#traumatized and adhd
cyrusspam · 2 years
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Have I ever mentioned how much of a sonic kinnie I am he’s so neurodivergent he’s so mecore
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anexperimentallife · 5 months
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matcha-goblin · 1 year
Neurodivergent people are never undiagnosed. We are misdiagnosed. Our symptoms don't go unnoticed, and people will always attribute them to some sort of cause. They'll just attribute them to personality and blame the individual for their symptoms.
For example. My autism is not undiagnosed, it's been misdiagnosed as "too sensitive," "awkward," "rude," "obsessive," and "too intense." My brother's adhd wasn't undiagnosed, it was misdiagnosed as "lazy," "impulsive," "annoying," and "can't seem to get any work done."
Growing up without a diagnosis is growing up believing that you are to blame for your differentness. Your symptoms are a personality flaw. You are diagnosed by everyone around you as "weird."
Edit: Some people have pointed out that I'm using the word misdiagnosis here rather loosely. I'm aware that it isn't quite correct definitionally, and I don't mean to say that medical misdiagnosis and the type of social misattribution I'm talking about are identical--just that they are related phenomena, and neurodivergent people are often victims of one or both. There isn't an exact term for what I'm talking about here, so I used the closest one I knew of. Terminology is important and some words need to be used with precision to retain their influence. At the same time, sometimes meanings change, and bending words to fit new circumstances is a natural way that language evolves. I'm not sure which situation this falls under, so while I don't want to change my post (not even sure what to change it to), I thought I'd edit and add clarification. Additional feedback on this is welcome.
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manincaffeine · 11 months
Has anyone else just straight up not been happy since they were 12
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Disabled people (both people with physical disabilities and people with psychological disabilities) should be able to get housing, food, medical needs, etc met without having to work or stay in school. ...Okay, really, everyone deserves access to free or affordable housing, food, and medical care, but disabled people ESPECIALLY deserve it because if I, a law student with "low support needs" autism, depression, GAD, OCD, and ADHD, cannot afford to take a break from school and take a semester off because I'd have to start repaying my loans because I had to drop down to three credits last fall and because I would have to get a job, so it wouldn't really be a break (which, I have had one job in my life, and I'm not fully convinced it wasn't a fluke, and also, trying to maintain a job when you have disabilities is difficult), I can only imagine that disabled people with higher support needs are even more fucked than me when it comes to being able to get housing and food and medical care without much, if any, funding.
Yes, Medicaid, Medicare, Food Stamps, and housing programs exist in the US, but, uh, I hate to break it to y'all, but that doesn't fully fix the problem, at all. There are a lot of old apartment complexes that are straight up inaccessible if you use a wheelchair. I'm living in one now. Applying for Medicaid and other programs can be a pain in the ass, especially when you're disabled.
"Just live with your parents!" My parents were emotionally abusive and emotionally neglectful, transphobic, and they literally harassed me so much during my 1L year that I still have nightmares.
"Live with a roommate!" I tried to. It went fucking terribly.
"Are you really disabled if you're able to be in law school?" YES. YES I AM.
Actually, on that note, law schools and the law profession need to become more accommodating for disabled people ASAP. Buck v. Bell needs to be overturned. Courts should be wheelchair accessible. Having to get past seven plus different forms of ableism just to graduate and pass the bar is ridiculous. Seriously, can we get some resources for disabled people in law school and the law profession, please?
Disabled rights matter, and we have every right to be able to live in peace and get our needs met, regardless of our support needs, disabilities, or anything else.
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deludedcrayon · 10 months
realizing it’s not normal to be in my room with my door closed and still not able to fully relax because i’m scared someone’s going to walk in on me even if im not doing anything wrong i’m just terrified
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
Untreated Trauma May Show Up As:
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substance abuse
social withdrawal
self-destructive behaviors
personality disorders
health issues
chronic pain
Neurodivergent Girl
[Picture has been edited to look more visible]
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gloomyhours · 9 months
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kitten-forward · 10 months
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Wishing that I could be softer and sweeter and more loving and affectionate but simultaneously being absolutely disgusted and repulsed and enraged by the very notion is kind of exhausting actually
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anexperimentallife · 2 months
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thatadhdfeel · 2 years
love how ppl with adhd have become even more of an acceptable target lately even from so called progressive people. literally saw a post today saying “people with adhd act like they were in the vietnam war”. like. so we’re just accepting straight up ableist jokes now? the fact that this crossed my dash is incredibly disappointing. people really think just because some tiktok kids misunderstand the disorder on occasion that this shit is acceptable? people with adhd have been stereotyped, ignored, treated like shit, bullied, taken advantage of; of course we’re upset and tired and want to share what we go through.
ableism isn’t funny or acceptable.
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chaos-pancakes · 1 year
I'm tired of feeling like my accomplishments make me "less disabled".
Yes I do have chronic pain.
Yes I do have severe mental health issues.
Yes I am neurodivergent.
Yes I do need help a lot of the time.
But I'm also an athlete. I pour hours of work into physical activity AND I manage all of these things. I'm also a good student. I CAN do these things and I LOVE doing them and I am so tired of feeling like it isn't an accomplishment.
I struggle everyday and still do things that most people without disabilities couldn't do. I want to be proud of that. I also want my needs to be met when I need them to be. My triumph does not make me less deserving of care and support when I need it most. Just because I pour so much of my limited energy into the things that I love, and I completely change my habits just so I can manage my disabilities, does not mean that it is easy for me. I don't want to grieve the life I could have led. I want to celebrate the one that I manage to lead and love.
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Clinical misdiagnosis is more common than self misdiagnosis. Just for the record, in case anyone is still skeptical of self diagnosis :) it’s not up for debate btw
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deludedcrayon · 1 year
i am actually so fucking alone it’s not even funny anymore i take a step back and look at my life these past few years and realize how pathetic it’s been and how lackluster i’ve become and i can’t even tell if i made myself this way or if i’ve always been this way but in denial
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frogs00 · 4 months
Damian: She can be hyperfixated on a lot of things.
Regina: What’s she currently hyperfixating on?
Janis kicking the door down
Janis: Have you guys watched Bluey?!
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