#Fuck Harry Potter
rincewind87 · 4 months
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tuttle-did-it · 3 months
David Tennant for Prime Minister, please.
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edit- Since this is getting so much attention, edited to include descriptions of screenshots.
This woman has lost her fucking mind.
Jo, are you okay?
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edgebug · 5 months
the thing that sucks most about Joanne Rowling being a terf is that she is actively hurting real life trans people every day.
the second worst thing about joanne being a terf is that the Harry Potter intellectual property is So Much Larger than her. look at the credits for just one of the harry potter movies. every single one of those people put YEARS of time and effort and dare i say love into those films. think of all the people involved in theme park design and operation who put together the wizarding world park lands and detailed them so lovingly and fully
and yet even though the intellectual property of harry potter is so much larger than joanne, she's poisoned the whole well
i feel so. so immensely sorry for every person involved in the harry potter ip who isn't jkr. doubly sorry for every trans person involved. it's fucking sad
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2hot2di3 · 4 months
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itneedsmoregays · 1 year
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New design available on my Teepublic store! For all your Fuck JK Rowling needs!
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thetisming · 2 months
people will hear "JK Rowling has caused the deaths of multiple trans people because of her donations to anti-trans foundations, JK Rowling sees all transfems as predatory men, JK Rowling is violently transphobic and is a reason why things are so hard for trans people in the UK" and go "okay but what else has she done?"
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zoyalaisobachka · 4 months
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Fuck the bigoted wizard world and author
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sonicgamergunk · 2 years
people who keep saying shit like "okay but what if i-" about wanting to play the wizard game should just realize that giving a shit about jewish and trans people requires you to make the smallest of sacrifices sometimes
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Hey marauders fandom, you can’t just tag you post about how character a would treat character b with the fuck jkr tag. I don’t care how much you have changed those characters, they still were created by and are profited off by jkr. People (I am people) don’t want to see fan art or headcanons of her characters while looking through posts dunking on/talking about her bigotry. You can't separate the art from the artist in this situation.
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douglasthealien · 7 months
A message from a trans, ex fan of Harry Potter
I usually try and keep this blog positive. But as a trans person who grew up with Harry Potter I have to say something.
I don't understand how people who are against Rowling's views can still look at Harry Potter in a good light. To me now, especially after the other day, all it does is remind me of how many supporters she has that support her disgusting ideologies. It reminds me that these are the books that has gotten so many people on her anti trans side. Without that book series she wouldn't have a fucking platform to stand on and wouldn't be spreading this amount of hate against people like me.
Yes it brought so many people a lot of joy. It changed internet culture forever. We can look back on it and acknowledge just how much it changed. But we need to see now just how much this book series is the reason why Rowling can stand there and scream her bullshit and have so so many people flocking to agree with her because of her reputation of making harry potter.
And not to mention the awful stereotypes and subtext overlooked in the book itself, that she's still getting away with because "it's Harry Potter 🥺". People, please give your attention to other books that deserve it. There's so many better book series that are being overshadowed by this mediocre series written by a TERF who denies what fucked up things the Nazis did. For me it was getting into different series that allowed me to say goodbye to harry potter. You can still look back and have good memories of what the fandom used to be whilst still not supporting it to this day. That's what I do. The culture back then was fun and again changed the internet in a significant way. But that's in the past now.
Please move on, as a trans person who's scared of my rights being removed because of the hate groups that she's created from this series. Find something better to focus your energy on because there's so much better out there. Remember that she thrives off of people supporting her series whether you support her views or not. Don't allow this awful person to thrive.
And if you're reading this as a supporter of Rowling. I don't know what to say to you really, I hope in the future you come to realise that she's bullshit.
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meteors-lotr · 2 months
All the anons trying to tell me about things Tolkien has said or done throughout the years, seem to fail to understand one thing
Tolkien is fucking dead. Even if I wanted to give money to that man, I couldn’t. There’s no way for me to support him like that
Miss Joanne Rowling on the other hand, is not only alive but has full control over all things potter. You buy a keychain with the Hogwarts logo for a dollar, you’re giving her money. Even without actively buying Harry Potter merch, you’re giving her a platform by still engaging in her property, even if it is just by writing a fic about the stalker dad and the brother that was only mentioned by name like twice. You’re giving this woman a platform to harm and dehumanise people like me, because you just can’t move on from those shitty wizard books
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phantomram-b00 · 7 months
Why is Harry Potter trending (or was)? Can it not? Like deadass I’m being fr can it plz not. Especially that J.K Rowling is a massive TERF, a raging antisemite, and disgustingly try to deny that trans people were not affected by the Holocaust (which she was ratio’d by George Takei).
Way ahead of you: (Tw: transphobia, racism, antisemitism, holocaust, Harry Potter)
Oh and don’t get me started how Hogwart Legacy, you know that game that was sworn Jk Rowling wasn’t apart of (yeah sure-) is blood libel story. Not to mention that trans people have told you not to especially since there is a canonical transgender character named Sirona. (People said Sirona is a Celtic goddess for healing. but- come on. You can’t bullshit out of this one. There are OTHER NAMES TO NAME A TRANSGENDER CHARACTER— it make those joke with how Jk Rowling naming not far off. Because it like naming a nonbinary character “NoGendora” or smth (before you say, I’m nonbinary myself—) so idc if it already have a meaning, it still is tone deaf to name a transgender women Sirona).
“But but- you can separate the art from the artist?”
Yes. You can separate art from the artist. HOWEVER before you celebrate thinking you had a gotcha moment. You can only separate if the art itself isn’t problematic or is bigotry itself. Harry Potter is as mention in the links. Not to mention, Harry Potter himself become a cop despite the cop in that world didn’t do jack shit. And don’t get me started on how they handle the whole elf slavery. Also there is heavy fatphobia in this story, proof, look at how they would talk about Harry’s abusive aunt and uncle from his mother’s side. Don’t get me started how she would describe Rita Skeeter. There even a black character who’s last names is Shacklebolt— do I need to say more (if I’m missing any other examples please tell me)
Not to mention she benefits off of it and uses her money to donate to transphobia and just don’t give a flying fuck if she offend people (which seem to usually be the case for trans/homophobia but moving on). like, this is who you wanna support? You still want to read this wizard book when there are other that don’t have transphobia, racist, antisemitic, or any problematic rhetoric and are objectively better than Harry Potter? Really? You wanna die on this hill?
Look. I used to like Harry Potter. but that was before I knew what a dirtbag of a fucking human she is (I didn’t really have social media at the time), and I cringe as I wish I learn sooner that she was a deplorable person who hates trans people like myself (nonbinary respectfully). But, I can happily say Fuck Harry Potter that series can burn in a trash for all I care and I hope the hbo series flops on its ass. And also fuck Jk Rowling, she can fuck off for all I care. That being said, If you support Harry Potter/Jk Rowling, unfollow me. Block me. Because I do not support Harry Potter/Jk Rowling. Because Trans rights/Gender Equality, Human rights are infinitely more important than a basic ass wizard book/movie with a even basic ass magic system when there are objectively better wizard/magic books that are respectful.
Anyway, that being said, Trans and basic human rights matter 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 🤭
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willtheweirdrat · 1 year
Guys can we PLEASE be harsher towards JKR and Harry Potter? We need to be a bit meaner towards them now, full offense
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i-am-trans-gwender · 3 months
American Psycho but Patrick Bateman is a trans woman.
Patricia Batewoman: You like Paper Mario?
J.K Rowling: Umm it's okay.
Patricia: The original Paper Mario was too simplistic for my taste. But when The Thousand Year Door came out in 04, I think the series really came into it's own, commercially and artistically.
*goes into bathroom to take estrogen pills and put on cat ears*
Patricia: The whole game has a clear, crisp aesthetic and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the gameplay a big boost.
*grabs comically large testosterone needle, walks back in and places the needle down behind Rowling*
Patricia: It's been compared to Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga, but I think The Thousand Year Door is far more charming, witty game and has a more engaging battle system.
Rowling: Hey Patricia?
Patricia: Yes Rowling?
Rowling: Why are there yuri mangas all over the place? Are you..are you a lesbian? You got a girlfriend or something? *laughs*
Patricia: Yes Rowling.
Rowling: *still laughing* Are those cat ears?
Patricia: Yes, they are. In chapter 4
*walks over and turns on the thousand year door on her tv*
Patricia: Vivian's role is the games magum opus. I think she is the best Mario character. A character arc so expertly woven into the narrative that most players probably don't appreciate the depths of her motivations.
*walks back behind Rowling and picks up the comically large testosterone needle*
Patricia: But they should because it's not just about her skills as a thief and assassin. It's also a personal statement about the complexities of loyalty, redemption and morality. Hey Rowling!
*Rowling turns around as Patricia forcibly injects testosterone into Rowling as Thousand Year Door continues to play in the background*
Patricia: *hisses like a cat* Now you understand gender dysphoria you fuckin stupid terf!
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saturnniidae · 6 months
I will never understand how people will agknowledge just how jk rowling is as a human being, and still like Harry potter. You can't fucking "separate the art from the artist" when the 'art' is filled with antisemitism, racism transphobia and more! You can't even think about doing that when the 'artist' herself is a fucking HOLOCAUST DENIER.
(Also it's even more pathetic considering jk rowling is actually a shit writer. Like let's be honest, everything people love about Harry potter is from the movies. Every bit of personality Harry had was from his actors portrayal of him)
These people don't care that they're clinging onto the mediocre work of a holocaust denier that wishes death to trans people because they're too wrapped up in nostalgia or whatever. It's pathetic and honestly disgusting.
And it speaks volumes how pretty much all the people I see behaving this was are white
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very-uncorrect · 5 months
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He's so based for this
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