#transphobic news
tuttle-did-it · 3 months
David Tennant for Prime Minister, please.
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edit- Since this is getting so much attention, edited to include descriptions of screenshots.
This woman has lost her fucking mind.
Jo, are you okay?
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Haven’t done a personal vent in a while, but...here goes.
Content Warning for transphobic parents, transphobic laws in the USA, mentions of unpleasant or bad news (via a song cover on TikTok), heavy emotions.
Read at your own risk (and if you do, some reassurance would be welcome too).
So....some backstory before I dive into why I'm upset right now:
- came out as genderfluid to mother in 2019 (now 5 years ago). she somehow interpreted this as “neither man nor woman” and exclusively used they/them (but she/her behind our back, including on the phone). we tried to correct her but she didn't listen at all. didn't know we were a system yet.
- updated her 3 months later that we were a man actually & wanted he/they. she didn't listen at all and kept assuming genderless ish neither man nor woman and only using they.
- updated her in 2021 (3 years ago), because we knew we were a system now (didn't tell her but informed our understanding of our gender better) and knew we were masc nonbinary (man ish). asked for he/him pronouns.
- outed us to our uncle (Uncle P) on the phone, very snarky “yeah they use they/them now”. Loudly yelled down the hall “he/him! if you're gonna out me, at least get it right!”
- continues to use they/she. reminded her in 2022 that we asked for he/him.
- been asking again, every 2-3 months this past year, gently encouraging and asking for effort. agreed to be patient with this big change.
- started testosterone May 2nd 2023 (approaching 10 months ago)
- gave them 3 different books on being transgender and supporting your trans child. they had resources at their fingertips.
- she continues to she/they us. she argues that we're not being patient enough when we protest.
- 6 months on T (November), finally told her we were on T because she noticed facial hair finally (“the women in our family don't have *that* much facial hair”). she was shocked it had been 6 months already. somehow hadn't noticed our voice drop an octave* or so.
*the musical term - this is about 8 notes on a solfege scale (do re mi fa so la ti do), which if you're not familiar with that, it lines up with piano keys (C-D-E-F-G-C-D-E on a major key) and is quite a jump.
- discussed with her how happy testosterone had made us. she knew we understood it to be the best decision we'd made for ourselves.
- Yule (Dec 21st), we bring our girlfriend over. she genders us correctly. both parents get visibly uncomfortable. we're shooed out the door after only two hours (usually 4-6 hour minimum event).
- gets service on secondary phone with new number that parents can't contact, preparing to go No Contact. uses secondary phone way more often. forgets to check original number for up to a week at a time. easier to not feel obligated to talk to parents.
- one month ago, finds out parents both knew we had bipolar. we had finally gotten meds (lamotrigine (medication name) / Lamictal (name brand)), they helped a lot, so we told father about that and he said “oh we knew”. he doesn't explain.
- asks mother when they first realized, why they didn't tell me, & what other mental illnesses or neurodivergent traits they noticed & didn't mention.
- mother says they specifically called it bipolar 2 years ago (2022) and that she thought they discussed it in front of me (father says they did not, & just didn't want to “force a label” on me). also tells me she knew we were ADHD in fourth grade, 9 to 10 years old (diagnosed professionally at 16), and also knew at the same time we had an anxiety disorder but she assumed it would be cured by forcing us into Gendered Scouts and trying to “just build self confidence”.
- also admits that she noticed in high school that we were trans, but she phrases it as “you suddenly started caring about being perceived female because the boys were flirting immaturely, and you just needed self defense classes and self confidence”.
- realizes she hasn't changed that very misinformed view of our transgender realization journey (said the same thing when we came out 5 years ago). upset, but decides to ghost her for 4 or 5 days instead of saying something. realizes we definitely need to go No Contact.
& then, yesterday / last night:
- sends TikTok video to her (this one:)
- is seeking reassurance & comfort, or at least to laugh together about it.
- she replies with her usual dismissive line to avoid accountability, “well, if everyone picked a small thing at a local level, we could affect change”. true fact, but only brought up to dismiss emotions and avoid accountability.
- gets angry, because feeling hurt.
- sends her several recent (last two years) transphobic laws (including Texas trying to label parents who support their trans kids’ social transition as “abusive” and place trans kids with families that will “convert” them; including bathroom bans, sports bans, drag bans; including West Virginia very recently actually trying to outlaw trans people from public life entirely). it's a lot of text and screenshots of the news.
- “This is about *me*, mom. This is my life. This is MY life, and my friends’, and my girlfriends’ and their girlfriends’*, and any adult who has ever supported me. We're long overdue for a full-scale revolution.”
*we're polyam, have 2 gfs and they have a lil polycule with 2 or 3 others
- follows up with a text that's more personal, “on a more personal note”, about her lack of support and her never even once using he/him or our given name.
- specifically says “when you don't even make an effort, I feel unloved, unseen, unwanted, and unheard”
- also says “I am in pain. I am your son.”
- ends message with heavy emotional line “Learn to love me, or at least tell me you can't and I'll find a parent who will.” ((insinuating no contact))
- tempted to delete, hesitates. hits send on a message we'd normally never send. too firm of a boundary, must be a threat, bad ultimatum.
- feels like a bad son, bad person, etc.
- expects her to lash out. expects several attempts to call, or many angry texts, or at best to be ghosted / left on read for a week (the way she did when we admitted we feel uncomfortable during family gatherings & wanted to bring gf). expects her to tell father & cut off our car insurance and all remaining (admittedly pitiful/pathetic) financial support.
- panics, turns phone she can contact completely off.
- cue today.
- goes to appointment with employment specialist, prepares to have them talk to new job about accommodations as soon as this job sees that we're worth keeping. specialist says am easy to work with because I already know what accommodations I need and what I need in a supportive workplace. calls me “very capable”. feels a little better.
- leaves appointment. anxiety builds again.
- gets home (~10:30a)
- terrified to turn phone back on. still haven't (12p).
....It's been one heck of a day and a half. I'm reeling with how bold that boundary was and how it's been a long time coming but I still feel “mean” and like I'm “a bad son” for letting on how hurt I actually feel.
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noonstate · 11 months
i need well meaning cis people to stop attemping to steelman trans healthcare conversations because it basically always ends with them just lying about easily checkable things "no minors are getting irreversible treatments" wrong not true "no minors are having surgery" also false, like instead just say the truth: currently some minors (few, but some) are able to access hrt that will have some irreversible changes on their body, some (even fewer) minors are able to access surgery.
the counter to transphobes screaming "these kids are being irreversibly changed" isn't "no children are accessing this care" it's "puberty is also an irreversible change" and "i think under 18s and even under 16s should be able to make medical decisions actually"
"no minors are accessing this care" means that transphobes can easily point to the examples of minors who are accessing that care, which just make us look like liars. sometimes teenagers and children need to make medical choices on their own. i think a 14 y/o should be able to get an abortion. i think trans kids and teens should be able to have the approriate care, which for some will just be like, picking a new name or haircut, and for some, sure, could be surgery.
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kirby-roth · 1 year
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mysharona1987 · 6 months
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a-stone-slab · 11 months
Hey all, MatPat made a video on TADC, so I think it’s time to give a quick refresher on what a terrible person he is, so it doesn’t turn into his second FNaF-Cashcow for theories.
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We all know how scummy of a person he is, with doxxing, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and more.
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Not to mention his recent video where he talks about the hate towards his FNaF theories, where he spends the majority of the video explaining how him and his staff are smarter than the majority of the population due to a personality test that his staff has all taken.
He then ends the video by taking around 10 minutes to promote their new merch, and ties the merch plug-in into the main point of the video, trying to guilt the audience into giving him more money.
He’s not some “funny theorist man”, he’s a horrible, bigoted scumbag who doesn’t seem to care that his words have an impact on the world and actual, real life people.
So yeah. This was a post detailing the horrible actions of this man, and I hope it serves as a reminder of what a horrible type of person he is. Do not support his content, especially not now when he’s jumping ship from one fandom that hates him, and going to a new fandom thats getting more mainstream.
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veethesnake · 1 year
In light of recent events:
Separating the art from the artist
does NOT work if said artist is
1) alive
2) directly financially benefitting from you consuming the art
Especially if they have tweeted this in the past:
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destielmemenews · 1 year
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POV: you block antisemites on this site
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communistkenobi · 7 months
re: that gamete article, I think what’s also compelling to anti-trans activists is that gametes are invisible - it’s the same reason why debates about chromosomes are persuasive, they are imperceptible in all social interactions outside of a doctor’s office, and so counter-intuitively they can be argued as being always visible, always seeping out through our pours as a gendered essence that cannot be concealed or changed. actually being able to look at your individual gametes or chromosomes is gated behind medical institutions, and because of this inaccessibility they can be loaded with all kinds of social and political meaning, converted into a mystical essence contained within the body that imbues you with a gendered spirit. this is why I don’t think we should ever concede that transphobes are making biological arguments - they are using the authority of evolutionary and medical biology to do gender metaphysics, it’s a deliberate mystification of scientific authority for reactionary political goals. they aren’t making scientific claims and they aren’t trying to
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stiffyck · 11 months
Every time I see something transphobic I’m transing one more hermits gender.
Starting with-
Cleo. Cleo already uses she/they and they are an icon.
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Canada's intelligence agency is warning that extremists could "inspire and encourage" serious violence against the 2SLGBTQI+ community — a threat the Canadian Security Intelligence Service says almost certainly will continue over the coming year. CSIS's comments come as provincial policies on gender-affirming surgeries and pronoun preferences are being hotly debated across the country. "CSIS assesses that the violent threat posed by the anti-gender movement is almost certain to continue over the coming year and that violent actors may be inspired by the University of Waterloo attack to carry out their own extreme violence against the 2SLGBTQI+ community or against other targets they view as representing the gender ideology 'agenda,'" said CSIS spokesperson Eric Balsam in an email to CBC News.
Continue Reading
Tagging @politicsofcanada
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mayasaura · 2 years
One thing that really stuck me about gender in Nona was the sexism in the teacher's perception of Pyrrha. She sees two young women living with someone she perceives as being male, and on learning they're not related, her immediate assumption is that Pyrrha is taking sexual advantage of them. How incredibly unfair that assumption is to Pyrrha, to assume this about her and to continue assuming this despite how clearly Nona adores her. What it implies about the broader setting that this was apparently a somewhat reasonable assumption to make, and that there are battered women's shelters for her to try to gently direct Camilla to. How starkly it throws into relief that this assumption has never once been made in the series before.
That's what really hit about the scene. This was the first time a perceived-male character had been assumed to be a sexual threat. It was the first time being a woman or a girl had carried an assumption of victimhood. I had already noticed that the Nine Houses seemed to lack any kind of gender-based hierarchy, and didn't show any signs of misogynistic gender roles, but it really struck me again in that moment how freeing it had been. To have had two whole books from the perspective of teenage girls with no concept of sexual violence. To have had a whole setting where those assumptions just didn't exist, and would never have occurred to anyone.
And I think that's one thing that really holds me back from agreeing that 'Nine Houses' = Bad and 'Not Nine Houses' = Good. The societies outside the Nine Houses are still the legacy of the billionaires who left the Earth to die. They're still capitalistic, they have plastic bags clogging their bays, and after ten thousand years, they still haven't been able to put down the misogyny juice. I don't think it was a mistake that this information about the setting was communicated the way it was, using this assumption about Pyrrha. The delivery cuts way too deliberately to the putrid heart of gender bias; where misogyny, misandry, and transphobia are all just different angles on the same damn thing. A total milf perfectly playing the part of loving and beloved father, but still assumed by observers to be a sexual predator. That's not a culture I want to champion.
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destiel-news-channel · 11 months
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[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'J.K. Rowling would rather go to prison than stop misgendering people' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
every reblog adds another year to her sentence
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alexsimblr · 29 days
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hey there! i'm very new to simblr and looking for mutuals to befriend!
i'm a pretty well-rounded simmer in that i split my time pretty evenly between cas, build/buy, and gameplay, and i've been playing since the sims 2. currently loving the sims 4 as i have recently been able to download custom content and mods which has added so much to my gameplay. if you have a favorite maxis match cc creator, feel free to put me on them 'cause i love finding new creators to support!
besides the sims, i also play overwatch, the lego games, the tomb raider reboot, horizon: forbidden west, and lots more! my favorite shows are buffy the vampire slayer, the good place, most things star wars, once upon a time, grey's anatomy, and sense8.
i'm hoping to use this simblr to share my creations beyond just the gallery. if you'd like to follow me there, my ea id is spacecowboyalex. i have a ton of sims i've made recently that i can't wait to get into game with to take screenshots (i just learned how to use the pose mod and i'm very excited about it lol).
also if any of you are on twitter my @ is alexile_. i'm way more active on there than here tbh but that may change!
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destielmemenews · 28 days
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"Roxanne Tickle in 2022 sued the Australian app and founder Sally Grover for unlawful gender identity discrimination in its services, saying Grover revoked Tickle's account after seeing her photo and "considered her to be male."
The Federal Court, Australia's second-highest, ordered Giggle for Girls to pay Tickle A$10,000 ($6,700) plus legal costs but declined to order the company to issue a written apology, which Tickle had sought.
"Tickle's claim of direct gender identity discrimination fails, but her claim of indirect gender identity discrimination succeeds," Judge Robert Bromwich said."
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