#trender aesthetic
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cat-in-a-mech-suit · 5 months ago
It’s truly sad how gender nonconforming trans men/mascs are still not accepted into the mainstream, are still seen as an embarrassment to the trans community, and are called fakers for exhibiting the same femininity that would be celebrated in a cis queer man. Transmedicalist ideology is often associated with trans men because of the Kalvin Garrah days of the 2010s, but all this does is erases the gnc trans men who fought to exist and still are fighting today. Yes, there were and are plenty of transmed trans men, but it was also mostly trans men and nonbinary transmasculine people who popularized “trendercore” aesthetics to push back to that (aesthetics that are still denounced). People who disavow homophobia against cis gay men freely mock “yaoi brained Aidens.” Let’s remember it wasn’t until Lou Sullivan that gay trans men were allowed to have hormones. The real history and suffering of gay trans men isn’t taken seriously or learned about. Queer people who claim to hate toxic masculinity take a lot of joy in forcing it onto trans men in a way they don’t onto anyone else, but trans men are seen as acceptable targets for being “cringe.” On the other side, trans men who do succumb under the weight of this pressure and adapt toxic masculinity for themselves are ruthlessly derided for it by the same people who forced that onto them in the first place. And often trans men can be called toxically masculine just for being uncomfortable with feminine things for themselves, which devalues the real issue of the transmedicalists who actually are uncomfortable with gnc trans men.
There’s a really prevalent idea in society and the queer community that being a man has to be about stoic suffering, which is similar to the ways people say that being a woman has to be about suffering so trans women can’t be women without a uterus, or whatever suffering requirement they have for womanhood. Gender is not about freedom of expression, it is about responsibility and sacrifice - sound familiar? So, a trans man who is confident in being a man without fitting toxic masculine expectations freaks people out even if they think they don’t have toxic masculinity to unpack, and they subconsciously or consciously push that onto trans men rather than examining themselves for even a second.
The idea of the trender is also a reason transmasculine people get gatekept from trans spaces. People see trans men’s manhood, transness, and experiences of misogyny as fake! This gives transmasculinity no space to exist at all. While people perpetuate this idea that trans men could never be really men, or really trans, or really understand so-called “women’s issues,” they also specifically say that trans men don’t understand what it is like to be read as a gnc man, while simultaneously mocking gnc trans men for just existing. These are all very similar arguments to the ones used against trans women being women — gnc trans men are lying that they’re trans to get into trans spaces when they’re just delusional cishet girls, gnc trans men could never understand how hard it is to be “socialized” as a gnc man, gay trans men are trying to force their boyfriends to be gay or force themselves onto cis gay men, gay trans men are pornbrained fetishists who want to look like little boys, trans men who talk about their experiences with reproductive rights are trying to play the victim to hurt women — but you will hear these arguments from people who claim to support all trans people.
All of these phenomena I think are why there is so much pushback to language for transmasculine oppression. Because in order to follow the transmedicalist framework and assimilate, you have to be exactly like a cis person of your gender. Cis men aren’t oppressed for being men, so trans men can’t be oppressed for being men. It’s a completely cis-centric take that ignores reality. Trans men’s experiences do not have to conform to anyone’s idea of what it is to be a man to be valid.
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velvetvexations · 3 months ago
The dots... I've connected them and revealed your dastardly schemes. the letters TR and F are all contained in the word [tr]ans[f]em, which proves that everytime you talk abt TRFs, you akshully mean all transfems ever 🤔 checkmate atheists. 🤔🤔 /s
It's a funny thing because transfeminism and radical feminism are (supposed to be!) two different things, but transfems are called transfems because they're transfeminine, not necessarily transfeminist, so transradfem is awkwardly close to transfem because of this linguistic convergent evolution shit lmao. If I could be persuaded to not call TRFs "TRFs" it would be on that basis.
A non-kink confession: sometimes I mistype urls and, if pronounceable enough, they turn into an unwanted vocal stim. I have been beset by one for so long. If I say another tormentous fucking "vevlet" I will [insert cartoonishly over the top violent act here] for real this time
Vevlet is my Eastern European cousin.
oh yeah a friend of mine uses twitter a lot and apparently the birthday boy thing is kinda big over there. fuckin annoying.
"but of the two times I've said that one was explicitly about a something a self-identified TME said, so it's really hard for me to agree that TRF=transfem unless you're predisposed to reading what I say in the worst way possible." I am actually genuinely upset at how deliberately and maliciously people are taking you out of context, this is literal bad faith readings!!! Oh my fucking God!!!!! How devoted do people have to be to this exclusionary rhetoric to keep saying that you're saying the exact OPPOSITE of what you're saying??? B.I.T.E. method jfc
People are like. "Velvet just uses the idea of TME TRFs to excuse hating trans women," and it's like.
No, I fucking viscerally hate guys like the one from yesterday who said he'd fight any "transandrophobia chud" and then blocked me when I said I was game, not to mention all the ones who've said something like "I know trans men have male privilege because I've socially ostracized trans women."
i fucking love ur aesthetic posts
Thank you!
This is out of pocket but like, ive been thinking abt those posts that are all "why are you transitioning to be a man? Do we really need More white men?" Hit me as crazy cause like Could you imagine if someone was like "Do we really need More White Women?" People would flip their shit Its crazy how the answer is "mind yer own fucking business when it comes to others gender journeys"
and White women are truly not any fucking better than White men lmao
I guess complaining about TME genderfuck trenders fagdykes didn't get the TRFs far enough so now all trans women are nonbinary? for fuck's sake. like what is up with the cope here?
it's like yeah what IF the moon were made of pudding
are you into VTM &, if so, do you have a clan you enjoy playing?
I loved Bloodlines but not having a consistent gaming group until this year I've never been able to fully get into it as a TTRPG fan. Which I align with varies because we're a system but I'd say that of those of who are connected to vampires, Aleph is a Brujah and Kuroko is Nosforatu. Agatha isn't a vampire but they are very Malkavian.
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scary-lasagna · 1 year ago
X-Mas ask! What would some of the creeps' ideal gifts be? What are they hoping to find beneath the tree this year? And alternatively, how likely are they to actually receive it? Happy holidays! <3
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Their lists are much more expansive, but these are at the top of their list!
Jeff - New clothes. He’s been wearing his tattered attire for the past year now, and his bulletproof vest has more holes than a slice of Swiss.
Ben - New gaming headphones. The faux leather on his has been flaking off for a few months now, so he wants a better upgrade with better sound quality and such.
Eyeless Jack - Thermal clothes for winter hunting.
Seedeater - “mmmmmmmeat”
Nina - Victoria’s Secret giftcards
Sally - A bell from Santa’s sleigh
Tim - A vacation
Brian - New hunting equipment
Toby - Whatever merch features his most recent hyperfixation - this month it is crystals thanks to Jane
Kate - Something to throw at Brian when he’s annoying her about what she wants for Christmas
Clockwork - Whimsical jewlery
Jane - Textbooks about learning French
Lost Silver - A gaming chair. He’s always wanted one, and even though a beanbag is much more comfy, a gaming chair would definitely match the rest of his rooms aesthetic. Plus, Ben just makes it look cool.
Dark Link - Better gear. He earns a living off of tactical and stealth work, and his exterior armor is getting a little too gritty to be considered safe and quiet.
Jason - A magnetic bracelet for loose screws and the like while working
Laughing Jack - A book on Exotic beasts
Helen - Clay!!! And lots of it!!!
Puppeteer - Callus gloves for his hands
Slender - “Anything you’d think I’d like” Even though he talks nonstop about a pair of new cuff links and fancy bourbon.
Offender - “I dunno something cool like a blowtorch”
Trender - A vintage sewing machine and kit. He just thinks they’re so aesthetically pleasing.
Splendor - A nail polish set!
Zalgo - Universal Domination. If not available, store brand is fine.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
Uhh i request you
<-forgot everything about creepypasta after stopping reading fanfics
...slenderman uhhhhm meeting reader who is the same.. species? Found family????? Reader being chipper and welcoming?? Artistic and calming?? Basically um. I dunno. They also live in the woods and collect poor souls, helping them cope and detach from this world??????
I am.. stoopid.
Slenderman x slender-person!artistic!reader ! (found family)
dusts out my slenderman hcs as well as my au ideas on him aheehee ahoo speed running this since i just put my first round of macarons into the oven and im too impatient to wait until theyre done baking for me to write this NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT
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okay but im getting this idea out of the way before i forget. imagine the reader, instead of doing paintings and stuff for the "artist" thing they make little structures and statues and stuff and have them around in your area. of course theyre all made with forest material; mud, sticks, pinecones, ect ect i dont know, i just love the nature aesthetic with this idea and rrrraaaaaAAAAH
for some reason or another, you make your home in the same woods THE slenderman lives in; or perhaps it was the otherway around? regardless, it doesnt take long for you to become aware of one another....
okay but how funny would it be if you guys bonded over your annoyances over people collecting your stuff. people taking his pages, and people taking your art projects (at least the ones that are portable). like!
though i cannot think of any lore reasons for slendermans pages in my au.... i will one day i promise, i feel like thats too much of an iconic thing to just cut out
it DOES take a long while for slenderman to get used to you, much less foster a friendship with you... but a family bond? i mean yeah sure, hes very reclusive... but thats not just with humans. he doesnt like interacting with other creatures, either
pats your shoulder
my moot
my dear moot, allow me to go on a tangent about my take on slenderman
basic summary is that he and all other demon/most nonhuman creepypasta characters were made by zalgo in my funky au; basically to bring disorder and that kind of shit. but like in a "this is just a part of this universe's nature" way. thus making slenderman himself in my take the be a simple fact of life... thinks.. and he resents his own existence, i think. i mean how cruel is it that he was made to cause issues, in fact he cant live without it (eats people) but he was granted the ability to be able to grasp the complexity of morals and emotion. like thats fucked
i love it
anyways, theres that and him just naturally being reclusive! hell even his supposed "brothers" (splendor and trender, i refuse to touch the third one) hes still.. distant
basically what i mean to say is that you guys probably arent going to be.. outwardly close... if that makes sense. like hes not going to be very affectionate; so dont expect many familial... things... and its not often that he would seek conversation out... though
as i write that, if i recall correctly i did give him the vague craving of connection, and while i usually save that for traditional x reader stuff, i think this would still apply to found family stuff! so actually, i think he WOULD eventually start seeking your company out, just for the fact of having someone else to talk to who doesnt resent his existence the same way he resents his own
given my silly hc i do think he would have some understanding with your relationship with humans/lost souls. would he do it himself? i think it really depends on the situation... like if hes not actively hunting he usually just drives people out of the woods, no sense in wasting.... things... you know?
im all jumbled all over the place my apolocheese im just excited to write for slenderman again
will get annoyed if you snatch away his "meal" since AGAIN, he was cursed to feed on people . like he understands why you did it, and he has mixed feelings around eating human (like not in a "im distressed and i hate it" way more so "its not totally desirable but i cant survive without doing this" way)
i think
im gonna toy around with my slenderman hcs... this ended up being more of a hc dump than a x reader, my apologies
its also that as im typing this i realize how similar my takes on eyeless jack and slenderman are... which is funny because they live in the same woods in my au but they fucking HATE each other
territorial stuff you know
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mi-s0l-de-l4-lun4 · 11 months ago
''Girly things.''
I looked at a dress today.
I thought it was pretty.
What does that mean for me?
Does this make me a fraud?
A trender?
A fake?
Who am I, if I like a dress?
I am a man.
I cannot find something
Aesthetically pleasing
Or I am fake.
Why can I not enjoy things?
I am just a child.
Just a boy.
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ask-offy · 3 months ago
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Ask me things!
Heya people! my name is Offender, but you can call me Fen or Offy or some other name, i don’t care much.
i get bored when working for my brother so i figured i’d set this thing up to keep me entertained.
so some things about me, i’m the youngest of 7 siblings and adopted into the family. i was also human before now, but Ryu kinda died and Splendor felt bad so had Slendy bring me back. now i’m here!
ages are hard, i’ve been alive a real long time. but Ryu was 19 when he died and Slendy said i’m never gonna get older so i guess i’m 19?
you can ask me about my job as a proxy or my life in general, you can also ask about my siblings if you wanna
ooc!! hi, i’m Francis
before anything else,
!Fen is HEAVILY rewritten here. he’s not a rapist, he was falsely accused of raping his friend when he was in the SCP foundation.
with that said, feel free to ask or roleplay here! if you have any ooc questions or want to know something before you send an ask, you can contact me on my main @deadandwalking
now, some points about Fen:
he is an intärrat, a species i made up. this means he has lived many past lives and will continue to. he can never completely die
Fen is dead. contradicting i know. he died fighting the Scarlet King and lived a couple more lives before Scarlet got his hands on Angel (Slender’s son) who happened to be a future life of Fen’s and separated all the souls
Fen is EXTREMELY mentally unwell. he hallucinates, has delusions, depression, anxiety and is extremely obsessive and possessive over Slender, though he tries to be cool about it
he is a trans man and pansexual but not actually interested in a relationship. he is only focused on doing things to earn Slender’s respect and approval.
his friends consist of: Kagekao, Sadie, EJ, Nina, Hobo heart, Ticci Toby and Ben (creepypasta), Tim and Brian (marble hornets), Kate (slender: the arrival) and Clara (oc)
he has 8 dogs and would definitely get more if he could (he might)
guns, roses and blood is his whole aesthetic
more to come maybe!
In this au, many of the siblings use different names, and they all have a nickname that the whole family calls them. the full list in age order is:
Splendor - did not change. Gets called Jingles/Splendy
Slender - did not change. Gets called Slim or Dick/Slendy
not putting her deadname - Melody. Gets called Tapeworm/Mel
Trender - T. Gets called The First One/TT
Tender - Kell. Gets called The Second One or Frankenstein/Kelly or Kiki
Surrender - Stevie. Gets called Baby Blue or Pot;Pothead/Stee or Stew
Offender - Fen. Gets called Little man or Agent of Chaos/Fen or Offy
ask the rest of the siblings! @slendersiblings-asks
!! some rules:
NSFW questions are allowed, but if i’m uncomfy i won’t answer them (also don’t be hurt if Fen turns you down. he’s just not looking for anything)
do not come in here hating and calling him a rapist. i have already said, he’s heavily rewritten. like he’s borderline an oc. you’ll just get blocked.
Fen is sometimes an ass, i will always tag to let you know i’m not mad! please don’t fight me over characterisation
if i am not enjoying a roleplay i’ll probably just stop. don’t spam me.
be kind to eachother!
other info
Official Characters list!
Doll, @kadoll. owned by @spidrsharks
Rei, No Blog. owned by @ghostydrawsstuff
Angel, @angels-game. owned by @deadandwalking (me!)
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dazzlen-the-clown · 1 year ago
Decided I’m posting some lore info on my Slender Script (mansion rewrite) AU starting off with how the mansion functions in this AU! Click Read more if interested :)
The mansion is a magically enchanted abandoned area; managed and controlled originally by Surrender. However, due to Surrender's now lack of magic control, it is now in disarray.
A never-ending, ever-changing mansion with only a few kept standards. Many inter-dimensional portals are hidden in random doors; attached to varying random dimensions such as the canonverse, 2010 fanonverse, or the Marble Hornets universe.
There are only a few kept standards, here is the list.
- Technology: Some form of technology or set up gaming console ranging from the 70s to modern-day tech. It may appear anywhere and in multiple places. This is for the videogame-based creepypastas.
- Main dining hall: As expected, a kitchen and a general area to eat. How it appears may vary. One Moment it's a cafeteria, the next moment it's a formal dinner table.
- Circus: the circus is Laughing Jack's room, completely monochrome aside from a few rare occasions where color may appear. The room, like the rest, is randomly generated; however, it will always be a large room.
- Party room: "The Party Rooms", or less formally known as Splendor's room, are bright and colorful rooms with varying assortments of party items. One room may be inflatables galore, while another may be more of a pajama pillowfort-style party room. There are often multiple of this room.
- Clinic: The clinic is essentially the medical bay for all of the Creepypastas. Many medically based pastas are here frequently such as: Nurse Ann, MenderMan, and Doctor Smiley. Eyeless Jack also frequents here due to his medical expertise. This area also occasionally connects to Mender's room.
-Break Room: Mender's room, also frequently nicknamed "The Break room" due to its frequent connection to the Clinic, is a oddly heart-focused room aesthetic-wise, and tends to change with the clinic's layout.
- The Dresser: This is Trender's sewing/dress-up room. Usually filled to the brim with craft supplies he swears he'll use (he doesn't). Though he's eager to supply any pasta who comes across his sewing room a new outfit to wear.
- General pasta rooms: These will appear as soon as you are officially part of the group; however it may take time to generate. Each is unique to every creepypasta.
- His office: this is where Slender is most frequently found, at a long table office filled with books that seem to change each time you glance at the shelf.
- The Quiet Place: This is Surrender's room. It's relatively normal by Mansion Standards and is often in darker blue tones. It is impossible to speak in his room.
That's all for now! I will update next with Info on this AU's interpretation of the Slender Brothers (as well as explaining my offender replacement, Mender).
Have a lovely day/night! -Snazzy
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weaver-z · 2 years ago
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No YOU'RE BORING. You're BORING and it's why you're impressed by someone slapping some dumbass little fixtures inside a house too young to remember 9/11. Crown moulding is NOTHING in 2023. NOTHING. The amount of work required to make those sconces and that hideous Home Depot crown moulding is BARELY more than what it would take to tape a picture of me PUKING up a HAIRBALL like a CAT to that BLANK WHITE WALL. And don't get me started on that fucking chandelier. Go into the lighting section of the worst Lowes Hardware you've ever seen and you'll find that early-oughts trender on SALE. Fuck this shabby chic nouveau riche married-a-homophobic-lawyer aesthetic and its GREIGE CARPET, TOO. If that first picture had been posted on McMansion Hell with little red circles and lines telling you what to laugh at, you NEVER would have fought so hard for that first design. Bring me the head of the man who convinced millennials that THIS is good "vintage" home design.
y'all wanna see a horror story in 2 pictures?
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hercla · 1 year ago
Har ni hört talas om Eclectic Grandpa?
Det är en trend som snurrade runt på fashiontok (fashion delen av tiktok) för ett tag sedan. Eller ett tag sedan den är nog fortfarande igång, förvånansvärt länge för att vara en tiktoktrend. Men det är ju just det, trender kommer och går så fort nu att en microtrend kan kännas långvarig i jämförelse. Nu känns det som att en trendcykel kan vara i två veckor innan den byts ut. Det har gått så långt nu att allt kan vara trendigt, bara tänka på vad som helst och det finns en "aesthetic" för det. När modevärlden blir för liten för att ständigt hitta nya trender vänder man sig om och kollar åt annat håll. En sån trend är då just Eclectic Grandpa, en trend jag gillar väldigt mycket faktiskt. Idén är att du ska klä dig som en eklektisk farfar helt enkelt. Lösa linnebyxor och en stor kabelstickad tröja, färgglada strumpor. En snusnäsduk runt halsen, stickad väst. För er som har varit med här i veckobrevet ett tag kanske kommer ihåg när jag skrev om "Gramparents", instagramkontot som visade äldre med najs stil. Det här är lite samma sak nästan fast lite roligare skulle jag säga.
Med detta sagt så finns det mycket kritik till det här som jag också håller med om, även om det känns väldigt oviktigt att tjafsa om när man kollar runt i världen. Kritiken är i alla fall den att den här stilen är något som växer fram under en hel livstid. Alltså, den där farfarn som ser så cool ut gör det för att han har samlat på sig sina saker under sitt liv och tagit hand om dom, medans nu 22åringar springer runt på HM och Uniqlo och köper en helt ny garderob som ska efterlikna detta. Bra kritik tycker jag, men det här kan ju sägas om trender över lag så vet inte hur relevant det är. Finns så många andra grejer som är mer värda ditt fokus när det gäller att tänka kritiskt.
HURSOMHELST, det är en mysig trend och nu kommer massa bilder av den <3<3<3
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Veckans låt är "Friesenjung" - Ski Aggu, Joost, Otto Waalkes
Ha det gött!
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dove-darlings · 4 years ago
my blog is for trans-trenders ONLY
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bubblegum-nightmare · 5 years ago
Just a quick PSA, *ahem*
You are no less a man because you have to take off your binder
You are no less a woman if you have to untuck
You are no less non binary if you do either or both of these
Look after and listen to your body, it’s precious and you should treat it as such <3
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kick-a-long · 7 months ago
i worry when i hear these sentiments from jews. the nuance is lost and replaced by some very justified but counter productive and mentally damaging anger.
things snapped into focus for me when those videos of interviews with protesters were going around showing that they had less than 0 knowledge of the conflict/what they were chanting or even the basic facts about the literal geography of the area. the protesters that swarmed those rallies were trend chasers who were bored, criminally stupid and wanted to look smart. the fact that they are cover for the real insidious shit/terrorist recruiting is something they will never understand. the ones that left got bored because supporting terrorists isn't fun and doesn't look cute.
human life means less to them than a fictional character getting killed on tv. they don't feel bad because they still think like that. most of the pro pals just wanted to get out of the house and gather with other people for free, take some pictures, and prove they are "smart" because it might have looked like they followed politics. they wanted to be a youth movement, they didn't care what for. jewish lives mean less to a lot of people than getting the right aesthetic.
goyim by in large didn't know what was happening so they had to short hand making a choice on who to support by either following what the most trendy gaming/politics account said, comparing muslim oppression in america to jewish oppression in america, or vibing it out and staying silent until they could tell who was bullying who.
the trender goyim didn't know the stakes, they didn't know the facts, they still dont, and literally have never and will never care. a vast majority of goyim in america from October 2023 on actually 100% supported israel. the media made it seem like they didn't but guess what? not that many people read the nytimes or watch john oliver for i/p shit. most goyim, like most jews, in the usa don't want to touch info about israel with a ten foot pole. it's famously complicated, emotionally devastating, and unresolvable. i/p is too fucked up and confusing for casual info, both sides say impossibly different things and it would cause real damage to democratic coalitions and immigrants in America trying to live normally to make I/p a big deal. a vast majority of goyim btw, of all ages and all christian backgrounds, think jews are great, even better than other christian denominations.
i would say: don't distrust all goyim, just the ones that still identify as violent commie leftists now that the trend is passing. same way you wouldn't trust a goy white/islam nationalist.
It’s so funny seeing the gentiles gradually distance themselves from the pro-Palestine movement and acting like they’ve been fighting antisemitism all this time. Because, like—
Where did the people who attended “long live the intifada!” rallies go? By any metric, pro Palestinian protests have been becoming less and less attended (see the DNC) and less well received. But the people who used to attend them haven’t vanished. They’re still out there, living their lives. Do you think they’re embarrassed? Ashamed? I doubt it.
The pro Palestine movement has, as it was always going to, alienated potential allies and out purity-politicked their members into radicalism and terrorism. And while I am glad the world seems to be leaning away from them now, I will never trust the goyim again. Their first instinct upon seeing the deadliest pogrom of Jews since the Holocaust was to cheer and celebrate it.
The news uniformly decided the word of a genocidal terrorist organization was more credible than the official press releases of the rules of engagement abiding armed forces of a liberal democracy. Why? Because said liberal democracy was Jewish. The academics decided human rights, feminism, antiracism, and historiographic honesty were useful, until it would have applied to the Jews.
And the world swallowed it up. Eagerly. Like it was cathartic to return to the status quo of the Jews being responsible for the ills of humanity.
And now, the news cycle has moved on to other topics (Biden steps down! Deadpool and Wolverine! Trump Trading Cards!). The pro Palestine movement has attacked everyone who doesn’t traumatize themselves with gore or set themselves ablaze to protest a nonexistent genocide. And shockingly, that doesn’t make people particularly sympathetic to your movement. So, the world’s decided yeah, okay, maybe there was some antisemitism in that pro Palestine movement.
No fucking shit.
We’ve been telling gentiles for the last 10 goddamn months that! I don’t know about you, but I saw that antisemitism on October 8th! And for pointing it out, we were accused of “playing the antisemitism card!” and “defending genocide!” and called “Zionazi scum!” But now, it’s so loud it cant be ignored and they’re deciding to disavow it.
Well, thanks. Thanks for stating the obvious after spending a year attacking Jews in every quarter. Thanks for making us fear for our lives and livelihoods. Thanks for reminding us why we need a Jewish state. And thanks for correcting those of us who were naive enough to think maybe the world wasn’t so antisemitic anymore, that maybe we were accepted and valued members of our countries, universities, companies, and communities.
We won’t forget this. Even when you do, when you deny your role in this, when you delete the celebrations you posted on October 7th, we will remember. Always.
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catboy-on-main · 4 years ago
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glimmer moodboard for @remusoctober
with themes of being autistic and trendercore!
art credit here -> 🌈
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years ago
Are you able to do a S/O of Eyeless Jack, Ticci Toby, and the Marble Hornets, with a extra appendage (Like a tail that they just use as a belt) or a prosthetic??
Various CRP characters w/ a reader who has a prosthetic tail!
by default, since i dont do romantic hcs for characters like toby, his part is going to be platonic! nothing against you, its just a personal boundary/rule for the admin!
admin note from after writing the post! i admit that i was a little stumped on this idea, as i mention in passing in hoodies part that i truly think that most of the characters would really feel one way or the other about the tail </3 i personally chalk that up to my brain deciding to dry for this prompt + not being used to write most the characters with my current perception of them apologies anon :(
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Characters: Eyeless Jack, Hoodie, Masky, and (platonic) ticci toby
CWs; None!
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Eyeless Jack;
true to my usual way of writing ej; he feels he doesnt really have any place to judge you since he literally has to eat human flesh in order to survive
he doesnt really ask many questions about it honestly
but if its one of those fuzzy fur tails he'll subconsciously run his fingers through the material
really thats about it
i wish i had more for his section but i really think he would not give a darn about your tail due to his general principle of not judging others... now if this were before he was EYELESS jack yeah he would kinda be a dick but hey, hes a dick to everyone
but thats another story for another day
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"you have a tail?" head tilt
i dont know what is with my brain today but i am DRY!!
anyways, another sort of
acknowledgement, before ultimately just minding his own business
he does think its interesting, though! he probably wont say it but he does think its at least a little bit cool, especially if its one of those mechanical tails that can move around with some controls
kinda swats it around if its one of the plain simple dimple strap on tails, though
again not much to be said here
i think at worst he might forcibly grab it to inspect without thinking to ask, but hell back right off if you snap back
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he thinks its pretty neat me thinks
kinda like toby in regard to being really indirectly interested (ie playing with it if you give him the go ahead, he likes the way the material feels on his hands)
(i wrote tobys part before everyone elses^)
yeah im not sure what to write with this scenario but i dont want to give you just nothing
i feel like most of the characters wouldnt really care/have seen weirder shit, like i think the only ones who may tease you are ben, jeff, lj, and maybe trender (trender not in the mean bullying way but like. hell get on you if the material is faulty or clashes with your aesthetic/style)
anyways back to hoodie
honestly i feel like between the four he'd snag your tail for himself every now and then/j
god can you imagine
he just really likes it
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"are you a furry??"
hes kinda half joking when he asks that since he doesnt really know why else you would wear a tail
regardless of if you are one or not hes not really going to care
i mean, hes seen weirder, probably..
he thinks its really cool! he asks if you made it yourself or if you made it yourself... subtly asks if you can make him one too, totally not modeled after a racoon tail to match his sleeves...
kinda plays with it if you let him; he lightly taps it in passing when you two walk past one another in the hallway
overall thinks its kinda cool tbh
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tinyfrog-jpg · 4 years ago
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whoops i dropped my scene kid
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therez mi cat =3
also: this is the only gender neutral bathroom not in the nurses or across the whole school, and when i tell you i love it...
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riverleyk · 4 years ago
My gender (in this moment)
this might be seen as offensive but i thought i'd make a little chart to explain my gender as mathematically as possible please dont take it seriously or me assuming things of others, this is just me trying to illustrate how i feel using examples.
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I'd love to see how other people chart their gender out! Also, I used a scale rather then a spectrum because it was easier for my explanation.
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