#i have a high voice when i speak to customers
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biohazard-inevitable · 11 months ago
They say that hair holds stories, that the style is what makes a man.
They say long locks make you a pansy and a real man should have it short lest they be mistaken for a girl.
Where I grew up, every man buzzed their hair down.
It was a shame for it to be long and shaggy, and mothers would fuss over you, insisting upon a haircut.
For girls, it was fine.
They could have hair as long as they wanted or as short as they needed, so long as it wasnt buzzed as short as a man’s.
Being anything else just wasn’t a thing round these parts where churches chimed every sunday, pastors clammoring around resturants and filling their quotas in a single lunch.
So I buzzed mine.
I tried as hard as I could to seem as manly as possible
To appear as bull of a brute as any cowboy should.
I wore all the boy things and had all the short boy hair.
My scalp was sensitive anyways, so I thought it didn’t bother me.
It was better shorter.
Wasnt it?
I still gazed and clammored about the anime boys I saw on screen or in Otome games though.
I gushed about how pretty they were with hair down their backs like a silken curtain, or whipping wild through the air like the mane of a lion.
Legolas was never deemed as not manly enough
Beither was Zen or inuyasha or the undertaker.
A crush, I supposed.
Because of course thats all it was.
I was a gay little boy with gay little crushes and my type was men with long, Beautiful hair.
My hair was a dull, discolored brown from the shimmering blonde it used to be, the blonde I remember from kindergarten.
I tried to return to that blonde with bleach.
My school didnt allow unnatural colors, so anything was better than that matted, oily brown.
Shaved short and as platinum as a ken doll, I should have been as man as ever.
4 years, I stayed like that, and while the short hair was easy to take care of, I felt as hideous as a pile of sludge.
It didnt matter if I was loved for my looks, I supposed.
Wouldn’t that be too vain of me?
Boys weren’t supposed to care about what they looked like, they werent supposed to coo and admire Beautiful hair or seethe in jealousy that their sister looked so much better and has such long, goregous hair.
It wasn’t until after high school that I began to explore.
Covid let me grow my hair out more, though I still trimmed the sides.
I let my bangs grow long and shaggy over my face, like a veil to hide me from the world.
Eventually I dyed it again, this time going with that green I had always wanted to try, the one I had seen on my favorite youtuber growing up, fluffy and emerald.
Still, for years more, I kept it short. Only allowing that fringe to hover over me as some sort of style.
Recently though, I’ve realized I want that hair that those anime men had.
I want that soft curtain rolling down my back like waves of an ebony river, flecks of mossy green dotting it like a miasma of toxin flowing through the oily black stream.
I want the hair like the ring girl
The people around me are foolish and prudent to think the length of ones hair makes you more or less of a man.
I know that now, and I’m glad I do.
I want to stop pretending not to like things
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luveline · 8 months ago
I can’t remember if you’ve done one yet of Jack being jealous of the new baby not because of his dad’s attention but because of readers!
“Jack, Jack, Jack,” Aaron says, hands on Jack’s shoulders where his son sits at the kitchen table, “I forgot to tell you, I got you a present.” 
“What kind?” Jack asks, used to presents by now. There’s been books, crayons, and enough toy cars to fill his parking garage to the brim. 
“What kind do you think?” 
He likes when his dad speaks like that. Aaron’s a peppy dad, he says everything in an altered bubbly tone that makes Jack smile, but his best voice is the soft one. Lightly teasing. He hugs Jack with one arm from behind, pressing his nose to Jack’s hair momentarily. 
“A big one?” Jack asks. 
“Sort of…” Aaron smiles. “Do you want me to go get it?” 
Jack’s about to say yes with a laugh, his excitement like a warm flame just below an outheld hand, but he stops when he hears a familiar gurgly sound and your loving laughter. 
“I know, baby.” That’s your voice, tired and soft as his father’s. “You’re exhausted. Let me give you a little squeeze before you sleep, hm? You’ll cry yourself awake if I don’t, you get all those trapped burps.” You laugh to yourself.
Jack sighs and turns back to his drawing. “Okay, dad,” he says, clearly monotonous. 
Aaron frowns behind his head. “Okay, buddy. It’s in the den.” 
“Okie dokie.” 
“Jack,” he says, and not a lot else. 
Aaron can’t wrap his head around it. Jack was so, so excited for Noah. He bragged to everyone at school that his step-mom was having a baby, that he’d have a little brother, and that they were all moving into a big house with a nice yard to play soccer. Jack and Noah Hotchner, best friends since the minute Noah was born. Or, that’s what you and Aaron hoped for.
It started well. Jack is gentle, and he’s understanding; he realised the baby would need extra care, and he’s done nothing but kiss and cuddle his new brother whenever they’re together. You got him a sound machine and some custom fitted earplugs for the long nights of crying, you never put Noah before him if you could help it. Aaron even pencilled in an hour of Jack time each day, but it isn’t working anymore. Jack’s just sad. 
The present is a jigsaw puzzle. A thousand pieces of guaranteed time spent together, but Aaron doesn’t have high hopes. 
He takes the two short steps down into the den to meet your eyes, shaking his head slowly. “I don’t know,” he mouths. 
You pat the baby’s back. “Well, I might have a suggestion.”
He couldn’t want to hear it more. “Tell me.” 
You hold his baby (your baby but his more urgently, the feeling an ache in his chest and hands) still as small and curled as a rabbit against your chest. Noah’s legs twitch in his onesie, his dark hair short where it brushes your lips. “I think maybe Jack misses me. I miss him, and I’m the grown up. I feel like I barely see him even though we’re living in the same house.” 
Aaron pauses, resting the jigsaw puzzle on the sideboard.
There’s no point in underselling the importance of you in Jack's life. You’re integral to Jack’s happiness, and Aaron can’t believe he hadn’t thought of your suggestion before now; he’s amazed by his own ego. Of course Jack misses you. You spend half your life nursing, which is half a life away from you he didn’t feel before.
“That’s what it is,” Aaron says. 
“Yeah?” you ask. 
He takes Noah from your arms, settling him on the slope of his chest. “If it isn’t, we might be out of answers.” Aaron rubs Noah’s back with delight. It’s nice to see a solution to Jack’s upset in sight, and nice to hold the baby while he’s in a good mood. “Seriously, honey. I think you’re right.” 
“What are we gonna do if it isn’t me?” 
“Give this one back?” 
“That’s not funny.” 
“Sorry, I’m kidding!” He gives Noah a little soft kiss. “Just kidding, beautiful. You’re all mine.” 
You take the jigsaw and give him a smile that borders shy. If his arms weren’t full he’d take your wrist in his hand and hold it for a while, but there’s stuff to do. You emerge from the den to the kitchen and Aaron follows. 
Jack immediately spins in his seat. Aaron doesn’t need to be a profiler to know your theory is correct. The change in Jack is unmissable. 
“Y/N,” he says, hiding his hope poorly. 
You show him the jigsaw. “I know it’s supposed to be your time with dad, but maybe it can be time with me instead? What do you think?” 
“Yeah!” You pop the jigsaw in front of him without crushing his drawings. “Can we? I miss you.” 
“I miss you!” he says. 
“Yeah?” You brush his hair back. “You do?” 
“I do, I want to do the puzzle with you! Can we do it?” 
Your smile is part relief, part love. You hook a chair with your ankle and pull it under you as you sit, fingernail already scratching at the plastic wrap on the puzzle to pull it open. “We’re gonna do it right now.” 
The puzzle is a lot of pieces, you’ve barely completed the frame when it’s time for everyone to head to bed, but, reluctant, you and Jack sit at the table where Jack’s climbed into your lap for a ‘better view’, and you’ve wrapped your arms around him, occasionally loosing an arm to direct him to a right piece. The baby put to bed, Aaron pretends to pay more attention to cleaning the kitchen than he’s truly doing, finding himself leaning against the counter with a sterilised bottle in hand as you stroke Jack’s hair. 
“You know I love you?” you ask quietly. 
“Duh. You tell me all the time.” 
“I don’t want you to forget.” 
“I don’t.” 
Jack snaps a puzzle piece in to place and preens at your murmured, “Good job. Maybe we can try to do some of this every night you’re home?” 
Jack doesn’t cry, but it ties Aaron’s heart into a knot anyways when he turns into your chest to hug you tightly. “Okay,” Jack says, voice muffled by your t-shirt. 
You pat his back. His hands scrunch up like he’s worried you’re gonna pull away. 
“Can I get in on this?” Aaron asks. 
“No,” you both say. 
Jack rubs his cheek into your collar. He doesn’t want to share. “No, dad. It’s not your time.” 
He supposes he does get you every night. “Fine. I love you, though.” 
“Love you too.” 
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wyvernest · 8 months ago
cold nights by the fire
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cregan stark x betrothed f! reader
cw: smut, piv, creampie, fluff, slightly typical-medieval sexist views, loss of virginity
summary: your soon-to-be husband keeps you warm on your first cold night in Winterfell
Ever since the war ended, nights have grown colder in the regretted absence of most dragonfire in Westeros. High and sharp winds have started growing in the North, sweeping far south of The Wall and clawing at the gates of Winterfell.
Tonight was no different. You had asked your handmaiden to build a fire in the hearth for both your comfort, but with little gain. As soon as you stepped away from the red, licking flames, the cold took over like shadow vanquishing light.
“It’s all in vain.” you mutter, defeated.
“I shall bring more furs, m’lady.” your handmaiden insists, getting up from her spot by the fire.
“Don’t.”, you chuckle, “Any more and I’ll suffocate. They’ll have to send all the guards to come looking for me amongst them come morn’.”
Your companion lets a shy laugh escape her trembling lips, although short-lived as a tall, broad shadow appears by the door. 
“My lady.” Your heart flutters wildly at the unmistakable sound of your betrothed’s voice, so gentle and concerned. “Are you well?”
Nodding for your handmaiden to retreat to her own chamber, you now become aware of your condition; kneeled on the rough tapestry, crumbled into a ball of pelts, hands above the flames. Sour shame washes over you, for having dared to believe you were one of the toughest of your family during harsh times, yet now conquered by the cold on your first night in Winterfell. 
“Cregan.” you shuffle to raise to your feet but your freezing legs aren’t eager to heed your intent. “I must admit, my northern blood has betrayed me tonight, for the first time.” 
You are startled amidst your struggles to flee from the furs as he braces you with a firm hand on your back, before his other comes around your waist, easily lifting you off the rugs. He walks back, placing you on the soft bed and sitting beside you, the covers rigid with night’s chill underneath.
“I will not have my lady wife quiver in my own keep.” He rids himself of his cloak swiftly, draping it over your smaller frame. The hastiness of the gesture makes a newfound warmth pool in your veins, reminding you of the same way he is to soon cloak you as his lady, in sight of the Old Gods. 
“Thank you,” You whisper, surprised and stunned, as you cuddle closer into his embrace. His body heat soon seeps into you, your trembling diminishing as his strong arms faintly squeeze more and more. 
‘Exhilarated’ didn’t begin to properly describe how you felt when Lord Cregan started courting you not long after he had returned from the southern war of the Targaryens. Your house is pledged to the Starks, but with the safety of the North now secured, he did not deem it necessary to strengthen alliances with marriage anymore, not when he could follow his heart so freely.
A giddy shiver rouses you from oncoming slumber, as the last slither of cold leaves your body in a sneeze you wished you could suppress. 
“Come closer.” You can feel his hot breath on your face as he moves you over his lap, his right arm running up and down your back in hopes of keeping you warm.
“Is this proper? So soon, before the wedding?” You do not wish to so easily disrespect customs and laws, but it wasn't rare that you found yourself fantasising about finally being his.
“I am merely looking after my beloved. I already vowed to shield you from harm.” You cannot tell if there was a trace of amusement in his tone or if it was just your mind jesting.
“Not before the gods.”
“The gods knew of the pledge before I could speak it. The ceremony will be held, but my loyalties will have been with you for long before.” The hold around your waist tightens, affectionate.
You look up at him, pondering your next words carefully; but before you could muster up a word, your eyes drift to his lips, only for a moment. He doesn't need a clearer impulse to proceed.
His mouth meets yours with a warm exhale that seems to bewitch you, all senses and shock diffusing into the need of being with him. Your face is hot, the skin of your waist is buzzing under his touch even through thick clothing. Your kiss is shy, despite his growing hunger. He nips at your soft lips, his right hand cradling your face, warm and calloused, yet so tender.
His left palm grazes your thigh, a reassuring safety seasoned with soft need. 
You cannot dream of stopping him. Your only concern is him ceasing at an awful time, only to return to his usual, honourable self and leave you desperate until the wedding. But he does not back away, more and more enraptured with you, the scent of you, your skin and your soft sighs. 
He kisses down your jaw, down your throat, wet, hot and open-mouthed. Your body has forgotten all about the sting of cold, leaning back onto the furs. He follows without breaking away, climbing on top of you slowly yet steadily. You moan in surprise as he begins to toy with the back strings of your dress.
“If you wish me gone, I will be gone at once, wife.” He vows.
Returning into view, he looks at you from atop, his brows soothing at the realisation that you are about to welcome him.
“Warm my bed tonight, husband.” You utter, a feather’s puff aways from his lips.
With that, he descends upon you, tasting your words on your lips, his hands cradling your liquified body like softened candle wax. You're burning up and twisting with excitement under the blazing flame of his heat. 
His hands slowly rid you of your garments, leaving you in your white shift, before slipping underneath and grabbing your waist. His touch leaves your skin aching and burning behind, his kisses mark you in a scorch palpable only to you. His touch climbs past your waist, coming to fondle the soft flesh of your breasts. Your heart beat is so strong you swear he might feel it as he softly squeezes your tit.
You shuffle in his hold, seeking to press yourself closer and closer into him, as if to become one. He indulges, himself wanting to wrap you up entirely in his embrace. Your soft breasts come flush against his hard chest, legs curling up around his waist as you receive him between your parted thighs. 
His breathing gradually becomes laboured as he moves against you, pulling the covers over you both. As he continues to caress the curves and dips of your shape, his groin brushes up against your flower and your hips betray you, dragging back up against him. With a low grunt, he frees himself from his breeches with one hand, and you pull at his chemise to fully undress him.
“Are you certain?” You inquire, out of breath.
“Always have been.” He soothes your worries with another heart-stopping kiss, sealing the premature bedding with an undoubting vow.
You feel him guide himself into you, the tip of his manhood prodding at the pink petals of your unplucked rose, claiming you. He pushes in and you gladly accept him, wet and wanting. 
“Gods, you feel amazing.” He groans above you, finally settled completely into you, before pulling back out and starting to roll his hips, steady yet hard enough to have you tensing at the sudden feeling of kindles in your womb. 
He sinks deep into you with every thrust, breathing heavy on your neck, groaning in your ear, whipping at the cold and dark of the bedchamber. You can smell the pinewood and musk on him, closer than you’ve ever been before, and it drowns out your senses, reducing you to the rapid waters of a river, bending and breaking against harsh stones of mountains, willing and united. 
You gasp out his name as the air is filled with your moans and pleas, the wood-carved bed frame ramming into the bleak stone walls of Winterfell with an echoless rhythm. 
He worships your body like you were a godly grace bestowed upon him, listening to your every sound and heeding every sign that he could do more for your pleasure. Eventually his thrusts grow urgent and scattered in between breaths, and before he can muffle your ecstatic whines with another kiss, you come, your delicate flower quivering around him, pushing him into the peak of his own satisfaction. 
You feel him throb inside, filling you with a strange, new sensation. He collapses by your side, tenderly dragging you with him. He strokes up and down your back, his breaths calming with a deep sigh.
“Is my lady still in discomfort?” He jests lightly, proud with himself and immensely content.
You snuggle at his side, head on his chest. “No. But I'm afraid I will be in need of your aid every night, my lord.”
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haoboutyou · 3 months ago
jeon wonwoo + “is there something you want to tell me?”
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If there is one thing Jeon Wonwoo loves more than you—and family, and his friends—it has to be gaming. So much so that he manages to convince you to turn the spare study room into his very own little gaming nook, fully equipped with everything a gamer could possibly need to play in peace: large monitor, custom PC, a comfy gaming chair, state-of-the-art headphones—you name it, he already has it set up.
Having you hang out with him in his gaming room is nothing new too. He even added an additional chair so you can comfortably sit next to him whenever you want. It is something you really appreciate; most times, you are content just sitting in each other’s presence while occupied with something else. Too many nights were spent curled up in your chair while reading or scrolling through your phone, the sounds of Wonwoo talking with his friends over Discord, the clicks of his keyboard, and the game’s music serving as familiar white noise.
Wonwoo even develops a habit of wearing only one side of his headphones—just so he can hear if you are talking to him. Nevertheless, you still always make it a point to gently tap on his shoulder for attention, so as to not disrupt his playing.
This time, it takes only an hour since you entered the room for Wonwoo to realise you were in there with him. You gently pry the door open, tiptoeing into the room as quietly as you can. It works: Wonwoo hasn’t registered your presence. He is fully engrossed in the game that’s blown up on his screen, eyebrows furrowing in concentration as he strategizes with his teammates over their call.
He only notices you when you tug on his sleeve. Almost immediately, he pushes his chair away, lifting one side of his headphones and opening his arms wide. You shoot him a grateful smile as you climb into his lap. He makes sure you are comfortable straddling him, cheek resting on his shoulder before he pushes the chair back towards the table, resuming his game while hugging you.
You have never been more thankful for Wonwoo’s large arms; they’re long enough to comfortably reach around you for the keyboard without struggle.
Wonwoo is considerate enough of his teammates to move his mic out of the way before addressing you. “Is there something you want to tell me, love?”
“Missed you. I can’t sleep.” Your voice is muffled as you speak into his hoodie.
“Really?” You nod sleepily. Chuckling, he presses a kiss on the crown of your head. “I’ll be a little noisy. Is that okay with you?”
You hum in acknowledgement, but Wonwoo already knows he is losing you to dreamland. “Sleep well, love.”
His teammates online try to mock him by mimicking him in high-pitched voices, but he doesn’t even care. “At least I have a girlfriend, you lonely losers.” It prompts a stifled laugh from his hold, and squeaks of retaliation through the headphones.
Yeah. That shut them up real quick.
divider by @saradika
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verstappenverse · 2 months ago
Pairing: Camgirl!Reader x Obsessed!Max
Authors Note: NSFW still working on the details for the upcoming fic but having fun with the concept. Let me know what you think or send any additional ideas 😉
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Max can’t remember how he found your page—maybe it was a suggested post on Instagram, or maybe some random link caught his attention. It doesn’t matter how it started, what matters is that now he’s addicted.
At first it's just curiosity, he wasn’t the type to watch cam streams or really spend any time on adult content, but something about you was different. You weren’t like the over-the-top, hyper-curated content he’d expect from this kind of thing. You were sweet, soft-spoken, almost shy in the way you interacted with the camera. And Max sitting alone in his Monaco penthouse couldn’t look away.
He tells himself it’s just a passing distraction, a way to unwind, but then he starts getting… attached. His obsession grows quietly at first. He subscribes to your page, buys your exclusive content, and sets notifications for your streams. It doesn’t matter if he’s at a racetrack, a sponsor event, or a hotel halfway across the world - when you post about your next stream, he checks the time difference and tries to plan his schedule around it.
The first time someone else drops a high tip and you thank them by name, Max feels it. That sharp, irrational sting of jealousy. He knows it’s stupid, he’s one of thousands of viewers, but the way you smile for them? It makes him want to punch a wall. So he does the only thing that makes sense - he outbids them.
When you say his username in that soft, teasing tone and add “Thank you so much, you’re incredible!”—it’s like a shot of adrenaline straight to his chest.
It starts small a few high donations here and there, but soon enough he finds himself spending more of his income on you than he’d ever care to admit. From there it spirals, he’s tipping more, requesting more, even messaging you privately. You respond graciously of course, you always do, but Max convinces himself that your replies to him are different. More personal.
Custom videos, private streams - whatever gets him a little closer to feeling like he’s the only one you’re looking at. He tells himself it’s harmless. He can afford it after all.
It doesn’t take long before his obsession starts creeping into the rest of his life. Between races, he’s refreshing your page to see if you’ve posted. During long-haul flights, he’s watching your videos on repeat. Even at the paddock while his team is running simulations or tweaking the car setup he catches himself checking for notifications.
There are nights he barely sleeps staying up to catch you live, even if he has an early training session the next day. Between races he’ll watch your older streams on repeat, memorising the way you speak, the way you smile. Max knows he’s in too deep, but he can’t stop. He doesn’t want to stop.
His spending ramps up. When someone else tries to steal the spotlight in your chat, he doesn’t just outbid them—he obliterates them. He’s dropping tips that make everyone else look like amateurs, just to keep your attention squarely on him. And it works. His messages get bolder and more desperate too.
I can’t stop thinking about how good you’d look in my bed.
It’s torture watching you touch yourself, knowing I could make you feel so much better.
Tell me I’m your favourite, just once.
You should be sitting on my lap right now instead of talking to them.
Do you know how hard it is to sit here and watch you, knowing I can’t touch you?
The things I’d do to you if you were mine… you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day. Your lips part in surprise at that one, and you quickly cover your flustered reaction with a laugh. “Well, that’s… quite the statement,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady. I never make promises I can’t keep.
But it’s not enough.
The idea of being just another fan starts to gnaw at him. Max Verstappen isn’t “just another” anything. But Max is nothing if not competitive, and the idea of being just another fan doesn’t sit well with him for long. He’s used to winning, to being first, to having the best. He wants to be the one you think about when the stream ends.
He wants to know you in ways the others never could. Where you live, what you liked to do when the camera was off, whether anyone in your life treated you as well as you deserved.
What would it take for me to get your attention?
And when you reply, laughing softly, “You’ve already got it,” it’s game over for him.
Max is playing a dangerous game. Balancing his life as one of the most recognisable athletes in the world with his growing obsession for someone who doesn’t even know who he really is. But that’s the thing about Max - when he wants something he gets it. And right now, there’s nothing in the world he wants more than you.
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webshooterrr9 · 9 months ago
dbf!miguel staying over
i mean....... i had to eventually...
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w.c: 2.6k
content warning: alcohol usage, age gap (reader is 21, Miguel is 35), smut, unprotected PiV sex (wrap it before you tap it!), slight dom/sub dynamic but not really because mig is such a sweetie and reader is sassy af, teasing because mig is secretly a meanie :(, not really tho he wants it just as much as her, big scary men whimpering!!!
sorry for y'all who don't speak spanish cuz i didn't feel like adding translations because it messed up the look but dw most of it is in english
Miguel and your father have been friends since college.
When your dad needed help with homework, Miguel was there. When your dad needed someone to pass to during the game, Miguel was there. When your dad mourned the loss of your mom, taken from the world too soon, Miguel was there. There were countless nights where Miguel would tutor your dad on subjects he struggled with after missing classes to take care of you: the angel he was gifted with in high school. Although he admits you came into his life a bit too early for comfort, he has always loved and prioritized you. And Miguel quickly became your dad’s best friend because, although he never met you, he could tell just how much your father cared about you.
And so he was always there for your dad. All through college and beyond.
It wasn’t until you started college that Miguel had the pleasure of meeting you. Your dad had planned a hangout with the three of you, telling you about how important it is to have a good friend on your side, how it helped him when times got tough.
And now you’re 21 - sitting on your childhood bed after coming home from college for the summer. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been thinking about Miguel since you’ve been home. When you met him three years ago, you were somewhat intimidated by him. How could you not? Look at the sheer size of that man. But you came to know through your school breaks that he was a lot more laid-back than you previously thought. You hate to admit it, but you’ve developed a slight crush on him. It’s stupid, you know, but how could you possibly resist those deep brown eyes and that smooth baritone voice that pulls you in every time?
Knock knock “Chiquita?”
You recognized that silky tone. It was Miguel.
“Yeah?” you say, putting your phone to the side. “Come in.” The doorknob twists and your door slowly creeps open. Behind it was that beautiful man: soft brown curls, slightly hidden by a backwards cap, a strong nose, dusty jeans that hug his legs just right, and a plain white tee with a gold cross dangling from a chain around his neck. Your dad’s best friend. Miguel.
He steps into your room and lingers by the door, a lazy smile across his face.  Dios… he was something else.
“¿Qué estás haciendo, mami? Haven’t seen you in a while.”
You sit up straighter, trying not to look as lousy as you feel. He came in here looking like a goddamn Roman god and you’re just sitting in your pjs. “Just scrolling,” you reply. “Trying to enjoy my time without homework.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Your papi invited me over,” he says, stepping further into the room. “Just to catch up and share a few Modelos.”
You watch his arms cross over his chest, the sleeves of his tee tightening around his huge arms. “Doesn’t explain why you’re in here,” you say. “Shouldn’t you be out back with him, then?”
“What, ¿no puedo saludar a la hija de mi amigo?" he laughs. “That’s not fair.” he adds with a fake pout that makes you giggle.
“I didn’t say that,” you smile. He walks over and sits on the edge of your bed. You notice his watch gleam in the sunlight filtering through your windows. “Did you come here from work? Your shirt is dirty as hell.”
“You know how it is, beba. Being a blue collar worker is a tough job.”
You snort. “Please, being a mechanic is hardly blue collar work. You stay inside a garage all day.”
“My customers would beg to differ,” Miguel says. “You should see how many señoras come into my garage looking for a replacement for their shitty husbands.”
“Makes me feel like they’re tryna put a ring on it.” he wiggles his calloused fingers in front of you for added effect.
“Well, it makes sense,” you say. “You’re about their age anyway.”
“Oye!” he laughs. “I’m thirty-five, thank you very much. Not even close to their age.”
You roll your eyes. “Whatever you say, viejo.”
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The sun had set an hour ago and he hadn’t gone home yet.
Despite the amount of times Miguel offered to leave, not wanting to overstay his welcome, your father insisted he stay for ��ten more minutes” and handed him another beer each time. The sound of the two men laughing from the living room kept you awake. It normally wouldn’t bother you, since you’re a night owl anyway, but you have plans with your friend tomorrow that you have to wake up early for.
You exit the comfort of your bedroom and head into the living room where you find Miguel and your dad chatting loudly on the couch. Miguel’s arm is draped over the back of the sofa, which accentuates his already defined chest - not to mention the dim lamp light casting beautiful shadows on his face.
“Ah, mija, there you are!” your father exclaims, very drunkenly. “I was wondering where you were. No te he visto en todo el día!”
“Lo siento, papi.” You reply, leaning against the wall. Miguel’s stare feels hot on your skin. You can see him through your peripheral vision, looking as handsome as ever.
“Es tarde en la noche, chiquita.” Miguel says, his words coming out slower due to all the Modelo in his system. “Why are you still up?”
“That’s exactly why I came in here; to tell you two to shut up.”
“¡Oye! Watch your mouth, mija.” your dad says sternly, while Miguel just chuckles.
“Sorry, pequeña,” Miguel says, setting his beer down on the coffee table. “We’ll keep it down. But don’t swear at your padre, yeah? Respect your elders.”
“Uh huh.” you shrug, waving the two men goodbye as you retire to your bedroom. You were sure that Miguel would still be there when you woke up in the morning, but hopefully he’ll be passed out by then and not still chatting with your dad.
You fall asleep almost immediately. The newly-installed fan in your room helped rid the summer heat and cool your bedroom to a comfortable temperature, while still allowing you to snuggle up under the blankets. A band tee and plain panties is all you wore, which was normal for you unless you were staying at a friend's house - at which point you’d obviously throw on some shorts. The moon shining through your windows acts as a sort of night-light, and you’re soothed to sleep by the crickets outside and the less-deafening sound of chatter from your living room.
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Your alarm wakes you up around 8am, which is earlier than you normally start your day. As you go to turn off the noise, you hear a tired groan come from behind you. “Mmph… turn that off.”
You flinch and turn around, covering yourself with your blankets at the stranger in your bed. But it wasn’t a stranger. It was Miguel.
“Miguel!” you whisper-shout, nudging his shoulder. “What the hell are you doing in here?”
He huffs and pushes his face into your pillow, and this is your first chance to get a good look at him. He’s shirtless, of course, but his muscular frame isn’t what draws you to him. His hair is tousled from sleep in a way you haven’t seen before, a grumpy pout peeking out from the pillow he’s buried his face in. He still has his gold chain around his neck, but he seems to have discarded his hat and jeans - which you see laying on your floor. You knew this man was gorgeous… but this was the most stunning you’ve ever seen him. The morning light only makes it better.
“Tu papá durmió en el sofá,” he mumbled, the sleepiness of his voice making him sound more attractive than ever. “And his room was too hot to sleep in.”
“That doesn’t explain why you decided to crawl into my bed unannounced.” you say.
He turns his head to look at you, and one of his arms slides under his pillow to prop himself up. “Cálmate, princesa. You had tons of room and it was cool in here.”
“God, you’re annoying.”
You sit up and brush the hair out of your face, trying to wake yourself up so that you can get ready. Miguel sleepily snakes an arm around your waist and pulls you back down. Your head flops on the pillow and messes up your hair once again.
“Quédate, mami. Sleep with me.” he mumbles, closing his eyes once more.
“E-Excuse me!?” Oh you were definitely blushing now. No way he just said that! You knew that he didn’t actually mean it like that… but you also knew that he wasn’t dumb. Whether his intentions were pure or not, you knew that he worded it that way on purpose. Was your silly little crush reciprocated?
He hugs you closer to him, pulling you flush against his bare chest. The cold metal of his necklace makes you shiver, especially in contrast with how hot his body is. Temperature, you mean.
“You heard me.” he doubles down.
“Do you even-”
“I know what I said, chiquita.” Miguel opens his eyes now - the lazy drawl of his voice becoming more awake and purposeful. His gaze on you is unbearable. You could feel the intensity of his stare. “And I know what I meant.”
You stare at him in silence. How could you speak? The man who you’ve had a crush on since you started college was in your bed, half naked, making a move on you. Part of you thinks that he’s waited long enough to finally do this, but another part of you feels some sort of guilt. He’s over a decade older than you, and a family friend no less. You can see through his eyes that he feels similarly, but his passion is overpowering any sense of guilt. Besides, you’re both adults. How bad could it be?
He leans over you, pinning you down onto your own mattress. A position that’s typically domineering, and yet, you can see his gaze soften uncharacteristically for him. He brushes a strand of loose hair away from your face.
“Que linda…” he mumbles, eyes trailing all over your face. “Eres tan hermosa.”
Miguel leans his face closer to yours, his gold cross dangling from his neck and touching yours. You can feel his warm breath ghosting over your lips. You’re stunned but also… excited?
“Quiero sentirte.” you whisper, your eyes meeting his. You hear his breath catch in his throat. “Tócame. Hazme el amor.”
He chuckles, a flirty pout crossing his face. “Oh, pobrecita…” he grins, tracing your jawline with his dexterous fingers. Your face tilts up closer to his, your lips brushing as he speaks. “You know I can’t do that.”
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“Why not?” he can visibly hear the disappointment in your voice. It almost makes him feel bad, especially with how beautiful you look in the morning light.
“Don’t wanna wake your papi, nena.” he caresses your face once more, leaning back a little so he can look at your face properly. “I can’t make you scream while everyone else is asleep. We have to keep this a secret. But where’s the fun in sex if I can’t hear your pretty whines, hm?”
You smack his chest. “Oh fuck off, Mig. Come here.”
Before he can respond, you grab him by his necklace and drag him down to your lips. The moment your mouths connect, it’s like fireworks going off in his head. He swears you taste better than any bizcocho he’s ever had. Miguel holds your waist as you tangle your hands through his hair, and he lets out a soft groan. His hips involuntarily rut against your thigh, and he decides he can’t take it anymore.
His hand dips between the two of you to tug your panties down, freeing your skin to his touch. His thumb lazily circles your clit, while the other calloused hand is still resting on your hips. He feels like he’s in heaven, feeling you squirm underneath him, but he knows this is only the start of the fun you’ll have together. He swallows every sound you make with his lips on yours, his tongue fighting with yours for control. He pulls his hands back once he’s sure that you’re wet and ready. You two are gasping for air by the time your lips part, and his deep eyes look into yours with a silent plea. You nod your head desperately.
Miguel makes quick work of removing what little clothes he had left on his lower body before sinking into your warmth, slowly but surely. You gasp.
He leans his forehead against yours, savoring the moment of stillness. It’s like you two are in your own little bubble - no one else can interfere. He kisses you lovingly as he starts to move, silencing any moans or sighs you might have that others could hear. You’re just for him, no one else can experience you. His thrusts are slow, but agonizingly deep. You feel it deep in your core, kissing your cervix with every push of his hips forward.
“God…” he whines. “You feel so fucking good. So good for me, baby.” You arch against him, your hands dragging along his back for support. He glances down at where your two bodies connect, and the sight almost makes him pass out. “Que cosita más linda, mami.” he whispers.
“Damelo… please..” you whine, scrunching your eyes shut with all the pleasure you feel.
“I am, nena, I am. It’s all for you, princesa. I promise.”
His pace speeds up a little more, but he’s still pushing into you just as deep, “Show me you love it, baby. Mírame.”
You meet his gaze with glassy eyes, breathing heavily and nails digging into his back. You wrap your legs around his slim waist and he throws his head back at the tighter feel. “That’s it, baby. Así así…”
He’s rutting into you wildly, chasing his high. You look down to watch as his dick disappears into your cunt. The wet sounds of his hips smacking yours clouds your mind. Each roll of his hips brings you closer to the edge. “You’re so pretty, muñeca. So so pretty f’me.”
His large hands sneak under your t-shirt and grope your tits, squeezing and caressing in a way that makes you hazy. “Want you to look at me while I fill you up. Can you do that for me, baby?”
You nod your head frantically, scratching the skin of his shoulders. You’ve never wanted anything more. The two of you are getting dangerously close to climax, and you swear you can hear him whimper.
“God, baby, feels so fucking good. No puedo más, no puedo más…!”
A squeal escapes you as he spills into your heat, with your own crescendo arriving shortly after. There’s a creamy white ring around his base as he starts to slow the roll of his hips. Miguel eventually stills and collapses, hugging you close in the same sort of cuddle as before, but still resting inside you.
After the exhaustion wears off, you pull back to stare into his eyes. A hand comes up to cup his face, rubbing his flushed cheek gently. “That was fucking amazing, Mig. I haven’t felt that good in so long.”
He laughs softly, returning your affectionate gaze. “Do you think your papi heard us?”
“Definitely not.” you giggle. “He’s a heavy sleeper.”
“That’s good.” Miguel holds you for a few more minutes, just silently staring at you. You can’t even imagine how blissed out you must look right now, but it’s all so gorgeous to him. “Eres increíble, mi vida.”
You hum in delight, stroking his cheeks once more. “You too, mi cielo.”
... you're gonna have to cancel your plans for today.
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sort of switched to Miguel's pov in the last section cuz i wanted to experiment :))))
i hope you guys liked it!! dbf!miguel inspiration from @mybvalentine
and yes... he's a mechanic. it just suits him ok??
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princesitangelita · 3 months ago
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ after swearing up and down that you can’t make a sale, jim lets you answer his phone to give it a try. his elaborate plan to prove himself right goes south as soon as the man on the other line buys a heaping amount of paper in exchange for your phone number..
warnings: flirty banter, teasing, fluff, mild humor, slight tension (?), jim being a little jealous (a lot, actually), close proximity
a/n: first jim prompt :,) feel free to send in req’s!
wc: 1.1k
“..but why? why do you think it’s impossible for me to sell paper?” jim was leaning over the counter of the receptionist desk, both of your faces not far from one another’s. “because you answer the phone like this!” he taunted your high pitched ‘customer service’ voice, your cheeks heating as you giggled quietly. “i do not sound like that!” jim smiled when you accidentally snorted, your eyes widening in embarrassment. phyllis looked over at you two, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “there’s a reason you didn’t get the sales position, ditzy.”
you gasped, slapping his arm playfully. “that’s a low blow, halpert!” shaking your head, you opened up the spreadsheet michael had forwarded to you, “and by the way, my insane typing skills got me this position. i get to sit and look pretty all day..” jim nodded, eyes flittering down to the soft curve of your lips. “yeah, that you do.” his voice dropped down a few octaves, the sound paired up with his words made butterflies flutter in your tummy. the girls were so going to be hearing about this later.
you met his eyes for a brief moment, both of you clearing your throats awkwardly at the sudden energy shift. “seriously though, how hard could it be?” just as you asked him, his phone began ringing. “wanna find out?” you were up on your feet, basically buzzing with excitement as you followed jim over to his desk. the last thing jim expected you to do was bend over the hardwood his phone was rested on, his distressed glare finding the cameraman. dwight was eyeing you with pinched eyebrows, wondering what the hell you two were up to now.
for his own sake, jim didn’t dare glance down at your backside in that tight pencil skirt of yours, instead he took his seat, pushing himself all the way in under his desk before motioning for you to answer the damned thing. flashing an innocent smile at dwight, he rolled his eyes as you put the receiver to your ear. “jim halpert speaking!” jim closed his eyes, holding in a laugh as he muted the call. “you have to say your name, not mine..” the realization dawned on you, a little ‘oh, that’s right!’ leaving your lips before he unmuted you.
chirping your name into the phone, the man on the other side of the line sounded confused as he carried on. “hello, is this dunder mifflin? the paper company.” you hummed, drawing a few stares from oscar and stanley. “hi there, my name is jonathan and i was tasked with choosing the best paper for my office, and i came across this number. if you don’t mind, i just had a few questions.” you nodded even though he couldn’t see you. “of course, i’d be happy to provide you with answers!” jim leaned in, listening closely to the call.
“why should i choose dunder mifflin as my business’s official paper supplier?” it was a simple question, but it still had you wracking your brain for what you should say. “uhm.. well! here at dunder mifflin, we have the best sales representatives always just one phone call away! we will keep your office and/or work space stocked with only the highest quality of paper, card stock, and many more! all at an amazing price as well, and you didn’t hear this from me.. but if you buy in bulk, you get major steals.” jim was flabbergasted. maybe he should be a receptionist instead. this was your desk now.
“wow! that sounds amazing. you really checked all of my boxes.” he laughed, a hint of flirting evident in his tone. “yeah? well i usually do.” jim looked at the side of your face, his gaze burning hot. “i bet.. look, this might come across as really weird, but gosh your voice is so pretty, it’s a nice change from the usual montone robots answering these phones.” you chuckled, the sound making jim want to snatch the thing out of your hand. dwight noticed this, a smug look taking over his features.
michael had his head poking out of his door, the entire office now listening in on your conversation. “put it on speaker!” erin whispered, everyone agreeing in unison. jim sighed, already not liking where this was going. “oh trust me, i know,” you spoke, “but would you be interested in hearing any of my offers?” you motioned for jim to pull up the package deals sheet on his computer. “please, enlighten me.” you gasped, raising your eyebrows at the man next to you. jim was quick to cover the scowl on his face, a fake smile gracing his lips as he pulled up december’s spreadsheet.
“okayyy! so starting off with the most expensive package, for five hundred dollars a month, you get a weekly delivery on your paper, and this includes an unlimited card stock supply that i can personally guarantee will arrive on time, all the time—”
“i’ll take it.” you blinked, dwight’s grin dropping from his face.
“r-really?! you don’t want to hear about my other packages?” jonathan, the man on the other line let out a disapproving hum. “no, i’ve heard quite enough, i’d love to make a deal with you though.” everyone exchanged looks, you and jim meeting each other’s eyes for the first time during this entire ordeal. “okay, may i please get your information?” you took the phone off of speaker, everyone, including michael, groaning in frustration. “i wanted to hear the deal!” kevin shook his head. angela made a face, turning around in her seat as she resumed watching cat videos on youtube.
you were quiet for a few moments, your eyes widening as jonathan stated his offer. “..so what you’re telling me is; in exchange for purchasing the five hundred dollar package, you want my phone number?” the office went into an uproar, dwight shooting out of his seat. “what is this? a phone sex hotline?!” jim couldn’t stand to listen to another second of this, his index finger reaching out and pressing the ‘end call’ button. you yelped, dropping the phone on his desk. “jim, what the hell?! i totally had that in the bag!” you stood up, a series of shouts sounding around the office.
“transfer him to my phone right now!” meredith shouted, jim wasting no time in giving her the number. “alright, ditzy, you could sell paper.” he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, clearing his throat as he made eye contact with one of the cameras in the corner. you may be lacking a bit in the logical department, but you were an expert when it came to reading jim, and right now? he looked nothing short of jealous. you leaned down next to his ear. “well i’m glad we could settle that, halpert.” jim swallowed thickly, your perfume diminishing all of his senses.
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exuvianen · 11 months ago
dating hc's with dr. ratio, aventurine + blade!
headcanons about what these hsr men do in a relationship witth you <3
cw: x reader, gn! reader (no physical descriptions), mostly fluff, sfw, headcanon style
notes: hsr brainrot… ahahaha... i hope i have a fairly good grasp on these characters and wrote them well. 
wc: ~1050 words, around 350 words per character. all under the cut!
feel free to drop an ask or to add on to my thoughts! likes + rbs are appreciated  <3
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✎ Dr. Ratio:
He likes parallel play, or being alone together with you. He works on his own projects, like grading papers or writing a new thesis while you’re doing your own thing, like playing video games or reading. Occasionally, he might ask you for your input, such as ideas about his next thesis or what pose he should sculpt himself into next. 
He has a spare desk and chair for you in his office. You can choose to do work or entertain yourself there when you visit him and he’s still teaching a lecture, but feel free to take a nap on the plush sofa he bought just for you. 
He will nag you about your health but in an annoyingly endearing way. He fusses over you, telling you about appropriate attire for today’s weather, offering you an umbrella, and reminding you to drink water. 
He entertains all your ideas, no matter how silly or illogical. He’ll hear you out on anything you say, though he might have some very strong disagreements or objections to your ideas, especially if they are silly or completely nonsensical. However, he never turns you away when you bound up to him with a mischievous gleam in your eyes - he just sighs and prepares himself mentally to hear whatever goofiness comes out of your mouth. 
He’s your biggest cheerleader, supporter, and advocate. Though he may come off as intimidating, he is always willing to help advance your career or work. He has many connections and vast knowledge of the universe after all - why not utilize them for his beloved? 
He’s very good at dispelling any irrational thoughts in your head. If you’re panicking and your mind is disoriented, he’ll sit next to you and hold your hand gently, but firmly to ground you. He doesn’t speak at all when you vent out all your frustration, confusion, or anger - rather, he’s silently contemplative and then asks questions when you finish talking. He’ll indirectly guide you to a solution while gently calming you down as he dispels those pesky thoughts from your head.
He makes a custom alabaster head for you. 
♤ Aventurine:
A big fan of matching accessories and clothing. You don’t need to wear the exact same outfit, but he likes wearing complementary colors and jewelry to yours.
If you’d like, he’d be more than happy to bring you to casinos and public events with him. He wants to show off to you and let you witness his wit, talent, and skill like a peacock presenting its colorful feathers. 
He likes it a lot when you trace his skin through the spade-shaped hole in his outfit.
He hates the feeling of being vulnerable, but he likes being around you. This creates conflicting emotions inside of him. Oftentimes, he doesn’t know how to deal with it and just lurks by you. Pull him into a hug to quiet the voices in his head. 
He will send you packages or luxury items from the planets he’s visiting. You’ll be greeting a disgruntled Topaz or IPC soldiers at your door as they hand you various gifts ranging from limited-edition jewelry to flowers that bloom only once every 200 amber eras. He gifts extremely grand things, but he always knows how to find things that suit your tastes.
He’s a big spender on you. If you’re unused to the amount of money he’s willing to throw at you, he’s going to give you a lot of “exposure therapy” with his generosity. He’ll invite you to private auctions, lavish galas, luxury boutiques, and high-end jewelry stores. He’ll start filling your wardrobe with tailor-made clothes with the excuse that you should match his outfits when you attend formal events together, but his clothing contributions eventually infiltrate your closet pretty deeply. 
He enjoys being pampered and pampering you. Self-care nights are a must - as a representative of the IPC and one of the ten Stonehearts, he has to keep himself presentable and looking sharp, and that goes for his partner too! He’s more than happy to spend money to fund your trips to the salon or buy you any beauty products to use at home. He’d love to put on face masks together and share a drink or two with you. 
☠︎︎ Blade:
If you want to, and Elio’s script permits, he will bring you along on missions to safer planets. He’ll drop you off at a commercial district - feel free to go shopping or try out some novelty food while he wraps up his Stellaron Hunter business.
He likes getting his hair brushed. One of his favorite activities is sitting down and letting you comb through his hair after he cleans up from a mission. It’s an activity that leaves him vulnerable, but he doesn’t mind if it’s with you.
He’s an acts of service kind of guy. He moves to take your bags before you even say anything, holds open doors, and pulls out chairs for you. Brings you a cup of water and some fruit when you’ve been working for too long, and silently drapes his jacket over you when you shiver.
Tell him you like a certain pastry and he’ll show up every day and bring some. Show him a picture of a pretty flower and he’s boarding a spaceship to bring the flower to you personally. If you want something, he’ll do his best to get it.
He’s pretty quiet, but he’ll remember everything you say, what your preferences are, and what you like. He secretly writes it down in case his memory gets murky, and he’ll often reread his notes to remind himself.
He gives simple but traditional gifts to you, such as jade bracelets and pendants, and combs and hairpins if you have longer hair to wear or use them.*
He’ll treasure anything you gift to him. If you make an accessory for him, he wears it at all times. If your gift is small enough, he’ll stow it safely in his pockets and take it everywhere with him.
If family is important to you, he’ll send funds their way and ensure that they’re taken care of. 
As someone who’s often dead and then undead, his body can get stiff. He’ll enjoy it immensely if you massage him, and accompany him for his daily stretches and calisthenics. Even if you just hold him for a while, he finds that his muscles will relax from the warmth emitting from your body. Therefore, he quite appreciates having you physically near him.
* Combs, hairpins, Jade bracelets, and pendants were given as tokens of love and affection in Ancient China. These gifts have a deeper meaning/symbolism, but for the sake of post length, I did not write them all out. 
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stove-top96 · 3 months ago
Water Colour Eyes
Chapter 01
Y Batfam x Gn Reader
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Featuring: platonic Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne (no Jason in this chapter)
2.3k words
Im very new to tumblr and was recently inspired by @acid-ixx to try writing my own story, please go easy on me but any and all advice will be greatly appreciated. (Im still trying to figure out how this app works but I know the basics). The only knowledge I have of working in a restaurant is bistro huddy.
Rubbing your temples you could just feel the headache forming. It was going to be one of those shifts, the kind that drags on and on. Standing behind the hostess stand shuffling through the reservation book scanning for anything out of the ordinary. Flipping through the pages only pausing once you spot his name “Bruce Wayne”. That name became a fixture in the book, always booking at 6:30 and specifically requesting you as his server. Within the past 2 months he’s definitely become your regular, and although he is technically your only regular, he just has a certain quality that sets him apart from your co-workers regulars. Sure he’s a pleasure to have as a customer, always punctual, kind, and very generous with the tips. There’s just something you can’t quite place your finger on, he tends to get a little personal. He started calling you by your first name, and always asked you about your life. But you’ve always chalked it up to him being a ditzy guy who’s never been told no. Even if he carries himself with a certain air, alluding that he knows much more than he lets on. it seems like no one else questions it, so why should you? Regardless, his tips were good enough to let him call you by your name and ask you about your personal life.
La Vie Royale was always busy on Fridays. Swarming with creeps who always stared too long, and buzzing with heiresses who always had something to complain about. For being Gothams richest they almost never tipped well, and when they did it was some lonely wealthy old weirdo on a date with their sugar baby. Co-workers weren’t much help either, specifically the superiors always criticizing and critiquing never bothering to hide the contempt in their voices when speaking. The Kitchen was like another world, one you weren’t welcome in. The other servers stayed in their lane, and always kept to each other. That’s what it’s like for every newbie who somehow snatches Gothams richest billionaire for a regular. The only saving grace was the hostesses who, like you, were at the bottom of the La Vie Royale food chain.
Glancing at the clock reading 5:47, plenty of time to mentally prepare for dealing with Albertine while you serve the playboy billionaire. Albertine was possibly the worst manager for the night, she’d always get so on edge when she’d find out he was dining here for the evening. Glancing over and you can see her talking to one of the other servers, eyes locked on you. God, you could just feel that headache getting worse, and after a long day of classes you pray he’d be a no show for once. Wishful thinking though, the best you can hope for is getting through this shift without a lecture. Rather than contemplating how dreadful this shift will be at the hostess stand, you might as well look busy and get a head start on your side work.
Once the minute hand hit 30 like clock work, Bruce Wayne walked in. Smiling at the familiar face of the regular, this time he wasn’t alone. Three young men walked in right after. Raising an eyebrow, they were clearly in the same party. Why didn’t his assistant say he’d have guests when they booked him the reservation? Looking more closely at the boys it’s clear they also have that odd quality in common with Mr Wayne. One looked barely out of high school, and had been scrolling on his phone with a smirk on his face. The youngest, likely in middle school, had an aura that demanded a respect unfit for his age. The oldest, probably in his mid twenties, seemed to have a natural charm to him. You had always known Wayne had his fair share of children, he talked about them often although you could never put a name to a face.
“Wow Mr Wayne, you finally brought some guests with you today” you tease as you greet the group and check them in for their reservation. you hear a chuckle and glance up to see Bruce’s smile, it’s warm and reaches his eyes. “Well I figured it was about time I took my kids out with me”. Giving a polite nod and smiling as he introduces his kids. “I see, your table will ready in a few minutes, we didn’t expect you to bring any guests tonight” Mr Wayne huffs eyeing the oldest “I apologize it was a last minute change in plans, Dick was visiting and insisted on going out” The oldest Dick chimes in “you’ll still be able to fit us in right?” His voice is calm, like he knows the answer and just wants you to hear you talk. “ I’m sure we can, I’ll just have to go clear the table” eyes glued to the reservation book, moving some other reservations around to accommodate the new change. Something a restaurant as refined as La Vie Royale would never do, although Albertine and every other superior insisted that Mr Wayne be accommodated in any way possible. He brought good press, and according to a rumour amongst the staff he even considered buying it a while back. Giving the group a polite nod as you rush off, to clear the other tables. Missing the brief dejected look on the oldest boy's face.
Albertine noticing the Wayne family standing alone makes a beeline towards them. “Have you been helped yet?” She asks in a voice the family could only describe as sickly sweet. “Yes our server is just clearing the table” Tim’s voice monotone, not even bothering to glance up from his phone. Albertine pauses, eyes widening for a split second then back to the false smile “I see” she says as if contemplating something before walking away, sending a sharp glare in your direction as she does. The interaction not going unnoticed by the Wayne’s. “you will be at fault if they get reprimanded” Damian pipes up glaring at Tim. Staring down at the younger Wayne, “she’ll find something to get mad at tonight no matter what” he argues back, knoe he doesn’t have the best excuse. A small feeling of guilt starts to bubble in his chest. Tim realized his slip up too late. It's likely you’ll get yelled at for keeping such “prestigious guests waiting” once they’ve finished with their meal. Glancing at Dick’s and Bruce’s faces, it’s clear they’re planning ways to ease the consequences you’ll likely face later tonight. Tim glances back down to Damian only to find his glare still present.
“Thank you for your patience” your voice pulls them out of their trance, calming down the rising tension. It reminds them of why they came tonight, to see you. Oblivious to their true intentions you smile, grabbing the menus “follow me”. As you lead them to their table Bruce and Tim make note of how many others are sitting in your section for the night, some of them they recognize from galas others are unimportant. however your section is completely full. Finally reaching their table, it isn’t Bruce’s normal table much to his disdain; he doesn't have the vantage point to subtly watch over you. Although one thing he can see from his seat is that horrid woman glaring at you, waiting for the chance to take you away from them only just to scold you. After dropping off the menus and giving a rundown of the night's specials, you leave telling them you’ll be back in a few minutes for their orders. As you walk away Bruce notices your manager snapping with her hands and glaring at you with that permanent scowl on her face. She motions for you to follow her to the back.
After witnessing that interaction the boys are only left to imagine what she’s yelling at you about. Most of the family members are able to hide their contempt after seeing your manager's rude behaviour, the witch’s actions will likely dictate the mood for the rest of the night. Dick is the only one visibly upset, Blüdhaven has been so chaotic recently getting to see you tonight had been the only thing that kept him from falling apart. Now because that wicked witch of the waste is on some power trip, whatever lecture she’s giving you right now will weigh on you the whole night, leaving you to be even more reserved than you already are. How is he supposed to be a good brother to you if you don't let him in?,The rest of the family comes to a similar conclusion. It's clear that this job environment is an unhealthy one, they would rather you work somewhere else, or better yet not at all. The only reason they’ve allowed you to work here for so long is because it’s the most practical way to grow closer to you. Once they’re further along with the plan, you won’t ever have to step foot in this place again.
“Sorry about the wait” your voice soft, eyes not meeting theirs, face carrying a faint frustration. their prediction clearly came to fruition, much to the family’s displeasure. “What can I get y’all to drink” you smile, attempting to remain composed as you take their orders. A quality of yours the family admired, although they often wished you’d take your mask off and allow yourself to be vulnerable around them. But for now they’re your guests, not your family. Writing down their order smiling the same forced smile “perfect I’ll be right back with those” once again walking away. “Why can’t that women understand they’re not meant to handle that much pressure, it’s absurd how she expects them to perform optimally now” Damian voices his opinion, his expression unreadable to most but it’s evident to the family he’s unbelievably angry at just how much you let that women affect you. “Why can’t you just fire her, it would make our baby bird's life much easier” Dick who is also in aggrence, his protectiveness evident in his voice. Dick’s question goes unanswered. Truthfully even if some of the family tries to dénie it, the reason they kept all these horrible coworkers around you was selfish. They wanted to push you to your limits, before they swooped in to save you.
3 minutes is the standard time for a table to wait for drinks. However with the Waynes your managers instilled into the whole staff that they never wait for a table, 1 minute 50 seconds is their standard for drinks and 25 minutes for food. With Albertine breathing down your neck, having 4 other tables to attend too, and a pounding headache. there’s not much keeping you from breaking down. The only thing you want right now is your bed, but that won’t happen for at least another 4 hours depending on when you're cut. At least Roa clocks in at 7:00, which is in roughly 10 minutes. Finishing off the drinks with Bruce’s red wine, you push down your stress and prepare to head over. “Here you go” you place everyone’s respective drinks in front of them. “Is everyone ready to order” hand instivily reaching for your notebook, but remembering what Albertine told you in the back “if you want to look somewhat professional at least memorize their orders, no notepad” you stop yourself, and pray they don’t order anything too complicated. “I’ll have the 8oz steak, medium rare” Burce’s order wouldn’t be a problem, he always got the same thing. “Can I get the Coq au vin” the oldest boy orders, who you’re pretty sure is dick. Tim goes next “I’ll get the boeuf bourguignon”, he has a satisfied smirk, probably because he has the best pronunciation so far. “may I have the ratatouille” The youngest orders, clearly annoyed by his brother’s antics. “Perfect I’ll go ring those in”, mumbling their orders to yourself as you ring them in, thankful they didn’t ask for any accommodations or changes you should be able to remember them just fine.
“They won’t make a mistake will they?” Dick asks, stressed at the fact they didn’t grab their notebook. “They shouldn’t, although if you ordered what you originally wanted they definitely would have” Bruce’s answer’s straight to the point. Although there’s a subtle praise in his wording, appreciating how they eased your workload. “It’s despicable just how much they're overworking them here” Damian's scowl seems to be permanent as he watches you attend to other tables, he knows it’s your job but they’re the Waynes they should be the only table you attend to tonight. That good for nothing manager who cares far too much about their opinion can’t even get that one thing right. “You got that right, and with how the night’s going I bet they’ll only check on us two times, three if we’re lucky” Tim’s voice piss’s Damian off even more, even if it is in agreement. “You don’t actually mean that” Dick pipes in,his voice radiating a sense of distress. “Of course I do, look at them. barely keeping it together” Tim points out. It’s true the tension in your shoulders is evident and your mask is already slipping, the worst part there’s almost nothing they can do besides tip you. Although even that doesn’t feel like enough. The server’s here tip out not only to the hostesses and busboys but also to the back, additionally you all have to pool your tips and split them evenly amongst the staff. This fact does nothing but motivate the Waynes to get you out of here as soon as possible.
23 minutes tick by, as the Wayne family watches you talk to other customers, complete your side work, and narrowly avoid another scolding from that damn manager. It bothers them that Tim was right, accepting that tonight is just an evening of observing you rather than growing slightly closer. It's moments like these that makes Bruce wish his name wasn’t as influential as it is. Thankfully you approach them once again with their meals. Although, the stress on your face is more prominent than earlier, the smile is even more forced, with the way you carry yourself you’re clearly being pushed to the limits. “Here you all go” even your voice sounds so much more tired, compared to when you were greeting them. At least you got their order right, not that any of them would say anything if you didn’t. “Anything else I can grab you?” You ask, so considerate they really should be the ones taking care of you, but all in due time. “I believe we’ll be alright” Bruce replies, not wanting you to strain yourself even more.
Only approaching them once as they ate, only to ask them if everything was to their liking. They knew it was protocol to ask each table that question, but they still wished you’d approach them, and initiate a conversation about anything but the food. As they ate in silence it’s clear tonight they didn’t make as much progress as they’d like. Maybe Bruce should have kept these outings to himself for a little longer. Or perhaps they should go on a day Jacques is the manager, he tends to be somewhat more lenient. Whatever the case may be this evening has been bittersweet for the entire family, and they’ll plan accordingly for next week to make up for the lost progress. Because that’s what family does for each other, they go above and beyond.
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explicit-tae · 1 year ago
Nefarious (Prequel)
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a look back into your and jungkook's fatal attraction - before the marriage, kids and the detachment. @momnomnom @darkuni63 @sweetempathprunetree @minshookie29 @whipwhoops @eagleeye6669 @seokjinkismet @babycandy111 @bloodline1632
Valentine's Day Masterlist | Part One
Word Count: 5.051
Warning: gunplay, yandere tendancies, creampie, unprotected sex, squirting, nipple pinching, finger sucking, oral sex (m), rough sex, dirty talking, reckless driving, biting, breeding/impregnation kink, grinding/dry humping,
You never would have imagined walking into such a high end store such as this one. The ceilings are tall, the chandeliers shining such bright, white light down towards rows and rows of display boxes. 
Your heels click against the marble floor as you come closer to one display case - displaying several shining necklaces and bracelets. You smile softly, your manicured hand touching the glass case.
“These are new.” a woman comes from behind you. She has a Cheshire cat-like smile on her lips. “It’s completely covered in diamonds as you can see.” the woman proceeds to unlock the display case and grasp said necklace. Your eyes widen as it sparkles so beautifully. “It’s part of a complete set. Earrings, rings and necklaces.”
Your attire was what attracted the woman to you, her noticing expensive pieces that you wore. Jewelers are trained to notice high-end fashion - only a few who entered could ever afford such a luxurious handbag such as the one you sported. 
“Can I try it on?” you ask her. You made sure to come with no jewelry for this exact reason. 
“Of course!” the jeweler exclaims, unclasping the necklace and going around to put it on you. She directs you towards the medium, round mirror sitting on the glass display case. 
“It’s so lovely.” you marvel, touching your neck. 
“I’m sure your partner would love to see you buy it.” the woman pesters - it was her job to get you to buy whatever piece she could.  
“He would.” you smile, tilting your head to the side. “He’s the one paying for it.”
The woman nods her head. “So are you thinking just the necklace or the complete set?”
The jewelry store is nearly empty, only other couples being assisted by jewelers. There’s a soft tune playing in the background and the overall scenery is calm.
The calm doesn’t last long - screams erupt throughout once gunshots fire and the glass display  case are shattered. 
Heavy footsteps stomp around the jewelry store as more display cases are shattered. Familiar masked men enter, waving guns towards workers and customers. You all huddled onto the ground - some crying, others trembling in fear.
“Is this everyone working today?” one masked man asks, a familiar voice you remember. You swallow the lump in your throat as the masked man comes closer. 
“Y-yes!” one jewelry shrieks. 
You feel your hair being yanked roughly and you release a short hiss as you’re draggest to your feet. The gun is placed against your back.
“I know you jewelers wear your alarms now.” the masked man speaks. “You press it, she dies.” he shrugs. “Have fun sleeping at night after having a life on your hands.”
The sound of more glass shattering startles you slightly. The man pushes you away from the group as he proceeds to fill his own bag with the amount of expensive jewelry.
“Did you have to pull my hair so hard?” you murmur, feeling the gun against your back. 
“You love when I pull your hair.” Jungkook responds, his response muffled due to the mask. “Don’t think I didn’t hear you moan.”
You lick your lips with excitement - damn was Jungkook right.
Jungkook brought excitement to your once boring life. It didn’t take long for him to meet with you again. You never asked how he found where you lived - nor did you complain. You recall the adrenaline that ran through that night he returned. You had just finished your shower, the towel wrapped firmly around you. You proceeded with your skin care, humming a melodic tone when the door to your bathroom was slammed open. You screamed naturally, caught off guard, but you recognized the build of the man coming towards you. 
“You look so scared.” that familiar voice spoke to you, a mask covering his face. He wrapped a firm hand around your neck, pressing you against your shower door. “Thought you wanted to see me again?”
“I do.” you huff, heart beating rapidly out your chest. “Missed feeling your hands on me.”
You were playing with him, Jungkook thought at that moment. Playing a dangerous game that you weren’t going to get out of easily.
“Only a dumb bitch would threaten me the way you did.” Jungkook pressed himself firmly against your body. 
“Are you mad?” you asked. “Jungkook?”
Jungkook groaned, his name sounded so beautifully coming from your lips. 
“I’m just as helpless as I was that day.” you giggled, eyelashes batting at him. “And here you are so strong and powerful…” your hand was touching his chest and running slowly up his own neck. “...and I’m naked and defenseless.”
Jungkook never harmed women - especially you. But you wished to see a reaction out of you - something that wasn’t your usually lax and calm self. He had pointed his gun at you, safety on, of course, and his eyes waited to see just how you’d respond. There was the possibility that you would respond the same way you did at the bank - give him absolutely nothing; no fear or sadness.
What Jungkook wasn’t expecting was for you to wrap your lips around the tip of his gun, your eyes never leaving his. He swallowed as his eyes watched you, unable to even as much as blink as you brought it deeper into your mouth. 
Jungkook regained his senses when your tongue wrapped around it, almost as if being brought back to reality and you could only giggle innocently. “Jung…Kook…?”
Your fingers touched the bottom of his mask as he was caught off guard, your eyes stared into the eyeless socket of his mask. You begin to slowly lift the mask mischievously, a glint in your eyes.
The hand around your neck tightens only slightly. 
“I can’t see your face?” you asked teasingly. “You have such pretty lips.”
You were dangerous - the devil. You were sweet talking to him so easily and without noticing, you managed to escape his hold and press your lips to his own, his mask only lifted enough for his lips to be revealed.
Jungkook couldn’t help himself - he had to fuck you. He didn’t know where your room was but he wasn’t against opening every door until he found it. Your towel had long since been discarded as his cock plunges inside of you.
Your moans filled the air - such submissive moans. You begged Jungkook for more; pleaded to be fucked and full of him that he couldn’t help but comply. He’s far into the spell that was you that he doesn’t realize you’ve managed to pull his mask right off of him - not until he feels your soft palm against his cheek.
Your eyes stay on Jungkook’s face - the smoothness of his skin, the light scars on his cheek. His hair bounces with each thrust and to you, this was the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. Your pussy continues to clench around the man - the same man who had broken into your apartment - and you desperately wanted more and more.
You connected your lips to Jungkook’s again and again - and he could only fuck into you deeper and harder. He was correct, he thought, you were something straight from Hell that has come on Earth to distract him; taunt him. He had lowered his guard when around you - nothing but a mere woman who could never rival him in strength. Yet, you had managed to make him vulnerable; you saw his face. You had him moaning for you, his hands roaming your body.
“You have somewhere to be?” you asked, naked body seated right on top of Jungkook’s. Your hand placed itself on his shoulders, your hips buckling up and down. “Sad…I was hoping you’d stay here with me tonight.”
Jungkook had, against his morality, stayed with you. His tongue licked upon your skin, teeth nibbled on the flesh. It was as if he was intoxicated from you alone, unable to make rational decisions for himself. This was forbidden, he thought, to be so consumed by a woman that it would cloud his judgment - but you weren’t just any woman.
“The necklace is nice on you.” Jungkook murmurs, weapon on your back as he proceeds to empty the display case. 
“Thank you…” your body heats up at the compliments, like a giddy child. Jungkook always knows what to say to make you this way, as pathetic as it was. He was a career thief, someone you met while he was literally robbing the bank you worked. But somehow, you never felt so warm around another man.
“Let’s head out!” one masked man had yelled - you recall the voice, but have yet to be introduced to any of the others. You’re unsure if they would even like you and Jungkook being associated with one another.
“I’ll be in a car out back. Just cut through the alleyway.” Jungkook murmurs. He then roughly pushes you forward - not as hard for you to be hurt, but enough for you to stumble. 
You watch as the seven men scurry off, the cries of the customers and workers being to hit your eardrums, along with a few gasps and moans. Your heels click as you make your way out of the jewelry store, the other hostages close behind you.
You do as Jungkook told you to, dipping between an alleyway and meeting him around behind the store. The car is black and the windows are tinted so dark that it’s nearly impossible to look inside, but you’ve been in this car many times before to know it belongs to Jungkook.
You make your way around the passenger side and swing the door open and jump inside. Without even allowing you to close the door fully, Jungkook begins to drive.
“How was your first Heist?” Jungkook laughs gleefully, masked discarded in the backseat of the car. He hits a sharp right turn, speeding down the road.
You roll your eyes. “It wasn’t a big one like the bank robbery.” your heart is pumping outside your chest, however, and adrenaline is flowing through you. “But it was such…a rush!” you squeal gleefully that Jungkook couldn’t help but shake his head.
“You’re so weird.” he places his right hand onto your thigh. “Is your life really that boring that you want to risk getting caught with me?”
It was and Jungkook knows it - you were the one who suggested the jewelry heist and Jungkook was the first to agree and bring it up to the rest of the group. 
“I have a surprise for you back home.” Jungkook’s palm squeezes your thigh, car dashing past other cars without a care in the world. If the windows were down, the wind would be flowing through your hair and clothes. It’s crazy how with Jungkook, you never felt scared or unsafe - even if he did perform heists weekly and drive 100 miles an hour.
“Oh? A surprise?” you turn towards the man fully. “Like what?”
“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.” Jungkook snorts, but his lips form a smirk. “Do you not know what today is?”
You furrow a brow and shake your head. It was any other day to you. You don’t work anymore and whatever you needed was fully supplied by Jungkook - so you had no need to look at your calendar.
“It’s Valentine’s Day.” Jungkook squeezes your thigh again, speaking matter-of-factly. “Girl’s usually take this day seriously.”
You snort. “You take this day seriously?”
Jungkook glances your way and raises a brow. “I said I had a surprise for you, didn’t I?” he retorts. He’s now driving down a long, straight road out of the city. “Not including the jewelry in the backseat.”
Your eyes widened and your head whips around to  look at the large sacks of bags, all full of the jewelry stolen from the display cases.
“I thought you and the other were going to re-sell them?” you recall Jungkook stating that they had buyers willing to collect such pieces. 
“We do. But,” Jungkook shrugs his shoulders. “it’s Valentine’s Day. Take what you like and I’ll sell the rest.”
Your heart leaps and without thinking, you crush Jungkook in a hug. The car swerves a bit and he curses trying to see the road with the speed he’s going. 
“Are you trying to kill us?!” Jungkook hisses, but he could only laugh as his heart pounds outside his chest due to the sudden scare, adrenaline running through him. 
It doesn’t take long for Jungkook to drive into a large estate, one that has your eyes widening at how massive it was. 
“How many heists do you guys go on to afford living here?” you joke.
“Heists is not the only thing we do, baby.” Jungkook snorts. “That’s all I’m willing to tell you.” he pulls into the driveway of the estate and turns off the car. “Surprise.” he winks.
“You’re so cheesy.” you snort, opening the door and getting out. “What exactly am I supposed to be surprised about?”
Jungkook strolls around to stand beside you. “This is one of the surprises. I bought this home for us.” he responds. “The penthouse life is behind me now.” He has brought many women into said Penthouse - and not you. You were different from the other women. 
You stop and look at him, laughing to yourself. 
Only Jungkook doesn’t laugh back with you at how crazy he sounds. He only blinks and gives you a pointed look.
“You’re serious…?” you swallow, laughter dying down.
“I would never tell you a lie.”
Your eyes begin to grow wide and slowly, you turn back to the large estate. You inhale. “I-I don’t know what to say.”
Jungkook takes your hand, leading you towards the inside of the mansion. The doors are tall and they open with ease. It’s empty inside, the grand entrance held high ceilings with a chandelier right in the middle of it, accompanied with a staircase leading up the second story of the home. 
“I was hoping you’d decorate it.” Jungkook speaks, an echo speaking right after him due to the empty estate. “Add a bit of feminine touch.”
“You’re serious.” you murmur, and even that had a slight echo. Your eyes are still wide as you glance from Jungkook to around the luxurious home. “You must really like me.”
Jungkook snickers and bites the inside of his cheek.
“You might as well get to marrying me.” you joke, stepping deeper into the home. 
“We can.”
“Ugh, shut up.” It was hard to take Jungkook seriously at times. “This house must’ve cost a fortune.”
Jungkook shrugs. “Nothing I couldn’t afford.” he says truthfully. His arms reach out to grab you by your shoulder and he turns you around. “I’m a man of my word, Y/N.” he says seriously, lax tone gone. “There’s no going back to whatever life you’ve had before.”
You knit your brows at his words.
“You’re not leaving me.” Jungkook continues with a slight shake of his head. “I’m going to marry you to offer you the security you need incase…my lifestyle catches up with me.”
Jungkook’s dark eyes stare into your own eyes and you blink. 
Jungkook was serious.
“I do own several legitimate businesses that would be tied to your name. You will have access to all my legitimate funds as well as to any assets if I were to die.”
“You’re scaring me.” you murmur, trying to pull yourself away from him.
Jungkook clenches onto you tighter, this time wrapping you in a bear-like hug. He wants to laugh - because now you were scared? Not when he pulled a gun on you several times? Not when he and his friends robbed the Bank you worked at?
You were a weird one - but he liked it.
“I don’t mean to.” Jungkook murmurs. “I want to make sure you’re safe even if I’m not here.”
You swallow a lump in your throat. You know what Jungkook does on the base level - but what else is he involved in that would make him go through this much trouble?
“I cannot tell you just yet what I do.” Jungkook interrupts, already understanding what you’re about to ask. “Once you and I are married, you can know everything and anything. I will not hide myself from you.”
“T-That’s how you’re going to ask me to marry you?” Once more, you try to lighten the tense mood. 
Jungkook presses a kiss against your forehead. “I’m sorry if you think I’m moving too fast.” he states sincerely. “Truth is, Y/N, you know too much of my life already. I’ve grown to like you and soon, love you. You’ll fit right into my world, but I need to make sure that I am safe, as well.” he explains. “If something were to happen, you cannot be caught in the middle of it.”
Jungkook is talking in circles, being as vague as possible.
“Have you ever been caught before?”
Jungkook shakes his head no. “Doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. I want to be prepared.” he presses another kiss on you, this time your cheek. “Spousal testimonial privilege. You won’t be able to testify against me and if I would go down for what I’ve done, you would inherit everything. The businesses I own are 100% authentic and clean.”
Jungkook watches your reaction as he continues to hold you close to him. You blink away for a bit and he’s wondering just what you’re thinking. He understands that he wasn’t giving you a direct choice - but you gave him little choice upon meeting him. You lived a boring life and this was your time to live the life you wanted - the life he desired to give you.
“Just who are you exactly, Jungkook?” you turn your eyes back to him and sigh, a small grin forming onto your lips.
“Jeon Jungkook.” the man responds, kissing your lips. “The man you’re going to marry.”
You couldn’t keep your hands off of Jungkook and neither could he. It took only mere minutes for the two of you to be tangled within one another in said empty mansion. He had shown you one of the bedrooms - possibly the size of the apartment you lived in with a full bath and shower on one side, and a complete closet on the side. You were ecstatic in knowing that this home was yours - that you and Jungkook were going to be sharing your lives with one another.
It was soon and probably the quickest you’ve ever moved in a relationship - but in Jungkook’s line of work, he was determined in thinking of the future. He couldn’t have you in the middle of his business if you and he weren’t fully committed to one another.
“Are we gonna have a wedding?” you ask him, lips kissing down his neck, thighs on either side of his. 
“Is…that what you want?” Jungkook responds between pants, his hands gripping your waist like his life depended on it. 
“Never thought about it.” you admit, suckling on a certain part of his neck that you know drives him crazy. “Never really saw myself…as a wife.” you want to laugh at the circumstances that even someone like you could get a husband. Even if the way you met him wasn’t exactly ideal - or his job wasn’t something to brag about to anyone.
“It’s whatever you want to do.” Jungkook moans, wrapping his arms around you. The palms of his hand feel like heaven as they get to feel your curves; they slide down until they reach your ass and he squeezes it roughly in his hands.
You lean back, a sparkle of mischief in your eyes. Your hands place themselves on his shoulders for support. “You propose to me with no ring?” you tilt your head teasingly. “All of you men are the same.”
Jungkook snickers. “You’re right. But I gave you a bag full of jewelry to choose from, didn’t I?” his hand roam upwards, eyes glancing at how good you looked on top of him. “I do want to get you one custom made,” he murmurs, eyes flickering back to yours. “a new one after each milestone in our marriage.”
“Oh?” you’re amused, but highly curious on what he’s speaking of. “Like what?” you ask. 
“Like our anniversary and our first child for starters.” Jungkook begins, blinking at you as if it’s obvious. 
“Who knew the thief could be so cheesy.” you say, but your body heats up with an abundance of emotion. “And if I don’t give you a child?”
“You would.” Jungkook snickers, hands gliding upwards. He slides them past your breast to your shoulders to up your neck. He reaches your hace and he grasps them with both hands. “I’m not picky with the gender, as long as you and them are healthy, I’ll be alright.” 
Fuck, you think, now you were growing even wetter as the seconds went on. He was a smooth talker, especially after the months dragged on that the two of you began hooking up.
“It’s not like you’d have to work. That’s what I’m here for.”
Fuck him again - this time for slightly grinding against your clothed center, the bulge in his pants rubbing against you. Your panties weren’t anything special but cotton, but they were a thin material that had you feeling every bit of his erection.
Your right hand, delicate and soft, grips his wrist in the palm of your hands. You watch him entirely as you bring his thumb into your mouth, tongue wrapping around it as you begin to suck.
Jungkook’s breath hitches as he watches you. “You were sent straight from hell.” he grumbles, eyes never blinking. “Someone to slow me down and distract me. That’s all you’ve been doing since I met you.”
You knit your brows innocently, but you continue to suck, hips grinding along with his. 
“But I know how to tame someone like you,” Jungkook continues and without warning, his free hand wraps around your neck harshly. You gasp at the action, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on even more. “I know how to make someone like you submit.”
“I never went against you, haven’t I?” you murmur, hand squeezing his wrist. “I have always been good to you.”
“That you have.” Jungkook agrees with a nod of his head. “And this is why I will be good for you. Make you my wife and give you everything you desire, right?”
His hands are rough as they slide down to grip your breast harshly in his palm. 
“Right?” Jungkook repeats, this time his voice is deeper; demanding. 
“Yes!” you quip, yelping at the pleasurable pain of his grip.
“Good.” Jungkook forces you down by your neck and crashes his lips against yours in a needy, wet kiss. You moan into it, your hips continue to buckle until you and him both have to breathe.
You decide not to waste anymore time. This was now your life - you were going to marry Jungkook soon and this would be your home; it was only right to show your gratitude. 
You slide yourself off of him, eyes never leaving his as you lower yourself to his crotch. Jungkook already knows your intentions and he watches intently, waiting for your move.
You’re quick with it, unbuckling his suit pants and yanking them down. His cock is hard and it appears damn near painful as it’s stuffed in his underwear.
You lick your lips, fingers pulling them down by the logo hem, salivating as it springs out. The tip is red and needy, a bit of pre-cum dripping from it. 
Jungkook winces when you wrap your tongue onto his tip and begin to suck, your tongue circling it like a lollipop.
“Oh, shiiit.” Jungkook slams his head against the floor, eyes fluttering close. His legs tremble as your mouth devours him, going deeper and deeper until he feels his tip hit the back of your throat.
But you tease him - because of course you do. You would pull at the way out and teasingly slide your tongue across the tip and then without warning, would bring him all the way into your mouth and gag on it - repeatedly.
The act of pleasuring Jungkook makes you wet, your panties completely soaked. Your hands wrap around his shaft and you begin to pump him as you suck, filthy noises coming from your throat doing so.
Jungkook has a hard time breathing and he wants nothing more than to cum - on you or in you, whichever he could manage. His first mistake was to open his eyes and watch you - because you were so slutty. So beautiful. Your eyes are watery and theirs saliva covering the corners of your cheeks, but you take his so good that he cannot help but want to give you anything you wanted - another mansion? More jewelry? A few cars so you could drive a different one every day of the week?
Jungkook yanks you off of him by your hair with a loud grunt, his cock springing out and hitting you right in the face. It causes you to moan at the action.
“Can’t handle it?” you gurgle out - still teasing even if your throat hurts a bit. 
“Would rather cum in you.” Jungkook retorts, gripping your hair tighter in his grasp. “I know how much you love to be filled.”
“Just as much as you love filling me up.” you’re quick with your response, watery eyes challenging him. Your hips shake a bit, as if signaling to come and take what was his.
Jungkook didn’t have to be told twice. He’s behind you in a blink of an eye, not bothering to remove the rest of his clothing or yours - he instead yanks your panties down and spreads your legs to the side. Your dress slides up instantly and within seconds, he’s inside of you.
Your head is forced down to the ground, his hand tangled into your hair. He proceeds to pound into you with might, wet skin slapping against one another. He’s grunting so loud, not holding himself back - this was his home. He could fuck you as rough as he wanted against any part of it without you worrying about your neighbors hearing. He could have you scream as loud as you desired.
Your pussy squeezes Jungkook lovingly, adoring every bit of dominance he was giving it. He’s so deep, pouding in and out of you without a care. Jungkook was always so rough and possessive, telling you that your pussy was his and just how much he loved it. You recall one time you and he had been doing the same thing and how he admitted that he would kill anyone you allowed to fuck what was his - as crazy as it sound, it caused you to cum on the spot.
Maybe you were a little insane for getting yourself involved with someone like Jungkook - but at times like this, you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“I want to hear you.” Jungkook forces you back against his chest, a hand around your neck to keep you in place. 
Your knees are going to be bruised due to the floor, but it was nothing. You moaned louder at the new position, his cock feeling deeper than ever imaginable. Your breasts are let free due to his powerful thrust and he grips one in his hand, the other firmly holding your hips.
“S-So…deep…” you cry, arousal coating his cock and dripping down your bare thighs - just how he liked it. 
Jungkook’s finger pinches your nipples while his teeth sink into the skin of your shoulder. The great need to hurt you while he pleases you flows through him and he’s unsure why. Maybe because you never tell him you didn’t like it - you loved when he slapped you around while fucking you, biting you while he sucks upon your skin.
You were the devil in disguise, always pulling your own surprises; biting him back while you’d ride him and even slapping him because even he enjoyed it.
“Gonna cum deep inside of you.” Jungkook snarls, letting go of your breast to aggressively rub along onto your clit. “Again and again and again until you’re pregnant.”
The thought didn’t sound half bad - or maybe it was the pleasure talking. 
“Please…” you plead, lust flowing through you. You’re squirming with overstimulation, eyes beginning to water, but even then you didn’t want Jungkook to stop. “...feels so good, Kookie.”
“I know, baby.” Jungkook grunts, kissing the spot he previously bit. “Let’s cum together, yeah?”
Jungkook cannot fathom how someone could be so wet - you were dripping all over the place. He cannot wait to taste your pussy later, but you and he had all day - forever as he had no intentions of ever letting you leave him.
Your body falls limp against his chest as your high comes, arousal sprouting out from you just as Jungkook’s cum sprouts deep inside of you. It’s warm as it always is and he doesn’t want to pull out, his ultimate goal was to impregnate you at all costs.
Jungkook lays beside you on the floor, breathing heavily. You always knew how to make him cum hard each time - truly was the devil in disguise.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Jungkook snorts. “Normal girls go to dinner, not perform heists.”
You grumble. “Normal guys actually get on one knee to propose with a ring.” you shot back and Jungkook could only laugh.
“You are right.” Jungkook lifts from the ground. “We aren’t a normal couple, aren’t we?” he says, grabbing your hand to kiss it. “That’s what makes us special.”
You snicker, but you knew Jungkook was right. You get up from your laying position to compose yourself, pulling up your panties and fixing your dress. 
“Let’s go to dinner then.” Jungkook does the same as you. “Anywhere you want. Afterwards, I need to show you the business we have.”
“You’re actually serious about marrying me. Thought that was just good pussy getting to your head.” you joke. 
“I’m a man of my word, baby.” Jungkook stands and offers you a hand to take. “You’re never leaving me. To death do we part.”
How true Jungkook’s promise to you was.
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ateliersss · 1 year ago
Blooming Family Part 3 - He Shan‘t Lose
Pairing: Yautja x F!Reader Summary: Mere two months ago, you returned home after the incident on Earth. Now you were back, ready to indulge yourself and go on the weekly "date night" with your mate. If only your unborn pup had better timing… Cross-posted on AO3: here Warnings: English isn't my first language Word Count: 6,716 Part 1: here Part 2: here Masterlist
⇨ Oh, I missed my Mi‘ytiar.
⇨ I can't believe I finally got this done and I'm able to present this to you. Also, my birthday, guys! God, I'm 20 and I already feel old. Please spoil me with comments, re-blogs and likes.
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“Be'jaa, go! Go! Good boy.” You laughed as you watched your four-legged companion chase after the trail he had scented.
Hell Hounds, they were called, and probably the closest thing to a pet you could get on Yautja Prime. You learned quickly, after your first encounter with them, that they were similar to the hounds on Earth, and like hounds on Earth, they had one purpose — hunting prey.
Unlike a curious Beagle, a devoted Pointer, or a stubborn Basset Hound, Hell Hounds were more similar to Yautjas than dogs, both in looks and characteristics. But you still could recognize some traits that reminded you of your childhood dog.
You didn’t hunt with Hell Hounds often — it was more special and intimate when it was just you and Mi‘ytiar — but your mate had insisted that at least one of them should accompany you. As experience showed, the two of you had to split up at times; sometimes he also kept in the shadows, high on top of a tree, to watch you hunt on your own. It was simply a safety measure.
It wasn’t like you couldn’t handle the prey on your own. The creatures you hunted were either as small as a cat or as big as a horse. They were insignificant opponents, laughable for a Yautja and not nearly on their hunting standard, but Mi‘ytiar felt different. He didn‘t care how tiny or weak the prey was compared to him.
It wasn't about him, after all.
Those hunts were solely for you, so you could be a part of his culture without him having to worry about endangering your life. 
He had been ecstatic when you voiced your wish years ago for him to teach you how to hunt, how to track and kill as it was custom on his home planet. And even now, after you had exceeded his expectations, he still was immensely proud of you every time you succeeded.
No, Be'jaa wasn’t only there for tracking or for flushing out his targets but also for guarding. You were in the final stages of your pregnancy, and your strength, your speed, and your stamina had decreased, leaving you more vulnerable should prey ambush you. 
Speaking of him, he had been gone for quite some time.
“Be'jaa?” You called, whistled, and waited for a moment for him to return to you.
When you neither could hear him bark, or see him running towards you, you tried calling him again, “Be'jaa?”
And again.
The other half of his name turned into a strained whimper as a stabbing pain pierced through your body, coming from your stomach. You stifled a scream, but when something wet suddenly ran down your legs, a shaky breath escaped your lips.
You knew what this meant.
Your water just broke.
“Oh no. Not now, my sweetling.”
Clutching your stomach, breathing in and out, you slowly approached a tree and practically slumped against it. One of your hands gripped the meaty texture of the tree trunk for support while the other snaked down and between your thighs. When you pulled your hand back, it was coated with the clear substance of the amniotic fluid.
And blood. There was also blood on your fingers, but it was nothing too alarming. When you had been pregnant with Akail, there had been blood too, but it was still an unsettling sight to you.
“Ahhh!” You cried out as another wave of agonizing pain washed through you, your head thrown back.
As much as you had enjoyed the mostly perfect pregnancy, you had completely forgotten about birthing the pup at the end. Maybe you had just pushed the whole thing aside since the mere memory of Akail‘s birth was still able to instill that deep-rooted dread within your body.
You went into labor when both moons were at their zenith.
Mi’ytiar, who had slept peacefully next to you, was hovering over you the second you tried to wake him up. 
It took one panicked look from you and he knew what was going on. 
He got up from his lying position on your nest and knelt beside you.
You had already pushed the furs you used as a blanket to the side and he saw your legs shining with moisture in the moonlight.
“My water broke.” You faintly answered his silent question. “Our little one is coming.”
Mi’ytiar was on high alert as he knew what that meant. 
He tried to lift you into his arms, his mind fully set on bringing you to Cahrein, the healer, but unfortunately, a contraction hit you right at that moment. The pain, plus the one you felt as Mi’ytiar lifted you up, ripped a heart-wrenching scream from your throat. 
It hurt so very much that you punched him out of instinct, an instinct telling you to do anything to stop the pain, hitting him right in the face.
You looked up at him with wide eyes. “Oh God, Mi‘ytiar. I’m so sorry.”
His heart clenched at that. 
You shouldn’t apologize. He’d barely felt the impact anyways, your human strength too weak to actually hurt him, but he didn’t deserve to not feel anything. 
He should have felt pain, should have been knocked from his feet.
He had hurt you, had caused you more pain than you were already feeling.
You noticed the guilty expression on your mate’s face and grabbed his hand. “It’s okay, tahní. It‘s o–”
You cut yourself off as you pressed your lips together while another contraction hit you.
“–kay. It’s okay.” You panted, “Just get Cahrein.”
Mi’ytiar shook his head determinedly as he placed his free hand on yours, which clasped his other hand in a death grip. 
“Cannot leave you.” He growled.
Another contraction made you cry out, “Mi’ytiar, please!”
It took a lot of persuasion for him to finally leave your side to get the healer.
You understood that he didn‘t want to leave you on your own, out of fear something bad would happen to you if he let you out of his sight only for a second, but you needed Cahrein to deliver your son safely.
The healer had gotten to work as soon as his eyes met your tiny, withering body. Putting aside the various instruments he had taken with him — you recognized them from one of your visits where he had shown you which ones he used for births — he helped you to remove the panties that you wore with the little piece of clothing you called nightie, which you had already pulled up, over your bulging stomach, and out of the way.
Usually, you and your mate slept naked with nothing shielding you from each other’s skin, but since you got closer and closer to your due day, you wanted to be prepared. You wanted to keep at least a little of your dignity, not wanting to lie completely bare in front of Cahrein. 
Even though you knew he wouldn‘t care, taking his job far too seriously for that, your body in all its naked glory was meant for Mi’ytiar‘s eyes and Mi’ytiar‘s eyes only.
With your mate on one side and the healer on the other, you spent hours in indescribable agony.
Mentally, you were so far gone, blacking out for a second here and there. You barely caught how Mi’ytiar was insistently talking to you or how Cahrein alternately injected you with a transparent and a bright green fluid.
It felt like a miracle when the unbearable pain decreased bit by bit but not fully disappeared. Your fuzzy mind and your blurry view started to clear. 
With the pain now more bearable, you could finally focus on the natural instinct that told you to push.
What you didn’t know was that the following screams and cries woke up the clan in alarm, gathering almost everyone in front of your home, eagerly awaiting the new addition. 
This occasion was special, after all. Their fierce and mighty leader was expecting his first pup, something no one had expected to happen. Ever.
The tense uncertainty inside and outside of your home dissipated as soon as the whiny squeals of your newborn pup finally filled the air.
“Such a bad timing, my sweetling.” You mewled.
Tears were gathering in your eyes and you quickly blinked them away. You didn’t know if it was because of the pain of the contractions, which were now four minutes apart, or out of fear of being all alone in a hostile environment.
With your tongue between your teeth, you waited until the pain subsided, fully intending to call for your mate, but when you did, his name only escaped your lips in a short-winded whisper.
It was like you couldn’t breathe.
Biting back a sob, you formed your hand into a fist and hit your chest repeatedly, trying to get yourself to breathe regularly again. And when you thought you had enough air in your lungs, you bellowed, “Mi’ytiar!”
Your breath hitched and tears finally streamed down your cheeks. You bend your upper body forward, towards the tree, and pressed the palms of your hands against the tree trunk. With your head facing the ground, tears left your eyes and rolled down the bridge of your nose before dripping down the tip to the forest floor.
You were crying and panting, your body clenching every time another contraction hit you.
“Mi’ytiar, please, please… I need you… please, please.” You begged, your voice barely audible.
That’s all you could feel as you adjusted your lying position on the soft fur and the woolen and cotton fabrics of your nest. It was living up to its name as it reminded you of an actual nest, a bird’s nest; just as round but with more comfortable materials. Mi’ytiar had been very picky, something that amused you to no end.
That and the fireplace embedded into the floor, enclosing the round platform the nest was on, kept you warm and cozy.
You and the pup that was sleeping on your chest.
Little Akail let out little purrs while he enjoyed the warmth of his mother’s body, which kept him tranquil and happy.
Only ten hours old and he already had such a significant place in this clan and his parent’s hearts.
You hummed quietly to your pup, only looking up from the endearing sight when Mi’ytiar entered your home and came to a halt in front of your nest, taking in the very welcome view of his (tantalizing naked) mate and his newborn son.
“Don’t get any ideas.” You warned him playfully when you noticed his heated gaze racking over your body.
“Back on Earth, some parents hold their babies like this. The skin and warmth forges a strong bond between them and the baby can get used to its parents’ touch.” You explained, your fingers slowly caressing Akail‘s back.
Mi’ytiar only clicked his mandibles in acknowledgment before he started to take off his armor and his traditional clothing as clan leader. 
You had to bite your lower lip, reminding yourself of your own scolding words only seconds ago, but you simply couldn’t help yourself. Your mate was a fine specimen, a strong and gorgeous Yautja. You were one hell of a lucky woman.
You watched him get on the nest, now only dressed in his loin cloth, and he moved on his knees towards you. 
You wrapped an arm around Akail — still curled up into a ball with his head tucked under your chin and his feet resting on your belly — and got up into a sitting position.
Mi’ytiar grabbed you by your thigh and hip, lifted you up, and pulled you to him so you were sitting on his thighs while your legs were wrapped around the width of his hips.
He looped his arms around you, drawing you into an embrace, so little Akail was now nestled between both of his parents’ warm bodies.
The smile that had grown on your lips since the moment Mi’ytiar had entered your home was now so bright and wide your cheeks started to hurt. 
But you didn’t really care. You couldn‘t hide the sheer happiness you were feeling right now at this moment.
You felt movement against your throat and above the valley of your breasts, and when you looked down as best as you could manage, you saw Akail nuzzle his face into your skin while his tiny hand was now lying on your chest where your heart was beating.
You wanted to cry happy tears.
You had never expected to become a mother, never planned on it, never even remotely wanted it if you were being honest, but having your baby now in your arms made every antipathy disappear. 
You placed a soft kiss on Akail‘s head, using as little pressure as possible so he wouldn’t wake up.
“He’s perfect.” You whispered and looked up at Mi’ytiar who was already watching you intently. “Are you happy?”
He cocked his head to the side, his chest vibrating when he confirmed, “Happy.”
He felt Akail‘s small body against his own, felt his tiny body press against his every time he was breathing.
A beating heart.
He loosened the embrace of one of his arms around your body to reach between the two of you and for his son, his fingers tracing from Akail‘s forehead to the back of his head — there, he had the same scale pattern as his father, only with reversed colors — and from his temple over the hints of dreads on each side of his little head with his thumb.
Akail was indeed perfect, just like his mother, and he loved him with all his heart already, but the price he almost had to pay for having him here…
“I thought I would lose you today.” He admitted, breaking the comfortable silence between you.
You lifted your head from where it had been resting on his chest to look up at him with a small smile.
“For a second, I thought I would never see you again. I thought I would never meet our son." You nodded, thinking about the sharp pain and the feeling of life leaving your body as your pup fought his way out of you. “But Cahrein had prepared me as well as he was able to. He helped me through it. Who knows, hadn’t he injected me with your blood…”
You trailed off when Akail began to stir. You quickly started to rock him up and down, luring him back to sleep.
“He’s a very gifted male. I’ve trusted him with my life since the first time we visited him together after my arrival here so many moons ago.”
You adjusted your arm and its hold on Akail, the other reached up and cupped Mi’ytiar’s cheek. You let your fingertips glide over the scaly texture of his skin and dragged them over his jaw to his chin, down his throat to the middle of his chest.
“He also told me that I would be able to give you another pup in a foreseeable future…”
Mi’ytiar frowned, asking skeptically, “After what you gone through today?”
You shrugged and leaned your head forward, your cheek pressed against his pec. “I’m not talking about now or tomorrow, my love, but someday. In a few years, maybe.”
Mi’ytiar bristled, a loud rumble shaking his torso. “No.”
“No.” He shook his head, a very human gesture in your eyes. “You almost died.”
You smiled into his skin. Protective through and through, even when it came to his own offspring.
You were incredibly lucky to be chosen by a Yautja like him. 
It was rare for them to be interested in a human. It was rarer for them to treat that human-like an equal instead of a slave or one of many lovers. It was the rarest for a human to be injected with Yautja blood to largely adapt to their DNA and enable life on their planet.
And Mi’ytiar told you himself — you were the only human ever being Life-Mated to a Yautja who carried his offspring and had a similar leading role as him as the mate of a leader, all in one.
You were the rarest of the rarest, a uniqueness, something completely new.
But humans had birthed Yautja-Human-hybrids long before you, most of them more than one or two.
“The next time will be different, Mi’ytiar. My body will be stronger and mentally I will be more prepared.” You told him and peppered his chest with feather-light kisses before you looked up at him again, a loving smile on your lips. “You shan’t lose me.”
You whimpered in relief when you finally heard the familiar growling bark of a Hell Hound. 
“Be'jaa!” You called, “I’m… here!”
You felt something move under you and fill the free space between your bend-over position against the tree. You opened your eyes, which you had closed to calm yourself and your breath, and looked down to see the Hound’s face already fixed on yours.
“N‘yaka-de. Get him.” You panted and watched as Be'jaa turned around to run.
When he suddenly stopped to walk hesitantly back to you, not liking the fact he was about to leave you behind who was obviously in distress, you stomped with your foot and yelled, “Be'jaa, fucking now!”
He darted off and you felt a tinge of guilt for lashing out. After all, he was loyal and a surprisingly good cuddle partner.
“Argh!” You cried out when another stabbing sensation almost made your legs give out.
Once again, it felt like you were being torn apart, but at least you didn‘t feel like you were closer to death than life, like at Akail‘s birth over 30 years ago. You were kind of proud of yourself, actually, considering you were still able to stand. 
Yeah, standing against a tree for support instead of lying in your warm and soft nest where you had actually planned to deliver your second pup. You didn‘t want to give birth in an unsafe environment, with no Mi’ytiar and no Cahrein. 
But who would have expected that your pup was ready to be welcomed into the world on a hunt?
You did. 
You had felt premature labor pains for two days now, but you hadn’t paid them any mind as Akail was born only six days after those pains had started. 
But even those pains had felt different in those two days, so why hadn‘t you just listened to your body when it undoubtedly told you “No!” while you answered Mi’ytiar‘s question “Hunt?” with an enthusiastic “Yes!” ?
You knew the answer to that, too. 
While women on Earth had to stop certain activities at one point in their pregnancy and were limited in their doings, Yautja females could still follow their everyday lives throughout their whole pregnancy. Meaning, they could still jump from one obstacle to another, chase their prey, and kill it. 
Thinking that you were able to do that too had been utterly stupid and arrogant, but you just didn’t want to seem weak. Yes, the clan had accepted you and saw you as one of them, as the mate of their leader, but you couldn’t stop the suffocating need to prove yourself again and again.
It was unnecessary. Mi’ytiar had told you that, Cahrein had told you that, the Females you liked to spend your time with and considered friends told you that and, hell, even a few Males who were close to your mate told you that.
But here you were, crying and groaning when another contraction cursed through your body. You regretted leaving your cozy home, regretted not being pampered by your loving mate in your nest, and regretted leaving your son behind, who had been by your side all the time, hovered over you in case he had to step in should you need anything in your state, followed you around like a lost puppy if you weren’t napping in your nest.
It reminded you of the time when he had been much younger and much smaller. He had been practically attached to your hip and everywhere you went, he was there. He had been such an adorable and shy little boy. Who were you kidding? He still was, but you missed those times anyway. He had grown up too fast.
You were nervous.
With your arms wrapped tightly around your body, you watched the hustle and bustle in the distance. They were preparing for the departure of the five Young Bloods who would soon leave for a faraway world to hunt and complete their initiation into Adulthood.
Among them was your son, your Akail, who would leave you for who knows how long to presumably search for the largest and most dangerous beast and kill it to prove himself.
Just like his father, you thought.
In the first year of your relationship, Mi'ytiar had told you everything imaginable about himself, and one evening about his own initiation ritual. He had told you how reckless and sure of himself he had been as a Young Blood, how he threw himself into danger to impress his clan.
Although that had secured his position as leader, he’d summoned his son the day before to admonish him to proceed with caution, to be logical and strategic, and to not let arrogance control him.
Lost in worried thoughts, you didn't notice as Mi'ytiar approached you, dropped to one knee, and pulled you to his torso with his strong arms. He nuzzled his face into your hair, his mandibles running through it.
He loved your hair. It was just as soft as the rest of you.
“What on your mind, yawne?” He asked.
“I’m scared.” You breathed.
“On your home planet, oomans worry too when child leaves?”
You put your hand on one of his arms that was wrapped around you. “They do, but not like this. On Earth, human children leave the safety of their homes every day to go to school, to learn, and then they will return. In a few hours, Akail will leave the safety of his home to finish school, so to say, but will he return?” You told him absentmindedly, your attention still fixed on the ship. “Human parents don't have to fear that particular day when their children go on a journey to possibly get killed just because of a custom.”
You felt his arms tighten around you. “Do not be scared.” He said.
“I can’t help it. I’m his mother.”
Mi'ytiar let out a chuckle that sounded more like a growl than an actual laugh.
“And I his father.” He said and turned you around, not loosening the close embrace. “I trained him well. Made him strong and made him smart. Doubting my skills, yawne?”
Although he had already lowered himself, reducing his height to be closer to you, you still had to raise your head to look at him.
God, you loved his eyes. Even though there were rare variations at times among their kind — sometimes a lighter shade, sometimes a darker shade, sometimes more orange than yellow — the eyes of all Yautja had the same color.
But to you, Mi'ytiar’s eyes were different, even though one couldn’t possibly spot a difference when he was standing next to other Yautja. To you, they were brighter, more intense, more expressive. Or maybe it was just the way he looked at you, with so much gentle affection and love you wouldn't credit a beast of his stature with.
“Of course, I’m not. I could never.”
You suddenly could feel large arms engulfing your body from behind, pulling you into an upright-standing position, and you just let yourself instinctively fall into their embrace.
You knew those limbs, knew their warmth and their strength.
“Mi’ytiar, the pup… the pup is coming.” You panted and dug your fingernails into his forearm.
You felt him move behind you. He lifted you up, his arms supporting your back and the back of your knees as he held you to his torso. He briefly registered how you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck before he took off.
He ran like he never did. At the same time, he was careful not to let your body jolt around too much as he jumped over fallen tree trunks and climbed rocks to reach the Scout Ship while you clung to him.
Every time a contraction hit, he could feel your body tense in his arms and your mouth press against his chest as you muffled another scream.
Oh, how he wished he could take away the pain, but at least it wasn’t as horrible as it was at Akail’s birth.
Mi’ytiar remembered your glistening tears and your little withering body, how you had squeezed his hand so hard that even he had felt pain, and how you had begged both him and Cahrein to stop it. Especially the fear of death in your eyes haunted him to this day.
He had almost lost you — you, his precious human — all those years ago and it had been his entire fault.
The possibility of becoming a father had been zero, non-existent, and at one point in his life, he had accepted the fact that he may be not meant to be a father. He stopped caring and someday just forgot about it entirely. The wish to continue his line like any proud leader faded away and instead he settled for the idea of passing on his knowledge and experiences to the pups and Younglings of his people.
Then he met you, this petite beautiful thing, when he was lounging on a building near an alley. He heard you before he saw you, heard you and them.
They were calling you strange names and whistling after you before they decided to follow you down the street. Trying to escape them, you took a left turn and quickened your strides as you crossed the alley.
Mi’ytiar, who was attracted by the noises, slid down the rooftop and soundlessly landed on the metal balcony of one of the apartments. Even from the third floor, he had a perfect view of what was happening down in the alley as the men grabbed you, pushed and pulled on you, and he felt mildly impressed when you started fighting back; kicking, scratching and screaming.
The men’s playful, taunting behavior quickly turned fatal when one of them, fed up with your attempts to flee, slapped you so hard across the face that you stumbled back, tripped over your own feet and fell backwards to the ground.
Your screams quickly turned desperate when one of them pushed up your skirt and tore on your panties, mumbling something about teaching you a lesson while his companions held you down.
At this point, Mi’ytiar knew something had been wrong. Mating between a Yautja male and female consisted of fighting each other, too, but not like this. Not with more than one male and not with the female resisting long after the male fought the female into submission.
Your behavior told him everything he needed to know — you weren’t even close to being interested in mating with those males — and before things could get any worse, he jumped down and killed those who forced themselves on you.
By the time four bodies in various morbid states of dismemberment were littering the alley, your whole body was trembling as you stayed on the ground, cowering.
He had crouched down to your level and one of his bloodied claws reached out to touch your face, your horror-widened eyes watching him with caution.
To him, you were what a kitten was to a human. You were so small, he noted, so small and soft and pink. He also thought you were beautiful, contrastive to what Yautja usually thought about your kind. He took you with him that night and the rest was history.
Even though you weren’t a suitable mate, his clan begrudgingly accepted the idea of a human being with their leader. He couldn’t have pups anyway, so why not just let him indulge himself and let him seek happiness and pleasure in other things?
And then, one day, you told him about your wish to carry his pup. He had been excited, absolutely ecstatic, but not about the image of your rounding belly with his offspring — he knew he was unable to have one — and rather about the fact that you were willing to mate with him in a way that could lead to a child. The fact you loved him and trusted him enough was all he cared about.
As much as he loved his son, he should have done something the second both of you learned that you were pregnant. He had been so overjoyed his human mate was extraordinarily able to have his pup that he never thought about possible consequences.
Anyone would have had serious doubts and would have objected because there was no way a human would survive that, but Mi’ytiar didn’t, too blown away by the prospect of becoming a father.
That changed as the day of the pup being due crept closer and closer, and slowly worry and fear set in.
And to make one thing clear: if you hadn’t been injected with Yautja blood from the beginning — first daily, then weekly, then monthly, until it stopped years ago — you wouldn’t have made it and Akail would have torn you apart from the inside out.
He was glad that Cahrein had kept a cool head and realized that his blood would help you when all other means had failed.
It was like history was repeating itself as he tried to focus on the task at hand — getting you to the ship — and not let the fluid running down his arms and body distract him. He wished he hadn’t dared to look down, to look down and see the blood you were losing, coming from a source that was his fault.
Why did he let you convince him to have a second pup? Why did the mere thought of getting you pregnant again make him so ignorant of your near-death experience? Why did he listen to Cahrein when he told the both of you that another pup was possible? Why did he forget that you weren’t like his kind?
His heavy, thumping footsteps suddenly sounded different, and when you pulled your face away from his chest to look around, you noticed the soft earth of the forest had been replaced by the cold metal of the ship.
As careful and gentle as he could in his rattled state, he put you down on the closest surface he could find — the table used for planning, briefing, and orientation with several holo-maps — and slammed his fist down on the surface. He growled and hissed a few words you couldn’t understand. Your translating earpieces were perfectly fine, but your brain was only picking up the pain shooting through your body instead of noticing any stimuli from your surroundings.
You were so out of it, the tears blurring your view, that you missed the conversation between Mi’ytiar and the holographic image of Cahrein.
“Mi’ytiar.” Cahrein greeted his leader in the customary way of placing his left fist on the right side of his chest while slightly bowing down his head.
“The pup is coming.” Mi’ytiar said without hesitation, straight to the point.
Cahrein rounded the table to stand next to him and he leaned over you to get a better look at you. He reached out to grab your calves to open your legs, but his hands went right through you.
“Pauk. I can’t help her like this. You have to bring her here.”
“No.” You cried out, answering before Mi’ytiar could even open his mouth. “The pup is coming now.”
Cahrein looked conflicted, contemplating what to do next as he was restricted in his actions. He could already tell that this was going to be hard.
“Mi’ytiar, I packed a Medicomp for emergencies when you said you two would go hunt. Get it.”
You let out a whine when your mate disappeared from your side, which was quickly occupied by the healer who noticed your distress. “Calm, (Y/N), calm.”
“It hurts so much.” You cried out.
“I know.” He retorted and eyed the red fluid running down your thighs to your calves, dripping down your toes. “You need to take off clothes.”
With trembling hands, you started to open the pants-like cloth that hugged your legs like a second skin and circled them from your ankles up to your hips. You struggled with the complicated lacing and cursed as you began to rip on them out of frustration.
Bigger hands replaced yours and when you looked up, you saw that Mi’ytiar had returned and stood between your legs. He used his sharp claws to cut the cords open and he pulled the rest of the garment down. He was more considerate with the bloodied panties underneath and tried not to rip them, although you believed that they were irreversibly ruined.
The first and last time he had torn your panties to shreds, you had scolded him for it after he was done fucking you from behind like a dog in his rut. You didn’t have much of your human clothes left — most of them had been replaced by self-made clothes of local fabrics inspired by their style anyway — but what you definitely wanted to keep was your underwear. So when Mi’ytiar returned to you one day from a spontaneous trip to Earth with a dozen new undies, you had been more than thankful.
Mi’ytiar grabbed your ankles, placed both of your feet flat on the table, and spread your thighs apart, stepping aside for Cahrein to finally take a look at you.
The healer’s holo-image got down on his knees and peered between them at what was happening between your legs.
You wanted to hide and press them back together, but you knew that it wasn’t much of help and just let him do his thing. Instead, you let your head loll to the side and looked at your mate.
Mi’ytiar had his hands in fists, keeping them tightly pressed to his sides, and he watched Cahrein with concern and something else in his eyes. You knew he was worried about you. He tried to hide it, tried putting his true feelings behind the mask of a collected and strong leader and warrior like he always did in dicey situations, but you could see right through it.
“And?” He urged Cahrein to finally give him an answer.
“She is ready. She has to push.”
“What about the blood?”
“Incidental. She has to push.”
So that’s what you did.
Taking a deep breath and gripping the edge of the table for the support, you strained every muscle in your body. The resulting blood-curdling scream even got the two Yautja to flinch and Mi’ytiar lunged forward. He pried your fingers away from the table where you had been holding on for dear life and intertwined them with his. You instantly squeezed them and Mi’ytiar let out a surprised hiss.
After a moment, your tense body slumped down. It simply gave up after not being able to endure the pain any longer.
“You need to keep going.”
“I can’t.” You hiccuped, choking on your tears as you shook your head vehemently.
“You can. You did this 30 years ago. It was impressive. I never expected such a tiny creature to survive, but you did. You will again.” Cahrein turned to Mi’ytiar and pointed to the Medicomp. “Take the syringe, take your blood and inject it.”
Rather reluctantly, he loosened the hold you had on him and opened the Medicomp. He rummaged through it, found the syringe, and jabbed it into the flesh of his arm, uncaring of the following pain. You were far more important than anything else right now.
While he filled the syringe with his fluorescent-green blood, Cahrein was talking to you and encouraged you to keep going. He tried to distract you and keep your mind from drifting off to a place of no return.
“Something is wrong.” He murmured after a while.
He had watched Mi’ytiar inject you with three doses of his blood already, but you still were in agonizing pain. You even had lost consciousness twice, something that hadn’t even happened when you birthed your first pup.
You squeezed your eyes shut and only opened them again when the pain subsided a bit. “W-What?”
“You should have started crowning already, but you don’t.”
“Why?” You asked in a long-drawn cry.
Cahrein, for the first time in over thirty years, looked baffled and completely clueless. He couldn’t explain it as he had no idea himself. There had never been complications when the females of his clan gave birth. You were the only exception.
“What are typical problems that arise for oomans during childbirth?” He asked, not knowing what else he could do.
It took a moment until you became aware that you had been asked a question.
“Am-Amniotic fluid e-enters the bloodstream… the u-uterus tears… the ba-baby is in an abnormal p-position… it’s s-stuck…” You offered between pained huffs, trying to come up with as many options as you could think of. “In most emergencies, w-when a natural birth isn’t possible, they d-do a c-section… they cut into t-the woman’s belly a-and get the baby out... and then…”
Mi’ytiar wanted you to stop talking. He wanted you to stop putting images of your cut-open body in front of him. He wanted you to stop making him think of your lifeless form after the pup was pulled out of it.
“You have to incise into her abdomen. I will instruct you.” Cahrein finally said.
Mi’ytiar immediately straightened his back and let out a roar. “No!”
“If you do it, either the pup and (Y/N) survive, or just the pup... but if you do nothing, then they will both die.” Cahrein pressed and eyed you for a second.
You were running out of time.
“I… I can’t.”
He sounded defeated. You had never ever expected to see him like this — so vulnerable, so hopeless, so broken. He was the definition of strength, of courage, of accountability, of resilience, and now only a hollow shadow of the man he was was standing in front of you, thinking about the chance of losing his entire world.
He couldn’t lose you. He couldn’t.
How could it be possible for him to live, breathe, without you?
He had a taste of a life he never wanted to leave, a life he wasn’t able to quit, a life only something as extraordinary as you could give him. Not because you were human, although that was probably one of the aspects, but because you were you.
He loved you.
You had taught him that love was the most valuable thing to a person. Love was worth more than anything else in life. It was such a strong, overwhelming feeling no one could put exactly into words until one actually felt it.
And he loved you.
“No, Mi’ytiar… you have to, you have to.” You urged him between panting breaths. “Save our… our baby. Forget me… ju-just save our son… please.”
Mi’ytiar looked down at you as you begged him to do something he wasn’t willing to do in a million years. Cahrein would have hesitated in his stead, but he wasn’t your mate and would have cut into you. Mi’ytiar, on the other hand, could never do something that would harm you.
But he already did, though. He had doomed you the second his seed took.
“Mi’ytiar!” Cahrein barked and pulled the male out of his thoughts.
His body was on autopilot when his hand reached for a scalpel-like tool from the Medicomp.
“Thank you, thank you!” You cried out.
The only thing you felt was relief as your body slowly went numb, tears clouding your view. Everything around you became blurry and Mi'ytiar started to disappear. The world around you grew darker and darker as he set the sharp blade onto your skin and slowly applied pressure, cutting into you until blood flowed onto the table and down to the floor of the ship, creating a red puddle.
You never even registered the feeling of him cutting you open.
Your body shut down before you could.
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continue with the fourth part He Shall Prevail
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year ago
Ellie Williams Headcanons : RichOlderWoman!Ellie
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I got this as an ask but Tumblr ate it 😱 so here you go anon.
Okay Okay. So, first things first, from day one Ellie was always adamant when saying that you were NEVER her sugar baby.
you were just her controversially young girlfriend who she liked to spoil and have perched on her lap during boring business meetings.
speaking of SPOLING-
she regularly takes you on trips to expensive high end malls which exclusively house designer brands and WILL buy you anything you look at as long as you hold her hand while you both walk around.
but CEO Ellie Williams is a busy woman, and doesn't always have a long enough interval between meetings to keep you company.
in those cases she simply kisses you cheek and forehead before handing you a small black card and saying "give me a show of everything you buy when I get home, hm?"
arthritis may be fast approaching but those hips do not slow
(jk she's only in her late thirties, and you know for a fact the extent of working out she does keeps her joints in check)
in fact she gives the best strap game. the experience and the variety of expensive toys and the regular gym routine = 🤩
always her arm candy
every once in a while after lovingly gazing at you for a little too long, looking at your soft supple thighs, pink lipstick coated lips and shiny hair cascading beautifully from your head. she feels insecure?
it's an odd feeling.
an unfamiliar feeling.
but Ellie is mature, it's one thing you admire about herand she knows that a problem won't be resolved unless she talks to you.
so she does, and as soon as the voices of concern fall from her lips, you soon put those thoughts to rest <333
she does the same to you!!
it was a normal day, you woke up to a cup of coffee on your bed side, a small pastry from your favorite bakery, a credit card and a note which read:
"Good Morning my love, I completely forgot about the early morning meeting I had today. I got you some pastries as an apology, I'm sorry we can't go shopping today like we planned, but here's my card and the driver can take you to the mall.
Love you pretty girl, Ellie x"
it was a while later when Joel, your driver, pulled up outside the office building, you thanked him swiftly and walked quickly towards the automatic doors of 'Williams Enterprises Headquarters', expensive jimmy choo heels clicking against the concrete entrance. The security guard, Bob, nodded his head in greeting and you returned the gesture with a smile.
The receptionist was... different. the usual blonde haired girl was replaced by a middle aged woman with greying hair, deep set wrinkles imbedded in pale skin. "Hi what can I do for you today?" a high squeaky voice came from her mouth. a tone of voice you knew from years of retail work and customer service, you winced instinctively.
"Hi, I'm here to see Miss Williams." you reply, fingers tightening on the strap of the mulberry purse Ellie had gifted you for your 2nd anniversary a few months passed.
"hmmm. I don't see you on the schedule, do you have an appointment?" she smiled, the fakeness clear and tone of voice irritated.
"oh, uhm no. I'm her girlfriend" silence. the fake smile plastered on the woman's face falling, as she looked over behind her to a colleague who nodded in confirmation of the story you had given her.
"sorry if this is intrusive kid, but aren't you a little young." she spoke, and chewed a piece of him you hadn't noticed before rather obnoxiously. "I mean I can tell you're..." her eyes scanned your frame "reaping the benefits."
"I mean, god I can't blame you" she continued " if I had the looks and youth I once did I would happily suck off anyone for chanel. Now tell me doll, how much surgery has Mrs. Williams paid for you to have done, surely those tits aren't real?"
you quickly brushed past her, ignoring the intrusive questions and stepped into the elevator, pressing the floor Ellie's office resided on.
the site of you immediately brought a smile onto your girlfriend's previously pinched and visibly frustrated face. "Hi pretty girl,", she pushed out her chair from behind her desk, patting her thigh for you to sit on. "Hi Els." the frown you couldn't quite erase from your features furrowed your brows in a way Ellie couldn't ignore.
"What happened baby? you upset with me for leaving earlier?" she asked softly, adjusting you on her lap and kissing your temple. "nah it's not that- I just-" your hands instinctively began playing with Ellie's fingers, twisting the ring on her index finger slowly. "the new lady, in reception. she said something-" you sighed. "and I just can't shake it."
"do you think that, I'm a burden? that the fact I'm so young means I'm leeching off you? I don't want to do that Ells. I like dresses and bags and makeup and you give that to me because you can, but I just- if you ever don't want to buy me stuff, please tell me Ells, I don't want to take and take and take when you don't want me to."
a soft chuckle shook Ellie's chest "pretty girl, look at me. The reason I work is to spoil you, the reason I go to these bullshit meetings with these stuckup assholes is to give you and me a life where money is no object. I love you sweet girl" she kissed your plush lips, the tension seemingly draining out of your body at the touch.
"now, which receptionist said that?"
A/N: cute little hc and drabble to get me back into the swing of things.
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ashwhowrites · 10 months ago
Hi! Can I request Eddie x Dustin's cousin and miscommunication trope?
Eddie's seen her only a few times when gave Dustin ride (she'snew in town). And he's really enamored by her so he asks Dustin if he can investigate what's her type.
Dustin tells her that one of his friends thinks she's really cool and wants to ask her out. She asks if it's that cute guy with amazing hair and adorable smile who gives him a ride sometimes. He immediately thinks she means Steve, so he had bad news for Eddie.
He tells him about it and he replays "it's nothing I didn't expect. You should get to know them together. Steve's a good guy".
So one day Dusty bun and reader drives to Family Video and before they're get out of car he says something like "oh, look we're lucky. Steve has a shift today".
She replays "I don't see him, just this guy with big, funny hair"
"What? That's Steve"
"No, you said that this cute guy with pretty curly hair is Steve. You know, with a van"
And then Dustin understands his mistake... Do you think we can get happy end? 🙏🙏🙏
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Wrong name
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Eddie had his eyes set on Y/N the second she honked her horn and demanded Dustin move faster. She was blaring music with her windows down. She was gorgeous, naturally and simply. But Eddie was more shy than he liked to admit and was too scared to speak a word in her direction.
A few weeks passed and she continued to pick Dustin up from Hellfire. Eddie loved getting small glances at her but he wanted to know more about her. Scared of rejection, he asked Dustin to poke around and find out her type. Eddie didn't have too high of hopes but he figured he had nothing to lose.
Dustin said goodbye to the group as he got in Y/N's car, Eddie gave him a nod and Dustin smiled back with a wink. Eddie was a little nervous to leave the fate of his love life in Dustin's hands.
Driving home, Dustin tried to think of a sly way to bring Eddie up. But he came up empty and decided to be honest.
"So I have a friend that thinks you are pretty cool, and attractive. He wants to ask you out but is afraid he isn't your type. What would you say your type is?"
Y/N blushed at the idea of someone wanting to ask her out. She only had seen two of Dustin's friends that were age-appropriate, so it slimmed down her guesses.
"Is it that cute guy with gorgeous hair and that dazzling smile that sometimes brings you home from school?" Her voice sounded perky and Dustin could tell she was excited about the idea.
Dustin sighed sadly as she described Steve, he was a little scared to tell Eddie the bad news.
"Steve! You like Steve?"
"And then she described Steve, I'm sorry man," Dustin said, Eddie shrugged his shoulders and tried not to seem as upset as he was.
"Yeah, I figured she'd like someone like him. He's always complaining about being single so maybe you should set them up."
"Are you sure you are cool with that?" Dustin asked.
Truthfully, Eddie was not. He was more upset about it than he'd like to admit. He never had a conversation with the girl but felt torn apart that he didn't have a shot. He would probably want to poke his eyes out every time Steve made her laugh and kiss her.
"Your mom said it has to be PG so only look at PG" Y/N demanded as she parked the car. Dustin rolled his eyes as he got out. He looked inside the video store, and aside from the busy amount of customers he noticed Steve at the counter.
"Oh, it's your lucky day! Steve is working." Dustin teased, and Y/N was frantic upon hearing the name.
"You little shit, a little heads up that he works here would have been nice." Y/N groaned as she checked her appearance in her car mirror. She tossed around her hair and searched for lip balm in her purse. She coated her lips as Dustin waited impatiently.
Y/N accepted her appearance was the best she could do, and got out. She walked nervously behind Dustin as they headed into the store. But as she took in the large room, she didn't see Steve anywhere.
"Where is he? I don't see him." She said. Dustin told her he'd set them up since Steve liked her back. She hoped they'd get to talking and maybe he'd ask her out.
She wished she wasn't so nervous to talk to him and did it all the times she saw him while picking up Dustin. But she couldn't, her mouth went numb and all she could do was stare.
"Are you blind? He's right at the counter." Dustin expressed dramatically as he gestured towards the counter.
"I'm not blind. All I see is that tall kid with floppy hair." She crossed her arms as she glared down at the younger boy.
"What? That's Steve!" Dustin was confused and Y/N was too.
"No, you said Steve is that cute guy with gorgeous hair and that dazzling smile that sometimes brings you home from school! He drives the van, and is in your little club." Y/N explained.
Dustin looked between her and Steve a hundred times before his eyes shot open.
"YOU LIKE EDDIE!" Dustin screamed, Y/N covered Dustin's mouth as she blushed. Her eyes were wide in fear as she looked around the store. Dustin unfortunately caught the attention of some people nearby who looked at him displeased.
Y/N removed her hand and Dustin apologized to those nearby.
"I think I created a tiny little problem." Dustin nervously laughed, Y/N glared and his laughter stopped.
"Eddie asked about you and I thought you liked Steve! So I told Eddie you weren't interested and he told me to set you up with Steve. And well, I told Steve I had a cousin who was interested in him...." Dustin trailed off with a big smile.
"Wait so, I like the guy named Eddie, and Eddie wanted to ask me out but he thinks I'm into that kid over there?" Y/N asked, her finger pointing to Steve as he flirted with a customer, horribly.
"Uh yeah! But I can fix this!" Dustin rushed out. "I just need a phone!" He ran to the counter and asked Steve for the work phone. Dustin dialed Eddie's number and waited for him to pick up.
"He's on his way so just wait outside," Dustin said, pushing her out the door.
"I don't want to stand outside and look desperate!" Y/N argued.
"But then you have to meet in front of everyone here! That's worse." Dustin fought back. Y/N sighed and agreed.
She waited against her car as she watched every car drive by. She could hear his van before she saw it. Her palms began to sweat, she took a deep breath and pushed off her car as his van pulled next to her.
Eddie got more nervous once he saw her. He was thankful it was a misunderstanding and he had a shot. He turned off his van and slipped out. He took a few deep breaths and walked over.
"Eddie right?" Y/N asked, her hand covering her eyes from the bright sun as she looked him up and down. She loved everything she saw. He was in a simple T-shirt, his arm tattoos dark against his pale skin. His signature black jeans are dressed up with chains. She bit her lip as she took in his face, his hair was pulled up into a bun so she could see every detail. His brown eyes shined from the sun as he squinted to look at her.
"Y/N, right?" Eddie replied, a smile on his face as she nodded.
"Sorry about Dustin. I guess that's what I get from letting a freshman set me up." Eddie joked. His heart fluttered as she laughed at his joke.
"Yeah, I think maybe we should call the shots from now on." She joked back.
"Smart girl," he smirked, "well we are at a movie store. What if we find one and maybe you can come to my place?" He walked closer, his arm leaning on the roof of her car as he leaned over her.
She wasn't sure if it was the sun or him that made her break out into a sweat. He angled his head to block the sun, her eyes fully open as she took him in. Now even closer, she already could tell he was a tease.
"Your place already? Is that how fast you move with all the girls?" Her head raised as she challenged him.
"Oh never! Just the ones that don't leave my mind even before I knew her name." He flirted.
"Well since you are so sweet with words, I'd love to watch a movie."
"It's a date, sweetheart." He reached up to softly rub her cheek. She tried to keep her breathing at a normal pace as she leaned into his touch.
Steve looked at Dustin as he waited for him to speak, the boy paced back and forth in front of the counter.
"Dude, just tell me!"
"you know that cousin I was gonna set you up with?" Dustin asked, a small apologetic smile on his face.
"Yeah," Steve said
"Wellllllll" Dustin started, he turned around to see Eddie and Y/N very close as they talked in the parking lot. Barely any space between their bodies. Anyone could read their body language and know they were flirting.
"That's her," Dustin said as he pointed.
"The one almost lip-locking with Eddie?" Steve scoffed
"Yeah! So my bad! See you tomorrow." Dustin said as he rushed out of the store.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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sukunasbow · 22 days ago
if ur taking requests, i NEED some loser!choso from you 🙏🏻
dry humping with loser choso ; mdni
choso, your co worker at the local library, is known to be very shy and antisocial. especially around you.
whenever you try to start a conversation with him, he trembles and stutters out low replies to whatever you tell him. a faint blush covers his cheeks and he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, doing whatever he can to avoid looking directly into your eyes. the issue with his struggles to look at you, is that it often results in his gaze falling to your tits and the way your tight and pretty pink blazer squeeze them together, the buttons almost looking like they’re ready to pop open. he feels his glasses fog up, pushing them up the bridge of his nose, choosing to create an excuse to get away from you, usually along the lines of something like, ‘a customer needs my help..’, despite the fact that there’s no one nearby.
despite all of this, you’ve never really noticed how different he treats you. normally, he wouldn’t even attempt to start a conversation, opting to stay quiet and avoid any possible judgement of peers. with you, however, he tries his best to not seem off-putting. you always thought he was just super shy, especially when you told your friend, satoru gojo, about the situation and he revealed that he attends the same university as choso and has never once heard him speak to another girl.
you’re currently helping a man your age find a textbook, the two of you walking up and down rows of bookshelves, checking each section for the right author. you pause in front of the author’s last name, “i’m so sorry, sir.” you pause, turning to face him with a small frown on your face, “it looks like we don’t have that book at the moment. if you’d like, i can take your phone number and call you as soon as the book is returned or back in stock.” you tell him.
“well, sure.” he grins, “i wouldn’t mind giving a pretty lady my number.”
you give him a forced smile, slightly tugging down your plaid skirt, suddenly aware of the length and how exposed you feel. “sure thing. come with me, please.” you quickly turn around, your high heels clacking on the floor as you lead the man to the front desk.
you walk behind the desk, quickly turning on your computer and typing in his information as he repeats it to you, your acrylics echoing against the keyboard. “got it, thanks! we will give you a call as soon as it’s back.”
the man nods and glances up and down your body, a small smirk forming on his lips. “maybe we could get something to eat after your shift ends?”
goosebumps cover your body, “sorry, i’m closing today.” you mumble. he opens his mouth to protest, however his facial expression contorts into a grimace when a much taller man walks out of the employee’s only room and stands next to you.
“she’s busy after her shift, we have plans. you can leave now.” choso’s voice is low. you’ve never heard him speak this formally. “goodbye.” you turn your head slightly to look at him, noticing the hard look in his eyes.
“bye.” the guy huffs, storming out of the store like a child that was denied dessert.
“thank you.” you fully turn to face your co worker, a smile on your face. choso’s face flushes and he gives you a lopsided smile in return.
“no problem.” his voice is back to being just above a whisper and his eyes stare down at the floor, as if he’s suddenly interested in what shoes you’re wearing.
“would you like to do something after we close up?” you raise an eyebrow, “i mean, you were the one that suggested we had plans, so why not?” your boldness shocks the black haired man. he’s not used to such straightforward behaviour.
“uhh.” he bites down as lip, his gaze rapidly shifting between the floor and your eyes, “sss’sure.”
“great, i’ll just grab my bag.” you walked in the back room and walked towards your pile of things. choso also follows you into the room to grab his jacket and keys. instead, he abruptly stops behind you in shock as he watches you bend over to rummage through your things, your skirt riding up and giving him a small glimpse of your lace panties. choso felt shame creep up on him as he didn’t move or look away, unsure of what to do. you stood up straight again and turned around, pulling your skirt down again and gasping when you saw him staring at you with a surprised, yet lustful, look in his eyes. “choso.” you start.
“i am so sorry.” the look in his eyes is replaced with embarrassment when he realizes what just happened. choso rushes towards his own pile of belongings, grabbing his keys and turning to leave.
you feel a sudden urge to stop him. “wait.” you stride towards him and grab his wrist, stopping him from opening the door. he turns back around to face you, his eyes once again staring at the floor. you instinctively bring your hand to his face, gently pushing his chin up, forcing him to look into your eyes. choso’s eyes flutter shut, the man folding under your touch. your eyes roam over every feature of his face with adoration. you’ve always thought he was attractive, it almost made you feel sad that he was missing out on all the possible dating opportunities for himself, as lots of girls must’ve felt the same but he would never speak to any of them. another part of you, however, felt glad that he was so socially distant, so you could have him for yourself. shaking your head, you shove those thoughts down.
“sorry.” he opens his eyes, his lips forming into a small pout. he feels terrible. “i’m no better than that guy.” he mumbles under his breath.
“just shut up.” you tightly grip the strings of his hoodie, pulling him towards you body and pressing your lips to his. choso whimpers into the kiss, his eyebrows knitting together in desperation. he feels himself getting hard, a tent building in his sweatpants. the two of you are getting lost in the kiss, strings of saliva connecting your lips together. you pull away from him, letting go of his hoodie, “sit down.”
choso doesn’t bother questioning you, quickly sitting down on the lounge chair in the corner of the room. you follow him, sitting down on his lap and facing him, your knees resting on each side of his thighs. “are you..sure?” he breathes out.
“yes.” you take his hands into yours and place them on your thighs, helping him drag your skirt up, exposing your panties fully. his eyes focus on the wet patch of the fabric. you slowly start grinding your hips back and forth on the tent of his pants, your head lolling back at the friction of your thin panties gliding against the print of his dick. "mmh’..” you moan out.
“fuck, please…feels so good. i wanna be inside you.” choso’s mouth falls open, “please, please, please.”
“be patient.” you press a small kiss to his forehead and continue rocking your hips, then starting to hump him.
“shit, wait..wait.” he moves his hands to your tits, squeezing them over your shirt. his glasses fog up and you’re no longer able to look into his eyes. “wait, think i’m gonna…” before choso can finish his sentence, he tosses his head back and lets out a loud groan. with a few whimpers, his dick is twitching and he’s releasing his load, a huge stain forming on his sweatpants.
“did…did you just..” you let out a small and mocking laugh. “was that your first time dry humping or something?” you take off his glasses so you can get a good look at his face.
choso anxiously bites down on his lip, “maybe.”
“no way!” you gasp.
“why are you apologizing? there’s no need for that, baby. i can teach you a lot more, if you’d like.” choso eagerly nods his head, looking up at you with a desperate look.
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igotanidea · 8 months ago
Promotion: Dick Grayson x reader
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Request: Established relationship, reader starts calling Dick bestie. At first he thinks it's cute, then gets a little annoyed, then goes semi-hysterical, questioning the whole relationship. As they clear the thing out, he uses it as an excuse to propose.
“How’s my bestie doing?” Y/N’s voice came from the side of the door, the use of words so surprising that Dick raised his head from the phone, giving her a little frown.
“Bestie?” he grinned. “Is that what I am to you now?”
“Shall I remind you that we started as friends?” she teased, leaning to peck his cheek.
“Never heard you call me like that when we were friends though.”
“Well, I figured—”
“You figured that after two years of living together and seeing each other in pajamas – or without them-“ he smirked mischievously – “I finally deserve the term, huh?”
“What can I say? You’ve been promoted on my list.”
“Promo- wait, hold that thought. So I wasn’t on top? So I am not on top?”
“Well-“ Y/N started, getting the idea where Dick might be going with this.
“cause I can show that I’m the only one who can be on top.” He muttered and did exactly what Y/N thought he would do.
Not that she complained.
It was so cute and sweet and heartwarming and nice.
Being called her bestie.
Though it was a little surprising to be called like that after so much time together and getting used to boyfriend, honey, baby and babe, Y/N was still Dick’s princess and she could call him everything she liked and he would love it as well.
Best example being them going out with Dick’s friends.
“Hey bestie, you ready to go out? Wally keeps blowing off my phone, calling me out on us being late! Can you imagine!? Freaking speedsters, judging everyone by their own lights.” She muttered, fixing her clothes in front of the mirror, being picky with it, as always.
“I guess some people never change even when they travel back and forth in time.” Dick laughed. “Don’t worry about him, gorgeous. We can be as late as we want if that means you'll have the perfect  outfit.”
“Well I was thinking we could match and—WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?” her laughter echoed in the bedroom as she took in the shirt her boyfriend put on.
“Do you like it? It’s custom made, especially for you. And maybe a little to celebrate my promotion, as you called it.”
Y/N was laughing so hard that tears started running down her cheeks, clutching her stomach and unable to tear the gaze from Dick’s shirt proudly announcing he was "Y/n’s bestie" in big thick pink letters.
“I know, I know, it’s amazing and you have no words to describe your gratitude at my thoughtfulness.”
“That’s one way to describe it—”
“And speaking about that matching …” Dick reached to the wardrobe, getting a little parcel and handing it to her.
“What is that?”
“Open up and see for yourself.” He grinned, observing carefully as she unwrapped the paper, retrieving the same style shirt with the only difference being the inscription.
“I’m Y/N.” she read, chuckling at Dick’s antics. “Are you sure about this?”
“Of course I’m sure. I want the whole world to know I am now officially your bestie and no one can even come close to claiming that title and be close to you.”
“You’re impossible.”
“Isn’t that why you love me? Amongst other reasons obviously. I mean, I am handsome and smart and 10/10 and—. Hey, Y/N, where are you going, I’m not done counting!”
“I’m changing and we’re leaving before you start inventing words to describe yourself. And before your superfriends decide to put their skills to use.”
“You know I’ll always protect you right? I am your bestie after all.”
It was so cute and sweet and –
A little annoying.
Like that one time at the gala when she was simply beaming amongst all those high-class-big-fish full of themselves. There was no way to deny Y/N was the most beautiful of all the women, and no fancy dress or expensive make up could change that. Dick had eyes only for her, becoming overly protective, gritting teeth and throwing daggers at every guy who dared to ask her to dance.
They weren’t a competition to him, but the male ego and pride was taking control of situations that involved another male putting hands on his girl, even if only in a dance.
And sometimes, a little marking territory was absolutely necessary.
Even if subconsciously she was doing everything to make his efforts go to waste.
At the moment he was observing Y/N conversing with some guests who – for once – happened to be around her age, giggling and acting like only young women can and are allowed to. And her having fun was fine, but the second young men started joining it, Dick had to chime in.
“Y/n.” he came closer, wrapping arm around her waist and kissing her temple, taking in the company.
“Oh, hello Dick. I’m not sure if you’ve met –“
“Caitlin and Sarah Mendoza.” Dick smiled brightly welcoming the young girls so cordially, that for a change Y/N felt a little insecure. “We haven’t had the pleasure of meeting in person but-“
“We’ve heard about you, Mr. Grayson” Sarah reciprocated his smile
“All good things I hope?”
“Of course! Everyone speaks so highly of you and—”
“Especially Y/N here. She said you were her bestie?” a male voice, of a guy that Dick did not recognize cut the sentence in half, causing a bit of confusion on his part.
“I’m sorry, who may you be?” Dick smiled with jaw clenched so hard, it almost hurt.
“Dick, this is-“ Y/N started, blushing a little from embarrassment.
“Colin Crawford. We’ve been friends with Y/N since the first grade. Though she never referred to me as a bestie.” He smirked as if sensing what emotions he was stirring in Dick. Getting enough evidence in the form of visible tightening of the grip on Y/N’s waist and even more blinding smile, becoming a little predatory.
“Well, technically we were friends in second grade—"
“That’s amazing, but I suppose I am the special one to you, right honey?” Dick cut her off, without caring about her correction of facts.  
“Of course. I mean you are –” Y/N started again, but there was no chance for her to mitigate the obvious cockfight already going on.
“Cause you see, Colin, I am not just her bestie.” Dick gritted, though the smile did not falter for even a single second and only the look in his eyes showed the annoyance at the other guy’s impertinence. “I am her boyfriend.”
“Oh, I see.” Colin took a sip of his drink, completely unmoved.
“Everyone sees.” Y/N felt herself being pulled closer to Dick’s side as a sealing of his words. “Because we are an inseparable couple, aren’t we, love?”
“We are.” She cut the sentence short to get as little as a chance to actually finish it without interruptions.
“Why don’t we go dance, baby? I do want to keep you close to me, you know.”
They spend the rest of the night, dancing, and making sure that every guy in the party saw Dick’s hands on Y/n’s waist or arm or around her shoulders or their fingers interlaced.
And for the first time, Dick found himself annoyed at the term of endearment, that was so cute and sweet and heartwarming and nice.
It’s been almost two months since the first time she gave him the nickname.
And he was freaking out.
Becoming almost sure she didn’t love him anymore.
That she didn’t want him anymore.
And he was trying so hard.
Buying her flowers to check her reaction.
Bringing home her favorite takeout.
Watching her movies and TV shows with her.
Giving her his time and love and affection and devotion.
And she just stopped loving him? Just like that?
But why? Why? WHY?!
What could he possibly do wrong?
He was her bestie and it made him feel like crying, ripping his hair out, and drinking a poison at the same time.
Funny how the tables have turned since the beginning.
He was now sitting in their living room, watching the pictures of them together in different locations.
Fairground. Kissing at the top of the Ferris wheel.
Holiday. With her hair being a mess from the wind and allergy dots on his face.
At the local café with a milky froth over her lip.
At the gala with them dancing and looking into each other’s eyes. So in love.
And now it was all gone.
Now he was reduced to the form of her bestie.
Despite himself, a few tears started running down his cheeks and in his desperate state of mind he couldn’t even wipe them off. He was alone after all,  no one cared whether he was sad, lonely, bleeding out from the unhappy love and broken heart, losing hope for any change of happiness or-
“Dick, what is wrong?” a warmth spread in his side and it took him a moment to realize that it was Y/N, snuggling into him and wrapping arms around him, trying her best to comfort him in whatever turmoil he was going through. “You can tell me. Or not. But I’m here if—”
“Why don’t you love me anymore?” he asked, his voice breaking a little.
“Wh-what are you --?”
“You keep calling me bestie!” he cried out
“You’ve been calling me bestie for like two months now!” he jumped off the couch, starting to pace around the room nervously “it can only mean that you don’t love me anymore!”
“Dick, listen I –”
“Yes, I know, you still kiss me and we are intimate, but maybe it’s just a friends-with-benefits situationship for you?”
“Now that is simply offensive-“
“Is our relationship even real for you anymore? Was it ever real? Maybe we had a different approach to it from the very beginning and I was delusional?”
“How can you even assume-?” she clenched her fists at the accusation, but he barely noticed her vexation.
“I was so stupid, I should have known from the start that a girl like you could never be with a man like me! You want someone who will cherish you and love you and do everything for you and what I had to offer was just not enough!” Dick started to become a little dramatic, acting like he was preparing for a role in a Brazilian soap opera or Shakespeare play, throwing his hands around, spinning on his heels, and touching his forehead and heart. “Oh, Y/N, I am sorry, I could not give you more, but why… WHY DID YOU STOP LOVING ME?! AND WHEN DID IT HAPPEN!? WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!” he fell to her feet, embracing her calves.
“Dick-“ she stuttered, not sure how to calm him in this state. “I’m not—”
“Just tell me the truth my love—” he whispered, raising his glassy eyes onto her.
“I never—”
“YOU NEVER LOVED ME!” he exclaimed, getting even more dramatic.
“When did you even get that silly idea? Who put it into your head? Was it Wally? Jason?”
“Then who?!” now she was the one getting angry “give me a name and I will-“
“You started calling me bestie.” He explained.
“Yes. And?”
“And I thought we were drifting apart?”
“But- but you liked it. I mean – you got a shirt with that term on it, remember?”
“Well, I don’t like it anymore.” He muttered, pouting like a five year old.
“So you want me to stop?” she smiled in amusement at his behavior.
“Then why didn’t you just tell me? You really thought it was easier to develop a whole theory on a single word?”
He didn’t have any response to that, which only confirmed her conviction that she was right.
“Ok, then, so how do you want me to call you?”
“Your boyfriend, your love, your beloved or honey or sweetheart or –“
“Okay.” She smiled
“Or your husband.”
“Husband?” she repeated with her voice shaky a little “but we are not-“
“But we can be-“ he kneeled in front of her, reaching for her shaking hands. “Y/N Y/L/N-“
“Dick, this is not funny—”
“Good. Because I am most definitely not joking now. Y/N Y/L/N.” their eyes met, conveying pure honesty and love he held for her “will you do me the honor-“
“Of not calling you my bestie?” he chuckled, the tension of the moment making her act like a goof.
“Will you let me finish a sentence?” he laughed and she nodded “Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?”
“Yes.” She sobbed from all the emotions.
“Oh my god!” he jumped from the ground, taking her into his embrace, holding tight and spinning around “SHE SAID YES!!”
“WE’RE GETTING MARRIED!” he exclaimed for one more time before putting her on the ground and kissing deeply for the longest time, suddenly not needing any air to breathe.
“You’re gonna have to get us new tailor-made shirts.” She chuckled, cupping both his cheeks and locking her gaze with his.
“Mr and Mrs Grayson, absolutely.” He nodded. “But I’m not only getting us shirts, honey. From now on all your belongings are going to have a monogram. Cause now? Now I feel like I truly got promoted and everyone’s gonna know it.”
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ovrgrwnivy · 1 year ago
i want to wear his initial. . ryan baker
to celebrate thanksgiving finally streaming, take this idea that’s been rotting in my head for weeks since i saw this ad.
warnings: 18+, explicit language, suggestive conversation, afab!reader, unprotected sex ( please don’t do this? ), smut!, pnv, my literal first time writing smut be nice to me or else.
your eyes lit up the second it came across your tiktok for you page, you knew ryan would question the charge on his card from a website other than your usual haunts but explaining it away as a small business you found on your explore page seemed to be good enough for him.
you were known all over your campus for your fashion sense, your 2000’s inspired outfits drawing the attention of everyone you passed by, more specifically the ‘whale tail’ that was never missing from an outfit, the strings of your usually neon coloured thongs peeking above the waistband of your low rise jeans.
today was no different, your low rise jeans and white baby-tee, the neon pink strings high on your hips with the custom sparkly letter charms adorning the back; ryan.
“hey, baby” ryan greeted with a smile, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips after spotting you from across the courtyard, blissfully unaware of what everyone was double taking to read.
“hi” you giggled against his lips, pressing another quick kiss to them before pulling away “you got class?”
different degrees, same campus. it was actually how you’d met ryan, some sorority party during your first semester.
“not for another hour..” his voice trailed off, eyes looking past you at the pair of girls that had pointed at your back “turn around for me, baby. think you got something on you..”
you play dumb, turning your back to him and looking over your shoulder. you revel in the look on his face, how his eyes can’t look away from your ass, how his eyebrows have raised and his mouth is agape, and how he tries to subtly adjust himself in his jeans but fails miserably.
“is there something there?” you ask, like you don’t know exactly what it is he’s staring at.
there’s a second of silence, ryan’s brain short circuiting as he struggles to catch up with the real world continuing around him. he shakes his head before grabbing your arm, leading you towards the library without a word and ushering you into the bathroom.
“ryan, i have a class” you giggle, making no attempt to stop him when he pushes you against the door and latches his mouth to your neck.
“don’t care,” he mumbles against your skin, a hand creeping under the fabric of your shirt and towards your breasts, groaning when he realises you aren’t wearing a bra “fuck, baby, think this is the hottest thing i’ve ever fucking seen.”
his free hand slips a finger around the band of the thong, pulling it away from your body and releasing it with a snap. ryan’s mouth swallows your gasp as its back on yours, kissing you roughly like he’s trying to consume you entirely.
your hand trails down to the waistband of his own jeans, feeling his hard on pressing against your lower stomach as he presses you against the door, his tongue roaming around the inside of your mouth.
“easy, baby.” ryan chuckles, pulling your hand away with his own. in a fluid movement he has you bent over the bathroom sink, reaching round to unbutton your jeans and shove them down your legs “don’t remember putting you in charge.” his middle and ring fingers tease your clit through the bright pink fabric, watching your reaction in the mirror as your mouth falls open in a silent moan.
ryan applies a little more pressure, rubbing slow circles as his free hand frees his cock from his jeans and teasingly runs it back and fourth along your folds.
“quick teasing,” you huff, hooking your thumbs around the band of your underwear to remove them when ryan lands a light slap to your clit in warning.
“these stay,” he speaks matter of factly, moving the fabric to the side and groaning as he pushes into you “wanna see my name every time i look down at my cock filling you up, princess.”
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