#director david nutter
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shallowseeker · 1 month ago
Absolutely fascinated by you pointing out that John has a lot in common with The Woman in White!
Unhinged damsel-John is a favorite of mine.
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wheretheloveisstored · 1 month ago
1x01 Pilot kitchens
We don't see a lot of kitchens in the pilot episode. The thrust of the Winchesters’ home shots are centered around the family tree (outside), the exterior of the Winchester family home, John and Mary's bedroom, John's den, and of course, Sam's nursery.
Sam's kitchen is little more than a peek-a-boo, but nevertheless, I think it's an important presence here. It's clear that this is the first kitchen Sam's very own, separate from the domestic life of his nursery/youth.
In short, I think the decoration of Sam's living space itself deserves "a kitchen label," notable for it being more personalized and "alive" than almost anything we'll see out of Sam Winchester for a very long time.
But first, some honorable mentions:
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(1) BAR
The first roadhouse-style bar of friendships
Ah, a festive bar. A place where we gather to drink and be merry, to celebrate life's milestones. (Or conversely, to nurse our hurt feelings.) Here, Sam's girlfriend and classmates try to coax Sam out of his perfectionistic shell. At Stanford, Sam is called "golden boy" and is clearly a hard worker.
He's the specter of the (quickly-burning-out) gifted kid. The overachiever. (We'll see this echoed in other underdog characters like Kevin Tran and Patience Turner. They work so hard because so much is stacked against them. But that work ethic is a candle burning at both ends. Sam is a bit of a head-down, stick-in-the-mud guy, like how Patience Turner in 13x03 Patience doesn't do "fun" because she's so busy with the "successful" planning of her life.
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It’s not a family diner, per se, but in a sense, it's almost familial. Small-town. Outside of it, we see the vic's girlfriend, Amy, putting up missing posters.
Inside, she sits and talks with Sam and Dean, being supported by her friend. (Aside: We also see the first protective amulet, which is echoed in the symbol hanging above John's bed. And of course, the amulet that passed from Bobby to Sam to Dean.)
(2a) Coffee cups of domesticity: Sam and Dean drink from matching white mugs, a symbolic shared space of family, of domestic rhythms. We'll see coffee featuring heavily in shows like The Winchesters, with the core four using it as a way to signify their blended "work-family."
But in this episode, we see it in the mode of the shared childhood domesticity. Siblings are often from the same vine, and they grow out of the same nursery, sharing the first kitchens together as they grow up.
Alternatively, the caffeine symbolizes work. Long hours toiling.
Sam's apartment is small but cozy, filled with personal affects that are very unlike the Sam we come to know while on the road and the one that later lives in the bunker.
We see a bike, a well-loved reading chair and a dog-eared book, a fun, colorful shirt on a peg. This is certainly "Sam's home" in a way that other places are not. Perhaps it's because this home was so well-nested that it's painful for him to carve out spaces for himself in the future, even under the protective wing of his brother (and later his mother).
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(Sam peeks in from the direction of the kitchen.)
Yes, this is a home. Light streams in, and plants, books, and art are everywhere. There is growth. It's like a little Eden. Artwork and esoteric touches are very cute throughout the apartment. Books and reading chairs abound, and we see stacks of document boxes for Sam's studies.
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Even in her sleep, Jess is turned towards the sun, like a flower basking in the light.
Also: These beaded dividers were SO popular at this time; I feel so nostalgic! (It's such a college thing! (Of note, Endverse Cas also has a beaded divider like this is his cabin).
Behind the image of Sam packing a sickle, we see a full bookshelf. Jess comes into the frame, and we see her hearth-coded gray dressing robe hanging on the wall.
It could also be Sam's robe, a sign that at one time, he let himself be clothed in the warmth and comforts of a home. (Perhaps by the time he lands at the bunker, he can't bear it.)
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When she sits, Jess tenderly caresses his travel bag; a microcosm of married life, almost like: "I wish we didn't have to go to work; work interferes with the Living part of life."
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We get Jess too, asking her own variant of, "Where are you going?" / "I wish you'd at least tell me where you're going..."
Henry kept things from John, Mary kept things from John, and now Sam keeps things from Jess.
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It's also an echo of child-John to Henry, "Where're you goin'?" & "Work."
And also Dean's season 15 plea to Cas, "Where're you going? What's happening?" & "To look for another way."
Sam certainly has love, affection, and nostalgia for his family, even John. As John still keeps a photo of John in his apartment, we see that John still keeps a photo of the boys:
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But after the hunt, Same went home.
He comes through the door, and we more personal item: a bike tire, and two umbrellas (one for him and one for Jess). We also see his big stack of study materials and documents:
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Now, Sam visually enters his (tiny) kitchen:
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It's small but full of love. A "welcome home." The camera looks through the bars of the empty table chair, and we glimpse his face. He's touched by the little gesture of love: "Missed you! Love you!"
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Jess knows he's stressed out. She tries to support him through it. (He's recently taken the LSAT, and now he's trying to juggle his career obligations with his obligations to his family.)
But these cookies have a dark side.
There's also a cheeky reference to an "offering." (Offerings of produce and meals are shared in gratitude for God's provision.) Here too, as with Mary, Jess will become a ritualized sacrifice, chaining Sam to the narrative.
Sam's very first visualized kitchen... becomes a murder scene.
Just as Zachariah will in It's a Terrible Life apply extra pressure to pull Dean away from his family life [Bobby, Eileen, and Jo] Azazel applies similar pressure on Sam to pull him away from Jess.
When he gets home to Jess, Sam's relieved. He smiles and grabs a cookie, sighing in relief, feeling loved. (Later in life, Sam seems to struggle to allow himself to eat sweets like this.)
But here, he takes it for what it is: a simple gift of love that he's allowed to eat.
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He collapses onto his bed, hearing the calming sound of the shower going in the background. The light is shining on his face...
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Until of course it isn't.
That light turns to droplets of blood.
Like Mary is a narrative sacrifical for the audience and gods "above," so too is Jess. The sacrifice occurs, not in Sam's childhood nursery, but at the crossroads of his childhood and adulthood.
Sam echoes John's fate but also Mary's…
In the Beginning (4x03), John was sacrificed by Azazel to put Mary on a certain narrative path, to draw her into a deal. John died right before he was going to commit to a future with Mary, just like Jess died before she would commit to a future with Sam, like Cas died in 12x23 before he could commit to a future with Dean.
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Sam's little home is burning.
It's the place where he made his very first, very own kitchen. The place with the paintings and the plants and the chairs... The murder is marked by cruelty and spectacle, as Mary's was:
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Azazel’s signature kills often involve twisting the neck (Deanna, John) and/or gutting (Samuel, Mary, and Jess).
Here, Jess's body echoes it all. The stomach, linked to vital organs and emotions ("gut feelings"), symbolize dominance, control, and tye exposing of vulnerability. "The soft underbelly." The bent limbs are meant to send a message, to mock, to create a dramatic display—a very literal "twisted" sense of aesthetics. She’s posed like a doll, with her left "heart-side hand" raised, as if reaching.
Her outfit, unlike her usual nightwear, suggests Azazel dressed her for impact. It’s even possible Azazel turned on the shower and baked the cookies—both calculated to shock Sam.
I'm not sure how much Dean knows about what happened to Mary, but this is quite traumatic for him as well, bringing up all kinds of horrific memories.
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Sam cried as he was carried out the first time, and he cries here now.
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Dean looks on at the ashes of Sam's new life; Azazel (in the form of John) looks down at the ashes of Sam's old life.
After the fire, Dean’s pose and jacket mirror Azazel/John, like a ghostly, refracted image. No matter who's at fault, ultimately Dean is the one who feels responsible.
While Dean may deserve some criticism for his human faults, he is often unfairly saddled with blame for everything that goes wrong in his family’s life—caught between genuine mistakes and misplaced accusations.
John, on the other hand, bears far greater responsibility for his wrongdoings. His unhinged paranoia often made his family less safe. And yet, like Lucifer, he is also something of "an Azazel," a "scapegoat." Having already caused so much harm, he becomes a lightning rod for additional blame, absorbing the weight of everything wrong with the world.
John is the felled protector, the failed protector. After all, the snake came into the garden under his watch. (He's really a bit like Gadreel when you think about it.)
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my-supernatural-rewatch · 5 months ago
Episode One: Pilot
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Dean Winchester in the pilot episode of Supernatural
So I'm most likely not going to get too deep into the weeds with the episode plots unless it's really important to what I'm writing about. But I'll give a synopsis if for no other reason than to remind myself.
After John Winchester witnesses his wife die in a supernatural event, he raises his infant son Sam and four-year-old son Dean in a life training like “warriors” to fight off the things that go bump in the night, hoping to find the entity that killed his wife in the process. Despite Sam's attempt to lead a normal life in college, he is drawn back into the supernatural world when Dean arrives to inform him that their father is missing. Following cryptic clues left in a disturbing voicemail from their father, the brothers journey to a small town where they confront a vengeful spirit known as the "Woman in White.”
From the get-go, Dean is already put-upon. We do get to see John be a soft dad for a moment when he walks into the bedroom, smiles at Dean and lets him jump into his arms, asking him if he thinks Sam is ready to start tossing around a football. Then things go dark and by the time John is on the floor staring at Mary burning into the ceiling, the softness is pretty much gone. To his credit, he stops freaking out about Mary long enough to grab the baby as Dean enters the bedroom...and then it starts.
After basically throwing the six-month-old at the four-year-old, John barks:
"Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back! Now, Dean, go!"
And Dean's lifetime of obligation to Sam's well-being begins with him reassuring the baby, "It's okay, Sammy."
(It will always irritate me that John, seeing Mary on the fucking CEILING burning up, didn't just grab both kids and run. What did he think he was going to do in those moments?)
To John's credit, he does end up hauling ass out of the house in time to grab Dean who runs out of the house and then, as a four-year-old would, just kind of stands there waiting for the house to explode on him and his brother.
The last time we see John in this episode, he's huddled with his sons watching his house burn down with a look on his face that relays he is not the same man we were introduced to earlier.
(Jeffrey Dean Morgan does a great job of conveying how John changed without all that much screen time or dialogue in this episode.)
And now here we are 22 years later and Sam is all grown up with a sexy and supportive girlfriend and ready to embark on his life in law school, probably on a free ride no less, because he aced the LSAT's and is such a smarty pants.
But, alas, here comes trouble. The reason all the Sam girls blame Sam's life turning out the way it did: big brother Dean.
There are a few things in the episode that they kind of hammer over your head, and the main one is what Dean's personality is supposed to be. He's established from the beginning as comedic relief. A bit of a wild card, and a bit of a lech. (I mean he practically drools while looking at Jessica, his brother's live-in girlfriend, while she's in her pajamas and basically hits on her right in front of Sam.)
The first thing he does is tell Sam he was looking for a beer. (Establishing his drinking habit.)
Which, now I'm going to digress for a moment. On two different occasions in this episode, Sam makes snide remarks about John drinking. Once to Dean when he says John is probably on the "Miller Time shift" and the other when he tells Jessica that John is probably in his cabin "with Jim, Jack, and Jose."
In the very first episode they establish John has a drinking problem. Do they ever pick back up on this? Guess I'm going to find out.
One other thing about Sam, while he and Dean are leaving the apartment to talk in private, they are talking, and Sam gets all the pertinent lines to let the viewers know what happened between us seeing John with the boys and Dean showing up at Sam's placel
This exposition is almost comical in its obviousness.
SAM: I swore I was done hunting. For good.
DEAN: Come on. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't that bad.
SAM: Yeah? When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a forty-five.
DEAN: Well, what was he supposed to do?
SAM: I was nine years old! He was supposed to say, don't be afraid of the dark.
DEAN: Don't be afraid of the dark? Are you kidding me? Of course you should be afraid of the dark. You know what's out there.
SAM: Yeah, I know, but still. The way we grew up, after Mom was killed, and Dad's obsession to find the thing that killed her. But we still haven't found the damn thing. So we kill everything we can find.
DEAN: We save a lot of people doing it, too.
Listen, I get we need exposition but jeez this is... a lot.
Anyway, back to Dean.
We get the first reference to living an apple pie life from him, directed at Sam with as much disdain as he can muster. But then soon after, while still trying to convince Sam to go with him to find John, he reminds his brother that he has essentially left him alone for the last two years by saying:
"You know, in almost two years I've never bothered you, never asked you for a thing."
He left Sam alone because he wanted him to have that life. He wanted Sam to have a girlfriend, and an education, and a good job that didn't involve monsters. And you can't convince me differently.
That sincerity is what convinces Sam to go with Dean...it reinforced what he said to Sam earlier when Sam told him he could do it on his own. He looked down sheepishly and admitted:
"Yeah, well, I don't want to."
Many look at this as Dean already triggering codependency with Sam but I look at it as someone who spent the majority of their life taking care of their little brother and then making the difficult decision to let him go for those two years. Now the only family he had around him is missing and he wants his brother to help find him because, sure, he can do it on his own, but he wants family around him. Dean has always wanted family around him.
This is where I mention that there might be references to wincest in some of these posts. I personally do not see wincest in any of these episodes but there are some where fandom lore might come into play. I'm not planning on it, but it could happen.
And now:
Another Dean trait that is established in the pilot is his love for junkfood. Sam of course shows his usual disdain but, think about it, it makes perfect sense. Sam has just spent the last four years at Stanford with a goddamn meal plan while Dean is living out of motels and the Impala (not yet christened "Baby"). Of COURSE Dean is going to be living off of crap.
Sam's scorn for Dean scamming credit cards and listening to classic rock on cassette sets us up for 15 seasons of him judging Dean for both doing what he has to in order to survive and just enjoying things. For fuck's sake, the two songs in this episode are Back in Black and Highway to Hell. It was AC/DC. It's not like Dean was listening to ABBA and The Bay City Rollers.*
Sam is a judgy jackass from the very beginning and that is one thing that absolutely didn't change over time.
Sam's belief that he's superior to Dean is also reflected in the library when it is Dean initially doing the internet search and Sam forcefully takes over. I'm reminded watching this that the very first time I watched the pilot, I did so with three other women and we all decided early on if we were Sam or Dean girl's and three of us chose Dean. Sam being a consistent dildo to Dean in this episode was one of the reasons I chose Dean.
*I do not pop music shame and we find out later in the series that neither does Dean.
In the first scene on the bridge, long before he gets arrested, Dean shows a disdain for the cops and the FEDS that Sam obviously doesn't share. It's always been interesting to me how this changed over time most likely because Dean realized a lot of the time the cops could be more helpful than hurtful. I'll have to keep an eye on that too.
Another aspect of Dean's personality they establish in this episode that sticks with him for the duration of the series is his genuine desire to hunt the monsters and save people. He is determined to keep digging to figure out what is happening to the men who are disappearing, even though the idea was to be looking for their father. Meanwhile, Sam just wants to go back to Stanford.
While they discuss Sam returning to school, it is Dean who points out how unhealthy it is for Sam to lie to Jessica about who he is. When Sam was leaving to go with Dean, we see he still kept weapons at school. Weapons Jessica obviously didn't know about even while living with him. Sam has been deceitful his entire time in Stanford, much like Dean has to be in order to be a hunter. But Sam is deceiving people he knows and cares about while Dean deceives strangers, yet Sam is the one who thinks he holds the higher ground.
And then Sam's shittiness really comes into play when he basically complains about avenging Mary's death by saying that if it wasn't for pictures he wouldn't even know what Mary looked like and that finding the thing that killed her wouldn't bring her back.
It's clear in this scene that he's saying these things specifically to upset Dean - and boy does it work. Dean practically throws Sam off the bridge.
But he doesn't. Instead, the Women in White chases them across the bridge using the Impala as her weapon. And to remind us that Dean is there for comic relief, Dean ends up in the drink covered in mud and guck while Sam doesn't fall into the water and is still squeaky clean.
I really hate how they tried to force Dean to be Daffy fucking Duck or something and I'm glad it didn't last for too long.
After getting out of the guck, Dean screams that the Woman in White is a BITCH and it's a reminder that as much as I love this show, and make no mistake, I do, the fucking misogyny early on is really prevalent and fucking annoying. (I omitted writing about Dean calling Sam a bitch after Sam calls him a jerk because the jerk/bitch thing pissed me off from the first time I heard it and I choose not to relive it or dwell on it.)
We get our first "No chick flick moments" when all Sam tried to do was apologize for saying shitty things about their parents. It didn't work for me only in that an apology isn't exactly a chick flick moment but upon reflecton at that point in Dean's life ( 26-years-old and always having lived under John's thumb) an apology absolutely would seem like that...definitely a sign of weakness to John Winchester.
Dean getting picked up by the cops and quipping that the one thing about him that isn't fake is his boobs actually made me laugh out loud. Sure it's a comic relief bit again, but it's also quintessential Dean Winchester and I loved it.
Randomly, I loved the look on Dean's face when he saw John's journal. Really conveyed that something must be wrong if it was there but John wasn't. It also didn't go unnoticed by me that when Sam drives the car into the Woman in White's house, Dean is less concerned with the status of the car and much more concerned with Sam being okay. (Once it is established that Sam is okay, Dean tells him he'd have to kill him if he hurt the car...but his initial response was to worry about Sam.)
I loved the poetry of baby Sam getting bled on while Mary is on the ceiling at the beginning of the episode and adult Sam getting bled on while Jessica is on the ceiling near the end of the episode.
But more poetic? Dean having to be the one to take his brother to safety 22 years after he did it the first time. He's always going to be responsible for Sam no matter what goes on between them. And while I know a lot of people love that about the show, I think it's tragic.
Some notes for posterity:
They didn't have to do anything elaborate to get rid of their first monster. Sam literally just had to drive her home.
Sam turns into John at the end of this episode. From sweet boyfriend to vengeful man. They tried for years to make us think it was Dean who was more like John, but Dean nails it in a future episode when he tells Sam it's him, not Dean.
The significant music from this episode comes from AC/DC: Back in Black and Highway to Hell. Both great picks if not a bit obvious, Mr. Kripke. (Also "Ramblin' Man" by The Allman Brothers Band at the gas station)
The brothers pose as Federal Marshals in this episode but don't give names. When they speak to the victim's girlfriend, they pretend to be his uncles and give her their real first names without last names. And when Dean gets arrested, he tells the cop, who ends up deducing that his name is actually Dean, that is name is Ted Nugent.
This is the first episode in which Dean gets arrested
This is also the first episode in which Dean makes a movie reference "We talkin', like, misdemeanor kind of trouble or, uh, squeal like a pig trouble?" (The film referenced is Deliverance)
And this is one of a handful of episodes where Sam drives the Impala without it being mentioned that it's odd for Sam to do so or that Dean doesn't want him to.
This hunt takes place in Jericho, California.
Dean grabs John's jacket from the abandoned motel room and wears it for the remainder of the episode.
We got a "Sam!" in this episode.
Recognizable Guest Stars in this episode: Steve Railsback and Sarah Shahi
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ihatewhentheyfight · 6 months ago
eric: believe it or not, there's even a longer version of this scene where they go into more detail about what their childhoods were like, and then on top of all that— david: who's up on the top bunk and all that kind of stuff, yeah. eric: yeah! and on top of all that, "dad's missing and you gotta help me find him." and it was a very challenging and quite frankly i almost— i still wished that to this day we'd had... I could've used another month to rewrite that scene to get it, uhmm, a little more subtle. but it sold the show and it sold the concept and did what it needed to do. david: a lot of times in situations like that we always say faster is funnier so if you say it with conviction and passion and strength, they did it great, and it was written— it worked beautifully in their mouths.
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[NEWS 📰] Award winning Director David Nutter picks Jaime knighting Brienne as one of his favorites in his directing legacy
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tallaxia · 1 year ago
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Writer James Wong and director David Nutter talking about X-files s01 e13 "Beyond the sea"
Cinefantastique #26 - 1995
“Dana, open yourself up to extreme possibilities only when they’re the truth.”
Beyond the Sea
Gillian Anderson and Scully come into their own in this first-rate script by Glen Morgan and James Wong. Scully’s personal and professional lives collide when, shortly after her father's death, she and Mulder interrogate a psychic death row convict named Boggs (Brad Dourif) who may hold the key to finding a serial killer and his latest victims. In a fascinating twist, Mulder for once is the skeptic, and Scully the unwilling believer, when Boggs claims he can locate the killer—his former partner—as well as give Scully some final words from her father. Director David Nutter drew scorching performances from Dourif. and a deeply moving one from Anderson, whose Scully tries mightily to repress both her grief and her belief, and his orchestration of the prison confrontations is masterful. The sholwhere the door closes behind Anderson, leaving Dourif centered perfectly in a narrow windowframe is quite unforgettable. The teaser is a study in how to communicate family tensions and emotions not spelled out in dialogue. Don Davis and Sheila Larkcn as William and Margaret Scully make an indelible impression.
“Beyond the Sea” originated from a number of sources, one of which, said James Wong, was “a book Glen had read which said that 75 percent of widows within three months have a vision of their husband, and 35 percent of mothers see their sons.” And comments from fans that Scully needed humanizing played their part. “Gillian needed a show to show off her talents,” Wong said. Added Morgan, "It was time to grow Scully’s character, because she was doing the same kind of thing too often.”
The character of Boggs grew out of Morgan’s desire to “do a psychic thing. And you start thinking, well, this guy’s got to have something at stake. Capital punishment was one thing I always wanted to write about.” The network executives were not high on the idea of a Scully/Boggs faceoff, and Chris Carter had to back the idea twice before the they gave the go-ahead. “They said it was too much like SILENCE OF THE LAMBS,” said Morgan, “so in order to not do Hannibal Lecter, this kind of cool intellectual, we had this manic high-strung cracker. I was directly trying not to write Hannibal Lecter.”
Noted director David Nutter, "Brad Dourif came in, and my job there was to create a setting where he could be what he really wanted to be. I would just tweak this and that, but basically I let him have the stage. In a sense, it was a static episode and it was important to let his performance be the moving element. I was also very happy with the work that Gillian and I did together. I thought she really proved herself to be quite a talented actress.”
Religious symbolism is a guiding clement in “Beyond the Sea.” The teaser opens on a Christmas tree angel and the statue of an angel also provides an important clue to locating the serial killer. Mulder's lack of faith in Boggs results in his being shot near a wooden “white cross” which Boggs had warned him about, a contrast to Scully’s evading death when she avoids a painting of a blue devil about which she had received a similar warning. “Scully has that Catholic background,” said Morgan. "I’m not a very organized religious person, but we got a lot of letters from people saying, ‘I need to see my religion portrayed positively.’ So you try to have somebody who was raised with that faith.”
The tattoos on Boggs’ hands which read “kiss” and “kill” are reminiscent of Robert Mitchum’s “love” and “hate” tattoos in NIGHT OF THE HUNTER, but Morgan said that although Mitchum was in the back of his mind, the words themselves came from a song by the band X. “There’s a lyric which says, ‘It’s kiss or kill.’ I was trying to think of something other than love or hate and I thought that was kind of neat.”
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dd-is-my-guiltypleasure · 1 year ago
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BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 10: (From 2nd L) Honoree David Nutter accepts the Lifetime Achievement Award in Television from David Duchovny and Nikolaj Coster-WaldauBEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 10: (From 2nd L) Honoree David Nutter accepts the Lifetime Achievement Award in Television from David Duchovny and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau onstage during the 76th Directors Guild of America Awards at The Beverly Hilton on February 10, 2024 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images for DGA) onstage during the 76th Directors Guild of America Awards at The Beverly Hilton on February 10, 2024 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images for DGA)
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j2spntranscripts · 10 months ago
☆ 2008 Fangoria (Jared solo)
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Official name: Creation Entertainment present’s FANGORIA Weekend of Horrors Location: Renaissance Austin Hotel, Austin, Texas Time: Saturday January 19, 2008, 12:00 PM (GMT-5) Panelists: Jared Padalecki Last episode: 3x08 "A Very Supernatural Christmas"- 12/13/2007 Next episode: 3x09 "Malleus Maleficarum"- 1/31/2008
Question Index: 1- Hair Products 2- Sandra McCoy returning (*Questions with estimated chronological order:) a1- fav SPN music a2- Texas vs. Vancouver a3- Height a4- Sam’s biggest motivation; Gilmore Girls a5- Writer strike impact; On set culture a6- SPN Dirty Secret a7- Acting opposite to Evil!Dean; 2x14 a8a- fan appreciation; Jared a8b-Sam’s theme song a8c- Sam’s music a9- Characters affect on brother dynamic; Bella, Ruby, Bobby, John a10- s3 airing schedule; 3x11, 3x12 a11a- Jared on working with Sandy McCoy; Don’t kiss Jensen in public bit a11b- Adlib; Creative Control; 3x06 a11c- appreciation; J2 brother chemistry a12- Fan Interactions; Surprising/Overwhelming a13- SPN Appeal; McG, David Nutter a14- Jared on horror roles a15- When are Sam’s powers coming back? b- Future projects c- fan appreciation; 3x08 d+ Supernatural Movie* d1- Writers' strike impact; s3 d2- 3x08; Act Five: Int. Motel- Night, Unsaid dialogue e+ Jared on producers/directors; Kim Manners; Phil Sgirccia; Pranks; On set culture* e1- unknown f1a- fan appreciation; hair; 2x14; Evil!Sam f1b- fan appreciation; 3x03; comedic timing f2- Emotionally draining episodes; 2x17, 2x09; 2x14 f3- Impala 67; Driving off the clock f4a- Fanfiction f4b- Supernatural Novels f5- s3 Dean’s deal outcome f6- fav s3 villain; 3x01, 3x02, 3x03; Gordon, Sterling Brown g+ Jared’s dogs*
(video playlist/links and transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts or found more video coverage of the con please point them out thanks*👍) (*tumblr doesn't like dailymotion vids so I can only hyperlink them*)
[click here] - Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0001 by psychoactivtoad [click here] - Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0002 by psychoactivtoad
◘Jared at Fangoria in Austin (1) by LauraTX1◘
Jared walks on stage patting his mic. The mic doesn’t pick up sound and the audience laughs. A member of creation staff walks across the stage and hands him a new mic.
Jared: (holds up working mic) Hello? (holds up malfunctioning mic) Hello? (switches) Hello? (audience chuckles)
Jared hands the staff the malfunctioning mic. The staff member then walks off the stage.
Jared: Can I sit, (?probably right?)? (?I’d get?) to see you all coming from the same angle?
Audience member: You can sit right here! (audience laughs)
•(0:12 L) - Introduction
Staff member drags a chair upstage for Jared then leaves off the stage.
Jared: Hi, guys! (?I’ve heard-?) I’ve heard from Jensen, he had to do some stuff in Los Angeles. So, he couldn’t make it out. But, he was very sorry, but he has to do some stuff involving the show. So, (?I’m going to go up?) produce that and prepare that. (audience woo) (pats leg) I actually just did, um, ADR on our next three episodes and they’re rockin’.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Jared has nice hair by BabyBlueSteel◘
So, I don’t know when they start airing, but strike or no strike we get four new episodes until next season. So.. I hope you guys will be excited. (audience cheers)
I wonder if anybody has questions? I’d love to- I mean, y’all let me talk and give me a microphone and stay in here too, I might talk for, like, six hours. (audience chuckles) So, before I get on that tangent I would love to hear if anybody has anything that they were wondering and think I could help. (points to the audience) I- I saw you first.
•(0:54 L, 0:29 BBS)- Fangoria08;Q1- Hair Products
Fan: Um, (Jared holds his mic up in the air for the fan) you have nice hair. (audience laughs) Sam has nice hair.
Jared: (laughs) Thank you.
Fan: I just wanted to know what, like, products do you use? (audience and Jared laugh)
Jared: Um, you know what’s funny is that, um.. Thank you very much. (audience laughs) Um, I- this is so funny. I- I usually do- I usually just get out of the shower and, um- I blow dry it. I probably shouldn’t admit that in Texas. (audience giggles) I’m gonna get my ass kicked. (audience laughs) But, um, I-I was told a long time ago that if you towel off your head, you go bald. (audience laughs) That’s like a whole (gestures) wear a hat, go bald.
(points into the audience) Is that what you did? You toweled off your hair? (audience laughs) (points again) (?He really toweled better than I could do. Holy-?) Thank you.
Um, and, so I started blow drying my hair. And now it naturally sort of does this. And so, I’ll just spray it with hair spray. But I’ve been- For the last month or so, I’ve been waking up and not having my hair professionally done or my make up put on. So I look at myself in the mirror going like, (grimaces and sways) “Uuuh” (audience giggles) So.
(?Audience member: that’s the episode?)
Fan: Yeah, okay. (audience laughs)
Jared: Thank you so much.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Will Sandy return to SPN by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: And then.. (points into the crowd) I saw you next
•(0:29 BBS)- Fangoria08;Q2- Sandra McCoy returning
Fan: Is Sandra going to come on the show again any time?
Jared: That’s a fantastic question.. (nodding) She did a great job. Thank you so much. She did. That was, uh- that was, uh- uh, a really interesting-
We started shooting that scene at midnight. And it was freezing cold and she had on.. (smiles) I liked it, but (audience laughs) a very thin dress. And it’s windy and it’s cold. And.. it was- and she was, you know? She’s not going to snitch. But, it was like, (scrunches up and shivers) “Ehvuvuh.” She was (?key tagged?) and they’re like action. So, she’s having to break in. (audience aw) And I felt so bad for her. And here I’m with my coat and everybody is running up to me and, like, bringing hand warmers or jackets. And I’m like, “Thank you. Thank you.” (audience laughs)
Um, but, right now we’re still wondering if I’m gonna come back on to the show, you know? Or if the show is gonna come back. So, unfortunately we’re at a standstill. I’d love to have her back though.
And, (points to the crowd) then I saw you in the back.
(missing coverage *which may mean content isn’t listed in the correct chronological order)
◘JARED PADALECKI on his favorite song on SN by Yeya◘
Jared: (?I say I went for the breath walkers and things?) (points to the crowd)
•(0:29 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa1- fav SPN music; 1x12, 1x17
Fan: Hi. (?Jane Boleyn) Uh, we know that (?per?) the music on the show is a really important part. (Jared starts to take off his jacket) And I know that you come in and talk about how you go back and watch (?the after?). Is there- Is there-
◘Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0001 by psychoactivtoad◘
Jared dramatically strips off his jacket off his arm. The audience laughs and then catcalls. Jared then fans his shirt. The audience giggles.
Fan: Is there a (?musical?) that you thought was really outstanding in the show?
Jared: Yes. Yes. My favorite, um, was actually the, uh, episode “Faith.” My favorite was the- duh,.. The reaper song. That musical in that whole- Was that the episode where the spoon in the mouth thing and he’s singing “Fire of Unknown Origin.” (audience laughs) I thought that was funny.
Audience member: That was “Hell House.”
Jared: (points at audience member) That was “Hell House,” okay. So, I like that.
But the same band, Blue Öyster Cult. Um so, but the “Don’t Fear The Reaper” montage with, um, the girl running through the woods and being chased.. by the reaper, I thought it was really well used. And, obviously, I- I knew the song, but I really knew it from Saturday Night Live with (?Will Ferrell hitting that cowbell?) (mimics hitting a cowbell). (audience laughs) (laughs) And so, um, it was exciting to- to.. associate that with something else.
(points to the crowd) I will getchu, but I think (points to another person in the crowd) I saw a hand.. over here did I? (swipes his hand) I was just kidding. (points again) Yes.
•(0:59 P)- Fangoria08;Qa2- Texas vs. Vancouver
Fan: Do you like Texas better or Vancouver?
Jared: I like Texas better. (audience woo’s) I’m from Texas. (pumps fist) I was born and bred, so I- I do like Texas better. Um, I think it’s just more my speed? But maybe I’m more it’s speed since I was raised here.
But, Vancouver has also been tough because, as you know, Jensen and I are pretty much in every scene. Or, if we’re not in every scene- The way they shoot television shows, f-for those of you that don’t know, um, if-if you watch some, it’s shot out of sequence. But, they shoot it with locations. So if we’re doing a scene in a hospital then we’ll do every scene that’s in the hospital that day. So even if we’re not in this scene in.. this in the hospital or that scene in a hospital, we’re probably in the others. So, we’re there all day anyways.
And so, I’ve seen a lot of Vancouver. Unfortunately, it’s been, you know, during work hours. Which is great but, you know, you’re busy, you’re doing your thing. And on the way to, uh, work, Jensen and I are head down in our script running our lines and memorizing our lines. And so, we don’t get to do (?that kinds of stuff.?) But I like the people here. I like the people here.
(turns a little to his left and points into the crowd) Let me go over way over- I think- Yes. (laughs) Yes. That was fun.
•(2:04 P)- Fangoria08;Qa3- Height
Fan: (laughs) Um, I have a quick question. I was just wondering- I’ve been a fan for a long time and I was wondering if you could tell us how tall you (Jared smiles) are since just in case you don’t know (?it throws papers?). (audience laughs)
Jared: (shocked face) How tall I am? (laughs) Um, at the- You know, what I- I have to say, my answer changes depending on where I am. If I’m at an audition I’m like, “How tall is the leading lady?” (audience laughs) “5’1”?” (shrugs) I’m like, “5’11”, 5’10 ½”.”  (audience laughs) But I think, I think I’m actually, um, 6’4” (nods). So- And in Texas I would say, like, 6’7” (audience laughs) or 11”. So, it depends on where I am.
Like, if I want to go to.. (?) I’ll say, you know, 6’2” or 6’3.” (?But I’m certain y’all are 6’2”?).
Audience member: No, you’re not 6’2”.
Jared: (nods) Yeah, how tall are you?
Audience member: (?6’5?)
Jared: (points to audience member) Yeah, you know. (audience laughs) Yeah, he knows. He stood right there next to me.
(points towards his right) Yes.
•(2:52 P)- Fangoria08;Qa4- Sam’s biggest motivation; Gilmore Girls
Fan: I want to know what Sam’s biggest motivation in (?)
Jared: Sam’s biggest motivation’s changed, which has been a really, uh, exciting thing to do because unfortunately on television shows, um… You can kind of just do one thing for a really long time and it gets so mundane doing the same thing over and over and over again.
And I don’t want to bad mouth the show or my character, because I-I loved it and I did a, uh- I did a lot of years on it. But on “Gilmore Girls,” my character gradually became more one note. Like it sort of started out exciting, but then as I started doing other things I couldn’t do as many episodes. And so I sort of became this character and there was less exciting things to play.
But, obviously Sam’s motivation has changed from, um, you know, after adventures because of Jess’ death to being (?aspired by his?) father- trying to look for his father. Now obviously he’s, um- he loves his brother and, uh, he wants to get his brother out of the deal.
It’s so weird talking about it. I haven’t filmed in such a long time.
Um, but his main motivation has been his love for his brother and his family. And a little bit.. half that and half just refusal to accept that he is, you know, not the same as the other evil children just running around. (audience laughs) (?That he’s?) (finger quotes) special.
(points) I’m going to go back to my (?cowgirl?)
•(4:06 P)- Fangoria08;Qa5- Writer’s strike impact; On set culture
Fan: Has- has the, uh, writer’s strike been hard on you and, uh, the people you work with? I mean, is it trying to cause strain and tension like you’re not coming to work?
Jared: You know what? The writer’s strike has been.. awful.. awful, awful, awful. Um.. There are- Supernatural has been really lucky. Um, and half- (head tilt) uh, half the time, I think, you know, we’ve been pitching over the (?barrel?). I mean, we’re just stuck in our own little microcosm and we don’t know the world around us. But, on the flip side of the coin, we’ve all been so close. Because we’ve now done 56 episodes together.
And literally, um, it’s funny because I-I hear every- every guest star that comes by, every guest director.. looks at Jensen and I and Kim Manners and they’re like, “Y’all guys have the closest-knit crew.. I’ve ever known.” And it’s funny because our crew members will tell us, “I’ve never done more than one year on a show, because after one year I wanted to get the hell out of there.” (audience laughs) “Because I’m tired of this person, or I hate that person, or I’m tired of this person.”
But the strike, I don’t.. I don’t know just yet because obviously the strike’s not over. But, I know that some of the, uh, some of the grips, some of the gaffs, some of the, um, you know, some of the- We have a 125 crew members. Some of the office workers.. um, have sort of.. explained to us- Because we left on December 26th, because s- we were done shooting “Mystery Spot.” And, um, people were saying, “You know what? I hope the strike ends,” because there was going to be a talk by next the Tuesday. And they’re like, “If the strikes, we’re totally back.” And they’re like, “Listen guys, I’m so sorry, but if the strike goes till January, I got kids. I’ve got a mortgage. And I have to go get work elsewhere,” because obviously there’s still (?) shooting.
Unknown: (speaking into another mic) Check. Check. Check.
Jared: (looks around) (audience laughs) Um… (to audience) it’s all good. (laughs) (audience laughs) (swipes hand) I throw my voice sometimes. It’s- I’m practicing. With the strike going on I-
Unknown: Check. Check. Check. (audience laughs and Jared pumps his eyebrows.)
Jared: I’m- I’m trying to practice my ventriloquism. (audience laughs) So, uh, I’m trying to get some extra gigs here and there.
But, anyways, point being, we’ve had some c- a tight knit family and now some crew members had to go and, uh, (shrugs) you know, put food on the table. So, we’re gonna- we’re gonna lose a lot of people that we became real close to. Because they just- (shrugs) I mean, it’s understandable. They have to feed their family.
(points over to his right)
•(6:17 P)- Fangoria08;Qa6- SPN Dirty Secret
Fan: Tell us a dirty secret on Supernatural. Okay, something that’s not going to make you (?confrontatious?) of all your (?experience?) (audience and Jared laughs) Bro, I want to hear something (?). Show me that.
Jared: Uh, thank you so much. (audience laughs) A nerdy secret.
Fan: Dirty! A Dirty secret.
Jared: Oh! A dirty secret. (audience laughs) (smirks) Um, a dirty secret. I was scared enough by nerdy secret. (audience laughs) Now a dirty secret.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Dirty secret and acting evil by BabyBlueSteel◘
◘JARED PADALECKI on Supernatural's dirty secrets by Yeya◘
I’ll have to think about that. I think- I, uh- probably my.. publicist kills me, but I probably have a big enough mouth already. So, I dish all the dirty secrets out. Everybody already knows. Like, everybody has already seen me farting on the gag reels (audience laughs) and stuff like that. So, I don’t want- I don’t wanna pretend I’m not, you know… prone to.. normal human problems. (audience chuckles) (holds a hand up) I’m just kidding. See? There I go. Um.. cotton mouth.
Uh, (nods) but I’ll think about that and I’ll think of a good answer while I’m answering you (points to his left in the crowd)
•(7:11 P, 0:38 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa7- Acting opposite to Evil!Dean; 2x14
Fan: Uh.. In the- In the show- the-
Jared: It’s written down that’s scary. (audience laughs) (Fan: I have to) (points back to last fan) I’m going to go back to dirty secret. Uh, (laughs).
Fan: I’m sorry I get nervous, so. (Jared: No, no. You’re good.) Uh, in the show the writing staff has, uh, made a lot of references to Cain and Abel this season. Okay? (Jared nods) And in the past, when that’s happened.. it’s eventually come to be their subtle way of telling the fans this is going to happen. (Jared: [nods]Right.)
So, my question is, um, I- everybody is expecting- everybody is expecting Sam to go evil. (Jared: [nods] mhmm) Personally, I don’t think that’s going to happen. I think it’s going to be Dean that turns because of his deal. (Jared makes a silent oh) But, how- how would that, I mean, how would that make it, uh- How- how much more difficult would that make it for your acting? For you- character? Well I- (laughs)
Jared: Umm, well obviously going back to sort of- (points at fan) That’s a very interesting. I-I’m- I’m glad that people were thinking about that because that is certainly something that the writers have alluded to both in Sam’s character and Dean’s character. So, it’s exciting to know that it’s coming across and that people are on to it.
Uhm, but, obviously Jensen and I have established a sort of rapport with the sort of brother banter, back and forth. And um, there’s a lot of, ah- I wish I could talk about this because I just saw three episodes that y’all haven’t seen yet. So, I’m going to know right now. But there is some funny, funny scenes that I was really proud and really happy with. Um, and I wish I could talk about them with you.
But, you become so.. used to.. that rapport that it will be very- very tough to all of a sudden.. go crazy. However, we’ve both have, in past episodes, both in, um, “Born Under a Bad Sign,” when I was demonic, to- (audience claps and woo’s) Thank you. To- (audience woo’s) thank you. Thank you. (mimics slicking back his hair) No. to, um- thank you. But, to “Skin” you know when-when Jensen was a shapeshifter and, um, sort of (?things all inbetween?). And actually, um, we see in the next four episodes- we see a bit more of both Jensen’s sort of crazy, um, dark side come out and Sam’s crazy dark side come out.
So, it would make it much more tough, but I think it’s an exciting thing. And, I certainly hope the show gets a chance to go there. (nods) That would be really awesome. So-
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: What would Sam’s theme song be by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his right in the audience) I just saw three hands. (audience laughs)
Audience member: I can go last!
Jared: Alright. (points to another in the crowd) I’ll go with you first.
•(9:24 P, 0:05 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa8a- fan appreciation; Jared
Fan: Um, first of all I want to tell you I think your work has always been really good but (Jared: Thank you) this seems to be really- I-I don’t know what you did. You seem to have stepped it up a lot. I just think-
Jared: A lot of drugs. (audience laughs) (shakes head) I’m just kidding. (waves hand) No drugs. But, thank you. Thank you very much.
Audience member: that’s a dirty secret!
Jared: That’s- (points in the crowd) dirty secret! (audience laughs) Th- (laughs)
•(9:38 P, 0:20 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa8b- Sam’s theme song
Fan: Um, and I wanted to know, back to music, the car has a theme song, does Sam have a theme song? Or what would Sam’s theme song be if he had one?
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria by shadowfax220◘
Jared: What would Sam’s theme song be.
Audience member: “Bow Chicka Wow Wow.” (audience laughs)
Jared: (nods) Yeah, “Bow Chicka Wow Wow.” That commercial with “Bow Chicka Wow Wow” in it.
That’s gonna have to be another one that I think about. Because there’s just so many, you know- I mean, I have songs that I love. I’d have to think about.. what’s Sam’s. I think- I think everybody’s theme song sort of changes, you know, depending on the episode or the mood. So, I think it’d have a few. One would certainly be, um, “You Sexy Thing” (audience laughs) So- (laughs and then shakes his head) I’m just kidding. (?I don’t know this?)
•(10:16 P, 0:57 BBS, 0:33 S)- Fangoria08;Qa8c- Sam’s music
Fan: What makes- Does Sam even like the same music as Dean does? It-
Jared: Maybe “Give It To Me Baby,” Rick James? (audience laughs) (?That would embarrass him.?) (to fan) Does Sam- Does Sam which?
Fan: But- Well, he- It’s always like, the classic rock is always represented as- as Dean’s music. Wha- what is Sam’s music?
Jared: Sam hasn’t had any music. Sam was just in college- probably the classic college like-
Audience member: Morrissey
Jared: Yeah, Morrissey. Morrissey would work. Some ABBA. (audience laughs) What’s the- What’s the- (?Ace of Base.?) (audience laughs) (?Remember??) A little ole school ha-ha. (audience laughs) (laughs)
That’s a- that’s a very good question. (gestures to fan) I never thought about that. But, obviously, the car and music have been more given to Dean. Um, which is sort of going in tune with who’s character it was at first and sort of still is and sort of like, “Hey,” you know, um, Han solo type character, so.
Fan: Sam (?strikes me more?) like Coldplay and Radiohead.
Jared: Yeah, yeah. I think he’s probably like Coldplay and Radiohead.. type guy. Pensive. (fan laughs) (points to next fan)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: How characters affect the dynamic by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa9- Characters affect on brother dynamic; Bella, Ruby, Bobby, John
Fan: Back to the dynamic and how your character changes each season, with the addition of Ruby and Bella, has that change the brother dynamic more so that you’re not actually working together so much as you’re relying on other outside factors?
◘Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0002 by psychoactivtoad◘
Jared: It.. It has, um, changed the dynamic- the dynamic a little bit. Um, but I think the- the brother connection is so strong.. that- I mean, because we’ve had- Even though Bella and Ruby are so now, uh, I guess, (finger quote) technically called series regulars, which means they’re.. for a whole year? But we’ve had cast members like Jim Beaver (Fan: Right.) (audience woos) or Jeffery Dean Morgan, (audience woos) (fist pumps) who we love that have done a lot of episodes and a lot of really tough scenes with us.
Um, at the end of season one, we’d just had all those scenes with Jeffery. Obviously that was more- I-I’d say those scenes with Jeffery… more changing of their dynamic. Because just by the nature of (gestures) here’s Daddy, you know, with two brothers that changed that dynamic. And, um, the child of Dean came out and the.. you know, rebel, um, in Sam came out.
But, with Bella and Ruby it’s still been- We’ve only did twelve episodes. And I think they weren’t in three of them. And so, we haven’t had a lot of time to explore that relationship. (nods) But it will change the br- the brother dynamic. And I-I know that because I talked to Kripke. So, we just have to get the chance to do it. (smiles)
Fan: Great. (?Well, Heck yeah?)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: The schedule before the haitus by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: (points in the audience) You were-you were the last you said. So I have to go back to you.
•(1:20 P, 0:04 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa10- s3 airing schedule; 3x11, 3x12
Fan: Yeah. Well, I watch the show religiously and I don’t know half the stuff people here know when- (Jared and audience laughs)
Jared: I’m in the show and I don’t know half the stuff people.
Fan: And all I wanted to know is when I get a new episode. I know the 31st i-
Jared: (nods) The 31st we have a new one-
Fan: Is like it’s the start of.. more episodes (Jared: We have four-) than the new one and then we have to wait another month and a half or two.
Jared: Well it’s tough. I wish- I mean, the first thing I heard for a while- the- the general consensus was that the 31st we come back and then we’re gonna run four straight. Um, only three episodes are done right now. Um, the episode 12 will be shot- which is actually gonna air.. in the spot before 11. We-We switch- Or, they switched the airing order of episode 11 which is called, “Jus In Bello,” and episode 12 which is called, “Mystery Spot.” Because “Jus In Bello” has more of a cliffhanger ending, in case we have to.. cliffhanger the end? Just- (shrugs) (audience giggles) Without any more episodes.
But, they’re not done with all of them yet. Um, and so they’re gonna have to do some (nods) post-production and some ADR. But, from what I know, it’s gonna be the 31st straight- straight through February. That’s (?speed’s?) month. So they (?don’t?) want to do something else.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Working with Sandy by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his right) I see a couple guys over there.
•(2:22 P, 0:02 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa11a- Jared on working with Sandy McCoy; Don’t kiss Jensen in public bit
Fan: Um, S-
Jared: Or a girl and a guy. (holds hand up) Sorry. That’s a Texas thing. (holds mic out to fan)
Fan: Um, I just wanted to know, um, how was it-
Jared: Louder. (holds mic out higher towards the fan)
Fan: How was it to get to film with your girlfriend?
Jared: Louder. (holds mic out to fan. Then shakes head and  laughs while lowering his mic) I’m just kidding (audience laughs) I could totally hear, “How was it to work-
Fan: Can you hear me?
Jared: “With my girlfriend?”
Fan: Yeah. How was it?
Jared: It was- It was great. And it was absolutely bizarre. Because you- you ac- you get so close to somebody- I mean, Jensen and I are obviously so very close now too. But, I don’t.. (tilts head and smiles) kiss Jensen (audience laughs and catcalls) ..In public. (audience laughs and woahs) (holds up hand) I’m just kidding. I’m totally.. (audience laughs) (laughs then briefly looks to his left) (?I’ll trying to get?) some dirty secrets right here. (shakes head) (audience laughs and squeals) I’m just kidding.
Um, and it was- it was great, but also it’s-it’s really tough to get past the dynamic of someone who you’re in love with. You know, that you.. sort of want to call in between takes and be like, “Baby, I was sucking.” (audience giggles) You know? It’s like, you can’t really call them. But it was great.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #3 by shadowfax220◘
I’d love to do it again. And we met working together, so, um- so there was that saving grace. Um, probably but other than that, it was- it was really exciting (smiles).
•(3:24 P, 0:13 S)- Fangoria08;Qa11b- Adlib; Creative Control; 3x06
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Ad-Libbing by BabyBlueSteel◘
Fan: Do you and Dean ever adlib on- while you-
Jared: Yeah. Yeah. We will. Nothing big, you know. Not like, “Man I’m tired of you.” But we’ll- we’ll.. They don’t make us stick strictly to- Gilmore Girls was very- It was like Shakespeare. It’s like, you have to pause where it says pause. And if it’s.. “When or- When.. are you guys going to the store,” you can’t say like, “Hey, when are you going to the store?” Like, “Uh there’s a guys in there.” “Really?” Like it’s-  And it’s so fast paced that it just becomes.. about the language you know?
But, Jensen and I, we’ll kind of.. (“sort of” gesture) go off here and there. And we’ll add some things. Like, did y’all see the episode where, um, where it was called.. “Red Sky at Dawn”? “At Morning”? (audience yells out affirmatives) “Red Sky”- And- and I come out and I’m with Geer kind of (mimics dancing) dancing with, um- (Audience Member: Yes, tell us about that.) Well, the whole.. Jensen going, “You smell like sex,” (audience laughs) (shakes head and hand swipes) was totally out of- That was Jensen. So, certain things. Well cer- We’ll throw (finger quote) buttons on the scene. They’re called buttons because there’s something to break out on to. And I don’t have to like do the soap opera stare or something like that.
So, we’ll add stuff at the end of certain scenes.
•(4:27 P, 1:16 S, 1:03 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa11c- appreciation; J2 brother chemistry
Fan: Do you guys- I mean, you can actually believe your brothers. You have great chemistry together. (Jared: Thank you.) It-It what makes the show, you know, one of the things that makes the show so worth, um-
Jared: Well, thank you so much. And It was really exciting working with him because he and I hit it off right off the bat. I mean, he’s from Texas. He’s an- he’s a Dallas boy. (Fan: Yeah) So, we just got along really well from the git-go. And it made it really easy to work together (nods). (Fan: Yeah)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: OverWhelmed by the fans? by BabyBlueSteel◘
Um, (points to his right) I’m gonna go with you.
•(4:50 P, 0:03 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa12- Fan Interactions; Surprising/Overwhelming
Fan: Um, obviously you’ve done a couple of these conventions, and, you know, there have been different fan campaigns, like the postcard campaign (Jared: Yeah.) and stuff like that. Has there ever just been one of those moments when... the fan reaction is just kind of surprising and overwhelming?
Jared: Um, absolutely. There was definitely that moment in Chicago. I mean, there’s that moment here. It’s-it’s weird because, um- I mean, Jensen and I have obviously been very lucky. Um, we’ve both pretty much working right off the bat. We both kept working and we’re around people that even if they do like us, they are sort of working for us? And so- what’s the term? Like, they’re not brown nosers, like, everything we say is perfect. But, they’re nice to us. They let us kind of get away with murder? Um. (audience laughs) Dirty secret. (audience laughs) No.
But, we’re around people who… even though they don’t need to be scared of their jobs, or scared of what they’re jobs, they’re kind of still scared (finger quote) for their jobs when they’re around us. Like, they won’t really.. um, they’re there because they’re making a living.
But when you’re here, (gestures to the audience) around people who are here, not because they’re making a living off of you, or they want to make sure, you know, you don’t get beat up because then they’re going to lose their job or something, which they’re not. But I’m just around people right now who are coming because they just like the show, and (shrugs) hopefully the work, it’s really- it’s-it’s really, really humbling and amazing to see a big crowd of people who came.
And so anytime, thank y’all guys. (nods)
Fan: (?Thank you.?)
Jared: (to fan) thank you. (points to his far left) I’m gonna go that way because I see some- I see a couple hands (?fighting?) for it. Sure.
•(6:18 P)- Fangoria08;Qa13- SPN Appeal; McG, David Nutter
Fan: Um, what made you first, like, interested in doing “Supernatural?” Like, want to be in it.
Jared: Um, you know what? When I- when I first heard about “Supernatural,” um, I was working on Gilmore Girls obviously, and I heard about this, um, show called, “Supernatural” that was going to be the WB’s new, um, (finger quote) supernatural type show? (audience chuckles) But, I would go- I was a fan of-of Buffy and Angel and stuff like that. I didn’t want (audience clap) to be another Charm. (turns to clapper) Yeah. I didn’t feel like I was kind of right for that kind of genre.
Um, like, I love the campy horror, like I love camp horror films and- and stuff like that. But, I didn’t feel it was right for me at that point in time? But they were like, “No, listen. It’s totally real. It’s totally raw.” And I knew McG because I tested for Superman with him and he was a producer. And I knew David Nutter because I worked with him before in like “ER,” um, and I knew his work obviously because he’s a legend in the pilot business. He’s the only director ever to get ever single pilot he’s directed to get picked up.
And so, I was like, “Okay, I’ll read it.” And I read it and I was like, “Woah, this is super cool.” And I-I studied, you know, Joesph Campbell mythology and stuff like that in high school. And I was very familiar with the whole reluctant hero aspect like “Star Wars,” like, you know, the Luke Skywalker. And it was my chance to play Luke Skywalker. Um, so I (?took a try on it?). And here I am.
Uhh, (points forward) I’m gonna go with you.
•(7:36 P)- Fangoria08;Qa14- Jared on horror roles
Fan: Well, obviously- (?Well, I’ll just say?) horror (Jared nods) is why you’re here. (audience woo) (?Because we love?) horror ourselves (Jared: Yeah) (?we’ll have?) a lot more fun doing horror scenes. (Jared: Right.) And we’ve noticed you’ve done a lot of horror and camp (Jared: I have) in “Supernatural” (?and probably “Cry Wolf” scenes.?) Did you have more fun playing the more scary roles?
Jared: Um, absolutely. It’s sort of a mixture of, um, you know, I’m certainly not at the point in my career, nor was I a couple of years ago where I could just go, like, (sits up, waves hand, and says with a fancy accent) “Find me a copy.” (audience laughs) (?Nor could I go like,?) “Find me a.. Shakespeare piece.” So- so it’s half what you’re excited about doing and half what sort of just happens. What- what turn the industry takes.
Um, and so for a while the horror movies were the ones that were… in comparison basis easier to shoot because it’s cheaper, uh, (shrugs) or less expensive, (holds up hands) not cheaper (audience chuckles) (holds up hands again then smiles) Uh, and- and they- they have, uh- It’s easy to get a following, or easier if it’s good if it- if it strikes a cord. There’s something so fun about going to the movie and (mimics flinching) kind of getting scared and then realize everything’s okay.
And so, that happened to be what came my way. Though I’m very interested in the genre and I’ve always have been. But, um, I think after.. (?Superna-?) I did a movie last year. A Christmas movie. And it was so weird. It was like, “So, I don’t scream ever?” (audience chuckles) And then I was like, “I don’t like ever get killed in the movie? What’s going on?” It’s been so weird, you know? I’m so used to getting killed or then seeing scary things. So it’s weird to go back to it, doing a non-horror. But, um.. But I do love the genre.
(points to his left) I’m gonna go back over this way.. (nods) Sure.
•(9:07 P)- Fangoria08;Qa15- Sam’s powers
Fan: When are Sam’s powers coming back? (audience chuckles)
Jared: Um, Sam’s powers.. were.. actually gonna come back, um, pretty seriously, um, in the last half of the second season. It was- it was actually just about to go full horror.. with it when we had to stop, um, because of the writers strike. Which sucks, um, because I really wanted to do that. I was really excited about.. being a badass. Like, Jensen’s had the ability to play badass for 56 episodes. It was my turn (audience laughs) to (?do good stuff?) and save him or not save him. Um, so, soon. (nods) Whenever we come back it’s gonna be- it’s gonna, you know. It’s been two and half years now. We’re not gonna waste anymore time. (?We’re-We’re?) going full speed ahead.
(points to his right) I’m going-
(missing coverage *which may mean content isn’t listed in the correct chronological order)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Jared looking for other projects? by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qb- Future projects
Fan: (?) are there new projects that you’re looking at or what’s going on?
Jared: There are new projects that I’m looking at. For a while, I wasn’t sure- we weren’t sure how the, uh, strike was gonna affect us, and when it’s going to end. And so, you couldn’t really go out for projects. And pretty much the show- the-the engine shutdown, um, early December. Because we already knew about the strike. And it was like, you know, “Let’s just take an extended holiday.” So I (?fumbled an extended holiday?) And I just started taking meetings. This week we’re going to have the director’s guild settle with the producers (fist pumps) which we’re all very, very happy about because that hopefully means that the writers will.. just accept that, you know? Or actually- (holds hand up) I don’t want to just say, “accept it.” But, um, they’ll find some grounds now with the producers.
But it looks like, fingers crossed, (cross fingers) uh, the writer’s strike will end soon. We’ll still be able to salvage out this season. So, yeah.
Fan: Yeah-
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: A Very Supernatural Christmas by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: (points to his right) Yes.
•(0:01 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qc- fan appreciation; 3x08
Fan: Um, the Christmas episode this season was wonderful.
Jared: Good, thank you.
Fan: So, good. Um-
Jared: I spent a lot of fun doing that.
Fan: And I remember hearing before it being aired there was like, “Oh it’s gonna be a Christmas (?for some reason in?) Supernatural.” (Jared: Yeah) (?Lies?) and it’s perfect. And I really like how you, um, (snaps) the things up there that- that you (laughs) (?cry out?) And they were the first time that it really seemed like Dean was actually gonna die, you know? Like, you all have come to this.. realization that’s unbelievable (?to deny?) (laughs) (?)
Jared: Right. Exactly, exactly. (?Think that’s one of the-?) But-
Fan: But, you all really sold it despite that- You know, despite knowing he’s not going anywhere in some way, (Jared: Yeah.) however y’all that figure that out. (Jared: Yeah.) And it’s just really.. (?)
Jared: I like playing (?without that.?) I give that straight to our writers for figuring out a way to, um, make a (?code?) for us and.. and, um- That was actually another- (points to his right) kick back to the (?book?) It was a very, very great episode to sho-, uh, Supernatural episode to watch really. It was like, October and (?) than you, but you’re, like, in your Christmas stuff and you’re going, “Yay, it’s Christmas time.” But then it’s like October 2nd? (audience chuckles)
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #1 by shadowfax220◘
•(0:00 S)- Fangoria08;Qd+- Supernatural Movie* (missing question, might be mislabeled)
Jared: (audience laughs) that- they wouldn’t cast me. Um, but thanks for the reinforcement. (audience laughs) And I think Supernatural absolutely can make full feature length. And we’re actually hoping for that, um, and trying for that. So, uh- I mean, they’re making the second X-Files right now and we kick their butts. (audience yeahs and claps)
(points towards the center right) I’m going to go you. You. (nods) Yes.
•(0:22 S)- Fangoria08;Qd1- Writers' strike impact; s3
Fan: I was wondering, you talked about trying to salvage the third season if the writer’s strike came to an end. If it did come to an end, would you actually be able to finish out to be where you want it to be.. if you had the third season?
Jared: Um, either way we’ve lost episodes, because the way it’s going to work out is because we wouldn’t shoot the show beyond April because, um, I think when we go back to our 3rd or 4th season you have to have a two month hiatus or something? It’s SAG rules. Um, and so..
What I meant by salvage this season is that we sort of came to an abrupt halt. ‘Cause no one knew if the strike was actually going to happen. So, it was almost like, “Ah, alright. You know, whatever. It’s not going to happen.” And so when we stopped it was like, “Oh man, like, it really is over.” But if came- If the strike ended then we would know we have five episodes left now and then the season’s over. And so, they’d have to cut some stuff. They’d probably have to cut some of the, um, Creature of the Week episodes. One- Like, some of the ones that don’t have to do with the mythology of the show where we can get back and sort of, um, continue Sam and Dean’s, um, descent into.. wherever their decent leads. (audience chuckles)
(points center left) Uh, I’m going to go to you. I-I faked you out, sorry.
•(1:22 S)- Fangoria08;Qd2- 3x08; Act Five: Int. Motel- Night, Unsaid dialogue
Fan: (?Oh, I’ve got a salt piece. Probably should know this it’s there.?) (Jared: [laughs] thank you.) Okay, no. Actually, I’m going back to the Christmas Episode. My question for you is at the very final scene, (Jared laughs) Sam- Sam started to say something and then he just said, “Do you want to watch the game?” (Jared: Oh okay, I thought you were gonna ask about the eggnog.) What do you think Sam was going to- (audience laughs) (?Probably a keg or two?) I- I vote for keep you here longer telling him that Sammy won here. (Jared: thank you.) But, what do you think Sam was gonna say? Do you have any idea what.. where you stand?
Jared: Umm, I think he was going to apologize and say, you know, “I love you. I’m sorry I missed yah.” And-and Dean kicks back into high gear with, you know.. We leave it unspoken. Um.. it was going to be- Yeah, it was basically gonna be, you know, “Sorry I doubted you. I’m sorry I’ve been such a prick.” Because the whole- the whole season- the first few eight episodes- the first seven episodes Sam’s been like, yelling at Dean, “Why don’t you care about your life?” You know? “Here I’m trying to save you.” (fakes cries) “And you don’t even care.” (audience giggles) Um, and so finally he- he was saying, you know, “I’m sorry. You know, my- my anger at you has been.. driven from I love you and, you know, I don’t want you to leave.” And Dean- It didn’t need to be said. You know?
Fan: Well, actually it was perfectly m-unsaid, but I just wondered.
Jared: Thank you. (points to center left) I’m gonna go here.
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #2 by shadowfax220◘
•(0:00 S)- Fangoria08;Qe+- Jared on producers/directors; Kim Manners; Phil Sgirccia; Pranks; On set culture* (missing question,  might be mislabeled)
Jared: -love all of our producer, directors. We love it when Kim Manners shows up, because we.. just.. f’ around the whole time. (audience chuckles) (laughs) I don’t thi- W- It’s constantly making fun of him. We’re constantly standing up and, like, (stands up) Kim is right here (holds his hand up below his chest) or something (audience chuckles) (?in his direction?). We’re going (turns around without looking down), “Where’s Kim? We’ve been hearing (?).” (audience laughs) He’s sitting there and he’s just pissed off. (sits down)
And so, we have a great time with Kim. Um, because we just love to make fun of him. And obviously, he lives up there because he’s of- he’s are on set producer most of the time. And so, we’ve got this constant relationship with him. And we have a lot of fun. Yeah, we always have.. a beer after work, which is nice.
Um, and then, on the flip side, another.. director producer who I love, who I know it’s going to be draining is, um, Phil Sgirccia, who makes amazing episodes. He does a brilliant, brilliant job. But, um, he- he’s a very, very.. artistic director. He likes to shoot a lot. And so, you don’t know how many times you’re going to do something necessarily, but you’re like, “Oh, I’m so tired. I’m gonna suck.” And then you see the episode and it’s awesome.
So, um- like if everybody just has their different way, you know? They both make great episodes. But they go about it different ways. Sometimes Kim will do a shot. It’s literally a shot where you only say two lines, and then he’s like, “Okay, moving on to after that.” And you’re like, “You don’t want us to do it again from the top?” He’s like, “No. We already did that.” Like, (shrug), “Okay. Crazy, but alright.” (audience giggles)
And, um, Phil does a lot of different- But he also makes cool.. like montages and stuff like that. And his next episode rocks. So, we already really excited with it. It’s going to be the last episode with (?)
(points up high and to his center right) Go way in the back.
•(1:34 S)- Fangoria08;Qe1- unknown
Fan: Um, have you ever taken a role you re-
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: His comic timing in BDABR by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: Um, (pointing up high and to his center left) I’m gonna go way in the back.
•(0:02 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf1a- fan appreciation; hair; 2x14; Evil!Sam
Fan: (?Sam’s hot?) (audience laughs) (?) longer hair? (?I did it.?)
Jared: Thank you. (?I just had it cut?) because- (?It depends on the set?) And so I was like, uh, (?)
Fan: (?) about. Um, I just wanted to say (?) “Born Under a Bad Sign”? (?But my friend says?) Evil Sam hot enough to (?get?) himself. (audience laughs)
•(0:02 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf1b- fan appreciation; 3x03; comedic timing
Fan: And I just want to say, “Bad Day at Black Rock,” I was so impressed with your-
Jared: Which one?
Fan: “Bad Day at Black Rock,” your comic timing in that episode. (audience claps) (Jared: Oh.) I want to know how much fun (?) you. There was so much fun stuff in that episode and I was- I just know that’s the (?community claim?) but I was very impressed with your comedic timing in that episode.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #4 by shadowfax220◘
Jared: Well, thank you. And I- Anybody who knows me, knows that I’m.. I think I suck at comedy. (audience chuckles) Like, I- It’s like I steer clear of it. I like, (holds hand up) “ I don’t have comic timing.” Like, “Get me away from it. Make me cry or something.” (audience giggles) “Because, I can’t- I’m not the funny guy.” But it was very exciting to do that. And that was, um- I’ll chuck that up to Bob Singer, who’s our producer, who is also, obviously, directed a whole bunch of episodes. Um, and- and I guess he just knew how to prod me into doing the right things. And that was just a funny episode. I mean, he could’ve.. stuck.. (shrugs) anybody in that and it’d been funny. (Audience members: No.)
But I’m glad that- But, I’m very glad you liked it. (nods) And, um, uh, and I’m very glad you liked Evil Sam also. (audience laughs) I want to see it come back.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Emotionally Draining scenes by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his right) I’m going to go this way. (points) Sure.
•(0:52 S, 0:03 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf2- Emotionally draining episodes; 2x17, 2x09; 2x14
Fan: Okay, um, which- I’ve heard Jensen several times saying you had trouble episodes that have emotionally drained you all. (Jared: (?ten?)) Has there been, like, any, like, one particular episode that, I mean, kind of.. I don’t know, that you had to walk away from and just-
Jared: Yes, absolutely..
Audience member: What? (chuckle)
Jared: Um, she was saying that they’re, uh- Jensen was talking about certain episodes that emotionally drained him and she was wondering if- if the same happened for me.
Um, a lot of episodes, um… I mean, my mind, I-I guess, goes.. to… My mind immediately goes to.. “Heart”? Because the last scene in “Heart” really- We shot at the very beginning of the day, and so I was really fresh. But, um, (throws up hand and shakes head) it just did me in, for whatever reason. Sometimes- And sometimes it’s too much. 
Croatoan was another one where Sam.. thinks he’s going to die and he’s saying, “You’re an idiot. Get out of here,” like, “Stop that.” (shrugs) It just becomes- Every now and then it just becomes very, very real. And- and you’re done. And- and like, you can’t even.. (shrugs) stand up, um, because it takes it out of you in a bunch of different levels.
So, um, “Bad Day at Black Rock” I’m not- (holds up hand) Sorry, sorry. “Born Under a Bad Sign,” was very exhausting because there was Latin and then I was getting sprayed with water, and (audience laughs) I mean, just physically tiring. But, I’d say emotionally tiring, I’d have to think first about “Croatoan” and “Heart.” (nods)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Driving the Impala by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points high up to his right) Go way in the back.
Fan: Me? No.
Jared: (points and nods) Yeah.
•(0:04 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf3- Impala 67; Driving off the clock; Donut story
Fan: Oh, I was gonna ask do ever get to drive the Impala when y’all aren’t filming?
Jared: I do. (laughs) Um, (audience laughs) (finger quote) Do I get to? Or, (finger quote) Do I? (audience laughs) Uh, I don’t know if I necessarily get to, but I-I certainly get in the drivers seat and take her around every now and again.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #6 by shadowfax220◘
And a lot times we’ll be doing a scene in the Impala right before lunch and so, um, instead of leaving the Impala on set and get driven back, we’re just like, uh, you know, on the walkie going, (mimics talking on radio) “We’re taking the Impala back to the base camp.” (audience laughs) So, you know, we tear ass out of there. But, uh, I don’t think it’s- I don’t think it’s (shrugs) road insured or something? (audience laughs) And so (?it stays off the street?) But, we still do.
We actually got in trouble one time because we were shooting, uhhhhh, maybe “Salvation” with Jeffery Dean Morgan? Um, at the end of season 1 we were shooting in base camp. Trailer park was in, um, this pebble, gravel, uh, parking lot. And so we went back (chuckles), and we started doing donuts, (audience laughs) um, in the gravel parking lot. And, uh, there are no mud flaps on the Impala and so.. we didn’t realize at the time because we were just going, “Wooo!” (audience laughs) But we were just shooting these pebbles and people were, like, getting punched (mimics a flailing protective pose) (audience laughs)
And they were, like, terrified and the guy who, um- who (chuckles)- I feel like an idiot. The guy who, um, was watching the- who was our location guy, who’s in charge of making sure it was okay? Like came to get us to stop. And was, like, (mimics covering his face and slowly inching forward) was trying to come towards us (audience laughs) and not get run over by the car and not get shot by the pebbles. So, we definitely had fun, um, (audience laughs) in the Impala.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Does Jared read fan fiction? by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points center left) I’m gonna go right there.
•(0:01 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf4a- Fanfiction
Fan: You mean her? (Jared: Okay. Yes.) (laughs) been waiting for forever. I was just wondering- I just recently saw something online called fanfiction for Supernatural. Do you guys ever read that? What do you think about that?
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #8 by shadowfax220◘
Jared: Um, I-I know of it. And I think I’ve- I’ve- I’ve read a little bit of it but.. I haven’t read a lot of it. I’ve- I’ve heard- I’ve heard funny stories. I’ve heard some of it’s fantastic. I’ve heard some of it’s bizarre. (audience giggles) Um-
Fan: Really bizarre. In a lot of them you’re a girl. (audience laughs)
Jared: (?A lot of them I’m a?) what?
Fan: In a lot- In a lot of them you’re a girl.
Jared: That’s very bizarre (gauffaws). (audience laughs) Um, you know what? It’s- It’s weird because usually when I’m, like- like, Supernatural mode or when l’m looking at stuff and I’m reading something it’s like I- I rarely get to read books when I’m shooting during the year. Because I feel like if I’m sitting down reading, I should be reading my script, you know, like, really reading or working on the character?
And so, it’s hard for me to convince myself to sit down in front of a computer or in front of a book, which is terrible, because I’m going, “I should be working on the script right now. I’ve got a monologue tomorrow. I’ve got to learn it.” And so I haven’t had a whole lot of chance to read that.
That sounds funny though.
•(0:59 BBS, 0:50 S)- Fangoria08;Qf4b- Supernatural Novels
Fan: What- What about the novels? Did you read- (Jared: The novels?) Yeah.
Jared: Um, I actually (throws up hand), um, have not read that either. I have a copy of it now, but I’d love to read it. I just haven’t yet. I know there’s a comic book that Peter Johnson does.
I’m gonna go to someone (points to his far left) over that way. (points higher) I’m gonna go with- with my buddy with the Longhorns cap. (a few audience woos and aws)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Will Dean die this season by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:05 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf5- s3 Dean’s deal outcome
Fan: I wanted to know, does Dean ever die in a year?
Jared: In- In a year?
Fan: In a year, (?the first time?).
Jared: Oh, well we haven’t got that far yet, uh, because we got the stop by the writer’s strike, you know? But as of right now, it seems like he’s on certain course- certain death course. And I’ve spoken with.. Eric Kripke, who’s our show creator, and he- I don’t know if he was just.. playing with me, but he’s like, “I don’t know if Dean gets to die.” (laughs) (audience laughs) I think he was sort of hoping- We were sort of hoping for, if it hit him. I don’t know if it has yet. And so as of right now it looks like- it looks like he’s going to. But obviously we get nine episodes left and that’s- that’s forever. But I’ll get back to him (?once we resume?).
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Favorite Season 3 Villian by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his center left)
•(0:01 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf6- fav s3 villain; 3x01, 3x02, 3x03; Gordon, Sterling Brown
Fan: Yay! (Jared woos) Um, so far into season 3 of the episodes that have aired, what is your favorite bad guy?
Jared: My favorite bad guy in season 3? What were they? First episode of season 3 was?
Audience + Fan: The seven deadly sins.
Jared: Seven deadly sins. Ew, I love Josh Daugherty who played, I guess, as Ego? Who’s got (?)- (Audience + Fan: Pride.) Right! No, no. (points) (Audience member: He was actually Envy.) Pride was awesome. (nods) (Audience member: Pride could have had his own episode.) Pride was a lot of fun.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #5 by shadowfax220◘
And you know what? Um, before- before.. Or the take that you saw was actually toned down. And he was doing this sort of crazy Independence Day, Vincent (?Crawford?). I think at first (audience giggles) it was brilliant. It was perfect. But they decided to tone it down a little bit in the next take. And they ended up using the tone down version.
But it must have been Ego, who was sitting in the chair? (Audience: Envy) Envy! (audience chuckles) Um, yeah, it was, uh, he was.
And then the second episode was, those little dudes scared me. (audience laughs) Yeah, that was actually my favorite episode of the year was “The Kids Are Alright.” It was a lot of fun for me to watch. Half because I- it was a smaller episode for me? And so, I was really watching it as an audience member as opposed to like, “I suck there. Sucked there.” (audience laughs) “That was passable. Sucked there.” Um, so I got to watch it and enjoy it, because, um, it had been a while since we shot it and I wasn’t in a lot of it. So I try to kind of watch.
And, I was really proud of Jensen. I thought he did a great job. I thought it was funny. I thought it was scary.
Um, and then “Bad Day at Black Rock” that was the… (Audience member: Rabbit’s foot) Rabbit’s foot. No real villain, I guess. Just sort of.. (Audience member: Yeah.) Then what was four?..
Audience member: What about Gordon?
Jared: (?Ah, oh?) God. I forgot about that. (briefly looks up and throws up hand) (audience laughs) Gordon- Gordon I love to death.
Audience member: That was a great episode.
Jared: Gordon’s awesome. Sterling Brown.
Audience member: Literally? (giggles)
Jared: (side eyes with a smirk and nods) Literally. (?That’s funny?) I wish I could claim that I meant to do that, but, uh.. (audience laughs) (sits up and pushes bangs behind his ear) Yes, I meant to do that.
Um, no. I-I love Gordon. (looks towards fan) Probably Gordon. You know, it was good to have him back. He’s a great actor. A great dude. Um, so, I’d have to say, yeah, (nods) Gordon. In fact I was (holds leveled hand up above his head) (?tinier?) than him.. (audience giggles) logically. Yeah.
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #7 by shadowfax220◘
•(0:00 S)- Fangoria08;Qg+- Jared’s Dogs* (missing question, might be mislabeled)
Jared: (?Don’t have problems in?), um- I’m a- I’m a big believer, um, of that. But, um, I-I guess Digo refers to sort of- I (?read of something?) in Los Angeles and so it just refers to sort of a wild dog and (?queer?) dog, with the big ears and sort of a body that’s meant to run all day long.
Um, and then yeah, Harley. They actually came from the same rescue shelter so.. Yeah. Go rescue shelter. (audience giggles)
(looks to his left) All right guys, I think-
(missing closing)
9 notes · View notes
hopefulkidshark · 1 year ago
Game of Thrones
2011 ‧ Drama ‧ 8 seasons
Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for HBO. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and .
Alicent Hightower was a Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She was the second wife of King Viserys I Targaryen, the mother of King Aegon II, and the grandmother-by-law of King Aegon III Targaryen. Alicent was the leader of the Queen's Party, more commonly known as the Greens, at court.
Alicent Hightower - A Wiki of Ice and Fire (westeros.org)
Nine noble families wage war against each other in order to gain control over the mythical land of Westeros. Meanwhile, a force is rising after millenniums and threatens the existence of living men.
Directors: Mark Mylod, Alex Graves, David Nutter, MORE
Adapted from: A Song of Ice and Fire, A Game of Thrones
Genre: Action; Adventure; Fantasy; Serial drama; Tragedy;
Producers: Mark Huffam; Joanna Burn; Chris Newman; Greg Spence; Lisa McAtackney; Duncan Muggoch
Production companies: HBO Entertainment; Television 360; Grok! Television; Generator Entertainment; Startling Television; Bighead Littlehead
Production locations: United Kingdom; Croatia; Iceland; Spain; Malta; Morocco; Canada
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for HBO. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of fantasy novels by George R. R. Martin, the first of which is A Game of Thrones. The show premiered on HBO in the United States on April 17, 2011, and concluded on May 19, 2019, with 73 episodes broadcast over eight seasons.
Main cast and characters
 Emilia Clarke Kit Harington Peter Dinklage Sophie Turner Lena Headey Maisie Williams Nikolaj Coster-Waldau John Bradley-West
Game of Thrones - Wikipedia
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ALICENT HIGHTOWER WEEK 2023 DAY FIVE — favorite relationship: Alicent and Rhaenyra + “Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart” by Mitski
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docrotten · 3 months ago
WITHOUT WARNING (1980) – Episode 273 – Decades of Horror 1980s
“They used to laugh at me and say that I was crazy. But now they’re going to know. Yes, they’re going to know… and it’s going to be alright.”  Yeah, that’s the ticket. It’s all going to be alright. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Crystal Cleveland, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr – as they take in Without Warning (1980), a character actor-studded science fiction horror entry.
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 273 – Without Warning (1980)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Gruesome Magazine is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of Decades of Horror 1980s and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Sandy and Greg are teenagers who go camping with their friends despite warnings not to. They soon encounter aliens who are using the area as a hunting ground.
Directed by: Greydon Clark
Writing Credits: Lyn Freeman, Daniel Grodnik, Bennett Tramer (as Ben Nett), Steve Mathis
Cinematography by: Dean Cundey (director of photography)
Makeup Department:
Rick Baker (special makeup effects designer & creator)
Greg Cannom (special makeup)
Alistair Mitchell (makeup artist)
Special Effects by:
Joe Quinlivan (special effects) (as Phillip Joseph Quinlivan III)
Dana Rheaume (assistant special effects)
Selected Cast:
Jack Palance as Joe Taylor
Martin Landau as Fred ‘Sarge’ Dobbs
Tarah Nutter as Sandy
Christopher S. Nelson as Greg
Cameron Mitchell as Hunter
Neville Brand as Leo
Sue Ane Langdon as Aggy
Ralph Meeker as Dave
Larry Storch as Scoutmaster
Lynn Theel as Beth
David Caruso as Tom
Mark Ness as Bill
Bert Davis as Man in Bar
Jeffrey Sudzin as Ambulance Driver
Darby Hinton as Randy
Kevin Peter Hall as The Alien (as Kevin Hall)
Yes! The 80s Grue Crew finally covered Without Warning (1980)! Originally scheduled for an October 2 recording date, it was postponed to record an episode on an unexpectedly available Ghost Story (1981). We even recorded Without Warning early this time because of previously scheduled overeating (Thanksgiving).
What a fun movie! Special effects from Rick Baker and Greg Cannom by way of a giant alien head and some nasty Frisbee-like creatures; the cinematographical stylings of the great Dean Cundy; effective scenery-chewing performances from Jack Palance and Martin Landau; and cameos by Cameron Mitchell, Larry Storch, Sue Ane Langdon, Neville Brand, and Ralph Meeker make Without Warning a blast. You have to love Larry Storch’s attempt to light a cigarette using a flint and a rock!
At the time of this writing, Without Warning (1987) is available to stream from Tubi, Amazon Prime, MGM+, and Flix Fling. It is also available on physical media as a Blu-ray formatted disc from the Kino Lorber. 
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Jeff, will be TerrorVision (1986), a favorite of Chad’s. With effects by John Carl Buechler’s MMI (Mechanical and Makeup Imageries, Inc.) and a cast that includes Diane Franklin, Mary Woronov, and Gerrit Graham, it’s no wonder Chad is a fan. The 80s Grue Crew can’t wait!
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the Gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the Gruesome Magazine website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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kosmos2999 · 11 months ago
Saturday’s Late Night Sci-Fi Cinema
Assignment Outer Space (1960 film)
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Italian (left) and American release posters
Main cast:
Rik Van Nutter as Ray Peterson (IZ 41) Gabriella "Gaby" Farinon as Lucy (Y 13) David Montesor as George the Commander Archie Savage Al (X 15) Alain Dijon as Archie (Y 16) Franco Fantasia as Sullivan
Production staff:
Directed by: Antonio Margheriti (as Anthony Daisies - Italian version) (as Anthony Dawson - American version) Screenplay by: Antonio Margheriti (uncredited), Ennio De Concini (as Vassilij Petrov), Jack Wallace (American narration only) Cinematography by: Marcello Masciocchi Special effects by: Caesar Peace Music by: Lelio Luttazzi and Carlo Savina (uncredited) Produced by: Samuel Z. Arkoff (executive producer) Hugo Grimaldi (executive producer) Presented by: Fred Gebhardt Production companies: Titanus and Ultra Film (Italian version), American International Pictures (American version) Released by: Titanus (Italy), A Four Crown (US) Original release date: August 1960 (Italy), December 13, 1961(US) YouTube channel: Sci-fi-London
In December 17 of the year 2116, Ray Peterson, reporter of the Interplanetary Chronicle of New York was sent aboard the Spaceship Bravo Zulu 88 to the International Satellite Zulu Extra 34.
His mission is to write a story about the check-up of infra-radiation flux on Galaxy M12.
What should be a routine procedure suddenly changes. Before the spaceship crew were leaving to Base 12 on Mars, they tried to communicate with the Spaceship Alpha 2, but they get no answer.
They assume its pilot is dead.
During the passage to the red planet, they have to attend an emergency with Spaceship Metro Sierra 13.
After landing on the Martian moon, Phobos to rescue the only survivor of the Metro Sierra 13 -- who was dying -- the Commander received an order to move to the Interplanetary Base on planet Venus.
Their mission there was to intercept the Alpha 2. This ship is out of control and has two photonic deflectors activated creating an intense heat shield capable of destroying all life on planet Earth.
It's time to Peterson to prove his worthiness despite the Commander and some others of his fellow crewmates see him as "a leech".
Assignment Outer Space is a 1960 space opera film. An English dubbed release of the original Italian movie, Space-Men. Presented in its original color format.
Fascinating facts:
This is the debut of Antonio Margheriti as a director.
To simulate the effect of weightlessness due to the lack of gravity in space, actors were instructed to move in slow motion. Actor Archie Savage aced this technique because he was also a dancer.
In the US, it was released almost a year after its original Italian release in a double feature with an black-and-white American film presented on this blog on April the first, The Phantom Planet.
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shallowseeker · 1 month ago
Up and down the stairs; away and towards safety
"Run. Take your brother and go! Now, Dean!"
(The story is after us, Dean. It's after Sam.)
We hear the warning again later in the episode, with the overlaid message from John: "I can never go home" & "We're all in danger!"
And the thing is, they are in danger—all of them—from the story itself. The road, then, becomes armor, and motion becomes safety, insisting that they keep moving. Being in one place? That's what kills them. The idea of going off-road functions like a temptation, a lure. The safety of home is just an illusion.
Shelter is down
Even in the pilot, Dean is quite literally a marked impala, a prey animal, always on the run. I really love the contrast of Mary and John running "up" towards the fire and little Dean running away, visually "down," away from the fire.
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In trying to escape the fire, Dean descends to safety. It is this need for safety (and the safety of his loved ones) that in a very real sense eventually drives him towards Hell.
Later in the episode, we see Dean descend the stairs again, when he's leading Sam away from Sam's apartment (an apartment that has been, unbeknownst to them, marked for death by Azazel).
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"Going down" will be a mode of movement that follows Dean pretty much his whole life. Dean goes down into the valley, into the shelter, into Hell.
Dean remains on the move for much of his life, but when he does get a true home of his own, it's underground. When he's on the run from Billie/Death in 15x18, he plunges further still, deeper underground, until he loses the love of his life in his safest spot: the bunker's dungeon.
Until then, the car is the safest spot they've got.
But the narrative is at work, trying to take control of the car; trying to chisel and shape its targets the way Constance tries to chisel and shape her targets.
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When the car charges them on the bridge, Dean is frantic to get out of the way, diving "down" off the bridge, into the safety of another road—into movement, the churning river.
Meanwhile, Sam keeps hanging on. Sam's Taurus-like personality and stubbornness means that he's always trying to cheat a rigged game. Sam tries to stay in the "high place" and not get burned.
Sam monkey-arms and contorts himself to stay on the bridge...
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...and Dean comes crawling out of the river like a drowned rat.
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We see ups and downs for Constance's family, too.
Sam forces her to go home, taking control of the car (narrative) and hurling her into her ruined, dilapidated house.
Inside, she's faced with her guilt: and her guilt is up.
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The deceased family members are upstairs. They went up, but they never came down.
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These children have obviously been paralleled to the pain that Sam and Dean go through at the hands of John's cruel overpreparedness, but these two are also an off-key echo of John and Mary's innocence.
The narrative killed its "first children." Mary's body was consumed alongside John's faith in the future. They are the ones who went "up" and were murdered (Mary) and damaged (John).
In many ways, Constance's story is a study of opposites to the Winchesters.
Her first children were drowned. The narrative burned its first children.
Dean's mother Mary ran towards the danger (and we will see she continues to haunt her house as a supreme protector of children). In contrast, Constance runs away from her house. She killed her children.
Constance's ghost is out to prove that deep down, everyone is flawed, operating in a Luciferian mode of engineered hopelessness. She haunts the road in a Trickster-tempter-style of hunting, not just preying on "unfaithful men," but trying to prove that in fact, all men are scum, i.e. "Even if you're still faithful, I'll make you unfaithful."
Many of SPN's villains are out to bring out the worst in people; the writer's task is to prove that anyone (everyone) will break under the right circumstances:
KEVIN TRAN (APOCALYPSE): Michael doesn't want to kill you. He wants to break you. He said for me to tell you that, 'Even if you win, you still lose.' I'm sorry. 13x20 Unfinished Business
We get this from Chuck too in 15x09 The Trap, as he works to drain Sam of all hope.
CHUCK: Um, short version – Sammy lost hope, and now I'm free. Hey, take it easy on the kid. It took a lot to beat it out of him. [Chuck crushes the sphere, destroying the spell] 15x09 The Trap
We also see this attitude reflected in many of the angel characters, reaching all the way into SPNwin The Winchesters, with the OG mindset of Gabriel/The Trickster wanting to prove how horrible humans are:
GABRIEL (unhinged): When the chips are down, humanity always chooses the selfish way out! Always! 1x08 Hang on to Your Life
As we learn more about Mary, we unravel that she did do some running of her own—running from hunting, from her parents, from her own childhood home. But here, at least, despite being dressed in white, Mary is in many ways Constance's opposite.
John are Dean are the ones doing the running, afraid to go home. In some ways, Constance is more like John than she is Mary, as John is victimized by Mary's lies and mistakes. John, like Constance, is driven into madness and despair. And of course, John breaks so hard that he hurts his own children.
After what happened, Constance went out on the road, looking for monsters. Making monsters, too.
The off-key parallels continue:
A married couple burns upstairs; a pair of siblings drowns upstairs.
The Winchester family faces tragedy in the comfort of their pajamas, while Constance's family are in their daily school uniforms—the period clothing giving off an eerie feeling that they're in "work clothes." (The suit and tie on the boy, especially!)
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When Constance faces them, they embrace her, loving her as they bring her to justice.
Dean and Sam are "below." Safe. Looking on as the family is reunited and can finally rest together.
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Sam goes home.
When Sam ascends up the stairs to his apartment, he leaves safety. There are horrors waiting for him "above," as Jess too is on the ceiling, a sacrifice to the narrative gods (the audience).
Like how Zachariah had to put extra pressure on Dean in 4x17 It's a Terrible Life to get Dean back on the road, Azazel has to burn down Sam's home to get him to play ball.
Sam had roots in this little apartment; he was even looking for a way to stay nearby with regards to his interview:
LUIS: So there you go. You are a first-round draft pick. You can go to any law school you want! SAM: Actually, I got an interview here. 
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So, Azazel burns the garden.
Meanwhile, after he notices his watch stop, Dean rushes back and kicks open the door, much like a firefighter coming to the rescue. Dean is running into the fire the same way both of his parents did, acting in his parents' stead to save Sam:
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Dean quickly spots Jess, and susses out that Sam's destiny is after him, and he works immediately to get him to safety—down the stairs.
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Afterward, with the memory of Mary heavy on his mind, Dean turns, knowing.
He got Sam out, but like John, Sam isn't okay.
Sam is "down and out," the light of his happiness snuffed out. This was foreshadowed by "Sam's light going out" in the headlight scene:
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(We will later see Dean lose his light too, in season 7, after Cas dies.)
Sam is safe from the fire, but he's, in a very real sense, no longer the same Sam. Despite that Dean is the one wearing John's jacket, it is Sam who is now set on the path to revenge, to "becoming" Azazel.
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Sam's broken.
SAM: Yeah. I kinda mean, well, like ever since my head broke, and we lost Cas. You ever feel like he's going through the same motions but he's not the same Dean, ya know? 7x09 How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
Sam's season 7 self could be talking about his season 1 self here! Loss does things to people. (But the narrative did it to Sam so early!)
DEAN: So what are you gonna do? You're just gonna live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it? SAM: No. Not normal. Safe. DEAN: And that's why you ran away. 1x01 Pilot
Despite his extreme efforts, John couldn't keep Sam safe from Azazel's designs.
And Dean can't either.
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hopefulkidshark · 1 year ago
Game of Thrones
2011 ‧ Drama ‧ 8 seasons
Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for HBO. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of fantasy novels by George R. R. Martin, the first of which is A Game of Thrones. The show premiered on HBO in the United States on April 17, 2011, and concluded on May 19, 2019, with 73 episodes broadcast over eight seasons.
Nine noble families wage war against each other in order to gain control over the mythical land of Westeros. Meanwhile, a force is rising after millenniums and threatens the existence of living men.
Directors: Mark Mylod, Alex Graves, David Nutter, MORE
Adapted from: A Song of Ice and Fire, A Game of Thrones
Genre: Action; Adventure; Fantasy; Serial drama; Tragedy;
Producers: Mark Huffam; Joanna Burn; Chris Newman; Greg Spence; Lisa McAtackney; Duncan Muggoch
Production companies: HBO Entertainment; Television 360; Grok! Television; Generator Entertainment; Startling Television; Bighead Littlehead
Production locations: United Kingdom; Croatia; Iceland; Spain; Malta; Morocco; Canada
List of Game of Thrones characters
Game of Thrones - Wikipedia
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GAME OF THRONES ∞ 1x02: Kingsroad While Bran recovers from his fall, Ned takes only his daughters to King's Landing. Daenerys focuses her attention on learning how to please her new husband, Drogo.
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my-supernatural-rewatch · 5 months ago
Episode Two: Wendigo
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Dean Winchester in the Supernatural episode Wendigo
Stealing this synopsis straight from Fandango:
Sam and Dean follow the coordinates left in their father's journal and land in the middle of the Colorado woods where they investigate the disappearance of several campers.
This is one of those episodes that I used to think I didn't like that much, but we actually get some good insight into Dean here.
While the first episode really tries to make Dean a stereotype, we get a better look at what makes him tick in this ep.
But first a little bit about the story.
I'm confused about Sam. Did he go to Jessica's funeral? He dreams about visiting her grave and then Dean brings up that they spent a week at Stanford after she died looking for the thing that killed her...but did he stick around for the services? Becasue the end of the Pilot episode and the beginning of this one make it seem like he didn't.
Does Jessica's family think he had something to do with her death? Becasue in the pilot episode it looks like he bails while they're still fighting the fire.
From the start of this one, the brother's following coordinates John left them, Dean's belief is that once they find John he'll 'know what to do.'
So they show up at the ranger station near where John is sending them and Dean's first reaction is to be impressed with a photo depicting a huge grizzly bear. I love that Dean never fails to let the most simple things impress him. But it's also sad. This guy grew up knowing monsters were real and he still has enough interest in the world to be excited by a giant grizzly.
When the ranger gives them the skinny on the "Hailey girl" looking for her brother, Dean immediately goes into hunter mode, tricking the ranger into giving him her contact info. For some inexplicable reason except Sam is just being a dick, Sam literally asks Dean if he's "Cruising for a hookup" instead of making the correct assumption that Dean thinks this woman's missing brother could be related to their missing father.
A common thread so far in these episodes is Sam immediately thinking the worst of Dean's intentions and given what we come to find out about the way Dean was the one who pretty much raised Sam I'm wondering what bug is up Sam's ass because he acts like he doesn't know his brother at all and we've already established it's only been two years since they had significant contact.
Sam has no interest in helping Hailey. He just wants to bail and go find John. (Where, Sam? You're following the instructions John gave you. How do you think you're going to find him otherwise?)
Dean is concerned about his brother...because of course he is...because he's in 'shoot first, ask questions later' mode and it isn't like him.
And now I get to talk about Dean with women. This episode is the first where Dean has significant interactions with a woman he isn't interrogating and it doesn't come across the way his reputation would suggest.
Hailey immediately impresses Dean by noting that is car is 'nice.' Based on his response, she already gained some respect from him. When she tells him she hired a tracker and is going to find her brother, he again is impressed with her taking control and not being afraid to go out there herself. He isn't leering at her, he isn't trying to cop a feel, he doesn't hit on her at all.
Sam, of course, was wrong. Dean is doing his job.
At one point during a conversation about what the monster could be, Sam uses the word corporeal, seemingly expecting Dean to not know what it means. He does, and even uses it back at Sam, but not before teasing him by calling him 'professor' for dropping a big word like that.
Sam wants to tell Hailey she can't go look for her missing brother, but Dean puts the kibosh on it, knowing she won't go for it.
"Her brother's missing. She's not gonna sit this out, Sam. We go with her- we protect her."
Episode two...TWO of the damn series and Dean is making it crystal clear to Sam that the job is protecting other people. But Sam isn't buying it.
"So finding Dad's not enough? Now we got to babysit too?"
Oh the glare that Dean glares at Sam after that. He's been doing this much longer than Sam and he is protective of what the job means. Sam's memory seems to be very short in that area.
Dean is all in on the whole "saving people" thing (I'll get to that in a minute) and seems genuinely annoyed that Sam doesn't get it.
When they all meet up in the woods to find Hailey's brother/possibly John/whatever is out there, Dean calls Hailey sweetheart. It feels like this is supposed to convey how Dean sees women. How he treats them.
And maybe it would have worked had there not already been scenes where Dean made it clear he respected Hailey. But there are...so it doesn't.
Hailey rightfully points out that 'biker boots and jeans' are not appropriate clothing for a hike, and Dean responds with, "Well, sweetheart, I don't do shorts" as he looks down at what he's wearing and realizes he is dressed inappropriately. He was being defensive, not misogynistic. Not in this episode, anyway.
When she finally calls him out for not actually being a park ranger and he fesses up by admitting he and Sam are brothers and they're looking for their father, his sincerity immediately convinces her when he admits:
"That's probably the most honest I've ever been with a woman...ever."
Cute little Dean moment I didn't want to let go by. Hailey accuses him of not bringing any provisions and he pulls out an already opened, half-empty bag of Peanut M&M's...a man after my own heart.
Interesting to note that 20 minutes into the episode and they still have no idea what the monster is.
When they find the blood covered camp spot of her brother, Dean comforts Hailey when she's crying while Sam is under a tree being all emo.
There's something else that happens throughout the episode and, again, we're only at episode two, that I think a lot of fans forget when it comes to Dean. Sam might come across as the quiet, smart, one, but Dean knows his shit too (I'd argue better than Sam but that's for another day). He knows as much about Wendigos as Sam does...and the only reason Dean didn't land on the monster being a Wendigo was because he was being too literal and knew Wendigos didn't usually appear in that part of the country. So, yeah, Sam figured it out, but Dean would have too. (And Dean and Sam together explain what a Wendigo is and Dean's the one who tells Hailey how they can kill it.)
Sam goes from emo to pissy again and Dean has to get him away from the dick measuring contest he has with the tracker, telling him to "chill out." Dean is super composed in this ep compared to Sam and even says to his brother, "I'm supposed to be the belligerent one, remember?"
Up until a certain point in the episode, all Sam wants to do is leave to go find John. (Again, with no idea on how exactly to do that.) We are still here right now. Sam doesn't care about the wendigo or Hailey's brother, he wants to go find John and he doesn't understand how Dean can put that aside to help these people.
And here is where Dean's motivation is laid out for us plain and simple.
He shows Sam John's journal:
"This is Dad's single most valuable possession. Everything he knows about every evil thing is in here. And he's passed it on to us. I think he wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business."
And when Sam questions why John doesn't just show the fuck up and tell them what to do (something I agree with Sam about!), Dean says:
"I don't know. But the way I see it, Dad's giving us a job to do, and I intend to do it."
People like to talk about how Dean wants to be John at this point and how Dean will just blindly follow his orders. But in these quotes, in this scene, is obvious to me that Dean is so attached to John, among other reasons, because Dean sees the bigger picture. As much as we think he was, and as much as we discover how obsessed John was about finding Mary's killer, John wasn't always just led by revenge. He taught Dean (and you would think Sam) that helping people, trying to prevent what happened to the Winchesters from happening to other people, was not just a worthwhile endeavor...but an important responsibility.
And holy shit I can't believe I just defended John Winchester.
But back to Dean. Sam isn't buying any of this and tells Dean the only thing he can focus on is revenge.
And here is where Dean does something everyone seems to ignore or forget about.
"...this search could take a while, and all that anger, you can't keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you. You gotta have patience, man."
Sam sincerely asks Dean how he does it and, again, we're reminded that Dean truly believes in what he's doing.
He tells Sam he does it for 'them' (referring to Hailey and her brothers, but meaning all the people who need help).
"I mean, I figure our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. Makes things a little bit more bearable."
Helping people helps Dean cope with how shitty everything is.
Although then he does then add: "What else helps is killing as many evil sons of bitches as I possibly can."
Establishing that John has successfully convinced Dean that killing is a necessary part of the job that is also satisfying to him.
He raised killers. They kill for a reason, sure, but they are still killers.
I feel like that gets forgotten a LOT within the fandom.
Some interesting notes: Sam was the one in peril in the first episode when the Woman in White gets him in the car, and now it's Dean getting nabbed with Hailey by the Wendigo. When Sam finds them, and cuts Dean down, Dean for a moment is genuinely hurt. Grunting, having trouble moving, something that doesn't happen a lot in later episodes. It's almost realistic.
Also, being in the cave and dragged away by the Wendigo causes Dean to get covered in dirt again...two episodes in a row where he gets all mucked up while Sam stays pristine. Did Jared Padalecki get that written into his contract? (It's reminiscent of the movie Ghostbusters where all the actors get smothered in marshmallow except for Bill Murray.) But I digress.
Dean uses both bastard and bitch to call out the Wendigo while Sam leads the siblings to safety. I feel like they use the word bitch so much because back in 2005 people were less likely to complain about the misogyny of it and it was one of the few swears they could get away with using on television.
Doesn't mean I don't get pissed off every time I hear it.
In his efforts to get the three siblings to safety, Sam basically abandons Dean to the Wendigo. I mean, it works out that Dean is the one who saves them all by shooting it in the stomach with a flare gun but, wtf Sam? They were running in the right direction. Your brother was all alone.
This episode has the first "person who got saved kisses Dean" moment after Hailey tells him she doesn't know how to thank him.
Dean's resposne to her saying that is to just smirk and she responds by saying, "Must you cheapen the moment?" to which Dean responds, "Yeah," with a smile.
That she kisses him goodbye (on the cheek) and sincerely tells him she hopes he finds his father shows she didn't take him seriously. He wasn't being a lech, he was just being Dean.
The episode ends with Dean, once again, trying to protect Sam's feelings by reassuring him that they will find John.
We're already establishing Dean as a lot more than comic relief in episode two. And Jensen Ackles is not-so-slowly showing us how much he can do with this character.
Some notes for posterity:
We get what I believe is Sam's first "Check this out" in this episode. (the precursor to 'get this')
Dean offers to let Sam drive the Impala at the beginning of the episode and Sam refuses but at the end of the episode Sam insists on driving and Dean lets him.
The significant music from this episode comes from Foreigner - Hot Blooded and Rush - Fly By Night
The brothers pose as Environmental Studies majors from UC Boulder at the rangers office and then tell Hailey that they are Park Rangers, and give her their real first names.
There is a movie reference, but Dean doesn't make it directly. During Sam's dream about visiting Jessica's grave, when he places the flowers down her hand comes shooting out from the ground: just like the ending of the movie Carrie.
This hunt takes place in Lost Creek, Colorado.
Dean briefly wears John's jacket in this episode.
We get Sam's first "Dean!" in this episode when the Wendigo takes him.
Recognizable Guest Stars in this episode: Corey Monteith and Donnelly Rhodes
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ihatewhentheyfight · 6 months ago
david: so eric, how did you get the inspiration for this, uh, this story? eric: uh well, originally it was- i wanted to do a series about urban legends in american folklore. and... ghost story— american ghost stories. i think we just have this really great american mythology, that i always thought was really rich territory for a series. and... i tried to pitch this idea for years and years— david: a year earlier eric came to my office, and we'd worked together before and we had a great relationship, and he had this wonderful passion for this story and i said, "eric, you're gonna find it, and it's gonna be great." eric: yeah i came to david, i said, "david, here's a great idea: it's a reporter who hunts ghosts- david: (laughs) eric: across the country, and he works for a tabloid... you know... paper!" and i had this whole story worked out, and... that obviously went away. and thankfully a year later re-approached david with, i think, a much cooler way into this story which is to do it as route 66, as two boys on the road, driving in and out of a different horror movie every week. and that— you know, sorta kinda "have gun will travel", and that's a much more effective way to drive in and out small towns and in and out of american ghost stories.
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j2memories · 1 year ago
Variety article (November 11th 2024)
‘Supernatural’ at 200: The Road So Far, An Oral History
By Laura Prudom
Nov 11, 2014 10:00am PT
After 200 episodes, “Supernatural,” which bowed in 2005, has been to hell and back (several times), with a few sojourns to heaven, purgatory, Oz, the past, the post-apocalyptic future and even our world along the way. The show weathered the conversion from The WB to The CW, survived the 2007-08 writers’ strike, and transitioned through several showrunners — and there’s no end in sight. Here, the stars and creative team chart the unlikely journey of the “little show that could.”
Eric Kripke (Creator): For me, the core notion behind “Supernatural” was to make a series about urban legends. I think they’re this incredibly rich mythology about the United States, and no one had really tapped into that, so when I started as a writer, one of the first ideas I ever pitched was an urban legend show.
A couple years later I tried to pitch, basically, a “Scooby Doo” rip off of a bunch of kids travelling in a van dealing with these urban legends. It was an idea that I never let go of and kept throwing there every couple years. Finally I had a deal with Warner Bros. and that incarnation was a reporter. Frankly, it was a rip off of “Nightstalker,” but I really fleshed it out and it had mythology.
I took it to Susan Rovner and Len Goldstein at the studio and they said, “We love the idea of doing a horror show,” which no one was really doing on TV at that time, “but we’re not into the reporter, that feels really tired. So no thanks and let’s get another angle.”
So in this moment, when they were basically passing on my idea, as you often do in these kinds of rooms, you start tap dancing. And I said, “forget the reporter, we should do this show as ‘Route 66,’ two cool guys in a classic car cruising the country, chasing down these urban legends,” and literally right on the spot I said “and they’re brothers,” because it popped in my head. “And they’re dealing with their family stuff and they’re fighting evil.” You just start making it up as you go. They were like, “Brothers, wow, that’s a relationship we haven’t seen on TV before.” And from there, “Supernatural” was born… out of a piece of improvisation.
Peter Roth (President, Warner Bros. Television): Eric [had] been with us since about 2002. Sometime in 2004, he came to us with this idea… this extraordinary road show about these two brothers, in which they would be living all of the great urban and rural myths that [we’re all] exposed to as kids. It was a very commercial idea, emotionally driven, which was what I was most concerned about: who are the characters? Why do I relate to them? Why are they worth my while to watch? And once we cast Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, along with Eric’s great idea, along with the script, along with David Nutter, our director on the pilot, the combination of those factors is what made me so excited and I frankly knew, from the moment I saw this pilot, that it was a winner. There wasn’t a person who I work with who didn’t feel the same way. It was a real strong story of young adult siblings that resonated perfectly with The WB audience.
Kripke: When we were casting, you see a lot of people. We hadn’t found our Sam and Dean. David Nutter suggested Jensen because we knew him from “Smallville.” We met with him to play Sam, and we fell in love with [him]. And then Jared came in, and he was a really great Sam too. Looking back, we were such idiots to not see it… We had two great Sams and no Dean and you think it would be obvious to put one into the other role, but it was not obvious. So we [went] to Peter Roth and we said, “We’re not sure what to do,” and Peter was like, “why don’t you make Jensen Dean?” We all looked at each other like, “we’re idiots, of course.” It’s so difficult to find one actor who is charismatic enough to be a breakout character and to support a show. So to find two of them, where there’s only two leads… I didn’t realize what a miracle it was at the time. It’s a miracle.
Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester): They bring us in to the WB lot, and I’m sitting there, and in walks this really pretty dude who I had never seen before. We met and we’re waiting around, and usually in a test situation there are three or four people at least for each character and they’ll do a chemistry read. And so he and I are sitting there waiting for [other] actors to arrive [when] we’re pulled into the room, and it’s 30 big-shots at what was then The WB network and Warner Bros. studio television portion, and it’s daunting. We’re young actors… we’ve got to make our rent payments… We read one of the scenes from the pilot; it takes place at the bottom of a stairwell and Sam says, “when I told Dad there was something in my closet, he gave me a .45.” This great scene between two brothers where we see a lot of love but a lot of pent up anger, and a lot of understanding at its heart. It was a pretty intense scene.
Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester): It was just immediate chemistry. There was an ease to it. There was a familiarity to it. Once we got into it with each other, it just fell in place and it came… not easy, but definitely a little easier than my experiences in the past. I think the importance of that bond and that relationship was verbalized by Kripke when he sat us down and said, “this begins and ends with you,” and not only how we relate to each other on screen, but also off screen. There was an importance stamped into [that bond] very early on.
Padalecki: Ultimately, “Supernatural” is really a show about two brothers and their relationship and their struggles and their loyalties and their sacrifices, and so I knew in my heart of hearts that even though season eight started out with Sam having gone off to try and live another normal life with the character of Amelia (Liane Balaban), I figured it was a way to remind both the audience and the cast and crew what the show was about. I thought season seven might’ve gone a little off the reservation, but in a strange way, by steering even further off the reservation and having the brothers not even be involved with each other [at the start of season eight], it really reaffirmed for everybody what the bread and butter of the show is, which, in my opinion is the relationship between the two brothers, so it was a nice rekindling and repartnership of Sam and Dean.
Link to the entire article
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