#sam winchester visual story
pickledpascal · 6 months
Long Story Short, It Was a Bad Time
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Castiel
Warnings: transphobia, homophobia, horrible parent john winchester, homophobic language, implied past prostitution, based on 14x13, angst with a happy-ish ending
A/N: in this, dean is trans and visually looks similar to another of jensen's characters, beau arlen.
Word Count: 4.8k
Jensen Ackles Masterlist
Dean Winchester had known he was a boy since he could talk. Hell, before he could talk. 
He wasn't aware he wasn't a boy until after his mother died and every single teacher in every single town they went to called him a girl and separated him into the girls' lines instead of the boys. It got increasingly mind-numbing as he entered his pre-teen years. His first period came around and his dad wasn't sure what to do. Pads were one of the most expensive supplies he had to buy and he never failed to make Dean feel bad about it at every turn. 
“Suck it up, Deanna.” 
“Don't go tellin’ anyone I don't do anything for you, Deanna.” 
“You better clean the garbage out when I get home, Deanna. I don't wanna see that.” 
The name itched him like a bad rash. Made him want to scream. But all he could do was cry. After John was gone and Sammy was asleep. 
His boobs were growing in and everything about his body felt wrong. He was glad he was naturally tall and that he was able to gain more muscle the more John let him go on hunts but it wasn't the same. His shoulders weren't as broad as the other guys in his class, his hips jutted out too much for his liking, and he hated his long hair. 
Dean cut it on his sixteenth birthday and told his father it was under the guise of wanting to be safe. Unpullable hair meant one less thing he had to worry about when it came to monsters. John looked at him suspiciously. He must have known. But he didn't blow up like Dean expected him to. That made the wrenching feeling in his gut twist more. There had to be a catch. 
He came out two weeks after that.
“Thank God.” Dean blinked at the reaction. “I thought I was gonna have a dyke of a daughter. Now, I have another son. You going by another name?” 
Dean wanted to throw up. Somehow, that made everything worse. His father would rather have a son than a lesbian daughter? He didn't want to think about the fact that he still liked boys just not as much as girls. 
He had a few mishaps, he'd look at a few guys as he passed them with John at his side. Dean didn't think too much of it since nothing came of it. Why would John punish him for something as simple as a glance? 
Then his seventeenth birthday came.
Dean's first hunt by himself, specifically curated by his father. He watched the fire in the hole he dug earlier with his hands pushed into the pockets of his jacket. The two bodies were as intertwined as they could be for rotting skeletons. 
The heat was nice. But bittersweet. He was close enough that it could burn him. Dean would've loved to burn to a crisp as well but he had a brother to protect. 
Dean swallowed thickly and gathered up his supplies.
Message heard loud and clear, Dad.
Dean's top surgery was one of the things he remembered the most about his more medical transition. He couldn't get testosterone as much as he wanted to with forged signatures and documents but Bobby offered something else. 
So Dean was laid down on a steel examination table asleep on some anesthetic Bobby was able to get off the black market. Bobby didn't have much experience being a surgeon so it wasn't the best but it was as sterile and safe as it could be. But Dean couldn't have been happier. His chest was flat. That's what he cared about. Even if he had to be at Bobby's for weeks. He was just glad Sam was there too instead of having to leave him alone with John. 
Time passed. Dean leaned hard into his masculinity after John died. A little too hard. 
“You are way out of my brother’s league.”
“Guess how many of these cheerleaders are legal.”
“She's a bitch.”
“Fucking bitch!”
Part of it was his frustration with nearly being killed every day of his life, not even by monsters, the other part was the things John beat into him at a young age. If Dean wanted to be a man, he had to be one at John's discretion. He had to like girls but not enough to actually settle down with one. He had to look out for Sam even if that meant he would die. 
So he did. 
Made a deal. Went to hell. 
Except he didn't expect to come back. 
That gas station would forever stay in his mind. He walked for hours to find it. His whole body felt a little different. Jumbled around but he could tell his body was still his. He immediately went for the water bottles and broke the seal, downing it in one go. 
Dean caught a glimpse of a mirror out of the corner of his eye. He walked up to it and licked at his bottom lip, staring at himself. He noticed his sharper jaw decorated with stubble, his hair seemed to be less chopped, his shoulders more broad, and… he had bowlegs? He looked down and then back up. 
Intrigued, he lifted his shirt. His lips dropped open. The scars under his pecs were still there but they were different, no longer botched and scary-looking, but smooth. And his chest. It wasn't completely flat like it was before. His pecs looked more natural, protruding a bit. Like a “real” man. Dean let his shirt drop as he breathed. The handprint on his arm was there too and, for a moment, he knew something cosmic had to be the reason for this, but something inside him felt so happy. Giddy. 
He snuck a peak under his jeans. And, yeah, no he still didn't have a dick but he didn't particularly care about that anyway. One of the only things about his body that didn't matter as much. Well, at least now he felt comfortable in himself even if it came at a price. 
Over and over again. He was reminded of what he “really” was. 
“Daddy's blunt little instrument.”
“Daddy's little girl.” 
Hell, half of it came from himself. As a joke. Not one he particularly wanted to be true.
“I've been re-hymenated.” 
“Ever since I was a little girl.”
“You got anything that’s real?” “My boobs.”
As Dean grew older, he started to shed those kinds of ideals. Not only did it get too heavy to bear but he started not to care anymore. John was dead. Mary was dead. Who did he have to impress? So he didn't mind talking about the fact he didn't have a dick and indulging himself on some things that may be seen as feminine. Like a few satin panties tucked into the bottom of his drawer or the few times he painted his nails—it never lasted long when he went on a hunt. 
Although Dean still thought of his body as a tool, something he could use against their adversaries, it was a little easier to live in when he was in control of what he could do to it. When it was the kind of body he always wanted. So he got more tattoos to cover his body—they were mostly covered by his layers of denim and flannel except for one that creeped onto the side of his neck—his nipples got pierced and he nearly forgot he actually had nerve endings there when it happened, he grew out his hair a bit—not nearly as long as Sam’s but enough that he could style it better—he started wearing earrings and rings again. Not many and usually not during hunts because he had a feeling any monster, or human for that matter, would take advantage of it and tear his ear in half.
Sam and Castiel didn't mention it. Ever. And Dean wasn't sure if he should be grateful for it or not. 
“Why did you…” Dean breathed, glancing up at Castiel. He didn't want to finish the rest of his question. It was right after Mary came back and she had locked herself in some random room in the bunker to process something. 
Dean was no longer her beautiful, young four-year-old daughter Deanna. He was a grown man with shorter hair, a sharp jaw, and stubble. He knew it would be a shock for anyone, especially someone dead for so long but he didn't expect it to reopen a wound he thought had healed years ago. People had only ever thought of Dean as Dean. A man. 
Even the very few women he got with after transitioning still thought of him as a man afterward. 
Castiel’s eyes softened at Dean. He could sense the turmoil inside his head. “I was given liberty to rebuild you in the way I thought would prepare you for Micheal,” He admitted softly. He could see Dean was holding in a breath. “I decided to give you the body you wanted. The one you deserved. I had never seen a soul shine as bright as yours as you looked at my handiwork in that gas station. I knew then, I made the right decision.”
Dean's cheeks flared with blush, averting his gaze to look at anywhere but Castiel. He never quite thought about him being there, watching him admire himself. He knew that was Cas, of course, he did, but to Dean, it wasn't Cas just yet. The Cas he knew was so different from that grinding, high-pitched noise he remembered hearing.
The Cas he knew was safe. His best friend. The closest thing to family he had beside Sam. He was able to be open with Cas in a different way than Sam. 
More and more shit came and went. More and more apocalypses. But Castiel was a constant. Even if he died a few times. Even if he left a few times. He usually came back. Dean wanted him to stay. For good. But even if he was more open with being a transgender guy and liking girls and guys, he still wasn't that open about his feelings. His more complicated feelings. 
“Sam? Deanna?”
That fucking pearl. 
The sight of his father. That's not what Dean wanted. That wasn't his deepest desire. Hell, he didn't even know what his deepest desire was. And that name. He hadn't heard that name in years. Mary caught on quickly that Dean was Dean and that was it. But, of course, his father wouldn't. Even if he liked having Dean as a son more than a daughter. 
That fucking pearl was supposed to get Micheal the fuck out of his head and kill him for good measure. Instead, it brought him the one thing Dean hated more than anything in his life.
On autopilot, Dean locked himself in his room. He nearly fell to his knees but he braced himself on the wall and had half a mind to punch a hole in it. He winced as that banging in his mind got louder. Micheal screamed. Dean slid down the wall and pushed his hands into his hair. His breathing was harbored and he felt suffocated as if something was weighing down his chest.i
Why did that pearl do that? Dean was happy without him. As happy as he could be with an archangel in his head and tonnes of baggage. 
A soft knock brought Dean back to reality. Cas. He pushed himself off the ground and opened the door. 
“Sam told me about your father,” His tone was deathly serious. Dean hadn't heard Castiel sound like that in a while. He was grateful for it. “Would you like me to smite him?”
Dean swallowed. The offer was tempting. “Jesus, Cas, no. I—” Want him gone. Dead. Obliterated. Erased from his memories. Back in Hell. Gone from Heaven. Tortured to be forgotten. “I need you. Here. With me.” His shoulders slumped after the admission. 
“Of course, Dean. Whatever you need.” Castiel's voice softened as his eyes did as well. It was so truthful, said with such fondness Dean nearly cried. 
Dean sat at the end of his bed and motioned for Castiel to do the same. The angel obliged. He knew there was this thing between them. Obvious enough Sam started to call him out on it, never in front of Cas to save him from the embarrassment, but it was always on his mind when they were alone together. He wasn't sure what to do with it. All his feelings. Everything was so complex. Yet simple. It was a strange dichotomy. One he wasn't sure he wanted to admit out loud. 
But the fact that Castiel had only ever seen Dean as a man helped. Drove it into his thick skull what this thing was. Love. Castiel spoke to him so reverently. Spoke his name like a prayer. One Dean desperately wanted to hear over and over again. 
“Hello, Dean.” 
“Of course, Dean.” 
“Good things do happen, Dean.”
“This is a good thing, Dean.”
“He called me Deanna,” Dean admitted softly, eyes focused on his boots. He was naturally tall, even before resurrected by Cas, but the boots gave him an extra inch or so to not look as small next to Sam. He could feel how tense Castiel was after his words. “It's… funny,” He let out a dry laugh, “For years, I've been fine. Been good in that area. But that's just—” Dean took a sharp breath. “People see me as a guy now. At least, they do until they get in my pants. But Dad—John, I fucking look like this,” He gestured to himself, “And he calls me Deanna? Fuck me.” He scoffed. 
For a second, he had a feeling John only humored him when he was younger. Called him Dean, got him a binder before his surgery, just because it was easier. If Dean became a man then he wouldn't look as much like Mary anymore and then maybe he wouldn't see her in his eyes or his face. 
But John still did. This was proof of that. 
“Your father, for lack of a better term, is a bitch.” Castiel said shamelessly. “You are so much more than a man born in the wrong body. It's a shame your father is too blind to see that.”
Dean's breath caught in his throat. And then he laughed. Hard. Hard enough his lungs started hurting and he had to gasp for air. Hard enough that tears started to form at the edges of his eyes and a few even rolled down his cheeks. He didn't register his hand on Castiel's thigh until he set his hand on top of it. 
Dean pulled it away. Or tried. Castiel held it in place. “Your soul…” He murmured. “It shines so bright when you laugh.” 
His voice. So soft and reassuring. Dean screwed his eyes shut. He couldn't help the fluttering in his chest. For the first time in a while, Micheal was silent. It was just him and Cas in the middle of his bed. Safe. Outside his room might be different. 
Dean's eyes lifted to meet Castiel's. They were a brilliant shade of blue he couldn't quite place. Nothing matched it. Sure, he could compare them to the ocean or perhaps the sky but even those didn't come close. Without thinking too hard, Dean let himself go. 
His free hand pulled Castiel close as he brought their lips together. The surprised noise the angel made was cute and Dean could feel him melting into the kiss. Castiel's lips were chapped, Dean chalked it up to him not caring for his vessel much, but everything felt so right. Their fingers intertwined while Cas threaded his free hand through Dean's hair. 
A cough. And suddenly Dean and Cas jumped away from each other. It was Sam. Dean took a breath, thankful that it was Sam and not John. Sam smirked as his eyes flickered between the two men but it was quickly wiped off his face. “Mom and Dad… they want to have dinner together.” He explained, focusing on Dean. 
There was still a lot Dean didn't tell Mary about John. About their life before the Men of Letters bunker. What Dean did to survive, to make sure Sam could live as comfortably as possible, to put food on the table and get a bed to sleep on, even while John was still alive. Bathrooms in gas stations on his knees, in the back of bars, dingy motel rooms. 
John never asked where the money came from, he took it anyway. 
If Mary knew, Dean knew she would look at John in a different light. A part of him didn't want to tarnish that for her. Even though it took some adjusting, she had accepted Dean wholeheartedly. Hell, she only messed up on his pronouns a few times, that was a lot better than when Sam first found out. 
“Dean, do you want…?” Sam didn't finish his sentence. He didn't know the full extent of what John did to him but he knew Dean intentionally took the brunt of the abuse for Sam. And he could never take that back. “He's asking about you. Saying you—you finally look like a man. Wondered what kind of work you had done. Thinks you're…” Sam wasn't trying to guilt trip Dean, quite the opposite. “Thinks you get a lot of girls. Asked if you had a wife or something. Asked if you,” He coughed, “Got a dick yet.” 
Dean’s fist clenched as his face contorted into disgust. Out of the corner of his eye, he could feel Castiel getting frustrated as well. 
Screwing his eyes shut, Michael crept up in his mind again. The screams. The banging. It came back tenfold. “What does he even want? For us to be fucking normal?” Dean huffed.
“Yeah,” Sam said simply. “Dad… he's from 2003. That's what he does best. Act normal when nothing is.” He smiled sadly. 
Dean stood up from the bed and rolled up the sleeves to his flannel shirt. He wouldn't—couldn’t—let his father undo everything he had ever built in the last fourteen years of his life. The small little family he made. Sam, him, Mary, Cas, Jack, and Claire. That was his family. Not John. 
Castiel looked at Dean, concerned. “Are you sure, Dean?” He could see that little boy inside him, still scared of what his father could do to him. But he could also see the grown man he came to be, unafraid of his father because he could likely overpower him now. 
Before he could think about it too hard, Dean nodded. “C'mon, sunshine. I'm not letting him fuck with my head again.” His leg bounced slightly. Not from nerves. 
Dean, Sam, and Cas made their way into the war room where John and Mary sat at the map table. John’s head lifted to look at Dean. Fully look at him. Take in his new appearance. When he appeared, Dean didn't stay long enough for John to get a good look at what he had become. The last time he'd seen Dean, he was twenty-five, wore too big clothes, had a skinner frame, and his hair was short and was never styled. This Dean… was not that.
He grew into his height, broad shoulders, visible muscles under his flannel—John would have never guessed Dean was born a girl. That he was his daughter. 
“Deanna.” John breathed. 
“Dean.” The man corrected. “You're… here.” He wished he wasn't. 
John’s eyes narrowed momentarily. Normally, he would've slapped him for something like that but he wasn't stupid. This Dean had a few pounds on him. “I am. Sam and your mom caught me up on everything that went down,” His eyes shifted to land on Castiel. “That the angel that pulled you out of Hell?” 
“Hello, John.” Castiel greeted, void of any emotion. Dean glanced at him. He knew the angel inside and out and he knew Castiel was getting increasingly annoyed simply being in John's presence. 
Mary sensed the tension between them and coughed. “I was thinking we could have Winchester Surprise?” She suggested softly—ever the peacemaker. 
Dean cocked an eyebrow at his mother. He knew Mary was desperate to have John, they didn't have much time together and she was still very much in love, but no one else wanted him there. Dean didn't and neither did Sam and Castiel was so close to stomping John into a curb. 
“I'm not sure that's a good idea, Mom.” Dean finally said. As much as he wanted to protect her from the real John, the one who was hiding behind a loving façade, he had to break the news to her. There must always come a time when the veil gets taken away from someone’s eyes, showing them the truth.
John tilted his head and Dean couldn't help but feel it was condescending. “Why not? We're all family here. We can be normal for a night,” He stared at Dean a little too hard. “As normal as we can be.”
“We were never normal,” Dean ground out. It took all his self-control not to just yell at him. Mary looked at Dean worriedly. She'd seen Dean mad, specifically at her, but nothing like this. His shoulders were tense and his nose was drawn into a snarl. 
“You–You don't get it. Never will. You suck for a father. I had to raise Sam myself. You'd fuck off to who knows where drunk half the time and make me, a four-year-old watch over a fucking baby. And you liked me better as a son than a girl who liked girls? What the fuck?” Yeah. Fuck that self-control. Dean’s jaw set in place. “Guess fucking what dad? I like girls and boys. And I could care fucking less what you think of—”
Dean's jaw throbbed. Surprise shivered down his spine. John flexed his hand as he stared down at Dean as he cupped his face.
“John!” Mary yelled.
Castiel nearly jumped John before Dean did. With a single right hook, John was out cold on the floor. He flapped his hand afterward, feeling the soreness immediately. It had been a while since Dean had to punch someone, usually, he had a gun or knife when fighting, he was a little surprised at how effective it was. 
“Dean!” Mary huffed as she went to John's side.
Dean bit the inside of his cheek. He decided he might as well come out with it. “Fuck him, Mom. He was never my father. He never tried to be. I was the only person who watched over Sam. A tool in his life while he was dead-set on revenge. We could have been normal. If he never went on a rampage.” He looked down at the pitiful heap that was his father with disgust. He glanced at Castiel over his shoulder. 
Mary shook her head, trying to reason with Dean. “We're a family. We don't give up on family.” She whispered. 
“Sometimes you do,” Dean huffed softly. As much as he and Sam fought, as many times as they took turns dying, it never got so bad that Dean thought he hated him. At least, not for more than a day or so. “I'm good with who I am. Dad isn't. I don't want him in my life. I don't think I ever had but… this is my life now. I get to live it. Meaning I get to choose who's in it,” He swallowed thickly, knowing what he was about to admit. “In ten years time, it's not with him. Never was.” 
“Dean, you don't mean that.” Mary sighed. Pleading. She wanted to keep John, make up for lost time.
Sam took a step forward. “Mom, you don't get it either. The shit John put Dean through—put both of us through—no kid should have to go through that.”
Mary huffed, “Then tell me. You can't just expect me to know.” 
Castiel stared at her. “Your sons don't have to say anything they are uncomfortable admitting.” He said it as if he was stating the weather forecast. 
Dean pursed his lips. Hurt. He knew Mary wouldn't understand but he didn't quite expect this. He turned on his heels and made his way back into his room. 
Eventually, everything was as it was. John was sent back after Sam destroyed the pearl and Dean could breathe a little more comfortably afterward. Mary shut herself off from them but he had a feeling that would get resolved as much as the gut-wrenching feeling in his stomach told him it wouldn't. He never wanted to see or think about John ever again. Hadn't wanted to for years after the shit he's gone through. 
Dean heard a knock on his door after he got ready for bed. Hell, he was halfway underneath the covers when it happened. He grumbled under his breath, not thinking to put on a shirt or a pair of pants as he opened the door.
“Hello, Dean,” Castiel said softly. As soft as each time before. Dean was suddenly very aware of how bare he was. “Do not be alarmed, it's nothing I haven't seen before.” The angel stepped inside his room, closing the door behind him. 
Castiel's words did nothing to ease Dean's beating heart. It felt like a hammer against his chest, wanting to tear itself out of him. 
Castiel’s eyes never wavered from his face, studying it as if it were a work of art. He lifted a hand to Dean's cheek. Dean felt as if the air was punched out of him. “I want to know if you're okay, Dean.” Those blue eyes—they never looked at him in pity, never. They looked at him with wonder and understanding. 
Dean didn't register the single tear that rolled down his cheek until Castiel's thumb wiped it away. “Not really, Cas.” He breathed. Admitting it didn't feel as bad as he thought it would. 
“Why—” Castiel took a breath, saddened by how destroyed Dean's eyes looked. “Why do you think the pearl… gave you John?” He asked softly as he and Dean sat on his bed. 
Dean glanced at the corner of his room, lip trembling with a mix of rage and sadness. “Maybe the pearl thought I wanted a Dad. Someone who could love me unconditionally. But I—” He paused sharply, eyes finding Castiel's all over again. He wanted to memorize his eyes as if it were the first time he saw them. Or the last. “I have you.” He breathed. For the first time, Dean hadn't been compelled to add Sam at the end of his sentence. 
“You do,” Castiel smiled. And, god, Dean's heart wrenched at the sight. Cas didn't smile, not often. “You always have.” 
Dean let out a shaky breath, leaning into Castiel's hand as it caressed his cheek. He sniffled slightly. “Cas, please…. Please promise me you'll stay. Even—Even if I push you away. You,” He was full-on crying now and Castiel was looking at him as if he was the most beautiful thing in the world. “You'll stay. No matter what.”
“I will.” Castiel whispered light as a feather. Two simple words but it was a promise that meant so much to Dean. 
It was a promise Castiel never intended to break. Why would he? Especially when Dean seemed so desperate. So distraught. He could never leave Dean. Not again. 
“Kiss me.” Dean whispered. Pleaded. He wanted to memorize everything about Cas. The strange body heat he gave off, the tilt of his head, how his lips pressed into a thin line when he was only minorly frustrated by Dean, the roughness of his stubble. Everything. 
For the first time, Dean saw a smirk grace Castiel's lips. “Whatever you want, Dean.” He brought their lips together with a sigh. 
They kissed for a while, pausing for breath in between kisses but they didn't go past that, ending up with Castiel in bed with Dean after he shed his trenchcoat, shoes, and tie. Dean dozed off, peaceful enough to fall asleep in Castiel's arms. 
Even with a fading grace, Castiel didn't sleep much. His body ran well enough on it that sleep wasn't needed. So he stayed up, playing with the hairs on Dean's neck as he watched over him, soothing him as much as possible when he sensed a nightmare coming on. 
“You think you're cursed sometimes Dean,” Castiel cooed on deaf ears but he didn't mind. He had to get it out. “That hate is the only thing that drives you. That you're not built for love. But you are. I think, sometimes—no, I know—that’s all you're made up of. And I–I promise we will find a better way,” Cas lifted his hand to Dean's shoulder, positioning it right above his scar. The scar he burned on his skin. “I love you, Dean.” He whispered into his ear.
For the rest of that night, Dean didn't have nightmares. For the rest of that night, he burrowed himself closer to Castiel. For the rest of that night, Michael was quiet.
64 notes · View notes
no because, supernatural is absolutely a train wreck. it's a colossal accident that is happening in front of you that you can't look away from. it is homophobic and non-sensical and downright laughable at times but you know what? I love it. I absolute love it.
season 1 was absolutely beautiful. you don't understand, really, you don't. they had a piss poor budget, you can see that in every frame. but does that stop it from being fucking beautiful? no. it is stylised and ambitious and a fucking visual treat.
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and this is like the first fucking episode. the shots have so much character! and that's nothing to say of the characters themselves. from the first fucking scene you can clearly distinguish sam and dean's character clear as day. their motivations, their dreams, their hopes, all of it. it's established so well. their dynamic is unmatched. does it also have a lot of garbage? yes for sure. because what in the name of hell was that episode with bugs? what glue were they sniffing when they green lit that one? no seriously... I wanna try some.
but then they recovered, cause they did faith. my god, what an episode. WHAT AN EPISODE. that motherfucking reaper haunts my every waking hour
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like yeah, I love me some baby dean and baby sam going on their small scale ghost hunts while learning deep lessons about who they are as people and what they want from life.
also that 'laugh I nearly died' needle drop? where sam sees jess? god tier editing, GOD TIER.
then they came back with season 2. and here is my most controversial opinion that should not be controversial at all, season 2 is the best season of supernatural to ever supernatural.
what is and what should never be, hollywood babylon, heart, nightshifter, and the whole fucking season actually. not a single miss in my humble opinion. and that finale? THAT FINALE. beautiful, magnificent. ground breaking character writing, everything comes full circle while simultaneously opening up new plot lines to explore.
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and my god, yellow eyes is an epic villain. he is a very viciously written villain like, he's... my god. it ain't a walk in the park writing villains, believe you me patient readers, villains are harder to write than the protagonists, always. well, at least the compelling ones are.
now season 3 suffered because of the writer's strike, but didn't miss much either. like yeah some of the hits don't hit as hard as the season 2, but hey, mystery spot, time is on my side, ghostfacers, bedtime stories are nothing to laugh about. those episodes are fucking solid, like most of the season. and there is so much raw emotion is sam's need to save dean, it just makes my weak winchester brothers loving heart throb a little too hard. also...
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need I say more?
does the show did look little more washed out and boring? yes. but it's cool, cause we're moving on to season 4.
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listen, I kinda just wanna leave all my season's critique at this. i mean, yeah this. this is it. this is the long and short of it; castiel. i don't think i need to get anymore into it
so season 5 is just—
i'm kidding. obviously i'm gonna talk about season 4, at length.
listen, being able to introduce angels this late in the game and then have them be a such perfectly hidden players is a masterstroke of genius. it just is. i am a writer guys... apart from the relentless fanfic as well lol. and when i tell you, introducing a new big player which is also (not so) secretly the next big bad and playing it off as smoothly as they did in season 4, is beyond hard. but the biggest home run these fuckers hit is castiel and the best part is they weren't aiming for a one lol. and oh oh, the way they use their very VERY limited budget to show wings with just flashing the fucking light? CINEMA! that's fucking cinema right there man. i work on film sets, i am telling you, this is the smartest filmmaking choice they make on the entire show. it adds so much visual intrigue while being so awfully easy to execute. BRILLIANt.
now i cannot talk about supernatural without talking about the deancas romance of it all, which i understand not everyone can see or wants to, which is fine. to each their own. you consume art the way you want to, i don't care much as long as you can acknowledge that castiel and dean's friendship was just some of the best written television that mankind has ever seen. is that too grand a statement? yes. does that make it any less true? no.
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they even brought back the moody lighting.
and then there's the episodes this season, most of which are home runs in their own regard. just like beautiful writing, the character development for cas, for dean, for sam, even the late john winchester is wild. anna is a wonderful addition, so is uriel, and alastair? they don't make villains like him anymore, they just fucking don't. AND THAT GODDAMN PLOT TWIST AT THE END? man! the finale was just... too good. Chuck's introduction is absolutely wonderful, even if they ruin him by the end but that happens a decade later so wtv, who cares? But,,,, Jimmy. Fucking. Novak. That's all. that's the tweet. yeah. i'm gonna end the season 4 fan fair with jimmy.
moving to season 5.
subjectively speaking, this is my fucking favorite. this season is a writer's dream while also being their goddamn nightmare. so many WONDERFUL characters to play with and such a grand plot but you get to see it all on a very small, consumable scale which is just... it's too smart for me to not mention. i won't start naming the plot points and neither will i name my favourite episodes because what even is the point? all of it was fucking perfect. you don't understand how hard it is to develop characters to such an extent that they become so familiar to the audience that they know their next move before you even put it on the screen. and supernatural had that. they tied everything together with so much care and consideration, just... AAAH so good.
a special shoutout goes to endverse!cas, crowley and death this season. you all know it in your bones that those three were just the absolute scene stealers. especially death's introduction... immaculate.
they did lose a few points for not being as aesthetically pleasing as the past few seasons but hey, gabriel was enough to make a smooth recovery.
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but this... this is the end of the road for me people. season 5 is where it should have ended. in no way shape or form am i saying that there aren't a few good episodes here and there after this, because there are. i think season 5 was so fucking solid, tied up so many goddamn lose ends and then just put a cute little hell shaped bow on top and i just... yeah. this was and should have been the end of the road. do not get me wrong, i love me some jack kline, charlie bradbury, kevin tran, rowena macleod and eileen lahey but were they worth the bullshit ending i had to sit through? not really.
i absolutely think if there weren't more episodes of supernatural I would never have become a destiel fan, because i started shipping them when dean made cas a mixtape in season TWELVE! but my god, the good times were so scattered amongst the horseshit that even when i found those hidden gems, they were so fucking drenched in the stink that they lost their value.
the worst of it all is that, i cannot explain to you what supernatural means to me in a million words, because it is a part of me, heart and soul. i fucking AM castiel. i am a gay little angel you hear me? i love this show. i do. i'm glad it went on for however long it did but i feel like once in a while i need to write shit like this or read shit like this to remind myself of the show that it used to be. of it's beautiful cinematography, of it's clever little storytelling techniques. of it's wonderful cast. of how epic their song choices used to be.
FUcking RENEGADE? iconic. wanted, dead or alive? cannot hear the song without hearing sam's off tune goat bleating that he called singing along.
i need to remind myself of how afraid i used to be of lucifer. of how much i cried while watching dark side of the moon; when dean and sam burst the crackers, and how i learnt the lyrics to knocking on heaven's door just because of that scene.
sometimes i just have to walk through memory lane and look back at gabriel's death, the good one, the only one. it was so fucking meaningful. i have to think of "we are making it up as we go" to be able to breathe properly because those moments were so fucking beautiful.
fuck the big ones, i even remind myself of the small ones, of dean's handwriting being in all caps, just like him. of sam's fucking huge laptop with that weird blue black sticker in the middle. of castiel's tie, that just was the right shade of blue, and hung all wrong but just naturally enough to add so much more to his character than any fucking dialogue could. every small little detail of supernatural that made it so damn supernatural. i miss it all.
idk. i'm rambling. whatever.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Ask List, Rules & Updates - PLEASE READ!
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Please do not solicit me to read your work by tagging me or sending it to me unless I have asked you to.
The Schedule - See what's coming up this month!
Works In Progress - A visual up to date list of what I'm working on currently and their status.
Luna Creative Academy
Prompt Lists:
Character Tag List:
I have updated my ask list below so please only pick from the characters below if you want to submit.
The Rules:
Only pick people off the character list below for each fandom.
One prompt per ask - you can send as many asks as you want within reason
Include the whole prompt in the ask, not just the number.
I don’t write things like Voight’s daughter/Hondo’s friend/Adam’s sister
I also don't write specific asks on this blog eg: reader is a firefighter/doctor/cop who has this/does this. They meet and do this/and this and say this... I usually work from prompts.
I don't write other people's stories so if you have a long detailed idea you want writing, this is not the blog for you.
Fandoms & Chars I write for:
Chicago Fire:
Jeff Clarke
Chicago Med
Connor Rhodes
James Lanik
Crockett Marcel
Sam Abrams
Mitch Ripley
Dean Archer
Sean Archer
Cobra Kai:
Daniel LaRusso
Johnny Lawrence
Terry Silver
Criminal Minds:
Luke Alvez
CSI Vegas:
Trey Cahill
Josh Folsom
Jubal Valentine
O.A Zidan
Stuart Scola
FBI International:
Scott Forrester
Damien Powell
FBI: Most Wanted:
Remy Scott
Clinton Skye
Fire Country:
Bode Leone
Luke Leone
Manny Perez
Vince Leone
Dwight Hendrickson
Duke Crocker
Nathan Wuornos
Hawaii Five-O:
Danny 'Danno' Williams
Adam Noshimuri
Mic Brumby
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
AJ Chegwidden
Law & Order:
Nolan Price
Nicholas Baxter
Jalen Shaw
Vince Riley
Cyrus Lupo
Michael Cutter
Law & Order: Organised Crime:
Bobby Reyes
Law & Order SVU:
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Mayans MC:
Bishop Losa
Taza Romero
Micheal 'Riz' Ariza
Nestor Oceteva
Angel Reyes
EZ Reyes
Neron 'Creeper' Vargas
Frank Castle
The Mentalist:
Wayne Rigsby
Kimball Cho
Marcus Pike
The Musketeers:
Horacio Carrillo
Alden Parker
Nick Torres
Gage Winchester
Jimmy Palmer
NCIS Hawaii:
Jesse Boone
Vostanik Sabatino
Arlo Turk
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
Marty Deeks
AJ Chegwidden
NCIS: New Orleans
Dwayne Pride
Chris LaSalle
NCIS Sydney:
JD Dempsey
De Shawn Jackson
Michelle Mackey
Ian Egerton
Don Eppes
Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman
Carlton Lassiter
The Rookie:
John Nolan
Tim Bradford
Wade Grey
Ejiah Vestri
Ryan Caradine
Aaron Thorsen
The Rookie Feds:
Matt Garza
Brendon Acres
SEAL Team:
Sonny Quinn
Brock Reynolds
Trent Sawyer
Eric Blackburn
Greg Lestrade
Silent Witness:
Jack Hodgson
Juan 'Juice' Ortiz
Filip 'Chibs' Telford
Alexander 'Tig' Trager
David Hale
Rodrigo Sanchez
Donovan Rocker
Ted Lasso:
Roy Kent
Top Gun Maverick:
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson 
The Umbrella Academy:
Diego Hargreeves
Cordell Walker
Captain Larry James
Dan Miller
White Collar:
Matt Keller
Will Trent:
Will Trent
Rip Wheeler
Travis Wheatley
Feel free to send me prompts if you see anything you like with one of the characters.
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glygriffe · 5 months
Fic rec for the first month of 2024
What can I say? I read fics and visualize all the lovely images in my head instead of creating something new. It's the best way to procrastinate. It almost feels like co-creating.
Here are my favourite stories read in January
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Said the Salmon to the Sea: a wonderful one-shot about water-creature Dean reflecting on self-change. By @bendingsignpost (Dean x Castiel)
Touch Starved: a little fluff and angst by @silent-stories (Dean x GN!Reader)
Memory Lane - Sam Winchester: Reader is an old friend of Sam and they revisit some of their time together at the university. A short prompt story by @girls-alias (Sam & Reader)
It Just Happened: a small AU fic where Dean « accidentally » kissed Castiel by @one-more-offbeat-anthem (Destiel)
Regarding Sam: a missing scenes/coda fic around the episode Regarding Dean, from the POV of Rowena. By @amaranthhiding (Rowena x Sam)
Inner Demon: a Crowley against humanity fic (in the same sense Metatron says to Castiel that humanity is his weakness if I say so myself), written by @petrichoravellichor on AO3. Set during 10x02: Reichenbach. (Crowley x Dean)
The Rest: an angsty fic inspired by a Station Breaks song. Original characters and old favourites appear in this story by @mrswhozeewhatsis. (No pairing)
Original Work
Untitled original work: a short prompted sci-fi story about war androids and humanity by @fox-bright (No pairing)
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sunflowerchester · 1 hour
It's week 2 of A Sam Girl Retrospective and this week your host, Audree, is joined by guest host, Vic (@peanutbutterandbananasandwichs)! They discuss the next two epsiodes of season 1 and all the wonderful elements that make the early seasons so special. Be sure to find visuals for this episode on our Instagram, including graphics showing the break down of how we rate these episodes. 
Acknowledgement: Episode 2 of Supernatural does deal with a creature from indigenous lore and we want to be sensitive to that. I've included a link discussing how to be respectful if writing your own story, should you decide to include one. We also want to acknowledge that the show may not have been as sensitive in how it included this creature, so I've added a chapter break in case anyone would like to skip past our discussion straight to "Dead In the Water."
E2 discussion begins at 9:10 E3 discussion begins at 43:16
Thank you to Tumblr user eruthiawenluin for talking through concerns about this with us! We definitely want the podcast to be accessible to everyone. 
Writing With Color on Tumblr
Episode Resources:
The rosery beads post Vic mentions
The terrifying moment the ghost boy looks above the water line
Sam Winchester Caps 
Find us on all platforms!
Follow us on IG for visuals and updates. Follow us on Tiktok for clips and memes.
Subscribe to the show on:Apple Spotify Youtube Patreon And anywhere else you listen to podcasts!
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panicroomsammy · 6 months
I’m doing these about Supernatural because I have so many thoughts about it right now!
13 - Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
This isn’t really an unpopular opinion among my circle of mutuals but Sam Winchester is not a dom and Dean Winchester is not a sub, and I think assigning them these roles indicates a superficial understanding of the show’s themes surrounding sexual assault. For Dean, most of his “queer coding” pre season eight is really just him being implied to have been a SA victim, but the combination of him playing it off like it’s nothing and fans being uncomfortable engaging with those themes makes it go unnoticed. Dean being used as bait is not queer coding no matter how much he acts like he’s fine with it - if looking harmless and pretty so your father can catch evil men doing something bad is a metaphor for anything it is a metaphor for sexual abuse. So when people make him a sub based on things he does/says about these kind of situations I find it very frustrating. If anything I would think that his history of trauma with men would make him feel the need to be in control if he ever had sex with a man consensually.
Sam on the other hand, while I do understand that some people see him repeatedly being deprived of bodily autonomy and control in other areas of life so they think he would want to be in control during sex (the thing that I think applies to Dean but that many ignore in regards to Dean - Samgirls are more open to exploring these themes which I appreciate), I do not think he would be this way with Dean. We repeatedly see the opposite in their canon non sexual dynamic. When Dean hits Sam more often than not Sam does not fight back. Sam repeatedly is forced to apologize and say Dean was right when Dean was clearly in the wrong. Whenever Sam tries to leave he always comes crawling back to Dean and apologizes for leaving. I know some people like to subvert tropes, but when I like a pairing from a show it is because I want to see their exact canon dynamic plus sex. I just don’t see the canon dynamic between Sam and Dean translating to Sam being a dom in this particular relationship.
14 answered separately because this post would be so long otherwise lol
15 - Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Supernatural isn’t bad. I mean, sure, the quality of the writing declined over time as it changed from being made because someone had a story they wanted to tell to a story being told because people want to make money, but it really isn’t that bad. The first two seasons are two really good seasons of television. The rest of the show does a decent job of sticking to its themes. The camera work and editing are fucking phenomenal but we never talk about how good Supernatural is at creative camera stuff because we don’t talk about the show’s strong points. The found footage kind of episodes are so fun and well done. The episodes where they deal with small spaces are so visually interesting and the camera work is incredible at conveying claustrophobic feelings that give those episodes a stronger horror - and especially gothic horror - overtone. The way that they film the characters from the point of view of whatever they’re hunting that is watching them works to create an unsettling horror vibe while also giving the audience clues as to what the monster is (or at other times misleading the audience before a big reveal). All of this is genuinely well done but we don’t talk about it enough because of the “spn bad” mentality.
(I have had this in my drafts forever and just remembered to post it)
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s11e8 just my imagination (w. jenny klein)
this uh, sounds interesting. oh, i've scrolled past gifs of this guy, try to skip by anything with an actor i don't recognize nowadays
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DEAN Dude. Who you talking to? SAM Him? DEAN Are you having a stroke? Do you smell toast?
the sleepy face and morning voice but asking the questions while also making that face, very cute. 10/10 (wanna hear about how smelling burning isn't actually a classic symptom of stroke)
i, too, was taken aback by the marshmallows nachos, dean.
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DEAN Come on?? Are you kiddi… Look… This… mother… You and me, library, right now. Come on!
dad's pissed
SAM Dean, when I was nine years old, you know what I wanted more than anything? Marshmallow nachos. DEAN Yeah, you were a weird-ass kid.
marshmallow nachos plot device
SAM In Romanian lore, Zanna are creatures who guide and protect lost children. Zanna intentionally appear as figments of a child’s imagination, allowing the child to move on with confidence once guidance is no longer necessary. Maybe Sully’s telling the truth. DEAN Okay. Say Bozo is legit. Right? Which, you know – hello crazytown, but okay. How is this our problem?
don't be an asshole, dean
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DEAN Good. The Bert and Ernie pretext. Awesome.
if the shoe fits...
DEAN You know, this whole imaginary friend thing was dumb then and it’s dumb now. SAM Yeah, you’ve made that pretty clear. DEAN You didn’t think to tell me he was real? SAM Well, Dean, I didn’t think he WAS. You saw the lore book too, I mean, maybe when I was nine years old I thought he was real, but I grew up. Or grew out of it. Whatever. I left it.
don't particularly enjoy when they do this. dean's an ass, sam gets hurt and we feel sad for him.
DEAN And what did you need Drop Dead Fred for in the first place? SAM I was kind of a lonely kid, Dean. DEAN You weren’t lonely. You had me!
preemptively getting upset. you had me, except when you were old enough (according to john winchester) to stay for who knows how long alone. you know, at that big age of 9 years old. episode makes it seem like we're supposed to be upset with dean but this is all dad. and how exactly did john take dean hunting when he was younger than 9, where was sam. bobby? pastor jim? let me tell you the logistics get more preposterous the more you think about it, and with every new little backstory they decide to toss in
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comedy music and all, at least the visual gag was compelling what with the sparkly blood all over her hands and face
DEAN The whole family. Yeah, just get the whole gang in there… You know, the family that showers together… Kay.
combining this cracky murder mystery story with more groundwork of how sad and alone sam was as a kid, and how he spent so much of his life wanting to run away, blergh. meanwhile we see dean at that group home as a kid and considering staying, but seeing sam makes him decide to go home with them. thinking about it too much and making myself upset! great!
you can't make me cry and then have an extended air guitar demo by bleeding imaginary friend man.
slight reassurance that it's not that sam wants to run away from them, but that he just doesn't want to be left alone. which is a totally logical and understandable - especially for a fucking 9 year old - way to feel.
SULLY Yeah, it was really bad. You know, I’m not gonna lie to ya – when you went off to hunt, I considered that one of my biggest failures. It just seemed so clear to me that you wanted something else. But – I was wrong. And it all worked out, didn’t it? SAM I don’t know about that.
SULLY Come on. You’re a hero. Sam, you saved the world. I keep track of my kids. And you did really good, Sam.
real nice for someone to actually call out what sam did right
SAM Well… Not all good. There was some bad. And some really bad. Sully – I screwed up. I let something out into the world that was… SULLY You mean the Darkness? That’s what the others are calling it, I’ve just heard rumors. SAM I’m gonna fix it. I am. Dean and I, we’re – we’re gonna fix it. It’s just…
sam is being so vulnerable and earnest, hurts. good job, padalecki
SAM There’s this Cage in hell, and it’s where they keep Lucifer. And I’ve been in it, and it’s… And I think God wants me to go back. SULLY Ever think… about running away anymore? SAM I did. Um, I mean, I have. But not in a while. Not anymore.
so i'm not sure what direction that's to be taken. is running away going to the cage (surely not) then running away from the perceived responsibility of needing to do it? but we can't counsel sam on that without knowing for sure who's telling him this. because i mean sam has mentioned lucifer like, 4 times this episode. did you consider sam, my love, that lucifer is involved in the messages
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DEAN Trust me. Revenge? Ain’t gonna make you feel better. Listen, I’ve seen more than my share of monsters. And I mean REAL monsters, bad. These guys? These are Sesame Street Mother Teresas. But when I wasn’t there for my little brother, Sully was.
will always take when dean admits he was wrong and didn't see how him not being around affected sam, but the setup went a little too hard (imo) on dean being a clueless jerk. first appearance of the mushy music i think in s11.
SAM Sully. One thing I’ve learned – heroes aren’t perfect. SULLY Mm. Sometimes they’re scared. But that just means the thing that they’re facing, it’s super important. And nobody else is gonna go for it, because nobody else has got the balls.
damnit sully.
SAM Dean, we need to seriously discuss me going to the Cage. DEAN Okay. Not happening. Good talk. – Sam, even if these visions are real… SAM Yeah. It’s Lucifer? And me? In the Cage? I know. But this – this lump in my throat… It’s not an excuse. Not anymore. DEAN We’ll find another way. Okay? There’s always another way. SAM Okay. Then tell me – what is the other way?
did they not have this conversation back in whatever, first trip to the cage? s5? when they had 99% more information than they do right now. i cannot believe. I CANNOT BELIEVE we're making decisions without knowing FOR SURE who the visions are coming from. and why isn't sam more suspicious they're from lucifer? ok, so he's all traumatized by lucifer and thinking with his emotions and fear and feeling like he deserves the punishment. but hell, DEAN. since he's all dubious. how about a position that's reasonable what with sam's and their history, that the visions are from someone - but if not god, then WHO
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The Winchesters - all of them
I think that in the light of the prequel, we can say for certain that the title “the Winchesters” is purposely ambiguous - you think that it refers to John and Mary, as this is presented as their love story, but then you realize that it also refers to the Winchester family as a whole. Three generations of Winchesters are featured in the episode, Henry, John and Dean. It’s their connections that drive the narrative: Dean is narrating in virtue of the story being his parents’ and something that sits close to his heart (presumably for both “regular” sentimental reason and for whatever reason we’re going to figure out - and be surprised by - later), Henry puts the narrative in motion by being the force that moves John in general (by his own admission he’s been journeying through the world to connect with his father somehow), and the author of the letter that literally moves John to the place where the plot starts happening. (There’s also the mystery of the man who gives the letter to John, but we don’t know who he is yet, so it’s impossible to really speculate.)
Not to be that person, but there’s also a negative space, or better, spot: we finally meet Henry’s spouse, John meets his own future spouse, but Dean is alone on the road. The last shot of him, before the very last shot of the car driving off, is interestingly taken in a way that sort of highlights the empty passenger’s seat, as though to highlight the absence of a combination where Dean is concerned.
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I am not saying that Dean necessarily needs to be coupled up by the end of the show - and definitely I’m not making promises - but in an episode about connections the visual narrative absolutely makes a point to show that Dean is alone.
But wait! Dean is shown alone on-screen by the visuals, but... he is not alone off-screen. He’s talking to someone. He’s addressing someone and presenting the story to them. It’s us, of course, but I’ll eat my hat if Robbie Thompson isn’t doing a Metatron-style situation where Metatron is framed as addressing the audience but eventually is revealed to be giving the speech, in-story, to a fellow character.
(Again, don’t jump to conclusions I’m not making.) (Or do, I’m not the boss of you.)
(The missing person is Sam, one could argue. He’s the one usually in the passenger’s seat. Yes, but the others are coupled to their actual wives, and Sam is present by amulet. I don’t think any of the people producing this show are interested in framing Sam as Dean’s wife. Especially since the finale did that via Titanic-style ending, and this show is being made to fix the finale. The fact that Dean is now alone and not hanging out with Sam in heaven confirms this.)
Let’s return to the concept of the title of the show. I’m led to imagine that the core of the narrative will be a sort of cross-shaped thing: the intersecation of the John-Mary relationship (and its outer belt of their relationships with the rest of the gang) and the Winchesters intergenerational relationship(s). The generational curse, if you want, the way the generations relate to each other, both in the “natural” way of father and son and the “narrative” way of Dean’s story and how it intersects with the past. And this will be coupled by the Campbells’ own generational situation, of course, Winchesters by marriage (Winchesters by sharing the curse of the grand divine plot, we can add).
Of course the Winchesters and the Campbells have the same narrative structure in the pilot: Samuel is the force that moves Mary, his notes the writing that bring her to the plotty spot. Both fathers are present in the episode via handwriting - and Dean closes the episode by writing his own thing.
It’s an intergenerational and inter-timeline narrative jigsaw. It is the story of the Winchester family, in its entirety, in what makes it what it is.
I’m tempted to expect that the resolution of the show will be Dean breaking the generational curse once and for all, but how exactly I can’t tell yet. I mean, I’d say I know - by living, by living free, by living out his relationships freely - but hey. Let’s sit and watch.
(Oh, look at that. One episode and this show is already keeping up the narrative of the main show that the main show wasn’t able to wrap up.)
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xenosnack · 6 months
2023 Reading and fangirling habits
So, first of all:
One of my 2023 year resolutions was to track my reading habits. Be it a book or a fanfiction.
So here are my number of reads and word count.
Actually no surprise here.
My total reads were 526 and the word count was 5,48 Million words.
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Here comes the interesting part! The fandoooms
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I wish the visuals would be more clear, I have no idea why it became blurry >(
Here are the pairings
Boku No Hero Academia
BakuDeku - Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
Gen - general, but mostly Dadzawa
KiriDeku - Kirishima Eijirou x Midoriya Izuku
ShinDeku - Shinsou Hitoshi x Midoriya Izuku
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Detroit Become Human
Hank900 - Hank Anderson x RK900
Hannor - Hank Anderson x Connor
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Good Omens
AziCrow - Aziraphale x Crowley 100%
Marvel Cinematic Universe
ForstIron - Loki x Tony Stark
FrostIronStrange - Loki x Tony Stark x Doctor Strange
Iron Strange - Tony Stark x Doctor Stephen Strange
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Our Flag Means Death
BlackBonnet - Blackbeard Edward Teach x Stede Bonnet
SteddyHands - Blackbeard Edward Teach x Stede Bonnet x Israel "Izzy" Hands
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Solo Leveling
JinwooxJinho - Sung Jinwoo x Yoo Jinho
JinwooxIgris - Sung Jinwoo x Igris (Shadow General)
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Sabriel - Sam Winchester x Gabriel
Sastiel - Sam Winchester x Castiel
WinBros - Sam & Dean Winchester (NOT incest)
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Star Trek - AOS
McKirk - Leonard "Bones" McCoy x Jim Kirk
Spirk - Spock x Jim Kirk
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OptimusxSam - Optimus Prime x Sam Witwicky
SamCade - Sam Witwicky x BarriCade
Gen - General story
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Teen Wolf
Sterek - Stiles Stilinski x Derek Hale
Steter - Stiles Stilinski x Peter Hale
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*Sigh* That was long.
Let's me my favorite fanfictions this year:
OFMD - BlackBonnet - Water/line written by Golden Usagi
OFMD - BlackBonnet - If you were mine to keep written by Pamplemousse
BNHA - ShinDeku - Just a Concerned Citizen written by Kellie
SPN - WinBros - My throat is an open grave written by inkandpaperqwerty
Thank you for reading through! Happy days!
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shallowseeker · 2 years
Castiel's coat of arms
Chuck really, really wanted Castiel’s story to be reminiscent of The Overcoat (fictional short story written by Nikolai Gogol in 1842).
Jimmy Novak is a lot like the main character Akaky, insomuch as he's disenchanted by mundanity, working a soul-sucking, unfulfilling job.
Theme: Average, unimportant man working an unfulfilling job wants to matter, to be a part of something bigger--something like God’s work.
Ultimately Jimmy, Like Akaky, is diminished by the higher powers (angels) and dies quietly. Barely anyone notices.
However, when Cas dons the overcoat, it becomes a powerful symbol, and Cas hijacks the narrative
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When Castiel dons the coat, he experiences it not as a link to Heaven’s bureaucracy and rank, but as a prominent indication of his outsider status.
While the coat narratively connects Jimmy to something greater (Heaven), it connects Cas to something lesser (Earth).
It’s a prominent visual marker of difference among thousands of angels in plain suits. It’s a connection to his human family.
In some readings of The Overcoat, the coat functions as a sublimation of longing for a spouse.
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The writer of The Overcoat is a bleak guy. He typically depicts spouses as the ultimate downfall of his characters. In The Overcoat, when he names emotions his main character has in connection to the coat, he sets him up for ruin and death.
Indeed, through the coat, the main character begins to notice sexuality and desire, but he is punished for this newfound sexuality (Akaky gets verbally chastised by his superiors for visiting a brothel).
Akaky is supposed to be a loser through and through. But, to Chuck's chagrin, neither Jimmy nor Castiel are are exactly like Akaky.
While Akaky is obsessed with copying documents for work, neither Jimmy nor Cas want to simply get through life copying work and being in stasis.
Jimmy wanted to be important but realized too late that he already was to his family. And Cas has never followed orders correctly. They are both imbued with the ability to change their minds and exert their creativity through narrative-changing events.
Cas in particular is a spanner to the point that Chuck eventually dares not elevate his name. As a fellow celestial, Chuck would take issue with Castiel’s name being invoked as a receiver of prayer.
Castiel is an escalating threat, and Chuck makes a concerted effort to remove his name from the narrative. That’s why he’s “barely mentioned” and often degraded verbally as a "loser" in later seasons.
So in summary, they’re not Akaky. But you could argue that that’s what Chuck wanted them to be.
Jimmy learned to appreciate his family (albeit too late). Both his wife and daughter cared for him.
Castiel is loved. Even in season 6, "Castiel's villain arc," Sam prayed to Cas hoping he was still one of the good guys. Bobby sounded broken after Cas appeared to die releasing Purgatory souls (“He’s cold.”)
And Dean? Kept the coat.
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This was the most damning blow to Chuck’s script, as it was a reciprocating sublimation of desire for a Cas-as-spouse (or "protector," if you prefer).
The coat thus becomes, not an indictment of Cas, but a symbol signifying the enduring connection to his human family. Cas's coat symbolizes his role within family unit. He wears it immediately upon reuniting with The Winchesters in season 7, even though it's dirty and bloody. When it tears in season 9, Cas sews it back together, samurai-like in his devotion to his vestments.
THE COAT is a powerful symbol in literature. It often signifies:
a call to adventure (Jimmy, wanting to matter)
hidden subterfuge (Castiel obtaining dubious consent; war)
the comfort of an old life (Dean post-season 6 with his complicated longing for the guardian figure, now represented by Castiel)
a soldier's call to arms/coat of arms (Castiel, whenever he suits up to go to war as the family-anchored soldier)
to signal attraction and longing for a partner that protects (Dean, again, keeping the coat; Jimmy wrapping his coat around Claire for protection; Castiel, wrapping his coat around Jack for protection)
protector of the family hearth (Cas as bunker sentry to Dean's hearth)
king (as in The Man Who Would Be King, or throw in the Balthazar connection, which means “protect the king”)
familial masculinity in the Father-Protector sense (the ultimate role Cas finds his sense of purpose within; indeed, seasons 10-12 are the long road to becoming "dad material")
The coat is a staple of Cas’s identity. He sacrifices the glory of Heaven to be a family man.
For Jimmy, it’s his doom. He sacrifices his family man status for the glory of Heaven.
/images courtesy missyjack/
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sammychrist · 1 year
I was just reading the Aeneid, book IV, where Dido commits suicide and her sister Anna desperately begs to die with her, and the whole scene reminded me a lot of Sam's death in season two.
Anna feels responsible for her sister's death, because she was the one to encourage her feelings for Aeneas when Dido herself was trying to supress them. -> Dean feels responsible for Sam's death, because he was the one to bring him back to their dangerous lives as hunters when Sam had chosen a safer lifestyle.
Anna asks her dying sister how could she feel anything ever again, if Dido dies first. What could possibly hurt her or scare her anymore after experiencing the worst imaginable thing? -> Dean being basically dead inside next to his brother's corpse. Bobby telling him the world is about to end and Dean agressively replying: "Then let it end!"
Anna says: "Can't I be your companion in death? Let us please have the same fate. We should have died together - both murdered by a single sword." -> As far as I know, Dean doesn't directly say it in the series, but we can all agree this is what his wish would be if he couldn't get away with dying before Sammy does.
And then Anna, talking about her sister: "Hurry! I want to wash her wound, and if a breath remains on her lips, I will collect it with a kiss." -> I simply love how everything in this scene is basically the same the Winchester brothers did and the one, single thing we didn't have in Supernatural ('cause it would be a biiit too romantic, even though they go on par with Romeo and Juliet and every ancient great love story) is the kiss.
Even the visuals are identical. Anna runs to her sister's agonizing body and tries to hold her with a hug; her hand gets soaked in blood as soon as it touches her back. Anna forces herself to supress her sobs as Dido fights to open her eyes before she dies, intermitently blacking out and breathing harshly.
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Blood in Heaven and Hell — Chapter 8 (Supernatural)
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Warning: Show level violence, TW: medical machines, TW: Kidnapping, TW: Past Trauma
Pairing: None
Characters: MOC!Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, OFC!Alex Morgenstern, mentions of Castiel, vampires
Word count: ~2.5K
Beta’d: @myloversgone Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate your feedback, always. 🤗
Author’s Notes: Spn AU; Season 10ish; Bobby and Charlie lived; Angels wings are healed/can fly
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Alex walked through the kitchen, in her usual boots, jeans with an eeyore hoodie and a gray tank top, and yelled at the guys sitting at a table across from each other while walking up the stairs, “Grocery run! If you want something, text me! Yes, Dean, I know, pie!”
Dean grinned and Sam chuckled.
She turned around as she walked up the stairs backwards slowly, “If you’re lucky, I’ll make you one but you gotta text me what flavor.” She grinned and winked before turning back around running up the stairs and out the door.
Sam pulled out his phone and started texting Alex what he needed from the store.
Dean tensed up and looked at Sam, “What is she driving?”
“Bobby brought her jeep a while ago. Her motorcycle was on a trailer,” Sam stated as he continued to read his book.
“Oh,” Dean nodded. “Good.”
Sam smiled and chuckled.
Six hours later…
Sam looked at the time and texted Alex, “Everything ok? What’s taking so long?”
Dean looked at Sam, “Alex has been gone a while.”
“Yeah, I just texted her. Hope everything is ok,” Sam said, a bit concerned. He got up and went to his room to get his laptop then sat back where he was at the table. He started typing away and concentrating on the screen. “She’s still at the grocery store,” Sam stated, confused.
Dean quirked an eyebrow at him, “You tracked her?”
“I’m worried,” justified Sam. He watched the screen for a few minutes, “Something’s wrong. She hasn’t moved since I pulled it up.”
“What?” asked Dean.
Sam flipped the laptop around and slid it over to him.
Dean watched it for a minute, “Come on. Let’s go check.”
“Let me call the grocery store,” said Sam, who grabbed his phone off the table and looked up the number.
Dean went and got the keys to Baby anyway and waited.
A few minutes later Sam hung up and shook his head, “Said she left like four hours ago.”
“Shit,” exclaimed Dean.
Sam and Dean headed up the stairs to the Impala and drove to the store.
They arrived at the store and found her Jeep. They saw groceries scattered, as if thrown into her trunk area.
Dean looked around for her phone. “Sam,” he called, having found her cell on the ground behind the store with an empty syringe close by and showed Sam.
“Let me see if I can track any of her backup phones,” stated Sam.
“She has back ups?” asked Dean as they got back into the impala.
“Yeah, of course, Dean.” Sam said, working on his smartphone with a small, confused smile on his face.
“I didn’t know. She didn’t tell me,” he explained.
“It’s my fault. I forgot to send her contact to you with her updated info. I’ll do that in a minute.” He suddenly commanded, “Dean, turn around.”
Dean did as Sam instructed.
Sam navigated Dean based on Alex’s back up phones location.
“Yes, I checked both phones she usually has on her and they’re both at this place,” Sam explained.
Dean pulled over next to a dirt road and turned off Baby. Alex was in trouble, it was all that mattered at that moment.
They quickly got out and went into the trunk to get their gear. Once collected, they slowly walked down the dirt road, prepared for anything. As they approached, they came across an older two story house with a barn about forty feet away with worn in tire tracks in the dirt. The clearing was surrounded by tall hedges and trees which the brothers used to their advantage to remain visually hidden.
A man stepped out of the barn slowly and audibly sniffed the air.
Dean had his gun ready and aimed.
Sam pulled out his machete in one hand and his gun in the other.
The man went back inside and more men and women, 10 in total, came outside then closed the door to the barn behind them.
The men and women opened their mouths revealing an abundance of teeth–vampires– and they approached Sam’s and Dean’s location.
Dean and Sam put away their guns and Dean pulled out his machete.
They quietly approached from behind, bringing their blades up and quickly beheading two vampires easily but their blood wasn’t red, it was almost purple as if turning black. The others attacked, and despite punches and falls that they quickly recovered from as well as a few attempted bites, the brothers beheaded the remaining ones with minimal injuries.
Their blades dripping with vampire blood, they approached the barn ready for more to attack. Dean slowly opened it as Sam looked inside. The sight before them was a painful shock as they rushed to Alex.
Alex was chained up against a wall by all four limbs with her head fallen back and eyes closed. There were several bites on her arms, back, and legs as well, as she was hooked up to what would seem to be a machine you would see at a hospital to donate blood.
Sam quickly went to the machine, examining it to reverse it.
Dean worked to get Alex down.
“Keep her hooked up,” Sam instructed and went to help Dean with getting Alex down. Sam quickly checked for a pulse; she had a weak one.
Sam ran out of the barn to the impala to bring it in as well as for the first aid kit.
Dean watched her bruised face as the pallor began to slowly improve.
Minutes passed, the machine beeped indicating it was done.
“Wake up, Alex,” Dean said. Tears began to form in his eyes, “Baby, wake up. Come on. I know you can do this.” He leaned his ear down to her mouth hearing her shallow, even breaths. “Come on, Baby, wake up,” he said again and slightly shook her.
A quiet groan from her throat was heard and Dean smiled. “Alex? Can you hear me?” He licked his lips as he watched face.
Her brow furrowed and eyes fluttered open, “Dean?”
He brought his hand down to her face and caressed it, gently, “Hey, Sweetheart. Thought I lost you there.”
Alex half smiled and tried to chuckle but it came out as a groan, then said in a dry, gravely voice, “Nah. I’m not that easy to kill.”
She worked to sit up and Dean helped her. She looked around then leaned further forward looking behind him. “Idiots,” she grumbled, staring at the bodies behind him and shaking her head. She groaned as she tried to take a deep breath and explained, “Just bruised ribs.”
Dean looked behind himself and saw four bodies on the floor, pale and gray that Alex was looking at.
The barn door opened and Dean instinctively picked up his machete ready to fight. It was Sam who came in with the large first aid kit.
“Alex,” he exclaimed with a grin.
Alex tried to grin back but it only came out half way from the purple bruising on one of her cheeks, “Hey, Sam.”
Sam followed Dean’s eyes and saw the bodies as well. “What?” He said as he opened up the kit and started cleaning up Alex’s wounds.
“Guys, was there a stodgy, wide guy out there?” she asked, concern written on her face.
“No,” replied Sam as he started to bandage her up. “You’re gonna need stitches,” he stated calmly.
“Yeah, not surprised,” she replied.
Dean slowly got up with his machete still in hand and walked to the bodies. He knelt to examine them, confusion written on his face. “What happened to them?”
“I did,” stated Alex. “I’m poison to monsters,” she explained. “Once Levi, their leader, left to go deal with a buyer, they quickly got frustrated with his orders and fed on me in groups. Tried to tell them but who’s gonna listen when you’re hungry?” She tried to smile but a quiet hiss of pain came out instead.
“Your blood did this?” asked Dean as he stood up and looked at her.
“Can’t be turned either. Not sure which side it is but,” she attempted to shrug but closed her eyes and grimaced. “Angels and/or Demons are poison which makes sense if you think about it,” she further explained.
“Wow,” Sam responded to her information. “Ok, I think that is everything.”
“Know how to make a makeshift brace?” Alex asked and pointed to her right ankle.
“Busted my ankle and foot up when they got me. I can barely stand on it,” she said, irritated.
Dean came over looking to pick her up but quickly, Sam stood up, pushing the first aid kit into chest, “I got her.” Dean looking annoyed, reluctantly taking the first aid kit.
Sam knelt down and picked her up bride-style.
“Woah,” Alex gasped and quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, then added quietly. “Not what I expected. Hell, didn’t expect y’all to show up either.” She kept her eyes down to Sam’s chest as she tried to hide the warmth spreading through her cheeks and they walked out of the barn to the impala.
“Why wouldn’t we?” Sam asked her, confused.
She looked up at him, “Oh, the reason? I’m a danger, like apocalypse-level danger right now.”
Sam literally sat down in the backseat with her on his lap which caused her blush even more; however, it was luckily hidden mainly by dirt and bruising. She scooted off of him and tried to put the seatbelt on but the bite on her right shoulder wouldn’t let her. Sam smiled and grabbed it, helping her put it on.
Dean slid into the driver’s seat and looked in the rearview mirror at her.
Alex’s face was calm and relaxed, a large purple bruise on her cheek and dirt and blood on the other, with her clothes ripped up. They must have ambushed her and drugged her because it looks like she fought them hard. They hightailed it back to the bunker as Alex watched the scenery.
“Who is Levi?” asked Dean.
“He is one of the handful of vampires that escaped me when I was captured by a nest.” She quickly corrected, “I mean when my family and I were captured by a nest.” She paused, “Almost 13 years ago now. I only know his name because he introduced himself to me this time. Supposedly had a dealer willing to pay good money to buy me.”
Dean glanced at the rearview mirror as she spoke.
Her face grew angrier—brows furrowed together, eyes hooded, mouth almost a sneer—as she spoke while her voice almost monotone. She shifted in the seat until she could lean her head on the headrest like a pillow. Her breathing quickly slowed and eyes closed.
“Hey,” Sam gently shook her. “We need to check you out before you can rest.”
Alex shifted back around towards Sam and nodded.
He took off his seatbelt and shifted over to her wrapping his arm around her giving her a hug.
She returned the hug and buried her face in his chest as silent tears rolled down.
Sam rubbed her back avoiding the injuries and kissed the top of her head. She smiled to herself as he rested his chin on her head.
Dean saw this and glanced at Sam, giving him a half smile and a nod. He was a bit envious at that moment but pushed it away as he drove.
Almost at the bunker, Alex pulled away and wiped her face off. “Sorry about your shirt,” she said to his chest.
Sam shrugged, “It’s a shirt.”
She leaned against his chest as she waited for them to pull into the garage.
Sam got out and went to the other side and scooped her back up.
“You know, I can hobble to the infirmary,” Alex said, mildly irritated they weren’t letting her walk.
“You don’t like being helped, do you?” Dean teased.
Alex looked at him and crossed her arms then sighed, glancing at Sam who was carrying her bride style again. “I’m not used to it. If I ever got this hurt, I’d just deal with it until everything healed. It’s been a while since I got this level of hurt.” A minute later, Sam out her in a chair in the infirmary as she quietly grumbled with her eyes hooded, “I hate vampires.”
It took a while but Sam got her sewn up as pain free as possible, and rebandaged with a new type of bandage she got for them–a waterproof, clear piece of plastic that functioned like a bandage and you could shower with it.
Sam smiled at her, “As far as I can tell, you don’t have a concussion but you should probably get a brace.”
“A boot would be better, I think. And yeah, I didn’t fall, just banged around,” she smiled at him. “Thanks.”
Sam sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, “No problem” then went to clean up the mess he made while patching her up.
Alex quickly got up from the seat and tried to hobble, but it was too much pain. Sam rushed to catch her from totally crashing on the floor. “Fuck. Dammit.”
Sam picked her up with a knowing grin, “It’s ok. I don’t mind.” He began walking them to her room.
Alex blushed again, “It’s just…” She took a deep breath and quietly explained, “I haven’t had anyone be like this or take care of me in a long time.”
“Not even around Bobby or your Dad?” Sam inquired.
She tensed up with the mention of her Father. “Ha, my Dad? I’m lucky if he is even around when I go see him. I think he has the apartment so he can get mail,” she fake laughed abruptly. She looked down at her lap then to the hall as she spoke, “As for Bobby, I’ve just been careful. I have no idea how he would react if I did get injured like this. I’ve gotten cuts and bruises, nothing too serious that needed stitches. It’s why I have armor; less likely to get injured. Despite healing fast, it doesn’t mean I can’t get hurt, scars or be killed but then again, I can’t wear armor everywhere.”
Sam set her down on her bed and offered, “Want company?”
“Thanks but no. I think I’m just gonna lay down and rest for a bit.”
Sam took a phone out of his pocket and gave it to her.
“Hey, you got my phone,” Alex half grinned. She looked at him very happy, “Thank you, Sam.”
“Dean was the one who found it. I just kept it safe.”
“Well, thank him for me too. Where is he?” Alex asked suddenly wonder where he went off to.
“Probably making dinner or something. I’ll go check.” Sam said and went to leave.
“Have you heard from Castiel?” Alex suddenly asked, concerned.
Sam shook his head, “No.”
“Me neither. I’m worried something has happened to him.”
“I’ll try his cell again,” Sam said and walked away to check on Dean.
Alex looked at her phone and sighed. What am I gonna do about you, Casi? Where are you? She prayed to him .
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Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Feedback is gold!
Comments and reblogs are always appreciated. I have a tags if you’d like to join. 😊
Tag: @myloversgone @riley-phoenix @fluffiest-dreams
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dezcitrustea · 10 months
Autumn Shows
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Pretty Little Liars
Synopsis: Four friends band together against an anonymous foe who threatens to reveal their darkest secrets, while also investigating the disappearance of their best friend.
Review: A campy high school mystery.
Gilmore Girls
Synopsis: Set in a storybook Connecticut town populated by an eclectic mix of dreamers, artists and everyday folk, this multigenerational drama about family and friendship centres around Lorelai Gilmore and her daughter, Rory. Lorelai owns the town's bed-and-breakfast, the Dragonfly Inn, with best friend/chef Sookie, and contends with weekly dinners with eccentric, well-off parents Richard and Emily Gilmore (who always have something to say about their daughter's life). After high school, Rory attends Yale University but frequently returns to Stars Hollow to visit her mom.
Review: A fun show about family drama. The Gilmore girls do be messy.
Synopsis: A group of sisters discover they are witches. Luckily for the world, they're of the good variety. Banding together in their ancestral home in San Francisco, they work together to fight evil, with each having a specific special power. Although outwardly they are average women, with jobs, relationships and friends, they are also powerful witches, but when they work together, their powers are enhanced. As The Charmed Ones, their destiny is to protect innocents from evil.
Review: Fun witch shenanigans and sister dynamics.
American Horror Story
Synopsis: An anthology series centering on different characters and locations, including a house with a murderous past, an insane asylum, a witch coven, a freak show circus, a haunted hotel, a possessed farmhouse, a cult, the apocalypse, a slasher summer camp, a bleak beach town and desert valley, and NYC.
Review: Different storyline every season. I liked the first season and coven the most.
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Synopsis: Sabrina Spellman is a teenager with magical powers who comes from a long line of witches. Until going away to college, she lived with her wacky aunts, who would teach her to use her witchcraft wisely, and Salem, the talking black cat, who always has a scheme up his paw. As a high-school student, Sabrina is less judicious about using her powers than when she enters adulthood.
Review: A fun romp. Named my cat after Salem.
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Synopsis: This adaptation of the "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" tale is a dark coming-of-age story that traffics in horror and the occult. In the reimagined origin story, Sabrina Spellman wrestles to reconcile her dual nature -- half-witch, half-mortal -- while standing against the evil forces that threaten her, her family -- including aunts Hilda and Zelda -- and the daylight world humans inhabit.
Review: If Sabrina the Teenage Witch was made by the people who made Riverdale. Cool visuals.
Synopsis: While attending Nevermore Academy, Wednesday Addams attempts to master her emerging psychic ability, thwart a killing spree and solve the mystery that embroiled her parents 25 years ago.
Review: Campy murder mystery. Gwendoline Christie, need I say more.
The Vampire Diaries (anything in the franchise really)
Synopsis: The lives, loves, dangers and disasters in the town, Mystic Falls, Virginia. Creatures of unspeakable horror lurk beneath this town as a teenage girl is suddenly torn between two vampire brothers. / (The Originals) A family of power-hungry thousand-year-old vampires look to take back the city that they built and dominate all those who have done them wrong. / (Legacies) Hope Mikaelson, a tribrid daughter of a Vampire/Werewolf hybrid, makes her way in the world.
Review: Ridiculous campy action no matter the series or episode you watch.
Synopsis: This haunting series follows the thrilling yet terrifying journeys of Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who face an increasingly sinister landscape as they hunt monsters. After losing their mother to a supernatural force, the brothers were raised by their father as soldiers who track mysterious and demonic creatures. Violent memories and relationship-threatening secrets add additional burdens on Sam and Dean as they investigate all things that go bump in the night. As old tricks and tools are rendered useless and friends betray them, the brothers must rely on each other as they encounter new enemies.
Review: Demons, vampires, camp ridiculousness.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 138
The Girl Next Door
“The Girl Next Door”
Remember how optimistic I was at 11:50pm yesterday thinking I would just go right into this episode at midnight? AND THEN I DIDNT START TIL ALMOST NINE TONIGHT? Oopsie doodles
Plot Description: Dean is furious when Sam disappears to follow a case with clues identical to a case Sam solved as a kid. And Sam meets a demon he defeated years ago.
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I mean I’d RATHER die than have to face the pain of a broken bone, but it doesn’t seem like anyone’s died.
I know it’s do or die, but this feels medically unsafe. Oh good. A three week time skip.
Cool. He’s still staving off the hallucinations with nearly reinjuring his hand
He’s so restless. Poor Dean…
Oh…but how do the Leviathan know what debit or credit cards the Winchesters have? That’s a weird thing for them to just know
Dude. He only ever asks for one kind of dessert, and you bought cake?? It’s one thing if it’s the only thing available but it’s not “close enough.”
Poor little Sammy (literally. We’re getting flashbacks from when he solved a case as a kid). I thought caffeine was supposed to stunt your growth. If preteen Sam was drinking triple red eyes, how tall WOULD he have been? He’s like 6’4”
Omg. This is a terrible rendition of a teen movie plus an after school special. She’s not supposed to talk to boys, Sam respects it and moves on, he notices two boys follow her and they’re harassing her, and he beats them up. Now she’s bandaging up his wounds
In present, he’s found her again…she seems to be some supernatural creature. I don’t want this white girl to be a kitsune. HER NAME IS AMY POND??? I had to rewind to make sure I heard right. Are you fucking kidding me???
Also, something I had to go on IMDb for, I didn’t recognize Amy as Kaylee from Firefly
Omg lil Sammy has GAME. “I’ve seen enough bad to know food when I see it” you don’t need to be going to Dean for advice on how to talk to girls
Their story is so sad. She wanted Sam to go with her so badly after she killed her mom to save his life. They could be freaks together. But Sam just couldn’t
DEAN. NO. Please don’t do this. You dick. What the hell. She didn’t need to die and you didn’t need to threaten her son who can’t be more than 7 years old
You know…I watched vyseris get his crown of gold with almost no problem, but I could not watch this convenience store clerk get molten cheese poured on his head. I don’t even know what kind of visual was on the screen.
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awarejust · 2 years
Panty glimpses
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When anime and manga were translated into English by U.S. It is about "servicing" the fan – giving the fans "exactly what they want." Fan service can also refer (by means of text, symbol, image, sound) to other stories that contain visual elements. The term originated in Japanese in the anime and manga fandom, but has been used in other languages and media.
While SAXX underwear are designed for comfort with a patented BallPark™ Pouch construction and technical construction to reduce friction, fandom created the lore that they were designed for very well-endowed people, in keeping with the legend of the Padacock.Wikipe-tan, a personification of Wikipedia, wearing a swimsuit, an example of typical "fan service".įan service ( ファンサービス, fan sābisu), fanservice or service cut ( サービスカット, sābisu katto), is material in a work of fiction or in a fictional series that is intentionally added to please the audience, often sexual in nature, such as nudity. It even resulted in tweets from the company suggesting a modelling gig! When you're a tall guy like Jared, just lifting your arms up can reveal your undies! And Jared has revealed on multiple occasions the waistband of his preferred brand - SAXX.
Photos of Jared and his SAXX undies on Tumblr.
Jared is asked about SAXX underwear and how long.
"Grundies" is rhyming slang for undies (Reg Grundys=undies Reg Grundy was a famous Aussie TV producer) They're far too small - they're like a thong. "Sixteen? 18? I have no idea what size I am - we do small, medium and large. "I had to go buy clean underwear with the crazy Australian sizes that I didn't understand," he told AAP in Sydney. As a result his first stop when he arrived in Sydney was to pick up some new underpants, but for a guy who spends most of his time battling the paranormal on the Network Ten hit show Supernatural as Sam Winchester, buying grundies proved quite a challenge. The 25-year-old Hollywood actor arrived eight hours late in the country without his bags which had been misplaced en route, along with all of his clothes. Supernatural pin-up boy Jared Padalecki is feeling a little snug in the pants. Jared was a last minute replacement for Hayden Panettiere at Supanova Sydney 2008, at the tail end of the Writers Guild of America Strike "Something Strange is going on with Jared Padalecki's Underwear!" That was the new headline when Jared arrived in Australia in June 2008. Tweets between SAXX Underwear and Jared in August 2014
Misha's philosophy on underwear at Salute to Supernatural Minneapolis 2016.
On return from Europe on April 28, Misha posted a picture of himself with the underwear.īOXERS OR BRIEFS AND ORANGE UNDIES FOR LUCK explaining the underwear prank by cim4clam
Misha Collins & his undies by Saboteur73.
planning the underwear prank at the Welcome party, Misha Collins & the orange underwear Part 1 & Part 2, Misha Collins crashing the J2 panel by stagie
The Orange Undie Prank by rogueslayer452.
The underwear prank: from ChiCon 2009 to Jus In Bello by katwoman76.
One day he'd spilled soup on his pants and had to change and the only spare briefs he had were the pumpkin colored ones - a gift from a fan! The Wardrobe Department had later laundered them and put them in Richard's trailer by mistake.īefore the Jus In Bello Italy 2010 in April 2010, Richard encouraged fans to "show Misha how much you care by bringing him a pair of men's bikini brief underwear" He thinks its a prank by Jared and Jensen, but finds out that they were a Misha's. told the story of finding a pair of pumpkin colored briefs in his trailer. At Salute to Supernatural Chicago 2009, Richard Speight Jr.
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
HunT - A Visual SPN Story - Epilogue
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HunT Masterlist
Story style: A Visual Social Media AU - Slow Burn - Strangers to friends to lovers.
Pairing: Sam x Reader (Eventually)
Summary: The hunting life is one ruled by old tomes, burner phones and long lists of personal contacts. But that’s about to change once your best friend, Charlie, develops an invite only online resource for hunters; HunT. You test it out by covering a case for a hunter down in Kansas who goes by the username S.W_Kansas_83, and as the months go by, you slowly go from online strangers, to friends as you find yourself falling for this handsome stranger on the internet. But, separated by distance and technology; can you ever be anything more? Especially since you’re hiding a big secret from Sam Winchester that threatens to ruin everything.
Triggers: None
A/N: This epilogue is set over a 1 year after the last chapter!
Want to be part of HunT? There’s a website! Thank you so much for joining me on this journey! It was a lot of fun, though it took a good bit of time since I was creating each frame and image from scratch.
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HunT Tags: @ultimatecin73 @cryinginbooks @peyton-keating @lidda @my-fucking-noodles @arctusluna @demonlover87 @cuteandohsodeadly @cookiechipdough @delightfullykrispypeach @captain-doctor-dean @foxyjwls007 @pinknerdpanda @auriel187   @euphoniousgoob @xoxabs88xox  @the-queen-of-moons @holyslytherinn @kari-is-a-menace @lovelyrocker @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book @impalaspixie @daydreamerinadazedworld @bookchic20 @buttercup-posts-2010 @slytherinlyn16 @yournightmare-1987 @spnfamily2005 @xstonedxslasher @jamerlynn
Sam Winchester Tags: @punof-agun
Forever Tags will be added as a reblog
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