#transformers: devotion
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transformers-devotion-au · 24 days ago
MegOp nation, how we doing?
Also: worldbuilding, please👀👀
Megop nation is in shambles. We're in tears. Sobbing, even.
So for Transformers: Devotion, each Prime has an advisor and/or Lord High Protector. Sometimes, the advisor and Protector are the same bot. Most of the time they're not. Either role can be the Prime's conjunx, but it's more likely that the Prime’s conjunx is a different bot entirely. It's unheard of that one bot takes on all three roles, as it places a strain and responsibility on the bot that most would break under.
After the Quintessons killed all of the Primes, Sentinel Prime was chosen by the Matrix. Sentinel and Alpha Trion (Sentinel's advisor) dissolved the role of Lord High Protector, as it was suspected that it was one of the Lord High Protectors that betrayed the Prime’s to the Quintessons.
Years later, after Sentinel's death and the fall of the Functionalist government, Optimus Prime reinstates the Lord High Protector role, and Megatron becomes his advisor, Protector, and conjunx.
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transformers-devotion-au · 1 month ago
(Hi this is my Transformers sideblog)
So Transformers: Devotion is a no-war iteration (though if that changes, I'm not sure. There's definitely a war with the quints)
Basically, Alpha Trion finds a sparkling in an alley and takes him in, naming him Orion. Trion now has two students, Bumblebee and Orion Pax (Bumblebee mysteriously disappears a few years before he was supposed to finish his training)
When it's time for Orion's final research project under Alpha Trion's tutelage, he decides to study the culture of Kaon's gladiator pits. Alpha Trion accompanies him on the journey. He meets the gladiator Megatron while there, and they become friends.
At some point in his research, Orion discovers a massive government conspiracy and decides to investigate further. Orion heads home with Alpha Trion and begins his report. On a whim, he posts his report on the datanet.
An assassin tries to kill Orion at some point and fails. Alpha Trion (who's Sentinel's advisor) tells Orion to stop his project. Upset and confused, Orion asks Megatron to come to Iacon for support. They grow closer, and Orion realizes his feelings (yes I'm a megop shipper that's the basis of this fic)
Turns out, Sentinel (the only Prime left) had a hand in killing the other Primes (I'm unsure if I should keep this), as well as becoming a corrupting force in the Cybertronian functionalist government. Sentinel is also Orion's sire (go figure) that ordered him to be abandoned when he was a sparkling cuz Sentinel's a terrible person.
At some point, Orion goes to confront Sentinel alone (he goes alone because he knows he's gonna die, so he doesn't tell anyone to protect them).
Megatron arrives just in time for Sentinel to shoot Orion, not wanting his secrets to be revealed. Megatron then kills Sentinel and tries to save a dying Orion. He begs Primus to save Orion, and Orion is granted the matrix of leadership and becomes Optimus Prime, saving his life.
Also Bumblebee disappeared because Sentinel put him in the dungeons to make Alpha Trion comply. Jazz is also down there because he's an assassin who refused to kill Orion. Prowl is ??? Somewhere.
Anyways, Megatron becomes Lord High Protector. The Quintessons attack at some point. I'm not sure if the Decepticons show up under a different leader.
I feel like I'm forgetting something but eh. Here's the basic stuff
Hi! I've been playing with an idea and was wondering how you go about making a transformers continuity?
It sounds like you've got the first part, which is some kind of idea to start from. You can build one however you want to be honest, depending on what you want to focus on or start with. But I'll walk through the process I've used by going through how I made some of mine.
1.) An idea/character focus/question.
For TF: Iconoclast my starting concept Roomie and I built from was him basically asking me:
What if the Quintessons were never overthrown?
For TF: Legendarium it was my own idea of:
What if magic/myths were a main focus of it and Prima was evil?
2.) I asked how that would change things and followed along in a "yes and..." manner. Or picked the main cast and then slowly connected them together. Brainstorm a list of ideas or moments or worldbuilding elements without censoring.
TF: Iconoclast was something that I built in my living room going back and forth with roomie. We popped ideas off of each other back and forth and figured out how it would fit in, by asking questions like: How would society be if the Cybertronians were never free? And going through "Darkest World" kind of scenarios and through characters we liked.
I keep a brainstorming document jotting down ideas, all of them, to start from later.
TF: Legendarium I didn't focus on the larger world so much as go back and forth between building the mythical groundwork for the universe by writing fairy tales and myths and focus on individual characters and how they exist. By building them I built the world.
Again started brainstorming ideas and just jotting anything down pretty freely.
3.) Start fine tuning ideas or making them firmer.
I firm them up to be a central idea/plot theme.
TF: Iconoclast was that the Transformers are rebelling against the Quintessons and freeing themselves.
TF: Legendarium was much more scattered and eventually focused on the themes of nature v. nature, choosing to be a compassionate person, free will, and identity. Every narrative part draws back to this.
4.) Build Characters OR Worldbuilding
Sometimes building the characters comes before the themes or you work on them at the same time. Developing the characters and how you want to handle them can help you figure out the themes you want to focus on.
As a recommendation you don’t have to do every character, just choose the ones that you like and want to talk about.   
Worldbuilding is one of the funner elements for me, so it was funner. I do recommend building your world thoroughly. Quick tips are building historical events that still affect things and the three layer rule. 
TF: Iconoclast for example the ancient past is the Quintessons taking over Cybertron during Rung’s time/Quintessa taking over, the modern past is Galvatron’s Rebellion, and the recent one is the Lithone People bringing the Quintessons to court for breaking laws protecting sapient life and starting the case for Transformers to be recognized as an independent species.
TF: Legendarium as an example: the ancient past is war of the thirteen, the modern past was Sentinel’s overthrowing of his father, and the recent past was Pickup’s Rebellion.
Start with three: one that happened in the distant past that changed society, one that happened in the modern times (think grandparents/parents time generation wise), and one that happened recently.
If you want to add an element to worldbuilding give it three layers. You set the world up so whatever you establish is the rules just maintain them throughout. Start with the main element then add one deeper reason behind it and then one more so it is built in.
Other Recommendations
It can also be helpful to talk to people to bounce ideas off of. 
For TF:Legendarium, I had a few Tumblr users who would ask about specific characters they really liked or scenarios that helped me develop them. 
For TF: Iconoclast, I and Roomie were building it together and would talk about it and I would bounce ideas off him.
Don’t be afraid to complete change things or do something new with characters. Throw your wild ideas out and have fun.
I’ve made Ratchet female in one story and married to Pharma. I’ve made Tarn a small toy model who is JazzProwl���s “child”. I’ve made Mirage the First Conjunx of Cybertron married to Sentinel Prime and the parent of Knock Out. I made the Alpha Trion evil and manipulating civilization to start a holy war.
Now, please tell me about your idea.
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thewordfortheday · 5 months ago
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God’s children walk the pathway filled with trials and heartaches. God’s faithful ones are those who know that no matter how tough the challenge, their God is stronger and would not leave His children. Whatever you are going through today, God sees you. Not in some impersonal way but up close… And if you are in pain or agony, your cry rings in God’s ears. He knows what your pain feels like. He feels it, too. And at the perfect moment He will rescue you.
Meanwhile, He is transforming you, strengthening you, purging you and beautifying you into His own image.
…we are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18
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see-arcane · 5 months ago
Jack when narrating about telling Mina about the mens' attack on Dracula in London:
she grew snowy white at times when danger had seemed to threaten her husband, and red at others when his devotion to her was manifested
Mina blushing at Jonathan's acts of devotion omg...
When we came to the part where Harker had rushed at the Count so recklessly, she clung to her husband’s arm, and held it tight as though her clinging could protect him from any harm that might come.
Protective instincts aside I love Jack saying that his attack was "so recklessly". He did fear for Jonathan's life and tried to shield him with a crucifix and a wafer because he kept trying to Kill. I imagine him talking about the attack with the tone of a man who is wiping his sweating forehead going "And then, the absolute madlad-"
Jack: "We were trying to play it safe, united front and all, except someone kept trying to actively gut the ancient undead horror right then and there. And then he lizard fashioned out the window to try it again when said undead horror threw himself out of the building to escape. And then he went chasing after the undead horror to try and carve him open in the middle of a crowded street. If Dracula hadn't sprinted for it I'm pretty sure your husband would have filleted him in the Square. And this was all after he swore out loud to sell his soul to kill the Count and send him to Hell."
Jonathan: "Sorry I didn't slaughter him for you yet, darling 🥺"
Mina, simultaneously terrified and so aroused she can't see straight: "that's fine my love it's great it's cool"
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blueskyscribe · 4 months ago
This post contains spoilers for Earthspark Season 3.
I liked the addition of Prowl and his arc of initially being suspicious of Megatron, but eventually trusting him.
However, I do find this character arc confusing given that in the very first episode of Season 3, the writers go out of their way to break up Bumblebee and Breakdown's friendship. (Or relationship, or whatever.) Bumblebee hatches a plan to break Breakdown out of the containment bubble but Breakdown, unprompted, betrays him to Shockwave.
But why? Why is the moral of this episode "Don't trust any Decepticons!", when they're going to have Prowl come along and learn "You can trust some Decepticons"?
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fishuijuu · 5 months ago
My hero, please remain as you are.
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For if this blade were to pierce your brave heart, I'd have no choice but to revere how much you've grown while I stood still.
You should be happy, happier than anyone.
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wishingstarinajar · 6 months ago
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Headshot WIPs of my boy Rook, a (hedge) knight of Cybertron who spends an awful lot of time out in the wildness of the place he and his fellow knights crashlanded.
Welp, guess almost the whole of @underrealm got the Transformers treatment xD I sure don't mind
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blighted-lights · 6 months ago
I'm kind of confused on your take on IDW Megatron and Ravage. Do you think Ravage hates Megatron or loves him? You've said both, so how does that work?
both! ravage loves and hates him. well, not even "hates" him; there's a lot of built-up resentment on ravage's end over megatron abandoning him and the decepticon cause, but i wouldn't say ravage hates him, per say. that resentment is not going to easily pass even though megatron, at least from their dynamic in mtmte, is clearly someone ravage idolizes and loves. and ravage himself uses the word love during their scene together in slaughterhouse:
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now ravage does say "we loved" here in reference to the decepticons loving megatron, but, like... do they? do they actually love him? tarn does, sure. no debating that one. and there was a large group of cons that did storm the trial in order to get megatron out, but i'm not sure if i'd actually call that love and more just... them needing the structure that megatron gives the decepticon cause and following the order to storm the trial. soundwave certainly loved megatron as well, but as a whole? ... eh. which is why i think ravage here isn't actually saying "we"- he's saying "i".
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and we see this here just moments before! ravage starts off by saying "us" in reference to the decepticons as a whole, but immediately routes to saying "me"- this is something he has personalized! megatron abandoning the decepticons and joining the autobots feels like a direct offense to ravage! and you don't get this kind of reaction from someone if there aren't strong emotions involved, whether that be love or hate.
so yeah. rav loves megatron, or at least a version of megatron he has in his head and he's scrambling now that he sees that version doesn't exist anymore- or potentially never did. and that scrambling translates into immense anger and violence, because it feels like a personal betrayal.
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transformers-devotion-au · 22 days ago
Tw for blood and robot gore (? Its a brain but you cant really tell)
Just need to do the shading
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silenceofthewave · 29 days ago
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tiny-security-mech · 4 months ago
I love Starscream lying his ass off about how he "defeated" the predacons while the visuals make it clear he stumbled his cowardly ass into a weapons cache and accidentally set them off.
I love my eternal fail jet and his giant wounded ego.
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monofazz · 2 months ago
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Intrusive thoughts while thinking about your glorbo is amazing. /not. /lh
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aka-indulgence · 3 months ago
Hey aka? Does Optimus Prime interest you aswell? I read this book on watpadd. Basically, theres some tension w reader and optimus until reader got kidnapped by Megatron. Got saved by optimus, and then optimus is doing the reader w a pretty great detail. The title is Teaser by MGX666
Thanks for the fic rec! I am not a super Optimus Prime self shipper, but don’t get me wrong I SO get it .///. I really like how gentle and protective he is of humans, it’s so sweet and makes me feel all warm when I see him do that ☺️ heeehe
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^ that guy??? Handsome. Caring. Good leader. He’s an all-round attractive guy. Oh and he’s one of the bigger guys so that’s a plus. 10/10 I would love if he picked me up and reassure me that he’ll do everything to make sure I’m safe. Damn I’m convincing myself just writing this lol
People who have a crush/self ships with Optimus Prime are correct and have good taste 🫡
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dominickearney · 1 year ago
i have a very self indulgent cattonquick feminization fic idea, but i don't think i'm gonna write it. i still really wanna find other ppl who might be into it though so. ideas below
oliver poisoned him, but felix didn't die. oliver flees saltburn while felix is in the hospital, scared of possible retaliation or worse. his excuse is everything "hitting too close to home", as the cattons still are unaware of his actual home life. he comments on how overdoses are much too common for him and he can't handle seeing felix in such a state.
felix never sees oliver again.
until he returns to school that fall anyway.
they avoid each other all semester. felix sees him around campus still. oliver's hair is starting to get longer. probably because felix isn't around to tell him what looks good anymore.
felix tells his friends and farleigh that he's mad because oliver left while he was recovering. nothing about him lying.
felix knows oliver tried to kill him. he's mad at himself for missing him. he's mad at himself for not caring.
they return after holiday break.
it's more of the same. avoiding each other, sometimes making awkward eye contact. oliver doesn't talk to anyone, has no friends seemingly. felix always sees him alone. not even the weird blond guy follows him around anymore. his hair's past his ears now. he tucks it behind sometimes.
felix gets drunk at the pub like always. he can't stop thinking about oliver the whole time. how evil he is. how much he wants to hurt him. his eyes. his lips. how much he misses him. his hair. felix leaves. doesn't bring a girl home with him. goes to find ollie instead.
ollie's in his dorm of course. where else would he be?
oliver answers when felix knocks, then tries to close it out of fear when he sees who it is. felix stops the door with his hand, shoves his way inside and onto oliver's bed.
oliver nervously follows, but keeps his distance.
"i need to talk to you"
"shut the fuck up, ollie. you left me to die, least you can fucking do is shut the fuck up"
oliver shuts up. felix feels sick. there's a moment.
"why did you do it?"
"do what?" felix makes a face. "honest to god felix i haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about"
felix's voice changes. "ollie."
that breaks oliver. he rushes up to him on his bed, pleading with felix for forgiveness, making his excuses, declaring his love. felix finds it as pathetic as it is endearing. his face remains neutral as he watches his former best friend and attempted murderer grovel at his feet, pull at his pants and beg for forgiveness.
felix finally speaks. “i don’t forgive you.”
oliver is shattered. "felix..."
he looks at oliver, looks in his eyes. he's always gotten attention, sure, but he's never had devotion like this. it's intoxicating, watching someone look up at him like he's a god, like he possesses unwordly powers.
he pushes oliver's new, longer bangs out of the way, gets a good look at him. he runs his thumb along oliver's bottom lip. oliver is hesitant, but he takes it into his mouth. felix pulls him open. oliver just sits there, pillar still, looking up at felix in adoration. always fucking looking up at him. a glob of spit falls from felix’s lips into oliver's waiting mouth. oliver closes his eyes, clearly being overtaken by pleasure, and swallows it. he's accepted his only chance at redemption.
"i will never forgive you." felix doesn't believe his own words, but needs to say them.
he pulls oliver into his lap (not as easily as he had hoped). oliver's shaking, but keeps his hands at his sides.
for a second, felix thinks about fucking oliver tonight. it's unfamiliar territory, but he's been around bisexuals his whole life, even if he never thought he was one. and maybe he's not, looking at oliver. not just his hair, his hands are so much smaller than felix's own. he's so much smaller than felix in general. fucking oliver would basically be like fucking a girl.
"you grew your hair out."
"i didn't really..." felix pushes a loose bit of oliver's hair behind his ear. "do you like it?"
felix nods. he wants to kiss him. god, he wants to kiss him, but oliver hasn't earned it yet. they have so much to talk about. too much, but at least for now, they have a mutual understanding.
tldr: felix is beating himself up for missing oliver. felix copes with his feelings by treating oliver like a girl. potentially cracks his egg? or is it a devotion thing? who knows!
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afropearl · 9 months ago
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altars 🐚
I never realized how much I devote to Myself
My vanity, with skincare and makeup to enhance glamour
jewelry that glistens in moonlight, as I love silver
My mirror, a portal into Myself adorned with messages to remind Me ‘I am the center’
My end table, with crystals and books and candles, shells and sand from past sea trips
the bathroom, carefully curated to cleanse, restore, and enrich My skin and hair with luxurious oils, lotions and creams
My silk sheets, soft clothing, nutrition, exercise, relaxation; they all are offerings to Me.
I am one of the Goddesses.
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weirdoinred · 4 months ago
another thunderwave hc because i cant stop myself
while thunderhowl is a huge advocate for equality in his relationships, he will not hesitate to knock soundwave down a peg when he gets too bratty or cocky
his go to’s are grabbing the back of soundwaves neck and scruffing him, physically dragging him by the arm away from whatever innocent bot hes decided to torment, and using his height and strength to intimidate soundwave into backing down (this one only works about 40 percent of time)
There have been several occasions where thunderhowl was seen casually strolling with soundwave thrashing and cursing over his shoulder
thunderhowl is definitely the kind of mech to pick up his shorter bf just because he wanted to
not to mention how huge of a cuddler thunderhowl is in general and theres just something about working while holding ur bf close in ur lap that feels right
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