well Hello to you too Crowley, it’s been a while hasn’t it.” You say starting to head towards him, and the door to your apartment.
He nods at you as you open your door and wave him in. “Not as long as you think.” He says, following you into your small apartment.
 “What do you mean?” You ask him. “It’s been like a year.” Grabbing a water out of your fridge you offer him one.
 Shaking his head, he asks. “So why a new vehicle? I thought Crowley was running just fine after I left you that night.” Crowley sits down in your armchair crossing his right leg over the left.
 “Well yeah it was but…wait.” You look at him intently.
“It was you!” You yell pointing at him.
“What was me?” He asks, looking annoyed to be accused of who knows what.
“I thought I was crazy, my friend thought I was crazy!” You exclaim, throwing your hand in the air as you pace back and forth before stopping and looking at him. “You fixed Crowley, well I mean my car Crowley not you Crowley…well not that I can say that I don’t know what’s going on down there fixed or not.” You mutter your eyes briefly going just below his belt line, before continuing to pace again. “You made my car work better and didn’t even let me say thank you and then you vanish for almost a year, and randomly pop up after I get a new car and named it something you aren’t a fan of.”  You rant on. “Why do you even care what the cars name is are you just jealous its not named after you?!”
 Crowley sits up straight in the armchair eyes going wide, staring at you as you rant, he clears his throat. “Ehem.”
 Stopping in your tracks at the noise you look at him. “Sorry…I was ranting wasn’t I?” You ask him with an apologetic look.
 “Its fine Darling, I think we just have a couple things to address from your…rant.” He says.
 “Oh yeah sure like what?”
 “Well for starters you told your friends about me?” He looks at you with raised eyebrows.
 “Well not exactly.” You say and he looks at you unconvinced. “I told my best friend that I had a dream about meeting you and that my car was better after it like it was a coincidence type thing. So, I didn’t really tell her I met the real you…or ya know that you are in fact real in the first place.” You explain.
 “Ok well that’s fair enough now for the other thing.” He says with a smirk.
 “What other thing?” You say with a confused look. “Sorry sometimes I get lost in my rants as you called it and don’t pay attention to what I say. And what’s with the smirk?”
 “Well you said something along the lines of you ‘don’t know what’s going on down there fixed or not’ .”
 “Oh…” Your face goes red. “I didn’t mean… I just get caught up in talking sometimes…I… Wait a minute you’re avoiding my question.”
 “I am not.” He says with a huff before sitting back in the chair.
“You so are, and I think I have my answer you are jealous, aren’t you?”  You smile at him, and he huffs crossing his arms. “You’re jealous of a car! Ha!”
 “Mnot.” Crowley mutters under his breath, barely able to be heard looking away from you.
 “Crowley.” You say his name softly.
He doesn’t respond.
“Crowley.” You say a little louder, as you pat him on the shoulder. Come on Crowley look at me.”
He slowly turns his head. “What?”
“You know you’ll still always be my favorite right?” You ask him. “Just cause my other car got totaled after a wreck and I had to get a new one doesn’t change that.”
 “Wait you had a wreck?!” He asks concerned. “Are you okay?” He asks standing up and looking you over.
 “Hehe..” You chuckle a bit. “I’m fine Crowley, It was like a month ago and I wasn’t even in the car at the time so it’s all good. You don’t have to worry about me.”
 “Wait a month ago.” Crowley thinks back to a month ago, when he was helping the Winchesters with some issues they were having. He hadn’t been able to check in on you like he had been doing every so often over this last year. “This is all the boys’ fault.” He sighs as he turns away from you.
“What are you talking about? It’s nobody’s fault really. I was just in a fender bender and when we got out of the car to exchange info a car that was driving by slammed into it cause their brakes went out on them and so it was totaled. It could have been way worse.”
 “It shouldn’t have happened at all though, but because of those damn Winchesters you could have been hurt.” He says turning back around to face you with a strange look on his face.
 It was a look that you were not expecting to see on him, concern. “Wait a minute I’m confused.”
 “I should have been there to check in on you.” Crowley said, as he starts to reach out to you, right when your phone starts ringing.
 Looking over at your phone you reach to stop the ringing, and by the time you look back Crowley was gone.
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rudemadiens · 3 years
Ready! Set!
We will be at Indiana Comic Convention this month! Like always we'll be acting like hooligans and destroying lives. These are our the panels we'll be presenting!
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bookchic20 · 5 years
@pusantheamazonian how dare you reblog and tag me in so much buffy stuff now I wanna go back and rewatch it all!!!! Especially for this man right here!
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Student loans is really good I don't even really know the Star Trek characters and I'm loving it! If you're still tagging people I would love to be added to the list, thanks in advance. Keep up the good work!
Thank you! Added!
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sorenmarie87 · 7 years
So I just read Never dip your archangel blade in witchy ink and loved it and I was hoping that you would be ok with my friends and I using it in a panel we are doing at ICC called reading fanfiction out loud, we of course will give you credit but if not its alright I still love your work and will continue to read it. Anyways thanks in advance and have a good day!
Wow I have no idea what to say right now lmao
First off thank you for reading it
This is the first time anyone has ever asked to use one of my stories like that before, but it’s fine with me :)  Let me know how it goes when it happens.  
This made my day honestly wow.
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
HunT - A Visual SPN Story - Epilogue
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HunT Masterlist
Story style: A Visual Social Media AU - Slow Burn - Strangers to friends to lovers.
Pairing: Sam x Reader (Eventually)
Summary: The hunting life is one ruled by old tomes, burner phones and long lists of personal contacts. But that’s about to change once your best friend, Charlie, develops an invite only online resource for hunters; HunT. You test it out by covering a case for a hunter down in Kansas who goes by the username S.W_Kansas_83, and as the months go by, you slowly go from online strangers, to friends as you find yourself falling for this handsome stranger on the internet. But, separated by distance and technology; can you ever be anything more? Especially since you’re hiding a big secret from Sam Winchester that threatens to ruin everything.
Triggers: None
A/N: This epilogue is set over a 1 year after the last chapter!
Want to be part of HunT? There’s a website! Thank you so much for joining me on this journey! It was a lot of fun, though it took a good bit of time since I was creating each frame and image from scratch.
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HunT Tags: @ultimatecin73 @cryinginbooks @peyton-keating @lidda @my-fucking-noodles @arctusluna @demonlover87 @cuteandohsodeadly @cookiechipdough @delightfullykrispypeach @captain-doctor-dean @foxyjwls007 @pinknerdpanda @auriel187   @euphoniousgoob @xoxabs88xox  @the-queen-of-moons @holyslytherinn @kari-is-a-menace @lovelyrocker @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book @impalaspixie @daydreamerinadazedworld @bookchic20 @buttercup-posts-2010 @slytherinlyn16 @yournightmare-1987 @spnfamily2005 @xstonedxslasher @jamerlynn
Sam Winchester Tags: @punof-agun
Forever Tags will be added as a reblog
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rudemaidensdnd · 5 years
Death... By Snoosnoo!
Rogue, our changling Ranger, decided to seduce a Dwarven veteran whom she had previously been intent on murdering. I had offhandedly mentioned that following the de-escalation of the fight the npc was giving her moon eyes. I was picturing Tormund Giantsbane looking at Brienne of Tarth when I said it.
@sylvanasthebansheequeen basically has Rogue wink at him and beckon him into a private room and immediately just strips...
"You... uh.... you fight good!" He says all bashful like.
The whole group of us are laughing and giggling and I'm just like- "Ok and then you do it. I'm not gonna make you roll for seduction he's into it"
THIS BITCH, she's all "I'm gonna roll for sex!" And tosses her d20. She gives us her roll and at this point I'm like 'Fuck it's and I say "Well add your athletics."
19/20 AND she proceeds to start a list meaning this is gonna be a thing she's gonna do now....
But later it comes back up in the table talk and pur Arcane Trickster asks "What would happen if you rolled a nat20?"
To which I reply " Multiple orgasms! Death by Snoosnoo!"
And that's the story of why our Ranger named Rogue has a list of NPCs she's seduced called "The snoosnoo list"
And I'm so happy xD
@bookchic20 @pusantheamazonian
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Whatever It Takes-Part 8
Characters: Alpha! Dean Winchester, Beta! Sam Winchester, Omega! reader, Beta! sister Terri (OC) 
Beta’d by @kittenofdoomage  (Someday I will beat you at Words With Friends)
A/N: Sorry if people are missing tags. I just updated the taglist so everyone who wanted on is in.   Tumblr tagging blows lately.
Series Masterlist          My Masterlist
“It’s only a damn date!” I keep telling myself in an effort to not break down completely from the stress of it all. The entire contents of my closet had puked their way onto my bed, and I couldn’t find anything.  This was not going well, and I was getting frazzled.
When my cell rang I had to run in from the depths of my closet to answer it, and I sounded out of breath.”Hello?”
“Hey Y/N, it’s Terri. Are you okay? Why do you sound so out of breath?”
I grinned at the phone.  It is so like my big sis to check up on me. “Dean’s taking me on our first date tonight, and I want it to be perfect.”
“Is he now?” Terri said in an amused voice.  “Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?”
“Shut it.  As untraditional as this is, we are trying to make this work, so be supportive.”
“Have you picked out an outfit to wear?” She questioned.
I snorted at the pile of clothes spread all over my room and hung my head. “No….not really. Can you come help?”
“Now you’re speaking my language, girl! If I can help move this bizarre love train along the track, I’m on it. I’ll be over in a few minutes.”
“Thanks, Ter. I knew I could count on you.”
Terri arrived and immediately set to work cleaning up the mess on my bed.  “So show me what you have so far.  This place is a mess.  How can you still be as sloppy as you were when you were twelve?”
“I’m stressed, T.  I hate every piece of clothing I own, and I don’t have the energy to go shopping.  Dean said to wear something “nice”. What does that mean exactly?” My voice was edging higher with panic.
“Relax. Breathe. We got this. You want to look pretty but not like your trying to hard. So where are you going anyway?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t even know.  He didn’t say.”
“I gotta admit, Y/N, as much as I was prepared to hate him just on principle, that boy is clearly crazy about you.  Seal the deal now before he realizes just how high maintenance you are.”  
“Bitch,” I said half-heartedly, but I was smiling.
My sister laughed as she disappeared into my closet.  Then I heard her rummaging around for a bit. “I found it!” She said a moment later.
Terri walked out with a blue silk shirt dress that I completely forgot I owned.  “This will do nicely.” She commented.
I gave it an appraising glance. “Are you sure?”
Rolling her eyes, Terri handed me the dress. “Yes, I’m sure. The color is a good one for you, the silk makes it a little fancy, and most important, it opens in the front for easy access.”
“I think I bought matching shoes for this.  Lemme look.”  I marched into my closet and pulled a white shoebox from the top shelf. A cascade of boxes and purses came raining down on my head and I swore.
Handing the box to Terri, I sat down on my bed and rubbed the top of my head. “Just for the record, Dean and I don’t spend every minute having sex.  We do talk.”
“Oh I’m sure you do,” she told me as she picked out my jewelry. “But when Dean sees you, he’s gonna be thinking with his downstairs Alpha brain. Less talk, more action.”
It was almost seven, and I waited anxiously for Dean’s arrival. Terri had left an hour ago, saying her work here was done and she expected some details later as payback.
As soon as I heard the knock, I was on my feet in an instant, practically running to the door.  “You look…...wow,” Dean exclaimed immediately as soon as he saw me.  He looked gorgeous in a tan jacket and dark slacks, and when our eyes met, I felt the sizzle of his hot gaze down to my toes.  “These are for you,” he said as he handed me a bouquet of wildflowers.
“They are beautiful.” I sniffed the delicate blooms appreciatively, “These are my favorite! How did you know?”
“They smelled like you.”
My cheeks colored at his comment. “Let me just put these in some water.”
“How are you feeling?” he asked, and I was suddenly worried that every conversation was now going to revolve around my health.  I’d been down this road before.
“This is only our first date, big boy. I think the health questions come later,” I replied with a smirk.
“I’m being serious, Y/N,” Dean said quietly.
My smile faded, and I sighed deeply. “I’m okay at the moment. Whatever they gave me in the hospital seems to have stopped my heat for now.  So how did things go with Sam?” I asked, eager to change the subject.
“Surprisingly good.  He can’t wait to meet you.” Dean looked at his watch. “Hey, we need to go or we’re gonna miss our reservation.”
“We have reservations? You really brought your A game didn’t you?”
The cocky smile he gave me reminded me of the first night we’d met.  “When it comes to you, I’ll do whatever it takes.”
The restaurant Dean picked was a little Italian place that smelled amazing.  Within a few minutes, we were seated in a cozy alcove and the waiter had brought us both glasses of a heady red wine.  I laughed out loud at something Dean said, the conversation flowing naturally and easy between us as we perused our menus.
I happened to glance up from my menu and I noticed Dean’s eyes on me. His expression was soft and warm.  “What?” I asked with a smile.
“I’ve dreamed about doing this with you since I met you,” he told me, an adorably bashful grin on his face.
“This?” I questioned, mirroring his smile.
“Going on a date, doing normal couple stuff.” Dean paused, his eyes darkening, darting around the room before focusing on me. “I want everyone to know your mine.”
As I started into his handsome face, I could feel my heart beat a little faster. I licked my lips deliberately, eyes on him the whole time.  “Buy me dinner first, Alpha, and I’ll show you later how much I’m yours.”
Dean groaned softly, reaching out to take my hand as he scolded me playfully. “You need to stop that, Omega, or we’ll never make it to dinner.”
“But I’m very hungry.”  I knew I was pushing my luck, but I was in a teasing mood.
“So am I. And we’re eating,” he said firmly, squirming a bit in his seat - I couldn’t hide my grin at the effect I knew I was having on him but before I could take the game any further, the waiter returned to our table with a basket of complimentary bread and pulled out his notepad.
We gave our order and Dean quickly took the opportunity to change the subject, aiming for more traditional “first date” questions, keeping the topic away from the things we already knew about each other. It kept going throughout the meal and I was pleasantly surprised that he was such an interesting and intelligent man.
It dispelled any notion that he was just a dumb caveman Alpha with only one thing on his mind.
I sat back in the booth, dropping my fork onto my plate. “I can’t eat another bite.  I’m stuffed.”
Dean chuckled, running a last crust of the bread around his plate, collecting his steak sauce. “So no dessert then?”
I shook my head with a fond smile, watching him pop the last morsel between his plump lips and it prompting an unbidden groan.  “If I eat dessert you won’t be getting any tonight,” I warned.
“What about to go?” he suggested. “You really gotta try the fudge cake here.” Dropping his voice and leaning in, a lewd smile spread over his lips. “We could always eat it in bed later.”
The thought of Dean feeding me cake in bed was kind of a turn on, to be honest. but I knew we wouldn’t be eating in bed. But the thought of missing out on that fudge cake…
Two foil swans later, we were about to leave, just as another couple was being seated next to us. The woman stared at Dean, catching my attention with her intense look and I frowned, just as Dean noticed her and his face drained of color.
The woman said something to her companion and walked over to us. “Dean?” she purred, reaching out to touch his arm.  He jerked it away as though her touch burned.
“Hey, Lisa,” he said in a tight voice.
“I was wondering what happened to you. They wouldn’t tell me anything when I called. Just that you left. I’ve missed you.”  Dean looked so uncomfortable, like a trapped animal. I was confused for a moment. Who was she?
“Dean?” I asked tentatively.  His eyes came up to meet mine, and they were filled with such pain.  And then it hit me who she was. This woman…..this Lisa, was one of Dean’s Omega clients from Alpha4.
“He’s retired,” I snapped angrily. “Just leave us alone, please.”
“But I need….” she began to say in a desperate voice.  Oh, I knew what she needed.
And just like that, our perfect first date was ruined as reality reared its ugly head.  “Come, on. We’re leaving.”I told Dean as I turned my back on that Omega who could have been me and walked away head held high as the tears began to flow.
Part 9
@fandomismyspiritanimal @sandlee44  @thelittleredwhocould @littlegreenplasticsoldier @sliverofjade @shutupiminlooove @katiekatskorner @emilymorgan1994 @docharleythegeekqueen @allinhishands @jfrank1048 @peaceloveancolor @perpetualabsurdity @crazyforsims @there-must-be-a-lock @kickboxingkangarootattoo @nurse-unicorn @x-knife-kink-x @theoriginalvicki @jennell79  @p3nny4urth0ught5 @mickwrites @dancingalone21 @phoenix-67 @dizzy-sunshine @masterof-agony @lmelia1698 @cemmia @vebner37 @daughterofthebrowncoats @bodhi-black @justballoonfishthings @mrs-meghan-winchester @ace-princess18 @saralucilleburch @amor67figment-love @cowboyllama@younoeatcheeseyounobefat @heyyyitshayley @bookchic20 @lavieenlex @riversong-sam @born2eatrice @read-the-reid @shamelesslydean @winchestergirl607 @angelsandwinchesters @la-esmerlada @waywarddaughter1317 @or-worse-expelled7 @aubreystilinski @pancake-pages @howyougetthereistheworthierpart @sammysgirl1997 @heavenlyrainyparis @spnwoman @torn-and-frayed @keep-calm-and-omfg-jensen-ackles @call–me–princess @sammykb1994 @three-questionable-mangoes  @wandering-rosebud @misguidedconqueress @rckyfrk @carryonmyswansong  @la-esmeralda @deanwinchstcrs @pinkleopardss @crystallstaircase @letsgetyourdeanon @hartman1967 @lovepeacenhope @a-messy-life-blogging @fullmetalavatar54 @kazuha159 @bookchic20 @inumorph @rasax45 @fangirl-and-medstudent-help @skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it@tokyoghoulyz @pinknerdpanda  @atc74@jayankles  @notnaturalanahi @midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals @winchestergirl-love @gecko9596 @ronnie248-blog@essie1876 @bohowitch@just-another-busy-fangirl @jotink78 @captainradicalpassion @keelzy2 @disneymarina @kittenofdoomage @mrswhozeewhatsis @oriona75 @frankiea1998 @akshi8278 @stylinson531@valynsia @dr-dean@theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek    @luciisthebest  @laurenisnot @maddieburcham1  @canadianjelly @muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @grantsgorgeousgirl @faegal04 @feelmyroarrrr @kay18115@milkymilky-cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @emoryhemsworth @squirrel-moose-winchester @jennifromtheblock1013 @spnbaby-67 @mogaruke @sweetmisseddreams2002  @negan–is–god @spnwoman @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @maximumkillshot @sweetpeamoose @mrs-meghan-winchester @woodworthti666  @herbologystudent252 @blackcherrywhiskey @andkatiethings @thoughtfullyfurryangel @linki-locks11 @102-delinquents @emilymorgan1994
@@engineeringgirlcve @ace-princess18 @born2eatrice @speakinvain @blushingokoye @adam-colebaybay @rubberducky999 @sylverminx @ruprecht0420 @pancake-pages @mojean13 @chloe-skywalker @wandering-rosebud @rckyfrk @deans-dirty-writer @lruff685 @lompoc-girl316 @maui137
@clarinette07 @pisces-cutie
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rudemaidenswrite · 4 years
One Night, Chapter 3
So I’m kinda getting better at writing a little bit quicker, I actually would have finished sooner but my bf gave me some food when I was writing the other day lol. Anywho I hope y’all like this chapter let me know what ya think of it! :)
Word count:1062
Warnings: sex and cursing
Author: me @bookchic20​
Part 1  Part 2
As always credit to gif owner/maker
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-Somewhere outside of Wolsey-
 “So Bobby said someone needed help with a couple werewolves right?” Sam asked.
 “Yeah he said something about missing hearts and multiple different sized claw marks.” Dean answered, as they speed down the road in the Impala.
 “So we’re looking for at least two wolves then. But apparently, they already have a bean on where they think they’re staying. So that should hopefully make our job a little bit easier.”
 “ Yeah and then we can try to contact Cas again and see if he can find (Y/N).” Dean says tapping his fingers along the steering wheel. “What?” He asks Sam as he sees him roll his eyes.
 “Nothing.” He says holding his hands up. Dean gives him a look. “Look its just she doesn’t want to be found right.”
 “She’s our…friend Sammy you should be worried about her!”
 “I am Dean ,but she seems fine she checks in with people that will tell us she’s ok, so we should just except that.” Sam says looking back at the directions to Wolsey, ignoring the glare that Dean was sending his way.
 Dean grumbles something to himself and proceeds to turn the music up, as they continue down the road. Sam ignores him, sure he missed her too but if she wanted to be left alone then he would respect that.  Sighing he sees the sign for Wosley and put at it for Dean to make sure he makes the turn.
   -Back In Wosley-
You just couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Who was Bobby sending that would already be that close, wait a minute it couldn’t be could it, he promised he wouldn’t tell him. God you hoped you were wrong, and you were just feeling this way since you were about to help with a hunt.  Yeah it was definitely just nerves about the hunt.
Shaking your head clear you pull into an abandoned lot that’s not to far from the werewolves house. Whoever Bobby was sending should be there soon, so you decide to lay back across the seat of your truck and relax until they got there.  With a nice breeze blowing through the open windows you close your eyes and slowly drift into a memory.
  “Fuuuuuck…...” He moans out as he starts to fall backwards onto the bed  ,slipping out of your grasp and your mouth in the process, unable to stay standing any longer not only from the alcohol, but also from the intense feeling of lust that has been running through him since you started.  “Shit” He says as he lands on the bed leaning up on his elbows to look to where you still sat on your knees. You just look up at him with a sly grin as you start to stand up.
 Slipping your hands down your stomach until your hands hit the button on your pants you stand, and you fumble with the zipper, before finally slipping your jeans and underwear down your legs. You step towards the bed tripping over your pile of clothes in the process, you plop down on the bed, you and Dean start laughing at your misstep. As soon as the two of you calm down Dean leans up over you kissing your lips once again before slowly slipping down your body focusing on your nipples for a moment before going even lower.
 Kissing torturously slow down your body he stops right below your stomach, holding your thighs he gives them a squeeze. Looking up at you he gives you the signature Winchester smirk and for a split second you forget how to breath, and then his mouth hits your most sensitive spots and you let out a gasp. His mouth moving in the most sensual way, he pulls away for a moment making you wine at the loss of his mouth. You can feel the vibration from his chuckle as he sucks a mark on your inner thigh.
 You groan at the feeling and grab at his hair in frustration, pulling him up towards you. Slamming your lips onto his, he smiles into the kiss as he slips his hand down your body. He stops for a minute squeezing your ass, before continuing down pulling your leg up around his body. He separates from your lips as he kisses down your neck leaving a little bite at which you moan at the nip.
 Dean pulls back from you smiling at you, god you loved that smile. His real one that he very rarely showed.
“What?” You ask breathless.
 “You’re just so perfect.” He says honestly.
 “Heh… You’re drunk Winchester.” You mumble looking to the side.
 “Am I?” Dean responds turning your head towards him.
 He leans down and kisses you full force before slowly pushing himself into you. Groaning you wrap your arms around him, slowly getting used to his size. He holds still until you start to relax, getting used to the feeling. Dean slowly pulls part of the way out before slamming back in, making you scream and scratch at his back as he continues going faster and faster. Both of you making noises that you had never made before, you leaving scratches up and down his back and arms, and him leaving marks on your hips.  You moan out in ecstasy as you cum harder than you’ve ever cum. He continues to thrust into you cumming shortly after you. He slowly slips out of you and falls flat on his back with a happy sigh.
You start to turn over on your side so you can get up to go to the bathroom, when an arm reaches out and grabs you. Dean pulls you back into him tight, not letting go as he yawns, nuzzling into your neck. You sigh and let the tiredness take you over and slipping into sweet sleep.
   Startling from your memory you shake your head at the memory, you really needed to pull your head out if the clouds. You needed to focus for this hunt, no more daydreaming. You sit up quickly as you hear the familiar rumble of a car you didn’t think you’d hear again anytime soon. Looking into the rearview mirror you groan as your eyes proved to you what your ears had heard. Sighing you hit your head against the steering wheel. Bobby what have you done.
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rizlowwritessortof · 3 months
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Michaela’s mundane life takes a strange turn when she has a random encounter with a very attractive stranger in her local bar. It must be déjà vu – or maybe it isn’t.
Part 1 coming this weekend!
Tags for my lovelies: 
 @saenalife    @deanscarlett    @jensensgotyoudean    @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis    @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog 
   @geeklibrarian    @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid      @mrswhozeewhatsis    @littlegreenplasticsoldier    @sleep-silent-angel  
  @darcia22    @winchesterprincessbride    @ellen-reincarnated1967    @eyes-of-a-disney-princess      @deanslittleangel2y5  
  @melanie451        @spectaculacular-sammy     @bookchic20    @jodyri    @selma-jean-blog   
        @savingapplepie-eatingthings    @kittenofdoomage    @masked-maiden42    @lean-mean-deanwinchester    @ericuhlorain  
  @undecided-garden    @ceeceewinchester    @typicalweirdbookworm          @callmesweetheartifyoumeanit    @youtoldalie 
   @tanithlowisabamf-blog    @deandoesthingstome    @jxackles    @nerdwholikesword    @soivebuiltupaworldofmagic  
  @kreweofimp  @gabavaldman    @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog    @darkx143    @disassociativedogma   
 @ioanashalala    @jencharlan    @deansthirstblog     @dorky-and-i-know-it    @mischief-maker1   
 @winchestersandwordprocessors    @percussiongirl2017    @bringmesomepie56   @akshi8278    @torn-and-frayed  
  @sandlee44   @wingedcatninja  @evansrogerskitten   @emoryhemsworth  @peaceinourtime82 
 @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior  @sarcasmqueen74   @maliburenee     @mrsjenniferwinchester   @yeehawbitchs  
 @emily-winchester  @hobby27    spnbaby-67   @zepskies  @ladysparkles78  
@alwaystiredandconfused   @just-another-busyfangirl
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rudemadiens · 3 years
Soon! I can taste it! ~@pusantheamazonian
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bookchic20 · 6 years
Super nervous I have a date type meet up thingy with this guy today and I have never been on a date in my life (I know sad for a 25 year old but whateves) I really don't even think it's the date part the nearv wraking it's the meating someone new thing!
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deltapirate · 6 years
Tag nine people you want to get to know better and answer the questions below.
I was tagged by @thefeatherofhope (thanks for the tag)
This took me forever to do, but I did it! Yay me.
1. Relationship status: married with toddlers
2. Favorite color: deep greens
3. Top three ships: snamione, whouffaldi, garcy (I have so many more!)
4. Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
5. Last song: somebody you loved -lewis capaldi
6. Last movie: zootopia - I had been wanting to rewatch it for a while.
I tag @spewing-words @chatteri @kickassfu @ethala @staypee @bookchic20 @tardisblue-teacups @fogsblue @usethehorseluke
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
HunT - A Visual SPN Story - Pt. 71
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HunT Masterlist
Story style: A Visual Social Media AU - Slow Burn - Strangers to friends to lovers.
Pairing: Sam x Reader (Eventually)
Summary: The hunting life is one ruled by old tomes, burner phones and long lists of personal contacts. But that’s about to change once your best friend, Charlie, develops an invite only online resource for hunters; HunT. You test it out by covering a case for a hunter down in Kansas who goes by the username S.W_Kansas_83, and as the months go by, you slowly go from online strangers, to friends as you find yourself falling for this handsome stranger on the internet. But, separated by distance and technology; can you ever be anything more? Especially since you’re hiding a big secret from Sam Winchester that threatens to ruin everything.
Triggers: None
A/N: We're nearing the end of HunT! Thank you to everyone who has been along for the ride 💕
A/N 2: Want to be part of HunT? There’s a website!
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Sam Winchester Tags: @punof-agun
HunT Tags: @ultimatecin73 @cryinginbooks @peyton-keating @lidda @my-fucking-noodles @arctusluna @demonlover87 @cuteandohsodeadly @cookiechipdough @delightfullykrispypeach @captain-doctor-dean @foxyjwls007 @pinknerdpanda @auriel187 @euphoniousgoob @xoxabs88xox @the-queen-of-moons @holyslytherinn @kari-is-a-menace @lovelyrocker @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book @impalaspixie @daydreamerinadazedworld @bookchic20 @buttercup-posts-2010 @slytherinlyn16 @yournightmare-1987 @spnfamily2005 @xstonedxslasher @jamerlynn
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immortal-imagines · 6 years
The Lucky Boomerang - Part 15 (The End)
Summary: It was widely known that Captain Boomerang didn’t work well with others; a true statement, until one particular accomplice caught his attention. His decision to spare her caused the pair to become deadly. They were nearly as famous as the Clown couple themselves. Renowned for her easy escapes and incredible stealth, Lady Luck was an appropriate partner for the Aussie bank robber. Their luck changes when a certain metahuman brings them both to Belle Reve Penitentiary and they are forced into joining Task Force X. (Side note: In this imagine, Boomerang is at Belle Reve)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14
(Captain Boomerang x Reader)
Warnings: Lots of fluff and feels!
Word Count: 1,419
A/N: The final part! A year ago, I started this fic and now here we are on the last chapter! I know this is a little overdramatic, but hey that’s me. I’ve had so much fun writing this and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this! Please send me in requests if you have any ideas for other series I could do. I’ve got a few ideas lined up that I hope you’ll like! For now, it’s time to say good bye to The Lucky Boomerang and a fic that has been one hell of a journey! I hope you enjoy this!
Prison was different now. It felt strange. There was something in the air that didn’t sit right with any of them. They had tasted freedom and, to an extent, they’d had it. But, they wanted more.
(Y/N) missed Harley, seeing as they were now on opposite sides of the facility and never saw each other. They only saw Deadshot when he was being escorted back to his cell from his visits with his daughter. The guards wouldn’t let him stop, but he always yelled a greeting as he went past.
(Y/N) counted her blessings that she could sleep in the same bed as Digger every night. They shared a cell, a bed and a life. It wasn’t the house with the white picket fence, but it was enough, for now.
They sat on the bed, cuddled up next to each other. (Y/N) was reading a book, while Digger played with her hair. They were back in the usual prison uniforms, but with a little more character this time. Dig chose to wear a tank top, instead of the beige prison shirt, and (Y/N) had fashioned hers into a crop top. She’d used Digger’s shirt and ripped it into a sort of bandana, to hold her hair out of her eyes while she read.
“I know it’s not what we imagined, but I’m happy,” (Y/N) looked up from her book. She leaned up and kissed Digger gently on the lips. He stopped plaiting her hair and pulled her closer to him.
“We’re together, Lady. That’s what counts.”
“I don’t think we’ll ever get our own house, or a normal job, or even a baby…”
“Hey!” Digger interrupted, “We can have a baby if you want. It’ll be the damn best-looking baby anyone has ever seen.” He winked.
“We can’t bring a baby into this life. We can’t raise it in prison,” (Y/N) sighed and closed the book in her lap. “Plus, I doubt Waller would let us keep it.”
“Screw Waller. No one is taking our kid away from us,” Digger clenched his fists, his jaw tightening. Lady put her hands on his cheeks. “I won’t let them,” he said. He kissed the palms of her hands.
(Y/N)’s eyebrows pulled together. “What is it?” Digger asked, confused.
“Can you hear that?”
They sat for a second, listening. In the distance, there was a faint rumbling, like thunder. Then, an almighty crash shook the room.
“For fucks sake, can’t we have five minutes of peace?” Digger huffed, lifting Lady off his lap. The pair stood facing the door, ready for an attack. They heard footsteps running down the hall and braced themselves. That was when a familiar face appeared in the cell window.
“Hiya, guys! We’ve come to rescue you!” Harley beamed. Both Digger and (Y/N) relaxed and rushed forwards. That was when another face appeared in the window, white as a sheet and with shocking green hair. It was the Joker.
“You’re alive?” (Y/N) asked.
“Looks like it,” Joker growled and Harley squealed. They heard jangling and suddenly the door swung open. Harley jumped on (Y/N).
“It’s so great to see you! We have so much to catch up on!” the blonde spoke so quickly it was a struggle for (Y/N) to understand.
“Nice to meet you, mate,” Digger addressed Joker, nodding warily.
“Let’s go,” Joker muttered, pulling Harley off of (Y/N).
“Well, he seems like fun,” (Y/N) muttered to Digger. He chuckled.
They moved with caution out of the cell, constantly checking for guards. Harley and Joker were up ahead.
“They’re all dead if that’s you’re worried about,” Joker said over his shoulder.
“What about the prisoners, like Deadshot and Croc?” Lady asked.
“They’re waiting for us outside,” Harley turned, giggling.
“And Flag and Waller?” Digger’s question was tainted with a hint of worry.
“Soldier is on his honeymoon and the bitch is in some ‘secret’ facility in France,” Joker responded, using air quotes on the word ‘secret’.
“How do you know all this?” (Y/N) asked, just as cautious of the clown as Digger was.
“Puddin’ has eyes all over the place,” Harley said, proudly. They stopped by a door and Joker made swift work of kicking it down.
“I could’ve done that,” Dig muttered, puffing his chest out a little.
“I know you could,” (Y/N) chuckled, patting his arm.
It was pitch black outside. Being in prison all day meant they lost track of the time. They slept when they felt tired and they ate when the food came through the door. There was no real routine. Deadshot and Croc stood just outside the door. Deadshot looked a little jumpy, but relaxed when he saw who it was. Digger went over to him and patted his back. “Good to see you, mate.” He looked at Croc and nodded a greeting, worried about getting his hand bitten off if he got too close.
Joker wasted no time waiting. “Everyone here is dead. It won’t be long before back-up arrives so we need to leave now.”
Harley was gazing up at him, hanging onto every word he said.
(Y/N)’s stomach did a flip when she realised what was happening. They were going to escape. They were getting out of this hell-hole. There was an actual chance that they could live the life they’d dreamed about.
The small group moved silently out of the facility. It seemed too easy. Once they were out, Croc parted from the group, grunting something about a sewer before disappearing into the night.
“As soon as we get to the city, I’m jumping ship too. I gotta get my daughter before anyone else does,” Deadshot informed them. It made sense. If the cops got word that there had been an escape, they’d search Zoe’s home. It would be the first place they’d think he would be. But if he got there quick enough, he could grab her and run.
That left (Y/N) thinking. Where would she and Boomer go?
As if reading her mind, Digger said, “I have a few of my old hiding spots in mind. I think we should lay low there for a few days before trying to find a more permanent situation.” Lady nodded, relieved that at least he seemed to have a plan.
Joker had an escape vehicle, just a plain white van, parked around the back. One of his accomplices, who introduced himself as Frost, was driving. As soon as the group were in, he sped off, headed straight for the city. The Joker had some mastermind plan for how to remain inconspicuous, but he didn’t let any of the others in on it. (Y/N) didn’t even think Harley knew what he had planned.
It didn’t take long before they were parked up in a back alley in the slightly rougher area of the city.
“This is where we leave you,” the Joker said. “Me and Harls got to get moving.” He didn’t say where they would be. (Y/N) guessed that was part of his effort to remain low-profile. She didn’t think it would last very long. He and Harley were the king and queen of Gotham. It wouldn’t be long before they re-claimed their thrones and were out causing chaos again. (Y/N) just hoped they wouldn’t get caught this time. She worried for Harley’s safety and just wanted to see her friend happy.
Harley leaned over and pulled Lady into a big hug. “Promise we’ll see each other again?”
“Of course!” Lady squeezed her tightly. Joker tapped his foot, impatiently. (Y/N) shot him a look. She wasn’t afraid of him, not any more at least.
“Let’s get moving, Lady,” Digger took (Y/N)’s hand and helped her out of the van. “Catch ya later, craziness,” he nodded to Harley. She gave him a wide, toothy grin.
No sooner had they stepped out of the van, Joker slammed the doors and they disappeared in a cloud of dust and dirt. Lady watched them go, tears threatening to erupt. She coughed a little, composing herself, before looking up at Digger. He brought his thumb up to her cheek and wiped away a tear that had managed to escape. “We’ll see her again, I’m sure,” he comforted. “It’s time to start our own life now.” (Y/N) managed a small smile. Her stomach flipped at the thought that her dream of a life away from crime was actually a possibility. They could have a house and a family.
She reached up on her toes and pressed her lips to George’s.
“Where do we start?”
Tag List:  @a-girl-who-loves-disney @thranduilxlegolasx@squireboredom @tokentransboy @taz-t-mary @bookchic20@sporadichologramblizzard-ed17414 @importanttyrantruler
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rudemaidensdnd · 5 years
The Party
So my players are the best. And I'm in love with their characters.
Serx/Rogue is a changling. She's not a rogue class, she's a ranger. On tumblr she's @sylvanasthebansheequeen
Arivine is a tiefling druid see her on tumblr @bookchic20
Krug Vikruv a half orc fighter is @pusantheamazonian
Siglur the arcane trickster... lame-o with no blog
Cassandra Strongrow aka "Kit-Cas" a Tabaxi cleric.
F'loosh'Na a half giant half dwarf warlock who occassionally joins up with our heroes on the material plain, but more often than not is chilling on the astral plain with his patron OOGLE BAUBLE THE METAL SPACEFISH.
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