#transgender sam winchester
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nyxthedragon225 · 26 days ago
sam going on E and one day dean realizes she looks exactly like their mom. dean sits at a bar all day to try to process the realization and sam once again has a "he hates me for being trans" crisis and when she finally confronts him about dean quietly goes "you look so much like mom" and it fucks sam up so bad bc she doesnt even REMEMBER their mom. mary winchester has always been a ghost, a fleeting thought, a soft voice in the back of sams mind in the darkest part of the night, whispered on slurred words by her dad or brother. and for the first time, mary winchester is a real tangible thing. sam looks like her mom.
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lola-canola · 3 months ago
my supernatural lgbtq thoughts :3 (only Cas, Sam and Dean for now)
don't be a hater to me I've only seen up to season 8 OKAY?! no one asked but receive anyways! these are both gender, and sexual orientation (as a nb-lesbian myself) and don't try with hating, I wont stand for it just leave me and my gay hunters ALONE! If you don't want to read my explanations, just scroll all the way down for summaries lol. !!REMINDER THESE ARE JUST HEADCANONS. YOU DONT HAVE TO FOLLOW THESE!! Castiel is very gender-fluid. They/It/He/She when it comes to gender. I said why in a previous post but to sum it up, gender mainly matters to angels when it comes to vessels. Otherwise I fear they don't give a fuck less. Cas definitely experimented and landed on they/it as their favorites. aka I'm using my pro-nouns on Cas because Cas is my favorite :C Meanwhile for sexuality I fear Cas is a gay man. They experimented with Meg with that one pizza man scene that they pinned + kissed Meg, but otherwise has stuck to men (aka Sam). Sammy my boy. I love trans FTM Sam because it holds a place in my heart. To me I love trans Sam, simply because it makes sense. John didn't want to raise a daughter (Sam) and a son (Dean), so he focused on his son. Pushed all the hunting stuff onto Dean while simply making sure Sam was still breathing. Dean of course took care and actually tended to Sam, and when Sam came out as trans, John was simply happy he didn't have to cater towards a daughter & a son, so he took the two sons and balled with it. But, since he had barely raised Sam either way, it didn't change a lot in their relationship. And he only got top surgery probably during college. He would study while recovering and before. So for me, Sam is Trans FTM, He/Him. And for sexuality I see Sam as a pansexual, we know he was with girlies in the past (Jess, he hooked up with Ruby for a bit, etc). And he absolutely experimented a bit in college with who he did and didn't enjoy in flavors of other genders before he got with Jess. Then, after Jess died and his grieving made him bury it even more until it picked back up probably around season 5-6 (ESPESCIALLY Soulless Sam being a "I don't give a fuck who, just fuck with me.") So to me, Sam is a Trans FTM, Pansexual man. Deano! I personally enjoy the idea of demi-boy Dean. He probably buried it all until Charlie came around for her to educate him on other genders. To which he leaned towards He/They. They didn't care for it a lot, only going so much to understanding Sam's gender change when the two were younger, and using different pro-nouns before he simply just shrugged off any other notice of gender. They knew what was important, which was not to use she on their little brother, and that's what mattered to him. Now for sexuality, Dean is bisexual. From all the scenes of him and Cas, to other scenes of Doc Mc Sexy (If I remember that name correctly) and others. They absolutely had a bit of a fling for a bit with Cas before the two had a mutual agreement that they weren't for each other and split, before Cas was with Sammy. Dean definitely has no preference and simply just goes both ways. They can be seen flirting with girls, buying them drinks and giving a specific eye look, but he can also be seen with guys, giving sharp grins, playing a game of 'Are you into me like I'm into you?' and not to mention leaving with them after he wins the game of 'Yes, you're into me like I'm into you'. Incase you don't want to read all that, my summary for you is Castiel : They/It/He/She (Gender-fluid), Gay. Sam : He/Him (Trans FTM), Pansexual Man. Dean : He/They (Demi-Boy), Bisexual Man. Thanks for coming to my ted-talk of what I think Team Free Will is lgbtq wise, and maybe I'll make more. :3
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treacherousrift · 2 years ago
I feel like if Sam was real and I went up to him and was like “give me your gender pls” he would genuinely panic and be like “omg ! Sure def! Omg how do I do that? Ahh”
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davilishuuu · 7 months ago
Idk how to use this thing but I offer you some winchester siblings + transfem sam🏳️‍⚧️
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immodestly-marina · 2 months ago
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haircut literally so bad and i wanna kiss all over his dumb stupid face
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sarahpaulsworld · 8 months ago
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Tell me all the nasty things you’ll do to me 🤤
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forcemasc-ed · 1 year ago
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buckybarnesvibraniumarm · 2 months ago
So I made my first whisper...
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And I'm pretty sure a lot of people can probably relate
Especially my fellow ftm supernatural fans, however many of you there are
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carterbrained · 12 days ago
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i had a vision of boymoder sam winchester
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mischa-leper · 7 days ago
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I love these queers
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treacherousrift · 2 years ago
When you put into consideration that sam probably took a lot of dean’s hand-me downs it makes the transgender sam headcanon more interesting. Like sam coming out to Dean and dean absolutely approving and immediately instructing sam how to dress like he does awe
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misslaura267 · 17 days ago
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anxiou5-machine · 5 days ago
Because supernatural is so long and batshit, I forget the Sam was gonna be a whole ass lawyer.
Imagine him walking into court with his little fuck ass hair cuts.
Do you think there would be supernatural elements to a case he’s on and dude just has to tweak out in the corner alone because let’s be honest he can never escape. Imagine explaining to your coworkers ‘yeah my dad was pretty disappointed I wanted to go into law, we haven’t spoken since. No it’s not because he hates the system’. My guy would be tired.
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whimsically-gone · 1 month ago
Guys I'm like 14 episodes or so into season 4 of supernatural and for some reason I didn't expect castiel to sound like like that. Idk what I was expecting but it wasn't really that. Also I really like the name Castiel if I started watching supernatural like 5-6 years ago that definitely would've been my chosen name.
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aretheytransgender · 7 months ago
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JUSTIFICATION: "queer as fuck" - Anonymous
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jasprboi · 2 months ago
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the one rare moment dean unbinds
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