#trans people are dying
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trulynamelessworld · 4 months ago
Hey so after watching six episodes of The Handmaid's Tale I have come to the conclusion that we are approximately two steps left from it happening.
Look, the show practically gives a step by step guide. Look at the American election results, and the way Canadian politics are leaning. We're getting there.
So, heres what you're going to do:
Stash some cash: If you have extra funds, withdraw some. Stash it somewhere you would think to look that other people would not. Useful in all kinds of emergency situations.
Update your paperwork: My passport is expired, I should update that. In my case, I'm a dual citizen so I could get out of dodge fast if I needed to. Keep it somewhere safe with the cash. We're talking passports, birth certificates social security numbers, etc.
Keep physical copies: This is the digital age, but guard physical copies of what you do have closely. I have lots of cds and a cd player, pictures of me and my partner, books. Burning books is already a thing, I highly recommend purchasing books straight off of banned book lists.
Read up on your herbs: Its not witchy voodoo shit if it works. Theres simple stuff, mint tea for nausea, raspberry leaf for cramps, mugwort for you know what. Be careful, I am not saying this is safe, but it may be necessary. Also everybody likes a good cup of tea.
Bug out bag: For if you're really committed. This is a bag for survival situations, or if you have less than two minutes to leave your house. Read about it online. It should have everything you need (clothes, toiletries, food, medication) if you need to leave with what you can fit on your back.
Write: Keep written record about anything you don't want to forget. Journal entries, song lyrics, recipes, whatever. It does not matter, notebooks are something you can throw under one arm and go.
Powerful men are not your friends, religious leaders are not your friends, that acquaintance with questionable world views is not your friend. Create a close network of people you trust with your life. I'm not joking.
I am aware I sound cuckoo bananas to some of you and thats fine. I sound cuckoo bananas to myself. Women are losing agency, queer people are losing their lives, disabled people are being forced further and further under the poverty line. I check all three of the boxes above, this is reality.
If you have to pick one or two, pick Stash some cash and Update your paperwork.
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uncle-fruity · 3 months ago
I think if someone says, "Hey, the things you're saying are really hurtful and I don't like it when you call me names," you don't just get to say no to that. You don't get to define someone else's pain, and you don't get to decide what should or shouldn't be hurtful to them. All you get to decide is how you're going to react when they tell you that you've hurt them. No one can really stop you from doubling down and ridiculing their feelings -- you're free to do that -- but don't think for a second that it makes you look like a good or safe person to be around.
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woodlandstarz13 · 2 months ago
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the rabbit usually misgenders silas, and it made me very happy to see that the proper version of the word ‘blond’ was used to describe silas, especially since it’s from his own perspective. it’s random but it made my little genderqueer artist heart happy :)
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rowan-ashtree · 4 months ago
happy transgender day of remembrance to those of us who have lost someone we love, and to those of us who nearly lost ourselves. we will take time to mourn, and then we will keep each other alive as best we can.
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talos-stims · 1 year ago
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alexmoonsun on ig | source
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burstfoot · 8 months ago
Hey, has anyone who's seen I Saw The TV Glow seen any good articles/posts discussing the themes of femininity/womanhood or specifically transfeminity in the movie? I want to read some analysis from that perspective but most of the analysis I can find is taking the approach of like, "transness" as an all-encompassing experience (or even from the experiences of trans men and non-binary people) & I think I'd really like to read something specifically focused on that aspect considering the protagonist is transfem herself
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c-kiddo · 1 year ago
obviously its all bad but the one plagiarism somerton did that i rly cant get over is taking the words of a trans!! and asian!!!!!!! writer (jes tom), who was writing personally about their thoughts on Mulan and how they very personally connected to the story, and removing any mention of race so that he (white) could say it as if it was his words. and not only that he makes it generally about queerness rather than (asian, specifically) transmasculinity . truly rancid
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keepmovinjunior · 2 months ago
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tcstealthy · 18 days ago
Stop just telling trans people to survive, and instead start taking action enough as to ensure we actually will. Silence is violence, inaction enables the abuse. Sincerely, A young trans woman.
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biohazard-inevitable · 1 year ago
They say that hair holds stories, that the style is what makes a man.
They say long locks make you a pansy and a real man should have it short lest they be mistaken for a girl.
Where I grew up, every man buzzed their hair down.
It was a shame for it to be long and shaggy, and mothers would fuss over you, insisting upon a haircut.
For girls, it was fine.
They could have hair as long as they wanted or as short as they needed, so long as it wasnt buzzed as short as a man’s.
Being anything else just wasn’t a thing round these parts where churches chimed every sunday, pastors clammoring around resturants and filling their quotas in a single lunch.
So I buzzed mine.
I tried as hard as I could to seem as manly as possible
To appear as bull of a brute as any cowboy should.
I wore all the boy things and had all the short boy hair.
My scalp was sensitive anyways, so I thought it didn’t bother me.
It was better shorter.
Wasnt it?
I still gazed and clammored about the anime boys I saw on screen or in Otome games though.
I gushed about how pretty they were with hair down their backs like a silken curtain, or whipping wild through the air like the mane of a lion.
Legolas was never deemed as not manly enough
Beither was Zen or inuyasha or the undertaker.
A crush, I supposed.
Because of course thats all it was.
I was a gay little boy with gay little crushes and my type was men with long, Beautiful hair.
My hair was a dull, discolored brown from the shimmering blonde it used to be, the blonde I remember from kindergarten.
I tried to return to that blonde with bleach.
My school didnt allow unnatural colors, so anything was better than that matted, oily brown.
Shaved short and as platinum as a ken doll, I should have been as man as ever.
4 years, I stayed like that, and while the short hair was easy to take care of, I felt as hideous as a pile of sludge.
It didnt matter if I was loved for my looks, I supposed.
Wouldn’t that be too vain of me?
Boys weren’t supposed to care about what they looked like, they werent supposed to coo and admire Beautiful hair or seethe in jealousy that their sister looked so much better and has such long, goregous hair.
It wasn’t until after high school that I began to explore.
Covid let me grow my hair out more, though I still trimmed the sides.
I let my bangs grow long and shaggy over my face, like a veil to hide me from the world.
Eventually I dyed it again, this time going with that green I had always wanted to try, the one I had seen on my favorite youtuber growing up, fluffy and emerald.
Still, for years more, I kept it short. Only allowing that fringe to hover over me as some sort of style.
Recently though, I’ve realized I want that hair that those anime men had.
I want that soft curtain rolling down my back like waves of an ebony river, flecks of mossy green dotting it like a miasma of toxin flowing through the oily black stream.
I want the hair like the ring girl
The people around me are foolish and prudent to think the length of ones hair makes you more or less of a man.
I know that now, and I’m glad I do.
I want to stop pretending not to like things
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years ago
Man, as a trans guy and abuse survivor, whenever I see people saying the likes of, "lmao, men shouldn't be allowed in anything deemed 'women's healthcare'!" It just reminds me that - especially in healthcare - my safety and comfort will never matter so long as it continues to condradict people's preconceived notions of what constitutes people worthy of healthcare. It's just something I wish the well-meaning people who are rightfully frustrated with the state of healthcare would take a second to remember.
Yes, the healthcare system sucks and we must fix it. No, that doesn't mean we ought to leave behind people just because they challenge us on our own biases.
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gay-otlc · 2 years ago
If you think the biggest issue the trans community is facing is "a trans person on the internet is referring to their identity/experiences with words i don't like" then your priorities are fucked and you don't actually give a fuck about the trans community and you need to stop talking right the fuck now.
(do not fucking tag this with anything along the lines of"except ___")
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mossy-rot · 1 year ago
finished the newest season of bsd and started checking out some new ships and. apparently in the desperate times of lacking lesbian content the bungo stray dogs fandom has turned to sigma and dazai and said 'you guys should be cunty actually'
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vamptastic · 5 months ago
it's so frustrating when somebody makes a really good point about misogyny but has to go out of their way to exclude transgender men from the discussion when discussing things that very explicitly include us. i don't mean just forgetting we exist or using cissexist language i mean specifically going out of your way to say that obviously we must somehow be exempt from, say, abortion bans, for no real reason other than to be exclusionary.
and like i know the answer from most people is lol whatever suck it up that's how it is being a minority but you know, i've been doing that, and it gets a bit tiring to be told that problems that directly affect you and others like you aren't worth caring about and that you wanting people to remember you exist is like, asserting your toxic masculine energy or whatever.
i just want people to remember that trans men can get pregnant and might be perceived as women and discriminated against for without explicitly misgendering us in the process. especially since that misgendering is often not accidental cissexism but can in fact be a deliberate attempt to force us to detransition if we want to benefit from feminism in terms of abortion rights or hate crime laws or workplace discrimination.
like it's not me being sensitive about language it's not wanting a movement that concerns me and my rights to forget i exist or deliberately exclude me. because when well meaning cis woman feminists forget about trans men you open the door for people that are not well-meaning to deliberately fuck us over. that's all.
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cassolotl · 1 year ago
Sometimes something puts me into my context as a queer born in the 80s and growing up in Section 28 England, and there's nothing else really to do except have a little cry about it.
“There’s a generation of queer people grieving for the childhood they never had,” Haigh says. “I think there’s a sense of nostalgia for something we never got, because we were so tormented. It feels close to grief. It dissipates, but it’s always there."
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kiwibirbkat · 6 months ago
Was feeling self depreciating and then remembered that my wife called me a PRETTY BOY 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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