fuckitupfelix · 2 months
idk if you’ve done this before, so u can ignore this if u have, but could u write abt haikyuu characters reacting to their partners coming out as trans ftm? >_< (i was thinking tsukishima, oikawa, and kuroo specifically!)
ofc!! i hope this was what you wanted anon ^_^ !!!
transmasc reader!
haikyuu!! x male reader
chars: tsukishima kei, oikawa toru, kuroo tetsuro
FEM ALIGNED DNI (especially for this one, you WILL be blocked <3)
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not to say that he knew. . . but he's connected the dots in his head.
he doesn't say anything snarky when you try to tell him 'cause he can tell this was something important
will definitely check up on you at lunch sometimes, regardless if you have classes together
-> usually just a little text, sometimes he'll come and sit with you in your class/invite you into his own
he'll let you borrow his clothes if your closet doesn't consist of the clothes that you'd want
-> would also let you borrow his spare uniform until you can get the boys' uniform
when he's with you and people misgender you, he'll subtley correct them if you don't end up doing it
"i don't know, he might have plans. you should ask him."
he was a little surprised when you told him initially
not that he isn't supportive!!
will lend you his jerseys and jackets to wear (its debatable if you wanna borrow the rest of his clothes. . . we've all seen that one plaid outfit. . . )
invites you to all his games so he can brag to his team that his boyfriend is gonna be watching !!!!!
-> he is insufferable to his teammates. he will not shut the fuck up about you. they've all tried.
makes sure to be really petty around any of his fangirls that think you don't "deserve" to date him or that misgender/deadname you
he'll help you if you want work out routines or anything like that!! (he mainly usually asks iwaizumi for help first)
is the type to use stupidly sweet nicknames for you
"my sweet boy," "hey pretty boy," AGHH kicking my feet and giggling rn
he'll double check all of your guys' boundaries as soon as possible and as often as possible
not much changes about your relationship, oddly enough
jokes about buying those tshirts for little boys with the funky dinosaur and car designs
-> might actually end up gifting you one if they have your size . . .
-> similar to this!! he'll definitely buy you guys matching "i <3 my bf" shirts >_< !!!
he'll definitely lend you his jerseys and go to the mall with you to help you find clothes !!
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divider by @/plutism !!
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atsukinakae · 1 year
Could you do a ftm!reader x oikawa and iwa (or whoever you feel like writing) where he wishes he could play volleyball but cant due to medical stuff (or due to being transgender, where i am sadly it is illegal and the only thing stopping me, that might go into too angsty tho) but likes to watch their practices, and brungs stuff for theur teammates constantly (aka food or lil charms. You get the picture)
And games?
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Oikawa x manager ftm reader x Iwaizumi
I am really sorry about the fact that you can't and hope that someday you could play,also have some virtual warm hugs and kisses⊂⁠(⁠´⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)⁠∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°
Where I live it is frowned upon for a trans boy to play as a team and I have not met anyone with a similar situation.
I wish I could play...
Due to the fact that you were a trans guy you couldn't play volleyball and that made it worse,but not everything was going to be angsty and sad,you had your team with you and your partners by your side.
The shock that was in everyone when they found out that they were having a manager,A MANAGER?!😦
Yeah,nobody including the couch never thought that someone will ever agree to be Seijoh's manager but still they were happy.
"You can come in", everyone's eyes on the door,just watching.You got scared about the fact that everyone's were on you but still acted calm."Hello,i'm m/n and I will be your manager from on,nice to meet you"you bowed.
The first and second years were too stuned by your charms that were just staring,the third years introduced you to everyone and explaining the rules and you had to do,except for the brown haired boy who was just sobbing after a black haired boy smacked him.
After a few months of being their manager you had learned how much this boys loved and cared about you especially Iwaizumi and Oikawa.
~ Being their manager meaned to fill the bottles,writing notes,cleaning and helping on everything that you could but also giving them forehead kisses,hugs,head pats and a lot of compliments and comfort for they loosed.
~ The whole team going to your house to spend the afternoon playing games, watching móviles and having sleepovers.
~Gosh,you loved theses boys and your partners,but that pissed you was that everytime Oikawa's fangirls see you will immediately surround you, you're just stading there,body freezed not knowing what to do,just trying to find your boyfriends or anyone on the team.Luckely the couch came to save from those girls,"thanks couch I was too panicked by them".Poor boy,after what happened your team saw your panicked face and tried to find out the reason while you were just trying to calm yourself down."M/n what happened?" "Oikawa's fangirls surrounded me again".After that incident the boys were more protective being around you so the girls won't make you uncomfortable ever again.
~"I'm done with this team,you don't even listen to your captain"said the setter while dramatically walked towards the gym door.
"Go wherever you want but m/n and Iwaizumi won't be going with you"That was Matsukawa's response before he left the gym.
When you entered the gym after changing to your manager uniformnyou saw that everyone was there except Oikawa,it surprised you a bit,he rarely missed practice."You know were is Oikawa?"you asked the first years,"He left the gym just before you came,saying we don't listen to him".A few minutes later Oikawa entered the gym and runned towards you hugging."I thought that you would never come back"you said with a smile on your face."How could I leave my pretty and adorable boyfriend behind"he said while buring his face on your neck for some comfort
~On days where you didn't have practice,you will play volleyball in the park with the first years,go on dates with your boyfriends,like a picnic under the blossoms trees,make homemade food,go to a cat cafes,etc.
Eventhought the fact that you were trans made the situation worse and couldn't the thinghs that you liked of fear of being judged,your team would do anything for you to see that pretty smiled on your face."M/n san,can we go to the park on saturday to play volleyball,please?"asked Yahaba with Watari by your side waiting for your answer.In the end you accepted and you more fun that what expected.
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diamondnokouzai · 1 year
if i were the haikyuu author i would add one chapter where in a one-off panel hinata is getting his testosterone prescription and then i would never draw or write anything related to haikyuu again
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circusmantis · 2 years
Some haikyuu oc stuff!!
This is Kaito, a trans Nekoma first year who wants to become captain one day!🏳️‍⚧️ (sorry, old art!)
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And then there’s Hikaru, a lively Seijoh second year who loves girly clothes and sports, and is good friends with Oikawa
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cm2tfemotd · 10 months
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon is Tooru Oikawa from Haikyuu!!! she is an autistic mean lesbian transfem with ocd that uses she/her! also les4les with hajime iwaizume and sugawara koushi!
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soulless-strangers · 1 year
Little trans Ushijima and CG Oikawa
Cw: vauge references to transphobia
Oikawa had been more than a little surprised to see Suga stick his head in his bedroom door.
“Ushijima’s little, he’s throwing a fit about something. I wish I could help but I’m going to have a meltdown if I don’t go somewhere quiet right now.”
Oikawa blinked at him for a second before nodding.
“Go take care of yourself, I’ll check in after I settle Ushiwaka.” He hummed, the grey haired teen giving a sigh of relief as he turned and exited.
The scene Oikawa walked in on was not a pretty one.
“I want my mum! I want my muma!” The little sobbed, rocking back and forwards in his cross legged position. He was throwing his toys across the room, Moo and Highland landing somewhere need the door.
“Hey Toshi bub. Why are we all upset today?”
“I want my mum!” He repeated, hands in balled fists as he cried. “I want my muhum!”
Oikawas mouth formed a thin line. None of his littles ever really cried for their parents when they where upset. He didn’t really know how to fix this.
“Do you want a hug? Or do you not want to be touched right now?” Well first He should at least establish some boundaries. He was very relieved when Ushijima’s hands shot out in front in him, making grabby hands at his caregiver.
Cuddly littles where his favourite.
“Ok sweetheart.” He hummed softly sitting down on the side of the bed and pulling the little into his lap. “Do you wanna talk about why we are feeling upset?”
“I- I want my muma. I wish she wanted me. But she doesn’t even like me.” The sobbing returned ten fold, Oikawa gently squeezing him as he cried.
“Well I think she’s very silly because you are the bestest boy in the world! You’re strong and brave and smart.”
“She didn’t want me cause I’m not a real boy!” The little sobbed, fingers gripping into Oikawa’s shirt.
It made his heart hurt to see Ushijima this upset. He silently cursed the younger boy’s mother.
“You are a real boy Wakatoshi.” He mumbled into his littles hair, his voice a little deeper and more serious. “I know you are cause I’m holding you right now and I can feel you in my arms. That’s what makes you a real boy. Because you are real.”
Ushijima hiccuped, fingers scrabbling with Oikawas jacket for a tighter grip. The older smoother his hands across his littles back, trying to ground him.
“Shhh baby boy. That’s it. That’s my brave brave boy.” He hushed, Ushijima’s cries dissolving into little hiccups and whimpers.
His voice also quickly disappearing, he curled into his caregiver closer, whispering.
“Muma loves me?”
Oikawa had to pause for a second, brain rebooting. Was Ushijima referring to him?
“Yeah baby. Muma loves you very much.”
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getosugurusbangs · 3 months
Love the trans IwaOi theme a t4t win fr fr
hehe thank youu :) it is it is
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yourlocalcharlie · 1 year
god, i love men who make me think critically about my gender identity
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crimeboss-crow · 2 years
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Oikawa did a day jv
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flyingwargle · 2 months
july fanfic recommendations!
i read an obscene amount of fanfic last month with some that i must share with others, hence this post. i still over >100 fics to read so maybe this will be a monthly series? we'll see.
some fics are rated e!
rotten work & other things worth doing t. 3k. atsumu and sakusa clean atsumu's bathroom together. that's it, that's the fic. lots of hurt/comfort and love and affection <3
The Sakusa Complaint Jar t. 3.6k. hilarious take on the swear jar, especially as atsumu learns he's more down bad for sakusa than he thought.
Appease and Assuage t. 5.1k. sakusa has a bad day and atsumu is there for him. very soft and raw with sakusa feeling off-kilter, and atsumu knows exactly how to help him.
come, morning light g. 5.2k. sakusa gets sick and tries to push atsumu away but eventually lets him in. very soft and domestic.
Here Is Your Verse m. 15.52. 2/2. atsumu ends his fwb relationship with sakusa because he caught feelings. they end up reconciling in the end.
when you hear hoofbeats t. 42.4k. 14/14. university au slowburn where sakusa has eds and he gets into a relationship with atsumu. be aware of the chapter warnings because it gets heavy but has a happy ending!
Stockholm Syndrome Isn't Real e. 50.2k 8/8. side sunaosa(komo). au where atsumu is a pro athlete but osamu is secretly a hacker and atsumu is kidnapped in his place. love the action, tension, and everything about this.
slip of the pen t. 6k. suna channels all his pining into award-winning books and osamu has never read any of them. the pining is top-tier in this.
moonsick m. 7.8k. fwb to lovers in suna's pov. is it really a sunaosa fic without one of them being emotionally constipated?
in the mood for love m. 8.3k. friends to exes to friends to lovers pipeline. i love the prose and osamu's thoughtful narration.
Litany in Which Certain Words Are Said t. 10.9k. 5 times osamu says "i love you" and 1 time suna says it back. oohh the yearning in this is top-tier!
a type of hunger m. 9.1k. i love the exploration of suna's hunger in this as an athlete and feeling like he's falling behind. good thing osamu is there for him <3
An Inconvenient Espionage e. 26.6k. 5/5. side sakuatsu. spy au, assholes to lovers. good action, good spy work, good tension 👀
somewhere to lay the flowers t. 25.6k. i've read a healthy amount of bastigod's works and trans suna has me in a chokehold. i also love magical realism and the mythology in this was woven wonderfully. suna's daughter is also a delight!
stumble into the sun e. 3.6k words of iwaizumi discovering that oikawa has a praise kink. it's also very soft and lovely.
Press '1' to Get a Call From Your Drunk Best Friend t. 5.4k. a drunk iwaizumi spills about his love and appreciation for oikawa. it's hilarious and fluffy and one of my favorites <3
HIPS DON'T LIE e. 8.1k. iwaizumi overhears girls talk about how good oikawa is in bed and is given a live demonstration from the man, himself.
i wanna ruin our friendship t. 18/18. oikawa comes to terms that he's in love with his best friend. features heavy themes, read the chapter warnings before proceeding. there's a happy ending!
Tell Me, Eurydice (How Could I Not?) t. 6.3k. lovely prose from akaashi's perspective about bokuto becoming captain and the idea of akaashi being his vice captain.
hoot if you've heard this one before t. 5.2k. bokuto and akaashi lose contact and find each other in university at a cafe that akaashi owns. lovely reconciliation fic and relationship recovery.
papers (the special, laminated ones) t. 5.3k. bokuto's parents have a tradition of laminating all his special papers and he isn't allowed to get them until "he's ready." i loved how sweet and fluffy this was, especially with his relationship with akaashi <3
Spaces aren’t Voids 7.2k. bokuto had every intention to propose until he lost the ring. a very fun and fluffy fic of a marriage proposal that doesn't quite go through but things go well in the end.
To Have and to Rail e. 12.4k. this is more humor than smut about akaashi's scientific exploration to match bokuto's stamina in bed. it doesn't go as well as he hopes (of course. good luck, akaashi)
onigiri miya: brand ambassadors (applications closed) g. 4k. bokuto is kinda slightly jealous of how close akaashi is to osamu because he's obsessed with onigiri miya. hinata feels the same way with kageyama. so what do they do? become brand ambassadors for osamu. absolutely hilarious and fluffy!
Kiss Me (Like You Wanna Be Loved) e. 56.6k. 27/27. oh the pipeline of strangers to roommates to fwb to lovers, i love it so. equal parts hurt/comfort, fluff, with the perfect amount of nsfw.
soft serve t. 9.6k. hinata and kageyama drive an ice cream truck to fundraise money for karasuno's volleyball club. that's it, that's the fic.
Meme of the Day g. 4k. kageyama accidentally turns hinata into a meme. very fluffy and cute!
yachi hitoka stop being so relatable challenge t. 4.1k. i loved this exploration of yachi being known and getting closer with the karasuno boys. she's such a precious cinnamon roll <3
north is everywhere. t. 12.1k. an exploration of kiyoko's development through high school, from being a manager out of obligation to continuing out of choice. also ace rep!
summer rolling down a cheek gen. 13.2k. a beautiful character study of kenma after the spring tournament as he thinks about the future and what comes next. beautiful prose and introspection.
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eurydicees · 20 days
Where’s the trans!Kyotani and trans!Iwaizumi fic (those were the characters right?)
solidarity, or some friendship of the like
summary: kyoutani gets his period, and it fucking sucks. iwaizumi is also there, and that sucks a little less. prompt: none pairings: kentarou kyoutani & hajime iwaizumi (platonic) words: 2829  warnings: discussion of periods, implied insecurities about being trans
Kyoutani is hiding. Practice starts in five minutes. He knows that practice starts in five minutes. He can hear the club room clock ticking, loud as a bomb’s countdown, even from the bathroom stall. He’s going to be late, or he’s going to miss practice entirely. 
For once, he doesn’t actually want to skip. Or, he does want to skip because fuck knows he can’t show up like this, but he didn’t intend to skip today. He actually wants to be on this stupid team, for some fucking reason. 
He was given a second chance and he’s going to take it, despite something in him screaming out that he’s not really a part of what the rest of the team has. After a few weeks of practicing with them again before their next tournament, he’s well aware that he still doesn’t have their trust, not really, but still—he’s kind of finding himself wanting to earn it. 
He wants Yahaba to give him the time of day, at least once. He wants Iwaizumi to look at him as more than something he can guide into being next year’s ace. He wants Oikawa—actually, he doesn’t really care about Oikawa’s opinion, but he’s besides the point. 
Some days, he sinks into the feeling of being part of the team and wonders if, one day, he could genuinely be a part of the dynamic that everyone else has found over the time he hasn’t been playing with them. Some days, he thinks he might get there. 
This is not one of those days. This moment is ruining everything he has worked to convince himself of for weeks now. This is not a day in which he believes he can reach them. If anything, this is only further convincing himself that he can never truly be one of them, be like them. He just doesn’t—doesn’t fucking belong. 
He can want to play on the boys’ volleyball team as much as he wants to. He can make it past tryouts and onto the team, he can be physically strong and he can beat almost everyone—everyone but Iwaizumi—in Seijoh’s arm wrestling tournaments, he can make himself look as masculine as possible. He can do all that. 
And he still will never actually fit in. He won’t ever fit in, not while he’s sitting on the toilet with bloodied underwear and pants both pulled down to his knees. He rubs his palms against his eyes, because he will not cry, he won’t, because boys don’t cry and he’s a boy, he is.
He can’t cry about this. He won’t. He just has to wait until the club room clears as practice starts, and then he can escape. Only, fuck, he doesn’t have a pad or tampon or anything, and he doesn’t even have clothes—
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
“You in here?” 
The thing about Yahaba is that he is persistent. He is persistent and he is frustrating and he is not going to give up once he has his mind set on something. While they’re playing volleyball together, this is something Kyoutani appreciates. While he is hiding from everyone in the bathroom because his body has decided to riot against him, this is not something he appreciates. 
“Oikawa sent me to find you,” Yahaba calls out, and Kyoutani can see his feet step into the bathroom. “We’re starting practice and he wants you there for some reason.” 
And, okay, normally that wouldn’t hurt because normally Kyoutani would have something to say back, but right now he feels fragile in a way he tries to never be. Right now he feels like he’s going to snap in half and he’s not going to be able to put the pieces back together. He’s going to have to quit the team, go back to the rec center, where no one knows about this, and—and all of that hurts. 
His body is aching and probably he should have seen the signs before he found the drying blood and discharge in his underwear, but he doesn’t really track his period because he hates even acknowledging that it happens. And now he’s suffering the consequences of that. Now, Yahaba’s comments are actually sending something stupid painful down his chest and, on a physical level, his chest already feels too tender to touch.
Yahaba’s feet pause outside of the stall door. “Are you good? You coming or what?” 
“I’m fucking fine, leave me alone—” 
“Are you sick or something?” 
“I said, I’m fine!” It’s a growl and a defensive anger more than anything else. Kyoutani can hear the angry anxiety in his voice, and he wonders if Yahaba hears it too. 
Yahaba doesn’t say anything—for a moment, Kyoutani wonders if he’s managed to hurt him back, and then decides he doesn’t care at the moment. He needs Yahaba to leave. He doesn’t want anyone to see him like this, doesn’t want to be caught—
“Should I grab Coach or someone?” Yahaba asks, and oh, he’s definitely picked up on Kyoutani’s anxiety, because his voice is just that much softer. “Do you need…something?” 
“No,” Kyoutani snaps. What he needs is to just not be here. “Don’t Coach. Please don’t get Coach.” 
And he’s begging Yahaba for things now, which is a new fucking low in his life, but he can’t face either Mizoguchi or Irihata right now. They know he’s trans—they had to know, it was information he was required to divulge to all his teachers and coaches, however much he resisted the idea—and while they’ve found it in them to be accepting enough that he’s allowed on the team, Kyoutani refuses to push it so far as to asking for help. Not with this. 
“Okay, fuck,” Yahaba says. “I won’t get them. Seriously, are you good?” 
“Just leave it,” Kyoutani mutters. “Tell them I’m not coming to practice today.” 
Yahaba doesn’t say anything for a moment. Then, “Oikawa’s not gonna take that excuse.” 
“I’m not quitting, I’m skipping one afternoon,” Kyoutani growls. “It’s fucking fine. You’ve all done it before.” 
Except even as he says that, he knows it’s not true. Nothing short of a career ending injury or terminal illness would stop someone on Seijoh’s volleyball team from coming to practice. Even then, they’d probably sit on the sidelines with casts on both legs and yell instructions from the bench. 
But Kyoutani will suffer being the first to do it because he’s not leaving this stall while there are people around. He can’t face that. 
“Your funeral,” Yahaba mutters. Louder, “I’ll tell them you’re skipping, but I’m not making excuses for you.” 
“Not asking you to,” Kyoutani snaps. “I’m not coming either way.” 
He doesn’t really care what Yahaba thinks about him not going. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Let them believe he’s ditching the team again, let them believe he doesn’t care about the sport, let them believe anything but the fact that he wasn’t born a man. 
He watches as Yahaba’s feet round the corner and he disappears, presumably to tell Oikawa that Kyoutani isn’t coming. At the moment, Kyoutani can’t bring himself to care what Oikawa is going to say. Putting his head in his hands, his back hunched, still sitting on the stupid toilet, he lets out a long scream into his palms. 
He hates this. He hates this so much. He had probably stained the desk chair during his last class of the day, he doesn’t know how long he’s walked around like this, he doesn’t know how he’s going to get home without exposing everything, and he hates this. 
He squeezes his eyes shut for a long moment, trying to imagine himself out of this situation. Maybe when he opens his eyes again, he won’t be in this bathroom stall and none of his clothes will be stained and he won’t have this awful cramping in his lower stomach and he can go to the gym and play volleyball with the rest of the team like his body doesn’t hate him. 
“Mad Dog?” 
“Don’t call me that.” The response is immediate, instinctual. Then the panic sets in as he realizes Oikawa is the one now standing outside of the stall door. “Get out of here.” 
Oikawa has no hesitation when he says, “No. Tell me what’s going on. Why can’t you—” 
“I started my fucking period!” 
Maybe he says it because he needs to get it out of his chest and into air where someone else can deal with it. Maybe he says it because he’s just so fucking tired. Maybe he doesn’t want to be the only one who knows anymore. Maybe he just says it because he doesn’t give a shit about Oikawa’s opinion of him. 
Oikawa is silent. Kyoutani bites down hard on his lip because he wants to either cry or scream and neither of those are options, not over this and not in front of motherfucking Tooru Oikawa. He’s stronger than that. He has to make himself stronger than that. So his heart just hesitates in his throat for a long moment, a moment of tense, glass-fragile silence. 
The Oikawa exhales, long and slow. He sounds calm, somehow. “Do you have what you need? Pad, tampon?” 
“No.” Kyoutani’s words, again, are the growl of a cornered animal and he wants to sink his teeth into something. “Just—fucking leave it, Oikawa. I’ll deal with it.” 
Oikawa exhales again, that same long breath that’s setting Kyoutani so on edge. He wants to scream, wants to punch something. Oikawa, maybe. The wall, maybe. The stall door. 
Then Oikawa does the last thing Kyoutani expected him to. He had expected a laugh or a jeer or an insult or a joke. But instead, Oikawa turns around, and he leaves. He doesn’t protest, doesn’t start an argument, he just…leaves. It was what Kyoutani had wanted to happen, kind of, but somehow the resulting silence is just as humid and oppressive as Oikawa’s presence had been. 
Okay. Oikawa is gone. Kyoutani can deal with this shit. He got his period for the first time when he was fourteen, and pretty consistently for every month after that, so he’s dealt with this—he can’t actually do that math right now, but he’s done this enough times to be able to deal. Probably he just needed to be dramatic first. 
He has his gym shorts in his locker. He can change into those, even if he’ll be cold on the long walk home. It’s better than wearing this. It’ll be fine. With that figured out, he pulls out a wad of toilet paper and folds it up in his hand, then carefully places it in the stained underwear, wincing at the feeling of the dried blood accidentally brushing against his knuckles. 
Fuck. Why are his teammates rotating through this fucking bathroom like he’s a fucking zoo exhibit—
“It’s Iwaizumi,” he says, as if Kyoutani wouldn’t recognize that voice anywhere. 
Kyoutani did not, before this, have a ranking of which of his teammates he would least like to catch him in the bathroom when he’s on his period. Now, though, he thinks he has a working list and the list is the exact people who have come to find him today. Yahaba, who has never backed down from making fun of him. Oikawa, who always knows exactly what to say to antagonize and provoke him. Iwaizumi, who he respects so stupid much. 
The thing is that Iwaizumi is everything that Kyoutani wants to be. Iwaizumi is strong and bold and brave and an ace through and through. He’s also kind and he’s patient with everyone except for Oikawa. He helps his underclassmen with their form no matter how bad it is to start with. He never makes fun of anyone who doesn’t deserve it or can’t take it. He’s masculine and built strong and good and he’s—
Kyoutani is afraid of admitting to so many things, but one thing he’s not afraid to admit is that, honestly, he just wants to be like that. He doesn’t want to be an outsider like he is right now, he doesn’t want to be this in-between body that craves Iwaizumi’s masculinity but, ultimately, still menstruates. 
Iwaizumi’s shadow passes in front of the stall door. “Oikawa came and got me. Told me what you said.” 
“He shouldn’t have.” Kyoutani’s voice is a hollow rasp. “I shouldn’t have told him and it’s none of his business.” 
Iwaizumi snorts. His feet come into view underneath the stall door. “Been telling him to keep out of other people’s shit for years. It has yet to work.” 
“It’s none of your business either.” 
“Maybe not,” Iwaizumi admits. “I brought you some things anyway. I’m gonna slide them under the door, okay?” 
Kyoutani doesn’t answer even as Iwaizumi does as he said. He passes over a small black bag, something like the makeup bag his sister uses to keep her lipstick and blush in. Hesitantly, Kyoutani picks it up and unzips it. Inside: pads and tampons. Nondescript, simple white packaging; both nighttime and daytime pads and both heavy and light flow tampons. Whoever prepared this bag clearly wanted to be ready for anything. 
He swallows, staring at the contents. He needs them and he hates it and he’s grateful and he has so many questions. “How did you…” 
Iwaizumi is quiet for a moment, shifting his weight between his feet. It’s after a long moment of tense and near-audible heartbeats before he speaks again. “Mine are a little irregular. I got caught off guard at some point my first year and had to leave practice early. It was…humiliating, I guess, is the light word for it. Exposing, maybe? I dunno. But I’ve tried to be better prepared since then.” 
Kyoutani goes still, his grip on the bag tightening. He pulls out a pad, turning it over in one hand. Then he sets the bag down and pushes it back under the door with his toe. “You…” 
The question goes unasked, but Iwaizumi hums a yes anyway. 
“Is it really that much of a surprise?” 
“Yes,” Kyoutani says immediately. 
And it is, it is a surprise, because this is Iwaizumi, who is practically the epitome of masculinity to Kyoutani. This is Iwaizumi, undefeated in three years of arm wrestling. Iwaizumi, who has the fastest mile across any of the sports teams at Aoba Johsai. Iwaizumi, who has the highest lift weight of any of them. Iwaizumi, who has never shown any sign of being anything other than man. 
Iwaizumi hums again. “I guess you don’t really see me a lot outside of school and practice.” 
Kyoutani takes a shaky breath, unwrapping the pad with a crinkle that makes him wince. Iwaizumi doesn’t react to it—something that Kyoutani is entirely grateful for—and keeps talking. 
“I like to think we’re friends,” Iwaizumi continues, steadily, as if he isn’t altering Kyoutani’s entire worldview. “I like to think I’m friends with everyone on the team. But it’s…I mean, it would be hard for them not to have a guess by now. But no one ever really talks about it in the clubroom or at practice. So it makes sense you didn’t know, I guess. Sometimes it feels a little like no one knows. Except Oikawa, since he doesn’t know when to shut up sometimes.” 
Kyoutani snorts. That feels true. 
“I love him, but he can be an idiot,” Iwaizumi says. There’s a fondness in his voice that Kyoutani is pretty sure he will never understand. “Anyways, I get it, is the point. I’ve spent my fair share of time in this bathroom panicking.” 
They both fall silent for a long moment, the two of them just taking soft, even breaths. For a moment, Kyoutani actually feels comfortable in the silence with him. 
Iwaizumi inhales, and then exhales, long and slow. He shifts his stance again. “You don’t have to come back to practice if you just want to go home now. But we want you there.” 
Kyoutani swallows around some kind of lump in his throat, overwhelmed by the kindness Iwaizumi is somehow, for some reason, showing him. It feels like some kind of solidarity, or—something like friendship, maybe. 
“Up to you,” Iwaizumi says. “But know that if anyone gives you shit, on the team or off it, they’ll be answering to me. And probably the rest of the team, though honestly it’s not like any of them could really finish a fight. But—yeah. You get the point.” 
Iwaizumi laughs a little before continuing. “I’m gonna go up now, but feel free to let me know if you ever need anything else.”
Somewhere in him, Kyoutani finds the strength to nod, even if Iwaizumi can’t see it. “I’ll, uh. I’ll be up in a few minutes.” 
“Sounds good, Kyoutani.” With that, Iwaizumi is turning around and walking away. 
I like to think we’re friends, Iwaizumi had said. And, in all his great and unsure honesty, Kyoutani would like to think so too. 
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moroostar · 4 months
hii!!! how are you doing:3 i was scrolling and found your acc nd can i just say I LOVE YOUR THEME your writing is so babygirl too like<33 you deserve more attention fr fr. anyhoos, may i suggest some a timeskip!oikawa x transmasc reader where reader js got top surgery?? im thinking tooru twirling him around like a prince and silly giggles + tons of gender euphoria<3
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– ☆ fluff
– ☆ including : Timeskip! Oikawa
– ☆ request by : @bloodymiso
🗒 : Awh, Thank you so much I appreciate your compliment and I'm doing fine (I hope you're doing well )! <33 | trans! Male reader
❕️: Requests are open! (read the rules before requesting <3)
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Oikawa was very worried when you first went into surgery, Iwaizumi had to basically be on the phone with him the whole time just to reassure him that you'll be okay and nothing bad will happen to you.
He was so happy when your surgery was done. He had to stop himself from hugging you too tight and was showering you in compliments of how strong you are and how he's so proud of you. You softly patted his back in response.
"Gee, you make it seem like the surgery was going to kill me."
"Shh shhh, my handsome husband aren't you exhausted from being in such high levels of danger..."
When you were allowed to go back home, he even skipped some volleyball games and practices so he can take care of you while you recovered. He would make you food, clean the house, feed your pets (depending if you want any <3), and would glady be any type of assistance to you.
Now that it was finally time for you to take off your bandages from your chest, Oikawa drove you to the back to clinic to allow them unwrap them.
He sat in the chair next you with a smile and holding your hand.
Someone came in and took them off for you as you look down.
Oikawa chuckled and admired you in his seat as you had your mouth slightly parted in awe.
Driving back to your shared home was in comfortable silence with music playing at a lowered volume.
"How about I make you your favorite hm? Afterall I am starving and I want to give you a little something for this."
"That sounds perfect."
As soon as you got home you went into the bathroom to the mirror to see what you looked like.
Standing there for a little bit made you realize how comfortable you finally felt in your own body and not disgusted or wrong. You wouldn't have to worry about your binder and knowing when to take it off and layering your clothing just so you can appear as you want to when you take your break from your binder.
Standing there for a second longer and then smiling as you walked away into the kitchen to smell the food Oikawa was starting to cook you walked into the kitchen to hear him humming along the song that was playing in the background with an apron you got him awhile back.
You lowered the music and wrap your arms around his waist watching him cook your favorite dish.
"So, how are you feeling?"
He stopped cooking and turned around to face you then grabbed your legs and spun you around. He set you down, setting his hand on your waist and lifted uo your hand as he danced with you to the music that was playing.
You rested your hand in the crook of his neck.
"Thank you for supporting me through all of this."
He placed a kissed on your head and went back to making food.
"Of course, I'll support through anything."
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cm2tfemotd · 1 year
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon is Tooru Oikawa from Haikyuu!!!
it is a bi nby transfem that uses all pronouns!
also dating iwaizumi, matsukawa, hanamaki and sugawara
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anpanman95 · 2 months
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Oikawa is Argentinian
[trans: ‘what’d ya say idiot?’ — in a condescending tone, ft. a very Argentinian hand gesture]
so im Argentinian and I just KNOW he’d learn all the slang to make fun of Ushijima and Kageyama—no one can convince me otherwise. also having him on my country’s team is THE biggest flex
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remuswriting · 10 months
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The only time Y/N gets during his shift to take off his binder is his lunch. It goes similarly every day when waiting for it to come around.
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WARNINGS: Trans Male! Reader; Fluff; Cashier Things
WORD COUNT: 1,242 words
NOTES: Bestie/coworkers Iwaizumi & Y/N is so important to me. Also, you should be taking breaks with your binder!!! I try to take mine off during my lunch so I don't hurt my ribs. Y/N's ribs aren't bruised in this, just sore from wearing it.
No gender dysphoria in this. It doesn't add anything to it, so I'm just going to keep the lighter vibe going on here.
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Breathing hurts—well, it’s more his ribs than breathing.  As he breathes, everything expands, and it hurts.  So, he looks at his watch for the third time in 10 minutes to see how long until his lunch break.  However, minutes feel like hours whenever it gets like this.
“Time doesn’t pass by faster spending it like that,” Iwaizumi says, and Y/N looks over at him.  They’re standing at the end of the aisles for the registers waiting for customers to checkout.
“Time doesn’t pass by fast no matter what you do here,” Y/N says, and he notices a woman with an empty shopping cart walk past them.  He gives her a warm smile.  Retail has to be one of the most painful jobs anyone can have for lots of reasons.  One of them being time never passing by quick enough.
Iwaizumi rolls his eyes, and it’s a better reaction than when he hits Oikawa for something stupid shit.  He’s never hit Y/N before, but Y/N doesn’t think he’s hit anyone but Oikawa before.  It’s most likely a childhood best friend thing that he only gets away with because no one in management has seen him hit sense into Oikawa.
Christmas music plays over the speakers as they straighten up around their registers.  It’s that time where there aren’t too many customers in the store, but even if there are, they want self-checkout.  Y/N focuses on straightening the gum boxes, pretending his chest isn’t aching.
Don’t look at your watch.  Don’t look at your watch.  Don’t—
“Are you okay, L/N?” Iwaizumi asks, and Y/N doesn’t look at him, trying to get things perfectly straight.
“Uh, yeah?” he says, and the boxes aren’t cooperating. “Why?”
“You just… You seem a little off.”
Y/N looks over his shoulder at him, and Iwaizumi just seems concerned.  Y/N is grateful to have Iwaizumi as a coworker, but he can’t just say that he’s in pain because of his binder.  Lunch is the only time he has to take it off and breathe during his eight-hour shift, so he wants it to come faster.  He can’t say that, though.  It doesn’t matter that Iwaizumi wouldn’t hate him.  Y/N just doesn’t tell people.  It’s safer, and he has more control that way.
“I’m just hungry,” he says, which isn’t a lie.  Having to scan warm food from the deli that smells heavenly is making his stomach grumble.  His pocket vibrates, and he quickly pulls his phone out.  He can’t stop himself from grinning. “I speak of food and get a text about lunch.”
“Is Sawamura-san stopping by?”
Y/N nods as he tries to bite down his smile. “Yeah, he needs to buy some ingredients.  I told him what register I’m on.”
“So he’ll be coming to my register,” Iwaizumi says, and he doesn’t sound upset.  There’s actually a faint smile there. (Oikawa once told Y/N that Iwaizumi thinks Daichi is great for Y/N and that he loves seeing Y/N happy.  Iwaizumi would never tell him that, though.)
“Yeah, but it’ll be a while, so you still have to have me for the time being.”
“Hopefully, a customer needs to be checked out soon.”
Y/N gasps, a hand immediately covering his heart. “Iwaizumi-san!  You wound me!”
Y/N laughs while Iwaizumi just shakes his head slightly and goes back to straightening things.  Y/N’s laughter dies down, and he looks at Iwaizumi for a moment before going back to what he was doing.
He was 19 when he came out.  It was an impulsive decision that he figures happened because he was so exhausted from shoving himself into some box that didn’t fit him.  He was forced to be somebody else—future and all.  Absolutely no control of what he could do.  So he snapped.  He cut his hair, informed everyone around him he’s trans, and cut out so many people for not accepting him.  Although it seems so easy to some people, it was so isolating.  It was the most alone he’d ever been, but then he met Sugawara and Daichi, and things fell into place.  Sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago, even though it’s only been three years.
“Are either of you open?” someone asks, and he looks up to see an older woman.  He smiles at her—his retail smile—and nods.
“Yes, I can get you right over here,” he says, and hopefully this makes time move by faster.
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Scanning the woman’s groceries takes far longer than he originally thought.  He hadn’t fully processed she had two full carts of groceries until she had unloaded half the first cart on the belt.  It’s fine, though.  He gets through all of it right as Daichi is in Iwaizumi’s line.  They make eye contact, and Y/N smiles at him.
“Your total is going to be—”
“I’ve already inserted my card,” she says, and he nods as he goes through the motions.  That’s when Aran, his manager, appears behind him.
“Go on your lunch after this,” Aran says before looking at the woman with a dazzling smile.  It’s the one he gives customers since it’s so forced, but from first glance, you wouldn’t realize that. “Ma’am, would you like a carryout today?”
She looks at Aran with wide eyes, probably not expecting to be spoken to by him. “Yes,” she says, and the word sounds slightly choked. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Aran says before hurrying around to the other side of the register to help her and Y/N filling up her cart.  As he does so, he speaks into the walkie talkie. “We need a carryout on register 14.”
Kiyoko comes up behind them, and Y/N quickly logs out so she can log in.  He looks at Aran. “I’m going to lunch now.  I’ll tell them to page someone when I pass customer service.”
“Bye, Iwaizumi-san,” Daichi says, and Y/N nearly runs into him at the end of the aisle.  Daichi looks at him and smiles. “Hey there, stranger.”
Y/N smiles back, and he wants to hug him.  He wants to pull him in close, even if it’d hurt a little.  It’s okay because they’ll go home for a while, and he can take off his binder to breathe for a bit.
Instead, he looks down at the reusable bag Daichi always brings with him to the store.  Y/N should be more like his boyfriend in that regard, but he finds that the plastic bags work just fine.  He also doesn’t have to add another step when getting ready to go to the store.
“Hey there,” Y/N says as he looks back at Daichi. “Want to get out of here?”
“And cook you a meal while you breathe?” Daichi asks, and he’s smiling so hard it’s easy to hear in his voice.  Y/N loves him.  He loves him so much, and he wants to say it.  Instead, he nods. “Count me in.”
“Alright, but I have to stop by customer service really fast,” Y/N says, and Daichi quickly glances behind them.
“Does she need a carryout?” he whispers, and Y/N laughs as he nods.
“Yes, and you’re not helping her, Mr. I-help-everyone-I-meet,” Y/N says, and Daichi rolls his eyes.  He follows Y/N to customer service before they head out the door and Y/N waits for his phone to clock him out.  Once it’s finished, he looks up at Daichi. “I’m free for an hour!”
Daichi grabs his hand and pulls him closer. “Then let’s get you home to relax.”
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cloudeeskies · 6 months
Looking for a roleplaying buddy :D
Hello! My name is Skies (or Sky) and I am currently looking for a roleplay buddy.
Some thing's about me and my roleplay style!
I am 20 years old! MDNI. I'd prefer my roleplay partners to be 18+ please.
I am semi-lit. I am working towards being lit. (Please no one word/sentence replies)
I don't really do Canon x OC.
I don't mind if characters are/end up out of character.
Currently looking for someone to RP with me from a fandom we are both interested in.
I enjoy AU's (alternate universes) mostly
I'd prefer to use Discord for the Roleplay's but we can continue to use Tumblr if you'd prefer.
I'd like to be communicative! Like discuss arch's or story plots. Also if you don't like something, or where the story is going, I want to communicate those things.
Some fandom's I'm in, and ships I enjoy from them: (just a note, im trans masc and lean more towards BL ships)
Genshin Impact - Alhaitham x Kaveh - Wriosthley x Neuvilette - Itto x Gorou - Heizou x Kazuha - Scaramouche x Kazuha - Kaeya x Albedo (theres more but these are just the main ones)
Honkai: Star Rail - Dan Heng x Caelus - Jing Yuan x Dan Heng - Dr. Ratio x Aventurine - Sampo x Gepard - most x Caelus (lol) - maybe Ren (Blade) x Dan Heng
Jujutsu Kaisen - Geto x Gojo - Itadori x Megumi - Nanami x Gojo (itadori and megumi aged up)
Haikyuu!! - Daichi x Sugawara - Iwazumi x Oikawa - Bokuto x Akaashi - Kuroo x Kenma - Sakusa x Atsumu (open to others)
Sk8 the Infinity - Langa x Reki - Cherry x Joe
My Hero Academia - Sero Hanta x Shoto Todoroki - Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki - Katsuki Bakugo x Eijiro Kirishima (Rare pairs are fun we can make one)
As stated through out, I am willing to try other ships, rare pairs etc. Any underaged characters will be aged up, just my preference, if they are in high school they will be aged up to college age. I enjoy doing AUs (alternate Universes). We can discuss more about them later on but for example for the Genshin ships, i would probably aim for a modern AU. Please DM me if you have any questions or are interested!
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