#trans inclusive lesbianism
Hey (with the intention of exchanging titty pics).
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sleepygaymerdisease · 2 years
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[ID: Tweets from Emily 'Soup Lesbian' Gwen (@theemilygwen) on twitter with the following text:
Well, just left a job interview crying because the hiring manager told me they liked my application but were disappointed that I didn't bother dressing appropriately. I tried to explain that I haven't been able to afford new clothes in years but I just couldn't handle it.
That comment and my reaction was one of the most mortifying moments of my life. I thought I put together a decent outfit for the job with what I had, and hearing her say that just destroyed me.
Anyway I'm still looking for work and struggling a lot. Even $5 would help pay for a meal. ko-fi.com/emilygwen
End ID]
Please help Emily Gwen, the creator of the lesbian flag. If you show me that you donated any amount I will draw you something. You can also support them by buying something from their Threadless store!
EDIT: I still appreciate any donations made but I can't guarantee a drawing anymore 😭 sorry if that's a deciding factor for you
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nonconformityhub · 5 months
Lesboy and Male Lesbian Infographic - repost from my friend thelesbianbakugou
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Since his account got terminated a few years ago, me and thelesbianbakugou decided to replatform this lil info sheet! There's one on mspec lesbians too but we just have to find it
Sadly we don't have access to the original image credits, if you know who made some of the images, please let us know and we'll credit them here!
tags for reach woo! @mogai-place @mogai-sunflowers @neopronouns @genderqueerdykes @ghosttypebeat @our-lesboy-experience @transonlyspace @mogai-faggot @enbermoonlish
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reiningsoral · 7 months
dyall. people. bitches. stop making a fuss over ppl's identities.
"but they have genderfluid and also mlm in their bio!"
fuckin. so what?????
"but they use it/its pronouns!"
doesnt affect you. shut the fuck up.
"but they use neos and emojis as pronouns!"
literally so what?? it's harmless!!!
"but they wont label themself for me!"
idgaf, not your business.
"but they say they're an animal!"
literally ok? how. does that affect you.
"but they think that theyre something that doesnt even exist!"
yes and that's very cool of them
"but they use animals and nouns as their pronouns!"
do i look like i care? no? that's because i dont.
"but they-!"
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jamechloe · 15 days
Redefining beauty on my own terms. 💅💜 #TransIsBeautiful #ConfidenceGlow
Help reblog trans family 💋❤️
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soup-mother · 8 months
Lesbian subreddits with "trans inclusive" in the rules when a trans woman makes a post: "uh well this isn't about our unique AFAB experience so maybe go back to the trans subreddit"
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iwouldkickahorse · 2 months
hey gang, in the event of project 2025 coming about, make sure to archive media that will literally be illegal if it were to happen.
Please for the love of god archive
Now WHY should you archive? Well…
according to page 36-37 of project 2025 it states the following
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To quote, “P*rnography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered”
ok…well what constitutes as p*rn? The answer is
so please archive media
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gloaming-sometimes · 10 months
dear lesboy (and tbh any other nuanced identity) exclusionists who think your vein of thought is the majority in queer spaces id like to inform you that today at lunch with my (entirely queer) friend group the topic drifted to me being a butch lesbian and one friend goes "wait i thought you were a guy?" and i said "i am" and another friend interjected "dudes can be lesbians too" and that was that. no further probing about my identity, nohing about how im "invalidating transmen and lesbians", or whatever. everyone just accepted that thats how i identify and i dont owe an explanation for it and moved on. i promise u its not that deep 👍
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transnest · 1 month
I wanna show some of you internet lesbians Ellen Ripley from the Alien franchise
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talisidekick · 10 months
You're not LGBTQIA+ inclusive if you police transgender or intersex bodies, and expressions.
This goes out to transgender and cisgender people everywhere. I don't care if you're gay, bi, lesbian, aro, ace, an ally, etc.
If you think art, literature, or media shouldn't depict men with boobs and a vagina, or flat chested women with penises, because it's "fetishistic", let me be very damn clear: if you don't get the same feelings from seeing cisgender men and women in the same situations, you are the one oversexualizing trans bodies, not the artist, author, animator, or producer. You aren't being an ally, you're promoting bigotry; go check yourself.
I'm quite frankly tired of walking into supposedly LGBTQIA+ friendly spaces only to find out that my presence is unwanted because I don't conform to the cisgender man and woman body expectation. You're not an ally to me or people like me, you're a fucking threat preying on the hope the acronym and flag provide that say you'll be kind and inclusive. And frankly, thats awefully shitty of you, more shitty than just dropping the T or I from the acronym and putting up signs I'm not allowed, because at least you're letting me know in advance to stay away and not telling me I'm disgusting and unacceptable to you to my face.
I exist, and I shouldn't have to conform to cisgender male or female expectations to be recognized for my existence.
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lord-of-the-weird · 4 months
pride flags as Scooby Doo characters
classic pride | meddling kids
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asexual | Gramps the Vamp
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aromatic | the ghost of Mr. Hyde
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lesbian | Redbeard's ghost
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gay | the Creeper
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trans | moon monster
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Sexuality is complicated. I think I'm a lesbian. I love being a lesbian. But does that mean I only like afab women with vaginas? Nooooo. Give me the horny theydies and gentlethems, too. I don't care what you are and how you identify so much as I just enjoy femininity and all that is the greater feminine energy. Give me more of that, thanks.
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lgbtqtext · 5 months
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lesbianpolls · 5 months
happy lesbian visibility week to all lesbians!! all lesbians are important and valued members of the lesbian community!! this includes trans lesbians, intersex lesbians, he/him lesbians, nonbinary lesbians, lesboys and male lesbians, transmasc lesbians, multigender lesbians, butch and femme lesbians, aspec lesbians, polyamorous lesbians, mspec/bi/pan/omni/abro/etc lesbians, gaybians and straightbians, any and all good faith lesbians!! you belong in the lesbian community!! fuck the exclusionists!!
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molluscviolence · 1 year
OP was a terf so I'm stealing their post
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nb-goblin · 6 months
study participants needed!
UPDATE: thank you everyone that's taken part :) the study has now closed, we got over 200 participants!! thank you so much
Hi, I'm a second year psychology student doing research on how queer people view others within the LGBTQ+ community.
Its just a short task and survey that should take 5-10minutes to complete, any participation is appreciated! Thank you!
Link (including info about our ethical aproval): https://run.pavlovia.org/Wake/public-iat/
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Extra clarrification on some things under the cut :)
In this study we use the words "(gender) conforming" to mean anyone thats not part of the LGBTQ+ community and "(gender)non-conforming" for anyone that is. This was suggested to help us code the results better, but we now know that this may have overcomplicated things.
The first part of the study involves an IAT, for some people they will be put into the "positive, conforming" conditioin first and others will be the "positive, nonconforming" first. It may seem scewed, and some people have bought up that it can seem bias, but that is just how this type of test works- it has been used and tested in many other studies and has not shown internal bias.
These are the main two points people have bought up, feel free to ask any other questions about this research though I will be happy to try and answer as much as I can :)
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